For the week ending September 12.
- Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. - - 4.113 qrs. 345 qrs. 25,600 qrs. 50 qrs. 147 qrs. 132 qrs. 51s. 6d. 32s. 2d. 18s. 9d. 30s. 2d. 30s. 2d. 42s. 1d. - -
- Wheat. Barley. Oats. Rye. Beans. Peas. - Weeks ending s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Aug. 10th 60 9 32 4 21 5 37 1 31 9 31 4 17th 61 2 32 11 21 9 38 7 32 1 33 7 24th 59 9 33 11 21 5 37 1 32 6 34 9 31st 56 8 32 11 20 7 31 8 31 10 33 9 Sept. 7th 54 2 31 11 20 5 31 1 32 4 32 1 14th 53 0 31 11 19 7 31 3 31 9 33 8 - Aggregate of six weeks 57 7 32 8 20 10 34 6 32 0 33 8 - Duties till Sept. 20th inclu. 15 0 6 0 6 0 8 6 10 6 9 6 On Grain from B. Possession out of Europe 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 6 1 6 1 0 -
Flour—Foreign, 9s. 0d. per 196lbs.—British possession, 1s. 2d. ditto.
The average price of brown or Muscovado sugar for the week ending September 12, 1843, is 34s. 1-3/4d. per cwt., exclusive of the duties of Customs paid or payable thereon on the importation thereof into Great Britain.
MONDAY.—There was a considerable and beneficial improvement in trade to-day for everything, but not, however, permanent; at least, the causes which produced the change this morning would not authorise a different conclusion, and the salesmen of the market, although looking forward to a very fair state of things next Monday, do not anticipate that the improvement will last the next succeeding Monday. It appears that London is clear of meat, the which, with small supplies of everything to-day, is the sole immediate cause of the improvement, for, notwithstanding that the market was well attended by both town and country butchers and stock-takers, they, nevertheless, at the opening of the market, appeared disposed to purchase briskly, on the supposition, according to the returns of over-night, that the supplies were large, but when this statement was discovered to be erroneous they then bought freely, and higher prices were more readily given.
FRIDAY.—In consequence of the supply of beasts on sale being large for the time of year, we have to report a very heavy demand for beef, and in some instances the quotations declined 2d. per 8 lbs. From Scotland nearly 200 lots were received fresh up. Prime old downs maintained their previous value; but that of all other kinds of sheep had a downward tendency. In lambs very little was doing, at barely Monday's quotations. Calves moved off heavily, at a reduction of 2d. per 8 lbs. The pork trade was unusually dull, at previous currencies. Milch cows sold slowly at from 16l. to 20l. each.
-+ - Prices per Stone. At Market. -+ - Monday. Friday. Monday. Friday. Beef 3s 0d to 4s 2d 2s 8d to 4s 0d Beasts 2,840 800 Mutton 3s 2d to 4s 4d 2s 10d to 4s 4d Calves 149 373 Veal 3s 6d to 4s 8d 3s 6d to 4s 6d Sheep and Lambs 32,840 9,210 Pork 3s 6d to 4s 8d 3s 0d to 3s 10d Pigs 410 326 Lamb 4s 0d to 5s 0d 3s 4d to 4s 8d -+ -
Prices of Hay and Straw, per load of 36 trusses.
Hay, 3l. 5s. 0d. to 4l. 8s. 0d. Clover, 4l. 4s. 0d. to 5l. 8s. 0d. Straw, 1l. 18s. 0d. to 2l. 4s. 0d.
MONDAY.—There was no business whatever transacted during last week, and even the duty remains without fluctuation. In this state of inactivity the effects of the Metropolitan Total Abstinence movement was a topic of interest to the trade. As it appears that nearly 70,000 persons took the pledge, the consumption of malt liquor must seriously diminished, and the demand for Hops will consequently be very considerably decreased. It is fortunate, therefore, for the planters that this year's growth is not large, otherwise the prices would have been seriously low, and although that crop is not only about an average, yet from this diminished consumption, which is likely to progress, the value of the new will not be more than last year, and possibly even less. There have been a few small lots of 1843's at market, which go off very slowly.
FRIDAY.—About ten pockets of new hops have been disposed of this week at from 7l. to 8l. per cwt. We are now almost daily expecting large supplied from Kent and Sussex, as picking is now going on rapidly. In old hops scarcely any business is doing, while the duty is called 150,000l.
SEPT. 14.—A large amount of business has been transacted in cotton at this day's market. The sales, inclusive of 5,000 American bought on speculation, have consisted of 10,000 bales.
SEPT. 15.—We have a fair inquiry for Cotton this morning, and there is no change whatever in the general temper of the market.
Buddle's West Hartley, 15s.; Davison's West Hartley, 15s. 6d.; Fenham, 13s. 6d.; Hastings Hartley, 15s.; Holywell Main, 15s. 6d.; New Tanfield, 14s.; Ord's Redheugh, 12s. 6d.; Pontop Windsor, 12s. 6d.; Tanfield Moor, 16s. 6d.; West Pelton, 12s. 9d,; West Hartley, 15s. 6d.; West Wylam, 14s. 6d.; Wylam, 14s. 6d. Wall's End:—Clennell, 14s. 6d.; Clarke and Co, 14s.; Hilda, 15s. 6d.; Riddell's, 16s. 9d.; Braddyll's Hetton, l8s. 9d.; Haswell, 19s.; Hetton, 18s. 6d.; Lambton, 18s. 3d.; Morrison, 16s.; Russell's Hetton, 18s,; Stewart's, 18s. 6d.; Whitwell, 17s.; Cassop, 18s.; Hartlepool, 16s. 6d.; Heselden, 16s, 6d.; Quarrington, 17s.; Trimdon, 17s. 6d.; Adelaide, 18s.; Barrett, 16s. 9d.; Bowburn, 15s. 6d.; South Durham, 17s.; Tees, 17s. 9d.; Cowpen Hartley, 15s. 6d.; Lewis's Merthyr, 19s. 6d.; Killingworth, 16s. Fifty-nine ships arrived since last day.
Tuesday, September 12.
J. Halls, Wilkes street, Spitalfields, braid manufacturer.—J. Brooke, Liverpool, cupper.—J. Thorburn, Hillhouse, Yorkshire, warehouseman.—J. Allwright, Basingstoke, Hampshire, boot maker.—J. Bland, Leeds, eatinghouse keeper.—W.S. Lawrence, Essex place, Grange-road, Dalston, out of business.—T. Leete, Finedon, Northamptonshire, butcher.—W, Simpson, Elland Upper Edge, Yorkshire, woollen spinner.—D. M'George, Huddersfield, tea dealer.—W. Hall, Cockhill, Wiltshire, out of business.—T. Mercer, Wansdon house, Fulham, out of business.—W. Elliott, Berners street, Oxford street, waiter at an hotel.—C.T. Jones, Charles street, Berkeley square, out of business.—T. Price, Cardiff road, Monmouthshire, coal dealer.—W. Williams, Newport, Monmouthshire, out of business.—W.G. Still, High street, Poplar, hair dresser.—T. Cook, Giltspur street, City, tailor.—J. Mayson, Marlborough road, Old Kent road, commission agent.—D. Taylor, Meltham, Yorkshire, licensed tea dealer.—W.W. Greaves, Newark-upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire, corn dealer.—C.H. Balls, Beccles, Suffolk, chemist.—J. Chapman (commonly known as J. Fitzjames), Bridges street, Covent garden, comedian.
JONES, T., Liverpool, coal dealer.
SHARP, R., jun., Faversham, Kent, draper. [Reed and Shaw, Friday street, Cheapside.
PEARSALL, C., Anderton, Cheshire, boiler maker. [Sharp and Co., Bedford row.
JOHNSON, T., late of Great Bridge, Staffordshire, draper. [Messrs Nicolls and Pardoe, Bewdley.
HOLT, W.J.; Grantham, Lincolnshire, tea dealer. [Messrs Hill and Matthews, St Mary Axe.
J.O. Palmer, Liverpool, music seller—first dividend of 6s. in the pound, any Wednesday after December 1, payable at 31 Basinghall street, City.—D. Ellis, Haverhill, Suffolk, draper—first dividend of 5s. 10d. in the pound, any Wednesday after December 1, payable at 31 Basinghall street.—P.J. Papillon, Leeds, wine merchant—first dividend of 2s. in the pound, on any Monday or Wednesday after October 4, payable at 15 Benson's buildings, Basinghall street, Leeds.—E. Cragg, Kendal, Westmoreland, innkeeper—first dividend of 2s. in the pound, on October 7, or on any succeeding Saturday, payable at 57 Grey street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
October 5, T. and J. Parker, J. Rawlinson, W. Abbott, J. Hanson, J. Bell, T. Chadwick, A. Emsley, R. Kershaw, J. Musgrave, J. Wooller, T. Pullan, J. Shaw, G. Eastburn, and D. Dixon, Leeds, dyers.—October 10, T. Bell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, tea dealer.—October 10, J.G. Pallister and J.M.B. Newrick, Sunderland, Durham, grocers.—October 4, J. Fletcher, Maryport, Cumberland, boiler manufacturer.—October 11, J. Todd. Hylton ferry, Durham, ship builder.—October 3, J. Parke, Liverpool, druggist.—October 4, S. Boult and T. Addison, Liverpool, stock brokers.—October 7, T. Bourne, Liverpool, cotton broker.—October 14, H. Merridew, Coventry, ribbon manufacturer.
October 5, F. Robert, New Bond street, and Gower street North, coal merchant.—October 5, J. Bowie, Shoe lane, City, grocer.—October 14, J. Barnes, 14 Commercial place. Commercial road, engineer.—October 4, J. Davies, Westminster road, Lambeth, linendraper.—October 11, M. Jackson, East Thickley Steam mill, Durham, miller.—October 10, J. Todd, Hylton ferry, Durham, ship builder.—October 3, J. Gallop, jun., Bedminster, Bristol, painter.—October 12, G.B. Worboys, Bristol, perfumer.—October 4, R. Crosbie, Sutton, Cheshire, tea dealer.—October 7, C. Holebrook, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, plumber.—October 17, J. Hedderly, Nottingham, druggist.—October 5, J. Oates, Glossop, Derbyshire, innkeeper.
W. Pugh, Gloucester, auctioneer.—J. Lockwood, Wakefield, Yorkshire, and St. John's, New Brunswick, linendraper.—H. Francis, Feoek, Cornwall, agent.—G. Chapman, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, grocer.—E. Wheeler, Birmingham, corn dealer.—J. A. Boden, Sheffield, razor manufacturer.—W. Woodward, Birmingham, tailor.—S. J. Manning, 28 Camomile street, City, and Halleford, near Shepperton, manufacturer of bitters.
Elizabeth O'Connor and Mary Rossiter, Brighton, Sussex, milliners.—C. Weatherley and H. O'Neil, Wilkes street, Spitalfields, and Ferdinand street, Camden town, fancy trimming manufacturers.—H.I. Isaacs and D. Israel, Duke street, Aldgate, City, poulterers.—J. Davis and A. Mottram, Warrington, Lancashire, timber merchants,—M. Fortier and Emile and Anna Levilly, Bruton street, Berkeley square, milliners.—T. and G. Stevenson, Dudley, Worcestershire, tailors.—D. Israel and J. Lyons, St Mary-axe, City, trunk makers.—W. Fairbairn, J. Hetherington, and J. Lee, Manchester, machine makers.—E. Archer, H. Ewbank, jun., and A.P.W. Philip, Gravel lane, Southwark, Surrey.—J.M. Pott and J. Midworth, Newark-upon-Trent, auctioneers.—T.P. Holden, T. Parker, and W. Burrow, Liverpool, upholsterers (as regards W. Burrow).—W.L. Springett, T. Beale, and E. Kine, Southwark, Surrey, hop merchants (as regards W.L. Springett).
A. Dunn, Keithock Mills, near Coupar-Angus, farmer.—D. M'Intyre, jun., Fort William, merchant.
* * * * *
Friday, September 15.
GREENSLADE, W., Gray's inn lane, builder. [Oldershaw, King's Arms yard. BONE, G.B., Camberwell, builder. [Meymott and Sons, Blackfriars road. LEWIS, R.W., Shenfield, Essex, farmer. [Watson and Co., Falcon square. PHILLIPS, S., Brook street, Hanover square, carpet warehousman. [Reed and Shaw, Friday street, Cheapside. PINO, T.P., Liverpool, ship chandler. [Chester and Toulmin, Staple inn. HOOLE, W., Sheffield, leather dresser. [Branson, Sheffield. CAMBRIDGE, R.J., Cheltenham, wine merchant. [Packwood, Cheltenham. METCALF, E., Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, currier. [Blackburn, Leeds. DUFFIELD, C., Bath, grocer [Jay, Serjeants' inn. POPPLETON, C., York, linen manufacturer. [Blackburn, Leeds. LISTER, J.C., Wolverhampton, wine merchant. [Phillips and Bolton, Wolverhampton.
J. Brooke, Liverpool, cupper.—J. Thorburn, Hillhouse, Yorkshire, warehouseman.—J. Bland, Leeds, eating house keeper.—W.S. Lawrence, Essex place, Hackney, bank clerk.—T. Leete, Finedon, Northamptonshire, butcher.—W. Simpson, Elland Upper Edge, Yorkshire, woollen-spinner.—W. Hall, Cockhill, Wiltshire.—D. M'George, Huddersfield, tea dealer.—T. Mercer, Wansdown house, Fulham—W. Elliott, Berner's street, Oxford street, waiter.—C.T. Jones, Charles street, Berkeley square.—T. Price, Cardiffmouth, coal dealer.—W. Williams, George street, Newport.—W. G. Still, High street, Poplar, tobacconist.—T. Cook, Giltspur street, City, tailor,—J. Mayson, Marlborough road, Old Kent road, commission agent.—D. Taylor, Aldmondbury, Yorkshire, tea dealer.—W.W. Greaves, Newark-upon-Trent, corn dealer.—C. H. Balls, Ringsfield, Suffolk, chemist.—J. Chapman, Bridges street, Covent garden, comedian.—J. Robinson, Edmonton, butcher.—G. Dickinson, Chenies mews, Bedford square, coach painter.—J. Murphy, Gloucestershire, coachman.—J. Burnham, Harrold, Bedfordshire, chemist.—W.L. Phillips, Kennington green, omnibus proprietor.—J.D. Lockhart, Poplar, tobacconist.—J. Wilkinson, Cheltenham, licensed victualler.—J.D. Hubbarde, Wakefield, printer.—J. Ames, Holywell, Flintshire, licensed victualler.—S. Bone, Greenwich, cabinet maker.—J. Davis, Great Bolton, Lancashire, sawyer.—J. Pollard, Batley, Yorkshire, blanket manufacturer.—S. M'Millan, Llangollen, Denbighshire, tea dealer.—S. Brook, Birstal, Yorkshire, grocer.—F. Wormald, Birstal, Yorkshire, blacksmith.—W. Barnes, Knightsbridge, shopkeeper.—H. Manley, Belvidere buildings, St George the Martyr, Surrey, coach builder.—W. Jeffery, Queen street, Brompton, horse dealer.—R.W. Webb, Saville row, Walworth road, attorney.
* * * * *
On the 10th inst., in Milman street, Bedford row, the wife of S.S. Tenlon, Esq. of a son.
On the 13th inst., at Nottingham place, the wife of Thomas A.H. Dickson, Esq., of a son.
At St George's Church, Hanover square, Miss Louisa Georgina Augusta Anne Murray, only daughter of General the Right Honourable Sir George Murray, G.C.B., Master-General of the Ordnance, to Henry George Boyce, Esq., of the 2nd Life Guards, eldest son of Mr and the late Lady Amelia Boyce.
On the 13th inst., at Kintbury, Berks, Lieutenant-Colonel J.A. Butler, to Martha, daughter of the late William Bruce Smith, Esq., of Starborough Castle, Surrey.
On the 13th inst., at Rickmansworth Church, John, second son of Thomas Weall, Esq., of Woodcote Lodge, Beddington, to Susanna, eldest daughter of W. White, Esq., of Chorleywood.
On the 7th inst., aged 69 years, the Rev. William Porter, who was for 44 years minister of the Presbyterian congregation of Newtownlimavady; for fourteen years clerk to the General Synod of Ulster; the first moderator of the Remonstrant Synod, and clerk to the same reverend body since its formation.
At Bath, General W. Brooke. The deceased general, who had served with distinction throughout the Peninsular war, had been upwards of fifty years in the army.
On Sunday, the 10th instant, after a lengthened illness, at the family residence in Great George street, Mr John Crocker Bulteel. He married, May 13, 1826, Lady Elizabeth Grey, second daughter of Earl Grey, by whom he leaves a youthful family. Lady Elizabeth Bulteel, who is inconsolable at her bereavement, has gone to Viscount Howick's residence, near Datchet.
YORK and LONDON LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, King William-street, London. Empowered by Act of Parliament.
GEORGE FREDERICK YOUNG, Esq., Chairman. MATHEW FORSTER, Esq. M.P. Deputy Chairman.
The superiority of the system of Assurance adopted by this Company, will be found in the fact that the premium required by a bonus office to assure 1,000l. on the life of a person in the 20th year of his age would in this office insure 1,291l. 7s. 6d.
Assurances at other ages are effected on equally favourable terms, and thus the assured has an immediate bonus instead of a chance dependent upon longevity and the profits of an office. In cases of assurance for a limited number of years, the advantage offered by this Company is still greater, no part of the profits of a bonus office being ever allotted to such assurances.
Prospectuses, containing tables framed to meet the circumstances of all who desire to provide for themselves or those who may survive them by assurance, either of fixed sums or annuities, may be had at the office as above, or of the agents.
* * * * *
H. WALKER'S NEEDLES (by authority the "Queen's own"), in the illustrated Chinese boxes, are now in course of delivery to the trade. The needles have large eyes, easily threaded (even by blind persons), and improved points, temper, and finish. Each paper is labelled with a likeness of her Majesty or his Royal Highness Prince Albert, in relief on coloured grounds. Every quality of needles, fish hooks, hooks and eyes, steel pens, &c. for shipping. These needles or pens for the home trade are sent, free by post, by any respectable dealer, on receipt of 13 penny stamps for every shilling value.—H. Walker, manufacturer to the Queen, 20 Maiden lane, Wood street, London.
* * * * *
THE WESTMINSTER MARBLE COMPANY have now completed their Machinery, which will enable them in future to supply every variety of Marble Work at a considerable reduction in price.
A neat Box Belgium Marble Chimney-piece, with Moulded Caps, 3 feet high, can be supplied from 1l. to 2l.
A Best Vein Marble Chimney-piece, from 2l. to 3l.
A liberal commission for all orders will be allowed to the Trade; and those persons wishing to act as Agents, can have a Book of Designs forwarded by enclosing Twenty Postage Stamps.
Direct, "The Westminster Marble Company, Earl street, Horseferry road."
* * * * *
CARRIAGES.—The attention of Gentlemen about purchasing, or having carriages to dispose of, is invited to MARKS and Co.'s London Carriage Repository, Langham place. An immense stock, new and second hand, by eminent builders, is always on sale, and a candid opinion of each carriage will be given as to its quality and condition. Invalid carriages for any journey. Carriages to be let on yearly job.
* * * * *
WONDERFUL CURE!—Read the following interesting facts, communicated by Mr Brown, bookseller, Gainsborough:—
"To Messrs T. Roberts and Co. Crane court, Fleet street, London, Proprietors of Parr's Life Pills.
"Gentlemen, "West Stockwith, Aug. 11, 1843.
"I, James Jackson Easton, do hereby testify, that, by taking your excellent Parr's Life Pills, I have derived greater benefit than in using all the other medicines I have tried since 1841; about which time I was attacked with severe illness, accompanied with excruciating pain and trembling, with large rupture. For the last six months I have had no return of this illness, nor the least appearance of the last-mentioned symptom. Through the mercy of God, I do at present feel perfectly recovered from it. I still continue the occasional use of your excellent Pills.—I am gentlemen, respectfully yours,
Sold by all respectable medicine venders, in boxes at 1s. 1-1/2d. 2s. 9d. and 11s.—See the words "Parr's Life Pills," in white letters on a red ground, engraved on the Government stamp.
EUROPEAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 10 Chatham place, Blackfriars, London.
Established, January, 1819.
PRESIDENT. Sir James Rivett Carnac, Bart.
VICE-PRESIDENT. George Forbes, Esq. No. 9 Fitzroy square.
With Twelve Directors.
Facilities are offered by this long-established Society to suit the views and the means of every class of insurers. Premiums are received yearly, half-yearly, or quarterly, or upon an increasing or decreasing scale. An insurance of 100l. may be effected on the ascending scale by an annual premium for the first five years of 1l. 9s. at the age of 25; 1l. 12s. 6d. at 30; 1l. 17s. at 35; 2l. 2s 5d. at 40; and 2l. 9s. 6d. at 45; or, one-half only of the usual rate, with interest on the remainder, will be received for five or seven years, the other half to be paid at the convenience of the assured.
The insured for life participate septennially; in the profits realised.
A liberal commission is allowed to Solicitors and Agents.
DAVID FOGGO, Secretary.
N.B. Agents are wanted in towns where none have yet been appointed.
* * * * *
BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Princes street, Bank, London.
Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, IV Vict. cap. IX.
William Bardgett, Esq. Samuel Bevington, Esq. Wm. Fechney Black, Esq. John Brightman, Esq. George Cohen, Esq. Millis Coventry, Esq. John Drewett, Esq. Robert Eglinton, Esq. Erasmus Rt. Foster, Esq. Alex. Robert Irvine, Esq. Peter Morison, Esq. Henry Lewis Smale, Esq. Thomas Teed, Esq.
J.B. Bevington, Esq.; F.P. Cockerill, Esq.; J.D. Dow, Esq.
John Clendinning, M.D. F.R.S. 16 Wimpolestreet, Cavendish square.
The Hon. John Ashley, New square, Lincoln's inn. Mr Serjeant Murphy, M.P. Temple.
William Bevan, Esq. Old Jewry.
Messrs Drewett and Fowler, Princes street, Bank.
This Institution is empowered by a special Act of Parliament, and is so constituted as to afford the benefits of Life Assurance in their fullest extent to Policy-holders, and to present greater facilities and accommodation than are usually offered by other Companies.
Assurances may either be effected by Parties on their own Lives, or by Parties interested therein on the Lives of Others.
The effect of an Assurance on a person's own life is to create at once a Property in Reversion, which can by no other means be realized. Take, for instance, the case of a person at the age of Thirty, who, by the payment of 5l. 3s. 4d. to the Britannia Life Assurance Company, can become at once possessed of a bequeathable property, amounting to 1,000l., subject only to the condition of his continuing the same payment quarterly during the remainder of his life—a condition which may be fulfilled by the mere saving of Eight Shillings weekly in his expenditure. Thus, by the exertion of a very slight degree of economy—such indeed, as can scarcely be felt as an inconvenience, he may at once realise a capital of 1,000l., which he can bequeath or dispose of in any way he may think proper.
A Table of Decreasing Rates of Premium on a novel and remarkable plan; the Policy-holder having the option of discontinuing the payment of all further Premiums after Twenty, Fifteen, Ten, and even Five years; and the Policy still remaining in force—in the first case, for the full amount originally assured; and in either of the three other cases, for a portion of the same according to a fixed and equitable scale endorsed upon the Policy.
Increasing Rates of Premium on a new and remarkable plan for securing Loans or Debts; a less immediate payment being required on a Policy for the whole term of Life than in any other Office.
Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the Policy.
All claims payable within one Month after proof of death.
Medical Attendants remunerated in all cases for their reports.
Extract from Increasing Rates of Premium, for an Assurance of 100l. for Whole Term of Life.
- - Annual Premiums payable during - - - - - 1st Five 2nd Five 3rd Five 4th Five Remainder Age Years. Years. Years. Years. of Life. - - - - - - L. s. d. L. s. d. L. s. d. L. s. d. L. s. d. 20 1 1 4 1 5 10 1 10 11 1 16 9 2 3 8 30 1 6 4 1 12 2 1 19 1 2 7 4 2 17 6 40 1 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 6 3 7 3 4 3 4 50 2 16 7 3 9 4 4 5 5 5 6 3 6 13 7 - - - - - -
Detailed Prospectuses, and every requisite information as to the mode of effecting Assurances, may be obtained at the Office.
PETER MORRISON, Resident Director.
*** A Board of Directors attend daily at Two o'clock, for the despatch of Business.
* * * * *
PANCLIBANON IRON WORKS, BAZAAR, No. 58 BAKER STREET, PORTMAN SQUARE. LONDON.—Gentlemen about to furnish, or going abroad, will find it worth their attention to look into the above Establishment, where they will find the largest assortment of General Furnishing Ironmongery ever offered to the Public, consisting of tin, copper, and iron cooking utensils, table cutlery, best Shffield plate, German silver wares, papier machee tea trays, tea and coffee urns, stove grates, kitchen ranges, fenders and fire-irons, baths of all kinds, shower, hot, cold, vapour, plunging, &c. Ornamental iron and wire works for conservatories, lawns, &c. and garden engines. All articles are selected of the very best description, and offered at exceedingly low prices, for cash only; the price of each article being made in plain figures.
* * * * *
LIMBIRD'S MAGNUM BONUM PENS.—One dozen highly-finished Steel Pens, with Holder, in a box, for 6d.; name-plate engraved for 2s. 6d.; 100 cards printed for 2s. 6d,; crest and name engraved on visiting card for 6s.; arms and crests for book plates on the most reasonable terms; travelling writing-desks at 9s. 6d. 10s. 6d. 12s. 6d. and 14s 6d. each; dressing-cases from 6s. 6d. each; blotting-books in great variety, from 9d.; with locks, 2s. each; royal writing-papers—diamond, five quires for 1s. 2d.; the Queen's and Prince Albert's size, five quires for 1s. 6d.; envelopes, 6d. 9d. and 1s. the 100; and every article in stationery, of the best quality and lowest prices, at Limbird's, 143 Strand, facing Catherine street.
* * * * *
PIANOFORTES.—Messrs MOORE and CO. Makers of the Improved Pianofortes, are now selling their delightful Instruments as follows:—A Mahogany Piccolo, the best that can be made, in a plain but fashionable case, only 28l.; a 6-1/2 Octave ditto, only 32l.; a Cottage ditto, only 32l.; a 6-1/2 Octave Cottage ditto, only 38l. Cabinets of all descriptions. All warranted of the very best quality, packed free of expense, and forwarded to any part of the world. Some returned from hire at reduced prices.
Moore and Co. 138 Bishopsgate street Without, near Sun steet.
Just Published, Two thick Volumes, 8vo. illustrated with Six large important Maps, 4l. cloth,
A DICTIONARY, GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, and HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places and principal Natural Objects in the WORLD. By J.R. M'Culloch, Esq.
"The extent of information this Dictionary affords on the subjects referred to in its title is truly surprising. It cannot fail to prove a vade-mecum to the student, whose inquiries will be guided by its light, and satisfied by its clear and frequently elaborated communications. Every public room in which commerce, politics, or literature, forms the subject of discussion, ought to be furnished with these volumes."—Globe.
London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.
* * * * *
Just published in 8vo. price 2s. 6d.
RAILWAY REFORM—Its Expediency, Practicability, and Importance Considered, with a copious Appendix, containing an account of all the Railways in Great Britain and Ireland, Parliamentary Returns, &c.
"An excellent pamphlet."—Morning Herald.
"The subject is very fully, earnestly, and ably investigated."—Morning Advertiser.
"Remarkable for originality of design, boldness of execution, and minuteness in statistical detail."—Sun.
"We would recommend all who have an interest in Railways to purchase this work."—Sentinel.
Pelham Richardson, Cornhill.
* * * * *
Just published, Seventh Edition, price 2s. 6d. or free by post for 3s. 6d.
SELF-PRESERVATION; a popular Essay on the Concealed Causes of Nervous Debility, Local and General Weakness, Indigestion, Lowness of Spirits, Mental Irritability, and Insanity; with Practical Observations on their Treatment and Cure. By SAMUEL LA'MERT, Consulting Surgeon, 9 Bedford street, Bedford square, London; Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh; Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society; Licentiate of Apothecaries' Hall, London, &c.
Published by the Author; and sold in London by S. Gilbert, 51 and 52 Paternoster row; Field, 65 Quadrant; Gordon, 146 Leadenhall street; Noble, 109 Chancery lane; and by all Booksellers.
"The design of this work will be tolerably obvious from its title, and we cordially recommend the author and his book to all who are suffering from nervous debility and general weakness. Mr La'Mert has treated the subject in a very scientific and intelligible manner."—Wakefield Journal.
At home every day till Three, and from Five till Eight.
* * * * *
Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope, Price 3s.; and sent free, on receiving a Post office Order for 3s. 6d.
MANHOOD; the CAUSES of its PREMATURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for its PERFECT RESTORATION; followed by Observations on Marriage, and the Treatment of Mental and Nervous Debility, Incapacity, Warm Climate, and Cure of the Class of Diseases resulting therefrom. Illustrated with Cases, &c. By J.L. Curtis and Co. Consulting Surgeons, London. Fourteenth Edition.
Published by the Authors; and Sold by Burgess, Medical Bookseller, 28 Coventry street, Haymarket; Mann, 39 Cornhill; Strange, 21 Paternoster row, London; Guest, 51 Bull street, Birmingham; Hickling, Coventry; Robinson, Leamington; Journal office, Leicester; Cook, Chronicle office, Oxford; Sowler, 4 St Anne's square, Manchester; Philip, South Castle street, Liverpool; and sold, in a Sealed Envelope, by all Booksellers.
"This work, a Tenth Edition of which is now presented to the public—ten thousand copies have been exhausted since its first appearance—has been very much improved and enlarged by the addition of a more extended and clear detail of general principles, as also by the insertion of several new and highly interesting cases. The numberless instances daily occurring, wherein affections of the lungs, putting on all the outer appearances of consumption, which, however, when traced to their source, are found to result from certain baneful habits, fully proves that the principle of the division of labour is nowhere more applicable than in medical practice. We feel no hesitation in saying, that there is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful, whether such person holds the relation of a parent, a preceptor, or a clergyman."—SUN, Evening Paper.
"Messrs Curtis's work, called 'Manhood,' is one of the few books now coming before the public on such a subject which can lay claim to the character of being strictly professional, at the same time that it is fully intelligible to all who read it. The moral and medical precepts given in it render it invaluable."—MAGNET.
Messrs Curtis and Co. are to be consulted daily at their residence, 7 Frith street, Soho square, London.
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* * * * *
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Also various German, French, Italian, American, and other Foreign Journals.
Orders and Advertisements received for every Foreign and European Publication.
* * * * *
PHOTOGRAPHY.—Great Improvements having been recently effected in this interesting and extraordinary science by Mr BEARD, the patentee, in the process of TAKING and COLOURING LIKENESSES, the public are particularly invited to an inspection of varieties, at the establishment, 85 King William street, City; Royal Polytechnic Institution; and 34 Parliament street, where exchanges for new in lieu of old portraits may be had, on payment of 5s. Colouring small busts, 5s.
* * * * *
Capital, L100,000.
Charge Hugge Price, Esq. James Francis Maubert, Esq. Thomas Fowler, Esq. Major-General Parlby, C.B.
TO Officers of her Majesty's service (both civil and military), secretaries, clerks, and all others holding, or about to hold, confidential and responsible situations, this Society presents immediate facilities for obtaining surety, or integrity, upon payment of a small annual premium, and by which relatives and friends are relieved from the various pecuniary responsibilities attendant on private suretiships.
The surety of this Society is accepted by the War Office (for payment of regiments and of pensioners), the Ordnance, East India Company, the Customs, the Bank of England, and numerous banking, mercantile, and commercial firms, both in London and in the country.
Forms of application and every information may be obtained at the Offices, 28 Poultry, London.
NATURAL MINERAL WATERS.—E. H. DUHAMEL and Co. 7 Duke street, Grosvenor square, have constantly on sale the undernamed Natural Mineral Waters, which they can supply fresh and genuine at a very reasonable price.
Bareges Cheltenham Malvern Schwalbach Bath Ems Marienbad Sedlitz Bonnes Fachingen Pullna Selters Bristol Harrogate Pyrmont Spa Cauterets Kissengen Saidschutz Vichy, &c.
Genuine Eau de Cologne, digestive Pastilles de Vichy, and various foreign articles of Pharmacy. E.H.D. and Co. are the only agents for the Copahine-Mege, and for J. Jourdain, Mege and Co.'s Dragees Minerales and Dragees Carboniques for effervescing lemonade, and also for their Pilules Carboniques, preventive of sea sickness and vomitings of every description.
The Dragees Minerales, with which a tumbler of mineral water can be instantaneously produced, are considered as the best substitute to the genuine waters, when these cannot be procured and have the advantage of being much cheaper.
* * * * *
WOOD PAVING.—The Letters Patent granted to me, DAVID STEAD, for paving with Wooden Blocks being the first Patent obtained on the subject, and rendering all subsequent Patents for the same object void, have, after a long investigation at Liverpool, been declared valid, notwithstanding the most resolute opposition against me by the real defendants in the case—the Metropolitan Wood Paving Company.
I therefore warn all Public Authorities and persons using, or assisting in using Wooden Blocks for Paving, that such infringement upon my Patent will be suppressed; but I am prepared (as is my Licencee, Mr Blackie), to execute any extent of Wood Paving of any description upon contract, and also to grant licenses for the adoption and promotion of the great advantage and benefits of Wood Paving in London, and all parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
For terms, parties may apply to me, or to my solicitor, Mr John Duncan, 72 Lombard street, London, or to Mr A.B. Blackie, No. 250 Strand.
250 Strand, London, Sept. 4, 1843.
* * * * *
(Abridged from the Liverpool Albion.)
This was an action for an infringement of a patent for the paving of roads, streets, &c. with timber or wooden blocks. Mr Martin and Mr Webster were for the plaintiff; Mr Warren and Mr Hoggins for the defendants; Mr John Duncan, of 72 Lombard street, was the solicitor for the plaintiff.
The plaintiff is Mr David Stead, formerly a merchant of the City of London; the defendants are, nominally, Mr Lewis Williams, and several others, who are the surveyors of streets and paving at Manchester; but the action was really against the Metropolitan Wood Paving Company.
About the year 1836 or 1837 Mr Nystrom, a Russian merchant, with whom Mr Stead had had transactions in business came to England, having whilst in Russia devoted his attention to the mode of pavement in that country, which was done in a great measure by wood. He communicated with Mr Stead, who paid a great deal of attention to the matter, and materially improved the scheme; and it was the intention of Mr Nystrom and Mr Stead, in 1835 or 1837, to take out a patent, but Mr Nystrom found it necessary to return to Russia, and thus frustrated that intention.
On the 19th of May, 1838, the plaintiff, however, took out a patent, and this was the one to which attention was directed. Four months were allowed for inrolment, but as six months was the usual period, the plaintiff imagined that that would be the period allowed to him, and inadvertently allowed the four months to elapse before he discovered his mistake.
On the 21st of June, 1841, however, an Act of Parliament was passed, confirming the patent to Mr Stead, as though it had been regularly filed within the prescribed period. A second patent was afterwards obtained, but that related more particularly to the form of blocks. The first patent, which had been infringed, was for an invention consisting of a mode of paving with blocks of similar sizes and dimensions, of either a sexagonal, triangular, or square form, so as to make a level road or surface.
The defendants pleaded, amongst other things, that the patent was not an original invention; that it was not useful; and that it was in use prior to the granting of the patent.
The Jury retired to consult at a quarter past four, and returned at twenty minutes to six o'clock with a verdict for the plaintiff.
* * * * *
PARSONS'S ALEPPO OFFICE WRITING INK.—This very superior Ink, being made with pure Aleppo Galls, is equally adapted for Quills and Steel Pens, and combines the requisite qualities of Incorrodibility and Permanency of Colour with an easy flow from the Pen. It is therefore strongly recommended to Merchants, Bankers, Solicitors, Accountants, and others.
*** Warranted not to be affected either by time or climate.
Sold in Quart, Pint, Half-pint, and Sixpenny Bottles, by John Parsons, Manufacturer of Printing and Writing Inks, 35 Orange street, Gravel lane, Southwark; and 9 Ave Maria lane, London.
* * * * *
ROWLAND'S MACASSAR OIL, For the Growth, and for Preserving and Beautifying the Human Hair.
*** To ensure the real article, see that the words Rowland's Macassar Oil are engraven on the back of the label nearly 1,500 times, containing 29,028 letters. Without this None are Genuine.
ROWLAND'S KALYDOR, For Improving and Beautifying the Skin and Complexion.
Renders the Teeth beautifully white, and preserves the Gums.
* * * * *
Numerous pernicious Compounds are universally offered for sale as the real "MACASSAR OIL" and "KALYDOR," (some under the implied sanction of Royalty), the labels and bills of the original articles are copied, and either a FICTITIOUS NAME or the word "GENUINE" is used in the place of "ROWLAND'S."
It is therefore necessary on purchasing either Article to see that the word "ROWLAND'S" is on the Envelope. For the protection of the Public from fraud and imposition, the Honourable Commissioners of Her Majesty's Stamps have authorized the Proprietors to have their Names engraven on the Government Stamp, which is affixed to the KALYDOR and ODONTO, thus—
*** All others are SPURIOUS IMITATIONS.
* * * * *
Printed by CHARLES REYNELL, 16 Little Pulteney street, in the Parish of St James, Westminster; and Published by him at the Office of the Journal, No. 6 Wellington street, Strand,—September 16, 1843.