Parts of speech, meaning of the term: —Parts of speech, named and defined: —what explanations may aid learners to distinguish the different: —why needful that learners be early taught to make for themselves the prop. distribution of: —WILS. on the distribution of: —the preferable number with respect to; the office of, specifically stated. —The parts of speech, passage exemplifying all. —Examples of a partic. part of speech accumulated in a sentence. —Etymol. and Synt. of the different parts of speech, see Article, Noun, Adjective, &c.
Passions of the mind, by what tones to be expressed.
Passive verb, defined. —Pass. verbs contrasted with active-trans, verbs, in respect to the object or the agent of the action; their compos, and construc.: —their FORM in Eng. —Pass. verb BE LOVED, conjug. affirmatively. —Pass. verbs, how distinguished from neuters of the same form: —having active forms nearly equivalent to them, (is rejoiced, rejoices; am resolved, know, &c.,): —erroneously allowed by some to govern the obj. case in Eng.; CROMB. in this category, cited, canon, pseudo-canons. —Pass. verb, what should always take for its subj. or nom.: —takes the same case after as before it, when both words refer to the same thing: —between two nominatives, with which should be made to agree, ("Words ARE wind,"). See Unco-Passive, &c.
Passive form of an active-intrans. verb followed by a prep. and its objective, ("He WAS LAUGHED AT,"). Passive sense of the act. form of the verb, ("The books continue SELLING,").
Past for future, see Prophecy.
Pauses, term defined. —Pauses, kinds of, named and explained: —the distinctive, duration of: —after what manner should be formed: —forced, unintentional, their effect: —emphatic or rhetorical, applicat. and office of: —harmonic, kinds of; these, essential to verse. —Pauses, abrupt, punct.: —emphatic, do.
Pedantic and sense-dimming style of charlatans &c., as offending against purity.
Pentameter line, iambic, examples of: —is the regular Eng. HEROIC; its quality and adaptation: —embraces the elegiac stanza: —trochaic, example of, said by MURR. et al. to be very uncommon; was unknown to DR. JOH. and other old prosodists: —the two examples of. in sundry grammars, whence came; a couplet of these scanned absurdly by HIL.; HART mistakes the metre of do.: —dactylic, example of, ("Salutation to America,").
Perfect, adj., whether admits of comparison; why its comparis. by adverbs not wholly inadmissible.
Perfect definition, what.
Perfect participle, or second part., defined: —its form: —how has been variously called: —its character and name as distinguished from the imperf. part: —why sometimes called the passive part.; why this name liable to objection: —how may be distinguished from the preterit of the same form: —should not be made to govern an objective term. ("The characters MADE USE OF," MURR.,): —not to be used for the pret., nor confounded with the pres.: —what care necessary in the employment of; when to be distinguished from the preterits of their verbs.
Perfect tense, defined. —Perf. tense of indic., as referring to time relatively fut.
Period, or full stop, its pause. —Period, or circuit, nature of. —Period, probably the oldest of the points; how first used: —how used in Hebrew: —what used to mark: —Rules for the use of: —not required when short sentences are rehearsed as examples: —whether to be applied to letters written for numbers: —with other points set after it: —whether proper after Arabic figures used as ordinals. —Period of abbreviation, whether always supersedes other points.
Permanent propositions, to be expressed in the pres. tense.
Permitting, &c., verbs of, see Commanding.
Personal pronoun, defined. —Personal pronouns, simple, numb, and specificat. of: —declension of: —often used in a reciprocal sense, ("Wash YOU," &c.,). —(See also It.) —Personal pronouns, compound, numb. and specificat. of. 298: —explanat. and declension of: —CHURCH. account of: —of the first and second persons, placed before nouns to distinguish their persons.
Personification, defined, —MURR. definition of, blamed, —what constitutes the purest kind of, —change of the gend. of inanimate objects by, —whether it always changes the gender of anteced. term, —agreem. of pronouns with their antecedents in cases of, —Rule for capitals in do., —comp., —Personifications, CHURCH, on the determination of gender in, —Personified objects, names of, put in the second pers., and why, —how pronouns agree with,
Persons, term defined, —Persons, named and defined, —the distinction of, on what founded, —Persons, numbers, &c., character of BROWN'S definitions of, —Persons, in gram., nature of; absurd teachings of some grammar-makers concerning, —distinctions of, in written lang., —Person and number of a verb, what, —Persons, second and third, of a verb, distinctive formations of, —do., in Lat., shown, —Person, nouns of the second, in Eng., in how many ways can be employed, —the third, put with the pron. I, by vulgarism, ("THINKS I to myself,") —the first, place of, —Persons, whether the imperat. mood may have three, —connected antecedents of different, agreem. of pron. with, —connected nominatives of different, agreem. of verb with,
Perspicuity, as a quality of style, in what consists, —is essential in composition; BLAIR quoted, —the excellence of, —Precepts aiming at offences against,
Perversions of Eng. grammar, the design, in part, of BROWN'S code of synt, is to make intelligent judges of, —Perversions, literary, Crit. N. concerning,
Phonetics, phonography, phonotopy, BROWN'S estimate of; DR. JOH. cited, —account of, —TRENCH'S views of, —Phonographic system of stenography, its practical value; phonotopy, to what may be advantageously applied,
Phrase, defined, —Phrase made the subject of a verb, how to be taken, —Phrases, distinct, conjunctively connected, agreem. of verb with, —distinct, disjunctively connected, do., —unconnected, do., —BAD phrases, examples of, from authors, —do., corrected, —Phrases or clauses, ellips. of, shown, —Adverbial phrase, (so termed by some,) see Adverb.
Place or position of the different parts of speech, see Article, Noun, Adjective, &c.
Pleonasm, defined, —Pleonasm, when allowable with respect to a pron., —in what instances impressive and elegant; when, the vice of ill writing, —occurs sundry times in the Bible,
Pluperfect tense, defined, —Pluperf. tense, what implies when used conditionally; what, in the negative form of supposition, —how formed in the indic. mood; do. in the potential, —indic. form of, put by enall. for pluperf. of the pot., —PLUPERFECT, signif. of the term; several innovators (as BULL., BUTL., et al.) have been fain to discard it,
Plural number, of nouns, how formed, —of most nouns in Eng., is simple and regular, —of nouns ending in a vowel preceded by a vowel, —of do. in y preceded by a consonant, —of do. in o preceded by a consonant, —construc. of, when several persons of the same name are spoken of ("The Stuarts,") —of prop. names, its formation, —of nouns in i, o, u, or y, preceded by a consonant, —when name and title are to be used together, ("The Miss Bells,") —of nouns in f, —of nouns not formed in s or es, —of compounds, —of certain compound terms, ("Ave-Maries," &c.,) —wanting to some nouns, —of nouns of multitude, —Plural, nouns made so by nature or art, —of foreign nouns, 253, —improperly formed by adding apostrophic s, —of mere characters, how denoted,
Plurality, the idea of; see Unity, &c.
Poetic feet, treated, —(See Iambus, Trochee, &c.) —Poetic foot, of what consists, —Poet. feet, number to be recognized in Eng., —principal Eng., named and defined, —kinds of, which form ORDERS OF VERSE, —what combinations of, severally form dimeter, trimeter, &c., —(See Dimeter, Trimeter, &c.) —Poetic collocation of words, in prose, as offending against perspicuity, PREC. respecting, —Poetic diction, treated, —in what abounds, —Poetical Peculiarities,
Poetry, as defined by BLAIR, —character of its style, —aim and end of, —exterior distinction of, —why difficult, by a definition, to be distinguished from prose, —inept directions of some grammatists respecting the parsing of, —Poetry, every line in, should begin with a capital,
Points, or stops, the principal, named, and their forms shown, —the purpose of, —length of pauses denoted by, —often variously used in different editions of the same work, —origin of, See Punctuation.
Points of the compass, adjectives for; modes of varying them,
Possession, relation of, see Property.
Possessive case, defined, —Poss. case, how formed —disputes of the earlier grammarians respecting, —CARD. et al. attempt to revive exploded error concerning, —form of, —origin of, in Eng., —odd notions of some grammarians concerning the regular formation of —exceptions or irregularities in the formation of —Poss. case, PEI. on, criticised —ASH and PRIESTL. on the plur. —use of the two forms of, in pers. pronouns —of the simp. pers. pronouns, grammarians differ with respect to; should not be considered mere adjectives —are pronom. adjectives, according to DR. LOWTH and his followers, —whose doctrine BROWN canvasses, also, WEBSTER'S, WILSON'S, MURRAY'S —Poss. case, its equivalence to of and the objective, not a sameness of case, (in oppos. to Nix.) —of pronouns, not to be written with apostrophe —of nouns in appos., application of the possessive sign to —by what governed —whether the rule for, has true exceptions —appos. of one with an other, ("For DAVID my SERVANT'S sake,") the construc. examined —appar. in abstract construc., ("All MINE are THINE,") —as governed by a part, the construc. examined; COROL. —why the governm. of, should be limited to nouns only —whether before a real part., denotes the possession of something —Possessive sign, omission oL not a true ellips. —always implies a governing word, —how taken by compounds —liable to be added to adjunct of the former noun —whether it can be rightly added to separate adjectives, ("The GUILTY'S prayer,") —which noun of connected possessives takes —Poss. case, place and order of —generally equivalent to prep. of and the objective, —governed by something not expressed, ("St. Paul's,") —Possessives, connected, how to be taken, —Poss. singular, with s omitted, ("For CONSCIENCE' sake") —Poss. case of nouns sing, in ss, false teaching of KIRKH. et al., respecting the formation of —MURR. rule for the construc. of, why objectionable, —compounds embracing, lack uniformity in writing, —peculiarity of, with respect to correlatives, ("Father's son,") —Possessive relation between a portion of time and its correlative action, ("THREE YEARS' hard work" or, "Three years OF HARD WORK,") —Poss. case, appropriate form of, to be observed, —plural, with a noun in forced agreem., ("For OUR PARTS,") ib., N. iv: —needless use of, before a participle, ("In THEIR pronouncing the Greek,") —Possessive pronouns, my, thy, his, &c., how often should be inserted, or repeated
Potential mood, defined —Potential mood, why so called; by what signs distinguished, —may, like the indic., be used in asking questions; why by some included in the subj. —in what tenses used; nature of the imperf. tense —formation and inflection of its tenses, shown in the verb LOVE, conjugated,
Power of a letter, the powers of the letters, what meant by, when spoken of, —The power of a letter is not its sound, as MURR. et al incorrectly teach —The simple powers of the letters, many irreconcileable doctrines have been advanced thereon; GARDINER'S notions concerning, stated in brief, —RUSH'S explanations of, his pretentious scheme of the alphab. how estimated by BROWN —The just powers of the letters, what, and how are to be learned, —Powers of the letters, variable; how become so; WALK, cited
Praxis, defined; lit. signif. of the word, as from the Gr.
Precision, as a quality of style, in what consists, —Precepts aiming at offences against —conciseness, or brevity, as opposed to
Prefixes, their management in syllabication, R.: —Explanation of —import and character of the particles used as, in Eng.; the roots to which prefixed, not always proper Eng. words —Prefixes, ENG. or ANGLO-SAX., —Prefixes, poet, usage with respect to,
Preperfect participle, defined —Preperf. part., its form —its nature and name,
PREPOSITIONS, Etymol. of —Preposition defined —importance of a right use, and a right explan. of —HARR. explanation of, as cited by LOWTH, stricture on HARR. —its simplicity among the parts of speech; how should be explained in parsing, —no sufficient RULE for the synt. of, in most of the Eng. grammars, Prepositions and their objects, as preceding the words on which they depend, ("Of man's first disobedience, &c., Sing" MILC.,) —Prepositions, what it is, to find the terms of relations of; disput. text cited in illustration —the special adaptation of; example of misuse by MURR., remarked on —HARR., on the purpose for which almost all prepositions were orig. formed, and on the nature of their relations; his views controverted by BROWN, —Prepositions and their governed objects, the true determination of; examples of joint objects, and of joint antecedents, wrong views of MURR. and his followers concerning this matter. —Prepositions, two connected, for what different purposes used —two coming together, ("FROM AMONG the just,") —Prepositions complex, what their character, and how may be resolved; are occasionally compounded by the hyphen —Prepositions, how might be divided into classes; the inutility in parsing of the division into "separable and inseparable;"
HALL'S absurd idea of a divis., noticed —whether "two in immediate succession require a noun to be understood between them," (NUTT.) —words commonly reckoned, (in, on, of, &c.,) used after infinitives or participles, in adverbial construc., ("Houses to eat and drink IN") —Prepositions, List of —grammarians differ considerably in their tables of; do. concerning the characteristics of; what BROWN supposes, in oppos. to the assertion that "Every prep. requires an obj. case after it" —LENN. and BULL. on "prepositions becoming adverbs," criticised —MURR. on "prepositions appearing to be adverbs," criticised —Preposition, whether it can be justly said to take a sent. for its object —Prepositions, words in the list of, sometimes used as other parts of speech —extension of the list of —examples of the less usual, a, and others beginning with a —do. of unusual ones beginning with b, c, or d —unusual, quotations illustrating further the list of —Preposition, RULE of synt. for the word governed by —Prepositions, in Eng., govern no other case than the obj.; most, may take the imperf. part. for their obj. —The brief assertion, that "Prepositions govern the obj. case," wherein is exceptionable as the sole rule for both terms —Prepositions, ellipt. construc. of, with adjectives, (in vain, in secret, &c.) —sometimes appar. govern adverbs —Preposition, appar. governing a perf. part., ("To give it up FOR LOST") —Prepositions, Synt. of —do., in what consists —what RELATIONS, show; (see To and For) —the parsing of; why tolerable writers are liable to err most in their use of —Preposition, the true terms of the relat. of, how may be discovered —when beginning or ending a sent. or clause, what the construc. —the terms of relation of, what may be; both usually expressed —position of, with respect to the governed word —Prepositions, several, dependent on one anteced. term, ("A declaration FOR virtue and AGAINST vice," BUTL.) —two coming together between the same terms of relat.; do. in the same construc.; erron. remark of PRIESTL., MURR., et al., concerning the latter —Preposition, the separating of, from its noun, false doctrine of LOWTH, MURR., et al., concerning —Prepositions, prop, choice of —do., with respect to the allowable uses of —as adapted in meaning to two objects, or to more —Preposition, ellips. or omiss. of, where ineleg. —insertion of, when do. —Prep. and its object, position of, in respect to other words —do., punc. of —Prep., ellips. of, shown —Prepositions, derivation of —poet. usage with respect to
Present tense, defined —Pres. tense, described —of the indic., used to express general truths —deceased authors spoken of in, and why —for the past, by Grecism; in animated narrative, for do., by enall. —of the indic. and the subj., when preceded by as soon as, &c., to what time, refers —of the infin., what time is expressed by; expedients used to express fut. time by —of the INFINITIVE, the ROOT, or RADICAL VERB —of the subj., its use, and how considered by some —Pres. tense, sometimes improp. with the conjunc. that, ("Others said, THAT it is Elias")
Preter, preterimperfect, &c., disused terms for past, imperfect, &c. —Preter, prefix, its meaning
Preterit, defined —Preterit, described —its form and variations —present tendency to a reg. orthog. of, to be encouraged —groundless rule of some, for forming second pers. of, when the pres. and the pret. are alike —not to be used in forming the comp. tenses of a verb
Preventing, verbs of, with part., in stead of infin. —what construc. is proper for
Primitive word, defined —Primitive words regarded as such in Eng., may generally be traced to ulterior sources
Principal parts, of a verb, (see Chief Terms) —of a sent., how many, and what
Priscian, ancient grammarian, delivers the names of most of the Lat. letters
Progressive form of a verb, see Compound &c.
Pronominal adjectives, see Adjectives, Pronominal
PRONOUNS, Etymol. of —Pronoun, definition of —Pronouns in Eng., number of, and their variations —nature of the representation by; are put substantively, relatively, or adjectively; difference in these three modes of substitution —Classes of, named, and defined; (see Personal Pronoun, Relative Pron., and Interrogative Pron.) —Pronouns, compound, constructional peculiarities of —Pronouns, faultiness and discordance of most Eng. grammars, with respect to the classification and treatment of; specification of different modes of distribution by diff. authors —Modifications of, named; these properties how distinguished in the personal pronouns; do. how ascertained in the relat. and interrog. pronouns —Declension of; simp. personals declined; comp. personals do.; comp. relatives do. —appar. used for adverbs —Pronouns, Synt. of —Pronoun, agreem. of, with its anteced. —do., with anteced. indefinite —plur., put by enall. for the sing., agreem. of —sometimes disagreeing with the anteced. in one sense, because taking it in an other —what the main point with respect to; what application of the rule of agreem., in parsing —Pronouns, agreem. of, with their antecedents, as affected by the figures of rhetoric —place of —Pronoun, as representing a phrase or sentence —under what circumstances can agree with either of two antecedents —the parsing of, commonly requiring the application of two rules —with suppressed anteced. —needless introduction of, ("PALLAS, HER glass," BACON) —with change of numb. in the second pers., or promisc. use of ye and you —must present the same idea as the anteced., and never confound the name with the thing signified —employment of the same, with respect to connected relative clauses —in what instances the noun must be repeated, or inserted in stead of —should never be used to represent an adj., ("Be ATTENTIVE; without WHICH," &c.) —change of anteced. to accord with —agreem. with collective nouns —do. with joint antecedents —do. with connected antecedents in apposition —do. with connected antecedents emphat. distinguished —do. with connected antecedents preceded by each, every, or no —do. with connected antecedents of different persons —agreeing with implied nominatives —agreem. with disjunct antecedents —what agreem. with disjunct. antecedents of different persons, numbers, and genders —do. with antecedents taken affirmatively and negatively —do. with two antecedents connected by as well as, &c. —ellips. of, shown —punct. of, without pause —Pronouns, derivation of, from Sax. —poet. peculiarities of
Pronunciation, importance of an early habit of distinct —how best taught to children —Pronunc., as distinguished from elocution, what; how differs from articulation —Pronunc. of the Eng. lang., what knowledge requires; its difficulties; whether we have any system of, worthy to be accounted a STANDARD
Proof-texts, not to be perverted in the quotation, Crit. N. —not quoted, but invented, by some, in their false illustrations of gram.
Proper names begin with capitals —Comm. and proper name associated, how written —Prop. names, derivatives from, do. —(Names of Deity, see Deity.) —Prop. names, application of rule concerning; distinc. between do. and common appellatives —of places, comparative difficulty of writing them —modern compound, sparing use of hyphen in —Prop. names, what their relative importance in lang. —structure and signif. of; how should be written —of plur. form, preceded by def. art. —Prop. name, with def. art., acquires the import of a comm. —Proper, from a comm. noun personified —Prop. names of individuals, strictly used as such, have no plur.; prop. name, how made plur., and how then considered —when they form a plur., how form it —of persons, generally designate their sex —Prop. name, in appos. with an appellative —represented by which, ("Herod —WHICH is," &c.) —Prop. name and title, when taken together in a plur. sense, in what form to be written
Property, the relation of, how may be otherwise expressed than by the poss. case
Prophecy, the past tenses substituted for the fut., in the lang. of
Propositions, permanent, in what tense should be expressed
Propriety, as a quality of style, in what consists —its oppos., impropriety, what embraces —Precepts aiming at offences against
Prose and verse, in the composition of lang., how differ
PROSODY —Prosody, of what subjects treats —etymol. and signif. of the word —Prosody, meagrely and immethodically treated in the works of many grammarians —undetermined usage as to what things belong to; how treated by some of the old prosodists; account of SMETIUS'S treatise of; do. GENUENSIS'S
Prosthesis, explained
Proverbs, their elliptical character
Provincial expressions, use of, as opposed to purity
PUNCTUATION, arranged under the head of Prosody —Punct., what —principal marks of, named and shown; what they severally denote —RULES of: for Comma; for Semicolon; for Colon; for Period; for Dash; for Eroteme; for Ecphoneme; for Curves —description of the other marks of —(See Comma, Semicolon, &c.) —Punct., the present system of, in Eng., common to many languages —why often found diverse, in diff. editions and diff. versions of the same work —duty of writers in respect to, and of publishers in reproducing ancient books —some account of the orig. and prog. of —"improvement" in, which is no improvement —confused and discordant explanations, by some, of certain of the marks of
Purity, as a quality of style, in what consists —Precepts aiming at offences against
Pyrrhic, defined
Q, its name and plur. numb. —has no sound peculiar to itself; its power —is always followed by u
Quakers, or Friends, their style of address, see Friends
Qualities of style, treated —See Style Quantity, or time in pronunciation, explained —as defined by the lexicographers —its effect in the prolation of sounds —WALKER'S views of, unsatisfac. to BROWN —as regulated by emphasis, MURR. —Quant. of a syll., how commonly explained —by what marks may be indicated —Quantities poetic, how denominated, and how proportioned —What quantity coincides with accent or emphasis —Quantity, on what depends —where variable, and where fixed, in Eng. —Crit. observations on accent and quantity —Quantity, its distinction from accent —Accent and quantity, differing views of authors relative to —Quantity, impropriety of affirming it to be the same as accent —DR. JOH. identification of accent with; such, also, that of others; (not so HARRIS;) NOEHD. rightly defines; so FISK, (in Eschenb. Man. Class. Lit.,) et al. —our grammarians seem not to have understood the distinc. of long and short, e. g., FISHER; so SHERID., WALK., MURR., et al. —CHAND. absurd and confused scheme of, noticed —suggestion of WEBST. on, approved
Questions, can be asked only in the indic. or the pot. mood —direct, to be marked by the eroteme —united, how to be marked —indirect, do. —a series of, how may be united and marked —exclamatory, how to be marked —Question, mentioned in due form, how marked —declaratively put, how uttered and marked —in Spanish, doubly marked, ("?Quien llama?";) in Greek, how
Quite, with art. and adj., construc. how differs according to position of art.
Quotation, direct, first word of, written with capital —Quotations of proof-texts, &c., should be literally given —dependent, separated from say, &c., by comma —indep., preceded by colon —Quotat. within a quotat., how usually marked
Quoth and quod, signif. and use of, in ludicrous lang. or in the old writers
R, name and plur. numb. —of the class liquids —sound of; do., how can be varied in utterance —what faults to be avoided in do. —DR. JOH. account of; WALK. do.
Radicals, separable and inseparable, what are so called in Eng. derivation
Rath, adv., used only in the compar. deg. —Rather, with the exclusive term of comparis. introduced by than —derivation of
Reading, to read, in gram., what the signif. of —READ, verb, CONJUGATED affirmatively in Comp. Form
Reciprocal terms, reciprocals, what pronom. adjectives may be so termed —Reciprocals, EACH OTHER, ONE AN OTHER, their nature and import —misapplicat. of, frequent in books; WEBST. errs in the signif. and applicat. of other. See also Other
Reciprocal or reflected verbs, constructions in imitation of the French
Recurrence of a word in different senses, a fault opposed to propriety
Redundant verb, defined —Redund. verbs, why made a separate class —treated —List of
Reference, marks of, ASTERISK, OBELISK, &c., shown; in what order are introduced —what other signs of, may be used. Reference, doubtful, Crit. N. concerning
Reformers of the Eng. alphabet and orthog., some account of
Rejoice, resolve, incline, &c., import of, in the pass. form
Relations of things, their infinitude and diversity; the nature of RELATION —Relation of words, what —is diff. from agreem., but may coincide with it —Relation according to the sense, an important principle in Eng. synt.; what rules of relation commonly found in the grammars —Simple relation, what parts of speech have no other syntact. property than; what simp. relations there are in Eng. —Relation, with respect to a prep., anteced. term, what may be; subseq., do. —Relation, do., terms of, to be named in parsing a prep.; how the terms may be ascertained by a learner —terms of, to a prep., may be transposed; are very various; both usually expressed
Relative pronouns, defined —Relative pronouns, and their compounds, named; declined —chief constructional peculiarities of —two faulty special rules given by the grammarians, for construc. of, noticed —construc. of, with respect to CASE —ellips. of, in famil. lang., ("The man I trust;") do., poet. —Relative and prep. governing it, when should not be omitted —Relative pron., place of —clauses, connected, employment of, with same pron. in each —Rel. pronouns, exclude conjunctions —derivat. of, from Sax. —poet, peculiarities with respect to. See also Who, Which, &c.
Repetition, of a noun or pronoun, what construc. it produces —of words, emphatic, punct. —of words, through paucity of lang.; against propriety —of do., as demanded by precision —Repetitions, see Pleonasm
Restrictive and resumptive senses of the rel. pronouns, distinc. between, expl. —Restrictive, relation, most approp. expressed by the pron. THAT —admits not a comma before the relative —adj., admits not a comma before it —part., do.
Rhetoric, figure of, defined —Figures of rhetoric, see Figures
Rhetorical pauses, see Pauses
Rhode Island, the name how acquired; peculiarity of its application
Rhyme, defined —Rhyming syllables, their nature and quality
Rhythm, of verse, defined —Fancifully explained by E. A. POE, (who without intelligence derives the term from [Greek: hurithmos]) —sense and signif. of the word
Roman letters, some account of
Rules, of RELATION, what, commonly found in grammars —of SYNT., those common in grammars ill adapted to their purpose; examples of such —of do., exposition of the faulty charac. of those in Eng. grammars —Rules of grammar, advantage of, in the written language
Rush, Dr. J., his new doctrine of the vowels and consonants, in oppos. to the old, how estimated by BROWN —his doctrine of a duplicity of the vocal elements, perstringed —his strange division of the vowels "into two parts," and conversion of most of them into diphthongs; his enumeration and specification of the alphabetic elements
S, its name and plur. numb. —final, in monosyllables, spell. —of the poss. case, occas. dropping of; the elis. how to be regarded, and when to be allowed —its sounds —in what words silent —Ss, sound of
S or es, verbal termin., DR. LOWTH'S account of
Sans, from Fr., signif., and where read
Sabaoth, see Deity
Same cases, construc. of —do., on what founded —what position of the words, admitted by the construc. —Same case, after what verbs, except those which are pass., taken —Same cases, notice of the faulty rules given by LOWTH, MURR., et al., for the construc. of
Sameness of signif., what should be that of the nom. following a verb or part. —Sameness of words, see Identity
Sapphic, verse, described —stanza, composition of; examp. from HOR. —Sapphic verse, difficulty of; Eng. Sapphics few; scansion of; "The Widow," of SOUTHEY, scanned —Eng. Sapphic, DR. WATTS'S ode, (in part.) "The Day of Judgement," "attempted in" —HUMPH. on, cited —Sapphics, burlesque, examples of
Save, saving, as denoting exception, class and construc. of —Save, derivation of
Saxon, alphabet, some account of —lang., its form about the year 450; do. subsequently
Scanning, or scansion, explained —Why, in scanning, the principal feet are to be preferred to the secondary —The poetry of the earliest Eng. poets, not easy of scansion
Script letters, the alphabet exhibited in —the forms of, their adaptation to the pen
Scripture names, many discrepancies in, found in different editions of the Bible. Scriptures, see Bible
Section, mark, uses of
SEE, verb, irreg., act., CONJUGATED affirmatively —takes infin. without prep. TO —its construc. with infin. without to
Seeing and provided, as connectives, their class
Seldom, adv., its comparison; use of, as an adj.
Self, in the format, of the comp. pers. pronouns —CHURCH. explan. of —signif. and use of —as an Eng. prefix —after a noun poss., in poet. diction
Self-contradiction, Crit. N. respecting
Self-naming letters
Semicolon, point —for what purpose used —from what takes its name —when adopted in England —is useful and necessary, though discarded by some late grammarians —Rules for the use of
Semivowel, defined —Semivowels named; nature of w and y; sound of certain, as aspirates
Sense and construc. to be considered, in joining together or writing separately words otherw. liable to be misunderstood —Sense or meaning, necessary to be observed in parsing
Senseless jumbling, Crit. N. concerning
Sentence, defined —Sentence, its parts, principal and subordinate —Sentences, the two kinds of, named and defined —whether a tripartite distribut. of is expedient —Simple sent., false notions amongst grammarians of what constitutes one; the parsing of words not affected thereby —Sentences, simp. and comp., DR. WILS. explanation of —component parts of, what these are —whether all, can be divided into clauses —in what FIVE WAYS, can be analyzed —Sentences, simp., punct.
of, —distinct, do., —allied, do., —short, rehearsed in close succession, how pointed.
Series, of terms, proper use of the articles in, —of words, how to be commaed.
Set and sit, signif. and employment of.
Sex, to what persons ascribed; why a young child may be spoken of without distinc. of, —whether animals may be represented as of no, —inanimate objects fig. represented as having. —Sexes, distinction of, by words, in diff. ways, —denoted by terminat. of words, —designated by proper names.
Shall, verb, how varied, —original signif. of, —explet. use of. —Shall and will, discriminative application of, in the fut. indic.
Sheridan, T., actor and orthoepist, his literary reputation; the worth of his writings.
Side, noun, peculiarities of usage in regard to.
Silent, or mute, when a letter is said to be.
Silliness, literary, Crit. N. concerning.
Simile, explained.
Since, improp. use of, for ago, —derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
Sit and set, use and signif. of.
So, as expressing the sense of a preced. word or phrase, —derivation of, from Sax. —So —as, as —so, correspondents.
Soever or soe'er, whether a word or only a part of an other word; how explained by WEBST.
Solemn style, as distinguished from the familiar, —should not be displaced from the paradigms in a grammar, —is not adapted to familiar discourse, —pres. and pret. terminations of, what, and how uttered, —examp. of, second pers. sing., negat., throughout the verb LOVE, conjugated.
Some, classed, —vulg. used for somewhat, or in some degree, ("SOME longer," SANB.). Somehow or other, somewhere or other, what the construc. Somewhere, nowhere, anywhere, &c., their class, and how should be written.
Sort, see Kind.
Sound, of a letter, commonly called its power, —elementary, of the voice, defined. —Sounds, simp. or primary, numb. in Eng., —elementary, what meant by; are few in numb.; their combinations may be innumerable. —Vowel sounds, or vocal elements, how produced, and where heard; what those in Eng., and how may be modified in the format. of syllables; do., how may be written, and how uttered. —Consonant sounds, simp., in Eng., how many, and what; by what letters marked; in what words heard. —Sounds, long and short, SIGNS used to denote them. —Sounds, a knowledge of, how acquired, —importance of being early taught to pronounce those of one's native lang. —Passage exemplifying all the letters, and all the SOUNDS, in Eng. —Sounds of the Letters, treated.
Speak, to speak, what is meant by.
Speaker, why often speaks of himself in the third pers., —represents himself and others by we, —in Eng., should mention himself last. —The elegant speaker, by what distinguished.
Species and figure of words, what so called, —unsettled usage of the lang. with regard to what relates to the latter. Species and genus of things, how admits limitation by the article.
SPELLING, defined. —Spelling, how to be acquired, —cause of the difficulty of its acquisition, —Rules for, —usage, as a law of, —uniformity and consistency in, how only can be attained. —The right spelling of a word, what, PHILOLOG. Mus. —Oral spelling, how should be conducted. —Charac. of BROWN'S rules for spelling.
Spondee, defined.
St, unsyllab. suffix, whether, wherever found, is a modem contrac. of the syllable est.
Standards of English orthog., the books proposed as such, abound in errors and inconsistencies. —Whether we have a system of Eng. ORTHOEPY worthy to be accounted a STANDARD.
Stanza, defined. —Stanzas, uniformity of, in the same poem, —varieties of, —Elegiac stanza, described. —Stanzas, lyric, examples of, —"A GOOD NAME," ("two beautiful little stanzas," BROWN).
Star, or asterisk, use of. —Three stars, or asterism,
Stenotone, or breve, for what used.
Stops, in printing or writing, see Points.
Strength, as a quality of style, in what consists, —essentials of, —Precepts aiming at offences against.
Strew, whether, or not, an other mode of spelling strow; whether to be distinguished in utterance from do.; whether reg. or irreg.
STYLE, qualities of, treated. —Style, as connected with synt., what, —differs from mere words and mere grammar; not regulated entirely by rules of construc., —what relation has to the author himself, and what shows, —general characters of, by what epithets designated. —What must be remembered by the learner, in forming his style; a good style how acquired. —Style, solemn, familiar, &c., as used in gram., what meant by. —(See Solemn Style.)
Subaudition, meaning of the term. Subdisjunctive particle, of the Latins, expressed in Eng. by or of alternat.
Subject of a finite verb, what, and how may be known, —must be the NOM. CASE, —what besides a noun or pronoun may be. —Subject phrases, joint, what agreements require. —Subject and predicate, in analysis. See also Nominative Case.
Subjunctive mood, defined. —Subj. mood, why so called; what denotes, —differing views of grammarians in regard to the numb. and form of its tenses. —The true subj. mood rejected by some late grammarians; strictures on WELLS. —WELD'S erroneous teaching respecting the subj., noticed, —CHAND. do., do. —Chief characteristical diff. between the indic. and the subj. mood. —Subj. mood described, —its two tenses do., and their forms shown, in the verb LOVE, conjugated, —whether ever put after a rel. pronoun, —proper limits of, —how properly employed. —False subj. —Subj. mood, not necessarily governed by if, lest, &c.
Such, corresponding to that, with infin. foll., —with rel. as following, in stead of who or which.
Sui generis, what thing is thus designated.
Superlative degree, defined, —BROWN'S definit. of, and of the other degrees, new; the faulty charac. of those of MURR., shown, —the true nature of; how may be used; to what is applicable; the explanations of, by the copyists of MURR., criticised, —whether not applicable to two objects, —when employed, what construc. of the latter term should follow. —Double superlatives, to be avoided. —Superl. termination, contractions of.
Supplied, in parsing, what must be. See also Ellipsis.
Suppression, mark of, see Ellipsis.
Syllabic writing, far inferior to the alphabetic, BLAIR.
Syllabication, Rules of, —the doctrine of, why attended with difficulty, —object of; WALK. on; strictures on MULK. rules of, —which of the four purposes of, is preferable in spelling-books and dictionaries, —DR. LOWTH on, —nature of BROWN'S six Rules of; advantage of a system of, founded on the pronunciat., —LATH. and FOWL. fictitious dilemmas in. —Syllabication, erroneous, samples of, from MURR., WEBST., et al.
SYLLABLES, treated. —Syllable defined. —Syllable, cannot be formed without a vowel, —cannot be broken. —Syllables, numb. of, in a word, —words denominated from their numb. of, —the ear chiefly directs in the division of words into. —(See Syllabication.) —Syllable, its quantity in poetry, —do., on what depends.
Syllepsis, explained, —literal signif. of the term; extended applicat. of do. by the grammarians and rhetoricians; BROWN, by his definition, gives it a more restricted applicat.; disapproves of WEBST. explanat. of the term, —what definition or what applicat. of the term is the most approp., has become doubtful.
Synaeresis, explained.
Synchysis, what was so termed by some of the ancients; is different from hyperbaton; its import in gram.; its literal signif.
Syncope, explained.
Synecdoche, (comprehension,) explained. —Synecd., agreem. of pron. with anteced., in cases of.
Synonymous, words so accounted, PREC. concerning the use of.
Syntactical parsing, see Parsing.
SYNTAX. —Synt., of what treats, —the relation of words, the most important principle of; defects of the grammars in treating of do., —false exhibitions of grammarians with respect to the scope and parts of, —character of the rules of, found in most grammars, —divided by some grammarians into concord and governm., and yet treated by them without regard to such division, —common fault of grammarians, noticed, of joining together diff. parts of speech in the same rule of, —do., of making the rules of, double or triple in their form, —whether the principles of etymol. affect those of. —All synt., on what founded. —Why BROWN deemed it needful to add to his code of synt. a GENERAL RULE and CRITICAL NOTES. Figures of syntax.
T, name and plur. numb. of, —substitution of, for ed, how far allowable, —sounds of, —is seldom silent; in what words not sounded. Th, ([Greek: Th], [Greek: alt-th], or [Greek: alt2-th], Gr.,) what represents; how was represented in Anglo-Sax., and to what sounds applied; the two sounds of. To a Tee, the colloq. phrase, explained.
Tautology of expression or of sentiment, a fault opposed to precision.
Teacher, what should be his aim with respect to gram.
Technical terms, unnec. use of, as opposed to propriety. Technically, words and signs taken, how to be construed.
Tenses, term defined. —Tenses, the difierent, named and defined, —whether the names of, are approp., or whether they should be changed, —whether all express time with equal precision, —who reckon only three, and who two; who still differently and variously name their tenses, —Tenses, past and present, occurring together. See Present Tense, Imperf. Tense, &c.
Terminating a sentence with a prep. or other small particle
Terminations, of words, separated in syllabicat. —of verbs, numb. of different, in each tense —of the Eng. verb; DR. A. MURR. account of —tendency of the lang. to lay aside the least agreeable —usage of famil. discourse in respect to those of second pers. sing. —verbal or particip., how are found written in old books —the only reg. ones added to Eng. verbs; utterance of ed and edst —ed, participial, and n, verbal, WALK. on the contrac. of —Termination t, for ed, forced and irreg.
Terms of relation, see Relation. Tetrameter line, iambic, examples of —a favorite with many Eng. writers; BUTL. Hudib., GAY'S Fab., and most of SCOTT'S poems, writt. in couplets of this meas. —admits the doub. rhyme adapted to familiar and burlesque style —trochaic, examples of —character of do. —EVERETT'S fanciful notions about do. —anapestic, examples of —L. HUNT'S "Feast of the Poets," an extended examp. of do. —dactylic, examples of
Than, as, with ellips. in latter term of comparison —character and import of —declinable words connected by, put in same case —Than WHOM, as Gr. genitive governed by comparat., MILT. —what grammarians have inferred from the phrase —MURR. expedient to dispose of do. —CHURCH. makes the rel. in do. "the obj. case absol.," —BROWN determines with respect to the construc. —Than, as demanded after else, other, &c., and Eng. comparatives —derivation of, from Goth. or Anglo-Sax.
That, its class determined —its various uses —as REL. PRONOUN, to what applied —as used in anomalous construc., —its peculiarity of construc. as a relative —its especial use as the restrictive relative —the frequent employment of, by Addison, wrongly criticised by BLAIR —as a relative, in what cases more appropriate than who or which —That, ellipt., repeating the import of the preceding words, ("And THAT," —[Greek: kai tauta],) —That, in the phrases in that, &c., how to be reckoned —That, as introducing a dependent clause, how to be ranked —as introducing a sent. made the subj. or obj. of a finite verb —its power at the head of a sent. or clause —its derivation
The, before the species, what may denote —how commonly limits the sense —applied to nouns of either numb. —before what adjectives, required —distinctive use of ("The Psalmist") —as relating to comparatives and superlatives —used for poss. pron. —repetition of, how avoided —derivation of, from Sax. —pronunc. of e in. See also Definite Article.
Them, in vulg. use as an adj., for those
Thence, &c., with from prefixed, whether allowable
There, introductory and idiomatic, notions of grammarians concerning; its posit. and use; is a regular adv. of place, and not "without signification," —derivation of, from Anglo-Sax. —poet. omission of
They, put indefinitely for men or people
This and that, as explained by CHURCH. —placed before conjoint singulars, ("THIS POWER AND WILL do," &c.,) —in contrasted terms
Three stars, or asterism, use of
Time, the order and fitness of, to be observed in constructions expressing it —nouns of, with adv. WHEN, as a special relative, following Time, measure, or weight, part made possessive of the whole, ("An HOUR'S time") —noun of, not poss., immediately before an other, ("A POUND WEIGHT,") Time, place, &c., the obj. case in expressions of, taken after the fashion of an adv. Time, measure, distance, or value, nouns of, their peculiarity of construc.; the parsing of Time, obj. noun of, qualifying a subsequent adj., ("A child OF ten years OLD,") Four times, five times, &c., how to be reckoned. TIMES, before an other noun, by way of MULTIPLICATION, the nature and construc. of, discussed; decision. Times, in what construc. may be called the objective of repetition, or of time repeated. Time in pronunciation, or quantity
Titles, of books, are printed in capitals —of office, &c., begin with do. —merely mentioned as such, are without art. —Name and TITLE, (see Proper Names.) Side-titles, use of dash in application to
Tmesis, explained
To, as governing infin. mood —do., variously explained by grammarians —is a sign of inf., but not a part of it —what BROWN claims for his RULE respecting the infin. as gov. by the prep. TO, &c.; he shows that the doctrine originated not with himself —TO and the verb, what FISHER (anno 1800) taught respecting; what, LOWTH, and what, absurdly, MURR., his copyist —To, as governing infin., traced from the Sax. to the Eng. of WICKL., —To, before infin., evasive teachings of the later grammarians concerning its class and construc. —do., how considered by most Eng. grammarians —do., how proved to be a prep. —do., preceded by for, anc. —after what verbs, omitted, —whether to be repeated before infinitives in the same construe. —sometimes required, and sometimes excluded, after than or as —whether it may be separated from its verb by an adv.; is placed more elegantly AFTER an adv., ("PROPERLY TO respect,") —in what cases has no prop, antec. term of relat. —To suppressed and be inserted after MAKE, whether correctly —To, prep, or adv., from Anglo-Sax. —To, as prefix to noun, (to-day, to-night, to-morrow,).
Tones of the voice, what; why deserving of j particular attention —what denominated by SHERID.; what should be their character —BLAIR'S remark on; HIL. do. —Tones of the passions, WALK, observation on.
Topics, different, to be treated in separate paragraphs, PREC. of Unity.
Transposition, of the terms of relat., when a preposition begins or ends a sentence or clause —rhetorical, of words, or hyperbaton.
Tribrach, defined.
Trimeter line, iambic, the measure seldom used alone; examples of, —and do., with diversifications —trochaic, examples of —anapestic, examples of —alternated with the tetram., examp., "The Rose," of COWP.; the same scanned —dactylic, examples of. Triphthong, defined —proper, do., the only, in Eng. —improp., do.; and the improp. triphthongs named.
Trochaic verse, treated —Troch. verse, the stress in —nature of the single-rhymed; error of MURR. et al. concerning the last syll. in —how may be changed to coincide with other measures; how is affected by retrenchment —confounded with iambic by several gramm. and prosodists —Strictures on CHURCH., who doubts the existence of the troch. ord. of verse —Troch. verse shown in its eight measures —Trochaics, Eng., the TETRAMETER the most common meas. of —DR. CAMPB. on —"Trochaic of One foot," account of.
Trochee, or choree, defined.
Tropes, what figures of rhetoric are so called; signif. of the term.
Trow, its signif., and where occurs; in what person and tenses read.
Truisms and senseless remarks, how to be dealt with in gram.
Tutoyant, to what extent prevalent among the French. See Youyouing, &c.
Type or character, two forms of the letters in every kind of.
U, lett., which (as A, E, I, or O) names itself —its plur. numb. —sounds properly its own —as self-naming, to what equivalent; requires art. a, and not an, before it —pronounced with borrowed sound —long or diphthongal sound, as yu; sound of slender o or oo, after r or rh.
Unamendable imperfections sometimes found in ancient writings, remarks in relation to.
Unauthorized words, use of, as opposed to purity, PREC. concerning.
Unbecoming, adj., from participle compounded, error of using transitively words of this form; such error how corrected.
Uncertain, the part of speech left, see Equivocal, &c.
Unco-passive voice, or form, of the verb, ("Is being built,") the use of. conflicts with the older and better usage of the lang. —the subject of, discussed by BROWN —the true principle with respect to, stated.
Underlining words, in preparing manuscripts, to denote Italics &c.
Understood, words said, in technical phrase, to be, what such, (Lat., subaudita)
Ungrammatical language by which grammar itself is professedly taught, sample from MURR.; from PINNEO; et al. e diversis, Gram. of E. Gram., passim.
Unity, as a quality of style, in what consists —required by every sentence —Precepts aiming at offences against. Unity, THE IDEA OF, how generally determined, in respect to a collect. noun, whether it conveys such idea or not.
Usage, as a law of orthography for particular words —Usage, as it has been, and as it is, the advantage of an exhibition of, by the grammarian.
Useless words, employment of, as opposed to precision.
UTTERANCE, treated —Utterance, what, and what includes.
V, name and plur. of: —written for a number: —sound of,
Value, &c., nouns of, see Time.
Verbal or participial noun, (see Participial, &c.) —Verbal forms used substantively, by poet pecul.
VERBS, Etymol. of; —Verb, defined: —why so called: —a perf. definition of, why difficult to form; —CHIEF TERMS, or PRINCIP. PARTS, of an Eng. verb, named and defined. —Verbs. Classes of, with respect to their FORM, named and defined: —do., with respect to their signif., do. —(See Active-Transitive Verb, &c.) Verbs, whole numb, of, in Eng.; the regular, far the most numerous; account of the others —how divided with respect to signif. in most grammars and dictionaries; BROWN'S division —divided by certain grammarians into act., pass., and neut. —MURR, on the distribution of —NIX. on do. —Verbs, in Lat., grammarians of old differed respecting the distribut. of —different methods of distribut. of, by several other authors, noticed —Verbs, most act., may be used either as trans. or as intrans. —some may be used either in an act. or a neut. sense —act. form of, used in a pass. sense; so also PART. in ing, ("The books continue SELLING") —Verbs, Modifications of, named —Moods of, named and defined; (see Infinitive Mood, Indic. Mood, &c.) —Tenses of, named and defined; (see Present Tense, Imperf. Tense, &c.) —Persons and numbers of, what —Conjugations of —how principally conjugated —(See Conjugation) —Verbs, Irreg., List of —simp. irreg., numb. of; whence derived —Redundant, List of —Defective, do. —Verbs irreg. and redund., of what character all former lists of, have been —Verbs, of asking and teaching, construc. of —whether any, in Eng., can govern two cases —suppressed in exclamat. &c. —Verbs, Synt. of —Verbs requiring a regimen, should not be used without an object —Verb, AGREEM. of, with its subject —do., inferred —do., by sylleps., in plur., title of a book —do., in imperat. mood —Verb of the third pers. sing. with a plur. noun of the neut. gend., the use of, a strange custom of the Greeks; such use not existent in Eng. —Verb, AGREEM. of, with infin. phrase or sentence as subject —do., with infin. subject limited, ("FOR MEN TO SEARCH their own glory, IS," &c.) —do., with a nom. in interrog. sentences —do., with a rel., according to the true anteced. of the pron.; (examp. of error from DR. BLAIR) —do., with a nom. limited by adjuncts —do., with composite or converted subjects —do., with each, every, one, &c., as leading words —do., by change of nominative —Verb, the form of, to be adapted to the style —when requires a separate nom. expressed —Verb, AGREEM. of, with a nom. noun collective —do., with joint nominatives —do., with two connected nominatives in appos. —do., with two conn. nominatives emphatically distinguished —do., with two conn. nominatives preceded by each, every, or no —do., with nearest of connected nominatives, and understood to the rest; whether the usage is proper in Eng. —do., with connected nominatives of different persons —do., with connected subjects, one taken affirmat. and the other negat. —do., with two subjects connected by as well as, but, or save —do., with connected subjects preceded by each, every, or no —do., in ellipt. construc. of joint nominatives —do., with distinct subject phrases connected by and —do., with disjunct. nominatives —do., with disagreeing nominatives connected disjunctively —do., when connected nominatives require different forms of the verb —do., with distinct phrases disjunct, connected —Verbs, connected by and, or, or nor, how must agree —discordant, how managed with respect to agreem. —Verb, mixture of the diff. styles of, ineleg. —diff. moods of, not to be used under the same circumstances —when two connected terms require diff. forms of, what insertion is necessary —Verbs of commanding, desiring, expecting, &c., to what actions or events refer —of desisting, omitting, &c., with a part. following, rather than an infin. —of preventing, what should be made to govern —Verb, finite, punc. of —ellips. of, shown —derivation of, from nouns, adjectives, and verbs —poet. peculiarities in the use of
Verbosity, as affecting strength
Verse, in oppos. to prose, what —Blank verse, as distinguished from rhyme —Verse, general sense of the term; its derivation and literal signif.; the visible form of verse —Verse, as defined by JOH., WALK., et al.; do. by WEBST. —Verse, Eng., the difficulty of treating the subject of, and from what this arises —A verse, or line of poetry, of what consists —Verse, or poetic measure, the kinds, or orders of, named; (see Iambic Verse, Trochaic Verse, &c.) —Verse, the proper reading of
VERSIFICATION, treated —Versification, defined —Versification, POE'S (E. A.) notions concerning; his censure of BROWN'S former definition of; his rejection of the idea of versif. from the principle of rhythm; his unfortunate derivat. of rhythm from [Greek: hurithmos,] and vain attempts to explain the term: the farrago summarily disposed of by BROWN —EVERETT'S "System of Eng. Versification," account of, and strictures on
Vision, or imagery, explained
Vocative case of Lat. and Gr. gram., not known in Eng.
Voice, ACTIVE, and PASSIVE, whether necessary terms in Eng. gram.
Vowel, defined —Vowels named —W and Y, when vowels; comp. —Vowel sounds, or vocal elements, the different, how produced —what are those in Eng. —how each may be variously expressed by letters; notation of —Vowels, two coming together, where may be parted in syllabication.
W, its name and plur. numb. —simpler term than Double-u perhaps desirable; DR. WEBST. on the lett. —W, when a vowel —with vowel foll., sound of —before h, how pronounced —in Eng. never used alone as a vowel —no diphthongs or triphth. in Eng., beginning with.
Wages, noun, plur. by formation; its construe, with a verb.
Walker, J., estimate of his Critical Pronouncing Dictionary —in his lexicography how far followed DR. JOH.
Was, contrary to usage preferred by some to were, in the imperf. sing, of the subj.
We, plur., as representing the speaker and others; how sometimes used in stead of the sing.; sometimes preferred by monarchs to I.
Webster, Dr. N., describes language as comprehending the voice of brutes —never named the Eng. letters rightly —his orthography as a standard; do. compared with that of DR. JOH. —the result to himself of his various attempts to reform our orthog.; the value of his definitions.
Weight, measure, &c., see Time.
Wert, as used in lieu of wast —its mood not easy to determine; authorities for a various use of.
What, its class and nature —to what usually applied; its twofold relat. explained —its numb.; example of solec. in the use of —as a mere adj., or as a pron. indef. —its use both as an adj. and as a relative at the same time; do. for who or which, ludic. and vulg. —declined —how to be disposed of in etymolog. parsing; how to be parsed syntactically —how becomes an interj. —used appar. for an adv.; uttered exclamatorily before an adj., to be taken as an adj., ("WHAT PARTIAL judges are our," &c.,) —followed by that, by way of pleonasm, ("WHAT I tell you in darkness, THAT," &c.,) —with but preceding, ("To find a friend, BUT WHAT" &c.,) —vulg. use of, for that —derivation of, from Sax., shown.
Whatever or whatsoever, its peculiarities of construe., the same as those of what; its use in simp, relation —its construc. as a double relative; whether it may be supposed ellipt. —its declension.
When, where, or while, in what instance not fit to follow the verb is —When, where, whither, as partaking of the nature of a pron.; construc, of do., with antecedent nouns of time, &c., how far allowable —derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
Whether, as an interrog. pron.; as a disjunc. conjunc. —conjunc. corresponsive to or —as do., its derivation from Sax.
Which, relative —its former use; to what objects now confined —its use after a personal term taken by meton. for a thing; do., as still applicable to persons —is of all the genders, (in oppos. to MURR., WEBST., et. al.,) —is less approp. than who, in all personifications —its construc. when taken in its discrim. sense, —how differs from the rel. that —BLAIR'S incorrect remarks respecting —Which, as rel. or interrog., declined —Which, sometimes takes whose for its poss., —represents a prop. name taken merely as a name, ("Herod —WHICH is but," &c.,) —do. nouns of mult, expressing persons, when such are strictly of the neut. gend., ("The COMMITTEES WHICH" &c.,) —in what cases is less approp. than that —does not fitly represent an indicative assertion, ('"Be ATTENTIVE, without WHICH," &c.,) —its Sax. derivation shown —The which, obsol., —Which, interrog., what demands, —to what objects applied —now used for the obsol. whether.
Whichever, whichsoever, signif. and construc. of —declension of.
Who, relative —to what usually applied —has superseded which, formerly applied to persons, ("Our Father WHO art" &c.,) —to be preferred to which, in all personifications —how differs from the rel. that —Who, as rel. or interrog., declined, —Whose, use of, for the defec. poss., of which —Than whom, (see Than.) —Who, interrog., what demands —may be the anteced. of the rel. that —Who, derivation of, from Sax.
Whoever, and whoso or whosoever, signif. and construc. of —declens. of —Whoso and whatso, antiq., import and use of,
Whole, improp. use of, for all. ("Almost the WHOLE inhabitants," HUME.,).
Why, after nouns of cause, (see When, &c.) —Why, wherefore, therefore, their class.
Will, verb, how varied —use of, as a principal verb.
Wis, verb, pret. wist, signif. and use of —Had I wist,
With, for and, (see Cum:) —added to adv. of direc., with emphat. imperat. ("Up WITH it"). Withal its class and construc. Without, obsol. use of, for unless or except. Withouten, paragog. and poet. form. Withinside of Won't, whence formed; its pronunc.
Worcester, Dr. J. E., his Universal and Critical Dictionary WORDS, treated. —Word, defined. —Words distinguished, and the divisions of, defined. —(See Compound Word.) —Words, Rules for the figure of; —simp., when compounding is to be avoided —when to be joined, or to be written separately —Words, the nature of, explained —the consid. of, as comm., and as prop., —brevity sought in the comm. use of —the identity of, in what consists —unsettled and variable usage with respect to the figure of —Words that may constitute diff. parts of speech, their construc. not to be left doubtf. —the reference of, to other words, do. —senselessly jumbled, charac. of —entirely needless, how to be disposed of —unintelligently misapplied, what indicates, —Words, PUNCT. of: in pairs; alternated; put absol.; in appos.; repeated —Words, derivation of, treated —most of those regarded as primitives in Eng., may be traced to ulterior sources —the study of, its importance —how the knowledge of, may be promoted with respect to Eng. —Words, the use of, as affecting Purity —do., as affect. Propriety —do., as affect. Precision —do., as affect. Perspicuity —do., as affect. Strength
Worshiper, whether properly written with a single or a double p
Worth, its class and construc.
Worthy, admits not ellips. of prep, of before obj. following
Writing, to write, what meant by
X, its name and plur. num. —format. of the plur. of nouns in —why never doubled —written for a number —its sounds
Y, its name and plur. numb.; —borrowed first by the Romans from the Greeks, by whom called Ypsilon —in Eng. is either a vowel or a conson. —classed with the semivowels —final, changed or unchanged before terminations —do., when, by former practice, retained in verbs ending in y, before conson. terminations —sounds of —in poet. format. of adjectives
Ye, nom. plur., solemn style —its use as the obj. case —as a mere explet. in burlesque —its use in the lang. of tragedy —used for thee —in the Eng. Bible not found in the obj. case —Ye and you, promisc. use of, in the same case and the same style, ineleg.
Yes, yea, in a simp. affirmation, construc. and class of —derivation of, from Anglo-Sax.
You, use of, for thou —You, with was, ("YOU WAS BUILDING,") approved by DR. WEBST. et al., as the better form for the sing. numb. —You, and VERB PLUR., in reference to one person, how to be treated in parsing. Your, facet. in conversation, and how uttered ("Dwells, like YOUR miser, sir," &c., SHAK.,) Yourself, its pecul. of construc.
Your Majesty, your Highness, &c., see Address.
Youyouing and theethouing, history of
Z, its name and plur. —has been called by several names; WALK., on the name —peculiarity of its ordinary form —its sounds described
Zeugma, (i.e., JUGATIO, vel CONNEXIO, Sanct.,) the various forms of, were named and noticed, but not censured, by the ancient grammarians —constructions of adjectives, referred to the figure, ("ONE or a FEW judges,"); do. of verbs, ("But HE NOR I FEEL more," YOUNG,)
[1] Ben Jonson's notion of grammar, and of its parts, was as follows: "Grammar is the art of true and well-speaking a language: the writing is but an accident.
The Parts of Grammar are
Etymology which is / the true notation of words, Syntaxe / the right ordering of them.
A word is a part of speech or note, whereby a thing is known or called; and consisteth of one or more letters. A letter is an indivisible part of a syllable, whose prosody, or right sounding, is perceived by the power; the orthography, or right writing, by the form. Prosody, and Orthography, are not parts of grammar, but diffused, like blood and spirits, through the whole."—Jonson's Grammar, Book I.
[2] Horne Tooke eagerly seized upon a part of this absurdity, to prove that Dr. Lowth, from whom Murray derived the idea, was utterly unprepared for what he undertook in the character of a grammarian: "Dr. Lowth, when he undertook to write his Introduction, with the best intention in the world, most assuredly sinned against his better judgment. For he begins most judiciously, thus—'Universal grammar explains the principles which are common to all languages. The grammar of any particular language, applies those common principles to that particular language.' And yet, with this clear truth before his eyes, he boldly proceeds to give a particular grammar; without being himself possessed of one single principle of universal grammar."—Diversions of Purley, Vol. 1, p. 224. If Dr. Lowth discredited his better judgement in attempting to write an English grammar, perhaps Murray, and his weaker copyists, have little honoured theirs, in supposing they were adequate to such a work. But I do not admit, that either Lowth or Murray "begins most judiciously," in speaking of Universal and Particular grammar in the manner above cited. The authors who have started with this fundamental blunder, are strangely numerous. It is found in some of the most dissimilar systems that can be named. Even Oliver B. Peirce, who has a much lower opinion of Murray's ability in grammar than Tooke had of Lowth's, adopts this false notion with all implicitness, though he decks it in language more objectionable, and scorns to acknowledge whence he got it. See his Gram., p. 16. De Suey, in his Principles of General Grammar, says, "All rules of Syntax relate to two things, Agreement and Government."—Foxdick's Tr., p. 108. And again: "None of these rules properly belong to General Grammar, as each language follows, in regard to the rules of Agreement and Government, a course peculiar to itself."—Ibid., p. 109." "It is with Construction [i.e., Arrangement] as with Syntax. It follows no general rule common to all languages."—Ibid. According to these positions, which I do not admit to be strictly true, General or Universal Grammar has no principles of Syntax at all, whatever else it may have which Particular Grammar can assume and apply.
[3] This verb "do" is wrong, because "to be contemned" is passive.
[4] "A very good judge has left us his opinion and determination in this matter; that he 'would take for his rule in speaking, not what might happen to be the faulty caprice of the multitude, but the consent and agreement of learned men.'"—Creighton's Dict., p. 21. The "good judge" here spoken of, is Quintilian; whose words on the point are these: "Necessarium est judicium, constituendumque imprimis, id ipsum quid sit, quod consuetudinem vocemus. * * * In loquendo, non, si quid vitiose multis insederit, pro regula sermonis, amplendum est. * * * Ergo consuetudinem sermonis, vocabo consensum eruditorum sicut vivendi, consenum honorum."—De Inst. Orat., Lib. i. Cap. 6, p. 57.
[5] "The opinion of plenty is amongst the causes of want; and the great quantity of books maketh a show rather of superfluity than lack; which surcharge, nevertheless, is not to be removed by making no more books, but by making more good books, which, as the serpent of Moses, might devour the serpents of the enchanters."—Bacon. In point of style, his lordship is here deficient; and he has also mixed and marred the figure which he uses. But the idea is a good one.
[6] Not, "Oldham, in Hampshire," as the Universal Biographical Dictionary has it; for Oldham is in Lancashire, and the name of Lily's birthplace has sometimes been spelled "Odiam."
[7] There are other Latin grammars now in use in England; but what one is most popular, or whether any regard is still paid to the ancient edict or not, I cannot say. Dr. Adam, in his preface, dated 1793, speaking of Lily, says: "His Grammar was appointed, by an act which is still in force, to be taught in the established schools of England." I have somehow gained the impression, that the act is now totally disregarded.—G. Brown.
[8] For this there is an obvious reason, or apology, in what his biographer states, as "the humble origin of his Grammar;" and it is such a reason as will go to confirm what I allege. This famous compilation was produced at the request of two or three young teachers, who had charge of a small female school in the neighbourhood of the author's residence: and nothing could have been more unexpected to their friend and instructor, than that he, in consequence of this service, should become known the world over, as Murray the Grammarian. "In preparing the work, and consenting to the publicaton, he had no expectation that it would be read, except by the school for which it was designed, and two or three other schools conducted by persons who were also his friends."—Life of L Murray, p. 250.
[9] Grammatici namque auctoritas per se nulla est; quom ex sola doctissimorum oraturum, historicorum, poetarum, et aliorum ideonorum scriptorum observatione, constet ortam esse veram grammaticam. Multa dicenda forent, si grammatistarum ineptias refellere vellem: sed nulla est gloria praeterire asellos."—DESPAUTERII Praef. Art. Versif., fol. iii, 1517.
[10] The Latin word for participle is participium, which makes participio in the dative or the ablative case; but the Latin word for partake is participo, and not "participio."—G. BROWN.
[11] This sentence is manifestly bad English: either the singular verb "appears" should be made plural, or the plural noun "investigations" should be made singular.—G. BROWN.
[12] "What! a book have no merit, and yet be called for at the rate of sixty thousand copies a year! What a slander is this upon the public taste! What an insult to the understanding and discrimination of the good people of these United States! According to this reasoning, all the inhabitants of our land must be fools, except one man, and that man is GOOLD BROWN!"—KIRKHAM, in the Knickerbocker, Oct. 1837, p. 361.
Well may the honest critic expect to be called a slanderer of "the public taste," and an insulter of the nation's "understanding," if both the merit of this vaunted book and the wisdom of its purchasers are to be measured and proved by the author's profits, or the publisher's account of sales! But, possibly, between the intrinsic merit and the market value of some books there may be a difference. Lord Byron, it is said, received from Murray his bookseller, nearly ten dollars a line for the Fourth Canto of Childe Harold, or about as much for every two lines as Milton obtained for the whole of Paradise Lost. Is this the true ratio of the merit of these authors, or of the wisdom of the different ages in which they lived?
[13] Kirkham's real opinion of Murray cannot be known from this passage only. How able is that writer who is chargeable with the greatest want of taste and discernment? "In regard to the application of the final pause in reading blank verse, nothing can betray a greater want of rhetorical taste and philosophical acumen, than the directions of Mr. Murray."—Kirkham's Elocution, p. 145. Kirkham is indeed no judge either of the merits, or of the demerits, of Murray's writings; nor is it probable that this criticism originated with himself. But, since it appears in his name, let him have the credit of it, and of representing the compiler whom he calls "that able writer" and "that eminent philologist," as an untasteful dunce, and a teacher of nonsense: "To say that, unless we 'make every line sensible to the ear,' we mar the melody, and suppress the numbers of the poet, is all nonsense."—Ibid. See Murray's Grammar, on "Poetical Pauses;" 8vo, p. 260; 12mo, 210.
[14] "Now, in these instances, I should be fair game, were it not for the trifling difference, that I happen to present the doctrines and notions of other writers, and NOT my own, as stated by my learned censor."—KIRKHAM, in the Knickerbocker, Oct. 1837, p. 360. If the instructions above cited are not his own, there is not, within the lids of either book, a penny's worth that is. His fruitful copy-rights are void in law: the "learned censor's" pledge shall guaranty this issue.—G. B. 1838.
[15] I am sorry to observe that the gentleman, Phrenologist, as he professes to be, has so little reverence in his crown. He could not read the foregoing suggestion without scoffing at it. Biblical truth is not powerless, though the scornful may refuse its correction.—G. B. 1838.
[16] Every schoolboy is familiar with the following lines, and rightly understands the words "evil" and "good" to be nouns, and not adjectives.
"The evil that men do, lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones."—SHAKSPEARE.
Julius Caesar, Act 3: Antony's Funeral Oration over Caesar's Body.
Kirkham has vehemently censured me for omitting the brackets in which he encloses the words that be supposes to be understood in this couplet. But he forgets two important circumstances: First, that I was quoting, not the bard, but the grammatist; Second, that a writer uses brackets, to distinguish his own amendments of what he quotes, and not those of an other man. Hence the marks which he has used, would have been improper for me. Their insertion does not make his reading of the passage good English, and, consequently, does not avert the point of my criticism.
The foregoing Review of Kirkham's Grammar, was published as an extract from my manuscript, by the editors of the Knickerbocker, in their number for June, 1837. Four months afterwards, with friendships changed, they gave, him the "justice" of appearing in their pages, in a long and virulent article against me and my works, representing me, "with emphatic force," as "a knave, a liar, and a pedant." The enmity of that effusion I forgave; because I bore him no personal ill-will, and was not selfish enough to quarrel for my own sake. Its imbecility clearly proved, that in this critique there is nothing with which he could justly find fault. Perceiving that no point of this argument could be broken, he changed the ground, and satisfied himself with despising, upbraiding, and vilifying the writer. Of what use this was, others may judge.
This extraordinary grammarian survived the publication of my criticism about ten years, and, it is charitably hoped, died happily; while I have had, for a period somewhat longer, all the benefits which his earnest "castigation" was fit to confer. It is not perceived, that what was written before these events, should now be altered or suppressed by reason of them. With his pretended "defence," I shall now concern myself no further than simply to deny one remarkable assertion contained in it; which is this—that I, Goold Brown, "at the funeral of Aaron Ely," in 1830, "praised, and highly praised, this self-same Grammar, and declared it to be 'A GOOD WORK!'"—KIRKHAM, in the Knickerbocker, Oct., 1837, p. 362. I treated him always courteously, and, on this solemn occasion, walked with him without disputing on grammar; but, if this statement of his has any reasonable foundation, I know not what it is.—G. B. in 1850.
[17] See Notes to Pope's Dunciad, Book II, verse 140.
[18] A modern namesake of the Doctor's, the Rev. David Blair, has the following conception of the utility of these speculations: "To enable children to comprehend the abstract idea that all the words in a language consist but of nine kinds, it will be found useful to explain how savage tribes WHO having no language, would first invent one, beginning with interjections and nouns, and proceeding from one part of speech to another, as their introduction might successively be called for by necessity or luxury."—Blair's Pract. Gram., Pref., p. vii.
[19] "Interjections, I shewed, or passionate exclamations, were the first elements of speech. Men laboured to communicate their feelings to one another, by those expressive cries and gestures which nature taught them."—Dr. Hugh Blair's Lectures, p. 57.
[20] "It is certain that the verb was invented before the noun, in all the languages of which a tolerable account has been procured, either in ancient or modern times."—Dr. Alex. Murray's History of European Languages, Vol. I, p. 326.
[21] The Greek of this passage, together with a translation not very different from the foregoing, is given as a marginal note, in Harris's Hermes, Book III, Chap. 3d.
[22] The Bible does not say positively that there was no diversity of languages before the flood; but, since the life-time of Adam extended fifty-six years into that of Lamech, the father of Noah, and two hundred and forty-three into that of Methuselah, the father of Lamech, with both of whom Noah was contemporary nearly six hundred years, it is scarcely possible that there should have occurred any such diversity, either in Noah's day or before, except from some extraordinary cause. Lord Bacon regarded the multiplication of languages at Babel as a general evil, which had had no parallel but in the curse pronounced after Adam's transgression. When "the language of all the earth" was "confounded," Noah was yet alive, and he is computed to have lived 162 years afterwards; but whether in his day, or at how early a period, "grammar" was thought of, as a remedy for this evil, does not appear. Bacon says, "Concerning speech and words, the consideration of them hath produced the science of grammar. For man still striveth to redintegrate himself in those benedictions, of which, by his fault, he hath been deprived; and as he hath striven against the first general curse by the invention of all other arts, so hath he striven to come forth from the second general curse, which was the confusion of tongues, by the art of grammar; whereof the use in a mother tongue is small, in a foreign tongue more, but most in such foreign tongues as have ceased to be vulgar tongues, and are turned only to learned tongues."—See English Journal of Education, Vol. viii, p. 444.
[23] It should be, "to all living creatures;" for each creature had, probably, but one name.—G. Brown.
[24] Some recent German authors of note suppose language to have sprung up among men of itself, like spontaneous combustion in oiled cotton; and seem to think, that people of strong feelings and acute minds must necessarily or naturally utter their conceptions by words—and even by words both spoken and written. Frederick Von Schlegel, admitting "the spontaneous origin of language generally," and referring speech to its "original source—a deep feeling, and a clear discriminating intelligence," adds: "The oldest system of writing developed itself at the same time, and in the same manner, as the spoken language; not wearing at first the symbolic form, which it subsequently assumed in compliance with the necessities of a less civilized people, but composed of certain signs, which, in accordance with the simplest elements of language, actually conveyed the sentiments of the race of men then existing."—Millington's Translation of Schlegel's AEsthetic Works, p. 455.
[25] "Modern Europe owes a principal share of its enlightened and moral state to the restoration of learning: the advantages which have accrued to history, religion, the philosophy of the mind, and the progress of society; the benefits which have resulted from the models of Greek and Roman taste—in short, all that a knowledge of the progress and attainments of man in past ages can bestow on the present, has reached it through the medium of philology."—Dr. Murray's History of European Languages, Vol. II, p. 335.
[26] "The idea of God is a development from within, and a matter of faith, not an induction from without, and a matter of proof. When Christianity has developed its correlative principles within us, then we find evidences of its truth everywhere; nature is full of them: but we cannot find them before, simply because we have no eye to find them with."—H. N. HUDSON: Democratic Review, May, 1845.
[27] So far as mind, soul, or spirit, is a subject of natural science, (under whatever name,) it may of course be known naturally. To say to what extent theology may be considered a natural science, or how much knowledge of any kind may have been opened to men otherwise than by words, is not now in point. Dr. Campbell says, "Under the general term [physiology] I also comprehend natural theology and psychology, which, in my opinion, have been most unnaturally disjoined by philosophers. Spirit, which here comprises only the Supreme Being and the human soul, is surely as much included under the notion of natural object as a body is, and is knowable to the philosopher purely in the same way, by observation and experience."—Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 66. It is quite unnecessary for the teacher of languages to lead his pupils into any speculations on this subject. It is equally foreign to the history of grammar and to the philosophy of rhetoric.
[28] "Except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken? for ye shall speak into the air. There are, it may be, so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Therefore, if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh, a barbarian; and he that speaketh, shall be a barbarian unto me."—1 Cor., xiv. 9, 10, 11. "It is impossible that our knowledge of words should outstrip our knowledge of things. It may, and often doth, come short of it. Words may be remembered as sounds, but [they] cannot be understood as signs, whilst we remain unacquainted with the things signified."—Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 160. "Words can excite only ideas already acquired, and if no previous ideas have been formed, they are mere unmeaning sounds."—Spurzheim on Education, p. 200.
[29] Sheridan the elecutionist makes this distinction: "All that passes in the mind of man, may be reduced to two classes, which I call ideas and emotions. By ideas, I mean all thoughts which rise, and pass in succession in the mind. By emotions, all exertions of the mind in arranging, combining, and separating its ideas; as well as the effects produced on all the mind itself by those ideas; from the more violent agitation of the passions, to the calmer feelings produced by the operation of the intellect and the fancy. In short, thought is the object of the one; internal feeling, of the other. That which serves to express the former, I call the language of ideas; and the latter, the language of emotions. Words are the signs of the one: tones, of the other. Without the use of these two sorts of language, it is impossible to communicate through the ear, all that passes in the mind of man."—Sheridan's Art of Reading; Blair's Lectures, p. 333.
[30] "Language is the great instrument, by which all the faculties of the mind are brought forward, moulded, polished, and exerted."—Sheridan's Elocution, p. xiv.
[31] It should be, "These are."—G. B.
[32] It should be, "They fitly represent."—G. B.
[33] This is badly expressed; for, according to his own deduction, each part has but one sign. It should be, "We express the several parts by as many several signs."—G. Brown.
[34] It would be better English to say, "the instruments and the signs."—G. Brown.
[35] "Good speakers do not pronounce above three syllables in a second of time; and generally only two and a half, taking in the necessary pauses."—Steele's Melody of Speech.
[36] The same idea is also conveyed in the following sentence from Dr. Campbell: "Whatever regards the analysis of the operations of the mind, which is quicker than lightning in all her energies, must in a great measure be abstruse and dark."—Philosophy of Rhetoric, p. 289. Yet this philosopher has given it as his opinion, "that we really think by signs as well as speak by them."—Ib., p. 284. To reconcile these two positions with each other, we must suppose that thinking by signs, or words, is a process infinitely more rapid than speech.
[37] That generalization or abstraction which gives to similar things a common name, is certainly no laborious exercise of intellect; nor does any mind find difficulty in applying such a name to an individual by means of the article. The general sense and the particular are alike easy to the understanding, and I know not whether it is worth while to inquire which is first in order. Dr. Alexander Murray says, "It must be attentively remembered, that all terms run from a general to a particular sense. The work of abstraction, the ascent from individual feelings to classes of these, was finished before terms were invented. Man was silent till he had formed some ideas to communicate; and association of his perceptions soon led him to think and reason in ordinary matters."—Hist. of European Languages, Vol. I, p. 94. And, in a note upon this passage, he adds: "This is to be understood of primitive or radical terms. By the assertion that man was silent till he had formed ideas to communicate, is not meant, that any of our species were originally destitute of the natural expressions of feeling or thought. All that it implies, is, that man had been subjected, during an uncertain period of time, to the impressions made on his senses by the material world, before he began to express the natural varieties of these by articulated sounds. * * * * * * Though the abstraction which formed such classes, might be greatly aided or supported by the signs; yet it were absurd to suppose that the sign was invented, till the sense demanded it."—Ib., p. 399.
[38] Dr. Alexander Murray too, In accounting for the frequent abbreviation of words, seems to suggest the possibility of giving them the celerity of thought: "Contraction is a change which results from a propensity to make the signs as rapid as the thoughts which they express. Harsh combinations soon suffer contraction. Very long words preserve only the principal, that is, the accented part. If a nation accents its words on the last syllable, the preceding ones will often be short, and liable to contraction. If it follow a contrary practice, the terminations are apt to decay."—History of European Languages, Vol. I, p. 172.
[39] "We cannot form a distinct idea of any moral or intellectual quality, unless we find some trace of it in ourselves."—Beattie's Moral Science, Part Second, Natural Theology, Chap. II, No. 424.
[40] "Aristotle tells us that the world is a copy or transcript of those ideas which are in the mind of the first Being, and that those ideas which are in the mind of man, are a transcript of the world. To this we may add, that words are the transcripts of those ideas which are in the mind of man, and that writing or printing are [is] the transcript of words."—Addison, Spect., No. 166.
[41] Bolingbroke on Retirement and Study, Letters on History, p. 364.
[42] See this passage in "The Economy of Human Life," p. 105—a work feigned to be a compend of Chinese maxims, but now generally understood to have been written or compiled by Robert Dodsley, an eminent and ingenious bookseller in London. |