Mexico, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64
Miami, Arizona, copper ores, 33, 47, 48, 198, 203, 208
Mica, 285-288, 398
Michigan, bromine, 277 copper, 199 grindstones and pulpstones, 269 gypsum, 284 iron. See Lake Superior iron ores, Gogebic district, etc. limestone, 83 salt, 294, 297
Michigan, taxation of iron ores, 335
Midcontinent field, petroleum, 132, 135, 137, 141, 146
Military geology, preparation of textbook, 407
Military operations, relation of ground-waters to, 78-79
Millstones, 269
Minas Geraes, Brazil, iron ores, 52-53, 162, 165, 167, 313
Mineral deposits, classification and general features of origin, 27-59 exploration and development, 301-327 origin as a factor in economic problems, 29-31, 322-323 outcrops, 311-317 secondary concentration, 46-50, 54-57 See also under Iron ores, Copper ores, etc. zonal arrangement, 42-45
Mineral industry, basis for popular interest in, 328 "social surplus" of, 330
Mineral lands, classification, 309-311
Mineral paints, relative position of United States, 397
Mineral provinces and epochs, 308-309
Mineral resources, conservation, 359-382 general quantitative considerations, 60-66 international aspects, 383-404 laws relating to, 342-358 nationalization, 345-347, 375-376, 377-378, 382 political and commercial control, 65 relative position of the United States in regard to supplies, 396-400 valuation and taxation, 328-341 world movement, 383-388 world reserves, 65-66
Mineralogy, relation to economic geology, 3
"Minette" iron ores, 158, 161, 166
Mining law, 342-358
Mining methods, control of by government or owners in interests of conservation, 355
Minnesota, granite, 82 iron. See Lake Superior iron ores, Mesabi district, etc. manganese, 175, 177
Minnesota, taxation of iron ores, 335
Mississippi Valley, cadmium, 254 lead and zinc ores, 54-55, 108, 211-212, 214, 215-219, 308, 313
Missouri, barite, 273-274 cadmium, 254 lead, 209, 211 silica for refractories, 195 tripoli and rottenstone, 269 zinc, 214, 215, 217-218
Molybdenum ores, 185-187, 397
Monazite, 288-289, 398
Montana, arsenic, 250-251 copper, 40, 42, 47, 49, 198-199, 201-203, 207, 208 gold, 222 graphite, 281, 283 manganese, 175, 176-177 petroleum, 133 phosphates, 105 sapphires, 293 silver, 42, 234, 237, 314 zinc, 42, 216, 219
Monte Amiata district, Italy, mercury ores, 257
Morenci-Metcalf district, Arizona, copper ores, 38, 198
Mother Lode district, California, gold ores, 229, 308, 316
Munitions Resources Commission of Canada, 404
Nancy, France, iron ores, 161
National Academy of Sciences, 407
National Conservation Commission, 367
National district, Nevada, antimony ores, 249
Nationalization of mineral resources 345-347, 375-376, 377-378, 382, 388
Natural abrasives, 267-270, 397
Natural gas, 57, 151
Nebraska, potash, 112, 114
Netherlands. See Holland, Dutch East Indies, etc.
Nevada, alunite, 39, 41-42, 114 antimony, 247, 249 bismuth, 253 borax, 275, 276 copper, 41, 199, 203 diatomaceous earth, 269 gold, 36, 222, 230, 308, 311-312 graphite, 281 grinding pebbles, 268 mercury, 357 oil shales, 151 platinum, 239-240 silver, 36, 38, 234, 235-237, 308, 311-312 tungsten, 183 turquoise, 293 zinc, 216
New Almaden, California, mercury ores, 259
New Brunswick, gypsum, 283-284
New Caledonia, chromite, 178-179 nickel, 180-182
New Cornelia, Arizona, copper ores, 203
Newfoundland, iron ores, 52-53, 160, 166 laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 344
New Hampshire, fluorspar, 194 garnet, 268 mica, 287
New Idria, California, mercury ores, 259
New Jersey, arsenic, 250 basalt, 82 clay, 85 iron, 171 sand and gravel, 85 zinc, 215, 220
New Mexico, copper, 199, 203 fluorspar, 194 silver, 234 uranium and radium, 265-266 zinc, 216
New South Wales, Australia, bismuth, 252-253 coal, 115, 116 lead, 209, 210, 212 platinum, 238 zinc, 214, 216
New York, arsenic, 250, 251 emery, 268, 270 garnet, 268 graphite, 281, 282 gypsum, 284 iron, 160, 162, 163, 171 limestone, 83 millstones and buhrstones, 269 petroleum, 132, 133 pyrite, 108 salt, 294, 297 sandstone, 84 talc, 299
New Zealand, bismuth, 252 phosphates, 105 platinum, 238 tungsten, 183
New Zealand, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 343
Nickel ores, 34-35, 180-182, 307, 308, 318, 398
Nitrates, 99-100, 101-104, 386, 392, 398
Nonesuch beds, Michigan, copper ores, 52, 206
North Africa, iron, 156, 160, 161, 164 lead, 210 phosphates, 104, 105, 106 potash, 112 zinc, 214-215
North Carolina, coal, 117 corundum, 268, 270 emeralds, 293 feldspar, 86 garnet, 268 granite, 82 mica, 287 monazite, 288, 289 rubies, 292 sand and gravel, 85 sapphires, 293
Northern Plains, coal, 118
Norway, copper, 197-198 molybdenum, 186 nickel, 180 titanium, 190 zinc, 214 See also Scandinavia.
Nova Scotia, gypsum, 283-284 saddle-reef gold ores, 41
Oceania, mercury, 258 phosphates, 105, 106 tin, 261
Ohio, bromine, 277 clay, 85 coal, 117 grindstones and pulpstones, 269 gypsum, 284 hones, oilstones and whetstones, 269 limestone, 83 natural gas, 151 petroleum, 133 salt, 294 sand and gravel, 85 sandstone, 84
Oil. See Petroleum.
Oil shales, 56, 139, 150-151
Oilstones, 269
Oklahoma, asphalt, and bitumen, 152 gypsum, 284 lead, 211 natural gas, 151 petroleum, 132, 133, 135 tripoli and rottenstone, 269 zinc, 215
Ontario, Canada, arsenic, 251 cobalt, 255 corundum, 270 mica, 286 nickel, 34-35, 180-182, 308, 312, 318 platinum, 238, 239 silver, 232, 234-235, 308, 316 talc, 299, 300
Ontario, Canada, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 344
Onyx marble, 83
Open-hearth process of steel making, 158-159
Ore deposits. See Mineral deposits.
Oregon, borax, 275, 276 chromite, 179 mercury, 257
Origin of mineral deposits, as a factor in economic problems, 29-31, 322-323
Outcrops of mineral deposits, 311-316
Ownership laws, effect on exploration of mineral deposits, 347-349 relation of geology to, 349-355
Oxide zones, 22, 46-50, 313-314 See also under Copper ores, Silver ores, etc.
Pablo Beach, Florida, titanium ores, 190-191 zirconium ores, 189
Pacific coast, possible establishment of iron and steel industry, 155, 165
Pacific coast province, coal, 117
Palegeography, relation to economic geology, 4
Paleontology, relation to economic geology, 4
Palestine campaign, use of geologic data, 409
Panama, manganese, 176
Panama Canal, slides, 416-417
Parker, E. W., and Campbell, M. R., 367, 370-371
Peace Conference, use of geologists in advisory capacity, 356, 406
Peace Treaty, coal and iron situation of western Europe under terms of, 117, 400-403 effect of terms on valuation problems, 335 Silesian lead and zinc ores, 210, 214
Pearls, 289-292
Peat, formation of, 123-124
Pegmatites, 19-20, 35, 39
Peneplains, formation of, 6
Pennsylvania, basalt, 82 clay, 85 coal, 115, 117, 126 flint linings, 269 graphite, 281 iron, 171 limestone, 83 natural gas, 151 petroleum, 133 sand and gravel, 85 sandstone, 84 serpentine, 83 silica for refractories, 195 slate, 85
Persia, petroleum 128-130, 137, 391
Peru, bismuth, 252 borax, 275 coal, 116 copper, 197-198 mercury, 258 molybdenum, 186 nitrates, 103 petroleum, 128, 137 phosphates, 106 silver, 232 tungsten, 183 vanadium, 187, 188
Petroleum, 57, 127-150, 307, 310, 386, 396, 398
Petroliferous provinces, 149, 308
Petrology, relation to economic geology, 3
Philipsburg, Montana, manganese and silver ores, 37, 175, 176-177, 237
Phosphates, 99-100, 104-107, 397
Physiography, general discussion and relations to economic geology, 6-10 See also Topography.
Physiography, relation to bridge building, 413 relation to Hudson River tunnels, 415 relation to railway construction, 418 relation to river and harbor improvements, 414
Pisolites, 172
Pitch. See Asphalt.
Pittman Silver Act, 233
Placers, formation of, 51 gold deposits in, 227 See also Monazite, Platinum, Tin, Tungsten, and other minerals. use in tracing mineral outcrops, 316-317
Plasticity of clay, 92
Platinum ores, 51, 237-240, 386, 398
Plumbago. See Graphite.
Pogue, Joseph E., 100
Pogue, Joseph E., and Gilbert, Chester G., 119, 134, 138
Poland, lead and zinc, 210, 214
Political and commercial control of mineral resources, 65, 387-388 See also under individual resources.
Porosity of rocks, 69, 141
Porphyry copper ores, 197, 199, 203
Portland cement. See Cement.
Portugal, arsenic, 250 copper, 197-198, 204 pyrite, 107-108 salt, 294 tungsten, 183
Potash, 86, 99-100, 111-114, 386, 398
Precious stones, 289-293, 398
Primary ore deposits, use of term, 32
Primary ores, relation to depth, 49
Propylitic alteration, 39, 236
Protore, use of term, 33, 48
"Proximate" analyses of coal, 120
Public domain, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources on, 343-344
Pulpstones, 269
Pumice, 267, 268, 270, 398
Puzzolan cement. See Cement.
Pyrite, 100, 107-109, 307, 386, 397
Pyrophyllite, 299
Quartz, as geologic thermometer, 38 geologic occurrence, 16, 38-39, 43, 45, 47, 168-169, 196 production and use, 84, 267, 269
Quartzite, 84, 91
Quebec, Canada, asbestos, 270-272 magnesite, 193 mica, 286
Quebec, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 344
Queensland, Australia, arsenic, 250
Quicksilver ores. See Mercury ores.
Radium ores, 55, 263-266, 397
Railway construction, application of geology to, 417-418
Rambler, Wyoming, occurrence of platinum, 239
Ransome, F. L., 33, 208, 230
Ray, Arizona, copper ores, 33, 47, 48, 198, 203, 208
"Red Beds" copper ores, 9, 206
Registration, public, of drilling records, 305-306
Regulus, 247
Reparations Committee, 387, 393, 402
Replacement, metasomatic, 24
Reserves of mineral resources, 65-66, 359-363, 393-395 See also under individual resources.
"Resource cost" of coal, reduction of in interests of conservation, 334, 375
Rhode Island, coal, 117 graphite, 281
Rhodesia, asbestos, 272 chromite, 178-179
Ries, H., and Watson, T. L., 413
Rio Tinto, Spain, copper ores, 204 pyrite, 108
Road building, application of geology to, 90-91, 418
"Rock flour," defined, 95
Rock slides, 78, 415-417
Rocks, common, as mineral resources, 80-84
Rocky Mountain region, coal, 117 petroleum, 132, 135
Room-and-pillar system of coal mining, modification for conservational purposes, 368-369
Rottenstone, 267, 269
Roumania, graphite, 280 petroleum, 128, 129
Royal Ontario Nickel Commission, 181
Royalties on coal, reduction of in interests of conservation, 334, 375
Rubies, 289, 291-292
Russia, asbestos, 270-271, 272 cement, 87 chromite, 178-179 coal, 115, 127 copper, 197-198 gold, 222 iron, 155, 160-161, 163 manganese, 174-176 mercury, 256, 258 oil shales, 151 petroleum, 128-120, 137 phosphates, 104, 106 platinum, 238, 239 potash, 112 salt, 294 zinc, 214
Russia, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64 laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 343
Russia, Asiatic, vanadium, 187 See also Siberia.
Saar Basin, coal of, under Peace Treaty, 401
Salisbury, R. D., and Chamberlin, T. C., 415
Salt, 294-298, 397
Salt domes of Gulf Coast, 298
Sand, 15, 84, 267
Sand and gravel, 84-85
Sandstone, 15, 17, 23, 84, 90, 267, 269
Santa Rita, New Mexico, copper ores, 203
Sapphires, 289, 291, 293
Sargasso Sea theory, of deposition of lead and zinc sulphides, 217
Saxony, bismuth, 252 tin, 262
Scandinavia, molybdenum, 386 nitrogen-fixation plants, 102
Schistose structure, 26
Schlumberger, C., 319
Schuchert, Charles, 144
Schultz, Robert S., Jr., 417
Scotland, magnesite, 191 oil shales, 150
Searles Lake California, borax deposits, 276 potash deposits, 112, 113-114
Secondary enrichment, 7-8, 25, 46-50 See also under Copper ores, Silver ores, etc.
Secondary ore deposits, use of term, 32
Sedigenetic deposits, use of term, 51
Sedimentary mineral deposits, unsolved problems, 9, 53, 56
Sedimentary rocks, formation of, 22-24, 96 mineral deposits associated with, 23, 51-57 principal minerals of, 15-16 proportions of principal types, 17 relative abundance of, 16 weathering of, 23
Sedimentation, relation to economic geology, 2
Segregation, magmatic, 34-35, 59
Sericitic alteration, 39
Serpentine, 83
Seward Peninsula, Alaska, tin ores, 261, 262
Shale, 15, 17, 23, 85, 90
Shasta County, California, copper ores, 204
Shipping Board, 356, 406
Siam, sapphires, 289, 293 tin, 260 tungsten, 183, 184
Siberia, emeralds, 293 gold, 222, 226 lead, 210 vanadium, 187 zinc, 214
Silesia, cadmium, 254 coal, under Peace Treaty, 401 lead and zinc ores, 54-55, 210, 211-212, 214-215, 216-218
Silica, 195-196, 267, 269 See also Quartz, Quartzite, Sand, Sandstone, etc.
"Silt" (fine coal), use of, 370, 371
Silver ores, 36-50, 55, 231-237, 308, 313-314, 397
Silver Reef, Utah, deposits, 55
Slate, 85, 89
Slides, earth and rock, 78, 357, 415-417
Smelting capacity of world, 61
Smith, George Otis, 310, 367, 403
Smith, George Otis and Lesher, C. E., 371, 373, 373, 375
Smyrna, Turkey, emery, 268
Soapstone, 299-300
Societies, professional, standards of admission, 421-422, 428
Soils, classification, 97 composition, 96-97, 99 origin, 94-96 use of fertilizer minerals on, 99-101 use of geology in study of, 95-98
Sound waves, possible use in exploration, 319
South Africa, asbestos, 271, 272 cement, 87 coal, 116 cobalt, 255 copper, 197-198, 205 corundum, 268 diamond dust, 268 diamonds, 289, 291-292, 316 gold, 222-226, 228 iron, 154,164 mica, 286 tin, 260 vanadium, 187
South Africa, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 343, 345
South America, cement, 87-88 coal, 116 lead, 210, 211 mercury, 258 zinc, 214 See also under individual countries.
South America, laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 343-344, 345
South Carolina, coal, 117 monazite, 288, 289 phosphates, 105, 107
South Dakota, gold, 222, 228, 229 quartzite, 84 tin, 262 tungsten, 183
Southern Graphite Association, 405
Southern Pacific Railway, litigation in regard to oil lands, 348
Spain, arsenic, 250 barite, 272 cement, 87 copper, 197-198, 204 garnet, 268, 270 iron, 154, 156, 160-161, 162, 163 lead, 210, 211-212 manganese, 174 mercury, 256-257, 259 phosphates, 104, 106 platinum, 238 potash, 111-113 pyrite, 107-108 salt, 294 silver, 232 sulphur, 109-110 zinc, 214-215
Spain, commercial and political control of various minerals, 64
Spiegeleisen, 173-174
Springs, 72
Spurr, J. E., 43, 64, 403
Stassfurt, Germany, borax, 277 bromine, 278 potash, 111-112, 113, 296-297 salt, common, 296-297
Steel. See Iron and steel
Stone. See Building stone, Common rocks.
Storage of coal, 376
Stratigraphy, relation to economic geology, 4
Structural geology, relation to economic geology, 5 use of principles of in exploration for mineral deposits, 319-320
Structures of rocks, relation to earth stresses, 5 relation to topography, 7
Subsidence of ground over mining operations, geologic study of, 357, 417
Sudbury, Ontario, cobalt, 255 nickel ores, 34-35, 180-182, 308, 312, 318 platinum, 238, 239
Sulphide enrichment. See Secondary enrichment.
Sulphur, 99-100, 109-111, 397
Sulphur Bank Springs, California, deposition of mercury by hot waters, 259
Supergene ores, use of term, 32, 33, 48
Surface water supplies, 76-78
Surface waters, application of geology to use of, 414 relation to excavation and construction, 78-79
Sweden, cement, 87 iron, 154, 155, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 171 manganese, 176 phosphate from Thomas slag, 104 zinc, 214 See also Scandinavia.
Switzerland, cement, 87 nitrogen fixation plants, 102
Syngenetic ore deposits, use of term, 32, 34, 51
Taconite, 167
Talc and soapstone, 299-300, 397
Tankage, use of phosphate content, 104
Tariffs, proposed, on mineral resources, 175-176, 179, 184, 192, 248, 257-258
Tariffs and duties, anti-conservational effect of, 362-363, 366, 375, 376, 393-394
Tasmania, bismuth, 252 platinum, 238 zinc, 214
Taxation of mineral resources, 1, 335-341
Tennessee, barite, 273 bauxite, 243, 245 copper, 204 flint linings, 269 marble, 83 petroleum, 132, 133 phosphates, 105, 107 zinc, 54-55, 216, 219
Terlingua district, Texas, mercury, 257, 259
Texas, asphalt and bitumen, 152 coal, 117 fuller's earth, 279 graphite, 281 gypsum, 284 mercury, 256, 257, 259 natural gas, 151 petroleum, 132, 133, 135, 148 salt, 298 sulphur, 110
Thermal metamorphism. See Contact metamorphism.
Thermal waters, 72
Thibet, borax, 275, 276
Thomas process of steel making, 158, 161 use of slag for phosphate content, 104, 106
Tin ores, 36-50, 51, 260-263, 307, 322, 386, 392, 398
Tintic, Utah, silver ores, 39, 42, 235, 251, 253
Titaniferous magnetites, 34, 171, 191
Titanium ores, 190-191, 398
Tonopah, Nevada, gold silver ores, 38, 234, 236-237, 308
Topographic cycle, description of, 6
Topography, relation to mineral deposits, 7-9, 314-315 relation to rock structures, 7
Tourmaline, 290, 293
Training in economic geology, 420-428
Transvaal, Africa, asbestos, 272 diamonds, 291 gold, 222, 223-225, 228
Trap-rock, 82
Travertine, 83
Treadwell Mine, Alaska, gold ores, 229
Trenches, military, application of geology to, 408, 410-411
Trinidad, asphalt, 152, 153 petroleum, 128
Tripoli, 267, 269, 398
Tungsten ores, 51, 182-185, 386, 398
Tunis, phosphates, 104-106 potash, 112 See also North Africa.
Tunnels, application of geology to construction, 414-415
Turkey, borax, 275 chromite, 178-179 emery, 268, 270
Turquoise, 290, 293
Tuscany, Italy, borax deposits, 275
Umpleby, Joseph B., 383
Underground waters. See Ground-waters.
United Kingdom. See Great Britain.
United States, abrasives, natural, 267-270, 397, 398 aluminum, 242-245, 397 antimony, 247-248, 249, 398 arsenic, 250-251, 397 asbestos, 270-272, 398 asphalt and bitumen, 152, 397 barite, 273-274, 397 bauxite, 242-245, 397 bismuth, 252-253, 397 borax, 275, 276, 397 bromine, 277, 278, 397 cadmium, 253-254, 397 cement, 87-88, 397 chalk, 83, 398 chromite, 179, 398 coal, 115-118, 126, 127, 366-367, 397 common rocks, 82-88, 397 copper, 197-208, 396 corundum, 267-268, 270, 398 diatomaceous earth, 269, 398 emery, 267-268, 270, 397 feldspar, 86, 397 ferro-alloy minerals, general, 154-158 fertilizers, general, 100-101 fluorspar, 194, 397 fuller's earth, 278-279, 397 garnet, 268, 260, 398 gold, 222-230, 397 graphite, 279-283, 398 grinding pebbles, 268, 398 gypsum, 283-284, 397 iron, 158-163, 166-171, 397 lead, 209-213, 397 lime, 82-83, 397 magnesite, 191-193, 397 manganese, 174-177, 398 mercury, 256-259, 398 mica, 286-287, 398 mineral paints, 397 molybdenum ores, 186-187, 397 monazite, 288, 289, 398 natural abrasives, 267-270, 397, 398 natural gas, 151 nickel, 181, 398 nitrates, 102, 398 oil shales, 150-151 petroleum, 128-150, 396, 398 phosphates, 104-107, 397 platinum, 238-240, 398 potash, 112-114, 398 precious stones, 290, 292-293, 398 pumice, 268, 398 pyrite, 107-109, 397 salt, 294-298, 397 silica, 195-196 silver, 231-237, 397 stone, 82-88, 397 sulphur, 109-111, 397 talc, 299, 300, 397 tin, 261, 262, 398 titanium, 190-191, 398 tripoli, 269, 398 tungsten, 183-185, 398 uranium and radium, 264-266, 397 vanadium, 18, 188, 398 zinc, 214-220, 398 zirconium, 189, 398
United States, control of various minerals in other countries, 64, 102, 129, 152, 163-164, 165, 175, 180-181, 184, 187, 189, 191, 198, 222, 232, 238, 243, 261 laws relating to ownership of mineral resources, 343-345 quantitative feature of mineral production, 60-66 relative position in regard to supplies of minerals, 396-400 tendencies toward nationalization of mineral resources, 345-346
United States Bituminous Coal Commission, 376
United States Bureau of Mines, activities in the war, 406 literature or international mineral relations, 403
United States Geological Survey, activities in the war, 406, 407 classification of mineral lands, 310-311 employment by, 428 literature on international mineral relations, 403
United States Shipping Board, 356, 406
Uranium ores, 55, 263-264, 397
Utah, arsenic, 250, 251 asphalt and bitumen, 152 bismuth, 253 copper, 37, 42, 47, 55, 199, 203, 204, 207, 208, 314 gold, 222, 314 lead, 42, 211, 212 manganese, 55 oil shales, 151 phosphates, 105 potash, 112, 114 silver, 42, 55, 234, 235 uranium and radium, 55, 264, 265 vanadium, 55, 187-188
Utah, ore deposits, relation to intrusive stocks, 44
Vadose zone, 70
Valuation of Lorraine iron ores at Peace Conference, 364
Valuation of mineral resources, 81, 328-341, 396
Value, capital, of mineral resources, 64, 328
Value of United States mineral production and imports, 62
Value of world mineral production, 62-63
Vanadium ores, 55, 187-188, 398
Van Hise, C. R., 367, 374
Van Hise, C. R., and Leith, C. K., 56, 324
Vein, application of legal term to diverse mineral deposits, 350
Venezuela, asphalt, 152, 153 magnesite, 191-193 petroleum, 128 phosphates, 105
Verde district, Arizona. See Jerome district.
Vermilion district, Minnesota, iron ore outcrops, 312
Vermont, granite, 82 marble, 83 serpentine, 83 slate, 85 talc, 299
Virginia, arsenic, 250, 251 emery, 268 manganese, 175 millstones and buhrstones, 269 pyrite, 108 talc and soapstone, 299, 300 titanium, 190 zinc, 54-55, 219
Virginia City, Nevada. See Comstock Lode
Volcanic ash, use as abrasive, 270
Wabana, Newfoundland, iron ores, 52-53, 160, 166
Wales, coal, 126
War, anti-conservational effects of, 365-366 application of geology to, 405-412 effect on ad valorem valuations, 335
War Industries Board, 356, 406
War Minerals Committee, 406
War Trade Board, 356, 406
"Wash," use in tracing mineral outcrops, 316-317
Washington, arsenic, 250 chromite, 179 magnesite, 191-193
Water, applications of economic geology to, 68 as a mineral resource, 61, 62, 67-79 general geologic relations, 67-68 hygroscopic, defined, 68 of constitution, defined, 68 quantity absorbed by soils and rocks, 69 relative abundance of, 18 source of, 67 use of, litigation arising from, 357-358 See also Ground-waters, Surface waters, Hot waters, Meteoric waters, Magmatic waters.
Water power, possibilities of substituting for coal, 378-379
Water supplies, 72-78
Water supply maps for military use, 411-412
Water table, defined, 70 See also Ground-water level.
Waters, thermal, 72
Watson, T. L., and Ries, H., 413
Weathering, of igneous rocks and veins, 20-22 of igneous rocks, formation of mineral deposits by, 50 of mineral deposits, 46-50 of sedimentary rocks, 23-24 production of clay by, 91 production of soils by, 94-96 zone of, 70
Welfare work, in interests of conservation, 372-373
Wells, 72-73
West Africa, gold, 222 manganese, 176
West Indies, cement, 87 phosphates, 105, 106 salt, 294
West Virginia, bromine, 277 coal, 117 grindstones and pulpstones, 269 natural gas, 151 petroleum, 132, 133
Whetstones, 269
White, David, 128, 129, 140, 143, 146
White Signal district, New Mexico, uranium and radium ores, 265-266
Wisconsin, artesian wells, 73 diamonds in glacial drift, 292, 317 granite, 82 iron. See Lake Superior iron ores, Gogebic district, etc. quartzite, 82, 84, 195 zinc, 216
Wisconsin, equated income method of taxation, 335-336 taxation of iron ores, 335
Witwatersrand, South Africa, gold ores, 228
Wolfram ores. See Tungsten ores.
Woodward, H. B., 69
Wyoming, chromite, 179 oil shales, 151 petroleum, 133 phosphates, 105 platinum, 239 potash, 112 uranium and radium ores, 265
Yellow Pine district, Nevada, platinum ores, 239-240
Yellowstone Park, springs and geysers of, 72
Zinc and lead ores, Wisconsin, equated income method of taxation, 335-336
Zinc ores, 36-50, 54-55, 213-220, 308, 313-314, 398
Zinc Syndicate, German, 215
Zirconium ores, 189-190, 398
* -+ Transcriber's Note Some inconsistent spelling in the text has been retained. Page 15 In the symbol FeCO{3} the {3} is subscript. Page x DEVELOPMNET changed to DEVELOPMENT Page 87 Unites changed to United Page 89 heterogenous changed to heterogeneous Page 179 Guatemela changed to Guatemala Paqe 329 familar changed to familiar Page 433 Afrcia changed to Africa Page 434 Winconsin changed to Wisconsin Page 444 westtern changed to western Page 450 ownnership changed to ownership * -*