The English Church in the Eighteenth Century
by Charles J. Abbey and John H. Overton
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[Footnote 995: R.A. Willmott, Lives of Sacred Poets, 1838, ii. x. 173.]

[Footnote 996: Gilbert Wakefield's Memoirs, 1792, x. 137.]

[Footnote 997: James Hervey's Works, 1805. Letter cxiv. Oct. 28, 1753—Works, vol. vi.]

[Footnote 998: London Parishes, &c.]

[Footnote 999: A. Andrews' The Eighteenth Century, 63.]

[Footnote 1000: Paterson's Pietas Londinensis.]

[Footnote 1001: Johnson's Clergyman's Vade-Mecum, 1709, i. 179.]

[Footnote 1002: Life of Kettlewell, 1719, 24.]

[Footnote 1003: Burnet's Four Discourses to the Clergy of Sarum, 1694, 338.]

[Footnote 1004: Paterson's Pietas Londinensis, Introd.]

[Footnote 1005: Fleetwood's Works, 716.]

[Footnote 1006: Johnson's Vade-Mecum, i. 189]

[Footnote 1007: E.g. Malcolm's London, &c., i. 18.]

[Footnote 1008: Walcot's Cathedrals, &c. (of Rochester), 102.]

[Footnote 1009: Doran's Note to Horace Walpole's Journal, i. 89.]

[Footnote 1010: Bramston, quoted in id.]

[Footnote 1011: C. Cruttwell's Life of Bishop Wilson, 370.]

[Footnote 1012: Life of Kettlewell, 24. Paterson's Pietas Londinensis, Introduction. H.B. Wilson's Hist. of Merchant Taylors, 1075. Chr. Wordsworth's Memoirs of W. Wordsworth, 8.]

[Footnote 1013: The Church of England Vindicated, &c., 1801, 15.]

[Footnote 1014: Secker's Eight Charges, 49.]

[Footnote 1015: Boswell's Life of Johnson, ii. 191.]

[Footnote 1016: Beresford Hope, Worship, &c., 22.]

[Footnote 1017: J.B. Pearson, in Oxford Essays, 1858, 165.]

[Footnote 1018: Horsley's Charges, 114.]

[Footnote 1019: Brand's Popular Antiq. 1777, i. 491.]

[Footnote 1020: Spectator, No. 282.]

[Footnote 1021: Gay's Trivia, ii. 438.]

[Footnote 1022: Walcot's Cathedrals, &c., 137.]

[Footnote 1023: Gay's Trivia, ii. 442.]

[Footnote 1024: Stukeley's Hist. of Carausius, ii. 164. Quoted by Walcot, 137.]

[Footnote 1025: Paterson's Pietas Lond.]

[Footnote 1026: As at St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, &c., id. 80.]

[Footnote 1027: See p. 68.]

[Footnote 1028: Piet. Lond. 272.]

[Footnote 1029: Walcot's Cathedrals, &c., 137.]

[Footnote 1030: Paterson's Pietas Londinensis, 157.]

[Footnote 1031: Id.]

[Footnote 1032: Spectator, No. 161, Sept. 4, 1711.]

[Footnote 1033: Nelson's Life of Bull, 312.]

[Footnote 1034: Macaulay's History of Claybrook, 1791, 93, quoted by Brand, ii. 12.]

[Footnote 1035: Wither's Emblems, 1635, quoted by Brand.]

[Footnote 1036: J. Walton's Life of Hooker.—Hooker's Works, 1850, i. 63.]

[Footnote 1037: Secker's Charges, 143.]

[Footnote 1038: Wilson's Hist. of St. Lawrence Pountney, 114.]

[Footnote 1039: Secker's Charges, 143.]

[Footnote 1040: J. Brand's Popular Antiquities, i. 199.]

[Footnote 1041: De Foe's Works, Chalmers, vol. xx. 8, note.]

[Footnote 1042: A Collection of Parl. Protests, 1737, 164.]

[Footnote 1043: Life of Ken, by a Layman, ii. 653.]

[Footnote 1044: Whiston's Memoirs, 1749, 132.]

[Footnote 1045: Id. and 406.]

[Footnote 1046: G. Wakefield's Memoirs, 1792, 182.]

[Footnote 1047: Malcolm's Manners and Customs of London, ii. 16-19.]

[Footnote 1048: Id. 23.]

[Footnote 1049: Brand's Pop. Antiq. i. 406-8.]

[Footnote 1050: Paterson's Pietas Lond. 23, 154, 164.]

[Footnote 1051: Burn's Eccl. Law, iii. 235.]

[Footnote 1052: H.J. Stephen's Commentaries on the Laws, 1858, iii. 54.]

[Footnote 1053: Dean Prideaux' Life and Letters, 1747, 95, and R. South's Sermons, 1823, iv. 186.]

[Footnote 1054: Prideaux, as above.]

[Footnote 1055: Burnet, quoted in J. Hunt's Hist. of Rel. Thought in E. iii. 223.]

[Footnote 1056: Secker's Eight Charges, 6.]

[Footnote 1057: B. Hope, Worship in the Ch. of E., 10. Secker makes the same remark, Eight Charges, 295.]

[Footnote 1058: Bishop Newton's Life and Works, i. 115.]

[Footnote 1059: J. Newton's Memoirs, 54.]

[Footnote 1060: The Church of England Vindicated, 1801, 40.]

[Footnote 1061: Considerations on the Present State of Religion, 1801, 21, 29.]

[Footnote 1062: H. More's Memoirs, i. 573.]

[Footnote 1063: H. More's Memoirs, i. 656.]

[Footnote 1064: Id. 458.]

[Footnote 1065: R. Thoresby's Diary (of 1684), i. 178.]

[Footnote 1066: Spectator, No. 20.]

[Footnote 1067: Spectator, No. 50.]

[Footnote 1068: Id. No. 259.]

[Footnote 1069: The scandalous interruptions during service which C. Simeon met with (1792-5) were, of course, of a different nature.—Simeon's Memoirs, 86-92.]

[Footnote 1070: R. Polwhele's Introduction to Lavington, ccxliv.]

[Footnote 1071: Tindal, vol. i. and Somers Tracts, x. 349, quoted in W. Palin's Hist. of the Ch. of E. from 1688 to 1717, 218.]

[Footnote 1072: Quoted in id. 228.]

[Footnote 1073: Gibson Papers, v. 9. Quoted in J. Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 324.]

[Footnote 1074: Hooper's MS., quoted by Palin, 220.]

[Footnote 1075: Cripps's Laws of the Church, 675.]

[Footnote 1076: R. Burn's Eccles. Law, iii. 273.]

[Footnote 1077: Johnson's Vade Mecum, i. 281.]

[Footnote 1078: Worship in the Church of England, 9.]

[Footnote 1079: J. Johnson's Vade Mecum, i. 21.]

[Footnote 1080: Life of Archbishop Sharp, by his Son, i. 355.]

[Footnote 1081: B. Hope, Worship, &c., 109, 1211.]

[Footnote 1082: Gibson's Codex Jur. Eccl. 303, 472. This opinion is referred to with approval in An Account of London Parishes, &c.]

[Footnote 1083: Blomefield's Hist. of Norwich, quoted in id. 140.]

[Footnote 1084: A.P. Stanley's Memoirs of Westminster Abbey, 192.]

[Footnote 1085: Defoe's Tour, 1727, iii. 189, also Thoresby's Diary, i. 60.]

[Footnote 1086: B. Hope, Worship, &c., 138.]

[Footnote 1087: Gent. Mag. for 1804, quoted in id.]

[Footnote 1088: The Scourge, by T. Lewis, Feb. 11, 1717.]

[Footnote 1089: Sherlock, On Public Worship, 114.]

[Footnote 1090: The Scourge, May 16, 1717.]

[Footnote 1091: Quoted in Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 323.]

[Footnote 1092: E. Thoresby's Diary, ii. 341.]

[Footnote 1093: Tatler, No. 129.]

[Footnote 1094: Secker's Eight Charges, 182.]

[Footnote 1095: R. South's Sermons, iv. 191, also Strype Corresp. quoted by Stoughton, Ch. of the Rev., 323.]

[Footnote 1096: Mr. Wordsworth, however, mentions a portrait of 1730, showing the interior of an English church in which the celebrant at the Eucharist is robed in a black gown.—Univ. Soc. in the Eighteenth Cent., 533.]

[Footnote 1097: Walcot's Cathedrals, &c., 121.]

[Footnote 1098: Christopher Pitt's Art of Preaching, c. 1740. Anderson's Br. Poets, viii. 821.]

[Footnote 1099: Spectator, No. 21.]

[Footnote 1100: Id. No. 609.]

[Footnote 1101: Id., and Oldham, in the Tatler, No. 255.]

[Footnote 1102: Swift's 'Project for the Adv. of Rel.'—Works, ix. 97. Spectator, No. 608.]

[Footnote 1103: Hearne's Reliq. Feb. 1719-20, quoted in Chr. Wordsworth, Univ. Soc. in Eighteenth Century, 36, 516.]

[Footnote 1104: Fielding's Joseph Andrews, b. i. chap. 16, b. ii. chaps. 3, 7, &c.]

[Footnote 1105: Cf. C. Churchill's Independence:—

'O'er a brown cassock which had once been black, Which hung in tatters o'er his brawny back.']

[Footnote 1106: Hardships, &c., of the Inf. Clergy, in a letter to the Bishop of London, 1722, 20, 93, 246.]

[Footnote 1107: Admonition to the Younger Clergy, 1764, and Philagoretes on the Pulpit, &c., quoted by Chr. Wordsworth, Universities, &c., 526, 529.]

[Footnote 1108: J.C. Jeaffreson's B. of the Clergy, ii. 253.]

[Footnote 1109: Mrs. Abigail, &c., with some Free Thoughts on the Pretended Dignity of the Clergy, 1700.]

[Footnote 1110: Quoted in Justice and Necessity of Restraining the Clergy, &c., 1715, 41]

[Footnote 1111: Jeaffreson, ii. 231.]

[Footnote 1112: R. South's Sermons, vol. iv. 192.]

[Footnote 1113: Dean Swift's Works, vol. viii. 313.]

[Footnote 1114: Chap. iii. p. 26 quoted in A. Andrews' Eighteenth Century.]

[Footnote 1115: Considerations Addressed to the Clergy, 1798, 14.]

[Footnote 1116: Spectator, No. 455. Burnet, as a matter of opinion, thought this more consonant with primitive usage, and, except during confession, more expressive of the feelings of faith and confidence.—Four Discourses, &c., 1694, 323.]

[Footnote 1117: The Scourge, 1720, No. 3.]

[Footnote 1118: Cruttwell's Life of Bishop Wilson, 12; and Fleetwood's 'Letter to an Inhabitant of St. Andrew's, Holborn,' 1717—Works. 1737, 722-3.]

[Footnote 1119: Id.]

[Footnote 1120: Towards the end of the century, on the other hand, there were many churches where kneeling was sufficiently uncommon as almost to call special attention. Thus Admiral Austen was remarked upon as 'the officer who kneeled at church' (Jane Austen's Memoirs, 23); and C. Simeon writes in his Diary, '1780, March 8. Kneeled down before service; nor do I see any impropriety in it. Why should I be afraid or ashamed of all the world seeing me do my duty?' (Memoirs, 19).]

[Footnote 1121: Tatler, No. 241.]

[Footnote 1122: J. Hunt, Relig. Thought in England, i. 197.]

[Footnote 1123: Sherlock On Public Worship, 1681, ii. ch. 2.]

[Footnote 1124: Fleetwood's Works, 1737, 723.]

[Footnote 1125: G. Hickes, Devotions, &c., second ed., 1701, Pref.]

[Footnote 1126: Second Charge, 1741, Secker's Eight Charges, 1769.]

[Footnote 1127: T. Bisse, The Beauty of Holiness, eighth ed. 1721, 50, note.]

[Footnote 1128: J. Watts, 'Miscellaneous Thoughts'—Works, ix. 380.]

[Footnote 1129: Tatler, No. 211.]

[Footnote 1130: Spectator, No. 112.]

[Footnote 1131: Id. No. 54.]

[Footnote 1132: Bingham's Works, ix. 259. Cruttwell, 12. Walcott, 204. Somers Tracts, ix. 507. Watts's Works, ix. 380. Wakefield's Memoirs, 156. The Scourge, No. 3.]

[Footnote 1133: Bisse, Beauty of Holiness, 145.]

[Footnote 1134: South's Works, iv. 191.]

[Footnote 1135: Lathbury's Hist. of the Nonjurors, 156, 507-8. Parry's Hist. of the Ch. of E., iii, 165.]

[Footnote 1136: This gave occasion to a special pastoral letter of the Bishop of London, Dec. 26, 1718.]

[Footnote 1137: Whiston's Memoirs, at date 1720, 249.]

[Footnote 1138: Thus we find Dr. Parr speaking of 'reviving' its use in his parish. Johnstone's 'Life of Parr'—Q. Rev. 39, 268. Expressions of dislike to parts of it among Churchmen are very numerous throughout the century.]

[Footnote 1139: Barbauld's Works, by Aikin, ii. 151. Bishop Watson's Life, i. 395.]

[Footnote 1140: J. Johnson, Clergyman's Vade Mecum, i. 12, and Heylin (Hist. pl. ii. cap. 4) quoted by him.]

[Footnote 1141: N. Bisse, Beauty of Holiness, 123. C. Crutwell's Life of Bishop Wilson, 265 (in the Isle of Man, First and Second Services are the regular terms used in official ecclesiastical notices). London Parishes, 8.]

[Footnote 1142: Sherlock On Public Worship, 1681, 205, 219.]

[Footnote 1143: Beveridge On Frequent Communion, 155, 173.]

[Footnote 1144: Fleetwood for example, 'Charge to the Ely Clergy,' 1716—Works, 1737, 699.]

[Footnote 1145: Secker's Eight Charges, 63.]

[Footnote 1146: E.C.M. Walcott's Customs of Cathedrals, 101.]

[Footnote 1147: Quoted in The Church of England Vindicated, &c., 1801, 5.]

[Footnote 1148: Two Letters Concerning the Methodists, by the Rev. Moore Booker, 1751, Pref. iv.]

[Footnote 1149: Burnet's Funeral Sermon on Tillotson, quoted in Lathbury's Nonjurors, 156.]

[Footnote 1150: Du Moulin's Sober and Dispassionate Reply, &c., 1680, 32.]

[Footnote 1151: The Church of England's Complaint against the Irregularities of some of the Clergy, 1709, 15.]

[Footnote 1152: J. Johnstone's Life of Dr. Parr, qu. in Q. Rev. 39, 268.]

[Footnote 1153: R. Nelson's Life of Bull, 52.]

[Footnote 1154: Charge of 1741—Secker's Eight Charges, 63.]

[Footnote 1155: C. Leslie's 'Letter about the New Separation'—Works, i. 510. He adds that some clergymen of the Ch. of E. always used unleavened bread at the Sacrament.]

[Footnote 1156: L. Tyerman's Oxford Methodists, Pref. vi. Other allusions to an occasional preference for this usage occur in Bishop Horne's Works, App. 203, and Gent. Mag. 1750, xx. 75. In some editions of Bishop Wilson's Sacra Privata, there is a prayer for a blessing on the bread and wine-and-water.]

[Footnote 1157: Herbert's Country Parson quoted in Brand's Pop. Antiquities, i. 521.]

[Footnote 1158: Walcott's Customs of Cathedrals, 137.]

[Footnote 1159: London Parishes, &c., 20.]

[Footnote 1160: Paterson's Pietas Londinensis, 52.]

[Footnote 1161: Id. 104.]

[Footnote 1162: Spectator, No. 372.]

[Footnote 1163: H.W. Cripps's Law of the Ch., &c., 218.]

[Footnote 1164: Hartley Coleridge, Essays and Marginalia, ii. 338.]

[Footnote 1165: Pope's Works, vii. 222-35. Naturally, Jacobite parsons were robed by Jacobite clerks. 'Who hath not observed several parish clerks that have ransacked Hopkins and Sternhold for staves in favour of the race of Jacob.'—Addison, in The Freeholder, No. 53.]

[Footnote 1166: John Wesley (Works, x. 445), records an amusing reminiscence of his boyhood: 'One Sunday, immediately after sermon, my father's clerk said with an audible voice: "Let us sing to the praise, &c., an hymn of my own composing:

King William is come home, come home! King William home is come! Therefore let us together sing The hymn that's called Te D'um."']

[Footnote 1167: Singing the first line, in order to put the congregation in tune.—Spectator, No. 284. 'The clerk ordered to sing a Psalm, and so keep the congregation together, while Mr. Claxton was away.'—Thoresby's Diary, April 4, 1713.]

[Footnote 1168: Bishop Gibson specially directed the clergy to instruct their clerks to do this. Charge of 1721, Gibson's Charges, 1744, 18.]

[Footnote 1169: Secker's Charges, 65. At St. Lawrence Pountney, the candidates for the office had to 'take the desk' on trial on successive Sundays.—H.B. Wilson, Hist. of St. Lawr. P., 160.]

[Footnote 1170: Somers Tracts, xii. 161. The Scourge, p. 123.]

[Footnote 1171: Paterson's Pietas Lond., passim.]

[Footnote 1172: Brokesby's Life of Dodwell, 359, 369.]

[Footnote 1173: A Discourse concerning the Rise, &c., of Cathedral Worship, 1699.]

[Footnote 1174: V.R. Charlesworth's Life of Rowland Hill, 156.]

[Footnote 1175: Bishop Kennet's Life, 1730, 126.]

[Footnote 1176: J. Watts's 'Essay on Psalmody'—Works, ix. 8.]

[Footnote 1177: Teale's Lives of Eminent E. Laymen, 260.]

[Footnote 1178: R. Thoresby's Diary, March 16, 1697.]

[Footnote 1179: Tatler, No. 198.]

[Footnote 1180: J.P. Malcolm, Manners, &c., of London, i. 230.]

[Footnote 1181: Caldwell Papers, quoted in Q. Rev. 97, 404.]

[Footnote 1182: Laud's Hist. of his Troubles, 201, quoted in Southey's Book of the Church, 472.]

[Footnote 1183: Walcott's Cathedrals, 101.]

[Footnote 1184: Dr. Swift, To Himself on St. Cecilia's Day. Anderson's B. Poets, ix. 107.]

[Footnote 1185: Malcolm's London, i. 267.]

[Footnote 1186: J. Newton's Sermons on the Messiah, 1784-5.]

[Footnote 1187: Burnet's Hist. of Ref., quoted in S. Hilliard's Obligation of the Clergy to keep strictly to the Bidding form, 1715, 8.]

[Footnote 1188: Wheatley's B. of Common Prayer, 1860, 171.]

[Footnote 1189: Canon 55.]

[Footnote 1190: Bisse's Beauty of Holiness, 1721, 154.]

[Footnote 1191: Hilliard's Obligations, &c., 19.]

[Footnote 1192: Sherlock On Public Worship, 1681, 188.]

[Footnote 1193: South's Works, iv. 180. He elsewhere calls it 'a long, crude, impertinent, upstart harangue.' So also Complaint of the Ch. of E., 1709, 19, and Thoresby's Diary, June 14, 1714. The Royal Guard, &c., 1684, 49.]

[Footnote 1194: J. Bingham's French Church's Apology for the Ch. of E.Works, ix. 106.]

[Footnote 1195: Stoughton's Church of the Revolution, 205.]

[Footnote 1196: Fleetwood's Defence of Praying before Sermon, 1720—Works, 738.]

[Footnote 1197: G.G. Perry's Hist. of the Ch., 3, 228.]

[Footnote 1198: The Justice and Necessity of restraining the Clergy, &c., 1715, 64.]

[Footnote 1199: The Justice and Necessity of Restraining the Clergy, &c., 1715, 64.]

[Footnote 1200: Direction to our Archbishops, &c., Dec. 11, 1714, Sec. vi.]

[Footnote 1201: Spectator, No. 312.]

[Footnote 1202: Jablouski's Correspondence, in Archbishop Sharp's Life, by his Son, ii. 157, App. 2, 3.]

[Footnote 1203: Sherlock, On Rel. Worship, 66.]

[Footnote 1204: Nelson's Life of Bull, 420.]

[Footnote 1205: Warburton and Hurd's Correspondence, 31.]

[Footnote 1206: Horsley's Charges, 6; Reflection on the Clergy, &c., 1798, 42.]

[Footnote 1207: Pref. to W.B. Kirwan's Sermons, quoted in Q. Rev., xi. 133.]

[Footnote 1208: A.P. Stanley's Hist. Mem. of Westminster Abbey, 535.]

[Footnote 1209: Officium Cleri, 1691, 31.]

[Footnote 1210: Birch's Life of Tillotson, cclv.]

[Footnote 1211: Paterson's Pietas Londinensis.]

[Footnote 1212: The Church of England's Complaint, &c., 1709, 21-2. The Scourge, No. 10, 1717. Polwhele's Preface to Lavington, 220.]

[Footnote 1213: Bishop Newton's Life and Works, i. 85.]

[Footnote 1214: J. Nichols' Literary Anecd. of Eighteenth Cent. iv. 152.]

[Footnote 1215: Archbishop Sharp's Life, by his Son, i. 31.]

[Footnote 1216: Hardships of the Inferior Clergy in and about London, &c., 1722, 85.]

[Footnote 1217: London Parishes, &c.]

[Footnote 1218: Paterson's Piet. Lond. 49, 50.]

[Footnote 1219: Teale's Lives, 253. So also Complaint of the Ch. of E. 1709, 23.]

[Footnote 1220: Sherlock On Public Worship, pt. ii. ch. 4.]

[Footnote 1221: Id.]

[Footnote 1222: Nelson's Life of Bull, 39, 366.]

[Footnote 1223: F. Williams' Memoirs of Atterbury, i. 266.]

[Footnote 1224: Nichols' Lit. An. iv. 169.]

[Footnote 1225: J. Wilson's Hist. of Merch. Taylors, 1075.]

[Footnote 1226: Secker's Eight Charges, 254.]

[Footnote 1227: Gilbert Wakefield's Memoirs, 282; Miseries of the Inferior Clergy, &c., 1722, 18.]

[Footnote 1228: Dean Tucker's Works, 1772; Letter to Dr. Kippis, 23; Works, vol. i.]

[Footnote 1229: Secretan's Life of Nelson.]

[Footnote 1230: Wesley's Works, x. 507-9.]

[Footnote 1231: J. Nichols' Lit. Anecd. i. 475; Tillotson's Works, iii. 514-16.]

[Footnote 1232: Lathbury's Hist. of the Nonjurors, 203.]

[Footnote 1233: Nelson's Life of Bull, 359; Fleetwood's Works, 472.]

[Footnote 1234: Sherlock On Public Worship, 204; Life of Kettlewell, 91; Secker's Charges, 53.]

[Footnote 1235: Baxter's English Nonconformity, chap. 19, quoted in J. Bingham's Works, 'Objection of Dissenters Considered,' b. iii. ch. 21.]

[Footnote 1236: Whiston's Memoirs, 469.]

[Footnote 1237: The Church of England Vindicated, &c., 1801, 15.]

[Footnote 1238: Secker's Charge of 1741.]

[Footnote 1239: Lord Mahon's History, chap. 31; C. Knight's Old England; A. Andrews' Eighteenth Century, chaps. 3 and 4; Malcolm's Manners and Customs of London, ii. 272.]

[Footnote 1240: Fielding's Thomas Andrews, b. ii. ch. 13.]

[Footnote 1241: H. Walpole's Memoirs of George II. 342.]

[Footnote 1242: Fleetwood's Works, 469; Archbishop Sharp's Life, i. 353.]

[Footnote 1243: Church of England's Complaint, 1709, Preface.]

[Footnote 1244: Beresford Hope, Worship in the Ch. of E. 26.]

[Footnote 1245: J.C. Jeaffreson's Book about Clergy, ii. 92.]

[Footnote 1246: A. Andrews' Eighteenth Century, chap. v.]

[Footnote 1247: S. Pepys' Diary, v. App. 452.]

[Footnote 1248: Life of Archbishop Sharp, i. 209-13.]

[Footnote 1249: Secker's Eight Charges, 166-72.]

[Footnote 1250: Secker's Eight Charges, 239.]

[Footnote 1251: Id. 370.]

[Footnote 1252: Fleetwood's Works, 472, 474, 479.]

[Footnote 1253: T. Lewis, Danger of the Church Estab. &c. 1720.]

[Footnote 1254: G.G. Perry's Hist. of the Ch. of E. iii. 100.]

[Footnote 1255: Gibson's Codex, 1046, quoted in Burns' Eccl. Law, Art. 'Penance.']

[Footnote 1256: J. Johnson, Vade Mecum, ii. cvii.]

[Footnote 1257: Memoirs of W. Wordsworth, by Christoph. Wordsworth, 1851, 8.]

[Footnote 1258: So also in the South of England, between 1799 and 1803. 'The two women she took most notice of in the parish were the last persons who ever did penance at Hurstmonceaux, having both to stand in a white sheet in the Churchyard; so that people said, "There are Mrs. Hare Naylor's friends doing penance."'—A.J.C. Hare's Memorials of a Quiet Life, i. 143. In 1805, one Sarah Chamberlain did penance in like manner at Littleham Church, near Exmouth.]

[Footnote 1259: Hildesley's History of the Isle of Man, in Cruttwell's Life of Wilson, 371.]

[Footnote 1260: Burns' Eccles. Law, Art. 'Penance'; Andrews' Eighteenth Century, 303.]

[Footnote 1261: Free and Candid Disquis. 1749, Sec. xviii.]

[Footnote 1262: J.C. Jeaffreson's B. of the Clergy, ii. 140.]


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The dates indicating the editions used are inserted for the convenience of those who desire to verify quotations.

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Abigail, Mrs., 'A Female Skirmish, &c,' 1700.

Addison, Jos., 'Works,' 4 vols. (Tickell), 1804.

'Address to that Honest part of the Nation called the Lower Sort,' 1745.

'Adventurer, The' (R. Hawkesworth), 1755.

Aikin, J., 'Letters on English Poetry,' 1804.

Aikin, Lucy, 'Life of Joseph Addison,' 1843. 'Annals of the Reign of George III.,' 2 vols., 1816.

Akenside, M., 'Poems,' (Anderson).

Alison, Sir A., 'Life of Marlborough,' 2 vols., 1852.

Anderson, 'Poets of Great Britain,' 13 vols., 1793-5.

Anderson, J.S.M., 'History of the Colonial Church,' 3 vols., 1856.

Andrews, A., 'The Eighteenth Century,' 1856.

'Annals of England,' 3 vols., 1848.

'Apology for the Parliament,' &c. (Penal Laws against certain Protestants), 1697.

Arnold, M., 'Culture and Anarchy,' 1869.

Arnold, Dr. T., 'Fragments on the Church,' 1844. 'Miscellaneous Works' (A.P. Stanley), 1845.

Aspin, W., 'Alkibla,' 1721 and 1731.

'Asylum for Fugitive Pieces in Prose and Verse,' 1785.

Atterbury, Bp. F., 'Letters, Visitation Charges,' &c., 1783. 'Memoirs, by Folkestone Williams,' 2 vols., 1869.

Austen, Jane, 'Memoirs of,' by J.E. Austen-Leigh, 1870.


Balguy, Archdeacon, 'Charges,' 1785.

Barbauld. A.L., 'Works with Memoir,' by Lucy Aikin, 2 vols., 1825.

Barclay, R., 'Apology for the Quakers,' 1849.

Baur, 'Kirchengeschichte der neueren Zeit,' 1863.

Baxter, R., 'Works,' 23 vols. (Orme), 1830.

Beattie, W., 'Life and Letters of T. Campbell,' 3 vols., 1849.

Behmen, J., 'Works,' 4 vols. (W. Law), 1764.

Benson, J., 'Life of Fletcher,' about 1805.

Bentley, R., 'Boyle Lectures for 1692,' 1724. 'Remarks on Discourse of Free-thinking' (Phileleutherus Lipsiensis), 1743. 'Works,' 3 vols. (Dyce), 1838.

Berkeley, Bp. G., 'Works,' 3 vols., 1861. 'Life and Works,' 3 vols. (A.C. Fraser), 1871.

Beveridge, Bp., 'On Public Prayer,' 1840.

Bingham, T., 'Works,' 9 vols. (Pitman), 1838-40.

Birch, 'Life of Tillotson,' 1752.

Bisse, T., 'Pride and Ignorance, the Ground of Error,' 1716. 'Beauty of Holiness,' 1720. 'Rationale of Choral Worship,' 1720. 'Beauty of Devotion,' 1715.

Blackburne, Archdeacon, 'Historical View,' &c., 1772.

Blair, R., 'Poems' (Anderson).

Blake, W., 'Life,' by Gilchrist, 2 vols., 1862. Swinburne's 'Critical Essay on,' 1868. 'Poetical Sketches,' ed. R.H., 1868.

Blunt, J.J., 'Right Use of the Early Fathers,' 1858.

Bogue and Bennett, 'History of Dissenters,' 1810.

'Bold Advice, or Proposals for the entire rooting out of Jacobitism,' 1715.

Bolingbroke, Viscount, 'Letters to Sir W. Wyndham and to Mr. Pope,' 1753. 'The Idea of a Patriot King,' written 1738. 'Letters to Mr. Drummond,' written 1710 and 1711. 'Philosophical Works,' 5 vols., 1754.

Booker, M., 'Two Letters concerning the Methodists,' 1752.

Boswell's 'Life of Johnson, Dr.,' 4 vols., 1823, 10 vols. 1835.

Bowles's 'Life of Ken,' 1830.

Boyer, 'Quadriennium Annae postremum,' 1718.

Brand, J., 'Observations on Popular Antiq. of Great Britain,' 3 vols., 1849.

Bright, J., 'Speeches' (J.E.T. Rogers), 2 vols., 1868.

'British Quarterly Review,' 1874.

Brown, J., 'Estimate of Manners,' 2 vols., 1757.

Browne, Sir T., 'Religio Medici,' 1642.

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Gardner, W., 'The Faithful Pastor,' 1745.

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Gilmore, C., 'Reply to Noel,' 1849.

Gledstone, J.P., 'Life and Travels of G. Whitefield,' 1871.

Goldsmith, O., 'Works,' 4 vols. (Prior), 1837.

Grahame, James, 'Poems,' 2 vols., 1807.

Graves, R., 'Works,' by his Son, 4 vols., 1840.

'Growth of Deism,' 1709.

'Guardian, The,' 1713.


Hagenbach, 'History of Christian Church,' transl. by Hurst, 2 vols., 1869.

Hallam, H., 'Literature of Europe,' 4 vols., 1839. 'Constitutional History,' 3 vols., 1854.

Hare, A.J.C., 'Memorials of a Quiet Life,' 2 vols., 1872.

Hartley, D., 'Observations upon Man,' 1801.

Hearne, T., 'Reliquiae' (Bliss), 3 vols., 1857.

Hervey, John Lord, 'Memoirs of Reign of George II.,' 2 vols. (Croker), 1848.

Hervey, James, 'Works,' 1805; 'Meditations,' &c., with 'Life of Author,' 1803.

Hickes, G., 'Enthusiasm exorcised,' 1709.

Hill, Rowland, 'Life,' by Charlesworth, 1877. 'Life,' by Sidney, 1844.

Hoadly, Bishop B., 'Works,' 3 vols. folio, 1773. 'Answer to Report of Convocation,' 1718.

Hope, Beresford, 'Worship in the Church of England,' 1874.

Horne, Bishop, 'Life and Works,' 6 vols. (Jones of Nayland), 1809.

Horsley, Bishop, 'Charges,' 1830. 'Letters to Dr. Priestley.'

Howard, Sir R., 'History of Religion,' 1694.

Hughes, J., 'Correspondence,' 2 vols., 1772.

Hunt, J., 'Religious Thought in England,' 3 vols., 1873.

Huntingdon, Countess of, 'Life and Times of,' 2 vols., 1840.

Hurdis, James, 'Poems,' 3 vols., 1808.

Hurst, Dr., 'History of Rationalism,' 1867.


Jackson, T, 'Life of Charles Wesley,' fourth edition, 1875.

Jeffrey, F., Contributions to 'Edinburgh Review,' 1843.

Jesse, J.H., 'Court of England,' 1688-1760, 3 vols., 1846. 'Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents,' 2 vols., 1845. 'Memoirs of Life and Reign of George III.,' 3 vols., 1867.

Johnson, Dr., 'Life.' See Boswell. 'Works,' 5 vols. (R. Lyman), 1825.

Johnson, J., 'Clergyman's Vade Mecum,' 1709.

Jones of Nayland, 'Theological Works.'

Jortin, J., 'Tracts, Philological, Miscellaneous, and Critical,' 2 vols., 1790.

Justin Martyr, 'Dial. cum Tryph.' (Trollope), 1840.


Ken, Bishop, 'Life,' by a Layman, 2 vols., 1854. 'Life,' by W.L. Bowles, 1830. 'Manual of Prayer for Winchester Scholars.'

Kennet, White, Bishop, 'Life of,' 1730.

Kettlewell, 'Life of' (Lee), 1719.

Kilvert's 'Life of Bishop Hurd,' 1860.

King, Lord, 'Life of Locke,' 1830.

Knight, Charles, 'History of England,' 1860.

Knox, Alexander, 'Remains,' 4 vols., 1836.


L'Amy, 'History of Arianism.'

Lathbury, T., 'History of the Nonjurors,' 1843.

Lavington, Bishop, 'Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists' (Polwhele), 1833.

Law, W., 'Works,' 9 vols., 1762. 'Life,' &c., by R. Tighe, 1813.

Law, E., Bishop, 'Cons. on Theory of Religion,' 1820. 'On Subscr. to Arts.,' 1773.

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Lechler, G.V., 'Geschichte des Englischen Deismus,' 2 vols, 1841.

Lecky, W.E.H., 'History of England in the Eighteenth Century,' 2 vols., 1878.

Le Clerc, 'Bibliotheque choisie,' 28 vols., 1728-31.

Lee, F., 'History of Montanism,' 1709.

Leland's 'View of the Deistical Writers,' 2 vols., 1836.

Leslie, Charles, 'Theological Works,' 6 vols., 1832. 'The Rehearsals by Philalethes,' 5 vols., 1750.

Lewis, T., 'The Scourge,' 1717. 'Danger of the Church Establishment,' 1720.

Locke, John, 'Works,' eleventh edition, 10 vols., 1812.

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Longman, W., 'History of St. Paul's,' 1873.

Lowth, Bishop, 'Letter to Warburton on the Divine Legation,' 1765.

Lyttelton, G., Lord, 'Works' (Ayscough), 1775.


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Mackay, R.W., 'Introduction to the Sophistes,' 1868.

Mackintosh, Sir J., 'Miscellaneous Works,' 1851.

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Mansel, H.L., 'Bampton Lectures,' 1858.

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Monk, 'Life of Bentley,' 1833.

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Mosheim, J.L., 'Inst. of Eccles. Hist.,' Maclaire, 5 vols., 1758.

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Nelson, R., 'Life,' by W.H. Teale (Englishman's Library), 2 vols., 1840-6. 'Life,' by C.F. Secretan, 1860. 'Festivals and Fasts' (1703), 1845. 'Practice of True Devotion,' 1708.

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Oliphant, Mrs., 'Historic Sketches of the Reign of George II.,' 2 vols., 1869.

Orford, H. Walpole, Earl of, 'Memoirs of Last Ten Years of George II.,' Lord Holland, 3 vols., 1846. 'Journal of Reign of George III.,' 2 vols., (1771-83) (Doran), 1859. 'Letters' (Miss Berry), 6 vols., 1840. 'Letters' (1744-53).


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Palin, W., 'History of Church of England (1688-1717),' 1851.

'Parliamentary Protests, a collection of,' 1737.

Parr, Dr. S., 'Life of,' by Johnstone, 8 vols., 1828. 'Tracts,' by Warburton and a Warburtonian, 1789.

Paterson, James, 'Pietas Londinensis,' 1714.

Pattison, Mark, 'Tendency of Religious Thought in England, 1688-1755,' in 'Essays and Reviews,' 1860.

Pearce, Bishop Zachary, 'Life of,' by himself, 1816.

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Perry, G., 'History of the Church of England,' 3 vols., 1861-64.

Phillimore, 'History of England during the Reign of George III.,' 1863.

Pope, Alex., 'Works,' 9 vols. (Warton), 1797; 8 vols. (Croker), 1871-3.

Porteus, Beilby, Bishop, 'Works and Life,' 6 vols., 1811; another edition, 1836.

Prideaux, Dean, 'Life and Letters,' 1719.

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Randolph, T.D., 'Vindication of the Trinity,' 1754. 'Vindication of the Worship of Son and Holy Ghost,' 1775.

Reynolds, Sir J., 'Memoirs of' (Beechy), 1865.

Robertson, F.W., 'Life and Letters,' 2 vols., 1865.

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Rogers's, H., 'Contributions to the "Edinburgh Review,"' 1850.

Romaine, W., 'Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith,' 1824.

Ruffhead, 'Life of Pope,' 1769.

Ryle, J.C., 'Christian Leaders of the Last Century,' 1876.


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Scott, J., 'Life of Reverend T. Scott,' 1822.

Scott, Dr. J., 'Christian Life,' 5 vols., 1729.

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Shaftesbury, Lord, 'Characteristics,' 1732. 'Characteristics,' (W.M. Hatch), 1870.

Sharp, Archbishop, 'Life,' by his Son (Newcome), 2 vols., 1825.

Shedd, 'History of Christian Doctrine.'

Sherlock, T., Bishop, 'Works,' 4 vols., 1812. Arguments against Repeal of Test Act,' reprinted 1790.

Sherlock, W., 'On Public Worship' (1681), (Melville), 1841.

Simeon, C., 'Memoirs of,' by W. Carus, 1847.

Skeat's, H.S., 'History of the Free Churches of England,' 1851; second edition, 1869.

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Smith, Goldwin, 'Plea for the Abolition of Tests,' 1863.

Smollett, 'Continuation of Hume,' 5 vols., 1796.

Somers, 'Collection of scarce Tracts' (Sir W. Scott), 13 vols., 1809-15.

Somers, Lord, 'Judgment of whole Kingdoms, &c., concerning rights of Kings and People' (1710); tenth edition, 1771.

South, R., Dr., 'Sermons,' 7 vols., 1823.

Southey, R., 'Life and Correspondence,' by C.C. Southey, 6 vols., 1849. 'Book of the Church,' 1841. 'Life of Wesley,' 2 vols., 1838.

Stanhope, Earl, 'Reign of Queen Anne,' 1870.

Stanley, A.P., 'The Eastern Church,' 1861. 'Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey,' 1868.

'State Tracts,' published on occasion of late Revolution and during the Reign of William III., 1705.

Stephen, Sir J., 'Essays on Ecclesiastical Biography,' 2 vols., 1853.

Stephen, Leslie, 'History of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century,' 2 vols., 1876.

Stoughton, J., 'Church of the Revolution,' 1874.

'Stuart Papers, The,' 2 vols., 1847.

Swift, Dean, 'Life and Works,' edited by Sir W. Scott, 19 vols., 1824.


Taine, H.A., 'Hist. de la Litt. Angl.,' 4 vols., 1863.

'Tatler, The,' 1709.

Tayler, J.J., 'Retrospect of Religious Life in England,' 1876.

Taylor (Isaac), 'Wesley and Methodism,' 1851. 'History of Enthusiasm.'

Thackeray, W.M., 'Humourists of the Eighteenth Century,' 1858. 'The Four Georges', 1863.

Thomson (Mrs.), 'Memoirs of the Jacobites,' 3 vols., 1845. 'Memoirs of Lady Sundon,' and 'Court of George II.,' 2 vols., 1850.

Thoresby, 'Correspondence and Diary,' 4 vols. (Hunter), 1830.

Tillotson, Archbishop, 'Life and Works,' 10 vols. (T. Birch), 1820.

Tindal, Matthew, 'Christianity as old as the Creation,' 1730.

Tindal, N., 'Continuation of Rapin,' 1763.

Toland, J., 'Christianity not Mysterious,' 1702. 'On the Constitution of the Christian Church.'

Tomline, Bishop, 'Refutation of Calvinism,' eighth edition, 1823.

Toplady, Aug. M., 'Works, with Memoir of Author,' 6 vols., 1825.

Toulmin, 'History of Faustus Socinus.'

'Tracts on Repeal of Corporation and Test Acts,' 1790.

'Tracts on Toleration' (1770-74).

'Tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell,' 1710.

Tucker, Dean, 'Works,' 3 vols., 1773.

Tyerman, L., 'Life and Times of Reverend Samuel Wesley,' 1866. 'The Oxford Methodists,' 1873. 'Life and Times of John Wesley,' 3 vols., 1870. 'Life of George Whitefield,' 1877.


Urlin, R. Denny, 'John Wesley's Place in Church History,' 1870.


Van Mildert, Bishop, 'Life of Waterland,' 1823.

Vaughan, E.T., 'Life of Rev. T. Robinson, of Leicester,' 1816.

Vaughan, R., Dr., 'Essays on Historic Philosophy,' &c., 2 vols., 1849.

Vaughan, R.A., 'Hours with the Mystics,' 2 vols., 1856.

Venn, H., 'Complete Duty of Man, with Memoir of Author' (Religious Tract Society).


Waddington, G., 'History of the Christian Church,' 1833.

Wakefield, Gilbert, 'Memoirs,' 1792.

Walcot, M.E.C., 'Traditions, &c., of Cathedrals,' 1872.

Wall, W., 'Dissuasion from Schism,' Wordsworth's 'Christian Institutes.'

Walpole, Horace, see Orford; Walpole, Sir R., see Coxe.

Warburton, Bishop, 'Works,' 7 vols., 1788. 'Correspondence with Hurd,' 1809.

Waterland, Daniel, Dr., 'Works,' 6 vols. (Van Mildert), 1823.

Watson, R., Observations on Southey's 'Life of Wesley,' 1820.

Watson's 'Life of Bishop Warburton,' 1863.

Watson, R., Bishop, 'Anecdotes of Life of,' published by his Son, 2 vols., 1818. 'Collection of Theological Tracts,' 6 vols., 1791.

Watts, Isaac, 'Works,' 9 vols, 1812.

Webb, T., 'Collection of Epitaphs,' 1775.

Wedgwood, Julia, 'J. Wesley and Evangelical Reaction of the Eighteenth Century,' 1870.

Wesley, John, 'Works,' 14 vols, 1829; 'Journal,' 1829; 'Sermons,' 1874. 'Appeal, and Further Appeal,' &c., fourteenth edition, &c.

Whaley, N., 'Sermon before the University of Oxford,' 1710.

Whately, R., Archbishop, 'Kingdom of Christ,' 1841.

Wheatly, C., 'On the Common Prayer,' 1860.

'Whig Examiner, The,' 1710.

'Whig Principles demonstrated sense,' &c., 1713.

Whiston, William, 'Memoirs of his own Life,' &c., 2 vols., 1749. 'Memoirs of Dr. S. Clarke,' 2 vols., 1748. 'Primitive Christianity revived,' 1711.

Whitefield, G., 'Letters from 1734 to 1770,' 1772. See Philip, Gledstone, Tyerman.

Wilberforce, William, 'Life,' by his Sons, 3 vols., 1839. See Colquhoun. 'Practical View,' &c, 1834.

Wilson, D., 'Pilgrim Fathers,' 1849.

Wilson, H.B., 'History of Merchant Taylors,' 1814. 'History of St. Lawrence Pountney,' 1832.

Winchelsea, Countess of, 'Poems,' 1713.

Winkworth, C., 'History and Life of Tauler,' 1857.

Winston, C., 'Hints on Glass Colouring,' 1847. 'Memoirs Illustrative of the Art of Glass Painting,' 1865.

Woolston, T., 'Old Apology revived,' 1705. 'Moderator between Infidel and Apostates,' 1725. 'Six Discourses on the Miracles of our Saviour,' 1729.

Wordsworth, Chr., 'Christian Institutes,' 4 vols., 1812. 'Social Life at the English Universities in the Eighteenth Century,' 1874.

Wordsworth, W., 'Life,' by C. Wordsworth, 2 vols., 1851.

Wright, T., 'Caricature History of the Georges,' 1867.


Abney, Sir T., 184

Accommodation, principle of, 131

Adam of Winteringham, 324

Addison, Joseph, 111, 304

'Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher' (Berkeley), 99

Altar-pieces, 417

America, 196

'Analogy,' Butler's, 88, 96-7, 313

Anne, Queen, 17, 279, 306

Annet, Peter, 86

Antinomianism, 182, 268, 273-4, 323, 374, 386

'Apostolical Constitutions,' the, 203

Architecture, 404

Arian subscription, 193

Arianism, 161, 198, 203

Arsenius, 67

Articles (see 'Subscription')

Athanasian Creed, 452

Atonement, 130, 259

Atterbury, Bishop, 47, 407

Authority, Church, 229

Balguy, J., 194

Ball, Hannah, 299 n

Bangorian Controversy, 205, 305

Baptism, 468

Baptists, 166

Barbauld, L., 45

Barclay, R., 169

Bassett, of Glentworth, 378

Bates, E., 186

Bath, Earl of, 349

Baxter, R., 166, 186, 240

Behmen, J., 250, 255

Bells, church, 424

Benefactions, 415

Benson, Bishop, 311

Bentley, Dr. R., 83-4, 221, 287, 305

Berkeley, Bishop G., 98-9, 111, 153, 274-6, 281 n

Berridge, John, 351, 354, 362, 371-2

Beveridge, Bishop, 42-4, 62, 166

Bidding prayer, 461

Bishops, 24

Blackburne, Archdeacon F., 113, 189, 193-4, 219

Blackmore, Sir R., 49

Blackstone, Sir W., 300

Blake, W., 375-6

Bolingbroke, Viscount, 93-6, 101, 108, 235, 348

Bond, Mark, 355

Bonet, 162

Bossuet, 28, 42, 49, 148

Bourignon, Madame de, 249, 274

Bray, Dr., 46, 48-9

Brokesby, F., 39

Brown, Moses, 384

Bulkeley, Sir E., 247

Bull, Bishop G., 40-2, 167, 198, 210, 222

Burke, Edmund, 16, 100, 312, 397

Butler, Bishop, 23, 88, 96-7, 110, 177, 317, 313

Byrom, J., 264

Calamy, Edmund, 166, 185, 308

Calvinism, 323, 366 n

Calvinistic controversy, 355-65

Cambridge Platonists, 120, 135, 230

Camisards, 246

Candlemas, 435

'Cardiphonia,' Newton's, 399 n

Caroline, Queen, 214, 265

'Case of Arian Subscription,' Waterland's, 212

Catechising, 286, 299, 469

'Catholic Doctrine of the Trinity,' Jones's, 219

Cave, Dr. W., 49

Cecil, Richard, 379, 388

Chancel screens, 416

Chandler, Bishop, 100 n

—— Dr. S., 85, 100 n, 177-8

'Characteristics,' Shaftesbury's, 80-2

Charity schools, 18

Charlett, Dr., 49

'Cheap Repository Tracts,' H. More's, 401

'Checks to Antinomianism,' Fletcher's, 362, 363-5

Cherry, F., 39

Chesterfield, Lord, 305

Chillingworth, W., 192

'Christian System,' Robinson's, 394

'Christianity as old as the Creation,' Tindal's, 86-7, 258-9

'Christianity not founded on Argument,' 92-3

'Christianity not Mysterious,' Toland's, 79-80

Christmas Day, 434

Chubb, Thomas, 90-91

Church architecture, 406

—— attendance, 439

—— and State, 15

—— building, 18, 428

—— fabrics, 409

'Church in Danger,' 2, 188

Churchill, Charles, 98 n

Churchwardens, 415

Churchyards, 426

Clapham Sect, 394

Clarke, Adam, 335

—— Samuel, 77, 85, 204-212

Clergy, 25

Clerical poverty, 287-8

Clerks, parish, 450, 456

Coke, Dr., 355

Coleridge, S., 16, 230, 271-2

Collier, Jeremy, 39

Collins, Anthony, 82, 85, 102, 108, 221, 287

Colonial Church, 48, 196

Commemorations, 436

'Commentary,' Scott's, 387

'Complete Duty of Man,' Venn's, 376-7

Comprehension, Church, 8, 147-9

Compton, Bishop H., 174

Conant, Dr. J., 41

Conference, Wesleyan, 326, 328, 358-361

'Confessional,' Blackburne's, 219

Confirmation, 470

Connexion, Lady Huntingdon's, 350, 352-4, 373

Convocation, 18-19, 214, 282-4, 309

Conybeare, Bishop, 87, 105, 191, 311

Conyers of Helmsley, 372, 393

Copes, 444

Cornwallis, Archbishop, 349

Cowper, W., 250, 379, 380-3

Cross, emblem of, 419

Cudworth, Ralph, 77, 230-1

Daily service, 429

Daille, J., 160

Dartmouth, Lord, 398

Deacon, 60

'Defence of Revealed Religion,' Conybeare's, 87

'Defensio Fidei Nicaenae,' Bull's, 199

Defoe, D., 184, 305

'Deism Revealed,' Skelton's, 88

Deists, 3-6, 75-112, 193, 226, 260, 280

Derham, W., 23

Desecration of Churches, 411

Discipline, Church, 309-310, 471

'Discourse of Freethinking,' Collins', 82-5

'Discourse on the Grounds, &c. of the Christian Religion,' Collins', 84

Dispensing power, 137

'Divine Legation of Moses,' Warburton's, 97-98, 313

'Divine right' of kings, 10, 54

Doctrine and morals, 141

Doddridge, Dr. Ph., 9, 15, 45, 100, 177

Dodwell, H. (Nonjuror), 34-6, 62, 69, 161

—— (the younger), 7, 91

Doubt, 120

Dress, clerical, 447

Du Pin, 149

East, turning to, 451

Eastern Church, 29, 65-7, 150, 195

Ecclesiastical censures, 310

Edward VI., Liturgy of, 20, 45, 445, 455

Eighteenth century, 1

Enthusiasm, 226-28

Episcopians, 212

Episcopius, 138

Epworth Rectory, 315

Error in matters of religion, 122

'Essay on the Human Understanding,' Locke's, 102

'Essay on Man,' Pope's, 101-2

Essayists, 20

'Estimate of the Religion of the Fashionable World,' H. More's, 400

Eucharist, the, 61, 453

Eusebianism, 203

Evangelical Revival, 5, 114, 194, 280, 313-403

Evelyn, J., 32, 49

Evidences, 3-6, 21-3, 119

'Fable of the Bees,' Mandeville's, 99

Faustus Socinus, 215

Feathers Tavern petition, 194

Fenelon, 148, 248-9, 254

'Festivals and Fasts,' R. Nelson's, 30

Firmin, T., 169

Flamsteed, 22

Fletcher, of Madeley, 324, 343-6, 362

Fletcher, Mrs., 345, 399

Foedus Evangelicum, 156

'Force of Truth,' Scott's, 384-6

Foreign Protestants, 8, 29, 45, 64, 151-2, 155-63, 195

Fowler, Bishop E., 192

Frampton, Bishop, 32, 66

France in eighteenth century, 311

Francke, 38, 251, 265

Frederic I., 161

'Free and Candid Disquisitions,' Jones of Alconbury's, 9, 189

Freethinkers, 82-3, 94, 97, 111-13, 118, 124-6

French Prophets, 246-7

Funeral sermons, 468, 471

Future state, 133-9, 241-3

Galleries, Church, 414

Gallican Church, 63, 148-51

Gambold, J., 266

Gastrell, Bishop F., 49

George III., 311-2, 349

George of Denmark, 186

Georgian age, 403

Gerardin, 149

Gibson, Bishop, 285 n

Gooch, Bishop, 178

Grabe, Dr., 47, 67

Graves, R., 276

Grimshaw of Haworth, 370-1

'Growth of Deism, The,' 80

Guyon, Madame, 249-50

Haine, John, 355

Hales, R., 161

Halley, E., 22, 27, 49

Happiness, 142

Hardwick, Lord, 290

Harris, Howell, 355

Hartley, D., 235

Haworth, 370

Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 79

Herring, Archbishop, 113, 177, 179, 285

Hervey, James, 358, 365, 366-70

—— John, Lord, 292, 303, 335

Hickes, G., 36-7, 61, 64

High Church party, 26, 51, 69-75, 403, 444

High and Low Church, 26

Hildesley, Bishop M., 177

Hill, Sir Richard, 362

—— Rowland, 351, 362

'History of the Church of Christ,' Milner's, 389-92

'History of the Corruptions of Christianity,' Priestley's, 220

Hoadly, Bishop B., 20, 83, 113, 185, 193, 203

Hobbes, T., 77, 231

Homilies, 466

Hooper, Bishop G., 72

Horne, Bishop G., 274

Horsley, Bishop S., 154, 216, 220-5, 286, 302, 310

Hour-glasses in pulpits, 416

Howe, J., 186

Hume, D., 77, 235

Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of, 333, 347-54, 360, 396

Hurd, Bishop R., 110, 296-7

Hutchinson, J., 274

Immortality, 25

'Importance of the Doctrine of the Trinity asserted,' Waterland's, 213

Incense, 456

Independents, 166

Indifferentism, 12

Inspiration, 229, 243

Intolerance (See 'Toleration')

Involuntary error, 122

Irreverence in church, 441

Jablouski, 161-2

Jacobitism, 2, 10-11

Jansenists, 148

January 30, sermons, 438

Jews, 188

Jebb, Bishop, 194

Johnson, J., 49, 61, 154

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 94, 301, 305, 312, 368, 397

Jones of Alconbury, 189

—— of Nayland, 219-220, 320

Jortin, Dr. J., 190

'Judicium Ecclesiae Catholicae,' 200

Ken, Bishop, 27, 28, 31, 54, 72, 165

Kettlewell, J., 32, 33-4, 54, 62

Kidder, Bishop, 72

King, Chief Justice, 192

Knox, Alexander, 319 n

Lake, Bishop, 53, 165

Lardner, Dr., 217

Latitudinarian churchmen, 112-4

Lavington, Bishop, 335

Law, William, 100 n, 253-264, 311, 316, 322

Lecturers, 467

Lee, F., 27, 38

Leibnitz, 162

Leland, 100-1

Lent, 432

Leslie, Charles, 100 n, 128, 131, 201, 241-3

'Leviathan,' Hobbes's, 77

Liberty of thought, 123-4

Libraries, parochial, 18, 46

'Life, Walk, and Triumph of Faith,' Romaine's, 373

Lindsey, Theophilus, 194

Liturgy, revision of, 9, 171, 189

Lloyd, Bishop, 28

Locke, John, 14, 77, 102-5, 234-6, 356

Low Church, 403

Lowth, Bishop, 98 n, 336

Loyalty, 1, 56

Ludolph, 60

Lutheranism, 9, 48, 161-2

Lyttelton, Lord, 237, 268, 356

Madox, Bishop, 177

Maistre, Count de, 151

Mallet, David, 94

Mandeville, 99

Mapletoft, Dr. 49

Marriages, clandestine, 474

Mather, Alexander, 355

'Meditation among the Tombs,' Hervey's, 368

Methodism, 9, 114, 180-2, 194, 245, 268-72, 313, 355

Milner, Dean Isaac, 392-3, 396

—— Joseph, 379, 388-392, 393, 396

Missions, 48, 65

Moderation, 176

Moore, Bishop, 161

'Moral Philosopher,' Morgan's, 89, 97

Moral virtue, 26

Moravianism, 181, 264-6, 323, 341

More, Hannah, 154, 238, 379

More, Henry, 120, 121, 135, 230-3, 273

Mosheim, 177

Music, church, 459

Mysteries in religion, 126-8

Mysticism, 38, 226, 238, 240, 246, 255

'Naked Gospel,' Bury's, 201

Nelson, John, 355

Nelson, Robert, 26

Neophytes, 66

Newton, Sir Isaac, 22

——, John, 16, 374-381, 385, 389, 395, 396, 398, 401

—— Mrs., 380, 399

—— Bishop T., 284, 291-3

Noailles, Cardinal de, 149

Nonconformists, 8, 13, 163-172, 196

Nonjurors, 3, 11-12, 19, 28, 30, 39, 51, 72, 279

Non-residence of clergy, 284-6

Non-resistance (See 'Passive obedience')

Nottingham, Earl of, 185

Occasional conformity, 183-8

Offertory, 455

Oglethorpe, General, 49

Olivers, Thomas, 355, 362, 363

Optimism, 95

Oratorios, 460

Organs, 458

Origen, 134, 137

Oxford Methodists, 318, 366

Paintings, 419

Paley, Archdeacon, 23, 192, 286, 302

Party feeling, 17

Passion Week, 434

Passive obedience, 10, 52-54

Pascal, 148

Patristic Theology, 65

Pawson, John, 355

Pearce, Bishop Zachary, 85, 285

Pelham, 179

Pepys, Samuel, 32, 39

Penance, 473

Perambulations, 436

Perronet of Shoreham, 355

Peter the Great, 65, 67

Pews, 411

Phileleutherus Lipsiensis, 83-4, 221

Physical phenomena of religious revivals, 271-2

Physical science, 22

Platonic triad, 223-4

Platonists, Cambridge, 120, 135

Pluralities, 284-6

Pope, Alexander, 101

Porteus, Bishop Beilby, 195, 285, 394, 401

Potter, Archbishop, 205 n

'Practical View,' Wilberforce's, 396-8

Prayers for the dead, 62

Preaching, 300-2, 463

Predestination, 243

Presbyterianism, 117, 166, 169

Priestley, Dr., 15, 220-5

'Primitiva et Apostolica Traditio,' Bull's, 200

'Private Thoughts,' Adam's, 378

Private judgment, 123

Protestantism, 63

Protestant interest, 8, 155-6

Prudential religion, 142

Pulpits, 415

Purgatory, 135

Puritanism, 3, 282, 314-5

Quakers, 169, 230, 240-5, 271

Queen Anne's bounty, 18

Raby, Lord, 162

Raikes, Robert, 299 n

'Reasonableness of Christianity, Locke's, 103

Reason, 5, 118, 121, 233, 236

Reform, Church, 189

Reformation, the, 3, 147

—— of manners, 29

'Refutation of Calvinism,' Tomline's, 364

Religious societies, 17

'Remains,' Cecil's, 388

Repairs of churches, 409

'Resurrection of Jesus considered,' Annet's, 86

Revision (See 'Liturgy')

Revivalism, 279-280

Revolution of 1688, 56

—— French, 9, 16, 24, 154, 188

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 312

Richardson of York, 393

Ritual, 418, 444

Robinson, Bishop, 162

—— of Leicester, 393-4

Romaine, William, 372-4

Roman Catholics, 13, 152-3, 188, 258, 282

Royal Supremacy, 65

Rubrics, 451

Sabellianism, 198

Sacheverell, Dr., 18, 176, 187, 290

Sacrifices, 132

Saints' Days, 432

Salter's Hall meeting, 215, 217, 308

Sancroft, Archbishop, 32, 39, 57, 165, 176

Schleiermacher, 181

Scotch Episcopalians, 12, 13, 64, 67, 196

Scott, Thomas, 374, 379, 384-8, 396

'Scripture Characters,' Robinson's, 394

—— Doctrine of the 'Trinity,' Clarke's, 204

Secker, Archbishop, 177, 286, 301, 304, 309

Seed, Jeremiah, 288

Semler, 131

'Serious Call,' Law's, 316, 340, 376, 385, 397

Services, order of, 452

'Seven Bishops, The,' 55

Seward, 182

Shaftesbury, Lord, 80-2, 99, 101, 102, 108

Sharp, Archbishop, 44-46, 161, 309

Shelburne, Lord, 287, 291

Sherlock, Bishop, 85, 86, 100 n, 177, 178

Shirley, Walter, 360

'Short Way to Truth,' Jones of Nayland's, 220

Simeon, Charles, 393

Sincerity in inquiry, 122

Slave trade, 24, 395-6

Smalridge, Bishop, 46, 161

Societies, religious, 18

Socinianism, 129, 215, 225

Somers, Lord, 14, 52

Sorbonne, 151

South, Dr., 172, 311

Southey, Robert, 16, 364

S.P.C.K., 17, 18, 29, 48, 286

S.P.G., 17, 48

Spener, 38, 47, 251

Spinckes, Nathaniel, 39

Spirit, work of the Holy, 119, 287

Spiritual Discernment, 228

Stackhouse, Thomas, 288

Stage, state of, in eighteenth century, 303

Stained glass, 422

Stainforth, Sampson, 355

State prayers, 67

—— services, 437

Steele, Sir R., 111, 304

Stillingfleet, Bishop, 103

—— of Hotham, 393

'Strictures on Female Education,' H. More's, 400

Subscription to articles, 191-5

Sunday observance, 475

—— schools, 299 n

Surplice, 446

Swift, Dean, 111, 288 n

Tauler, 254, 268, 271, 273

Teignmouth, Lord, 398

Tenison, Archbishop, 161, 174

Test Act, 183

'Theron and Aspasio,' Hervey's, 358, 368-9, 385

Thoresby, Ralph, 49

Thornton, Henry, 395

—— John, 372, 393, 395

Thorold, Sir John, 355

'Thoughts on the Manners of the Great,' H. More's, 400

Tillotson, Archbishop, 27, 53, 58, 77, 115-146, 182, 192, 301

Tindal, Matthew, 86-9, 103, 108

Toland, John, 79-80, 103, 108

Toleration, 13, 14

Tomline, Bishop, 192, 364

Toplady, Augustus, 362, 363, 365, 378

'Treatise on Christian Doctrine of the Trinity,' Watts's, 217

Trevecca, 344, 351, 354

Trimnell, Bishop, 61

Trinitarian controversy, 4, 197-226

'True Gospel of Jesus Christ asserted,' Chubb's, 90

'—— Gospel of Jesus Christ vindicated,' Chubb's, 90

'Tryal of the Witnesses,' Sherlock's, 86

Tucker, Dean, 191

Turretin, Professor, 152

Uniformity, 3

Unitarians, 129, 167, 194, 198, 224-7

Universities in the eighteenth century, 303

Ursinus, 161

Usages, sacramental, 455

Utilitarianism, 142

Venn, Henry, 253, 324, 344, 377-7

—— John, 375, 396

Vestments, 444, 455

'View of the Deistical Writers,' Leland's, 100-1

'Village Politics by Will Chip,' H. More's, 400

Voltaire, 110

Wake, Archbishop, 110, 149-152, 303 n, 305

Walker of Truro, 324, 378

Wall, Dr. 167

Walpole, Horace, 108, 292, 305, 347

—— Sir R., 179, 281, 290

Walsh, Thomas, 355

Warburton, Bishop, 88, 97-8, 101, 105, 111, 112, 177, 179, 189, 237, 288, 311, 313, 335

Waterland, Daniel, 188, 191, 193, 205-213, 311, 364-5

Watson, Bishop, 285, 291, 293-6

Watts, Isaac, 217-9, 238

Welton, Bishop, 60

Wesley, Charles, 334, 340-3

—— John, 7, 15, 93, 117, 181-2, 232, 267-8, 316-336, 397, and passim

—— Samuel, 31, 49

—— Susanna, 345, 399

Whiston, William, 14, 90, 191, 193, 202-4, 214, 291

Whitefield, George, 115, 117, 182, 337-340, 342

Whitewash, 408

'Whole Duty of Man,' 377

Wilberforce, William, 374, 379, 395-8

Wilcocks, Bishop, 285

Wilson, Bishop Thomas, 265, 289, 299 n

Woolston, William, 85-6

Wordsworth, William, 16, 275

Young, Dr. E., 136

Zinzendorf, Count, 265-6, 323

Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-Street Square, London.


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