The principal coal-producing countries all have large reserves of coal. Outside of these countries the world's most important reserves are in China, which may be looked to for great future development. For the most part, except for the probable Chinese development, it is likely that countries now producing most of the coal will continue to do so in the future, and that outlying parts of the world will continue to be supplied mainly from these countries.
The quantity and distribution of the coal reserves of the world have been estimated with perhaps a greater degree of accuracy than those of any other mineral resource. From these estimates it appears that the North American continent contains about half of the world reserves (principally in the United States, with lesser amounts in Canada) and Asia about one-fourth (principally in China, with some in India). Europe contains only one-sixth of the world total, chiefly in the area of the former German Empire and in Great Britain, with smaller quantities in Russia, Austria-Hungary, France, and Belgium. Australasia (New South Wales), Africa (British South Africa), and South America (Chile, Brazil, Peru, and Colombia), together contain less than a tenth of the total reserves. Coal being one of the great bases for modern industrialism, the large reserves of high grade-coals in China have led to the belief that China may some day develop into a great manufacturing nation. Similarly, the deficiency in coal of most of the South American and African countries seems to preclude their developing any very large manufacturing industries, except where water power is available. Coal reserves and the conservation of coal are further discussed in Chapter XVII.
The war resulted in considerable disturbances in coal production and distribution. There has not yet been a return to normal conditions, and some of the changes are probably permanent. The great overseas movement of coal from Germany was stopped and that from England curtailed. To some extent the deficiency was supplied by coal exports from the United States, particularly to South America. The shutting off of the normal German export to France and Mediterranean countries, the occupation of the French and Belgian coal fields by the Germans, and the partial restriction of German exports to Scandinavian countries, resulted in Europe's absorbing most of the British coal available for export, and in addition requiring coal from the United States. The stress in the world's coal industry to meet the energy requirements of war is too recent and vivid to require more than mention. The world was made to realize almost for the first time the utterly vital and essential nature of this industry.
Since the war, there has been a gradual resumption of England's export of coal along old lines of international trade. The German overseas export trade has not been reestablished, and cannot be for a long time to come if Germany fulfills the terms of the Peace Treaty. Indeed, because of slow recovery in output of German coal, there is yet considerable lag in the supply available for European countries. The terms of the Peace Treaty lessened the territory of German coal reserves and required considerable additional contributions of coal to be delivered to France, Belgium, Luxemburg, and Italy.
The increased export of coal from the United States during the war is likely to be in part continued in the future, although the great bulk of the United States production will in the future, as in the past, be absorbed locally. Most of the coal in the United States available for export is higher in volatile matter than the British and German export coal. This quality will in some degree be a limiting factor in exportation. On the other hand, it may result in wider introduction of briquetting, coking, and other processes, which will tend to improve the local industry and be conservational in their effect.
Japan will doubtless hold some of the Asiatic coal market gained during the war.
International coal relations are further discussed in Chapter XVIII.[17]
Production in the United States. The main features of the distribution of coal supplies in the United States are:
(1) Localization of the anthracite production and reserves in a limited area in the Lawton region of Pennsylvania. Low-grade anthracite coal also occurs in Rhode Island, North Carolina, Colorado, and Idaho.
(2) Localization of the bituminous production in the eastern and interior states of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. The principal reserves of bituminous coal occur in the same provinces, but important additional reserves are known in Texas, in North and South Carolina, and in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast provinces.
(3) The existence of large tonnages of subbituminous coal in the west, which have not been mined to any extent.
(4) The existence of large fields of lignite in the Gulf Coast region, and in the Northern Plains region, which have not been mined.
Coke. About one-sixth of the bituminous coal mined in the United States is made into coke, that is, it is subjected to heat in ovens from which oxygen is excluded in order to drive off the volatile gases (chiefly hydrocarbons and water) which constitute about 40 per cent of the weight of the coal. The residual product, the coke, is a light, porous mass with a considerably higher percentage of fixed carbon than bituminous coal. In regard to composition, coking accomplishes artificially somewhat the same result reached by nature in its slow development of high-grade coals, but the texture of coke is far different from that of coal. Not all bituminous coals are suitable for coke manufacture; and such coals are frequently divided into two classes, known as coking and non-coking coals. Coke is used principally for smelting purposes. Because of its spongy, porous texture, it burns more rapidly and intensely than coal.
The gases eliminated in coking are wasted in the old-fashioned "beehive" ovens, but in modern "by-product" coke ovens these gases by proper treatment yield valuable coal tar products and ammonia. It is estimated that the sum of the value of the products thus recovered from a ton of coal multiplies the value of the ton of coal at the mine by at least thirteen times. The importance of this fact from the conservational standpoint cannot be too much emphasized. At present over half of the total coke produced in the United States comes from by-product ovens, and this proportion will doubtless increase in the future.
Value at Value at point of mine 1915 Quantity production, 1915 - 1 ton (2,000 pounds) (1,500 pounds smokeless fuel $5.00[2] bituminous coal (10,000 cubic feet gas, at contains $1.13 90c. per 1,000 9.00[3] (22 pounds ammonium sulphate at 2.8c. .61 (2-1/2 gallons benzol, at 30c. .75[4] (9 gallons tar, at 2.6c. .23[4] Total $1.13[5] $15.59 - 1: Gilbert, Chester G., and Pogue, Joseph E., The energy resources of the United States A field for reconstruction: Bull. 102, U. S. National Museum, vol. 1, 1919, p. 11.
2: Figure based upon approximate selling price of anthracite.
3: Figure based upon average price of city gas.
4: These figures would be much higher if an adequate coal products industry were in existence.
5: This figure shows clearly that lowering the cost of production cannot be expected to lower the price of coal. Even if the cost of production were eliminated, the price of coal would merely be a dollar less.
Classification of coals. The accurate naming and classification of different varieties of coal is not an easy matter. The three main classes,—anthracite, bituminous, and lignite,—have group characteristics determined by their composition, color, texture, origin, and uses, and for general purposes these names have reasonably definite significance. However, there is complete gradation in coal materials from peat through lignite to bituminous and anthracite coals; many varieties fall near the border lines of the main groups, and their specific naming then becomes difficult. In addition, coal is made up of several substances which vary unequally in their proportions. It is difficult to arrange all of these variables in a graded series in such a fashion as to permit of precise naming of the coal. Furthermore, the scientific naming of a coal may not serve the purpose of discriminating coals used for different commercial purposes. Even the commercial names vary among themselves, depending on the use for which the coal is being considered.
Thus it is that the naming and classification of coals is a perennial source of difficulty and controversy. The earliest and most widely used classification is based on the ratio between fixed (or non-volatile) carbon and volatile constituents, called the "fuel ratio." For this purpose "proximate" analyses of coal are made, in terms of fixed carbon, volatile matter, moisture, ash, and sulphur. Anthracite has a higher fuel ratio than bituminous coal; that is, it has more fixed carbon in relation to volatile matter. Similarly bituminous coal has a higher fuel ratio than lignite. The fuel ratio measures roughly the heat or calorific power of the coal, in other words, its fuel value. However, some bituminous coals have a higher calorific power than some anthracites, because a large part of their volatile matter is combustible and yields more heat than the corresponding weight of fixed carbon in the anthracite. The fuel ratio pretty well discriminates coals of the higher ranks, and gives a classification corresponding roughly with their commercial uses. For the lower ranks of coal it is not so satisfactory, because the volatile constituents of such coals contain large and varying percentages of non-combustible hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Also such coals contain larger and more variable amounts of moisture, which is inert to combustion and requires heat for its evaporation. Two coals of the lower ranks with the same fuel ratio may have very different fuel qualities and different commercial uses, because of their different amounts of inert volatile matter and of water. For these coals it is sometimes desirable to supplement the chemical classification by physical criteria. For instance, subbituminous coal may be distinguished from lignite, not by its fuel ratio alone, but by its shiny, black appearance as contrasted with the dull, woody appearance of lignite. Bituminous may be distinguished from subbituminous by the manner of weathering. Other classifications have attempted to recognize these difficulties and still maintain a purely chemical basis by considering separately the combustible and non-combustible volatile constituents. For this purpose, it is necessary to have not merely approximate analyses, but the ultimate analyses in terms of elements.
Definitions of the principal kinds of coal by Campbell,[18] of the United States Geological Survey, are as follows:
Anthracite. Anthracite is generally well known and may be defined as a hard coal having a fuel ratio (fixed carbon divided by the volatile matter) of not more than 50 or 60 and not less than 10.
Semianthracite. Semianthracite is also a hard coal, but it is not so hard as true anthracite. It is high in fixed carbon, but not so high as anthracite. It may be defined as a hard coal having a fuel ratio ranging from 6 to 10. The lower limit is uncertain, as it is difficult to say where the line should be drawn to separate "hard" from "soft" coal and at the same time to divide the two ranks according to their fuel ratio.
Semibituminous. The name "semibituminous" is exceedingly unfortunate, as literally it implies that this coal is half the rank of bituminous, whereas it is applied to a kind of coal that is of higher rank than bituminous—really superbituminous. Semibituminous coal may be defined as coal having a fuel ratio ranging from 3 to 7. Its relatively high percentage of fixed carbon makes it nearly smokeless when it is burned properly, and consequently most of these coals go into the market as "smokeless coals."
Bituminous. The term "bituminous," as generally understood, is applied to a group of coals having a maximum fuel ratio of about 3, and hence it is a kind of coal in which the volatile matter and the fixed carbon are nearly equal; but this criterion cannot be used without qualification, for the same statement might be made of subbituminous coal and lignite. As noted before, the distinguishing feature which serves to separate bituminous coal from coals of lower rank is the manner in which it is affected by weathering.
Subbituminous. The term "subbituminous" is adopted by the Geological Survey for what has generally been called "black lignite," a term that is objectionable because the coal is not lignitic in the sense of being distinctly woody, and because the use of the term seems to imply that this coal is little better than the brown, woody lignite of North Dakota, whereas many coals of this rank approach in excellence the lowest grade of bituminous coal. Subbituminous coal is generally distinguishable from lignite by its black color and its apparent freedom from distinctly woody texture and structure, and from bituminous coal by its loss of moisture and the consequent breaking down of "slacking" that it undergoes when subjected to alternate wetting and drying.
Lignite. The term "lignite," as used by the Geological Survey, is restricted to those coals which are distinctly brown and either markedly woody or claylike in their appearance. They are intermediate in quality and in development between peat and subbituminous coal.
Geologic features of coal may be conveniently described in terms of origin or genesis. Coal has essential features in common with asphalt, oil, and gas. They are all composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with minor quantities of other materials, combined in various proportions. They are all "organic" products which owe their origin to the decay of the tissues of plants and perhaps animals. They have all been buried with other rocks beneath the surface. The common geologic processes affecting all rocks have in the main determined the evolution of these organic products and the forms in which we now find them. Originating at the surface, they have participated in the constructive or anamorphic changes of the metamorphic cycle, which occur beneath the surface, and under these influences have undergone various stages of condensation, refinement, distillation, and hardening.
All stages in the development of coal have been traced. In brief, the story is this:
This exhibit shows the successive chemical stages in the evolution of coal. The striking qualities of the original are lost in the reproduction through the use of designs in the place of realistic coloring, but the effect is retained sufficiently to indicate the nature of the sequence and the directness with which it leads back to an origin in vegetal accumulations. The evolutionary process is seen to take the form of increasing density through the progressive expulsion of volatilizable matters in the course of geologic time. This inference is substantiated beyond reasonable question by the actual presence of organic remains in coal beds.
Grasses, trees, and other plants growing in swamps and bogs decay and form a vegetable mold in the nature of peat. A peat bog from the top downward consists of (1) living plants, (2) dead plants, and (3) a dense brownish-black mass, of decayed and condensed vegetable material, in which the vegetable structure is more or less indistinct. Peat consists chiefly of fixed carbon and volatile matter, also of sulphur, moisture, and ash. The volatile matter consists mainly of various combinations of hydrogen and carbon, called hydrocarbons; it goes off in gas or smoke when the peat is heated to a red heat. The fixed carbon is the carbon left after the volatile matter has been driven off. The ash represents the more incombustible mineral matter, usually of the nature of clay or slate. The moisture in peat may be as high as 90 per cent.
The essential condition for thick accumulation of peat seems to be abundance of moisture, which favors luxuriant growth and protects the plant remains from complete oxidation or decay. Without moisture the vegetable material would completely oxidize, leaving practically no residue, as it does in dry climates. For the formation of thick peat beds, there seems to be implied some sort of a balance between the slow building up of organic accumulations and the settling of the area to keep it near the elevation of the water table. Present day bog deposits are known in some cases to have a thickness of forty feet. This thickness is not enough to account for some of the great coal seams within the earth; but there seems to be no escape from the conclusion that the same sort of deposits, formed on a larger scale in the past, were the first step in the formation of the coal seams. Flat, swampy coastal plains are believed to furnish the best conditions for thick accumulation of peat. There is good evidence that most of the deposits accumulate essentially in place, without appreciable transportation.
In time these surface accumulations of vegetable material may subside and be buried under clay, sand, or other rock materials. The processes of condensation begun in the peat bog are then carried further. They result in the second stage of coal formation, that of lignite or brown coal. This is brown, woody in texture, and has a brown streak. It has a higher percentage of fixed carbon, and less volatile matter and water, than peat.
Continuation of the processes of induration produces subbituminous coal, or black lignite, which is usually black and sometimes has a fairly bright luster. It is sometimes distinguished from bituminous coal, where weathered or dried, by the manner in which it checks irregularly or splits parallel to the bedding,—the characteristic feature of bituminous coal being columnar fracture.
The next stage in coal formation is bituminous coal. It has greater density than the lignites or subbituminous coals, is black, more brittle, and breaks with a cubical or conchoidal fracture. It is higher in fixed carbon, lower in volatile matter and water. A variety of bituminous coal, called cannel coal, is characterized by an unusually high percentage of volatile matter, which causes it to ignite easily. This material has a dull luster and a conchoidal fracture. It is composed almost entirely of the spores and spore cases, which are resinous or waxy products, of such plants as lived in the parent coal swamp.
There are gradations from bituminous coal into anthracite coal. Semibituminous and semianthracite are names used to some extent for these intermediate varieties. The final stage of coal formation is anthracite,—hard, brittle, black, with high luster and conchoidal fracture. It has a higher percentage of fixed carbon and correspondingly less of the volatile constituents, than any of the other coals.
The coals form a completely graded series from peat to the hard anthracite. Comparison of the compositions of the coal materials at different stages shows clearly what has happened. Moisture has diminished, certain volatile hydrocarbons have been eliminated as gases, and oxygen has decreased. On the other hand, the residual fixed carbon, sulphur, and usually ash, have remained in higher percentage. This change in composition is graphically represented in Figure 6.
During this process volume has been progressively reduced and density increased. Five feet of wood or plant may produce about one foot of bituminous coal, or six-tenths of a foot of anthracite.
The exact physical conditions in the earth which determine the progressive changes in coals, above outlined, cannot be fully specified. Time is one of the factors—the longer the time, the greater the opportunity for accomplishing these results. Another factor is undoubtedly pressure, due to the weight of overlying sediments, or to earth movements. In peat condensational changes of this nature are accomplished artificially by the pressure of briquetting machines. Another factor is believed to be the heat developed by earth movements and vulcanism, which presumably facilitates the elimination of volatile materials, and thus accelerates the gradational changes above described. This is suggested by the fact that in places where hot volcanic lavas have gone through coal beds they have locally produced coals of anthracitic and coke-like varieties. In general, however, it has not been possible to determine the degree to which heat has been responsible for the changes. Coals which have been developed in different localities, under what seem to be much the same heat conditions, may show quite different degrees of progress toward the anthracite stage. Another factor that has been suggested as possibly contributing to the change, is the degree of permeability of the rocks overlying the coal to the volatile materials which escape from the coal during its refinement. It is argued that in areas of folding or of brittle rock where the cover is cracked, volatile gases have a better chance to escape, and that the change toward anthracite is likely to advance further here than elsewhere.
Bacterial action is an important factor in the earlier stages, in the partial decay of vegetable matter to form peat; accumulation of waste products from this action, however, appears to inhibit further bacterial activity.
Coal deposits have the primary shapes of sedimentary beds. They are ordinarily thin and tabular, and broadly lenticular,—on true scale being like sheets of thin paper. At a maximum they seldom run over 100 feet in thickness, and they average less than 10 feet. Seldom is a workable coal bed entirely alone; there are likely to be several superposed and overlapping seams of coal, separated by sandstones, shales, or other rocks. In Illinois and Indiana there are nine workable coal seams, in Pennsylvania in some places about twenty, and in Wales there are over one hundred, many of which are worked. Some of the seams are of very limited extent; others are remarkably persistent, one seam in Pennsylvania having an average thickness of 6 to 10 feet over about 6,000 square miles of its area. Only 2 per cent of the coal-bearing measures of the eastern United States is actually coal.
Even where not subsequently disturbed by deformation, coal beds are not free from structural irregularity. They are originally deposited in variable thicknesses on irregular surfaces. During their consolidation there is a great reduction of volume, resulting in minor faults and folds. Subsequent deformation by earth forces may develop further faults and folds, with the result that the convolutions of a coal bed may be very complex. The beds of a coal-bearing series are usually of differing thickness and competency, and as a consequence they do not take the same forms under folding. Shearing between the beds may result in an intricate outline for one bed, while the beds above and below may have much more simple outlines. In short, the following of a coal seam requires at almost every stage the application of principles of structural geology. It is obvious, also, that the identification and location of sedimentary geologic horizons are essential, and hence the application of principles of stratigraphy.
The folios of the United States Geological Survey on coal-bearing areas present highly developed methods of mapping and representing the geologic features of coal beds. On the surface map are indicated the topography, the geologic horizons, and the lines of outcrop of the coal seams. In addition, there are indicated the sub-surface contours of one or more of the coal seams which are selected as datum horizons. The sub-surface structure, even though complex, can be readily read from one of these surface maps. With the addition of suitable cross sections and comparative columnar sections, the story is made complete. In the study of the occurrence of coal seams, the reader cannot do better than familiarize himself with one or more of the Geological Survey folios.
The high-grade coals of the eastern and central United States are found in rocks of Carboniferous age. The very name Carboniferous originated in the fact that the rocks of this geologic period contain productive coal beds in so many parts of the world. The coal measures of Great Britain, of Germany, Belgium, and northern France, of Russia, and the largest coal beds of China are all of Carboniferous age. Deposits of this period include the bulk of the world's anthracite and high-grade bituminous coal. Coal deposits of more recent age are numerous, but in general they have had less time in which to undergo the processes of condensation and refinement, and hence their general grade is lower. In the western United States there are great quantities of subbituminous coal of Cretaceous age, and of Tertiary lignites which have locally been converted by mountain upbuilding into bituminous and semibituminous coals. Jurassic coals are known in many parts of the world outside of North America, and lignites of Tertiary age are widely distributed through Asia and Europe.
Petroleum is second only to coal as an energy resource. The rapid acceleration in demand from the automobile industry and in the use of fuel oil for power seems to be limited only by the amounts of raw material available.
Production and reserves. The distribution by countries of the present annual production of petroleum, the past total production, and the estimated reserves, is indicated in terms of percentages of the world's total in the table[19] on the opposite page.
This table indicates the great dominance of the United States both in present and past production of petroleum, as well as the concentration of the industry in a few countries. In addition the United States controls much of the Mexican production as well as production in other parts of the world, making its total control of production at least 70 per cent. of the world's total. Notwithstanding its large domestic production, the United States has recently consumed more oil than it produces. Imports of crude oil are about balanced by exports of kerosene, fuel oils, lubricants, etc. The per capita consumption of petroleum in the United States is said to be twenty times greater than in England. On the other hand, the remaining principal producers consume far less than they produce, the excess being exported.
The oil from the United States, Russia, the Dutch East Indies, India, Roumania, and Galicia is for the most part treated at refineries near the source of supply or at tidewater, and exports consist of refined products. The Mexican oil is largely exported in crude form to the United States though increasing quantities are being refined within Mexico.
The figures shown in the table for oil reserves are of course the roughest approximations, particularly for some of the less explored countries. However, they are compiled from the best available sources and may serve at least to show the apparent relative positions of the different countries at this time. Further exploration is likely to change the percentages and add very greatly to the totals. The significant feature of these figures is the contrast which they indicate between distribution of reserves and distribution of past production. Particularly do they show that the reserves of the United States, which are more closely estimated than those of any other country, are in a far lower ratio to past production than are the reserves in other countries. It was estimated in 1920 that about 40 per cent of the United States reserves are exhausted.[20]
-+ + + - Per cent Per cent Country Per cent of of total of total production, production, oil 1918 1857-1918 resources -+ + + - United States and Alaska 69.15 61.42 16.26 Mexico 12.40 3.80 10.51 Russia (southeastern Russia, southwestern Siberia, region of the Caucasus, northern Russia, and Saghalien) 7.86 24.96 15.69 East Indies 2.58 2.51 7.00 Roumania, Galicia, and western Europe 2.79 4.07 2.64 India 1.55 1.41 2.31 Persia and Mesopotamia 1.40 .19 13.52 Japan and Formosa .48 .51 2.87 Egypt and Algeria .40 .07 2.15 Germany .14 .22 Canada .06 .33 2.31 Northern South America, including Peru, Trinidad and Venezuela .93 .43 13.31 Southern South America, including Bolivia and Argentina .26 .06 8.24 China 3.19 Italy } Cuba } .02 Other countries } World total 100.00 100.00 100.00 -+ + + -
Looking forward to the future, it is clear that there will be considerable shifts in the centers of principal production of petroleum in the directions indicated by the reserve figures. In particular, conspicuous development of production may be expected in the immediate future in the countries bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. In the eastern hemisphere production is rapidly increasing in Persia and Mesopotamia; and Russia, with the stabilization of political conditions, may become ultimately the world's leading oil producer. At the now indicated rate of production, world reserves now estimated would be exhausted in eighty-six years and the peak of production would be passed earlier. With continuing acceleration of production, total reserves would be exhausted in considerably less time,—providing physical conditions would allow the oil to be pumped from the ground at the necessary speed, which they probably will not. These figures taken at face value are alarming; but the earth offers such huge possibilities for further discoveries that the life of oil reserves above indicated is likely to be considerably extended. At many times in the history of the mineral industry the end has apparently been in sight for certain products; but with the increased demand for these products has come increased activity in exploration, with the result that as yet no definite end has been approached for any one of them. The more immediate problems of the petroleum industry seem to the writer to be of rather different nature: first, whether the discovery and winning of the oil can be made to keep pace with the enormous acceleration of demand; and second, the adjustment of political and financial control of oil resources, the possession of which is becoming so increasingly vital to national prosperity.
In regard to the first question, it is a much more difficult problem today to locate and develop a supply of oil to replace the annual world production (recently half a billion barrels), than it was twenty years ago, when it was necessary for this purpose to find only one-fifth this amount; and if the demand is unchecked, it will be still more difficult to replace the three-quarters of a billion barrels of oil which will doubtless be required in a very few years. Regardless of the amount of oil actually in the ground, it is entirely possible that physical limitations on its rate of discovery and recovery will prevent its being made available as fast as necessary to meet the increasing demand. This fact is likely to make itself felt through increase of price. Other natural results should be the development of substitutes, such as alcohol or benzol for gasoline; the larger recovery of oil from oil shales; and the general speeding up of conservational measures of various kinds. These are all palliatives and not essential remedies. To make enough alcohol to substitute for the gasoline now coming from oil would use a very considerable fraction of the world's food supply. To make enough benzol (a by-product of coke) to replace gasoline would necessitate the manufacture of many times the amount of coke now required by the world's industries. To develop the oil shale industry to a point where it could supply anything like the amount of oil now derived from oil pools would mean the building of great plants, including towns, railroads, and other equipment, equivalent to the plants of the coal mining industry. To apply any one of the various conservational measures discussed on later pages would only temporarily alleviate the situation.
The question of political and financial control of oil supplies may be illustrated by particular reference to the United States. On present figures it appears that within three to five years the peak of production in this country will be passed; and at the present rate of production the life of the reserves may not be over seventeen to twenty years. Of course production could not continue to the end at this rate, and the actual life will necessarily be longer. Again the doubtful factor is the possibility for further discoveries. Many favorable structures have been mapped which have not yet been drilled, and there are considerable unexplored areas where the outcrops are so few that there is no clue at the surface to the location of favorable structures. The future is likely to see a considerable amount of shallow drilling for the sole purpose of geological reconnaissance. For upwards of ten years important parts of the public domain have not been available for exploration, but Congress has now enacted legislation which opens up vast territories for this purpose.
Even with large allowance for these possibilities, it seems unlikely that production in the United States can increase very long at the accelerating rate of the domestic demand, which is already in excess of domestic production. The supplies of Mexico are in a large part controlled by American capital and are thus made available to the United States (subject, of course, to political conditions); but even with these added, the United States is in a somewhat unfavorable situation as compared with certain other countries. This situation is directing attention to the possibility of curtailment of oil exports, and to the possibility of acquiring additional oil supplies in foreign countries. In this quest the United States is peculiarly handicapped in that most foreign countries, in recognition of the vital national importance of the oil resource, have imposed severe restrictions on exploration by outsiders. Nationals of the United States are excluded from acquiring oil concessions, or permitted to do so only under conditions which invalidate control, in the British Empire, France, Japan, Netherlands, and elsewhere, and the current is still moving strong in the direction of further exclusion. As the United States fields are yet open to all comers, it has been suggested that some restriction by the United States might be necessary for purposes of self-protection, or as an aid in securing access to foreign fields. The activity of England during and since the war has increased the amount of oil controlled by that country from an insignificant quantity to potentially over half of the world's oil reserves. The problem of future oil supplies for the United States presents an acute phase of the general question of government cooperation or participation in mineral industries, which is further discussed in Chapter XVIII.
The following table summarizes the distribution of the oil production in the United States, together with the salient features of its geologic distribution and character.
This table, in conjunction with Fig. 8 below, shows clearly that the bulk of the United States production of oil comes from two great sources—the Pennsylvanian sandstones of the Mid-Continent field in Kansas and Oklahoma, and the Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments of the southern half of California. Phenomenal development of the Central and North Texas field in 1919 increased its yield to about one-sixth of the country's total. The older Appalachian oil field, extending from New York to West Virginia and Tennessee, was the earliest area discovered; it is still one of the more productive fields, though it has long since passed its maximum production. The other principal sources of oil are the Gulf Coast field in Louisiana and Texas, the North Louisiana field, the southern Illinois field, and the Rocky Mountain region. This last region, containing large amounts of government land recently opened to exploration, bids fair to produce increasing quantities of oil for some time.
- - - - Total Age of Production production containing for 1918 including 1918 State rocks Base (barrels) (barrels) - - - - Alaska East-Low. Paraffin (a) (a) Tertiary West-Jurassic California Cretaceous: Tertiary Asphalt 97,531,997 1,110,226,576 Colorado Pierre-Cretaceous Paraffin 143,286 11,319,370 Illinois Mississippian- Paraffin 13,365,974 298,225,380 Pennsylvanian Indiana East-Ordovician Paraffin 877,558 106,105,584 (Trenton) West- Pennsylvanian Kansas Pennsylvanian Par.-Asph. 45,451,017 148,450,298 Kentucky, Mississippian Paraffin 4,376,342 18,213,188 Tennessee Louisiana Cretaceous-Quat. Paraffin 16,042,600 150,769,911 Cretaceous- Eocene Michigan, Carboniferous Paraffin (a) (a) Missouri Montana 69,323 213,639 New Mexico Carboniferous- (a) (a) Cretaceous New York, Devonian- Paraffin 8,216,655 788,202,717 Pennsylvania Carboniferous Ohio, East Ordovician- Paraffin 7,285,005 463,367,386 and West Carboniferous Oklahoma Pennsylvanian Paraffin 103,347,070 851,320,457 Texas Pennsylvanian, Asph.-Par. 38,750,031 327,550,005 Cretaceous-Quat. Utah (b) (b) West Devonian- 7,866,628 294,474,710 Virginia Carboniferous Wyoming Carboniferous- Asph.-Par. 12,596,287 40,019,573 Cretaceous Other 7,943 112,925 - - 355,927,716 4,608,571,719 - - - - (a) Included in "Other." (b) Included in Wyoming.
Methods of estimating reserves. It may be of interest to inquire into the basis on which predictions are made of the life of an oil pool. The process is essentially a matter of platting curves of production, and of projecting them into the future with the approximate slopes exhibited in districts which are already approaching exhaustion.[21] While no two wells or two districts act exactly alike, these curves have group characteristics which are used as a rough basis for interpreting the future.
A less reliable method is to calculate from geologic data the volume and porosity of the oil-bearing reservoirs, and to estimate the percentage of recovery on the basis of current practices and conditions. Complete data for this method are often not available; but in the early years of a field, before production curves are established, this method may serve for a rough approximation.
Classes of oils. When crude petroleum is distilled, it gives off in succession various substances and gradually thickens until it leaves a solid residue, which may be largely either paraffin wax or asphalt. The two main classes of oils are determined by the nature of this solid residual. The products given off are natural gas and then liquid hydrocarbons of various kinds, which evaporate in the order of their lightness. Petroleum is thus a mixture or mutual solution of different liquids, gases, and solids. Nearly one-fifth of the domestic consumption of crude petroleum is burned directly as fuel, and four-fifths are refined. The several principal primary products of refinement are gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, and lubricating oil; but these may be broken up into other substances, each the starting point of further refinements, with the result that present commercial practice yields several hundred substances of commercial value. With increasing chemical and technical knowledge these products are being multiplied. The rapidly increasing demand for gasoline has led to the use of processes which extract a large proportion of this substance from the raw material, by "cracking" or breaking up other substances; but while, under the stress of necessity, there is possibility of slight modification of the proportions of principal substances extracted from the crude oil, it is not possible to change these proportions essentially. It is, therefore, a problem to adjust relative demands to supplies of the different products. The domestic demand for gasoline is greater than the supply. On the other hand, the demand for kerosene, which must be produced at the same time, is much less than the domestic supply. Hence the importance of maintaining export markets for kerosene.
The nature or grade of the oil of various fields is an important matter in considering reserves for the future. Perhaps half of the United States reserves consist of the asphalt-base oils of the California and certain of the Gulf fields, which yield comparatively small amounts of gasoline and other valuable light products, though they are very satisfactory for fuel purposes. Similarly the large reserve tonnages of oil in Mexico and the Caribbean countries, in Peru, and probably in Russia, are essentially of the heavier, lower grade oils. The oils of the Mid-Continental and eastern fields of the United States, of Ontario, of the Dutch East Indies, of Burma, and of Persia and Mesopotamia are reported to be largely of the paraffin base type, which, because of its larger yield of gasoline and light oils, is at present considerably more valuable. These generalizations are of course subject to qualifications, in that the oils of a given region may vary considerably, and that some oils are intermediate in character, containing both asphalt and paraffin wax.
Conservation of oil. The rapid increase in demand for oil as compared with discovery of new sources is leading naturally to a more intensive study of the conservational aspects of the industry. This is a complex and difficult subject which we shall not take up in detail, but we may point out some of the phases of the problem which are receiving especial attention.
About 50 per cent of the oil in the porous strata, of oil pools is ordinarily not recovered, because it clings to the rock. Efforts are being made along various lines to increase the percentage of recovery,—as, for instance, in preventing infiltration of water to the oil beds and in the use of artificial pressures and better pumping. "Casing-head gasoline" is being recovered to an increasing extent from the natural gas which was formerly allowed to dissipate in the air.
Minute division of the ownership of a pool, with consequent multiplication of wells and unrestricted competition, tends to gross over-production and highly wasteful methods. The more rapid exhaustion of one well than the others may result in the flooding of the oil sands by salt waters coming in from below. Various efforts have been made toward a more systematic and coordinated development of oil fields.
In general, the organization and technique involved in the development of an oil field are improving in the direction of extracting a greater percentage of the total available oil.
Better methods of refining the oil, and the refining of a larger percentage of the crude oil, make the oil more available for a greater variety of purposes and therefore more valuable. Great advances have been made along these lines, particularly in the application of the "cracking" method for a greater recovery of the more valuable light oils at the expense of the less valuable heavy oils. Similarly, modifications of internal combustion engines will probably permit the use, in an increasing number of cases, of products of lower volatility than gasoline.
One of the conservational advances in coming years will probably be a restriction in the amount of crude oil used directly for fuel and road purposes without refining. These crude uses cut down the output of much desired products from the distillation of the oil. Various other restrictions in the use of oil have been proposed, such as the curtailment of the use of gasoline in pleasure cars. The gasless Sundays during the war represented an attempt of this kind. In general, it seems likely that such restrictions will come mainly through increase in the price of oil products.
The substitution of oil from oil shales, and of alcohol for gasolene, already mentioned, will be conservational so far as the oil is concerned, though perhaps not so in regard to other elements of the problem.
Organic theory of origin. According to this theory, accumulations of organic materials in sedimentary beds, usually muds or marls, have been slowly altered and distilled during geologic ages; the products of distillation have migrated chiefly upward to porous strata like sandstones or cavernous limestones, where, under suitable conditions, they have become trapped.
The original organic material is believed to have been plants of low order and animal organisms (such as foraminifera) which were deposited as organic detritus with mud and marl in the bottoms of ponds, lakes, estuaries, and on the sea bottom,—in both salt and fresh waters. Bacteria are supposed to have played a part in the early stage of alteration, sometimes called the biochemical stage. When the organic matter was buried under later sediments and subjected to pressure, physical conditions were responsible for further volatilization or distillation. This stage is called the geochemical stage. There is much in common as to origin between coal, oil shales, and petroleum. According to White,[22]
whether the ingredient organic matter, be it plant or animal, will be in part transformed to coal of the ordinary type, to cannel, to oil shale, to the organic residues in so-called bituminous shales and carbonaceous shales, or to petroleum and natural gas, is dependent upon the composition of the ingredient organic debris, the conditions of its accumulation or deposition, and the extent of the microbian action.
White has further developed the important principle that, in the geochemical stage of development, both coal and oil react to physical influences in much the same way; and that therefore when both are found in the same geologic series, the degree of concentration of the coal, measured by its percentage of carbon, may be an indication of the stage of development of the oil. More specifically where the coal contains more than 65 to 70 per cent of fixed carbon, chances for finding oil in the vicinity are not good (though commercial gaspools may be found), probably for the reason that the geochemical processes of distillation have gone so far as to volatilize the oils, leaving the solid residues in the rock. White also finds that the lowest rank oils, with considerable asphalt, are found in regions and formations where the coal deposits are the least altered, and the lighter, higher rank oils, on the whole, where the coal has been brought to the correspondingly higher ranks; in other words, up to the point of complete elimination of the oil, improvement in quality of the oil accompanies increased carbonization of the coal. The principle, therefore, becomes useful in exploration in geologic series where oil is associated with coal. Where the coal is in one series and the oil in another, separated by unconformity (indicating different conditions of development), the principle may not hold, even though there is close geographical association.
The oil and gas distillates migrate upward under gas pressure and under pressure of the ground-water. If there are no overlying impervious beds to furnish suitable trapping conditions, or conditions to retard the flow, the oil may be lost. The conditions favorable for trapping are overlying impervious beds bowed into anticlines, or other structural irregularities, due either to secondary deformation or to original deposition, which may arrest the oil in its upward course. A dome-like structure or anticline may be due to stresses which have buckled up the beds, or to unequal settling of sediments varying in character or thickness; thus some of the anticlinal structures of the Mid-Continent field may be due to settling of shaley sediments around less compressible lenses of sandstone which may act as oil reservoirs, or around islands which stood above the seas in which the oil-bearing sediments were deposited and on the shores of which sands capable of acting as oil reservoirs were laid down. Favorable conditions for trapping the oil may be furnished by impervious clay "gouges" along fault planes, or by dikes of igneous rock. Favorable conditions may also be merely differences in porosity of beds in irregular zones, determined by differences either in original deposition or in later cementation.
The thickness of oil-producing strata may vary between 2 or 3 feet and 200 feet. The porosity varies between 5 and 50 per cent. In sandstones the average is from 5 to 15 per cent. In shales and clays, which are commonly the impervious "cap-rocks," porosity may be equally high, but the pores are too small and discontinuous to permit movement.
When the impervious capping is punctured by a drill hole, gas is likely to be first encountered, then oil, and then water, which is usually salty. The gas pressure is often released with almost explosive violence, which has suggested that this is an important cause of the underground pressures. It has been supposed also that the pressures are partly those of artesian flows. The vertical arrangement of oil, gas, and water under the impervious capping is the result of the lighter materials rising to the top. In certain fields, oil and gas have been found in the tops of anticlines in water-saturated rocks, and farther down the flanks of folds or in synclines in unsaturated rocks.
The localization of oil pools is evidently determined partly by original organic deposition, often in alignment with old shore lines, and partly by the structural, textural, and other conditions which trap the oil in its migration from the source.
Effect of differential pressures and folding on oil genesis and migration. Another organic hypothesis proposed somewhat recently[23] is that oil is formed by differential movement or shearing in bituminous shales, which are often in close relationship with the producing sand of an oil field, and that the movement of oil to the adjacent sands is accomplished by capillary pressure of water and not by ordinary free circulation of water under gravity. The capillary forces have been shown to be strong enough to hold the oil in the larger pores against the influence of gravity and circulation. The accumulation of the oil into commercial pools is supposed to take place in local areas where the oil-soaked shale, due to jointing or faulting, is in direct contact with the water of the reservoir rock. This suggests lack of wide migration. This hypothesis is based on experimental work with bituminous shales. The general association of oil pools with anticlinal areas is explained on the assumption that anticlines on the whole are areas of maximum differential movement, resulting in oil distillation, and that they are ordinarily accompanied by tension joints or faults, affording the conditions for oil migration. Data are insufficient, however, to indicate the extent to which the anticlinal areas are really areas of maximum shearing. As regards the exact nature of the process, it is not clear to what extent differential movement may involve increase in temperature which may be the controlling factor in distillation,—although in McCoy's experiment oil was formed when no appreciable amount of heat was generated.
The development of petroleum by pressure alone acting on unaltered shale, as shown by these experiments, has been taken by White[24] to have a significant bearing on the geochemical processes of oil formation. Under differential stresses acting on fine-grained carbonaceous strata under sufficient load, there is considerable molecular rearrangement, as well as actual movement of the rock grains,—thus promoting the distillation of oil and gas from the organic matter in the rocks, and the squeezing out of the oil, gas, and water into adjacent rocks, such as coarse round-grained sandstones and porous limestones, which are more resistant to change of volume under pressure. Migration, concentration and segregation of the oil, gas, and water is supposed to be brought about, partly through the effect of capillary forces—the water, by reason of its greater capillary tension, tending to seize and hold the smaller voids, and thus driving the oil and gas into the larger ones—and partly through the action of gravity.
White also suggests that the process may go further where the parent carbonaceous strata are of such thickness and under such load of overlying rocks that they undergo considerable interior adjustment and volume change before yielding to stress by anticlinal buckling,—than where the strata yield quickly. It is not clear to the writer that the interior adjustment assumed under this hypothesis is necessarily slowed up or stopped by anticlinal buckling. Interior stresses are inherent in any sedimentary formation, when settling and consolidating and recrystallizing under gravity, and these may be independent of regional thrusts from without.
The first oils evolved by pressure from the organic mother substance are probably heavy, the later oils lighter, and the oils from formations and regions where the alteration is approaching the carbonization limit are characteristically of the highest grade. This is the reverse of the order of products obtained by heat distillation. Whether there is also a natural fractionation and improvement of the first heavy oils as they undergo repeated migrations is not known.
Inorganic theory of origin. Another theory of the source of oil has had some supporters, although they are much in the minority. This is the so-called "inorganic" theory, that oil comes from magmas and volcanic exhalations. In support of this theory attention is called to the fact that igneous rocks and the gases associated with them frequently carry carbides or hydrocarbons; that many oil fields have a suggestive geographic relationship with volcanic rocks; and that certain of the oil domes, as for instance in Mexico, are caused by plugs of igneous rocks from below. It has been suggested that deep within the earth carbon is combined with iron in the form of an iron carbide, and that from the iron carbide are generated the hydrocarbons of the oil, either by or without the agency of water. Iron carbide is magnetic, and significance has been attached to the general correspondence between the locations of oil in the western United States and regions of magnetic disturbance.
It seems not unlikely that some inorganic theory of this sort is necessary to explain the ultimate source of oil or of the substances which become oil, but the evidence is overwhelming that organic agencies have been mainly responsible for the principal oil pools now known.
Oil exploration. A simple geographic basis for oil exploration is the fact that the major oil fields of the world are situated between 20 deg. and 50 deg. north latitude, and that thus far there are no major oil areas within the tropics or within the southern hemisphere. This broad generalization may have little value when exploration is carried further. It has also been suggested that the geographic distribution of oil corresponds roughly with the average annual temperatures, or isotherms, between 40 deg. and 70. deg.[25] It is thought that this present distribution of temperatures may indicate roughly the temperatures of the past when the oil was accumulated; and the inference is drawn that there was some sort of limitation of areal deposition within these temperature limits. If this be true, the only reasons why the southern hemisphere is not productive are the relatively small size of the land areas and the lack of exploration to date.
In approaching broadly the problem of oil exploration, the geologist considers in a general way the kinds and conditions of rocks which are likely to be petroliferous or non-petroliferous. Schuchert[26] summarizes these conditions for North America as follows:
1. The impossible areas for petroliferous rocks.
(a) The more extensive areas of igneous rocks and especially those of the ancient shields; exception, the smaller dikes.
(b) All pre-Cambrian strata.
(c) All decidedly folded mountainous tracts older than the Cretaceous; exceptions, domed and block-faulted mountains.
(d) All regionally metamorphosed strata.
(e) Practically all continental or fresh-water deposits; relic seas, so long as they are partly salty, and saline lakes are excluded from this classification.
(f) Practically all marine formations that are thick and uniform in rock character and that are devoid of interbedded dark shales, thin-bedded dark impure limestones, dark marls, or thin-bedded limy and fossiliferous sandstones.
(g) Practically all oceanic abyssal deposits; these, however, are but rarely present on the continents.
2. Possible petroliferous areas.
(a) Highly folded marine and brackish water strata younger than the Jurassic, but more especially those of Cenozoic time.
(b) Cambrian and Ordovician unfolded strata.
(c) Lake deposits formed under arid climates that cause the waters to become saline; it appears that only in salty waters (not over 4 per cent?) are the bituminous materials made and preserved in the form of kerogen, the source of petroleum; some of the Green River (Eocene) continental deposits (the oil shales of Utah and Colorado) may be of saline lakes.
3. Petroliferous areas.
(a) All marine and brackish water strata younger than the Ordovician and but slightly warped, faulted, or folded; here are included also the marine and brackish deposits of relic seas like the Caspian, formed during the later Cenozoic. The more certain oil-bearing strata are the porous thin-bedded sandstones, limestones, and dolomites that are interbedded with black, brown, blue, or green shales. Coal-bearing strata of fresh-water origin are excluded. Series of strata with disconformities may also be petroliferous, because beneath former erosional surfaces the top strata have induced porosity and therefore are possible reservoir rocks.
(b) All marine strata that are, roughly, within 100 miles of former lands; here are more apt to occur the alternating series of thin and thick-bedded sandstones and limestones interbedded with shale zones.
The extent to which marine or brackish water conditions of sedimentation are requisite to the later formation of oil, as is suggested in the above quotation, has long been a debatable question. It may be noted that certain oil shales formed in fresh water basins contain abundant organic matter which is undoubtedly suitable for the generation of oil and gas, and that these shales on distillation yield oil essentially like that obtained from oil shales of marine origin; that certain important oil-bearing sands of the younger Appalachian formations were laid down in waters which are believed to have been only slightly saline; that natural gas is present in fresh water basins; and that it has not been demonstrated that salt in appreciable amounts is necessary for the geologic, any more than for the artificial, distillation of oil. Most of the great oil fields have been in regions of marine or other saline water deposits, but it has not been proved that this is a necessary condition. White[27] says: "At the present stage of our knowledge, fresh-water basins appearing otherwise to meet the requirements should be wildcatted without prejudice."
The principal oil-bearing horizons in any locality are comparatively few, and it is ordinarily easy to determine by stratigraphic methods the presence or absence of a favorable geologic horizon. By knowing the succession and thicknesses of the beds in a given region it is possible to infer from surface outcrops the approximate depth below the surface at which the desired horizon can be found. To do this, however, the conditions of sedimentation, the initial irregularities of the beds, the structural conditions, including unconformities, and other factors must be studied.
In exploration for oil the determination of the existence and location of the proper horizon is but an initial step. For instance, the oil of the Midcontinent field of the United States is in the beds of the Pennsylvanian, which are known to occupy an enormous area extending from Illinois and Wyoming south to the Gulf of Mexico. This information is clearly not sufficiently specific to limit the location of drill holes. Sometimes seepages of oil or showings of gas near the surface are sufficient basis for localizing the drill holes.[28] Commonly, however, it is necessary to find some structural feature in the nature of a dome or anticline which suggests proper trapping conditions for an oil pool. This is accomplished by geologic and topographic mapping of the surface. Levels and contours are run and outcrops are platted. As the outcrops are usually of different geologic horizons, it is necessary to select some one or more identifiable beds as horizon markers, and to map their elevations at different points as a means of determining the structural contours of the beds. When several key horizons are thus used, their elevations must be reduced to the elevations of one common horizon by the addition or subtraction of the intervals between them. For instance, knowing the succession, an outcrop of a certain sandstone may indicate that the marking horizon is 200 feet below, and the structural contour is then drawn accordingly. Observations of strike and dip at the surface are helpful; but where the beds are but slightly flexed, small irregularities in deposition may make strike and dip observations useless in determining major structures. It is then necessary to have recourse to the elevations of the marking horizons.
In the selection of key horizons, knowledge of the conditions of sedimentation is very important. For example, some of the oil fields occur in great delta deposits, where successive advances and retreats of the sea have resulted in the interleaving of marine and land deposits. The land-deposited sediments usually show great variations in character and thickness laterally and vertically; and a given bed is likely to thin out and disappear when traced for a short distance, rendering futile its use as a marker. The marine sediments, on the either hand, show a much greater degree of uniformity and continuity, and a bed of marine limestone may extend over a large area and be very useful as a key horizon.
Over large areas outcrops and records of previously drilled water and oil wells may not be sufficient to give an indication of structure; it then becomes necessary to secure cross sections by drilling shallow holes to some identifiable bed, and to determine the structure from these cross sections, in advance of deeper drilling through a favorable structure thus located. The cooperative effort of the Illinois State Survey and private interests, cited on page 306, is a good illustration of this procedure. This method is only in its infancy, because well-drilling has not yet exhausted the possibilities of structures located from surface outcrops.
The so-called anticlinal structures, which have been found by experience to be so favorable to the accumulation of oil, are by no means symmetrical in shape or uniform in size. They may be elongated arches with equal dip on the two sides, or one side may dip and the other be nearly flat. In a territory with a general dip in one direction, a slight change in the angle, though not in the direction of dip, sometimes called an arrested dip, may cause sufficient irregularity to produce the necessary trapping conditions. In other cases the anticline may be of nearly equidimensional dome form. The largest anticlines which have been found to act as specific reservoirs are rarely more than a few miles in extent, and in many cases only a mile or two. The "closure" of an anticline is the difference between the height of a given stratum at the highest point and at the edges of the structure. A considerable number of productive anticlines are known in which the beds dip so gently as to give a closure of 20 feet or less.
After the structural outlines of beds near the surface have been determined, all possible information should be used in projecting these structures downward to the oil-producing horizons. Where a number of wells have been previously drilled in the vicinity, examination of their records may indicate certain lateral variations in the thickness of the beds between the horizon which has been mapped and the producing horizon. The effect of such lateral variations may be either to accentuate the surface structure, or to cause it to disappear entirely and thus to indicate lack of favorable trapping conditions. The possibility of several oil-producing beds, at different depths—a not uncommon condition in many fields—should also be kept in mind.
As already indicated, anticlines are not always essential to make the necessary trapping conditions. In the Beaumont field of Texas, for instance, it has been shown that irregular primary deposition of sediments differing in porosity both vertically and horizontally allowed the oil to migrate upward irregularly along the porous beds and parts of beds, and to be trapped between the more impervious portions of the beds.
Further questions to be considered in the exploration of an area are the content of organic matter in the sediments which may have served as a source of oil, the presence of impervious cap-rocks or of variations in porosity sufficient to retain the oil, the thickness of sediments and the extent to which they have undergone differential stresses, the amount of erosion and the possibilities that oil, if formed, has escaped from the eroded edges of porous strata, and, where carbonaceous beds are present, their degree of carbonization, and many other similar matters.
Each field in fact has its own "habit," determined by the interaction of several geologic factors. This habit may be learned empirically. Geologists have often gone wrong in applying to a new district certain principles determined elsewhere, without sufficient consideration of the complexity and relative importance of the sundry geologic factors which in the aggregate determine the local habit of oil occurrence.
Geographically associated fields characterized by similarity of oil occurrence, age, and origin, are known as petroliferous provinces. The factors entering into the classification of fields are so numerous that more precise definition of a petroliferous province is hardly yet agreed upon.
The part played by the economic geologist in oil exploration and development is a large one for the obvious reasons given above. Probably no other single division of economic geology now employs so large a number of geologists. Practically no large oil company, or large piece of oil exploration and development, is now handled without geologic advice. Quoting from Arnold:[29]
It ought to be as obvious that exploration with the drill should be preceded by careful geologic studies as it is that railroad construction should be based on surveys. These studies should include such subjects as topography, stratigraphy, structure, and surface evidence of petroleum in the regions to be tested. The work divides itself into two stages—preliminary reconnaissances and detailed surveys.
The preliminary reconnaissance should consist in procuring all the available published and hearsay evidence regarding the occurrence of oil or gas seepages or hydrocarbon deposits in the region; in making preliminary geologic surveys to determine from which formations the oil is to come and the areal distribution of these formations; in determining those general regions in which the surface evidence is supposed to be most favorable for the accumulation of hydrocarbons; and in determining the best routes and methods of transportation.
The second stage includes detailed geologic surveys of those regions where the surface evidence indicates that petroleum is most likely to be found and the location of test holes at favorable points. By working out the surface distribution and structure of the formations it is usually possible to select the areas offering the best chances of success. Geology should always be the dominant factor in determining the location of test holes, although modifications to meet natural conditions must sometimes be made.
One of the sources of oil which is likely to become important in the future is oil shales,—that is, shales from which oil product can be extracted by distillation. These have already been referred to on previous pages. Such shales are now mined only in Scotland and in France to a relatively small extent, but there are immense reserves of these shales in various parts of the world which are likely to be drawn upon when commercial conditions require it. In the United States alone it is estimated that the oil shales are a potential source of oil in amounts far greater than all the natural petroleum of this hemisphere.[30] The solution of the problem of extraction of oil from shales is fairly well advanced technically, and the problem has now become principally one of cost. In order to recover any large amount of oil from this source, operations of stupendous magnitude, approximately on the scale of the coal industry, must be established. As long as there are sufficient supplies of oil concentrated by nature to be drawn upon, it is unlikely that oil shale will furnish any considerable percentage of the world's oil requirements. With the great increase in world demand for oil, however, which may very possibly outstrip the available annual supply in the future, and particularly with the increase in the United States demand relative to domestic supplies, exhaustive surveys of the situation are being made with a view to development of oil shales when warranted by market conditions.
Oil shales are sedimentary strata containing decomposed products of plants and animals. Locally they grade into cannel coal, with which they are genetically related. They may be regarded as representing the kinds of sediments from which the oil of oil pools has in the main originated.
The most extensive of the oil shales of the United States are found in the Eocene beds of northwestern Colorado, northeastern Utah, and southwestern Wyoming, and in the Miocene beds of northern Nevada. The largest known foreign deposits occur in Brazil and Russia.
Natural gas is used both for lighting and for fuel purposes. In the United States it has become the basis of a great industry, the value of the product ranging above that of lead and zinc. The United States is the largest producer of natural gas. Other producers are Canada, Dutch East Indies, Mexico, Hungary, Japan, and Italy. Nearly all producing oil fields furnish also some natural gas.
In the United States nearly 40 per cent of the total production of natural gas comes from West Virginia, about 17 per cent from Pennsylvania, about 17 per cent from Oklahoma, and less than 10 per cent from each of Ohio, California, Louisiana, Kansas, Texas, and several other states.
One of the recent interesting developments in this industry is the recovery of gasoline from the natural gas. This is obtained by compression and condensation of the casing-head gas from oil wells, and also, more recently, by an absorption process which is applied not only to "wet" gas from oil wells but also to so-called "dry" gas occurring independently of oil. It is a high-grade product which in recent years has amounted to about 10 per cent of the total output of gasoline for the United States.
Natural gas, like oil, originates in the distillation of organic substances in sediments, and migrates to reservoirs capped by impervious strata. It is commonly, though not always, associated with oil and coal. The geologic features of its occurrence have so much in common with oil that a description would essentially duplicate the above account of the geologic features of oil.
Asphalt and bitumen are not used as energy resources, but they have so much in common with oil in occurrence and origin that they are included in this chapter.
Asphalt and bitumen find their main use in paving. Other important uses are in paints and varnishes, in the manufacture of prepared roofing, for various insulating purposes, and in substitutes for rubber.
Nearly the entire world's supply of natural asphalt comes from the British Island of Trinidad and from Venezuela. Both of these deposits are under United States commercial control probably affiliated with Dutch-English interests. Prior to the war about half the product went to Europe and half to the United States. Large amounts of asphaltic and bituminous rock, used mainly in paving, are normally produced in Alsace, France, and in Italy. Prior to the war both the Alsatian and Italian deposits were under German commercial control. Their output is practically all consumed in Europe.
The United States takes a large part in the world's trade in natural asphalt, by importation from Trinidad and Venezuela, and by some reexportation chiefly to Canada and Mexico. The United States also produces some natural asphalt and bituminous rock for domestic consumption. Deposits of natural asphaltic material are widely distributed through the United States, but commercial production is limited to a few localities in Kentucky, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, and California.
The asphalt manufactured from petroleum constitutes a much larger tonnage than natural asphalt though it does not enter so largely into world trade. The manufactured product is largely but not exclusively in American control. Large amounts are made in this country and will no doubt be made for the next decade, from oil produced in the southwestern states and in Mexico. At the present time as much or more asphalt is made in the United States from Mexican as from domestic crude oil. The refineries are located near the Gulf coast so that exports can avoid overland shipments. The relative merits of natural asphalt and asphalt manufactured from oil may be subject to some discussion; but it is perfectly clear that the manufactured material is sufficient, both in quantity and variety, to make the United States entirely independent and have an exportable surplus.
Natural asphalt and similar products are in the main merely the residuals of oil and gas distillation accumulated by nature under certain conditions already described in connection with oil (pp. 140-144). In some cases the asphaltic material is found as impregnations of sediments, and appears to have remained in place while the lighter organic materials were volatilized and migrated upward. In other cases it occurs in distinct fissure veins; the fissures and cavities apparently were once filled with liquid petroleum, which has subsequently undergone further distillation. The original liquid character of some of these bitumens is shown by occasional fragments of unworn "country rock" imbedded in the veins. The effect of surface waters, carrying oxidizing materials and sulphuric acid, is believed to have contributed to the drying out and hardening of these veins or dikes.
Asphalts and bitumens include a wide variety of hydrocarbon materials, such as gilsonite, grahamite, elaterite, ozokerite, etc., which are used for somewhat different purposes. The deposits of the United States show much variety in form, composition, age, and geologic associations. The important Kentucky deposits occur as impregnations of Carboniferous sandstones at the base of the Coal Measures of that state.
The Trinidad asphalt comes from the famous "pitch lake," which is a nearly circular deposit covering about a hundred acres 150 feet above sea level, and which is believed to fill the crater of an old mud volcano. The so-called pitch consists of a mixture of bitumen, water, mineral and vegetable matter, the whole inflated with gas, which escapes to some extent and keeps the mass in a state of constant ebullition. The surface of the lake is hard, and yet the mass as a whole is plastic and tends to refill the excavations. The lake is believed to be on the outcrop of a petroleum-bearing stratum, and the pitch to represent the unevaporated residue of millions of tons of petroleum which have exuded from the oil-sands. The pitch is refined by melting,—the heat expelling the water, the wood and other light impurities rising, and the heavy mineral matter sinking to the bottom.
The asphalt of Venezuela is similar in nature, but the pitch "lake" is here covered with vegetation and the soft pitch wells up at certain points as if from subterranean springs.
[17] For more detailed treatment of international coal movements before the war and of coal movements within the United States, see the U. S. Geological Survey's World Atlas of Commercial Geology, Pt. 1, 1921, pp. 11-16.
[18] Campbell, Marius R., The coal fields of the United States: Prof. Paper 100-A, U. S. Geol. Survey, 1917, pp. 5, 6, 7.
[19] Compiled from tables quoted by White, David, The petroleum resources of the world: Annals Am. Acad. Social and Political Sci., vol. 89, 1920, pp. 123 and 126.
[20] White, David, loc. cit., p. 113.
[21] See Arnold, Ralph, Petroleum resources of the United States: Econ. Geol., vol. 10, 1915, p. 707.
[22] White, David, Late theories regarding the origin of oil: Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 28, 1917, p. 732.
[23] McCoy, A. W., Notes on principles of oil accumulation: Jour. Geol., vol. 27, 1919, pp. 252-262.
[24] White, David, Genetic problems affecting search for new oil regions: Mining and Metallurgy, Am. Inst. of Min. Engrs., No. 158, Sec. 21, Feb., 1920.
[25] Mehl, M. G., Some factors in the geographic distribution of petroleum: Bull. Sci. Lab., Denison Univ., vol. 19, 1919, pp. 55-63.
[26] Schuchert, Charles, Petroliferous provinces: Bull. 155, Am. Inst. Mining and Metallurgical Engrs., 1919, pp. 3059-3060.
[27] Loc. cit., p. 20.
[28] Seepages or residual bituminous matter near the surface may be due to upward escape of oil material through joints in the rocks capping a reservoir, and productive pools may be found directly below such showings. In other regions similar surface indications may mean that the stratum in the outcrop of which they are found is oil-bearing; but accumulations of oil, if present, may be several miles down the dip, at places where the structural conditions have been favorable. In still other cases the seepage may have been in existence for such a long time as to exhaust the reservoir. It must also be remembered that gas seeps are common in sloughs and marshes where vegetation is decaying, and may be of no significance in the search for petroleum.
[29] Arnold, Ralph, Conservation of the oil and gas resources of the Americas: Econ. Geol., vol. 11, 1916, pp. 321-322.
[30] Oil shales may also be made to yield large quantities of fuel and illuminating gas, and of ammonia (see pp. 101-102).
Iron and steel and their alloys are the most generally used of the metals. The raw materials necessary for their manufacture include a wide variety of minerals.
Iron is the principal element in this group; but in the manufacture of iron and steel, manganese, chromium, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, vanadium, zirconium, titanium, aluminum, uranium, magnesium, fluorine, silicon, and other substances play important parts, either as accessories in the furnace reactions or as ingredients introduced to give certain qualities to the products.
Nearly all parts of the world are plentifully supplied with iron ores for an indefinite period in the future, but their abundant use has thus far been confined mainly to the countries bordering the North Atlantic,—the United States, Germany, and England,—which, possessing ample coal supplies, have had the initiative to develop great iron and steel industries. China has abundant coal, moderate quantities of iron ore, and a large population, but a low per capita consumption of iron and steel products. Development of its iron and steel industry is just beginning. Japan has neither coal nor iron in sufficient quantities, and hence the Japanese effort in recent years to control the mineral resources of China and other countries. As a result of the war Germany has been largely deprived of its iron ores, and France may assume somewhat the rank in iron ore production once held by Germany. Sweden and Spain have been considerable producers of iron ore, but both lack coal, with the result that their ores have been largely exported to England and Germany. With increase of per capita consumption in outlying parts of the world, iron and steel industries are beginning to develop locally on a small scale, as in India, South Africa, and Australia. Russia has had sufficient supplies of coal and iron, but the stage of industrial development in that country has not called for great expansion of its iron and steel industry. |