The fragile bladder fern, as it is often called, and which the name fragilis suggests, is the earliest to appear in the spring, and the first to disappear, as by the end of July it has discharged its spores and withered away. Often, however, a new crop springs up by the last of August, as if Nature were renewing her youth. In outline the fragile bladder fern suggests the blunt-lobed Woodsia, but in the latter the pinnae and pinnules are usually broader and blunter, and its indusium splits into jagged lobes. Rather common in damp, shady places where rocks abound. In one form or another, found nearly throughout the world though only on mountains in the tropics.
Stipes not jointed: Indusium ample, segments broad, frond without hairs. Obtuse Woodsia. Pinnae hispidulous, with white jointed hairs beneath. Rocky Mountain Woodsia. Fronds bright green, pinnae glabrous, oblong. Oregon Woodsia. Fronds dull green, lanceolate, glandular beneath. Cathcart's Woodsia. Stipes obscurely jointed near the base: Fronds more or less chaffy, pinnae oblong to ovate, crowded. Rusty Woodsia. Fronds linear, smooth, pinnae deltoid or orbicular. Smooth Woodsia. Fronds lanceolate, a few white scales beneath; pinnae deltoid-ovate. Alpine Woodsia.
Small, tufted, pinnately divided ferns. Fruit-dots borne on the back of simply forked, free veins. Indusium fixed beneath the sori, thin and often evanescent, either small and open, or early bursting at the top into irregular pieces or lobes. (Named for James Woods, an English botanist.)
(1) RUSTY WOODSIA. Woodsia ilvensis
Fronds oblong-lanceolate, three to ten inches high, rather smooth above, thickly clothed underneath with rusty, bristle-like chaff. Pinnate, the pinnae crowded, sessile, cut into oblong segments. Fruit-dots near the margin often confluent at maturity. Indusium divided nearly in the center into slender hairs which are curled over the sporangia. Stipes jointed an inch or so above the rootstock.
The rusty Woodsia is decidedly a rock-loving fern, and often grows on high cliffs exposed to the sun; its rootstock and fronds are covered with silver-white, hair-like scales, especially underneath. These scales turn brown in age, whence the name, rusty. As the short stipes separate at the joints from the rootstock, they leave at the base a thick stubble, which serves to identify the fern. Exposed rocks, Labrador to North Carolina and westward. Rather common in New England. Said to be very abundant on the trap rock hillocks about Little Falls, N.J., where it grows in dense tufts.
Woodsia alpina. Woodsia hyperborea
Fronds narrowly lanceolate, two to six inches long, smooth above, somewhat hairy beneath, pinnate. Pinnae triangular-ovate, obtuse, lobed, the lobes few and nearly entire. Fruit-dots rarely confluent. Indusium as in Woodsia ilvensis.
Thought by some botanists to be a smooth form of Woodsia ilvensis. It was discovered in the United States by Horace Mann, in 1863, at Willoughby Lake, Vt. Twenty years or more later it was collected by C.H. Peck in the Adirondacks, who supposed it to be Woodsia glabella. In 1897 it was rediscovered at Willoughby Lake by C.H. Pringle. New York, Vermont, Maine, and British America. Rare.
(3) BLUNT-LOBED WOODSIA. Woodsia obtusa
Fronds broadly lanceolate, ten to eighteen inches long, nearly twice pinnate, often minutely glandular. Pinnae rather remote, triangular-ovate or oblong, pinnately parted into obtuse, oblong, toothed segments. Veins forked. Fruit-dots on or near the margin of the lobes. Indusium conspicuous, at length splitting into several spreading, jagged lobes.
This is our most common species of Woodsia and it has a wider range than the others, extending from Maine and Nova Scotia to Georgia and westward. On rocky banks and cliffs. The sori of this species have a peculiar beauty on account of the star-shaped indusium, as it splits into fragments. Var. angusta is a form with very narrow fronds and pinnae. Highlands, New York. The type grows in Middlesex County, Mass., but is rare.
(4) SMOOTH WOODSIA. Woodsia glabella
Fronds two to five inches high, very delicate, linear, pinnate. Pinnae remote at the base, roundish-ovate, very obtuse with a few crenate lobes. Stipes jointed, straw-colored. Hairs of the indusium few and minute.
On moist, mossy, mostly calcareous rocks, northern New England, Mount Mansfield, Willoughby, and Bakersfield Ledge, Vt., Gorham, N.H., also Newfoundland, New York, and far to the northwest. Not very common. It differs from the alpine species by the absence of scales above the joint. As the name implies, the plant is smooth, except for the chaffy scales at or near the rootstock, which mark all the Woodsias, and many other ferns, and which serve as a protective covering against sudden changes in extremes of heat and cold.
(5) OREGON WOODSIA. Woodsia oregana
Fronds two to ten inches high, smooth, bright green, glandular beneath, narrowly lance-oblong, bipinnatifid. Pinnse triangular-oblong, obtuse, pinnatifid. Segments ovate or oblong, obtuse, crenate, the teeth or margin nearly always reflexed. Indusium minute, concealed beneath the sorus, divided into a few beaded hairs.
Like the obtuse Woodsia this fern has no joint near the base of the stipe, but is much smaller and has several points of difference. Limestone cliffs, Gaspe Peninsula, southern shore of Lake Superior, Colorado, Oregon to the northwest. Its eastern limit is northern Michigan.
(6) ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODSIA. Woodsia scopulina
Fronds six to fifteen inches long [smooth], lanceolate, pinnatifid. Pinnae triangular-ovate, the lowest pair shortened. Under surface of the whole frond hispidulous with minute, white hairs and stalked glands. Indusium hidden beneath the sporangia, consisting mostly of a few hair-like divisions.
In crevices of rocks, mountains of West Virginia, Gaspe Peninsula, Rocky Mountains, and westward to Oregon and California.
(7) CATHCART'S WOODSIA. Woodsia Cathcartiana
Fronds eight to twelve inches high, lanceolate, bipinnatifid, finely glandular-puberulent. Pinnse oblong; the lower distant segments oblong, denticulate, separated by wide sinuses.
Rocky river banks, west Michigan to northeast Minnesota.
Fruit-dots small, globular, marginal, each on the apex of a vein or fork. Sporangia borne on an elevated, globular receptacle in a membranous, cup-shaped indusium which is open at the top.
(Named in honor of August Wilhelm Dennstaed.)
Dicksonia punctilobula. Dicksonia pilosiuscula
[Footnote A: We again remind our readers that the Latin names in small capitals represent the newer nomenclature.]
Fronds one to three feet high, minutely glandular and hairy, ovate-lanceolate, pale green, very thin and mostly bipinnate. Primary pinnae in outline like the frond; the secondary, pinnatifid into oblong and obtuse, cut-toothed lobes. Fruit-dots minute, each on a recurved toothlet, usually one at the upper margin of each lobe. Indusium fixed under the sporangia, appearing like a tiny green cup filled with spore cases.
While Dennstaedtia is the approved scientific name of this species, the name Dicksonia has come to be used almost as commonly as hay scented fern or boulder fern. It is one of our most graceful and delicate species, its long-tapering outline suggesting the bulblet bladder fern. It delights to cluster around rocks and boulders in upland fields and pastures and in the margin of rocky woods. It is sweet-scented in drying. A fine species for the fernery and one of the most decorative of the entire fern family. The effect of the shimmering fronds, so delicately wrought, flanked by evergreens, is highly artistic. Fine-haired mountain fern, pasture fern, and hairy Dicksonia are other names. Canada to Tennessee and westward.
Var. cristata has the fronds more or less forked at the top.
Onoclea. PTERETIS. Matteuccia. Struthiopteris
(Last three names applied to Ostrich Fern only.)
It is a question whether the sensitive and ostrich fern should be included in the same genus. They are similar in many respects, but not in all. The sensitive fern has a running rootstock, scattered fronds, and netted veins; while the ostrich fern has an upright rootstock, fronds in crowns, and free veins.
(1) SENSITIVE FERN. Onoclea sensibilis
Fronds one to three feet high, scattered along a creeping rootstock, broadly triangular, deeply pinnatifid, with segments sinuately lobed or nearly entire. Veins reticulated with fine meshes. The fertile fronds shorter, closely bipinnate with the pinnules rolled up into berry-like structures which contain the spore cases. (The name in Greek means a closed vessel, in allusion to the berry-like fertile segments.) The sensitive fern is so called from its being very sensitive to frost. The sterile and fertile fronds are totally unlike, the latter not coming out of the ground until about July, when they appear like rows of small, green grapes or berries, but soon turn dark and remain erect all winter, and often do not discharge their spores until the following spring. The little berry-like structures of the fertile frond represent pinnules, bearing fruit-dots, around which they are closely rolled. As Waters remarks, "Most ferns hold the sori in the open hand, but the sensitive fern grasps them tightly in the clenched fist."
Var. obtusilobata is an abortive form with the fertile segments only partially developed. The illustration shows several intermediate forms.
Onoclea struthiopteris. PTERETIS NODULOSA
Struthiopteris Germanica. Matteuccia struthiopteris
Fronds two to eight feet high, growing in a crown; broadly lanceolate, pinnate, the numerous pinnae deeply pinnatifid, narrowed toward the channeled stipe. Fertile fronds shorter, pinnate with margins of the pinnae revolute into a necklace form containing the sori.
The rootstocks send out slender, underground stolons which bear fronds the next year. Sterile fronds appear throughout the summer, fertile ones in July. Seen from a distance its graceful leaf-crowns resemble those of the cinnamon fern. An intermediate form between the fertile and sterile fronds is sometimes found, as in the sensitive fern. This handsome species thrives under cultivation. For grace and dignity it is unrivaled, and for aggressiveness it is, perhaps, equaled only by the lady fern. For the climax of beauty it should be combined with the maidenhair. The ostrich fern is fairly common in alluvial soil over the United States and Canada.
This family is represented in North America by three species, all of which belong to the single genus.
The osmundas are tall swamp ferns growing in large crowns from strong, thickened rootstocks; the fruiting portion of the fertile frond much contracted and quite unlike the sterile. Sporangia large, globular, short-stalked, borne on the margin of the divisions and opening into two valves by a longitudinal slit. Ring obscure. (From Osmunder, a name of the god Thor.)
Osmunda regalis. Osmunda regalis, var. SPECTABILIS
Fronds pale green, one to six feet high; sterile part bipinnate, each pinna having numerous pairs of lance-oblong, serrulate pinnules alternate along the midrib. Fruiting panicle of the frond six to twelve inches long, brown when mature and sometimes leafy.
A magnificent fern, universally admired. Well named by the great Linnaeus, regalis, royal, indeed, in its type of queenly beauty. The wine-colored stipes of the uncoiling fronds shooting up in early spring, lifting gracefully their pink pinnae and pretty panicles of bright green spore cases, throw an indescribable charm over the meadows and clothe even the wet, stagnant swamps with beauty nor is the attraction less when the showy fronds expand in summer and the green sporangia are turned to brown. The stout rootstocks are often erect, rising several inches to a foot above the ground, as if in imitation of a tree fern. The poet Wordworth hints at somewhat different origin of the name from that given here.
"Fair ferns and flowers and chiefly that tall fern So stately of the Queen Osmanda named."
The royal fern may be transplanted with success if given good soil, sufficient shade and plenty of water. Common in swamps and damp places. Newfoundland to Virginia and northwestward.
Osmunda Claytoniana
Fronds pinnate, one to five feet high. Pinnae cut into oblong, obtuse lobes. Fertile fronds taller than the sterile, having from one to five pairs of intermediate pinnae contracted and bearing sporangia.
The fronds have a bluish-green tint; they mature their spores about the last of May. The sterile fronds may be distinguished from those of the cinnamon fern by not having retained, like those, a tuft of wool at the base of each pinna. Besides, in Clayton's fern the fronds are broader, blunter and thinner in texture, and the segments more rounded; the fronds are also more inclined to curve outwards. They turn yellow in the fall, at times "flooding the woods with golden light," but soon smitten by the early frosts they wither and disappear. The interrupted fern is rather common in damp, rocky woods and pastures; Newfoundland to Minnesota, south to North Carolina and Missouri. Although fond of moisture it is easily cultivated and its graceful outlines make it worthy of a prominent place in the fern garden. Var. dubia has the pinnules of the sterile frond widely separated, and the upper-middle ones much elongated. Southern Vermont.
Osmunda cinnamomea
Fronds one to six feet long, pinnate. Pinnae lanceolate, pinnatifid with oblong, obtuse divisions. Fertile pinnae on separate fronds, which are contracted and covered with brown sporangia.
Each fertile frond springs up at first outside the sterile ones, but is soon surrounded and overtopped by them and finds itself in the center of a charming circle of green leaves curving gracefully outwards. In a short time, however, it withers and hangs down or falls to the ground. The large, conspicuous clusters of cinnamon ferns give picturesqueness to many a moist, hillside pasture and swampy woodyard. In its crosier stage it is wrapped in wool, which falls away as the fronds expand, but leaves, at the base of each pinna, a tiny tuft, as if to mark its identity.
Many people in the country call the cinnamon fern the "buckhorn brake," and eat with relish the tender part which they find deep within the crown at the base of the unfolding fronds. This is known as the "heart of Osmund." The fern, itself, with its tall, recurving leaves makes a beautiful ornament for the shady lawn, and like the interrupted fern is easy to cultivate. The spores of all the osmundas are green, and need to germinate quickly or they lose their vitality. Common in low and swampy grounds in eastern North America and South America and Japan. May. Some think it was this species which was coupled with the serpent in the old rhyme,
"Break the first brake you see, Kill the first snake you see, And you will conquer every enemy."
Var. frondosa has its fronds partly sterile below and irregularly fertile towards the summit.
Var. incisa has the inner pinnules of some of the pinnae more or less cut-toothed.
Var. glandulosa has glandular hairs on the pinnae, rachis and even the stipes of the sterile frond. This is known only on the coastal plain from Rhode Island to Maryland.
CURLY GRASS. Schizaea pusilla
Small, slender ferns with linear or thready leaves, the sterile, one to two inches high and tortuous or "curled like corkscrews"; fertile fronds longer, three to five inches, and bearing at the top about five pairs of minute, fruited pinnae. Sporangia large, ovoid, sessile in a double row along the single vein of the narrow divisions of the fertile leaves, and provided with a complete apical ring. (Schizaea, from a Greek root meaning to split, alluding to the cleft leaves of foreign species.)
The curly grass is so minute that it is difficult to distinguish it when growing amid its companion plants, the grasses, mosses, sundews, club mosses, etc. The sterile leaves are evergreen. Pine barrens of New Jersey, Grand Lake, Nova Scotia, and in New Brunswick. Several new stations for the curly grass have recently been discovered in the southwest counties of Nova Scotia by the Gray Herbarium expedition, mostly in bogs and hollows of sandy peat or sphagnum.
Lygodium palmatum
"And where upon the meadow's breast The shadow of the thicket lies." BRYANT.
Fronds slender, climbing or twining, three to five feet long. The lower pinnae (frondlets) sterile, roundish, five to seven lobed, distant in pairs with simple veins; the upper fertile, contracted, several times forked, forming a terminal panicle; the ultimate segments crowded, and bearing the sporangia, which are similar to those of curly grass, and fixed to a veinlet by the inner side next the base, one or rarely two covered by each indusium. (From the Greek meaning like a willow twig [pliant], alluding to the flexible stipes.)
Fifty years ago this beautiful fern was more common than at present. There was a considerable colony in a low, alluvial meadow thicket at North Hadley, Mass., not far from Mt. Toby, where we collected it freely in 1872. Many used to decorate their homes with its handsome sprays, draping it gracefully over mirrors and pictures. It was known locally as the Hartford fern. Greedy spoilers ruthlessly robbed its colonies and it became scarce, at least in the Mt. Toby region. In Connecticut a law was enacted in 1867 for its protection and with good results. But as Mr. C.A. Weatherby states in the American Fern Journal (Vol. II, No. 4), the encroachments of tillage (mainly of tobacco, which likes the same soil), are forcing it from its cherished haunts, thus jeopardizing its survival. Doubtless an aggressive agriculture is in part responsible for its scarcity in the more northern locality. It is still found here and there in New England, New York and New Jersey; also in Kentucky, Tennessee and Florida, but is nowhere common. The fertile portion dies when the spores mature, but the sterile frondlets remain green through the winter. A handsome species for the fernery in the house or out of doors.
Plants more or less fern-like consisting of a stem with a single leaf. In Ophioglossum the leaf or sterile segment is entire, the veins reticulated and the sporangia in a simple spike. In Botrychium the sterile segment is more or less incised, the veins free, and the sori in a panicle or compound or rarely simple spike. Sporangia naked, opening by a transverse slit. Spores copious, sulphur-yellow.
ADDER'S TONGUE. Ophioglossum vulgatum
Rootstock erect, fleshy. Stem simple, two to ten inches high, bearing one smooth, entire leaf about midway, and a terminal spike embracing the sporangia, coherent in two ranks on its edges. (Generic name from the Greek meaning the tongue of a snake, in allusion to the narrow spike of the sporangia.)
In moist meadows or rarely on dry slopes. "Overlooked rather than rare." New England states and in general widely distributed. July. Often grows in company with the ragged orchis. The ancient ointment known as "adder's speare ointment" had the adder's tongue leaves as a chief ingredient, and is said to be still used for wounds in English villages.
"For them that are with newts or snakes or adders stung, He seeketh out a herb that's called adder's tongue."
Var. minus, smaller; fronds often in pairs. The sterile segment yellowish-green, attached usually much below the middle of the plant. Sandy ground, New Hampshire to New Jersey.
Var. Engelmanni. (Given specific rank in Gray.) Has the sterile segment thicker and cuspidate, the stipe slender and the secondary veins forming a fine network within the meshes of the principal ones. Virginia and westward.
Var. arenarium. (From the Latin, arena, meaning sand, being found in a sandy soil.) Probably a depauperate form of Ophioglossum vulgatum and about half as large. A colony of these ferns was discovered growing in poor soil at Holly Beach, New Jersey.
Plant large, fruiting in June, sterile part much divided: Rattlesnake Fern. Plant smaller: Fruiting in autumn, sterile part long-stalked, triangular. Common Grape Fern. Fruiting in summer: Plant fleshy, sterile part mostly with lunate segments. Moonwort. Plant less fleshy, segments not lunate: Sterile part short-stalked above the middle of the stem. Matricary Fern. Sterile part stalked usually below middle of stem. Little Grape Fern. Sterile part sessile near the top of the stem. Lance-leaved Grape Fern.
Rootstock very short, erect with clustered fleshy roots; the base of the sheathed stalk containing the bud for the next year's frond. Fertile frond one to three pinnate, the contracted divisions bearing a double row of sessile, naked, globular sporangia, opening transversely into two valves. Sterile segment of the frond ternately or pinnately divided or compound. Veins free. Spores copious, sulphur yellow. (The name in Greek means a cluster of grapes, alluding to the grape-like clusters of the sporangia.)
(1) MOONWORT. Botrychium Lunaria
Very fleshy, three to ten inches high, sterile segment subsessile, borne near the middle of the plant, oblong, simple pinnate with three to eight pairs of lunate or fan-shaped divisions, obtusely crenate, the veins repeatedly forking; fertile segment panicled, two to three pinnate.
The moonwort was formerly associated with many superstitions and was reputed to open all locks at a mere touch, and to unshoe all horses that trod upon it. "Unshoe the horse" was one of the names given to it by the country people.
"Horses that feeding on the grassy hills, Tread upon moonwort with their hollow heels, Though lately shod, at night go barefoot home Their maister musing where their shoes be gone."
In dry pastures, Lake Superior and northward, but rare in the United States. Willoughby, Vt., where the author found a single plant in 1904, and St. Johnsbury, Vt. Also New York, Michigan and westward.
In England said to be local rather than rare. Sometimes called Lunary.
"Then sprinkled she the juice of rue With nine drops of the midnight dew From Lunary distilling." DRAYTON.
(2) LITTLE GRAPE FERN. Botrychium simplex
Fronds two to four inches high, very variable. Sterile segment short-petioled, usually near the middle, simple and roundish or pinnately three to seven lobed. Veins all forking from the base. Fertile segments simple or one to two pinnate, apex of both segments erect in the bud.
In moist woods and fields, Canada to Maryland and westward; Conway and Plainfield, Mass., Berlin and Litchfield, Conn. Rare. According to Pringle it is "abundantly scattered over Vermont, its habitat usually poor soil, especially knolls of hill pastures." May or June.
Botrychium lanceolatum
Frond two to nine inches high, both sterile and fertile segments at the top of the common stalk. Sterile segment triangular, twice pinnatifid, the acute lobes lanceolate, incised or toothed, scarcely fleshy, resembling a very small specimen of the rattlesnake fern. Fertile segment slightly overtopping the sterile, two to three pinnate and spreading.
One of the constant companions of the rattlesnake fern. New England to Lake Superior. July.
Botrychium ramosum. Botrychium matricariaefolium
Fronds small, one to twelve inches high. Sterile segment above the middle, usually much divided. Fertile segment twice or thrice pinnate. Apex of both segments turned down in the bud, the sterile overtopping and clasping the fertile one.
The matricary fern differs from the preceding in ripening its spores about a month earlier, in having its sterile frond stalked, besides being a taller and fleshier plant. It may also be noted that in the lance-leaved species the midveins of the larger lobes are continuous, running to the tip; whereas in the matricary fern the midveins fork repeatedly and are soon indistinguishable from the veinlets. The two are apt to grow near each other, with the rattlesnake fern as a near neighbor. June.
NOTE. In 1897 A.A. Eaton discovered certain Botrychia in a sphagnum swamp in New Hampshire, to which he gave the specific name of Botrychium tenebrosum. The plants were very small, not averaging above two or three inches high, with the sterile blade sessile or slightly stalked. Many botanists prefer to place this fern as a variety of the matricary, but others regard it as a form of Botrychium simplex. Borders of maple swamps, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and New York.
Botrychium obliquum. Botrychium ternatum, var. obliquum
Rootstock short, its base including the buds of succeeding years. Fronds two to twelve inches or more high. Leafy or sterile segment triangular, ternate, long-petioled, springing from near the base of the plant, and spreading horizontally. From the main leafstock grow several pairs of stalked pinnae, with the divisions ovate-oblong, acutish, crenate-serrulate, obliquely cordate or subcordate. Fertile segment taller, erect, about three times pinnate, maturing its fruit in autumn. Occasionally two or three fertile spikes grow on the same plant. In vernation the apex of each segment is bent down with a slight curve inward.
New England to Virginia, westward to Minnesota and southward.
Botrychium obliquum, var. dissectum. Similar to the type, but with the divisions very finely dissected or incisely many-toothed, the most beautiful of all the grape ferns. There is considerable variety in the cutting of the fronds. Maine to Florida and westward.
Botrychium obliquum, var. oneidense. Ultimate segments oblong, rounded at the apex, crenulate-serrate, less divided than any of the others and, perhaps, less common. Vermont to Central New York.
Botrychium obliquum, var. elongatum. Divisions lanceolate, elongated, acute.
Note: A Botrychium not uncommon in Georgia and Alabama, named by Swartz B. lunarioides, deserves careful study. It is known as the "Southern Botrychium."
Botrychium ternatum, var. intermedium
Botrychium obliquum, var. intermedium
Leaf more divided than in obliquum and the numerous segments not so long and pointed, but large, fleshy, ovate or obovate (including var. australe), crenulate, and more or less toothed.
Sandy soil, pastures and open woods. More northerly in its range—New England and New York. Var. rutaefolium. More slender, rarely over six or seven inches high; sterile segment about two inches broad, its divisions few, broadly ovate, the lowest sublunate. The first variety passes insensibly into the second.
(7) RATTLESNAKE FERN. Botrychium virginianum
Fronds six inches to two feet high. Sterile segment sessile above the middle of the plant, broadly triangular, thin, membranaceous, ternate. Pinnules lanceolate, deeply pinnatifid; ultimate segments oblong or lanceolate and scarcely or not at all spatulate. Fertile part long-stalked, two to three pinnate, its ultimate segments narrow and thick, nearly opaque in dried specimens. Mature sporangia varying from dark yellow-brown to almost black. Open sporangia close again and are flattened or of a lenticular form. In rich, deciduous woods, rather common and widely distributed.
Prince Edward Island, Minnesota, south to Florida and Texas, and north to Newfoundland and Labrador.
Var. gracilis. A form much reduced in size.
Var. LAURENTIANUM. A conspicuous variety having thick and heavy sterile fronds less finely divided than the type, with the segments crowded to overlapping. Pinnules shorter than the type, tending to be ovate, outer segments strongly spatulate. Fertile spike relatively short and stout, strongly paniculate when well developed. Ultimate segments flat, folaceous, one mm. wide. Mostly confined to the limestone district near the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Labrador, Newfoundland, Quebec, Maine, and Michigan.
Var. INTERMEDIUM. Segments of sterile fronds ultimately much spatulate, previously ovate, not overlapping. Segments of fertile fronds ultimately narrowly flattened. (For this and the other varieties see Rhodora of September, 1919.) Nova Scotia, Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, northern New York, Illinois, and Missouri.
Var. EUROPAEUM. Fertile frond less finely dissected than in type. Ultimate segments more obtuse than in type; has but very slight tendency towards the spatulate form of the two previous varieties. Pinnules lanceolate, strongly decurrent so that the pinnae are merely pinnatifid. In coniferous forests of Canada, and confined to calcareous regions. Quebec, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Ontario, Montana, and British Columbia. Said to be rare even in Europe.
The filmy ferns are small, delicate plants with membranaceous, finely dissected fronds from slender, creeping rootstocks. Sporangia sessile on a bristle-like receptacle. There are about one hundred species, mostly tropical, only one of which grows as far north as Kentucky.
Trichomanes Boschianum. Trichomanes radicans
Rootstocks creeping, filiform, stipes ascending, one to three inches long, thin, very delicate, pellucid, much divided, oblong-lanceolate, bipinnatifid. Rachis narrowly winged. Sporangia clustered around the slender bristle, which is the prolongation of a vein, and surrounded by a vase-like, slightly two-lipped involucre.
On moist, dripping sandstone cliffs, Kentucky to Alabama. Often called the "Killarney fern," as it grows about the lakes of Killarney in Ireland.
[The works of these authors are listed under "Fern Literature" in the following pages.]
EATON, DANIEL CADY. Born at Gratiot, Mich., September 12, 1834. His grandfather was Amos Eaton, noted botanist and author. Studied botany under his friend, Prof. Asa Gray, who had studied with Prof. John Torrey, who in turn was a pupil of Amos Eaton. Daniel C. was professor of botany in Yale College, for more than thirty years. A man of graceful and winsome personality, an authority on ferns, and widely known by his writings. His masterpiece was "The Ferns of North America" in two large, quarto volumes, beautifully illustrated. He died June 29, 1895.
CLUTE, WILLARD NELSON. Born at Painted Post, N.Y., February 26, 1869. Education informal; common schools, university lectures and private study. Manifested early a keen interest in birds and flowers. Was founder and first president of the American Fern Society. Collected in Jamaica more than three hundred species of ferns. Has written extensively on the ferns and their allies, besides publishing several standard volumes. His great distinction is in founding and editing the Fern Bulletin through its twenty volumes, when he combined this publication with The American Botanist, which is now on its twenty-eighth volume, the whole a prodigious achievement of great scientific value.
UNDERWOOD, LUCIUS MARCUS. Born at New Woodstock, N.Y., October 26, 1853. Spent early life on a farm. Was graduated from Syracuse University in 1877. After teaching several years in his alma mater and elsewhere, he became Professor of Botany in Columbia University. He contributed numerous articles to the Torrey Bulletin, Fern Bulletin, and other scientific journals. His scholarly book, "Our Native Ferns and Their Allies," continued unexcelled through six editions. He died November 16, 1907.
DAVENPORT, GEO. EDWARD. Born in Boston, August 3, 1833. A promoter and officer of the Middlesex Institute. An accurate and diligent student of the ferns, his numerous articles were published in the Fern Bulletin, in the Torrey Bulletin, Rhodora, and in separate monographs. He was a leading authority on the pteridophyta, and collected a large and choice herbarium of the native ferns, which he donated to the Massachusetts Horticultural Society. By his gentle manners and kindly spirit he won many friends, all of whom were proud to recognize his distinguished ability. He cultivated many of our rare native ferns in his Fellsway home, at Medford, Mass., and freely gave specimens to his friends. He died suddenly of heart failure, November 29, 1907.
WATERS, CAMPBELL EASTER. Born in Baltimore County, Md., September 14, 1872. Was graduated at Johns Hopkins University in 1895. Ph.D. in 1899. Was for a time a close student of ferns, and issued his notable book, "Ferns," in 1903, containing his "Analytical Key Based on the Stipes." A chemist by profession, he has pursued that branch of science for the last eighteen years. His address is Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.
MAXON, WILLIAM RALPH. Born at Oneida, N.Y., February 27, 1877. Was graduated at Syracuse University in 1898. Began as aid in cryptogamic botany, United States National Herbarium, 1899, and is now associate curator of the same. Has specialized in scientific work on the pteridophyta, distinguishing himself by the excellence as well as by the large number of his publications, the more important being "Studies of Tropical American Ferns," Nos. 1 to 6. The Fern Bulletin, Torrey Bulletin, American Fern Journal, Fernwort Papers, et al., have profited from his expert and up-to-date knowledge. He is president of the American Fern Society.
PARSONS, FRANCES THEODORA. Born in New York, December 5, 1861. Nee Smith. Married Commander William Starr Dana of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. As Mrs. Dana, she published, "How to Know the Wild Flowers," in 1893, and within ten years more than seventy thousand copies of the book had been sold. "According to Season" appeared in 1894. In February, 1896, she married Prof. James Russell Parsons, treasurer of the University of the State of New York. In 1899 she published, "How to Know the Ferns." She combined a thorough knowledge of her subject with an easy and graceful style.
DODGE, RAYNAL. Born at Newburyport, Mass., September 9, 1844. Civil War veteran. Wounded at Port Hudson, June 28, 1863. A machinist by trade. A careful observer and student of nature, he discovered Aspidium simulatum at Follymill, Seabrook, N.H., in 1880. (Whittier's "My Playmate," verse 9.) He discovered also the hybrid Aspidium cristatum x Marginale. He published his little book, "Ferns and Fern Allies of New England," in 1896. Died October 20, 1918.
EATON, ALVAH AUGUSTUS. Born at Seabrook, N.H., November 20, 1865. Studied at the Putnam School in Newburyport, but was largely self-educated. He took up teaching for several years, spending three years in California. Returning East, he became a florist and began to write for various fern journals, giving special attention to the fern allies. He prepared the genera Equisetum and Isoetes for the seventh edition of "Gray's Manual." He proved the keenness of his observing powers by discovering several ferns new to the United States. Died at his home in North Easton, Mass., September 29, 1908.
WILLIAMSON, JOHN. Born in Abernathy, Scotland, about the year 1838. He came to Louisville, Ky., to live in 1866. A wood-carver by trade, he could work skillfully in wood or metal, and after a time established a brass foundry. His friend, George E. Davenport, writes of him: "He caught as by some divine gift or inspiration the innermost life and feelings of the wild flowers and ferns, and his marvelously accurate needle transfixed them with revivifying power on paper or metal." His "Ferns of Kentucky," issued in 1878, was the first handbook on ferns published in the United States. He died June 17, 1884, in the mountains of West Virginia, whither he had gone for his health.
AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL. 1910. The American Fern Society. (Annual subscription, $1.25.)
BELAIRS, NONA. Hardy Ferns. Smith, Elder and Co. London, 1865.
BRITTEN, JAMES. European Ferns. Colored Plates. Cassell & Co. London. Quarto.
BUTTERS, F.K. Athyrium. Study of the American Lady Ferns. Rhodora, September, 1917.
CAMPBELL, D.H. Structure and Development of the Mosses and Ferns. Macmillan & Co. 1905. Ed. 2.
CLUTE, WILLARD N. Our Ferns in Their Haunts. Frederick A. Stokes Co. New York, 1901.
Fern Collector's Guide. Frederick A. Stokes Co. New York, 1902.
The Fern Allies. Frederick A. Stokes Co. New York, 1905.
The Fern Bulletin. Founder and Editor. 20 vols. 1893-1912.
Combined with The American Botanist. Joliet, Ill. 1912.
CONARD, HENRY S. Structure and History of Hayscented Fern. Washington, 1908.
COOK, M.C. Fern-book for Everybody. E. Warne & Co. London.
DAVENPORT, GEO. E. Catalog of Davenport Herbarium, Massachusetts Horticultural Society. 1879. Numerous Monographs and Notes on New England ferns in Torrey Bulletin, Fern Bulletin, and Rhodora. The following monographs are in single booklets by Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Aspidium cristatum x marginale, Aspidium simulatum, Aspidium spinulosum and its Varieties, Botrychium ternatum and its Varieties, Notes on Botrychium simplex.
DODGE, RAYNAL. The Ferns and Fern Allies of New England—very small volume, now out of print. W.N. Clute & Co. 1904.
DRUERY, CHARLES T. British Ferns and Their Varieties. Routledge & Son. London.
EASTMAN, HELEN. New England Ferns and Their Common Allies. Houghton Mifflin & Co. Boston, 1904. Out of print.
EATON, DANIEL C. The Ferns of North America. 2 vols. 1879-80. S.E. Cassino, Salem. Drawings by J.H. Emerton and C.E. Faxon.
EATON, A.A. Specialist in Fern Allies. Prepared Equisetum and Isoetes for Gray's Manual, 7th ed. 1908.
GILBERT, BENJ. D. List of North American Pteridophytes. 1901. Utica, N.Y.
HERVEY, ALPHAEUS B. Wayside Flowers and Ferns. Page & Co. Boston, 1899.
HEMSLEY, ALFRED. Book of Fern Culture. John Lane. London, 1908.
HIBBARD, SHIRLEY. The Fern Garden. Groombridge & Sons. 5 Paternoster Row, London. 1869.
HOOKER, SIR W.J. Genera Filicum. Large 8vo. London, 1842. Contains fine plates which include all American genera. Costs about $25.
Species Filicum. 5 vols. 8vo. London, 1846-64. Vol. II contains seventeen and Vol. Ill contains two plates of American ferns with descriptions of more species. Cost about $50.
HOOKER, SIR W.J., & BAKER. Synopsis Filicum 2d ed. 1874. 8vo. Describes all ferns then known, including the American species. Has also figures illustrating each genus. Costs about $10.
LOWE, EDWARD J. Ferns British and Exotic. 9 vols. 8vo. Bell & Daldy. London, 1868. 550 plates, some very poor. Some American ferns are represented. "The descriptions," says John Robinson, "are worthless, and the synonymy is often incorrect."
MAXON, WILLIAM R. A List of Ferns and Fern Allies of North America, north of Mexico, etc. National Museum, 23:619-651. 1901.
Numerous Monographs and Notes on American Ferns in current magazines.
Studies of Tropical American Ferns. United States National Herbarium, 17:541+.
Pteridophyta (excepting Equisitaceae and Isoetaceae) of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. In Britton and Brown, Illustrated Flora, etc., ed. 2, pp. 1-54. 1913. New York.
MEEHAN, THOMAS. Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. Boston, 1878-9.
MOORE, THOMAS. Nature-printed British Ferns. 2 vols. London, 1859.
PARSONS, FRANCES T. How to Know the Ferns. Charles Scribner's Sons. New York, 1899.
PRATT, ANNE. The Ferns of Great Britain and Their Allies. F. Warne & Co. London. No date.
REDFIELD, JOHN. Geographical Distribution of the Ferns of North America. Torrey Bulletin, VI, 1-7. (1875).
RHODORA. Journal of the New England Botanical Club. January, 1899, to date.
ROBINSON, JOHN. Ferns in Their Homes and Ours. S.E. Cassino. Salem, 1878. Out of print.
SACHS, JULIUS. Text Book of Botany. (Translated.) Macmillan & Co. London. 8vo.
SLOSSON, MARGARET. How Ferns Grow. Henry Holt & Co. New York. 1906. Out of print.
SMALL, JOHN K. Ferns of Tropical Florida. New York, 1918.
SMITH, JOHN. Historia Filicum. London, 1875. Amply illustrated, reliable.
STEP, EDWARD. Wayside and Woodland Ferns. F. Warne & Co. London, 1908.
TIDESTROM, IVAR. Elysium Marianum. Washington, D.C.
UNDERWOOD, LUCIEN M. Our Native Ferns and Their Allies. Henry Holt & Co. Edition 6. 1900. Valuable. Out of print.
WATERS, CAMPBELL E. Ferns. Henry Holt & Co. 1903. Out of print. Scarce.
WEATHERBY, C.A. Changes in the Nomenclature of the Gray's Manual of Ferns. Important article in the Rhodora of October, 1919.
WILLIAMSON, JOHN. Ferns of Kentucky. J.P. Morton & Co. Louisville, Ky. 1878.
Fern Etchings. J.P. Morton & Co. 1879. Both out of print.
WOOLSON, GRACE A. Ferns and How to Grow Them. Doubleday, Page & Co. New York, 1909.
WRIGHT, MABEL O. Flowers and Ferns in Their Haunts. Macmillan & Co. New York, 1901.
"Ah! well I mind the calendar Faithful through a thousand years Of the painted race of flowers."—EMERSON.
Compiled from Dodge's "Ferns and Fern Allies of New England"
May 25. Little Grape Fern. Interrupted Fern. May 30. Cinnamon Fern. June 5. Ostrich Fern. June 10. Frondosa variety of Cinnamon Fern. June 15. Matricary Grape Fern. June 20. Royal Fern. Interrupted Fern. June 25. Rattlesnake Fern. June 30. Oak Fern. Spinulose Wood Fern and Varieties. July 5. Fragile Bladder Fern. Christmas Fern. July 10. Long Beech Fern. Crested Shield Fern. Boott's Shield Fern. July 15. Moonwort. Virginia Chain Fern. Adder's Tongue. Crested Marginal Shield Fern. July 20. Slender Cliff Brake. Blunt-Lobed Woodsia. July 25. Purple Cliff Brake. Bulblet Bladder Fern. Mountain Spleen wort. July 30. Goldie's Shield Fern. Marginal Shield Fern. Clinton's Wood Fern. August 5. Wall Rue. Walking Fern. Lady Fern. August 10. Alpine Woodsia. Smooth Woodsia. Common Polypody. Maidenhair Fern. Fragrant Shield Fern. Scott's Spleenwort. Braun's Holly Fern. August 15. Rusty Woodsia. Silvery Spleen wort. Lance-leaved Grape Fern. August 20. Ebony and Maidenhair Spleenworts. Hayscented Fern. New York Fern. August 25. Broad Beech Fern. August 30. Marsh Fern. September 5. Bracken or Brake. September 10. Climbing Fern. Narrow-leaved Spleenwort. September 15. Massachusetts Fern. Green Spleenwort. Sensitive Fern. Ternate Grape Fern. September 30. Narrow-leaved Chain Fern.
ACUMINATE. Gradually tapering to a point. ACULEATE. Prickly. Beset with prickles. ACUTE. Sharp pointed, but not tapering. ADVENTITIOUS. Irregular, incidental. Growing out of the usual or normal position. ANASTOMOSING. Connected by cross veins and forming a network as in the Sensitive ferns. ANNULUS. A jointed, elastic ring surrounding the spore cases in most ferns. ANTHERIDIA. The male organs on a prothallium. APEX The top or pointed end of leaf or frond. (plu. APICES). ARCHEGONIA. The female organs on a prothallium. AREOLA. A space formed by intersecting veins; a mesh. AURICLE. An ear-shaped lobe at the base. ARTICULATE. Jointed; having a joint or node. AXIL. The angle formed by a leaf or branch with the stem. BI (Latin, Two, twice, doubly. bis, twice). BLADE. The expanded, leafy portion of a frond. BULBLET. A small bulb, borne on a leaf or in its axil. CAUDATE. With a slender, tail-like appendage. CAUDEX. A trunk or stock of a plant; especially of a tree fern. CHAFF. Thin, dry scales of a yellowish-brown color. CHLOROPHYLL. The green coloring matter of plants. CILIATE. Fringed with fine hairs. CIRCINATE. Coiled downward from the apex, as in the young fronds of a fern. CLAVATE. Club-shaped. COMPOUND. Divided into two or more parts. CONFLUENT. Blended together. CORDATE. Heart-shaped. CRENATE. Scalloped with rounded teeth; said of margins. CROSIER. An uncoiling frond. CUNEATE. Wedge-shaped. CUSPIDATE. Hard pointed, tipped with a cusp. DECIDUOUS. Falling away when done growing—not evergreen. DECOMPOUND. More than once compounded or divided. DECURRENT. Running down the stem below the point of insertion, as the bases of some pinnae. DECUMBENT. Not erect; trailing, bending along the ground, but with the apex ascending. DEFLEXED. Bent or turned abruptly downward. DENTATE. Toothed. Having the teeth of a margin directed outward. DICHOTOMOUS. Forking regularly in pairs. DIMORPHOUS. Of two forms; said of ferns whose fertile fronds are unlike the sterile. EMARGINATE. Notched at the apex. ENTIRE. Without divisions, lobes, or teeth. FALCATE. Scythe-shaped, slightly curved upward. FERTILE. Bearing spores. FILIFORM. Thread-like; long, slender, and terete. FILMY. Having a thin membrane; gauzy; said of the filmy fern fronds. FLABELLATE. Fan-shaped; broad and rounded at the summit and narrow at the base. FROND. A fern leaf or blade; may include both stipe and blade, or only the latter—called also lamina. GLABROUS. Smooth; not rough or hairy. GLAND. A small secreting organ, globular or pear-shaped; it is often stalked. GLAUCOUS. Covered with a fine bloom, bluish-white and powdery, in appearance like a plum. HASTATE. Like an arrowhead with the lobes spreading. IMBRICATE. Overlapping, like shingles on a roof. INCISED. Cut irregularly into sharp lobes. INDUSIUM. The thin membrane covering the sori in some ferns. INVOLUCRE. In ferns, an indusium; in filmy ferns, cup-shaped growths encircling the sporangia. LAMINA. A blade; the leafy portion of a fern. LACINIATE. Slashed; cut into narrow, irregular lobes. LANCEOLATE. Lance-shaped; broadest above the base and tapering to the apex. LOBE. A small rounded segment of a frond. MIDRIB. The main rib or vein of a segment, pinnule, pinna, or frond; a midvein. MUCRONATE. Ending abruptly in a short, sharp point. OBLONG. From two to four times longer than broad and with sides nearly parallel. OBTUSE. Blunt or rounded at the end. OIDES. A Greek ending, meaning like, or like to, as polypodioides—like to a polypody. OOeSPHERE. The egg-cell in fern reproduction—becoming the ooespore when fertilized. OVATE. Egg-shaped with the broader end downward. PALMATE. Having lobes radiating like the fingers of a hand. PANICLE. A loose compound cluster of flowers or sporangia with irregular stems. PEDICEL. A tiny stalk, especially the stalk of the sporangia. PELLUCID. Clear, transparent. PERSISTENT. Remaining on the plant for a long time, as leaves through the winter. PETIOLE. The same as stalk or stipe. PINNA. One of the primary divisions of a frond. PINNATE. Feather-like; with the divisions of the frond extending fully to the rachis. PINNATIFID. Having the divisions of the frond extend halfway or more to the rachis or mid vein. PINNULE. A secondary pinna. In a bipinnate frond one of the smaller divisions extending to the secondary midvein. PROCUMBENT. Lying on the ground. PROTHALLIUM. (Or prothallus.) A delicate, cellular, leaf-like structure produced from a fern spore, and bearing the sexual organs. PTERIDOPHYTA. A group of flowerless plants embracing ferns, horsetails, club mosses, etc. PUBESCENT. Covered with fine, soft hairs; downy. RACHIS. The continuation of the stipe through the blade or leafy portion of the fern. REFLEXED. Bent abruptly downward or backward. RENIFORM. Kidney-shaped. REVOLUTE. Rolled backward from the margin or apex. ROOTSTOCK. (Or rhizome.) An underground stem, from which the fronds are produced. SCAPE. A naked stem rising from the ground. SEGMENT. One of the smaller divisions of a pinnatifid frond. SERRATE. Having the margin sharply cut into teeth pointing forward. SERRULATE. The same only with smaller teeth. SESSILE. Without a stalk. SINUS. A cleft or rounded curve between two lobes. SINUATE. With strongly wavy margins. SORUS A cluster of sporangia; a fruit dot. (plu. SORI). SPATULATE. Shaped like a druggist's spatula or a flattened spoon. SPIKE. An elongated cluster of sessile sporangia. SPINULOSE. Spiny; set with small, sharp spines. SPORANGE (plu. A spore case. A tiny globe in which SPORANGIA). the spores are produced. STIPE. The stem of a fern from the ground up to the leafy portion; the leaf stalk. STOLON. An underground branch or runner. SUBULATE. Awl-shaped. TERNATE. With three nearly equal divisions. TRUNCATE. Ending abruptly as if cut off. TUFT. Things flexible, closely grouped into a bunch or cluster. VENATION. The veining of a frond or leaf. VERNATION. The arrangement of leaves in the bud. WHORL. A circle of leaves around a stem. WINGED. Margined by a thin expansion of the rachis.
The student should have some idea of the terms genus, species and variety, although they are not capable of exact definition.
A species, or kind, is in botany the unit of classification. It embraces all such individuals as may have originated in a common stock. Such individuals bear an essential resemblance to each other, as well as to their common parent in all their parts. E.g., the Cinnamon fern is a kind or species of fern with the fronds evidently of one kind, and of a common origin, and all producing individuals of their own kind by their spores or rootstocks. When such individuals differ perceptibly from the type in the shape of the pinnae, or the cutting of the fronds, we have varieties as frondosum, incisum, etc. Or if the difference is less striking the word form is used instead of variety, but in any given case opinions may differ in respect to the more fitting term.
A genus is an assemblage of species closely related to each other, and having more points of resemblance than of difference; e.g., the royal fern, the cinnamon fern, and the interrupted fern are alike in having similar spore cases borne in a somewhat similar manner on the fronds, and forming the genus Osmunda. In like manner certain members of the clover group—red, white, yellow, etc., make up the genus Trifolium.
Thus individuals are grouped into species and species are associated into genera, and the two groups are united to give each fern or plant its true name, the generic name being qualified by that of the species; as in the cinnamon fern Osmunda (genus), cinnamomea (species).
In the following list the first name is usually the one adopted in the text, and those that follow are synonyms.
Names printed in small capitals are those of the newer nomenclature, now adopted at the Gray Herbarium but not in the Manual.
ADIANTUM L. 1. Adiantum Capillus-Veneris L. 2. Adiantum pedatum L. Var. ALEUTICUM RUPR.
ASPIDIUM SW. 3. Aspidium Boottii. Tuckerm. Dryopteris Boottii. (Tuckerm.) Underw. THELYPTERIS BOOTTII. (Tuckerm.) Nieuwl. 4. Aspidium cristatum. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris cristata. (L.) A. Gray. THELYPTERIS CRISTATA. (L.) Nieuwl. 5. Aspidium cristatum var. Clintonianum. D.C. Eaton. Dryopteris cristata var. Clintoniana. (D.C. Eaton.) Underw. THELYPTERIS CRISTATA var. CLINTONIANA. (D.C. Eaton.) Weatherby. 6. Aspidium cristatum x marginale. Davenp. 7. Aspidium Filix-mas. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris Filix-mas. (L.) Sw. THELYPTERIS FILIX-MAS. (L.) Nieuwl. 8. Aspidium fragrans. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris fragrans. (L.) Schott. THELYPTERIS FRAGRANS. (L.) Nieuwl. 9. Aspidium Goldianum. Hook. Dryopteris Goldiana. (Hook.) A. Gray. THELYPTERIS GOLDIANA. (Hook.) Nieuwl. 10. Aspidium marginale. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris marginalis. (L.) A. Gray. THELYPTERIS MARGINALIS. (L.) Nieuwl. 11. Aspidium noveboracense. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris noveboracensis. (L.) A. Gray. THELYPTERIS NOVEBORACENSIS. (L.) Nieuwl. 12. Aspidium simulatum. Davenp. Dryopteris simulata. Davenp. THELYPTERIS SIMULATA. (Davenp.) Nieuwl. 13. Aspidium spinulosum. (O.F. Muell.) Sw. Dryopteris spinulosa. (O.F. Muell.) Kuntze. THELYPTERIS SPINULOSA. (O.F. Muell.) Nieuwl. 14. Aspidium spinulosum var. intermedium. (Muhl.) D.C. Eaton. Dryopteris spinulosa var. intermedia. (Muhl.) Underw. THELYPTERIS SPINULOSA var. INTERMEDIA. (Muhl.) Nieuwl. 15. Aspidium spinulosum var. concordianum. (Davenp.) Eastman. THELYPTERIS SPINULOSA var. CONCORDIANA. (Davenp.) Weatherby. 16. Aspidium spinulosum var. dilatatum. (Hoff.) Gray. Dryopteris spinulosa var. dilatata. (Hoff.) Underw. THELYPTERIS SPINULOSA var. AMERICANA. (Fisch.) Weatherby. 17. Aspidium thelypteris. (L.) Sw. Dryopteris thelypteris. (L.) A. Gray. THELYPTERIS PALUSTRIS. Schott.
18. Asplenium Bradleyi. D.C. Eaton. 19. Asplenium platyneuron. (L.) Oakes. Asplenium ebeneum. Ait. 20. Asplenium ebenoides. R.R. Scott. 21. Asplenium montanum. Willd. 22. Asplenium parvulum. Mart, and Gal. Asplenium resiliens. Kze. 23. Asplenium pinnatifidum. Nutt. 24. Asplenium Ruta-muraria. L. 25. Asplenium Trichomanes. L. 26. Asplenium viride. Huds.
27. ATHYRIUM ACROSTICHOIDES. (Sw.) Diels. Asplenium acrostichoides. Sw. Asplenium thelypteroides. Michx. 28. ATHYRIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM. (Michx.) Milde. Asplenium angustifolium. Michx. Asplenium pycnocarpon. Spreng. 29. ATHYRIUM ANGUSTUM. (Willd.) Presl. Athyrium filix-femina. American Authors not Roth. Asplenium filix-femina. American Authors not Bernh. 30. ATHYRIUM ASPLENIOIDES. (Michx.) Desv.
31. Botrychium lanceolatum. (Gmel.) Angstroem. BOTRYCHIUM ANGUSTISEGMENTUM. (Pease and Moore.) Fernald. 32. BOTRYCHIUM DISSECTUM. Spreng. Botrychium obliquum var. dissectum. (Spreng.) Clute. 33. Botrychium obliquum. Muhl. BOTRYCHIUM DISSECTUM var. OBLIQUUM. (Muhl.) Clute. 34. Botrychium lunaria. (L.) Sw. 35. Botrychium ramosum. (Roth.) Aschers. Botrychium matricariaefolium. A. Br. Botrychium neglectum. Wood. 36. Botrychium simplex. E. Hitchcock. 37. Botrychium ternatum. (Thunb.) Sw. Var. intermedium. D.C. Eaton. Botrychium obliquum var. intermedium. (D.C. Eaton.) Underw. 38. Botrychium virginianum. (L.) Sw.
39. Camptosorus rhizophyllus. (L.) Link.
40. Cheilanthes alabamensis. (Buckley.) Kunze. 41. Cheilanthes Feei. Moore. Cheilanthes lanuginosa. Nutt. 42. Cheilanthes lanosa. (Michx.) Watt. Cheilanthes vestita. Sw. 43. Cheilanthes tomentosa. Link.
CRYPTOGRAMMA.R. BR. 44. Cryptogramma densa. (Brack.) Diels. Pellaea densa. (Brack.) Hook. 45. Cryptogramma Stelleri. (Gmel.) Prantl. Pellaea gracilis. (Michx.) Hook. 46. Cryptogramma acrostichoides. R. Br.
CYSTOPTERIS. BERNH. 47. Cystopteris bulbifera. (L.) Bernh. Filix bulbifera. (L.) Underw. 48. Cystopteris fragilis. (L.) Bernh. Filix fragilis. (L.) Underw.
DENNSTAEDTIA L'HER. 49. DENNSTAEDTIA PUNCTILOBULA. (Michx.) Moore. Dicksonia pilosiuscula. Willd.
LYGODIUM SW. 50. Lygodium palmatum. (Bernh.) Sw.
NOTHOLAENA.R. BR. 51. Notholaena dealbata. (Pursh.) Kunze. Notholaena nivea var. dealbata. (Pursh.) Davenp.
ONOCLEA L. 52. Onoclea sensibilis. L. 53. Onoclea Struthiopteris. (L.) Hoff. Struthiopteris Germanica. Willd. Matteuccia Struthiopteris. (L.) Todaro. PTERETIS NODULOSA. (Michx.) Nieuwl.
54. Ophioglossum vulgatum. L. Ophioglossum vulgatum var. minus. Moore. 55. Ophioglossum Engelmanni. Prantl.
OSMUNDA.L. 56. Osmunda cinnamomea. L. 57. Osmunda Claytoniana. L. 58. Osmunda regalis. L. OSMUNDA REGALIS var. SPECTABILIS. (Willd.) Gray.
PELLAEA. LINK 59. Pellaea atropurpurea. (L.) Link. 60. Pellaea glabella. Mett.
PHEGOPTERIS FEE 61. Phegopteris Dryopteris. (L.) Fee. THELYPTERIS DRYOPTERIS. (L.) Slosson. 62. Phegopteris hexagonoptera. (Michx.) Fee. THELYPTERIS HEXAGONOPTERA. (Michx.) Weatherby. 63. Phegopteris polypodioides Fee. THELYPTERIS PHEGOPTERIS. (L.) Slosson. Phegopteris Phegopteris. (L.) Underw. 64. Phegopteris Robertiana. (Hoff.) A. Br. Phegopteris calcarea. Fee. THELYPTERIS ROBERTIANA. (Hoff.) Slosson.
POLYPODIUM.L. 65. Polypodium vulgare. L. 66. Polypodium polypodioides. (L.) Watt. Polypodium incanum. Sw.
67. Polystichum acrostichoides. (Michx.) Schott. Aspidium acrostichoides. Sw. Dryopteris acrostichoides. (Michx.) Kuntze. 68. Polystichum Braunii. (Spenner.) Fee. Dryopteris Braunii. (Spenner.) Underw. Aspidium aculeatum var. Braunii. Doel. 69. Polystichum Lonchitis. (L.) Roth. Aspidium Lonchitis. Sw. Dryopteris Lonchitis. Kuntze.
70. Pteris aquilina. L. Pteridium aquilinum. (L.) Kuhn. PTERIDIUM LATIUSCULUM. (Desv.) Maxon. PTERIDIUM LATIUSCULUM var. PSEUDOCAUDATUM. (Clute.) Maxon.
71. Schizaea pusilla. Pursh. 72. Scolopendrium vulgare. J.E. Smith. PHYLLITIS SCOLOPENDRIUM. (L.) Newman.
73. Trichomanes radicans. Sw. Trichomanes Boschianum. Sturm.
74. Woodsia glabella. R. Br. 75. Woodsia alpina. (Bolton.) S.F. Gray. Woodsia hyperborea. R. Br. 76. Woodsia ilvensis. (L.) R. Br. 77. Woodsia Cathcartiana. B.L. Robinson. 78. Woodsia obtusa. (Spreng.) Torr. 79. Woodsia oregana. D.C. Eaton. 80. Woodsia scopulina. D.C. Eaton.
WOODWARDIA.J.E. SMITH 81. Woodwardia virginica. Sm. 82. Woodwardia areolata. (L.) Moore. Woodwardia angustifolia. Sm.
In a valley, centuries ago, Grew a little fern-leaf green and slender, Veining delicate and fibers tender, Waving when the wind crept down so low; Rushes tall and moss and grass grew round it, Playful sunbeams darted in and found it, Drops of dew stole down by night and crowned it. But no foot of man e'er came that way— Earth was young and keeping holiday.
Monster fishes swam the silent main, Stately forests waved their giant branches, Mountains hurled their snowy avalanches, Mammoth creatures stalked across the plain, Nature reveled in grand mysteries; But the little fern was not of these, Did not slumber with the hills and trees, Only grew and waved its wild, sweet way; No one came to note it day by day.
Earth, one time, put on a frolic mood, Heaved the rocks and changed the mighty motion Of the deep, strong currents of the ocean; Moved the plain and shook the haughty wood, Crushed the little fern in soft, moist clay, Covered it and hid it safe away. Oh, the long, long centuries since that day! Oh, the changes! Oh, life's bitter cost! Since the useless little fern was lost.
Useless? Lost? There came a thoughtful man Searching Nature's secrets far and deep; From a fissure in a rocky steep He withdrew a stone o'er which there ran Fairy pencilings, a quaint design, Leafage, veining, fibers clear and fine, And the fern's life lay in every line! So, I think, God hides some souls away, Sweetly to surprise us the last day!—M.B. BRANCH.