WIFE. You wretch! and had you no fear of the god?
CARIO. Aye, indeed! I feared that the god with his crown on his head might have been near the stew-pan before me. I said to myself, "Like priest, like god." On hearing the noise I made, the old woman put out her hand, but I hissed and bit it, just as a sacred serpent might have done.[781] Quick she drew back her hand, slipped down into the bed with her head beneath the coverlets and never moved again; only she let go some wind in her fear which stunk worse than a weasel. As for myself, I swallowed a goodly portion of the pap and, having made a good feed, went back to bed.
WIFE. And did not the god come?
CAIRO. He did not tarry; and when he was near us, oh! dear! such a good joke happened. My belly was quite blown out, and I let wind with the loudest of noises.
WIFE. Doubtless the god pulled a wry face?
CARIO. No, but Iaso blushed a little and Panacea[782] turned her head away, holding her nose; for my perfume is not that of roses.
WIFE. And what did the god do?
CARIO. He paid not the slightest heed.
WIFE. He must then be a pretty coarse kind of god?
CARIO. I don't say that, but he's used to tasting shit.[783]
WIFE. Impudent knave, go on with you!
CARIO. Then I hid myself in my bed all a-tremble. Aesculapius did the round of the patients and examined them all with great attention; then a slave placed beside him a stone mortar, a pestle and a little box.[784]
WIFE. Of stone?
CARIO. No, not of stone.
WIFE. But how could you see all this, you arch-rascal, when you say you were hiding all the time?
CARIO. Why, great gods, through my cloak, for 'tis not without holes! He first prepared an ointment for Neoclides; he threw three heads of Tenian[785] garlic into the mortar, pounded them with an admixture of fig-tree sap and lentisk, moistened the whole with Sphettian[786] vinegar, and, turning back the patient's eyelids, applied his salve to the interior of the eyes, so that the pain might be more excruciating. Neoclides shrieked, howled, sprang towards the foot of his bed and wanted to bolt, but the god laughed and said to him, "Keep where you are with your salve; by doing this you will not go and perjure yourself before the Assembly."
WIFE What a wise god and what a friend to our city!
CARIO. Thereupon he came and seated himself at the head of Plutus' bed, took a perfectly clean rag and wiped his eye-lids; Panacea covered his head and face with a purple cloth, while the god whistled, and two enormous snakes came rushing from the sanctuary.
WIFE. Great gods!
CARIO. They slipped gently beneath the purple cloth and, as far as I could judge, licked the patient's eyelids; for, in less time than even you need, mistress, to drain down ten beakers of wine, Plutus rose up; he could see. I clapped my hands with joy and awoke my master, and the god immediately disappeared with the serpents into the sanctuary. As for those who were lying near Plutus, you can imagine that they embraced him tenderly. Dawn broke and not one of them had closed an eye. As for myself, I did not cease thanking the god who had so quickly restored to Plutus his sight and had made Neoclides blinder than ever.
WIFE. Oh! thou great Aesculapius! How mighty is thy power! (To Cario.) But tell me, where is Plutus now?
CARIO. He is approaching, escorted by an immense crowd. The rich, whose wealth is ill-gotten, are knitting their brows and shooting at him looks of fierce hate, while the just folk, who led a wretched existence, embrace him and grasp his hand in the transport of their joy; they follow in his wake, their heads wreathed with garlands, laughing and blessing their deliverer; the old men make the earth resound as they walk together keeping time. Come, all of you, all, down to the very least, dance, leap and form yourselves into a chorus; no longer do you risk being told, when you go home, "There is no meal in the bag."
WIFE. And I, by Hecate! I will string you a garland of cakes for the good tidings you have brought me.
CARIO. Hurry, make haste then; our friends are close at hand.
WIFE. I will go indoors to fetch some gifts of welcome, to celebrate these eyes that have just been opened.
CARIO. Meantime I am going forth to meet them.
CHORUS. [Missing.]
PLUTUS. I adore thee, oh! thou divine sun, and thee I greet thou city, the beloved of Pallas; be welcome, thou land of Cecrops, which hast received me. Alas! what manner of men I associated with! I blush to think of it. While, on the other hand, I shunned those who deserved my friendship; I knew neither the vices of the ones nor the virtues of the others. A twofold mistake, and in both cases equally fatal! Ah! what a misfortune was mine! But I want to change everything; and in future I mean to prove to mankind that, if I gave to the wicked, 'twas against my will.
CHREMYLUS (to the crowd who impede him). Get you gone! Oh! what a lot of friends spring into being when you are fortunate! They dig me with their elbows and bruise my shins to prove their affection. Each one wants to greet me. What a crowd of old fellows thronged round me on the market-place!
WIFE. Oh! thou, who art dearest of all to me, and thou too, be welcome! Allow me, Plutus, to shower these gifts of welcome over you in due accord with custom.
PLUTUS. No. This is the first house I enter after having regained my sight; I shall take nothing from it, for 'tis my place rather to give.
WIFE. Do you refuse these gifts?
PLUTUS. I will accept them at your fireside, as custom requires. Besides, we shall thus avoid a ridiculous scene; it is not meet that the poet should throw dried figs and dainties to the spectators; 'tis a vulgar trick to make 'em laugh.
WIFE. You are right. Look! yonder's Dexinicus, who was already getting to his feet to catch the figs as they flew past him.[787]
CHORUS. [Missing.]
CARIO. How pleasant it is, friends, to live well, especially when it costs nothing! What a deluge of blessings flood our household, and that too without our having wronged ever a soul! Ah! what a delightful thing is wealth! The bin is full of white flour and the wine-jars run over with fragrant liquor; all the chests are crammed with gold and silver, 'tis a sight to see; the tank is full of oil,[788] the phials with perfumes, and the garret with dried figs. Vinegar flasks, plates, stew-pots and all the platters are of brass; our rotten old wooden trenchers for the fish have to-day become dishes of silver; the very night-commode is of ivory. We others, the slaves, we play at odd and even with gold pieces, and carry luxury so far that we no longer wipe ourselves with stones, but use garlic stalks instead. My master, at this moment, is crowned with flowers and sacrificing a pig, a goat and a ram;[789] 'tis the smoke that has driven me out, for I could no longer endure it, it hurt my eyes so.
A JUST MAN. Come, my child, come with me. Let us go and find the god.
CHREMYLUS. Who comes here?
JUST MAN. A man who was once wretched, but now is happy.
CHREMYLUS. A just man then?
JUST MAN. You have it.
CHREMYLUS. Well! what do you want?
JUST MAN. I come to thank the god for all the blessings he has showered on me. My father had left me a fairly decent fortune, and I helped those of my friends who were in want; 'twas, to my thinking, the most useful thing I could do with my fortune.
CHREMYLUS. And you were quickly ruined?
JUST MAN. Entirely.
CHREMYLUS. Since then you have been living in misery?
JUST MAN. In truth I have; I thought I could count, in case of need, upon the friends whose property I had helped, but they turned their backs upon me and pretended not to see me.
CHREMYLUS. They laughed at you, 'tis evident.
JUST MAN. Just so. With my empty coffers, I had no more friends.
CHREMYLUS. But your lot has changed.
JUST MAN. Yes, and so I come to the god to make him the acts of gratitude that are his due.
CHREMYLUS. But with what object now do you bring this old cloak, which your slave is carrying? Tell me.
JUST MAN. I wish to dedicate it to the god.[790]
CHREMYLUS. Were you initiated into the Great Mysteries in that cloak?[791]
JUST MAN. No, but I shivered in it for thirteen years.
CHREMYLUS. And this footwear?
JUST MAN. These also are my winter companions.
CHREMYLUS. And you wish to dedicate them too?
JUST MAN. Unquestionably.
CHREMYLUS. Fine presents to offer to the god!
AN INFORMER. Alas! alas! I am a lost man. Ah! thrice, four, five, twelve times, or rather ten thousand times unhappy fate! Why, why must fortune deal me such rough blows?
CHREMYLUS. Oh, Apollo, my tutelary! oh! ye favourable gods! what has overtaken this man?
INFORMER. Ah! am I not deserving of pity? I have lost everything; this cursed god has stripped me bare. Ah! if there be justice in heaven, he shall be struck blind again.
JUST MAN. Methinks I know what's the matter. If this man is unfortunate, 'tis because he's of little account and small honesty; and i' faith he looks it too.
CHREMYLUS. Then, by Zeus! his plight is but just.
INFORMER. He promised that if he recovered his sight, he would enrich us all unaided; whereas he has ruined more than one.
CHREMYLUS. But whom has he thus ill-used?
CHREMYLUS. You were doubtless a villainous thief then.
INFORMER (to Chremylus and Cario). 'Tis rather you yourselves who were such wretches; I am certain you have got my money.
CHREMYLUS. Ha! by Demeter! 'tis an informer. What impudence!
CARIO. He's ravenously hungry, that's certain.
INFORMER. You shall follow me this very instant to the marketplace, where the torture of the wheel shall force the confession of your misdeeds from you.
CARIO. Ha! look out for yourself!
JUST MAN. By Zeus the Deliverer, what gratitude all Greeks owe to Plutus, if he destroys these vile informers!
INFORMER. You are laughing at me. Ho! ho! I denounce you as their accomplice. Where did you steal that new cloak from? Yesterday I saw you with one utterly worn out.
JUST MAN. I fear you not, thanks to this ring, for which I paid Eudemus[792] a drachma.
CHREMYLUS. Ah! there's no ring to preserve you from the informer's bite.
INFORMER. The insolent wretches! But, my fine jokers, you have not told me what you are up to here. Nothing good, I'll be bound.
CHREMYLUS. Nothing of any good for you, be sure of that.
INFORMER. By Zeus! you're going to dine at my expense!
CHREMYLUS. You vile impostor, may you burst with an empty belly, both you and your witness.
INFORMER. You deny it? I reckon, you villians, that there is much salt fish and roast meat in this house. Hu! hu! hu! hu! hu! hu! (He sniffs.)
CHREMYLUS. Can you smell anything, rascal?
INFORMER. Can such outrages be borne, oh, Zeus! Ye gods! how cruel it is to see me treated thus, when I am such an honest fellow and such a good citizen!
CHREMYLUS. You an honest man! you a good citizen!
INFORMER. A better one than any.
CHREMYLUS. Ah! well then, answer my questions.
INFORMER. Concerning what?
CHREMYLUS. Are you a husbandman?
INFORMER. D'ye take me for a fool?
CHREMYLUS. A merchant?
INFORMER. I assume the title, when it serves me.[793]
CHREMYLUS. Do you ply any trade?
INFORMER. No, most assuredly not!
CHREMYLUS. Then how do you live, if you do nothing?
INFORMER. I superintend public and private business.
CHREMYLUS. You! And by what right, pray?
INFORMER. Because it pleases me to do so.
CHREMYLUS. Like a thief you sneak yourself in where you have no business. You are hated by all and you claim to be an honest man?
INFORMER. What, you fool? I have not the right to dedicate myself entirely to my country's service?
CHREMYLUS. Is the country served by vile intrigue?
INFORMER. It is served by watching that the established law is observed—by allowing no one to violate it.
CHREMYLUS. That's the duty of the tribunals; they are established to that end.
INFORMER. And who is the prosecutor before the dicasts?
CHREMYLUS. Whoever wishes to be.[794]
INFORMER. Well then, 'tis I who choose to be prosecutor; and thus all public affairs fall within my province.
CHREMYLUS. I pity Athens for being in such vile clutches. But would you not prefer to live quietly and free from all care and anxiety?
INFORMER. To do nothing is to live an animal's life.
CHREMYLUS. Thus you will not change your mode of life?
INFORMER. No, though they gave me Plutus himself and the silphium of Battus.[795]
CHREMYLUS (to the Informer). Come, quick, off with your cloak.
CARIO. Hi! friend! 'tis you they are speaking to.
CHREMYLUS. Off with your shoes.
CARIO. All this is addressed to you.
INFORMER. Very well! let one of you come near me, if he dares.
CARIO. I dare.
INFORMER. Alas! I am robbed of my clothes in full daylight.
CARIO. That's what comes of meddling with other folk's business and living at their expense.
INFORMER (to his witness). You see what is happening; I call you to witness.
CHREMYLUS. Look how the witness whom you brought is taking to his heels.
INFORMER. Great gods! I am all alone and they assault me.
CARIO. Shout away!
INFORMER. Oh! woe, woe is me!
CARIO. Give me that old ragged cloak, that I may dress out the informer.
JUST MAN. No, no; I have dedicated it to Plutus.
CARIO. And where would your offering be better bestowed than on the shoulders of a rascal and a thief? To Plutus fine, rich cloaks should be given.
JUST MAN. And what then shall be done with these shoes? Tell me.
CARIO. I will nail them to his brow as gifts are nailed to the trunks of the wild olive.
INFORMER. I'm off, for you are the strongest, I own. But if I find someone to join me, let him be as weak as he will, I will summon this god, who thinks himself so strong, before the Court this very day, and denounce him as manifestly guilty of overturning the democracy by his will alone and without the consent of the Senate or the popular Assembly.
JUST MAN. Now that you are rigged out from head to foot with my old clothes, hasten to the bath and stand there in the front row to warm yourself better; 'tis the place I formerly had.
CHREMYLUS. Ah! the bath-man would grip you by the testicles and fling you through the door; he would only need to see you to appraise you at your true value.... But let us go in, friend, that you may address your thanksgivings to the god.
CHORUS. [Missing.]
AN OLD WOMAN. Dear old men, am I near the house where the new god lives, or have I missed the road?
CHORUS. You are at his door, my pretty little maid, who question us so sweetly.[796]
OLD WOMAN. Then I will summon someone in the house.
CHREMYLUS. 'Tis needless! I am here myself. But what matter brings you here?
OLD WOMAN. Ah! a cruel, unjust fate! My dear friend, this god has made life unbearable to me through ceasing to be blind.
CHREMYLUS. What does this mean? Can you be a female informer?
OLD WOMAN. Most certainly not.
CHREMYLUS. Have you not drunk up your money then?
OLD WOMAN. You are mocking me! Nay! I am being devoured with a consuming fire.
CHREMYLUS. Then tell me what is consuming you so fiercely.
OLD WOMAN. Listen! I loved a young man, who was poor, but so handsome, so well-built, so honest! He readily gave way to all I desired and acquitted himself so well! I, for my part, refused him nothing.
CHREMYLUS. And what did he generally ask of you.
OLD WOMAN. Very little; he bore himself towards me with astonishing discretion! perchance twenty drachmae for a cloak or eight for footwear; sometimes he begged me to buy tunics for his sisters or a little mantle for his mother; at times he needed four bushels of corn.
CHREMYLUS. 'Twas very little, in truth; I admire his modesty.
OLD WOMAN. And 'twas not as a reward for his complacency that he ever asked me for anything, but as a matter of pure friendship; a cloak I had given would remind him from whom he had got it.
CHREMYLUS. 'Twas a fellow who loved you madly.
OLD WOMAN. But 'tis no longer so, for the faithless wretch has sadly altered! I had sent him this cake with the sweetmeats you see here on this dish and let him know that I would visit him in the evening....
OLD WOMAN. He sent me back my presents and added this tart to them, on condition that I never set foot in his house again. Besides, he sent me this message, "Once upon a time the Milesians were brave."[797]
CHREMYLUS. An honest lad, indeed! But what would you? When poor, he would devour anything; now he is rich, he no longer cares for lentils.
OLD WOMAN. Formerly he came to me every day.
CHREMYLUS. To see if you were being buried?
OLD WOMAN. No! he longed to hear the sound of my voice.
CHREMYLUS. And to carry off some present.
OLD WOMAN. If I was downcast, he would call me his little duck or his little dove in a most tender manner....
CHREMYLUS. And then would ask for the wherewithal to buy a pair of shoes.
OLD WOMAN. When I was at the Mysteries of Eleusis in a carriage,[798] someone looked at me; he was so jealous that he beat me the whole of that day.
CHREMYLUS. 'Twas because he liked to feed alone.
OLD WOMAN. He told me I had very beautiful hands.
CHREMYLUS. Aye, no doubt, when they handed him twenty drachmae.
OLD WOMAN. That my whole body breathed a sweet perfume.
CHREMYLUS. Yes, like enough, if you poured him out Thasian wine.
OLD WOMAN. That my glance was gentle and charming.
CHREMYLUS. 'Twas no fool. He knew how to drag drachmae from a hot-blooded old woman.
OLD WOMAN. Ah! the god has done very, very wrong, saying he would support the victims of injustice.
CHREMYLUS. Well, what must he do? Speak, and it shall be done.
OLD WOMAN. 'Tis right to compel him, whom I have loaded with benefits, to repay them in his turn; if not, he does not merit the least of the god's favours.
CHREMYLUS. And did he not do this every night?
OLD WOMAN. He swore he would never leave me, as long as I lived.
CHREMYLUS. Aye, rightly; but he thinks you are no longer alive.[799]
OLD WOMAN. Ah! friend, I am pining away with grief.
CHREMYLUS. You are rotting away, it seems to me.
OLD WOMAN. I have grown so thin, I could slip through a ring.
CHREMYLUS. Yes, if 'twere as large as the hoop of a sieve.
OLD WOMAN. But here is the youth, the cause of my complaint; he looks as though he were going to a festival.
CHREMYLUS. Yes, if his chaplet and his torch are any guides.
YOUTH. Greeting to you.
OLD WOMAN. What does he say?
YOUTH. My ancient old dear, you have grown white very quickly, by heaven!
OLD WOMAN. Oh! what an insult!
CHREMYLUS. It is a long time, then, since he saw you?
OLD WOMAN. A long time? My god! he was with me yesterday.
CHREMYLUS. It must be, then, that, unlike other people, he sees more clearly when he's drunk.
OLD WOMAN. No, but I have always known him for an insolent fellow.
YOUTH. Oh! divine Posidon! Oh, ye gods of old age! what wrinkles she has on her face!
OLD WOMAN. Oh! oh! keep your distance with that torch.
CHREMYLUS. Yes, 'twould be as well; if a single spark were to reach her, she would catch alight like an old olive branch.
YOUTH. I propose to have a game with you.
OLD WOMAN. Where, naughty boy?
YOUTH. Here. Take some nuts in your hand.
OLD WOMAN. What game is this?
YOUTH. Let's play at guessing how many teeth you have.
CHREMYLUS. Ah! I'll tell you; she's got three, or perhaps four.
YOUTH. Pay up; you've lost! she has only one single grinder.
OLD WOMAN. You wretch! you're not in your right senses. Do you insult me thus before this crowd?
YOUTH. I am washing you thoroughly; 'tis doing you a service.
CHREMYLUS. No, no! as she is there, she can still deceive; but if this white-lead is washed off, her wrinkles would come out plainly.
OLD WOMAN. You are only an old fool!
YOUTH. Ah! he is playing the gallant, he is fondling your breasts, and thinks I do not see it.
OLD WOMAN. Oh! no, by Aphrodit, no, you naughty jealous fellow.
CHREMYLUS. Oh! most certainly not, by Hecat![800] Verily and indeed I would need to be mad! But, young man, I cannot forgive you, if you cast off this beautiful child.
YOUTH. Why, I adore her.
CHREMYLUS. But nevertheless she accuses you ...
YOUTH. Accuses me of what?
CHREMYLUS. ... of having told her insolently, "Once upon a time the Milesians were brave."
YOUTH. Oh! I shall not dispute with you about her.
YOUTH. Out of respect for your age; with anyone but you, I should not be so easy; come, take the girl and be happy.
CHREMYLUS. I see, I see; you don't want her any more.
OLD WOMAN. Nay! this is a thing that cannot be allowed.
YOUTH. I cannot argue with a woman, who has been making love these thirteen thousand years.
CHREMYLUS. Yet, since you liked the wine, you should now consume the lees.
YOUTH. But these lees are quite rancid and fusty.
CHREMYLUS. Pass them through a straining-cloth; they'll clarify.
YOUTH. But I want to go in with you to offer these chaplets to the god.
OLD WOMAN. And I too have something to tell him.
YOUTH. Then I don't enter.
CHREMYLUS. Come, have no fear; she won't harm you.
YOUTH. 'Tis true; I've been managing the old bark long enough.
OLD WOMAN. Go in; I'll follow after you.
CHREMYLUS. Good gods! that old hag has fastened herself to her youth like a limpet to its rock.
CHORUS. [Missing.]
CARIO (opening the door). Who knocks at the door? Halloa! I see no one; 'twas then by chance it gave forth that plaintive tone.
HERMES (to Carlo, who is about to close the door). Cario! stop!
CARIO. Eh! friend, was it you who knocked so loudly? Tell me.
HERMES. No, I was going to knock and you forestalled me by opening. Come, call your master quick, then his wife and his children, then his slave and his dog, then thyself and his pig.
CARIO. And what's it all about?
HERMES. It's about this, rascal! Zeus wants to serve you all with the same sauce and hurl the lot of you into the Barathrum.
CARIO. Have a care for your tongue, you bearer of ill tidings! But why does he want to treat us in that scurvy fashion?
HERMES. Because you have committed the most dreadful crime. Since Plutus has recovered his sight, there is nothing for us other gods, neither incense, nor laurels, nor cakes, nor victims, nor anything in the world.
CARIO. And you will never be offered anything more; you governed us too ill.
HERMES. I care nothing at all about the other gods, but 'tis myself. I tell you I am dying of hunger.
CARIO. That's reasoning like a wise fellow.
HERMES. Formerly, from earliest dawn, I was offered all sorts of good things in the wine-shops,—wine-cakes, honey, dried figs, in short, dishes worthy of Hermes. Now, I lie the livelong day on my back, with my legs in the air, famishing.
CARIO. And quite right too, for you often had them punished who treated you so well.[801]
HERMES. Ah! the lovely cake they used to knead for me on the fourth of the month![802]
CARIO. You recall it vainly; your regrets are useless! there'll be no more cake.
HERMES. Ah! the ham I was wont to devour!
CARIO. Well then! make use of your legs and hop on one leg upon the wine-skin,[803] to while away the time.
HERMES. Oh! the grilled entrails I used to swallow down!
CARIO. Your own have got the colic, methinks.
HERMES. Oh! the delicious tipple, half wine, half water!
CARIO. Here, swallow that and be off. (He discharges a fart.)
HERMES. Would you do a friend a service?
CARIO. Willingly, if I can.
HERMES. Give me some well-baked bread and a big hunk of the victims they are sacrificing in your house.
CARIO. That would be stealing.
HERMES. Do you forget, then, how I used to take care he knew nothing about it when you were stealing something from your master?
CARIO. Because I used to share it with you, you rogue; some cake or other always came your way.
HERMES. Which afterwards you ate up all by yourself.[804]
CARIO. But then you did not share the blows when I was caught.
HERMES. Forget past injuries, now you have taken Phyl.[805] Ah! how I should like to live with you! Take pity and receive me.
CARIO. You would leave the gods to stop here?
HERMES. One is much better off among you.
CARIO. What! you would desert! Do you think that is honest?
HERMES. "Where I live well, there is my country."[806]
CARIO. But how could we employ you here?
HERMES. Place me near the door; I am the watchman god and would shift off the robbers.
CARIO. Shift off! Ah! but we have no love for shifts.
HERMES. Entrust me with business dealings.
CARIO. But we are rich; why should we keep a haggling Hermes?
HERMES. Let me intrigue for you.[807]
CARIO. No, no, intrigues are forbidden; we believe in good faith.
HERMES. I will work for you as a guide.
CARIO. But the god sees clearly now, so we no longer want a guide.
HERMES. Well then, I will preside over the games. Ah! what can you object to in that? Nothing is fitter for Plutus than to give scenic and gymnastic games.[808]
CARIO. How useful 'tis to have so many names! Here you have found the means of earning your bread. I don't wonder the jurymen so eagerly try to get entered for many tribunals.[809]
HERMES. So then, you admit me on these terms.
CARIO. Go and wash the entrails of the victims at the well, so that you may show yourself serviceable at once.
A PRIEST OF ZEUS. Can anyone direct me where Chremylus is?
CHREMYLUS. What would you with him, friend?
PRIEST. Much ill. Since Plutus has recovered his sight, I am perishing of starvation; I, the priest of Zeus the Deliverer, have nothing to eat!
CHREMYLUS. And what is the cause of that, pray?
PRIEST. No one dreams of offering sacrifices.
PRIEST. Because all men are rich. Ah! when they had nothing, the merchant who escaped from shipwreck, the accused who was acquitted, all immolated victims; another would sacrifice for the success of some wish and the priest joined in at the feast; but now there is not the smallest victim, not one of the faithful in the temple, but thousands who come there to ease themselves.
CHREMYLUS. Don't you take your share of those offerings?
PRIEST. Hence I think I too am going to say good-bye to Zeus the Deliverer, and stop here myself.
CHREMYLUS. Be at ease, all will go well, if it so please the god. Zeus the Deliverer[810] is here; he came of his own accord.
PRIEST. Ha! that's good news.
CHREMYLUS. Wait a little; we are going to install Plutus presently in the place he formerly occupied behind the Temple of Athen;[811] there he will watch over our treasures for ever. But let lighted torches be brought; take these and walk in solemn procession in front of the god.
PRIEST. That's magnificent!
CHREMYLUS. Let Plutus be summoned.
OLD WOMAN. And I, what am I to do?
CHREMYLUS. Take the pots of vegetables which we are going to offer to the god in honour of his installation and carry them on your head; you just happen luckily to be wearing a beautiful embroidered robe.
OLD WOMAN. And what about the object of my coming?
CHREMYLUS. Everything shall be according to your wish. The young man will be with you this evening.
OLD WOMAN. Oh! if you promise me his visit, I will right willingly carry the pots.
CHREMYLUS. Those are strange pots indeed! Generally the scum rises to the top of the pots, but here the pots are raised to the top of the old woman.[812]
CHORUS. Let us withdraw without more tarrying, and follow the others, singing as we go.[813]
* * * * *
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[736] The poet jestingly makes Chremylus attribute two utterly opposed characteristics to his servant.
[737] Literally sycophants i.e. denouncers of figs. The Senate, says Plutarch, in very early times had made a law forbidding the export of figs from Attica; those who were found breaking the edict were fined to the advantage of the sycophant ([Greek: phainein], to denounce, and [Greek: sukon], fig). Since the law was abused in order to accuse the innocent, the name sycophant was given to calumniators and to the too numerous class of informers at Athens who subsisted on the money their denunciations brought them.
[738] A parody of the tragic style.
[739] Plutus, the god of riches, was included amongst the infernal deities, because riches are extracted from the earth's bosom, which is their dwelling-place. According to Hesiod, he was the son of Demeter; agriculture is in truth the most solid foundation of wealth. He was generally represented as an old blind man, halting in gait and winged, coming with slow steps but going away on a rapid flight and carrying a purse in his hand. At Athens the statue of Peace bore Plutus represented as still a child on her bosom as a symbol of the wealth that peace brings.
[740] A rich man, who affected the sordid habits of Lacedaemon, because of his greed. "More sordid than Patrocles" had become a byword at Athens. Even the public baths were too dear for Patrocles, because, in addition to the modest fee that was given to the bath-man, it was necessary to use a little oil for the customary friction after the bath.
[741] This catechizing is completely in the manner of the sophistical teaching of the times, and has its parallel in other comedies. It reminds us in many ways of the Socratic 'Elenchus' as displayed in the Platonic dialogues.
[742] Corinth was the most corrupt as well as the most commercial of Greek cities, and held a number of great courtesans, indeed some of the most celebrated, e.g. Las, Cyren, Sinop, practised their profession there; they, however, set a very high value on their favours, and hence the saying, "Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum"—"it is not for every man to go to Corinth."
[743] This was the mild punishment inflicted upon the adulterer by Athenian custom. The laws of Solon were very indulgent to this kind of crime; they only provided that the guilty woman might be repudiated by her husband, but were completely silent concerning her accomplice.
[744] Cario means to convey that women often paid their lovers, or at all events made it their business to open up the road to fortune for them.
[745] In order to receive the triobolus, the fee for attendance.
[746] The richest citizens were saddled with this expense and were called trierarchs.
[747] Athens had formed an alliance with Corinth and Thebes against Sparta in 393 B.C., a little before the production of the 'Plutus.' Corinth, not feeling itself strong enough to resist the attacks of the Spartans unaided, had demanded the help of an Athenian garrison, and hence Athens maintained some few thousand mercenaries there.
[748] A civil servant, who had been exiled for embezzling State funds.
[749] No doubt an accomplice of Pamphilus in his misdeeds; the Scholiast says he was one of his parasites.
[750] An upstart and, through the favour of the people, an admiral in the year 389 B.C., after Thrasybulus; he had enriched himself through some rather equivocal state employments and was insolent, because of his wealth, 'as a well-fed ass.'
[751] A buffoon, so the Scholiasts inform us, who was in the habit of visiting the public places of the city in order to make a little money by amusing the crowd with ridiculous stories. Others say he was a statesman of the period, who was condemned for embezzlement of public money; in his defence he may well have invented some fabulous tales to account for the disappearance of the money out of the Treasury.
[752] The precise historical reference here is obscure.
[753] Las, a celebrated courtesan.—Of Philonides little is known, except that he was a native of Melita and a rich and profligate character.
[754] The reference is no doubt to a pretentious construction that had been built for the rich and over-proud Timotheus, the son of Conon. He was a clever general of great integrity; when the 'Plutus' was produced, he was still very young.
[755] Chremylus rises in a regular climax from love to military glory; the slave in as direct an anti-climax comes from bread, sweetmeats, etc., down to lentils.
[756] The son of Aphareus, the King of Messenia; according to the legends, he had such piercing sight that he could see through walls, and could even discover what was going on in heaven and in the nether world. He took part in the expedition of the Argonauts.
[757] A part of the victim which Cario was bringing back from the Temple; it was customary to present the remains of a sacrifice to friends and relations.
[758] As soon as Chremylus sees himself assured of wealth he adopts less honest principles.
[759] The citizens appointed to act as dicasts, or jurymen, drew lots each year to decide in which Court they should sit. There were ten Courts, each of which was indicated by one of the first ten letters of the alphabet, and the urn contained as many tickets marked with these letters as there were dicasts. Cario means to say here that the old men of the Chorus should remember that they have soon to die themselves instead of bothering about punishing him.
[760] A word invented to imitate the sound of a lyre.
[761] The Cyclops let his flocks graze while he played the lyre; it was thus that Philoxenus had represented him in a piece to which Aristophanes is here alluding.—Cario assumes the part of the Cyclops and leaves that of the flock to the Chorus.
[762] In allusion to Ulysses' adventures in the cave of Polyphemus.
[763] Las.
[764] i.e. Cario, who is assuming the rle of Circ of Corinth.
[765] This was the torture which Odysseus inflicted on Melanthius, one of the goatherds.
[766] A poet of debauched and degraded life, one of those who, like Ariphrades mentioned in 'The Knights,' "defiled his tongue with abominable sensualities," that is to say, was a fellator and a cunnilingue.
[767] It is uncertain whether Pamphilus, a tragedian, is meant here, who, like Euripides and Aeschylus, made the Heraclidae the subject of a tragedy, or the painter of that name, so celebrated in later times, who painted that subject in the Poecil Stoa.
[768] Physicians at Athens were paid very indifferently, and hence the most skilled sought their practice in other cities.
[769] The Temple of Aesculapius stood on the way from the theatre to the citadel and near the tomb of Talos. A large number of invalids were taken there to pass a night; it was believed that the god visited them without being seen himself, because of the darkness, and arranged for their restoration to health.
[770] Like the Furies who composed the Chorus in Aeschylus' 'Eumenides.'
[771] A ravine into which criminals were hurled at Athens.
[772] During the winter the poor went into the public baths for shelter against the cold; they could even stop there all night; sometimes they burnt themselves by getting too near the furnace which heated the water.
[773] i.e. the most opposite things; the tyranny of Dionysius of Syracuse and the liberty which Thrasybulus restored to Athens.
[774] Crimes to which men are driven through poverty.
[775] The ancients placed statues of Hecat at the cross-roads ([Greek: triodoi], places where three roads meet), because of the three names, Artemis, Phoeb and Hecat, under which the same goddess was worshipped. On the first day of the month the rich had meals served before these statues and invited the poor to them.
[776] A verse from Euripides' lost play of 'Telephus.' The same line occurs in 'The Knights.'
[777] And not the citizens of Argos, whom agriculture and trade rendered wealthy.—Pauson was an Athenian painter, whose poverty had become a proverb. "Poorer than Pauson" was a common saying.
[778] There is here a long interval of time, during which Plutus is taken to the Temple of Aesculapius and cured of his blindness. In the first edition probably the Parabasis came in here; at all events a long choral ode must have intervened.
[779] The Athenians had erected a temple to Theseus and instituted feasts in his honour, which were still kept up in the days of Plutarch and Pausanias. Barley broth and other coarse foods were distributed among the poor.
[780] He was an orator, who was accused of theft and extortion, and who, moreover, was said not to be a genuine Athenian citizen.
[781] The serpent was sacred to Aesculapius; several of these reptiles lived in the temple of the god.
[782] Iaso (from [Greek: iasthai], to heal) and Panacea (from [Greek: pan], everything, and [Greek: akeisthai], to cure) were daughters of Aesculapius.
[783] He has to see, examine, and taste pill, potion, urine ... and worse.
[784] An apothecary's outfit.
[785] Tenos is one of the Cyclades, near Andros.
[786] A deme of Attica, where the strongest vinegar came from.
[787] The Scholiast says that this was an individual as poor as he was greedy, and on the watch for every opportunity to satisfy his voracity.—The comic poets often had nuts, figs and other petty dainties thrown to the audience. It was a fairly good way to secure the favour of a certain section of the public.
[788] The ancients used oil in large quantities, whether for rubbing themselves down after bathing or before their exercises in the palaestra, or for the different uses of domestic life. It was kept in a kind of tank, hollowed in the ground and covered with tiles or stones. The wine-sellers had similar tanks, but of larger size, for keeping their wine.
[789] This was what was styled the triple or complete sacrifice.
[790] As evidence of the sorry condition from which he had been raised.
[791] The clothes a man wore on the day that he was initiated into the Mysteries of Eleusis had, according to custom, to be dedicated to the gods, but only after they had been worn. Most people only decided to do this when they were full of holes and torn; it is because his visitor's cloak is in such a sorry condition that Chremylus takes it to be the cloak of an Initiate.
[792] This Eudemus was a kind of sorcerer, who sold magic rings, to which, among other virtues, he ascribed that of curing, or rather of securing him who wore them, from snake-bites.
[793] The merchants engaged in maritime commerce were absolved from military service; the Scholiast even declares, though it seems highly unlikely, that all merchants were exempt from imposts on their possessions. When it was a question of escaping taxes and military service the informer passed as a merchant.
[794] At Athens 'twas only the injured person who could prosecute in private disputes; everyone, however, had this right where wrongs against the State were involved; but if the prosecutor only obtained one-fifth of the votes, he was condemned to a fine of 1000 drachmae or banished the country.
[795] A proverbial saying, meaning, the most precious thing.—Battus, a Lacedaemonian, led out a colony from Thera, an island in the Aegean sea, and, about 630 B.C., founded the city of Cyren in Africa. He was its first king, and after death was honoured as a god. The inhabitants of that country gathered great quantities of silphium or 'laserpitium,' the sap of which plant was the basis of medicaments and sauces that commanded a high price. The coins of Cyren bore the representation of a stalk of silphium.
[796] The old woman had entered dressed as a young girl. Or is it merely said ironically?
[797] A proverb, meaning, "All things change with time." Addressed to the old woman, it meant that she had perhaps been beautiful once, but that the days for love were over for her.—Miletus, the most powerful of the Ionic cities, had a very numerous fleet and founded more than eighty colonies; falling beneath the Persian yoke, the city never succeeded in regaining its independence.
[798] Eleusis was some distance from Athens, about seven and a half miles, and the wealthy women drove there. It was an occasion when they vied with each other in the display of luxury.
[799] You are so old.
[800] The goddess of death and old age.
[801] Wineshop-keepers were often punished for serving false measure. Hermes, who allowed them to be punished although he was the god of cheating and was worshipped as such by the wineshop-keepers, deserved to be neglected by them.
[802] The greater gods had a day in each month specially dedicated to them; thus Hermes had the fourth, Artemis the sixth, Apollo the seventh, etc.
[803] This game, which was customary during the feasts of Bacchus' consisted in hopping on one leg upon a wine-skin that was blown out and well greased with oil; the competitor who kept his footing longest on one leg, gained the prize.
[804] The cake was placed on the altar, but eaten afterwards by the priest or by him who offered the sacrifice.
[805] An allusion to the occupation of Phyl, in Attica on the Boeotian border, by Thrasybulus; this place was the meeting-place of the discontented and the exiled, and it was there that the expulsion of the thirty tyrants was planned. Once victorious, the conspirators proclaimed a general amnesty and swore to forget everything, [Greek: me mnesikakein], 'to bear no grudge,' hence the proverb which Aristophanes recalls here.
[806] A verse taken from a lost tragedy by Euripides.
[807] Hermes runs through the gamut of his different attributes.
[808] As the rich citizens were accustomed to do at Athens.
[809] This trick was very often practised, its object being to secure the double fee.
[810] He is giving Plutus this title.
[811] Within the precincts of the Acropolis, and behind the Temple of Zeus Polias, there stood a building enclosed with double walls and double gates, where the public Treasury was kept. Plutus had ceased to dwell there, i.e. the Peloponnesian war and its disastrous consequences had emptied the Treasury; however, at the time of the production of the 'Plutus,' Athens had recovered her freedom and a part of her former might, and money was again flowing into her coffers.
[812] In the Greek there is a pun on the different significations of [Greek: graus],_ _an old woman,_ and the _scum_, or 'mother,' which forms on the top of boiling milk.
[813] In the 'Lysistrata' the Chorus similarly makes its exit singing.
[* Transcriber's note: The original index of this volume differs slightly in formatting from that of volume one. In order to increase consistency, I've reformatted this index according to the format in the first volume.]
Achilles, when mute Achradusian, coined word Adimantus, an admiral —his father Admetus, the King Adulterers, depilated Aeagrus, an actor AESCHYLUS, verse from —lost tragedy —periods imitated —ridiculed —supposed disciples —'The Persae,' —parodied —unfair criticism —"Philoctetes" —'Niobe' quoted —'Glaucus Potniensis' quoted Aesculapius, temple of —daughters of Aesimus, unknown Agathon, tragic poet —pederastic habits Aglaurus, two women Agoranomi (the) Agyrrhius, an effeminate general —an upstart Alcaeus, a parody of Alcibiades, lisp in speech —obtains a subsidy Alcmena, seduced by Zeus Alimos, the town of Alliance against Sparta —garrison at Corinth Allusion, obscene —and Smaeus —to Ulysses Alop, seduced by Posidon Ammon, temple to Zeus Amynon, infamy of Anacreon Andromeda, the play —release of Anti-dicasts and lawsuits Antilochus, Nestor's son Antiphon, a gluttonous parasite Antisthenes, a constipated miser Antithenes, a dissolute doctor Antitheus Aphareus, son of, his piercing vision Aphrodisiac Apodrasippides, explained Apollo as god of healing —priestesses of —physician —altar, how misused Apothecary, outfit of Archers, mounted corps of —at Athens Archidemus Ares, a fighting-cock Arginusae, sea-battle of —slaves who fought at Argos, citizens of Ariphrades, his infamous habits Aristocrates, a general Aristophanes, why uncrowned —modifies opinion Aristyllus, debaucheries of Artemis, goddess of chase —the surname of Artemisium, battle of Asia Minor, coast towns Asses' (the) shadow —asses used for the Mysteries Athenian law Attica, invasion of Audience, favour, how gained Aug, the seduced
Bacchus, "Feast of Cups" —surnames of Baptism, the pagan Bar, the, language of Barathrum, a ravine Barriers, let down Bastard, when of strange women Baths, how heated —use in winter Battus, silphium of Bed of Procrustes Beginning, fable of the Bell, to awaken sentinels Birds as love-gifts Boasters, the, of Corinth Bottles painted on coffins Boxing, story of Brasidas, an Athenian general Brigand, the option of Buffoonery at Megara Bullocks' intestines, as comparison Buzzard, double meaning Byzantium
Cake, eaten by priest Callias, identity of Callias, the general, his debaucheries Calligenia, adoration of Callimachus, poverty of Canephori, rank in feasts Canephoros, the part of Cannonus, the decree of Carians, mountaineers Carcinus, tragic poet —pun on name —his three sons Carding, woman's shape at Caskets, how perfumed Cats, lascivious Centaur, the Cephalae, pun on word Cephalus, a demagogue —his father Cephisophon, a "ghost" —seduces a wife Ceramicus, the Chaerephon —compared to the bat Chaplets of flowers Charitimides, an admiral Chians, the, named in prayers Children, when registered Choenix (the) Chorus, the lost —exit singing Choruses, when given Cinesias, the poet —his build —befouls a statue —the dissolute Circumcision, where practised Citizens, the fame of Cleocritus, the strut of Cleonymus, cowardly —gluttony of —wife of Cleophon, a general —an alien Clepsydra (the) Cloak. See Clothes Clothes, dedication of Clidemides Cligenes, a demagogue Climax and anti- Clisthenes, an effeminate —accused of prostitution Cock-fighting Coffins, emblems on Coins, in the mouth Colaconymus, the flatterer Colic, the, a remedy Colonus, and Croydon Connus, a flute-player Conon, flight of Coot's head, likeness to cunnus muliebris Corcyra, whips of Corinth, boasting at —corruption at —garrison at Corinthian ships, obscene comparison —courtesans Corybantes (the), mysteries of —sacred instrument Cotyle, a measure Courtesans, high prices Court-opening, formula Cramming oneself Crane, herald of winter —carry ballast Cratinus, a comic poet Cress, its properties "Cretan monologues" —rhythms Crime and poverty Criticism, too low Critylla Crows, going to Cuckoo, the Curotrophos, meaning Cuttle-fish Cyclops, the, and lyre Cycni, the two Cynna, the courtesan Cyren, the courtesan
Dardanus, flute-girls from Daughters, lent to strangers Dead bodies on plants Debts, in relation to women Demagogues as drones Demeter, Mysteries of —how represented —goddess of abundance Democracy in Olympus Demolochocleon, explained Demos, a young Athenian Depilation, for adultery "Descend," term explained Devil, to the, how expressed Dexinicus, the greedy Diagoras, a convert to atheism Dicasts, insignia Diitrephes, rich basket-maker Dining stations Diomedes, a brigand Diomeia, temple at Dionysus, not brave Dionysus, temple —the god Diopithes, a diviner Diopithes, the orator Discontented, the rendezvous of Division (the), of lands Dog, backside of Door-hinge, moistened Drachma (the) Draughts, rules of Dreams, fee to interpret Duck's domain, the
Eagle, symbol of royalty Egypt, soil of Ekkiklyma, the Elegants, effeminate Eleusis, mysteries of —women at Eleven (the), who they were Embezzling State funds Empusa, a spectre Engastromythes, explained Englottogastors, meaning of Epicrates, a demagogue Epigonus, a pathic Erasinidas, a general Erinnys, a fury Eryxis, noted for ugliness Ether (the), physical theory of Euathlus, a diffamer Eudemus, the sorcerer Euphemius, a flatterer Euripides, a verse from —date of his death —distich from —expressions from —verse from Orestes —origin —lost tragedies —verse from —heterodoxy —insipid style —"ghost" of —birth —stage-characters of —influence of his poetry —labour criticised —versus Aeschylus —rhythm —monologue —'Antigon' quoted —'Telephus' and 'Meleager' quoted —'Hippolytus,' line from —'Aeolus' and 'Phryxus' quoted —parodied —'Aeolus,' —'Alcestis' quoted —'Menalipp,' —mother insulted —'Sthenoboea,' —'Phoenix,' —'Palamedes,' —'Helen' quoted —how staged —son of —verse from Eurycles, the diviner Evaeon, poverty of Excrement, voiding —eating of, proverb Execestides, stranger at Athens —his tutelary deity Eyes, bad, proverb on
Fear, effect of Feast of Pots, the Fees to citizens Felicity, and cuttle-fish "Fig leaves in fire" Figs with tongues —"denouncers of figs" Figure of rhetoric Fish, high price of Flamingo, the Fleet (the), supremacy of Flowers, worn at feasts Flute-girls, genitalia, ref. to Fop, an old Forest, pun on word Four Hundred, the Friend of Strangers, the
Gables, pun on word Galleys, land of Games given at Athens Gargettus Garlic, and gallants Genetyllides, the Geres, old fop Gestation, ten months Gibberish uttered by a god Girls, unmarried, ornaments Glaucetes, a glutton Gods, the days of the Gorgos, head of Grasshopper, the, as comparison Greek words, puns on Grudge, bearing no Gull, the voracious
Hades, leaders in Harmodius, statue of Hecat, altars of —the poor fed —goddess of death Hegelochus, an actor Heliasts, tribunal of —manner of voting —daily salary —acrid temper —separated from public —choice of Hell's sacred waves Hellebore, for madness Hemlock, effect of Heracles, gluttony of —descends to Hades Heracles, Temple of Hermes, attributes of Hesiod on Plutus "Hestia, addressing first" Hiero, of Syracuse Hieronymus, the argive Hippias, tyranny of Hippocrates, theories of Hipponicus, the orator Homer's text corrupted "Horse, the," an erotic posture Horses, devoured by Hydriaphoros, the alien
Ibycus, the poet Ilithyia, goddess of child-birth Illyrians, the Incest, in the 'Aeolus,' Informer, business of Ino, metamorphosis of Intercourse, sexual Interrupters, how dismissed Invoke the god Iophon, son of Sophocles
Jar of wine comp. to ass Jest, obscene Jocasta, married by son Jokes, coarse Jurymen, fees of —tricks of Justice, slowness of
Kimos, top of voting urn Kite, the, and springtime
Laches, an Athenian general —comic trial of dog and —ref. to his peculations Laespodias, a general Las, the courtesan Lamachus, better opinion of Lamia, transformed Lamiae (the) Lamias, unknown Lampadephoria, the Lampon, a diviner —prediction of Lasus, the poet Laurium, the mines of Leather, allusion to old Leogaras, an epicure Leotrophides, his leanness Lesbian women, tricks of Literature, heavy Locksmiths, Spartan Lots, drawing Love exercises, ref. to Love's Labour's Lost Lovers, gifts of —paid Lycabettus 'Lycimnius,' a tragedy Lycus, a titulary god —statue of Lyre, sound imitated Lysicrates, a treacherous general —famed for ugliness
Magic rings Marathon, ref. to Masks, use of Masturbation, jest on Measure, false, punished Medusa, head of Melanthius, a poet and leper Megabyzus, a general Megara, birthplace of comedy Memnon Memire (Dr. P.), ref. to Merchants, exemption of Meton, a geometrician "Milesian bravery" Military service (see Merchants) Molon, a gigantic actor Morsimus, a minor poet Morychus, poet —mantle of "Mother of the Gods," the Mother, son marries Mouth-strap, (the) Munychion, April Myronides, a general Myrtia, a baker's wife Myrtle boughs, use of Mysteries, insulting the —of Eleusis
Nausicydes Naxos, island of Neoclides, an orator Nephelococcygia, meaning Nicias, grandson of Nicias, the general —his slackness Nightingale, song of "Niobe," tragedies of Nysa, a town of Dionysus
Odeon (the), by whom built Odysseus, manner of escape —as spy —how he tortured Odyssey, the, quoted Offal, human, tasting Oil, extensive use of Olive leaves Olophyxians, the Omen, word for —satire on —starting on journey Onions, as aphrodisiac Oracles, trees as Orators, infamous —venom of —wear chaplets —rapacity of "Orestes," prologue of the Orestes, the robber —cave alluded to Origanum, used for corpses Ornaments, worn by girls Orneae, a town —alluded to by prophet Owls, as omen —at Athens Ox-fat, syn. for people
Palamedes, the inventor Pamphilus, two of the name Pan, the god "Pankration" (the) Pantacles, unknown "Parsley and the rue" Pathos and bathos Patrocles, a rich miser Pauson, ruined —poverty of Peace, mother of Plutus Peacock and hoopoe Pebble, the, how held Pelargicon, the Pellen, a town Peplus, the Perfumes, on dead bodies Perseus, legend of Persian (the), cloak Phanae, land of informers Pharnaces and bribery Pharsalus, a town Philepsius, a buffoon Philippus, traitor and alien Philocles, the poet Phlegra, plain of Phratria, registers of the Phrygian Graces, the Phrygians, origin of Phrynichus, tragic writer —precocious talent of Phrynondas, the infamous 'Phryxus' (the), lines from Phylarchs, the Phyl, occupation of Physicians, poorly paid Pig-trough, for bar Pigs, young, sacrificed Pisander, a coward Pittalus, a physician Plants, aromatic, use of Plutus —god of riches —cured of blindness Pnyx (the) Poetry, and dissoluteness Poets, seduction of Pole, play on word Polemarch (the) Policemen, at Athens Poltroons, names for Poor, the —coffins of —the, fed monthly Porphyrion, name of a Titan Poverty, cause of crime Presents, by lovers Priestesses, title of Private disputes, law anent Procrustes, notorious brigand Prodicus, the sophist Pronomus, beard of Proteas, play on name Proteus, palace of Proxeni, their duties Purses, substitute for Pyrrhic, the, dance
Quiver, pun on word
Rabelais, long word from Racine, in the Plaideurs Raven, a muzzled Rewards, promised Rich, the, dead Ridicule feared Rites for dead Robe, Cretan Rope, the vermilion Rope's end, for membrum virile Rowing, command to stop
Sacrifice, the complete Sacrificial remains Sailors, in danger Saffron robe, meaning of Salabaccha, a courtesan Salaminian, the, a State galley Samians, plot with Persians Sardanapalus, used as title Scaphephoros, symbol of Sceptre, the, how made Sciapodes, big feet of the Scion, a town Scirophoria, feast of Scorpions and orators Scythian, the —use as police —his accent Seal, how protected Seals, broken Sebinus, the treader Semel, mother of Bacchus Serenades, Greek Serpent, the sacred Sesame cakes Shakespeare, long word from Shoemakers, women as Shoes, etc., where left Sight, extraordinary Simois, city of the Singing, exit whilst Slaves —branding of —names Smaeus, the debauchee Socratic, the, "Elenchus" Socrates, etc. —comp. to vampires —the accuser of Soldier, as ambassador Solon, laws of Son, marries mother Sophocles —mentioned —parodied —the Laocoon of Sore throat and bribery "Sows, little," obscene pun Sparta —play on word —alliance against Sperchius, the Sphettian vinegar Spintharus Sporgilus, a barber State funds, embezzled State, prosecuting the Statutes, how protected Sthenelus, an actor Sthenoboea, an amorous queen Stool, position at Strangers, enjoy host's daughters Streak, the red Strouthian, the poulterer Sun, the, parodied Sunburnt, how to get Sunshade carrier Surnames of characters Swearing, by the birds Sybaris, the town of Sycophants, origin of word Syllables, seventy-seven Syrmea, a plant
Tablets and scrolls Taleas, a citizen Talent, value of Tartessus, a town Taxes on slaves Tenian garlic Tereus, legend of Terminus, the god Testicles —play on word —tortured Teucers Thales, his fame Thallophores (the) Tharelides, the jay Theagenes, his farting Theogenes, a boaster Theognis Theorus, comp. to crow Theramenes Theseus, descent to Hades —feasts of THESMOPHORIA, when celebrated —duration —beautiful women —women slaves forbidden —lodging of women —images of the gods Thesmothetes (the) —described —again Thespis, the dances of Thorycion, frauds of Thrace, towns of Thrasybulus, deliverer of Athens —compared —takes Phyl Thrasybulus the orator, sore throat of Threttanello (see Lyre) Thucydides, tongue-tied Thymaetia, coats of Tiara, how worn Timon, the misanthrope Timotheus, a general Tithrasios Torch-race (the) Tortures allowed —ingenious Townspeople despised Tragic style, parodied Treasure, proverb on Treasury, the public Triballi, the, a term of reproach Trierarchs Tyranny, jest on death of
Ulysses' adventures Urns, the two —threatened Versatile people, proverb Verse, a borrowed Verses, sung by maidens Vine-prop (the), a comparison Vote, of juryman, how given
Wealth, and principle Wild pears and sore throats Wine-skin, hopping on Wine-pits, the Wineshop-keepers punished Woman and carding —"to go with," pun on word —debt in relation to —old woman, pun on Women, at funerals —secret loves of —in child-bed —period of gestation —love of strong drink —their form of oath —addressed as men —yellow tunics of —pale-faced —pay their lovers —display of luxury Word, a wonderful Wren, play on word —in French and German
Xenocles, an inferior poet
Yellow tunics Young men, how seduced
Zeus, the Deliverer