African Slave-Trade, remarks of Mr. Webster on, 49; Congress has power to restrain, 233.
African Squadron, maintained, 672.
"Aiding and Abetting" defined, 207.
Airs, the martial, of England, 371.
Aldham, Mr., at dinner of New England Society in New York, 503.
Allegiance, doctrine of perpetual, 656.
Allied Sovereigns, claims of, over national independence, 61; effect of their meeting at Laybach on the people, 64; their conduct in regard to contest in Greece, 69; meeting at Verona, 1822, 153; overthrow Cortez government of Spain, 153.
America, first railroad in, 126; her contributions to Europe, 149; success of united government in, 499; extract from Bishop of St. Asaph on colonies in, 640; political principles of, 642.
"American" and "foreign policy," applied to system of tariff, 78.
American Government, elements of, 148; principles of, in respect to suffrage, 539; the people limit themselves, 540.
American Liberty, principles of, 536; our inheritance of, 642.
American People, what they owe to republican principles, 66; establish popular government, 132; prepared for popular government, 132.
American Political Principles, summary of, 642.
American Revolution, commemorated by Bunker Hill Monument, 125; survivors of, at Bunker Hill, 127; character of state papers of, 130; peculiar principle of, 142.
Amiens, Treaty of, remarks of Mr. Windham on, 622.
Ancestors, how we may commune with, 26.
Ancestry, our respect for, 26.
Annapolis, meeting at, concerning commerce, 115.
Antislavery Conventions, proceedings at, 635.
Appointing and removing power, speech on, 394.
Appropriations by Congress, shall be specific, 418.
Artisans, law prohibiting emigration of, from England, 91.
Arts and Science, progress of, in the United States, 648.
Ashburton, Lord, character of, 484; cited 491; letter to Mr. Webster on impressment, 659.
Astronomy, progress in, 648.
Attainder, bill of, provision on prohibition of, 19.
Attorney-General v. Cullum, in regard to charity for town of Bury St. Edmunds, 527.
Austria, agent of United States respectfully received by, 684.
Austria and Russia, friendly to United States in 1781, 685.
Babylon, astronomers of, 340.
Bache, A.D., quoted, 528.
Bacon, Lord, 158.
Badger, G.E., of N. Carolina, 587; voted against ceding New Mexico and California, 632.
Balance of Trade, doctrine of, 91.
Bank Charter, benefit of, to stockholders, 324; first passed by Congress, 327.
Bank Credit, benefit of, in United States, 364; evils arising from abuse of, 364.
Bank, National, Mr. Ewing's plan for a, 490.
Bank Notes, must be convertible into specie, 365.
Bank of England, resumes cash payments, 81.
Bank of United States, object of, 81; charter vetoed, 321; effect of the veto in Western country, 322; time for renewal of charter, 323; benefit of a charter to stockholders, 324; foreigners as stockholders in, 325-327; advantage of, in case of war, 327; established, 328; its conduct under Mr. Adams's administration, 434; message of President Jackson in regard to, 434; how affected by events of 1829, 435; bill for re-charter passed by Congress, 436; branch of, in New Hampshire, 436; order for removal of deposits, 436; act incorporating the, 466.
Bankruptcy, a uniform system of, remarks on, 471; State laws concerning, ineffectual, 471.
Bankrupt Law, of New York, considered, 180; repeal of the, 471.
Bankrupt Laws, to be established by national authority, 179; absolute power of Congress to establish, 186; prohibition on State law in regard to, 186.
Banks, effect of paper issues by, 81; safest under private management, 325; power of Congress to establish, 328, 334, 335; increase of, 440; suspension of specie payment, 443.
Barre, Col., extract from speech on American Colonists, 237.
Barrow, Dr., his idea of "rest," xxxix.
Bell, Senator from Tennessee, 614.
Benevolent establishments of United States, 651.
Benson, Judge, Commissioner at Annapolis, 310.
Benton, Thomas H., speaks on Foot's resolution, 227; resolutions of, 407; allusion to, 569.
Berkeley, Bishop, extract from, 639.
Berrien, J.M., 570; resolution concerning Mexico, 586; proposition in respect to Texas, 611; vote against ceding New Mexico and California, 632.
Bill, to limit time of service of certain officers, 394, 395.
Bill of Rights, meaning of, concerning chartered charities, 10.
Bill of Rights of N.H., articles infringed in regard to Dartmouth College, 14; prohibit retrospective laws, 14.
Blacks from Northern States, how treated at the South, 620.
Blake, George, 137.
Boston, imprisonment of Sir E. Andros in, 39; its port closed, 128; resolutions of, in 1820, 463; reception given to Mr. Webster in 1842, 481.
Bowdoin, James, delegate to Congress, 162.
Branch, Mr., resolution of 373.
Brewster, Elder, 27, 31, 52.
British Parliament, power claimed by, over charters, 5.
Brooks, Gov. John, 127.
Brougham, Mr., his approval of the Monroe declaration, 155.
Buena Vista, General Taylor at, 559.
Buffalo, building of a pier at, 424; reception of Mr. Webster at, and speech, May 22, 1851, 626; citizens of, exhorted to preserve the Union, 627.
Buller, Justice, extract on government of corporations, 21.
Bunker Hill Battle, address to survivors of, 127; important effects of, 129; changes of the fifty years following the, 131; survivors of, present at completion of monument, 138; described, 141; established Independence, 142.
Bunker Hill Monument, address at laying of corner-stone, 123; William Tudor's idea of erecting the, 123; laying of corner-stone described, 123; completion of, 136; veterans present at completion of, 138; "stands on Union," 140; description of, 151.
Burke, Edmund, compliment to Charles Fox, xxxviii; speeches of, criticised, lii; bill for economical reform, 469.
Cabot, George, notice of, 497.
Calhoun, J.C., President of Senate and Vice-President of United States, 243; resolutions on State sovereignty, 273; speaks on Wilkins tariff bill, 273; course in regard to tariff of 1816, 305; resolutions of, relating to slavery, 445; supports administration of Van Buren, 451; remarks of Mr. Webster on the political course of, 453; letter on Sub-Treasury bill, 453; change in views upon Sub-Treasury bill, 454; advocates the State-rights party, 455, 464, 467; his object to unite the entire South, 457; attack on Mr. Webster, 458; Mr. Webster's reply to, 458; opposes Mr. Dallas's bill for a bank, 460; bill of, for internal improvements, 466; extract from, on the power of Congress, 467; took lead in annexing Texas, 609; remarks upon admission of Texas, 611; dying testimony to Mr. Webster's conscientiousness, xliii.
California, proposed annexation of, 563; article of cession to United States, 587; discovery of gold in, 601; Mexican provincial government overthrown by, 601; establishment of local government in, 602; slavery excluded from, by law of nature, 615.
Canada, cession to England, effect on the colonies, 42.
Canals, act of 1824 concerning, 245.
Canning, Mr., opinion concerning Spain and her colonies, 154; approval of the Monroe declaration, 155.
Capitol, speech at laying of corner-stone of the addition to the, 639; copy of paper under corner-stone of, 644; foundation laid by Washington, 644; plan for extension of the, 644.
Carroll, Charles, signer of the Declaration, 176.
Cass, Lewis, Mexican speech of, 554; as a Whig candidate, 575; as a candidate for President, 584; personal character of, 584; in favor of the Compromise Line, 588; requests his recall from France, 667; his construction of the treaty of Washington referred to, 669, 671; answer of Mr. Webster to, concerning the African squadron, 672.
Catharine the Second of Russia, policy in respect to Greece, 70.
Cession, articles of, concerning New Mexico and California, 587.
Channing, W.E., letter of, on slavery, 624.
Charities, charters granted to founders of, 7; colleges included under, 7, 510; founder of incorporated, considered visitor, 7; government may incorporate, 7; legal signification of, 7; opinion of Lord Holt respecting the power of visitors over, 7; right of visitation in, incorporated, 7; case of town of Bury St. Edmunds, 527; schools founded by, must include religious instruction, 528.
Charity, legal definition of, 510.
Charles the Second, 39.
Charters, of Dartmouth College (1769), 1; legislative power over, defined, 5; power claimed by British Parliament over, 5; Lord Mansfield on rights of, 5; legislative power over, limited, 6; granted to founders of charities, 7; opinion of Lord Commissioner Eyre on charities established by, 9; how they affect property of corporations, 12; of the nature of contracts, 20, 21; how may be altered or varied, 21; may be accepted at will, 21; no difference between grants of corporate franchise and tangible property, 21; of Dartmouth College (1769) is a contract, 22; obtained by founders of English liberty, 63; New England colonists required them, 148.
Chateaubriand, M. de, quoted respecting the Holy Alliance, 64.
Chatham, Lord, his colonial policy, 42; opinion of the first Congress, 162.
Chaucer, his use of word "green," xxxix.
Chicago Road, President's opinion in respect to, 353.
China, trade of United States with, 95.
Choate, Rufus, 496.
Christian charity, defined, 510; spirit of, 519.
Christianity, blended influence of civilization and, 65; observance of the Sabbath a part of, 518; essentials of, part of the common law, 527, 530.
Christian Ministry, and the Religious Instruction of the Young, speech in Supreme Court, 505.
Christian Ministry, opprobrium cast on the, by the Girard will, 508; establishment of, by Christ, 515; work of the, in United States, 509, 516.
Christians, religious belief of, 521.
Christ's command, "Suffer little children," &c., referred to, 517.
Church, grants to, cannot be rescinded, 13.
Civil Law, maxim of, in regard to slavery, 573.
Clay, Henry, speech on tariff of 1824 criticised by Mr. Webster, 78; author of American system of tariff, 78; resolution of, relating to slavery in District of Columbia, 445; resolutions in respect to slavery, 600.
Clayton, J.M., his explanation of Mr. Mann's mission, 680.
Clergy, eulogium on, 509.
Coast Survey of United States, 648.
College Livings, rights and character of, 16; attack of James the Second on Magdalen College, 17.
Colleges, are eleemosynary corporations, 6, 8, 22; charters granted to, 7; foundation of, considered by Lord Mansfield, 9; charters should be kept inviolate, 23; party or political influence dangerous to, 23.
Colonies, establishment of Greek, 31; of New England, 34, 35; of Roman, 33; of West India, 34, 35; Spanish in South America, 134, 144; New England and Virginia, 144; English and Spanish compared, 145; original ground of dispute between England and the, 164; American, declared free and independent, 641.
Colonists, English, in America, secret of their success, 147; brought their charters, 148; in Virginia, failed for want of charter, 148; allegiance to the king, 165.
Columbus, Christopher, portrayed, 124, 144.
Columbus, O., convention at, in regard to the observance of the Sabbath, 518.
Commerce, condition of, in 1824, 83; its national character, 92, 498; how affected by laws of Confederation, 114; power of Congress to regulate, 114, 120; resolutions of New Jersey in regard to, 115; Mr. Witherspoon's motion in Congress concerning, 115; of Virginia in regard to, 115; necessity of vesting Congress with power to control, 115; law of Congress paramount, 120; guarded by the general government, 497.
Compact and government as distinguished from each other, 284.
Compromise Act, principle of, 489.
Compromise Line, in respect to slavery, 588.
Concurrent Legislation, defined and argued, 116; effect on monopolies, 119.
Confederation, its effect on commerce, 114; of 1781 a league, 276; state of the country under the, 281.
Confessions, how to be regarded, 220.
Congress of Delegates, at Philadelphia, 1774, 162; resolutions on the Declaration, 165; sat with closed doors, 166.
Congress of Greece, of 1821, 72.
Congress of United States, power to regulate commerce, 114, 120; should have power to regulate commerce, 115; and the States, argument on concurrent power of, 115; exclusive right over monopolies, 116; possesses exclusive admiralty jurisdiction, 118; law of, paramount, 120; laws of, in opposition to State law, 122; power concerning rights of authors and inventors, 122; its coinage powers, 185; to establish uniform bankrupt laws, 186; power over slave trade, 233; no power over slavery, 233, 429, 636; power to make laws, 293, 331; exclusive power to lay duties, 300; duty of, in case of a Presidential veto, 320; passes first bank charter, 1791, 327; to establish banks, 328, 334, 335; power of, continuous, 336; duties of both houses, 375; power to borrow money, 375; in regard to public moneys, 382; no precise time for expiration of session, 414; power over ceded territory, 445; no control over slavery, 571.
Congress of Verona, in regard to Greek revolution, 70, 153.
Connecticut, law of, concerning steam navigation, 112.
Constitution of United States, provision concerning ex post facto laws, 19; its origin to regulate commerce, 114, 115; its authority to establish bankrupt laws, 179; law of, in regard to contracts, 180; object of the, 185; provides a medium for payment of debts, and a uniform mode of discharging them, 186; prohibitions of, concerning contracts and payment of debts, 187; provisions for settling questions of Constitutional law, 265; to be interpreted by the judicial power, 265, 282; as a compact, 270; not a compact between Sovereign States, argued, 273; object of, 281; not a league, 282; what it says of itself, 283; its relations to individuals, 286; Madison's opinion of, 313; provision of, in case of a Presidential veto, 320; President Jackson's view of, 354; our duty to the, 358; protects labor, 361; division of powers conferred by, 379; on power of removal from office, 398; divides powers of government, 398; recognized slavery, 429, 570; does not speak of Sovereign States, or Federal Government, 538; protects existing government of a State, 542; and the Union, speech on, March 7, 1850, 600; formation of the, 628; provision of, concerning fugitives, 629; officers of the law bound to support the, 630; how it affected the institution of slavery, lx.
Constructive presence defined, 210.
Contracts, cases cited concerning obligation of, 19; defined, include grants, 19; provision concerning obligation of, 19; law of the Constitution in regard to, 180; obligation of, defined, 180, 181; obligation of, rests on universal law, 181; the law not a part of, argued, 182-184; the constitutional provision in regard to, 185; prohibition on state law concerning, 187.
Convention of 1787, remarks on, 287.
Copper, duties received from, 108.
Corporate Franchises, power of Legislature over, limited, 6.
Corporations, acts of Legislature, on Dartmouth College (1769), 2, 3; royal prerogative to create, 5; power of King over, limited by Legislature, 5; power of Legislature to create, 5; opinion of Lord Mansfield on rights of, 5; divers sorts of, 6; eleemosynary, nature of, defined, 6, 9; power of, over property possessed by them, 6; charter rights of visitors of, 7; power of visitation over transferable, 7; argument of Stillingfleet, 8; rights of trustees object of legal protection, 11; franchises granted to, 11; concerning pecuniary benefit from, 11; concerning private property, 12; concerning grants of land to, 13; right of trustees to elect officers, 16; legislature, cannot repeal statutes creating private, 20; extract from Justice Buller on government of, 21; how charters of, may be altered or varied, 21; possible dangers of independent government, 22.
Cotton, attempt to naturalize growth of, in France, 99; how affected by tariff of 1824, 102; proposed reduction of duty on, 243; culture of, protected, 304; how its cultivation affects slavery and the South, 608.
Cotton Manufactures, importance of, 101; of England and United States, 103.
Crawford, Mr., opposing candidate to Mr. Adams, 581.
Credit System, and the Labor of the United States, remarks on, 449.
Credit System, benefit of, in United States, 364; evils arising from abuse of, 364.
Criminal Law, its object, 198.
Cumberland Road Bill, approved, 415.
Currency, effect of paper issues to depreciate, 81; paper, of England, effect on prices, 81; the laboring man's interest in, 360; experiment of exclusive specie, 362; President's interference with, 433; soundness of, 440; derangement of, effect of, 442; its restoration an object of revolution of 1840, 490.
Cushing, Thomas, delegate to Congress, 162.
Custom-house Bonds, act of 1800 in regard to, 383.
Dallas, Geo. M., proposition of, for a bank, 460.
Dane, Nathan, drafted Ordinance of 1787, 231.
Danemora, iron mines of, 105.
Dartmouth College, argument in case of, 1; acts of Legislature affecting, 1, 3, 14, 15, 16, 18; corporation of, (1769,) 2; charter of, (1769,) is a contract, 22; observation of Mr. Webster on opinion of court of N.H. concerning, 22; incident connected with Mr. Webster's argument in case of, xxi.
Davis, Judge, 532.
Debt, abolition of imprisonment for, 474.
Debtor and Creditor, law of, 472, 473.
Debts, the Constitution provides for the payment and discharge of, 186.
Declaration of Independence, 163; committee appointed to draft the, 164; its object and foundation, 165; speeches of Webster for, and dissenting, ascribed to Adams and another, 167, 168; anniversary of, 641.
Democracy, Northern, policy of, 611.
Deposits, removal of, by the President, 369. See Public Moneys.
Dexter, Samuel, character of, 261.
Disbursing Officers, tenure of office, 396.
Discourse delivered at Plymouth, on "First Settlement of New England," 25.
Dissolution of the Union, evils of, 346.
District of Columbia, remarks of Mr. Webster on Slavery in, 445; resolutions on Slavery in, 445; power of Congress in, 446.
Divine Right, a doctrine of the Holy Alliance, 63.
Dix, J.A., his vote for admission of Texas, 611.
Domestic Industry, not confined to manufactures, 98.
Dorr, Thomas W., at the head of revolutionary government of Rhode Island, 535; tried for treason, 536.
Dough Faces, voted for Missouri Compromise, 583.
Douglass, Stephen H., amendment concerning Missouri, 569.
Drum-Beat of England, 371.
Duane, W.J., removal of, from office, 368.
Duche, Rev. Mr., opened first Congress with prayer, 522.
Durfee, Chief Justice, charge of, in Dorr case of Rhode Island, 545.
Duties on Imports, extract from speech on, (1846,) 110.
Education, provision for general diffusion of, in New England, 47, 48; sentiment of John Adams on, 174.
Edwards, Jonathan, his use of the word "sweetness," xxxix.
Election, of officers of colleges, 16.
Elections, rights of, 12; American system of, 540.
Electricity, progress in, 648.
Eleemosynary corporations, nature of, defined, 6, 9; colleges are included under, 22.
Ellenborough, Lord, on commercial restrictions, 87.
Ellsworth, Oliver, extract from, on the Constitution, 288, 295.
Eloquence, defined by Webster, 167.
Embargo, Mr. Hillhouse's opinion of, 260; opposed by Massachusetts, 260.
Emigration, different motives for, 31, 557; Grecian, 32; Roman, 33; purposes and prospects of Pilgrim Fathers, 35; toward the West, 41; to California, began, 601; how encouraged by England, 656.
England, effect of taxation on landholders in, 44; how land was holden, in time of Henry the Seventh, 44; paper system of, effect on prices, 81; protective system of, 84; policy of, in respect to paper currency, 86; manufacture of silk in, 87; removed certain restrictions on trade, 89; provisions concerning her shipping interest, 109; course of, in regard to Spanish colonies, 154; the original ground of dispute between the Colonies and, 164; relation of South Carolina to, in 1775, 259; maritime power of, in war of 1812, 461; imprisonment for debt abolished in, 474; progress of its power, 501; law of, in regard to charitable institutions, 527; representative system of, 538, 642; right claimed by, in respect to impressment, 655; encourages emigration, 656.
English Colonists, in America, secret of their success, 147.
English Composition, school-boy's attempt at, xi; falseness of style, xii.
English Language, correct use in the United States, 148.
English Revolution of 1688, 63; participation of Massachusetts in, 39.
Europe, effect in United States of pacification of, 242; condition of, at the birth of Washington, 341.
Everett, Edward, Minister to England, 487; draft for the Huelsemann letter, 678.
Ewing, Thomas, resolution in regard to payments for public lands, 438; plan for a national bank, 490.
Exchange, the rate of, 96; English standard of, 97.
Exchequer, plan of, Mr. Webster's approbation of, 491, 492; sent to Congress in 1842, 491.
Exclusion of Slavery from the Territories, speech on, Aug. 12, 1848, 569.
Executive of United States, power over the press, 351, 352; refuses to execute law of Congress, 353; patronage, dangers of, 394, 395; power of, defined, 398; extension of its power, 430, 431; change in the fiscal system effected by, 436.
Executive Patronage, and removals from office, speech on, 347.
Executive Usurpation, speech on, 353.
Exeter College, judgment of Lord Holt, in case of, 7; argument of Stillingfleet, 8.
Exports from the United States, 79, 93.
Ex post facto laws, prohibited by Constitution of U.S., 19.
Eyre, Lord Commissioner, opinion of, on chartered charities, 9.
Faneuil Hall, draped in mourning for the first time, 156; reception of Mr. Webster at, Sept. 30, 1842, 481.
Federalism, history of, 252.
Federalist, extract from, on the Constitution, 289.
Festival of Sons of New Hampshire, 598.
Fillmore, Millard, laid corner-stone of extension to the Capitol, 644; addressed, 653.
Fitch, John, grant to, concerning steam navigation, 112.
Fitzsimmons, Mr., suggests protective duties, 303.
Flagg, George, his painting of the Landing of the Pilgrims, 52.
Fletcher v. Peck, case of contract, 19.
Florida, acquisition of, 429; admitted into the Union, 559; cession of, 608.
Foot's Resolution, in Congress, concerning Public Lands, 227; Mr. Webster's second speech on, 227; Mr. Webster's last remarks on, 269.
Foreigners, as stockholders in U.S. Bank, 325-327.
Foreign Interference, President Monroe on, 153.
Foreign Trade, to be encouraged, 94, 98.
Forsyth, John, moves to reduce duty on cotton, 243.
Fortification Bill, speech on loss of the, 407; history of, 410-413; extract from President's Message on, 416.
Foster, John, extract from his "Essay on Evils of Popular Ignorance," 523.
Fox, Charles, remark on Lord Chancellor Thurlow, xxxvii; and Burke, speeches of, compared, lvi.
France, subdivision of landed property in, 44; prophecy concerning government of, 44, 53; allies enter into, effect on trade, 80; invasion of Spain, 153; alliance of U.S. with, declared void, 278; letters of marque, asked by President Jackson, 420.
Franchise, and liberty, synonymous terms, 11; individual, protected by law, 15.
Franchises, corporate, power of Legislature over, limited, 6; granted to trustees of corporations, 11.
Francis the First, quoted, 681.
Franklin, Benjamin, 39; appointed to draft the Declaration, 164.
Franklin, State of, constitution of, and provision to supply a currency, 470.
Free Blacks, from North, how treated at the South, 620.
Free Press, attributes of, 350; the bestowing of office on conductors of the, 351.
Free Schools, of New England, 47.
Free Soil men, character of, 631.
Free Soil Party, platform of, 580; nominate Martin Van Buren, 581.
Free Trade, speech of Mr. Webster on, 109, note.
Freights, rates of, 83, 108; of iron from Sweden, 106.
French Indemnity Loan, of 1818, 81.
Frothingham, Richard, extract from, on laying corner-stone of Bunker Hill Monument, 123; account of completion of Bunker Hill Monument, 135.
Fugitive Slave Law, of 1793, and 1850, 634; opposition to, 635.
Fugitive Slaves, complaint of the South and duty of the North concerning, 617; provision of the Constitution in respect to, 629.
Fulton, Robert, his exclusive right to navigation, 112.
Fulton and Livingston, grant of steam navigation to, by New York, 112.
Gage, Governor, convenes General Court at Salem, 162; rejects John Adams as Councillor, 162.
Gaines, Major, description of New Mexico, 565.
Gallagher, Wm. D., extract from, on growth of Western trade, 646.
General Court, convened at Salem, 162; at Salem dissolved, and power of England terminated, 162.
Georgia, cession of her Western territory, 608.
German Literature, play ridiculing the, 454.
Gerry, Samuel, 170.
Gibbons v. Ogden, case of, 111; argument of Mr. Webster in, 111.
Girard College, provisions of Girard's will in regard to, 506; restriction concerning religious instruction in, 507; no observance of the Sabbath there, 518.
Girard, Stephen, will of, contested, 505; his scheme derogatory to Christianity, 515, 516.
Glass, duty on, advisable, 102.
Gold, and silver as legal tender, 95; discovered in California, 601.
Goodhue, Mr., 497.
Goodridge Robbery Case, Mr. Webster's management of, xv.
Government, nature and constitution of, 43; republican form of, laws which regulate, 43; of France, how effected by subdivision of land, 44, 53; subdivision of lands necessary to free form of, 44; the true principle of a free, 45; to be founded on property, 45; absolute or regulated, the question of the age, 60; influence of knowledge over, 131-133; difficulty of establishing popular, 132; influence of public opinion on, 133; popular, practicable, 134; popular, overthrown in Spain, 153; powers of, concerning local improvement, 238; power of, over internal improvements, 243; doctrine of South Carolina on State rights, 255; popular, rests on two principles, 297; the success of a united, 499.
Government, American, character of, established by the Pilgrims, 35; origin and character of, 43; system of representation in, 46; founded on morality and religious sentiment, 49; origin and source of power, 257; its establishment, 285; majority must govern, 295; danger of political proscription to the, 349; two principles upon which it stands, 319.
Grants, legislature no power to rescind, when given for educational or religious purposes, 13; protection of, 19; included under contracts, 19.
Great Britain, negotiation of treaty with, 481.
Greece, saved by battle of Marathon, 28; emigration from, 32; speech on revolution in, 57; appeal to United States concerning revolution in, 57; extract from President Monroe, on revolution in, 58; we are her debtors, 58; improved condition of, 68; conduct of Allied Sovereigns in regard to contest in, 69; Congress at Verona, 1822, concerning independence of, 70; Congress of 1821, 72; revolution of 1821 in, 72; society of Vienna to encourage literature in, 72; propriety of appointing an agent to, 75; liberty of, 641; want of union among her states, 642.
Greeks, Baron Strogonoff on the massacre of the, 71; excited to rebellion by Russia, 69; our sympathy for cause of, 67; the oppression of, by Turkey, 68; what they have accomplished, 74.
Griswold, George, toast to Daniel Webster, 496.
Hale, Representative to Congress, 385.
Hamilton, Alexander, his services, 309.
Hancock, John, presides in Congress, 167; signed the Declaration, 170; first signer of the Declaration, 497.
Harbor Bill, course of President Jackson concerning, 353.
Hardin, Col., description of New Mexico, 567.
Harrison, Wm. Henry, President, 481; the "Log Cabin" candidate, 476; civil character of, 577.
Hartford Convention, 235; design of, 253.
Harvard College, 40, 48.
Harvey, Peter, story told of Mr. Webster by, xv.
Hayne, Robert Y., speaks on Foot's resolution, 227; reply of Webster to, on Foot's resolution, 227; votes on internal improvement, 245.
Hemp, growth of, to be encouraged, 107; importation of, 107; effect of increased duty on, 108.
Henry, Patrick, 172.
Henry the Seventh, division of land in England in time of, 44; colonies planted in the reign of, 142.
Hermitage, supposed visit of occupant of, to the Senate Chamber, 446.
Hillard, Mr., remarks in Massachusetts Senate, 618.
Hillhouse, Mr., opinion on the embargo law, 260.
Hoar, Mr., mission of, to South Carolina, 621.
Holland, trade of, with the United States, 93; our treaty with, of 1782, 170.
Holt, Lord, opinion of, respecting power of visitors over corporations, 7.
Holy Alliance, origin of, 61; effect on social rights, 62, 64; extract from Puffendorf, bearing on principles of, 62; principles of the, 62, 63; forcible interference a principle of, 63.
Home Market, effect of manufactures on, 84.
House of Commons, representation in the, 642.
Huelsemann Letter, written by Mr. Webster, 679.
Hume, Mr., remark on administration of justice, 316.
Hungarians, arrival of, in the United States, 682.
Hungary, President Taylor's interest in the revolution in, 679; correspondence relating to revolution in, 682.
Hunter, Mr., 678
Huskisson, Mr., 491; policy of, in respect to commerce, 98.
Hutchinson, Gov., 165.
Immortality, inquiries concerning, 517.
Impeachment, closing appeal in defence of Judge James Prescott, 55.
Imports, excess of, over exports, explained, 93.
Impressment, convention of 1803, in respect to, 655; English law in respect to, 655; letter of Mr. Webster to Lord Ashburton respecting, 655; injuries of, 658; letter of Lord Ashburton on, 659; rule of the United States in respect to, 658.
Imprisonment for Debt, abolition of, 474.
Inauguration of Washington, 312.
India and China, trade of United States with, 96.
Individual Rights, concerning charities, 12.
Insolvent Debtors, act of New York concerning, 179.+
Insolvents, hopeless condition of, 472.
Intellectual being, inquiries of an, 517.
Interference, forcible, a principle of the Holy Alliance, 63; a violation of public law, 65.
Internal Improvements, in New England, 43; progress of, 80; general benefit from, 238; course of South Carolina towards, 238; at the West, opposition of the South to, 240; attention of United States directed to, 242; course pursued by Mr. Webster in Congress towards, 243; votes of Hayne on, 245; Mr. Calhoun's bill for, 466.
International Law, duty of United States in regard to, 60, 61, 66.
Ireland, coasting trade of England with, 109; legislation desired in, 499.
Iron, concerning home manufacture of, 104-106; how affected by tariff of 1824, 104; effect of increased duty on, 108.
Jackson, Andrew, veto on United States Bank Bill, 320; opinion of Mr. Webster on the veto of the Bank bill, 337, 338; message in regard to the Bank of United States, 343; uses his power to remove from office, 347; sentiments of Webster on re-election of, 357; protest of, 367; removal of deposits by, 369; recommends letters of marque and reprisal against France, 420; remarks of Mr. Webster on, 423; his course concerning the currency, 434; inauguration as President, 434; act of making sales of public lands payable in gold and silver, 438; character of, 439; elected President vice Mr. Adams in 1828, 581; idea of bridging the Potomac, 652.
James the First, his tyranny, 377.
James the Second, attack on college livings at Magdalen College, 17.
Jay, John, his services, 311; appointed Chief Justice, 311; quoted, 538; treaty of 1794 with England, 608.
Jefferson, Thomas, news of the death of, 156; birth and education of, 163; elected to first Congress, 163, 172; his paper on "Rights of America," 163; appointed to draft the Declaration, 164; remark on Adams in Congress, 166; Governor of Virginia, 172; his "Notes on Virginia," 172; Minister abroad, 172; Secretary of State, 172; Vice-President and President, 172, 173; his "Manual of Parliamentary Practice," 172; founded University of Virginia, 173; his scholarship, 173; last days of, 173; inscription for his monument, 173; Louisiana acquired in administration of, 175; correspondence concerning the Confederation, 287; use of his power to remove from office, 348; opposed to expending money without appropriation, 418; admitted Louisiana into the Union, 559; opinion of admitting Louisiana into the Union, 630; rule in respect to impressment, 658.
Jewish Talmuds, 524.
Johnson, Hon. Richard M., effort for abolition of imprisonment for debt, 474.
Johnston, Samuel, extract on the Constitution, 288.
Jones, Sir William, extract from, 643.
Joseph the Second, quoted, 681.
Judiciary of United States, to interpret questions of constitutional law, 265, 282; extent of its power, 265, 293; Mr. Madison's opinion on, 294; Mr. Pinkney on the, 294; its duties and extent, 316; how vacancies are filled, 318; decides the constitutional laws, 330.
Kemble, Mr., anecdote of, xxiii.
Kennistons, Defence of the, xv.
Kent, Chancellor, remarks at Webster dinner in New York, 307.
King, Gov., action of, in revolution of Rhode Island, 536.
King, Mr., of Alabama, 413.
King, Rufus, resolution of, in 1785, in regard to slavery, 235; member of Congress, and of the Convention of 1787, 606; on impressment, 657.
King Solomon's Lodge, erect a monument to General Warren, 123.
Knapp, J.F. and J.J., Jr., convicted of murder of Captain Joseph White, 103.
Knowledge, its influence over governments, 131-133; diffusion of, in United States, 650.
Knowlton, anecdote of, xxvi.
Kossuth, Louis, demanded of Turkey by Emperor of Russia, 598; extract from speech of Mr. Webster on, 598; his communication to American Charge d'Affaires, 682.
Labor, how to be protected, 82; different prices of, 105; protected by the Constitution, 361.
Laborers, their interest in the currency, 360; character of Northern, 620; of the North, compared with Southern slaves, 620.
Labor-Saving Machines, 451.
Lafayette, Gen., addressed by Webster at Bunker Hill, 130.
Land, a subdivision of, necessary to free form of government, 44; effect of taxation on division of, in England, 44; how holden in England in time of Henry the Seventh, 44; prophecy concerning subdivision of, on government of France, 44, 53.
Landing of Pilgrims at Plymouth, picture representing, 52.
Lands, Public, Mr. Foot's resolution in regard to, 227; views of Mr. Webster concerning the disposition of, 237, 238; powers of government to donate for local improvement, 238; donations of, necessary for local improvement, 239; liberal reduction in price of, favored by New England, 241; whence obtained, 426; States have no sovereignty over, 426; question of revenue connected with, 427; liberal policy in respect to sales of, 427; revenue arising from sales of, 428; act making sales of, payable in gold and silver, 438.
Lansdowne, Lord, quoted on prohibitory duties, 86, 94.
Law, of the land, relating to individual franchise, 16; interest and duty of United States in international, 66; criminal, its object, 198; Mr. Webster's respect for, 319; representation the foundation of, 643; the supreme rule, 643.
Laws, validity of, not to depend upon the motive, 301.
Laybach, circular of sovereigns at, 62.
Lay preaching and lay teaching, 513.
League, defined, 278.
Lee, Richard Henry, resolution of June, 1776, 163.
Legislation, society to be regarded in, 103; concurrent power of States with Congress, 116-118; will of the people ascertained by, 541.
Legislative Power, over charters, defined, 5; restriction imposed upon, 23.
Legislature, Acts of. See Acts of Legislature.
Legislature, power of King over corporations, limited by, 5; power of, to create corporations, 5; power of, over charters, limited, 6; cannot resume grants of land given for educational or religious purposes, 13; power of, to affect individual rights, 15; cannot repeal statutes creating private corporations, 20; power of, restrained by Ordinance of 1787, 234.
Legislatures, to support the Constitution of United States, 286.
Leigh, Mr., 412.
Letters of Marque, against France, asked by President Jackson, 420.
Liberties, defined, 11.
Liberty, love of religious, 29; characteristics of, 122; the contests for, 385; principles of American, 536; of Greece, Rome, and America, 641, 642.
Lincolnshire, Pilgrims in, 30.
Literature, its advantages in public life, 174; progress in, 649.
Liverpool Blue Coat School, 528.
Liverpool, Lord, 491; on freedom of trade, 86.
Livingston and Fulton, right of steam navigation granted by New York, 112.
Livingston, Chancellor, his services, 311.
Livingston, Robert R., 126.
Local institutions for local purposes, and general institutions for general purposes, 498.
Local legislation, benefits of, 498, 499.
Log Cabin Candidate, remarks on, 476.
Log Cabin, origin of the term, 476.
Louisiana, acquisition of, 175; how obtained, 429; slave-holding States framed from, 608; admission of, into the Union, 630; Mr. Jefferson's opinion of admitting to the Union, 630.
Luther, Reformation of, 143.
Macaulay, extract from, on English lawyers and English statesmen, xli.
McCleary, fell at Charlestown, 130.
McDowell, Governor of Virginia, 619.
MacDuffie, speech on Internal Improvements referred to, 244.
Machinery, law prohibiting exportation of, from England, 91.
Machines, not labor-saving, but labor-doing, 451.
McLane, Louis, instructions to, concerning colonial trade, 581.
McLeod, Alexander, case of, 482.
Madison, James, knowledge of the Constitution, 247, 256, 313; on the Judiciary, 294; extracts from, on duties on imports, 303; his public services, 310, 312; opinion on nullification, 313; Secretary of State and President, 313; approved United States Bank, 331; opinion in regard to removal from office, 347; on impeachment, 431; Secretary of State, 559; article of, admitting Louisiana into Union, 559; opinion of, on slavery, 606.
Majority Government, 295.
Mann, A.D., instructions to, 683.
Mansfield, Lord, opinion of, on chartered rights, 5; foundation of colleges considered by, 9.
Manufactures, acts of 1816 and 1824 respecting, 99.
Marathon, battle of, how affected Greece, 28.
Marshfield, speech at, Sept. 1, 1848, 575.
Martial Law, defined, 549.
Martin, Mr., opinions on the Judiciary, 294; objections to the Constitution, 303.
Maryland, settlement of, 125.
Mason, J.W., on slave labor, 573; bill concerning fugitive slaves, 617.
Mason, Jeremiah, death of, 589; obituary remarks of Mr. Webster, 589; resolutions on death of, 589; his ancestry, 590; appointed Attorney-General, 592; Senator of United States, 593; his style as an orator, xix; his respect for Daniel Webster, xx.
Massachusetts, participation in English Revolution, 39; commercial progress of, 40; voted against tariff of 1824, 110; Constitution of, when framed and revised, 170, 171; eulogium on (Webster), 254; opposes the embargo law, 260; duty to the Constitution, 358; her general prosperity, 451; her action on abdication of James II., 537.
Mathers, father and son, 39.
Mayflower, compact signed in her cabin, 35; object of her voyage, 143.
Melville, Major, removed from custom-house, 348.
Members of Congress, appointment of, to office, 350.
Merchant Vessels, national territory, 656.
Message, of President Monroe on foreign interference, approved by Lord Brougham, 155; how received by the people, 155; of Gen. Jackson, 1829, views in respect to Bank of the United States, 434.
Methodist Church v. Remington, case of, 530.
Methodist Episcopal Church, separation of, in regard to slavery, 604.
Mexican treaty, clauses ceding New Mexico and California, 587; Mr. Webster's vote in respect to, 587.
Mexican War, speech on, 551; objects of the, 552, 553, 556.
Mexico, the Sixteen Million Loan Bill for prosecuting war with, 551; treaty of 1848 between United States and, 551; objects of the war with, the cession of territory, 552, 553, 556; forced to cede territory to United States, 552, 601; aversion of, to cede territory, 557; war declared against, 601; the treaty with, 632.
Military Academy at West Point, the appropriation for, 408.
Military Achievements, important by their results, 28.
Milton, John, use of words, xiii.
Missionaries in Georgia, 353.
Mississippi River, future centre of the country, 622.
Missouri Compromise, line of, 570.
Missouri, law for the admission of, 569.
Monmouth, associations of, 339.
Monopolies, report on impracticability of, 89; power of Congress over, 116; effect of State power over, 119.
Monroe, James, extract from message on the struggle in Greece, 58; extract from message concerning foreign interference, 153.
Morris, Robert, notice of, 497.
Morton, Perez, delivered eulogy on Gen. Warren, 123.
Murder, of Capt. Joseph White, at Salem, 189; portrayed, 195; what constitutes a principal in, 207; what constitutes an abettor to, 208; two sorts of, 208.
Murphy, Mr., in regard to Texas, 612.
Napoleon, attempt in respect to cotton, 99.
Nashville Convention, 622.
National Law, concerning offences against the, 598; Emperor of Russia bound by, 598.
Natural Hatred of Poor for the Rich, remarks of Webster on, 359.
Navigation, English act of 1660, restricting the trade of the N.E. Colonies, 37; condition of that of United States (1824), 83; of Hudson River and Long Island Sound, exclusive claim of Fulton to, 112.
Navy, creation of, 175; Mr. Webster's early support to the, 461; of the United States, its strength in 1850, 649.
Neutrality of United States, defined, 152.
New England, discourse on First Settlement of, 25; first settlement of, 28; English Act of Navigation, 1660, restricting trade of, 37; progress of the first century of, 38; opening of second century of, 40; population of, in 1820, 40; her part in wars between England and France, 42; war of the Revolution begun in, 42; internal improvement in, 43; the subdivision of lands in, necessary, 43, 44; right of primogeniture abolished in, 44; free schools of, 47; prosperity of, in 1824, 78; forced into manufactures, 110; causes which led to settlement of, 141-144; its free schools, 174; attack of Hayne on, 236, 249; policy of, concerning Western population, 238; interest of, in public improvements, 239; when, how, and why her measures favor the West, 240; favors reduction of price of public lands, 241; supported administration of Washington, 250; her course concerning the embargo, 261; New England Society of New York, object of its formation, 500; settlement of, 501.
New Hampshire, acts of Legislature, relating to Dartmouth College, 1, 14, 15, 16, 18; legislative and judicial power, separate, 15; extract from speech, at festival of natives of, 598.
New Jersey, law of, concerning steam navigation, 112; resolutions concerning commerce, 115.
New Mexico, proposed annexation of, 562; population of, 563; country described by Major Gaines, 565; nature of country inhabitants, 566; prognostications of Mr. Webster in regard to admission of, 568; article of cession to United States, 587; existence of peonism in, 615; slavery excluded from, by law of nature, 615.
Newton, Isaac, 158.
New York, grant of steam navigation to John Fitch, 112; grant of steam navigation to Livingston and Fulton, 112; laws of, concerning steam navigation, 112, 113; act of, concerning insolvent debtors, 179; insolvent law of, 183; public dinner given to Webster in, 307; growth of, contemporary with the Constitution, 309; her loyalty to the Union, 318; toast of Webster to City of, 319; Reception of Webster at, in 1837, 422; law of 1845 in respect to elections, 542; her vote for annexing Texas, 631.
Niles, J.M., his vote for admission of Texas, 611.
North, duty of, in respect to fugitive slaves, 617; complaints of, against the South, 620.
North and South, grievances of, 617, 620.
Northern Democracy, policy of, 611.
Northwestern Territory, concerning slavery in, 234; slavery excluded from, 571.
Nullification, right of, denied, 257; right of, never advanced in New England, 263; practical operations of, in South Carolina, 266; practical operation of, 279, 282, 298; threatened in South Carolina, 355; dangerous tendency of, 355.
Oath, legal definition of, 526.
Office. See Removal from Office.
Ogden, A., his right to navigation, 113.
Ogden v. Saunders, argument in case of, 179.
Ohio, settled mostly by Southern emigration, 574.
Old Colony Club, formation of, 25.
Old Thirteen, their public lands, 426.
Ordinance of 1787, drafted by Nathan Dane, 231, 234; prohibits slavery, 231; restrained legislative power, 234.
Oregon, bill to organize a government for, 569; established a free Territory, 587; government of, established, 616.
Ormichund v. Barker, case of, 526.
Orphans, provision of Stephen Girard for education of, 506.
Otis, James, his speech on Writs of Assistance noticed, 161.
Paine, Robert Treat, 170; delegate to Congress, 162.
Paine, Thomas, extract from his "Age of Reason," 514.
Panama Mission, speech on, 152.
Paper Currency, of England, effect on prices, 81; the evils of, 82; experiment of a redeemable, 363; advantages of a, in the United States, 363; prediction concerning irredeemable, 365.
Parable of the prodigal son, 647; the widow's mite, referred to, 519.
Parker, Chief Justice, 207; death of, 194.
Parliament, power of, over the Colonies, 165.
Parmenter, Mr., voted for tariff of 1842, 489.
Parthenon, referred to, 346.
Parties, origin of, 250; violence of, 251.
Party Spirit, Washington's exhortation against, 345.
Patent-Office, established, 648.
Patterson, Mr., propositions of, in regard to Confederation, 287.
Peace, the policy of the United States, 59.
Peaceable Secession, the impossibility of, 621.
Penn, William, 529.
Pennsylvania, memorial to abolish slavery, 232; opinion on tariff bill, 258, 262; how affected by veto of U.S. Bank Bill, 323; of Christian origin, 512; the public policy of, 529; laws of, in regard to charitable bequests, 530.
Peonism, existence of, in New Mexico, 615.
People, source of power, 257; will of, to be ascertained by legislation, 541.
Perkins, Thomas H., eulogized, 138.
Peter the Great, policy of Russia developed under, 69.
Philadelphia, convention of Whigs at, 575.
Phillips v. Bury, case of Exeter College, 7.
Pickering, Timothy, amendment to Mr. Calhoun's bill for internal improvements, 466.
Pilgrim Fathers, first celebration of anniversary of landing of, 25; our homage for, 27; prophecy for the future of their work, 29; motives which led them into exile, 29; departure of, for Holland, 30; establish their government, 35; their purposes and prospects in emigration, 35.
Pilgrim Festival at New York, speech of Mr. Webster, 496.
Pilgrim Society, formation of, 25.
Pinkney, Thomas, opinion on the Judiciary, 294.
Plymouth, Landing of Pilgrims at, speech in commemoration of, Dec. 22, 1820, 25; speech of Dec. 22, 1843, 496.
Plymouth Rock, landing on, described, 27.
Policy, of United States, peaceful, 59; neutral, defined, 152.
Political Parties, existence of, 250.
Political Power, the people the source of, 537.
Political Revolution, 132.
Polk, James K., will of, to take territory from Mexico, 557; remarks of Mr. Webster on, 558; elected President in 1844, 583; avowal in respect to Mexican war, 602.
Poor, the, and the Rich, 359.
Pope, quotation from, 583.
Popular Knowledge, progress of, and the causes, 450.
Posterity, our relation to, 26.
Potomac River, idea of President Jackson to bridge the, 652.
Prescott, Judge James, closing appeal in defence of, 55.
Prescott, William, at Bunker Hill, 138.
President of the United States, power of removal from office, 329; no power to decide constitutionality of laws, 330; power to remove and to control an officer, 369; former practice of, to address Congress in person, 374; power of appointing public officers, 383; oath of, 384; is responsible to the people, 391; not the sole representative of the people, 391; power of, over removal from office, 397, 399; custom of, on last day of a session of Congress, 413; duty of, 417; how communicate his wishes to Congress, 417; called the representative of the American people, 432.
Presidential Protest, speech on, 367; general doctrines of, 392.
Presidential Veto of United States Bank Bill, speech on, 320.
Press, freedom of, essential to free government, 619; violence of, in respect to slavery, 619.
Primogeniture, the right of, abolished in New England, 44.
Property, general division of, necessary to free government, 45.
Proscription, exercised by President Jackson, 348; political, danger of, to the government, 349.
Protection, incidental, policy of England 84; should be limited, entire prohibition destructive, 90; Mr. Webster's views on, 428; an object of the revolution of 1840, 489.
Public Credit, in 1842, 494.
Public Lands. See Lands, Public.
Public Law, extract from Puffendorf on, 62; forcible interference a violation of, 65.
Public Moneys, to whom belongs the custody of, 368; place of deposit of, fixed by Congress, 370; power of Congress over, 382; extract from Protest in regard to, 382; law of 1836 to regulate deposits of, 437.
Public Opinion, power of, 67, 483; its influence over governments, 133.
Public Worship, in United States, 651.
Puffendorf, extract from, bearing on principles of Holy Alliance, 62.
Putnam, Judge, 532.
Quakers, their preachers, 524.
Quiney, Josiah, Jr., quoted, 129.
Quincy, Hor. Josiah, 159.
Radicals, of South Carolina, 244.
Railroads, first in America, 126.
Raleigh, Sir W., referred to, 143.
Randolph, Jefferson, proposition of, to abolish slavery, 619.
Randolph, Gov., on domestic slavery, 232.
Raymond, Henry J., reporter of Mr. Webster's speeches, xxiv.
Reception of Mr. Webster at Boston, Sept. 30, 1842, 481; at Buffalo, May 22, 1851, 626; at New York, 307.
Reformation, provisions for religious instruction in schools at time of, 526.
Religion, the only conservative principle, 524; state of society without, 525; supposed case of a graduate of Girard College questioned in regard to, 525; necessity of, to man, 650.
Removal from Office, speech of Webster on, 347; power of President in regard to, 347, 397, 399; decision of Congress in regard to, 347; Mr. Madison's opinion in regard to, 347; Mr. Jefferson's use of the power of, 348; concerning the press, 351; extract from constitution of England on, 389; dangers of unlimited power in, 395; act of 1820 in regard to, 396, 397; act of 1789 on, 397, 401, 402, 404, 405; Constitution of U.S. on, 398; manner of, 400; power of, incident to power of appointment, 400, 401, 402; effect of a nomination on, 401; concerning inferior officers, 402; reasons must be stated for, 404.
Removal of Deposits, object of, 366; by executive power, 369.
Reply to Hayne, by Webster, 227.
Representation, American system of, 46; in connection with government, 341; inequality of, produced by annexing slave States, 561; of slaves, complaints of the North against, 620; popular governments established on the basis of, 642; in House of Commons, 642; the foundation for law, 643.
Representative Government, experiment of, 341.
Representative System in England, 538.
Republican Government. See Government, American.
Repudiation denounced, 494.
Resolutions, for appointment of an agent to Greece, 57; by John Adams, preparatory to the Declaration, 163; of Congress on Declaration of Independence, 165; of Foot in Congress, in regard to Public Lands, 227; of Congress concerning slavery, 233; of Calhoun concerning State sovereignty, 273; of Convention of 1787, 287; of Senate concerning executive veto, 368; on slavery in District of Columbia, 445; on Mr. Webster's speech on Girard will, 505; from State Legislatures respecting slavery, 618.
Retrospective law, defined, 14; extract from Chief Justice Kent on, 14; passage of, prohibited, 14.
Revenue, Mr. Webster's views on, 428.
Revolution, defined, 277.
Revolution, American, causes of, 37; begun in New England, 42; commemorated by Bunker Hill Monument, 125, 126; survivors of, at Bunker Hill, 127; character of state papers of, 130; originated on a question of principle, 371.
Revolution in Greece, speech on, 57.
Revolution of 1840, its objects, 488.
Revolution, Political, 132.
Rhetoric, Daniel Webster as a master of English style, xi.
Rhode Island, argument on government of, 535; proceedings of revolutionary party of 1841 in, 535; proceedings of the Dorr party in, 544; new constitution of, 545; action of President Tyler in respect to insurrection in, 547; error of charter government of, 549; good effects of the agitation in, 549.
Rich, Capt. Benjamin, 487.
Richmond, Va., address to the ladies of, 478.
Right of Approach, of ships of war at sea, 664.
Right of Search, letter of Mr. Webster on the, 660; British claim to, 662; not distinct from right of visit, 662; view of the United States, on, 664-666; Lord Aberdeen on the, 670.
Rights, Legal, not affected by pecuniary profit, 12; of electors, 12; of individuals in regard to own property, 12; individual, protected by law, 15.
Rio Grande, Texas claims to line of, 562; worthlessness of the valley of the, 565.
Rives, W.C., opinions of the Constitution, 284.
Robbins, Rev. Chandler, delivers address on anniversary of landing of Pilgrims, 25.
Robinson, Rev. John, 30, 31.
Rome, liberty of, 642.
Rusk, Mr., Senator from Texas, 563.
Russia, extract from Emperor on proper policy, 64; under Peter the Great, 69; excited the Greeks to rebellion, 69; under Catharine the Second, 70; her trade with the United States, 93; Emperor of, bound by the law of nations, 598; Emperor of, demands Kossuth of Turkey, 598.
Ruxton, Mr., description of New Mexico, 567.
Sabbath, convention at Columbus, O., in regard to observance of the, 518; the observance of, a part of Christianity, 518.
St. Asaph, Bishop of, extract from discourse, 640.
Salem, sentiments of, at the closing of port of Boston, 129; General Court at, 162.
Sargent, Henry, picture representing Landing of the Pilgrims, by, 52.
Schools, founded by charity, must include religious instruction, 528.
Schools of New England, 174.
Science and literature, 51.
Scio, destruction of, 73.
Scott, Gen. Winfield, brilliant campaign of, 554; referred to, 578.
Seamen, letter of Daniel Webster on impressment of, 658.
Search. See Right of Search.
Secession, defined, 276; right of States to, denied, 278, 282; practical consequences of, 279; no such thing as peaceable, 621; of Virginia, improbability of, 646; men of the Southern States addressed in respect to, 647.
Secretary of the Treasury, his custody of the public moneys, 368.
Senate of the United States, a body of, equals, 229; resolution concerning executive veto, 368; its right of self-defence, 372.
Shakspeare, use of words, xiii.
Shaw, Chief Justice, 532.
Sheridan, remark of, xxv.
Sherman, Roger, appointed to draft the Declaration, 164.
Shipping Interest, how affected by tariff of 1824, 108.
Shipping of England, provisions in respect to, 109.
Ships of War, their right to approach vessels at sea, 664.
Silk, manufacture of, in England, 87.
Silsbee, Hon. N., 349.
"Sink or swim, survive or perish," etc., 168.
Slave, and Slavery, words not found in the Constitution, 606.
Slave-holding States, advantages of, in respect to representation, 233; rights of, in regard to new territories, 572.
Slave Labor, its relation to free, 573; compared with laboring men of the North, 620.
Slavery, prohibited by Ordinance of 1787, 231; petitions to first Congress to abolish, 232; memorial from Pennsylvania to abolish, 232; Gov. Randolph, sentiments on, 232; Mr. Webster's sentiments on, 232; Congress has no power over, in the States, 233; plans for exclusion of, in Northwestern Territory, 234; resolution of Rufus King in regard to, 235; views of Mr. Webster on, 429; beyond the power of Congress, 429; recognized by the Constitution, 429, 570; inexpediency of annexing slave States, 429; in District of Columbia, remarks on, 445; Mr. Webster's opinion in regard to power of Congress over, 462; speech on exclusion of from the territories, 569; peculiarity of American, 570; entailed upon the colonies by England, 571; Congress has no control over, 571, 636; excluded from Northwestern Territory, 571; exists by local laws, 573; Mr. Webster's opinion of extension of slavery and slave representation, 574; the Compromise Line in respect to extension of, 588; resolutions of Henry Clay in respect to, 600; prospect of California and New Mexico being free States, 602; its existence among the Greeks and Romans, 603; sentiments of the North and South on, at framing of the Constitution, 605; Ordinance of 1787 in respect to, 606; Mr. Madison's opinion on, 606; concurrence of sentiment between North and South on subject of, 607; causes which led to an extension of, in the South, 608; change of opinion of the South in respect to, 608; character of all the territory of the United States fixed beyond power of the government, 609; excluded from California and New Mexico by law of nature, 615, 632; effect of abolition societies at the North, 619; proposition of Mr. Randolph in respect to, 619; comparison of slaves of South and laboring people of the North, 620; complaints of the North concerning representation in Congress, 620; concerning transportation of free colored people, 623; Mr. Webster's course concerning, 630; proceedings of antislavery conventions, 635.
Slaves, emancipation of, in District of Columbia, 375; provision of the Constitution in respect to fugitive, 629.
Slave Trade, remarks of Mr. Webster on, 49; American policy concerning the, 666.
Smith, Gen., vote on bank question, 328.
Smith, Hon. Truman, speech referred to, 566.
Smith, Mr., of South Carolina, on protection, 304.
Smithson, Hugh, founded Smithsonian Institute, 652.
Smithsonian Institute, establishment, 652.
Social system, elements of a, established by compact of the Pilgrim Fathers, 35.
Society, rights of, affected by principles of Holy Alliance, 62, 64.
South, policy of, toward Western improvement, 238; complaints concerning their rights, 572; the lead in the politics of the country, 608; complaints of, against the North, 617.
South America, combination of European Sovereigns against, 66; position of U.S. government towards, 66; revolution in, 134; Spanish colonies of, 134.
South American Republics, our relations to, 152.
South Carolina, concerning internal improvements, 238, 243; her action on tariff of 1816, 243; radical party in, 244; attack on, disclaimed, 253; eulogium on, (Webster,) 254; doctrine of, concerning State rights, 255; in 1775, and 1828, 259; relation to England in 1775, 259; resistance to laws of the Union advised, 259; practical operation of nullification in, 266; nullification threatened in, 355.
Southern Confederacy, impossibility of, 621.
Spain, French invasion of, 67, 153; want of protection in, 99; overthrow of popular government in, 153; invites co-operation of Holy Alliance over colonies in America, 154.
Spanish Settlements in America, 144.
Specie, unusual demand for, and the cause, 81; drain of, owing to French Indemnity Loan, 81; the exportation of, 95; experiment of an exclusive specie currency, 362; treasury order concerning payments for public lands, 438; its uses, 441; the effect of withholding circulation, 441.
Specie Payment, suspension of, 443.
Speech on the "Panama Mission," 152.
Spencer, Judge, 319.
Sprague, Judge, 532.
Standish, Miles, 27.
State Banks, issue of small notes by, not advisable, 363.
State Interposition, right of, 292.
State Laws, in opposition to law of Congress, supreme, 122; prohibition on, concerning bankruptcy, 186; prohibition on, in regard to contracts, 187; in conflict with the Constitution, 265.
State Rights Party, Mr. Calhoun's espousal of the, 464.
States, concurrent power of, argued, 116, 117; doctrine of South Carolina concerning rights of, 255; resolution of Virginia, 1798, concerning rights of, 256, 263; sovereignty limits of, 257; right of, whence derived, 264; Calhoun's resolutions on sovereignty of, 273; taxing power of, limited, 336; have no sovereignty over public lands, 426; concerning insurrection in one of the, 543; inequality of representation in annexing slave States, 561.
Stevenson, Andrew, 487.
Stiles, Mr., correspondence of, relating to Hungary, 682.
Stillingfleet, Bishop, argument on power of visitation over corporations, 8.
Story, Mr. Justice, death of, 532; eulogy of Mr. Webster on, 532; respect of English lawyers to, 533; character of, 534.
Strogonoff, Baron, concerning the massacre of the Greeks, 71.
Sturges v. Crowninshield, decision in bankruptcy case of, 180.
Suffrage, principles of American government in respect to, 539.
Sullivan, William, 137.
Supreme Court of United States, its object, 293; judges of, how appointed, 318; concerning a nomination for judge of, 413.
Sweden, export of iron from, 105.
Tariff, bill to amend the (1828), 77; speech of Mr. Webster on, 77; "American" and "foreign policy" applied to system of, 78; protective system of England, 84; of 1816 and 1824, respecting manufactures, 99; of 1824, carried by Middle States, 110; of 1824, Massachusetts voted against, 110; earliest advocates of, 243; of 1816, 243; of 1824, 248; of 1828, 248, 258; course pursued by Mr. Webster in regard to, 247, 463; resolutions adopted in Boston in regard to, 463; of 1816, a South Carolina measure, history of, 465; of 1816, New England against, 465; of 1842, how passed, 489.
Taxation, effect of, on landholders in England, 44.
Taylor, Gen. Zachary, at Buena Vista, 559; as a candidate for President, 576-579; personal character of, 577; his interest in the revolutionary movement in Hungary, 679.
Tea, increase of its consumption, 80.
Terrett v. Taylor, protection of grant, 20.
Territory, cession of, by Virginia, 606.
Texas, history of, 428; independence of, recognized, 428; annexation to United States objectionable, 429; opposition of Mr. Webster to admit into the Union, 559; President Tyler's project of annexing, 560; how its annexation affects representation, 561; population of, in 1848, 562; territory of, 562; admitted into the Union, 562, 563, 609; suitable time for annexing, 563; the vote for the admission of, 583; extract from resolution for admission of, 609; States to be formed from, 609, 615; votes of New England for admission of, 610; extracts from speech of Mr. Webster on, 613, 631; separated from Mexico, 630; vote of New York for annexing, 631; admitted as a slave State, 633; fortunate adjustment by Congress of controversy in (1850), 633.
Timber, English duties on, 89.
Toast, to City of New York, 319; to memory of Washington, 346; at Dinner of New England Society in New York, 503.
Tonnage, how affected by tariff of 1824, 100; no State can lay duty on, 122.
Trade of United States, with foreign markets, 93.
Transportation of free colored people, 623.
Treason, defined, 267.
Treasury of United States, order concerning specie payment, 440; effect of the order, 441.
Tudor, William, interest in Bunker Hill Monument, 123, 137.
Turkey, its oppression of Greece, 68.
Tyler, John, at Bunker Hill, 139; confidence in Mr. Webster, 481; action in respect to insurrection in Rhode Island, 547; project of annexing Texas, 560.
Union, Mr. Webster's sentiments on consolidation of, 246; apostrophe to, 269; speech of March 7, 1850, on preservation of the, 600; impossibility of drawing the line in case of dissolution of, 622; exhortation to citizens of Buffalo to preserve the, 627; Mr. Jefferson's opinion of admitting Louisiana into the, 630.
Union of the States, important, 140, 269, 425; not a league, 278; how regarded by Washington, 345; our duty to the, 456.
United Colonies, declared free and independent States, 641.
United States, peaceful policy of, 59; duty of, concerning international law, 60, 61, 66; interest and duty of, in international law, 66; position of government towards South America, 66; exports of, compared, 79; navigation of, 83; trade with Holland and Russia, 93; duties as citizens of the, 176; how affected by pacification of Europe, 242; attention of, directed to internal improvements, 242; alliance with France declared void, 278; danger to, of dismemberment, 346; table showing progress in, from 1793 to 1851, 645; progress of, in arts and sciences, 648; coast survey of, 648; military resources of, 649; position of, in respect to the Holy Alliance, 681; conduct of, toward revolution in Hungary, 683.
United States Bank Bill, speech of Webster on, 320.
Upshur, Mr., correspondence in regard to Texas, 611; his object for admission of Texas, 611; Secretary of State, 560.
Van Buren, Martin, policy of his administration, 455; appointed Secretary of State, 581; his instructions to Mr. McLane, 581; nominated by Free Soil Party, 581; views of, relative to slavery in the District of Columbia, 582; influence in annexing Texas, 582; candidate for Presidency in 1844, 583.
Vansittart, Mr., resolution on the worth of a bank note, 491.
Verona, Congress at, 1822, 153; concerning Grecian independence, 70.
Veto Message, consequences of the, 337; denies authority of Supreme Court and Congress, 338.
Veto Power, abuse of, 493.
Vienna, society of, to encourage Grecian literature, 72.
Virginia, resolutions concerning commerce, 115; assembly of House of Burgesses in, 148; Thomas Jefferson, Governor of, 172; resolution concerning State rights, 256; resolutions of 1798 in regard to State rights, 263; ratification of the Constitution by, 289; cession of her Northwestern territory, 606; early feeling in regard to slavery, 619; cession of her public lands, 623; improbability of her secession, 646.
Visit and Search, identical, 662.
Visitation, Lord Holt's judgment on, in case of Exeter College, 7; power of, over corporations, 7; Stillingfleet's argument on power of, 8.
Visitor, applied to founder of incorporated charity, 7.
Volney's "Ruins of Empires," quoted, 520.
Voltaire, followers of, admitted to Girard College, 513.
Volunteers, difficulty in recruiting, 555.
Walker, Mr., took lead in annexing Texas, 609.
War, only declared by Congress, 287; Mr. Webster's defence of his course in, 459; of 1812, effect on prices, 81.
Warehouse System, of England, and United States, 90.
Warren, Gen. Joseph, measures toward erecting a monument to, 123; eulogized, 127.
Washington, Gen. George, 131, 168, 251; remark on battle of Bunker Hill, 142; apostrophe to, 149, 653; decease of, 156; administration supported by New England, 250; his inauguration at New York, 312; centennial anniversary at Washington, 339; representative government established under, 341; remark of Fisher Ames on, 342; basis of his character, 342; policy as to foreign relations, 343; domestic policy of, 344; exhortation against party spirit, 345; his regard for the Union, 345; toast of Webster to memory of, 346; his practice of addressing Congress in person, 374; civil character of, 577; foundation of Capitol laid by, 644, 652; monument to, 652.
Washington City, its favorable situation, 651; public dinner at, 339.
Washington, Treaty of, letter of Mr. Webster on the ratification of the, 666.
Webster, Daniel, remarks on African Slave Trade, 49; resolution to appoint an agent to Greece, 57; opinion of paper currency, 82; explains his change of opinion on protection, 110; President of Bunker Hill Monument Association, 125; address on completion of Bunker Hill Monument, 136; author of supposed speech against the Declaration, 167; eloquence defined by, 167; letter concerning the authorship of speech ascribed to John Adams, 177; his portrayal of murder, 195; reply to Hayne, 227; views on disposition of public lands, 237, 238; course pursued in Congress on internal improvements, 243; course concerning tariff, 247; sentiments on consolidation of the Union, 248; apostrophe to the Union, 269; reply to Calhoun in regard to State sovereignty, 273; speech at public dinner in New York, 307; defence of the Constitution, 317; circumstances of his birth, 319; respect of, for judicature of New York, 319; toast to City of New York, 319; presides at centennial anniversary of Washington, 339; toast to Washington, 346; sentiments on re-election of Jackson, 357; prediction in regard to irredeemable paper currency, 365; remark of J.Q. Adams on, 406; reception in New York, 1837, 422; opinions on slavery, 429; views on hard money, 440; devoted to service of United States, 457; reply to Mr. Calhoun, 458; denies Mr. Calhoun's charges, 458-60; defence of his course in war, 459; opposes Mr. Dallas's bill for a bank, 460; course in war of 1812, 461; early support to the navy, 461; answers Mr. Calhoun's charges in regard to slavery, 462; answer to Calhoun's charges on tariff, 463; political differences with Mr. Calhoun, 468; a hard-money man, 468; the log cabin of his father, 477; visit to Richmond, 478; speech at his reception in Boston, 481; Representative in Congress, 481; reception at Boston, Sept. 30, 1842, 481; Secretary of State under President Harrison, 482; visit and speech in England, 483; opposition to his remaining in the President's Cabinet (1841), 486; delicacy of his position in 1842, 486; study of the currency question, 492; speech at dinner of New England Society of New York, 496; toast at dinner of New England Society, at New York, 503; correspondence arising under Girard Will case, 505; letter to Madam Story on death of her son, 532; opposed admission of Texas into the Union, 559; against extension of slavery and slave representation, 574; invited by citizens of Marshfield to address them, 575; letter of, to citizens of Marshfield, 575; addresses the citizens of Marshfield, 575; opinion of Gen. Taylor for President, 576; opinion of Gen. Cass for President, 584; course concerning Texas, 612-614; Secretary of State, 613; in Senate, 613; ideas of peaceable secession, 621; letter to Eds. of National Intelligencer, enclosing letter of late Dr. Channing, 624; letter of W.E. Channing to, in respect to slavery, 624; reception at Buffalo, May 22, 1851, 626; course concerning slavery, 630; extract from speech on annexing Texas, 631; course during the crises of 1850, 637; account of laying the corner-stone of the Capitol, 652; letter to Lord Ashburton on impressment of seamen, 655; letter to Gen. Cass in respect to his construction of the treaty of Washington, 666, 667, 673; letter to Mr. Ticknor in respect to the Huelsemann letter, 678; letter to J.G. Huelsemann in respect to Mr. Mann's mission, 679; as a master of English style, xi; influence over and respect for the landed democracy, xiv; management of the Goodridge robbery case, xv; story told of him by Mr. Peter Harvey, xv; early style of rhetoric, xviii; letter to his friend Bingham, xix; acquaintance with Jeremiah Mason, xix; incident connected with the Dartmouth College argument, xxi; effect of his Plymouth oration of 1820, xxii; note to Mr. Geo. Ticknor on his Bunker Hill oration, 1825, xxiii; esteem for Henry J. Raymond, xxiv; the image of the British drum-beat, xxix; power of compact statement, xxxi; protest against Mr. Benton's Expunging Resolution, xxxi; arguments against nullification and secession unanswerable, xxxiii; moderation of expression, xxxv; abstinence from personalities, xxxvi; libelled by his political enemies, xxxvi; use of the word "respectable," xl; and Calhoun in debate, xliii; as a writer of State papers, xliv; as a stump orator, xlv; a friend of the laboring man, xlvi; compared with certain poets, xlviii; death-bed declaration of, li; fame of his speeches, li; compared with other orators, lvi; idealization of the Constitution, lix; anecdote of his differing from Lord Camden, lxii.
Webster, Fletcher, letter to Gen. Cass, 667.
Weir, Robert N., his painting of the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, 52.
Wesley, John, anecdote of, 511.
West India colonies, 34.
Wheelock, Rev. E., founder of Dartmouth College, 1.
Whig, origin of the term, 476.
Whigs, of New York, 443; Convention of, in Boston, 486; of Mass. declare separation from the President, 487; the revolution of 1840, success of the, 488; Gen. Taylor nominated by, 575.
White, Capt. Joseph, account of the murder of, 189; argument of Webster on, 194.
White, Mr., 416.
Wickliffe, John, burnt for heresy, 599.
Wilkins, Mr., bill of, concerning tariff, 273.
Williams, Mr., 489.
Wilmot Proviso, to be applied to Texas and other acquisitions, 611, 612; Mr. Polk's opinion of the, 616; not to be used as a reproach to Southern States, 616; espoused by the Free-Soil men, 631; proposition to apply to New Mexico and California, 632.
Windham, Mr., remark of, 622.
Winslow, Edward, Jr., first address on anniversary of landing of Pilgrims, delivered by, 25.
Winthrop, R.C., voted for tariff of 1842, 489.
Witherspoon, Mr., motion in Congress concerning commerce, 115.
Woman, how she performs her part in free government, 479.
Wool, proposition of English Parliament to abolish tax on, 90.
Woollen Manufactures, how affected by tariff of 1824, 101; of England and United States, 102.
Wright, Silas, voted for tariff of 1842, 489.
York, Duke of, anecdote in respect to his accession to the crown, 586.
Ypsilanti, Alexander, leads insurrection in Moldavia, 72.