Justification by faith, revealed to Luther, 125. held by Huss, 140. learned by Wesley, 253-256. see also Faith.
Justification by works, 55, 56, 73, 83, 123, 253, 255, 256.
Kingdom, when the saints will inherit, 322. reception of, by Christ, 427, 479, 480. of God, when set up, 323. of glory, 347. of grace, 347, 348.
Knox, John, work of, in Scotland, 250, 251. conflict of, with Queen Mary, 250, 251. belief of, in second coming of Christ, 303.
Laborers, to be qualified by Holy Spirit, in latter rain, 606.
Lacunza, work of, in South America, 363.
Latimer, supremacy of Bible upheld by, 248, 249. martyrdom of, 249.
Latter rain, power attending, 611-613.
Law, ceremonial, abrogation of, by death of Christ, 328.
Law, moral, the foundation of God's government, 66. immutability of, 66, 433-450, 454, 466, 467, 503. not abrogated by Christ, 260, 466-468. sacredness of, 433, 434. perpetuity of, 434, 453. unerring rule of life, 452. knowledge of, preserved in earth, 453. nature of, 467. defended by Wesley, 262-264. in ark in heavenly sanctuary, 433, 434. reveals sin, 467, 468. blessings in obedience to, 478. standard of character in judgment, 482. how regarded by religious leaders, 465, 466; by prophets and apostles, 466. to be rejected by Christian world, 22. changes made in, by Roman Catholic Church, 52, 65, 446. result of believing it abolished, 260-262. trampled underfoot by Rome, 65, 453; by France, 274, 285, 286. result of disobeying, 478. result of setting aside, 584-588. Satan's object, to lead into transgression of, 582. wide-spread belief in abrogation of, 584, 585. light on, to be given to all, 605. wicked see in hand of Christ at second advent, 639, 668. see also Fourth commandment; Sabbath; Sanctuary; Temple in heaven.
Laws, oppressive, to be enacted in the United States, 442.
Laymen, advent message largely proclaimed by, 380.
Lefevre, first in France to receive Reformation, 212. teachings of, 213. translation of New Testament by, 214.
Leopard beast of Revelation thirteen, interpretation of, 439, 578. characteristics of, 446. see also Beast.
Lessons in God's dealings with men, 343, 344.
Liberality in religious belief, sometimes danger in, 520-522.
Liberty, civil and religious, Wycliffe's struggle for, 80. end of religious, in Bohemia, 118. secured by edict of Spires, 197, 198. in Germany, 200, 201. goes with Bible, 265, 276, 277, 281, 285. not license, 281, 284. rejection of principles of, by France, 265, 276, 277, 281, 285. false ideas of, 522, 535. in God's law, 285, 466-468. carnal, 559. of conscience once valued by Protestants, 563. see also Persecution; Puritans; Religious liberty; United States.
Light of truth, result of rejecting, 164, 165, 378, 431, 456, 458-460, 583, 597. importance of receiving, 344, 408. to be faithfully disseminated, 459, 460.
Liquor-dealers, influence of Miller's preaching on, 332.
Lisbon earthquake, 304, 305.
Litch, Josiah, prediction of, regarding fall of Ottoman empire, 334, 335.
Literature, circulation of, by Waldenses, 70, 71. in time of Wycliffe, 84, 85, 87-89, 94. in Bohemia, 96, 97, 99, 100, 119. in time of Luther, 139, 140, 160, 169, 194. in Switzerland, 178. in France, 214, 215, 231. in Geneva, 236. in Scotland, 249. see also Books; Writings.
Little horn of Daniel seven, 446. see also Leopard beast.
Lollards, persecution of, 94, 95. Lollard towers, 95.
Lord's day, see Sabbath; Fourth commandment; Sunday; Roman Catholic Church.
Lord's supper, supplanted by the mass, 59.
Lot, escape of, 431, 512.
Lotteries, 387.
Louis XV., selfishness of, 280.
Louis XVI., execution of, 230.
Lucian, 178.
Lucifer, the originator of evil, 493-499. desire of, to penetrate secret purposes of God, 523. see also Satan.
Luther, Martin, 120-170, 185-210. early years, parentage, and training of, 120-122. study of Scriptures by, 122, 123. work of, in University of Wittenberg, 124-126, 128, 139. visit of, to Rome, 124, 125. accepts doctrine of righteousness by faith, 125. theses of, against indulgences, 129, 130. efforts of Rome against, 131, 137, 140-144. trial of, at Augsburg, 135-137. refusal of, to recant, 136. escape of, from Augsburg, 137. wide influence of writings of, 139, 140, 194. crisis in work of, 141-143. courage of, 141, 142, 151-153. final separation of, from Rome, 143. journey of, to Worms, 151-153. before the Diet, 155-161. prayer of, 157. refusal of, to compromise with Rome, 165, 166. edict of Rome against, 167. seclusion of, in Wartburg castle, 168, 169. saved from self-exaltation, 169, 170. efforts of, against fanaticism at Wittenberg, 188-193. translation of New Testament by, 193. resort to secular power for protection, opposed by, 209. belief of, in second coming of Christ, 303. on time of the judgment, 356. on state of the dead, 549.
Lutterworth, see Wycliffe.
Magi, rank, learning, and wealth of, 315. Hebrew Scriptures understood by, 315. watching for the Messiah, 315. light heeded by, 316.
Man, nature of, at creation, 467. Satan plots ruin of, 531. looking to, in place of God, 595.
"Man of sin," developed by compromise between paganism and Christianity, 50, 266. See Papacy.
Margaret, sister of Francis I., a Protestant, 214. protector of Protestants, 221-224.
Mark of the beast, sign of allegiance to Rome, 445-450, 579, 627. how received, 604, 605. see also Image; Protestants; United States.
Marks of the crucifixion, Christ always to bear, 674.
Marriage as a symbol, 381, 382. supper of the Lamb, 427, 428.
Martyrs, early Christian, 40, 47. in the sixth century, 54, 55. by the Inquisition, in the thirteenth century, 59. no fear of death in, 74. in England, 94, 95, 247, 249, 252. in Bohemia, 98, 109, 110, 114, 115, 254. in Switzerland, 180. in Germany, 211. in France, 217, 218, 220, 225-230, 271, 282. in Meaux, 215. in the Netherlands, 238, 240. in Scotland, 249, 250.
Mary, Queen of Scots, and John Knox, 250, 251.
Mass (or Eucharist), 59, 189, 190.
Meaux, Reformation in, 214, 215, 219.
Mediator, Christ as, 74, 75, 126, 133, 488. when man will be without a, 425.
Melanchthon, the friend of Luther, 134, 151, 210. perplexed by fanaticism, 187. rescues Grynaeus, 205. Augsburg Confession drawn up by, 196-206. on second advent, 303.
Mendicants, see Friars.
Menno Simons, work of, 238, 239.
Mercy of God, to first disciples, 348. door of, open, 429, 430, 435. shown in destruction by flood, 543.
Message of Revelation eighteen, when given, 390, 603. condition of world under, 603, 604. see also First angel's message; Second angel's message; Third angel's message; Advent Movement.
Messiah, prophecies of, 326, 327, 345, 346, 410. first advent of, explained to Joseph Wolff, 357-359. Jews ignorant of coming of, 378. see also Christ; First advent.
Meteoric shower, see Stars.
Methodists, origin of, 257. character of, in days of Wesley, 259. persecution of, 259. see also Wesley.
Middle Ages, 66, 572. see also Dark Ages.
Midnight, God's people delivered at, 636. of the world (figurative), 60.
Midnight cry, 398-408, 426, 427. impelling power of, 402.
Millennium, temporal, not taught in Bible, 321. effect of belief in, 321. condition of earth during, 653-660. see also Thousand years.
Miller, William, 317-342. early years and character of, 317, 318, 335. conversion of, from infidelity, 319. study of Bible by, 319-330. called to preach, 330, 331. work of, 331, 332, 368-375. associates of, in labors, 335. opposition to, by religious teachers, 335-337. protected by angels, 337. wrong conclusion of, regarding end of 2300 days, 351-353. proclamation of second advent message committed to, 368. attitude of, toward fanaticism, 396, 397. see also Advent Movement; First angel's message.
Mind, when under control of Satan, 59. a law of the, 555.
Ministers, training of, by Vaudois, 70, 71. influence of popular, in undermining faith in Bible, 336. errors taught by, 536. not infallible, 596, 597. leaning on, for religious belief, 596. harvest from false teachings of, 654, 655. see also Preaching.
Ministration, of earthly priests, 413, 418-422. of Christ, 413, 415-417, 420-422, 480, 482-485, 488-491. of angels, 480, 482, 486, 487, 511.
Miracles, of Christ; casting out of devils, at Gadara, 514, 515; man possessed, blind and dumb, 515; youth who had dumb spirit, 515; demoniac at Capernaum, 516. of healing, to be performed in time of trouble, 612, 624. so-called, in support of Sunday observance, 575-577; through agency of Spiritualism, 588; counterfeit, 593; of Satan, 612, 624.
Missionary spirit, the spirit of Christ, 70.
Missionaries, Waldensian, 70-76. in England, 87, 94. Whitefield and the Wesleys in America, 254. see also Colporteurs; Writings; Wolff.
Missions, foreign, growth of, 287.
Monasteries, 82-84.
Money, Wesley on right use of, 385. how squandered by professed Christians, 475. used in self-indulgence, 488.
Monks, 82-85. see also Friars; Monasteries.
Moon, darkening of, 305-308. see also Signs.
Moravians, churches of, 119. in storm at sea, 254, 255. Wesley's stay among, 255, 256.
Morin, 225, 226
Moses, writer of Pentateuch, 434.
Munsterites, 239.
Muenzer, 191-193.
Myconius, 183.
Mysteries, revealed, 341, 599. unrevealed, 522.
Mystery in God's providences, 47, 48.
Mystery of iniquity, work of, in early church, 49, 384, 385.
National prosperity, foundation of, 277-279, 285, 286.
National reform movement, 587.
Nature, worship of, 522, 583.
Nehemiah, 56.
Nero, character of, 78. among Satan's host, at end of world, 667. mother of, 667.
Netherlands, progress of Reformation in, 237-240.
New birth, results of, 468.
New earth, description of, 675-678.
New England, as an asylum for the oppressed, 295, 296. advent message in, 332.
New Jerusalem, as the bride, 426, 427. righteous welcomed to, 646, 647, 665. descends from heaven, 663. effort of Satan to conquer, 663, 664. metropolis of new earth, 676.
New Testament, see Bible, translations of.
Nineveh, Jonah's message to, 406.
Noah, message of, 337-339, 371, 431, 491. Sabbath kept by, 453.
Nobles, of France, 279, 280.
Obedience, blessings of, 476.
OEcolampadius, character and work of, 182-184. death of, 212.
Offerings, see Sanctuary.
Olivetan, cousin of Calvin, 220.
One hundred and forty-four thousand, song of, 648.
Open door, see Door of mercy.
Oppression, see Dark Ages; Papacy; Persecution.
Ottoman empire, fall of, predicted by Litch, 334, 335.
Paganism, union of, with Christianity, 43, 50, 52. persecutions under, 39-48. errors of, in Christian church, 58.
Pagan Rome, in prophecy, 438. authority of, transferred to papacy, 54, 439. see also Dragon.
Palestine, travels of Wolff in, 360.
Papacy, establishment of, 50, 54. supremacy of, 50, 51, 60, 82, 126, 251, 453, 573, 581. condition of world under, 60. arrogance of, 50, 60. attitude of, toward Waldenses, 76-78. efforts of, to silence Wycliffe, 85, 86. the great schism in, 86, 87, 103. how represented in prophecy, 438, 439, 445, 446, 578. special characteristic of, 446. how Protestants pay homage to, 442, 447, 448. attempt of, to change law of God, 52, 446. character and aims of, 562-581. infallibility claimed by, 50, 57, 564. in the United States, 564, 573. future success of, 566, 572. an attractive religion, 566. right to pardon sin, claimed by, 83, 567. compared to Jewish church, 568. cruelty of, 569-571. false science to prepare way for, 573. to regain power, 578-581. see also Pope; Popes; Roman Catholic Church; Traditions.
Parable, of ten virgins, 393-395, 398, 400, 402, 426-428. of marriage supper, 428.
Pardon for sin, claimed by Rome, 83, 567. obtained only through Christ, 126.
Paris, the Reformation in, 212-230. conditions in, at Revolution, 279, 283.
Park, Edwards A., on law of God, 465, 466.
Passover lamb, Christ represented by, 399.
Pastors, trusting to, for religious belief, 380, 655. see also Ministers.
Paul, conversion of, 328. commission of, to Gentiles, 328. heresy in days of, 396. warning of, to Thessalonians, 456. accusation against, 458. an example of true sanctification, 471. protected by angels, 512. courageous opposer of wrong, 520. in the New Jerusalem, 667.
Penalty, civil, to be inflicted for keeping law of God, 459.
Penance, 56.
Pentecost, 351; experience of last days similar to, 611. see also Holy Spirit.
People of God, suppression of history of, during Dark Ages, 61. contrasted with worshipers of beast and image, 445, 446. distinguished by regard for fourth commandment, 446. during great day of atonement, 490, 491, 601, 602. protected by angels, 513, 517, 630-632. care of God for, 528-530, 560, 621, 626, 627, 631-634. denounced as cause of disasters, 590-592, 614, 615. trial of, to the utmost, 618. persecution of, 619. faith of, 619, 621, 622. anxiety of, over past sins, 619-621. seek for perfection in Christ, 622, 623. deliverance of, 635-652. rainbow about companies of, 636. translation of, 645, 646. see also Christians; Persecution; Redeemed; "Time of trouble."
Persecution, Christ's followers to suffer, 39, 143, 144, 507, 610. in first centuries, 39-48. a means of keeping church pure, 44, 48. reasons for, to be left with God, 47, 48, 609. why not seen to-day, 48. during 1260 years, 55, 266, 439; cut short, 266, 267. truth extended by, 96, 196, 219, 240, 250, 252. of Waldenses, 65, 78, 97. of Wycliffe, 89, 90, 609. of Lollards, 94, 95. of Huss, 100-109, 609. of Luther, 137-143, 145-167, 609. in Germany, 196. of French Protestants, 223-226, 271-273, 278. of believers in Netherlands, 239, 240. of Wesley and his followers, 258, 259, 609. of Puritans, 290. of advent believers, 372. of Sabbath-keepers, 607-609. see also Heretics.
Persia, Wolff's travels in, 360.
Peter, protected by angels, 512.
Petri, Olaf and Laurentius, 242-244.
Pharaoh, 251, 269, 275.
Pharisees, ignorance of, regarding Messiah, 314.
Philosophy, pagan, in the church, 58. human, 126, 522.
Physical righteousness, 473-475.
Piedmont, see Waldenses.
Pilate, 164.
Pilate's staircase, 125.
Pilgrim Fathers, see Puritans.
"Pilgrim's Progress," 252.
Pius IX., pope, 564.
Plagues, of Egypt, 627, 628. of last days, 628, 629.
Plan of salvation, revealed in Bible, 81. under the guidance of God, 343. culmination of, 486. to be study of redeemed, 651.
Pleasure-seeking, 387.
Policy in religious matters, 460.
Political corruption, 586, 592.
Pope, arrogant claims of, 50, 51, 56. authority claimed by, 50, 57, 261, 580. acknowledged as God's vicegerent, 51, 53, 102, 140. faith transferred from Christ to, 55. impeachment of, 237. led into captivity, 439. see also Papacy; Roman Catholic Church.
Popes, great schism of, 86, 87, 103, 104.
Prague, Reformation in, 99, 100, 104. placed under interdict, 100, 101, 104.
Prayer, necessity of, in Bible study, 132, 599, 600. Luther's belief in, 156, 157, 209, 210. power of, 210. lack of, 373, 488. necessity for, 525, 530, 601. in time of trouble, 621, 622.
Preaching, of Luther, 152. of Zwingle, 174-177, 180. of Farel and Froment, 232. of Joseph Wolff, 359-362. of children in Scandinavia, 366, 367. of advent truths, in 1844, 400-408. of unpopular truths, 458-460. see also Ministers.
Predestination, 261.
Present truth, in days of Luther, 143. in our day, 143, 144.
Presumption, 59.
Priests, at bar of God, 668. see also Friars; Monks.
Priests and rulers, rejection of Christ by, 595. ministers of to-day compared with, 596.
Printing, art of, 61, 88, 288. of Tyndale's Bible, 247. see also Books.
Prison-house of Satan, 659.
Prizes, offering of, a species of gambling, 387.
Probation, close of, 428, 429. no future, 662.
Procopius, 116-118.
Prophecy, importance of study of, 341, 342, 344, 345. consolation in, 391-394. study of, by William Miller, 320-329; by prophets, 344; by Gaussen, 365; by Adventists, 391, 423. fulfilled by Miller and his associates, 405. of 1260 years, 54, 266, 439. of 2300 years, 324-329, 351-353, 398, 409, 410, 417, 429, 457, 486. of the "two witnesses," 266-287. to be understood, 340, 341, 521. of first advent, not understood by disciples, 346, 347. see also Beasts; Chronology; Prophecies; Signs.
Prophecies, of destruction of Jerusalem, 21, 22, 25-27, 30. of second advent, 299-302, 310, 311, 320-329. failure of Jews to understand, 313-316, 344-346. concerning first advent, fulfilment of, 344-348, 405, 424-429. of Daniel and the Revelation, not mysteries, 340-342, 365, 380, 594. fulfilled, 391-408. on Sabbath reform, 451-453. see also Chronology; Papacy; Prophecy; "Time of trouble;" United States.
Protest, of early Christians, 95. of the Princes, 197-204; text of, 202-204; effect of, 203, 204.
Protestantism, vital principles of, 197, 202, 203, 291, 441. dangers of, 211, 234, 235. strength of, 236. apostasy of, 297, 298, 384-390, 444, 571. to clasp hands with Spiritualism and Catholicism, 588.
Protestants, rise of, 204, 205. persecution of, in France, 225, 230. menaced by powerful foes, 234. increasing favor shown to Rome by, 563, 566. homage paid to Rome by, in Sunday-keeping, 447, 448. following in steps of Rome, 383, 384, 443, 523, 573.
Protestant churches, rise of, 383. daughters of Rome, 382. fall of, 383, 389. many true Christians in, 383, 390. seeking aid of secular power, 383. union of, upon common points of doctrine, 444, 445. seeking favor of world, 571.
Punishment, of rich, 653, 654. of unfaithful pastors and people, 654-657. of Satan, 658-660. of wicked, 666, 673.
Purgatory, doctrine of, 58, 59. an invention of paganism, 58.
Puritans, 280-298. persecution of, in England, 290. flight of, from England, 290. departure of, from Holland, 291-293. intolerance of, 293. character of early, 296. regard of, for Bible, 296.
Rainbow, seen in time of trouble, 636.
Reason, worship of, 193. in France, 275, 276.
Rebellion, of Lucifer, 493-500, 503. spirit of, 500, 502.
Rechabites, Wolff visits, 362.
Reconciliation, 467, 468.
Records, of Inquisition, 59, 61, 62. in books of heaven, 59, 61, 486, 487. see also Books.
Redeemed, entrance of, into New Jerusalem, 646, 647. song of, 649-651, 665. triumph of, 650. home of, 674-678. hold open communion with God, 676, 677. education of, 677, 678.
Reformation, foundation of, laid by Wycliffe, 92-94. advancement of, 148, 186, 197. efforts of Satan to counterfeit, 186-192. friends of, protected by angels, 205-208. threatened by grave dangers, 206, 209. brought to notice of great men, 208. progress of, in Great Britain, 79-96, 245-253; in Germany, 120-170, 185-210; in Switzerland, 171-184, 232-234; in France, 214-224; in Netherlands and Scandinavia, 237-244. France warned against, by pope, 277. extent of, 265. work of, to restore Bible to people, 388. obstacles met by, 396. see also Calvin; Huss; Luther; Protestantism; Protestants; Tyndale; Wycliffe; Zwingle.
Reformers, Wycliffe one of the greatest, 94. character of, 94, 171, 243, 244. work of, 606. belief of, in second coming of Christ, 302, 303. see also Calvin; Huss; Jerome; Knox; Latimer; Luther; Melanchthon; Wycliffe; Zwingle; etc.
Reign of Terror, 273, 282.
Religion, profession of, has become popular, 386. formality in, 55. the sport of infidels, 463. Satan's counterfeit of, 464. pure, defined, 474.
Religious liberty, termed heresy, 45. in Germany, 197-205. in Holland, 240. in Reformed countries, 244. believed in by Puritans, 291-298. upheld by Roger Williams, 293-295. in United States, 441, 443. merely endured by Rome, 565. God's way of working, 591. see also Conscience; Heretics; Persecution; Puritans; Toleration; United States.
Religious worship prohibited in France, 274.
Remission of sin, in sanctuary services, 417, 418.
Repentance, 468.
Republicanism, a fundamental principle of the United States, 441.
Resurrection of the dead, 322. of Christ, wave-sheaf a type of, 399. the first, 482, 544. the first and second, distinction between, 544. doctrine of, why neglected, 547. special, of Sabbath-keepers, 637; of those who crucified Christ, 637. of righteous, 644. of wicked, 661, 662.
Revelation, book of, studied by Miller, 320. to be understood, 341, 342. relation of, to book of Daniel, 341.
Revivals, modern, 461-478. results of genuine, 461, 462. popular, 463, 464. secret of lack of power in, 465.
Revolution, see French Revolution.
Rich, punishment of, 654.
Richard II., 89.
Ridley, 248, 303.
Righteousness by faith, see Justification by faith.
Robbing God, 475.
Robinson, Pastor John, address of, to Puritans, 291, 292.
Roman Catholic Church, development of, 50-60, 580. claims of, 261, 564, 567, 580, 596. customs in, 49. attitude of, toward Bible, 51, 81, 89, 97, 195, 235, 236, 265, 269, 340, 388. errors introduced by, 58, 59, 82-84, 536. records of persecution, 61, 62, 563, 570, 571. condition of, in time of Wycliffe, 86; Huss, 103; Luther, 149. Luther's separation from, 120-143. defended by Aleander, 147-149. efforts of, against Luther, 137-141, 145-167. description of, as Babylon, 382, 383; as leopard beast, 179, 439, 578. result of revolt against, in France, 283-285. sign of authority of, 446-448, 573. true Christians in, 449, 565. Protestants following in steps of, 383, 384, 443, 523, 573. gaining in favor with Protestants, 563, 572-574, 580, 581. popularity of, 566, 571. schools of, patronized by Protestants, 566. worship of, attractive, 566, 567. in comparison with Jewish church, 568. idolatry in, 568. means used by, to compel obedience, 569. reserves right to interpret Scriptures, 596. see also Papacy; Pope.
Rome, the seat of papal power, 54. visit of Luther to, 124, 125. visit of bishops to, 237.
Rulers, corruption among, 586.
Russia, proclamation of advent message in, 364.
Sabbath, memorial of creation, 54, 455. authority of, 455. observed throughout the ages, 52, 61-65, 453. set aside for Sunday, 53. hatred of Rome for, 64, 65. abolished in France, 274. study of, by advent believers, 434, 435. importance of, 437, 438. a sign of creative power of God, 54, 436-438. change of, 447, 448, 452. not changed by Christ, 447. no authority in Bible for change of, 447. promises to observers of, 451-453. arguments against, 454, 455, 587. divine authority of, acknowledged by Romanists, 447, 577. disasters attributed to observance of, 590. test of loyalty to God, 605. see also Fourth commandment; Law of God; Sabbath-keepers; Sunday.
Sabbath-keepers, in all ages, 52, 453. in 1844, 434, 435. work of, 454, 603-606, 609, 611, 612. among Waldenses, 577. persecution of, by enemies, 592, 607-610, 626, 627; by former brethren, 608. denounced as cause of disasters, 590, 592, 614, 615. decree to be issued against, 615, 616, 626, 631, 635. experience of, in time of trouble, 616-634. the mountains afford refuge for, 626. special resurrection of, 637. triumph of, 638-640. see also Christians; People of God; Redeemed; Sabbath.
Sabbath reform, 451-456, 587.
Sacrifice of the mass, 59, 189, 190.
Sacrifices, see Sanctuary.
Sacrificing for Christ, 387.
Safe-conduct, of Huss, 105-107, 163. of Luther, 150, 154, 163.
Saloons, closed as effect of Miller's preaching, 332.
Samson, indulgence-monger in Switzerland, 178, 179.
Sanctification, true, work of, 465, 467, 469, 470, 473; how attained, 469, 470; nature of, 470; as set forth in the Scriptures, 473, 474; fruits of, 477, 478; examples of, 470, 471. false, in Luther's day, 193; in last days, 469, 471-473, 475.
Sanctuary, in type and antitype, 409-432. not the earth, 411. study of, by Adventists, 411-415. key to meaning of disappointment in 1844, 423, 431, 432. should be clearly understood, 488-490. earthly, description of, 411-415; a pattern of heavenly, 414, 415; services in, a type, 417-420, 428, 433, 435; cleansing of, 328, 352, 410, 417, 418, 426; services in, continued after crucifixion, 615. heavenly, services in, 413-415, 420-422, 428-431, 433, 435; advent believers directed to, 424, 425; ministration in first apartment of, 421, 422; work of Christ in, 421, 422, 433-435, 480, 482-491. see also Advent Movement; Law; Tabernacle; Temple.
Satan, efforts of, to induce Christians to compromise with world, 49, 50, 298. arts of, 192, 193, 518, 519. satisfaction of, in horrors of Reign of Terror, 284. policy of, 378. the accuser, 395, 484. position and beauty of, before fall, 493-495. disaffection and rebellion of, 494-500. long-suffering of God with, 496. rebellion of, a lesson to universe, 499. character of God misrepresented by, 281, 498, 500, 502. character of, 501, 502. self-exaltation of, 504, 554. enmity of, toward man, 505, 510. danger in denying existence of, 516, 524. importance of having right estimate of, 516, 517. power and malice of, 517. present at worship of God, 518. power of, to show appearance of departed friends, 552, 560; to appear as angel of light, 588. ability of, to quote Scripture, 559. work of, through elements, 589, 590. compulsion the resort of, 591. to personate Christ, 624. binding of, 658-660. sins of God's people to be placed upon, 658, 673. judgment of, 661. last struggle of, for supremacy, 663, 664, 671, 672. acknowledges justice of his sentence, 669, 670. see also Evil spirits; Lucifer; Snares of Satan.
Saxons in Great Britain, 62, 63.
Saxony, Bohemians flee to, 254.
Scandinavia, progress of the Reformation in, 241-244. proclamation of advent message in, 366. child-preachers in, 366, 367.
Scapegoat, in sanctuary service, 419, 420. Satan typified by, 422, 485, 658.
Schism, the Great, see Popes.
Science, research into, sometimes a snare of Satan, 522. false, to prepare way for papacy, 573. not a true foundation for religious belief, 595.
Scoffers, in Noah's time, 338. in Miller's time, 339, 340, 404, 408, 429. in last days, 561, 635, 642.
Scotland, a refuge for persecuted Christians, 62. persecutions in, 249, 250. work of Knox in, 250, 251.
Scriptures, the detector of error, 51. study of, 80, 81, 598, 599, 600. Wycliffe demands restoration of, to people, 81. infallibility of, 89, 249. Wolff on popular system of interpretation of, 360. study of, danger of neglecting, 519, 521. fanciful interpretations of, 520, 521. a safeguard, 559, 593-603. see also Bible; Word of God.
Seal of God, 613, 640.
Second advent of Christ, foretold, 39, 454. hope of believers in all ages, 299-303. signs of, 304-316, 333, 334. warning of, why not committed to religious leaders, 315. manner of, 321. taught in Scriptures, 321-323. time of, 324; not known by men, 457; error in regard to, 328, 368, 482. warning of, rejected, 338, 339, 366. proclamation of, 352-354. preached by Joseph Wolff, 359, 360; William Miller, 329-333, 352-354, 368-374. belief in, found in Bokhara, Yemen, and Tartary, 361, 362. taught in England, South America, Germany, France, Switzerland, Scandinavia, 362-367. preparation for, in 1844, 401-403. false theory of, 525. manner of, cannot be counterfeited by Satan, 625. scenes of, 636-644. see also Advent Movement; Christ; Prophecy; Prophecies.
Second angel's message, 381-390.
Second commandment, expunged from law by papacy, 52.
Secrets of God, men not to search into, 523.
Self-depreciation, 477.
Self-exaltation, Luther removed from danger of, 170. danger from, 471, 494-499, 503.
Self-indulgence, 473-475, 488.
Self-justification, of Satan, 499. of sinners to-day, 500.
Self-sufficiency, 509.
Sennacherib, 512.
Seventh-day Adventists, 409-422, 429-432. proclamation of final warning by, 603-612. see also Law; People of God; Sabbath; Sanctuary; Third angel's message.
Seventy weeks, prophecy of, 324, 328, 345-347, 410.
Sigismund, 104-108, 115-118, 163.
Signs of second advent, 304-316, 391, 456. Lisbon earthquake, 304, 305. darkening of sun and moon, 306-308. condition of churches, 309, 310. falling of the stars, 333, 334. see also Prophecies.
Simon Magus, 128.
Sin, definition of, 472. origin of, 492-502. love of, 508. end of, 504, 545. remission of, in sanctuary service, 417, 418, 421, 425. see also Evil; Satan.
Sins, secret, revealed in judgment, 486. blotting out of, from books in heaven, 421, 422, 484-486, 614.
Skepticism, see Infidelity.
Snares of Satan, 518-530. in worldly business, 519. self-gratification, 519. in appeals to appetite, 474. neglect of prayer and Bible study, 519, 525. accusing of brethren, 519. unconverted church-members, 520. false theories, 520, 523. wresting and perverting of Scripture, 520, 521. liberality of religious belief, 522. scientific research, 522. unwise speculations, 522, 523. Spiritualism, 524. denial of pre-existence of Christ, 524. false teaching regarding second advent, 525.
Society, condition of, in last days, 583-586. corruption in, attributed to Sunday desecration, 587.
Sodom, warning rejected by, 431, 512. spiritual, 269.
Solomon, 509.
Sophie Arnoult, 270.
South America, proclamation of advent message in, 363.
Spain, Luther's writings in, 139. earthquake felt in, 304.
Spalatin, 165.
Speculation, human, 126, 522.
Spires, Diet of, 197-210. protest of, 197-204.
Spirit of God, when to be withdrawn from earth, 615. see also Holy Spirit; Pentecost.
Spirit manifestations, 552, 560. the rapping delusion, 553. made to take place of Bible, 557. see also Evil spirits; Spiritualism.
Spirits, to be tried by Bible, 397. agency of evil, 511-517. communion with, forbidden, 556. uphold Sunday observance, 591.
Spiritualism, 551-562. one of Satan's most successful agencies, 524, 552, 561, 562. converts to, where found, 556. erroneous teaching of, 555-558. leads to self-indulgence and excess, 555, 603, 604. assuming Christian guise, 558. deceptive power of, 558, 559, 588. Scriptures a safeguard against, 559. miracles to be wrought through, 588, 589. see also Angels; Evil Spirits; Satan; Spirit manifestations.
Spurgeon, on sacramentarianism in the Church of England, 384.
Standard-bearers, 55.
Star, seen at deliverance of God's people, 638.
Stars, falling of, 333, 334. see also Signs.
State, duty of, 201. see also Church and state; United States.
Staupitz, 123.
St. Bartholomew massacre, 272, 273.
Stephen, 328.
Suffrage in the United States, 297.
Sun, darkening of, 305-308. see also Signs.
Sunday, made a public festival, 53. given place of Sabbath by Rome, 53, 447, 448. origin of observance of, 54, 474-477. no scriptural evidence for, 434, 435. observance of, an act of homage to Rome, 442, 448, 449, 579, 580. not the Lord's day, 447. enforcement of, in United States, 573. first law for observance of, 574. so-called miracles in support of, 575, 576. observance of, in future, to be enforced by law, 449, 573, 579, 592. movement in United States, 587. accusations against non-observers of, 587, 590. spirit manifestations in support of, 591. to be declared sacred by Satan when personating Christ, 624. see also Mark; Sabbath.
Supremacy of Rome, see Papacy.
Sweden, gospel welcomed to, 243. work of the Petri brothers in, 242, 243. work of, in Thirty Years' War, 244. Reformation in, 243, 244. second advent message in, 366, 367.
Switzerland, missionaries to, 62. Luther's writings in, 139. advent message proclaimed in, 364.
Symbols of prophecy, interpretation of, 438-445, 578.
Syria, travels of Wolff in, 360.
Tabernacle, of Moses, 411-415. replaced by temple of Solomon, 412. destruction of, by Romans, 17-38, 412. the sanctuary of first covenant, 413. services in, a shadow of heavenly, 433. see also Sanctuary.
Talent, proper use of, 487. use of, by Satan, 509.
Tarrying time, 398-408. a trial of patience, 392, 393. a fulfilment of prophecy, 407, 408.
Tausen, "Reformer of Denmark," character and work of, 241, 242. imprisonment of, 242.
Temperance work and the Sunday movement, 587.
Temple of Solomon, beauty of, 17, 18, 23. history of, 24 (note), 412. destruction of, beheld by Christ, 21. second, made more glorious by presence of Christ, 24. overthrow of, predicted, 24, 25. destroyed by Titus, 31-35, 412. scenes at destruction of, 30-35. see also Sanctuary.
Temple in heaven, God's dwelling-place, 414, 415. sanctuary of new covenant, 413. opened, 433. see also Law, moral.
Temptation, of Christ, 50, 51, 510. of Waldensian youth, 70. how to resist, 510, 600. why permitted, 528-530. of Adam and Eve in Eden, 531, 532.
Ten virgins, parable of, 393, 394, 400-402.
Terror of wicked at advent of Christ, 636-644.
Test, of world, in giving of advent message, 353, 354. of Adventists, in disappointment of 1844, 373, 374. of loyalty to God, Sabbath the great, 605.
Tetzel, sale of indulgences by, 127-129, 178.
Theology, popular, opposed by Luther, 126. result of, 525.
Theories, false, a snare of Satan, 520-525.
Theses of Luther against indulgences, 129, 130. discussion aroused by, 130.
Thessalonian church, Paul's advice to, 456, 457.
Third angel's message, 432, 435, 437-450. the last to go to the world, 390. fearful threatening of, 449. extent of, 450. to be proclaimed with power, 605, 606. close of, marks beginning of "time of trouble," 613. see also People of God; Prophecy; Prophecies; Signs.
Thirty Years' War, part of Sweden in, 244.
Thousand years, see Millennium. work of redeemed during, 660, 661.
Threefold message, 450, 453.
"Time of trouble," 613-634. warning regarding, 310, 311. beginning of, 613. soon to open, 622. scenes of, 623, 624. experience of people of God in, 615-634.
Time-setting, 457.
Tithing, 475.
Titus, in siege of Jerusalem, 21, 31-35. humanity of, 32-34.
Tobacco, 474, 475.
Toleration, not a precept of Roman Church, 564. see also Religious liberty.
Traditions acknowledged as authority by Rome, 183, 448.
Translation, of Bible, see Bible. of righteous at second advent, 645, 646.
Transubstantiation, 238.
Trial, object of, 291, 621. see also Test.
Tree of life, 532.
Trust in God, need for, 527.
Truth, spread of, in time of persecution, 42, 95, 96, 101, 196, 240, 249, 634. opposition to, 458-460. men moved to search Bible for, 79, 81. Rome contending against, 90. progressive nature of, 291, 292, 297. why not revealed to great men, 316. proper attitude toward, 378-380. need of searching for, 522, 598. counterfeits of, 523, 528. see also Sabbath; Sanctuary; Third angel's message.
Truths, development of new, 609.
Turkish empire, see Ottoman empire.
Twelve hundred and sixty years, beginning of, 54, 266, 439.
Twenty-three hundred years, exposition of, 324-329, 351-353, 398, 409, 410, 417, 429, 457. end of, marks opening of investigative judgment, 423, 424, 486. see also Miller; Prophecy; Sanctuary.
Two-horned beast, United States represented by, 439-443. see also United States.
Two witnesses, prophecy concerning, 266-287. see also Bible; Scriptures.
Tyndale, work of, 245-247. martyrdom of, 247. on sleep of the dead, 547.
Types, see Sanctuary.
Unbelief, result of cherishing, 527, 528.
Union, of Christians and pagans, 45. of church and state, 297, 442, 445, 450, 607. of church and world, 390. of all Protestant churches, 444, 445. of Protestantism, Spiritualism, and Roman Catholicism, 588.
United Brethren, 119.
United States, religious liberty in, 295. growth of, 295, 296. government of, 297. dark day seen in, 306-308. falling stars seen in, 333, 334. Joseph Wolff's visit to, 360. represented in prophecy by two-horned beast, 439, 440. rise of, 440, 441. characteristics of, 441. once an asylum for the oppressed, 441, 442. Constitution of, 442. to enact oppressive laws, 442, 579. prediction of supremacy of Rome in, 578, 579. Sunday movement in, 587. see also Mark of the beast; Protestants; Puritans; Religious liberty; Two-horned beast.
Unity among advent believers, 379.
Universalism, fallacy of, 537-539. a Universalist minister on state of the dead, 537-539.
University of Erfurt, Luther a student at, 121, 122. of Paris, Lefevre in, 212, 217. of Prague, Huss in, 98-100. of Wittenberg, Luther and Melanchthon as professors in, 124-126, 134.
Vaudois, see Waldenses.
Virgin Mary, 43, 58, 174, 175, 217.
Voice, from heaven, heard by God's people, 636. of God declares hour of Jesus' coming, 640.
Voltaire, infidelity of, 281. boast of, against Christianity, 288.
Waldenses, 61-78. among the first to obtain translation of Bible, 65. training of youth of, 66-68. authority of Bible recognized by, 68, 72. diligence of, in copying Bible, 69. youth of, sent to institutions of learning, 70. belief of, in second advent, 72, 303. self-sacrificing missionary labors of, 70-76, 237. results of work of, 71-76. persecution of, 76-78, 97. Sabbath-keepers among, 577. see also Albigenses; Heretics.
War, delight of Satan in, 589.
Warning, last message of, 311, 312, 390, 432, 435, 604-612. to be given to all, 38, 605. of judgment to come, 352, 353. rejection of, 375-390, 431. against worship of beast, 445. most fearful ever given to men, 449. will be heeded by leading men, 611. see also Third angel's message.
Warnings, importance of, 594.
Wartburg, Luther concealed in, 168-170, 185-193.
Washburn, Governor, on church gambling, 387.
Watchman, false, first to suffer at the end, 656.
Waters or sea, as a symbol, 440.
Wedding garment, 428.
Week, length of, changed by France, 273.
Wesley, Charles, missionary to America, 254. trusting to good works for salvation, 253, 254.
Wesley, John, missionary to America, 254. acceptance of righteousness by faith, 255, 256. work of, 256-258. guarded by an angel, 258. law of God upheld by, 262-264. results of work of, 264. wiles of Satan encountered by, 396. on right use of money, 385. see also Methodists.
Whitefield, a missionary to America, 253, 256, 257.
Wicked, how restrained, 36. why permitted to prosper, 48. end of, 544, 545. terror and remorse of, at second advent, 37, 635, 644. resurrection of, 661. sentence pronounced upon, 666. destruction of, 673. see also Judgments; Evil.
Wiles of Satan, see Satan; Snares of Satan.
Will, freedom of, see Freedom.
Williams, Roger, apostle of religious liberty, 293. work and banishment of, 294.
Winds, prophetic, symbol of war, 440.
Wine of Babylon, meaning of, 388. application of, 389, 536.
Winter, Robert, advent message proclaimed by, in England, 362.
Wise men, see Magi.
Wishart, 250.
Witchcraft, Spiritualism a form of, 556.
Wittenbach, a teacher at Basel, 173.
Wittenberg, students of, carried Reformation to Scandinavia, 241. see also Luther; University of Wittenberg.
Wolff, Dr. Joseph, parentage and early years of, 357. education of, 357, 358. message of second advent given by, 359, 360. work and travels of, 360-362.
Woman as a symbol, 55, 381, 382.
Word of God, weapon of Christ against Satan, 51. medium of communication between God and man, 69, 79. results following the preaching of, 461. our only safety in time of trouble, 625. attitude of Roman Catholic Church toward, 81. see also Bible; Scriptures.
Works, righteousness by, 55, 56. salvation by, 253. see also Faith; Wesley.
World, condition of, under papal rule, 60. religious, condition of, 390, 586, 603, 604. following in steps of Jews, 36-38. end of, 653-678.
Worldliness in nominal churches, 376-390, 508.
Worms, see Diet; Luther.
Worship, of beast, see Leopard beast. of Reason, 193, 275, 276. of God prohibited in France, 274. freedom of, see Religious liberty.
Writings, of Christians, suppression of, in Dark Ages, 61. of Wycliffe, 89, 96, 249. of Luther, circulation of, 133, 139, 178, 194, 233; condemnation of, at Worms, 155, 156; he refuses to retract them, 158-160; read eagerly, 185, 186, 194, 195; translated into French, 231; in Netherlands, 238; read by Tausen, 241; in England, 249. of Bunyan, 252. of Flavel, 253. of Baxter, 253. of Miller, 335, 368. of Lacunza, 363. of Bengel, 364. of Gaussen, 365. on second advent, 362. see also Books; Literature.
Wycliffe, John, 79-96. herald of reform, 80. scholarship of, 80. study of Scriptures by, 80, 81. fearlessness of, in exposing claims of papacy, 81. battle of, against friars, 82-85. as ambassador to Netherlands, 84, 85. influence of, on court and nation, 84, 85. protected by God, 86, 92. teacher at Oxford, "the Gospel Doctor," 87. illness of, 87, 88. translation of Bible into English by, 88. doctrines taught by, 89. persecution of, by papacy, 89. trials of, by papacy, 85, 89, 90. refusal of, to retract, 90. arraignment of his persecutors by, 90. summoned to Rome, 91. letter of, to pope, 91, 92. work of, 93. character of, 93, 94. death of, 92. writings of, in Bohemia, 99. belief of, in second coming of Christ, 303.
Wycliffites, see Lollards.
Yemen, Wolff's travels in, 362.
Youth, Waldensian, training of, 67, 68, 70, 71. influence of monastic life on, 82, 83. infidelity of, 600, 601. as princes of heaven, 622.
Ziska, defends Bohemia against army of Sigismund, 116. death of, 116.
Zurich, Zwingle's labors at, 176-181. peace in, a result of the gospel, 181. council of, refuse to take action against Zwingle, 180, 181. disputation at, between Eck and OEcolampadius, 182-184.
Zwingle, Ulric, 171-184. early surroundings of, 171, 172. designs of friars upon, 172. acceptance of Bible as rule of conduct by, 173, 174. work of, at Einsiedeln, 174-176. work of, at Zurich, 176-182. efforts of Rome against, 180-184. death of, 212.
1 Luke 19:42-44.
2 Ps. 48:2.
3 Luke 19:41.
4 Isa. 53:7.
5 Gen. 22:9, 16-18.
6 1 Chronicles 21.
7 Ps. 132:13.
8 Gen. 28:12; John 1:51.
9 Jer. 17:21-25.
10 2 Chron. 36:16, 15.
11 Ex. 34:6.
12 Ibid.
13 Ps. 80:8.
14 Isa. 5:1-4.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid.
17 Acts 10:38; Luke 4:18; Matt. 11:5.
18 Matt. 11:28.
19 Ps. 109:5.
20 Jer. 9:1; 13:17.
21 Matt. 23:37.
22 John 5:40.
23 Ps. 76:2; 78:68, 69.
24 Ibid.
25 1 Chron. 28:12, 19.
26 Haggai 2:9, 7.
27 Haggai 2:3; Ezra 3:12.
28 Matt. 23:38.
29 Mark 13:1.
30 Matt. 24:2, 3.
31 Ibid.
32 Matt. 24:15, 16; Luke 21:20.
33 Matt. 24:35.
34 Micah 3:9-11.
35 John 11:48.
36 Micah 3:12.
37 Luke 13:7.
38 Isa. 30:11.
39 Matt. 7:2.
40 Milman, "History of the Jews," book 13.
41 Luke 21:20, 21.
42 Isa. 49:15.
43 Lam. 4:10.
44 Deut. 28:56, 57.
45 Matt. 27:25.
46 Milman, "History of the Jews," book 16.
47 Jer. 26:18.
48 Hosea 13:9; 14:1.
49 Isa. 9:5.
50 Matt. 24:30, 31.
51 2 Thess. 2:8.
52 Luke 21:25; Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24-26; Rev. 6:12-17.
53 Matt. 24:33.
54 Mark 13:35.
55 1 Thess. 5:2-5.
56 Ibid.
57 Matt. 24:9, 21, 22.
58 Heb. 10:32.
59 Heb. 11:36-38.
60 Ibid.
61 Heb. 11:35.
62 Rev. 2:10.
63 Tertullian's "Apology," par. 50 (ed. T. and T. Clark, 1869).
64 Luke 2:14.
65 Matt 10:34.
66 John 15:20.
67 2 Peter 3:9.
68 2 Tim. 3:12.
69 2 Thess. 2:3, 4, 7.
70 Ibid.
71 See Appendix.
72 Luke 4:8.
73 Jude 3.
74 Dan. 7:25.
75 See Appendix.
76 Gen. 2:2, 3.
77 See Appendix.
78 2 Thess. 2:4.
79 2 Thess. 2:7, R.V.
80 Rev. 13:2; see Appendix.
81 Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:5-7.
82 Luke 21:16, 17.
83 Rev. 12:6.
84 See Appendix.
85 1 Cor. 3:10, 11.
86 Neh. 4:10, 14.
87 Ibid.
88 Eph. 6:17.
89 Mark 13:37.
90 See Appendix.
91 Matt. 20:27.
92 See Appendix.
93 See Appendix.
94 Cardinal Wiseman's Lectures on "The Real Presence," Lecture 8, sec. 3, par. 26.
95 See Appendix.
96 Wylie, "History of Protestantism," book 1, chap. 4.
97 Hosea 4:6, 1, 2.
98 D'Aubigne, History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century," b. 17, ch. 2.
99 Jude 3.
100 See Appendix.
101 Wylie, b. 1, ch. 7.
102 1 John 1:7.
103 John 3:14, 15.
104 Heb. 11:6.
105 Acts 4:12.
106 Matt. 11:28.
107 See Appendix.
108 Wylie, b. 16, ch. 1.
109 Matt. 25:40.
110 Rev. 1:9.
111 Sears, Barnas, "Life of Luther," pp. 70, 69.
112 See Appendix.
113 D'Aubigne, b. 17, ch. 7.
114 Lewis, Rev. John, "History of the Life and Sufferings of J. Wiclif," p. 37 (ed. 1820).
115 See Appendix. Neander, "History of the Christian Religion and Church," period 6, sec. 2, part 1, par. 8.
116 Gen. 15:1.
117 See Appendix.
118 Vaughan, R., "Life and Opinions of John de Wycliffe." Vol. II, p. 6 (ed. 1831).
119 D'Aubigne, b. 17, ch. 7.
120 Wylie, b. 2, ch. 13.
121 Foxe, "Acts and Monuments" (edited by Rev. J. Pratt), Vol. III, pp. 49, 50.
122 D'Aubigne, b. 17, ch. 8.
123 Ps. 119:130.
124 Fuller, T., "Church History of Britain," b. 4, sec. 2, par. 54.
125 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 1.
126 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 1.
127 Matt. 21:5.
128 Bonnechose, "The Reformers before the Reformation." Vol. I, p. 87 (ed. 1844).
129 2 Cor. 13:8.
130 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 2.
131 See Appendix.
132 1 Kings 18:17.
133 See Appendix.
134 Bonnechose, Vol. I, pp. 147, 148.
135 Bonnechose, Vol. I, pp. 148, 149.
136 See Idem, p. 247.
137 Lenfant, "History of the Council of Constance," Vol. I, p. 516.
138 Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 67.
139 D'Aubigne, b. 1, ch. 6.
140 Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 84.
141 Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 86.
142 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 7.
143 Ibid.
144 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 7.
145 Bonnechose, Vol. I, p. 234.
146 See Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 141.
147 Bonnechose, Vol. II, pp. 146, 147.
148 Matt. 10:18-20.
149 Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 151.
150 Bonnechose, Vol. II, pp. 151-153.
151 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 10.
152 Bonnechose, Vol. II, p. 168.
153 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 17.
154 Ps. 53:5.
155 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 18.
156 Wylie, b. 3, ch. 19.
157 Ibid.
158 Gillett, "Life and Times of John Huss" (3d ed.), Vol. II, p. 570.
159 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century," b. 2, ch. 2.
160 Ibid.
161 D'Aubigne, b. 2, ch. 3.
162 D'Aubigne, b. 2, ch. 4.
163 D'Aubigne, b. 2, ch. 6.
164 Ibid.
165 Rom. 1:17.
166 Matt. 10:34.
167 D'Aubigne, b. 5, ch. 2.
168 Matt. 21:12.
169 See Gieseler, "Ecclesiastical History," Period IV, sec. 1, par. 5.
170 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 1.
171 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 1.
172 See Hagenbach, "History of the Reformation," Vol. I, p. 96.
173 Acts 8:20.
174 See Appendix.
175 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 4.
176 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 6.
177 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 6.
178 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 7.
179 D'Aubigne, b. 3, ch. 9.
180 D'Aubigne, b. 4, ch. 2.
181 D'Aubigne, b. 4, ch. 4.
182 Martyn, "The Life and Times of Luther," pp. 271, 272.
183 D'Aubigne, b. 4; ch, 8 (London ed.).
184 D'Aubigne, b. 4, ch. 10.
185 D'Aubigne, b. 4, ch. 10.
186 Idem, b. 5, ch. 1.
187 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 2.
188 Wylie, b. 6, ch, 1.
189 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 3.
190 D'Aubigne. b. 6, ch. 3.
191 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 9 (3d London ed., Walther, 1840).
192 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 9.
193 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 10.
194 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 10.
195 Martyn, "Life and Times of Luther," pp. 372, 373.
196 John 15:19, 20.
197 Luke 6:26.
198 D'Aubigne, b. 6, ch. 11.
199 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 1.
200 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 1.
201 Wylie, b. 6, ch. 4.
202 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch 3.
203 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 4.
204 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 4.
205 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 6.
206 Idem, ch. 7.
207 Idem, ch. 7.
208 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 7.
209 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 7.
210 Ibid.
211 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
212 Martyn, "Life and Times of Luther," p. 393.
213 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
214 Ibid.
215 Matt. 10:33.
216 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
217 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
218 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
219 Ibid.
220 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
221 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
222 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 8.
223 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 9.
224 Ibid.
225 Ibid.
226 See Lenfant, "History of the Council of Constance." Vol. I. p. 422.
227 Ibid.
228 John 15:22.
229 Acts 24:25; 26:28.
230 Eccl. 10:16.
231 Martyn, Vol. I, p. 404.
232 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 10.
233 Ibid.
234 Ibid.
235 Martyn, Vol. I, p. 410.
236 D'Aubigne, b. 7, ch. 11.
237 Ibid.
238 Martyn, Vol. I, p. 420.
239 Ibid.
240 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 2.
241 Matt. 4:19.
242 Wylie, b. 8, ch. 5.
243 Wylie, b. 8, ch. 6.
244 Ibid.
245 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 9.
246 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 5.
247 Ibid.
248 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 6.
249 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 6.
250 Ibid.
251 Ibid.
252 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 6.
253 Ibid.
254 Wylie, b. 8, ch. 9.
255 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 9.
256 Wylie, b. 8, ch. 11.
257 D'Aubigne, b. 8, ch. 11 (London ed.).
258 Ibid.
259 Wylie, b. 8, ch. 15.
260 D'Aubigne, b. 11, ch. 13.
261 Ibid.
262 Ibid.
263 Ibid.
264 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 1.
265 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 7.
266 Ibid.
267 Ibid.
268 Ibid.
269 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 7.
270 Ibid.
271 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 8.
272 Ibid.
273 Ibid.
274 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 8.
275 D'Aubigne, b. 10, ch. 10.
276 Ibid.
277 Ibid.
278 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch, 11.
279 Ps. 119:130.
280 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 11.
281 D'Aubigne, b. 9, ch. 11.
282 Matt. 10:23.
283 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 6.
284 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 5.
285 Ibid.
286 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 5.
287 Ibid.
288 Ibid.
289 Wylie, b. 9, ch. 15.
290 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 5.
291 Ibid.
292 Ibid.
293 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 5.
294 Ibid.
295 Idem, b. 13, ch. 6.
296 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 6.
297 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 6.
298 Ibid.
299 D'Aubigne, b. 13, ch. 6.
300 D'Aubigne, b. 14, ch. 2.
301 D'Aubigne, b. 14, ch. 6.
302 Idem, b. 14, ch. 7.
303 Ibid.
304 Ps. 119:46.
305 D'Aubigne, b. 14, ch. 7.
306 Idem, b. 14, ch. 8.
307 2 Kings 6:17.
308 D'Aubigne, b. 10, ch. 14 (London ed.).
309 D'Aubigne, b. 10, ch. 14.
310 Idem, b. 14, ch. 1.
311 D'Aubigne, b. 14, ch. 6.
312 Ibid.
313 1 Peter 2:6.
314 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 1.
315 D'Aubigne, b. 12, ch. 2 (London ed.).
316 Ibid.
317 Acts 26:5.
318 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 2.
319 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 2.
320 D'Aubigne, b. 12, ch. 3.
321 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 9.
322 Ibid.
323 Ibid.
324 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 9.
325 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 2, ch. 16.
326 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 9.
327 Ibid.
328 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 2, ch. 16.
329 D'Aubigne, b. 12, ch. 9.
330 Phil. 1:12.
331 Acts 8:4.
332 Wylie. b. 13. ch. 7.
333 Martyn, Vol. III, ch. 13.
334 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 9.
335 See D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 2, ch. 30.
336 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 4, ch, 10.
337 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 4, ch. 10.
338 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 20.
339 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 21.
340 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 4. ch. 12.
341 Wylie, b. 13. ch. 21.
342 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin." b. 4. ch. 12
343 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 21.
344 Deut. 4:6.
345 Wylie. b. 14. ch. 3.
346 Zech. 4:6.
347 1 Cor. 1:27, 25.
348 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 9, ch. 17.
349 See Appendix.
350 See Appendix.
351 Brandt, "History of the Reformation in and about the Low Countries," b. 1, p. 6.
352 Brandt, b. 1, p. 14.
353 Martyn, Vol. II, p. 87.
354 Wylie, b. 18, ch. 6.
355 Ibid.
356 See Tertullian's "Apology," par. 50.
357 John 7:16.
358 Gal. 1:8.
359 Wylie, b. 10, ch. 4.
360 Wylie, b. 10, ch. 4.
361 D'Aubigne, b. 18, ch. 4.
362 Ibid.
363 Ibid.
364 Anderson, "Annals of the English Bible," p. 19 (rev. ed. 1862).
365 Latimer, "First Sermon Preached before King Edward VI." (ed. Parker Society).
366 Latimer, "Sermon of the Plough."
367 "Works of Hugh Latimer," Vol. I, p. xiii (ed. Parker Society).
368 Laing, "Works of John Knox," Vol. II. pp. 281, 284 (ed. 1895).
369 Whitehead, John, "Life of the Rev. Charles Wesley," p. 102 (2d Am. ed. 1845).
370 Job 9:2 (margin).
371 Whitehead, "Life of the Rev. John Wesley," p. 10 (Am. ed. 1845).
372 Idem, pp. 11, 12.
373 Whitehead, "Life of John Wesley," p. 52.
374 Idem, p. 74.
375 Wesley's Works, Vol. III, pp. 297, 298 (ed. 1831).
376 Wesley's Works, Vol. III, pp. 152, 153.
377 McClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia, art. Antinomians (ed. 1871).
378 Titus 2:11; 1 Tim. 2:3-6.
379 John 1:9.
380 Wesley's Works, Sermon 25.
381 Ibid.
382 Wesley's Works, Sermon 35.
383 John 3:19.
384 See Appendix.
385 Rev. 11:2-11.
386 See Appendix.
387 Matt. 24:22.
388 Rev. 11:4; Ps. 119:105.
389 See Appendix.
390 Rev. 11:5.
391 Rev. 22:18, 19.
392 Ex. 5:2.
393 Scott, Sir Walter, "Life of Napoleon Buonaparte," Vol. I, ch. 17 (ed. 1854).
394 Blackwood's Magazine, November, 1870.
395 Scott, Vol. I, ch. 17.
396 See Wylie, b. 22, ch. 6.
397 Wylie, b. 22, ch. 7.
398 White, Henry, "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew," ch. 14, par. 34 (ed. 1871).
399 Scott, Vol. I, ch. 17.
400 Ps. 73:11.
401 Lacretelle's "History," Vol. XI, p. 309; in Alison's "History of Europe," Vol. I, ch. 10.
402 Ps. 14:1.
403 2 Tim. 3:9.
404 Scott, Vol. I, ch. 17.
405 Thiers, M. A., "History of the French Revolution," Vol. II, pp. 370, 371.
406 Alison, Vol. I, ch. 10.
407 Journal of Paris, 1793, No. 318. Quoted in Buchez-Roux's collection of Parliamentary History, Vol. XXX, pp. 200, 201.
408 See Appendix.
409 Felice, G. de, "History of the Protestants of France," b. 1, ch. 2, par. 8.
410 D'Aubigne, "History of the Reformation in the Time of Calvin," b. 2, ch. 36.
411 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 4.
412 Prov. 14:34; 16:12.
413 Isa. 32:17.
414 Wylie, b. 13, ch. 20.
415 See Appendix.
416 See Appendix.
417 See Appendix.
418 Isa. 48:18, 22; Prov. 1:33.
419 Eccl. 8:11-13.
420 Ibid.
421 Prov. 1:29, 31.
422 Rev. 11:11.
423 Isa. 37:23.
424 Jer. 16:21.
425 Rev. 11:12.
426 See Appendix.
427 See Appendix.
428 Isa. 54:17.
429 Isa. 40:8; Ps. 111:7, 8.
430 Martyn, Vol. V, p. 22.
431 Bancroft, George, "History of the United States of America," Part I, ch. 12, par. 6.
432 Palfrey, J. G., "History of New England," ch. 3, par. 43.
433 Bancroft, Part I, ch. 12, par. 15.
434 Brown, J., "The Pilgrim Fathers," p. 74.
435 Martyn, Vol. V, p. 70.
436 Neal, D., "History of the Puritans," Vol. I, p. 269 (two-vol. ed. 1848).
437 Martyn, Vol. V, pp. 70, 71.
438 Martyn, Vol. V, p. 297.
439 Idem, p. 335.
440 Bancroft, Part I, ch. 15, par. 16.
441 Martyn, Vol. V, p. 340.
442 Bancroft, Part I, ch. 15, par. 2.
443 Idem, par. 10.
444 Martyn, Vol. V, pp. 349, 350.
445 Idem, p. 354.
446 Congressional Documents (U. S. A.), Serial No. 200, Document No. 271.
447 Martyn, Vol. V, p. 417.
448 Bancroft, Part I, ch. 19, par. 25.
449 John 18:36.
450 Jude 14, 15.
451 Job 19:25-27.
452 Ps. 50:2-4.
453 Ps. 96:11, 13.
454 Isa. 26:19; 25:8, 9.
455 Hab. 3:3-13.
456 John 14:1-3.
457 Matt. 25:31, 32.
458 Acts 1:11.
459 1 Thess. 4:16.
460 Rev. 1:7.
461 Acts 3:21.
462 Rev. 11:15.
463 Isa. 40:5; 61:11; 28:5.
464 Isa. 51:3; 35:2; 62:4, 5 (margin).
465 1 Thess. 4:16-18.
466 Rev. 22:20.
467 Taylor, Daniel T., "The Reign of Christ on Earth; or, The Voice of the Church in All Ages," p. 33.
468 Taylor, "The Voice of the Church," p. 54.
469 Idem, pp. 129-132.
470 Idem, pp. 132-134.
471 Idem, pp. 158, 134.
472 Ibid.
473 Idem, pp. 151, 145.
474 Baxter, Richard, "Works," Vol. XVII, p. 555.
475 Idem, p. 500.
476 Baxter, "Works," Vol. XVII, pp. 182, 183.
477 Luke 21:25.
478 Mark 13:24-26.
479 Rev. 6:12.
480 Lyell, Sir Charles, "Principles of Geology," p. 495 (ed. 1858, N.Y.).
481 Encyclopaedia Americana, art. Lisbon, note (ed. 1831).
482 Ibid.
483 Mark 13:24.
484 Devens, R. M., "Our First Century," p. 89.
485 "The Essex Antiquarian," Salem, Mass., April, 1899 (Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 53, 54).
486 Gordon, Dr. Wm., "History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the U. S. A.," Vol. III, p. 57 (N. Y., 1789).
487 Thomas, "Massachusetts Spy; or, American Oracle of Liberty," Vol. X, No. 472 (May 25, 1780).
488 Letter by Dr. Samuel Tenney, of Exeter, N. H., December, 1785 (in "Massachusetts Historical Society Collections," 1792, 1st series, Vol. I, p. 97).
489 Joel 2:31.
490 Luke 21:28, 30, 31.
491 Luke 21:34, 36.
492 Rev. 3:1, 3.
493 Ibid.
494 Joel 2:11; Hab. 1:13; Hosea 8:2, 1; Ps. 16:4.
495 Ibid.
496 Amos 5:20.
497 Zeph. 1:12.
498 Isa. 13:11.
499 Zeph. 1:18, 13.
500 Jer. 4:19, 20.
501 Zeph. 1:15, 16.
502 Isa. 13:9.
503 Joel 2:1, 15-18, 12, 13.
504 Rev. 14:6, 7.
505 2 Peter 1:19.
506 Prov. 3:14.
507 Ps. 25:14.
508 John 12:35.
509 John 8:12.
510 Micah 5:2.
511 Dan. 9:25.
512 Luke 2:14.
513 Luke 2:25, 32; Acts 13:47.
514 Heb. 9:28.
515 1 Thess. 5:4, 5.
516 Luke 19:44.
517 Bliss, S., "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 65-67.
518 Ps. 119:130.
519 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 70.
520 Matt. 13:30, 38-41.
521 2 Tim. 3:13, 1.
522 2 Thess. 2:8.
523 1 Thess. 4:16, 17.
524 Matt. 24:30, 27, 31.
525 Matt. 25:31-34.
526 Ibid.
527 1 Cor. 15:51-53.
528 1 Cor. 15:50.
529 See Luke 4:25.
530 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 74, 75.
531 Deut. 29:29.
532 Amos 3:7.
533 See 2 Tim. 3:16.
534 2 Peter 1:21.
535 Rom. 15:4.
536 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 75.
537 Num. 14:34; Eze. 4:6.
538 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 76.
539 Dan. 9:22, 23, 25-27.
540 Ezra 7:12-26.
541 See Appendix.
542 Acts 10:38.
543 Luke 4:18.
544 Mark 1:14, 15.
545 Matt. 10:5, 6.
546 Acts 8:4, 5; 22:21.
547 See Appendix.
548 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 76, 77.
549 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 81.
550 Eze. 33:8, 9.
551 Bliss, p. 92.
552 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 138.
553 Matt. 24:29.
554 Rev. 6:13.
555 Devens, R. M., "American Progress; or, The Great Events of the Greatest Century," ch. 28, pars. 1-5.
556 Reed, F., in the Christian Advocate and Journal, Dec. 13, 1833.
557 "The Old Countryman," in Portland evening Advertiser, Nov. 26, 1833.
558 Matt. 24:33.
559 Rev. 6:12-17.
560 Litch, Josiah, article in Signs of the Times, and Expositor of Prophecy, Aug. 1, 1840.
561 See Appendix.
562 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 183.
563 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 250, 252.
564 Matt. 24:39.
565 John 14:3.
566 Acts 1:11.
567 Luke 24:52, 53.
568 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 146.
569 See Appendix.
570 Matt. 24:15.
571 Rev. 1:1-3.
572 Job 11:7; Isa. 55:8, 9; 46:9, 10.
573 1 Peter 1:10-12.
574 Mark 1:15.
575 Micah 7:8, 9; Ps. 139:12; 112:4; Isa. 42:16.
576 Dan. 7:27.
577 Heb. 4:16.
578 Matt. 25:31, 32.
579 Luke 22:24.
580 Luke 24:27.
581 Luke 24:32.
582 Heb. 6:18, 19.
583 Rom. 8:38, 39, 87.
584 1 Peter 1:25.
585 Rom. 8:34.
586 Joel 2:26.
587 Ps. 30:5.
588 Mark 16:15; Matt. 28:20.
589 Rev. 22:12.
590 Rev. 14:6, 7.
591 Dan. 12:4.
592 2 Thess. 2:3.
593 "Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff." Vol. I, p. 6 (ed. 1860).
594 "Travels and Adventures of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," Vol. I, p. 7.
595 Wolff, "Researches and Missionary Labors," p. 62 (ed. 1835).
596 "Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," pp. 378, 379 (ed. 1839).
597 Idem, p. 294.
598 Wolff, "Researches and Missionary Labors," pp. 404, 405.
599 "Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," p. 96.
600 "Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," pp. 398, 399.
601 Adams, W. H. D., "In Perils Oft," p. 192.
602 Idem, p. 201.
603 "Journal of the Rev. Joseph Wolff," p. 377.
604 Idem, p. 389.
605 Encyclopaedia Britannica, art. Bengel (ninth edition).
606 Ibid.
607 Gaussen, L., "Daniel the Prophet," Vol. II, Preface.
608 Matt. 21:8-16.
609 2 Peter 3:3, 4.
610 Matt. 24:36, 3, 33, 42-51.
611 Ibid.
612 Ibid.
613 Rev. 3:3.
614 1 Thess. 5:2-5.
615 Isa. 66:5.
616 See Appendix.
617 See Appendix.
618 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," p. 328.
619 Ibid.
620 Congregational Journal, May 23, 1844.
621 Acts 4:32, 31; 2:47.
622 Eph. 4:3-5.
623 Rev. 14:8.
624 Hosea 2:19.
625 Jer. 3:14.
626 2 Cor. 11:2.
627 Eze. 16:8, 13-15, 32; Jer. 3:20.
628 Rev. 17:4-6, 18.
629 Eze. 16:14, 15.
630 Ibid.
631 Dr. Challoner, "The Catholic Christian Instructed," Preface, pp. 21, 22 (ed. 1897).
632 Hopkins, Samuel, "Works," Vol. II, p. 328 (ed. 1854).
633 Guthrie, John, "The Gospel in Ezekiel," p. 237 (Edinburgh ed. 1857).
634 2 Thess. 2:7.
635 Robinson, Robert, "Ecclesiastical Researches," ch. 6, par. 17 (ed. 1792, p. 51).
636 Gavezzi's Lectures, p. 278 (ed. 1854).
637 Ibid.
638 Wesley's Works, Sermon 50, "The Use of Money."
639 "The Healthy Christian: An Appeal to the Church," pp. 141, 142 (ed. 1871).
640 Second Advent Library, Tract No. 39.
641 Sermon on "The Bible a Sufficient Creed," delivered at Fort Wayne, Ind., Feb. 22, 1846.
642 2 Thess. 2:9-11.
643 2 Thess. 2:12.
644 Rev. 18:4.
645 Eze. 12:21-25, 27, 28.
646 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 236, 237, 282.
647 The Advent Herald and Signs of the Times Reporter, Vol. VIII, No. 23 (Jan. 15, 1845).
648 Ibid.
649 Matt. 25:5-7.
650 See Appendix.
651 1 Cor. 5:7.
652 1 Cor. 15:23, 20.
653 Ibid.
654 Phil. 3:21.
655 Lev. 16:29-34.
656 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 270, 271.
657 Bliss, in the Advent Shield and Review, Vol. I, p. 271 (Jan., 1845).
658 Matt. 21:9.
659 John 20:13.
660 Luke 19:40.
661 Acts 17:3.
662 Zech. 9:9.
663 The Advent Herald and Signs of the Times Reporter, Vol. VIII, No. 14 (Nov. 13, 1844).
664 Bliss, "Memoirs of Wm. Miller," pp. 256, 255, 277, 280, 281.
665 White, J., "Life of Wm. Miller," p. 315.
666 Heb. 10:35-39.
667 Dan. 8:14.
668 Heb. 9:1-5.
669 Ex. 25:8.
670 Heb. 8:1, 2.
671 Ex. 25:9, 40.
672 Heb. 9:9, 23; 8:5; 9:24.
673 Dan. 7:10.
674 Rev. 4:5.
675 Rev. 8:3.
676 Rev. 11:19.
677 Zech. 6:13.
678 Eph. 2:20-22.
679 Rev. 1:5, 6.
680 Luke 1:32, 33.
681 Rev. 3:21.
682 Isa. 53:4; Heb. 4:15; 2:18; 1 John 2:1.
683 John 16:26, 27.
684 2 Cor. 5:19.
685 John 3:16.
686 Heb. 9:22, 23.
687 Heb. 8:5.
688 Lev. 17:11.
689 Lev. 10:17.
690 Lev. 16:16, 19.
691 Lev. 16:8, 21, 22.
692 Ibid.
693 Heb. 9:24.
694 Heb. 6:19, 20; 9:12.
695 Rev. 22:12.
696 Dan. 7:13.
697 Mal. 3:1.
698 2 Thess. 1:8.
699 Mal. 3:2, 3.
700 Mal. 3:4.
701 Eph. 5:27.
702 Cant. 6:10.
703 Mal. 3:5.
704 Jude 14, 15.
705 Rev. 21:9, 10.
706 Rev. 19:9.
707 Dan. 7:14; Rev. 21:2.
708 Matt. 8:11; Luke 22:30.
709 Luke 12:36.
710 Matt. 22:11.
711 Rev. 7:14.
712 Lev. 16:17.
713 Rev. 3:7, 8.
714 Matt. 23:38.
715 2 Thess. 2:10-12.
716 Rev. 11:19.
717 Matt. 5:18.
718 Ps. 119:89; 111:7, 8.
719 Ex. 20:8-11.
720 Rev. 3:7, 8.
721 See Appendix.
722 Rom. 2:12-16.
723 Heb. 11:6; Rom. 14:23.
724 Eccl. 12:13.
725 1 John 5:3; Prov. 28:9.
726 Ps. 96:5.
727 Isa. 40:25, 26; 45:18.
728 Ps. 100:3; 95:6.
729 Rev. 4:11.
730 Ex. 20:10, 11.
731 Eze. 20:20.
732 Ex. 31:17.
733 Andrews, J.N., "History of the Sabbath," ch. 27.
734 Rev. 14:9, 10.
735 Rev. 12:9.
736 Verses 1-10.
737 Rev. 13:11.
738 Dan. 7:2.
739 Rev. 17:15.
740 Townsend, G.A., "The New World Compared with the Old," p. 462 (ed. 1869).
741 The Dublin Nation.
742 Speech delivered at Plymouth, Mass., Dec. 22, 1824, p. 11.
743 Rev. 13:11-14.
744 2 Thess. 2:3.
745 2 Tim. 3:1-5.
746 1 Tim. 4:1.
747 2 Thess. 2:9-11.
748 Sermon on "The Bible a Sufficient Creed," delivered at Fort Wayne, Ind., Feb. 22, 1846.
749 Rev. 13:16, 17.
750 Dan. 7:25, R. V.
751 See Appendix.
752 Mark 2:28; Isa. 58:13.
753 Matt. 5:17-19.
754 Elliott, George, "The Abiding Sabbath," p. 184.
755 Waffle, A. E., "The Lord's Day," p. 186.
756 Idem, pp. 187, 188.
757 Tuberville, H., "An Abridgement of the Christian Doctrine," p. 58.
758 "Plain Talk about Protestantism," p. 213.
759 Rev. 13:16.
760 Rev. 15:2, 3.
761 Isa. 56:1, 2, 6, 7.
762 Isa. 56:8.
763 Isa. 8:16, 20.
764 Ibid.
765 Isa. 58:1, 2.
766 Isa. 58:12, 13.
767 Job 38:6, 7; Gen. 2:1-3.
768 2 Thess. 2:3.
769 Heb. 3:19.
770 John 3:20.
771 Eze. 3:7; 2:7.
772 Eze. 33:7-9.
773 2 Cor. 4:17.
774 Heb. 11:26.
775 Isa. 51:7, 8.
776 1 Peter 3:3, 4.
777 2 Cor. 7:9-11.
778 Matt. 7:16.
779 Ps. 119:45.
780 James 2:8; 1:25.
781 Rev. 22:14.
782 Isa. 42:21.
783 Matt. 5:17, 18.
784 Ps. 40:8.
785 Rom. 13:10.
786 Ps. 119:142, 172.
787 Rom. 7:12.
788 Rom. 8:7.
789 1 John 3:4; Rom. 3:20.
790 3:31; 6:2; 1 John 5:3.
791 Rom. 8:4.
792 Ps. 119:97.
793 Ps. 19:7.
794 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:23.
795 John 17:17, 19.
796 Rom. 15:16.
797 John 16:13.
798 John 15:10; 8:29.
799 Phil. 2:12, 13.
800 1 Cor. 15:57.
801 Phil. 3:13, 14.
802 2 Peter 1:5-10.
803 Dan. 10:11.
804 Dan. 9:18, 15, 20; 10:8.
805 Job 42:6.
806 Isa. 6:3, 5.
807 Cor. 12:2-4 (margin); Eph. 3:8.
808 Rev. 1:17.
809 James 2:14-24.
810 1 John 3:6.
811 1 John 2:4, 5.
812 1 Thess. 5:23.
813 Rom. 12:1.
814 1 Peter 2:11.
815 2 Cor. 7:1.
816 Gal. 5:22, 23.
817 Rev. 21:27.
818 1 Cor. 6:19, 20.
819 2 Cor. 6:17, 18.
820 John 8:12.
821 Prov. 4:18.
822 Col. 1:9-11.
823 Eph. 3:16-19.
824 Rom. 8:32.
825 Luke 11:13.
826 John 14:14; 16:24.
827 Rom. 8:1.
828 Heb. 2:11.
829 1 John 5:4.
830 Neh. 8:10.
831 Phil. 4:4; 1 Thess. 5:16-18.
832 Jer. 2:13.
833 Ps. 1:1-3.
834 Jer. 6:16.
835 Dan. 7:9, 10, R.V.
836 Ps. 90:2.
837 Dan. 7:13, 14.
838 1 Peter 4:17.
839 Rev. 20:12.
840 Luke 10:20.
841 Phil. 4:3.
842 Dan. 12:1; Rev. 21:27.
843 Mal. 3:16.
844 Neh. 13:14.
845 Ps. 56:8.
846 Eccl. 12:14; Matt. 12:36, 37.
847 1 Cor. 4:5.
848 Isa. 65:6, 7.
849 Eccl. 12:13, 14.
850 James 2:12.
851 Luke 20:35, 36.
852 John 5:29.
853 1 John 2:1.
854 Heb. 9:24; 7:25.
855 Ex. 32:33.
856 Eze. 18:24.
857 Isa. 43:25.
858 Rev. 3:5; Matt. 10:32, 33.
859 Micah 4:8.
860 Ps. 51:17.
861 Zech. 3:2.
862 Eph. 5:27.
863 Rev. 3:4.
864 Jer. 31:34; 50:20.
865 Isa. 4:2, 3.
866 Acts 3:19, 20.
867 Heb. 9:28.
868 Lev. 16:22.
869 Heb. 6:20.
870 Prov. 28:13.
871 2 Cor. 12:9.
872 Matt. 11:29, 30.
873 Mark 13:33.
874 Rev. 3:3.
875 Rev. 22:11, 12.
876 Matt. 24:39.
877 Mark 13:35, 36.
878 Dan. 5:27.
879 Col. 1:16.
880 Eze. 28:12-15, 17.
881 Ibid.
882 Eze. 28:6; Isa. 14:13, 14.
883 Ex. 34:6, 7.
884 John 17:24.
885 Heb. 1:6.
886 2 Cor. 5:19.
887 Heb. 2:14.
888 Isa. 14:13, 14; Eze. 28:18, 19.
889 Mal. 4:1.
890 Nahum 1:9.
891 Gen. 3:15.
892 2 Tim. 3:12.
893 2 Cor. 4:4.
894 Eph. 6:12 (margin).
895 1 Peter 5:8.
896 Eph. 6:11.
897 Heb 1:14.
898 Job 38:7.
899 Ps. 8:5.
900 Ps. 103:19-21; Rev. 5:11.
901 Dan. 7:10; Heb. 12:22.
902 Eze. 1:14.
903 Matt. 28:3, 4.
904 2 Kings 19:35; 2 Chron. 32:21.
905 Job 1:9, 10.
906 Ps. 34:7.
907 Matt. 18:10.
908 Mark 5:9.
909 Mark 7:26-30.
910 Matt. 12:22.
911 Mark 9:17-27.
912 Luke 4:33-36.
913 Luke 4:36.
914 Job 1:6.
915 Matt. 7:16.
916 Rev. 12:10.
917 Hab. 2:2.
918 Ps. 97:11.
919 1 Tim. 6:20.
920 2 Thess. 2:10-12.
921 1 Cor. 2:14.
922 Matt. 24:23-26.
923 Rom. 11:33.
924 John 1:9.
925 Matt. 7:7; John 7:17.
926 Zech. 4:6.
927 1 Peter 3:12, 13.
928 Num. 23:8, 10, 20, 21, 23; 24:9.
929 Ibid.
930 Gen. 3:1.
931 Gen. 3:2.
932 Gen. 3:19.
933 Rom. 5:12; 2 Tim. 1:10.
934 John 3:36.
935 Rom. 2:7.
936 Eze. 18:20.
937 Gen. 3:24.
938 Eze. 33:11.
939 Rev. 14:8; 17:2.
940 2 Sam. 13:39.
941 1 Cor. 6:10.
942 Rev. 21:6, 7.
943 Ibid.
944 Isa. 3:10, 11.
945 Eccl. 8:12, 13.
946 Rom. 2:5, 6, 9.
947 Eph. 5:5, A.R.V.
948 Heb. 12:14.
949 Rev. 22:14, 15.
950 Ex. 34:6, 7.
951 Ps. 145:20; 37:38.
952 Gen. 6:5, 11.
953 Rom. 6:23.
954 Deut. 30:15.
955 Acts 24:15.
956 1 Cor. 15:22.
957 John 5:28, 29.
958 Rev. 20:6.
959 Ps. 37:10; Obadiah 16.
960 Ps. 9:5, 6.
961 Rev. 5:13.
962 Ps. 146:4.
963 Eccl. 9:5, 6, 10.
964 Isa. 38:18, 19.
965 Ps. 6:5; 115:17.
966 Acts 2:29, 34.
967 1 Cor. 15:16-18.
968 Tyndale, Wm., Preface to "New Testament" (ed. 1534). Reprinted in "British Reformers—Tindal, Frith, Barnes," p. 349 (ed. 1830).
969 Commentary on the New Testament, Vol. II, general comments on 1 Corinthians 15, par. 3.
970 John 14:2, 3.
971 1 Thess. 4:16-18.
972 Acts 17:31.
973 Jude 6, 14, 15.
974 Rev. 20:12.
975 Matt. 25:21, 41.
976 Ibid.
977 Petavel, E., "The Problem of Immortality," p. 255 (ed. 1892).
978 Luther's "Exposition of Solomon's Booke Called Ecclesiastes," p. 152 (ed. 1573, London).
979 1 Thess. 4:14; Job 14:10-12.
980 Eccl. 12:6.
981 Job 14:21.
982 1 Cor. 15:52-55.
983 Ibid.
984 2 Thess. 2:9, 10.
985 Rev. 13:13, 14.
986 James 3:15.
987 Gen. 3:5.
988 Compare Num. 25:1-3; Ps. 106:28; 1 Cor. 10:20; Rev. 16:14.
989 Lev. 19:31; 20:27.
990 Mal. 2:17.
991 Isa. 5:20.
992 Isa. 8:19, 20.
993 2 Thess. 2:10, 11.
994 Rev. 3:10.
995 Ibid.
996 Isa. 28:15.
997 Gen. 3:4, 5.
998 Rev. 16:13, 14.
999 Isa. 28:17, 18.
1000 Mosheim, "Eccl. Hist.," b. 3, cent. 11, part 2, ch. 2, par. 9, note 1.
1001 Strong, Dr. Josiah, "Our Country," ch. 5, pars. 1-3.
1002 Matt. 23:4.
1003 Matt. 11:28.
1004 Luke 9:54, 56.
1005 2 Thess. 2:3, 4.
1006 Lenfant, "History of the Council of Constance," Vol. I, p. 516 (ed. 1728).
1007 A.D. 321; see Appendix.
1008 Cox, R., "Sabbath Laws and Sabbath Duties," p. 538 (ed. 1853).
1009 West, Francis, "Historical and Practical Discourse on the Lord's Day," p. 174.
1010 Morer, Tho., "Discourse in Six Dialogues on the Name, Notion, and Observation of the Lord's Day," p. 271 (ed. 1701).
1011 See Heylyn, "History of the Sabbath," Part II, ch. 5, sec. 7.
1012 See Roger de Hoveden, "Annals," Vol. II, pp. 528-530 (Bohn ed.).
1013 Morer, "Dialogues on the Lord's Day," pp. 290, 291.
1014 Idem, pp. 281, 282.
1015 See "Church History of Ethiopia," pp. 311, 312.
1016 See Appendix.
1017 Rev. 13:11-16.
1018 Rev. 13:3.
1019 2 Thess. 2:8.
1020 Rev. 13:8.
1021 Dowling, J., "History of Romanism," b. 5, ch. 6, sec. 55.
1022 Mosheim, "Ecclesiastical History," b. 3, cent. 11, part 2, ch. 2, sec. 9, note 8 (tr. by Murdock). See also Appendix.
1023 James 2:10.
1024 Isa. 59:14.
1025 Isa. 24:4, 5.
1026 1 Kings 18:17, 18.
1027 Rev. 12:17.
1028 Isa. 8:20.
1029 Rev. 14:9-11.
1030 2 Tim. 4:3.
1031 Prov. 16:25.
1032 Mark 12:24.
1033 John 7:17.
1034 Ps. 119:18.
1035 Isa. 59:19.
1036 John 14:26.
1037 Ps. 119:11.
1038 Heb. 10:29.
1039 Eph. 5:14-16.
1040 Ps. 119:99, 104.
1041 Prov. 3:13; Jer. 17:8.
1042 Rev. 18:1, 2, 4.
1043 Rev. 14:8.
1044 Rev. 18:5.
1045 Rev. 13:16.
1046 Rev. 14:9, 10.
1047 2 Tim. 3:12.
1048 Hosea 6:3.
1049 Joel 2:23.
1050 Acts 2:17, 21.
1051 Acts 3:19, 20.
1052 Rev. 13:13.
1053 Dan 12:1.
1054 Rev. 22:11.
1055 John 11:50.
1056 Jer. 30:5-7.
1057 Gen. 32:24-30.
1058 Hosea 12:4.
1059 Rev. 3:10.
1060 Isa. 27:5.
1061 Gen. 32:30.
1062 Eze. 14:20.
1063 John 14:30.
1064 Rev. 12:12.
1065 Rev. 1:13-15.
1066 Acts 8:10.
1067 Matt. 24:24-27, 31; 25:31; Rev. 1:7; 1 Thess. 4:16, 17.
1068 Isa. 33:16.
1069 Isa. 49:14-16.
1070 Zech. 2:8.
1071 Isa. 28:21.
1072 Eze. 33:11.
1073 Ex. 34:6, 7; Nahum 1:3.
1074 Rev. 14:9, 10.
1075 Rev. 16:2-6, 8, 9.
1076 Ibid.
1077 Joel 1:10-12, 17-20; Amos 8:3.
1078 Amos 8:11, 12.
1079 Isa. 33:16; 41:17.
1080 Hab. 3:17, 18.
1081 Ps. 121:5-7; 91:3-10.
1082 Matt. 27:42.
1083 Luke 18:7, 8.
1084 Ps. 34:7.
1085 Isa. 21:11, 12.
1086 Isa. 51.11-16.
1087 Isa. 51:21-23.
1088 Mal. 3:17.
1089 Ps. 27:5.
1090 Isa. 26:20, 21.
1091 Isa. 30:29, 30.
1092 John 17:24.
1093 Rev. 16:17, 18.
1094 Rev. 16:17, 18.
1095 Rev. 16:19, 21.
1096 Dan. 12:2.
1097 Rev. 1:7.
1098 Isa. 13:6.
1099 Isa. 2:10-12, 20, 21 (margin).
1100 Ps. 46:1-3.
1101 Ps. 50:6.
1102 Mal. 3:18.
1103 Rev. 19:11, 14.
1104 Hab. 3:3, 4.
1105 Rev. 19:16.
1106 Jer. 30:6; Nahum 2:10.
1107 Ps. 50:3, 4.
1108 Rev. 6:15-17.
1109 Isa. 9.5.
1110 Eze. 33:11.
1111 Prov. 1:24, 25.
1112 Matt. 26:64.
1113 Matt. 27:42, 43.
1114 Prov. 1:27.
1115 Isa. 25:9.
1116 1 Cor. 15:55.
1117 Mal. 4:2.
1118 Rev. 2:17.
1119 Rev. 1:5, 6.
1120 Jude 24.
1121 Rev. 15:2.
1122 Rev. 14:1-5; 15:3.
1123 Ibid.
1124 Rev. 7:14-17.
1125 Ibid.
1126 Ibid.
1127 Ps. 50:6.
1128 Isa. 25:8.
1129 Isa. 62:12; 61:3.
1130 Rev. 7:10, 12.
1131 Rev. 18:5-10.
1132 Rev. 18:3, 15-17.
1133 Jer. 8:11; Eze. 13:22.
1134 Jer. 23:1, 2; 25:34, 35 (margin).
1135 Jer. 25:31.
1136 Eze. 9:1-6.
1137 Ibid.
1138 Isa. 26:21.
1139 Zech. 14:12, 13.
1140 Jer. 25:33.
1141 Isa. 24:1, 3, 5, 6.
1142 Lev. 16:21.
1143 Rev. 20:1-3.
1144 Gen. 1:2. The word here translated "deep" is the same that in Rev. 20:1-3 is rendered "bottomless pit."
1145 Jer. 4:23-27.
1146 Isa. 14:12-17.
1147 Isa. 14:18-20.
1148 Isa. 14:3-6, R. V.
1149 1 Cor. 4:5.
1150 Dan. 7:22.
1151 Rev. 20:4, 6; 1 Cor. 6:2, 3.
1152 Ibid.
1153 Ibid.
1154 Jude 6.
1155 Rev. 20:5; Isa. 24:22.
1156 Ibid.
1157 Zech. 14:5, 4, 9.
1158 Rev. 7:9.
1159 Rev. 20:11, 12.
1160 Matt. 25:40.
1161 Rev. 15:3.
1162 Rev. 15:4.
1163 Ps. 145:10.
1164 Rev. 5:12.
1165 Eze. 28:6-8, 16-19.
1166 Isa. 9:5; 34:2; Ps. 11:6 (margin).
1167 Mal. 4:1; 2 Peter 3:10.
1168 Isa. 34:8; Prov. 11:31.
1169 Ibid.
1170 Mal. 4:1.
1171 Isa. 14:7.
1172 Rev. 20:6; Ps. 84:11.
1173 Rev. 21:1.
1174 Hab. 3:4 (margin).
1175 Micah 4:8; Eph. 1:14.
1176 Ibid.
1177 Isa. 45:18.
1178 Ps. 37:29.
1179 1 Cor. 2:9.
1180 Heb. 11:14-16.
1181 Isa. 32:18; 60:18; 65:21, 22.
1182 Isa. 35:1; 55:13.
1183 Isa. 11:6, 9; 33:24; 62:3; 65:19.
1184 Rev. 21:4, 11, 24, 3.
1185 Ibid.
1186 Ibid.
1187 Ibid.
1188 Ibid.
1189 Ibid.
1190 Rev. 22:5; 21:22.
1191 Ibid.
1192 1 Cor. 13:12.
1193 Eph. 3:15.
1194 Rev. 5:13.