DAUNT, W.J. O'NEILL.—A Co. Cork gentleman, one of O'Connell's first Protestant supporters in the Repeal Movement. He was elected for Mallow, but unseated. He ceased to attend Conciliation Hall after the rupture with the Young Irelanders. Many years later he took a prominent part in the Home Rule movement.
DAVIS, THOMAS (1814-1845).—The founder and inspiration of the Young Ireland movement. Son of an English father of Welsh descent and an Irish mother. From the inception of The Nation newspaper until his death he was the chief writer of that journal.
DILLON, JOHN BLAKE (1816-1866).—The close personal friend of Thomas Davis and with him one of the founders of the Nation. On his return from exile he attempted to found an Irish Party in alliance with the British Radicals and sat in the British Parliament for Tipperary.
DOYLE, DANIEL.—A Limerick solicitor who acted with John O'Donnell and O'Gorman in inciting Limerick county to insurrection in July, 1848. After the failure he escaped across the water.
DUFFY, CHARLES GAVAN (1816-1903).—One of the three founders of the Nation and its editor from 1842 to 1854, when he left Ireland for Australia where he became Prime Minister of Victoria. In 1873 he received a knighthood.
"EVA" (1825-1910).—Miss Mary Kelly of Galway, afterwards Mrs. Kevin Izod O'Doherty. One of the chief poets of the Nation.
FERGUSON, SAMUEL (1810-1886).—A Belfast barrister and, save Edward Walsh, the most Gaelic of Irish poets in the English language. Ferguson took a leading part in the Protestant Repeal Association in 1848 and afterwards became one of the first of Irish archaeologists. In 1878 he was knighted.
FITZGERALD, JOHN LOYD.—Of Newcastle West, Limerick. A lawyer of high standing.
FITZSIMON, CHRISTOPHER.—Son-in-law of Daniel O'Connell, elected to the British Parliament for Co. Dublin. He deserted Repeal to support the Government and was rewarded with the post of Clerk of the Hanaper. His desertion caused the representation of the Co. Dublin to revert to the Unionists for half-a-century.
GRAY, SIR JOHN (1815-1875).—A medical doctor and owner of the Freeman's Journal, publicly supporting O'Connell, but personally in sympathy with Young Ireland. He sat in the British Parliament subsequently for Kilkenny and was an active member of the Dublin Corporation.
GRATTAN, HENRY, JUN.—Son of the great Grattan and member for Meath, 1831-52. An honest but weak politician.
GREY, EARL (1802-1894).—Third Earl. Colonial Secretary in the British Liberal Government, 1846 to 1852.
HALPIN, THOMAS M.—Secretary of the Confederation, and a Dublin working-man. According to Meagher he failed to transmit instructions to the Dublin Confederate Clubs to rise in insurrection in the streets of the capital when the fight opened in Tipperary. Halpin denied emphatically having received such orders. After the insurrection he made his way to the United States.
HEYTESBURY, LORD (1779-1860).—William A'Court, British Envoy in Spain and Naples, and Ambassador in Portugal and Russia. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1844-6.
HOGAN, JOHN (1800-1858).—One of the greatest of modern sculptors. With MacManus and other artists he presented O'Connell with the "Repeal Cap," modelled on the Irish Crown.
HOLLYWOOD, EDWARD.—A silk-weaver and, with Michael Crean, an artisan leader. He acted as treasurer of the Davis Confederate Club. Arrested in Wicklow with D'Arcy M'Gee for sedition, but the prosecution was abandoned. After the insurrection he escaped to France, and some years later returned to Dublin.
HOLMES, ROBERT (1765-1859).—Brother-in-law of Thomas Addis and Robert Emmet, and a vehement opponent of the Union in 1799-1800. He declined to accept promotion at the Bar while the Union endured.
HUDSON, WILLIAM ELIOT (1797-1853).—Described by Thomas Davis as the best man and the best Irishman he ever knew. A man of fortune and culture who devoted his leisure and his wealth to helping every movement for the betterment of Ireland.
HUME, JOSEPH (1777-1855).—An English politician who sat in the British Parliament for English, Irish, and Scotch constituencies as Tory and later as Radical. Chief author of the Radical shibboleth, "Peace, Retrenchment and Reform."
IRELAND, RICHARD.—A barrister, one of the founders of the Protestant Repeal Association in 1848. He emigrated to Australia afterwards and became Attorney-General of Victoria.
KENYON, FATHER (18— -1869).—Curate and afterwards Parish Priest of Templederry in Tipperary. A strong opponent of the "Old Irelanders" and the close political and personal friend of John Mitchel.
LALOR, JAMES FINTAN (1810-49).—Son of Patrick Lalor, M.P. of Queen's Co. A vigorous writer whose agrarian doctrine was converted by Henry George into Land Nationalisation—which it was not. He contributed to the Nation and the Felon, 1847-8, and attempted an insurrectionary conspiracy, 1849.
LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE DE (1790-1869).—Minister for Foreign Affairs in the French Republican Government. The British Ministry through Lord Normanby threatened him with the possible rupture of diplomatic relations if he gave an encouraging reply to the Young Ireland deputation. Politically Lamartine was more of the school of the British Whigs of his period than of any native French school. His high character and literary abilities were held in deserved esteem by his countrymen, but as a man of affairs he was never really successful.
LANE, DENNY (1818-95).—A Cork commercial man who identified himself prominently with the Young Ireland cause in Munster. Author of "Carrigdhoun" and some other popular ballads.
LAWLESS, HON. CECIL.—Son of Lord Cloncurry. An O'Connellite Repealer and somewhat virulent opponent of the Young Irelanders who nicknamed him "Artful Cecil."
LEDRU-ROLLIN, ALEXANDRE (1808-74).—Minister of the Interior in the French Republican Government of 1848. He was connected with Ireland by marriage and strongly sympathised with its people.
LEFROY, BARON (1776-1869).—One-time member for Trinity College in the British Parliament. Subsequent to 1848 promoted Lord Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench, and although he became incapable of discharging the office he refused to resign it until he had passed his ninetieth year.
LEYNE, MAURICE RICHARD (1820-1854).—The only member of the O'Connell family who identified himself with Young Ireland. He was an occasional contributor to the Nation from 1844 to 1848 and in June of that year, on the eve of the insurrection, formally joined Young Ireland. On the revival of the Nation in 1849 he joined Duffy in its editorship.
LOUIS NAPOLEON (1808-1873).—Son of the King of Holland, nephew of the great Napoleon, President of the second Republic and, after the coup d'etat and the plebescite, Emperor of France. Napoleon while in exile manifested some sympathy with Ireland, and as a member of the French Republic was, like Cavaignac, willing to intervene on this country's behalf with England if the Young Irelanders had succeeded in winning initial engagements against the British forces in the field.
MACHALE, ARCHBISHOP (1791-1881).—"John of Tuam"—the greatest of the Irish prelates of his time. He was in partial sympathy with the Young Irelanders, but opposed to them on several educational questions.
MACNEVIN, THOMAS (1810-1848).—A leading Young Irelander and college friend of Davis. Author, in the Library of Ireland, of "The Confiscation of Ulster" and "The History of the Volunteers."
MACMANUS, TERENCE BELLEW (1823-60).—A prosperous Irish merchant in Liverpool who relinquished his prosperity to join in the insurrection. He escaped from the British penal colonies to the United States and died there in poor circumstances.
MACLISE, DANIEL (1806-1870).—One of the first painters of his time. He refused the presidency of the British Royal Academy.
M'CARTHY, DENIS FLORENCE (1817-1882).—One of the chief poets of the Nation, afterwards Professor of English Literature in the Catholic University.
M'GEE, THOMAS DARCY (1825-1868).—Son of a coast-guard at Carlingford, Louth. M'Gee between the ages of seventeen and twenty won a remarkable reputation as a journalist in the United States and came back to Ireland to take up the editorship of the Freeman's Journal, which he relinquished to join the Nation staff. After the failure in 1848 Bishop Maginn procured his escape to America disguised as a priest. M'Gee, Devin Reilly and Doheny quarrelled in the United States, and M'Gee's political views gradually modified. He proceeded to Canada, entered politics, and became one of the first statesmen of the dominion and a member of the Government. In that position he was continually attacked by a section of the Irish as a renegade, and the bitterness of his replies inflamed feeling. In April, 1868, he was assassinated by an alleged Fenian. Local and sectional political hatreds appear, however, to have had more to do with the murder of M'Gee than his virulent denunciations of the Fenians.
MAGINN, EDWARD, D.D. (1802-1849).—Son of a farmer at Fintona, Tyrone, Dr. Maginn entered the Church and speedily became noted for his vigour of intellect and strength of character. In 1845 he was appointed coadjutor-Bishop of Derry, and created Bishop of Ortosia in the Archbishopric of Tyre. A strong advocate of Repeal and tenant-right, he gradually attorned to the Young Irelanders when he discovered that the Whig Government had bought up Conciliation Hall. In 1848 he sent Sir John Gray to Gavan Duffy offering to take the field at the head of the priests of his diocese if the insurrection were held back until the harvest had been reaped. The sudden suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, however, forced the Young Irelanders' hands two months too soon.
MANGAN, JAMES CLARENCE (1803-49).—The first of the poets of the Young Ireland period. He declined to write for any but the Irish public, and died in poverty.
MARTIN, JOHN (1812-1875).—A landed proprietor of Co. Down. On his return from transportation, he re-entered Irish politics; was elected in 1870 to the British Parliament, for Meath, and played a leading part in founding the Home Rule movement.
"MARY" (1828-69).—With "Eva" and "Speranza" one of the triumvirate of the women-poets of the Nation: Miss Ellen Mary Downing of Cork—afterwards a nun, Sister Mary Alphonsus.
MEAGHER, THOMAS FRANCIS (1823-67).—Son of the O'Connellite member of the British Parliament for Waterford. He escaped from the British Penal colonies to the United States in 1852 and served as Brigadier-General on the Federal side during the civil war. When Acting-Governor of Montana he was drowned in the Mississippi.
MEANY, STEPHEN JOSEPH.—A journalist, imprisoned in 1848 under the Habeas Corpus Suspension Act. In the United States he became a leader of one of the wings of the Fenian Brotherhood and, returning to Ireland in 1866, he was arrested on the way in London and sentenced to a term of penal servitude.
MELBOURNE, LORD (1779-1848).—William Lamb, second Viscount, Chief Secretary of Ireland, 1827-8, and Premier of England with brief intervals from 1834 to 1841.
MILEY, JOHN, D.D. (1805-1861).—Curate at the Catholic Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, and private chaplain to O'Connell. He was the intermediary in arranging the reunion of the O'Connellites with the Young Irelanders in the stillborn Irish League. In 1849 he was made Rector of the Irish College at Paris. On his return to Ireland he was appointed parish priest of Bray. He was an eloquent preacher, and author of several works on the Papacy.
MITCHEL, JOHN (1818-75).—A solicitor of Banbridge, and one of the first Irish Protestants of note to join the Repeal Association. From the death of Davis until the end of 1847 he was the chief writer of the Nation newspaper. On his escape from the British penal colonies in 1853 he settled in the United States, and took an active part on the Confederate side in the civil war. He returned to Ireland a few months before his death, and was elected member of the British Parliament for Tipperary, as a demonstration of hostility to British Government in Ireland.
MOORE, JUDGE.—Richard Moore, called to the Bar in 1807, acted for the defence in the trial of O'Connell and the Traversers, Liberal Attorney-General in 1846 and "almost Lord Chancellor." He was raised to the Bench in 1847 and died in 1858.
MONAHAN, JAMES HENRY (1804-78).—Attorney-General in 1848, Chief-Justice of the Common Pleas, 1850.
NAGLE, DR.—"A Dublin doctor without patients," who acted as a handyman for John O'Connell. He was devoid of ability. Subsequently he received a small Government post.
O'CONNELL, DANIEL (1775-1847).—Successor to John Keogh in the leadership of the Irish Catholics, and although his actual achievements were not so much greater than those of Keogh and Sweetman, their brilliancy threw the fame of his predecessors into the shade, where it still rests.
O'CONNELL, MAURICE (1802-53).—Eldest son of Daniel O'Connell, and a member of the British Parliament. He was the cleverest and most national of O'Connell's children.
O'CONNELL, MORGAN JOHN (1804-85).—Second son to Daniel O'Connell. He served under General Devereux in South America, entered the British Parliament as a Repealer, deserted Repeal, and was appointed Assistant-Registrar of Deeds.
O'CONNELL, JOHN (1810-1858).—The chief political assistant of his father, Daniel O'Connell. After the collapse of the Repeal Association he received a place from the British Government.
O'CONNELL, DANIEL, JUN. (1815-1897).—The youngest of O'Connell's sons. He sat in the British Parliament until 1863, when he was appointed to a Government post.
O'CONOR DON, THE (1794-1847).—Repeal M.P. for Roscommon. He deserted to the Liberals, and was made a Lord of the Treasury.
O'DEA, PATRICK.—The Young Ireland leader in Rathkeale, Co. Limerick.
O'DOHERTY, KEVIN IZOD (1823-1895).—Son of a Dublin solicitor. After his release from transportation he settled in Australia and became prominent in its politics and medical science. In 1885 he returned temporarily to Ireland, and sat for a brief period in the British Parliament as Parnellite member for Meath.
O'DONNELL, JOHN.—A Limerick solicitor and an ardent Young Irelander. When Richard O'Gorman came to Limerick to urge the people to arms, O'Donnell travelled through the county with him as his aide-de-camp. On the news of the outbreak in Tipperary, O'Donnell, Doyle and Daniel Harnett raised the country around Abbeyfeale, cut off the mails and pitched an insurgent camp outside the town where the Abbeyfeale men waited for O'Gorman, who was elsewhere in the county, to take command. Before his arrival the news of the collapse at Ballingarry arrived and the Abbeyfeale Camp broke up. O'Donnell escaped from the country with O'Gorman.
O'DOWD, JAMES.—A Conciliation Hall lawyer. Afterwards appointed to a legal position in connection with the London Custom house.
O'DWYER, CAREW.—Repeal M.P. for Louth, 1832-5. He deserted Repeal and received a minor position in the Exchequer Court.
O'FLAHERTY, MARTIN.—A Galway solicitor and a member of the Irish Confederation.
O'GORMAN, RICHARD, JUN. (1826-1895).—Son of Richard O'Gorman of the Woollen Hall, one of the foremost Dublin merchants and Catholic leaders in the Emancipation struggle. O'Gorman settled in New York after his escape and became a judge of the Superior Court.
O'HEA, JAMES.—A lawyer described by Davis as of "vast abilities."
O'LOGHLEN, SIR COLMAN (1819-1877).—Second baronet, son of the Master of the Rolls. Afterwards M.P. for Clare, a Privy Councillor and Judge-Advocate-General.
O'MAHONY, JOHN (1816-1877).—A gentleman-farmer of ancient lineage and high scholarship. After the second attempt to kindle insurrection he fled to the Continent and later proceeded to the United States, where with Doheny and Stephens he founded Fenianism.
PEEL, SIR ROBERT (1788-1850).—Chief Secretary for Ireland and organiser of the "new police"—hence "peelers." In politics an opportunist, opposing and supporting Catholic Emancipation and Free Trade. Premier of England, 1834-5, 1841-6.
PENNEFATHER, BARON (1773-1859).—Chief Baron of the Irish Exchequer, 1821, and for thirty-eight years a judge.
PIGOT, CHIEF BARON (1797-1872).—Son of Dr. Pigot of Mallow and one of the founders of the attempted National Whig Party in the period 1820-30. He was a cultured man and an upright judge.
PIGOT, JOHN E. (1822-1871).—Eldest son of Chief Baron Pigot and the intimate comrade of Thomas Davis. Author of many ballads and articles in the Nation and other National journals, and an ardent collector of Irish music.
PLUNKET, LORD (1764-1854).—William Conyngham Plunket, member for Charlemont in the Irish Parliament and a bitter opponent of the Union. Lord Chancellor of Ireland from 1830 to 1841.
RAY, THOMAS MATTHEW (1801-1881).—A Dublin trades-union leader of great organising ability, appointed by O'Connell secretary of the Repeal Association. Subsequently Assistant-Registrar of Deeds.
REILLY, THOMAS DEVIN (1823-1854).—One of the Nation staff and one of the few leading Young Irelanders who supported Mitchel on the division in the Confederation in 1848. In the United States he won a foremost position as a political writer.
REYNOLDS, JOHN.—An Alderman of the Dublin Corporation and M.P. for Dublin City in the British Parliament, 1847-52. Subsequently Lord Mayor. He was utterly corrupt and a mob-leader.
ROEBUCK, J.A. (1801-79).—An English politician who professed Independent views, and from the violence of his denunciation of his opponents was nicknamed "Tear 'em."
RUSSELL, LORD JOHN (1792-1878).—Liberal Prime Minister of England, 1846-52, and again, 1865. He successfully opposed Lord George Bentinck's proposal to preserve the Irish from famine and pauperism by undertaking the construction of railways.
SAVAGE, JOHN (1828-1888).—One of the founders of the Irish Tribune. After the complete failure of the insurrection, he escaped to the United States where he became eminent in literature and for a time head of the Fenian movement.
SHEIL, RICHARD LALOR (1791-1851).—Dramatist, orator and politician. Deserted Repeal and was made British minister at Florence. Subsequently Master of the Mint.
SHIELDS, JAMES, GENERAL (1807-1879).—Born near Dungannon, Shields emigrated in early life to the United States, where he attained distinction in journalism and subsequently celebrity as a lawyer. On the outbreak of war with Mexico, he forsook the Bar for arms, and as a soldier acquired even higher renown. In 1848 he was chosen as governor of Oregon, and was considered one of the ablest of the United States Generals. His political views being in sympathy with the Young Irelanders, several of them looked towards Shields as another Eoghan Ruadh, who would accept the call of his country and return to lead the Irish once they had taken the field. Subsequently Shields engaged in the Civil War on the Northern side, and, although a comparatively old man, distinguished himself by defeating General Stonewall Jackson at the Battle of Winchester, although his army was inferior in numbers and he had been wounded at the opening of the fight.
SMYTH, P.J. (1826-1885).—One of the youngest of the Young Ireland leaders. He escaped from Ireland to the United States after the collapse of the insurrection, and carried out the rescue of Mitchel from Van Diemen's Land. On his return to Ireland he re-entered politics, and sat in the British Parliament successively for Westmeath and Tipperary.
STANLEY, LORD (1802-1869).—Secretary for Foreign Affairs in the British Liberal Government, 1846-52.
STAUNTON, MICHAEL.—Proprietor of the Morning Register newspaper and an alderman of the Dublin Corporation. His memory survives as the involuntary agent of bringing Duffy and Davis together—and thus leading to the foundation of The Nation.
STEPHENS, JAMES (1825-1901).—A Kilkenny railway employe. Afterwards chief organiser of the Fenian movement, of which, with O'Mahony and Doheny, he was one of the founders.
TORRENS, JUDGE.—Called to the Bar, 1798, raised to the Bench, 1823, where he sat for thirty-three years.
WILDE, SIR THOMAS (1782-1855).—Lord Truro, Attorney-General to the British Liberal Government in England, 1846; afterwards Chief Justice of the Common Pleas and Lord Chancellor of England, 1850-2.
WILLIAMS, RICHARD DALTON (1822[E]-1862).—One of the most popular of the poets of the Nation. The Government prosecution failed in his case, and he emigrated to the United States where he became Professor of Belles Lettres in the University of Mobile.
WYSE, SIR THOMAS (1791-1862).—One of O'Connell's lieutenants in the Catholic Association, of which he wrote a history. He declined to support Repeal, but favoured what is now known as Federal Home Rule, served as a Lord of the Treasury in Melbourne's administration, and afterwards for many years as British minister at Athens. He was a man of superior character to the ordinary type of place-seekers, and his writings won him a temporary European reputation.
Anglesea, Lord, 5, 302.
Antisell Dr., xxx, 141, 302.
Bantry, Lord, 241, 242, 302.
Barrett, Richard, 49, 302.
Barrett, Eaton Stannard, 302.
Barry, Michael Joseph, 32, 62, 98, 99, 105, 106, 302.
Bem, General, 296.
Bentinck, Lord George, xii, 315.
Birch, James, 303.
Blake, Sir Thomas, 295.
Blackburne, Chief Justice, 192, 197.
Brenan, Joseph, 301, 302.
Broderick, Captain, 86, 303.
Brown, Bishop, 43.
Bryan, Major, 89, 303.
Byrne, Rev. Father, 155, 163, 164, 166.
Callanan, Jeremiah Joseph, 225.
Campbell, Sir John, 18, 303.
Cane, Dr., 304.
Cangley, David, 32, 303.
Cantwell, Bishop, 40, 42, 44, 45.
Cantwell, James, xxx, 159, 168, 176, 301, 303.
Carleton, William, 33, 125, 303.
Cavanagh, John, 176, 181, 303, 304.
Cavaignac, General, xix, 303, 308.
"Christabel" (Mrs. Downing), 251, 304.
Clarendon, Lord, 127, 137, 199, 293, 298, 304.
Clements, Edward, 76, 304.
Cloncurry, Lord, 307.
Conway, Michael George, 62, 304.
Corvinus, Matthias, 296.
Crampton, Judge, 146, 304.
Crean, Michael, 112, 300, 304, 305, 307.
Crolly, Archbishop, 39, 43, 45, 61, 305.
Cromwell, Oliver, x, 296.
Curran, John Philpot, 71.
Cunningham, D.P., 176.
Daunt, W.J. O'Neill, 45, 305.
Davis, Thomas, viii, ix, 16-20, 22, 23, 30-33, 36, 42, 44, 50, 51, 56, 57, 63, 64, 69-71, 74, 127, 305, 309, 311, 316.
Dembinski, General, 296.
Devereux, General, 312.
Dillon, John Blake, xv-xvii, 17-20, 32, 122, 131, 140, 153, 159, 163, 175, 176, 178, 179, 223, 240, 283, 289, 290, 298, 300, 305.
Dobbyn, Stephenson, 292.
Doherty, Chief-Justice, 6, 192, 305.
Doyle, Daniel, 283, 305, 313.
Drumm, J.H., 300.
Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan, xx, 18, 19, 30, 32, 38, 69, 93-95, 119-122, 125, 126, 141, 148, 153, 299, 305, 308, 310, 316.
Duffy, James, 33.
Ebrington, Lord, 14, 15.
"Eva" (Mrs. Kevin Izod O'Doherty), 127, 305, 310.
Emmet, Thomas Addis, 307.
Emmet, Robert, 139, 143, 193, 307.
Ferguson, Sir Samuel, 118, 148, 305, 306.
Fitzgerald, John Loyd, 48, 306.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 193.
Fitzpatrick, James, 99.
Fitzsimon, Christopher, 11, 306.
French, Henry Sneyd (High Sheriff of Dublin), 134, 136.
Fullam, Bernard, 302.
George, Henry, 307.
Gray, Sir John, 89, 299, 306, 310.
Grattan, Henry, Jun., 49, 67, 306.
Grey, Earl, 7, 306.
Gregg, Rev. Thresham, 292.
Halpin, Thomas, M. 112, 306.
Harnett, Daniel, 313.
Hartnett, Richard, xxx.
Hatchell, John, Solicitor-General, 145.
Heytesbury, Lord, 45, 306.
Hogan, John, 23, 70, 306, 307.
Hollywood, Edward, 112, 305, 307.
Holmes, Robert, 96, 131, 132, 135, 139, 140, 307.
Hudson, William Eliot, 32, 33, 71, 307.
Hume, Joseph, 74, 77, 307.
Huniad, Matthias, 296.
Ireland, Richard, 118, 148, 307.
Jackson, General "Stonewall," 315.
Jones, Paul, 290.
Kenyon, Father, 60, 131, 152, 174, 307.
Keeley, James, 112.
Lalor, Patrick, 307.
Lalor, James Fintan, 141, 307.
Lamartine, Alphonse de, xix, 307, 308.
Lane, Denny, 32, 308.
Lawless, Hon. Cecil, 109, 308.
Leach, James, 293.
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre de, xix, 25, 107, 308.
Lefroy, Baron, 132-139, 307.
Leyne, Maurice, xiv, 173, 176, 179, 183, 297, 308.
Longmore, Captain, 178.
Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III.) xix, 303, 308, 309.
MacHale, Archbishop, 38, 44, 51, 309.
Maclise, Daniel 70, 309.
MacManus, Terence Bellew, xiv, xxi, 89, 176, 178, 181-183, 190-196, 198, 199, 297, 305, 309.
MacNally, Bishop, 43.
MacNevin, Thomas, 32, 33, 309.
Maginn, Bishop, xx, 309, 310.
Mangan, James Clarence, 127, 310.
Martin, John, xxx, 131, 138, 141-145, 200, 309, 310.
"Mary" (Miss Ellen Downing), 310.
M'Cabe, Peter, 292.
M'Carthy, Denis Florence, 32, 224, 238, 239, 309.
Meagher, Thomas Francis, ix, xiv-xix, 32, 89, 98, 102, 105, 107, 122, 128, 131, 138, 140, 153-159, 163, 165, 173-176, 179, 183, 189-199, 202, 204, 207, 289-291, 297-299, 305, 309, 310.
Meany, Stephen Joseph, 141, 301, 311.
Melbourne, Lord, 9, 10, 311.
M'Garahan, Wm., 294.
M'Gee, Thomas D'Arcy, xiv, xv, xx, 32, 113, 119, 120, 153, 289-297, 299, 300, 306, 307, 309, 310.
Miley, Rev. Dr., 115, 148, 311.
Mitchel, John, xii, xiii, xix, xx, xxx, 32, 33, 88, 89, 95, 96, 98, 99, 102, 105, 107, 118-122, 125, 127-141, 143, 151, 157, 188, 280, 311, 314, 316.
Mitchel, William Henry, 131.
Monahan, Chief Justice, 132, 139, 142, 143, 192, 312.
Moore, George Henry, xi, xii, 310.
Moore, Judge, 132, 133, 138, 139, 192, 311.
Morgan, Francis, 300.
Mullen, Robert, 75.
Murray, Archbishop, 45, 46, 295.
Nagle, Dr., 47, 48, 312.
Napoleon I., 298.
Normanby, Lord, 308.
O'Brien, William Smith, vii, xv-xx, 24, 34, 36, 41, 46, 49, 51, 57, 59, 67, 73, 76-81, 83-94, 96, 97, 99-101, 106-108, 117, 121, 122, 128, 129, 148, 156-159, 163, 165, 167-184, 187-195, 205-207, 284, 291, 296, 299.
O'Connell, Daniel, xxvii-xxix, 2-14, 21-25, 27-30, 34-41, 43, 45-50, 54-59, 61-70, 74-77, 83-89, 93-95, 97-101, 103-111, 114-117, 120, 187, 188, 250, 293, 302-304, 311, 312, 316.
O'Connell, Daniel (Jun.) 47, 88, 99, 101, 312.
O'Connell, John, 47, 59, 60, 77, 78, 81-83, 88, 101, 107, 113, 117, 128, 151, 312.
O'Connell, Maurice, 45, 59, 67, 88, 128, 312.
O'Connell, Morgan, 11, 312.
O'Conor Don, The, 109, 312.
O'Connor, Feargus, 9.
O'Dea, Patrick, xxx, 312.
O'Doherty, Kevin Izod, xxx, 141, 142, 145-147, 200, 312, 313.
O'Donohoe, Patrick, 168, 169,176, 178, 183, 189-196, 198, 199.
O'Donnell, John, 283, 305, 313.
O'Donnell, Richard, 192-193.
O'Dowd, James, 75, 313.
O'Dwyer, Andrew Carew, 11, 313.
O'Flaherty, Martin, 131, 313.
O'Gorman, Richard (Jun.), xv, 32, 89, 98, 99, 102, 105, 122, 131, 152, 153, 189, 223, 240, 283, 289, 301, 305, 312, 313.
O'Gorman, Richard (Sen.), 313.
O'Hagan, John, 32, 131.
O'Hara, Charles, 131.
O'Hea, James, 75, 88, 89, 313.
O'Loghlen, Sir Colman, 48, 49, 64, 75, 76, 88, 90-92, 118, 131, 140, 313.
O'Mahony, John, xiv, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxx, 163, 173, 176, 185, 186, 201, 202, 206, 269, 270, 283-287, 313, 314, 316.
O'Neill, Eoghan Ruadh, ix, 296, 315.
Parle, Father, xvi.
Peel, Sir Robert, 12, 20, 21, 36, 98, 314.
Pennefather, Baron, 142, 144, 146, 314.
Pigot, Chief Baron, 142, 144-146, 314.
Pigot, Dr., 314.
Pigot, John Edward, 89, 314.
Pius IX., Pope, 295.
Plunket, Lord, 18, 314.
Quinlan, Margaret, 186, 201.
Ray, Thomas Matthew, 10, 87, 88, 106, 314.
Reilly, John, 45, 106.
Reilly, Thomas Devin, xv, xviii, 32, 120, 127, 131, 138, 141, 153, 171, 176, 179, 184, 289, 301, 309, 314.
Reynolds, John, 47, 117, 314.
Roebuck, J.A., 57, 315.
Russell, Lord John, xii, 57, 97-99, 164, 250, 251, 315.
Savage, John, 141, 284-287, 315.
Shiel, Richard Lalor, 6, 101, 102, 109, 315.
Shields, General, v, vi, 315.
Sligo, Marquis of, xii.
Smyth, Patrick Joseph, xv, 159, 168, 283, 300, 315, 316.
Stanley, Lord, 9, 316.
Staunton, Michael, 17, 316.
Stephens, James, xxi, xxx, 168, 169, 176, 178, 181-183, 203-254, 314, 316.
Torrens, Judge, 316.
Trant, Captain, 180-183.
Victoria, Queen, 137, 199, 287.
Walsh, Edward, 305.
Wilde, Sir Thomas, 84, 316.
Wilde, Lady ("Speranza"), 310.
Williams, Richard Dalton, xxx, 32, 141, 145, 146, 316.
Wright, J.D., 176.
Wyse, Sir Thomas, 50, 58, 316.
[Transcriber's Note A: printed "posioned" in original.]
[Transcriber's Note B: spelled "alleigance" in original.]
[Transcriber's Note C: sic.]
[Transcriber's Note D: Printed "hose" in original.]
[Transcriber's Note E: Misprinted as "1882" in original.]