Powdered sugar and a small quantity of alum blown into the eye daily through a quill, we have seen used with much success.
A partial or complete paralysis of the optic nerves of either side is not a frequent disease. It usually comes on gradually, but sometimes may appear in the course of a few hours from the effects of wounds or convulsions. When the paralysis is complete, total blindness of course ensues. The intimate connection, or sympathy, existing between the nerves of either eye, is so peculiar that disease of one is quickly followed by a corresponding disease in the other.
Amaurosis, therefore, ordinarily ends in total blindness. The disease is characterized by a dilated stage of the pupil, which seldom contracts under the effect of any degree of light thrown upon it. The coats and humours of the eye are perfectly transparent, in fact appear to be more pellucid than natural.
'Causes.'—This affection is produced in many different ways; among the most common causes may be mentioned wounds on the head, or of the parts surrounding the nerve, strains, falls, disease of the bone, convulsions, and epileptic fits.
We have seen a case produced by a tumour, which occupied the posterior portion of the orbit, and caused the organ to be somewhat protruded from its proper position, giving the eye the appearance of hydrophthalmia, for which it was taken, the existence of the tumour never for a moment being suspected. In this case there was partial amaurosis in both sides, although nothing of disease could be discovered in the left eye.
Amaurosis is a very deceptive disease, the nerves alone being affected; the humours and coverings of the eye remaining perfectly transparent and natural, imposes upon the inexperienced observer, but is easily detected by those who have witnessed the disease in others. There is a singular watery appearance and vacant stare about the eye of the dog that cannot be mistaken. This peculiarity is owing, no doubt, to the enlargement of the pupil, as before observed.
'Treatment'.—When proceeding from blows, convulsions, or inflammation of the nerve itself, bleeding will be serviceable, as also purging and blistering. If the disease should appear without any symptom, or other cause, to lead us to believe that there is any local affection, the antiphlogistic course should be laid aside, and resort be had to local and constitutional tonic applications, and revulsive frictions to the nape of the neck and spine. A seton may also be applied; and electricity has been recommended in such cases, no doubt arising from want of tone in the general system.
This affection, in spite of every effort, is very unmanageable, and but seldom yields to any course of treatment. Strychnia has been used lately, both internally and externally, in the cure of this complaint; it may be sprinkled over a blistered surface immediately above the eye, in the proportion of a grain morning and evening; it may also be administered inwardly at the same time, in doses from the half a grain to a grain twice a day.
It sometimes becomes necessary, from the diseased state of this organ, that it should be taken completely from its socket. This operation, though frightful, perhaps, to consider, is very simple in its application, and may be performed without difficulty by any one accustomed to the use of the knife. The animal is to be held firmly, as before directed, and an assistant to keep the lids widely extended.
If the lids cannot be drawn well over the eye, owing to enlargement of the ball caused by disease, they may be separated by an incision at the external angle. A curved needle armed with a thread is now to be passed entirely through the eye, being careful to include sufficient of the sound parts within its grasp to prevent its tearing out. This finished, the needle may be detached, and the ends of the thread being united, the movements of the eye can be governed by means of this ligature: then proceed as follows:
1st. The assistant keeping the lids well separated, the operator draws the eye upward and outward, and then inserting the scalpel at the inner and lower angle of the eye, with a gentle sweep separates the ball from the lids, extending the incisions through to the external canthus.
2d. The ball is now to be drawn inwardly and downward, while the scalpel, continuing the circular movement as far as the internal canthus, separates the upper lid.
3d. The muscles and optic nerves still bind this organ to the orbit, which attachments can easily be destroyed by the scalpel, by pulling the eye forward sufficiently to reach them. If the eye has been extirpated on account of any malignant disease, it is necessary to remove every particle of muscle from the orbit; and when the disease has extended itself to the lids, it will also be proper to remove that portion of them included in the affection.
The hemorrhage from the operation is trifling, and may generally be arrested by the pressure of the fingers, or the insertion of a conical ball of lint within the socket, which may be allowed to remain two or three days if necessary. If there is nothing to apprehend from hemorrhage, it is only necessary to draw the lids together, and unite that portion which has been separated by a suture, and place a hood over the whole.
We do not recommend the stuffing of the orbit with lint, except in case of hemorrhage, as its presence will sometimes produce violent inflammation, which may extend to the brain. The cavity of the eye will, in a measure, be filled up by newly formed matter. The dog must be restricted to a low cooling diet, and have administered two or three saline purges.
are often met with in old mangy, ill-fed animals, and are difficult to overcome, except by curing the the primary affection, which is often no easy task. The lids become enlarged, puffy, and tender, the lashes fall out, and the edges present an angry reddish appearance.
'Treatment'—Must be directed, in the first place, to the curing of the old affection, by which, in connection with blisters, purging, stimulating washes, &c., a cure may be effected. When the swelling of the lids is considerable, scarifying them with the point of a lancet will often be of much service. Ointment of nitrate of silver may also be smeared on the edges.
sometimes make their appearance; they may be lifted up with the forceps, and excised with a knife or scissors, and the wound touched with nitrate of silver. The same treatment will answer for those warts, or little excrescences, that sometimes come on the inside of the lids.
This disease we do not find mentioned by any of the writers on canine pathology: nevertheless, we are led to believe that it is not an uncommon form of ophthalmia; and we must express our surprise that it should have escaped the attention of such close observers as Blain and Youatt.
The acute form of the disease resulting from, or attending, simple ophthalmia, we have often witnessed, but the chronic form, of which we more particularly speak, is more rare. We have seen three cases of the latter, and, no doubt, might have found many more if our opportunities of studying canine pathology were equal to those of the English writers. The inversion of the eyelids upon the globe is accompanied with pain and irritation, swelling and inflammation, both of the lids and eye, which ultimately renders the dog almost useless, if not entirely blind.
'Causes'.—Neglected chronic ophthalmia was, no doubt, the cause of the disease in two cases, a setter and a pointer, while the other, in a hound, was the result of an acute attack of ophthalmia brought on by scalding with hot pitch thrown upon the animal. Some of this substance entered the eye, while a large portion adhered to the muzzle and lids. The eye, as well as the lids, became inflamed; the latter, being puffed up and contracted on their edges, were necessarily drawn inwards from the tension of the parts, and double entropium was thus produced. The inflammation and tumefaction of the parts continued for a considerable time, and when ultimately reduced by the application of tepid fomentations, the skin appeared greatly relaxed; and the muscular fibres having lost their power of support or contractility, owing to their long quiescence, seemed no longer able to keep their lids in their proper situation; the edges therefore remained in the abnormous position previously assumed.
By this strange condition of the parts, the eyeball continued greatly irritated by the constant friction of the lashes; water was continually flowing over the lids, and from its irritating character produced considerable excoriation of the face and muzzle. The conjunctiva remained inflamed, the cornea in due course became ulcerous, and the eye was ultimately destroyed by the discharge of its contents. This was the course and final termination of the disease in the case of the hound above referred to, all of which disastrous results might have been prevented by proper management.
'Treatment.'—When in England, we sent to the United States a fine bred pointer dog, designed as a present for one of our sporting friends. This animal travelled from Leeds to Liverpool, chained on top of the railroad cars; the journey occupied several hours, daring which the weather was cold and boisterous, and we noticed on his arrival at the latter place that his eyes were watering and somewhat inflamed. On examining them more particularly, we were enabled to extract several pieces of cinder from under the lids, which seemed to relieve him somewhat. He went to sea, in the care of the steward, on the following day; and remained on deck exposed to the inclemency of the weather during a long voyage. When he arrived in Philadelphia, the inflammation, we were informed, was very considerable, occasioned by the presence of some other small particles of cinder that may have escaped our attention before shipping him. The presence of these foreign substances in the eye, in connection with the salt spray and irritating atmosphere, greatly aggravated the ophthalmia, and resolved it into a chronic affection, which ultimately resulted in entropium.
"Fop" was hunted during the same autumn, which no doubt increased the malady to a considerable extent; and before the hunting season was over, the dog was rendered almost useless: the lids becoming so much swollen and the irritation so considerable, that it was deemed cruel to allow him to go into the field.
When we saw him some time in the course of the same winter, the lower lids of both eyes were completely inverted on their globes, and the conjunctival inflammation and flow of tears considerable.
The eyes seemed contracted within their sockets, and at times were nearly hidden from view, the corneas were somewhat opaque, the photophobia intolerable, and the animal showed evident signs of extreme pain, by his restless anxiety and constant efforts at scratching and rubbing the eyes.
Under the judicious application of cooling astringent collyria, and other remediate means, the irritation and pain of the parts were relieved, and the lids somewhat retracted.
"Fop" remained in this condition till the following autumn, suffering at times considerably from the increased inflammation and tumefaction of the lids, which continued obstinately to persist, insomuch that when turned out by the pressure of the fingers on them, they immediately contracted, and were forced inwards on the ball when freed from the fingers.
Finding that no external application was of any permanent benefit, we resolved to have resort to the same operation we saw practised in the Parisian hospitals for the cure of a similar malformation in the human subject.
To insure quiet we enclosed the body of the dog in a case, made stationary and sufficiently small to prevent struggling, with the head firmly fixed by a sliding door, as represented in the accompanying drawing.
The mouth was kept closed by a small strap passed around the muzzle. This method of fixing a strong dog, we consider the best ever adopted for all nice operations on the face. The first step in the operation was to pinch up a portion of the lax skin of the diseased lid and pass three needles, armed with silk ligatures, successively through the base of the upraised integuments.
One needle approximating the external canthus, another the internal, and a third midway between these two points, as represented in the annexed drawing.
The next step was lo raise up the integuments included in the ligature, and, by means of a pair of sharp scissors, cut off the super-abundant skin as near to the ligatures as possible; having care however to leave sufficient substance included in the ligatures, to prevent their sloughing out before adhesion has taken place. The next and last step of the operation was, to draw the edges of the wound together by tying each ligature, which procedure immediately secured the lid and held it firmly in its natural position. The ligatures were now cut short, and a large wire muzzle, covered over with some dark substance on the operated eye, being put on him, and his legs hobbled with a piece of strong twine, more effectually to prevent his scratching the head, "Fop" was then set at liberty, and soon became reconciled to this eye-shade.
The hemorrhage was trifling, the wound healed up by the first intention and the ligatures were drawn away in a few days, when a perfect cure was effected—the conjunctiva having lost its inflammatory appearance, and the cornea having again become quite transparent.
The other eye was operated on in the same way and with like success. In the first operation we cut away the loose flaccid integuments only; whereas, in the second, we snipped small longitudinal fibres from the cartilage itself, and the operation consequently was more perfect, if possible, than in the first instance.
The eyes were now perfectly restored, and remained well during the whole of the shooting season, after which we lost sight of our patient, he having accompanied one of our friends as a "compagnon de voyage" on a commercial expedition to Santa Fe, and, when on his return, had the misfortune to lose "Fop," who was carried off into captivity by some prowling Camanches, who no doubt have long since sacrificed him to the Great Spirit in celebrating the buffalo or wolf dance.
The eye may be forced from its orbit by wounds or the bites of other animals.
If not materially injured, the ball should be cleaned with a little tepid water, or by wiping off with a fine silk or cambric handkerchief, and immediately replaced within its socket; otherwise the inflammation and swelling of the lids will soon prevent its easy admission. When handling the protruded eye, the fingers should be dipped in olive oil or warm water.
When sufficient time has elapsed from the occurrence of the accident to prevent the ball being replaced, owing to the swelling and contraction of the lids, an incision may be made at the external angle of the eye, so as to divide the lids, which will then admit the eye into its natural position. If not, the lid itself can be raised up and slit far enough to allow its being drawn over the globe. As considerable inflammation generally follows this accident, it will be prudent to bleed the animal and confine him.
We have seen eyes replaced, that have been out of their sockets for several hours, perfectly recover their strength and brilliancy.
Some dogs, particularly several breeds of spaniels, have naturally weak eyes, attended by an over-secretion and constant flow of tears, more particularly when exposed to the sun. When there is no disease of the lachrymal duct, the secretion may be diminished and the eyes strengthened by the daily application of some slightly tonic wash, as No. 1, 2, 3, &c.
The lachrymal duct is a small canal, leading from the internal angle of the eye to the nostrils, and is the passage through which the tears escape from the eye. This duct may become closed by inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose, caries of the bone, ulcers, fungous growths, or by the presence of some extraneous substance impacted in it. The tears, no longer having a natural outlet, are necessarily forced over the lids, accompanied, not unfrequently, by a good deal of purulent matter.
This canal, when thus obstructed from some one of the above causes, often forms an ulcerous opening at its upper extremity, just below the internal canthus, for the escape of the pus that usually collects in a sac at that point. This perforation is called "Fistula Lachrymalis." The tears, entering the canal at its punctum, are carried along till they pass out at the fistulous opening.
Treatment'.—This is a very troublesome affection, and has been pronounced incurable by some writers. However, we would not hesitate making an attempt at relieving a favourite or valuable dog of this disagreeable deformity. We should first endeavour to clear out the nasal canal, either by means of a minute flexible probe, or by directing a stream of water from a suitable syringe through its course. A small silver or copper style may then be placed in the canal to keep it open, as also to direct the tears through the natural route. This being done, and the dog confined in such a way as not to be able to scratch or rub the eye, the fistulous opening might close up in a short time. However, it might be necessary to wear the style for many months. In such a case, we see no reason why a wire muzzle, such as used by us after the operation for Entropium, might not be worn for an indefinite period, without any inconvenience to the animal.
The caruncula lachrymalis is a small glandular body situated at the internal commissure of each eye. This little gland often becomes greatly enlarged from inflammation or fungous growths—old dogs are much more subject to the disease than young ones.
'Treatment'.—The application of cooling collyria and a weak solution of nitrate of silver, will generally suppress the further growth of this gland. If, however, it continues much swollen and runs on to suppuration, it may be punctured with a lancet and poultices applied. If the affection be of a malignant character, the gland may be drawn out by passing a ligature through its base, and then excised.
The haw is most frequently concerned in the disease, and may also be removed.
No. I.
[Symbol: Rx] Vinegar [Symbol: ounce] i. Laudanum [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vii.
Mix.—The eyes to be frequently bathed with the mixture.
No. 2.
[Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of zinc (white vitriol) [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi.
M.—To be used as above.
No. 3.
[Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi.
M.—To be used as above.
No. 4.
[Symbol: Rx] Acetate of lead (sugar of lead) [Symbol: scruple] ii. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi.
M.—To be used as above.
No. 5.
[Symbol: Rx] Argenti nitrat. (nitrate of silver) [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi.
M.—To be dropped in the eye 2 or 3 times daily.
No. 6.
[Symbol: Rx] Sub-muriate of mercury (corrosive sublimate) grs. x. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi.
M.—To be used as the preceding.
No. 7.
[Symbol: Rx] Argenti nitrat (nitrate of silver) grs. v. Fresh butter or lard [Symbol: ounce] i.
No. 8.
[Symbol: Rx] Powdered alum grs. xv. Calomel grs. vii.
M.—Blown in the eye, will often have a most excellent effect, more particularly in old chronic ophthalmia.
No. 9.
Infusions of slippery elm bark, sassafras or elder pith, infusions of green tea, flaxseed, &c., are all excellent emollient applications—L.]
* * * * *
'Canker in the Ear.'
All water-dogs, and some others, are subject to a disease designated by this name, and which, in fact, is inflammation of the integumental lining of the inside of the ear. When the whole of the body, except the head and ears, is surrounded by cold water, there will be an unusual determination of blood to those parts, and consequent distension of the vessels and a predisposition to inflammation. A Newfoundland dog, or setter, or poodle, that has been subject to canker, is often freed from a return of the disease by being kept from the water.
The earliest symptom of the approach of canker is frequent shaking of the head, or holding of the head on one side, or violent scratching of one or both ears. Redness of the integument may then be observed, and particularly of that portion of it which lines the annular cartilage. This is usually accompanied by some enlargement of the folds of the skin. As soon as any of these symptoms are observed, the ear should be gently but well washed, two or three times in the day, with lukewarm water, and after that a weak solution of the extract of lead should be applied, and a dose or two of physic administered.
If the case is neglected, the pain will rapidly increase; the ear will become of an intenser red; the folds of the integument will enlarge, and there will be a deposition of red or black matter in the hollow of the ear. The case is now more serious, and should be immediately attended to. This black or bloody deposit should be gently but carefully washed away with warm water and soap; and the extract of lead, in the proportion of a scruple to an ounce of water, should be frequently applied, until the redness and heat are abated. A solution of alum, in about the same quantity of alum and water as the foregoing lotion, should then be used.
Some attention should be paid to the method of applying these lotions. Two persons will be required in order to accomplish the operation. The surgeon must hold the muzzle of the dog with one hand, and have the root of the ear in the hollow of the other, and between the first finger and the thumb. The assistant must then pour the liquid into the ear; half a tea-spoonful will usually be sufficient. The surgeon, without quitting the dog, will then close the ear, and mould it gently until the liquid has insinuated itself as deeply as possible into the passages of the ear. Should not the inflammation abate in the course of a few days, a seton should be inserted in the poll, between the integument and the muscles of the occiput, reaching from ear to ear. The excitement of a new inflammation, so near to the part previously diseased, will materially abate the original affection. Physic is now indispensable. From half a drachm to a drachm of aloes, with from one to two grains of calomel, should be given every third day.
Should the complaint have been much neglected, or the inflammation so great as to bid defiance to these means, ulceration will too often speedily follow. It will be found lodged deep in the passage, and can only be detected by moulding the ear; the effused pus will occasionally occupy the inside of the ear to its very tip. However extensive and annoying the inflammation may be, and occasionally causing so much thickening of the integument as perfectly to close the ear, it is always superficial. It will generally yield to proper treatment, and the cartilage of the ear may not be in the slightest degree affected. Still, however, the animal may suffer extreme pain; the discharge from the ulcer may produce extensive excoriation of the cheek; and, in a few cases, the system may sympathise with the excessive local application, and the animal may be lost.
The treatment must vary with circumstances. If the ulceration is deep in the ear, and there is not a very great degree of apparent inflammation, recourse may be had at once to a stimulating and astringent application, such as alum or the sulphate of zinc, and in the proportion of six grains of either to an ounce of water. If, however, the ulceration occupies the greater part of the hollow of the ear, and is accompanied by much thickening of the integument, and apparent filling up of the entrance to the ear, some portion of the inflammation must be first subdued.
The only chance of getting rid of the disease is to confine the ear. A piece of strong calico must be procured, six or eight inches in width, and sufficiently long to reach round the head and meet under the jaw. Along each side of it must be a running piece of tape, and a shorter piece sewed at the centre of each of the ends. By means of these the cap may be drawn tightly over the head, above the eyes, and likewise round the neck behind the ears, so as perfectly to confine them.
After all, no mild ointment will dispose such an ulcer to heal, and recourse must be had at once to a caustic application. A scruple of the nitrate of silver must be rubbed down with an ounce of lard, and a little of it applied twice every day, and rubbed tolerably hard into the sore until it assumes a healthy appearance; it may then be dressed with the common calamine ointment.
If the discharge should return, the practitioner must again have recourse to the caustic ointment.
The cartilage will never close, but the integument will gradually cover the exposed edges, and the wound will be healed. The ear will, however, long continue tender, and, if it should be much beaten, by the shaking of the head, the ulcer will reappear. This must be obviated by occasionally confining the ears, and not overfeeding the dog.
Some sportsmen are accustomed to 'round' the ears, that is to cut off the diseased part. In very few instances, however, will a permanent cure be effected, while the dog is often sadly disfigured. A fresh ulcer frequently appears on the new edge, and is more difficult to heal than the original one. Nine times out of ten the disease reappears.
The Newfoundland dog is very subject to this disease, to remedy which recourse must be had to the nitrate of silver.
Spaniels have often a mangy inflammation of the edges of the ear. It seldom runs on to canker; but the hair comes off round the edges of the ear, accompanied by much heat and scurfiness of the skin. The common sulphur ointment, with an eighth part of mercurial ointment, will usually remove the disease.
From the irritation produced by canker in or on the ear, and the constant flapping and beating of the ear, there is sometimes a considerable effusion of fluid between the integument and the cartilage occupying the whole of the inside of the flap of the ear. The only remedy is to open the enlarged part from end to end, carefully to take out the gossamer lining of the cyst, and then to insert some bits of lint on each side of the incision, in order to prevent its closing too soon. In a few days, the parietes of the cyst will begin to adhere, and a perfect cure will be accomplished
If the tumour is simply punctured, the incision will speedily close, and the cyst will fill again in the space of four-and-twenty hours. A seton may be used, but it is more painful to the dog, and slower in its operation.
The ear should be frequently fomented with a decoction of white poppies, and to this should follow the Goulard lotion; and, after that, if necessary, a solution of alum should be applied. To the soreness or scabby eruption, which extends higher up the ear, olive oil or spermaceti ointment may be applied. In some cases, portions of the thickened skin, projecting and excoriated, and pressing on each other, unite, and the opening into the ear is then mechanically filled. I know not of any remedy for this. It is useless to perforate the adventitious substance, for the orifice will soon close; and, more than once, when I have made a crucial incision, and cut out the unnatural mass that closed the passage, I have found it impossible to keep down the fungous granulations or to prevent total deafness.
The following is a singular case of this disease:—1st July, 1820 a dog was sent with a tumour, evidently containing a fluid, in the flap of the ear. A seton had been introduced, but had been sadly neglected. The hair had become matted round the seton, and the discharge had thus been stopped. Inflammation and considerable pain had evidently followed, and the dog had nearly torn the seton out. I removed it, washed the ear well, and applied the tincture of myrrh and aloes. The wound soon healed. On the 14th the ear began again to fill. On the 17th the tumour was ripe for the seton, which was again introduced, and worn until the 9th of August, when the sides of the abscess appeared again to have adhered, and it was withdrawn. Canker had continued in the ear during the whole time; and, in defiance of a cold lotion daily applied, the ear was perceived again to be disposed to fill. The seton was once more inserted, and the cyst apparently closed. The seton was continued a fortnight after the sinus was obliterated, and then removed. Six weeks afterwards the swelling had disappeared, and the canker was quite removed. This anecdote is an encouragement to persevere under the most disheartening circumstances.
All dogs that are foolishly suffered to become gross and fat are subject to canker. It seems to be a natural outlet for excess of nutriment or gross humour; and, when a dog has once laboured under the disease, he is very subject to a return of it. The fatal power of habit is in few cases more evident than in this disease. When a dog has symptoms of mange, the redness or eruption of the skin, generally, will not unfrequently disappear, and bad canker speedily follow. The habit, however, may be subdued, or at least may be kept at bay, by physic and the use of Goulard lotion or alum.
Sportsmen are often annoyed by another species of canker Pointers and hounds are particularly subject to it.
This species of canker commences with a scurfy eruption and thickening of the edges of the ear, apparently attended by considerable itching or pain. The dog is continually flapping his ear, and beating it violently against his head. The inflammation is thus increased, and the tip of the ear becomes exceedingly sore. This causes him to shake his head still more violently, and the ulcer spreads and is indisposed to heal, and at length a fissure or crack appears on the tip of the cartilage, and extends to a greater or less distance down the ear.
The narration of one or two cases may be useful, as showing the inveteracy of the disease.
8th Feb. 1832.—A Newfoundland dog, very fat, had dreadful canker in both ears, and considerable discharge of purulent matter. He was continually shaking his ears, lying and moaning. Apply the canker lotion, and give the alterative balls.
13th. The discharge considerably lessened from one ear, but that from the other has increased. Continue the lotion and apply a seton.
22d. The dog, probably neglected at home, was sent to me. Both ears were as bad as ever.
25th. The dog is perfectly unmanageable when the lotion is poured into the ear, but submits when an ointment is applied. Use ung. sambuci, [Symbol: ounce] j. cerus, acet. [Symbol: ounce] j., mix well together. Continue the alteratives.
30th. Slowly amending; the whining has ceased, and the animal seldom scratches. Continue the lotion, alteratives, and purgatives.
10th Oct.—Slowly improving. Continue the treatment.
17th. One ear well, the other nearly so.
24th. Both ears were apparently well. Omit the lotion.
28th. One ear was again ulcerated. Applied the aerugo aeris.
31st. This has been too stimulating, and the ulceration is almost as great as at first. Return to the ung. sambuci and cerusa acetata.
From this time to the 24th February, 1833, we continued occasionally taking out the seton, but returning to it every two or three days; applying the canker lotion until we were driven from it, mixing with it variable quantities of tinctura opii, having recourse to mercurial ointment, and trying a solution of the sulphate of copper. With two or three applications we could keep the disease at bay; but with none could we fairly remove the evil. The sulphate of zinc, the acetate of lead, decoctions of oak bark, a very mild injection of the nitrate of silver,—all would do good at times; but at other times we were set at complete defiance.
Another gentleman brought his dog about the same time. This was also a Newfoundland dog. He had always been subject to mangy eruptions, and had now mange in the feet, the inside of the ear covered with scaly eruptions, the skin red underneath, considerable thickening of the ear, and a slight discharge from its base. A seton was inserted and a physic-ball given every second day. The canker lotion had little good effect. Some calamine ointment, with a small portion of calomel, was then had recourse to.
In ten days the dog had ceased to scratch himself or shake his head, and the ear was clean and cool. The seton was removed; but the animal being confined, a little redness again appeared in the ear, which the lotion soon removed.
At the expiration of a month he was dismissed apparently cured; but he afterwards had a return of his old mangy complaints, which bade defiance to every mode of treatment.
Herr Maassen, V. S., Wuememburg, has lately introduced, and with much success, the use of creosote for the cure of canker in the ear.
The first experiment was on a setter with canker in his ear. The owner of the dog had ordered it to be hanged, as all remedies had failed in producing a cure. Herr Maassen prescribed creosoti 3ss. et spirit, vini rectificat. 3ij. This mixture was applied once in every day to the diseased part. In a few weeks the dog was completely cured, and has since had no return of the complaint. In a terrier, and also in three spaniels, the effect of this application was equally satisfactory. In some cases, where the disease showed itself in a less degree, the creosote was dissolved in water, instead of spirit of wine. It is always necessary to take away the collar while the dog is under treatment, in order that the flap of the ear may not be injured by striking against it.
Productions of this kind, which he had the opportunity of observing only once, are sometimes united in masses, and completely close the auditive canal. The surface is granulated and black, and there escapes from it an unctuous fetid discharge. On both sides the animal is exceedingly susceptible of pain, and the excrescences bleed if the slightest pressure is brought to bear upon them.
He thought it right to cut away these excrescences bodily, which he found to be composed of a strong dense tissue, permitting much blood to escape through an innumerable quantity of vascular openings. They were reproduced with extreme promptitude after they had been cut off or cauterized. Some of them appeared no more after being destroyed by the nitrate of mercury.
Sometimes, however, twenty-four hours after a simple incision, not followed by cauterization, these productions acquire an almost incredible size. It seemed, in M. Rigot's case, to be impossible to conquer the evil, and the patient was destroyed.
A Newfoundland dog had long been subject to mangy eruptions on the back and in the feet. They had suddenly disappeared, and the whole of the inside of the ear became covered with scaly eruptions. The skin was red; there was considerable thickening of the ear, and a discharge from the base of it. The canker-lotion was used, a physic-ball given every second day, and a seton inserted in the poll reaching from ear to ear. No apparent benefit resulted. A little calamine ointment, to which was added one-eighth part of mercurial ointment, was then tried, and considerable benefit immediately experienced. The dog no longer continued to scratch himself or to shake his head, and the ear became clean and cool. The seton was removed, and nothing remained but a little occasional redness, which the lotion very soon dispersed.
The owner, however, became ultimately tired of all this doctoring, and the animal was destroyed.
A poodle had had exceedingly bad ears during several months. There was considerable discharge, apparently giving much pain. The dog was continually shaking his head and crying. A seton was introduced, the canker-lotion was resorted to, and alterative and purgative medicines exhibited. On the 29th of December the discharge from the ear ceased; but, owing to the neglect of the servant, it soon broke out again, and there was not only much excoriation under the ear, but, from the matting of the hair, deep ulcers formed on either side, the edges of the wound were ragged, and the skin was detached from the muscular parts beneath. Probes were introduced on each side, which passed down the neck and nearly met. The smell was intolerably offensive, and the dog was reduced almost to a skeleton. I was, for the second time, sent for to see the case. I immediately recommended that the animal should be destroyed; but this was not permitted. I then ordered that it should daily be carefully washed, and diluted tincture of myrrh be applied to the wounds. They showed no disposition to heal, and the dog gradually sunk under the continued discharge and died.
20th May, 1928.—A spaniel screamed violently, even when it was not touched, and held its head permanently on one side, as if the muscles were contracted. The glands beneath the ear were enlarged, but the bowels were regular; the nose was not hot; there was no cough. A warm bath was ordered, with aperient medicine.
On the 22d she was no better. I examined the case more carefully. The left ear was exceedingly hot and tender: she would scarcely bear me to touch it. I continued the aperient medicine, and ordered a warm lotion to be applied, consisting of the liquor plumbi acetatis and infusion of digitalis. She improved from the first application of it, and in a few days was quite well. A fortnight afterwards the pain returned. The lotion was employed, but not with the same success. A seton was then applied. She wore it only four days, when the pain completely disappeared.
I have an account in my records of the conduct of a coward, who, coming from such a breed, was not worthy of the trouble we took with him. He was a Newfoundland dog, two years old, with considerable enlargement, redness, and some discharge from both ears. He was sent to our hospital for treatment. When no one was near him, he shook his head and scratched his ears, and howled dreadfully. Many times in the course of the day he cried as if we were murdering him. We sent him home thoroughly well, and glad we were to get rid of him.
I had some doubt, whether I ought not to omit the mention of this cruel practice. Mr. Blaine very properly says, that
"it is one that does not honour the inventor, for nature gives nothing in vain. Beauty and utility appear in all when properly examined, but in unequal degrees. In some, beauty is pre-eminent; while, in others, utility appears to have been the principal consideration. That must, therefore, be a false taste, that has taught us to prefer a 'curtailed' organ to a perfect one, without gaining any convenience by the operation." He adds, and it is my only excuse saying one word about the matter, that "custom being now fixed, directions are proper for its performance."
The owner of the dog commences with maiming him while a puppy. He finds fault with the ears that nature has given him, and they are rounded or cut into various shapes, according to his whim or caprice. It is a cruel operation. A great deal of pain is inflicted by it, and it is often a long time before the edge of the wound will heal: a fortnight or three weeks at least will elapse ere the animal is free from pain.
It has been pleaded, and I would be one of the last to oppose the plea, that the ears of many dogs are rounded on account of the ulcers which attack and rend the conch; because animals with short ears defend themselves most readily from the attacks of others: because, in their combats with each other, they generally endeavour to lay hold of the neck or the ears; and, therefore, when their ears are shortened, they have considerable advantage over their adversary. There is some truth in this plea; but, otherwise, the operation of cropping is dependent on caprice or fashion.
If the ears of dogs must be cropped, it should not be done too early. Four, five, or six weeks should first pass; otherwise, they will grow again, and the second cropping will not produce a good appearance. The scissors are the proper instruments for accomplishing the removal of the ear; the tearing of the cartilages out by main force is an act of cruelty that none but a brute in human shape would practise; and, if he attempts it, it is ten to one that he does not obtain a good crop. If the conch is torn out, there is nothing remaining to retain the skin round the auricular opening: it may be torn within the auditory canal, and as that is otherwise very extensible in the dog, it is prolonged above the opening, which may then probably be closed by a cicatrix. The animal will in this case always remain deaf, at least in one ear. In the mean time, the mucous membrane that lines the 'meatus auditorias' subsists, the secretion of the wax continues; it accumulates and acquires an irritating quality; the irritation which it causes produces an augmentation of the secretion, and soon the whole of the subcutaneous passage becomes filled, and seems to assume the form of a cord; and it finishes by the dog continuing to worry himself, shaking his head, and becoming subject to fits.
Mr. Blaine very naturally observes, that, "it is not a little surprising that this cruel custom is so frequently, or almost invariably, practised on pug-dogs, whose ears, if left alone to nature, are particularly handsome and hang very gracefully. It is hardly to be conceived how the pug's head—which is not naturally beautiful except in the eye of perverted taste—is improved by suffering his ears to remain."
If the cropping is to be practised, the mother should have been previously removed. It is quite erroneous, that her licking the wounded edges will be serviceable. On the contrary, it only increases their pain, and deprives the young ones of the best balsam that can be applied—the blood that flows from their wounds.
Dr. Mercer, in The Veterinarian, of July, 1844, gives an interesting account of the production of polypi in the meatus of the ear. He considers that there are two kinds of polypi—first, the soft, vascular and bleeding polypus, usually produced from the fibro-cartilaginous structure of the outer half of the tube; and, secondly, the hard and cartilaginous polypus or excrescence produced from the lining membrane of its inner half. The first is termed the haematoid polypus, and the other the chondromatous. The dog suffering under either generally has a dull, heavy, and rather watery eye. He moans or whines at intervals. If his master is present he feels a relief in pressing and rubbing his aching ear against him. At other times he presses and rubs his ear against the ground, in order to obtain a slight relief, flapping his ears and shaking his head; the mouth being opened and the tongue protruded, and the affected ear pointing to the ground. Then comes a sudden, and often a profuse, discharge of fetid pus. The local discharge of pus and blood becomes daily more and more fetid, and the poor animal becomes an object of disgust.
In the first variety of polypus, where it is practicable, the soft and vascular excrescence should be excised with a pair of scissors or a small knife, or it may be noosed by a ligature of silk or of silver wire, or twisted off with a pair of forceps. Immediately after its removal, the base of the tumour should be carefully destroyed by the nitrate of silver, and this should be repeated as long as there is any appearance of renewed growth. Any ulcer or carious condition of the meatus should be immediately removed.
In order to protect the diseased parts, a soft cap should be used, and within the ear a little cotton wadding may defend the ear from injury.
Dr. Mercer very properly remarks that, in the second or chondromatous variety of polypus of the meatus, the treatment must depend upon the concomitant circumstances. If the tumour is seated close to the membrana tympani, and has a broad and sessile base, then it cannot be excised or noosed with any degree of success. It must therefore be treated by the daily application of the solid nitrate of silver, applied exactly to its surface; and, in the intervals of application, the use of any collyria may be had recourse to. If the substance of the growth be firm and solid, and possess little sensibility, then a very speedy mode of getting rid of it is to divide its substance with a small knife; and afterwards, by applying the solid nitrate of silver, the tumour will soon be sloughed away.
The dog is liable to polypi in the nasal cavity, in the anus, and in the vagina, which it will not be out of place to mention here.
The polypi of the nasal and of the anal cavities often show themselves under the form of rounded bodies, projecting from the nose or anus. Their size and consistence are variable—sometimes soft, tearing with the greatest facility, and bleeding at the slightest touch; at other times, solid and covered with pituitary membrane. They are generally the result of ulcerations, wounds, fractures, perforations of the turbinated bones, sinuses,&c. These polypous productions obstruct the passage of the air, and more or less impede the breathing. They are best extirpated by means of a ligature, or circular compression, on the pedicle of the polypus, and tightened every second day.
We may discover the presence of a tumour of this nature in one of the nasal passages, when, on putting our hand to the orifice of the nostril, there issues little or no air; or when we sound the nostril with the finger or a probe, or examine it on a bright day.
The methods of destroying polypi in the nasal cavity vary with the texture, size, form, and position of these excrescences. Excision with the bistoury, or with scissors, may be tried when the polypus is near the orifice of the nostril, and particularly when it is not large at the base. Excision should be followed by cauterization with the red-hot iron, by which a portion of the base of the tumour is destroyed, and which could not be reached by a sharp instrument. To succeed in these operations, it is frequently necessary to cut through the false nostril. The edges of the wound may afterwards be united by a suture.
The ligature, or circular compression, excised immediately on the pedicle of the polypus, by means of a wire or waxed string, and directed into the nasal cavity by means of a proper instrument, may he tried when the polypus is deeply situated, and particularly when its base is narrow. But, for this operation, which is difficult to perform, and which may be followed by a new polypous production, when the base is not perfectly destroyed, we may substitute the forcible detachment, especially when we have to act on vascular and soft excrescences.
The Italian greyhound is strangely subject to these polypi in the matrix or vagina. The reason for it is difficult to explain.
A bitch, ten years old, was brought to the author on the 20th December, 1843, with an oval substance, as large as a thrush's egg, occasionally protruding from the vagina. I advised that it should be removed by means of a ligature; but the owner was afraid, and a fortnight was suffered to pass before she was brought again. The tumour had rapidly increased; it was as large as a pigeon's egg, considerably excoriated, and the pedicle being almost as large as the tumour itself. The operation was now consented to. I passed a ligature as firmly round the pedicle and as high up as I could. The bitch scarcely seemed to suffer any pain.
3d Jan.—The circulation is evidently cut off, and the tumour is assuming a thoroughly black hue, but it appears to cause no inconvenience to the dog. I tightened the ligature. 4th. The tumour is now completely black, considerably protruded, and apparently destitute of feeling. I again tightened the ligature.
5th. The tumour not appearing disposed to separate, and the uterus seeming to be drawn back by its weight, I cut off the tumour close to the ligature. Not the slightest pain seemed to be given, and the tumour was hard and black. There was, however, a very little oozing of bloody fluid, which continuing to the 8th, I injected a slight solution of alum into the vagina, and three days afterwards the discharge was perfectly stopped.
[Although our author has given us several interesting and practical pages upon the diseases of the ear and its appendages, it seems to us that the arrangement of the matter is rather objectionable, and not sufficiently explicit to be easily comprehended by sportsmen, not before familiar with the subject; we therefore add a concise resume or epitome of these troublesome affections, which we trust will be found of practical utility to the reader.
or running from the ear, produced by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the external auditory canal, is of frequent occurrence. The dog should be purged with salts, and the ear washed with castile soap and tepid water. The following solution may be introduced several times a day:
[Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of zinc [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] i. Mix. or,
[Symbol: Rx] Sugar of lead [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] i.
If the discharge be fetid, the following may be applied often:
[Symbol: Rx] Chloride of lime [Symbol: drachm] i. Water 1 pint.
This affection in old dogs is very troublesome, and in most cases impossible to cure. Alum, zinc, copper, lead, and other astringent applications may be used in powder, as a local application in these cases. A seton and blisters will also be serviceable.
A tumour, particularly in old dogs, is often seen extending from the tip of the flap even to the base of the ear. It progresses slowly but surely, if not interfered with in its career, and will become eventually enormously large and very painful. These tumours are most common in old setters, Newfoundlands, and hounds.
Treatment'.—The tumour, at its commencement, may be discussed by the application of astringent washes, as warm vinegar, water, and laudanum, or sugar of lead. When, however, it has become more extensive, the only remedy is opening it through its whole extent, and pressing out its purulent content. A poultice may then be applied, and tepid fomentations used for several days. It is often extremely difficult to heal up the abscess, or arrest the fetid discharge that is constantly collecting: a seton placed in the poll, in connexion with washes of a stimulating character, will, however, effect a cure, if patiently persevered in. Either of the following will answer this purpose:
[Symbol: Rx] Chloride of lime [Symbol: drachm] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi. Mix. or,
[Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of zinc [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] jii. Mix.
We used on one occasion tincture of iodine with perfect success in an old and obstinate case.
This is a rather indefinite term, as applied to the diseased ear of a dog; in fact, any malignant corroding sore may be called a canker, no matter where situated. Some writers describe, under the head of canker, a violent chronic otitis, attended by a purulent sanguinoid discharge. Others understand by canker a species of erysipelatous inflammation, that makes its appearance on the inside of the flap, and extends itself to the interior of the ear. What we understand by canker, is an acute inflammation of the lining membrane of the ear, destroying the tympanum or drum, and producing total deafness. The secretion is often considerable, and if not removed, will soon fill up the cavity of the ear with a dark reddish deposit, which greatly increases the irritation and inflammation of the parts. Mr. Blaine states that he has seen this disease take a very malignant character, and extend its ravages over the face, destroying the soft parts, and even penetrating through the bone into the interior of the head.
'Causes'.—This disease may he excited by any of those causes that produce a general or local inflammatory action; exposure to cold, the presence of malignant diseases on other portions of the body, high living, heat, confinement, or extraneous substances lodged in the organ itself.
Water-dogs are most subject to this affection, owing, no doubt, to the frequent afflux of blood to these parts, while the remainder of the body is immersed in the water. A tendency to this peculiar inflammation may also be produced in these animals by the action of the water upon the delicate membranes of the ear, which occasions a violent shaking of the head and beating of the flaps, which not unfrequently bruises them considerably. Dogs that seldom or never go into the water are not, however, by any means exempt from the disease; as we have often seen it developed in terriers, mastiffs, and every species of mongrel.
'Treatment'.—When the disease appears in its acute form, and without any apparent cause beyond luxurious living and confinement, bleeding, purging, low diet, and regular exercise, together with tepid and soothing washes, will generally relieve the inflammatory action of the parts. The ear should be carefully and tenderly washed out with castile soap, and a small quantity of the following solution poured into it two or three times daily, and the ear worked about gently in the hand to secure the percolation of the fluid through its structure.
[Symbol: Rx] Goulard's extract [Symbol: ounce] sj. Water 1 pint. Mix. or, [Symbol: Rx] Sugar of lead [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] i. Mix. or, [Symbol: Rx] Powdered alum [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] i. Mix.
The above mixtures should be warmed before using, otherwise the dog may resist their introduction.
When the disease from bad treatment or neglect has subsided into the chronic form, and ulceration and suppuration have commenced, it will be necessary to pursue a somewhat different treatment, and remain more patient, awaiting the result.
At this time the auditory passage is filled with a dark purulent secretion, which forms a thick and irritating crust.
This deposit should first be removed by washing with castile soap and tepid water, and the daily application of a hop poultice. If there be much inflammatory action of the parts, the dog may be bled, and alterative or purgative balls administered. The following wash must be used two or three times daily.
[Symbol: Rx] Sugar of lead [Symbol: scruple] i. Laudanum gtt.—20 (drops.) Water [Symbol: ounce] i. Mix.
As the discharge is usually very offensive, the following solution will correct its fetor, and should be injected or poured in the ear.
[Symbol: Rx] Chloride of lime [Symbol: drachm] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] vi. Mix.
If granulations have sprung up, touch them with a camel's hair brush, dipped in the following mixture:
[Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of copper [Symbol: scruple] i. Water [Symbol: ounce] i. Mix.
If, however, the excrescences continue to sprout from the cartilage, and the discharge continues unabated and offensive, they may be excised and the parts brushed over with nitrate of silver in substance. After this operation the flap often becomes extremely tender and much swollen; poultices of poppy-heads or hops will often afford much relief.
Setons are of much value in the treatment of obstinate cases, and should be placed in the poll, and kept open till a cure is effected, or the case abandoned.
All greasy applications to the parts should be discarded; the only one we consider allowable would be a very nice preparation of fresh butter, alum, and laudanum, smeared over the surface of the ulcers when very indolent and painful.
The following wash will be found very soothing in the same case:
[Symbol: Rx] Opium gtt. 20. Gum arabic iss— Lime water [Symbol: ounce] iv.
If the disease has progressed far enough to destroy a considerable portion of the cartilages, and perforate the tympanum, more care is necessary in using the above washes, as the fluid will enter the internal ear through this opening, and cause much uneasiness to the animal, if not fatal consequences.
Wounds of the flap are often occasioned by the tearing of poisonous briars, while hunting in close cover, or in conflict with other dogs.
The former will generally heal up without much trouble, but the latter, when extensive, sometimes two or three inches in length, by requiring uniting by one or more sutures, to prevent deformity.
When these little excrescences appear on the external or internal portions of the flap, they may be taken off with the knife, and caustic applied to the wound, to induce them to heal, and keep down further granulations.
When a corroding sore of this nature attacks the edges of the ear, and refuses to yield to the application of a few stimulating washes, such as sulphate of copper, alum, borax, nitrate of silver, &c., the diseased edges may be paired off, and the actual cautery applied to the parts. This will frequently arrest its further progress.
Polypi often spring up from the interior of the ear; they may be cut off with the scissors, or by the application of a fine wire, or horse-hair ligature. The wound should be touched with caustic, tincture of iodine, or the actual cautery.
This affection generally accompanies the same disease in other portions of the body, but may occasionally make its appearance independent of this cause. The edges of the flap become rough, thickened, and furrowed, the itching intolerable; and the dog perpetually shaking and scratching the head, occasions a constant oozing of blood from the wound. Smooth-baited dogs are most subject to this disease, such as pointers, hounds, and terriers.
'Treatment'—Slightly stimulating washes, such as castile soap, alum-water, or infusion of oak-bark, will, in the majority of cases, induce these sores to heal up. If these do not answer, it will be necessary to use the mange ointment, keeping the animal hobbled to prevent him from scratching. Old inveterate cases are best cured by trimming off the affected parts.—L.]
There is some difficulty in describing the ethmoid bones; but we shall not, however, deviate far from the truth if we give the following account:
A great number of small hollow pedicles proceed from and form around the cribriform plate; as they move downwards, they project into distinct vesicles or cavities, smaller and more numerous behind, fewer in number and larger in front; and each of them not a simple cavity, but more or less convoluted, while the long walls of those cells are of gossamer thinness, and as porous as gauze. They even communicate, and are lined, and externally wrapped together, by the same membrane; the whole assuming a pear-like form, attached by its base or greater extremity, and decreasing in size as it proceeds downwards; the cells becoming fewer, and terminating at length in a kind of apex, which passes under the superior turbinated bone, and forms a valve between the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinuses. If to this is added, that the olfactory or first pair of nerves abut on these cribriform plates, and pass through their minute openings, and spread themselves over every one of these cells, we have a tolerably correct picture of this portion of the ethmoid bones. This nerve has different degrees of development in different animals, in proportion to their acuteness of smell. There is comparatively but little necessity for acuteness in the horse. The ox has occasion for somewhat more, especially in the early part of the spring, when the plants are young, and have not acquired their peculiar scent. In the sheep it is larger, and fills the superior portion of the nasal cavity; but in the dog it seems to occupy that cavity almost to the exclusion of the turbinated bones. It is also much more fragile in the dog than in the ox, and the plates have a considerably thinner structure.
The ethmoid bone of the horse or the ox may be removed from its situation with little injury; but that of the dog can scarcely be meddled with without fracture. Below it are the two turbinated bones; but they are reduced to insignificance by the bulk of the ethmoid bone. The inferior turbinated bone in the dog is very small, but it is curiously complicated.
The 'meatus' contains three distinct channels; and the air, loitering, as it were, in it, and being longer in contact with the sensitive membrane by which it is lined, contributes to the acuter sense of smell. The larger cavity is along the floor of the nasal duct. It is the proper air-passage; and because it has this important function to discharge, it is out of the way of violence or injury.
The 'lachrymal duct' is the channel through which the superfluous tears are conveyed to the lower parts of the nostril. A long canal here commences, and runs down and along the maxillary bone. It is very small, and terminates in the cuticle, in order that the highly sensitive membrane of the nose may not be excoriated by the tears occasionally rendered acrimonious in inflammation of the eye. The oval termination of this duct is easily brought into view by lifting the nostril.
From some occasional acrimony of the tears, the lining of this duct may be inflamed and thickened, or some foreign body, or some unctuous matter from the ciliary glands, may insinuate itself into the duct, and the fluid accumulates in the sac and distends it, and it bursts; or the ulcer eats through the integument, and there is a small fistulous opening beneath the inner canthus of the eye, or there is a constant discharge from it. It is this constant discharge that prevents the wound from healing. In some cases the lachrymal bone is involved in the ulcerative process and becomes carious. In the dog, and particularly in the smaller spaniel, the watery eye, 'fistula lachrymalis', is of no unusual occurrence. The fistula will be recognised by a constant, although perhaps slight, discharge of pus.
The structure and office of the 'velum palati', or veil of the palate, is in the horse a perfect interposed section between the cavity of the mouth and the nose, and cutting off all communication between them. In the dog, who breathes almost entirely through the mouth, the velum palati is smaller; the tensor muscle, so beautifully described by Mr. Percivall, is weak, but the circumflex one is stronger and more developed. When 'coryza' in the dog runs on to catarrh, and the membrane of the pharynx partakes of the inflammation, the velum palati becomes inflamed and thickened, but will not act as a perfect communication between the mouth and the nose. When there is a defluxion from the nose, tinged by the colour of the food, and particles of food mingle with it, we have one of the worst symptoms that can present itself, because it proves the extent and violence of the inflammation.
In inflammatory affections of the membrane of the nose in the dog, we often observe him snorting in a very peculiar way, with his head protruding, and the inspiration as forcible as the expiration. An emetic will usually afford relief, or grain doses of the sulphate of copper.
The nasal bones of the dog (see fig. 2, in the head of the dog, page 181) are very small, as they are in all carnivorous animals. Instead of constituting the roof, and part of the outer wall of the cavity, as in other animals, the nasal bones form only a portion, and a small one, of the roof.
The 'superior maxillaries' here swell into importance, and constitute the whole of the outer wall, and, sometimes, a part of the roof. The jaws are the weapons of offence and defence; and as much space as possible is devoted to the insertion of those muscles that will enable the animal to seize and to hold his prey. One of the most powerful of them, the 'masseter', rises from the superior maxillary bone, and spreads over its whole extent: therefore, that bone is developed, while the nasal bone is compressed into a very small space. The substitution of a portion of cartilage, instead of bone, at the posterior part of the orbital ring, in order to give more play for the coracoid process of the posterior maxillary, round which the temporal bone is wrapped, is a contrivance of the same nature.
The scent of the dog is not sacrificed or impaired by the apparent diminution of the nasals; for the cavity enlarges considerably upward, and is occupied chiefly by the 'ethmoid bone', which, having the greater portion of nervous pulp spread on it, seems to have most to do with the sense of smell.
The nasal bones of the dog are essentially different from those of the horse, cattle, and sheep. They commence, indeed, as high up in the face as those of the horse, their superior extremities being opposite to the lachrymal gland; but that commencement is an apex or point varying materially in different breeds. They form, altogether, one sharp projection, and are received within breeds these processes extend nearly one-third of the length of the nasals.
The superior maxillary (3.3.) takes the situation of the nasal (2.), pushes the lachrymal bone (4.) out of its place, and almost annihilates it, reaches the frontal bone (7.) and expands upon it, and forms with it the same denticulated suture which is to be seen in the nasal. The action of the muscle between these bones, and for the development of which all this sacrifice is made, is exceedingly powerful. The strength of this muscle in a large dog is almost incredible: the sutures between these bones must possess corresponding strength; and so strong is the union between them, that, in many old dogs, the suture between the superior maxillary and frontal bones is nearly obliterated, and that between the nasal and frontal maxillary quite effaced.
As the nasal bones proceed downward they become somewhat wider. They unite with a long process of the anterior maxillary for the purpose of strength, and then terminate in a singular way. They have their apexes or points on the outer edge of the bone; and these apexes or points are so contrived, that, lying upon, and seemingly losing themselves, on the processes of the anterior maxillary, they complete, superiorly and posteriorly, that elliptical bony opening into the nose which was commenced by the maxillary anteriorly and inferiorly. The nasal cavity of the dog, therefore, and of all carnivorous animals, terminates by a somewhat circular opening, more or less in the form of an ellipse. This bony aperture varies in size in different dogs, and, as we should expect from what we have seen of the adaptation of structure to the situation and wants of the animal, it is largest in those on whom we are most dependent for speed and stoutness.
The 'olfactory', or first pair of nerves, have a double origin, namely, from the 'corpus striatum' and the base of the 'corpus callosum'. They are prolongations of the medullary substance of the central portion of the brain. They are the largest of the cerebral nerves. Their course is exceedingly short; and they have not a single anastomosis, in order that the impression made on them may be conveyed undisturbed and perfect to the brain.
The olfactory nerve is a prolongation of the substance of the brain, and it abuts upon the cribriform bone, of which mention has been made. I will not speak of the singular cavities which it contains, nor of their function; this belongs to the sensorial system: but its pulpy matter has already been traced to the base of the ethmoid bone, and the under part of the septum, and the superior turbinated bone. Although we soon lose it in the mucous membrane of the nose, there is little doubt that in a more filmy form it is spread over the whole of the cavity, and probably over all the sinuses of the face and head. It is, however, so mingled with the mucous membrane, that no power of the lens has enabled us to follow it so far. It is like the 'portio mollis of the seventh pair, eluding the eye, but existing in sufficient substances for the performance of its important functions.
We have frequent cases of 'Ozaena' in old dogs, and sometimes in those that are younger. The discharge from the nostril is abundant and constant, and sometimes fetid. The Schneiderian membrane, of more than usual sensibility in this animal, is exposed to many causes of irritation, and debilitated and worn out before its time. Pugs are particularly subject to Ozaena. I scarcely ever knew a very old pug that had it not to a greater or less degree. The peculiar depression between the nasal and frontal bones in this breed of dogs, while it almost totally obliterates the frontal sinuses, may narrow the air-passage at that spot, and cause greater irritation there from the unusual rush of the air, and especially if the membrane becomes inflamed or any foreign body insinuates itself.
Little can be done in these cases, except to encourage cleanliness about the face and nostrils. It is, in the majority of these cases, a disease of old age, and must take its course.
A terrier uttered a continual loud stertorous sound in breathing, which could be plainly heard in our parlour when the dog was in the hospital. The animal was evidently much oppressed and in considerable pain. He made continual, and generally ineffectual, efforts to sneeze. When he did succeed, a very small quantity of pus-like fluid was discharged; the dog was then considerably relieved, but a quarter of an hour afterwards he was as bad as ever. I ordered a slight emetic every third day. There was some relief for seven or eight hours, and then he was as bad as ever. I could neither feel nor see any cause of obstruction. The owner became tired, and the dog was taken away; but we could not learn what became of it.
Another terrier was occasionally brought for consultation. The dog breathed with considerable difficulty, and occasionally snorted with the greatest violence, and bloody purulent matter was discharged; after which he was somewhat relieved; but, in the course of a few days, the obstruction was as great as ever. I am not aware of a single instances of this affection of the pug being completely removed. The discharge from the nostrils of the bull-dog is often considerable, and, once being thoroughly established, is almost as obstinate as in the pug.
Ozaena, or fetid discharge from the nose, is, perhaps, the most troublesome and frequent affection that this organ is subject to; it is attended, at first, with slight fever, swelling of the parts, and a fetid discharge from the nostrils, which, if not corrected in the early stage of the disease, subsides into a chronic purulent secretion, that not only weakens the dog, but renders him peculiarly offensive. Caries and destruction of the bones of the nose will ultimately take place.
'Causes'.—Inflammation of the lining membrane of the nose, either idiopathic, or arising from distemper, or other morbid disturbance of the system. It may also be a symptom, or the produce, of polypi in this organ.
'Treatment'.—In commencing the treatment of this disease, it will be necessary first to prescribe some alterative medicines, as balls of aloes and rhubarb, and protect the animal from all severe atmospherical vicissitudes. This precaution, in connexion with mild astringent injections into the seat of the disorder, will generally effect a cure.
'Injections for Ozaena'.
No. 1. [Symbol: Rx] Sulphate of Zinc.........................grs. v to x. Water..............................[Symbol: ounce] i. Mix.
No. 2. [Symbol: Rx] Alum.............................[Symbol: scruple] ii. Water..............................[Symbol: ounce] i. Mix
No. 3. [Symbol: Rx] Chloride of Soda........................grs. v. to x. Water..............................[Symbol: ounce] i. Mix.
No. 4. [Symbol: Rx] Teneriffe, Madeira or Sherry wine..[Symbol: ounce] i. Extract of Tannin.............................grs. iv. Mix.
[Any of the above injections will answer a good purpose. No. 3 is particularly useful to correct the fetidness of the discharge. When the disease is an old chronic affection, it should not be arrested too suddenly by astringent injections; in such cases it will be better to insert a seton in the poll, and thus keep up a drain from the system after the suppression of the other.—L.]
In the dog we trace the triumph of 'olfactory power'. How indistinct must be that scent which is communicated to, and lingers on, the ground by the momentary contact of the foot of the hare, the fox, or the deer; yet the hound, of various breeds, recognises it for hours, and some sportsmen have said for more than a day. He also can not only distinguish the scent of one species of animal from another, but that of different animals of the same species. The fox-hound, well broken-in, will rarely challenge at the scent of the hare, nor will he be imposed upon when the crafty animal that he pursues has taken refuge in the earth, and thrusts out a new victim before the pack.
The sense of smelling is, to a certain degree, acute in all dogs. It is a provision wisely and kindly made, in order to guide them to their proper food, or to fit them for our service. It may possibly be the medium through which much evil is communicated. Certain particles of a deleterious nature may be, and doubtless are, arrested by the mucous membrane of the nose, and there absorbed, and the constitution, to a considerable degree, becomes affected. Hence appears the necessity for attention to ventilation, and especially to prevent the membrane of the nose from being habitually stimulated and debilitated by the effluvia generated in a close and hot kennel.
M. Majendie instituted some curious experiments on the sense of smelling, and he was led to believe that it depended more on the fifth pair of nerves than on the olfactory nerve. He divided the fifth pair, and from that moment no odour, no puncture, produced the slightest apparent impression on the membrane of the nose. In another dog he destroyed the two olfactory nerves, and placed some strong odours beneath the nostrils of the animal. The dog conducted himself as he would have done in his ordinary state. Hence he concluded it probable that the olfactory nerve was not that of smelling.
The simple fact, however, is, that there are two species of nerves here concerned—those of common and of peculiar sensation. The olfactory nerve is the nerve of smelling, the fifth pair is that of common sensation. They are to a certain degree necessary to each other.
'Scent'.—This leads us to the consideration of the term "scent." It expresses the odour or effluvium which is constantly issuing from every animal, and especially when that animal is in more than usual exercise. In a state of heat or excitement, the pores of the skin appear relaxed, and a fluid or aqueous vapour is secreted, which escapes in small or large quantities, adheres to the persona or substances on which it falls, and is, particularly, received on the olfactory organs. The hound, at almost the earliest period, begins to comprehend the work which he has to perform. The peculiar scent which his nostrils imbibe urges him eagerly to pursue but the moment he ceases to be conscious of the presence of the effluvium, he is at a perfect loss.
Mr. Daniel, in his work on the Chase, very properly observes, that "the scent most favourable to the hound is when the effluvium, constantly perspired from the game as it runs, is kept by the gravity of the air at the height of his breast. It is then neither above his reach nor does he need to stoop for it. This is what is meant when the scent is said to be breast-high."
When the leaves begin to fall, the scent does not lie well in the cover. It frequently alters materially in the same day. This depends principally on the condition of the ground and the temperature of the air, which should be moist but not wet. When the ground is hard and the air dry, there will seldom be much scent. The scent rarely lies with a north or east wind. A southerly wind without rain is the best. Sudden storms are sure to destroy the scent. A fine sunshiny day is not good; but a warm day without sun is always a good one. If, as the morning advances, the drops begin to hang on the bushes, the scent will not lie. During a white frost the scent lies high, and also when the frost is quite gone; but at the time of its going off the scent never lies. In a hard rain, if the air is mild, the scent will sometimes be very good. A wet night often produces the best chases. In heathy countries, where the game brushes the grass or the boughs as it goes along, the scent seldom fails. It lies best on the richest soils; but the countries that are favourable to horses are not always so to hounds. The morning usually affords the best scent, and the game is then least able to escape. The want of rest, added perhaps to a full belly, gives the hounds a decided superiority over an early-found fox; and the condition of the ground and the temperature of the air are circumstances of much importance.
Such are the results of the best observations on scent; but, after all, we have much to learn concerning it. Many a day that predicated to be a good one for scent has turned out a very bad one, and 'vice versa'. An old or experienced sportsman, knowing this, will never presume to make sure of his scent.
We shall be forgiven if we pursue this subject a little at length.
There is not only a constant appropriation of new matter to repair the losses that animals are continually sustaining, but there is a constant elaboration of gaseous or fluid matter maintaining the balance of the different systems, and essential to the continuance of life. This effluvium, as the animal moves from place to place, is attracted and detained for a while by the substances with which it comes into contact, or it remains floating in the atmosphere.
There is a peculiar smell or scent belonging to each individual, either generally or under peculiar circumstances.
The sportsman takes advantage of this; and, as most species of dogs possess great acuteness of olfactory power, they can distinguish, or are readily taught to distinguish, not only the scent of the hare from that of the fox, but that of the hare or fox which they are pursuing from that of half a dozen others that may be started during the chase.
The dogs that are selected for this purpose are those the conformation of whose face and head gives ample room for the development of the olfactory apparatus, and these are the different species of hounds; but a systematic education, and too often a great deal of unnecessary cruelty, is resorted to, in order to make them perfect in their work. The distinction between the scent of the fox and that of the hare is soon learned by the respective packs; and, when it is considered that the hunted hare is perspiring at every pore, and her strength being almost exhausted, she is straining every limb to escape from her pursuers, the increasing quantity of vapour which exudes from her will prevent every other newly started animal from being mistaken for her.
It has been well observed that when the atmosphere is loaded with moisture, and rain is at hand, the gas is speedily dissolved and mingles with the surrounding air. A storm dissipates it at once, while the cessation of the rain is preceded by the return and increased power of scent. A cold, dry easterly wind condenses and absorbs it, and this is even more speedily and irretrievably done by superabundant moisture. On fallows and beaten roads the scent rarely lies well, for there is nothing to detain it, and it is swept away in a moment; while over a luxuriant pasture, or by the hedge-row, or on the coppice, it lingers, clinging to the grass or the bushes. In a sunshiny day the scent is seldom strong; for too much of it is evaporated by the heat. The most favourable period is a soft southerly wind without rain, the scent being of the same temperature and gravity with the atmosphere. Although it spreads over the level, it rises not far above the ground, and, being 'breast high', enables the hound, keeping his muzzle in the midst of it, to run at his greatest speed. The different manners or attitudes in which the dog runs afford pleasing and satisfactory illustrations of the nature of the scent. Sometimes they will be seen galloping with their noses in the air, as if their game had flown away, and, an hour or two afterwards, every one of them will have his muzzle on the ground. The specific gravity of the atmosphere has changed, and the scent has risen of fallen in proportion.
A westerly wind stands next to a southerly one, for a hunting morning. This is all simple enough, and needs not the mystification with which it has been surrounded. A valuable account of this may be found in Johnson's Shooting Companion, a work that is justly and highly approved.
Mr. Delme Radcliffe has also, in his splendid work on "the noble science," some interesting remarks on the scent of hounds. He says that there is an idiosyncracy, a peculiarity, in their several dispositions. Some young hounds seem to enter on their work instinctively. From their first to their last appearance in the field they do no wrong. Others, equally good, will take no notice of anything; they will not stoop to any scent during the first season, and are still slack at entering even at the second; but are ultimately distinguished at the head of the pack; and such usually last some seasons longer than the more precocious of the same litter.
The manner of drinking is different in the different animals. The horse, the ox, and the sheep do not plunge their muzzles into the water, but bring their lips into contact with it and sip it gradually. The dog, whose tongue is longer, plunges it a little way into the fluid, and, curving its tip and its edges, laps, in the language of Johnson, with a "quick reciprocation of the tongue." The horse sucks the water that is placed before him, the dog laps it; and both of them are subject to inflammation of the tongue, to enlargement of that organ, and to a considerable or constant flow of saliva over it.
Extending from the base to the tip of the tongue there is on either side a succession of tendons, which help to retain the tongue in the mouth, and to curve the edge of it, so as to convey the food or the water to the posterior part of the mouth. These all spring from one central cord, and ramify over the membrane of the tongue. On opening the mouth, and keeping it open by means of two pieces of tape, one behind the upper canine teeth, and the other behind the lower ones, and drawing the tongue from the mouth and exposing its under surface, a cuticular fold or ridge will present itself, occupying a middle line from the base of the tongue to its very point. If this is opened with a lancet, a minute fibrous cord will be exposed through its whole extent. It is the cord which governs the motions of the tongue.
This cord is, sometimes, foolishly and uselessly detached from its adhesions, so far as we can effect it, and drawn forward with a tenaculum and divided. There is one abominable course pursued in effecting this. The violence used in stripping down the tendon is so great, and the lacerated fibrous substance is put so much on the stress, and its natural elasticity is so considerable, that it recoils and assumes the appearance of a dying worm, and the dog is said to have been wormed. For the sake of humanity, as well as to avoid the charge of ignorance, it is to be hoped that this practice will speedily cease.
The blain is a vesicular enlargement on the lateral and under part of the tongue in horses, oxen, and dogs, which, although not of unfrequent occurrence, or peculiarly fatal result, has not been sufficiently noticed by veterinary authors. In the horse and the dog it is often unaccompanied by any previous indisposition, or by other disease; but suddenly there is a copious discharge of saliva, at first limpid and without smell, but soon becoming purulent, bloody, and exceedingly fetid. On examination, the tongue is found apparently enlarged. It is elevated from its base between the maxillary bones, and on the side and towards the base of it are seen large vesicles, pellucid, red, livid, or purple; and, if the discharge is fetid, having near their bases ulcers, irregular, unhealthy, and gangrenous.
In the horse and the dog the progress of the disease is slow, and seldom extends beyond the sides of the tongue. The vesicles are not of such magnitude as to interfere with respiration, and the ulcers are neither many nor foul.
In cattle it is sadly different. The vesicles attain an enormous size. They quickly break and form deep ulcerations, which are immediately succeeded by other vesicles still larger. The whole membrane of the mouth becomes affected; the inflammation and swelling extend to the cellular substance of the neighbouring parts, and the head and neck are considerably, and sometimes enormously, enlarged; the respiratory passages are obstructed; the animal breathes with the greatest difficulty, and is, in some cases, literally suffocated.
The primary seat of blain, is the cellular substance beneath the integument of the part. As the sublingual glands stretch along the under part of the tongue, and their ducts open on the side of the fraenum, it is possible that this disease may proceed from, or be connected with, obstruction or inflammation of these ducts. Dissection, however, has not proved this; and the seat of the disease, when the swellings are first discovered, is chiefly the cellular tissue between the integument and the lateral parts of the tongue, and also that between the membrane of the mouth and the sublingual glands.
'Post-mortem' examination shows intense disease: the small intestines are highly inflamed with red and black patches, which are also found in the c3/4cum, colon, and rectum.
The blain is more frequent in spring and summer than at other seasons of the year. These are the times when the animal is debilitated by the process of moulting, and is then more than usually disposed to inflammatory complaints. It is usually an epidemic disease. Many cases of it occur about the same time in certain districts, and over a great extent of country. When it appears in towns, the country is rarely exempt from it. I am not prepared lo say that it is contagious either in the horse or the dog. I have not seen any instance of it. At all events, it is not so virulent in these animals as it is in cattle.
The vesicles should be freely lanced from end to end. There will not, perhaps, be much immediate discharge; for the vesicle will be distended by a substance imperfectly organised, or of such a glassy or inspissated nature as not readily to escape. It will, however, soon disappear; and in four-and-twenty hours, in the majority of cases, the only vestige of the disease will be an incision, not, perhaps, looking very healthy, but that will soon become so and heal. If there have been any previous ulcerations, or the slightest fetor, the mouth should he frequently washed with a diluted solution of the chloride of lime; one part of the saturated solution, and eleven of water. This will act as a powerful and useful stimulus to the foul and indolent ulcer. When all unpleasant smell is removed, the mouth should be bathed with a lotion composed of equal parts of tincture of myrrh and water, or half an ounce of alum dissolved in a quart of water, and two ounces of the tincture of catechu added to the solution. I do not recollect a case in the horse or dog, in which these medicines were not employed with advantage. In cattle, before there has been fetor attending the discharge, or the constitution has been materially affected, these simple means will perfectly succeed. |