9th September passed fairly quietly until evening, when D Company (Mr Brodie Brown) was sent to reconnoitre to the front, and if possible establish themselves on the ridge on the far side of the valley in front of us. They had got about three quarters of the way when their patrols reported at least two companies of the enemy going into the trenches which D were to occupy and two strong patrols working forward on either side of them. To push on was impossible, so they returned to the trenches they had left. Though this merely confirmed what we already knew—that the enemy were holding that line in strength—and though a report was sent in to this effect, because the Air Force had reported that they could see no signs of the enemy, Corps ordered us to push forward at dawn next morning and occupy the crest of the ridge. These orders were only received at 2 A.M., and though Company Commanders were summoned at once A Company (Sergeant W. Collier) only received his orders at dawn—the runner having missed the way in the dark. The company of Somersets were to attack on the right, keeping touch with the Devons, C Company (Mr I.W. Cruickshank) in the centre, B Company (Mr J. M'Lean) on the left, with D Company (Mr Brodie Brown) in reserve. A Company (Sergeant W. Collier) was to keep in touch with the Londoners (58th Division) on the left and advance in conjunction with them. The time for our barrage opening was postponed, but the wire from Brigade never reached us and we advanced without any preliminary bombardment. C Company and the Somersets almost reached their objectives unobserved when they were met by very heavy machine-gun and rifle fire. B Company on the left were unable to push on which left C Company's left flank exposed. Into this gap the enemy quickly rushed fresh troops and attacked in force with the result that the two companies were overwhelmed by numbers and nearly surrounded. They were ordered to retire but not more than a quarter got back.
We consequently were forced to hold our old line as a defensive line and get liason with the 58th Division, who also found the enemy in great strength and were unable to hold what they gained. We learned afterwards that a regiment (three battalions) of the enemy were holding the line between Ronssoy and Templeux le Guerard with orders to fight to the last. The Battalion was now very exhausted, the trenches were knee-deep in water, and a great number of Lewis guns and rifles were out of action with mud and water. Major D.D. Ogilvie and Mr Brodie Brown were the only officers left in the line, with Mr J.W. Ormiston doing liaison between Battalion H.Q. and Captain R.H. Colthart at Battle H.Q.—telephonic communication was almost impossible as the line was broken every five minutes. We were consequently very pleased when we were told we were to be relieved by the 10th East Kent Regiment (230th Brigade), who took over from us that night and we moved back to Longavenes.
Here we found a draft of twelve Black Watch officers awaiting us, and the day was spent in cleaning ourselves. Next day (12th September) we moved back to Templeux la Fosse, with Battalion H.Q. in the old Prisoners of War compound and the companies in trenches. Major J.M. M'Kenzie, Royal Scots, arrived to take over command of the Battalion from, Major D.D. Ogilvie, and Brig.-General F.S. Thackeray (H.L.I.) assumed command of the Brigade which Lieut.-Colonel C.J.H. Spence-Jones, Pembroke Yeomanry, had commanded since Brig.-General R. Hoare had been wounded. We had six restful days here and then moved up to Faustine Quarry in reserve for the attack by the Division. A Company (Mr P. Dane) were attached to the Somersets, who had suffered a lot of casualties from gas.
The III. Corps continued the attack on 18th September with a view to securing a position affording good observation on the Hindenburg line. The 1st Australian Division co-operated on our right and the 16th Division on our left. Against us was the 38th Division (German) holding from Templeux le Guerard to Ronssoy.
Our divisional frontage had been reduced by nearly half, each brigade having been responsible for about 1000 yards. The 230th (and the Somersets) were on the right, 231st (with the Devons) on the left, leaving only ourselves in reserve. Aided by a haze and a very effective barrage the attack was a complete success, the first objectives being gained by 7.45 A.M. with very few casualties and a large bag of prisoners. On advancing over the ridge towards the second objective A Company came under very heavy machine-gun fire from Rifleman Post, but our artillery soon silenced that, and we were in occupation of Rifleman Post by one o'clock—an advance of 4500 yards. Here we consolidated, and remained till relieved by the Sussex. A Company's casualties were 4 killed and 25 wounded, and they had a number of prisoners and machine guns to their credit.
20th September was spent in salvage work on the battlefield, and at 10 P.M. we moved forward to relieve the Suffolks at Toine and Pimple Posts—the first objectives in the attack. On the 22nd we relieved the 25th R.W.F. in the front line, and held from Carbine Trench to Benjamin Post with A Company in support at Artaxerxes Post. The enemy shelled the position heavily both with high explosives and gas and we suffered some casualties.
The Division was now consolidated on the line of the second objective, and it was obvious that the Bosche were holding the high ground, particularly Quennet Copse and Quennemont Farm, very strongly, and it was impossible for the tired and depleted Division to advance without further preparation. The line held by the enemy was our old front line of March overlooking the Bellicourt-Le Catalet section of the Hindenburg line, and they were determined to hang on to that at all costs. The attack on the Hindenburg line was not for us. The 74th Division was booked for the advance further north.
On the night of the 24/25th September we were relieved by two companies of the 106th American Battalion; got to Faustine Quarry by 5 A.M. and at 8 marched to Tincourt, where we entrained for Villers-Bretonneux. From Villers-Bretonneux we marched to Corbie (fifteen miles east of Amiens) and got into billets there. This was the last we were to see of the Somme, for we were destined for another front. That our services on the Somme front were appreciated is shown by the following letter received by our Division from General Rawlinson, Commanding Fourth Army, dated 28th September:—
"74th Division.—The 74th Division has taken a prominent part in the successful advance of the Fourth Army during the past month, and, much to my regret, has been ordered to another part of the British front.
"The work of this Division during a period of severe and continuous fighting is worthy of the best traditions of the yeoman stock of Great Britain.
"Brought to this country from a hot climate, where they took part in a very different method of warfare, the 74th Division has quickly adapted itself to the altered conditions, and has fought with a determination and courage which is beyond praise.
"In the capture of AIZECOURT, DRIENCOURT, TEMPLEUX LA FOSSE, LONGAVESNES, VILLIERS FAUCON, and TEMPLEUX LE GUERARD, the Division has made a name for itself which ranks with the best division fighting in the British Army, and I desire to offer to all ranks my warmest thanks for their gallantry and self-sacrifice.
"In addition to the considerable area of ground gained the Division has captured over 1700 prisoners.
"I greatly regret that the Division is leaving the Fourth Army, and in wishing all ranks every good fortune, I trust I may at some future time find the 74th Division once more under my command."
We left Corbie early in the morning of the 28th for Mericourt where we entrained for Berguette, reaching our destination the following morning, whence we marched to our billeting area in Bourecq, just south of our old billeting ground at Fontes. Here we stayed till 2nd October when we moved by the light railway to "what was Locon." Two days later we were at Herlies. On the night 10/11th October the 229th Brigade took over from the 231st Brigade, and on the 14th we moved into the line relieving the 12th Battalion S.L.I., D Company on left, A in centre, and B on right, with C in support in Ligny Wood. On 15th October we occupied the railway line east of Ligny, and next day our patrols had pushed forward to the outskirts of Haubourdin (a suburb of Lille). On the 17th we again advanced, crossed the Haute Deule Canal, and on reaching our final objective handed over to the 16th Devons while we remained in support. Petit Ronchin, Ascq (on the Lille-Tournai road), and Baisieux gave us billets for the following nights. We were now in support to the Somersets, who carried on the advance until held up outside Marquain. The 231st Brigade had been withdrawn, so the Division was advancing on a one-battalion frontage.
As soon as Orcq was gained we were to pass through the Somersets and carry on the advance. The enemy's resistance, however, was stiffening, and the Somersets were unable to push on. On the 22nd we took over the line in front of Orcq, but found it impossible to patrol much to the front owing to the heavy machine-gun fire. The trenches opposite were well wired in and strongly manned, and the attack by B Company on the 23rd was held up within 100 yards of the objective by intense trench-mortar and machine-gun fire and artillery barrage, and the two platoons were compelled to withdraw to their original line after suffering 32 casualties.
Next day we were relieved by the 10th Buffs and moved back to billets in Baisieux, where we rested for ten days and got through an inter-platoon football competition. On the evening of 1st November the enemy put over a few shells, and in going to regulate the traffic into the cellars Captain R.H. Colthart was mortally wounded. The death of our adjutant was a great loss to the Battalion. As Sergeant Colthart he had gone out with the Regiment to Gallipoli, was appointed quartermaster and then adjutant, and had been with the Regiment or Battalion in every engagement in which it had taken part, being mentioned in dispatches. Lieutenant J.W. Ormiston succeeded him as adjutant.
Tournai was evacuated by the Germans on 9th November. The 231st Brigade promptly passed through it, and formed a bridgehead east of the town with the 55th Division on their right and the 57th Division on the left. The 230th Brigade occupied the town while we moved forward to Lamain. Next day we marched through Tournai, and had a tremendous reception. The skirl of the pipes and the sight of the kilts moved the population to great enthusiasm, both vocal and osculatory, and we had a regular triumphal procession. Our destination was Beclers, five miles east of Tournai.
On 11th November we were continuing our advance east, and had reached the main road just west of Frasnes, when at twenty minutes before 11 o'clock the Brigade-Major (Captain A.J.M. Tuck, M.C.) informed us that an armistice had been signed which came in force at 11 o'clock. The consequent halt threw our time-table out of gear, and we finally stumbled in to our billeting area in the dark, covered with mud and very weary.
The following day our Brigade relieved the 230th Brigade in holding the outpost line, and we were billeted at Izieres. The inhabitants could not do too much for us, and we were quite sorry when orders were received on the 17th to proceed to Moustier. We had been transferred back again into the Fifth Army. Here we rubbed up our ceremonial drill and practised guard of honour for the King's visit. This, however, fell through, and on the 7th December we marched to a point on the Leuze-Tournai road, near Barry, where His Majesty held an informal inspection.
While at Moustier we started elementary educational training, which was more fully developed after we moved to Grammont on 16th December. Here our wanderings finally ceased, and demobilization commenced. We had a most successful and sumptuous dinner on Christmas Day, the whole N.-E. of France having been ransacked for geese and turkeys. On New Year's Day Lieut.-Colonel J.M. M'Kenzie went home sick, and Major D.D. Ogilvie assumed command. Educational training in the forenoon and sports in the afternoon was the order of the day, and everyone looked forward to demobilization and Blighty once more.
After defeating the K.S.L.I, in the semi-final we met the M.G.C. in the final for the Divisional Cup on 22nd January, whom we beat 3-0. Considering we had only four of the original team left it was all the more creditable that we managed to pull it off. Major-General E.S. Girdwood, C.B., presented a very beautiful silver cup and medals to the winning team, and Battalion medals were also sent to all members of the team. For the Divisional Cup our record was:—Played 6: won 5: drawn 1: goals for 25: goals against 6. Unfortunately a complete record of the Regimental and Battalion team was not kept, but we have records of the last 74 matches. Of these 66 were won: 3 lost: 5 drawn: goals for 217: goals against 45.
The Divisional Cross Country Run was also won by us, and we were selected to run in the Inter-Corps Run. One or two successful mule gymkhanas were got up, and we also tried our hand at baseball, cricket, and paper chases, both mounted and on foot. Two or three nights a week we had dances, and one or two good concert parties entertained us.
Each week we kept sending men off for demobilization, and about the third week in March we sent about 100 men to the 8th Battalion the Black Watch, and half a dozen officers to the 6th Battalion in the Army of the Rhine. This reduced us to cadre strength. On 18th June the cadre consisting of 2 officers and 22 other ranks proceeded home via Boulogne, and a few days later the baggage guard followed, after handing over all Battalion stores at Dunkirk. Of those who went out on the Andania only four remained—Lieut.-Colonel D.D. Ogilvie, Captain R.A. Andrew, M.C., R.Q.M.S. W.J. Galbraith and Sergeant-Major W. Nisbet. The cadre reached Kirkcaldy on 25th June, where they were entertained by the Provost on behalf of the Corporation, and in the afternoon were all demobilized at Kinross.
So ends the history of the 14th (Fife and Forfar Yeomanry) Battalion, the Black Watch, Royal Highlanders.
On 6th September 1915 Lord Lovat received the following wire from Windsor Castle:—
"I send you and your Brigade my best wishes on your departure for Active Service. I feel sure that the great and traditional fighting reputation of Scotsmen will be more than safe with you, and that your Brigade will spare no effort in the interests of the Empire's cause to bring this war to a victorious conclusion.
The purport of this short history is to show how we did our best to carry out His Majesty's command.
In writing this short history of the regiment I have carefully abstained from all personalities. These few notes on some of our best known characters are only added to recall pleasant—or other—memories, and the subjects are asked to forgive the liberty taken.
To criticise one's superiors is both impolitic and impertinent, but there are three who cannot be omitted—two of them live in England and may never see this book, and the third—well, he has expressed his opinion of me quite bluntly more than once already.
At Grammont I received a letter from a very well-known member of the football team thanking me for the medals, in which he said:—"We always liked General Girdwood for his kindly consideration for the men, and I know I am only expressing the opinion of all the boys when I say we would not have changed him for Haig himself." There is no doubt that was the opinion of the whole Division about our G.O.C.—and, fortunately, we only had the one. Whether he was talking to the men after a good bit of work in the line, or at a formal inspection in the "back area," one always felt how keenly interested he was in the men. They loved his "Beatty" cap—but not his roasts of beef. He always expressed his appreciation of good work, but apparently disliked the growing of oats on the spare pole of one of the limbers—but the transport know more about that than I do!
The G.O.C. had certainly a brain-wave when he adopted the "Broken Spur" as our Divisional badge. We were all very proud of our "Broken Spur." An Australian officer, seeing it at Faustine Quarry, asked if it was the badge of the 74th Division. "Well," he added, "we call you 'Allenby's Harriers,' because you are the only Division we can't keep up with." Coming from an Australian that was "some" praise.
I don't know which was the more popular—the G.O.C. or "Reggie."[1] But "Reggie" took some knowing, and though it was capital fun watching him strafing others—which he did "full out"—it was quite another thing when he turned his guns on you! He was a tremendous sportsman, and it didn't seem to matter whether he was hunting sentries or jackal—so long as he was hunting he was quite happy—while the feelings of the sentry and the jackal were also probably similar! He took a tremendous pride in the Brigade—"I take off my hat every time to the 229th"—and I fancy what pleased him far more than defeating Turk or Bosche was our victory over the Scots Guards at Grand Roullecourt.
If we had gone abroad within three months after mobilization nothing would have saved "Black Mick"[2]—if within six months it was about even odds. At nine months all the N.C.O.'s, a good many of the men, and even one or two subalterns might have tried to save him; while after a year, if any one had dared to lay hands on him, he would have been rent in twain by the entire Regiment. And the reason was obvious. Realising what capital material he had to deal with, Mick was determined that, whatever people might think of him, his job was to get the Regiment to the highest state of efficiency in the shortest possible time. The pill certainly was a bit bitter, and it was only when the effects began to be felt that we realised what a thundering good Doctor "Mick" was. Shortly before we went out he admitted that we were as good as any cavalry regiment in the Army, but characteristically added—"but don't tell the ——!" A very effective combination were the Colonel and Mick, and if we didn't love them much at the time we realise now how much we owe them.
Subalterns and N.C.O.'s were to Mick as a bone to a puppy—he could chew us as much as he liked to-day, but we were still there for similar treatment on the morrow! But how pleased we were when his big black horse played up one day and knocked his cap off!
His language was pointed and all-embracing, and our ancestry and morals both seemed to meet with his disapproval. It is therefore impossible to give any anecdote about Mick. When the narrator's opinion of Mick is added to Mick's opinion of the narrator, the story could only be told in Russian. "Always have an answer ready," was his advice, "even if it isn't the truth—like Mr Sharp's answer just now."
Sharpie[3] and Ralph Stewart were quite the best at looking after themselves, and carried more gear than all the rest of us put together. At Syderstone Common an inquisitive general ordered the tarpaulin to be taken off the General Service wagon, and the first things which caught his eye were Sharpie's tennis racket and golf clubs. At Gara munitions of war had to be left behind to find room on the truck for his patent washstand. By the time he got to Palestine Johnnie Smith really could not compete with his belongings, and had to "borrow" a donkey to carry what could not possibly be left at Cox's Go-down—and it took eight months after the Armistice was signed before sufficient shipping could be collected at Alexandria to bring that home.
"Tukie"[4] and "Doctor" Ross[5] of course go together—I don't know which had the more character.
"What's the guid o' gaen tae oor Doctor? He wadna believe yer ill till yer deid, and he wadna believe yer deid till yer stinkin." Scrimshankers got little sympathy from either. "I've got awful pains in my back, Doctor," said one man, and a knowing look passed between the Doctor and Ross. "Off with your shirt then." A good old smack on his bare back and—"that's all right, my man. A good dose of castor oil, Corporal Ross. Medicine and duty."
Corporal Ross was a wonderful detective. He knew the past history and character of every man in the Regiment, I am sure. Though no two could have taken more care over you when you were really sick than Tukie and his corporal, no two were harder on anyone they knew was shamming. How these two worked on Gallipoli! Finally Tukie had to give in and was literally pushed on board a hospital ship, but he was as bad as a patient as he was good as a doctor, and they were glad to get rid of him at Malta after a short time and return him to his beloved Unit. Egypt, of course, afforded great scope for Tukie's fly-extermination crusade, and I have already referred in the text to his extraordinary success in exterminating mosquitoes at Sherika.
In Palestine his sanitary schemes were almost universally adopted, and his award of a Military Cross hardly represents the great improvements he introduced into the sanitation and health of the Force. We were all very sorry to lose Tukie, but realised that his ability was wasted as a regimental doctor, and felt he was better employed at the citadel where he had more opportunity of using his great surgical powers. We only hope he didn't drop cigarette ash into the interiors of his patients.
Others we lost far too soon were Ronnie Hutchison, O.C. Machine Gun Section, who went to the M.G.C. His favourite word of command was "Gallop," and his joy to jump ditches and hedges with his carts; Pat Rigg and David Marshall, also Machine Gunners; Willie Don, who had to leave us in Egypt owing to heart trouble. His Grace of Canterbury himself could not have intoned words of command more melodiously than Willie did. Charlie Herdman, our finest exponent of horsemanship. He left us in Egypt to go to Remounts, and there he was absolutely in his element, horse, camel, and donkey-coping. Spreull the Vet., who went to the R.A.V.C. in France. Nor is anyone likely to forget "Daddy" Ricketts, the Q.M., if he ever tried to extract anything from his stores, or Gervase Babington (family motto "What is thine is mine") if he happened to possess anything Gervase or his troop coveted.
"Ackety-ack"[6]—otherwise Willie Campbell—had one great failing. He could see no farther than A Squadron or A Company, and if anyone ran down "A" he foamed at the mouth. Ask him how many sergeants there were in No. 1 platoon—which won one of the inter-platoon football competitions—and he was abusive for a week! "Ackety" was perhaps seen at his best playing for the officers' team. On the advice of the crowd, "Go for the man, sir, never mind the ball," he invariably went for Collier or Herd or Dommett, the adjutant of the Somersets—each one quite two or more stone heavier than himself. He and "Aeroplane"[7] were well matched, nothing striking to look at but grand stayers. Willie was due for leave about the first week of January 1919, but as he had spent all his money, and about L200 of other people's, on the men's Christmas dinner, he had just to stay where he was from want of funds to take him home.
While at Sherika, Ross Robertson left us to join R.F.C. He was our first signal officer, and when he left was second in command B Squadron. We lost in Rossie a very capable and popular officer, and his death on his first solo over the German lines at Cambrai was keenly felt by the entire Regiment. Morning stables were of no interest to Rossie—all the energy he could raise was devoted to flicking the heads off the daisies in his lines, but give him a definite job to do and no one could do it better.
Unlike his successor, nothing could worry him—Bill Scott, on the other hand, took his telephones very seriously. Till the day he went home we pulled his leg about his 'phones. Ormy,[8] in particular, being lavish in advice as to what to do, and threatening to get Jock Clark if he (Scott) couldn't do it.
Ormy was a great fellow. The less he knew about a subject, the more advice he would give and would argue the point ad nauseam. He was reading Law at the time—perhaps that is why.
Perhaps "Dinkum's"[9] best bon mot was when he nicknamed M'Dougal[10] the "Gallipoli Spider," and Mac certainly had a wonderful knack of gathering all things into his web. Gallipoli gave him splendid opportunity for his Autolycus-like habits, and rumour has it that, though really ill with dysentery, he took off with him from Suvla seventeen ground sheets and nearly as many blankets. At Sherika, rather than lose his share of the ice, he took it with his tea.
Bombing was his strong point, and as an instructor in hand and rifle grenades he was first class. Routine he hated like poison. Mac is perhaps the only officer who was witty once—and only once—in his trench report. I don't know if H.Q. see the point of his remarks to this day. He it was, who, having overshot the mark, and lost his way in Palestine, was shown back to our lines by a Turkish officer!
"George Washington," Cummins,[11] "lost his nerve," so he said, through being mauled by a lion in South Africa. This is purely supposition on his part, as he had no notion what nerves were. We sometimes wondered if he even knew what pain was. He was badly frost-bitten on Suvla, and had to be pushed off the Peninsula—at Sheria a bullet passed through his forearm and grazed his upper arm and ribs. He got it tied up, and continued with the advance, and then assisted wounded all night at the dressing-station. The C.O. ordered him to go to the Field Ambulance at once to have his wound seen to, but George put in four more hours before complying with the order.
At Fakenham an officer joined us from the Wild West—a cow-puncher and lassoo expert. The obvious name for him was Arizona;[12] and Arizona he remained. I have even heard him referred to as Captain Arizona. An enthusiast in whatever he took up, he was in turn scout officer, transport officer, Lewis gun officer, quartermaster and company commander. But it is as sports officer that he will be best remembered—training the football or running teams, coaching the tug-of-war, organising cricket or baseball, or arranging mule gymkhanas or swimming matches. One of his best efforts was coaching the tug-of-war team in the final against Lovats at Sohag. Only when his handkerchief was in his right hand were his instructions "genuine."[13]—"Heave" with it in his left meant nothing, and completely mystified the opposing coach. Poor old Arizona! He went out with us to Gallipoli, and was with us to the very end. Shortly after coming home he had an operation on his broken nose, and everything seemed all right, but pleuritic pneumonia set in, and he died very suddenly in a nursing home in St Andrews in February of this year.
There is one officer about whom innumerable stories could be told—no need to mention his name. He, it was who, looking through a periscope, well below the parapet, waved to a Turkish deserter to come in, and could not understand how the Turk didn't see him.
When he was mounting his horse one day it collapsed and died on the spot.
"That's a funny thing, Sergeant Cooper; I've never known this horse do that before."
"Will you take my punishment or go before a court-martial?" "Your award, Sir."
"Well, go away, and don't do it again!"
When asked how he got on when torpedoed on the way home, all we learnt from him was, "It was very wet."
Then there is the oft quoted, "What are you complaining about? It's only another five miles, and you've cocoa for your tea!"
Mac Lindsay,[14] the stock-whip expert and jack-of-all-trades, confessed to only one ambition in life—to dress —— in a little red jacket and fez and lead him round on a chain! The report that he made a Ford car out of bully-beef tins has, I understand, been officially denied.
Just a week before the Armistice we lost Colthart, the best quartermaster in the Army, and one of the best of fellows. He had a wonderful "way with him," and could get for us all sorts of stores, etc., which other quartermasters were unable to get. He was with us all the time, and never missed a "show."
Colthart once "took pity" on a stray donkey in Palestine. Government oats soon made a tremendous difference, and the donkey was sold at Yalo for, I think, L11. Unfortunately, the previous owner met the new purchaser with the donkey, and all explanations being unavailing, a court of enquiry was the result, to which witnesses seemed to come from all over Palestine. Eventually, the donkey was returned to its previous owner, and all parties satisfied—except the donkey.
Dick Wood and Harry Fraser were two of the best we got from the Black Watch. Dick Wood looked benevolent enough behind his spectacles, but in a scrap his lust for blood was insatiable. Harry's penchant was stalking Bosche machine gun posts. Unfortunately, he got it badly in the neck just as success was at hand, and was away from us till about the Armistice.
He and the other Harry (Adamson) looked after the transport lines. Arizona told Harry Adamson to take his platoon forward and see if the Bosche were still holding their trenches on the Lys Sector. "Hairy's" method was typical of the man. Thinking it might be a "dirty" job, "Hairy" left his platoon under cover and went on himself. Having failed to find any Bosche in their trenches, he got up on the parapet and waved to his platoon to come on!
Of the N.C.O.'s and men it is possible only to mention a few.
I always associate S.M. Alec. Ogilvie with Hogsthorpe at early morning stand-to going round the lines, abusing everyone for making a noise, and himself making as much noise as all the rest of us put together. He was the life and soul of C Squadron. Heaven knows what C would have done without him on the Peninsula. He and Edie and M'Laren, our three squadron sergeant-majors, were a very strong trio. Edie was an example to all of us—however tired he might be himself he never thought of resting till he was satisfied his men were all right.
One man, I know, will never forget Sergeant Craig (he was made R.Q.M.S. just a few days before his death on Suvla). Craig found lice "doing squaderron drrrill up his legs," and he was pegged out in an outhouse till his clothes were fumigated.
S.M. Bradfield was another splendid fellow who lost his life—the result of frost bite—on Gallipoli. Corporal "One 'wo" was a physical instructor in civil life, and no one could twist one better at "jerks" than he could.
Then there was the one and only Jock Lumsden. Regularly once a week at morning stables he turned the whole troop out to water, while he and "Dinkum" swept the entire garage out—a sure sign that the previous night had been pay night. He always was a hard worker, but a perfect demon for work the morning after the night before. A squadron leader was showing a man how to use a pick, cutting trenches in the sandstone at Sherika. Up strolled Jock—hands deep in his pockets. "Here, Sergeant-major—this man hasn't the foggiest notion how to use a pick. I've just been showing him." "I've been watching ye, sir. I'm thinking it wad need tae be war time for you to earn ten shillings a day in the pits."
"How many men in this bay for rum, Sergeant Lumsden?" "Four men and myself, sir. That will be nine." When handed his tot, he looked at the bottom of the mug, and handed it back to the orderly sergeant, "Hoots, Gorrie, dinna mak a fule o' my stamach."
An inveterate gambler, but a great sportsman, no one could have been more loyal to his Company than Jock.
When a man on manoeuvres crawls up to a ditch within twenty yards of a very wide awake post, leaves his cap just showing above the bank, and then proceeds up the ditch so as to get within five yards of the sentry, and could only be dislodged from there by stones, one spots him at once as a keen, hard-working fellow. Such was Private Gall, who eventually became R.S.M. He taught us to bayonet fight with "dash, vigour, and determination," and gave us Irish songs and recitations at our smokers.
Another star performer was Craig of the Machine Gun Battery, with his whistling and patter. He eventually got a commission (and the D.S.O.) in the Grenadier Guards.
Then there was Sergeant Renton—who, though badly frost-bitten, refused to leave the front line, and always showed his other foot to the Doctor. He could only hobble with the help of spades as crutches. Young Roger who "saw red" in the Dere and nearly bayonetted the Doctor. Hastie Young, an "old soldier," the regimental barber: he cut the Brig.'s hair, until the Brig. unfortunately ran into Hastie holiday-making in Jerusalem.
Lowson who snored quite happily within a few yards of the Turkish machine gunner at "Amulree"[15] and finally got lost, and "fetched up among the 'Duffs,' I think ye ca' them" (it is as the "Buffs" that they are generally known)!
S.-M. Elder, an old Black Watch man, who when asked if he were dead stoutly denied it.
Little Batchelor, the runner, never flurried and always so polite, however nasty the Bosche might be, was nearly kidnapped by the Australians as a mascot.
"Honest John" M'Niven who would work twenty-four hours a day to make A Company more comfortable.
S.M. Hair whose wonderful pronunciation of words of command always amused us. His "Stind at —— ice" electrified everyone; unlike poor old Aitken, whose staccato and rapid "Company company 'shun'" was never heard by anyone! And then the footballers Savage, Herd, Collier (who commanded "hauf a Batt-al-i-on" at St Emilie); Todd, M'Guffog (who captained the team that won the Final of the Divisional Cup, with a bit of Turkish shrapnel so close to his spine that they dared not operate); Davis with a heart like a lion and a kick like a mule; M'Lean who could head the ball about as far as he could kick it; Durham who seemed always half asleep and too lazy to worry—and many another first-rate footballer.
Leitch, the biggest and strongest man we had, the end man of the tug-of-war team, one of our best Lewis gunners, who, when shot in the hand, so that he could not fire his gun, carried on bringing up ammunition boxes all that day.
Henderson, D Coy's S.M.; Galbraith on whom descended Colthart's wonderful knack of obtaining whatever he wanted; Storrer Mosh alias Morrison Storrar of A Squadron and A Coy.
Mack, one of the best we got from the 10th Battalion, and they were all good fellows; Corporal Gibb, who looked the part so well that he was appointed Acting Q.M.S. by the Stores Officer at Kantara!
And Many More.
Names and episodes crowd one another out—the more one writes, the more one recalls. These random jottings, however, will call up many more to the reader's memory. Such is my hope—that, having started you in a reminiscent frame of mind you will now carry on "spinning the yarn" yourself.
"Here's tae oorsel's! Wha's like us! Damned few!"
[1] Brigadier-General R. Hoare, C.M.G., D.S.O.
[2] Capt. (later Lieut.-Col.) M.E. Lindsay, D.S.O., 7th D.G.
[3] Capt. H.S. Sharp.
[4] Capt. A.L. Tuke, M.C., R.A.M.C.(T.).
[5] Cpl. (later Sgt.) A.J. Ross, M.M., R.A.M.C., attd. F. and F.Y. and 14th R.H.
[6] Capt. (later Major) Sir W.A.A. Campbell, Bart., M.C.
[7] His charger.
[8] Lieut. (A/Capt.) J.W. Ormiston.
[9] Pte. Henderson, B Squadron.
[10] Lieut. (later Capt.) A.R. M'Dougal.
[11] Lieut. (late Capt.) W.W. Cummins.
[12] Lieut. (late Capt.) R.A. Andrew, M.C.
[13] Pronounced "genu-eine."
[14] Lieut. A.S. Lindsay, M.B.E., M.C.
[15] Amurieh, an isolated hill held by the Turks, raided by the Ayrs and Lanarks, 22nd March 1917.
During the troublous times in France at the end of the eighteenth century the fear of invasion was as acute as it was during the first years of the European War. To meet this danger Pitt issued his famous appeal, and towards the end of 1793 the first yeomanry regiment was raised in Suffolk. Others quickly followed, and in 1794 we find a regiment was raised in Forfar called the Forfar Yeomanry or Angus Cavalry, which continued twenty-five years until disbanded in 1819.
In Fife the first unit raised appears to have been a regiment of "Fencible Cavalry" named "The Fifeshire Light Dragoons"; like other Fencible Units throughout the country this regiment seems to have been more or less a Regular Unit enlisted for the period of the war and for home service only. It was apparently the force on which the Government relied for keeping a check on local unrest, and was disbanded in 1797.
In 1798 the Fife Yeomanry Cavalry and the Stirlingshire Yeomanry Cavalry were raised, and later on Perthshire, Clackmannanshire, and Kinross-shire all had their yeomanry regiments, which, however, seldom exceeded 150 in strength.
In Fife, however, thanks to the inspiration and energy of Sir William Erskine and Mr Wemyss of Cuttlehill, it was very popular; and when the Earl of Crawford was appointed Colonel Commandant in September 1798 there were already seven mounted troops.
With change of name to the Royal Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, and under the successive command of Lieut.-Colonel Morison of Naughton (1803), Colonel J. Anstruther Thomson of Charlton (1809), and Colonel W. Wemyss (1823) the Regiment continued to flourish, receiving in 1814—the year which saw the close of the war—the thanks of both Houses of Parliament for its services.
In 1822 the Regiment took part in the Review held by His Majesty King George IV. on Portobello sands where, according to a contemporary account, "the novelty of an exhibition of this order, and the passion allowable of the ladies to see their gallant and rustic lords and lovers relinquishing the habiliments of common life and flourishing in scarlet and glory, produced an immense crowd."
In December 1827 an Order was circulated announcing the disbandment of many yeomanry regiments, and among those on the list was The Royal Fife. Arms were returned to store, and the Regiment actually disbanded in 1828. The Perthshire, Clackmannanshire, and Kinross-shire Yeomanries were also disbanded at this time.
The troublous times of 1830 reached their height in the winter of that year, and many yeomanry regiments were re-established, amongst them being the Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, commanded by General Balfour of Balbirnie. The Regiment was again disbanded in 1838, the same fate overcoming the Stirlingshire Yeomanry.
In 1856 the Forfar Yeomanry were re-raised, and in 1860 the Fifeshire Mounted Rifle Volunteers, under command of Lieut.-General The Earl of Rosslyn, Captain Anstruther Thomson, son of the officer who had commanded the Fife Yeomanry and Fife Fencible Cavalry half a century before, Captain Whyte Melville of the 9th Lancers, Captain Oswald of the Grenadier Guards, son of Captain Oswald of Dunnikier of the Royal Rifles, and Captain Sir Arthur Halkett, who had carried the colours of the 42nd Royal Highlanders at the Battle of the Alma, were the Troop leaders.
Though the Regiment was only officially accepted in June, they were present at the Royal Review in Edinburgh in September, marching past Her Majesty The Queen in rear of the Scots Greys.
In 1862 the Forfar Yeomanry were disbanded, and for the next fourteen years there were no Yeomanry in Forfarshire.
In 1870, on the application of Lieut.-Colonel Anstruther Thomson, the Mounted Rifle Volunteers were turned into Light Horse, and the Corps was called the 1st Fifeshire Volunteer Light Horse Corps, with an establishment of 240 all ranks.
Towards the end of 1875 a movement was made to raise a Forfarshire Troop of Light Horse, and early in 1876 a strong Troop, known as the 1st Forfarshire Light Horse Volunteer Corps, was raised at Dundee under command of Captain P.A.W. Carnegy of Lour and attached to the Fife Light Horse.
In 1895 Lieut.-Colonel John Gilmour of Montrave succeeded to the command of the Regiment, and introduced the Squadron System—"A" Squadron having its headquarters at Cupar, "B" Squadron at Dunfermline, and the "Forfar" Squadron at Dundee.
In October 1899 the South African War broke out, and early in 1900 the 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry was formed. Captain Chappell Hodge, late 12th Lancers, was given command, and under him were Lieutenants J. Gilmour and J. Simpson. They embarked on 27th February for Cape Town where they were given their horses, and proceeded to join General Sir A. Hunter's Division for the relief of Mafeking. The "Fifes" crossing the Vaal captured the town of Christiana in the Transvaal—the first act of war on Transvaal soil.
After the death of Captain Hodge, Captain R. Purvis took command till wounded at Nooitgedacht, when Lieutenant J. Gilmour succeeded him.
In May 1901 the first contingent, after having marched 2575 miles and taken part in 85 engagements, proceeded home.
The 20th Company Imperial Yeomanry continued to serve till the end of the war, receiving in all 498 officers and men from the Fife and Forfar Light Horse.
The conversion of the Light Horse into Imperial Yeomanry took place in 1901, and the Regiment then became the Fife and Forfar Imperial Yeomanry—in 1908, on the formation of the Territorial Force, the word "Imperial" was dropped.
In 1901 Lieut.-Colonel Sir John Gilmour retired and was succeeded by Lieut.-Colonel T.H. Erskine of Grangemuir, the present Honorary Colonel of the Regiment.
On the outbreak of war in 1914 the Regiment was commanded by Lieut.-Colonel A. Mitchell of Luscar, subsequent Commanding Officers being Lieut.-Colonels J. Gilmour, J. Younger, J.M. M'Kenzie, and D.D. Ogilvie. During this period the Adjutants were Captains M.E. Lindsay, H.S. Sharp, A.C. Smith, W.D. Brown, R. Colthart, and J.W. Ormiston.
Lieut.-Col. John Gilmour. Lieut.-Col. James Younger.
Capt. Ian Couper Nairn. Capt. Sir William A.A. Campbell, Bart. Capt. A.L.S. Tuke, R.A.M.C.(T.). Lieut. Robert A. Andrew. 2nd Lieut. Alec C. Smith. 2nd Lieut. William Jeffrey Johnstone. 2nd Lieut. John Crawford Houston. 2nd Lieut. A. Richard Wood. D.C.M., M.M. 2nd Lieut. T. Brodie Brown. 345626 C.S.M. John Cameron.
131 S.S.M. Alexander Ogilvie. 345018 C.S.M. William Henderson. 345416 Sergt. William Collier. 345200 Sergt. William Syme. 345314 Sergt. William R. Chalmers. 1437 L/Sergt. J. Valentine. 290604 Private James Birrell. 345094 Private H.A. Dickie. 2029 Private W. Roger. 345209 Private Thomas Spence.
345674 Sergt. Alex. Park Gordon. 345375 Sergt. William Herd. 345380 Sergt. James Johnston. 345749 Cpl. J. Black. 300005 Cpl. Alexander J. Ross, R.A.M.C. 345074 L/Cpl. John J. Leitch. 345320 L/Cpl. E. Lippiatt. 345409 L/Cpl. A. Sinclair. 345116 L/Cpl. David Maxwell Telfer. 11463 Private J. Armour. 16877 Private Alex. Black. D.C.M. 345446 Private William Blair. 345259 Private A. Campbell. 26870 Private Richard Izatt. 345075 Private Douglas Rodger. 345740 Private W.T. Smith.
345141 R.S.M. George Call. 345166 C.S.M. John Skinner Lumsden. 345191 R.Q.M.S. William James Galbraith. 345021 C.Q.M.S. William Blyth. 345095 C.Q.M.S. John M'Niven.
Serbian Gold Medal
2025 S.S. D.H. Pringle.
Italian Bronze Medal
345031 L/Cpl. Alexander Wilson.
Medaille Barbatie si Credinta—1st Class
345426 Sergt. Robert Ballantyne.
Mention in Dispatches
Lieut.-Col. John Gilmour. Major James Younger. Major Cecil George de Pree. Capt. Michael E. Lindsay. Capt. D. Douglas Ogilvie. Capt. Sir William A.A. Campbell, Bart. Lieut. David Colville. Lieut. Henry Adamson. 2nd Lieut. Alec C. Smith. 2nd Lieut. A.S. Lindsay. Lieut. (A/Capt.) Robert Herd Colthart. Lieut. Robert A. Andrew. 2nd Lieut. (A/Capt.) John W. Ormiston. 131 S.S.M. Alexander Ogilvie. 977 S.Q.M.S. J. Edmund. 345113 Sergt. Alex. Sievewright. 345185 Sergt. William Scott. 345424 Sergt. D. Low. 345943 Sergt. Duncan Campbell. 792 Sergt. Nathaniel Mack. 1860 L/Sergt. James R. Barron. 345165 L/Sergt. R.M. Hogg. 345476 Cpl. William A. Milne. 650 Cpl. Alex. J. Ross, R.A.M.C. 345245 L/Cpl. J. Brown. 345302 L/Cpl. John Clark. 345031 L/Cpl. Alexander Wilson. 345180 Private Thomas Blease. 345154 Private William Dunn. 345052 Private Frederick Paterson.
Certificates of Gallantry
1860 Cpl. James Barron. 1826 Private James Benton. 1851 Private James Salmond. 2441 Private W. Whyte.
Honours gained by Officers extra Regimentally employed
Lieut.-Col. Alex. J. King, C.M.G. D.S.O. Lieut.-Col. Andrew Spreull, R.A.V.C. D.S.O. Major George Erskine Jackson. O.B.E., M.C. Major (A/Lt.-Col.) Ronald G.O. Hutchison. D.S.O., M.C. Capt. Harold S. Sharp. Mention. Capt. Charles W. Herdman. Mention. Capt. Harold W.V. Temperley. O.B.E. Capt. A.S. Lindsay, M.B.E. M.C., Croix de Guerre. Capt. David Marshall. M.C. Lieut. R. Warburton. M.C. Lieut. A.G. Brown. M.C. Lieut. W.J. Rae. M.C.
Honours gained by former Adjutants
Colonel (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) M.L. MacEwen, C.B. Legion d'Honneur. Lieut.-Col. (Hon. Brig.-Gen.) G.R.H. Cheape, C.M.G. D.S.O., M.C. Lieut.-Col. E.C. Jury, C.M.G. M.C. Major (Temp. Lieut.-Col.) M.E. Lindsay. D.S.O.
28.9.15 2635 Private Carnegie, G. Wounded. 2529 Private Dow, D. Wounded. Died 8.10.15 2056 Private M'Kenzie, F.W. Wounded. 30.9.15 1998 Private Maloney, James Wounded. 2.10.15 1617 Private Scott, D. Wounded. 3.10.15 966 Sergt. Petrie, R. Killed. 4.10.15 1799 Private Clark, T. Wounded. 6.10.15 1681 Private Gourlay, J. Wounded. 9.10.15 2405 Private Doig, W.S. Wounded. 11.10.15 2487 Private Grieve, J. Wounded. 1816 Private Robertson, J. Wounded. 12.10.15 2039 Private Westwater, A.C. Wounded. Died of wounds. 18.10.15 1541 Cpl. Maxwell, J. Killed. 1985 Private Haworth, F. Killed. 1730 Private Pattinson, J. Killed. 1437 L/Sergt. Valentine, J. Wounded. 2029 Private Roger, W. Wounded. 19.10.15 2069 Private Carnegie, R.Y. Wounded. 20.10.15 2534 Private Lumsden, T. Wounded. 2486 Private Morris, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 20.10.15. 21.10.15 2489 Private Beveridge, H. Killed. 1835 Private Macfarlane, J. Killed. 1727 Private Brown, A. Wounded. 2536 Private O'Neill, J.A. Wounded. 1826 Private Renton, J. Wounded. 24.10.15 1995 L/Cpl. Blease, T. Wounded. 2081 Private Young, W.K. Wounded. 26.10.15 1704 Private Ford, C. Killed. 2201 Private Henry, J. Wounded. 27.10.15 2276 Private Campbell, G.W. Wounded. 29.10.15 1496 Private Clark, D. Killed. 1449 Sergt. Farrell, A. Wounded. 30.10.15 1758 Private Baxter, J. Killed. 31.10.15 1971 Private Kennedy, J. Killed. 2.11.15 2010 Private Millar, D. Wounded. 3.11.15 1989 Private Rushworth, G. Died of wounds. 4.11.15 2075 Private Whyte, J.L. Wounded. 5.11.15 2535 Private Jarvis, T. Wounded. 12.11.15 1705 Private Cowan, R. Killed. 2nd Lieut. Herdman, C.W. Wounded. 1817 Private Fotheringham, H. Wounded. 1751 Private Harris, W.H. Wounded. 1921 Private Wilson, R. Wounded. 16.11.15 1621 Private Fyffe, T.W. Wounded. 2216 Private Gordon, W. Wounded. 2204 Private Pearson, W. Wounded. 26.11.15 1811 Private Robertson, R.W. Wounded. 28.11.15 2043 L/Cpl. Fairweather, T. Killed. 2048 L/Cpl. Howie, W. Killed. 1901 Private Hood, J.T. Wounded. 1735 Private Mitchell, R.R. Wounded. 2458 Private Wilson, J.M. Wounded. 2089 Private Roger, J.M. Died.
29.11.15 1595 Cpl. Bowie, R. Wounded. 2412 Private Adamson, D. Wounded. 1685 Private Hamilton, T. Wounded. 1930 Private M'Kechnie, W. Wounded. 1563 Private Millar, T. Wounded. 2456 Private Potter, A. Wounded. 2455 Private Rough, J. Wounded. 29.11.15 2337 Private Wright, C. Wounded. 1684 S.S. Cpl. Pearson, W. Missing (prisoner). Died at Sivas, 25.5.16. 30.11.15 1886 Private M'Gregor, R. Died at Sivas, 25.5.16. 2083 Private Moffat, T. Died at Sivas, 25.5.16. 2360 Private Halley, J. Wounded. 1581 Cpl. Peter, A. Wounded. Died 5.12.15. 1.12.15 2440 Private Stewart, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 3.12.15. 2.12.15 1987 R.Q.M.S. Colclough, W.T. Wounded. 8.12.15 2209 Private Batchelor, A. Wounded. 10.12.15 2021 Private Galloway, J. Wounded. 12.12.15 1618 Private Paton, D.S. Wounded. 15.12.15 2155 Private Finlayson, P. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.12.15. 19.12.15 2057 A/R.Q.M.S. Craig, J. Died of wounds. 6.11.15 2186 Private M'Laren, A. Died of disease. 8.11.15 2024 Private Cairns, R.D. Died of disease. 18.11.15 2129 Private Harley, A.B. Died of disease. 15.12.15 2059 S.S.M. Bradfield, T. Died of disease. 27.5.16 2026 Private Hendry, J.M. Died of disease. 27.11.16 2583 Tptr. Shearer, W. Died of disease. 19.4.17 345413 Private Robertson, R. Wounded. Mansura Ridge. 345542 Private Wilson, H.J.R. Wounded. Mansura Ridge. 14.5.17 345122 Private Yule, G. Wounded. 16.5.17 345060 Saddler Brown, J. Wounded and at duty. 25.5.17 345945 L/Sgt. Bannigan, P. Killed. Dumb-bell Hill. 345555 Private Floyd, J. Wounded. Dumb-bell Hill. 346003 Private Wiseman, W. Wounded. Dumb-bell Hill. 26.5.17 345561 Private Calder, J. Wounded and at duty. Dumb-bell Hill. 340020 Private M'Donell, D. Wounded. Dumb-bell Hill. 340016 Private Milne, J.W. Wounded and at duty. Dumb-bell Hill. 31.5.17 345402 Private Aitkenhead, M. Wounded and at duty. Dumb-bell Hill. 12.6.17 345934 Private Davidson, R. Wounded. Dumb-bell Hill. 17.6.17 345549 Private Keith, H. Wounded. 30.8.17 ... 2nd Lieut. Crawford, W.S. Wounded. (Lanark Yeomanry) 345180 L/Cpl. Blease, T. Wounded. 345703 Private Davidson, A. Wounded and at duty. 345758 Private Edwards, J. Wounded. 345497 Private Potter, S. Wounded and at duty. 1.11.17 345461 L/Cpl. Harley, R. Killed. 345190 Private Lister, L. Missing (prisoner). 3.11.17 345073 Cpl. Dougal, J.F. Missing (prisoner). 9276 Private Bell, A. Missing (prisoner). 17468 Private Brady, J. Missing (prisoner). 4.11.17 ... 2nd Lieut. Inglis, T.H. Wounded. (att. Glo'ster Yeomanry). ... 2nd Lieut. M'Lean, J. Wounded. 345335 L/Lieut. Wyles, A. Wounded. 340021 Private Adams, W. Wounded.
4.11.17 345207 Private Dow, R. Wounded. S/8885 Private Kirk, G.B. Wounded. 6.11.17 Major Osborne, G.E.B. Killed. Sheria. 2nd Lieut. Kinniburgh, J.D. Killed. Sheria. 2nd Lieut. Thomson, E.A. Killed. Sheria. 345172 Sergt. Spence, A. Killed. Sheria. 345951 Sergt. Sharp, J. Killed. Sheria. 345633 Cpl. Dow, J. Killed. Sheria. 345161 Cpl. Ovenstone, P. Killed. Sheria. 345264 Cpl. Rattray, J.M. Killed. Sheria. 345627 L/Cpl. Adamson, H. Killed. Sheria. 345953 L/Cpl. Baxter, R. Killed. Sheria. 13133 L/Cpl. M'Donald, G. Killed. Sheria. 345289 L/Cpl. Prain, G. Killed. Sheria. 20382 Private Anderson, J. Killed. Sheria. 2819 Private Aston, T. Killed. Sheria. 345332 Private Braid, D. Killed. Sheria. 340004 Private Combe, W. Killed. Sheria. 16294 Private Dalgleish, W. Killed. Sheria. 345545 Private Downie, H. Killed. Sheria. 345605 Private Fyfe, T. Killed. Sheria. 21841 Private Gault, J. Killed. Sheria. 345962 Private Geddes, C. Killed. Sheria. 20390 Private Hendrie, J. Killed. Sheria. 8913 Private Hoban, P. Killed. Sheria. 345301 Private Howie, G. Killed. Sheria. 6.11.17 8224 Private Hynd, H. Killed. Sheria. 345247 Private Johnstone, J.R. Killed. Sheria. 345609 Private Kemp, W. Killed. Sheria. 345717 Private King, L. Killed. Sheria. 345358 Private Lawrence, A.H. Killed. Sheria. 9916 Private M'Donald, D. Killed. Sheria. 340018 Private M'Millan, D. Killed. Sheria. 345679 Private Milne, J. Killed. Sheria. 345871 Private Milne, J. Killed. Sheria. 340016 Private Milne, J.W. Killed. Sheria. 16758 Private Mudie, F. Killed. Sheria. 345350 Private Muir, J.K. Killed. Sheria. 20362 Private Mutch, C. Killed. Sheria. 345115 Private Nicoll, J. Killed. Sheria. 345769 Private Notman, J. Killed. Sheria. 345394 Private Pake, J. Killed. Sheria. 16204 Private Peattie, D. Killed. Sheria. 345598 Private Ritchie, J. Killed. Sheria. 345239 Private Rodger, W. Killed. Sheria. 21819 Private Ross, D. Killed. Sheria. 345735 Private Scott, R. Killed. Sheria. 20889 Private Staff, J. Killed. Sheria. 345861 Private Stewart, A. Killed. Sheria. 345622 Private Symon, A. Killed. Sheria. 345444 Private Watson, N. Killed. Sheria. 345325 Private Wilson, D. Killed. Sheria. 19663 Private Woodward, J. Killed. Sheria. Lt.-Col. Gilmour, J. Wounded. Sheria. Captain Campbell, Bart., Sir W.A.A. Wounded. Sheria.
6.11.17 Captain Cummins, W.W. Wounded. Sheria. 2nd Lieut. M'Carrick, F. Wounded. Sheria. 2nd Lieut. Martin, J.M. Wounded. Sheria. 345426 Sergt. Ballantyne, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345128 Sergt. Ballantyne, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345416 Sergt. Collier, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345098 Sergt. Goodall, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345947 Sergt. M'Gregor, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345334 Sergt. Saunders, A.M. Died of wounds 18.11.17. Sheria. 345164 Sergt. Taylor, D. Died of wounds 11.11.17. Sheria. 345251 Cpl. Chalmers, G.C. Died of wounds 8.11.17. Sheria. 345097 Cpl. Farmer, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345950 Cpl. Hedley, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345138 Cpl. Hood, J.T. Wounded. Sheria. 345234 Cpl. Moir, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345341 Cpl. Patterson, T. Wounded. Sheria. 345398 Cpl. Rollo, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345196 Cpl. Stewart, G. Wounded. Sheria. 345030 Cpl. Whyte, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345223 Cpl. Wright, R.H. Wounded. Sheria. 345225 L/Cpl. Black, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345917 L/Cpl. Cairncross, H. Wounded. Sheria. 340001 L/Cpl. Dick, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345816 L/Cpl. Doig, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345054 L/Cpl. Fleming, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345174 L/Cpl. Flynn, W. Died of wounds. Sheria. 6.11.17 345244 L/Cpl. Hamilton, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345780 L/Cpl. Holmes, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345844 L/Cpl. Honeyman, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345074 L/Cpl. Leitch, J.J. Wounded. Sheria. 345015 L/Cpl. Lister, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345188 L/Cpl. Ogg, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345471 L/Cpl. Stephen, E. Wounded. Sheria. 18945 L/Cpl. Ward, C. Wounded. Sheria. 345395 L/Cpl. Wright, W. Wounded. Sheria. 15545 L/Cpl. Younger, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345918 Private Alexander, P. Wounded. Sheria. 15794 Private Allan, J. Wounded. Sheria. 340002 Private Angus, T. Wounded. Sheria. 345576 Private Armstrong, W. Died of wounds 29.11.8. Sheria. 345834 Private Bagridge, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345998 Private Barlow, W.R. Wounded. Sheria. 345579 Private Beaton, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345496 Private Birrell, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345577 Private Bisset, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345405 Private Black, G. Wounded. Sheria. 345695 Private Black, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345478 Private Blyth, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345747 Private Boyle, J. Wounded. Sheria. 346000 Private Bradshaw, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345890 Private Bremner, F. Wounded. Sheria. 345561 Private Calder, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345312 Private Calderhead, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345268 Private Campbell, G.W. Wounded. Sheria. 345635 Private Campbell, J. Wounded. Sheria. 18725 Private Cant, A. Wounded. Sheria.
6.11.17 20876 Private Chalmers, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345878 Private Chalmers, W. Wounded. Sheria. 241313 Private Clarkson, J.R. Wounded. Sheria. 340006 Private Colthart, T. Wounded. Sheria. 345678 Private Conning, J. Wounded. Sheria. 22141 Private Cooper, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345092 Private Coupar, D.L. Wounded. Sheria. 345869 Private Craig, G. Wounded. Sheria. 11824 Private Craig, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345152 Private Crichton, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345854 Private Crighton, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345591 Private Cumming, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345275 Private Denholm, C. Wounded. Sheria. 345648 Private Devlin, C. Wounded. Sheria. 43091 Private Donaldson, D. Wounded. Sheria. 18718 Private Drysdale, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345704 Private Duffin, J. Died of wounds 23.11.17. Sheria. 345238 Private Duncan, G. Wounded. Sheria. 345154 Private Dunn, W. Wounded. Sheria. 20381 Private Edwards, D. Died of wounds 8.11.17. Sheria. 21824 Private Ellison, S. Wounded. Sheria. 345567 Private Emerson, F. Wounded. Sheria. 340013 Private Ewart, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345649 Private Ferguson, H. Wounded. Sheria. 20878 Private Findlay, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345963 Private Finlayson, A.C. Wounded. Sheria. 6.11.17 345568 Private Forsyth, J.B. Wounded. Sheria. 345434 Private Gibb, D. Wounded. Sheria. 4570 Private Gordon, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345507 Private Grant, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345534 Private Gray, J. Wounded. Sheria. 20378 Private Gunn, A. Wounded. Sheria. 22331 Private Gunn, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345713 Private Guyan, D. Died of wounds 11.11.17. Sheria. 345654 Private Helmsley, P. Wounded. Sheria. 345898 Private Henderson, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345495 Private Henderson, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345282 Private Henry, T.B. Wounded. Sheria. 241311 Private Herbertson, J. Wounded. Sheria. 10507 Private Herd, D. Wounded. Sheria. 10507 Private Hirst, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345510 Private Hunter, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345763 Private King, B. Died of wounds 6.1.18. Sheria. 345990 Private Laing, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345926 Private Langston, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345965 Private Lawson, A.M. Wounded. Sheria. 345611 Private Linn, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345612 Private Livingstone, G. Wounded. Sheria. 345901 Private Lockhart, A. Wounded. Sheria. 3752 Private Lyall, P. Died of wounds 7.11.17. Sheria. 345783 Private M'Aree, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345385 Private M'Call, J. Wounded. Sheria. 20379 Private M'Carthey, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345483 Private M'Cartney, W.H. Wounded. Sheria. 345266 Private M'Donald, A. Wounded. Sheria. 340020 Private M'Donald, D. Wounded. Sheria.
6.11.17 345269 Private M'Donald, F. Died of wounds 8.11.17. Sheria. 345975 Private M'Donald, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345354 Private M'Ewan, T. Died of wounds 8.11.17. Sheria. 345628 Private M'Fadden, H. Wounded. Sheria. 345822 Private M'Goldrick, F. Wounded. Sheria. 345460 Private M'Graw, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345724 Private M'Inroy, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345401 Private M'Kechnie, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345587 Private M'Laggan, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345611 Private M'Millan, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345680 Private M'Millan, J. Died of wounds 6.11.17. Sheria. 345967 Private M'Rae, M. Wounded. Sheria. 345971 Private Marshall, J. Wounded. Sheria. 16505 Private Martin, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345659 Private Martin, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345406 Private Mathew, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345728 Private Meekison, C. Wounded. Sheria. 345824 Private Meldrum, A. Wounded. Sheria. 20394 Private Mercer, H. Died of wounds 8.11.17. Sheria. 345439 Private Moir, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345260 Private Moonie, J.W. Wounded. Sheria. 345566 Private Morgan, S. Wounded. Sheria. 345658 Private Mudie, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345910 Private Murray, T. Wounded. Sheria. 345482 Private Penman, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345290 Private Pennycook, J.M. Wounded. Sheria. 6.11.17 16033 Private Petrie, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345597 Private Prain, S. Wounded. Sheria. 345929 Private Purvis, D. Wounded. Sheria. 345976 Private Ramsay, W. Wounded. Sheria. 345977 Private Reid, M. Wounded. Sheria. 20875 Private Reid, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345573 Private Rennie, C. Wounded. Sheria. 345982 Private Robertson, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345556 Private Robertson, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345392 Private Robertson, W. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 346010 Private Roy, A. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345575 Private Scott, A. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345486 Private Seath, J. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 18720 Private Shepherd, D. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345249 Private Simpson, A. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345995 Private Simpson, J. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345808 Private Smith, R. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345333 Private Smith, W. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 20865 Private Smith, W.A. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 340012 Private Soutar, W. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345741 Private Spence, G. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 346011 Private Stewart, C. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345585 Private Storey, C. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345068 Private Storrar, M. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345775 Private Stronner, J. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345529 Private Stuart, J. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345415 Private Thomson, H. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345862 Private Turner, G. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 19848 Private Twist, T. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria. 345599 Private Urquhart, J. Died of wounds 12.11.17. Sheria.
6.11.17 345468 Private Veale, L. Wounded. Sheria. 340022 Private Walker, G. Wounded. Sheria. 345687 Private Waterson, T. Wounded. Sheria. 15462 Private Weston, A. Wounded. Sheria. 345784 Private Whyte, R. Wounded. Sheria. 345506 Private Wilson, J. Wounded. Sheria. 345317 Private Wilson, J. Wounded. Sheria. 20895 Private Williamson, T. Wounded. Sheria. 20376 Private Woodward, R.A. Wounded. Sheria. Captain Brown, W.D. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345946 Sergt. Mackie, A. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345087 L/Cpl. Reid, I. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345020 L/Cpl. Robertson, K. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345615 Private M'Leod, N. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345666 Private Petrie, M. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345075 Private Rodger, D. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345383 Private Ross, G.R. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 345317 Private Wilson, J. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 30.11.17 345002 C.Q.M.S Morrison, D. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 345051 Sergt. Watson, J. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 345430 L/Sergt. M'Neil, R. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 345638 Private Benson, H. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 345899 Private Higginbottom, R. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 18845 Private Huckerby, W. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 293275 Private Smith, E.J. Wounded. Wadi Selman. 13401 Private Paxton, R. Wounded and at duty. Sheria. 1.12.17 2nd Lieut. Greenlees, G.D. Killed. "1750." 345352 Private Dickson, D.G. Killed. "1750." 345857 Private Plant, H. Wounded and at duty. "1750." 3.12.17 345712 Private Gray, W. Missing (prisoner). 10.12.17 345814 Private Connaghan, M. Wounded. 27.12.17 2nd Lieut. Forrest, P.T.A. Killed. Zeitun. 2nd Lieut. Armstrong, W.W. Killed. Zeitun. 21840 Private Anderson, J. Killed. Zeitun. 9388 Private Brand, J. Killed. Zeitun. 345698 Private Brookland, F. Killed. Zeitun. 21826 Private Goodfellow, J. Killed. Zeitun. 345969 Private Jack, A. Killed. Zeitun. 346009 Private Patterson, J.C. Killed. Zeitun. 345524 Private Young, P. Killed. Zeitun. Captain Brown, W.D. Died of wounds 27.12.17. Zeitun. 345214 Sergt. Menzies, J.B. Wounded. Zeitun. 5756 L/Sergt. Grant, D. Wounded. Zeitun. 345422 Cpl. Bisset, D. Wounded. Zeitun. 345080 L/Cpl. Mackay, R.B. Wounded. Zeitun. 345565 L/Cpl. M'Whirter, D. Wounded. Zeitun. 2491 L/Cpl. Silvester, W. Wounded. Zeitun. 21715 L/Cpl. Williams, J.P. Died of wounds 28.12.17. Zeitun. 345425 Private Braid, T. Died of wounds 29.12.17. Zeitun. 26887 Private Clunie, R. Died of wounds 28.12.17. Zeitun. 345647 Private Dunk, P. Wounded. Zeitun. 345838 Private Ferguson, W. Wounded. Zeitun. 7194 Private Freal, S. Died of wounds 2.1.18. Zeitun. 345842 Private Hickman, C. Died of wounds. Zeitun. 345384 Private Knox, R. Wounded. Zeitun. 18716 Private M'Intosh, E. Wounded. Zeitun.
27.12.17 345586 Private M'Intyre, W. Died of wounds 11.4.18. Zeitun. 345662 Private M'Kendrick, A. Wounded. Zeitun. 345522 Private M'Pherson, M. Wounded. Zeitun. 20368 Private Paton, F. Wounded. Zeitun. 268743 Private Patterson, A. Wounded. Zeitun. 240198 Private Smith, R.M. Wounded. Zeitun. 345337 Private Tocher, A. Wounded. Zeitun. 22243 Private Van Riel, H.F., Wounded. Zeitun. 345273 Sergt. Halley, R. Wounded and at duty. Zeitun. 28.12.17 Lieut. Johnstone, W.J. Killed. Beitania. 2nd Lieut. Paisley, G.W. Killed (with A. & L. Yeo.). Beitania. 345200 Sergt. Syme, W. Killed. Beitania. 345009 L/Sergt. Oliver, R. Killed. Beitania. 345270 L/Cpl. Dickson, W. Killed. Beitania. 345751 Private Byrne, T. Killed. Beitania. 345815 Private Crighton, C. Killed. Beitania. 241316 Private M'Kinnon, A. Killed. Beitania. 345311 Private Reid, J. Killed. Beitania. 18698 Private Ross, D. Killed. Beitania. Captain Duncan, P.F. Wounded. Beitania. 2nd Lieut. Cummings, D. Wounded. Beitania. 2nd Lieut. Haggart, J. Died of wounds 3.1.18. Beitania. 2nd Lieut. Robson, P.L. Wounded. Beitania. 345053 Sergt. Boath, W. Wounded. Beitania. 345273 Sergt. Halley, R. Wounded. Beitania. 345165 Sergt. Hogg, R.M. Wounded. Beitania. 28.12.17 345404 L/Cpl. Kilpatrick, W. Died of wounds 29.12.17. Beitania. 18684 L/Cpl. Rankine, T. Wounded. Beitania. 345511 L/Cpl. Rodgerson, D. Wounded. Beitania. 345578 Private Beveridge, R. Wounded. Beitania. 345786 Private Blyth, G. Wounded. Beitania. 345194 Private Brady, H. Wounded. Beitania. 203197 Private Buntain, J. Wounded. Beitania. 16034 Private Christie, G.D. Wounded. Beitania. 3688 Private Cowan, A. Wounded. Beitania. 14709 Private Davidson, A. Died of wounds 30.12.17. Beitania. 345459 Private Davidson, H. Wounded. Beitania. 340025 Private Easson, W. Wounded. Beitania. 200549 Private Flynn, W. Wounded. Beitania. 345236 Private Henderson, W. Wounded. Beitania. 22027 Private Inglis, J. Wounded. Beitania. 345252 Private Johnstone, G.A. Wounded. Beitania. 240369 Private M'Callum, W. Wounded. Beitania. 13009 Private M'Ginley, R. Wounded. Beitania. 345613 Private M'Kay, P. Wounded. Beitania. 345927 Private M'Killop, P. Wounded. Beitania. 17064 Private Minchella, P. Wounded. Beitania. 14227 Private Mitchell, A. Wounded. Beitania. 21828 Private Morrison, G. Wounded. Beitania. 8742 Private Munro, S. Wounded. Beitania. 345682 Private Potter, L. Wounded. Beitania. 345512 Private Robertson, W.P. Wounded. Beitania. 20390 Private Roper, J. Wounded. Beitania. 18978 Private Small, A. Wounded. Beitania. 12500 Private Smith, J. Wounded. Beitania. 345984 Private Smith, W. Wounded. Beitania.
28.12.17 345209 Private Spence, T. Wounded. Beitania. 21820 Private Taylor, T. Died of wounds 29.12.17. Beitania. 40617 Private Watterson, J. Wounded. Beitania. 345745 Private Wheeler, J. Wounded. Beitania. 345518 Private Williamson, J.A. Wounded. Beitania. 345464 Private Young, W.D. Wounded. Beitania. 345575 Private Mitchell, W. Wounded and at duty. Beitania. 345130 Private Young, H. Wounded and at duty. Beitania. 14.4.17 12701 L/Cpl. Drinnan, G. Drowned ex H.M.T., Arcadian. 18724 Private Findlater, J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Arcadian. 18703 Private Wann, R. Drowned ex H.M.T., Arcadian. 18697 Private Williams, A. Drowned ex H.M.T., Arcadian. 4.5.17 20373 Private Brown, W.J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20880 Private Chisholm, A. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20386 Private Denholm, J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20380 Private Houston, W. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20393 Private Jones, W.L. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20366 Private Shenken, P. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20890 Private Smith, J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20893 Private Stewart, C. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 20867 Private Thompson, J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Transylvania. 30.12.17 202466 L/Cpl. Stenhouse, J. Drowned ex H.M.T., Aragon. 266648 Private Small, R. Drowned ex H.M.T., Aragon. 292849 Private Wood, E. Drowned ex H.M.T., Aragon. 20.3.17 345774 Private Reid, J. Died. 14.4.17 345736 Private Shepherd, J. Died. 12.11.17 345411 Private Melville, J. Died. 4.12.17 345494 Private Ewing, A. Died. 10.3.18 20121 Private Keith, J. Wounded and at duty. 22.3.18 300030 Sergt. Livingstone Wounded and at duty. R.A.M.C. (attached). 26.3.18 345445 Private Ferguson, R. Killed. 345140 Private Carrie, A.F. Wounded. 345852 Private M'Guffog, A. Wounded. 345130 Private Young, H. Wounded. 345104 Cpl. Conacher, J. Wounded and at duty. 2.4.18 345550 Private Fagan, H. Wounded and at duty. 6.4.18 Captain Down, N.C.S. Wounded. 345021 C.Q.M.S. Blyth, D. Wounded and at duty. 345648 Private Devlin, C. Wounded and at duty. 345177 Private Ramsay, J. Wounded and at duty. 24.7.18 345636 Cpl. Bruce, W. Wounded. 345395 L/Cpl. Wright, W. Wounded. 22156 Private Bingham, J. Wounded. 345699 Private Rodger, A. Wounded. 345884 Private Young, J. Wounded. 345157 Sergt. Paris, J. Wounded and at duty. 9090 Cpl. Halkett, J. Wounded and at duty. 345646 Private Clark, C. Wounded and at duty. 20881 Private Florence, R. Wounded and at duty. 15200 Private Fraser, D. Wounded and at duty. 22177 Private Heddleston, J. Wounded and at duty. 345655 Private Herd, J. Wounded and at duty. 345669 Private Samson, A. Wounded and at duty. 25.7.18 18192 Private Findlay, W. Wounded. Died of wounds 24.9.18. 31.7.18 203396 Private Braynion, W. Wounded.
4.8.18 2nd Lieut. Fraser, H.L. Wounded. 345277 Sergt. Campbell, W. Wounded. 345447 Private Allen, J. Wounded. 345559 Private Donald, J. Wounded. 345628 Private M'Fadden, H. Wounded. 203190 Private Nimmo, R. Wounded. 21837 Private Taylor, J. Wounded. 345438 Private Wilson, A. Wounded. 345237 Private Cameron, D. Wounded and at duty. 345968 Private Mann, G. Wounded and at duty. 5.8.18 346042 Private Morgan, G. Wounded and at duty. 20888 Private Kane, J. Wounded and at duty. 7.8.18 11944 Private Walker, D. Killed. 315095 Sergt. M'Niven, A., Wounded. R.A.M.C. (attached). 11463 Private Armour, J. Wounded. 16360 Private Berry, C. Wounded. 345500 Private Hunter, J. Wounded. 345252 Private Johnston, G.A. Wounded. 345824 Private Meldrum, A. Wounded. 22031 Private Todd, M. Wounded. 8.8.18 20879 L/Cpl. Strachan, J. Killed. 268173 Private Aitken, J. Killed. 15200 Private Fraser, D. Killed. 22157 Private Wilson, A. Killed. 13697 Cpl. Hardinge, A. Wounded. 8.8.18 345530 Cpl. Mackie, C.B. Wounded. 345466 Private Brady, J. Wounded. 20881 Private Florence, R. Wounded. 345607 Private Greenhill, R. Wounded. 22162 Private Kilgour, W. Wounded. 8885 Private Kirk, G. Wounded. 345790 Private M'Coubray, J. Wounded. 266686 Private M'Rae, R. Wounded. 2592 Private Paul, J. Wounded. (attached T.M.B.) 345472 Private Wilson, J. Wounded. 9.8.18 16403 Private Wilson, G. Killed. Private (attached T.M.B.) 20677 Private Edmiston, J. Wounded. 345682 Private Potter, L. Wounded. 22183 Private Simpson, J. Wounded. 346013 Private Wilson, A. Wounded. 345575 Private Scott, A. Wounded and at duty. 345435 Private White, H. Wounded and at duty. (229th Brigade H.Q.). 10.8.18 6153 Private Frizzell, R. Killed. 345318 L/Cpl. Nicol, J. Wounded. 18683 Private Connelly, J. Wounded. 345754 Private Crighton, A. Wounded. 345647 Private Dunk, P. Wounded. 5036 Private Osborne, W. Wounded. 203198 Private Stewart, A. Wounded and at duty. 13.8.18 345413 Private Robertson, R. Wounded and at duty. 25.8.18 20376 Private Woodward, R.A. Wounded. Died of wounds 27.8.18. 9344 Private Murray, W. Wounded and at duty. 2.9.18 Captain Stewart, R.W. Killed. Moislains.
2.9.18 Captain Nairn, I.C., M.C. Killed. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Darney, C.E. Killed. Moislains. 345028 Sergt. M'Kenzie, W. Killed. Moislains. 345950 L/Sergt. Hedley, W. Killed. Moislains. 345988 L/Sergt. Walton, F. Killed. Moislains. 345390 Cpl. Keith, W. Killed. Moislains. 345105 L/Cpl. Boyd, W. Killed. Moislains. 345355 L/Cpl. Husband, W. Killed. Moislains. 345553 Private Anderson, R. Killed. Moislains. 345638 Private Benson, H. Killed. Moislains. 345577 Private Bissett, A. Killed. Moislains. 22250 Private Blair, D. Killed. Moislains. 345561 Private Calder, J. Killed. Moislains. 22141 Private Cooper, W.A. Killed. Moislains. 16513 Private Duncan, T. Killed. Moislains. 203208 Private Elder, G. Killed. Moislains. 201336 Private Ferguson, J. Killed. Moislains. 345760 Private Hamilton, R. Killed. Moislains. 22177 Private Heddleston, J. Killed. Moislains. 345842 Private Hickman, C. Killed. Moislains. 203207 Private Irwin, J. Killed. Moislains. 20121 Private Keith, J. Killed. Moislains. 201992 Private Lambie, H. Killed. Moislains. 13703 Private M'Ilwain, A. Killed. Moislains. 345587 Private M'Laggan, J. Killed. Moislains. 345726 Private M'Lean, T. Killed. Moislains. 2.9.18 345968 Private Mann, G. Killed. Moislains. 345149 Private Melville, L.W. Killed. Moislains. 345526 Private Millar, R. Killed. Moislains. 345260 Private Moonie, J.W. Killed. Moislains. 9344 Private Murray, W. Killed. Moislains. 203204 Private Reid, J. Killed. Moislains. 29712 Private Reid, R. Killed. Moislains. 345733 Private Rodger, J. Killed. Moislains. 20371 Private Shanks, A. Killed. Moislains. 22831 Private Smith, R. Killed. Moislains. 22180 Private Sneddon, P. Killed. Moislains. 3875 Private Thomson, J. Killed. Moislains. 345866 Private Wilkie, A. Killed. Moislains. Lt.-Col. Younger, J. Wounded. Moislains. Captain M'Nab, J.B. Wounded. Moislains. Lieut. Duncan, C.G. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Clydesdale, R.A. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Laing, J.E. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Grant, J.W. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Dawes, J.W. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Van Millingen, Wounded. Moislains. D.F. 2nd Lieut. Craigen, J.W.W. Wounded. Moislains. 2nd Lieut. Dickie, J.A. Wounded. Moislains. 345001 C.S.M. Aitken, A. Wounded. Died of wounds 2.9.18. 345136 Sergt. Andrews, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345097 Sergt. Farmer, D. Wounded. Moislains. 6069 Sergt. Green, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345887 Sergt. M'Donald, J. Wounded. Moislains. 3796 Sergt. M'Laren, P. Wounded. Died of wounds 3.9.18. 5306 Sergt. Meiklejohn, T. Wounded. Moislains.
2.9.18 345941 Sergt. Mickel, H.W. Wounded. Moislains. 345886 Sergt. Spence, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 7.9.18. 9090 L/Sergt. Halkett, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345920 Cpl. Airth, C. Wounded. Moislains. 3056 Cpl. Blues, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345811 Cpl. Brown, A. Wounded. Moislains. 22194 Cpl. Cattanach, T.J. Wounded. Moislains. 345242 Cpl. Cheape, J. Wounded. Moislains. 18847 Cpl. Douglas, S. Wounded. Died of wounds 5.9.18. 345721 Cpl. Marnock, W. Wounded. Moislains. 5357 Cpl. M'Dougal, T. Wounded. Moislains. 22188 Cpl. Price, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345580 L/Cpl. Deans, S. Wounded. Moislains. 345094 L/Cpl. Dickie, H. Wounded. Died of wounds 4.9.18. (D.C.M.) 14721 L/Cpl. Duncan, F. Wounded. Moislains. 11279 L/Cpl. Eddie, R. Wounded. Moislains. 345342 L/Cpl. Greig, W.T. Wounded. Moislains. 345993 L/Cpl. Hall, T.D. Wounded. Moislains. 20864 L/Cpl. Jessiman, W. Wounded. Moislains. 202135 L/Cpl. M'Intyre, D. Wounded. Moislains. 265246 L/Cpl. Manuel, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345969 L/Cpl. Milton, M. Wounded. Moislains. 345670 L/Cpl. Smith, P. Wounded. Moislains. 203198 L/Cpl. Stewart, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345525 L/Cpl. Wilson, F. Wounded. Moislains. 22192 Private Alexander, G. Wounded. Moislains. 2.9.18 345167 Private Alexander, R. Wounded. Moislains. 41422 Private Allan, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345889 Private Anderson, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345639 Private Anderson, D. Wounded. Moislains. 16495 Private Belford, J.B. Wounded. Moislains. 346023 Private Bibb, H. Wounded. Moislains. 22164 Private Blackwood, G.T. Wounded. Moislains. 345371 Private Blyth, W. Wounded. Moislains. 290402 Private Brown, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345955 Private Buchan, M. Wounded. Moislains. 203197 Private Buntain, J. Wounded. Moislains. 241199 Private Burgess, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345257 Private Burnett, H. Wounded. Moislains. 20750 Private Burns, G. Wounded. Moislains. 345891 Private Cameron, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345268 Private Campbell, G.W. Wounded. Moislains. 267932 Private Campbell, T.W. Wounded. Moislains. 40460 Private Carmichael, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345940 Private Cassells, W. Wounded. Moislains. 20876 Private Chalmers, J. Wounded. Moislains. 241313 Private Clarkson, J.R. Wounded. Moislains. 290777 Private Colville, H. Wounded. Moislains. 41439 Private Cooney, B. Wounded. Moislains. 345310 Private Cran, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345703 Private Davidson, A. Wounded. Moislains. 20882 Private Donnett, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345207 Private Dow, R. Wounded. Moislains. 202972 Private Dunipace, W. Wounded. Died of wounds 6.9.18. 14723 Private Eadie, F. Wounded. Moislains. 345101 Private Edwards, G.R. Wounded. Moislains.
2.9.18 345593 Private Ewing, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345550 Private Fagan, H. Wounded. Moislains. 345215 Private Fairley, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345759 Private Fleming, W. Wounded. Moislains. 346007 Private Flockhart, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345789 Private Gardiner, R. Wounded. Moislains. 345961 Private Gillan, J. Wounded. Moislains. 241346 Private Gow, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345267 Private Greig, J.G. Wounded. Moislains. 345651 Private Hagan, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345569 Private Haines, L. Wounded. Moislains. 346040 Private Hanlon, G. Wounded. Moislains. 345653 Private Hay, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345655 Private Herd, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345143 Private Hirst, S. Wounded. Moislains. 345844 Private Honeyman, J. Wounded. Moislains. 9620 Private Hunter, W. Wounded. Moislains. 290189 Private Hutchison, W. Wounded. Moislains. 5308 Private Inglis, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345845 Private Jamieson, D. Wounded. Moislains. 20888 Private Kane, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345657 Private Lang, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345720 Private Lightfoot, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345271 Private M'Askill, A. Wounded. Moislains. 265722 Private M'Callum, C. Wounded. Moislains. 268529 Private M'Diarmid, D. Wounded. Moislains. 2.9.18 345975 Private M'Donald, J. Wounded. Moislains. 340008 Private M'Donald, T. Wounded. Moislains. 22182 Private M'Dowell, G. Wounded. Moislains. 22324 Private M'Kay, F. Wounded. Moislains. 346028 Private M'Kenzie, A. Wounded. Moislains. 22187 Private M'Kenzie, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345552 Private M'Kenna, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345661 Private M'Millan, J. Wounded. Moislains. 22204 Private Marchant, J. Wounded. Moislains. 22198 Private Mearns, J. Wounded. Moislains. 266895 Private Merrylees, A. Wounded. Moislains. 340011 Private Milne, J.S. Wounded. Moislains. 345660 Private Mitchell, D.J. Wounded. Moislains. 22142 Private Mitchell, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345554 Private Montgomery, J. Wounded. Moislains. 346008 Private Morris, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345910 Private Murray, T. Wounded. Moislains. 43455 Private Ness, T. Wounded. Moislains. 345119 Private Niven, R. Wounded. Died of wounds 6.9.18. 340027 Private Norrie, A. Wounded. Moislains. 43301 Private Ogilvie, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345276 Private Page, D. Wounded. Moislains. 345619 Private Petrie, J. Wounded. Moislains. 16698 Private Philip, A. Wounded. Moislains. 345682 Private Potter, L. Wounded. Moislains. 41524 Private Rait, T. Wounded. Moislains. 345321 Private Ramsay, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345278 Private Reid, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345977 Private Reid, M.D. Wounded. Moislains. 20873 Private Richardson, T. Wounded. Moislains.
2.9.18 345457 Private Robertson, A.G. Wounded. Moislains. 22178 Private Rutherford, J. Wounded. Moislains. 21831 Private Rutherford, P. Wounded. Moislains. 240382 Private Scott, A. Wounded. Moislains. 2901 Private Scott, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345685 Private Simpson, T. Wounded. Moislains. 345807 Private Smart, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 4.10.18. 345412 Private Smeaton, W. Wounded. Moislains. 18102 Private Smith, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 2.9.18. 346043 Private Smith, W. Wounded. Moislains. 345209 Private Spence, T. Wounded. Moislains. 22230 Private Stewart, G.C. Wounded. Moislains. 21843 Private Stewart, H. Wounded. Moislains. 345931 Private Stewart, J. Wounded. Moislains. 22159 Private Sturrock, D.K. Wounded. Moislains. 22155 Private Summers, G. Wounded. Moislains. 17654 Private Tallent, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345147 Private Thomson, G. Wounded. Moislains. 203426 Private Tod, D. Wounded. Moislains. 267695 Private Turnbull, J. Wounded. Moislains. 21832 Private Twaddle, J. Wounded. Moislains. 19848 Private Twist, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345743 Private Walkenshaw, A. Wounded. Moislains. 17817 Private Walker, J. Wounded. Moislains. 20325 Private Watson, R. Wounded. Moislains. 345745 Private Wheeler, J. Wounded. Moislains. 2.9.18 345389 Private Whitehead, J. Wounded. Moislains. 340024 Private Whyte, J. Wounded. Moislains. 20392 Private Williams, E. Wounded. Moislains. 346022 Private Williams, H. Wounded. Moislains. 20363 Private Wilson, J. Wounded. Moislains. 345146 Private Wilson, R. Wounded. Moislains. 6949 Private Wilson, W. Wounded. Moislains. 15883 Private Yacamini, R. Wounded. Moislains. 22331 Private Gunn, G. Wounded and missing. 2nd Lieut. M'Lean, J. Wounded and at duty. 2nd Lieut. Brodie Brown, T. Wounded and at duty. 2nd Lieut. Cruickshank, I.W. Wounded and at duty. 345943 Sergt. Campbell, D. Wounded and at duty. 345660 Private Boylan, J. Wounded and at duty. 345870 Private Horne, W. Wounded and at duty. 20389 Private Kearsey, A.G. Wounded and at duty. 21855 Private Livingstone, A. Wounded and at duty. 3.9.18 Lieut. Drysdale, J.C. Wounded. 9.9.18 21839 Private Robb, J. Wounded and at duty. St Emilie. 10.9.18 345125 Cpl. Ritchie, J.W. Killed. St Emilie. 15546 Private Davidson, J. Killed. St Emilie. 345959 Private Dawson, J. Killed. St Emilie. 22147 Private Donaldson, T. Killed. St Emilie. 340017 Private Ford, J. Killed. St Emilie. 345253 Private Geekie, J.A.P. Killed. St Emilie. 20365 Private Halliday, D. Killed. St Emilie. 345659 Private Martin, W. Killed. St Emilie. 203406 Private Munro, W. Killed. St Emilie. 43045 Private Nairn, J. Killed. St Emilie. 340007 Private O'Key, J. Killed. St Emilie.
10.9.18 345978 Private Rennie, H. Killed. St Emilie. 346033 Private Slater, J. Killed. St Emilie. 20361 Private Smith, R. Killed. St Emilie. 15545 Private Younger, C. Killed. St Emilie. 345092 L/Cpl. Coupar, D.L. Missing, presumed killed. St Emilie. 41665 Private M'Connachie, W. Missing, presumed killed. St Emilie. 21830 Private Perston, W. Missing, presumed killed. St Emilie. 345313 Private Ramsay, J.W. Missing, presumed killed. St Emilie. 2nd Lieut. M'Lean, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 2nd Lieut. Cruickshank, I.W. Wounded. St Emilie. 345946 Sergt. Mackie, A. Wounded. St Emilie. 345054 Cpl. Fleming, A. Wounded. St Emilie. 345684 Cpl. Smart, A. Wounded. St Emilie. 345376 L/Cpl. Cooper, A. Wounded. St Emilie. 345869 L/Cpl. Craig, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 345391 Private Bett, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 345258 Private Boath, L. Wounded. St Emilie. 310082 Private Brebner, C. Died of wounds 10.9.18. St Emilie. 345957 Private Cameron, W. Wounded. St Emilie. 18316 Private Dorward, W. Wounded. St Emilie. 345309 Private Henderson, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 345610 Private Laing, T. Wounded. St Emilie. 18799 Private Lowson, D. Died of wounds 11.9.18. St Emilie. 345034 Private Peter, D.S. Wounded. St Emilie. 345556 Private Robertson, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 20367 Private Robin, D. Wounded. St Emilie. 10.9.18 20390 Private Roper, J. Died of wounds 11.9.18. St Emilie. 17741 Private Sharp, W. Wounded. St Emilie. 350163 Private Thomson, C. Wounded. St Emilie. 21676 Private Wallace, J. Wounded. St Emilie. 345114 Private Wilson, A. Wounded. St Emilie. 345672 Private Wylie, H. Wounded. St Emilie. 22190 Private Young, W. Wounded. St Emilie. 345947 Sergt. M'Gregor, H. Prisoner of war. 345106 Sergt. M'Lellan, J.R. Prisoner of war. 345637 Cpl. Davidson, D. Prisoner of war. 345231 Private Annand, A.A. Prisoner of war. 345934 Private Davidson, R. Prisoner of war. 20136 Private Gray, D. Prisoner of war. 345103 Private Greig, J.R. Prisoner of war. 340005 Private Henderson, J.F. Prisoner of war. 345927 Private M'Killop, D. Prisoner of war. Wounded. 16473 Private Nisbet, R. Prisoner of war. Wounded. 30372 Private Sharp, M. Prisoner of war. Wounded. 22206 Private Wilson, W.A. Prisoner of war. Wounded. 345153 Private Henderson, J. Wounded and at duty. St Emilie. 18.9.18 200328 Private Bonnar, G. Killed. 345266 Private M'Donald, A. Killed. 18460 Private M'Lean, J. Killed. 2nd Lieut. Stuart, H.C. Wounded. 345400 L/Cpl. Henderson, A. Wounded. 345428 Private Beal, J. Wounded. 345917 Private Cairncross, H. Wounded. 345312 Private Calderhead, J. Wounded. 24486 Private Campbell, D. Wounded. 345591 Private Cummings, J. Wounded.
18.9.18 22915 Private Gordon, C. Wounded. 23586 Private Greenwood, J. Wounded. 41264 Private Ireland, P. Wounded. 2439 Private Kelly, T. Wounded. 40294 Private M'Donald, A. Wounded. 345791 Private M'Hardy, A. Wounded. 20486 Private M'Kenzie, R. Wounded. 345184 Private Maloney, J. Died of wounds 29.9.18. 41060 Private Mann, R. Wounded. 345971 Private Marshall, J. Wounded. 345690 Private Meldrum, F. Wounded. 345046 Private Nicoll, R. Wounded. 345163 Private Ramage, J. Wounded. 345474 Private Smart, A. Wounded. 345501 Private Soutar, W. Wounded. 345068 Private Storrar, M. Wounded. 6630 Private Strachan, D. Wounded. 14374 Private Walker, J. Wounded. 20.9.18 22158 Private Grant, R. Wounded. 21.9.18 18725 Private Cant, A. Killed. 22151 Private Cubbon, E. Killed. 340025 Private Easson, W. Killed. 346049 Private Forbes, J.A. Killed. 25324 Private Morrison, D.L. Killed. 346034 Cpl. Thom, J. Wounded. 14766 Private Bain, A. Wounded. 21.9.18 345967 Private M'Crae, M. Wounded. 22191 Private Penman, J. Wounded. 25317 Private Philp, A. Wounded. 345364 Private Summers, R. Wounded. 345102 Private M'Dougal, G. Wounded and at duty. 22.9.18 345220 Private Lessells, W. Killed. 2nd Lieut. Innes, D. M'L. Wounded. Died of wounds 7.10.18. 7206 C.Q.M.S. Elder, J. Wounded. 18322 Cpl. Smith, R. Wounded. 15110 L/Cpl. Livingstone, E. Wounded. 202414 L/Cpl. Rader, J. Wounded. 2929 Private Birrell, D. Wounded. 18699 Private Condie, M. Wounded. 213313 Private Cooper, J. Wounded. 345818 Private Etchels, T. Wounded. 345607 Private Finnigan, R. Wounded. 20754 Private Grierson, W. Wounded. 240503 Private Hunter, A.S. Wounded. 25317 Private Philip, A. Wounded. 7536 Private Pringle, J. Wounded. 25326 Private Rankine, W. Wounded. 25448 Private Reid, E. Wounded. 25316 Private Ritchie, J. Wounded. 25365 Private Robertson, J. Wounded. 25348 Private Strachan, T. Wounded. 345783 Private M'Aree, A. Wounded and at duty. 23.9.18 25217 Private Smart, J. Killed. 25451 Private Allan, R. Wounded. 25452 Private Gilchrist, J. Wounded. 25344 Private Inglis, R.V. Wounded.
24.9.18 S/22207 Private Coutts, A.G. Killed. S/22027 Private Inglis, J. Killed. 2nd Lieut. Fell, F.J. Wounded. 24050 Private Appleby, H. Wounded. 293071 Private Boath, W. Wounded. 16545 Private Craik, A. Wounded. 22148 Private Henderson, D. Wounded. 203189 Private M'Donald, J.R. Wounded. Died of wounds 25.9.18. 17064 Private Minchella, P. Wounded. 25402 Private Wallace, D. Wounded. 15.10.18 2nd Lieut. Stevenson, E.J. Wounded. 345958 Private Christison, G. Wounded. 345925 Private Guthrie, J. Wounded. 6007 Private Laird, W. Wounded. 16.10.18 345662 Private M'Kendrick, A. Killed. 345979 Private Ross, T. Killed. Lieut. Ewart, R.H. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 2nd Lieut. Wood, A.R., D.C.M., M.M. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 345018 C.S.M. Henderson, W. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 293071 L/Cpl. Boath, W. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 345403 Private Gilmour, A. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 345323 Private Goodall, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 13428 Private Ross, A. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 21686 Private Sharp, A. Wounded. Died of wounds 16.10.18. 25377 Private Barclay, L. Wounded and at duty. 345456 Private Mitchell, D. Wounded and at duty. 16.10.18 5116 Private Skinner, E. Wounded and at duty. 21.10.18 19537 Private Haggart, J. Killed. 7817 L/Cpl. Anderson, W. Wounded. 202903 Private Adams, C. Wounded. 17894 Private Bruce, D. Wounded. 21184 Private Laird, J. Wounded. 21152 Private Lally, D. Wounded. 268963 Private M'Gee, A.B. Wounded. 21100 Private Penny, E. Wounded. 315708 Private Simpson, T. Wounded. 22.10.18 345055 Sergt. Bayne, A. Wounded. Died of wounds 22.10.18. 345321 Private Ramsay, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 22.10.18. 23.10.18 2nd Lieut. Cumming, F.K. Killed. 26870 L/Cpl. Izatt, R., M.M. Killed. 25462 Private Barber, J. Killed. 9729 Private Bartie, T. Killed. 15814 Private Campbell, J. Killed. 12506 Private Cockburn, T. Killed. 6158 Private Sowerby, E. Killed. 25347 Private Walker, T. Killed. 25378 Private Webb, A. Killed. 2nd Lieut. Robertson, R. Wounded. 345943 Sergt. Campbell, D. Wounded. 345490 L/Cpl. Crawford, D. Wounded. 25376 L/Cpl. Patterson, R. Wounded. 6006 L/Cpl. Spence, W. Wounded. 14539 Private Anderson, D. Wounded. Died of wounds 26.10.18. 6145 Private Black, P. Wounded. Died of wounds 26.10.18. 25199 Private Conway, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 26.10.18. 25719 Private Davidson, R. Wounded. Died of wounds 26.10.18.
23.10.18 345818 Private Etchels, T. Wounded. 5950 Private Kemp, A. Wounded. 5255 Private M'Dougall, A. Wounded. 6176 Private M'Ilroy, B. Wounded. 25346 Private M'Kay, H. Wounded. 203311 Private M'Lean, D. Wounded. 16171 Private Reekie, J. Wounded. 25656 Private Rough, D. Wounded. 14611 Private Russell, A. Wounded. 267921 Private Scott, W. Wounded. 25368 Private Stevenson, G. Wounded. 43388 Private Swift, J. Wounded. Died of wounds 24.10.18. 2nd Lieut. Mathewson, J.S. Wounded and at duty. 345074 Sergt. Leitch, J.J. Wounded and at duty. 20377 L/Cpl. Sinclair, J. Wounded and at duty. 340030 Private M'Donell, D. Wounded and at duty. 345982 Private Robertson, A. Wounded and at duty. 290566 Private Watson, R.B. Wounded and at duty. 1.11.18 Captain Colthart, R.H. Wounded. Died of wounds 2.11.18. 345298 Cpl. Matthew, R. Wounded. 14770 Private Craig, D. Wounded. 345770 Private Nicol, A. Wounded. 345211 Private O'Malley, J. Wounded and at duty. 14.4.18 345305 Private Morrison, G. Died of disease. 4.1.18 345881 Private Melville, C. Died of disease. 1.2.18 265831 Private Walker, H. Died of disease.
Killed 12 Died of wounds 9 Wounded 32 Wounded and remaining at duty 5 —- 58
N.C.Os. and MEN.
Killed 188 Died of wounds 46 Missing 5 Died of disease 15 Drowned 16 Wounded 568 Wounded and remaining at duty 52 Prisoners of war 20 —- 910
Grand Total 968
Abassiyeh, the, 14
Abbas Apex Sector, 56
Abu-el-Zeitun, attack on, 97
Abu Sitta, 60
Adamson, Lieut. H., 126, 154
Aeroplanes, 43
African War, the South, 162
Ain Arik, 109; Ridge, 92
Ain Kohleh, 64
Ain Sinai, 112
Ain Yebrud, 112
Aire, 122, 123
Aitken, C.S.M. A., death, 130, 157
Aizecourt, 130
Ajalon, 107, 108; Valley of, 108
Alexandria, 13, 28, 30, 117
Ali-el-Muntar, 51, 52, 71, 73
Allaines, attack on, 128
Allenby, General, advance on Damascus, 117
Alma, battle of the, 161
Alpini Corps, 129
American Battalion, the 106th, 136
Amiens, 136
Amurieh, raid on, 115, 157
Amwas, 108, 116
Anafarta, 24
Andania, H.M.T., 10, 14, 142
Andrew, Capt. R.A., tribute to, 105; instructions to his men, 108; at Baquerolles Farm, 124; return to Kirkcaldy, 142; called "Arizona," 151; death, 152
Anzac, 17
Armistice, signed, 139
Artaxerxes Post, 135
Ascq, 137
Assiut, 31
Australian Division, the 1st, 134; at Sohag, 32
Ayr and Lanark Yeomanry, 53, 56; attack on Mahmeh, 97; advance on Beitania, 101; at Amwas, 108; raid on Amurieh, 115; new brigade, 121
Azmac Dere, 19, 23, 24; raid on, 19
Bab-el-Muallek, 90
Babington, Lieut. G., 148
Baisieux, 137, 138
Balfour, General, of Balbirnie, commanding the Fifeshire Yeomanry Cavalry, 161 |