Pits of the ray-cells small. Wing-blade of the seed thick. Cones large. Leaves long and stout.
This group is remarkable for the size of leaf, conelet, and cone. The peculiar thick seed-wing is more or less obscurely present among the species of the Insignes, but never attains the development that differentiates this group from all other Pines. The leaf-section is notable for the large amount of hypoderm and for the presence of both thick and thin outer walls of the endoderm-cells, both forms appearing in the same leaf.
Wing-blade with a short membranous extension. Leaves in fascicles of 5 64. Torreyana Leaves in fascicles of 3 65. Sabiniana Wing-blade with a long membranous extension, leaves in fascicles of 3 66. Coulteri
1855 P. Torreyana Parry ex Carriere, Trait. Conif. 326. 1860 P. lophosperma Lindley in Gard. Chron. 46.
Spring-shoots uninodal, pruinose. Leaves in fascicles of 5, from 20 to 33 cm. long, very stout; resin-ducts medial, hypoderm uniform or somewhat multiform and of many cells. Conelets large, mucronate. Cones from 10 to 15 cm. long, on stout peduncles, broad-ovate, symmetrical, somewhat persistent; apophyses chocolate-brown, prominently pyramidal, the umbo salient and capped with a small mucro; seed-wing short, very thick, the dorsal surface of the nut spotted with the black remnants of the spermoderm.
A tree 10 or 12 metres high, often semi-prostrate in exposed positions, confined to a restricted area on the coast north of San Diego, California, and to the Island of Santa Rosa. This species resembles P. Sabiniana in the length of its seed-wing and in the color of its cone, but is distinct in the short triangular umbo, in its pentamerous leaf-fascicles and in the mottled dorsal surface of its nut.
Fig. 324, Cone and seed. Fig. 325, Magnified leaf-section.
1833 P. Sabiniana Douglas in Trans. Linn. Soc. xvi. 747.
Spring-shoots multinodal, pruinose. Leaves in fascicles of 3, from 20 to 30 cm. long; resin-ducts medial, hypoderm multiform. Conelets large, their scales tapering to a sharp point. Cones from 15 to 25 cm. long, reflexed, ovate, slightly oblique, persistent; apophyses chocolate-brown, very prominent, the curved umbo confluent with the apophysis and with it forming a very large talon-like armature with a sharp apex and a broad thick base; seed-wing very thick, with a short membranous margin, the dorsal surface of the nut uniform in color.
A tree with sparse gray-green foliage, growing in small groves on the foot-hills of the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges of California. Its three leaves and the uniform color of the nut distinguish it from P. Torreyana. From P. Coulteri it differs in the length of the membranous portion of the seed-wing and in its gray-green leaves.
Fig. 326, Cone. Fig. 327, Seed, nut and wing. Fig. 328, Magnified leaf-section.
1837 P. Coulteri D. Don in Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. 440. 1840 P. macrocarpa Lindley in Bot. Reg. xxvi. Misc. 62.
Spring-shoots multinodal, pruinose. Leaves in fascicles of 3, from 15 to 30 cm. long, very stout; resin-ducts medial, or with an occasional internal duct, hypoderm multiform and of many cells. Conelet very large, the scales tapering to a long sharp point. Cones from 25 to 35 cm. long, reflexed, ovate or oblong-ovate, somewhat oblique, persistent; apophyses sublustrous tawny yellow, very protuberant, with a narrow shoulder from which springs the umbo in the form of a large stout curved talon; seed-wing nearly equally divided between the very thick base and the membranous apex.
Remarkable among Pines for the size and weight of its cones, many times heavier than the longer cones of P. Lambertiana, illustrating the great change that the cone-tissues undergo in the gradual evolution of the species. It is a tree with dark-green foliage, growing from northern Lower California over the mountains of southern California to the Santa Lucia range and to Mt. Diablo. It is of no value except for fuel and for its large nuts. It is best recognized by its seed. The cone differs from the others of this group in its yellow color, not unlike that of boxwood.
Plate XXXIX.
Fig. 329, Cone of small size. Fig. 330, Seed, nut and wing. Fig. 331, Magnified leaf-section. Fig. 332, Conelet.
Adnate wing, 16 Apinus, Neck.—Pinus, 24 Apophysis of cone, 10 Armature of conelet, 7 Articulate wing, 16 Australes-Group, 62
Balfourianae-Group, 42 Bark, 18 Bases of bracts decurrent and non-decurrent, 1 Bast-tissue of cone, 14 Biform hypoderm, 6 Bloom on branchlet, 2 Bracts, bases of, 1 Branchlet, multinodal, 2 uninodal, 2 Bud, latent, 2 leaf, 1 staminate, 1
Caryopitys, Small = Pinus, 24 Caryopitys edulis Small = Pinus cembroides, 38 Cembra, Opiz = Pinus, 24 Cembra-Subsection, 26 Cembrae-Group, 26 Cembroides-Group, 38 Characters of the genus, 1 Classification of species, 22 Color of cone, 8 Cone, apophysis of, 10 bast tissues of, 14 color of, 8 dimensions of, 8 oblique, 10 peduncle of, 8 persistent, 8 phyllotaxis of, 12 serotinous, 14 symmetrical, 10 Conelet, lateral, 7 pseudolateral, 7 subterminal, 7 Conspectus of Sections &c., 25 Connective of pollen-sacs, 7 Cotyledons, 1
Decurrent bases, 1 Definite phyllotaxis, 12 Dermal tissue of leaf, 4 Dimensions of cone, 8 leaf, 4 Diploxylon-Section, 44 Dorsal umbo, 8
Endoderm, 8 Evolutional characters, 20 External resin-ducts, 6
Fibro-vascular bundle, 6 Flexiles-Group, 28 Flowers, lateral, 7 pistillate, 7 staminate, 7 subterminal, 7
Generic characters, 18 Genus, characters of, 1 Geographical distribution, 24 Gerardianae-Group, 40 Green tissue of leaf, 6
Haploxylon-Section, 26 Hypoderm, biform, 6 multiform, 6 uniform, 6
Indefinite phyllotaxis, 12 Insignes-Group, 76 Internal resin-ducts, 6
Lariciones-Group, 51 Latent buds, 2 Lateral flowers, 7 conelet, 7 Leaf, dermal tissues of, 4 dimensions of, 4 fibro-vascular bundle of, 6 green tissue of, 6 persistence of, 4 primary, 1 resin-ducts of, 6 secondary, 2 stelar tissues of, 6 stomata of, 4 tissues of, 4 Leiophyllae-Group, 44 Longifoliae-Group, 46
Macrocarpae-Group, 90 Medial resin-ducts, 6 Multiform hypoderm, 6 Multinodal branchlet, 2 spring-shoot, 2
Non-decurrent bases, 1
Oblique cone, 10
Paracembra-Subsection, 36 Parapinaster-Subsection, 44 Peduncle of cone, 8 Persistence of leaf, 4 Persistent cone, 8 Phyllotaxis, of cone, 12 definite, 12 indefinite, 12 Pinaster-Subsection, 50 Pineae-Group, 48 Pinus, 24 Pinus abasica Carr. = halepensis, 78 alba-canadensis Prov. = strobus, 36 albicaulis Engelm., 27 Altamirani Shaw = Lawsonii, 68 apacheca Lemm. = ponderosa, 66 apulcensis Lindl. = pseudostrobus, 62 arabica Sieb. = halepensis, 78 aristata Engelm., 44 arizonica Engelm. = ponderosa, 66 Armandi Franch., 30 armena Koch = sylvestris, 54 attenuata Lemm., 88 australis Michx. = palustris, 70 austriaca Hoess = nigra, 58 ayacahuite Ehrenb., 30 bahamensis Grise. = caribaea, 70 Balfouriana Balf., 42 Balfouriana Wats. = aristata, 44 Banksiana Lamb., 84 Beardsleyi Murr. = ponderosa, 66 Benthamiana Hartw. = ponderosa, 66 Bolanderi Parl. = contorta, 84 Bonapartea Roezl = ayacahuite, 30 Boursieri Carr. = contorta, 84 brachyptera Engelm. = ponderosa, 66 brutia Ten. = halepensis, 78 Bungeana Zucc., 40 californica Hartw. = attenuata, 88 canaliculata Miq. = Massoniana, 52 canariensis Smith, 48 caribaea Mor., 70 carica Don = halepensis, 78 cembra L., 27 cembra Thunb. = parviflora, 32 cembroides Gord. = Pinceana, 38 cembroides Newb. = albicaulis, 27 cembroides Zucc., 38 chihuahuana Engelm. = leiophylla, 44 clausa Vasey, 80 contorta Dougl., 84 coronans Litv. = cembra, 27 Coulteri D. Don, 93 Craigana Murr. = ponderosa, 66 cubensis Grise. = occidentalis, 70 cubensis Sarg. = caribaea, 70 dalmatica Vis. = nigra, 58 deflexa Torr. = ponderosa, 66 densata Mast. = sinensis, 60 densiflora Sieb. & Zucc., 52 Devoniana Lindl. = Montezumae, 64 divaricata Dum. Cours. = Banksiana, 84 Donnell-Smithii Mast. = Montezumae, 64 echinata Mill., 74 Edgariana Hartw. = muricata, 86 edulis Engelm. = cembroides, 38 Ehrenbergii Endl. = Montezumae, 64 eldarica Medw. = halepensis, 78 Elliottii Engelm. = caribaea, 70 Engelmanni Carr. = ponderosa, 66 escarena Riss. = pinaster, 80 excelsa Hook. = peuce, 34 excelsa Wall., 34 filifolia Lindl. = Montezumae, 64 Finlaysoniana Wall. = Merkusii, 58 flexilis James, 28 flexilis Balf. = albicaulis, 27 formosana Hay. = parviflora, 32 Fremontiana Endl. = cembroides, 38 Frieseana Wich. = sylvestris, 54 funebris Kom. = sinensis, 60 Gerardiana Wall., 42 glabra Walt., 72 Gordoniana Hartw. = Montezumae, 64 Greggii Engelm., 86 Grenvilleae Gord. = Montezumae, 64 Griffithii McClell. = excelsa, 34 halepensis Bieb. = nigra, 58 halepensis Mill., 78 Hamiltonii Ten. = pinaster, 80 Hartwegii Lindl. = Montezumae, 64 Heldreichii Chr. = nigra, 58 Henryi Mast. = sinensis, 60 heterophylla Small = taeda, 72 heterophylla Sudw. = caribaea, 70 hispanica Cook = halepensis, 78 hudsonia Poir. = Banksiana, 84 humilis Link = sylvestris, 54 inops Ait. = virginiana, 80 inops Bong. = contorta, 84 insignis Dougl. = radiata, 88 insularis Endl., 60 Jeffreyi Balf. = ponderosa, 66 kasya Royle = insularis, 60 khasiana Griff. = insularis, 60 Kochiana Klotzsch = sylvestris, 54 koraiensis Mast. = Armandi, 30 koraiensis Sieb. & Zucc., 26 Lambertiana Dougl., 32 lapponica Mayr = sylvestris, 54 laricio Poir. = nigra, 58 laricio Savi = pinaster, 80 latifolia Sarg. = ponderosa, 66 latisquama Engelm. = Pinceana, 38 latteri Mason = Merkusii, 58 Lawsonii Roezl., 68 leiophylla Schl. & Cham., 44 Lemoniana Benth. = pinaster, 80 leucodermis Ant. = nigra, 58 leucosperma Max. = sinensis, 60 Lindleyana Gord. = Montezumae, 64 Llaveana Schiede = cembroides, 38 Loiseleuriana Carr. = halepensis, 78 longifolia Roxb., 46 lophosperma Lindl. = Torreyana, 90 Loudoniana Gord. = ayacahuite, 30 luchuensis Mayr, 56 Lumholtzii Rob. & Fern., 46 lutea Walt. = taeda, 72 macrocarpa Lindl. = Coulteri, 93 macrophylla Engelm. = ponderosa, 66 macrophylla Lindl. = Montezumae, 64 maderiensis Ten. = pinea, 48 mandschurica Laws. = cembra, 27 mandschurica Rupr. = koraiensis, 26 maritima Ait. = nigra, 58 maritima Lamb. = halepensis, 78 maritima Poir. = pinaster, 80 Massoniana Lamb., 52 Massoniana Sieb. & Zucc. = Thunbergii, 56 Mastersiana Hay. = Armandi, 30 Mayriana Sudw. = ponderosa, 66 Merkusii De Vriese, 58 mitis Michx. = echinata, 74 monophylla Torr. = cembroides, 38 montana Lam. = cembra, 27 montana Mill., 54 montana Noll = pungens, 84 Montezumae Lamb., 64 monticola Dougl., 34 morrisonicola Hay. = parviflora, 32 mugho Poir. = montana, 54 mughus Jacq. = sylvestris, 54 mughus Scop. = montana, 54 muricata D. Don, 86 Murrayana Balf. = contorta, 84 Nelsonii Shaw, 40 nepalensis De Chamb. = excelsa, 34 nigra Arnold, 58 nigricans Host = nigra, 58 nivea Booth = strobus, 36 obliqua Saut. = montana, 54 occidentalis H. B. K. = Montezumae, 64 occidentalis Swartz, 70 oocarpa Schiede, 78 oocarpoides Lindl. = oocarpa, 78 orizabae Gord. = pseudostrobus, 62 osteosperma Engelm. = cembroides, 38 Pallasiana Lamb. = nigra, 58 palustris Miller, 70 Parolinii Vis. = halepensis, 78 Parryana Engelm. = cembroides, 38 Parryana Gord. = ponderosa, 66 parviflora Sieb. Zucc., 32 patula Schl. & Cham., 86 peninsularis Lemm. = ponderosa, 66 pentaphylla Mayr = parviflora, 32 persica Strangw. = halepensis, 78 peuce Grise., 34 pinaster Ait., 80 pinaster Bess. = nigra, 58 Pinceana Gord., 38 pindica Form. = nigra, 58 pinea Linn., 48 pityusa Stev. = halepensis, 78 ponderosa Dougl., 66 pontica Koch = sylvestris, 54 porphyrocarpa Laws. = monticola, 34 Pringlei Shaw, 76 prominens Mast. = sinensis, 60 pseudostrobus Lindl., 62 pumila Regel = cembra, 27 pumilio Haenke = montana, 54 pungens Lamb., 84 pyrenaica David = halepensis, 78 pyrenaica Lap. = nigra, 58 quadrifolia Sudw. = cembroides, 38 radiata D. Don, 88 radiata Hook. & Arn. = Montezumae, 64 recurvata Rowl. = caribaea, 70 reflexa Engelm. = flexilis, 28 resinosa Ait., 51 resinosa Loise. = halepensis, 78 resinosa Savi = sylvestris, 54 rigida Mill., 82 rotundata Link = montana, 54 Roxburghii Sarg. = longifolia, 46 Royleana Jam. = echinata, 74 rubra Michx.= resinosa, 51 rubra Mill. = sylvestris, 54 rudis Endl. = Montezumae, 64 rupestris Michx. = Banksiana, 84 Russelliana Lindl. = Montezumae, 64 Sabiniana Dougl., 90 Salzmanni Dun. = nigra, 58 sanguinea Lap. = montana, 54 sativa Lam. = pinea, 48 scipioniformis Mast. = Armandi, 30 scopifera Miq. = densiflora, 52 scopulorum Lemm. = ponderosa, 66 serotina Long = rigida, 82 serotina Michx., 82 shasta Carr. = albicaulis, 27 sibirica Mayr = cembra, 27 Sinclairii Hook. & Arn. = Montezumae, 64 = radiata, 88 sinensis Lamb., 60 squarrosa Walt. = echinata, 74 strobiformis Engelm. = ayacahuite, 30 strobiformis Sarg. = flexilis 28 strobus Linn., 36 strobus Thunb. = koraiensis, 26 sylvestris Baumg. = nigra, 58 sylvestris Gouan = halepensis, 78 sylvestris Linn., 54 sylvestris Lour. = Merkusii, 58 sylvestris Mill. = pinaster, 80 sylvestris Thunb. = Thunbergii, 56 tabulaeformis Carr. = sinensis, 60 taeda Blanco = insularis, 60 taeda Lamb. = pungens, 84 taeda Linn., 72 tamrac Murr. = contorta, 84 tatarica Mill. = sylvestris, 54 tenuifolia Benth. = pseudostrobus, 62 tenuis Lemm. = contorta, 84 teocote Schl. & Cham., 68 terthrocarpa Shaw = tropicalis, 52 Thunbergii Parl., 56 Torreyana Parry, 90 tropicalis Mor., 52 tuberculata D. Don = radiata, 88 tuberculata Gord. = attenuata, 88 uliginosa Neum. = montana, 54 uncinata Ram. = montana, 54 variabilis Lamb. = echinata, 74 Veitchii Roezl = ayacahuite, 30 virginiana Mill., 80 Wilsonii Shaw = sinensis, 60 Wincesteriana Gord. = Montezumae, 64 Wrightii Engelm. = occidentalis, 70 yunnanensis Franch. = sinensis, 60 Pistillate flower, 7 Primary leaf, 1 Pseudolateral conelet, 7
Resin-ducts of the leaf external, 6 internal, 6 medial, 6 septal, 6
Secondary leaf, 2 Sectional characters, 18 Seed, wing of, 16 winged, 16 wingless, 16 Septal resin-ducts, 6 Serotinous cone, 14 Species, classification of, 22 Specific characters, 20 Spring-shoot, 2 Staminate flowers, 7 Stelar tissues of leaf, 6 Stomata of leaf, 4 Strobi-Group, 30 Strobus, Opiz = Pinus, 24 Strobus strobus Small = Pinus strobus, 36 Subsectional characters, 20 Subterminal conelet, 7 flower, 7 Symmetrical cone, 10
Terminal umbo, 8 Tissues of the cone, 12 leaf, 4 wood, 17
Umbo of the cone dorsal, 8 terminal, 8 Uninodal branchlet, 2 spring-shoot, 2 Uniform hypoderm, 6
Variation, 21
Wing of seed, adnate, 16 articulate, 16 Winged seed, 16 Wingless seed, 16 Wood, 17 Wood-strands of the cone, 14 Wood-tissues, 17
Transcriber's Notes:
1. The position of Plates was changed to the end of the section referencing each.
2. Species names appear to be Capitalized when they are names of persons or places in this book, as in other material of this period. |