The Entertaining History of Jobson & Nell Author: Anonymous |
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Near the sign of the Bell Liv'd JOBSON and NELL, And cobbling of shoes was his trade; They agreed very well, The neighbours did tell, For he was a funny old blade.
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Price 31 cents coloured. 18 cents plain.
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Near the Sign of the Bell Liv'd Jobson and Nell And cobbling of Shoes was his trade They agreed very well The neighbors did tell For he was a funny old blade.
But Jobson loved whiskey Which made him so friskey His noddle when once it got in That frolick he must And kick up a dust For his customers cared not a pin.
The Parson did send His Shoes for to mend To take him on Sunday to Church But Jobson he swore He would cobble no more Tho' the people where left in the lurch.
Poor Nell then began To persuade her good man The soles for to cobble once more Quoth Jobson you elf He may do them himself For many he's cobbled before.
Now Sunday is come And the Shoes are not done Nell called Jobson a very great Sinner By his fine frisking Airs The folks got no Prayers And poor Nell and he got no Dinner.
But the Parson good man It was always his plan To have on a sunday good cheer Both roast Beef and pudding With every thing good in Besides some October strong Beer.
Then out Jobson set In a deuce of a pet For he liked not to fast in the least And the Parson and he On this point did agree They were far better pleas'd at a feast.
To the Parson's he goes For Jobson's good Nose Was led by the savory smell He caught up the roast Tho 'tis nothing to boast And carried it safe home to Nell.
When the Parson's old Cook For the Meat came to look She vow'd 'twas a shocking disaster And thought this bad news Would vex more than the Shoes So in tears ran to tell her old Master.
The Parson he griev'd As it may be believ'd When he heard of the loss of his Beef His haste was so great He forgot his bald Pate And ran out in pursuit of the Thief.
The Parson he call'd And the Parson he bawl'd That running so fast shook his Belly When he reached Jobson's House He was mute as a Mouse He was very near turned to a Jelly.
When he found his roast Beef It gave him relief To think he his meal should not lose Down together they sat And eat both lean and fat And forgave Jobson keeping the Shoes.
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May be had the following Juvenile Books,
Embellished with neat coloured Engravings: price coloured 18 cents, plain 12 cents.
My Father. My Mother. My Bible. Our Saviour. Wonderful Adventures of Guy Earl of Warwick. The Adventures of Little James and Mary. The Cobler and his Scolding Wife. Little Nancy, or the Punishment of Greediness. The Brother and Sister, or Reward of Benevolence. Little Emma and her Father, a lesson for proud children. The Deserted Boy, or the Cruel Parents. The Comic Adventures of old Dame Trudge & her Parrot. Continuation of ditto. Errors of Youth. Peter Prim's profitable present for good Boys and Girls. Peter Pry's Puppet Show, part 1st. Ditto, part 2d. Pug's Visit to Mr. Punch. Punch's Visit to Mr. Pug. Tragical Wanderings of Grimalkin. Juvenile Pastimes, or Sports for the four Seasons, part 1st. Ditto, ditto, part 2d.
And a variety of others, to which will be added new ones, from time to time.
** Purchasers to sell again will be allowed a liberal discount.
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Transcriber's Note
The spelling of "where" in "Tho' the people where left in the lurch." has been left as it appears in the original.
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