Baluah, Lake, 110
Baquerolles Farm, 124
Batchelor, Private, 157
Beclers, 139
Beersheba, attack on, 61-63
Beit Iksa, 89, 91; capture of, 86
Beit Sira, 78, 106, 109
Beit-ur-el-Foka, attack on, 83
Beit-ur-el-Tahta, 83, 85, 106
Beitania, 92; advance on, 101-103
Beitin, 111
Benjamin Post, 135
Berguette, 137
Beris, 34
Bethel, 111
Bethhoron, the Upper, 83
Birdwood, General Sir W., inspection by, 126
Bireh, 92, 103, 116
Black Watch, 6th and 8th Battns., 141
Blairgowrie, 1-4
Bouchavesnes, 127
Boulak, 34
Boulogne, 141
Bourecq, 137
Bradfield, Sergeant-Major, 155
Brigade, the 159th, 113; the 160th, 113; the 229th, 66, 130, 137; the 230th, 66, 67, 121, 130, 139; at the battle of Sheria, 68; the 231st, 67, 121, 137, 139
"Broken Spur" badge, 144
Brown, Lieut. T. Brodie, 131, 132, 133; M.C. conferred, 165
Brown, Capt. W.D., adjutant, 148; killed, 98; tribute to, 105
Buffs, the 10th, 138
Burj Lisaneh, 111
Byng, Major-Gen. Sir Julian, 19
Calonne, 127
Camel, a racing, 32
Camerons, the 10th, 35
Campbell, Capt. P., 102; raid on Amurieh, 115
Campbell, Capt. Sir W.A.A., 114, 149
Canal du Nord, advance on, 128
Cape Town, 147
Caracol Dagh, 17
Carbine Trench, 135
Carnegy, Capt. P.A.W., commanding the Forfarshire Light Horse Volunteer Corps, 146
Carvin Farm, 124
Casualties, list of, 168-203
Chetwode, Lieut.-Gen. Sir P.W., commanding Eastern Force, inspects the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 56; presents medals, 71
Christiana, capture of, 147
Clackmannan, 2
Clarence River, 123
Clark, Lieut.-Col. J., 150
Cloud-burst, at Gara, 32, 39
Collier, Sergeant W., 149, 157; attack on the Germans, 132
Colthart, Capt. R.H., adjutant, 117, 133; Quartermaster, 40, 153; killed, 138
Cooper, Sergeant, 152
Corbie, 136
Corps III. attack on the Germans, 134
Corps XX., 70
Corps XXI., 70; pursues the Turkish forces, 72; at Junction Station, 76
Corps Cavalry, 67
Craig, Sergeant J., 155
Craig, Lieut. D., D.S.O., conferred, 156
Crawford, Earl of, Colonel Commandant of the Fife Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
Cruickshank, Lieut. I.W., 115; attack on the Germans, 132
Cummins, Capt. W.W. ("George Washington,") 151
Cupar, 2
Daisies, mauve, 50
Dakhla, 37
Damascus, 117
Dane, Lieut. P., 134
Darney, Lieut. C.E., killed, 130
Davis, L.-Cpl. J. 157
Deir-el-Belah, 49, 56, 57, 59
Deir Ibzia Ridge, 92
Deir Sineid, 73
Demobilization of the British Army, 140-142
Denbigh Yeomanry, the 24th Battalion, 121
Devonport, 10
Devonshire Regiment, the 16th (Royal 1st Devon Yeomanry), 56; at Beitania, 101; Yalo, 107; attack on Moislains, 128
Division, the 10th, 66, 67, 85; advance on Bireh, 92; capture Foka, 93; the 52nd, 49, 79; the 53rd, 61, 65, 116; the 54th, 49, 57; the 55th, 139; the 57th, 139; the 58th, 131, 132; the 59th, 127; the 60th, attack on Beersheba, 62-64; on Tel-el-Sheria, 67; advance on the Nablus road, 92; the 74th, 131, 136; attack on Beersheba, 62-64
Don, Lieut. W.G., 148
Drysdale, Lieut. J.C., 117; tribute to, 104; wounded, 130
Dumb-bell Hill Sector, 54
Duncan, Lieut. C.G., advance on the Turbeaute River, 125; wounded, 130
Dundee, 2
Dundee Wadi, 67
Dunfermline, 2
Dunkirk, 141
Durham, Private, 158
East Kent Regiment, the 10th, 133
Edie, Sergeant-Major, 154
Edinburgh, Royal Review in, 162
Egyptian Lancers, at Sherika, 33
El Arish, 42-45
El Buggar, 61; attack on, 60
El Burj, 45; capture of, 86, 89
El Burjaliye, 52
El Ferdan, 41, 42
El Jib, 83
El Mendur, 52
El Muntar, 101
Elder, Sergeant-Major, 157
Enab, 86, 104
Epehy, 131
Erskine, Lieut.-Col. T.H., of Grangemuir, 163
Erskine, Sir William, 160
Essex Regiments, the 5th and 7th, 53
Etaples, 120
Fakenham, 7-10
Fanatis, or copper vessels, 44
Faustine Quarry, 134
Fencible Cavalry, 159
Ferguson, Sergeant, 126
Field Ambulance, the 229th, at Yalo, 107
Fife, 2
Fife and Forfar Imperial Yeomanry, 163
Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, at Blairgowrie, 1-4; St Ives, 4; training, 4, 7, 38, 41, 56, 59, 120, 140; inspections, 4, 8, 56, 126, 140; at Skegness, 6; Fakenham, 7-10; sports, 7, 32, 36, 59, 140; voyage to Gallipoli, 10-14; in the trenches, 15-26; journey to Sidi Bishr, 28; casualties, 29, 68, 100, 104, 130; at Mena Camp, 30; Minia, 31; Sohag, 31; Gara, 32, 38; Sherika, 32-38; Moascar, 39, 41; the 14th Battalion, Royal Highlanders, 41; in camp at El Ferdan, 41; journey to El Arish, 42; reinforcements, 44; at El Burj, 45; Sheikh Zowaid, 45; march to Rafa, 46-48; at Khan Yunis, 48; Sheikh Nebhan, 49; El Mendur, 52; in the Sheikh Abbas Sector, 54, 56; field firing, 57; at Deir-el-Belah, 57; attack on Beersheba, 59-64; battle of Sheria, 68; at Goz-el-Gelieb, 70; presentation of medals, 71; march to Mejdal, 74; foot parade, 74; march to Junction Station, 76; at Latron, 77; march to Beit Sira, 78; at Wadi Selman, 79; camp at Q 20 central, 85; advance on Jerusalem, 86-91; march along the Zeitun Ridge, 92-95; at Wadi Zait, 95; capture Zeitun Ridge, 98; advance on the Hill of Shafa, 99; on Beitania, 101-103; camp at Yalo, 106; making roads, 107, 109; march to Kantara, 116; voyage to Marseilles, 117-119; at St Firmin, 119; Grand Rullecourt, 120; epidemic of Spanish influenza, 121; march to La Pierriere, 122; bombarded by the Germans, 125; fitted with kilts, 126; at Le Foret, 127; advance on the Canal du Nord, 128; attack on the Germans, 132-135; at Corbie, 136; tribute to, 136; advance to Orcq, 137; reception at Tournai, 139; at Moustier, 140; demobilised, 140-142; at Kirkcaldy, 142; predecessors, 159-164; Commanding Officers, 164
Fife Yeomanry Cavalry, 159
Fifeshire Light Dragoons, 159
Fifeshire Mounted Rifle Volunteers, 161; review at Edinburgh, 162
Fifeshire Volunteer Light Horse Corps, the 1st, 162
Foka Hill, 83, 84, 92; capture of, 93
Fontes, 122, 137
Football, games of, 121, 138, 140
Forfar, 2
Forfar Yeomanry or Angus Cavalry, 159; re-raised, 161; disbanded, 162
Forfarshire Light Horse Volunteer Corps, the 1st, 162
Fort Conan, 24
Franvillers, 127
Fraser, Lieut. H.L., 154
Frasnes, 139
Fusilier Ridge, 57, 114
Galbraith, R.Q.M.S. W.J., 158; at Kirkcaldy, 142
Gall, R.S.M., 156
Gallipoli, 14-27; thunderstorm at, 22
Gamli, 60
Gara, 38; sandstorm, 32; cloud-burst, 32, 39
Gaza, attacks on, 48, 51; capture of, 70
Gebel-el-Ghenneiem, 34
George IV., King, reviews the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
George V., King, inspects the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 4, 140; wire to Lord Lovat, 142
German Army, attack on, 132-136; evacuate Tournai, 139; trenches, occupied, 124
Gibb, Corporal, 158
Gibraltar, Straits of, 12
Gilmour, Lieut.-Colonel J., 164; commanding the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 29, 48, 148; D.S.O. conferred, 58, 165; wounded at the battle of Sheria, 68; bar to his D.S.O., 69; commanding the 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry, 163
Gilmour, Lieut.-Col. Sir John, commanding the Forfarshire Light Horse Volunteer Corps, 162; retires, 163
Girdwood, Major-General E.S., commanding the 74th Division, 71; presents medals, 71; prizes, 141; tribute to, 143
Goz-el-Gelieb, 70
Grammont, 140
Grand Rullecourt, 120, 121
Gray, Lieut. W., 36
Grimsby, 6
Gyppy Cavalry, 35; garrison Dakhla Oasis, 38
Hair, Sergt.-Major J., 157
Haking, Lieut.-General Sir R., Corps Commander, inspection by, 126
Halkett, Capt., Sir Arthur, 161
Ham en Artois, 122, 126
Hamilton, Sir Ian, inspects the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 4
Haubourdin, 137
Haute Deule Canal, 137
Hell's Gate, 38
Henderson, Private ("Dinkum") 150, 155
Henderson, Sergt.-Major, 158
Herd, Sergeant William, 157
Herdman, Lieut. C.W., 148
Herlies, 137
Highland Mounted Brigade, 2; strength, 29; at Sherika, 32
Highland Territorial Division, the 51st, 2
Hill A, 84, 85; capture of, 93
Hill 1070, capture of, 62; 1750, 79; attack on, 80; 2450, battle on, 98
Hindenburg line, 135
Hoare, Brig.-General R., 31, 130; wounded, 134, 144
Hodge, Capt. Chappell, commanding the 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry, 162; death, 163
Hogsthorpe, 6
Honours and Awards, 165-67
Humbercourt, 120
Hunter, General Sir A., 163
Huntingdon, 4, 5
Hutchison, Capt. R.G., 148
I.C.C. the, 67; at Sherika, 33; relieved, 38
Im Seirat, 51
Imbros, peaks of, 18
Imperial Camel Corps, 61
Imperial Yeomanry, the 20th Company, 162
Indarra, H.M.T., 117
Inverness Battery, 2
Irgeig, 65
Ismailia, 39, 41
Izieres, 140
Jackson, Capt. G.E., Staff Captain, 2
Jaffa, 72
Jericho, 111
Jerusalem, advance on, 87-91; fall of, 89; entry into, 104
Jones' Post, 57
Judaea, 76
Judaean Hills, 73, 75
Junction Station, 73, 76
Juvisy, 119
Kantara, 42, 43, 50, 116
Karm, 61, 70
Kereina Ridge, 92
Kefr Skeyan, 92, 110
Kent Hill, 115
Khamsin wind, 53
Khan Abu Felah, 107, 114
Khan Yunis, 48
Kharga, 33, 34, 35; Oasis Detachment, at Sherika, 32
Khirbet Kereina, 84
Kilo, 31, 35
King, Lieut.-Colonel A.J., 2
Kinniburgh, Lieut. J.D., killed at the battle of Sheria, 68
Kinross, 2, 142
Kirkcaldy, 2, 142; depot for recruiting, 4
Kitchener, Lord, 22
Kubeibe, 78, 86, 94, 96
Kulonieh, 91
Kuryet-el-Enab, 87
Kuwauka system, attack on, 66
Kuweilfeh, 64, 65
La Bassee Canal, 123, 126
La Houssoye, 127
La Pierriere, 122
Lala Baba, 28
Lamain, 139
Latron, 77
Le Foret, 127
Leitch, Sergeant, J.J., 158
Levant, the, 18
Light Car Patrol, 36, 38
Ligny, 122; Wood, 137
Ligny St Flochel, 120
Likia, 78
Lindsay, Lieut. A.S., commanding the Light Car Patrol, 36, 153
Lindsay, Captain M.E., 9, 145, 146
Loch Lomond, 2
Locon, 137
London Regiment, 127, 129; Yeomanry Company, 38
Longavesnes, 130, 133
Lovat, Lord, illness, 29; wire from King George V., 142
Lovat's Scouts, 2, 19, 23, 30; at Salonika, 35
Lowson, Private David, 157
Ludd, 116
Lumsden, C.S.M. J., 155
Lys, the, 126
Mack, Sergeant Nathaniel, 158
MacNeil, Lieut.-Colonel Angus, commanding the Kharga Oasis Detachment, 32; opens the swimming-bath at Sherika, 37
Mafeking, relief of, 163
Mahmeh, attack on, 97
Malta, 12, 118
Mansura Ridge, 52
Maricourt, 127
Marquain, 138
Marseilles, 118, 119
Marshall, Lieut. D., march to Tenida, 37, 148
Marshall, Major-General W.R., 26
M'Dougal, Lieut. A.R., bombing school, 36; the "Gallipoli Spider," 150
Meherique, 35; Roman Fort at, 34
Mejdal, 74
Melsom, Captain, of the Andania, 10
Melville, Captain Whyte, 145
Mena Camp, 30
Mericourt, 137
M'Guffog, A., 157
Middlesex Regiment, 67
Minia, 31
Miquellerie, 126
Mitchell, Lieut.-Colonel A., commanding the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 29, 163; illness, 29
M'Kenzie, Lieut.-Colonel J.M., 134; illness, 140; commanding the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 164
M'Laren, Sergt.-Major, 154
M'Lean, Lieut. J., 132, 157
M'Nab, Captain J., holds the Round Hill, 114 wounded, 130
M'Niven, C.Q.M.S. J., 157
Moislains, attack on, 128
Molinghem, 127
Montgomery and Welsh Horse Yeomanry, the 25th, 130
Morison, Lieut.-Colonel, commanding the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
Mosquitoes, war on, 35, 147
Moustier, 140
Mudros Harbour, 13, 28
Nablus, 111; attack on, 92, 97
Nairn, Captain I.C., 114; killed, 130
Nairn, Major R.S., illness, 29
Nazlet el Abid, 31
Neby Samwil, 89, 91; capture of, 86
Nile, the, 31; Valley, 34, 91
Nisbet, Sergt.-Major W., at Kirkcaldy, 142
Noc River, 123
Nooitgedacht, 163
Norfolk, 7
Norfolk Regiment, 58, 121
North Devon Hussars, 30; at Sherika, 35
North Lane Trench, 23
Noyelles, 119
Nurlu Village, 128
Ogilvie, Major D.D., 112, 114, 133; commanding B Squadron, 26; acting M.L.O., 27; march to Tenida, 37; commanding C Squadron, 40; and the Battalion 140, 164; return to Kirkcaldy, 142
Ogilvie, Sergeant-Major Alec, 154
Orcq, 138
Orilux torches, 80
Ormiston, Capt. J.W., 133; adjutant, 150, 164
Osborne, Major G.E.B., adjutant, illness, 29; commanding B Squadron, 40; killed at the battle of Sheria, 68
Oswald, Captain, 161
Paris, 119
Petit Ronchin, 137
Peyton Avenue Trench, 22, 23, 27
Peyton, Major-General W., 19
Philistia, Plain of, 70, 72
Pimple Post, 135
Pitt, Rt Hon. W., appeal for soldiers, 159
Portobello, review at, 160
Pree, Major C.G. de, 19, 24, 26, 40
Prince Abbas, the, 28
Purvis, Capt. R., commanding the 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry, 163; wounded, 163
Q 20 Central, camp at, 78, 85, 94
Quennemont Farm, 135
Quennet Copse, 135
Quentin Road, 125
Rafa, 46-48
Railhead, 35; Persian Temple, 34
Ram Allah, 92, 109, 116
Raspberry Hill, 51
Rawlinson, General, commanding Fourth Army, tribute to the 74th Division, 136
Regent's Park, 57, 58
Renton, Sergeant, 156
Rhone Valley, 119
Ricketts, Lieut. W., Quartermaster, 29, 148
Rifleman Post, 135
Rigg, Lieut. P.J.H., 148
Road-making, 107, 109
Robecq, 122, 124, 125
Robertson, Capt. J.R., death, 149
Roger, Private W., D.C.M. conferred, 20, 156, 165
Ronssoy, 133
Ross, Corporal, 147
Rosslyn, Lieut.-Gen. the Earl of, commanding the Fifeshire Mounted Rifle Volunteers, 145
Round Hill, 114
Royal Devon Yeomanry, 30; at Sherika, 35
Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160; review, 160; disbanded, 161; re-established, 161
Royal Highlanders, the 14th Battalion, 41; see Fife
Royal Scots, the 4th, 56
Royal Welsh Fusiliers, 121
Rue, 120
Rues des Vaches Farm, 124
St Angelo, Castle of, 12
St Cyr, airships at, 119
St Emilie, 131
St Firmin, 119
St Ives, 4
St James' Park, 103
St Paul's Bay, 12
St Pol, 120
St Venant Sector, 122
Salonika, 35
Salt Lake, 17
Samothrace, 18
Samson's Ridge, 57
Sandstorm at Gara, 32
Sari Bahr, 17
Savage, Private P., 157
Scotian, the, 28
Scots Guards, defeated at football, 121
Scott, Lieut. W., 150
Scottish Horse, 26, 30
Selwad, 112
Senussi, the, 31; flight, 37
Shafa, Hill of, 99
Sharp, Capt. H.S., adjutant, 9, 40, 146; illness, 29; at Wadi Selman, 80; tribute to, 105
Shechem, 111
Sheikh Abbas Sector, 54
Sheikh Abdullah, 111
Sheikh Nebhan, 49, 52
Sheikh Zowaid, 45
Shellal, 61
Sheria, 65; attack on, 66-68; casualties, 68
Sherika, 32; swimming-bath, 36
Sidi Bishr, 28, 30
Sikh Mountain Gunners, at Sherika, 33
Simpson, Lieut. J., 162
Sinai Railway, 42
Skegness, 6
Smith, Capt. A.C., 19; M.C. conferred, 19; adjutant, 164
Smith-Dorrien, Gen. Sir H., inspects the Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 8
Snaefels, the, 27
Sohag, 31
Somersets, the, attack on Abu-el-Zeitun, 97; advance on Beitania, 101; at Yalo, 107; attack on Allaines, 128; on the Germans, 132; advance on Marquain, 138
Somme, the, 120, 127
South Lane Trench, 22, 23
South-Western Mounted Brigade, 30
Spanish influenza, epidemic of, 121
Spence-Jones, Lieut.-Colonel C.J.H., 134
Spreull, Capt. (later Lieut.-Col.) A., 148
Squadron System, introduction, 162
Stewart, Capt. R.W., 40, 146; killed, 130
Stirling, Lieut.-Col. A., 29
Stirlingshire, 2
Stirlingshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
Storrar, Private Morrison, 158
Submarine, sunk, 118
Suez Canal, 39
Suffa, 116
Suffolk Regiment, the 15th Battalion, 125
Sulajik, 17
Suvla, 16, 27
Sweetwater Canal, 39, 50
Swimming-bath, at Sherika, 36
Syderstone Common, 146
Tahta Ridge, 85
Tattenham Corner, 109, 116
Tel Asur, 111, 116; capture of, 112
Tel-el-Ful, 88, 89
Tel-el-Jemmi, 50
Tel-el-Saba, 63
Tel-el-Sheria, 67
Templeux la Fosse, 134
Templeux le Guerard, 133
Tenida, 38
Thackeray, Brig.-General F.S., 134
Thompson, Lieut. E.A., killed at the battle of Sheria, 68
Thomson, Captain Anstruther, 161
Thomson, Col. J. Anstruther, commanding the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
Thunderstorm at Gallipoli, 22
Timsah, Lake, 39
Todd, L./Corpl. J., 157
Toine Post, 135
Tortille River, 128
Tournai, evacuated by the Germans, 139
Trench fever, 25
Trenches, digging, 16, 22, 52
Tuck, Capt. A.J.M., 139
Tuke, Capt. A., 21, 40, 147; illness, 26, 29; war on mosquitoes, 35, 147; awarded a Military Cross, 148, 165
Turbeaute River, 125
Turkish Army, snipers, 19; attack on El Buggar, 60; retreat, 70, 72; counter-attacks, 77, 84; flight from Shafa, 100
Two Tree Farm, 55, 56
Um Gerrar, 49
Ushant, Cape, 11
Vaal, the, 147
Valentine, Lance-Sergeant J., D.C.M. conferred, 20, 165
Valetta Harbour, 12
Versailles, 119
Victoria, Queen, review in Edinburgh, 162
Villers-Bretonneux, 136
Villers Faucon, 131
Wadi Ain Arik, 92, 109
Wadi Ghuzzeh, 49, 50, 58, 60, 71, 72
Wadi Hannina, 89, 90
Wadi Imaish, 84, 92, 106
Wadi Kelt, 101
Wadi Kolah, 113
Wadi Melab, 106
Wadi Reuben, 53
Wadi Saba, 61, 62, 63
Wadi Sad, 109
Wadi Selke, 59
Wadi Selman, 79, 92, 94
Wadi Shebab, 79, 80
Wadi Sukharieh, 73, 75
Wadi Sunt, 105
Wadi Zait, 79, 83, 85, 92, 93, 95
Water Dump A, 35, 37, 38
Wemyss, Colonel W., commanding the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 160
Wemyss, W., of Cuttlehill, 144; commanding the Battalion, 69, 164; tribute to, 105; at Cairo, 109
West Somerset Yeomanry, 30; at Sherika, 35
White Hill, 115
Willow Tree Well, 24
Wood, Capt. A.R. Dick, 125, 154
Yalo, camp at, 106
Yeomanry Regiment, the first, 159
Young, Private Hastie, 156
Younger, Lieut.-Colonel J., vii., 117; commanding B Squadron, 24; illness, 26, 29; second in command, 40;
Wemyss, W., of Cuttlehill, 144; commanding the Battalion, 69, 164; tribute to, 105; at Cairo, 109
Zeitun Ridge, 84, 92; capture of, 98
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Typographical errors corrected in text: Page 74: Ali-el-Mintar replaced with Ali-el-Muntar Page 133: Longavenes replaced with Longavesnes Page 208: Kinnieburgh replaced with Kinniburgh Page 209: Melson replaced with Melsom Page 212: Tortile replaced with Tortille
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