Bacteriological analyses, general considerations, 415 examination of blood, 377
Base of microscope, 50
Basidium, 128
Beer wort, preparation of, 175
Beetroot media, 200
Beggiotoa, morphology of, 133
Benzole bath, 256
Berkefeld filter, 42
Beyrinck's solution I, 197 II, 198
Bile salt agar (MacConkey), 205 broth, double strength, 199 (MacConkey), 180
Biochemical examination of cultures, 276
Biochemistry of bacteria, 276
Biological differentiation of bacteria, 249
Bipolar germination, 140
Bismarck brown, 94
Blastomycetes, morphology of, 129
Blood agar, 171, 214 plates, animal, 251 human, 250 (Washbourn), 214 bacteriological examination of, 377 cells, washing of, 388 collection of, for serological examination, 379 films, preparations of, 376 staining of, 97 histological examination of, 373 pipettes, 11 serological examination of, 378 stains, 97
Blood-serum (Councilman and Mallory), 208 inspissated, 168 (Loeffler), 208 (Lorrain Smith), 208
Blowpipe table, 9
Body tube of microscope, 50
Bohemian flask, 4
Boiling water, 33
Bone marrow, films, preparation of, 400
Bordet-Gengou reaction, 393
Boric acid in milk, test for, 442
Botkin's anaerobic method, 243
Bouillon, preparation of, 163
Brain extract, 149
Bread paste, 193
Brilliant green agar (Conradi), 206 bile salt agar (Fawcus), 206
Brownian movement, 79
Buchner's anaerobic method, 238
Bulloch's anaerobic method, 245 tubes for permanent preparations, 407
Bunge's mordant, 104
Burri's Chinese ink stain, 77
Butter, analysis of, 457 qualitative analysis of, 458 quantitative analysis of, 457
Cadaver, preparation of, for autopsy, 397
Cages for guinea-pigs, 343 for laboratory animals, 341 for mice, 342 for rabbits, 343 for rats, 342
Calculated figure for weight of medium mass, 166, 167
Cambier's candle method of isolating coli-typhoid groups, 438
Camera lucida, 62
Capaldi-Proskauer medium, No I, 186 No II, 187
Capillary pipettes, 10 graduated, 13
Capitate bacilli, 139
Capsule formation, 134 of bacteria, 134 thermo-regulator, 218
Capsules, collodion, inoculation of, 357 preparation of, 357 glass, 6 to clean infected, 20 new, 18 to stain, 99 to sterilise, 31
Carbohydrate media, preparation of, 177
Carbolic acid as a germicide, 27, 481 method of isolating coli-typhoid group, 437
Carbolised agar, 202 bouillon, 202 gelatine, 202
Carbon dioxide in cultures, test for, 289
Card index, 336, 402
Carrot media, 200
Cedarwood oil for immersion lens, 88
Cell wall of bacteria, 134
Celloidin sacs, manufacture of, 358
Cellular incubator, 216
Centrifugal machine for blood and serum work, 327 for milk work, 447
Centrifugalised milk, 449
Centrigade degrees, conversion of, 494
Chemical products of bacteria, 145
China green agar (Werbitski), 207
Chloroform as an antiseptic, 27
Chromatic aberration, 56
Chromogenic bacteria, 131
Chromoparous bacteria, 144
Chromophorous bacteria, 144
Citrated blood agar, 191
Cladothrix, morphology, 193
Classification of bacteria, 131 of fungi, 126
Clavate bacilli, 139
Clearing films with acetic acid, 82
Clostridium, 139
Coarse adjustment, 51
Cobweb micrometer, 66
Cocaine, 345
Cocci, morphology of, 131
Coccidium infection, 339
Coefficient, inferior lethal, 312 of inhibition, 311 phenol, 489 superior lethal, 313
Cohn's solution, 191
Cold incubator, 217
Coli-typhoid group, differential table, 433 in milk, 451 in soil, 477 isolation of, 432 members of, 430
Collection of blood for bacteriological examination, 378 for media making, 168 of milk samples, 443 of pathological material during life, 373 of pus, 373 of soil sample, 471 of water samples, 416
Collodion capsules, 357 sacs, manufacture of, 357
Colonies of bacteria, edges, 267
Coloured light, action of, 309
Columella, 127
Comparative haemocytology, 374
Complement, definition of, 325 fixation test, 393
Concentration method in water, analysis, 434
Condenser achromatic, 54 dark ground, 60 paraboloid, 60 substage, 54
Condidium, 128
Continuous sterilisation, 36
Contrast stains, 93
Corrosive sublimate (Lang), 82
Cotton-wool filter, 40
Counterstaining films, 84
Counting plate colonies, 423
Cover-slip films, 81 to clean new, 22 used, 24
Crates for test-tubes, 31
Cream, analysis of, 457 qualitative analysis of, 458 quantitative analysis of, 457
Crenothrix morphology, 133
Criteria of infection, 370
Criterion of immunity, 324
Cultural characters, macroscopical examination, 261
Culture flask, Guy's, 5 Kolle, 4 Roux, 5
Cuneate bacilli, 139
Cutaneous inoculation, 352
Dark ground condenser, 60 illumination, 87
Daughter cells, 129
Daylight, diffuse, action of, 308
Decimal scales, 340
Decolourising agents, 84
Definition of objective, 56
Depilatory powder, 346
Description of plate culture, 261
Descriptive terms, 261
Desiccation, effects of, 306 table, 501
Desiccator, Mueller's, 307
Dextrose solution, preparation of, 178
Diaphragm, iris, 53
Diastatic enzymes, tests for, 278
Differential atmosphere cultivation, 257 incubation, 255 media, 255 staining, 108 sterilisation, 256
Diluting chamber, 248
Dilution by teat pipette, 383 of serum, 382 tables, 498
Dilutions, preparations of, 496
Diphtheria, bacillus of, in milk, 452
Diplobacilli, morphology of, 133
Diplococci, morphology of, 133
Diplococcus pneumoniae, immunisation against, 322
Discontinuous sterilisation, 36
Discs of plaster-of-Paris, 192
Disinfectants, action of, 310 chemical, 27 testing of, 480
Dissociating fluid, Price Jones; 400
Dosage of inoculum, 316
Double nosepiece, 58 stains for spores, 106 sugar agar (Russell), 207
Drop-bottle, 73
Dry heat, 28
Dunham's solution, 177
Dyes, aniline, 83
Earthenware box for dirty slides, 70
Earthy salts agar (Lipman and Brown), 197
Edge of individual colonies, characters of, 267
Egg albumin agar, 213 broth, (Lipschuetz), 213 media (Dorset), preparation of, 174 inspissated, 212 (Lubenau), 209 (Tarchanoff and Kolesnikoff), 212 to clear nutrient media with, 166
Ehrlich's eyepiece, 55
Eikonometer, 65
Eisenberg's milk-rice medium, 189
Electric dental engine, 360 signal clock, 38 warm stage, 59
Elevation of colonies, 263
Eisner's gelatine, 204 method of isolating coli: typhoid group, 438
Endogenous spores, 138 varieties of, 139
Endo-germination, 139
English proof agar, Blaxall, 193
Enumerating colonies on plates, 423 discs, Jeffer's, 424 Pakes', 424
Enrichment method in water analysis, 427
Enumeration of micro-organisms, 423
Environmental conditions, 142
Enzyme production, investigation of, 277
Eosin, 93
Equatorial germination, 140
Erlenmeyer flask, 4
Ernstschen Koerner, 136
Esmarch's roll culture, 226 water collecting bottle, 417
Estimation of reaction of media, 280
Ether flame, 28 soluble acids, 284
Eucaine, 345
Exalting virulence of organisms, 320
Examination of milk, 441
Experimental infections, study of, during life, 370 inoculation of animals, 332
Extracellular toxins, 144
Eyepiece, Ehrlich, 55 micrometer, 63
Eyepieces, 55
Eye-shade, 57
Fahrenheit degrees, conversion of, 495
Feeding experiments, 369
Fermentation reactions, 279 tubes, 17
Field of objective, 56
Filar micrometer, 66
Filling tubes, etc., with medium, 160
Film preparations, 81 fixing, 81 making, 81 mounting, 85 staining, 83
Filter candle, closed, 47 open, 43 testing efficiency of, 478 to disinfect, 28 to sterilise, 29 flask, 6 papers, to fold, 156
Filters, cotton-wool, 40 porcelain, 42 testing of, 478
Filtration, 40 by aspiration, 42 of media, 156 under pressure, 45
Fine adjustment, 51 spindle head, 52
Fish, analysis of, 460 bouillon, 190
Fish gelatine, 190 gelatine-agar, 190
Fishing colonies, 253
Fission, reproduction by, 136
Fixation, 81 by heat, 81 of tissues, 114
Fixing fluids, for films, 82
Flagella, classification of bacilli by, 136 to stain, 101
Flask Bohemian, 4 Erlenmeyer, 4 filter, 6 Kitasato'a serum, 6 Kolle's culture, 4
Flasks and test tubes, to plug, 24 to clean dirty, 20 new, 18 to sterilise, 31
Fleischwasser, 148
Fluid cultures, description of, 271 media, 146
Foot of microscope, 50
Formaldehyde in milk, Hehner's test for, 442
Formalin method of preserving cultures, 407 tissues, 404
Fractional sterilisation, 33
Fraenkel and Voge's solution, 183
Fraenkel's earth borer, 472
Freezing method for sections, 115
French Mannite Agar (Sabouraud), 193 proof agar (Sabouraud), 193
Fresh preparations of bacteria, 74
Friedlaender's capsule stain for sections, 123
Frost's mounting fluid, 406
Frozen sections, rapid method, 116
Fuchsin, 92 agar (Braun), 205 sulphite agar (Endo), 206
Gas analysis, qualitative, 290 quantitative, 290 collecting apparatus, 291 generators, 242 production by bacteria, 289 tubes for media, 161
Gasperini's solution, 193
Gelatin agar, 193 preparation of, 164 surface plates, 231
General anaesthetics, 345
Gentian violet, 91
German lined paper, 69
Germicides, 27 testing power of, 480
Germination, 140
Geryk air-pump, 43
Glass apparatus in common use, 3 to clean, 18
Glass-cutting knife, 8
Glucose formate agar (Kitasato), 180 bouillon (Kitasato), 180 gelatine (Kitasato), 180
Glycerinated potato, 209
Glycerine agar, 209 blood-serum, 208 bouillon, 209 potato bouillon, 203 broth, 203
Goadby's gelatine, 214
Gonidium, 128
Goniodophore, 128
Graduated capillary pipettes, 13 pipettes, 6
Gram-Claudius' differential stain, 109
Gram's differential stain, 108
Gram-Weigert for sections, 121, 122
Gram-Weigert's differential stain, 109 modified, 110
Grease pencils, 72
Grouping of bacteria for study, 410
Guarded trepine, 360
Guarniari's agar gelatine, 194
Guinea-pig cages, 343 holder, 350
Gulland's solution, 82
Gum solution, preparation of, 116
Guy's culture bottle, 5
Gypsum blocks (Engel and Hansen), 192
Haematin, 95
Haematocytometer, 248
Haematoxilin, 95
Haemolysin, definition of, 326 preparation of, 327 storage of, 331
Haemolytic serum, titration of, 328
Hanging-block culture (Hill), 235
Hanging-drop cultures, 233 examination of, 86, 79 preparation of, 78 permanent staining of, 80 slides, 70
Hardening tissues, 114
Haricot agar, 200 bouillon, 200
Hay infusion, 200
Hearson's water bath, 299
Heat effect of, 299
Hehner's test, 442
Heiman's serum agar, 210
Hesse's anaerobic culture method, 237
Histological examination of blood, 373
Holder for guinea-pigs, 350
Hot air, 29 steriliser, 30 to use, 31 incubator, 217
Hot-water funnel, 158
Human blood agar plates, 250
Huyghenian eyepiece, 55
Hydrogen, generating apparatus, 242 in culture, test for, 289 peroxide in milk, test for, 442
Hyphomycetes, morphology of, 126 reproduction of, 126
Ice-box, for water samples, 419
Ice cream, analysis of, 457
Illuminant for microscope, 67
Immune body, 393
Immunisation, methods of, 321
Imperial system, 492 factors for converting, 493
Impression films, 85
Incubators, 216
Index cards, 336, 403
Indol, test for, 286
Infection, definition of, 370 general observations during life, 371 results of, 404
Influence of environment on bacterial growth, 142
Inhalation, fluid inoculum, 365 powdered inoculum, 366
Inhibition coefficient, 310, 311
Inoculation card index, 336 cutaneous, 352 intracranial, 360 intramuscular, 355 intraocular, 362 intraperitoneal, 355 intrapulmonary, 363 intravenous, 363 of collodion capsules, 357 subcutaneous, 353 syringe, 344
Inoculum, character of, 346 preparation of, 346
Inosite-free media—bouillon (Durham), 183
Inseparate toxins, 144
Intermittent sterilisation, 36
Intracellular toxins, 144
Intracerebral inoculation, 362
Intracranial inoculation, 360
Intragastric inoculation, large animals, 367 Marks method, 367
Intramuscular inoculation, 355
Intraocular inoculation, 362
Intraperitoneal inoculation, 355
Intrapulmonary inoculation, 363
Intravenous inoculation, 363
In vacuo anaerobia cultures, 289
Invertin enzymes, tests for, 279
Involution forms, 137
Iodine solution, 108
Iron bouillon, 185 peptone solution (Pakes), 185
Isolation by animal experiments, 258 by differential atmosphere, 257 incubation, 255 media, 255 sterilisation, 256 by dilution, 248 by plate cultures, 250 subcultures, preparation of, 254
Jeffer's counting disc, 424
Jenner's stain, 97
Jores' mounting fluid, 405
Kaiserling fixing solution, 405
Kanthack's serum agar, 211
Killed cultivations, 318
Kipp's hydrogen apparatus, 242
Kitasato's serum flask, 6
Klebs-Loeffler bacillus in milk, 452
Koch's steam steriliser, 34
Kohle's culture flask, 4
Lab enzymes, test for, 279
Laboratory animals, 335 comparative haematocytology of, 374 normal temperature, 372 regulations, 1
Lactose litmus agar (Wurtz), 203 bouillon, 203 gelatine (Wurtz), 203
Lakmus Molke, 203
Lang's solution, 82
Lead bouillon, 185 peptone solution, 186
Leishman's stain, 98 for sections, 125
Lemco broth, 163
Leptothrix, morphology, 133
Lethal dose, minimal, 316
Leviditi's staining method, 124
Light, action of, 308
Liquefiable media, 147
Liquid soap, 346
Lithium carmine, 96
Litmus bouillon, 186 gelatine, 202 milk cultures, description of, 272 preparation of, 172 nutrose agar (Drigalski-Conradi), 205 whey, 195 agar, 196 gelatine, 196 (Petruschky), 195
Local anaesthetics, 345 reaction to infection, 372
Locomotive movement, 80
Loeffler's capsule stain, 103 serum, 208
Lophotrichous bacilli, 136
Lorrain Smith electric warm stage, 59 serum, 208
Lugol's solution, to prepare, 108
Lysol, 27
MacConkey's capsule stain, 99 media, 180, 199, 205
MacCrorrie's capsule stain, 103
Macroscopical examination of cultures, 261
Malachite green agar (Loeffler), 207
Malt extract solution (Herschell), 196
Margin of individual colonies, 267
Martin's filtering apparatus, 320
Material for inoculation, 346
Mayer's albumin, 120
Mean phenol coefficient, 490
Measuring bacteria, 61
Meat, bacteriological analysis of, 460 extract preparation of, 148 reaction of, 149
Mechanical separation of bacteria, 249 stage, 52
Media, filtration of, 156 preparation of, 163 aerobic culture, 222 aesculin agar, 204 agar-agar, 167 agar gelatine (Guarniari), 194
Media, preparation of anaerobic culture, 180 animal tissue (Frugoni), 210 ascitic bouillon, 210 fluid agar (Wassermann), 213 asparagin (Fraenkel and Voge's), 183 (Uschinsky), 183 beer wort, 175 beetroot, 200 Beyrinck's solution I, 197 II, 198 bile salt agar (MacConkey), 205 broth (MacConkey), 180 double strength, 199 blood agar (Washbourn), 214 blood-serum, 168 (Councilman and Mallory), 208 (Loeffler), 208 (Lorrain Smith), 208 bouillon, 163 bread paste, 193 brilliant green agar (Conradi), 206 bile salt agar (Fawcus), 206 Capaldi-Proskauer, No. I, 186 No. II, 187 carbohydrate, 177 carbolised agar, 202 bouillon, 202 gelatine, 202 carrot, 200 China green agar (Werbitski), 207 citrated blood agar, 171 Cohn's solution, 191 dextrose solution, 178 double sugar agar (Russell), 207 earthy salt agar (Lipman and Brown), 197 egg Dorset, 174 Lubenau, 209 egg-albumen, inspissated, 212 (Tarchanoff and Kolesnikoff), 212 egg-albumin agar, 213 broth (Lipschuetz), 213 English proof agar (Blaxall), 193 fish bouillon, 190 gelatine, 190 agar, 190 fluid, 146 French mannite agar (Sabouraud), 193
Media, preparation of French proof agar (Sabouraud), 193 Fuchsin agar (Braun), 205 sulphite agar (Endo), 206 gelatine, 193 agar, 193 glucose formate agar (Kitasato), 180 bouillon (Kitasato), 180 gelatine (Kitasato), 180 glycerinated broth, 209 potato, 209 glycerine agar, 209 blood-serum, 208, 209 bouillon, 209 potato bouillon, 203 gypsum blocks (Engel and Hansen), 192 haricot agar, 200 bouillon, 200 hay infusion, 200 inosite free-bouillon (Durham), 183 iron bouillon, 185 peptone solution (Pakes), 185 lactose litmus agar (Wurtz), 203 bouillon, 203 gelatine (Wurtz), 203 lakmus molke, 203 lead bouillon, 185 peptone solution, 186 lemco broth, 163 liquefiable, 147 litmus bouillon, 186 gelatine, 202 milk, 172 nutrose agar (Drigalski-Conradi), 205 whey, 195 agar, 196 gelatine, 196 (Petruschky), 195 malachite green agar (Loeffler), 207 malt extract solution (Herschell), 196 milk, 172 rice (Eisenberg), 189 (Soyka), 189 Naegeli's solution, 191 Naehrstoff agar (Hesse and Niedner), 199 neutral litmus solution, 179 nitrate bouillon, 185 peptone solution (Pakes), 186 nutrient, 146 agar-agar, 167
Media, preparation of nutrient bouillon, 163 gelatine, 164 nutrose agar (Eyre), 172 oleic acid agar (Fleming), 201 Omeliansky's nutrient fluid, 189 Parietti's bouillon, 202 parsnip, 200 Pasteur's solution, 191 peptone rosolic acid water, 186 water (Dunham), 177 plaster-of-Paris discs, 192 potato, 174 gelatine (Elsner), 204 (Goadby), 214 proteid free broth (Uschinsky), 183 rosolic acid peptone solutions, 186 serum, bouillon, 210 dextrose water, (Hiss), 188 sugar, (Hiss), 188 water, 170 serum-agar (Heiman), 210 (Kanthack and Stevens), 211 (Libman), 212 (Wertheimer), 211 silicate jelly (Winogradsky), 198 solid, 147 special, 182 stock nutrient, 163 sugar, 177 agar, 185 (dextrose) bouillon, 184 gelatine, 184 sulphindigotate agar, 181 bouillon (Weyl), 181 gelatine (Weyl), 181 tissue (Noguchi), 214 turnip, 200 urine agar, 188 bouillon, 187 gelatine, 187 (Heller), 188 wheat bouillon (Gasperini), 193 whey agar, 195 gelatine, 195 wine must, 192 Winogradsky's solution (for nitric organisms), 198 (for nitrous organisms), 198 wood ash agar, 201 wort agar, 176 gelatine, 176
Media, preparation of yeast water (Pasteur), 191 standardisation of, 154 storage of, in bulk, 159 storing tubes of, 161 sore boxes, 162 titration of, 150 tubing of nutrient, 160
Merismopedia, morphology of, 132
Mesophilic bacteria, 143 pathogenic effects, 315
Metabolic end-products, 145
Metachromatic granules, 136
Metal instruments, to sterilise, 28
Metatrophic bacteria, 131
Methods of cultivation, 221 of identification of bacteria, 259 of inoculation, 352 of isolation, 248 of sterilisation, 26
Methylene-blue, 90
Metric system, 492 factors for converting, 493
Meyer's carmine, 96
Microbes of indication, 426
Micrococci, morphology, 132
Micrococcus, melitensis in milk, 456
Micrometer, filar, 66 net, 63 ocular, 63 stage, 62
Micrometry, methods of, 61
Micron, 61
Microscope, 49
Microscopical examination of bacteria, 86 stained, 88 unstained, 86 observations of cultures, 272
Milk, analysis of, qualitative, 446 quantitative, 444 condensed, analysis of, 444 media, 193 preparation of, 172 rice (Eisenberg), 193 (Soyka), 189 samples, collection of, 443 sedimenting tubes, 449
Minimal lethal dose, 316
Mirror for microscope, 55
Moeller's stain for spores, 107
Moist heat, 32
Molecular movement, 79
Monotrichous bacilli, 136
Motility, examination for, 79 true, 80
Moulds, examination of, 126 for paraffin imbedding, 117, 119
Mounting film preparations, 85 paraffin sections, 119
Mouse cages, 342 holder, 351 scales, 341
Mucor mucedo, 126
Mucorinae, 126
Mueller's desiccator, 307
Muffle furnace, 28
Muirs's capsule stain, 100 flagella stain, 101
Museum preparations of bacteria, 407 of tissues, 404 sealing of, 406
Mycelium, 126
Mycoprotein, 135
Naegeli's solution, 191
Naehrstoff agar (Hesse and Niedner), 199
Naked flame, 28
Neisser's stain modified, 111
Net micrometer, 63
Neutral litmus solution, preparation of, 179 red, 94
Nitrate bouillon, 185 peptone solution (Pakes), 186
Nitric organisms in soil, 478
Nitrosoindol reaction, 287
Nitrous organisms in soil, 477
Normal averages (t.p.r.), 372 serum, 375
Nosepiece, 57 double, 58 triple, 58
Navy's anaerobic method, 244 jars, 245
Nuclei, to stain, 105
Nucleus of bacteria, 135
Numerical aperture, 56
Nutrient media, 146
Nutrose agar (Eyre), preparation of, 172
Object marker, 61
Objectives, 55
Oblique tube cultures, 223
Ocular micrometer, 63
Oculars, 55
Oese, platinum, 71
Oidium, 128
Oil of garlic, 27 of mustard, 27
Oleic acid agar (Fleming), 201
Omeliansky's nutrient fluid, 189
Operation tables (Eyre's), 352 (Tatin's), 351
Opsonic index, 393
Opsonic index, determination of, 390
Opsonin, 387
Optical characters of colonies, 267
Optimum reaction of medium, determination of, 305 temperature, determination of, 298
Organisms of suppuration, 409
Orsat-Lunge gas apparatus, 292
Orth's carmine, 96
Oxford stain for Actinomyces, 112
Oysters, analysis of, 463
Pakes' counting disc, 424 filter reservoir, 45
Papier chardin, 158
Pappenheim's stain, 111
Paraboloid condenser, 60
Parachromophorous bacteria, 144
Paraffin method for sections, 117 sections, mounting of, 119 to stain, 121
Paratrophic bacteria, 131
Parietti's bouillon, 202 method of isolating coli-typhoid group, 437
Parsnip medium, 200
Passages of virus, 320
Pasteur-Chamberland filter, 42
Pasteur's pipettes, 10 solution, 191
Pathogenesis, investigation of, 315
Pathogenic bacteria, 131 study of, 408
Pediococci, morphology of, 132
Penicillium, 128
Peptone rosolic acid water, 186 water (Dunham), preparation of, 177
Percentage formula, 496
Perchloride of mercury, 27
Perisporaceae, 127
Peritrichous bacilli, 136
Permanent preparations of bacteria, 407 of tissues, 404
Petri's dishes, 6
Phagocytic index, 392
Phenol coefficient, 489 production, test for, 287
Photogenic bacteria, 131, 144
Physiological filter, 156
Picric acid solution, 121 (Spengler's), 112
Picrocarmine, 97
Pigment production, observations on, 288
Pipettes, automatic, 13 blood, 11 capillary, 10 cases for, 7 graduated, 6 capillary, 13 Pasteur's, 10 sedimentation, 16 standard graduated, 7 teat, 10 throttle, 13 to clean infected, 20 new, 18 to sterilise, 31
Piridin method of staining spirochaetes, 124
Pitfield's flagella stain, 103
Plasmolysis, 135
Plaster-of-Paris discs, 192
Plate box, 7 cultures, description of, 261 preparation of, 226 levelling stand, 228
Plates, Petri's, 6 to clean infected, 20 new, 18 to sterilise, 31
Platinum needles, 71 method of mounting, 71
Pleomorphism, 133
Polar germination, 140 granules, 136
Polkoerner, 136
Polychrome blood stains, 97
Pooled serum, 379
Porcelain filter, 42 Berkefeld, 42 Chamberland, 42 Doulton, 42
Post-mortem examination of experimental animals, 396
Potato gelatine (Eisner), 204 (Goadby), 214 medium, preparation of, 174
Potted meat, analysis of, 460
Pouring plates, 227
Preparation of experimental animals, 335
Preservatives in milk, 442
Pressure temperature table, 500
Primary colours, action of, 309
Proteid free broth (Uschinsky), 183
Proteolytic enzymes, tests for, 277
Prototrophic bacteria, 131
Psychrophilic bacteria, 143 pathogenic effects, 315
Pus, collection of, 373
Pyrogallic acid solution, 293
Qualitative analysis of air, 470 of milk, 446 of sewage, 467 of soil, 476 of unsound meat, 462 of water, 426
Quantitative analysis of air, 468 of milk, 444 of sewage, 466 of soil, 473 of unsound meat, 460
Rabbit cages, 343 scabies, treatment of, 338 scales, 340
Raising virulence of organisms, 320
Ramsden's micrometer, 66
Range of medium reaction, measurement of, 305 of temperature, measurement of, 298
Rat cages, 342
Raw milk, Saul's test for, 442
Reaction of medium, 305 optimum, 305 range of, 305 scale, 153
Reduced pressure and temperature table, 501
Reducing agents, production, 389 tests for, 289
Reduction of nitrates, 389
Reichert's thermo-regulator, 218
Relation of bacteria to environment, 142
Removal of material from culture tubes, 74
Rennin enzymes, tests for, 279
Reproduction of bacteria, 136
Resistance glass, 6 to lethal agents, 306
Resting stage of bacteria, 137
Restrictions upon experimental inoculations, 334
Ribbert's capsule stain, 101
Roll cultures, 226
Rosolic acid peptone solution, 186
Rosindol reaction, 286
Roux's anaerobic culture method, 237 culture bottle, 5
Sabouraud's medium, 193
Saccharomyces, morphology of, 129
Safranine, 94
Salicylic acid in milk, test for, 443
Saprogenic bacteria, 131
Sarcinae, morphology of, 132
Saul's test, 442
Scales, decimal, 340 trip, 164
Scalpels, to sterilise, 32, 33
Schallibaum's solution, 121
Scheme for study of bacteria, 259
Schizomycetes, classification of, 131 morphology of, 131
Scissors, to sterilise, 32
Sealing museum jars, 406
Searing iron, 397
Sections, special staining methods for, 121
Sedimentation pipettes, 16 tubes, 9
Selecting objectives, 57
Sensitising red blood cells, 395
Serial cultivations, 251
Serological examination of blood, 378
Serum agar (Heiman), 210 (Kanthack and Stevens), 211 (Libman), 212 plates, 250 (Wertheimer), 211 bouillon, 210 collection of, 379 dextrose water (Hiss), 188 inspissator, 169 sugar media (Hiss), 188 water, preparation of, 170
Sewage, analysis of, qualitative, 467 quantitative, 466
Shake cultivations, 225 description of, 271
Shape of colonies, 262
Shaving experimental animals, 349
Shellfish, analysis of, 463
Silicate jelly (Winogradsky), 198
Single stain for spores, 106
Size of colonies, 262
Slanted tube cultures, 223
Slides, to clean new, 22 used, 23
Smear culture, 224 description of, 268
Soap liquid, 346
Soda solution, storage of stock, 154
Sodium bicarbonate in milk, test for, 443
Soil, analysis of, qualitative, 476 quantitative, 473 collection of samples, 471
Solid media, 147
Soluble toxins, 144
Soyka's milk rice, 189
Spear-headed spatula, 402
Special media, 182
Specific serum, 379 dilution of, 382
Spherical aberration, 55
Spirillum, morphology of, 133
Spirochaeta, morphology of, 133
Spirochaetes in tissues, to stain, 124
Spleen extract, 149
Sporangium, 127
Spore formation, arthrogenous, 138 endogenous, 138 method of, 138, 273 germination, method of, 140, 274 observation of, 140, 273
Spores, characters of, 139 classification of, 139 double stain for, 106 to stain, 106
Stab culture, 224 description of, 265
Stage micrometer, 62 of microscope, 52
Staining methods, 90 paraffin sections, 121 reactions of bacteria, 274
Stains intra-vitam, 77 negative (Burri), 77 rack for, 72
Standard graduated pipettes, 7 soda solution, 154
Standardisation of media, 154
Standardising bouillon, 155
Staphylococci, morphology, 132
Staphylococcus in milk, 456
Steam steriliser, Arnold, 35 Koch, 35 to use, 35 streaming, 35
Sterigma, 127
Sterilisation by chemicals, 27 by dry heat, 28 by filters, 40 by moist heat, 32 by streaming steam, 35 by superheated steam, 36 of albuminous liquids, 32 of gases, 40
Sterilising agents, 26
Stichcultur, 224
Stock dilutions, 497 nutrient media, 163 plate for isolation work, 253
Storage of media in bulk, 159 of tubed media, 161
Store boxes for media, 161
Streak culture, 224 description of, 268
Streaming movement, 80 steam, 35
Streptobacilli, morphology, 133
Streptococci in soil, 477 in water, detection of, 432 morphology of, 132
Streptococcus pyogenes longus in milk, 455
Streptothrix, morphology of, 133
Strichcultur, 223
Structure, internal, of colonies, 265
Study of pathogenic bacteria, 408
Subcutaneous inoculation, 353
Subdural inoculation, 361
Substage condenser, 54
Sugar agar, 185 dextrose bouillon, 184 gelatine, 184 media, preparation of, 177
Sulphindigotate agar, 181 bouillon (Weyl), 181 gelatine (Weyl), 181
Sulphuretted hydrogen in cultures, test for, 290
Sunlight, action of, 309
Superheated steam, 36
Superior lethal coefficient, 310, 313
Suppuration, organisms of, 409
Surface characters of colonies, 264 plates, 230
Surgical motor, electric, 360
Swarm spores, 127
Syringe for subcutaneous inoculation of solid material, 354 hypodermic, 344
Tatin's operating table, 351
Taxonomy, 262
Teat-pipettes, 10
Temperature, action of, 299 optimum, 298 pressure table, 500 range, 298 taking, 340
Test objects for objectives, 57
Testing filters, 478
Test-tubes, 3 to clean infected, 19 new, 18 to plug, 24 to sterilise, 31
Tetracocci, morphology of, 132
Thermal death-point, 143 determination of, 298 of spores, 301, 304 of vegetative forms, 298, 303
Thermophilic bacteria, 143
Thermo-regulators, Hearson's capsule, 218 Reichert's, 218
Thionine blue, 92
Thiothrix, morphology of, 133
Thresh's water collecting bottle, 418
Throttle pipettes, 13
Tinned meat, analysis of, 460
Tissue medium (Noguchi), 214 stains, 95
Tissues for sectioning, fixing, 114 freezing, 116 hardening, 114 imbedding, 118 preparation of, 114 washing, 115
Titration of media, 150
Torulae, differentiation from saccharomyces, 130
Total acidity, 280
Toxins, testing of, 318
Trephines, 360
Triple nosepiece, 58
True motility, 80
Tube cultures, preparation of, 222 length, 50
Tubercle bacillus in milk, 453 to stain, 110, 124
Tuberculous guinea-pig, cadaver of, 454
Tubing nutrient media, 160
Turnip media, 200
Unna-Pappenheim's stain for sections, 123
Unsound meat, analysis of, 460
Urine agar, 188 gelatine, 187 (Heller), 188 media bouillon, 187
Uschinsky's solution, 183
Valency of specific sera, 386
Van Ermengem's flagella stain, 104
Vegetative stage of bacteria, 136
Vesuvin, 94
Vibrio cholerae in milk, 452 in water, 439 morphology of, 133
Virulence, attenuating, 321 of organisms, 320 raising, 320
Vivisection license, 334
Voges holder, 350
Volatile oils as disinfectants, 27
Warm stage, 58
Washing red blood cells, 388 tissues, 115
Water, analysis of, qualitative, 426 quantitative, 416 steriliser, 33
Weighing animals, 340
Welch's capsule stain, 101
Wertheimer's serum agar, 211
Wheat bouillon (Gasperini), 193
Whey agar, 195 gelatine, 195
Wine must, 192
Winogradsky's solution I, 198 II, 198
Wire crates for test-tubes, 31
Wood ash agar, 201
Working up plates, 252
Wort agar, 176 gelatine, 176
Wright's anaerobic method, 239
Yeast water (Pasteur), 191
Ziehl-Neelsen's stain, 110
Zoogloea, 134
Zymogenic bacteria, 131
Pathology, Physiology
Histology, Embryology
Bacteriology, Biology
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