"Each burns alike, who can, or cannot write, Or with a rival's, or a eunuch's spite."—Pope cor.
"And there are stamped upon their imaginations ideas that follow them with terror and affright."—Locke cor. "There's not a wretch that lives on common charity, but's happier than I."—Ven. Pres. cor. "But they overwhelm every one who is ignorant of them."—H. Mann cor. "I have received a letter from my cousin, her that was here last week."—Inst., p. 129. "Gentlemen's houses are seldom without variety of company."—Locke cor. "Because Fortune has laid them below the level of others, at their masters' feet."—Id. "We blamed neither John's nor Mary's delay."—Nixon cor. "The book was written by order of Luther the reformer."—Id. "I saw on the table of the saloon Blair's sermons, and somebody's else, (I forget whose,) and [about the room] a set of noisy children."—Byron cor. "Or saith he it altogether for our sake?"—Bible cor. "He was not aware that the Duke was his competitor."—Sanborn cor. "It is no condition of an adjective, that the word must be placed before a noun." Or: "It is no condition on which a word becomes an adjective, that it must be placed before a noun."—Id., and Fowle cor. "Though their reason corrected the wrong ideas which they had taken in."—Locke cor. "It was he that taught me to hate slavery."—Morris cor. "It is he and his kindred, who live upon the labour of others."—Id. "Payment of tribute is an acknowledgement of him as being King—(of him as King—or, that he is King—) to whom we think it due."—C. Leslie cor. "When we comprehend what is taught us."—Ingersoll cor. "The following words, and parts of words, must be noticed."—Priestley cor. "Hence tears and commiseration are so often employed."—Dr. H. Blair cor. "JOHN-A-NOKES, n. A fictitious name used in law proceedings."—A. Chalmers cor. "The construction of words denoting matter, and the part grasped."—B. F. Fisk cor. "And such other names as carry with them the idea of something terrible and hurtful."—Locke cor. "Every learner then would surely be glad to be spared from the trouble and fatigue."—Pike cor. "It is not the owning of one's dissent from an other, that I speak against."—Locke cor. "A man that cannot fence, will be more careful to keep out of bullies and gamesters' company, and will not be half so apt to stand upon punctilios."—Id. "From such persons it is, that one may learn more in one day, than in a year's rambling from one inn to an other."—Id. "A long syllable is generally considered to be twice as long as a short one."—D. Blair cor. "I is of the first person, and the singular number. THOU is of the second person singular. HE, SHE, or IT, is of the third person singular. WE is of the first person plural. YE or YOU is of the second person plural. THEY is of the third person plural."—Kirkham cor. "This actor, doer, or producer of the action, is denoted by some word in the nominative case."—Id. "Nobody can think, that a boy of three or seven years of age should be argued with as a grown man."—Locke cor. "This was in the house of one of the Pharisees, not in Simon the leper's."—Hammond cor. "Impossible! it can't be I."—Swift cor. "Whose grey top shall tremble, He descending."—Milton, P. L., xii, 227. "Of what gender is woman, and why?"—R. C. Smith cor. "Of what gender, then, is man, and why?"—Id. "Who is this I; whom do you mean when you say I?"—R. W. Green cor. "It has a pleasant air, but the soil is barren."—Locke cor. "You may, in three days' time, go from Galilee to Jerusalem."—W. Whiston cor. "And that which is left of the meat-offering, shall be Aaron's and his sons'."—FRIENDS' BIBLE.
"For none in all the world, without a lie, Can say of this, ''Tis mine,' but Bunyan, I."—Bunyan cor.
"When he can be their remembrancer and advocate at all assizes and sessions."—Leslie cor. "DOING denotes every manner of action; as, to dance, to play, to write, &c."—Buchanan cor. "Seven feet long,"—"eight feet long,"—"fifty feet long."—W. Walker cor. "Nearly the whole of these twenty-five millions of dollars is a dead loss to the nation."—Fowler cor. "Two negatives destroy each other."—R. W. Green cor. "We are warned against excusing sin in ourselves, or in one an other."—Friend cor. "The Russian empire is more extensive than any other government in the world."—Inst., p. 265. "You will always have the satisfaction to think it, of all your expenses, the money best laid out."—Locke cor. "There is no other passion which all mankind so naturally indulge, as pride."—Steele cor. "O, throw away the viler part of it."—Shak. cor. "He showed us an easier and more agreeable way."—Inst., p. 265. "And the last four are to point out those further improvements."—Jamieson and Campbell cor. "Where he has not clear ideas, distinct and different."—Locke cor. "Oh, when shall we have an other such Rector of Laracor!"—Hazlitt cor. "Speech must have been absolutely necessary previously to the formation of society." Or better thus: "Speech must have been absolutely necessary to the formation of society."—Jamieson cor. "Go and tell those boys to be still."—Inst., p. 265. "Wrongs are engraved on marble; benefits, on sand: those are apt to be requited; these, forgot."—G. B. "None of these several interpretations is the true one."—G. B. "My friend indulged himself in some freaks not befitting the gravity of a clergyman."—G. B. "And their pardon is all that any of their impropriators will have to plead."—Leslie cor. "But the time usually chosen to send young men abroad, is, I think, of all periods, that at which they are least capable of reaping those advantages."—Locke cor. "It is a mere figment of the human imagination, a rhapsody of the transcendently unintelligible."—Jamieson cor. "It contains a greater assemblage of sublime ideas, of bold and daring figures, than is perhaps anywhere else to be met with."—Dr. Blair cor. "The order in which the last two words are placed should have been reversed."—Dr. Blair cor.; also L. Murray. "In Demosthenes, eloquence shone forth with higher splendour, than perhaps in any other that ever bore the name of orator."—Dr. Blair cor. "The circumstance of his poverty (or, that he is poor) is decidedly favourable."—Todd cor. "The temptations to dissipation are greatly lessened by his poverty."—Id. "For, with her death, those tidings came."—Shak. cor. "The next objection is, that authors of this sort are poor."—Cleland cor. "Presenting Emma, as Miss Castlemain, to these acquaintances:" or,—"to these persons of her acquaintance."—Opie cor. "I doubt not that it will please more persons than the opera:" or,—"that it will be more pleasing than the opera."—Spect. cor. "The world knows only two; these are Rome and I."—Ben Jonson cor. "I distinguish these two things from each other."—Dr. Blair cor. "And, in this case, mankind reciprocally claim and allow indulgence to one an other."—Sheridan cor. "The last six books are said not to have received the finishing hand of the author."—Dr. Blair cor. "The best-executed part of the work, is the first six books."—Id.
"To reason how can we be said to rise? So hard the task for mortals to be wise!"—Sheffield cor.
"Once upon a time, a goose fed her young by a pond's side:" or—"by a pondside."—Goldsmith cor. (See OBS. 33d on Rule 4th.) "If either has a sufficient degree of merit to recommend it to the attention of the public."—J. Walker cor. "Now W. Mitchell's deceit is very remarkable."—Barclay cor. "My brother, I did not put the question to thee, for that I doubted of the truth of thy belief."—Bunyan cor. "I had two elder brothers, one of whom was a lieutenant-colonel."—De Foe cor. "Though James is here the object of the action, yet the word James is in the nominative case."—Wright cor. "Here John is the actor; and the word John is known to be in the nominative, by its answering to the question, 'Who struck Richard?'"—Id. "One of the most distinguished privileges that Providence has conferred upon mankind, is the power of communicating their thoughts to one an other."—Dr. Blair cor. "With some of the most refined feelings that belong to our frame."—Id. "And the same instructions that assist others in composing works of elegance, will assist them in judging of, and relishing, the beauties of composition."—Id. "To overthrow all that had been yielded in favour of the army."—Macaulay cor. "Let your faith stand in the Lord God, who changes not, who created all, and who gives the increase of all."—Friends cor. "For it is, in truth, the sentiment of passion which lies under the figured expression, that gives it all its merit."—Dr. Blair cor. "Verbs are words that affirm the being, doing, or suffering of a thing, together with the time at which it happens."—A. Murray cor. "The bias will always hang on that side on which nature first placed it."—Locke cor. "They should be brought to do the things which are fit for them."—Id. "The various sources from which the English language is derived."—L. Murray cor. "This attention to the several cases in which it is proper to omit or to redouble the copulative, is of considerable importance."—Dr. Blair cor. "Cicero, for instance, speaking of the cases in which it is lawful to kill an other in self-defence, uses the following words."—Id. "But there is no nation, hardly are there any persons, so phlegmatic as not to accompany their words with some actions, or gesticulations, whenever they are much in earnest."—Id. "William's is said to be governed by coat, because coat follows William's" Or better:—"because coat is the name of the thing possessed by William."—R. C. Smith cor. "In life, there are many occasions on which silence and simplicity are marks of true wisdom."—L. Murray cor. "In choosing umpires whose avarice is excited."—Nixon cor. "The boroughs sent representatives, according to law."—Id. "No man believes but that there is some order in the universe."—G. B. "The moon is orderly in her changes, and she could not be so by accident."—Id. "The riddles of the Sphynx (or, The Sphynx's riddles) are generally of two kinds."—Bacon cor. "They must generally find either their friends or their enemies in power."—Dr. Brown cor. "For, of old, very many took upon them to write what happened in their own time."—Whiston cor. "The Almighty cut off the family of Eli the high priest, for their transgressions."—The Friend, vii, 109. "The convention then resolved itself into a committee of the whole."—Inst., p. 269. "The severity with which persons of this denomination were treated, appeared rather to invite them to the colony, than to deter them from flocking thither."—H. Adams cor. "Many Christians abuse the Scriptures and the traditions of the apostles, to uphold things quite contrary to them."—Barclay cor. "Thus, a circle, a square, a triangle, or a hexagon, pleases the eye by its regularity, and is a beautiful figure."—Dr. Blair cor. "Elba is remarkable for being the place to which Bonaparte was banished in 1814."—Olney's Geog. "The editor has the reputation of being a good linguist and critic."—Rel. Herald. "It is a pride which should be cherished in them."—Locke cor. "And to restore to us the hope of fruits, to reward our pains in their season."—Id. "The comic representation of Death's victim relating his own tale."—Wright cor. "As for Scioppius's Grammar, that wholly concerns the Latin tongue."—Wilkins cor.
"And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer Before all temples th' upright heart and pure, Instruct me, for Thou knowst."—Milton, P. L., B. i, l. 17.
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field."—Friends' Bible; also Bruce's, and Alger's. "Whereof every one bears [or beareth] twins."—BIBLE COR.: Song, vi, 6. "He strikes out of his nature one of the most divine principles that are planted in it."—Addison cor. "GENII [i.e., the word GENII] denotes aerial spirits."—Wright cor. "In proportion as the long and large prevalence of such corruptions has been obtained by force."—Halifax cor. "Neither of these is set before any word of a general signification, or before a proper name."—Brightland cor. "Of which, a few of the opening lines are all I shall give."—Moore cor. "The wealth we had in England, was the slow result of long industry and wisdom." Or: "The riches we had in England were," &c.—Davenant cor. "The following expression appears to be correct: 'Much public gratitude is due.'" Or this: "'Great public thanks are due.'"—-Wright cor. "He has been enabled to correct many mistakes."—Lowth cor. "Which road dost thou take here?"—Ingersoll cor. "Dost thou learn thy lesson?"—Id. "Did they learn their pieces perfectly?"—Id. "Thou learned thy task well."—Id. "There are some who can't relish the town, and others can't bear with the country."—Sir Wilful cor. "If thou meet them, thou must put on an intrepid mien."—Neef cor. "Struck with terror, as if Philip were something more than human."—Dr. Blair cor. "If the personification of the form of Satan were admissible, the pronoun should certainly have been masculine."—Jamieson cor. "If only one follows, there seems to be a defect in the sentence."—Priestley cor. "Sir, if thou hast borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him."—Bible cor. "Blessed are the people that know the joyful sound."—Id. "Every auditory takes in good part those marks of respect and awe with which a modest speaker commences a public discourse."—Dr. Blair cor. "Private causes were still pleaded in the forum; but the public were no longer interested, nor was any general attention drawn to what passed there."—Id. "Nay, what evidence can be brought to show, that the inflections of the classic tongues were not originally formed out of obsolete auxiliary words?"—L. Murray cor. "If the student observe that the principal and the auxiliary form but one verb, he will have little or no difficulty in the proper application of the present rule."—Id. "For the sword of the enemy, and fear, are on every side."—Bible cor. "Even the Stoics agree that nature, or certainty, is very hard to come at."—Collier cor. "His politeness, his obliging behaviour, was changed." Or thus: "His polite and obliging behaviour was changed."—Priestley and Hume cor. "War and its honours were their employment and ambition." Or thus: "War was their employment; its honours were their ambition."—Goldsmith cor. "Do A and AN mean the same thing?"—R. W. Green cor. "When several words come in between the discordant parts, the ear does not detect the error."—Cobbett cor. "The sentence should be, 'When several words come in,' &c."—Wright cor. "The nature of our language, the accent and pronunciation of it, incline us to contract even all our regular verbs."—Churchill's New Gram., p. 104. Or thus: "The nature of our language,—(that is, the accent and pronunciation of it,—) inclines us to contract even all our regular verbs."—Lowth cor. "The nature of our language, together with the accent and pronunciation of it, inclines us to contract even all our regular verbs."—Hiley cor. "Prompt aid, and not promises, is what we ought to give."—G. B. "The position of the several organs, therefore, as well as their functions, is ascertained."—Med. Mag. cor. "Every private company, and almost every public assembly, affords opportunities of remarking the difference between a just and graceful, and a faulty and unnatural elocution."—Enfield cor. "Such submission, together with the active principle of obedience, makes up in us the temper or character which answers to his sovereignty."—Bp. Butler cor. "In happiness, as in other things, there are a false and a true, an imaginary and a real."—A. Fuller cor. "To confound things that differ, and to make a distinction where there is no difference, are equally unphilosophical."—G. Brown.
"I know a bank wheron doth wild thyme blow, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grow."—Shak. cor.
"Whose business or profession prevents their attendance in the morning."—Ogilby cor. "And no church or officer has power over an other."—Lechford cor. "While neither reason nor experience is sufficiently matured to protect them."—Woodbridge cor. "Among the Greeks and Romans, almost every syllable was known to have a fixed and determined quantity." Or thus: "Among the Greeks and Romans, all syllables, (or at least the far greater number,) were known to have severally a fixed and determined quantity."—Blair and Jamieson cor. "Their vanity is awakened, and their passions are exalted, by the irritation which their self-love receives from contradiction."—Tr. of Mad. De Stael cor. "He and I were neither of us any great swimmer."—Anon. "Virtue, honour—nay, even self-interest, recommends the measure."—L. Murray cor. (See Obs. 5th on Rule 16th.) "A correct plainness, an elegant simplicity, is the proper character of an introduction."—Dr. Blair cor. "In syntax, there is what grammarians call concord or agreement, and there is government."—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "People find themselves able, without much study, to write and speak English intelligibly, and thus are led to think that rules are of no utility."—Webster cor. "But the writer must be one who has studied to inform himself well, who has pondered his subject with care, and who addresses himself to our judgement, rather than to our imagination."—Dr. Blair cor. "But practice has determined it otherwise; and has, in all the languages with which we are much acquainted, supplied the place of an interrogative mood, either by particles of interrogation, or by a peculiar order of the words in the sentence."—Lowth cor. "If the Lord hath stirred thee up against me, let him accept an offering."—Bible cor. "But if the priest's daughter be a widow, or divorced, and have no child, and she return unto her father's house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father's meat."—Id. "Since we never have studied, and never shall study, your sublime productions."—Neef cor. "Enabling us to form distincter images of objects, than can be formed, with the utmost attention, where these particulars are not found."—Kames cor. "I hope you will consider that what is spoken comes from my love."—Shak. cor. "We shall then perceive how the designs of emphasis may be marred."—Rush cor. "I knew it was Crab, and went to the fellow that whips the dogs."—Shak. cor. "The youth was consuming by a slow malady."—Murray's Gram., p. 64; Ingersoll's, 45; Fisk, 82. "If all men thought, spoke, and wrote alike, something resembling a perfect adjustment of these points might be accomplished."—Wright cor. "If you will replace what has been, for a long time expunged from the language." Or: "If you will replace what was long ago expunged from the language."—Campbell and Murray cor. "As in all those faulty instances which I have just been giving."—Dr. Blair cor. "This mood is also used improperly in the following places."—L. Murray cor. "He seems to have been well acquainted with his own genius, and to have known what it was that nature had bestowed upon him."—Johnson cor. "Of which I have already given one instance, the worst indeed that occurred in the poem."—Dr. Blair cor. "It is strange he never commanded you to do it."—Anon. "History painters would have found it difficult, to invent such a species of beings."—Addison cor. "Universal Grammar cannot be taught abstractedly; it must be explained with referenc [sic—KTH] to some language already known."—Lowth cor. "And we might imagine, that if verbs had been so contrived as simply to express these, no other tenses would have been needful."—Dr. Blair cor. "To a writer of such a genius as Dean Swift's, the plain style is most admirably fitted."—Id. "Please to excuse my son's absence."—Inst., p. 279. "Bid the boys come in immediately."—Ib.
"Gives us the secrets of his pagan hell, Where restless ghosts in sad communion dwell."—Crabbe cor.
"Alas! nor faith nor valour now remains; Sighs are but wind, and I must bear my chains."—Walpole cor.
"Of which the author considers himself, in compiling the present work, as merely laying the foundation-stone."—David Blair cor. "On the raising of such lively and distinct images as are here described."—Kames cor. "They are necessary to the avoiding of ambiguities."—Brightland cor. "There is no neglecting of it without falling into a dangerous error." Or better: "None can neglect it without falling," &c.—Burlamaqui cor. "The contest resembles Don Quixote's fighting of (or with) windmills."—Webster cor. "That these verbs associate with other verbs in all the tenses, is no proof that they have no particular time of their own."—L. Murray cor. "To justify myself in not following the track of the ancient rhetoricians."—Dr. H. Blair cor. "The putting-together of letters, so as to make words, is called Spelling."—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "What is the putting-together of vowels and consonants called?"—Id. "Nobody knows of their charitableness, but themselves." Or: "Nobody knows that they are charitable, but themselves."—Fuller cor. "Payment was at length made, but no reason was assigned for so long a postponement of it."—Murray et al. cor. "Which will bear to be brought into comparison with any composition of the kind."—Dr. Blair cor. "To render vice ridiculous, is to do real service to the world."—Id. "It is a direct copying from nature, a plain rehearsal of what passed, or was supposed to pass, in conversation."—Id. "Propriety of pronunciation consists in giving to every word that sound which the most polite usage of the language appropriates to it."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 200; and again, p. 219. "To occupy the mind, and prevent us from regretting the insipidity of a uniform plain."—Kames cor. "There are a hundred ways in which any thing may happen."—Steele cor. "Tell me, seignior, for what cause (or why) Antonio sent Claudio to Venice yesterday."—Bucke cor. "As you are looking about for an outlet, some rich prospect unexpectedly opens to view."—Kames cor. "A hundred volumes of modern novels may be read without communicating a new idea." Or thus: "A person may read a hundred volumes of modern novels without acquiring a new idea."—Webster cor. "Poetry admits of greater latitude than prose, with respect to the coining, or at least the new compounding, of words."—Dr. Blair cor. "When laws were written on brazen tablets, and enforced by the sword."—Pope cor. "A pronoun, which saves the naming of a person or thing a second time, ought to be placed as near as possible to the name of that person or thing."—Kames cor. "The using of a preposition in this case, is not always a matter of choice."—Id. "To save the multiplying of words, I would be understood to comprehend both circumstances."—Id. "Immoderate grief is mute: complaint is a struggle for consolation."—Id. "On the other hand, the accelerating or the retarding of the natural course, excites a pain."—Id. "Human affairs require the distributing of our attention."—Id. "By neglecting this circumstance, the author of the following example has made it defective in neatness."—Id. "And therefore the suppressing of copulatives must animate a description."—Id. "If the omission of copulatives gives force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render the period languid."—Id. "It skills not, to ask my leave, said Richard."—Scott cor. "To redeem his credit, he proposed to be sent once more to Sparta."—Goldsmith cor. "Dumas relates that he gave drink to a dog."—Stone cor. "Both are, in a like way, instruments of our reception of such ideas from external objects."—Bp. Butler cor. "In order to your proper handling of such a subject."—Spect. cor. "For I do not recollect it preceded by an open vowel."—Knight cor. "Such is the setting up of the form above the power of godliness."—Barclay cor. "I remember that I was walking once with my young acquaintance."—Hunt cor. "He did not like to pay a debt."—Id. "I do not remember to have seen Coleridge when I was a child."—Id. "In consequence of the dry rot discovered in it, the mansion has undergone a thorough repair."—Maunder cor. "I would not advise the following of the German system in all its parts."—Lieber cor. "Would it not be to make the students judges of the professors?"—Id. "Little time should intervene between the proposing of them and the deciding upon them."—Verthake [sic—KTH] cor. "It would be nothing less than to find fault with the Creator."—Lit. Journal cor. "That we were once friends, is a powerful reason, both of prudence and of conscience, to restrain us from ever becoming enemies."—Secker cor. "By using the word as a conjunction, we prevent the ambiguity."—L. Murray cor.
"He forms his schemes the flood of vice to stem, But faith in Jesus has no part in them."—J Taylor cor.
"Auxiliaries not only can be inserted, but are really understood."—Wright cor. "He was afterwards a hired scribbler in the Daily Courant."—Pope's Annotator cor. "In gardening, luckily, relative beauty never need stand (or, perhaps better, never needs to stand) in opposition to intrinsic beauty."—Kames cor. "I much doubt the propriety of the following examples."—Lowth cor. "And [we see] how far they have spread, in this part of the world, one of the worst languages possible"—Locke cor. "And, in this manner, merely to place him on a level with the beast of the forest."—R. C. Smith cor. "Whither, ah! whither, has my darling fled."—Anon. "As for this fellow, we know not whence he is."—Bible cor. "Ye see then, that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."—Id. "The Mixed kind is that in which the poet sometimes speaks in his own person, and sometimes makes other characters speak."—Adam and Gould cor. "Interrogation is a rhetorical figure in which the writer or orator raises questions, and, if he pleases, returns answers."—Fisher cor. "Prevention is a figure in which an author starts an objection which he foresees may be made, and gives an answer to it."—Id. "Will you let me alone, or not?"—W. Walker cor. "Neither man nor woman can resist an engaging exterior."— Chesterfield cor. "Though the cup be everso clean."—Locke cor. "Seldom, or never, did any one rise to eminence, by being a witty lawyer." Or thus: "Seldom, if ever, has any one risen to eminence, by being a witty lawyer."—Dr. Blair cor. "The second rule which I give, respects the choice of the objects from which metaphors, and other figures, are to be drawn."—Id. "In the figures which it uses, it sets mirrors before us, in which we may behold objects reflected in their likeness."—Id. "Whose business it is, to seek the true measures of right and wrong, and not the arts by which he may avoid doing the one, and secure himself in doing the other."—Locke cor. "The occasions on which you ought to personify things, and those on which you ought not, cannot be stated in any precise rule."—Cobbett cor. "They reflect that they have been much diverted, but scarcely can they say about what."—Kames cor. "The eyebrows and shoulders should seldom or never be remarked by any perceptible motion."—J. Q. Adams cor. "And the left hand or arm should seldom or never attempt any motion by itself."—Id., right. "Not every speaker purposes to please the imagination."— Jamieson cor. "And, like Gallio, they care for none of these things." Or: "And, like Gallio, they care little for any of these things."—S. cor. "They may inadvertently be used where their meaning would be obscure."—L. Murray cor. "Nor can a man make him laugh."—Shak. cor. "The Athenians, in their present distress, scarcely knew whither to turn."—Goldsmith cor. "I do not remember where God ever delivered his oracles by the multitude."—Locke cor. "The object of this government is twofold, outward and inward."—Barclay cor. "In order rightly to understand what we read"—R. Johnson cor. "That a design had been formed, to kidnap or forcibly abduct Morgan."—Col. Stone cor. "But such imposture can never long maintain its ground."—Dr. Blair cor. "But surely it is as possible to apply the principles of reason and good sense to this art, as to any other that is cultivated among men."—Id. "It would have been better for you, to have remained illiterate, and even to have been hewers of wood."—L. Murray cor. "Dissyllables that have two vowels which are separated in the pronunciation, always have the accent on the first syllable."—Id. "And they all turned their backs, almost without drawing a sword." Or: "And they all turned their backs, scarcely venturing to draw a sword."—Kames cor. "The principle of duty naturally takes precedence of every other."—Id. "Not all that glitters, is gold."—Maunder cor. "Whether now, or everso many myriads of ages hence."—Edwards cor.
"England never did, nor ever shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror."—Shak. cor.
"He readily comprehends the rules of syntax, their use in the constructing of sentences, and their applicability to the examples before him."—Greenleaf cor. "The works of AEschylus have suffered more by time, than those of any other ancient tragedian."—Dr. Blair cor. "There is much more story, more bustle, and more action, than on the French theatre."—Id. (See Obs. 8th on Rule 16th.) "Such an unremitted anxiety, or such a perpetual application, as engrosses all our time and thoughts, is forbidden."—Jenyns cor. "It seems to be nothing else than the simple form of the adjective."—Wright cor. "But when I talk of reasoning, I do not intend any other than such as is suited to the child's capacity."—Locke cor. "Pronouns have no other use in language, than to represent nouns."—Jamieson cor. "The speculative relied no farther on their own judgement, than to choose a leader, whom they implicitly followed."—Kames cor. "Unaccommodated man is no more than such a poor, bare, forked animal as thou art."—Shak. cor. "A Parenthesis is a suggestion which is introduced into the body of a sentence obliquely, and which may be omitted without injuring the grammatical construction."—Mur. et al. cor. "The Caret (marked thus ^) is placed where something that happened to be left out, is to be put into the line."—Iid. "When I visit them, they shall be cast down."—Bible cor. "Neither our virtues nor our vices are all our own."—Johnson and Sanborn cor. "I could not give him so early an answer as he had desired."—O. B. Peirce cor. "He is not so tall as his brother."—Nixon cor. "It is difficult to judge whether Lord Byron is serious or not."—Lady Blessington cor. "Some nouns are of both the second and the third declension."—Gould cor. "He was discouraged neither by danger nor by misfortune."—Wells cor. "This is consistent neither with logic nor with history."—Dial cor. "Parts of sentences are either simple or compound."—David Blair cor. "English verse is regulated rather by the number of syllables, than by feet:" or,—"than by the number of feet."—Id. "I know not what more he can do, than pray for him."—Locke cor. "Whilst they are learning, and are applying themselves with attention, they are to be kept in good humour."—Id. "A man cannot have too much of it, nor have it too perfectly."—Id. "That you may so run, as to obtain; and so fight, as to overcome." Or thus: "That you may so run, that you may obtain; and so fight, that you may overcome."—Penn cor. "It is the artifice of some, to contrive false periods of business, that they may seem men of despatch."—Bacon cor. "'A tall man and a woman.' In this phrase, there is no ellipsis; the adjective belongs only to the former noun; the quality respects only the man."—Ash cor. "An abandonment of the policy is neither to be expected nor to be desired."—Jackson cor. "Which can be acquired by no other means than by frequent exercise in speaking."—Dr. Blair cor. "The chief or fundamental rules of syntax are common to the English and the Latin tongue." Or:—"are applicable to the English as well as to the Latin tongue."—Id. "Then I exclaim, either that my antagonist is void of all taste, or that his taste is corrupted in a miserable degree." Or thus: "Then I exclaim, that my antagonist is either void of all taste, or has a taste that is miserably corrupted."—Id. "I cannot pity any one who is under no distress either of body or of mind."—Kames cor. "There was much genius in the world, before there were learning and arts to refine it."—Dr. Blair cor. "Such a writer can have little else to do, than to new-model the paradoxes of ancient scepticism."—Dr. Brown cor. "Our ideas of them being nothing else than collections of the ordinary qualities observed in them."—Duncan cor. "A non-ens, or negative, can give neither pleasure nor pain."—Kames cor. "So that they shall not justle and embarrass one an other."—Dr. Blair cor. "He firmly refused to make use of any other voice than his own."—Murray's Sequel, p. 113. "Your marching regiments, sir, will not make the guards their example, either as soldiers or as subjects."—Junius cor. "Consequently they had neither meaning nor beauty, to any but the natives of each country."—Sheridan cor.
"The man of worth, who has not left his peer, Is in his narrow house forever darkly laid."—Burns cor.
"These may be carried on progressively beyond any assignable limits."—Kames cor. "To crowd different subjects into a single member of a period, is still worse than to crowd them into one period."—Id. "Nor do we rigidly insist on having melodious prose."—Id. "The aversion we have to those who differ from us."—Id. "For we cannot bear his shifting of the scene at every line."—Halifax cor. "We shall find that we come by it in the same way."—Locke cor. "Against this he has no better defence than that."—Barnes cor. "Searching the person whom he suspects of having stolen his casket."—Dr. Blair cor. "Who, as vacancies occur, are elected by the whole Board."—Lit. Jour. cor. "Almost the only field of ambition for a German, is science."—Lieber cor. "The plan of education is very different from the one pursued in the sister country."—Coley cor. "Some writers on grammar have contended, that adjectives sometimes relate to verbs, and modify their action."—Wilcox cor. "They are therefore of a mixed nature, participating the properties both of pronouns and of adjectives."— Ingersoll cor. "For there is no authority which can justify the inserting of the aspirate or the doubling of the vowel."—Knight cor. "The distinction and arrangement of active, passive, and neuter verbs."— Wright cor. "And see thou a hostile world spread its delusive snares."—Kirkham cor. "He may be precautioned, and be made to see how those join in the contempt."—Locke cor. "The contenting of themselves in the present want of what they wished for, is a virtue."— Id. "If the complaint be about something really worthy of your notice."—Id. "True fortitude I take to be the quiet possession of a man's self, and an undisturbed doing of his duty."—Id. "For the custom of tormenting and killing beasts, will, by degrees, harden their minds even towards men."—Id. "Children are whipped to it, and made to spend many hours of their precious time uneasily at Latin."—Id. "On this subject, [the Harmony of Periods,] the ancient rhetoricians have entered into a very minute and particular detail; more particular, indeed, than on any other head that regards language."—See Blair's Rhet., p. 122. "But the one should not be omitted, and the other retained." Or: "But the one should not be used without the other."—Bullions cor. "From some common forms of speech, the relative pronoun is usually omitted."—Murray and Weld cor. "There are very many causes which disqualify a witness for being received to testify in particular cases."—Adams cor. "Aside from all regard to interest, we should expect that," &c.—Webster cor. "My opinion was given after a rather cursory perusal of the book."—L. Murray cor. "And, [on] the next day, he was put on board of his ship." Or thus: "And, the next day, he was put aboard his ship."—Id. "Having the command of no emotions, but what are raised by sight."—Kames cor. "Did these moral attributes exist in some other being besides himself." Or:—"in some other being than himself."—Wayland cor. "He did not behave in that manner from pride, or [from] contempt of the tribunal."—Murray's Sequel, p. 113. "These prosecutions against William seem to have been the most iniquitous measures pursued by the court."—Murray and Priestley cor. "To restore myself to the good graces of my fair critics."—Dryden cor. "Objects denominated beautiful, please not by virtue of any one quality common to them all."—Dr. Blair cor. "This would have been less worthy of notice, had not a writer or two of high rank lately adopted it."—Churchill cor.
"A Grecian youth, of talents rare, Whom Plato's philosophic care," &c.—WHITEHEAD: E. R., p. 196.
"To excel has become a much less considerable object."—Dr. Blair cor. "My robe, and my integrity to Heav'n, are all I dare now call my own."—Enfield's Speaker, p. 347. "For thou the garland wearst successively."—Shak. cor.; also Enfield. "If then thou art a Roman, take it forth."—Id. "If thou prove this to be real, thou must be a smart lad indeed."—Neef cor. "And an other bridge of four hundred feet in length."—Brightland cor. "METONYMY is the putting of one name for an other, on account of the near relation which there is between them."—Fisher cor. "ANTONOMASIA is the putting of an appellative or common name for a proper name."—Id. "That it is I, should make no difference in your determination."—Bullions cor. "The first and second pages are torn." Or. "The first and the second page are torn." Or: "The first page and the second are torn."—Id. "John's absence from home occasioned the delay."—Id. "His neglect of opportunities for improvement, was the cause of his disgrace."—Id. "He will regret his neglect of his opportunities for improvement, when it is too late."—Id. "His expertness at dancing does not entitle him to our regard."—Id. "Caesar went back to Rome, to take possession of the public treasure, which his opponent, by a most unaccountable oversight, had neglected to carry away with him."—Goldsmith cor. "And Caesar took out of the treasury, gold to the amount of three thousand pounds' weight, besides an immense quantity of silver." [548]—Id. "Rules and definitions, which should always be as clear and intelligible as possible, are thus rendered obscure."—Greenleaf cor. "So much both of ability and of merit is seldom found." Or thus: "So much of both ability and merit is seldom found."[549]—L. Murray cor. "If such maxims, and such practices prevail, what has become of decency and virtue?"[550]—Murray's False Syntax, ii, 62. Or: "If such maxims and practices prevail, what will become of decency and virtue?"—Murray and Bullions cor. "Especially if the subject does not require so much pomp."—Dr. Blair cor. "However, the proper mixture of light and shade in such compositions,—the exact adjustment of all the figurative circumstances with the literal sense,—has ever been found an affair of great nicety."—Blair's Rhet., p. 151. "And adding to that hissing in our language, which is so much noticed by foreigners."—Addison, Coote, and Murray, cor. "To speak impatiently to servants, or to do any thing that betrays unkindness, or ill-humour, is certainly criminal." Or better: "Impatience, unkindness, or ill-humour, is certainly criminal."—Mur. et al. cor. "Here are a fullness and grandeur of expression, well suited to the subject."—Dr. Blair cor. "I single out Strada from among the moderns, because he had the foolish presumption to censure Tacitus."—L. Murray cor. "I single him out from among the moderns, because," &c.—Bolingbroke cor. "This rule is not always observed, even by good writers, so strictly as it ought to be."—Dr. Blair cor. "But this gravity and assurance, which are beyond boyhood, being neither wisdom nor knowledge, do never reach to manhood."—Pope cor. "The regularity and polish even of a turnpike-road, have some influence upon the low people in the neighbourhood."—Kames cor. "They become fond of regularity and neatness; and this improvement of their taste is displayed, first upon their yards and little enclosures, and next within doors."—Id. "The phrase, 'it is impossible to exist,' gives us the idea, that it is impossible for men, or any body, to exist."—Priestley cor. "I'll give a thousand pounds to look upon him."—Shak. cor. "The reader's knowledge, as Dr. Campbell observes, may prevent him from mistaking it."—Crombie and Murray cor. "When two words are set in contrast, or in opposition to each other, they are both emphatic."—L. Murray cor. "The number of the persons—men, women, and children—who were lost in the sea, was very great." Or thus: "The number of persons—men, women, and children—that were lost in the sea, was very great."—Id. "Nor is the resemblance between the primary and the resembling object pointed out."—Jamieson cor. "I think it the best book of the kind, that I have met with."—Mathews cor.
"Why should not we their ancient rites restore, And be what Rome or Athens was before?"—Roscommon cor.
"It is labour only that gives relish to pleasure."—L. Murray cor. "Groves are never more agreeable than in the opening of spring."—Id. "His Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful, soon made him known to the literati."—See Blair's Lect., pp. 34 and 45. "An awful precipice or tower from which we look down on the objects which are below."—Dr. Blair cor. "This passage, though very poetical, is, however, harsh and obscure; and for no other cause than this, that three distinct metaphors are crowded together."—Id. "I purpose to make some observations."—Id. "I shall here follow the same method that I have all along pursued."—Id. "Mankind at no other time resemble one an other so much as they do in the beginnings of society."—Id. "But no ear is sensible of the termination of each foot, in the reading of a hexameter line."—Id. "The first thing, says he, that a writer either of fables or of heroic poems does, is, to choose some maxim or point of morality."—Id. "The fourth book has always been most justly admired, and indeed it abounds with beauties of the highest kind."—Id. "There is in the poem no attempt towards the painting of characters."—Id. "But the artificial contrasting of characters, and the constant introducing of them in pairs and by opposites, give too theatrical and affected an air to the piece."—Id. "Neither of them is arbitrary or local."—Kames cor. "If the crowding of figures is bad, it is still worse to graft one figure upon an other."—Id. "The crowding-together of so many objects lessens the pleasure."—Id. "This therefore lies not in the putting-off of the hat, nor in the making of compliments."—Locke cor. "But the Samaritan Vau may have been used, as the Jews used the Chaldaic, both for a vowel and for a consonant."—Wilson cor. "But if a solemn and a familiar pronunciation really exist in our language, is it not the business of a grammarian to mark both?"—J. Walker cor. "By making sounds follow one an other agreeably to certain laws."—Gardiner cor. "If there were no drinking of intoxicating draughts, there could be no drunkards."—Peirce cor. "Socrates knew his own defects, and if he was proud of any thing, it was of being thought to have none."—Goldsmith cor. "Lysander, having brought his army to Ephesus, erected an arsenal for the building of galleys."—Id. "The use of these signs is worthy of remark."—Brightland cor. "He received me in the same manner in which I would receive you." Or thus: "He received me as I would receive you."—R. C. Smith cor. "Consisting of both the direct and the collateral evidence."—Bp. Butler cor. "If any man or woman that believeth hath widows, let him or her relieve them, and let not the church be charged."—Bible cor. "For men's sake are beasts bred."—W. Walker cor. "From three o'clock, there were drinking and gaming."—Id. "Is this he that I am seeking, or not?"—Id. "And for the upholding of every one's own opinion, there is so much ado."—Sewel cor. "Some of them, however, will necessarily be noticed."—Sale cor. "The boys conducted themselves very indiscreetly."—Merchant cor. "Their example, their influence, their fortune,—every talent they possess,—dispenses blessings on all persons around them."—Id. and Murray cor. "The two Reynoldses reciprocally converted each other."—Johnson cor. "The destroying of the last two, Tacitus calls an attack upon virtue itself."—Goldsmith cor. "Moneys are your suit."—Shak. cor. "Ch is commonly sounded like tch, as in church; but in words derived from Greek, it has the sound of k."—L. Murray cor. "When one is obliged to make some utensil serve for purposes to which it was not originally destined."—Campbell cor. "But that a baptism with water is a washing-away of sin, thou canst not hence prove."—Barclay cor. "Being spoken to but one, it infers no universal command."—Id. "For if the laying-aside of copulatives gives force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render the period languid."—Buchanan cor. "James used to compare him to a cat, which always falls upon her legs."—Adam cor.
"From the low earth aspiring genius springs, And sails triumphant borne on eagle's wings."—Lloyd cor.
"An ostentatious, a feeble, a harsh, or an obscure style, for instance, is always faulty."—Dr. Blair cor. "Yet in this we find that the English pronounce quite agreeably to rule." Or thus: "Yet in this we find the English pronunciation perfectly agreeable to rule." Or thus: "Yet in this we find that the English pronounce in a manner perfectly agreeable to rule."—J. Walker cor. "But neither the perception of ideas, nor knowledge of any sort, is a habit, though absolutely necessary to the forming of habits."—Bp. Butler cor. "They were cast; and a heavy fine was imposed upon them."—Goldsmith cor. "Without making this reflection, he cannot enter into the spirit of the author, or relish the composition."—Dr. Blair cor. "The scholar should be instructed in relation to the finding of his words." Or thus: "The scholar should be told how to find his words."—Osborn cor. "And therefore they could neither have forged, nor have reversified them."—Knight cor. "A dispensary is a place at which medicines are dispensed to the poor."—L. Mur. cor. "Both the connexion and the number of words are determined by general laws."—Neef cor. "An Anapest has the first two syllables unaccented, and the last one accented; as, c~ontr~av=ene, acquiesce."—L. Mur. cor. "An explicative sentence is one in which a thing is said, in a direct manner, to be or not to be, to do or not to do, to suffer or not to suffer."—Lowth and Mur. cor. "BUT is a conjunction whenever it is neither an adverb nor a preposition." [551]—R. C. Smith cor. "He wrote in the name of King Ahasuerus, and sealed the writing with the king's ring."—Bible cor. "Camm and Audland had departed from the town before this time."—Sewel cor. "Before they will relinquish the practice, they must be convinced."—Webster cor. "Which he had thrown up before he set out."—Grimshaw cor. "He left to him the value of a hundred drachms in Persian money."—Spect cor. "All that the mind can ever contemplate concerning them, must be divided among the three."—Cardell cor. "Tom Puzzle is one of the most eminent immethodical disputants, of all that have fallen under my observation."—Spect. cor. "When you have once got him to think himself compensated for his suffering, by the praise which is given him for his courage."—Locke cor. "In all matters in which simple reason, or mere speculation is concerned."—Sheridan cor. "And therefore he should be spared from the trouble of attending to anything else than his meaning."—Id. "It is this kind of phraseology that is distinguished by the epithet idiomatical; a species that was originally the spawn, partly of ignorance, and partly of affectation."—Campbell and Murray cor. "That neither the inflection nor the letters are such as could have been employed by the ancient inhabitants of Latium."—Knight cor. "In those cases in which the verb is intended to be applied to any one of the terms."—L. Murray cor. "But these people who know not the law, are accursed."—Bible cor. "And the magnitude of the choruses has weight and sublimity."—Gardiner cor. "Dares he deny that there are some of his fraternity guilty?"—Barclay cor. "Giving an account of most, if not all, of the papers which had passed betwixt them."—Id. "In this manner, as to both parsing and correcting, should all the rules of syntax be treated, being taken up regularly according to their order."—L. Murray cor. "To Ovando were allowed a brilliant retinue and a body-guard."—Sketch cor. "Was it I or he, that you requested to go?"—Kirkham cor. "Let thee and me go on."—Bunyan cor. "This I nowhere affirmed; and I do wholly deny it."—Barclay cor. "But that I deny; and it remains for him to prove it."—Id. "Our country sinks beneath the yoke: She weeps, she bleeds, and each new day a gash Is added to her wounds."—Shak. cor. "Thou art the Lord who chose Abraham and brought him forth out of Ur of the Chaldees."—Bible and Mur. cor. "He is the exhaustless fountain, from which emanate all these attributes that exist throughout this wide creation."—Wayland cor. "I am he who has communed with the son of Neocles; I am he who has entered the gardens of pleasure."—Wright cor.
"Such were in ancient times the tales received, Such by our good forefathers were believed."—Rowe cor.
"The noun or pronoun that stands before the active verb, usually represents the agent."—A. Murray cor. "Such seem to have been the musings of our hero of the grammar-quill, when he penned the first part of his grammar."—Merchant cor. "Two dots, the one placed above the other [:], are called Sheva, and are used to represent a very short e."—Wilson cor. "Great have been, and are, the obscurity and difficulty, in the nature and application of them" [: i.e.—of natural remedies].—Butler cor. "As two are to four, so are four to eight."—Everest cor. "The invention and use of arithmetic, reach back to a period so remote, as to be beyond the knowledge of history."— Robertson cor. "What it presents as objects of contemplation or enjoyment, fill and satisfy his mind."—Id. "If he dares not say they are, as I know he dares not, how must I then distinguish?"—Barclay cor. "He had now grown so fond of solitude, that all company had become uneasy to him."—Life of Cic. cor. "Violence and spoil are heard in her; before me continually are grief and wounds."—Bible cor. "Bayle's Intelligence from the Republic of Letters, which makes eleven volumes in duodecimo, is truly a model in this kind."—Formey cor. "Pauses, to be rendered pleasing and expressive, must not only be made in the right place, but also be accompanied with a proper tone of voice."—L. Murray cor. "To oppose the opinions and rectify the mistakes of others, is what truth and sincerity sometimes require of us."—Locke cor. "It is very probable, that this assembly was called, to clear some doubt which the king had, whether it were lawful for the Hollanders to throw off the monarchy of Spain, and withdraw entirely their allegiance to that crown." Or:—"About the lawfulness of the Hollanders' rejection of the monarchy of Spain, and entire withdrawment of their allegiance to that crown."—L. Murray cor. "A naming of the numbers and cases of a noun in their order, is called the declining of it, or its declension."—Frost cor. "The embodying of them is, therefore, only a collecting of such component parts of words."—Town cor. "The one is the voice heard when Christ was baptized; the other, when he was transfigured."—Barclay cor. "An understanding of the literal sense"—or, "To have understood the literal sense, would not have prevented them from condemning the guiltless."—Bp. Butler cor. "As if this were, to take the execution of justice out of the hands of God, and to give it to nature."—Id. "They will say, you must conceal this good opinion of yourself; which yet is an allowing of the thing, though not of the showing of it." Or:—"which yet is, to allow the thing, though not the showing of it."—Sheffield cor. "So as to signify not only the doing of an action, but the causing of it to be done."—Pike cor. "This, certainly, was both a dividing of the unity of God, and a limiting of his immensity."—Calvin cor. "Tones being infinite in number, and varying in almost every individual, the arranging of them under distinct heads, and the reducing of them to any fixed and permanent rules, may be considered as the last refinement in language."—Knight cor. "The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he hath done it, and until he hath performed the intents of his heart."—Bible cor. "We seek for deeds more illustrious and heroic, for events more diversified and surprising."—Dr. Blair cor. "We distinguish the genders, or the male and the female sex, in four different ways."—Buchanan cor. "Thus, ch and g are ever hard. It is therefore proper to retain these sounds in those Hebrew names which have not been modernized, or changed by public use."—Dr. Wilson cor. "A Substantive, or Noun, is the name of any thing which is conceived to subsist, or of which we have any notion."—Murray and Lowth cor. "A Noun is the name of any thing which exists, or of which we have, or can form, an idea."—Maunder cor. "A Noun is the name of any thing in existence, or of any thing of which we can form an idea."—Id. "The next thing to be attended to, is, to keep him exactly to the speaking of truth."—Locke cor. "The material, the vegetable, and the animal world, receive this influence according to their several capacities."—Dial cor. "And yet it is fairly defensible on the principles of the schoolmen; if those things can be called principles, which consist merely in words."—Campbell cor.
"Art thou so bare, and full of wretchedness, And fearst to die? Famine is in thy cheeks, Need and oppression starve in thy sunk eyes."—Shak. cor.
"The silver age is reckoned to have commenced at the death of Augustus, and to have continued till the end of Trajan's reign."—Gould cor. "Language has indeed become, in modern times, more correct, and more determinate."—Dr. Blair cor. "It is evident, that those words are the most agreeable to the ear, which are composed of smooth and liquid sounds, and in which there is a proper intermixture of vowels and consonants."—Id. "It would have had no other effect, than to add to the sentence an unnecessary word."—Id. "But as rumours arose, that the judges had been corrupted by money in this cause, these gave occasion to much popular clamour, and threw a heavy odium on Cluentius."—Id. "A Participle is derived from a verb, and partakes of the nature both of the verb and of an adjective."—Ash and Devis cor. "I shall have learned my grammar before you will have learned yours."—Wilbur and Livingston cor. "There is no other earthly object capable of making so various and so forcible impressions upon the human mind, as a complete speaker."—Perry cor. "It was not the carrying of the bag, that made Judas a thief and a hireling."—South cor. "As the reasonable soul and the flesh are one man, so God and man are one Christ."—Creed cor. "And I will say to them who were not my people, Ye are my people; and they shall say, Thou art our God."—Bible cor. "Where there is in the sense nothing that requires the last sound to be elevated or suspended, an easy fall, sufficient to show that the sense is finished, will be proper."—L. Mur. cor. "Each party produce words in which the letter a is sounded in the manner for which they contend."—J. Walker cor. "To countenance persons that are guilty of bad actions, is scarcely one remove from an actual commission of the same crimes."—L. Mur. cor. "'To countenance persons that are guilty of bad actions,' is a phrase or clause which is made the subject of the verb 'is.'"—Id. "What is called the splitting of particles,—that is, the separating of a preposition from the noun which it governs, is always to be avoided."—Dr. Blair et al. cor. (See Obs. 15th on Rule 23d.) "There is properly but one pause, or rest, in the sentence; and this falls betwixt the two members into which the sentence is divided."—Iid. "To go barefoot, does not at all help a man on, in the way to heaven."—Steele cor. "There is nobody who does not condemn this in others, though many overlook it in themselves."—Locke cor. "Be careful not to use the same word in the same sentence either too frequently or in different senses."—L. Murray cor. "Nothing could have made her more unhappy, than to have married a man of such principles."—Id. "A warlike, various, and tragical age is the best to write of, but the worst to write in."—Cowley cor. "When thou instancest Peter's babtizing [sic—KTH] of Cornelius."—Barclay cor. "To introduce two or more leading thoughts or topics, which have no natural affinity or mutual dependence."—L. Murray cor. "Animals, again, are fitted to one an other, and to the elements or regions in which they live, and to which they are as appendices."—Id. "This melody, however, or so frequent varying of the sound of each word, is a proof of nothing, but of the fine ear of that people."—Jamieson cor. "They can, each in its turn, be used upon occasion."—Duncan cor. "In this reign, lived the poets Gower and Chaucer, who are the first authors that can properly be said to have written English."—Bucke cor. "In translating expressions of this kind, consider the [phrase] 'it is' as if it were they are."—W. Walker cor. "The chin has an important office to perform; for, by the degree of its activity, we disclose either a polite or a vulgar pronunciation."—Gardiner cor. "For no other reason, than that he was found in bad company."—Webster cor. "It is usual to compare them after the manner of polysyllables."—Priestley cor. "The infinitive mood is recognized more easily than any other, because the preposition TO precedes it."—Bucke cor. "Prepositions, you recollect, connect words, and so do conjunctions: how, then, can you tell a conjunction from a preposition?" Or:—"how, then, can you distinguish the former from the latter?"—R. C. Smith cor.
"No kind of work requires a nicer touch, And, this well finish'd, none else shines so much." —Sheffield cor.
"On many occasions, it is the final pause alone, that marks the difference between prose and verse: this will be evident from the following arrangement of a few poetical lines."—L. Murray cor. "I shall do all I can to persuade others to take for their cure the same measures that I have taken for mine."—Guardian cor.; also Murray. "It is the nature of extreme self-lovers, that they will set a house on fire, as it were, but to roast their eggs."—Bacon cor. "Did ever man struggle more earnestly in a cause in which both his honour and his life were concerned?"—Duncan cor. "So the rests, or pauses, which separate sentences or their parts, are marked by points."—Lowth cor. "Yet the case and mood are not influenced by them, but are determined by the nature of the sentence."—Id. "Through inattention to this rule, many errors have been committed: several of which are here subjoined, as a further caution and direction to the learner."—L. Murray cor. "Though thou clothe thyself with crimson, though thou deck thee with ornaments of gold, though thou polish thy face with painting, in vain shalt thou make thyself fair." [552]—Bible cor. "But that the doing of good to others, will make us happy, is not so evident; the feeding of the hungry, for example, or the clothing of the naked." Or: "But that, to do good to others, will make us happy, is not so evident; to feed the hungry, for example, or to clothe the naked."—Kames cor. "There is no other God than he, no other light than his." Or: "There is no God but he, no light but his."—Penn cor. "How little reason is there to wonder, that a powerful and accomplished orator should be one of the characters that are most rarely found."—Dr. Blair cor. "Because they express neither the doing nor the receiving of an action."—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "To find the answers, will require an effort of mind; and, when right answers are given, they will be the result of reflection, and show that the subject is understood."—Id. "'The sun rises,' is an expression trite and common; but the same idea becomes a magnificent image, when expressed in the language of Mr. Thomson."—Dr. Blair cor. "The declining of a word is the giving of its different endings." Or: "To decline a word, is to give it different endings."—Ware cor. "And so much are they for allowing every one to follow his own mind."—Barclay cor. "More than one overture for peace were made, but Cleon prevented them from taking effect."—Goldsmith cor. "Neither in English, nor in any other language, is this word, or that which corresponds to it in meaning, any more an article, than TWO, THREE, or FOUR."—Webster cor. "But the most irksome conversation of all that I have met with in the neighbourhood, has been with two or three of your travellers."—Spect. cor. "Set down the first two terms of the supposition, one under the other, in the first place."—Smiley cor. "It is a useful practice too, to fix one's eye on some of the most distant persons in the assembly."—Dr. Blair cor. "He will generally please his hearers most, when to please them is not his sole or his chief aim."—Id. "At length, the consuls return to the camp, and inform the soldiers, that they could obtain for them no other terms than those of surrendering their arms and passing under the yoke."—Id. "Nor are mankind so much to blame, in their choice thus determining them."—Swift cor. "These forms are what are called the Numbers." Or: "These forms are called Numbers."—Fosdick cor. "In those languages which admit but two genders, all nouns are either masculine or feminine, even though they designate beings that are neither male nor female."—Id. "It is called Verb or Word by way of eminence, because it is the most essential word in a sentence, and one without which the other parts of speech cannot form any complete sense."—Gould cor. "The sentence will consist of two members, and these will commonly be separated from each other by a comma."—Jamieson cor. "Loud and soft in speaking are like the forte and piano in music; they only refer to the different degrees of force used in the same key: whereas high and low imply a change of key."—Sheridan cor. "They are chiefly three: the acquisition of knowledge; the assisting of the memory to treasure up this knowledge; and the communicating of it to others."—Id.
"This kind of knaves I know, who in this plainness Harbour more craft, and hide corrupter ends, Than twenty silly ducking observants."—Shak. cor.
"A man will be forgiven, even for great errors, committed in a foreign language; but, in the use he makes of his own, even the least slips are justly pointed out and ridiculed."—Amer. Chesterfield cor. "LET expresses not only permission, but entreaty, exhortation, and command."—Lowth cor.; also Murray, et al. "That death which is our leaving of this world, is nothing else than the putting-off of these bodies."—Sherlock cor. "They differ from the saints recorded in either the Old or the New Testament."—Newton cor. "The nature of relation, therefore, consists in the referring or comparing of two things to each other; from which comparison, one or both come to be denominated."—Locke cor. "It is not credible, that there is any one who will say, that through the whole course of his life he has kept himself entirely undefiled, without the least spot or stain of sin."—Witsius cor. "If to act conformably to the will of our Creator,—if to promote the welfare of mankind around us,—if to secure our own happiness, is an object of the highest moment; then are we loudly called upon to cultivate and extend the great interests of religion and virtue." Or: "If, to act conformably to the will of our Creator, to promote the welfare of mankind around us, and to secure our own happiness, are objects of the highest moment; then," &c.—Murray et al. cor. "The verb being in the plural number, it is supposed, that the officer and his guard are joint agents. But this is not the case: the only nominative to the verb is 'officer.' In the expression, 'with his guard,' the noun 'guard' is in the objective case, being governed by the preposition with; and consequently it cannot form the nominative, or any part of it. The prominent subject for the agreement, the true nominative to the verb, or the term to which the verb peculiarly refers, is the word 'officer.'"—L. Murray cor. "This is an other use, that, in my opinion, contributes to make a man learned rather than wise; and is incapable of pleasing either the understanding or the imagination."—Addison cor. "The work is a dull performance; and is incapable of pleasing either the understanding or the imagination."—L. Murray cor. "I would recommend the 'Elements of English Grammar,' by Mr. Frost. The plan of this little work is similar to that of Mr. L. Murray's smallest Grammar; but, in order to meet the understanding of children, its definitions and language are simplified, so far as the nature of the subject will admit. It also embraces more examples for Parsing, than are usual in elementary treatises."—S. R. Hall cor. "More rain falls in the first two summer months, than in the first two months of winter; but what falls, makes a much greater show upon the earth, in winter than in summer, because there is a much slower evaporation."—L. Murray cor. "They often contribute also to render some persons prosperous, though wicked; and, what is still worse, to reward some actions, though vicious; and punish other actions, though virtuous."—Bp. Butler cor. "Hence, to such a man, arise naturally a secret satisfaction, a sense of security, and an implicit hope of somewhat further."—Id. "So much for the third and last cause of illusion, that was noticed above; which arises from the abuse of very general and abstract terms; and which is the principal source of the abundant nonsense that has been vented by metaphysicians, mystagogues, and theologians."—Campbell cor. "As to those animals which are less common, or which, on account of the places they inhabit, fall less under our observation, as fishes and birds, or which their diminutive size removes still further from our observation, we generally, in English, employ a single noun to designate both genders, the masculine and the feminine."—Fosdick cor. "Adjectives may always be distinguished by their relation to other words: they express the quality, condition, or number, of whatever things are mentioned."—Emmons cor. "An adverb is a word added to a verb, a participle, an adjective, or an other adverb; and generally expresses time, place, degree, or manner."—Brown's Inst., p. 29. "The joining-together of two objects, so grand, and the representing of them both, as subject at one moment to the command of God, produce a noble effect."—Dr. Blair cor. "Twisted columns, for instance, are undoubtedly ornamental; but, as they have an appearance of weakness, they displease the eye, whenever they are used to support any massy part of a building, or what seems to require a more substantial prop."—Id. "In a vast number of inscriptions, some upon rocks, some upon stones of a defined shape, is found an Alphabet different from the Greeks', the Latins', and the Hebrews', and also unlike that of any modern nation."—W. C. Fowler cor.
"The empire of Blefuscu is an island situated on the northeast side of Lilliput, from which it is parted by a channel of only 800 yards in width."—Swift and Kames cor. "The nominative case usually denotes the agent or doer; and any noun or pronoun which is the subject of a finite verb, is always in this case."—R. C. Smith cor. "There are, in his allegorical personages, an originality, a richness, and a variety, which almost vie with the splendours of the ancient mythology."—Hazlitt cor. "As neither the Jewish nor the Christian revelation has been universal, and as each has been afforded to a greater or a less part of the world at different times; so likewise, at different times, both revelations have had different degrees of evidence."—Bp. Butler cor. "Thus we see, that, to kill a man with a sword, and to kill one with a hatchet, are looked upon as no distinct species of action; but, if the point of the sword first enter the body, the action passes for a distinct species, called stabbing."—Locke cor. "If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the Lord, and lie unto his neighbour concerning that which was delivered him to keep, or deceive his neighbour, or find that which was lost, and lie concerning it, and swear falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning therein, then it shall be," &c.—Bible cor. "As, to do and teach the commandments of God, is the great proof of virtue; so, to break them, and to teach others to break them, are the great proofs of vice."—Wayland cor. "The latter simile, in Pope's terrific maltreatment of it, is true neither to the mind nor to the eye."—Coleridge cor. "And the two brothers were seen, transported with rage and fury, like Eteocles and Polynices, each endeavouring to plunge his sword into the other's heart, and to assure himself of the throne by the death of his rival."—Goldsmith cor. "Is it not plain, therefore, that neither the castle, nor the planet, nor the cloud, which you here see, is that real one which you suppose to exist at a distance?"—Berkley cor. "I have often wondered, how it comes to pass, that every body should love himself best, and yet value his neighbours' opinion about himself more than his own."—Collier cor. "Virtue, ([Greek: Aretae], Virtus,) as well as most of its species, when sex is figuratively ascribed to it, is made feminine, perhaps from its beauty and amiable appearance."—Harris cor. "Virtue, with most of its species, is made feminine when personified; and so is Vice, perhaps for being Virtue's opposite."—Brit. Gram. cor.; also Buchanan. "From this deduction, it may easily be seen, how it comes to pass, that personification makes so great a figure in all compositions in which imagination or passion has any concern."—Dr. Blair cor. "An Article is a word placed before a noun, to point it out as such, and to show how far its signification extends."—Folker cor. "All men have certain natural, essential, and inherent rights;—among which are the rights of enjoying and defending life and liberty; of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; and, in a word, of seeking and obtaining happiness."—Const. of N. H. cor. "From those grammarians who form their ideas and make their decisions, respecting this part of English grammar, from the principles and construction of other languages,—of languages which do not in these points accord with our own, but which differ considerably from it,—we may naturally expect grammatical schemes that will be neither perspicuous nor consistent, and that will tend rather to perplex than to inform the learner."—Murray and Hall cor. "Indeed there are but very few who know how to be idle and innocent, or who have a relish for any pleasures that are not criminal; every diversion which the majority take, is at the expense of some one virtue or other, and their very first step out of business is into vice or folly."—Addison cor.
"Hail, holy Love! thou bliss that sumst all bliss! Giv'st and receiv'st all bliss; fullest when most Thou giv'st; spring-head of all felicity!"—Pollok cor.
(1.) "The article is a part of speech placed before nouns." Or thus: "An article is a word placed before nouns."—Comly cor. (2.) "The article is a part of speech used to limit nouns."—Gilbert cor. (3.) "An article is a word set before nouns to fix their vague signification."—Ash cor. (4.) "The adjective is a part of speech used to describe something named by a noun."—Gilbert cor. (5.) "A pronoun is a word used in stead of a noun."—Id. and Weld cor.: Inst., p. 45. (6.) "The pronoun is a part of speech which is often used in stead of a noun."—Brit. Gram. and Buchanan cor. (7.) "A verb is a word which signifies to be, to do, or to be acted upon."—Merchant cor. (8.) "The verb is a part of speech which signifies to be, to act, or to receive an action."—Comly cor. (9.) "The verb is the part of speech by which any thing is asserted."—Weld cor. (10.) "The verb is a part of speech, which expresses action or existence in a direct manner."—Gilbert cor. (11.) "A participle is a word derived from a verb, and expresses action or existence in an indirect manner."—Id. (12.) "The participle is a part of speech derived from the verb, and denotes being, doing, or suffering, and implies time, as a verb does."—Brit. Gram. and Buchanan cor. (13.) "The adverb is a part of speech used to add some modification to the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and participles."—Gilbert cor. (14.) "An adverb is an indeclinable word added to a verb, [a participle,] an adjective, or an other adverb, to express some circumstance, accident, or manner of its signification."—Adam and Gould cor. (15.) "An adverb is a word added to a verb, an adjective, a participle, or an other adverb, to express the circumstance of time, place, degree, or manner."—Dr. Ash cor. (16.) "An adverb is a word added to a verb, an adjective, a participle, or, sometimes, an other adverb, to express some circumstance respecting the sense."—Beck cor. (17.) "The adverb is a part of speech, which is added to verbs, adjectives, participles, or to other adverbs, to express some modification or circumstance, quality or manner, of their signification."—Buchanan cor. (18.) "The adverb is a part of speech which we add to the verb, (whence the name,) to the adjective or participle likewise, and sometimes even to an other adverb."—Bucke cor. (19.) "A conjunction is a word used to connect words or sentences."—Gilbert and Weld cor. (20.) "The conjunction is a part of speech that joins words or sentences together."—Ash cor. (21.) "The conjunction is that part of speech which connects sentences, or parts of sentences, or single words."—D. Blair cor. (22.) "The conjunction is a part of speech that is used principally to connect sentences, so as, out of two, three, or more sentences, to make one."—Bucke cor. (23.) "The conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words or sentences together; but, chiefly, to join simple sentences into such as are compound."—Kirkham cor. (24.) "A conjunction is a word which joins words or sentences together, and shows the manner of their dependence, as they stand in connexion."—Brit. Gram. et al. cor. (25.) "A preposition is a word used to show the relation between other words, and govern the subsequent term."—Gilbert cor. (26.) "A preposition is a governing word which serves to connect other words, and to show the relation between them."—Frost cor. (27.) "A preposition is a governing particle used to connect words and show their relation."—Weld cor. (28.) "The preposition is that part of speech which shows the various positions of persons or things, and the consequent relations that certain words bear toward one an other."—David Blair cor. (29.) "The preposition is a part of speech, which, being added to certain other parts of speech, serves to show their state of relation, or their reference to each other."—Brit. Gram. and Buchanan cor. (30.) "The interjection is a part of speech used to express sudden passion or strong emotion."—Gilbert cor. (31.) "An interjection is an unconnected word used in giving utterance to some sudden feeling or strong emotion."—Weld cor. (32.) "The interjection is that part of speech which denotes any sudden affection or strong emotion of the mind."—David Blair cor. (33.) "An interjection is an independent word or sound thrown into discourse, and denotes some sudden passion or strong emotion of the soul."—Brit. Gram. and Buchanan cor.
(34.) "The scene might tempt some peaceful sage To rear a lonely hermitage."—Gent. of Aberdeen cor.
(35.) "Not all the storms that shake the pole, Can e'er disturb thy halcyon soul, And smooth unalter'd brow."—Barbauld's Poems, p. 42.
"The throne of every monarchy felt the shock."—Frelinghuysen cor. "These principles ought to be deeply impressed upon the mind of every American."—Dr. N. Webster cor. "The words CHURCH and SHIRE are radically the same."—Id. "They may not, in their present form, be readily accommodated to every circumstance belonging to the possessive case of nouns."—L. Murray cor. "Will, in the second and third persons, only foretells."—Id.; Lowth's Gram., p. 41. "Which seem to form the true distinction between the subjunctive and the indicative mood."—L. Murray cor. "The very general approbation which this performance of Walker's has received from the public."—Id. "Lest she carry her improvements of this kind too far." Or thus: "Lest she carry her improvements in this way too far."—Id. and Campbell cor. "Charles was extravagant, and by his prodigality became poor and despicable."—L. Murray cor. "We should entertain no prejudice against simple and rustic persons."—Id. "These are indeed the foundation of all solid merit."—Dr. Blair cor. "And his embellishment, by means of figures, musical cadences, or other ornaments of speech."—Id. "If he is at no pains to engage us by the employment of figures, musical arrangement, or any other ornament of style."—Id. "The most eminent of the sacred poets, are, David, Isaiah, and the author of the Book of Job."—Id. "Nothing in any poem, is more beautifully described than the death of old Priam."—Id. "When two vowels meet together, and are joined in one syllable, they are called a diphthong."—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "How many Esses would goodness' then end with? Three; as goodness's."—Id. "Birds is a noun; it is the common name of feathered animals."—Kirkham cor. "Adam gave names to all living creatures." Or thus: "Adam gave a name to every living creature."—Bicknell cor. "The steps of a flight of stairs ought to be accommodated to the human figure." Or thus: "Stairs ought to be accommodated to the ease of the users."—Kames cor. "Nor ought an emblem, more than a simile, to be founded on a low or familiar object."—Id. "Whatever the Latin has not from the Greek, it has from the Gothic."—Tooke cor. "The mint, and the office of the secretary of state, are neat buildings."—The Friend cor. "The scenes of dead and still existence are apt to pall upon us."—Blair cor. "And Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus, the angelical doctor and the subtle, are the brightest stars in the scholastic constellation."—Lit. Hist. cor. "The English language has three methods of distinguishing the sexes."—Murray et al. cor.; also R. C. Smith. "In English, there are the three following methods of distinguishing the sexes."—Jaudon cor. "There are three ways of distinguishing the sexes."—Lennie et al. cor.; also Merchant. "The sexes are distinguished in three ways."—Maunder cor. "Neither discourse in general, nor poetry in particular, can be called altogether an imitative art."—Dr. Blair cor.
"Do we for this the gods and conscience brave, That one may rule and all the rest enslave?"—Rowe cor.
"There is a deal more of heads, than of either heart or horns."—Barclay cor. "For, of all villains, I think he has the most improper name."—Bunyan cor. "Of all the men that I met in my pilgrimage, he, I think, bears the wrongest name."—Id. "I am surprised to see so much of the distribution, and so many of the technical terms, of the Latin grammar, retained in the grammar of our tongue."—Priestley cor. "Nor did the Duke of Burgundy bring him any assistance."—Hume and Priestley cor. "Else he will find it difficult to make an obstinate person believe him."—Brightland cor. "Are there any adjectives which form the degrees of comparison in a manner peculiar to themselves?"—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "Yet all the verbs are of the indicative mood."—Lowth cor. "The word candidate is absolute, in the nominative case."—L. Murray cor. "An Iambus has the first syllable unaccented, and the last accented."—L. Murray, D. Blair, Jamieson, Kirkham, Bullions, Guy, Merchant, and others. "A Dactyl has the first syllable accented, and the last two [syllables] unaccented."—Murray et al. cor. "It is proper to begin with a capital the first word of every book, chapter, letter, note, or[553] other piece of writing."—Jaudon's Gram., p. 195; John Flint's, 105. "Five and seven make twelve, and one more makes thirteen."—L. Murray cor. "I wish to cultivate a nearer acquaintance with you."—Id. "Let us consider the means which are proper to effect our purpose." Or thus: "Let us consider what means are proper to effect our purpose."—Id. "Yet they are of so similar a nature as readily to mix and blend."—Dr. Blair cor. "The Latin is formed on the same model, but is more imperfect."—Id. "I know very well how great pains have been taken." Or thus: "I know very well how much care has been taken."—Temple cor. "The management of the breath requires a great deal of care."—Dr. Blair cor. "Because the mind, during such a momentary stupefaction, is, in a great measure, if not totally, insensible."—Kames cor. "Motives of reason and interest alone are not sufficient."—Id. "To render the composition distinct in its parts, and on the whole impressive."—Id. "A and an are named the Indefinite article, because they denote indifferently any one thing of a kind."—Maunder cor. "The is named the Definite article, because it points out some particular thing or things."—Id. "So much depends upon the proper construction of sentences, that, in any sort of composition, we cannot be too strict in our attention to it." Or:—"that, in every sort of composition, we ought to be very strict in our attention to it." Or:—"that, in no sort of composition, can we be too strict," &c.—Dr. Blair cor. "Every sort of declamation and public speaking was carried on by them." Or thus: "All sorts of declamation and public speaking, were carried on by them."—Id. "The former has, on many occasions, a sublimity to which the latter never attains."—Id. "When the words, therefore, consequently, accordingly, and the like, are used in connexion with conjunctions, they are adverbs."—Kirkham cor. "Rude nations make few or no allusions to the productions of the arts."—Jamieson cor. "While two of her maids knelt on each side of her." Or, if there were only two maids kneeling, and not four: "While two of her maids knelt one on each side of her."—Mirror cor. "The personal pronouns of the third person, differ from one an other in meaning and use, as follows."—Bullions cor. "It was happy for the state, that Fabius continued in the command with Minutius: the phlegm of the former was a check on the vivacity of the latter."—L. Murray and others cor.: see Maunders Gram., p. 4. "If it be objected, that the words must and ought, in the preceding sentences, are both in the present tense." Or thus: "If it be objected, that in all the preceding sentences the words must and ought are in the present tense."—L. Murray cor. "But it will be well, if you turn to them now and then." Or:—"if you turn to them occasionally."—Bucke cor. "That every part should have a dependence on, and mutually contribute to support, every other."—Rollin cor. "The phrase, 'Good, my lord,' is not common, and is low." Or:—"is uncommon, and low."—Priestley cor.
"That brother should not war with brother, And one devour or vex an other."—Cowper cor.
"If I can contribute to our country's glory." Or:—"to your glory and that of my country."—Goldsmith cor. "As likewise of the several subjects, which have in effect each its verb."—Lowth cor. "He is likewise required to make examples for himself." Or: "He himself is likewise required to make examples."—J. Flint cor. "If the emphasis be placed wrong, it will pervert and confound the meaning wholly." Or: "If the emphasis be placed wrong, the meaning will be perverted and confounded wholly." Or: "If we place the emphasis wrong, we pervert and confound the meaning wholly."—L. Murray cor.; also Dr. Blair. "It was this, that characterized the great men of antiquity; it is this, that must distinguish the moderns who would tread in their steps."—Dr. Blair cor. "I am a great enemy to implicit faith, as well the Popish as the Presbyterian; for, in that, the Papists and the Presbyterians are very much alike."—Barclay cor. "Will he thence dare to say, the apostle held an other Christ than him that died?"—Id. "Why need you be anxious about this event?" Or: "What need have you to be anxious about this event?"—Collier cor. "If a substantive can be placed after the verb, the latter is active."—A. Murray cor. "To see bad men honoured and prosperous in the world, is some discouragement to virtue." Or: "It is some discouragement to virtue, to see bad men," &c.—L. Murray cor. "It is a happiness to young persons, to be preserved from the snares of the world, as in a garden enclosed."—Id. "At the court of Queen Elizabeth, where all was prudence and economy."—Bullions cor. "It is no wonder, if such a man did not shine at the court of Queen Elizabeth, who was so remarkable for her prudence and economy."—Priestley, Murray, et al cor. "A defective verb is a verb that wants some parts. The defective verbs are chiefly the auxiliaries and the impersonal verbs."—Bullions cor. "Some writers have given to the moods a much greater extent than I have assigned to them."—L. Murray cor. "The personal pronouns give such information as no other words are capable of conveying."—M'Culloch cor. "When the article a, an, or the, precedes the participle, the latter also becomes a noun."—Merchant cor. "To some of these, there is a preference to be given, which custom and judgement must determine."—L. Murray cor. "Many writers affect to subjoin to any word the preposition with which it is compounded, or that of which it literally implies the idea."—Id. and Priestley cor.
"Say, dost thou know Vectidius? Whom, the wretch Whose lands beyond the Sabines largely stretch?"—Dryden cor.
"We should naturally expect, that the word depend would require from after it."—Priestley's Gram., p. 158. "A dish which they pretend is made of emerald."—L. Murray cor. "For the very nature of a sentence implies that one proposition is expressed."—Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 311. "Without a careful attention to the sense, we should be naturally led, by the rules of syntax, to refer it to the rising and setting of the sun."—Dr. Blair cor. "For any rules that can be given, on this subject, must be very general."—Id. "He would be in the right, if eloquence were what he conceives it to be."—Id. "There I should prefer a more free and diffuse manner."—Id. "Yet that they also resembled one an other, and agreed in certain qualities."—Id. "But, since he must restore her, he insists on having an other in her place."—Id. "But these are far from being so frequent, or so common, as they have been supposed to be."—Id. "We are not led to assign a wrong place to the pleasant or the painful feelings."—Kames cor. "Which are of greater importance than they are commonly thought."—Id. "Since these qualities are both coarse and common, let us find out the mark of a man of probity."—Collier cor. "Cicero did what no man had ever done before him; he drew up a treatise of consolation for himself."—Biographer cor. "Then there can remain no other doubt of the truth."—Brightland cor. "I have observed that some satirists use the term." Or: "I have observed some satirists to use the term."—Bullions cor. "Such men are ready to despond, or to become enemies."—Webster cor. "Common nouns are names common to many things."—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "To make ourselves heard by one to whom we address ourselves."—Dr. Blair cor. "That, in reading poetry, he may be the better able to judge of its correctness, and may relish its beauties." Or:—"and to relish its beauties."—L. Murray cor. "On the stretch to keep pace with the author, and comprehend his meaning."—Dr. Blair cor. "For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and the money have been given to the poor."—Bible cor. "He is a beam that has departed, and has left no streak of light behind."—Ossian cor. "No part of this incident ought to have been represented, but the whole should have been reserved for a narrative."—Kames cor. "The rulers and people debauching themselves, a country is brought to ruin." Or: "When the rulers and people debauch themselves, they bring ruin on a country."—Ware cor. "When a title, (as Doctor, Miss, Master, &c.,) is prefixed to a name, the latter only, of the two words, is commonly varied to form the plural; as, 'The Doctor Nettletons,'—'The two Miss Hudsons.'"—A. Murray cor. "Wherefore that field has been called, 'The Field of Blood,' unto this day."—Bible cor. "To comprehend the situations of other countries, which perhaps it may be necessary for him to explore."—Dr. Brown cor. "We content ourselves now with fewer conjunctive particles than our ancestors used."—Priestley cor. "And who will be chiefly liable to make mistakes where others have erred before them."—Id. "The voice of nature and that of revelation unite." Or: "Revelation and the voice of nature unite." Or: "The voice of nature unites with revelation." Or: "The voice of nature unites with that of revelation."—Wayland cor.
"This adjective, you see, we can't admit; But, changed to 'WORSE,' the word is just and fit."—Tobitt cor.
"Its application is not arbitrary, or dependent on the caprice of readers."—L. Murray cor. "This is the more expedient, because the work is designed for the benefit of private learners."—Id. "A man, he tells us, ordered by his will, to have a statue erected for him."—Dr. Blair cor. "From some likeness too remote, and lying too far out of the road of ordinary thought."—Id. "In the commercial world, money is a fluid, running from hand to hand."—Dr. Webster cor. "He pays much attention to the learning and singing of songs."—Id. "I would not be understood to consider the singing of songs as criminal."—Id. "It is a case decided by Cicero, the great master of writing."—Editor of Waller cor. "Did they ever bear a testimony against the writing of books?"— Bates's Rep. cor. "Exclamations are sometimes mistaken for interrogations."—Hist. of Print, cor. "Which cannot fail to prove of service."—Smith cor. "Hewn into such figures as would make them incorporate easily and firmly."—Beat, or Mur. cor. "After the rule and example, there are practical inductive questions."—J. Flint cor. "I think it will be an advantage, that I have collected my examples from modern writings."—Priestley cor. "He was eager to recommend it to his fellow-citizens."—Id. and Hume cor. "The good lady was careful to serve me with every thing."—Id. "No revelation would have been given, had the light of nature been sufficient, in such a sense as to render one superfluous and useless."—Bp. Butler cor. "Description, again, is a representation which raises in the mind the conception of an object, by means of some arbitrary or instituted symbols."—Dr. Blair cor. "Disappointing the expectation of the hearers, when they look for an end." Or:—"for the termination of our discourse."—Id. "There is a distinction, which, in the use of them, is worthy of attention."— Maunder cor. "A model has been contrived, which is not very expensive, and which is easily managed."—Ed. Reporter cor. "The conspiracy was the more easily discovered, because the conspirators were many."—L. Murray cor. "Nearly ten years had that celebrated work been published, before its importance was at all understood."—Id. "That the sceptre is ostensibly grasped by a female hand, does not reverse the general order of government."—West cor. "I have hesitated about signing the Declaration of Sentiments."—Lib. cor. "The prolonging of men's lives when the world needed to be peopled, and the subsequent shortening of them when that necessity had ceased."—Rev. John Brown cor. "Before the performance commences, we see displayed the insipid formalities of the prelusive scene."—Kirkham cor. "It forbade the lending of money, or the sending of goods, or the embarking of capital in anyway, in transactions connected with that foreign traffic."—Brougham cor. "Even abstract ideas have sometimes the same important prerogative conferred upon them."—Jamieson cor. "Ment, like other terminations, changes y into i, when the y is preceded by a consonant."—Kirkham's Gram., p. 25. "The term PROPER is from the French propre, own, or the Latin proprius; and a Proper noun is so called, because it is peculiar to the individual or family bearing the name. The term COMMON is from the Latin communis, pertaining equally to several or many; and a Common noun is so called, because it is common to every individual comprised in the class."—Fowler cor. |