Russians, description of the early, 23. their mode of warfare, 23. retreat of the, before Akhmet, 181.
"Russian Justice," the code called, drawn by Yaroslaf, 62.
Samarcande destroyed by the Tartars, 116.
Sarmatia, Scythian name changed to, 18.
Scandinavians, called also Normans, 23. See also Normans.
Schevkal conquered by the Tverians, 141.
Schlippenbuch (Col.), heroism of, 331.
Schlit sent to induce emigration of illustrious men, 224. arrested by Charles V., 225.
Schouisky (Vassali) declares himself Tzar; death of, 208.
Schouisky (Ivan) succeeds his brother Vassali, 208. dismissal of, 209. assassinates Belsky and secures the regency, 212.
Sclavonians, conquests of the, 22. early religion of the, 26. send to the Normans to demand a king, 26.
Schools introduction of, 57. character of the, 475.
Scythians, irruption of the, into Russia, 17. character of the, 18. name changed to "Sarmatians," 18.
Sevastopol, siege of, 514.
Siberia, position and character of, 273.
Sigismond (of Poland) invades Russia, 205.
Simeon (son of Danielovitch) ascends the throne, 143 (son of Jean) acquires the title of the Superb, 144. death of, 145.
Sineous, Rurik, and Truvor, consent to govern Scandinavia, 27. death of, 28.
Slave, the use of the word abolished, 327
Slavery in Russia, 202.
Slave Trade, argument used for the, 100.
Sloutsk, burned by Gleb, 73.
Smolensk, Truvor establishes his court near, 27. gains territory of Viatcheslaf, 61. flight of, Ysiaslaf to, 80.
Sophia instigates a massacre, 304. appointed as regent, 306. quells an insurrection, 307. returns to Moscow, 308. sends first embassador to France, 308. attempts to assassinate Peter, 309. termination of the regency of, 310. insurrection headed by, 325.
Souzdal increasing civilization of, 83. sympathy of the people of, for Sviatoslaf, 79. the country of, desolated, 80.
Staradoub, siege of, 206.
St. Petersburg, founding of, 334. arrival of first ship at, 335. Swedes driven from, 336. the winter palace of, 505.
St. Sophia, burial of Vsevolod in the church of, 68.
Succession, the Russian right of, 112.
Suwarrow (Gen.), character and origin of, 461. his hatred of the French, 462. vanquishes Moreau, 464. utter defeat of, 465.
Sviatopolk (the Miserable) seizes Russia and kills his brothers, 58. defeated by Yaroslaf, 59. drives Yaroslaf from Kief, 59. poisons the Polish army, 59. driven from Kief, 59. raises an army of Petchenegues, 59. flight and death of, 60.
Sviatopolk assumes the government of Russia, 69. defeat and flight of, 69. character and death of, 70.
Sviatoslaf, son of Igor, 42. his opposition to embracing Christianity, 44. assumes the crown, 45. his character and ambition, 45. conquers the Khozars, 46. annexes Bulgaria, 46. indulgencies of, 47. transfers his capital from Kief to Bulgaria, 48. the sons of, 48. reconquers Peregeslavetz, 48. driven from Bulgaria, 48. personal appearance of, 49. defeat of, by the Petchenegues, and death of, 49. Tchernigof given to, 61. death of, 65.
Sviatoslaf, (grandson of Oleg) given the command of the troops of Andre, 93. defeated at Vouoychegorod, 94.
Sviatoslaf (prince of Tchernigof) marches against Vsevelod, 99. establishes his court at Novgorod, 99. treaty of, with Vsevelod, 100. marriage of, 100.
Sviatosolaf (brother of Igor) attempts to recover the throne for Igor, 78. conquered by Ysiaslaf, 79.
Sylvestre, bold address of, to Ivan IV., 221
Tamerlane invades Russia, 153. history of, 157.
Tartars, reign of the, 113. plunder Kief, 124. embrace Mahommedanism, 131. defeat of the, by Dmitri, 151. panic and retreat of the, 181.
Tchanibek assassinates his brother and assumes the Tartar rule, 144.
Tchernigof, the territory of, given to Sviatoslaf, 61.
Tchoudes, the, conquered by Mstislaf, 76.
Temoutchin rise of, 114. assumes the name of Genghis Khan, 115. See Genghis Khan.
Theology, the Tartars, 127.
Tilsit, peace of, 487.
Toleration in religion granted by Oleg, 33. of Vladimir, 56.
Trajan, province of Dacia conquered by, 19.
Treaty of Oleg with the Greeks, 86.
Tribute exacted by the Tartars, 129.
Truvor, Rurik, and Sineous, consent to govern Scandinavia, 27. death of, 28.
Turkey overrun by the Russians, 419. peace with, 425. treaty between, and Russia, 513.
Turkish Question, see Eastern Question.
Tzars, see Chronology and Russia.
Usbeck (king of the Tartars) great hunting expedition of, 138. appoints Alexander, son of Michel, to the throne of Russia, 141. death of, 144.
Vassali, succeeds Yaroslaf, 132. death of, 132. Dmitri succeeds, 133. ascends the throne, 155. death of, 161.
Vassalievitch ascends the throne, 162. deposed by Youri, 163. returns to Moscow, 164. capture of, 165. his eyes torn out, 165. re-captures Moscow, 166. change in character of, 166 death of, 167.
Vassian (archbishop of Moscow) letter of, to Ivan III., 179. honor and death of, 183. (of Kolumna) advice of, to Ivan IV., 242.
Vassili (son of Ivan III.) marriage of, 189. ascends the throne, 191. treaty of, with the Tartars, 192. embassage from, to the Turks, 193. embassage from the Turks to, 194. embassage from Germany to, 194. unites with Poland against the Turks, 197. death of, 198.
Viatcheslaf, the territory of, given to Smolensk, 61.
Viatcheslaf seizes the throne of Kief, 77. surrender of, to Vsevolod, 77.
Vlademer (illegitimate son of Sviatoslaf) receives command of Novgorod, 48. flight of, 50. he demands the daughter of Rovgolod, 51. reply of Rogneda to, 51. the mother of, 51. captures Polotsk, kills Rovgolod and marries Rogneda, 52. captures Kief, 52. assassinates Yaropolk, 52. sacrifices children to idols, 53. conversion of, to Christianity, 53. demands Anne of Constantinople as his bride, 54. marriage of, 55. his efforts to expel paganism, 55. toleration of, 56. excessive benevolence of, 57. death of, 57. Sviatopolk succeeds him, 58. surrenders his crown to Sviatopolk, 69.
Vladimir captured, 122.
Vladimirovitch invited to take the throne of Russia, 76. death of, 77.
Voltaire, library of, purchased by Catharine, 446.
Vouoychegorod, heroic defense of the fortress of, 93.
Vseslaf proclaimed king, 62.
Vsevolod, the territory of Pereaslavle given to, 61. succeeds Ysiaslaf, 66. character of, 67. death of, 68.
Vsevolod III., accession of, to the Russian throne, 98. seizes the embassadors of Sviatoslaf, 99. seizes Novgorod, 100. treaty with Sviatoslaf, 100. expedition against Bulgaria, 101. death of; wife of, 102.
Vsevolod (son of Monomaque) expedition of, to Finland, 72. establishes himself on the throne at Kief, 77. death of 78.
Woman, indignities to which she was subjected, 24.
Yaropolk (son of Sviatoslaf) receives the government of Kief, 48. conquers Oleg, 49. Russia united under him, 50. the betrothed of, 51. assassinated, 52. the bones of, disinterred and baptized, 61. (son of Monomaque), expedition to the Don, 72. conquered by beauty, 72, marriage of, 72. captures Gleb, burns Droutsk, 73.
Yaroslaf, march of, against his brother Sviatopolk, 58. defeats Sviatopolk, 59. driven from Kief, 59. drives Sviatopolk from Kief, 59. conquers him on the banks of the Alta, 59. secures the government of Russia, 60. prosperity of Russia under the rule of, 60. attempts of, to educate the Russians, 60. letter of, to his children, and bequests of, 61. death of, 61. works of, 61.
Yaroslaf (prince of Kief) ascends the Russian throne, 123. energy and nobility of, 123. commanded to appear before Bati, 125. sent to Octai, 125. death of, 126.
Yaroslaf (of Tiver) succeeds Alexander, 130. accused by the people, 130. humiliation of, and exile, 131. sends embassadors to the Tartars; death of, 131. Vassali succeeds, 132.
Youri captures Moscow and deposes Vassili, 163. death of, 164.
Ysiaslaf I. (son of Yaroslaf) nominated emperor of Russia by his father, 61. troubles and flight of, 62. his reception in Poland, 63. his punishment of Kief, 63. flight of, to Germany, 63. implores aid of the Pope, 64. recovers his kingdom, 65. death of, 65.
Ysiaslaf II. seizes the throne of Russia, 78. conquers Sviatoslaf, 77. his address to the Novgorodians, 79. conquered by Georges, 80. flight of, to Smolensk, 80. varied fortunes of, 81. death of, 82.
Zerebrinow, routs the Turks at Azof, 259.
Zuski heads an insurrection, 282. elected emperor by the people, 283. death of, 286.
Transcriber's Notes:
Many place names are spelled differently in different locations in this book; in most cases, these variations in spelling have been retained.
There is a long list of corrections made to typos and spelling (to make the spelling of names consistent throughout the book):
Table of Contents Chapter VI title: "GHENGHIS KAHN" corrected to "GENGHIS KHAN". Table of Contents Chapter VI description - "Ghenghis" corrected to "Genghis" twice. Table of Contents and Chapter heading - Chapter XIV: "Conquest of Astruchan" corrected to "Conquest of Astrachan". (city is spelled Astrachan consistently in the text.) Table of Contents and Chapter heading - Chapter XV: Changed "Zebrinow" to "Zerebrinow". (as spelled in body text and index.) Chapter II Heading - "Flight of Vladimer" - name corrected to "Vlademer". Page 38: Tribe "Drevlians" mis-spelled "Drevolians". Page 39: "generel" corrected to "general". Chapter III Heading (Page 51), and Page 52: "Valdemer" corrected to "Vlademer". Page 64: "consideraiton" corrected to "consideration", also "Sain" to "Saint". Page 94: "assasinated" corrected to "assassinated". Page 96: "incribed" corrected to "inscribed". Page 104: "Yaroslave" corrected to "Yaroslavle". Page 144: "Pope Beniot XII" corrected to "Benoit". Page 190: "Guttenberg" corrected to "Gutenberg". Page 197: "neccessity" changed to "necessity". Page 206: "sufficent" changed to "sufficient". Page 209: "forgotton" corrected to "forgotten". Page 237: "Ghengis Khan" corrected to "Genghis". Page 246: "apppointed" corrected to "appointed". Page 276: "Erie XIV" corrected to "Eric" (King of Sweden). Page 335: "Stanislaus Leczinsky" corrected to "Leszczynski". Page 359: "difficuly" corrected to "difficulty". Page 373: "Adolpus Frederic" corrected to "Adolphus Frederic" (King of Sweden). Page 421: "acceptd" corrected to "accepted". Page 427: "slide door" corrected to "side door". Page 440: "is" corrected to "it", in phrase "it was floated down the river". Page 445: "Cathraine" corrected to "Catharine". Page 472: "desirious" corrected to "desirous". Page 486: "aids" corrected to "aides". Page 493: "aginst" corrected to "against". Page 498: "promulated" corrected to "promulgated". Page 502: "allgiance" corrected to "allegiance". Page 510: "Mediteranean" corrected to "Mediterranean".
Corrections made to the Index:
1. Alexis (son of Peter the Great), flight of, should be page 352, not p. 252. 2. Ysiaslaf succeeds Igor, believe it should be page 78, not p. 77. 3. Nicholas defeated at Sevastopol, should be page 514, not p. 574. 4. Ladislaus elected king of Russia, should be page 285, not p. 275. 5. Vsevolod, the territory of Pereaslavle given to, name of territory was mis-spelled "Pereaslable". 6. Catherine mis-spelled and corrected to Catharine, 4 places. a) Catherine I succeeds Peter I in Russia, history of. b) Next line, Peter II succeds Catherine I. c) Several lines below #2, acension of Catherine II. d) Several lines below #3, Paul I succeeds Catherine II. 7. Dimsdale (Dr. Thomas) introduces inoculation, 411. Was mis-spelled "Dinsdale". 8. Dmitry declines the throne, 131. Was mis-spelled "Dimitry". 9. Peter I captures Marienburg; corrected from "Marienberg". 10. Chronolgy of Russia: Early ruler "Rurik" misspelled "Rurick" here; corrected twice. 11. Bulgaria conquered by Sviataslaf, 46. Corrected to "Sviatoslaf". 12. "Alexander (Nevski) puts down a rebellion..." corrected to Nevsky. 13. "Droutsk burned by Yaropolok" corrected to Yaropolk. 14. "Gleb (prince of Muisk)" corrected to Minsk. 15. "Oleg defeated by Yarpolk, 46" corrected to Yaropolk, and page 49. 16. Peter I., his residence at Zaardam, 318 corrected to Zaandam. 17. Poland, Stanislaus Seczinsky placed on the throne of, 335. Corrected to Leczinsky. 18. Russia, united under Yarpolk, 50. Changed to Yaropolk. 19. Russia, Rostislaf succeeds Ysiaslas in the government of, 81. Corrected to Ysiaslaf. 20. Russia, Mistislaf Ysiaslavitch succeeds Rostislaf as emperor of, 86. Corrected to Mstislaf (2 places). 21. Russia, Vassali Schouski succeeds Helene in, 208; also Ivan Schouski succeeds Vassali, 208. In both cases, corrected to Schouisky. 22. Sviatosolf (brother of Igor) attempts to recover the throne for Igor, 78. Corrected to Sviatosolaf. 23. Instances of "Helene" corrected to Helene. 24. Instances of "Petchenegues" corrected to Petchenegues.