"The lights and shades, whose well-accorded strife Gives all the strength and colour of our life."—Pope.
"In the twenty-seventh year of Asa king of Judah, did Zimri reign seven days in Tirzah."—Bible cor. "In the thirty-first year of Asa king of Judah, began Omri to reign over Israel."—Id. "He cannot so deceive himself as to fancy that he is able to do a rule-of-three sum." Better—"a sum in the rule of three."—Qr. Rev. cor. "The best cod are those known under the name of Isle-of-Shoals dun-fish."—Balbi cor. "The soldiers, with downcast eyes, seemed to beg for mercy."—Goldsmith cor. "His head was covered with a coarse, wornout piece of cloth."—Id. "Though they had lately received a reinforcement of a thousand heavy-armed Spartans."—Id. "But he laid them by unopened; and, with a smile, said, 'Business to-morrow.'"—Id. "Chester Monthly Meeting is held at Moorestown, on the Thirdday following the second Secondday"—The Friend cor. "Eggharbour Monthly Meeting is held on the first Secondday."—Id. "Little-Eggharbour Monthly Meeting is held at Tuckerton on the second Fifthday in each month."—Id. "At three o'clock, on Firstday morning, the 24th of Eleventhmonth, 1834," &c.—Id. "In less than one fourth part of the time usually devoted."—Kirkham cor. "The pupil will not have occasion to use it one tenth part so much."—Id. "The painter dips his paintbrush in paint, to paint the carriage."—Id. "In an ancient English version of the New Testament."—Id. "The little boy was bareheaded."—Red Book cor. "The man, being a little short-sighted, did not immediately know him."—Id. "Picture-frames are gilt with gold."—Id. "The parkkeeper killed one of the deer."—Id. "The fox was killed near the brickkiln."—Id. "Here comes Esther, with her milkpail"—Id. "The cabinet-maker would not tell us."—Id. "A fine thorn-hedge extended along the edge of the hill."—Id. "If their private interests should be everso little affected."—Id. "Unios are fresh-water shells, vulgarly called fresh-water clams."—Id.
"Did not each poet mourn his luckless doom, Jostled by pedants out of elbow-room."—Lloyd cor.
"The captive hovers a while upon the sad remains."—Johnson cor. "Constantia saw that the hand-writing agreed with the contents of the letter."—Id. "They have put me in a silk night-gown, and a gaudy foolscap"—Id. "Have you no more manners than to rail at Hocus, that has saved that clod-pated, numb-skulled ninny-hammer of yours from ruin, and all his family?"—Id. "A noble, (that is, six shillings and eight pence,) is [paid], and usually hath been paid."—Id. "The king of birds, thick-feathered, and with full-summed wings, fastened his talons east and west."—Id. "To-morrow. This—supposing morrow to mean morning, as it did originally—is an idiom of the same kind as to-night, to-day."—Johnson cor. "To-day goes away, and to-morrow comes."—Id. "Young children, who are tried in Gocarts, to keep their steps from sliding."—Id. "Which, followed well, would demonstrate them but goers-backward"—Id. "Heaven's golden-winged herald late he saw, to a poor Galilean virgin sent."—Id. "My pent-house eyebrows and my shaggy beard offend your sight."—Id. "The hungry lion would fain have been dealing with good horseflesh."—Id. "A broad-brimmed hat ensconsed each careful head."—Snelling cor. "With harsh vibrations of his three-stringed lute."—Id. "They magnify a hundred-fold an author's merit."—Id. "I'll nail them fast to some oft-opened door."—Id. "Glossed over only with saintlike show, still thou art bound to vice."—Johnson's Dict., w. Saintlike. "Take of aqua-fortis two ounces, of quicksilver two drachms."—Id. cor. "This rainbow never appears but when it rains in the sunshine."—Id. cor.
"Not but there are, who merit other palms; Hopkins and Sternhold glad the heart with psalms."—Pope.
"He will observe the moral law, in his conduct."—Webster corrected. "A cliff is a steep bank, or a precipitous rock."—Walker cor. "A needy man's budget is full of schemes."—Maxim cor. "Few large publications, in this country, will pay a printer."—N. Webster cor. "I shall, with cheerfulness, resign my other papers to oblivion."—Id. "The proposition was suspended till the next session of the legislature."—Id. "Tenants for life will make the most of lands for themselves."—Id. "While every thing is left to lazy negroes, a state will never be well cultivated."—Id. "The heirs of the original proprietors still hold the soil."—Id. "Say my annual profit on money loaned shall be six per cent."—Id. "No man would submit to the drudgery of business, if he could make money as fast by lying still."—Id. "A man may as well feed himself with a bodkin, as with a knife of the present fashion."—Id. "The clothes will be ill washed, the food will be badly cooked; you will be ashamed of your wife, if she is not ashamed of herself."—Id. "He will submit to the laws of the state while he is a member of it."—Id. "But will our sage writers on law forever think by tradition?"—Id. "Some still retain a sovereign power in their territories."—Id. "They sell images, prayers, the sound of bells, remission of sins, &c."—Perkins cor. "And the law had sacrifices offered every day, for the sins of all the people."—Id. "Then it may please the Lord, they shall find it to be a restorative."—Id. "Perdition is repentance put off till a future day."—Maxim cor. "The angels of God, who will good and cannot will evil, have nevertheless perfect liberty of will."—Perkins cor. "Secondly, this doctrine cuts off the excuse of all sin."—Id. "Knell, the sound of a bell rung at a funeral."—Dict. cor.
"If gold with dross or grain with chaff you find, Select—and leave the chaff and dross behind."—G. Brown.
"The mob hath many heads, but no brains."—Maxim cor. "Clam; to clog with any glutinous or viscous matter."—See Webster's Dict. "Whur; to pronounce the letter r with too much force." "Flip; a mixed liquor, consisting of beer and spirit sweetened." "Glyn; a hollow between two mountains, a glen."—See Walker's Dict. "Lam, or belam; to beat soundly with a cudgel or bludgeon."—See Red Book. "Bun; a small cake, a simnel, a kind of sweet bread."—See Webster's Dict. "Brunet, or Brunette; a woman with a brown complexion."—See ib., and Scott's Dict. "Wadset; an ancient tenure or lease of land in the Highlands of Scotland."—Webster cor. "To dod sheep, is to cut the wool away about their tails."—Id. "In aliquem arietare. Cic. To run full butt at one."—W. Walker cor. "Neither your policy nor your temper would permit you to kill me."—Phil. Mu. cor. "And admit none but his own offspring to fulfill them."—Id. "The sum of all this dispute is, that some make them Participles."—R. Johnson cor. "As the whistling winds, the buzz and hum of insects, the hiss of serpents, the crash of falling timber."—Murray's Gram., p. 331. "Van; to winnow, or a fan for winnowing."—See Scott. "Creatures that buzz, are very commonly such as will sting."—G. Brown. "Beg, buy, or borrow; but beware how yon find."—Id. "It is better to have a house to let, than a house to get." "Let not your tongue cut your throat."—Precept cor. "A little wit will save a fortunate man."—Adage cor. "There is many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip."—Id. "Mothers' darlings make but milksop heroes."—Id. "One eye-witness is worth ten hearsays."—Id.
"The judge shall job, the bishop bite the town, And mighty dukes pack cards for half a crown." POPE: in Johnson's Dict., w. Job.
"Friz, to curl; frizzed, curled; frizzing, curling."—Webster cor. "The commercial interests served to foster the principles of Whiggism."—Payne cor. "Their extreme indolence shunned every species of labour."—Robertson cor. "In poverty and strippedness, they attend their little meetings."—The Friend cor. "In guiding and controlling the power you have thus obtained."—Abbott cor. "I began, Thou begannest or beganst, He began, &c."—A. Murray cor. "Why does began change its ending; as, I began, Thou begannest or beganst?"—Id. "Truth and conscience cannot be controlled by any methods of coercion."—Hints cor. "Dr. Webster nodded, when he wrote knit, knitter, and knitting-needle, without doubling the t."—G. Brown. "A wag should have wit enough to know when other wags are quizzing him." "Bonny; handsome, beautiful, merry."—Walker cor. "Coquettish; practising coquetry; after the manner of a jilt."—See Worcester. "Pottage; a species of food made of meat and vegetables boiled to softness in water."—See Johnson's Dict. "Pottager; (from pottage;) a porringer, a small vessel for children's food." "Compromit, compromitted, compromitting; manumit, manumitted, manumitting."—Webster cor. "Inferrible; that may be inferred or deduced from premises."—Walker. "Acids are either solid, liquid, or gasseous."—Gregory cor. "The spark will pass through the interrupted space between the two wires, and explode the gasses."—Id. "Do we sound gasses and gasseous like cases and caseous? No: they are more like glasses and osseous."—G. Brown. "I shall not need here to mention Swimming, when he is of an age able to learn."—Locke cor. "Why do lexicographers spell thinnish and mannish with two Ens, and dimmish and rammish with one Em, each?"—G. Brown. "Gas forms the plural regularly, gasses."—Peirce cor. "Singular, gas; Plural, gasses."—Clark cor. "These are contractions from shedded, bursted."—Hiley cor. "The Present Tense denotes what is occurring at the present time."—Day cor. "The verb ending in eth is of the solemn or antiquated style; as, He loveth, He walketh, He runneth."—Davis cor.
"Thro' Freedom's sons no more remonstrance rings, Degrading nobles and controlling kings."—Johnson.
"A bigoted and tyrannical clergy will be feared."—See Johnson, Walker, &c. "Jacob worshiped his Creator, leaning on the top of his staff."—Murray's Key, 8vo, p. 165. "For it is all marvellously destitute of interest."—See Johnson, Walker, and Worcester. "As, box, boxes; church, churches; lash, lashes; kiss, kisses; rebus, rebuses."—Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 40. "Gossiping and lying go hand in hand."—See Webster's Dict., and Worcester's, w. Gossiping. "The substance of the Criticisms on the Diversions of Purley was, with singular industry, gossiped by the present precious Secretary at [of] war, in Payne the bookseller's shop."—Tooke's Diversions, Vol. i, p. 187. "Worship makes worshiped, worshiper, worshiping; gossip, gossiped, gossiper, gossiping; fillip, filliped, filliper, filliping."—Web. Dict. "I became as fidgety as a fly in a milk-jug."—See ib. "That enormous error seems to be riveted in popular opinion." "Whose mind is not biased by personal attachments to a sovereign."—See ib. "Laws against usury originated in a bigoted prejudice against the Jews."—Webster cor. "The most critical period of life is usually between thirteen and seventeen."—Id. "Generalissimo, the chief commander of an army or military force."—Every Dict. "Tranquilize, to quiet, to make calm and peaceful."—Webster's Dict. "Pommelled, beaten, bruised; having pommels, as a sword-hilt."—Webster et al. cor. "From what a height does a jeweller look down upon his shoemaker!"—Red Book cor. "You will have a verbal account from my friend and fellow traveller."—Id. "I observe that you have written the word counselled with one l only."—Ib. "They were offended at such as combated these notions."—Robertson cor. "From libel, come libelled, libeller, libelling, libellous; from grovel, grovelled, groveller, grovelling; from gravel, gravelled, and gravelling."—Webster cor. "Woolliness, the state of being woolly."—Worcester's Dict. "Yet he has spelled chapelling, bordeller, medalist, metaline, metalist, metalize, clavellated, etc, with ll, contrary to his rule."—Webster cor. "Again, he has spelled cancellation and snivelly with single l, and cupellation, pannellation wittolly, with ll."—Id. "Oily, fatty, greasy, containing oil, glib."—Walker cor. "Medalist, one curious in medals; Metalist, one skilled in metals."—Walker's Rhym. Dict. "He is benefited."—Webster. "They travelled for pleasure."—Clark cor.
"Without you, what were man? A grovelling herd, In darkness, wretchedness, and want enchain'd."—Beattle cor.
"He hopes, therefore, to be pardoned by the critic."—Kirkham corrected. "The leading object of every public speaker should be, to persuade."—Id. "May not four feet be as poetic as five; or fifteen feet as poetic as fifty?"—Id. "Avoid all theatrical trick and mimicry, and especially all scholastic stiffness."—Id. "No one thinks of becoming skilled in dancing, or in music, or in mathematics, or in logic, without long and close application to the subject."—Id. "Caspar's sense of feeling, and susceptibility of metallic and magnetic excitement, were also very extraordinary."—Id. "Authorship has become a mania, or, perhaps I should say, an epidemic."—Id. "What can prevent this republic from soon raising a literary standard?"—Id. "Courteous reader, you may think me garrulous upon topics quite foreign to the subject before me."—Id. "Of the Tonic, Subtonic, and Atonic elements."—Id. "The subtonic elements are inferior to the tonics, in all the emphatic and elegant purposes of speech."—Id. "The nine atonics and the three abrupt subtonics cause an interruption to the continuity of the syllabic impulse." [526]—Id. "On scientific principles, conjunctions and prepositions are [not] one [and the same] part of speech."—Id. "That some inferior animals should be able to mimick human articulation, will not seem wonderful."—L. Murray cor.
"When young, you led a life monastic, And wore a vest ecclesiastic; Now, in your age, you grow fantastic."—Denham's Poems, p. 235.
"Fearlessness; exemption from fear, intrepidity."—Johnson cor. "Dreadlessness; fearlessness, intrepidity, undauntedness."—Id. "Regardlessly, without heed; Regardlessness, heedlessness."—Id. "Blamelessly, innocently; Blamelessness, innocence."—Id. "That is better than to be flattered into pride and carelessness."—Id. "Good fortunes began to breed a proud recklessness in them."—Id. "See whether he lazily and listlessly dreams away his time."—Id. "It maybe, the palate of the soul is indisposed by listlessness or sorrow."—Id. "Pitilessly, without mercy; Pitilessness, unmercifulness."—Id. "What say you to such as these? abominable, accordable, agreeable, etc."— Tooke cor. "Artlessly; naturally, sincerely, without craft."—Johnson cor. "A chillness, or shivering of the body, generally precedes a fever."—See Webster. "Smallness; littleness, minuteness, weakness."—Walker's Dict., et al. "Galless, adj. Free from gall or bitterness."—Webster cor. "Tallness; height of stature, upright length with comparative slenderness."—Webster's Dict. "Willful; stubborn, contumacious, perverse, inflexible."—See ib. "He guided them by the skillfulness of his hands."—See ib. "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof."—FRIENDS' BIBLE: Ps. xxiv, 1. "What is now, is but an amassment of imaginary conceptions."—Glanville cor. "Embarrassment; perplexity, entanglement."—Walker. "The second is slothfulness, whereby they are performed slackly and carelessly."— Perkins cor. "Installment; induction into office, part of a large sum of money, to be paid at a particular time."—See Webster's Dict. "Inthrallment; servitude, slavery, bondage."—Ib.
"I, who at some times spend, at others spare, Divided between carelessness and care."—Pope cor.
"Shall, on the contrary, in the first person, simply foretells."—Lowth's Gram., p. 41; Comly's, 38; Cooper's, 51; Lennie's, 26. "There are a few compound irregular verbs, as befall, bespeak, &c."—Ash cor. "That we might frequently recall it to our memory."—Calvin cor. "The angels exercise a constant solicitude that no evil befall us."—Id. "Inthrall; to enslave, to shackle, to reduce to servitude."—Johnson. "He makes resolutions, and fulfills them by new ones."—See Webster. "To enroll my humble name upon the list of authors on Elocution."—See Webster. "Forestall; to anticipate, to take up beforehand."—Johnson. "Miscall; to call wrong, to name improperly."—Webster. "Bethrall; to enslave, to reduce to bondage."—Id. "Befall; to happen to, to come to pass."—Walkers Dict. "Unroll; to open what is rolled or convolved."—Webster's Dict. "Counterroll; to keep copies of accounts to prevent frauds."—See ib. "As Sisyphus uprolls a rock, which constantly overpowers him at the summit."—G. Brown. "Unwell; not well, indisposed, not in good health."—Webster. "Undersell; to defeat by selling for less, to sell cheaper than an other."—Johnson. "Inwall; to enclose or fortify with a wall."—Id. "Twibill; an instrument with two bills, or with a point and a blade; a pickaxe, a mattock, a halberd, a battleaxe."—Dict. cor. "What you miscall their folly, is their care."—Dryden cor. "My heart will sigh when I miscall it so."—Shak. cor. "But if the arrangement recalls one set of ideas more readily than an other."—Murray's Gram., Vol. i, p. 334.
"'Tis done; and since 'tis done, 'tis past recall And since 'tis past recall, must be forgotten."—Dryden cor.
"The righteous is taken away from the evil to come."—Isaiah, lvii, 1. "Patrol; to go the rounds in a camp or garrison, to march about and observe what passes."—See Joh. Dic. "Marshal; the chief officer of arms, one who regulates rank and order."—See ib. "Weevil; a destructive grub that gets among corn."—See ib. "It much excels all other studies and arts."—W. Walker cor. "It is essential to all magnitudes, to be in one place."—Perkins cor. "By nature I was thy vassal, but Christ hath redeemed me."—Id. "Some being in want, pray for temporal blessings."—Id. "And this the Lord doth, either in temporal or in spiritual benefits."—Id. "He makes an idol of them, by setting his heart on them." "This trial by desertion serveth for two purposes."—Id. "Moreover, this destruction is both perpetual and terrible."—Id. "Giving to several men several gifts, according to his good pleasure." "Until; to some time, place, or degree, mentioned."—See Dict. "Annul; to make void, to nullify, to abrogate, to abolish."—See Dict. "Nitric acid combined with argil, forms the nitrate of argil."—Gregory cor.
"Let modest Foster, if he will, excel Ten metropolitans in preaching well."—Pope cor.
"Adjectives ending in able signify capacity; as, comfortable, tenable, improvable."—Priestly cor. "Their mildness and hospitality are ascribable to a general administration of religious ordinances."— Webster cor. "Retrench as much as possible without obscuring the sense."—J. Brown cor. "Changeable, subject to change; Unchangeable, immutable."—Walker cor. "Tamable, susceptive of taming; Untamable, not to be tamed."—Id. "Reconcilable, Unreconcilable, Reconcilableness; Irreconcilable, Irreconcilably, Irreconcilableness."—Johnson cor. "We have thought it most advisable to pay him some little attention."— Merchant cor. "Provable, that may be proved; Reprovable, blamable, worthy of reprehension."—Walker cor. "Movable and Immovable, Movably and Immovably, Movables and Removal, Movableness and Improvableness, Unremovable and Unimprovable, Unremovably and Removable, Provable and Approvable, Irreprovable and Reprovable, Unreprovable and Improvable, Unimprovableness and Improvably."—Johnson cor. "And with this cruelty you are chargeable in some measure yourself."—Collier cor. "Mothers would certainly resent it, as judging it proceeded from a low opinion of the genius of their sex."—Brit. Gram. cor. "Tithable, subject to the payment of tithes; Salable, vendible, fit for sale; Losable, possible to be lost; Sizable, of reasonable bulk or size."—See Webster's Dict. "When he began this custom, he was puting and very tender."—Locke cor.
"The plate, coin, revenues, and movables, Whereof our uncle Gaunt did stand possess'd."—Shak. cor.
"Diversely; in different ways, differently, variously."—See Walker's Dict. "The event thereof contains a wholesome instruction."—Bacon cor. "Whence Scaliger falsely concluded that Articles were useless."—Brightland cor. "The child that we have just seen is wholesomely fed."—Murray cor. "Indeed, falsehood and legerdemain sink the character of a prince."—Collier cor. "In earnest, at this rate of management, thou usest thyself very coarsely."—Id. "To give them an arrangement and a diversity, as agreeable as the nature of the subject would admit."—Murray cor. "Alger's Grammar is only a trifling enlargement of Murray's little Abridgement."—G. Brown. "You ask whether you are to retain or to omit the mute e in the words, judgement, abridgement, acknowledgement, lodgement, adjudgement, and prejudgement."—Red Book cor. "Fertileness, fruitfulness; fertilely, fruitfully, abundantly."—Johnson cor. "Chastely, purely, without contamination; Chasteness, chastity, purity."—Id. "Rhymester, n. One who makes rhymes; a versifier; a mean poet."—Walker, Chalmers, Maunder, Worcester. "It is therefore a heroical achievement to disposess [sic—KTH] this imaginary monarch."—Berkley cor. "Whereby is not meant the present time, as he imagines, but the time past."—R. Johnson cor. "So far is this word from affecting the noun, in regard to its definiteness, that its own character of definiteness or indefiniteness, depends upon the name to which it is prefixed."—Webster cor.
"Satire, by wholesome lessons, would reclaim, And heal their vices to secure their fame "—Brightland cor.
"Solon's the veriest fool in all the play."—Dryden cor. "Our author prides himself upon his great sliness and shrewdness."—Merchant cor. "This tense, then, implies also the signification of debeo."—R. Johnson cor. "That may be applied to a subject, with respect to something accidental."—Id. "This latter author accompanies his note with a distinction."—Id. "This rule is defective, and none of the annotators have sufficiently supplied its deficiencies."—Id. "Though the fancied supplement of Sanctius, Scioppius, Vossius, and Mariangelus, may take place."—Ib. "Yet, as to the commutableness of these two tenses, which is denied likewise, they [the foregoing examples] are all one [; i.e., exactly equivalent]"—Id. "Both these tenses may represent a futurity, implied by the dependence of the clause."—Id. "Cry, cries, crying, cried, crier, decrial; Shy, shier, shiest, shily, shiness; Fly, flies, flying, flier, high-flier; Sly, slier, sliest, slily, sliness; Spy, spies, spying, spied, espial; Dry, drier, driest, drily, driness."—Cobb, Webster, and Chalmers cor. "I would sooner listen to the thrumming of a dandizette at her piano."—Kirkham cor. "Send her away; for she crieth after us."—Matt., v, 23. "IVIED, a. overgrown with ivy."—Cobb's Dict., and Maunders.
"Some drily plain, without invention's aid, Write dull receipts how poems may be made."—Pope cor.
"The gayety of youth should be tempered by the precepts of age."—Murray cor. "In the storm of 1703, two thousand stacks of chimneys were blown down in and about London."—Red Book cor. "And the vexation was not abated by the hackneyed plea of haste."—Id. "The fourth sin of our days is lukewarmness."—Perkins cor. "God hates the workers of iniquity, and destroys them that speak lies."—Id. "For, when he lays his hand upon us, we may not fret."—Id. "Care not for it; but if thou mayst be free, choose it rather."—Id. "Alexander Severus saith, 'He that buyeth, must sell; I will not suffer buyers and sellers of offices.'"—Id. "With these measures, fell in all moneyed men."—See Johnson's Dict. "But rattling nonsense in full volleys breaks."—Murray's Reader, q. Pope. "Valleys are the intervals betwixt mountains."—Woodward cor. "The Hebrews had fifty-two journeys or marches."—Wood cor. "It was not possible to manage or steer the galleys thus fastened together."—Goldsmith cor. "Turkeys were not known to naturalists till after the discovery of America."—Gregory cor. "I would not have given it for a wilderness of monkeys."—SHAK.: in Johnson's Dict. "Men worked at embroidery, especially in abbeys."—Constable cor. "By which all purchasers or mortgagees may be secured of all moneys they lay out."—Temple cor. "He would fly to the mines or the galleys, for his recreation."—South cor. "Here pulleys make the pond'rous oak ascend."—Gay cor.
———"You need my help, and you say, Shylock, we would have moneys."—Shak. cor.
"Will any able writer authorize other men to revise his works?"—G. B. "It can be made as strong and expressive as this Latinized English."—Murray cor. "Governed by the success or failure of an enterprise."—Id. "Who have patronized the cause of justice against powerful oppressors."—Id., et al. "Yet custom authorizes this use of it."—Priestley cor. "They surprise myself, ****; and I even think the writers themselves will be surprised."—Id. "Let the interest rise to any sum which can be obtained."—Webster cor. "To determine what interest shall arise on the use of money."—Id. "To direct the popular councils and check any rising opposition,"—Id. "Five were appointed to the immediate exercise of the office."—Id. "No man ever offers himself as a candidate by advertising."—Id. "They are honest and economical, but indolent, and destitute of enterprise."—Id. "I would, however, advise you to be cautious."—Id. "We are accountable for what we patronize in others."—Murray cor. "After he was baptized, and was solemnly admitted into the office."—Perkins cor. "He will find all, or most, of them, comprised in the exercises."—Brit. Gram. cor. "A quick and ready habit of methodizing and regulating their thoughts."—Id. "To tyrannize over the time and patience of his readers."—Kirkham cor. "Writers of dull books, however, if patronized at all, are rewarded beyond their deserts."—Id. "A little reflection will show the reader the reason for emphasizing the words marked."—Id. "The English Chronicle contains an account of a surprising cure."—Red Book cor. "Dogmatize, to assert positively; Dogmatizer, an assertor, a magisterial teacher."—Chalmers cor. "And their inflections might now have been easily analyzed."—Murray cor. "Authorize, disauthorize, and unauthorized; Temporize, contemporize, and extemporize."—Walker cor. "Legalize, equalize, methodize, sluggardize, womanize, humanize, patronize, cantonize, gluttonize, epitomize, anatomize, phlebotomize, sanctuarize, characterize, synonymize, recognize, detonize, colonize."—Id. cor.
"This beauty sweetness always must comprise, Which from the subject, well express'd, will rise."—Brightland cor.
"The glory of the Lord shall be thy rear-ward."—SCOTT, ALGER: Isa., lviii, 8. "A mere van-courier to announce the coming of his master."—Tooke cor. "The party-coloured shutter appeared to come close up before him."—Kirkham cor. "When the day broke upon this handful of forlorn but dauntless spirits."—Id. "If, upon a plumtree, peaches and apricots are engrafted, nobody will say they are the natural growth of the plumtree.'—Berkley cor. "The channel between Newfoundland and Labrador is called the Straits of Belleisle."—Worcester cor. "There being nothing that more exposes to the headache:"—or, (perhaps more accurately,) "headake."—Locke cor. "And, by a sleep, to say we end the heartache:"—or, "heartake."—Shak. cor. "He that sleeps, feels not the toothache:"—or, "toothake."—Id. "That the shoe must fit him, because it fitted his father and grandfather."—Phil. Museum cor. "A single word misspelled [or misspelt] in a letter is sufficient to show that you have received a defective education."—C. Bucke cor. "Which misstatement the committee attributed to a failure of memory."—Professors cor. "Then he went through the Banqueting-House to the scaffold."—Smollet cor. "For the purpose of maintaining a clergyman and a schoolmaster."—Webster cor. "They however knew that the lands were claimed by Pennsylvania."—Id. "But if you ask a reason, they immediately bid farewell to argument."—Barnes cor. "Whom resist, steadfast in the faith."—Alger's Bible. "And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine."—Id. "Beware lest ye also fall from your own steadfastness."—Ib. "Galiot, or Galliot, a Dutch vessel carrying a main-mast and a mizzen-mast."—Webster cor. "Infinitive, to overflow; Preterit, overflowed; Participle, overflowed."—Cobbett cor. "After they have misspent so much precious time."—Brit. Gram. cor. "Some say, 'two handsful;" some, 'two handfuls; and others, 'two handful.' The second expression is right."—G. Brown. "Lapful, as much as the lap can contain."—Webster cor. "Dareful, full of defiance."—Walker cor. "The road to the blissful regions is as open to the peasant as to the king."—Mur. cor. "Misspell is misspelled [or misspelt] in every dictionary which I have seen."—Barnes cor. "Downfall; ruin, calamity, fall from rank or state."—Johnson cor. "The whole legislature likewise acts as a court."—Webster cor. "It were better a millstone were hanged about his neck."—Perkins cor. "Plumtree, a tree that produces plums; Hogplumtree, a tree."—Webster cor. "Trissyllables ending in re or le, accent the first syllable."—Murray cor.
"It happened on a summer's holyday, That to the greenwood shade he took his way."—Dryden.
"Nor are the moods of the Greek tongue more uniform."—Murray cor. "If we analyze a conjunctive preterit, the rule will not appear to hold."—Priestley cor. "No landholder would have been at that expense."—Id. "I went to see the child whilst they were putting on its clothes."—Id. "This style is ostentatious, and does not suit grave writing."—Id. "The king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, sat each on his throne."—1 Kings, xxii, 10; 2 Chron., xviii, 9. "Lysias, speaking of his friends, promised to his father never to abandon them."—Murray cor. "Some, to avoid this error, run into its opposite."—Churchill cor. "Hope, the balm of life soothes us under every misfortune."—Jaudon's Gram., p. 182. "Any judgement or decree might be heard and reversed by the legislature."—N. Webster cor. "A pathetic harangue will screen from punishment any knave."—Id. "For the same reason the women would be improper judges."—Id. "Every person is indulged in worshiping as he pleases."—Id. "Most or all teachers are excluded from genteel company."—Id. "The Christian religion, in its purity, is the best institution on earth."—Id. "Neither clergymen nor human laws have the least authority over the conscience."—Id. "A guild is a society, fraternity, or corporation."—Barnes cor. "Phillis was not able to untie the knot, and so she cut it."—Id. "An acre of land is the quantity of one hundred and sixty perches."—Id. "Ochre is a fossil earth combined with the oxyd of some metal."—Id. "Genii, when denoting aerial spirits; geniuses, when signifying persons of genius."—Murray cor.; also Frost; also Nutting. "Acrisius, king of Argos, had a beautiful daughter, whose name was Danaee."—Classic Tales cor. "Phaeeton was the son of Apollo and Clymene."—Id.—"But, after all, I may not have reached the intended goal."—Buchanan cor. "'Pittacus was offered a large sum.' Better: 'To Pittacus was offered a large sum.'"—Kirkham cor. "King Micipsa charged his sons to respect the senate and people of Rome."—Id. "For example: 'Galileo greatly improved the telescope.'"—Id. "Cathmor's warriors sleep in death."—Macpherson's Ossian. "For parsing will enable you to detect and correct errors in composition."—Kirkham cor.
"O'er barren mountains, o'er the flow'ry plain, Extends thy uncontrolled and boundless reign."—Dryden cor.
"A bad author deserves better usage than a bad critic."—Pope (or Johnson) cor. "Produce a single passage, superior to the speech of Logan, a Mingo chief, to Lord Dunmore, governor of this state."—Jefferson's Notes, p. 94. "We have none synonymous to supply its place."—Jamieson cor. "There is a probability that the effect will be accelerated."—Id. "Nay, a regard to sound has controlled the public choice."—Id. "Though learnt [better, learned] from the uninterrupted use of guttural sounds."—Id. "It is by carefully filing off all roughness and all inequalities, that languages, like metals, must be polished."—Id. "That I have not misspent my time in the service of the community."—Buchanan cor. "The leaves of maize are also called blades."—Webster cor. "Who boast that they know what is past, and can foretell what is to come."—Robertson cor. "Its tasteless dullness is interrupted by nothing but its perplexities."—Abbott, right. "Sentences constructed with the Johnsonian fullness and swell."—Jamieson, right. "The privilege of escaping from his prefatory dullness and prolixity."—Kirkham, right. "But, in poetry, this characteristic of dullness attains its full growth."—Id. corrected. "The leading characteristic consists in an increase of the force and fullness."—Id cor. "The character of this opening fullness and feebler vanish."—Id. cor. "Who, in the fullness of unequalled power, would not believe himself the favourite of Heaven?"—Id. right. "They mar one an other, and distract him."—Philol. Mus. cor. "Let a deaf worshiper of antiquity and an English prosodist settle this."—Rush cor. "This Philippic gave rise to my satirical reply in self-defence."—Merchant cor. "We here saw no innuendoes, no new sophistry, no falsehoods."—Id. "A witty and humorous vein has often produced enemies."—Murray cor. "Cry hollo! to thy tongue, I pray thee:[527] it curvets unseasonably."—Shak. cor. "I said, in my sliest manner, 'Your health, sir.'"—Blackwood cor. "And attorneys also travel the circuit in pursuit of business."—Barnes cor. "Some whole counties in Virginia would hardly sell for the value of the debts due from the inhabitants."—Webster cor. "They were called the Court of Assistants, and exercised all powers, legislative and judicial."—Id. "Arithmetic is excellent for the gauging of liquors."—Harris's Hermes, p. 295. "Most of the inflections may be analyzed in a way somewhat similar."—Murray cor.
"To epithets allots emphatic state, While principals, ungrac'd, like lackeys wait." —T. O. Churchill's Gram., p. 326.
"Hence less is a privative suffix, denoting destitution; as in fatherless, faithless, penniless."—Webster cor. "Bay; red, or reddish, inclining to a chestnut colour."—Id. "To mimick, to imitate or ape for sport; a mimic, one who imitates or mimicks."—Id. "Counterroll, a counterpart or copy of the rolls; Counterrollment, a counter account."—Id. "Millennium, [from mille and annus,] the thousand years during which Satan shall be bound."—See Johnson's Dict. "Millennial, [like septennial, decennial, &c.,] pertaining to the millennium, or to a thousand years."—See Worcester's Dict. "Thralldom; slavery, bondage, a state of servitude."—Webster's Dict. "Brier, a prickly bush; Briery, rough, prickly, full of briers; Sweetbrier, a fragrant shrub."—See Ainsworth's Dict., Scott's, Gobb's, and others. "Will, in the second and third persons, barely foretells."—Brit. Gram. cor. "And therefore there is no word false, but what is distinguished by Italics."—Id. "What should be repeated, is left to their discretion."—Id. "Because they are abstracted or separated from material substances."—Id. "All motion is in time, and therefore, wherever it exists, implies time as its concomitant."— Harris's Hermes, p. 95. "And illiterate grown persons are guilty of blamable spelling."—Brit. Gram. cor. "They will always be ignorant, and of rough, uncivil manners."—Webster cor. "This fact will hardly be believed in the northern states."—Id. "The province, however, was harassed with disputes."—Id. "So little concern has the legislature for the interest of learning."—Id. "The gentlemen will not admit that a schoolmaster can be a gentleman."—Id. "Such absurd quid-pro-quoes cannot be too strenuously avoided."—Churchill cor. "When we say of a man, 'He looks slily;' we signify, that he takes a sly glance or peep at something."—Id. "Peep; to look through a crevice; to look narrowly, closely, or slily"—Webster cor. "Hence the confession has become a hackneyed proverb."—Wayland cor. "Not to mention the more ornamental parts of gilding, varnish, &c."—Tooke cor. "After this system of self-interest had been riveted."—Dr. Brown cor. "Prejudice might have prevented the cordial approbation of a bigoted Jew."—Dr. Scott cor.
"All twinkling with the dewdrop sheen, The brier-rose fell in streamers green."—Sir W. Scott cor.
"The infinitive mood has, commonly, the sign to before it."—Harrison cor. "Thus, it is advisable to write singeing, from the verb to singe, by way of distinction from singing, the participle of the verb to sing."—Id. "Many verbs form both the preterit tense and the preterit participle irregularly."—Id. "Much must be left to every one's taste and judgement."—Id. "Verses of different lengths, intermixed, form a Pindaric poem."—Priestley cor. "He'll surprise you."—Frost cor. "Unequalled archer! why was this concealed?"— Knowles. "So gayly curl the waves before each dashing prow."—Byron cor. "When is a diphthong called a proper diphthong?"—Inf. S. Gram. cor. "How many Esses would the word then end with? Three; for it would be goodness's."—Id. "Qu. What is a triphthong? Ans. A triphthong is a coalition of three vowels in one syllable."—Bacon cor. "The verb, noun, or pronoun, is referred to the preceding terms taken separately."—Murray. "The cubic foot of matter which occupies the centre of the globe."—Cardell cor. "The wine imbibes oxygen, or the acidifying principle, from the air."—Id. "Charcoal, sulphur, and nitre, make gunpowder."—Id. "It would be readily understood, that the thing so labelled was a bottle of Madeira wine."—Id. "They went their ways, one to his farm, an other to his merchandise."—Matt., xxii, 5. "A diphthong is the union of two vowels, both in one syllable."—Russell cor. "The professors of the Mohammedan religion are called Mussulmans."—Maltby cor. "This shows that let is not a mere sign of the imperative mood, but a real verb."—Id. "Those preterits and participles which are first mentioned in the list, seem to be the most eligible."—Murray's Gram., p. 107; Fisk's, 81; Ingersoll's, 103. "Monosyllables, for the most part, are compared by er and est, and dissyllables, by more and most."—Murray's Gram., p. 47. "This termination, added to a noun or an adjective, changes it into a verb: as, modern, to modernize; a symbol, to symbolize."— Churchill cor. "An Abridgement of Murray's Grammar, with additions from Webster, Ash, Tooke, and others."—Maltby's Gram., p. 2. "For the sake of occupying the room more advantageously, the subject of Orthography is merely glanced at."—Nutting cor. "So contended the accusers of Galileo."—O. B. Peirce cor. Murray says, "They were travelling post when he met them."—Murray's Gram., 8vo, p. 69. "They fulfill the only purposes for which they were designed."—Peirce cor.—See Webster's Dict. "On the fulfillment of the event."—Peirce, right. "Fullness consists in expressing every idea."—Id. "Consistently with fullness and perspicuity."—Peirce cor. "The word veriest is a regular adjective; as, 'He is the veriest fool on earth.'"—Wright cor. "The sound will recall the idea of the object."—Hiley cor. "Formed for great enterprises."—Hiley's Gram., p. 113. "The most important rules and definitions are printed in large type, Italicized."—Hart cor. "HAMLETED, a., accustomed to a hamlet, countrified."—Webster, and Worcester. "Singular, spoonful, cupful, coachful, handful; plural, spoonfuls, cupfuls, coachfuls, handfuls."—Worcester's Universal and Critical Dictionary.
"Between superlatives and following names, Of, by grammatic right, a station claims."—Brightland cor.
The first chapter of Etymology, as it exhibits only the distribution of words into the ten Parts of Speech, contains no false grammar for correction. And it may be here observed, that as mistakes concerning the forms, classes, or modifications of words, are chiefly to be found in sentences, rather than in any separate exhibition of the terms; the quotations of this kind, with which I have illustrated the principles of etymology, are many of them such as might perhaps with more propriety be denominated false syntax. But, having examples enough at hand to show the ignorance and carelessness of authors in every part of grammar, I have thought it most advisable, so to distribute them as to leave no part destitute of this most impressive kind of illustration. The examples exhibited as false etymology, are as distinct from those which are called false syntax, as the nature of the case will admit.
"Honour is a useful distinction in life."—Milnes cor. "No writer, therefore, ought to foment a humour of innovation."—Jamieson cor. "Conjunctions [generally] require a situation between the things of which they form a union."—Id. "Nothing is more easy than to mistake a u for an a."—Tooke cor. "From making so ill a use of our innocent expressions."—Penn cor. "To grant thee a heavenly and incorruptible crown of glory."—Sewel cor. "It in no wise follows, that such a one was able to predict."—Id. "With a harmless patience, they have borne most heavy oppressions."—Id. "My attendance was to make me a happier man."—Spect. cor. "On the wonderful nature of a human mind."—Id. "I have got a hussy of a maid, who is most craftily given to this."—Id. "Argus is said to have had a hundred eyes, some of which were always awake."—Stories cor. "Centiped, having a hundred feet; centennial, consisting of a hundred years."—Town cor. "No good man, he thought, could be a heretic."—Gilpin cor. "As, a Christian, an infidel, a heathen."—Ash cor. "Of two or more words, usually joined by a hyphen."—Blair cor. "We may consider the whole space of a hundred years as time present."—Ingersoll's Gram., p. 138. "In guarding against such a use of meats and drinks."—Ash cor. "Worship is a homage due from man to his Creator."—Monitor cor. "Then a eulogium on the deceased was pronounced."—Grimshaw cor. "But for Adam there was not found a help meet for him."—Bible cor. "My days are consumed like smoke, and my bones are burned as a hearth."—Id. "A foreigner and a hired servant shall not eat thereof."—Id. "The hill of God is as the hill of Bashan; a high hill, as the hill of Bashan."—Id. "But I do declare it to have been a holy offering, and such a one too as was to be once for all."—Penn cor. "A hope that does not make ashamed those that have it."—Barclay cor. "Where there is not a unity, we may exercise true charity."—Id. "Tell me, if in any of these such a union can be found?"—Dr. Brown cor.
"Such holy drops her tresses steeped, Though 'twas a hero's eye that weeped."—Sir W. Scott cor.
"This veil of flesh parts the visible and the invisible world."—Sherlock cor. "The copulative and the disjunctive conjunctions operate differently on the verb."—L. Murray cor. "Every combination of a preposition and an article with the noun."—Id. "Either signifies, 'the one or the other:' neither imports, 'not either;' that is, 'not the one nor the other.'"—Id. "A noun of multitude may have a pronoun or a verb agreeing with it, either of the singular number or of the plural."—Bucke cor. "The principal copulative conjunctions are, and, as, both, because, for, if, that, then, since."—Id. "The two real genders are the masculine and the feminine."—Id. "In which a mute and a liquid are represented by the same character, th."—Gardiner cor. "They said, John the Baptist hath sent us unto thee."—Bible cor. "They indeed remember the names of an abundance of places."—Spect. cor. "Which created a great dispute between the young and the old men."—Goldsmith cor. "Then shall be read the Apostles' or the Nicene Creed."—Com. Prayer cor. "The rules concerning the perfect tenses and the supines of verbs are Lily's."—K. Henry's Gr. cor. "It was read by the high and the low, the learned and the illiterate."—Dr. Johnson cor. "Most commonly, both the pronoun and the verb are understood."—Buchanan cor. "To signify the thick and the slender enunciation of tone."—Knight cor. "The difference between a palatial and a guttural aspirate is very small."—Id. "Leaving it to waver between the figurative and the literal sense."—Jamieson cor. "Whatever verb will not admit of both an active and a passive signification."—Alex. Murray cor. "The is often set before adverbs in the comparative or the superlative degree."—Id. and Kirkham cor. "Lest any should fear the effect of such a change, upon the present or the succeeding age of writers."—Fowle cor. "In all these measures, the accents are to be placed on the even syllables; and every line is, in general, the more melodious, as this rule is the more strictly observed."—L. Murray et al. cor. "How many numbers do nouns appear to have? Two: the singular and the plural."—R. C. Smith cor. "How many persons? Three; the first, the second, and the third."—Id. "How many cases? Three; the nominative, the possessive, and the objective."—Id.
"Ah! what avails it me, the flocks to keep, Who lost my heart while I preserv'd the sheep:"—or, "my sheep."
"The negroes are all descendants of Africans."—Morse cor. "Sybarite was applied as a term of reproach to a man of dissolute manners."—Id. "The original signification of knave was boy."—Webster cor. "The meaning of these will be explained, for greater clearness and precision."—Bucke cor. "What sort of noun is man? A noun substantive, common."—Buchanan cor. "Is what ever used as three kinds of pronoun?"—Kirkham's Question cor. [Answer: "No; as a pronoun, it is either relative or interrogative."—G. Brown.] "They delighted in having done it, as well as in the doing of it."—R. Johnson cor. "Both parts of this rule are exemplified in the following sentences."—Murray cor. "He has taught them to hope for an other and better world."—Knapp cor. "It was itself only preparatory to a future, better, and perfect revelation."—Keith cor. "Es then makes an other and distinct syllable."—Brightland cor. "The eternal clamours of a selfish and factious people."—Dr. Brown cor. "To those whose taste in elocution is but little cultivated."—Kirkham cor. "They considered they had but a sort of gourd to rejoice in."—Bennet cor. "Now there was but one such bough, in a spacious and shady grove."—Bacon cor. "Now the absurdity of this latter supposition will go a great way towards making a man easy."—Collier cor. "This is true of mathematics, with which taste has but little to do."—Todd cor. "To stand prompter to a pausing yet ready comprehension."—Rush cor. "Such an obedience as the yoked and tortured negro is compelled to yield to the whip of the overseer."—Chalmers cor. "For the gratification of a momentary and unholy desire."—Wayland cor. "The body is slenderly put together; the mind, a rambling sort of thing."—Collier cor. "The only nominative to the verb, is officer."—Murray cor. "And though in general it ought to be admitted, &c."—Blair cor. "Philosophical writing admits of a polished, neat, and elegant style."—Id. "But notwithstanding this defect, Thomson is a strong and beautiful describer."—Id. "So should he be sure to be ransomed, and many poor men's lives should be saved."—Shak. cor.
"Who felt the wrong, or feared it, took alarm, Appealed to law, and Justice lent her arm."—Pope cor.
"To enable us to avoid too frequent a repetition of the same word."—Bucke cor. "The former is commonly acquired in a third part of the time."—Burn cor. "Sometimes an adjective becomes a substantive; and, like other substantives, it may have an adjective relating to it: as, 'The chief good.'"—L. Murray cor. "An articulate sound is a sound of the human voice, formed by the organs of speech."—Id. "A tense is a distinction of time: there are six tenses."—Maunder cor. "In this case, an ellipsis of the last article would be improper."—L. Hurray cor. "Contrast always has the effect to make each of the contrasted objects appear in a stronger light."—Id. et al. "These remarks may serve to show the great importance of a proper use of the articles."—Lowth et al. cor. "'Archbishop Tillotson,' says the author of a history of England, 'died in this year.'"—Dr. Blair cor. "Pronouns are used in stead of substantives, to prevent too frequent a repetition of them."—A. Murray cor. "THAT, as a relative, seems to be introduced to prevent too frequent a repetition of WHO and WHICH."—Id. "A pronoun is a word used in stead of a noun, to prevent too frequent a repetition of it."—L. Murray cor. "THAT is often used as a relative, to prevent too frequent a repetition of WHO and WHICH."—Id. et al. cor. "His knees smote one against the other."—Logan cor. "They stand now on one foot, then on the other."—W. Walker cor. "The Lord watch between thee and me, when we are absent one from the other."—Bible cor. "Some have enumerated ten parts of speech, making the participle a distinct part."—L. Murray cor. "Nemesis rides upon a hart because the hart is a most lively creature."—Bacon cor. "The transition of the voice from one vowel of the diphthong to the other."—Dr. Wilson cor. "So difficult it is, to separate these two things one from the other."—Dr. Blair cor. "Without a material breach of any rule."—Id. "The great source of looseness of style, in opposition to precision, is an injudicious use of what are termed synonymous words."—Blair cor.; also Murray. "Sometimes one article is improperly used for the other."—Sanborn cor.
"Satire of sense, alas! can Sporus feel? Who breaks a butterfly upon the wheel?"—Pope cor.
"He hath no delight in the strength of a horse."—Maturin cor. "The head of it would be a universal monarch."—Butler cor. "Here they confound the material and the formal object of faith."—Barclay cor. "The Irish [Celtic] and the Scottish Celtic are one language; the Welsh, the Cornish, and the Armorican, are an other."—Dr. Murray cor. "In a uniform and perspicuous manner."—Id. "SCRIPTURE, n. Appropriately, and by way of distinction, the books of the Old and the New Testament; the Bible."—Webster cor. "In two separate volumes, entitled, 'The Old and New Testaments.'"—Wayland cor. "The Scriptures of the Old and the New Testament, contain a revelation from God."—Id. "Q has always a u after it; which, in words of French origin, is not sounded."—Wilson cor. "What should we say of such a one? that he is regenerate? No."—Hopkins cor. "Some grammarians subdivide the vowels into simple and compound."—L. Murray cor. "Emphasis has been divided into the weaker and the stronger emphasis."—Id. "Emphasis has also been divided into the superior and the inferior emphasis."—Id. "Pronouns must agree with their antecedents, or the nouns which they represent, in gender, number, and person."—Merchant cor. "The adverb where is often used improperly, for a relative pronoun and a preposition": as, "Words where [in which] the h is not silent."—Murray, p. 31. "The termination ish imports diminution, or a lessening of the quality."—Merchant cor. "In this train, all their verses proceed: one half of a line always answering to the other."—Dr. Blair cor. "To a height of prosperity and glory, unknown to any former age."—L. Murray cor. "Hwilc, who, which, such as, such a one, is declined as follows."—Gwilt cor. "When a vowel precedes the y, s only is required to form the plural; as, day, days."—Bucke cor. "He is asked what sort of word each is; whether a primitive, a derivative, or a compound."—British Gram. cor. "It is obvious, that neither the second, the third, nor the fourth chapter of Matthew, is the first; consequently, there are not 'four first chapters.'"—Churchill cor. "Some thought, which a writer wants the art to introduce in its proper place."—Dr. Blair cor. "Groves and meadows are the most pleasing in the spring."—Id. "The conflict between the carnal and the spiritual mind, is often long."—Gurney cor. "A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful"—Burke cor.
"Silence, my muse! make not these jewels cheap, Exposing to the world too large a heap."—Waller cor.
"All the ablest of the Jewish rabbies acknowledge it."—Wilson cor. "Who has thoroughly imbibed the system of one or other of our Christian rabbies."—Campbell cor. "The seeming singularities of reason soon wear off."—Collier cor. "The chiefs and arikies, or priests, have the power of declaring a place or object taboo."—Balbi cor. "Among the various tribes of this family, are the Pottawatomies, the Sauks and Foxes, or Saukies and Ottogamies."—Id. "The Shawnees, Kickapoos, Menom'onies, Miamies, and Delawares, are of the same region."—Id. "The Mohegans and Abenaquies belonged also to this family."—Id. "One tribe of this family, the Winnebagoes, formerly resided near lake Michigan."—Id. "The other tribes are the Ioways, the Otoes, the Missouries, the Quapaws."—Id." The great Mexican family comprises the Aztecs, the Toltecs, and the Tarascoes."—Id." The Mulattoes are born of negro and white parents; the Zamboes, of Indians and Negroes."—Id. "To have a place among the Alexanders, the Caesars, the Louises, or the Charleses,—the scourges and butchers of their fellow-creatures."—Burgh cor." Which was the notion of the Platonic philosophers and the Jewish rabbies."—Id. "That they should relate to the whole body of virtuosoes."—Cobbeti cor." What thanks have ye? for sinners also love those that love them."—Bible cor." There are five ranks of nobility; dukes, marquises, earls, viscounts, and barons."—Balbi cor." Acts which were so well known to the two Charleses."—Payne cor. "Courts-martial are held in all parts, for the trial of the blacks."—Observer cor. "It becomes a common noun, and may have the plural number; as, the two Davids, the two Scipios, the two Pompeys."—Staniford cor. "The food of the rattlesnake is birds, squirrels, hares, rats, and reptiles."—Balbi cor. "And let fowls multiply in the earth."—Bible cor. "Then we reached the hillside, where eight buffaloes were grazing."—Martineau cor. "CORSET, n. a bodice for a woman."—Worcester cor. "As, the Bees, the Cees, the Double-ues."—Peirce cor. "Simplicity is the mean between ostentation and rusticity."—Pope cor. "You have disguised yourselves like tipstaffs."—Gil Bias cor. "But who, that has any taste, can endure the incessant quick returns of the alsoes, and the likewises, and the moreovers, and the howevers, and the notwithstandings?"—Campbell cor.
"Sometimes, in mutual sly disguise, Let ays seem noes, and noes seem ays."—Gay cor.
"For whose name's sake, I have been made willing."—Penn cor. "Be governed by your conscience, and never ask any body's leave to be honest."—Collier cor. "To overlook nobody's merit or misbehaviour."— Id. "And Hector at last fights his way to the stern of Ajax's ship."—Coleridge cor. "Nothing is lazier, than to keep one's eye upon words without heeding their meaning."—Museum cor. "Sir William Jones's division of the day."—Id. "I need only refer here to Voss's excellent account of it."—Id. "The beginning of Stesichorus's palinode has been preserved."—Id. "Though we have Tibullus's elegies, there is not a word in them about Glyc~era."—Id. "That Horace was at Thaliarchus's country-house."—Id. "That Sisyphus's foot-tub should have been still in existence."—Id. "How everything went on in Horace's closet, and Mecenas's antechamber."—Id. "Who, for elegant brevity's sake, put a participle for a verb."—W. Walker cor. "The country's liberty being oppressed, we have no more to hope."—Id. "A brief but true account of this people's principles."—Barclay cor. "As, The Church's peace, or, The peace of the Church; Virgil's AEneid, or, The AEneid of Virgil."—Brit. Gram. cor. "As, Virgil's AEneid, for, The AEneid of Virgil; The Church's peace, for, The peace of the Church."—Buchanan cor. "Which, with Hubner's Compend, and Well's Geographia Classica, will be sufficient."—Burgh cor. "Witness Homer's speaking horses, scolding goddesses, and Jupiter enchanted with Venus's girdle."—Id. "Dr. Watts's Logic may with success be read to them and commented on."—Id. "Potter's Greek, and Kennet's Roman Antiquities, Strauchius's and Helvicus's Chronology."—Id. "SING. Alice's friends, Felix's property; PLUR. The Alices' friends, the Felixes' property."—Peirce cor. "Such as Bacchus's company—at Bacchus's festivals."—Ainsworih cor. "Burns's inimitable Tam o' Shanter turns entirely upon such a circumstance."—Scott cor. "Nominative, men; Genitive, [or Possessive,] men's; Objective, men."—Cutler cor. "Men's happiness or misery is mostly of their own making."—Locke cor. "That your son's clothes be never made strait, especially about the breast."—Id. "Children's minds are narrow and weak."—Id. "I would not have little children much tormented about punctilios, or niceties of breeding."—Id. "To fill his head with suitable ideas."—Id. "The Burgusdisciuses and the Scheiblers did not swarm in those days, as they do now."—Id. "To see the various ways of dressing—a calf's head!"—Shenstone cor.
"He puts it on, and for decorum's sake Can wear it e'en as gracefully as she."—Cowper cor.
"Simon the wizard was of this religion too"—Bunyan cor. "MAMMODIES, n. Coarse, plain, India muslins."—Webster cor. "Go on from single persons to families, that of the Pompeys for instance."—Collier cor. "By which the ancients were not able to account for phenomena."—Bailey cor. "After this I married a woman who had lived at Crete, but a Jewess by birth."—Josephus cor. "The very heathens are inexcusable for not worshiping him."—Todd cor. "Such poems as Camoens's Lusiad, Voltaire's Henrinde, &c."—Dr. Blair cor. "My learned correspondent writes a word in defence of large scarfs."—Sped. cor. "The forerunners of an apoplexy are dullness, vertigoes, tremblings."—Arbuthnot cor." Vertigo, [in Latin,] changes the o into ~in=es, making the plural vertig~in=es:" [not so, in English.]—Churchill cor. "Noctambulo, [in Latin,] changes the o into =on=es, making the plural noctambul=on=es:" [not so in English.]—Id. "What shall we say of noctambuloes? It is the regular English plural."—G. Brown. "In the curious fretwork of rocks and grottoes."—Blair cor. "Wharf makes the plural wharfs, according to the best usage."—G. Brown. "A few cents' worth of macaroni supplies all their wants."—Balbi cor. "C sounds hard, like k, at the end of a word or syllable."—Blair cor. "By which the virtuosoes try The magnitude of every lie."—Butler cor. "Quartoes, octavoes, shape the lessening pyre."—Pope cor. "Perching within square royal roofs"—Sidney cor. "Similes should, even in poetry, be used with moderation."—Dr. Blair cor. "Similes should never be taken from low or mean objects."—Id. "It were certainly better to say, 'The House of Lords,' than, 'The Lords' House.'"—Murray cor. "Read your answers. Units' figure? 'Five.' Tens'? 'Six.' Hundreds'? 'Seven.'"—Abbott cor. "Alexander conquered Darius's army."—Kirkham cor. "Three days' time was requisite, to prepare matters."—Dr. Brown cor. "So we say, that Cicero's style and Sallust's were not one; nor Caesar's and Livy's; nor Homer's and Hesiod's; nor Herodotus's and Thucydides's; nor Euripides's and Aristophanes's; nor Erasmus's and Budaeus's."—Puttenham cor. "LEX (i.e., legs, a law,) is no other than our ancestors' past participle loeg, laid down"—Tooke cor. "Achaia's sons at Ilium slain for the Atridoe's sake."—Cowper cor. "The corpses of her senate manure the fields of Thessaly."—Addison cor.
"Poisoning, without regard of fame or fear; And spotted corpses load the frequent bier."—Dryden cor.
"I have the real excuse of the most honest sort of bankrupts."—Cowley corrected. "The most honourable part of talk, is, to give the occasion."—Bacon cor. "To give him one of the most modest of his own proverbs."—Barclay cor. "Our language is now, certainly, more proper and more natural, than it was formerly."—Burnet cor. "Which will be of the greatest and most frequent use to him in the world."—Locke cor. "The same is notified in the most considerable places in the diocese."—Whitgift cor. "But it was the most dreadful sight that ever I saw."—Bunyan cor. "Four of the oldest, soberest, and discreetest of the brethren, chosen for the occasion, shall regulate it."—Locke cor. "Nor can there be any clear understanding of any Roman author, especially of more ancient time, without this skill."—W. Walker cor. "Far the most learned of the Greeks."—Id. "The more learned thou art, the humbler be thou."—Id. "He is none of the best, or most honest."—Id. "The most proper methods of communicating it to others."—Burn cor. "What heaven's great King hath mightiest to send against us."—Milton cor. "Benedict is not the most unhopeful husband that I know."—Shakspeare cor. "That he should immediately do all the meanest and most trifling things himself."—Ray cor. "I shall be named among the most renowned of women."—Milton cor. "Those have the most inventive heads for all purposes."—Ascham cor. "The more wretched are the contemners of all helps."—B. Johnson cor. "I will now deliver a few of the most proper and most natural considerations that belong to this piece."—Wotton cor. "The most mortal poisons practised by the West Indians, have some mixture of the blood, fat, or flesh of man."—Bacon cor. "He so won upon him, that he rendered him one of the most faithful and most affectionate allies the Medes ever had."—Rollin cor. "'You see before you,' says he to him, 'the most devoted servant, and the most faithful ally, you ever had.'"—Id. "I chose the most flourishing tree in all the park."—Cowley cor. "Which he placed, I think, some centuries earlier than did Julius Africanus afterwards."—Bolingbroke cor. "The Tiber, the most noted river of Italy."—Littleton cor.
"To farthest shores th' ambrosial spirit flies."—Pope.
——"That what she wills to do or say, Seems wisest, worthiest, discreetest, best."—Milton cor.
"During the first three or four years of its existence."—Taylor cor. "To the first of these divisions, my last ten lectures have been devoted."—Adams cor. "There are, in the twenty-four states, not fewer than sixty thousand common schools."—J. O. Taylor cor. "I know of nothing which gives teachers more trouble, than this want of firmness."—Id. "I know of nothing else that throws such darkness over the line which separates right from wrong."—Id. "None need this purity and this simplicity of language and thought, more than does the instructor of a common school."—Id. "I know of no other periodical that is so valuable to the teacher, as the Annals of Education."—Id. "Are not these schools of the highest importance? Should not every individual feel a deep interest in their character and condition?"—Id. "If instruction were made a liberal profession, teachers would feel more sympathy for one an other."—Id. "Nothing is more interesting to children, than novelty, or change."—Id. "I know of no other labour which affords so much happiness as the teacher's."—Id. "Their school exercises are the most pleasant and agreeable duties, that they engage in."—Id. "I know of no exercise more beneficial to the pupil than that of drawing maps."—Id. "I know of nothing in which our district schools are more defective, than they are in the art of teaching grammar."—Id. "I know of no other branch of knowledge, so easily acquired as history."—Id. "I know of no other school exercise for which pupils usually have such an abhorrence, as for composition."—Id. "There is nothing belonging to our fellow-men, which we should respect more sacredly than their good name."—Id. "Surely, never any other creature was so unbred as that odious man."—Congreve cor. "In the dialogue between the mariner and the shade of the deceased."—Phil. Museum cor. "These master-works would still be less excellent and finished."—Id. "Every attempt to staylace the language of polished conversation, renders our phraseology inelegant and clumsy."—Id. "Here are a few of the most unpleasant words that ever blotted paper."—Shakespeare cor. "With the most easy and obliging transitions."—Broome cor. "Fear is, of all affections, the least apt to admit any conference with reason."—Hooker cor. "Most chymists think glass a body less destructible than gold itself."—Boyle cor. "To part with unhacked edges, and bear back our barge undinted."—Shak. cor. "Erasmus, who was an unbigoted Roman Catholic, was transported with this passage."—Addison cor. "There are no fewer than five words, with any of which the sentence might have terminated."—Campbell cor. "The ones preach Christ of contention; but the others, of love." Or, "The one party preach," &c.—Bible cor. "Hence we find less discontent and fewer heart-burnings, than where the subjects are unequally burdened."—H. Home, Ld. Kames, cor.
"The serpent, subtlest beast of all the field." —Milton, P. L., B. ix, l. 86.
"Thee, Serpent, subtlest beast of all the field, I knew, but not with human voice indued." —Id., P. L., B. ix, l. 560.
"How much more grievous would our lives appear. To reach th' eight-hundredth, than the eightieth year!" —Denham cor.
"Brutus engaged with Aruns; and so fierce was the attack, that they pierced each other at the same time."—Lempriere cor. "Her two brothers were, one after the other, turned into stone."—Kames cor. "Nouns are often used as adjectives; as, A gold ring, a silver cup."—Lennie cor. "Fire and water destroy each other"—Wanostrocht cor. "Two negatives, in English, destroy each other, or are equivalent to an affirmative."—Lowth, Murray, et al. cor. "Two negatives destroy each other, and are generally equivalent to an affirmative."—Kirkham and Felton cor. "Two negatives destroy each other, and make an affirmative."—Flint cor. "Two negatives destroy each other, being equivalent to an affirmative."—Frost cor. "Two objects, resembling each other, are presented to the imagination."—Parker cor. "Mankind, in order to hold converse with one an other, found it necessary to give names to objects."—Kirkham cor. "Derivative words are formed from their primitives in various ways."—Cooper cor. "There are many different ways of deriving words one from an other."—Murray cor. "When several verbs have a joint construction in a sentence, the auxiliary is usually expressed with the first only."—Frost cor. "Two or more verbs, having the same nominative case, and coming in immediate succession, are also separated by the comma."—Murray et al. cor. "Two or more adverbs, coming in immediate succession, must be separated by the comma."—Iidem. "If, however, the two members are very closely connected, the comma is unnecessary."—Iidem. "Gratitude, when exerted towards others, naturally produces a very pleasing sensation in the mind of a generous man."—L. Murray cor. "Several verbs in the infinitive mood, coming in succession, and having a common dependence, are also divided by commas."—Comly cor. "The several words of which it consists, have so near a relation one to an other."—Murray et al. cor. "When two or more verbs, or two or more adverbs,[528] occur in immediate succession, and have a common dependence, they must be separated by the comma."—Comly cor. "One noun frequently follows an other, both meaning the same thing."—Sanborn cor. "And these two tenses may thus answer each other."—R. Johnson cor. "Or some other relation which two objects bear to each other."—Jamieson cor. "That the heathens tolerated one an other is allowed."—A. Fuller cor. "And yet these two persons love each other tenderly."—E. Reader cor. "In the six hundred and first year."—Bible cor. "Nor is this arguing of his, any thing but a reiterated clamour."—Barclay cor. "In several of them the inward life of Christianity is to be found."—Ib. "Though Alvarez, Despauter, and others, do not allow it to be plural."—R. Johnson cor. "Even the most dissipated and shameless blushed at the sight."—Lempriere cor. "We feel a higher satisfaction in surveying the life of animals, than [in contemplating] that of vegetables."— Jamieson cor. "But this man is so full-fraught with malice."—Barclay cor. "That I suggest some things concerning the most proper means."—Dr. Blair cor.
"So, hand in hand, they passed, the loveliest pair That ever yet in love's embraces met."—Milton cor.
"Aim at supremacy; without such height, Will be for thee no sitting, or not long."—Id. cor.
"While we attend to this pause, every appearance of singsong must be carefully avoided."—Murray cor. "For thou shalt go to all to whom I shall send thee."—Bible cor. "Ah! how happy would it have been for me, had I spent in retirement these twenty-three years during which I have possessed my kingdom."—Sanborn cor. "In the same manner in which relative pronouns and their antecedents are usually parsed."—Id. "Parse or explain all the other nouns contained in the examples, after the very manner of the word which is parsed for you."—Id. "The passive verb will always have the person and number that belong to the verb be, of which it is in part composed."—Id. "You have been taught that a verb must always agree in person and number with it subject or nominative."—Id. "A relative pronoun, also, must always agree in person, in number, and even in gender, with its antecedent."—Id. "The answer always agrees in case with the pronoun which asks the question."—Id. "One sometimes represents an antecedent noun, in the definite manner of a personal pronoun." [529]—Id. "The mind, being carried forward to the time at which the event is to happen, easily conceives it to be present." "SAVE and SAVING are [seldom to be] parsed in the manner in which EXCEPT and EXCEPTING are [commonly explained]."—Id. "Adverbs qualify verbs, or modify their meaning, as adjectives qualify nouns [and describe things.]"—Id. "The third person singular of verbs, terminates in s or es, like the plural number of nouns."—Id. "He saith further: that, 'The apostles did not baptize anew such persons as had been baptized with the baptism of John.'"—Barclay cor. "For we who live,"—or, "For we that are alive, are always delivered unto death for Jesus' sake."—Bible cor. "For they who believe in God, must be careful to maintain good works."—Barclay cor. "Nor yet of those who teach things that they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake."—Id. "So as to hold such bound in heaven as they bind on earth, and such loosed in heaven as they loose on earth."—Id. "Now, if it be an evil, to do any thing out of strife; then such things as are seen so to be done, are they not to be avoided and forsaken?"—Id. "All such as do not satisfy themselves with the superfices of religion."—Id. "And he is the same in substance, that he was upon earth,—the same in spirit, soul, and body."—Id. "And those that do not thus, are such, as the Church of Rome can have no charity for." Or: "And those that do not thus, are persons toward whom the Church of Rome can have no charity."—Id. "Before his book, he places a great list of what he accounts the blasphemous assertions of the Quakers."—Id. "And this is what he should have proved."—Id. "Three of whom were at that time actual students of philosophy in the university."—Id. "Therefore it is not lawful for any whomsoever * * * to force the consciences of others."—Id. "Why were the former days better than these?"—Bible cor. "In the same manner in which"—or, better, "Just as—the term my depends on the name books."—Peirce cor. "Just as the term HOUSE depends on the [preposition to, understood after the adjective] NEAR."—Id. "James died on the day on which Henry returned."—Id.
"OTHER makes the plural OTHERS, when it is found without its substantive."—Priestley cor. "But his, hers, ours, yours, and theirs, have evidently the form of the possessive case."—Lowth cor. "To the Saxon possessive cases, hire, ure, eower, hira, (that is, hers, ours, yours, theirs,) we have added the s, the characteristic of the possessive case of nouns."—Id. "Upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours."—Friends cor. "In this place, His is clearly preferable either to Her or to Its."—Harris cor. "That roguish leer of yours makes a pretty woman's heart ache."—Addison cor. "Lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumbling-block."—Bible cor. "First person: Sing. I, my or mine, me; Plur. we, our or ours, us."—Wilbur and Livingston cor. "Second person: Sing, thou, thy or thine, thee; Plur. ye or you, your or yours, you."—Iid. "Third person: Sing, she, her or hers, her; Plur. they, their or theirs, them."—Iid. "So shall ye serve strangers in a land that is not yours."—ALGER, BRUCE, ET AL.; Jer., v, 19. "Second person, Singular: Nom. thou, Poss. thy or thine, Obj. thee."—Frost cor. "Second person, Dual; Nom. Gyt, ye two; Gen. Incer, of you two; Dat. Inc, incrum, to you two; Acc. Inc, you two; Voc. Eala inc, O ye two; Abl. Inc, incrum, from you two."—Gwilt cor. "Second person, Plural: Nom. Ge, ye; Gen. Eower, of you; Dat. Eow, to you; Acc. Eow, you; Voc Eala ge, O ye; Abl. Eow, from you."—Id. "These words are, mine, thine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs, and whose."—Cardell cor. "This house is ours, and that is yours. Theirs is very commodious."—Murray's Gram., p. 55. "And they shall eat up thy harvest, and thy bread; they shall eat up thy flocks and thy herds."—Bible cor. "Whoever and Whichever are thus declined: Sing. Nom. whoever, Poss. whosever, Obj. whomever; Plur. Nom. whoever, Poss. whosever, Obj. whomever. Sing. Nom. whichever, Poss. (wanting,) Obj. whichever; Plur. Nom. whichever, Poss. (wanting,) Obj. whichever."—Cooper cor. "The compound personal pronouns are thus declined: Sing. Nom. myself, Poss. (wanting,) Obj. myself; Plur. Nom. ourselves, Poss. (wanting,) Obj. ourselves. Sing. Nom. thyself or yourself, Poss. (wanting,) Obj. thyself, &c."—Perley cor. "Every one of us, each for himself, laboured to recover him."—Sidney cor. "Unless when ideas of their opposites manifestly suggest themselves."—Wright cor. "It not only exists in time, but is itself time." "A position which the action itself will palpably confute."—Id. "A difficulty sometimes presents itself."—Id. "They are sometimes explanations in themselves."—Id. "Ours, Yours, Theirs, Hers, Its."—Barrett cor.
"Theirs, the wild chase of false felicities; His, the composed possession of the true." —Young, N. Th., N. viii, l. 1100.
"It is the boast of Americans, without distinction of parties, that their government is the most free and perfect that exists on the earth."—Dr. Allen cor. "Children that are dutiful to their parents, enjoy great prosperity."—Sanborn cor. "The scholar that improves his time, sets an example worthy of imitation."—Id. "Nouns and pronouns that signify the same person, place, or thing, agree in case."—Cooper cor. "An interrogative sentence is one that asks a question."—Id. "In the use of words and phrases that in point of time relate to each other, the order of time should be duly regarded."—Id. "The same observations that show the effect of the article upon the participle, appear to be applicable [also] to the pronoun and participle."—Murray cor. "The reason why they have not the same use of them in reading, may be traced to the very defective and erroneous method in which the art of reading is taught."—Id. "Ever since reason began to exert her powers, thought, during our waking hours, has been active in every breast, without a moment's suspension or pause."—Id. et al. cor. "In speaking of such as greatly delight in the same."—Pope cor. "Except him to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live."—Bible cor. "But the same day on which Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all."—Bible cor. "In the next place, I will explain several constructions of nouns and pronouns, that have not yet come under our notice."—Kirkham cor. "Three natural distinctions of time are all that can exist."—Hall cor. "We have exhibited such only as are obviously distinct; and these seem to be sufficient, and not more than sufficient."—Murray et al. cor. "The parenthesis encloses a phrase or clause that may be omitted without materially injuring the connexion of the other members."—Hall cor. "Consonants are letters that cannot be sounded without the aid of a vowel."—Bucke cor. "Words are not mere sounds, but sounds that convey a meaning to the mind."—Id. "Nature's postures are always easy; and, what is more, nothing but your own will can put you out of them."—Collier cor. "Therefore ought we to examine our own selves, and prove our own selves."—Barclay cor. "Certainly, it had been much more natural, to have divided Active verbs into Immanent, or those whose action is terminated within itself, and Transient, or those whose action is terminated in something without itself."—R. Johnson cor. "This is such an advantage as no other lexicon will afford."—Dr. Taylor cor. "For these reasons, such liberties are taken in the Hebrew tongue, with those words which are of the most general and frequent use."—Pike cor. "While we object to the laws which the antiquarian in language would impose on us, we must also enter our protest against those authors who are too fond of innovations."—L. Murray cor.
"In speaking on a matter which touched their hearts."—Phil. Museum cor. "Though Horace published it some time after."—Id. "The best subjects with which the Greek models furnished him."—Id. "Since he attached no thought to it."—Id. "By what slow steps the Greek alphabet reached its perfection."—Id. "Because Goethe wished to erect an affectionate memorial."—Id. "But the Saxon forms soon dropped away."—Id. "It speaks of all the towns that perished in the age of Philip."—Id. "This enriched the written language with new words."—Id. "He merely furnished his friend with matter for laughter."—Id. "A cloud arose, and stopped the light."—Swift cor. "She slipped spadillo in her breast."—Id. "I guessed the hand."—Id. "The tyrant stripped me to the skin; My skin he flayed, my hair he cropped; At head and foot my body lopped."—Id. "I see the greatest owls in you, That ever screeched or ever flew."—Id. "I sat with delight, From morning till night."—Id. "Dick nimbly skipped the gutter."—Id. "In at the pantry door this morn I slipped."—Id." Nobody living ever touched me, but you."—W. Walker cor. "Present, I ship; Preterit, I shipped; Perf. Participle, shipped."—A. Murray cor. "Then the king arose, and tore his garments."—Bible cor. "When he lifted up his foot, he knew not where he should set it next."—Bunyan cor. "He lifted up his spear against eight hundred, whom he slew at one time."—Bible cor. "Upon this chaos rode the distressed ark."—Burnet cor. "On whose foolish honesty, my practices rode easy."—Shakspeare cor. "That form of the first or primogenial Earth, which rose immediately out of chaos."—Burnet cor. "Sir, how came it, you have helped to make this rescue?"—Shak. cor. "He swore he would rather lose all his father's images, than that table."—Peacham cor. "When our language dropped its ancient terminations."—Dr. Murray cor. "When themselves they vilified."—Milton cor. "But I chose rather to do thus."—Barclay cor. "When he pleaded (or pled) against the parsons."—Hist. cor. "And he that saw it, bore record." Or: "And he that saw it, bare record."—John, xix, 35. "An irregular verb has one more variation; as, drive, drivest, [driveth,] drives, drove, drovest, driving, driven."—Matt. Harrison cor. "Beside that village, Hannibal pitched his camp."—W. Walker cor. "He fetched it from Tmolus."—Id. "He supped with his morning-gown on."—Id. "There stamped her sacred name."—Barlow cor.
"Fix'd[530] on the view the great discoverer stood; And thus address'd the messenger of good."—Barlow cor.
"Three freemen were on trial"—or, "were receiving their trial—at the date of our last information."—Editor cor. "While the house was building, many of the tribe arrived."—Cox cor. "But a foundation has been laid in Zion, and the church is built—(or, continues to be built—) upon it."—The Friend cor. "And one fourth of the people are receiving education."—E. I. Mag. cor. "The present [tense,] or that [form of the verb] which [expresses what] is now doing."—Beck cor. "A new church, called the Pantheon, is about being completed, in an expensive style."—Thompson cor. "When I last saw him, he had grown considerably."—Murray cor. "I know what a rugged and dangerous path I have got into."—Duncan cor. "You might as well preach ease to one on the rack."—Locke cor. "Thou hast heard me, and hast become my salvation."—Bible cor. "While the Elementary Spelling-Book was preparing (or, was in progress of preparation) for the press."—Cobb cor. "Language has become, in modern times, more correct."—Jamieson cor. "If the plan has been executed in any measure answerable to the author's wishes."—Robbins cor. "The vial of wrath is still pouring out on the seat of the beast."—Christian Ex. cor. "Christianity had become the generally-adopted and established religion of the whole Roman Empire."—Gurney cor. "Who wrote before the first century had elapsed."—Id. "The original and analogical form has grown quite obsolete."—Lowth cor. "Their love, and their hatred, and their envy, have perished."—Murray cor. "The poems had got abroad, and were in a great many hands."—Waller cor. "It is more harmonious, as well as more correct, to say, 'The bubble is ready to burst.'"—Cobbett cor. "I drove my suitor from his mad humour of love."—Shak. cor. "Se viriliter expedivit."—Cic. "He has played the man."—Walker cor. "Wilt thou kill me, as thou didst the Egyptian yesterday?"—Bible cor. "And we, methought, [or thought I] looked up to him from our hill"—Cowley cor. "I fear thou dost not think so much of the best things as thou ought."—Memoir cor. "When this work was commenced."—Wright cor. "Exercises and a Key to this work are about being prepared."—Id. "James is loved by John."—Id. "Or that which is exhibited."—Id. "He was smitten."—Id. "In the passive voice we say, 'I am loved.'"—Id. "Subjunctive Mood: If I be smitten, If thou be smitten, If he be smitten."—Id. "I shall not be able to convince you how superficial the reformation is."—Chalmers cor. "I said to myself, I shall be obliged to expose the folly."—Chazotte cor. "When Clodius, had he meant to return that day to Rome, must have arrived."—J. Q. Adams cor. "That the fact has been done, is doing, or will be done."—Peirce cor. "Am I to be instructed?"—Wright cor. "I choose him."—Id. "John, who respected his father, was obedient to his commands."—Barrett cor.
"The region echoes to the clash of arms."—Beattie cor.
"And sitst on high, and mak'st creation's top Thy footstool; and beholdst below thee—all."—Pollok cor.
"And see if thou canst punish sin and let Mankind go free. Thou failst—be not surprised."—Idem.
"What follows, might better have been wanting altogether."—Dr. Blair cor. "This member of the sentence might much better have been omitted altogether."—Id. "One or the other of them, therefore, might better have been omitted."—Id. "The whole of this last member of the sentence might better have been dropped."—Id. "In this case, they might much better be omitted."—Id. "He might better have said 'the productions.'"—Id. "The Greeks ascribed the origin of poetry to Orpheus, Linus, and Musaeus."—Id. "It was noticed long ago, that all these fictitious names have the same number of syllables."—Phil. Museum cor. "When I found that he had committed nothing worthy of death, I determined to send him."—Bible cor. "I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God."—Id. "As for such, I wish the Lord would open their eyes." Or, better: "May the Lord open (or, I pray the Lord to open) their eyes."—Barclay cor. "It would have made our passage over the river very difficult."—Walley cor. "We should not have been able to carry our great guns."—Id. "Others would have questioned our prudence, if we had."—Id. "Beware thou be not BECAESARED; i.e., Beware that thou do not dwindle—or, lest thou dwindle—into a mere Caesar."—Harris cor. "Thou raisedst (or, familiarly, thou raised) thy voice to record the stratagems of needy heroes."—Arbuthnot cor. "Life hurries off apace; thine is almost gone already."—Collier cor. "'How unfortunate has this accident made me!' cries such a one."—Id. "The muse that soft and sickly woos the ear."—Pollok cor. "A man might better relate himself to a statue."—Bacon cor. "I heard thee say but now, thou liked not that."—Shak. cor. "In my whole course of wooing, thou criedst, (or, familiarly, thou cried,) Indeed!"—Id. "But our ears have grown familiar with 'I have wrote, 'I have drank,' &c., which are altogether as ungrammatical."—Lowth et al. cor. "The court was in session before Sir Roger came"—Addison cor. "She needs—(or, if you please, need,—) be no more with the jaundice possessed"—Swift cor. "Besides, you found fault with our victuals one day when you were here."—Id. "If spirit of other sort, So minded, hath (or has) o'erleaped these earthy bounds."—Milton cor. "It would have been more rational to have forborne this."—Barclay cor. "A student is not master of it till he has seen all these."—Dr. Murray cor. "The said justice shall summon the party."—Brevard cor. "Now what has become of thy former wit and humour?"—Spect. cor. "Young stranger, whither wanderst thou?"—Burns cor. "SUBJ. Pres. If I love, If thou love, If he love. Imp. If I loved, If thou loved, If he loved."—Merchant cor. "SUBJ. If I do not love, If thou do not love, If he do not love."—Id. "If he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him."—Bible cor. "Subjunctive Mood of the verb to call, second person singular: If thou call, (rarely, If thou do call,) If thou called."—Hiley cor. "Subjunctive Mood of the verb to love, second person singular: If thou love, (rarely, If thou do love,) If thou loved."—Bullions cor. "I was; thou wast; he, she, or it, was: We, you or ye, they, were."—White cor. "I taught, thou taughtest, (familiarly, thou taught,) he taught."— Coar cor. "We say, 'If it rain,' 'Suppose it rain?' 'Lest it rain,' 'Unless it rain.' This manner of speaking is called the SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD."—Weld cor. "He has arrived at what is deemed the age of manhood."—Priestley cor. "He might much better have let it alone."—Tooke cor. "He were better without it. Or: He would be better without it."—Locke cor. "Hadst thou not been by. Or: If thou hadst not been by. Or, in the familiar style: Had not thou been by,"—Shak. cor. "I learned geography. Thou learned arithmetic. He learned grammar."—Fuller cor. "Till the sound has ceased."—Sheridan cor. "Present, die; Preterit, died; Perf. Participle, died."—Six English Grammars corrected. |