The large magnesite deposits of Austria and of Washington, as well as those of Quebec, occur as lenses in beds of dolomite (calcium-magnesium carbonate). They are in fairly close proximity to igneous rocks, and magnesia-bearing solutions issuing from these rocks are believed to have dissolved out the calcium carbonate of the dolomite and replaced it with magnesium carbonate. In these deposits the material is coarsely crystalline and forms fairly large, continuous bodies, which are worked by quarrying. The Washington deposits closely resemble marble, and had sometimes been mistaken for that rock until war-time needs resulted in their more thorough investigation.
The commoner type of magnesite deposits is represented by those of Greece, California, Venezuela, and many other countries. These consist of veins and replacements in serpentine. The original rock was a highly magnesian igneous rock of the peridotite type, which is very unstable under weathering conditions, and rapidly alters to serpentine. Magnesite is formed both by this process and by the further breaking down of the serpentine itself. The processes are those of katamorphism. Under these circumstances the magnesite is characteristically fine-grained or massive, and occurs in veins, lenses, and irregular bodies in cavities and fractured zones. It is usually worked by open cuts.
Magnesite is also reported to occur in sedimentary beds in which it was primarily deposited in its present form and has not undergone later alteration. Such deposits are not important commercially.
The chief use of fluorspar is as a flux in the manufacture of open-hearth steel. Minor uses are in chemical and enameling industries, in the smelting of copper, lead, and iron, and in the manufacture of the ferro-alloys in the electric furnace.
In order to be used in steel-making, the fluorspar after being concentrated should contain at least 85 per cent calcium fluoride and less than 4 per cent silica. Chemical and enameling industries require material with 95 to 98 per cent calcium fluoride and less than 1 per cent silica.
The chief foreign producer of fluorspar is Great Britain, and much of this product comes to the United States. Canada produces a small amount, some of which also comes to the United States. Several thousand tons are produced yearly in Germany and France, and are largely consumed there.
The production of fluorspar in the United States is several times that of any other country. The ore mined comes principally from the southern Illinois and western Kentucky field, and is used largely for fluxing purposes in open-hearth steel furnaces. Minor amounts are produced in Colorado, New Mexico, and other states.
The United States has sufficient supplies of fluorspar to meet all its own demands for this material. Small amounts, however, are imported for use in eastern furnaces because the material can be brought over from England very cheaply. The domestic fluorspar is suitable for practically all purposes for which fluorspar is used except for lenses in optical instruments. For this use very small quantities of material imported from Japan have been used, but recently fluorspar of a grade suitable for optical purposes has been found in Illinois, Kentucky, New Hampshire, and other states. For fluxing purposes domestic fluorspar is superior to the foreign product.
Fluorspar is the trade name for the mineral fluorite, which is composed of calcium fluoride. This is a common mineral in veins and replacements which carry ores of zinc, lead, silver, gold, copper, and tin. It is formed under a variety of conditions, but is always ascribed to solutions coming from nearby igneous rocks.
The large fluorspar deposits of Illinois and Kentucky contain fluorite with calcite, barite, and metallic sulphides, in wide veins filling fissures in limestones and sandstones and replacing the fissure walls. Into these sediments there are intruded certain peridotite dikes. The fluorite and associated minerals were probably deposited by hot solutions bringing the material from some large underlying igneous mass of which the dikes are off-shoots.
In the western United States many metalliferous deposits carry large amounts of fluorite, which is treated as a gangue or waste mineral, but which could be profitably extracted if there were local markets. In England, fluorite is obtained in this manner as a by-product from lead and zinc mines.
Silicon and its oxide, silica, find important applications in the manufacture of iron and steel. Silicon, like manganese, is an important constituent of many steels, the alloy ferrosilicon being added to deoxidize and purify the metal and thus to increase its tensile strength. Like titanium, it is added chiefly for its curative effect rather than as a useful ingredient. On an average 4 pounds of 50 to 55 per cent ferrosilicon are used in the United States for each ton of steel produced. A higher grade of ferrosilicon (80 to 85 per cent) is used for certain special steels, and during the war considerable quantities were used in making hydrogen gas for balloons. Lower grades (10 to 15 per cent silicon) are practically a high silicon pig iron.
Silica has an important use in the form of silica brick or "ganister" for lining furnaces and converters in which acid slags are formed. For this purpose siliceous rocks, chiefly quartzites and sandstones, are ground up, mixed with lime as a binder, and fused and pressed into bricks and shapes. For the most satisfactory results the rock should contain 96 per cent or more of silica, and very little of the alkali materials, which increase the fusibility.
In addition to its applications to the iron and steel industry, silica finds an almost universal use in a wide variety of structural and manufacturing operations. The extensive use of sand and gravel—composed chiefly of silica—for road materials and railway ballast is well known. In construction work silica is used in the form of stone, sand-lime brick, cement, mortar, concrete, etc. Large quantities of sand, or silica, are used for molds in foundries, for abrasives, for the manufacture of glass, for filters, and for a great variety of other purposes which readily suggest themselves (see pp. 84, 267).
For most uses of silica there are local supplies available. For certain purposes requiring material of a particular chemical composition or texture, however, satisfactory deposits are known in only a few places. For example, the material for silica refractories is obtained in the United States chiefly from certain regions in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Wisconsin. The United States has ample domestic supplies of silica for practically all requirements.
Ferrosilicon of the higher grades is manufactured principally in electric furnaces at Niagara Falls. The capacity is ample to meet all demands, but cheap ferrosilicon from Canada also enters United States markets.
Silicon and oxygen, making up the compound silica, are the two most abundant elements in the earth's crust, and quartz (SiO_2) is a very abundant mineral. The processes of weathering and transportation everywhere operative on the surface of the earth tend to separate quartz from other materials, and to concentrate it into deposits of sand. Katamorphism is primarily responsible for most of the deposits of silica which are commercially used. Anamorphism—cementing and hardening the sands into sandstones and quartzites—has created additional value for certain uses, as in refractories, building stones, and abrasives (see pp. 84, 267).
[31] Report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission. Printed by order of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Toronto, 1917.
[32] Campbell, J. Morrow, Tungsten deposits of Burma and their origin, Econ. Geol., vol. 15, 1920, p. 511.
The electrical industry is the largest consumer of copper. The manufacture of brass, bronze, and other copper alloys constitutes another chief use for the metal. Considerable quantities of copper sheets, tubes, and other wares are used outside of the electrical industry, as for instance in roofing, plumbing, and ship bottoms. Copper is also used in coinage, particularly in China, where it is the money standard of the working population.
The average grade of all copper ores mined in the United States in recent years has been about 1.7 per cent metallic copper. Ores containing as low as 0.6 per cent have been mined in the Lake Superior country, and bonanza deposits containing 20 to 60 per cent have been found and worked in some places, notably in Alaska and Wyoming. The lower-grade ores, carrying 1 to 3 per cent copper, are usually concentrated before smelting, while the richer ores, carrying 3 to 5 per cent or more, are generally smelted direct. Many of the ores contain values in gold and silver, and also in lead and zinc. An average of about 40c. worth of gold and silver per ton is obtained from all the copper ores of the United States.
In other countries the average grade of copper ores mined is somewhat higher than in the United States,—where large scale operations, particularly the use of steam-shovel methods on extensive bodies of disseminated or "porphyry" copper ores, as well as improvements in concentrating and metallurgical processes, have made possible the use of low-grade ore.
The principal sources of copper are the North American continent, Chile and Peru, Japan, south and central Africa, Australia, and Spain and Portugal. Smaller quantities are produced in Russia, Germany, Norway, Cuba, Serbia, and a number of other countries.
The United States normally produces nearly two-thirds of the world's copper and consumes only about one-third. In addition the great bulk of the South American, Mexican, and Canadian crude copper comes to the United States for refining. Through financial interests abroad and by means of refining facilities, the United States controls a quantity of foreign production which, together with the domestic production, gives it control of about 70 per cent of the world's copper. No other country produces one-sixth as much copper as the United States.
England, because of production in the British Empire (mainly Africa and Australia) and British financial control of production in various foreign countries, is not dependent upon the United States for supplies of raw copper. Japan, Spain, Portugal, and Norway are able to produce from local mines enough copper for their own needs and for export. But France, Italy, Russia, Germany, and the rest of Europe normally are dependent upon foreign sources, chiefly the United States. South America, Mexico, Canada, Africa, and Australia are exporters of copper. The control of these countries over their production in each case is political and not financial, except in the case of Canada, where about half the financial control is also Canadian. It is in these countries and in Spain that the United States and England have financial control of a large copper supply.
Before the war German interests had a considerable control over the American copper industry through close working arrangements with electrolytic refineries. Germany was the largest foreign consumer of copper, and German companies bought large quantities of the raw copper in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America, had it refined, and sold the finished material in both the American and foreign markets. During the war this control was broken up.
In view of the importance of copper metal as a raw material, particularly in the electrical industry, the strength of the United States in copper as a key resource ranks even above its control of petroleum.
In the United States in recent years about 40 per cent of the annual production of copper has come from Arizona, chiefly from the Bisbee, Globe, Ray-Miami, Jerome, and Morenci-Metcalf districts; about 18 per cent has come from the Butte district of Montana; about 12 to 15 per cent from Keweenaw Point, Michigan; and about 12 per cent from Bingham, Utah. From 3 to 5 per cent of the country's output comes from each of the states of New Mexico, Nevada, Alaska, and California. All other states together produce only a little over 2 per cent of the total.
The so-called "porphyry" coppers in Utah, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico, described below, are the source of about 35 per cent of the present production of the United States. The deep mines of Butte and Michigan are responsible for about 30 per cent of the production, and the ore bodies of Arizona (other than porphyry) and of Alaska produce about 25 per cent.
Reserves of copper ore are such as to give no immediate concern about shortage, nor to indicate any large shift in the distribution of production in the near future. Development is on the whole considerably in advance of present demands. The principal measured reserves are in the so-called porphyry coppers of the United States and Chile. In the United States the life of these reserves now estimated is approximately 25 years. The reserves of the Chile Copper Company are the largest of any known copper deposit in the world, and the Braden copper reserve (also in Chile) is among the largest. For the deep mines of the United States, the developed reserves have a life of perhaps only five years, but for most of these mines the life will be greatly extended by further and deeper development. The porphyry coppers, because of their occurrence near the surface and the ease with which they may be explored by drilling, disclose their reserves far in advance. The deep mines are ordinarily developed for only a few years in advance of production.
The principal copper minerals may be classified into the sulphide group, the oxide group, and native copper. Native copper, mined in the Lake Superior region, is the source of 8 to 10 per cent of the world's copper supply. The oxide group of minerals—including the copper carbonates, azurite and malachite; the silicate, chrysocolla; the oxide, cuprite; the sulphates, chalcanthite and brochantite; and some native copper associated with these minerals—probably supplies another 5 per cent. The remaining 85 per cent is derived from the sulphide group. Of the sulphide group by far the most important mineral is chalcocite (cuprous sulphide), which supplies the bulk of the values in the majority of the mining camps of the western hemisphere. Locally, as at Butte, enargite (copper-arsenic sulphide) is of great value. Other minerals of considerable importance in some districts are chalcopyrite and bornite (copper-iron sulphides), tetrahedrite (copper-antimony sulphide), and covellite (cupric sulphide). Very commonly the copper sulphides are associated with large quantities of the iron sulphide, pyrite, as well as with varying amounts of lead and zinc sulphides and gold and silver minerals.
The principal copper ores originate in the earlier stages of the metamorphic cycle, in close association with igneous activity. Katamorphism or weathering, in place, has played an important part in enriching them. The processes of transportation and sedimentary deposition, which have done so much toward making valuable iron ore deposits, have contributed little to the formation of copper ores.
Copper deposits associated with igneous flows. The copper ores of the Lake Superior district, and of a few small deposits in the eastern United States, contain small percentages of native copper in pre-Cambrian volcanic flows or in sediments between the flows. The ore bodies have the form of long sheets parallel to the bedding, the copper and associated minerals filling amygdaloidal openings and small fissures in the flows, and replacing conglomeratic sediments which lie between the flows. The copper was probably deposited by hot solutions related to the igneous rocks, either issuing from the magmas or deriving heat and dissolved material from them. Secondary concentration has not been important. There is practically none of it near the present erosion surface; but it appears in one part of the district near an older erosion surface covered by Cambrian sediments, suggesting a different climatic condition at that time.
The Kennecott copper deposits of Alaska have a number of resemblances to the Lake Superior copper deposits, suggesting similarity in origin. The Kennecott deposits occur exclusively in limestone, which rests conformably on a tilted surface of igneous flows ("greenstones") not unlike those of Lake Superior. The flows carry native copper and copper sulphides in minutely disseminated form and in amygdules, but apparently not in quantities sufficiently concentrated to mine. The flows are supposed to be the original source of the copper now in the limestone. The primary copper mineral in the limestone is chalcocite, in exceptionally rich and solid masses, showing no evidence of having replaced earlier sulphides. It is regarded as a product of primary deposition, under the influence of hot solutions related in some way to the igneous flows; but whether the solutions were magmatic, originating in the lavas or below, or whether they were meteoric waters rendered hot by contact with the extrusives, and thereby made effective in leaching copper from them, is not clear. The oxidation of the Kennecott copper ores is not extensive. It presents an interesting feature, in that since glacial time the ground has been frozen and the moisture is now present in the form of ice. The oxidation clearly took place before glacial time. Abundant fragments of both the oxide and the sulphide ores are mined from the lateral moraine of a nearby glacier. This is a good illustration of the cyclic nature of secondary concentration which is coming to be recognized in so many camps.
The Boleo copper deposits of Lower California occur in volcanic tuffs and associated conglomerates of Tertiary age. They have certain peculiar mineralogic associations—the ores containing large quantities of all the common copper oxide minerals, and a number of rare oxide minerals of copper, lead, silver, and cobalt, together with gypsum, sulphur, and much iron and manganese oxide. The copper oxides and carbonates are in places gathered into rounded concretions called "boleos" (balls). Sulphides are present in the lowest beds and may represent the form in which the copper was originally deposited. The copper-bearing beds have been much silicified, and it has been suggested that mineralization was accomplished by hot-spring waters, probably of igneous origin. These deposits have a few marked similarities to the Lake Superior copper ores.
Copper veins in igneous rocks. A second group of copper ores in igneous rocks is made up of deposits in distinct fissure veins and as replacements along such veins. The chief deposits of this type are at Butte, Montana—which is, from the standpoint of both past and present production, the greatest single copper district in the world. Here a large batholith of Tertiary granite was intruded by porphyry dikes; and faulting, accompanying and following the intrusions of the dikes, developed numerous fissures. The fissures were mineralized with copper sulphides and arsenides, iron sulphides, and locally with zinc sulphide and manganese carbonate,—all in a matrix of quartz. At the same time the wall rocks were extensively mineralized and altered; the fissure veins grade off into the wall rock, and in fact the larger part of the ore is simply altered granite with disseminated sulphides. The solutions which deposited the ores are inferred to have been hot from the nature of the wall-rock alterations, from the presence of hot-water minerals like fluorite, cassiterite, and others, and from the general association of the ores in time and place with the porphyry intrusions. The solutions are believed to have originated from the porphyry and possibly from other intrusives.
In the Butte district, and in the great majority of copper sulphide vein ores throughout the world, secondary concentration by surface waters has played a considerable part in developing ores of commercial value. Near the surface the copper is leached out and carried down by waters containing various solvents, particularly sulphuric acid from the oxidation of pyrite. A leached zone is formed containing the ordinary products of rock weathering,—rusty quartz and clay, sometimes black with manganese oxides. A small part of the copper remains in this zone as oxides, carbonates, and silicates. Below the oxidized and leached zone there is evidence of deposition of a large amount of secondary copper sulphide in the form of chalcocite. This is supposed to have been formed by the leaching of copper from above as soluble copper sulphate, and its precipitation below by iron and other sulphide minerals which the solutions meet on their downward course—a reaction which has been demonstrated experimentally. It was formerly supposed that most of the chalcocite was of this origin; but as chalcocite is found in important amounts with enargite and chalcopyrite to great depths (now 3,500 feet), where the veins are still rich and strong, it begins to appear that much of the chalcocite is of primary origin.
The fissures along which the Butte ores occur are in three main sets, which in order of age strike roughly east-west, northwest-southeast, and northeast-southwest. Two-thirds of the ore is in the first set, about 30 per cent in the second, and the remainder in the third. The mineralization of the several vein systems cannot be discriminated, and it is thought that it was accomplished as a more or less continuous and progressive process. There is some evidence, also, that the fracturing in the several fracture systems was likewise a nearly continuous progressive process, contemporaneous with the ore deposition, and perhaps developing under a single great shear which caused more or less simultaneous and overlapping systems of fractures in the various directions.
"Porphyry coppers." Another type of copper deposits in igneous rocks is the disseminated or "porphyry" deposits. The term "porphyry" as commonly used includes true porphyries, monzonites, granites, and other igneous rocks. Ores of this type are represented by the great deposits of Bingham, Utah; Ray, Miami, and the New Cornelia mine of Arizona; Ely, Nevada; Santa Rita, New Mexico; Cananea, Sonora, Mexico; northern Chile; and many other districts of importance. They form the greatest known reserves of copper ore. These deposits contain copper minerals, usually in the marginal portions of acid porphyries, in many irregular, closely spaced veins, and in minute seams and spots disseminated through the mass of the rock. In the Ray and Miami and other districts the mineralization has spread largely through adjacent schists, but these deposits are included with the porphyry copper deposits in commercial parlance. The porphyry deposits are of an undulating blanket form of considerable areal extent and shallow depth. At the surface is a leached and weathered zone, often containing more or less of the oxides, carbonates, and silicates of copper, ranging in thickness up to 1,000 feet, but averaging 200 feet or less. Below this is a zone carrying copper in the form of chalcopyrite, enriched by chalcocite deposition from above, ranging in thickness up to 400 feet. The ore in this zone varies from one-half of 1 per cent to 6 per cent of copper and ordinarily averages between 1 and 2 per cent. The use of ore of this grade is made possible by the large quantities and by the cheap and efficient mining and metallurgical practices. The ore body grades below into a zone characterized by lean chalcopyrite, which is supposed to represent original or primary deposition from hot waters associated with the porphyry intrusion. This primary ore, or protore, was clearly formed after the solidification of the igneous rocks, though soon after, by solutions from igneous sources which followed fractured and shattered zones.
Copper in limestone near igneous contacts. Another great group of copper deposits occurs as replacements of limestone adjacent to porphyry or granitic intrusives. This type is illustrated by some of the deposits at Bingham, Utah, and at Bisbee, Arizona. The primary deposition was of chalcopyrite and other copper sulphides, together with garnet, diopside, and other minerals known to have required high temperature in their formation. The ore fills fissures and replaces extensive masses of the limestone. It is likely to show a fairly sharp contact on the side toward the intrusive, and to grade off into the country rock on the other side with numerous embayments and irregularities. These deposits have been enriched by weathering in the same manner as indicated above for the porphyry coppers, but to highly varying degrees. In the Bisbee deposits large values were found in the weathered zone, and secondary sulphide enrichment below this zone is also important. In the Bingham camp, on the other hand, the weathered zone is insignificant and most of the ore beneath is primary. The weathering of the silicated limestone gangue results in great masses of clay which are characteristic features of the oxide zones of these deposits.
Copper deposits in schists. Other copper deposits, as at Jerome, Arizona, in the Foothill and Shasta County districts of California, at Ducktown, Tennessee, etc., are irregular lenticular bodies in schists and other rocks, but all show relationship to igneous rocks. The Rio Tinto ores of Spain and Portugal, which belong in this group, have been referred to on page 108.
In the Jerome or Verde district of central Arizona, folded pre-Cambrian greenstones and sediments were invaded by masses of quartz-porphyry, and after further deformation, rendering many of the rocks schistose, were intruded by an augite-diorite. Contact metamorphism along both the quartz-porphyry and the diorite contacts was practically lacking. The ore bodies were formed as irregular pipe-like replacements of the schists, being localized in one case by a steeply pitching inverted trough of impervious diorite, and in other cases by shear zones which favored vigorous circulation. A later series of small diorite or andesite dikes cut the ore bodies. The primary ores consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and other sulphides, with large amounts of jaspery quartz and some calcite and dolomite. They were clearly formed by replacement of the schists particle by particle, as shown by the frequent preservation of the schist structure in a banding of the sulphide minerals, the residual shreds of unreplaced schist material in the ores, and the usual gradual transition from unreplaced schists to those completely replaced by massive sulphides. The localization of the most important mineralization in an inverted trough is good evidence that the solutions came from below, and the nature of the mineral associations suggests an origin through the work of hot waters associated with igneous intrusives. The diorite, being most closely related in time and space with the ore bodies, seems the most logical source of the ore materials.
Secondary concentration of the Jerome ores has proceeded along the general lines previously outlined (pp. 46-50, 202). Here again the evidence is clear that the ores were concentrated in an earlier period, in this case in pre-Cambrian times, probably during the long interval required for the base-leveling of the pre-Cambrian mountains. Since Cambrian times the deposits have been for the most part buried by later sediments. Some of the deposits are still protected by this overlying blanket and mining has not yet reached the zone of altogether primary sulphides. Others have been faulted up and again exposed by erosion; but since being uncovered, steep slopes and rapid erosion have apparently favored the scattering of the copper rather than its concentration and enrichment. In the United Verde Mine, oxidizing conditions at present prevail to the bottom of the chalcocite zone.
The very large reserves of the Katanga copper belt of the Belgian Congo are in the form of tabular masses in schistose and highly metamorphosed Paleozoic sediments. The ore bodies are roughly parallel to the bedding, but in instances follow the schistosity which cuts across the bedding. They consist dominantly of the oxide minerals, though in several ore bodies sulphides have been shown by diamond-drilling. The ores have a high content of cobalt and also carry precious metals. The origin of the deposits is not known, but has been ascribed to granitic masses intrusive into the schists.
Sedimentary copper deposits. In the later phases of the metamorphic cycle, the agencies of transportation (in solution) and sedimentary deposition have resulted in some low-grade deposits of copper sulphides in sedimentary rocks. Deposits of this type are found in the Rocky Mountain region, where they are referred to as the "Red Beds" coppers, but are of no commercial importance. Similar deposits in Germany, the Mansfield copper-bearing shales, have been worked for some time, and during the war were Germany's main source of copper. On Keweenaw Point, Michigan, deposits of native copper formed in this manner in the "Nonesuch" beds have been worked on a commercial scale. Other copper ores on Keweenaw Point are replacements of conglomerate beds between igneous flows, and are of a different origin already described (p. 200).
While much of the copper of sedimentary beds gives evidence that it was deposited from solution in cracks and as replacements of the wall rocks, often through the agency of abundant organic material in the beds, and while also comparatively little of this copper can be identified as having been deposited in detrital flakes or fragments along with the other mineral fragments, there is, nevertheless, considerable evidence that some of these deposits were formed essentially during the sedimentation of the enclosing beds and as incidents to this process. Such evidence consists of a close limitation of the copper to certain beds, its wide and uniform distribution within these beds, its absence in similar beds near at hand, the absence of evidence of feeding and escape channels of the kind which would be necessary in case the solutions were introduced long afterward, and often a minute participation of the copper minerals in the minor structures of bedding, false-bedding, and ripple-marks, which would be difficult to explain as due to secondary concentration.
The Corocoro copper deposits of Bolivia occur in beds of sandstone with no igneous rocks in the vicinity. However, they are all closely associated with a fault plane, igneous rocks occur at distances of a few miles, and the general mineralization is coextensive with the belt of igneous rocks; the deposits are therefore ascribed to a magmatic source rather than to sedimentary processes. Toward the surface the copper is in part in the form of sulphides, somewhat altered to oxide minerals, and farther down it is entirely native copper, associated with gypsum. This is the only district outside of Lake Superior where native copper has been mined on an important scale.
General comments. In general, the commercially prominent copper deposits show a close relationship to igneous rocks in place, time, and origin. Seldom do the ores extend more than 1,000 feet away from the igneous rock.
The common downward order in sulphide deposits is: first, a weathered zone, originally formed mainly above the water table, consisting above of a leached portion and below of oxides and carbonates of copper in a gangue of quartz or clay; second, a zone of secondary sulphide enrichment, characterized by chalcocite coatings, chalcopyrite, and pyrite, with a gangue of quartz and igneous rock or limestone; and third, a zone of primary deposition with similar gangue, characterized by chalcopyrite, and at Butte by enargite and chalcocite. The oxide zone as a whole may be rich or lean in values, depending on the nature of the associated gangue material and country rock. When these are more soluble than the copper—as is commonly the case in limestone—the copper may be residually concentrated, notwithstanding the fact that much copper originally present has been carried off in solution. When the associated gangue and country rock are less soluble than the copper—as is common with quartz and igneous rocks—the oxide zone is likely to be depleted of values.
The zones formed by weathering and secondary enrichment are extremely irregular, both in distribution and depth, in any one deposit, and they overlap and grade into one another in a very complex fashion. In many places the primary zone is too lean to be mined to commercial advantage; but in other places, as at Butte, and in the limestone deposits of Bingham, the primary ores are of considerable importance.
When evidence of secondary sulphide enrichment was first recognized there was a tendency to magnify its effectiveness, and to assume that in most cases the values were due to this process; that the primary zones would be found to be valueless. In recent years the emphasis is being somewhat changed because of the recognizing in many camps of rich primary zones. While some chalcocite is clearly the result of secondary enrichment from above, other chalcocite seems to have been related closely to the primary deposition. The quantitative discrimination of the two is a matter of great difficulty.
It has come to be recognized that the zonal arrangement caused by enrichment from the surface has been imposed usually on a zonal arrangement caused by the primary hot solutions and not related to the surface but to the source of the solutions. In some districts, as illustrated by Butte and Bingham, the copper-bearing minerals seem to have been deposited nearest the igneous source, while the lead, zinc, gold, and silver minerals have been deposited farther away,—suggesting the cooling of the solutions with increasing distance from the igneous source. The further investigation of this primary zonal arrangement promises interesting results with a practical bearing on exploration and development.
One of the newer features of the investigation of copper deposits has been the recognition of the cyclic nature of the secondary concentration. This process has been related not only to the present erosion surface, but to older surfaces now partly buried under later rocks. Ransome's[33] summary of conditions at the Ray-Miami camp has a somewhat general application.
Supergene enrichment has generally been treated as a continuously progressive process. There is considerable probability, however, that it is essentially cyclic, although the cyclic character may not be patent in all deposits. A full development of the cycle can take place only under a certain equilibrium of a number of factors, including climate, erosion, topography, and character of rock. The essential fact appears to be that as enrichment progresses and chalcocite increases the process of enrichment becomes slower in action, and erosion may, in some circumstances, overtake it. With the removal of some of the protecting zone of chalcocite the protore is again exposed to oxidation and a second cycle of enrichment begins.
Although much of the enriched ore is now below ground-water level, it probably was once above that level, and enrichment is believed to have taken place mainly in the zone of rock above any general water table.
Where the old erosion surface roughly coincides with the present erosion surface, the deposits follow more or less the topography. Where the old erosion surface pitches below later sediments, the ores pitch with it, and therefore do not follow the present topography. The recognition of the cyclic nature of secondary concentration is obviously of great significance in exploration and development.
Although a vast amount of study has been devoted to the origin and enrichment of copper deposits, and although the general conditions and processes are pretty well understood, the results thus far have been largely qualitative rather than quantitative.
The most prominent uses of lead are in the manufacture of alloys, such as type-metal, bearing metal, shot, solder, and casting metal; as the oxide, red lead, and the basic carbonate, white lead, in paints; for lead pipe, cable coverings, and containers of acid active material; and in lead compounds for various chemical and medical uses. Of the lead consumed in the United States before the war about 38 per cent was utilized in pigments, 30 per cent in alloys other than shot, 15 per cent in pipe, 10 per cent in shot, and 7 per cent in all other uses. During the war much larger quantities were used in munitions, such as shot and shrapnel.
The lead content of commercial ores varies widely. It ranges from as low as .25 per cent in the Joplin district of Missouri, to about 15 per cent in the Broken Hill deposits of Australia, and over 20 per cent in the Bawdwin mines of Burma. In the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho and the southeastern district of Missouri, the two greatest lead producers in the United States, the average grades are about 10 per cent and about 3-1/2 per cent respectively. The grade of ore which may be profitably worked depends not only upon the economic factors,—such as nearness to consuming centers, and the price of lead,—but also upon the amenability of the ore to concentration, the content of other valuable metals, and the fact that lead is very useful in smelting as a collector of gold and silver.
Most lead ores contain more or less zinc, and lead is obtained as a by-product of most zinc ores. Argentiferous lead ores form one of the principal sources of silver, and also yield some gold. Lead and copper are produced together from certain ores. Thus the separation of many ores into hard and fast classes, as lead, or zinc, or copper, or silver, or gold ores, cannot be made; in some of the mineral resource reports of the United States Geological Survey the statistics of these five metals are published together.
The main sources of lead ore, named in order of their importance, are the United States, Australia, Spain, Germany, and Mexico, which account for over 80 per cent of the world's production. Most of the countries of Europe outside of Spain and Germany produce small amounts of lead, but are largely dependent on imports. Spain exports argentiferous lead and pig lead mainly to England and France, with minor quantities to other countries of Europe and to Argentina. Before the war Germany, which was the largest European consumer, utilized all its own production of lead ores and imported an additional 10 per cent of the world's ores for smelting, as well as considerable amounts of pig lead. Its principal deposits were those of Silesia; under the Peace Treaty they may possibly be lost to Poland, leaving German smelters largely dependent on imports. Australia before the war normally shipped lead concentrates and pig lead to England and also to Belgium, Germany, and Japan. England, the second largest European consumer, before the war had insufficient smelting capacity within the British Empire and was partly dependent on foreign-smelted lead. During the war, however, England contracted for the entire Australian output, and enlarged its smelting capacity accordingly. This may mean permanent loss to Belgium, which had depended mainly on the Australian ores for its smelting industry before the war.
In North Africa there is a small but steady production of lead, most of which goes to France. Recent developments in Burma have shown large reserves of high-grade lead-zinc-silver-copper ores, and this region may be expected to become an important producer. There are also large reserves of lead in the Altai Mountains of southwestern Siberia and in the Andes Mountains of South America.
England, through control of Australian and Burman lead mines and smelters, domestic smelting facilities, and some financial control in Spain, Mexico, and elsewhere, and France, through financial control of Spanish and North African mines and Spanish, Belgian, and domestic smelters, have adequate supplies of lead.
The United States produces about a third of the world's lead and twice as much as any other country. Normally the domestic production is almost entirely consumed in this country. Mexico sends large quantities of bullion and ore to the United States to be smelted and refined in bond. Mexican lead refined and exported by the United States equals in amount one-sixth of the domestic production. Small quantities of ore or bullion from Canada, Africa, and South America are also brought into the United States for treatment.
Through domestic production, smelting facilities for Mexican ore, and commercial ownership in Mexico and elsewhere, the United States controls over 45 per cent of the world's lead production. Before the war Germany, through the "Lead Convention" or International Sales Association, and through smelting and selling contracts with large producing mines, practically controlled the European lead market as well as exports from Mexico and the United States and from Australia. During the war German foreign influence was practically destroyed.
In the United States about a third of the production of lead comes from southeastern Missouri and about a fourth from the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho. The five states, Missouri, Idaho, Utah, Colorado and Oklahoma, produce about nine-tenths of the country's total output. Reserves of lead ore are not large in proportion to demand, contrasting in this regard with zinc ore.
The principal lead mineral is the sulphide, galena, from which the great bulk of the world's lead is derived. Cerussite (lead carbonate) and anglesite (lead sulphate) are mined in some places in the upper part of sulphide deposits, and supply a small fraction of the world's output.
The ores of lead are of two general classes:
The first class, the so-called "soft" lead ores, nearly free from copper and precious metals, and commonly associated with zinc ores, are found in sedimentary beds independent of igneous intrusion. They are of world-wide distribution, were the first to be extensively exploited, were at one time the dominant factor in world production of lead, and at present produce about 30 per cent of the world's total. They are represented by the deposits of the Mississippi Valley, of Silesia, and some of the Spanish deposits. The general description of the origin of the zinc ores of the Mississippi Valley on pp. 216-218 applies to this class of lead ores. It should be noted, however, that in the principal United States lead-producing district, that of southeastern Missouri, the lead ores occur almost to the exclusion of the zinc ores, and are more disseminated through the limestone than is characteristic of the zinc ores. Ores of this type have been found extending only to shallow depths (not over a few hundred feet), and because of the absence of precious metals their treatment is comparatively simple.
The second class consists of ores more complex in nature, which are found in association with igneous rocks, and which usually contain some or all of the metals, zinc, silver, gold, copper, iron, manganese, antimony, bismuth, and rare metals, with various gangue minerals among which quartz, siderite, and silicates are important. Today these ores are the source of about 70 per cent of the world's lead. They are represented by the lead deposits of the Rocky Mountain region (Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Leadville, Colorado; Bingham, Utah; etc.); of Broken Hill, New South Wales; of Burma; and of many other places. They are all related to the earlier stages of the metamorphic cycle and occur in close genetic association with igneous activity. They include deposits in the body of igneous rocks,—in the form of well-defined veins, replacements along zones of fissuring and shearing, and disseminated masses,—as well as veins and replacements in the rocks, particularly in limestones, adjoining igneous intrusions. The deposits present a wide variety of shapes depending on the courses of the solutions by which they were formed. The materials of the ore minerals are believed to have been derived from the igneous rocks and to have been deposited by hot solutions. The source of the solutions—whether magmatic or meteoric—presents the same problems which have been discussed elsewhere (pp. 41-42). The ores are frequently mined to great depths. Because of their complexity they require involved processes of treatment to separate out the values.
Ores of this nature have already been referred to in the discussion of the copper ores of Bingham and Butte, and will be referred to in connection with the zinc-lead-silver ores of Leadville, Colorado. Special reference may be made here to the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho, which is the second largest producer of lead in the United States.
The Coeur d'Alene deposits are almost unique in that they contain galena as vein-fillings and replacements in quartzite, with a gangue of siderite (iron carbonate). Quartzite (instead of limestone) is an unusual locus of replacement ores, and siderite is an unusual gangue. These ores are believed to owe their origin to acid igneous intrusives, because of the close association of the ores with some of these intrusives, and because of the content of high-temperature minerals. Some of the ore bodies are found far from intrusives, but it is supposed that in such cases further underground development may disclose the intrusives below the surface. Secondary concentration has been insignificant.
In general, weathering of lead ores at the surface and secondary sulphide enrichment below are not so extensive as in the case of copper and zinc. Galena is fairly stable in the oxide zone, and even in moist climates it is found in the outcrop of many veins. Weathering removes the more soluble materials and concentrates the lead sulphide with the residual clay and other gangue. In some districts cerussite and a little anglesite are also found in the oxide zone. The carrying down of lead in solution and its deposition below the water table as a secondary sulphide is not proved on any extensive scale. In this respect it contrasts with zinc; and when the two minerals occur together, lead is likely to be more abundant in the oxide zone, and zinc in the sulphide zone below. Such a change in composition with depth is also found in some cases as the result of primary vertical variations in the mineralization.
Zinc metal has commonly gone under the name of "spelter." Brass and galvanized iron contain zinc as an essential ingredient. Of the total United States zinc consumption in normal times, about 60 per cent is used in galvanizing iron and steel objects to protect them from rust, 20 per cent is used in the manufacture of brass and other alloys, 11 per cent goes into the form of rolled sheets for roofing, plumbing, etc., 1 per cent is employed in desilverizing lead bullion, and the remaining 8 per cent is used for pigments, electrodes, and other miscellaneous purposes. During the war the use in brass-making was greatly increased.
The zinc content of the ores mined today ranges from a little over 1-1/2 per cent in the Joplin district of Missouri, to 25 per cent and higher in some of the deposits of the Coeur d'Alene and other western camps, and over 40 per cent in certain bonanzas in British Columbia and Russia. The ores usually contain both zinc and lead in varying proportions, and sometimes gold, silver, and copper are present. Of the zinc produced in the United States, about 73 per cent is obtained from ores containing zinc as the principal element of value, about 25 per cent from zinc-lead ores, and 2 per cent from copper-zinc and other ores. The average grade of the straight zinc ores is about 2-1/2 per cent.
Of the world's zinc ore, the United States produces in normal times about one-third, Germany about one-fifth, Australia about 15 per cent, Italy, North Africa and Spain each about 5 per cent. The remaining 15 to 20 per cent comes from a large number of scattered sources, including Japan, East Asia, Norway and Sweden, Canada, Mexico, Austria, France, Greece, Siberia, and Russia. In the near future the Bawdwin mines of Burma will probably be increasingly important producers. Large reserves of zinc also exist in the Altai Mountains of southwestern Siberia, and in the Cordilleran region of South America. In short, zinc is one of the most widely distributed of metallic resources; there is consequently less necessity for great international movements than in the case of many other commodities.
The smelting of zinc concentrates is in general carried on close to the points of consumption and where skilled labor is available, rather than at the mines,—although smelters to handle part of the output have recently been built in Australia and in Burma. In Europe the great smelting countries have been Germany and Belgium, and to a lesser extent England and France. Before the war these four countries with the United States produced over nine-tenths of the world's spelter. Belgium did principally a custom business, and a large part of its exports went to England. Australian and Tasmanian zinc ores were the basis of the Belgian and English smelting industries, and also supplied about one-third of the German requirements. Since the war England has contracted to take practically the entire Australian output. This fact, in connection with war-time destruction of Belgian smelters, leaves the future of the Belgian zinc industry in some doubt. Germany may possibly lose to Poland its richest zinc mines, those of Silesia. German activity in the rich deposits of Mexico is to be expected. France controls the deposits of North Africa and satisfies a considerable part of its requirements from that source. Smaller movements of zinc include exports from Italy to England, and a complex interchange among the lesser producers of Europe. English and French zinc-smelting capacity was expanded during the war, and the industry in these countries is in a strong position. Japan also developed a considerable smelting industry during the war, importing ores from eastern Asia and Australia.
The United States normally smelts and consumes all its large production of zinc ores and does not enter foreign markets to any extent. Small amounts of zinc concentrates are brought in from Mexico and Canada to be smelted in bond. During the war,—when the Allies were cut off by enemy operations from the customary Belgian and German supplies of spelter, and by shortage of ships from Australian zinc ores,—Australian, Spanish, Italian, and other ores were imported into the United States, and large quantities of spelter were exported from this country to Europe. Mine and smelter capacities were greatly increased, over-production ensued, and with the cessation of hostilities many plants were obliged to curtail or cease operations. The United States has now about 40 per cent of the zinc-smelting capacity of the world. For the present at least the capacity is far in excess of the domestic requirements.
Before the war German control of the international zinc market was even stronger than in the case of lead. The German Zinc Syndicate, through its affiliations, joint share-holdings, ownership of mines and smelters, and especially through smelting and selling contracts, controlled directly one-half of the world's output of zinc and three-fourths of the European production. It regulated the Australian exports by means of long-term contracts, and had considerable influence in the United States. To some extent it was able to so manipulate the market that zinc outside the syndicate was also indirectly controlled. During the war political jurisdiction was used by the Allied countries to destroy this German influence.
In the United States the principal zinc-producing regions are the Joplin and adjacent districts of Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas, furnishing about one-third of the country's output; the Franklin Furnace district of New Jersey, and the Butte district of Montana, each yielding about one-sixth of the total supply; and the Upper Mississippi Valley district of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois, the Leadville district of Colorado, and the Coeur d'Alene district of Idaho, each producing between one-tenth and one-twentieth of the total. Smaller quantities are produced in Tennessee, New Mexico, Nevada, and several other states.
Reserves of zinc are ample for the future. They are now developed considerably in advance of probable requirements, a fact which causes keen competition for markets and renders zinc-mining more or less sensitive to market changes.
The most important mineral of zinc is the sulphide, sphalerite or "zinc blende." The minerals of the oxide zone are smithsonite (zinc carbonate) and calamine (hydrous zinc silicate), which yield minor amounts of zinc and are especially productive at Leadville, Colorado. Zincite (zinc oxide) and willemite (zinc silicate) are the important minerals in the deposits of Franklin Furnace, New Jersey. The association of most deposits of zinc with more or less lead has been noted.
The ores of zinc are of two general classes, corresponding to the two classes of lead ores (pp. 211-212). Zinc ores of the first type are in veins and replacements in sedimentary rocks at shallow depths, independent of igneous association, and are supposed to have been formed by cold solutions. They are found in the Mississippi Valley, in Silesia, and in many of the smaller European deposits. They were formerly the leading zinc-producers, and now produce about 45 per cent of the world's total. Zinc ores of the second type consist of veins and replacements related to intrusive rocks, sometimes extending to considerable depths, and of more complex composition. They include most of the deposits of the American Cordilleran region (Butte, Coeur d'Alene, Leadville, etc.), of Franklin Furnace, of Australia, of Burma, and of many other places.
The zinc-lead ores of the type found in the Mississippi Valley are of special interest, in that they are sulphide ores of an origin apparently independent of igneous agencies. These ores occur as fissure-fillings and replacements, mainly in nearly flat-lying Paleozoic limestones and dolomites—the Bonne Terre dolomitic limestone of southeastern Missouri, the Boone formation of southwestern Missouri and Oklahoma, the Galena dolomite of Wisconsin and Illinois. They are variously associated with a gangue of dolomite, calcite, quartz, iron pyrite, barite, and chert. Not infrequently they are spread out both in sheets and in disseminated form along carbonaceous layers within or at the base of the limestone.
The source of the primary sulphides has been a subject of much discussion. All are agreed that they were first deposited with the sediments in minutely dispersed form, through the agency of the organic contents of the sediments, and that such deposition was somewhat generally localized by estuarine conditions which favored the accumulation of organic remains. Many years ago, before the evidence of estuarine deposition was recognized, Chamberlin suggested an ingenious hypothesis for the northern Mississippi Valley,—that the organic material had been localized by ocean's currents forming something in the nature of a Sargasso sea. Differences of opinion become acute, however, when the attempt is made to name the precise sedimentary horizon, out of several available horizons, in which for the most part this primary concentration occurred. Judging from the organic contents of the several beds, the primary source may have been below, within, or above the present ore-bearing horizons. If the ore came from the lower horizons, it was introduced into its present situation by an artesian circulation, for which the structural conditions are favorable. If the ore was derived from overlying horizons, downward moving solutions accompanying erosion did the work. If the primary source was within the horizon of present occurrence of the ores, both upward and downward moving waters may have modified and transported them locally. For each of these hypotheses a plausible case can be made; but much of the evidence can be used interchangeably for any one of them. In spite of the wealth of data available, it is astonishingly difficult to arrive at a conclusion which is exclusive of other possibilities. Without attempting to argue the matter in detail the writer merely records his view, based on some familiarity with these districts, that, on the whole, the evidence favors the accumulation of these deposits by downward moving meteoric solutions during the weathering of overlying strata; but that it is by no means certain that a part of the ores has not been derived from lower horizons. The great area of the producing districts in comparison with their depth, the uniform association of the ore-bearing zone with the surface regardless of geologic horizon uncovered by erosion, the failure of the ores to extend in quantity under cappings of later formations, and the known efficacy of oxidizing waters in local downward transfers of zinc and lead, seem to suggest concentrating agencies which are clearly related to surface conditions.
It is of interest to note that in many places in the limestones of Missouri and Virginia, and elsewhere in the Paleozoic rocks, there are sinks of limonite and clay near the surface, which are likewise believed to have originated through downward movement of waters deriving their mineral contents from the erosion and stripping of overlying sediments. Still further, the primary deposition of Clinton iron ores in many parts of the Mississippi Valley and eastward to the Appalachians took place in stratigraphic horizons not far removed from the horizons of lead and zinc deposition. When the peculiar conditions controlling the deposition of the Clinton ores are understood (see pp. 52-53) it is entirely possible that they may throw some light on the genesis of the lead and zinc ores.
Since the ores were introduced into essentially their present locations, secondary concentration has produced an oxide zone of clay, chert, and iron oxide, with varying amounts of zinc carbonate, zinc silicate, lead sulphide, and rarely lead carbonate. This zone is obviously developed above water level, and is seldom as much as 100 feet thick. Zinc, and to a less extent lead, have been taken into solution as sulphates, with the aid of sulphuric acid resulting from the oxidation of the associated pyrite. Zinc has been carried away from the weathered zone in solution faster than lead, leaving the lead more or less concentrated near the surface. Some of the zinc carried down has been redeposited secondarily as zinc sulphide. Evidences of this secondary sulphide enrichment can be seen in many places; yet certain broad quantitative considerations raise a doubt as to whether this process has been responsible for the main portion of the values of the sulphide zone. If downward secondary enrichment had been a dominant process, it might be expected that the ores would be richer in places where erosion had cut away more than half the limestone formation carrying the ore, than in places where it had barely cut into the formation. This is not the fact,—which suggests that erosion in its downward progress has carried a large part of the zinc completely out of the vicinity.
Zinc ores of this same general character are also found in Paleozoic rocks (Knox dolomite) in Virginia and Tennessee. Their manner of occurrence suggests the same problem of origin as in Missouri and Wisconsin, but no decisive evidence of their source has been discovered.
Of the zinc ores associated with igneous intrusions, those of the Butte and Coeur d'Alene districts are described in connection with copper and lead ores on pp. 201-203, 208, and 212-213.
Zinc constitutes about 75 per cent by weight of the recoverable metals of the Leadville district of Colorado. About two-thirds of the zinc occurs as the sulphide and about one-third as the carbonate resulting from weathering of the sulphide. The zinc sulphide is associated with lead, iron, and copper sulphides and gold and silver minerals. In the oxide zone the zinc carbonate is associated with oxides and carbonates of various metals, including those of lead, copper, iron, and manganese. The iron and manganese oxides are mined in considerable tonnage as a flux. It is an interesting fact that, although mining has been carried on in this district for upwards of forty years, only within the last decade has the existence of zinc ores in the oxide zone been recognized. This has been due largely to the fact that the iron and manganese oxides effectively stain and mask the zinc carbonate.
The Leadville ores occur as replacements and vein-fillings in a gently faulted and folded Carboniferous limestone, in deposits of a general tabular shape, parallel to the bedding but with very irregular lower surfaces. The limestone is intruded by numerous sheets of porphyry, mainly parallel to the bedding but sometimes cutting across it, against the under sides of which most of the ore occurs. The primary sulphides are believed to be genetically related in some fashion to these porphyries. The older view was that the agents of deposition were aqueous solutions from the surface above, which derived their mineral content chiefly from the porphyries. Later views favor solutions coming directly from the porphyries or deeper igneous sources. While in form and association these ores are characteristic igneous contact deposits, they lack the high-temperature silicates which are so distinctive of many ores of this type.
The zinc ores of Franklin Furnace, New Jersey, belong in the group associated with igneous agencies, but have certain unique features. They consist of willemite and zincite, together with large amounts of franklinite (an iron-manganese oxide) and silicates, in a pre-Cambrian white crystalline limestone near its contact with a coarse-grained granite-gneiss. The origin of the ores is obscured by later shearing and metamorphism, but it seems best explained by replacement of the limestone by heated solutions coming from the granitic mass. The view has also been advanced that the ores originated in the limestone before the advent of the igneous rocks. Secondary concentration is not apparent.
[33] Ransome, Frederick Leslie, The copper deposits of Ray and Miami, Arizona: Prof. Paper 115, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1919, pp. 12-13.
The principal and most essential use of gold is as a standard of value and a medium of exchange. Gold has been prized since the earliest times because of its luster, color, malleability, and indestructibility, and has long been used as a trading medium. At present little of the metal is actually circulated from hand to hand. Stocks of gold, however, accumulated by governments and banking interests, form the essential foundation of paper currency and of the vast modern system of credit relations. In the settlement of international trade balances considerable quantities of gold frequently move from debtor to creditor nations. Although the amounts thus shipped are frequently great in value, they are very small in volume. It is interesting to note that the entire accumulated gold stocks of the world's governments—about nine billion dollars—cast in a solid block, with the horizontal dimensions of the Washington monument, would be only about 12 feet high.
Other uses of gold are in dentistry, and in the arts for jewelry, gilding, and other forms of ornamentation. Consumption for these purposes has been increasing of late years and now takes a third or more of the world's annual production. In the United States, before war-time restrictions were adopted, the consumption for jewelry and similar uses exceeded the consumption in coinage. Since the war it has exceeded the total domestic production of gold. An interesting problem for the future is how an adequate supply of gold is to be distributed between monetary uses and the arts. The curve of increase in the requirements of the arts indicates that, unless there is greatly increased production, all the world's gold will be necessary for the arts in a comparatively few years. To retain it for monetary purposes would require government restrictions.
Of all the mineral commodities, gold has played perhaps the most important and certainly the most romantic part in the world's history. The "lure of gold" has taken men to the remotest corners of the globe. It has been the moving force in the settlement and colonization of new countries, in numerous wars, and in many other strenuous activities of the human race.
About two-thirds of the annual gold production of the world comes from the British Empire—from South and West Africa, Australasia, Canada, and India. A single colony, the Transvaal, produces about 40 per cent of the world's total. British capital, which seems to have a particular affinity for investments in gold mines, controls not only the larger part of the output from the colonies, but also important mines in Siberia, Mexico, South America, and the United States.
Russia, Mexico, and Japan have small gold production. The chief deposits of Russia are those of Siberia, which have had an important output and have apparent great possibilities of increase. Other foreign districts are numerous and widely scattered, but, with the exception of Colombia and Korea, no one of them yields 1 per cent of the world's gold.
French interests control about a tenth of the production of the Transvaal, and minor supplies in Mexico and South America—in all about 6 per cent of the world's production. Germany and Austria control less than 1 per cent of the total gold production. German interests formerly had extensive holdings in South Africa and Australia, but during the war this control was eliminated.
The United States, the second largest gold-producing country, supplies about 20 per cent of the world's total. Commercially it controls production of another 5 per cent in foreign countries, chiefly in Canada, Mexico, South America, and Korea. About one-fourth of the United States production comes from California. Other producing states in order of importance are Colorado, Alaska, South Dakota, Nevada, Arizona, Montana, and Utah. These eight states supply 95 per cent of the country's output, and most of the remainder is obtained from other western states.
International movements of gold depend chiefly upon its use in the settlement of trade balances, and are not governed by the considerations which control ordinary mineral commodities. Imports and exports vary with changing foreign trade balances. Large amounts of gold normally go to London, because Great Britain requires all gold produced in the colonies to be sent to England; but since England ordinarily has an unfavorable balance of trade, much of this gold is reexported. The United States up to a few years ago was also a debtor nation, and more gold was exported than was imported. During the war, however, this country became the greatest of the creditor nations and imports of gold, chiefly from Europe, were several times the exports.
The total world's gold production up to 1920 has been upwards of 19 billions of dollars, of which about 10 billions have gone into the arts or been hidden and lost, leaving 9 billions in monetary reserve.
At the present writing the United States government holds an unusually large fraction of the world's gold reserve, about 28 per cent or 2 billion dollars,—an amount equal to two-thirds of the aggregate production of the United States to date. Other large stocks of gold are held, in order, by Great Britain, France, and Russia, these three with the United States holding over a half of the world's total gold reserve. Germany has about 1-1/2 per cent of the total reserve, and, with its tremendous debt and no sources of new production, is of course in a particularly unfavorable position.
The total amount of gold now (1920) accounted for by governments as money is not more than 10 per cent of the value of the notes and currency issued against this gold. Before the war it was 60 per cent. In the United States the pre-war percentage was 99-1/2 per cent. Since the war it has been 45 per cent. The ratio of gold to currency is now so small that the gold standard is hardly a physical fact, but is to be regarded rather more as a profession of faith. Notwithstanding the recent falling off in gold production, an increment of approximately 350 million dollars is potentially available each year to be added to the gold reserves. Whether this increment, or a larger increment which may come from new discoveries, is sufficient to maintain a reasonable proportion between gold stocks and the necessary normal increase in paper currency, has been, and doubtless will continue to be, a subject of vigorous discussion and speculation.
During and immediately following the war, the gold production of the world showed rather an alarming progressive decrease. About 1915 the group of three greatest producers—South Africa, United States, and Australia,—reached the acme of its production, and output then fell off. Simultaneously there was a marked decrease of production in many of the less important districts. This general decline was due in considerable part to the fact that during the war the price of gold was fixed and its use restricted to monetary purposes. The price of gold, which is itself the standard of value, could not rise to offset growing mining costs and to maintain profits, as was the case with iron, copper, and the other metals,—with the result that the margin of profit in gold mining became so small as materially to affect exploration and production. Another important cause of decreased production was the actual exhaustion of certain mines, and the lowering of the grades of ore available in many others. New discoveries did not supply these deficiencies. In the United States, for instance, physical conditions of one kind or another were responsible for lessening of production from Alaska, Cripple Creek, and California. Minor causes included conflicts in California between agricultural and mining interests over water rights, and a succession of dry seasons which did not afford enough water for the working of placers; and in Alaska difficulties due to litigation over the oil-flotation process of recovering gold from its ores. As a result of all these conditions, many of the smaller mines were closed down, others continued operations only by curtailing exploration and by mining solely the richest and most accessible ore bodies, and there was a general discouragement and lack of inducement to engage in gold mining.
The gold situation has become a matter of great concern to the various governments, since national financial stability and the confidence of the public in the national credit are based largely upon the acquirement of an adequate gold reserve. Both in England and in the United States, committees of experts have been appointed to make exhaustive investigations and present recommendations for measures to stimulate production. The report of the joint committee from the United States Bureau of Mines and Geological Survey gives a comprehensive review of the conditions in the gold-mining industry.[34]
During the war there was vigorous demand by gold miners both in the United States and South Africa for a bonus on gold. These demands received serious consideration on the part of the governments, but were denied on the general ground of the doubtful adequacy of such a measure to meet the situation, and the danger of upsetting the gold standard of value. In the United States, for instance, a bonus of $10 per ounce was asked for. It did not appear likely that this could increase the annual production from the United States by more than 10 per cent, in face of the physical conditions being met in gold mining. The bonus would have had to be paid on all the gold mined, which would make the increment of production very expensive; to secure an added production of ten million dollars would have cost in the neighborhood of forty millions. Ten millions is only one-third of 1 per cent of the gold reserve already held by this country, and it would obviously have taken a long time for this small increase in annual production to make itself felt in the size of the gold reserves.
Since the war gold has gone to a considerable premium in England, due to the action of the British government in establishing a "free" market,—that is, abandoning the restriction that gold marketed in London should be offered to the government or the Bank of England at the fixed statutory price for monetary purposes. With the pound sterling at a considerable discount outside of England, other countries could afford to bid, in terms of British currency, far above the British mint price. The result is that the South African miner of gold receives a premium due to depreciation of sterling exchange, while the American miner still receives the regular mint price. The agitation for a bonus therefore continues in the United States. However, with the removal of war-time restrictions gold has been allowed to go to the arts, the demand from which is already equal to one-third of the world's gold production, is rapidly increasing, and is temporarily acute due to the accumulation of requirements resulting from war restrictions. This situation has a general tendency to improve the position of the gold miner, though the outlook is still far from bright.
It is an interesting fact that India is absorbing a good half of the free gold. India, in regard to its demand for precious metals and stones, has been described as "an abyss from which there is no return." This is an important contributing cause of the shortage of gold in the rest of the world.
Looking forward to the future, it seems that increased exploration, which is resulting from the present premium on gold, is likely to bring in new reserves to increase production. Because of lack of important discoveries in recent years, there is pessimism in some quarters as to the possibilities of large increase of production; but, considering the history of gold discoveries, and the amount of ground still to be explored both areally and vertically, this pessimism does not seem to be wholly justified from the geologic standpoint. Curves representing the world's gold production in past years show periods of increasing annual production as new fields are discovered, followed by periods of decreasing production when no new ore bodies are coming in to replace dwindling reserves. It is entirely possible that in recent years the gold-mining industry has been merely in one of these temporary stagnant periods. There are many regions, both in the vicinity of worked-out lodes and in unsettled and poorly explored countries, where gold may still be discovered; there may be far greater resources of this metal still covered up than all those which man has thus far uncovered. A single new deposit or district may make a great difference in the world's production, as suggested by the experience of the past. Regions which are especially attractive for exploration and the discovery of new deposits are in Siberia and South America, which in the opinion of many engineers may eventually rival South Africa. Mexico, with the establishment of a stable government, should also have a greatly increased production.
The principal gold mineral is native or metallic gold. This occurs in nature in small scales, crystals, and irregular masses, and also in microscopic particles mechanically mixed with pyrite and other sulphides. Chemically, gold is very inactive and combines with but few other elements. A small part of the world's supply is obtained from the gold-silver tellurides—calaverite, sylvanite, krennerite, and petzite.
Gold deposits are of two general classes—placers, and veins or lodes.
Placers, which are in general the more easily discovered and more easily worked deposits, have in the past been the chief source of the world's gold supply. It is estimated that in the first twenty-seven years of the modern era of gold-mining, beginning with the discovery of gold in California in 1848, 87 per cent of the world's production was obtained from placers. At present the placers of recent geologic age supply a tenth to a fifth of the gold, and ancient or fossil placers in the Transvaal supply another two-fifths. In the United States about a fourth of the gold production comes from placers, mainly from California and Alaska.
Placers are detrital or fragmental sediments containing the ore in mechanical fragments, which are derived from the erosion and transportation of solid-rock veins or lodes, sometimes called the "mother lode." During the process of transportation and deposition there is more or less sorting, because of differing density of the mineral fragments, resulting in the segregation or concentration of the ore minerals in certain layers or channels. Gold, because of its weight, tends to work down toward bedrock, or into scoured or excavated portions of stream channels. In a few cases it is carried in some quantity to the sea and concentrated in beach sands. The processes are not unlike the mechanical concentration of ores by crushing and water sorting. Seldom, however, do the processes go far enough in nature to produce an ore which can be used directly without some further mechanical sorting. Ore minerals concentrated in placers are those which resist abrasion and chemical solution during the processes of weathering and transportation, and which have a density sufficiently high so that they are partially sorted out and concentrated from the accompanying quartz and other minerals. To warrant their recovery they must also be of such high intrinsic value that it pays to mine small quantities. The most important of such minerals are gold, tin, platinum, and the precious stones. Iron, copper, lead, and zinc minerals are often somewhat concentrated as placers, but their intrinsic value is not high enough to warrant the attempt to recover them in the large amounts necessary to make them commercially available.
Placers are forming now and have formed at all stages of the earth's history. Early placers may be reworked and further concentrated by renewal of the proper erosional and transportational conditions. Old placers may be buried beneath younger rocks, cemented, and more or less recrystallized. "Fossil" placers of this kind are best represented by deposits in the Black Hills of South Dakota and probably by the South African gold deposits.
In the Witwatersrand deposits of South Africa, the gold is concentrated in the lower parts of large conglomerate and quartz sand layers of great areal extent. Pebbles of the conglomerate are mainly quartz and quartzite. The gold, in particles hardly visible to the eye, is in a sandy matrix and is associated with chloritoid, sericite, calcite, graphite, and other minerals. The origin of the gold deposits of this district is not entirely agreed on, but the evidence seems on the whole to favor their placer origin. Some investigators of these ores believe them to have been introduced into the conglomerate and sand by later solutions, possibly by hot solutions related to certain diabase intrusions that cut the beds.
In the vein or lode or hard-rock deposits, the gold is mainly metallic gold, and to a minor extent is in the form of gold tellurides. It is usually closely associated with iron pyrite in a matrix or gangue of quartz. Seldom is a gold deposit free from important values in other minerals. About 84 per cent of the gold mined in vein or lode deposits of the United States is associated with silver minerals, the combined value averaging about $6 per ton; about 13 per cent comes from copper ores which have an average yield of gold and silver of 50c. per ton; and 3 per cent comes from zinc and lead ores, with an average gold and silver yield ranging from $1 to $6 per ton. The geologic occurrence of gold in the copper, lead, and zinc ores has already been referred to in the discussions of these ores.
Reference will be made here only to the vein deposits in which gold, with silver, constitutes the principal values. Because of their common gangue of quartz these are often called "dry" or "siliceous" ores. Their principal occurrence is in distinct fissure veins in igneous rocks, with more or less replacement of the wall rock. The igneous rocks are commonly acid intrusives of a granite or porphyry type, less commonly intrusives of gabbro and diabase and surface lavas of rhyolite and basalt. In a few cases the ores are contact-metamorphic deposits of the type described under copper ores. In still rarer cases they are in pegmatites. Gold is commonly associated with minerals and wall-rock alterations indicating deposition by hot solutions, which are inferred to have come from the igneous rocks.
Because of the resistant nature both of ore minerals and gangue, weathering and secondary concentration have had little effect in enriching gold deposits. So far as there has been any noticeable effect on the gold content of the ores, it has been due to the leaching out of other constituents, principally pyrite and other sulphides, leaving the gold present in slightly larger proportions. Locally there is evidence of solution of gold in weathered zones and its deposition in the sulphide zones below. Solution is believed to be accomplished by chloride solutions, and is favored by the presence of manganese which delays precipitation. The precipitating agent below may be ferrous sulphate, various sulphides, native metals, or organic matter.
Of the vein or lode gold ores in the United States some of the most productive and best known have the following geologic features:
The California gold belt extends north and south along the west slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The ore is in a series of parallel and overlapping veins striking with the trend of the range, associated with granodiorite intrusives in schist and slate. There is no pronounced secondary concentration. These deposits are the source of most of the great placer deposits of California, hence the name "Mother Lode" applied to a part of them. The principal ore deposits are somewhat removed from the main mass of intrusive which forms the crest of the Sierra Nevada range, and are more closely related to the smaller similar intrusive masses farther down the slope. The gangue is mainly quartz.
At Juneau, Alaska, great dikes of albite-diorite intrude greenstones and schists, and low-grade gold ores occur in shattered portions of the diorite. These ores were mined on a great scale at the Treadwell Mine.
Another famous low-grade deposit is the Homestake Mine in the Black Hills of South Dakota, where pre-Cambrian slates and schists of sedimentary origin are impregnated with gold, associated with quartz, dolomite, calcite, pyrite, and other minerals. The origin is supposed to have some connection with intrusives into the schists; but the relations of the ores to intrusives, both in age and in place, present many puzzling questions which make conclusion as to origin very difficult.
In the Cripple Creek district of Colorado, a volcanic neck two or three miles in diameter breaks through pre-Cambrian granites, gneisses, and schists. The volcanic rocks consist mainly of tuffs and breccias cut by basic dikes. The ore bodies are in fissures and sheeted zones, principally in the granitic rocks, but associated with these dikes. The ore is mainly gold telluride, in a gangue of quartz together with pyrite and a variety of minerals characteristic of hot-water solutions. Also the wall rocks have the characteristic hot-water alterations. There is slight enrichment near the surface.
At Goldfield, Nevada, native gold is found in surface igneous flows of a dacite type, which have undergone extensive hydrothermal alterations characterized by the development of alunite (a potassium-aluminum sulphate), quartz, and pyrite. The ore fills fissures to some extent, but is mainly a replacement of the wall rock. Association with typical hot-water minerals and hydrothermal alterations of the wall rock are again believed to indicate the origin of the ores through ascending hot solutions from a deep source.
One of the interesting features of this occurrence is the abundance of alunite. Sulphate minerals are commonly formed by oxidizing solutions. The abundant presence, therefore, of a sulphate mineral with minerals of a primary deep-seated source has led to much discussion of origin. The hypothesis was developed that these minerals result from the interaction of deep-seated sulphide-bearing solutions with surface oxidizing solutions.[35] It may be noted that in recent years other sulphate minerals have been occasionally regarded as primary, including gypsum, anhydrite, barite, and others. It has been suggested that if igneous emanations contain free oxygen and sulphur, or sulphur dioxide, it would be expected that as they become cool sulphur trioxide would be formed which would result in the sulphate at suitable temperature.[36]
Other deposits containing gold are discussed in connection with silver on following pages.
Silver has two important uses—in money and in the arts. As money, it is used in the United States and Europe for subsidiary coinage,—silver coins normally circulating at more than their intrinsic value,—but its greatest monetary use is in India and China, where it has been the basis for the settlement of foreign exchange balances. In China also it is the money standard of the country. In the arts, silver is employed chiefly in the making of articles of luxury, such as jewelry and tableware. In the Orient this use is closely related to its use as money, since the natives invest their savings both in silver jewelry and silver coins. There is some consumption of silver by certain chemical industries, and quantities of increasing importance are used in the form of silver salts by the photographic and moving picture industries. It has been estimated that before 1914 about two-thirds of the new silver produced went into the arts and one-third into money. During the war, however, increasing amounts were used in coinage, and less than one-fifth of the output was used in the arts. Demands for silver for monetary purposes will probably continue to take the larger part of the world's production for some time. In this connection it may be noted that India has adopted a gold standard, but that the conservative habits of the population will doubtless continue to call for large amounts of silver.
About half of the silver production of the world comes from the dry or siliceous silver ores, which are mined solely for that metal and the associated gold; and about half of the production is obtained as a by-product in the mining of other metals, principally copper and lead. The average grades of these ores, in combined values of gold and silver, were referred to on p. 228. While the aggregate amount of silver obtained as a by-product of other ores is large, the percentage of silver in the copper or lead in any mine is ordinarily very small. Consequently the world output of silver depends to a considerable extent upon conditions in the copper- and lead-mining industries.
Of the total world output of silver, normally about 75 per cent comes from North America. Of this the United States and Mexico each produce about two-fifths and Canada one-fifth, and minor amounts are produced in Central America. In late years, political disturbances in Mexico reduced that country's production to less than half the normal figure, and the United States took the place which Mexico had held for many years as the leading silver producer. The United States and Mexican supply is obtained from the Rocky Mountain belt, and the Canadian production comes chiefly from the Cobalt, Ontario, district. Outside of North America the principal producing areas are Australia, South America (Peru and to a less extent Bolivia and Chile), Europe (chiefly from Spain, Germany, and Austria-Hungary, but with smaller amounts from all the other countries), and Japan. Thus, while there are sources of silver in many places, the great bulk of the world's output comes from North America. In the financial ownership of mines, including ownership in other countries, the United States controls over half the world's silver, Great Britain about a third, and Germany about a tenth (principally in Mexico).
All the silver mined in the United States is smelted and refined by domestic plants; and in addition much of the Canadian, Mexican, and South and Central American silver is exported to the United States as ore and base bullion, to be treated in this country. The United States is therefore the great silver-selling country of the world.
The great silver-consuming countries are India and China, and normally about a half of the world's output goes to these two countries. This major movement of silver, from America to the Far East, takes place through the London market, since England has been the chief nation trading in the Orient. The balance of the world's silver consumption is widely distributed among the countries of Europe and South America and the United States (which consumes about one-tenth of the total). For the European trade most of the silver also goes through London, which is the great clearing-house and the market where prices are fixed.
In the later years of the war and immediately after, the demands for silver were probably twice the world's output. The resulting rise in price was unprecedented. Silver actually became worth more as bullion than as currency, and in Europe much trouble was experienced because of its withdrawal from currency to be melted up. This condition was later followed by an equally striking drop in price as supply caught up with demand.
In the United States, as in many other countries, it was desired during the war to accumulate large stocks of gold as a basis of credit for the flotation of government loans, and the export of gold was prohibited. Consequently in the settlement of foreign trade balances, particularly with the nations of the Orient, very large amounts of silver bullion had to be used. Current production proved inadequate, and it was necessary to utilize the stocks of silver dollars in the United States Treasury. To this end the Pittman Silver Act, passed in April, 1918, authorized the melting down and conversion into bullion of 350,000,000 dollars out of the Treasury stock, and the retirement of a corresponding number of silver certificates and the issue of Federal Reserve bank notes. In this manner old stocks of silver, Manila dollars, etc., were called into service—though the stage was not reached, as it was in Germany, where it became necessary to melt down silver plate and ornaments. The silver used for exchange and export was to be replaced by the purchase of bullion from American producers at $1 per ounce, and its coining into new dollars. A minimum price of $1 per ounce was thus established for silver bullion.
The immediate result was to increase the price of silver at the mine; but with the continued rise in demands for silver, the price in the open market went far above this figure, the maximum being reached in 1920 when the price of silver went to $1.39 per ounce. Naturally, but little silver was then offered to the government at the fixed price of $1 under the Pittman Act. With the more recent slump in the general market for silver to a price below $1, offers to the government under the Pittman Act have been renewed. |