SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. MAY 13, 1897 Vol. 1. NO. 27 $2.50 PER YEAR [Entered at Post Office, New York City, as second-class matter]
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for our subscribers to interest others in "The Great Round World," we will give to each subscriber who sends us $2.50 to pay for a year's subscription to a new name, a copy of
Rand, McNally & Co. 1897 Atlas of the World.
160 pages of colored maps from new plates, size 11 1/2 x 14 inches, printed on special paper with marginal index, and well worth its regular price - - - - $2.50.
Every one has some sort of an atlas, doubtless, but an old atlas is no better than an old directory; countries do not move away, as do people, but they do change and our knowledge of them increases, and this atlas, made in 1897 from new plates, is perfect and up to date and covers every point on
The Great Round World.
Those not subscribers should secure the subscription of a friend and remit $5 to cover it and their own. A copy of the atlas will be sent to either address.
* * * * *
3 and 5 West 18th Street, . . . . . . . .New York City.
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A Series of True Stories
Attractively Illustrated by Barnes.
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These stories will be issued in parts. Price, 10 cents each. Subscription price (12 numbers), $1.00. Part 1. issued as supplement to GREAT ROUND WORLD NO. 20.
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Author's Preface.
The stories published in this little volume have been issued from time to time in the Philadelphia Times, and it is at the request of many readers that they now greet the world in more enduring form. They have been written as occasion suggested, during several years; and they commemorate to me many of the friends I have known and loved in the animal world. "Shep" and "Dr. Jim," "Abdallah" and "Brownie," "Little Dryad" and "Peek-a-Boo." I have been fast friends with every one, and have watched them with such loving interest that I knew all their ways and could almost read their thoughts. I send them on to other lovers of dumb animals, hoping that the stories of these friends of mine will carry pleasure to young and old.
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WILLIAM BEVERLEY HARISON, 3 & 5 West 18th Street.
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A Good Agent Wanted In Every Town for "The Great Round World"
VOL. 1 MAY 13, 1897. NO. 27
The Grant parade is over, the monument given to and accepted by the City of New York, and the great day has come and gone as such days will, leaving behind it tired eyes and a confused memory of marching soldiers.
The sections of the parade in which THE GREAT ROUND WORLD took most interest were those in which the boys paraded, and especially the division in which the cadets and boys from the military schools marched.
This division was greeted with great enthusiasm all along the line, and well it might be! The soldierly make-up of these lads was a sight to see, and their discipline and marching were unsurpassed by any of the troops—regulars or militia.
The boys walked with a springing step, that showed no signs of fatigue, even as they rounded the reviewing stand, and reached the goal of their long march.
Among the many well-drilled companies of boy soldiers, marched one of artillery.
This was perhaps the prettiest feature of the whole parade, for everything was in miniature to match the size of the small artillerymen.
The field-piece which this company boasted was a tiny affair, drawn by two small ponies, and it had its two baby gunners to serve it.
These gunners were very military babies. They sat bolt upright, their arms crossed on their fat little chests in true soldier fashion, and no jolting of the gun-carriage could make those little backs bend, nor those small arms unfold.
There was also a company of naval cadets. These lads marched finely, with their cutlasses drawn, and held across their breasts. So steadily did they grasp their weapons, that it was hard to believe that they were held in place by nothing stronger than the will of these young heroes.
In every company that marched past, the lads showed a pride and steadiness that made one think that this boy soldiering was going to be of the greatest service to them later in life.
Boys are not, as a rule, noted for their neatness, and there are hosts of fine lads who find it hard to remember that clean hands and collars are among the necessary things of life.
Knowing this so well, it was all the more remarkable that, in all the long line of parading cadets, there was not so much as a rebellious lock of hair visible.
Each boy's buttons were in a straight line with those of the next boy, each shoulder-strap set at the same angle as its fellows, each gun was as well polished as its neighbor, and the spick and span appearance the line presented, after its long fatiguing march, spoke volumes in favor of military training.
The School-Boy Cadets were without doubt one of the best features of the parade, and next to them in interest came the boys from the public schools.
These lads also marched splendidly, with fine bearing and excellent discipline! And what a fine-looking set of boys they were! They had no uniforms or guns to help their appearance, nothing but their own bright faces to show them off, but every mother along the line must have felt proud to see the kind of lads that her boys are growing up amongst.
Young America showed to very great advantage in the Grant parade, which will be memorable as the second occasion on which such a great number of boys were marched in line. The first time was at the Columbus celebration.
It is said that nearly five thousand lads marched.
* * * * *
It is somewhat sad to turn from our own beautiful military pageant to the Graeco-Turkish war.
The people of Europe are speaking very severely about the behavior of the Powers in regard to Greece.
The decision of the Powers, it must be remembered, is not the result of the wishes of the people, but rather of the scheming and planning of the diplomats of the various countries.
The Powers have a great deal at stake in Turkey, and there is no doubt that, whatever they may say, there is not one of the diplomats who does not wish to see Turkey get the best of it.
There is a great deal of European money in Turkey, and, shameful as it may seem, it would appear that this money has played a very important part in the action of the Powers, a part far above and beyond the fear they all have, that if Turkey is beaten and the empire divided, some one country may seize a larger slice of the plunder than another.
Turkey, as we have said before, is bankrupt, and to be able to carry on her government at all she has had to borrow enormous sums from the rich men of Europe.
These men fear that if Turkey is defeated they will lose the money they have lent, and it is openly said that they have been the means of hampering Greece, until Turkey has had time to gather enough forces together to crush her.
The people of Europe are indignant that the Powers are doing Turkey's work for her in Crete, and making it possible for her to bring all her forces together against the Greeks, instead of having to divide them as the Greeks have.
The unfriendliness of the Powers toward Greece is shown in a suggestion, which it was said was the German Emperor's, to blockade the Greek fleet, keep it in one of its own ports, and prevent it from assisting the army.
This proposal was made after war had been declared.
Germany was supported in this plan by Russia and Austria, and it is said that the Emperors were so sure of being able to carry their plan through that they told Turkey she might send all the arms she needed to the seaports, as they would be perfectly safe from the Greeks.
The rest of the Powers would not hear of this, which was something to their credit. They spoke so very plainly about it that the three Emperors gave it up.
Greece is in a most unfortunate position, thanks to the interference of the Powers, and unless something happens to turn the tide of war in her favor, she will probably be utterly defeated by the Turks.
The loss of Milouna Pass was a severe blow to Greece, but not half so bad as the fall of Larissa, which from all accounts appears to have been a very disastrous affair.
The Greeks appear to have behaved in a very cowardly, rebellious way, and the whole story is very discouraging.
A battle was fought at Mati, and the Turks, who had swarmed through the pass, were victorious, and the Greeks were forced to retreat.
Unfortunately there was no good general to manage the movement, and instead of falling back in an orderly manner, they seem to have hurried away from the battle in a mob.
A newspaper correspondent who was present says that the men straggled along sullenly: the soldiers, mule-trains, carts, wagons, guns, and crying villagers, women, and children in a panic-stricken crowd.
A few officers tried to restore order and to make the soldiers re-form their ranks; but their efforts were already hopeless, when a cry arose:
"The Turks are upon us!"
At this, the mob began to run for life, helter-skelter, pell-mell, trampling each other under foot, the soldiers actually shooting any one who barred their way.
To make things still worse, the retreat had begun at nightfall, and it was in the darkness of night that the cry, "The Turks are upon us!" was raised.
As a matter of fact, there were no Turks in sight, and nobody quite knows how the scare was started.
In their mad rush the people at last reached Larissa, leaving the road they had travelled strewn with guns and baggage, and dead and dying comrades.
Arrived in Larissa, the soldiers threw themselves on the ground, taking no heed of the trumpets calling them to rejoin their regiments.
When morning came the officers collected their men, and formed them into companies in marching order.
Then the news crept out that Larissa was to be abandoned; and another scene of confusion followed, the people fighting each other in their mad endeavors to escape.
Special trains moved out of the city for Volo; the people crowded the platforms, and even climbed on the roofs of the cars in their eagerness to get away.
The Greek army retreated to Pharsala, without so much as striking a blow for Larissa!
So wild a rush was made when Larissa was abandoned, that the soldiers did not even fold their tents or carry away their baggage.
When the Turks arrived before Larissa, they occupied the very tents left by the fugitive Greek army.
You may imagine how angry Greece was at this!
The people think that the Crown Prince is not a good soldier, and they are reported to have demanded his recall.
This indeed seems to be necessary, for even the Turks laughed at the want of generalship shown in the retreat made by the Greeks.
The Greeks are not cowards by any means, but without good officers to lead them, the bravest men are of little use.
King George seems fully to understand that his son cannot lead the troops, and is willing to meet the wishes of the people.
As far as known at the present moment, he has recalled the staff of officers who advised the Crown Prince, and has sent in their place men who are thought to be better soldiers.
The loss of Larissa is declared to be solely due to the bad generalship of the Crown Prince.
The people of Athens were very much enraged when they heard the mistakes that had been made by the army, and the foolish way that several of the battles had been lost.
They insisted that the trouble was due to the King's interference in military matters; they declared that the men he had sent with Prince Constantine to command the army were not soldiers, but merely favorites at court.
The Greek fleet and the troops in Epirus may yet do a good deal to offset the mischief that has been done in Thessaly, but the fate of Greece seems to depend upon the result of the next few days.
It must not be forgotten that many armies that have met with defeat at first, have gathered courage, and gained victories that have changed the whole course of events. With the memories of Marathon, Thermopylae, and Salamis in their hearts, the Greeks need never despair.
We told you of these celebrated battles in No. 25—in the story of Ancient Greece. Miss Yonge in her stories of Greek History has written a very complete and interesting account of them also.
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There has been quite a stir in the Senate, caused by the new Senator from Illinois, Mr. Mason.
This gentleman has introduced a resolution asking that the Senate provide some rule for closing debate, and bringing to a vote questions before that body.
Although there is a rule in the House of Representatives by which discussion of any question may be stopped, it has been the custom in the Senate to allow unlimited discussion, and in some cases this right has been used to "kill" certain measures. This was attempted a few years ago when the bill to repeal the "Sherman law" was before the Senate and some of the Senators think that it is now being employed to kill Mr. Morgan's Cuban Bill and the Arbitration Treaty.
To prevent this Mr. Mason wishes a rule of cloture (or closure, as it is called in England) adopted. This is a French word, meaning, to bring to an ending, or close.
Such a rule was introduced in the English House of Commons by Mr. Gladstone in 1882, when the debates on the Irish question threatened to be endless, and the whole business of Parliament was stopped by a few members exercising their right to speak as long as they chose.
The rule of cloture operates in this way. When the debate has continued for some time and any member believes that the majority have heard enough, he introduces a motion that "The question be now put;" and if this is passed, all debate is stopped, and the presiding officer must immediately call for a vote on the question which has been under debate.
What has been called "Senatorial courtesy" has heretofore prevented the passage of a rule of cloture in the Senate, but Mr. Mason thinks that the transaction of public business is of more importance than any exaggerated courtesy among the Senators.
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We spoke last week about the invasion of Hawaii by the Japanese.
It seems that the immigrants, turned back from Honolulu, have made up their minds to go to California; and it is said that they are trying to reach San Francisco by way of British Columbia.
It is doubtful if they will be any more welcome here than they were in Hawaii, and it is probable that means will be found to prevent them from landing, if they come in large numbers.
We did this with the Chinese, and there is little doubt that we will do the same with the Japanese, if they begin to trouble us.
There is at this moment a little trouble about the Chinese, and that you may understand it fully, we will go over the whole matter.
In the early days of emigration to California, those days when the wonderful discoveries of gold were attracting adventurous spirits, the Chinese were among the first to go there.
At first they were welcomed and kindly treated, but after a while it was found that Chinamen would work for less wages than white men, and therefore obtained employment when the white men were left in idleness. From this the pioneers came to distrust John Chinaman, and then to dislike him.
In 1877 there was a serious anti-Chinese riot in California, and five Chinamen were killed by the mob.
The rioting and the feeling against the Chinese became so serious that California at last asked Congress to interfere.
The result of this trouble was that a Chinese Embassy was established here for the protection of the Chinamen, and our Government took steps to prevent their coming into this country in such numbers.
In 1882 the question came up again, and a bill was passed by Congress, forbidding Chinamen to enter this country for twenty years.
President Arthur vetoed this bill, on the ground that it did not agree with our treaty with China. A new bill was then passed, stopping immigration for ten years, and this Mr. Arthur signed.
By this bill it became a crime, for which people could be imprisoned, to bring a Chinaman into the country.
In 1892, when the ten years covered by the bill had passed, a fresh bill called "The Chinese Exclusion Bill" was put through Congress, and made a law.
By this bill, the landing of any Chinese person was strictly forbidden, and all Chinamen living in the country were forced to take out a certificate, licensing them to remain. Any Chinaman found without such a certificate was to be imprisoned, and sent back to his own country.
The Chinese were much annoyed at this. They protested, but the United States Government remained firm. In the years that had passed since 1882, the people had had time to find out that the Chinese did not make good citizens.
One cause of complaint against them, is that they have brought with them their horrible habit of smoking opium, introduced it among our citizens, and in that way alone have done us more harm than they can ever repair.
Besides this, the fact that they would work for less money than our own workmen was very harmful to our citizens.
Employers will always get their work done for as little as possible, and if the Chinamen had been allowed to swarm into this country, and work for the pittance they ask, the result would have been that our own workmen would have been obliged to take the same miserable wages or starve.
The Chinamen like this country, and are willing to work for anything they can get, because they are so much better off here than at home.
It is their anxiety to get over to this free land that is causing the present difficulty.
To make the Tennessee Exposition a great success, Congress resolved to make it possible for China to send over an exhibit of her wonderful art works.
A resolution was therefore passed, that the Chinese Exclusion Law shall not be held to prevent the landing of Chinamen who are going to exhibit at the Exposition, or whose labor is necessary to prepare the exhibit.
The bill, happily, adds that Chinamen coming to this country on Exposition business must have a special permission from the Secretary of the Treasury before they will be allowed to land, and that they can only stay in the country one year after the close of the Exposition. If found in the country after that time, they will be arrested, and then sent back to China.
This was too fine a chance for the Chinese to miss. They started for this country by the hundred, all declaring that they had special business at the Fair.
Word was sent to the Secretary of the Treasury that over 2,000 Chinamen had started for these shores to get the exhibit in order. This seemed so serious, that the Government began to look into the matter.
Several weeks ago 179 of these undesirable immigrants came into the United States, and another batch of one hundred and fourteen are waiting to enter.
As you may suppose, such an invasion as this had to be stopped, and stopped quickly.
The Secretary of the Treasury sent to the Attorney-General, and asked him whether, under the new resolution, any and every Chinaman had to be admitted to this country, or whether he had power to limit the number.
Mr. McKenna, the Attorney-General, gave it as his opinion that the Secretary of the Treasury has full power to say how many shall be allowed to enter the country.
The Secretary, Mr. Lyman Gage, then inquired of the Exposition company how many Chinamen were really necessary to do the work for the Fair. Word was sent back that only two hundred were required.
On receipt of this, the Secretary of the Treasury determined to put a stop to the matter at once, and forbade the issuing of permits to more than the necessary two hundred.
There will be great disgust among the Chinese; the first batch of 179 got through safely, but only 21 of the second lot will be admitted, and the rest of them will have to go back to the Flowery Kingdom, sadder but wiser men.
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News has come that the town of Guthrie in the new Territory of Oklahoma has been destroyed by a flood.
The Cottonwood River, which flows through the town, had been so high for some days that it was feared it might overflow and do some damage, and the citizens had been watching it, and taking every precaution against a flood. Men had been stationed on the bridges ready to give the alarm if the river rose so high that there was danger.
On April 27th the danger appeared to be past, the river fell a few feet, and though the watchers were still kept at their posts, no one supposed that a flood would really come.
At six o'clock in the morning of April 28th, the men on the bridges heard a terrible roaring up the river valley. Convinced that a flood was coming, they gave the alarm, ringing the fire-bells, and warning the people to flee for their lives.
So unexpected was the alarm, that the people did not seem to understand what the danger was. Tornadoes are frequent in that western country, and some hearing the roar of the flood and thinking that the danger that threatened them was the wind, rushed to the caves which they had made for shelter from tornadoes, and these poor people were soon drowned by the flood.
Others stopped to save what they could, and they, too, were caught by the water.
Very soon after the alarm was given, a great wave of water came sweeping down the valley.
It is described as having been thirty feet high and one mile broad.
It swept everything before it, toppling over the houses like cardboard boxes. The terrified people climbed into trees, and clutched at anything within reach, to save themselves.
The rush of the water lasted till ten o'clock, then it ceased, and finally began to subside.
The sudden flood was due to a cloud-burst, which is a great fall of rain coming down without warning over a very small area of land, the contents of the whole cloud being discharged at once.
This mass of water rushing into the already swollen river made it burst its banks, and sweep over the surrounding country.
It is said that about one hundred persons have been drowned, and two thousand rendered homeless.
* * * * *
There is hopeful news for us of the floods in the Mississippi Valley.
The river is falling slightly in some districts, and it is hoped that the floods will have entirely gone down in the next ten days.
The distress is terrible, however. In some places the river is sixteen miles wide, and it will take a long time for such a quantity of water to drain off.
Below New Orleans, for a distance of fifty miles, it is said that the country is entirely under water.
A serious break occurred in the levee at Keokuk, Iowa, but with this exception no levees have given way. It is hoped that the worst is over.
* * * * *
News comes from Cuba that the Spanish have met with two serious reverses.
At Guamo, in Santiago de Cuba, the Cubans, under General Calixto Garcia, routed a body of Spaniards 2,000 strong.
The Cubans had mined the roads with dynamite, which they exploded as the main body of the Spaniards passed over.
During the confusion and fright that followed, the insurgents fell upon the troops, killing many, and finally putting the whole force to flight.
The second engagement was in the Province of Havana, where the Cubans played another of their old tricks, and led the Spaniards into a trap they had prepared for them.
The Spaniards met a small force of Cubans, which retreated before them. They followed hotly, until suddenly the fleeing insurgents turned and attacked them, and before the Spaniards had time to make out what this meant, they were also attacked vigorously from the rear, and found they had been again entrapped by the enemy.
The fight lasted five hours, and then the Spaniards were obliged to retreat.
We spoke, a few weeks ago, of the port of Banes which the insurgents had secured in Santiago de Cuba. It is said that four cruisers and several gunboats have been ordered there to retake it from the Cubans.
Many people have criticised General Gomez for not gathering his forces together to fight one big battle which shall decide the war.
The General has written a letter explaining his reasons for fighting the war in the way he is doing.
He says that the Spanish force is so much larger and better armed than his own, that he could not hope to win a pitched battle.
It is his opinion that the only way to fight the Spaniards with success is constantly to worry them with small bodies of men, and waste the Spanish money in keeping up the army until finally they cannot continue the war any longer.
He feels sure of success in the end.
* * * * *
General Miles, of the United States army, has made a trip to Sandy Hook, to look at a new method of defence that has just been designed for our coast-line.
This consists of a concrete wall twenty feet thick, against which is a huge embankment of sand.
This invention is intended to protect our forts from the terrible shot fired by the modern guns. As we told you the other day, these guns fire heavy shot which will pierce through such strong walls that the old methods of defence are of little use.
Under these circumstances, in considering the kind of coast defence we would make, it became necessary to find something that would resist these powerful guns.
It was thought that an embankment of sand, placed in front of the walls of the fort, would lessen the force of the shot, and render it almost harmless before it could reach the wall, so a small fort was built as an experiment.
The result proved to be exactly what the designer had supposed it would be.
Three guns of different power were tried on the bank, and fired at short range.
It was found that the sand-bank was an ideal defence.
The heavy shots ploughed into the bank, and, meeting the great resistance of the sand, were turned out of their course, and forced upward to the top of the sand-pile, without having reached the concrete wall at all.
The test was considered very satisfactory, especially as such fortifications can be very easily made all along the coast, and at a very small expense.
* * * * *
Permission has been granted by the President for General Miles, the commanding general of our army, to go to Greece and study the war there, and on his way back to visit all the other European nations and observe their armies. He will make a report to the War Department on his return.
He expected to sail on May 6th.
* * * * *
There has been a change in the Ministers who govern Greece. The angry people demanded the change after the retreat from Larissa.
M. Delyannis resigned his position as Prime Minister, and M. Ralli, the leader of the Opposition, was chosen in his place.
M. Ralli declared that he was able to save his country, and that he would do so. His brave words encouraged the despondent Athenians, and he became the hero of the hour.
He stated that all the trouble had arisen because the army needed thorough reorganizing, and that as soon as he had taken the oath of office, he would go to the army, strive to give the soldiers fresh courage, and make the changes that he considered necessary.
M. Ralli has long been a very important man in Greek politics. His party has been opposed to that of the King, and he has never hesitated to speak his mind when he thought things were not being properly conducted by the King's party.
Seven years ago he called attention to the condition of the army, which he said needed many changes if it were to be useful in time of war.
His words passed unheeded at that time. Now that he is in power, it is to be hoped that his work of reorganizing will not come too late to do any good.
M. Delyannis, the former Premier, was not willing to resign his position when the King asked him to do so, but when he found that the people were in such a state of excitement that a change was necessary, he gave up his charge.
He has behaved very nobly since then.
It was feared that he might be unfriendly to M. Ralli, and do all he could to hamper the new government, but, instead, he sent word to the new Prime Minister that though they belong to different political parties, they are one in their desire to help their beloved country, and that he will therefore do everything in his power to assist.
The new Ministry came into office on Thursday, April 29th, and on Sunday, May 2d, two of the members were at Pharsala, reviewing the troops, and finding out just what the needs of the army were.
While these events were going on in Athens, many things were happening at the seat of war.
After the Turks had secured Larissa, they advanced upon the town of Volo, a seaport on the Gulf of Volo (see THE GREAT ROUND WORLD war map).
This city the Turks captured without much resistance, the soldiers giving up their arms.
The loss of Volo was another great blow to Greece, because it was the port to which all the troops, war material, and food for the Thessalian army were sent.
The military roads in Greece are very few, and as the waterways are so many and so good, most of the transporting is done by water. Now that they can no longer use the port of Volo, the Greeks will find it much more difficult to feed and care for their army.
While the Greeks were still bemoaning their losses, news was brought of their army's great victory at Velestino.
This town lies at the junction of a railroad which connects Larissa, Volo, and Pharsala. It is marked on your map.
Here the Greeks made a stand, and, after a fight which lasted for two days, were victorious.
This success has put fresh heart into the nation; especially as the fall of Larissa and the news that the army in Epirus had fallen back on Arta, and given up the hope of taking Janina when it was almost in its grasp, had sadly disheartened the Greeks.
M. Ralli has decided not to listen to any suggestions about making terms with Turkey and bringing the war to a close. Instead, he has called on all Greeks capable of bearing arms to join the army and fight for their country.
This policy does not quite please the Powers.
Turkey is becoming a little too strong for them. They fear that if she once takes her place as a powerful and warlike nation, she will no longer allow Europe to tell her what to do.
For several days after the first disaster to the Greek army, the Powers expected that Greece would apply to them for help, so they declared that they would certainly give her no assistance unless she withdrew her army from Crete.
Greece, however, did not ask for help.
The Powers then turned their attention to Turkey. But Turkey had tasted the sweets of victory, and bluntly replied that she did not want any interference.
Finally, the only way for the Powers to get their fingers in the pie seemed for them to call a conference to look after the interests of both parties.
This plan was suggested by England, but Emperor William of Germany upset it very quickly by declaring that Greece must withdraw her troops from Crete before any steps are taken, and this Greece will not do.
The general opinion is that all hope for Greece is now over. It is thought that she cannot possibly beat Turkey, and that in the end the Powers will be obliged to interfere to prevent the Turks from overrunning and destroying Greece.
The Greeks themselves do not seem to consider their cause hopeless, and are preparing to continue the struggle.
The army in Thessaly is now under the command of General Smolenski, from whom much is expected, for he is a fine soldier.
The army in Epirus is once more advancing on Janina.
The fleet has so far done little, and people are much disappointed in consequence.
The Admiral in charge has also been changed, and it is to be hoped that the new commanders of both army and navy may do good service for their country.
Invention and Discovery.
Every boy who is fond of carpentering will be delighted with the little invention illustrated below.
All boys who are not thoroughly expert joiners know the great difficulties that lie in the way of making partitions neat and workmanlike in appearance.
With this little invention it will be possible to give a neatness and a firmness to corners that few amateurs have been able to attain.
This patent is a small metal clasp which is laid over the joint and pressed firmly on every side of it.
It is easily applied, and should be used by all carpenters.
* * * * *
This attachment for bicycles seems to be a very useful and sensible one.
It is intended for use on newspaper routes, and is made with a wire attachment over the front wheel in which the papers can be carried.
Newspaper dealers have to arrange the delivery of the daily papers into routes, much in the same way that the postmen do the letters they carry, and a great many boys are employed to carry these papers about.
It takes a long time to walk over the route, and it would save the newspaper dealers a great deal of time if they could find a better means of delivering their papers, than the employment of so many small boys.
With the newspaper rack for bicycles the dealer himself will be able to do more than half the work, and save himself money, as well as the anxiety lest his boys are not doing their work properly.
Letters From Our Young Friends.
I am glad that the Spaniards have other wars to attend to, so that they will let Cuba alone, and so that Cuba can have a government of its own and have the island of Cuba. I hope that if the Spaniards do not stop fighting Cuba that troops of the United States will go and fight the Spaniards out in a hurry.
My sister takes your GREAT ROUND WORLD, and I have been reading it, and enjoy it very much.
I wish that you would tell us how the flying machine is getting along. Yours truly,
EDITH S. ONEONTA, N.Y., April 17th, 1897.
Up to the time of answering your very welcome letter we have no fresh news of the flying machine. As soon as we hear anything that we are sure is true we will tell you. EDITOR
I wish you would get a pattern of the kite. My teacher reads your paper, and I am very interested in the newspaper. We have it in school. I was seven years old on Sunday. Please put this letter in the newspaper. It is the first one I have ever written. Yours truly,
We are very proud to think that the first letter you have ever written has been to us. Please write again—often. If you will look in the last number of THE GREAT ROUND WORLD you will see an answer to Sydney G. about the kite. We told him just where to find the pattern for it. EDITOR.
I want to ask you about the great monster, and did they take him to Washington? I am eight years old. Please put my letter in the paper. Good-by. MURRAY W.S.
BALTIMORE, MD., March 23d, 1897.
Mr. Merrill, the Acting Curator of the Smithsonian Institution, has been kind enough to send us the following letter about the monster that was washed ashore on the coast of Florida.
Our young readers should get The American Naturalist, and read the article. EDITOR.
In reply to your letter of April 4th, I regret to say that the nature of the animal which was washed ashore on the coast of Florida is still undetermined. Some authorities are inclined to regard the remains as a portion of the head of a whale. On pages 304-307 of the April number of The American Naturalist is a very full discussion of the subject by Professor A.E. Verrill, of Yale College. This may be of interest to you.
Yours respectfully, GEORGE E. MERRILL, Acting Executive Curator. WASHINGTON, April 9th, 1897.
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WILLIAM BEVERLEY HARISON, - - 5 West 18th Street, N.Y.
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THE GREAT ROUND WORLD 3 & 5 West 18th Street, New York City