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The Dog - A nineteenth-century dog-lovers' manual, - a combination of the essential and the esoteric.
by William Youatt
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is the discharge of faeces more frequently than usual, and thinner than their natural consistence, but otherwise not materially altered in quality; and the mucous coat of the intestines being somewhat congested, if not inflamed. It is the consequence of over-feeding, or the use of improper food. Sometimes it is of very short continuance, and disappears without any bad consequence; the health being unaffected, and the character of the faeces not otherwise altered than by assuming a fluid character. It may not be bad practice to wait a day, or possibly two, as it is desirable for the action of the intestines to be restored without the aid of art. I should by no means give a physic-ball, or a grain of calomel, in simple diarrhoea. I should fear the establishment of that species of purging which is next to be described. The castor-oil mixture usually affords the best hope of success.

Habitual diarrhoea is not an unfrequent disease in petted dogs: in some it is constitutional, in others it is the effect of neglected constipation. A state of chronic inflammation is induced, which has become part of the constitution of the dog; and, if repressed in the intestines, it will appear under a more dangerous form in some other place.


is a far more serious complaint. In most cases a considerable degree of inflammation of the mucous coat exists, and the mucus is separated from the membrane beneath, and discharged per anum. The mucus thus separated from the intestinal membrane assumes an acrid character. It not only produces inflammation of the membrane, dangerous and difficult to treat, but it excoriates the anus and neighbouring parts, and produces pain and tenesmus.

This disease has sometimes been fatally misunderstood. A great deal of irritation exists in the intestinal membrane generally, and in the lower part of the rectum particularly. The faeces passing over this denuded surface cause a considerable degree of pain, and there is much straining, and a very small bit or portion of faces is evacuated. This has often been seen by the careless observer; and, as he has taken it as an indication of costiveness, some drastic purgative has been administered, and the animal quickly killed.

No one that had ascertained the real nature of the disease would administer calomel in any form or combination; but the anodyne mixture as an enema, and also administered by the mouth, is the only medicine from which benefit can be expected.


is a disease when it becomes habitual. It is connected with disease of the intestinal canal. Many dogs have a dry constipated habit, often greatly increased by the bones on which they are too frequently fed. This favours the disposition to mange and to many diseases depending on morbid secretions. It produces indigestion, encourages worms, blackens the teeth, and causes fetid breath. The food often accumulates in the intestines, and the consequence is inflammation of these organs. A dog should never be suffered to remain costive more than a couple of days. An aloetic ball or some Epsom salts should then be administered; and this failing to produce the desired effect, the castor-oil mixture, with spirits of buckthorn and white poppies, should be administered, and the use of the clyster-pipe resorted to. It may be necessary to introduce the finger or the handle of a spoon when the faecal matter is more than usually hard, and it is with difficulty broken down; small doses of castor-oil should be afterwards resorted to, and recourse occasionally be had to boiled liver, which the dog will rarely refuse. The best means, however, of preventing costiveness in dogs, as well as in men, is regular exercise. A dog who is kept chained up in a kennel should be taken out and have a certain quantity of exercise once in the twenty-four hours. When this cannot be done, the food should consist chiefly of well-boiled farinaceous matter.


Another disease, which is not confined to the abdominal cavity, is dropsy: but, as in the dog it most commonly assumes that form which is termed ascites, or dropsy of the abdomen, it may be noticed in this place. It is seldom an idiopathic or primary affection, but is generally the consequence of some other disease, most commonly of an inflammatory kind.

Dropsy is a collection of fluid in some part of the frame, either from increased exhalation, or from diminished absorption, the consequence of inflammation. The divisions of dropsy are into active and passive, or acute and chronic. The causes are also very properly arranged as predisposing and exciting. The diseases on which dropsy most frequently supervenes are fevers and visceral inflammations and obstructions. The dog is peculiarly subject to 'ascites' or 'dropsy of the belly', and the quantity of fluid contained in the abdomen is sometimes almost incredible. It is usually accompanied or characterised by a weak, unequal, small, and frequent pulse—paleness of the lips, tongue, and gums—flaccidity of the muscles, hurried breathing on the least exertion, feebleness of the joints, swellings of the lower limbs, effusion of fluid into the integuments or among the muscles, before there is any considerable effusion into the thorax or the abdomen, and an unhealthy appearance of the cutaneous surface. The urine seldom coagulates. This form of dropsy is usually seated in the abdomen or cellular tissue.

The treatment of ascites is seldom perfectly successful. The great extent of the peritoneum, the number and importance of the viscera with which it is connected, and of the absorbent glands which it encloses, the number and weakness of the veins which transmit their blood to the portal vessels, and the absence of valves, in some measure account for the frequent accumulation of fluid in this cavity. It appears in both sexes from the usual causes of inflammatory disease. Unwholesome diet, the drastic operation of purgatives, external injuries, the suppression of accustomed secretions and discharges, all are exciting causes of dropsy.

The animal has suffered materially from mange, which has been apparently cured: the itchiness and eruption altogether disappear, but many weeks do not elapse ere ascites begins to be seen, and the abdomen is gradually distended with fluid. When this appears in young and healthy animals, it may be conquered; but when there has been previous disease of almost any kind, comparatively few patients permanently recover. Irritability of the stomach, and a small and accelerated pulse, are unfavourable. If the operation of tapping has taken place, at all times there is danger; but, if there is a thick, brown, albuminous or fetid discharge, it is very unlikely that any permanent advantage will result from the operation.

We will introduce a few cases as they occur in our clinical records.

'November 7th, 1821'.—A spaniel, nine years old, had been, during four months, alternately asthmatic or mangy, or both. Within the last few days she had apparently increased in size. I was sent for. The first touch of the abdomen betrayed considerable fluctuation. She likewise had piles, sore and swelled. I ordered an alterative ball to be given morning and night.

'8th'. One of the balls has been given, and two doses of castor oil; but no effect has been produced. An injection was administered.

'9th'. A small evacuation of water has been produced, and the bowels have been slightly opened. Give a dose of the castor-oil mixture.

'10th'. The obstruction has been removed; the enlargement is somewhat diminished; much water has passed. Give an alterative ball every morning.

'14th'. The alteratives have been continued, and there is a slow but evident decrease of the abdomen.

'18th'. I cannot detect any effusion in the abdomen. Give a pill every alternate day for a fortnight. At the expiration of this period the dog was apparently well.

'April 23d', 1822.—A terrier, ten years old, had cough and mange, which ceased. The belly for the first time began to enlarge, and on feeling the dog considerable fluctuation was evident. He would not eat, but he drank immoderately. Give daily a ball consisting of tonic and physic mist., with powdered digitalis and tartrate of iron.

'May 6th'.—He is in better spirits, feeds tolerably well, but is rather increased in size. Give daily a ball of tartrate of iron, digitalis, ginger, and a grain of calomel.

22'd'. Much thinner, the belly very considerably diminished: a slight fluctuation is still to be perceived. Continue medicine, with a half-grain only of calomel.

'July 17th'.—The medicine has been regularly given, and the water of the abdomen has rapidly disappeared, until a fortnight ago: since that time it has been once more filling. The medicine was ordered to be repeated.

'August 6th'.—The medicine has once more produced its proper effect, and the fluid has disappeared.

On the '16th', however, the fluctuation was again too plainly felt, and the owner determined to have nothing more to do with the case. The animal was never brought again, nor could I trace it. The dog might have been saved if the owner had done it justice.

As soon as dropsy appears to be established, proper medicines must be resorted to. Foxglove, nitre, and ginger should be first tried in the proportional doses of one, ten, and eight grains, given morning and night. If this does not succeed, iodine from half-a-grain to a grain may be given morning and night, and a weak solution of iodine rubbed on the belly.

This being ineffectual, recourse may be had to tapping, taking care that the trocar is not plunged sufficiently deep to wound the intestines. The place for the operation is directly on the 'linea alba', or middle line of the belly, and about midway between the pubis and the navel. The whole of the intestinal fluid may be suffered to escape. A bandage should then be applied round the belly, and retained there a week or more.

Mr. Blaine very properly states, that the difference between fatness and dropsy is, that the belly hangs pendulous in dropsy, while the back bone stands up, and the hips are protruded through the skin; while the hair is rough, and the feeling of the coat is peculiarly harsh. It may be distinguished from pregnancy by the teats enlarging, in the latter case, as gestation advances, and the young ones may occasionally be felt to move. In addition to this it may be stated, that the presence of water is readily and unerringly detected. If the right hand is laid on one side of the belly, and the other side is gently struck with the left hand, an undulating motion will be readily perceived.

In old dogs, dropsy, under the title of "anasarca," is an unfrequent but occasional accompaniment of ascites. If pressure is made on any particular parts, they yield and continue depressed for a longer or shorter period of time, and slowly and by degrees regain their natural form. The skin is dry and distended, and with no natural action; the circulation is languid and small, the muscular powers are diminished, the animal is unquiet, the thirst is great, the tongue is pale, the appetite diminished, and the limbs are swelled. The best mode, of treatment is the infliction of some very small punctures in the distended skin, and the application of gentle friction. The majority of cases of this kind are usually fatal, and so is almost every case of encysted dropsy.

A dog had cough in February, 1825. Various medicines were administered, and at length the cough almost suddenly ceased, and evident ascites appeared. The thirst was insatiable, the dog would not touch food, and he was unable to lie down more than two minutes at a time.

Digitalis, cream of tartar, and hydrarg. submur. were given on the 9th April.

On the 13th he was much worse, and apparently dying. He had been unable to rise for the last twelve hours, and lay panting. I punctured the abdomen, and four quarts of fluid were evacuated.

'14th'. The panting continues. The dog will not eat, but he can lie down in any posture.

'15th'. The panting is diminished, the appetite is returning, and water continues to ooze from the wound,

'17th'. The wound healed on the night of the 15th, and already the fluid begins to collect. The medicine still continued.

'20th'. The spirits good, and strength improving; but the belly is evidently filling, and matter is discharged from both the nose and eyes.

'26th'. The swelling a little diminished, respiration easy, and the dog walking comfortably about, and feeding well.

'May 13th'.—The swelling, which for some days past diminished, is now again increasing; but the dog is strong and breathes easily. Medicine as before.

'24th.'. The dog is thinner, weaker, filling fast, and the thirst excessive. [Symbol: Rx]: Crem. tart., ferri tart. [Symbol: ounce] ij., pulv. flor. anthemid. [Symbol: ounce] iiij., conser. ros. q. s.: divide in bol. xii.: cap. in dies.

'27th'. During two days he has been unable to lie down more than a minute at a time. Again tapped: fully as much fluid was evacuated as before; but there is now blood mingling with it.

30th. Much relieved by the tapping, and breathes with perfect ease; but, now that the enormous belly is reduced, the dog is very thin. Bol. continued.

June 8th. Within the last three days the animal has filled again with extraordinary rapidity. [Symbol: Rx;]: Ferr. tart. [Symbol: scruple] j., opii. gr. 1/4, pulv. gentianae [Symbol: scruple] j., cons. ros. q. s.: f. bol. capiend. in dies.

13th. Is again strangely distended; I advised, or rather solicited, that it might be destroyed; but this not being granted, I once more tapped him. At least a gallon of dark-coloured fluid was evacuated.

22d. Again rapidly filling, but not losing either flesh or strength.

July 4th.—Once more punctured, and a gallon of dark-coloured fluid evacuated.

12th. Again filling and rapidly losing flesh and strength.

26th. Once more tapped: immediately after which he appeared to be revived, but almost immediately began again to fill.

Aug. 2d.—He had eaten tolerably; appeared to have nothing more than usual the matter with him, when, being missed for an hour, he was found dead. No examination was permitted.

In 1824 a spaniel, six years old, was brought to the infirmary. It had had an asthmatic cough, which had left it. It was now hollow in the flanks, the belly pendulous, and an evident fluctuation of water. The owner would not consent to any operation. An aloetic physic-ball, however, was given every fifth day, and a ball, composed of tartrate of iron, digitalis, nitre, and antimonial powder, on every intermediate morning and night. The water evidently accumulated; the dog was sent for, and died in the course of a week.

There are a few medicines that may be useful in arresting the effusion of the fluid; but they too often fail in producing any considerable benefit. The fox-glove is, perhaps, possessed of the greatest power, combined with nitre, squills, and bitartrate of potash. At other times chamomile, squills, and spirit of nitrous ether, may be tried.

The following case, treated by the administration of iodine, by Professor Dick, is important:—

A black and tan coloured retriever was sent to me labouring under ascites. He was tapped, and two quarts of fluid abstracted. Tonics, combined with diuretics were given, but the fluid continued to accumulate, and in three weeks he was again tapped, and another two quarts drawn away. The disease still went on, and a fortnight afterwards a similar quantity was withdrawn. Various remedies were tried in order to check the power of the disease, but without effect, and the abdomen again became as much distended with the effused serum as before.

He was then put under a course of iodine, which soon began to show its beneficial influence by speedily allaying his excessive thirst; and in about a month the whole of the effused fluid was absorbed, although from the size of the abdomen it must have amounted to a similar quantity to that drawn off on the previous occasions. The dog's appetite soon returned; he gained flesh rapidly, and has continued quite well, and, from being a perfect skeleton, soon became overloaded with fat.

Induced by the great benefit derived in this case from the iodine, I took the opportunity of trying it on a Newfoundland dog similarly affected. He was put on a course of iodine, and the quantity of the drug was gradually increased. As absorption rapidly commenced, the fluid was completely taken up; but, partly in consequence of pushing the medicine too far, and partly from extensive disease in the liver, unfavourable symptoms took place, and he sunk rather unexpectedly. Still, however, from the obvious and decided advantage derived from the medicine, I have no doubt that iodine will be found one of the most efficient remedies in dropsy in dogs.

Iodine is a truly valuable drug. When first introduced into veterinary practice it was observed that it readily accomplished the reduction of the enlarged glands that frequently remain after catarrh; but it was presently evident that it reduced almost every kind of tumour, even the growth of tubercles in the lungs. Professor Morton, in his Manual of Pharmacy, has admirably described the different combinations of iodine.


of the dog seems to follow a law of comparative anatomy, that its bulk shall be in an inverse proportion of that of the lungs. The latter are necessarily capacious; for they need a large supply of arterial blood, in order to answer to their rapid expenditure when the utmost exertion of strength and speed is required. The liver is, therefore, restricted in its size and growth. Nevertheless, it has an important duty to fulfil, namely, to receive the blood that is returned from the intestines, to separate from the blood, or to secrete, by means of it, the bile; and then to transmit the remaining portion of it to the lungs, where it undergoes the usual process of purification, and is changed to arterial blood. In the performance of this office, the liver often undergoes a state of inflammation, and disease ensues, inveterate, and setting at defiance every means of cure. Both the skin and the urine become tinged with a yellow effusion. The animal is dull, and gradually wastes away.

In a few days the yellow hue becomes more intense, and particularly on the cuticle, the conjunctiva, the iris, the gums, and the lips. A state of fever becomes more and more perceptible, and there are alternations of cold and heat. The pulse varies from 80 to 120; the dry tongue hangs from the mouth; the appetite ceases, but the animal is peculiarly desirous of cold water. The dog becomes restless; he seeks to hide himself; and he groans, if the parts in the neighbourhood of the liver are pressed upon.

Frequent vomitings now appear, slimy, and evidently containing gall. The animal becomes visibly thinner, obstinately refuses all solid food, and only manifests thirst. He begins to stagger as he walks; he withdraws himself from observation; he anxiously seeks some dark place where he may lay himself with his chest and belly resting on the cold ground, his fore legs stretched out before him, and his hind legs almost as far behind him. The fever increases, the skin becomes of a dark yellow colour, the mucous membrane of the mouth and conjunctiva is of a dirty red, the expired air is evidently hot, the gaze is anxious, the urine is of a saffron yellow, or even darker: in short, there now appears every symptom of inflammation of the liver, with jaundice.

As the disease proceeds the animal begins to vomit masses of a yellowish green substance, occasionally mixed with blood. He wastes away to a skeleton, he totters in his walk, he is half unconscious, the pulse becomes weak and interrupted, the temperature sinks, and death ensues.

The duration and course of the disease are deceptive. It occasionally proceeds so insidiously that several days are suffered to pass before the owner perceives any marks of disease, or seeks any aid. The duration of the disease is usually from ten to twelve days. It terminates in congestion of blood in the liver, or a gradual restoration to health. The latter can only take place in cases where the inflammation has proceeded very slowly; where the commencement and progress of the disease could be discovered by debility and slight yellowness of the skin, and especially where speedy recourse has been had to medical aid.

The predisposing causes of this disease are often difficult to discover. The dog, in warm climates, seems to have a natural disposition to it. As exciting causes, atmospheric influence may be reckoned, sultry days, cold nights, and damp weather. Other occasional causes may be found in violent falls, bruises, and overfeeding. Fat petted dogs that are easily overheated by exertion are often attacked by this disease. The result of the disease depends on its duration, course, and complication. If it is attended to early, it can generally be cured. If it has existed for several days, and the fever has taken on a typhoid character—if the yellow hue is perceptible—the appetite failing, and vomiting ensuing, the cure is doubtful; and, if inflammation of the stomach has taken place, with high fever, vomiting of blood, wasting away, and fits occurring, there is no chance of cure.

When simple jaundice alone is visible, a moderate laxative of sulphate of magnesia and tartaric acid, in conjunction with some aromatic and mucilaginous fluid, or, quite in the beginning of the disease, an emetic, will be found of considerable service; but, when the yellow colour has become more intense, and the animal will no longer eat, and the fever and weakness are increased, it is necessary to give calomel, tartar-emetic, camphor, and opium, in the form of pills, and to rub some strong liniment on the region of the liver: the doses of calomel, however, must be very small. If inflammation of the stomach appears, mucilaginous fluids only must be given. Bleeding may be of service in the commencement of the disease, but afterward it is hurtful.

This is an account of hepatitis as it occasionally appears, and particularly on the Continent; but it does not often assume so virulent a character in our country. There is often restlessness, thirst, and sickness, accompanied by much prostration of strength; or general heat and tenderness. Occasionally there is purging; but much oftener constipation, that bids defiance to almost every medicine. The principal or almost only hope of cure consists in bleeding, physicking, and blistering on the right side.

Of bilious disease, assuming the character of inflammation, we have too many cases. It may be spontaneous or brought on by the agency of other affections. Long-continued and inveterate mange will produce it. It is often connected with, or produced by, distemper, or a dull inflammatory disease of the liver, and it is generally accompanied by pustular eruption on the belly. The skin is usually tinged of a yellow hue, and the urine is almost invariably impregnated with bile. The suffusion which takes place is recognised among sportsmen by the term "yellows." The remedy should be some mercurial, with gentian and aloes given twice in the day, and mercurial ointment well rubbed in once in the day. If this treatment is steadily pursued, and a slight soreness induced in the mouth, the treatment will usually be successful. Mr. Blaine observes,

"A moderate soreness of the mouth is to be encouraged and kept up. I have never succeeded in removing the complaint without it."


M. W. Leblanc, of Paris, has given an interesting account of the causes and treatment of 'jaundice' in the dog.

The prevailing symptom of this disease in the dog is a yellow discoloration of the skin and the mucous membranes of greater or less intensity. It generally announces the existence of very serious disease, as inflammation of the liver and its excretory ducts, or of the gall-bladder, or the stomach, or small intestines, or contraction or 'obliteration' of the excretory ducts of the liver, in consequence of inflammation of these vessels, or the presence of concrete substances formed from the bile. The dogs in which he found the most decided traces of this disease laboured under diarrhea, with stools of a reddish brown or black colour for one, two or three days.

The causes of jaundice are chiefly over-fatigue (thus, greyhounds are more subject to it than pointers), immersions in water, fighting, emetics or purgatives administered in over-doses, the repeated use of poisonous substances not sufficiently strong at once to destroy the animal, the swallowing of great quantities of indigestible food, and contusions of the abdominal viscera, especially about the region of the liver. The most serious, if not the most common cause, is cold after violent and long-continued exercise; and especially when the owners of dogs, seeing them refuse their food after a long chase, give them powerful purgatives or emetics.

The treatment should have strict relation to the real or supposed cause of jaundice, and its most evident concomitant circumstances. Some of these symptoms are constant and others variable. Among the first, whatever be the cause of the disease, we reckon acceleration of the pulse; fever, with paroxysms of occasional intensity; and a yellow or reddish-yellow discoloration of the urine. Among the second are constipation, diarrhoea, the absence or increase of colour in the faecal matter, whether solid or fluid. When they are solid, they are usually void of much colour; when, on the contrary, there is diarrhea, the faeces are generally mingled with blood more or less changed. Sometimes the dejections are nearly black, mixed with mucus. It is not unusual for a chest affection to be complicated with the lesions of the digestive organs, which are the cause of jaundice.

With these leading symptoms there are often others connected that are common to many diseases; such as dryness and heat of the mouth, a fetid smell, a staggering gait, roughness of the hair, and particularly of that of the back; an insatiable thirst, accompanied by the refusal of all food; loss of flesh, which occasionally proceeds with astonishing rapidity; a tucked-up flank, with hardness and tenderness of the anterior part of the belly.

The jaundice which is not accompanied with fever, nor indeed with any morbid change but the colour of the skin, will require very little treatment. It will usually disappear in a reasonable time, and M. Leblanc has not found that any kind of treatment would hasten that disappearance.

When any new symptom becomes superadded to jaundice, it must be immediately combated. Fever, injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva, constipation, diarrhoea, or the discoloration of the urine, require one bleeding at least, with some mucilaginous drinks. Purgatives are always injurious at the commencement of the disease.

"I consider," says M. Leblanc, "this fact to be of the utmost importance. Almost the whole of the dogs that have been brought to me seriously ill with jaundice, have been purged once or more; and either kitchen salt, or tobacco, or jalap, or syrup of buckthorn, or emetic tartar, or some unknown purgative powders, have been administered.

"Bleeding should be resorted to, and repeated if the fever continues, or the animal coughs, or the respiration be accelerated. When the pulse is subdued, and the number of pulsations are below the natural standard—if the excrements are still void of their natural colour—if the constipation continues, or the animal refuses to feed—an ounce of manna dissolved in warm water should be given, and the dog often drenched with linseed tea. If watery diarrhoea should supervene, and the belly is not hot nor tender, a drachm or more, according to the size of the dog, of the sulphate of magnesia or soda should be administered, and this medicine should be repeated if the purging continues; more especially should this aperient be had recourse to when the faeces are more or less bloody, there being no fever nor peculiar tenderness of the belly.

"When the liquid excrement contains much blood, and that blood is of a deep colour, all medicines given by the mouth should be suspended, and frequent injections should be thrown up, consisting of thin starch, with a few drops of laudanum. Too much cold water should not be allowed in this stage of the disease. Injections, and drinks composed of starch and opium, are the means most likely to succeed in the black diarrhoea, which is so frequent and so fatal, and which almost always precedes the fatal termination of all the diseases connected with jaundice.

"In simple cases of jaundice the neutral salts have seldom produced much good effect; but I have obtained considerable success from the diascordium, in doses of half a drachm to a drachm.

"Great care should be taken with regard to the diet of the dog that has had jaundice, with bloody or black diarrhoea; for the cases of relapse are frequent and serious and almost always caused by improper or too abundant food. A panada of bread, with a little butter, will constitute the best nourishment when the dog begins to recover his appetite. From this he may be gradually permitted to return to his former food. Most especially should the animal not be suffered to take cold, or to be left in a low or damp situation. This attention to the food of the convalescent dog may be thought to be pushed a little too far; but experience has taught me to consider it of the utmost importance, and it is neither expensive nor troublesome."


The spleen is generally regarded as an appendage to the absorbent system. Tiedemann and Gmelin consider that its specific function is to secrete from the blood a fluid which possesses the property of coagulation, and which is carried to the thoracic duct, and then, being united with the chyle, converts it into blood, and causes an actual communication between the arterial and absorbent systems. According, however, to Dr. Bostock, there is a fatal objection to this, namely, that animals have been known to live an indefinite length of time after the removal of the spleen, without any obvious injury to their functions, which could not have been the case if the spleen had been essentially necessary for so important a process.

A knowledge of the diseases of the spleen in the dog appears to be less advanced than in any other animal. In the cases that I have seen, the earliest indications were frequent vomiting, and the discharge of a yellow, frothy mucus. The animal appeared uneasy, shivering, the ears cold, the eyes unnaturally protuberant, the nostrils dilated, the flanks agitated, the respiration accelerated, and the mucous membranes pale. The best treatment I know is the administration, twice in the day, of a ball composed of a grain of calomel and the same quantity of aloes, and five grains of ginger. The dog frequently cries out, both when he is moved and when he lies on his bed. In the course of three days the yellow mucus is generally disappearing, and the expression of pain is materially diminished.

If the bowels are much constipated after two days have passed, two scruples of aloes may be given, and a grain of calomel; frequent injections may also be administered.

We are almost totally ignorant of the functions of the 'pancreas'. It probably is concerned in assimilating the food, and converting the chyme of the stomach into chyle.


is a serious and dangerous malady. This organ is essentially vascular in its texture; and although it is small in volume, yet, on account of the quantity of blood which it contains, and the rapidity with which its secretions are performed, it is disposed to frequent and dangerous inflammation. The immediate causes of inflammatory action in this viscus are blows and contusions in the lumbar region; hard work long continued, and the imprudent use of stimulating substances employed as aphrodisiacs; the presence of calculi in the kidney, and the arrest of the urine in the bladder. The whole of the kidney may be affected with anaemia or defect of blood, or this may be confined to the cortical substance, or even to the tubular. The kidneys are occasionally much larger than usual, without any other change of structure; or simple hypertrophy may affect but one of them. They are subject to atrophy, which may be either general or partial; or one of the kidneys may be completely wanting, and this evidently the consequence of violence or disease.

Hydatids, though seldom met with in the human kidney, are not unfrequently found in that of the dog. All these are circumstances that have not received sufficient attention.


are of more frequent occurrence than is generally imagined, but they are not confined to the kidneys; there is scarcely a portion of the frame in which they have not been found, particularly in the brain, the glandular substance, and the coats of the intestines.

I cannot say with Mr. Blaine that I have seen not less than 40 or 50 calculi in my museum; but I have seen too many fearful examples of the complaint. There has been usually great difficulty in the urinary evacuation; and at length one of the calculi enters the urethra, and so blocks up the flow of the urine that mortification ensues.

M. Lautour relates a case of renal calculus in a dog. He had occasionally voided his urine with some difficulty, and had walked slowly and with evident pain. August 30, 1827, a sudden exacerbation came on, and the dog was dreadfully agitated. He barked and rolled himself on the ground almost every minute; be made frequent attempts to void his urine, which came from him drop by drop. When compelled to walk, his hind and fore legs seemed to mingle together, and his loins were bent into a perfect curve; his flanks were drawn in; he could scarcely be induced to eat; and he evidently suffered much in voiding his faeces. Mild and demulcent liquids were his only food. Warm baths and injections were applied almost unceasingly, and in eight days he seemed to have perfectly gained his health.

In March, in the following year, the symptoms returned with greater intensity. His hind limbs were dragged after him; he rapidly lost flesh, and his howlings were fearful and continuous. The same mode of treatment was adopted without any good effect, and, his cries continuing, he was destroyed.

The stomach and intestines were healthy. The bladder was enlarged from the thickness and induration of its parietes; the mucous membrane of it was covered with ecchymoses; the kidneys were three or four times their natural size; and the pelvis contained a calculus weighing 126 grains, composed of 58 grains of uric acid and 58 of ammonia, with 10 grains of phosphate of lime.

Of the nature and causes of urinary calculi in the bladder we know very little. We only know that some solid body finds its way or is formed there, gradually increases in size, and at length partially or entirely occupies the bladder. Boerhaave has given a singular and undeniable proof of this. He introduced a small round pebble into the bladder of a dog. The wound perfectly healed. A few months afterwards the animal was killed, and there was found a calculus of considerable size, of which the pebble was the nucleus.

Occasionally the pressure of the bladder on the calculus which it contains is exceedingly great, so much so, indeed, as to crush the calculus. A small calculus may sometimes be forcibly extracted, or cut down upon and removed; but when the calculus is large, a catheter or bougie must be passed up the penis as far as the curve in the urethra, and then somewhat firmly held with the left hand, and pressing against the urethra. A scalpel should be taken, and an incision made into the urethra. The catheter being now withdrawn, and the finger or a pair of forceps introduced into the bladder, the calculus may be grasped and extracted.

There are some instances in which as many as 20 or 30 small calculi have been taken from the bladder of a dog. Twice I have seen calculi absolutely crushed in the bladder of a dog; and Mr. Blaine says that he found no fewer than 40 or 50 in the bladder of a Newfoundland dog. One of them had passed out into the urethra, and had so blocked up the passage that the flow of urine was prevented, and the animal died of mortification.

With much pleasure I refer to the details of Mr. Blaine with regard to the management of 'vesical calculi'.

"When a small calculus," says he, "obstructs the urethra, and can be felt, it may be attempted to be forced forward through the urethra to the point of the penis, whence it may be extracted by a pair of forceps. If it cannot be so moved, it may be cut down upon and removed with safety; but when one or more stones are within the bladder, we must attempt lithotomy, after having fully satisfied ourselves of their existence there by the introduction of the sound; to do which it must be remembered that the urethra of the dog in passing the bladder proceeds nearly in a direct line backwards, and then, making an acute angle, it passes again forwards to the bladder. It must be therefore evident, that when it becomes necessary to introduce a catheter, sound, or bougie, it must first be passed up the penis to the extremity of this angle; the point of the instrument must then be cut down upon, and from this opening the instrument may be readily passed forward into the bladder. The examination made, and a stone detected, it may, if a very small one, be attempted to be pushed forward by means of a finger passed up the anus into the urethra; but, as this could be practicable only where the dog happened to be a large one, it is most probable that nothing short of the operation of lithotomy would succeed. To this end, the sound being introduced, pass a very small gorget, or otherwise a bistoury, along its groove into the bladder, to effect an opening sufficient to admit of the introduction of a fine pair of forceps, by which the stone may be laid up and extracted." 'Blaine's Canine Pathology', p. 180.


is of frequent occurrence in the dog; it is also occasionally observed in the horse and the ox. It sometimes appears as an epizootic. It is generally announced by anxiety, agitation, trembling of the hinder limbs, frequent attempts to urine, vain efforts to accomplish it, the evacuation small in quantity, sometimes clear and aqueous, and at other times mucous, laden with sediment, thick and bloody, escaping by jets, painfully and with great difficulty, and then suddenly rushing out in great quantity. To this list of symptoms colic may often be added. The animal drinks with avidity, but seldom eats much, unless at the commencement of the complaint. The skin is hard and dry, he looks at his flanks, and his back and flanks are tender when pressed upon.

During the latter portion of my connexion with Mr. Blaine, this disease assumed an epidemic character. There was a great drought through almost every part of the country. The disease was characterised by general uneasiness; continual shifting of the posture; a tucked-up appearance; an anxious countenance; a quick and noisy pulse; continued panting; the urine voided in small quantities, sometimes discharged drop by drop, or complete stoppage of it. The belly hot, swelled, and tender to the touch; the dog becoming strangely irritable, and ready to bite even his master.

'1st May', 1824.—Two dogs had been making ineffectual attempts to void their urine for nearly two days. The first was a terrier, and the other a Newfoundland. The terrier was bled, placed in a warm bath, and an aloetic ball, with calomel, administered. He was bled a second time in the evening, and a few drops of water were discharged. On the following day, the urine slowly passed involuntarily from him; but when he attempted to void any, his efforts were totally ineffectual. Balls composed of camphor, pulv. uva ursi, tinct. ferri mur., mass purg., and pulv. lini. et gum. arab., were administered morning, noon, and night.

On the 5th the urine still passed involuntarily. Cold lotions were employed, and tonic and astringent medicines administered, with castor oil. He gradually got well, and no trace of the disease remained until June the 6th, when he again became thin and weak, and discharged much bloody urine, but apparently without pain. The uva ursi, oak bark, and powdered gum-arabic were employed.

On the 12th he had become much better, and so continued until the 1st of July, when he again exhibited the same complaint more violently than before. He was exceedingly tender on the loins, and screamed when he was touched. He was bled, returned to his uva ursi and powdered gum, and recovered. I saw him two years afterwards apparently well.

The Newfoundland dog exhibited a similar complaint, with nearly the same accompaniments.

'May' 1.—He was disinclined to move; his belly was hard and hot, and he was supposed to be costive. Gave an aloetic ball with iron.

2d. He has endeavoured, in vain, several times to void his urine. He walks stiffly with his back bound. Subtract eight ounces of blood; give another physic-ball, and apply cold affusion to the loins.

3d. He frequently attempts to stale, and passes a little urine at each time; he still walks and stands with his back bound. Syr. papav. et rhamni, with tinct. ferr. mur., a large spoonful being given morning and night.

4th. He again tries, ineffectually, to void his urine. Mist. et pulv.

5th. Unable to void a drop of urine; nose hot; tongue hangs down; pants considerably; will not eat; the countenance has an anxious character. Bleed to twelve ounces; apply cold affusion. Medicine as before, with cold affusion.

6th. Appears to be in very great pain; not a drop of water has passed from him. Medicine and other treatment as before. In the evening he lay down quietly. On the next morning he was found dead. All the viscera were sound except the bladder, which was ruptured; the abdomen contained two quarts of bloody fluid. The mucous membrane of the bladder appeared to be in the highest state of inflammation. It was almost black with extravasated blood. On the neck of the bladder was an enlargement of the size of a goose's egg, and almost filling the cavity of the pelvis. On cutting into it, more than two ounces of pus escaped.

On June 29, 1833, a poodle was brought to me. He had not been observed to pass any urine for two days. He made frequent attempts to void it, and cried dreadfully. The bladder could be felt distended in the abdomen. I put him into a warm bath, and took from him a pound of blood. He seemed to be a little relieved. I did not leave him until after midnight, but was soon roused by his loud screams, and the dog was also retching violently. The cries and retching gradually abated, and he died. The bladder had burst, and the parietes were in a dreadful state of inflammation.

A dog had laboured under incontinence of urine more than two months. The water was continually dropping from him. The servant told me that, three months before, he had been shut into a room two days, and, being a cleanly animal, would not stale until he was liberated. Soon after that the incontinence of urine was observed. I gave the usual tonic balls, with a small portion of opium, night and morning, and ordered cold water to be frequently dashed on the perinaeum. A month afterwards he was quite well.

Comparatively speaking, 'profuse staling' is not a common disease, except when it is the consequence of bad food, or strong diuretics, or actual inflammation. The cause and the result of the treatment are often obscure. Bleeding, purging, and counter irritation, would be indicated to a certain extent, but the lowering system must not be carried too far. The medicine would probably be catechu, uva ursi, and opium.

At times blood mingles with the urine, with or without coagulation. The cause and the source of it may or may not be determined. Generally speaking it is the result of some strain or blow.

A terrier bitch, in January, 1820, had incontinence of urine. No swelling or injury could be detected. I used with her the simple tonic balls.

10th January'.—She is now considerably better, and only a few drops are observed.

2d February'.—The disease which had seemingly been conquered began again to reappear; the medicine had been neglected. Again have recourse to it.

4'th March'.—The disease now appears to be quite checked by the cold lotion and the balls.


This is a singular account, and stands almost alone.

The patient was a valuable spaniel belonging to that breed known as "The Duke of Norfolk's," and now possessed in its full perfection by the Earl of Albemarle. Professor Simonds shall give his own account:

I was informed that almost from a puppy to the time when he was two years old, the dog had always been delicate in his appearance, and was observed to void his urine with difficulty; but there were not sufficient indications of disease for the owner to suppose that medical attendance was necessary until within a few days of his death, and then, finding that the act of staling was effected with increased difficulty, and accompanied with extreme pain; that the dog refused his food, was feverish; that at length there were frequent or ineffective efforts to expel the urine, the dog crying out from extremity of pain, and it was sufficiently evident that great mischief was going on, he was placed under my care; and even then he was walked a mile and a half to my infirmary.

My attention was immediately directed to him; the man who brought him informing me that he seemed much easier since he left home. On examination, I at once pronounced that he could not recover; in fact, that he was rapidly sinking; but, from his then state, I could give no opinion with regard to the precise nature or extent of his disease. He was placed upon a bed in an appropriate apartment, with directions not to be disturbed, and in a few hours he died.

The 'post-mortem' appearances were the abdomen containing from four to five pints of fluid, having much the character of, but more bloody than, that found in cases of ascites. The peritoneum seemed to be dyed from its immersion in this fluid, as it showed a general red hue, not apparently deeper in some parts than in others. There was an absence, to a great extent, of that beautiful appearance and well-marked course of the minute blood-vessels which accompany many cases of original peritonitis. Extending the examination, I found the bladder to be ruptured, and that the fluid of which I have spoken was to a large extent composed of urine, mingled with some other secretion from the peritoneal investure of the abdomen and its viscera, probably produced from the presence of an irritant, the urine being brought into direct contact with the membrane. Farther research showed that this rupture of the bladder was caused in the manner which I have stated. The 'post-mortem' examination displayed a chronic enlargement of the prostate gland of a considerable size, causing by its pressure a mechanical obstruction to the passage of the urine. Death in this instance was not immediately brought about by the abnormal state of the original organ affected; but the prostate gland, having early in the life of the animal become diseased, and, being gradually increased in size, became a cause of still more serious disease, attacking more important organs.


There are various kinds of worms to which the dog is subject; they have occasionally been confounded with each other; but they are essentially different in the situations which they occupy, and the effects which they produce.

The 'ascarides' are small thread-like worms, generally not more than six or ten lines in length, of a white colour, the head obtuse, and the tail terminating in a transparent prolongation. They are principally found in the rectum. They seem to possess considerable agility; and the itching which they set up is sometimes absolutely intolerable. To relieve this, the dog often drags the fundament along the ground.

All the domesticated animals are subject to the annoyance which these worms occasion. They roll themselves into balls as large as a nut, and become entangled so much with each other that it is difficult to separate them. Sometimes they appear in the stomach, and in such large masses that it is almost impossible to remove them by the act of vomiting. It has been said that packets of ascarides have been collected in the stomach containing more than one hundred worms. These collections are rarely or never got entirely rid of. Enormous doses of medicine may be given, and the worms may not be seen again for several weeks; but, at length, they reappear as numerous as ever.

Young dogs are exceedingly subject to them, and are with great difficulty perfectly freed from their attacks. Another species of worm is the 'teres'. It would resemble the earth-worm in its appearance, were it not white instead of a red colour. They are very common among dogs, especially young dogs, in whom they are often attended by fits. Occasionally they crawl into the stomach, and there produce a great deal of irritation.

Another, and the most injurious of the intestinal worms, is the 'taenia', or 'tape-worm'. It is many inches in length, almost flat in the greater part of its extent, and its two extremities are nearly or quite equal. Tape-worms associate in groups like the others, but they are not so numerous; they chiefly frequent the small intestines. They are sometimes apt to coil themselves, and form a mechanical obstruction which is fatal to the dog.

The presence of all these worms is readily detected. There is generally a dry, short cough, a staring coat, a hot and fetid breath, a voracious appetite, and a peculiar state of the bowels; alternately constipated to a great degree, or peculiarly loose and griping. In young dogs the emaciated appearance, stinted growth, fetid breath, and frequent fits, are indications not to be mistaken.

At other times, however, the dog is filled with worms with scarcely any indication of their presence. Mr. Blaine very properly remarks that it docs not follow, because no worms are seen to pass away, that there are none: neither when they are not seen does it follow even that none pass; for, if they remain long in the intestines after they are dead, they become digested like other animal matter.

The means of expelling or destroying worms in the intestines of the dog are twofold: the first and apparently the most natural mode of proceeding, is the administration of purgatives, and usually of drastic ones; but there is much danger connected with this; not merely the faeces will be expelled, but a greater or less portion of the mucus that lines the intestinal canal. The consequence of this will be griping and inflammation to a very dangerous extent. Frequent doses of Epsom salts have been given; but not always with success, and frequently with griping. Mercurial medicines have been tried; but they have not always succeeded, and have often produced salivation. One method of expelling the worm has been adopted which has rarely failed, without the slightest mischief—the administration of glass finely powdered. Not a particle of it penetrates through the mucus that lines the bowels, while it destroys every intestinal worm. The powdered glass is made into a ball with lard and ginger.

The following account of the symptoms caused by taenia may be interesting. A dog used to be cheerful, and particularly fond of his master; but gradually his countenance became haggard, his eyes were red, his throat was continually filled with a frothy spume, and he stalked about with an expression of constant inquietude and suffering. These circumstances naturally excited considerable fear with regard to the nature of his disease, and he was shut up in a court, with the intention of his being destroyed. Thus shut up, he furiously threw himself upon every surrounding object, and tore them with his teeth whenever he could seize them. He retired into one of the corners of the court, and there he was continually rubbing his nose, as it were to extract some foreign body; sometimes he bit and tore up the earth, barking and howling violently; his hair stood on end, and his flanks were hollow.

During the whole of his disease he continued to recognise his master. He ran to him at the slightest word. He refused nothing to drink; but he would not eat. He was killed on account of the fear excited among the neighbours.

The veterinary surgeon who attended him suspected that there was some affection of the head, on account of the strange manner in which he had rubbed and beaten it. The superior part of the nose was opened, and two taeniae; lanceolatae were found: it was plain enough that they were the cause of all the mischief.

The proprietor of the dog nevertheless believed that it was a case of rabies; he had the caustic applied to his hands, and could not persuade himself that he was safe until he had been at the baths of Bourbonne. [4]

There is a worm inhabiting the stomach of young dogs, the 'Ascaris Marginata', a frequent source of sickness and occasionally of spasmodic colic, by rolling itself into knots. It seems occasionally to take a dislike to its assigned residence, and wanders into the oesophagus, but rarely into the larger intestines. A dog had a severe cough, which could not be subdued by bleeding or physic, or sedative or opiate medicines. He was destroyed, and one of these ascarides was found in the trachea. Others find their way into the nasal cavity; and a dreadful source of irritation they are when they are endeavouring to escape, in order to undergo one of the changes of form to which they are destined, or when they have been forced into the nostril in the act of vomiting.

I once had a dog as a patient, whose case, I confess, I did not understand. He would sneeze and snort, and rub his head and nose along the carpet. I happened to say that the symptoms in some respects resembled those of rabies, and yet, that I could not satisfy myself that the dog was rabid. The mention of rabies was sufficient, and in defiance of my remonstrances the animal was destroyed.

The previous symptoms led me to examine the nasal cavity, and I found two of these ascarides, one concealed in the middle and the other in the upper meatus, through neither of which could any strong current of air be forced, and from which the ascarides could not be dislodged.

Worms may be the cause of sudden death in a dog. The following case, communicated by Professor Dick, illustrates this fact:

I lately had the body of a dog sent to me: his owner sent the following letter by the same conveyance.

"My keeper went out shooting yesterday morning with the dog which I now send to you. He was quite lively, and apparently well, during the former part of the day; but towards evening he was seized with violent vomiting. When he came home he refused to eat, and this morning about eight o'clock he died. As I have lost all my best dogs rather suddenly, I will thank you to have him examined, and the contents of his stomach analyzed; and have the kindness to inform me whether he has been poisoned, or what was the cause of his death."

On opening the abdomen, the viscera appeared quite healthy: the stomach was removed, and the contents were found to be more decidedly acid than usual. The acids were the muriatic and acetic: the finding of an increased quantity of these is far from being unusual. There was not a trace of arsenical, mercurial, nor any other metallic poison present. Of the vegetable poisons, I can only say there was not the slightest trace of the morbid effects of any of them. The pericardium and the left side of the thorax contained a small quantity of bloody serous fluid, and the heart was full of black blood. The left lung was a little inflamed. The trachea contained some frothy yellow mucous matter, similar to the contents of the stomach. In the larynx was found one of those worms occasionally inhabiting the cavities of the nose, and which had probably escaped from the nose while the dog had been hunting; and, lodging in the larynx, had destroyed the animal by producing spasms of the larynx. The worm was about one inch and a half in length, and had partly penetrated through the rima glottidis. Another worm about the same size was found in the left bronchia, and a still smaller one among the mucus of the trachea: there were also four others in the nose.

Some years ago I found some worms of the filacia species in the right ventricle of the heart of a dog, which had produced sudden death by interrupting the action of the valves.

The following is a curious case of tape-worm, by Mr. Reynold:

On an estate where a great quantity of rabbits are annually destroyed in the month of November, we have observed that several dogs that were previously in good health and condition soon became weak, listless, and excessively emaciated, frequently passing large portions of the tape-worm. This induced us to examine the intestines of several hares and rabbits; and, with, very few exceptions, we found each to contain a perfect tape-worm three to four feet in length. We then caused two of the dogs whose cases appeared the worst to be separated from the others, feeding them on potatoes, &c.; and, in eight or ten days, after voiding several feet of the worms, they were perfectly restored to their former strength and appearance. The worm disease, hitherto so formidable to the spaniel and pointer, may in a great measure be fairly attributed to the custom of giving them the intestines of their game, under the technical appellation of "the paunch." The facts above stated, in explaining the cause of the disease, at the same time suggest the remedy.

'A worm in the urethra of a dog'. M. Seon, veterinary surgeon of the Lancers of the Body Guard, was requested to examine a dog who strained in vain to void his urine, often uttering dreadful cries, and then eagerly licking his penis. M. Seon, after having tried in vain to abate the irritation, endeavoured to pass an elastic bougie. He perceived a conical body half an inch long protruding from the urethra with each effort of the dog to void his urine, and immediately afterwards returning into the urethra. He crushed it with a pair of forceps, and drew it out. It proved to be a worm resembling a strongylus, four and a half inches long. It was living, and moving about. M. Seon could not ascertain its species. The worm being extracted, the urine flowed, and the dog soon recovered. [5]


This is a too frequent consequence of piles. It is often the result of the stagnation of hardened faeces in the rectum, which produces inflammation and ulceration, and frequently leaves a fistulous opening. If we may judge what the quadruped suffers by the sufferings of human beings, it is a sadly painful affair, whether the fistula is external or internal. Whether it may be cured by a mild stimulant daily inserted to the bottom of the abscess, or whether there is a communication with the opening of the rectum which buries itself in the cellular tissues around it, and requires an operation for its cure, it will require the assistance of a skilful surgeon to effect a cure in this case.

[Footnote 1: Tetanus observed on a Dog, by M. Debeaux.—'Pract. Med. Vet.' 1829, p. 543]

[Footnote 2: 'Blaine's Canine Pathology', p. 151.]

[Footnote 3: 'Proceedings of the Veterinary Medical Association', 1839-40]

[Footnote 4: 'Prat. Med. Vet.' 1824, p. 14.]

[Footnote 5: 'Prat. Med. Vet.', Fev. 1828.]

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This operation is exceedingly useful in many accidents and diseases. It is, in fact, as in the horse, the sheet-anchor of the practitioner in the majority of cases of an inflammatory character. There is some difference, however, in the instrument to be used. The lancet is the preferable instrument in the performance of this operation. The fleam should be banished from among the instruments of the veterinary surgeon.

A ligature being passed round the lower part of the neck, and the head being held up a little on one side, the vein will protrude on either side of the windpipe. It will usually be advisable to cut away a little of the hair over the spot designed to be punctured. When a sufficient quantity of blood is abstracted, it will generally be necessary, and especially if the dog is large, to pass a pin through both edges of the orifice, and secure it with a little tow.

When no lancet is at hand, the inside of the flap of the ear may be punctured with a pen-knife, the course of a vein being selected for this purpose. In somewhat desperate cases a small portion of the tail may be amputated.

The 'superficial brachial vein', the 'cephalic' vein of the human subject, and the 'plat' vein of the farrier, may be resorted to in all lamenesses of the fore limb, and especially in all shoulder-wrenches, strains of the loins, and of the thigh and the leg, and muscular and ligamentous extensions of any part of the hind limbs; the 'vena saphena major', and the 'anterior tibial' vein may be punctured in such cases.

The quantity of blood to be abstracted must be regulated according to the size and strength of the dog and the degree of inflammation.

One or two ounces may be sufficient for a very small dog, and seven or eight for a large one.


To M. Amusat, of Paris, we are indebted for the introduction of the artery-forceps for the arresting of hemorrhage. I shall do but justice to him by describing his mode of proceeding. He seizes the divided vessel with a pair of torsion-forceps in such a manner as to hold and close the mouth of the vessel in its teeth. The slide of the forceps then shuts its blade, and the artery is held fast. The artery is then drawn from out of the tissues surrounding it, to the extent of a few lines, and freed, with another forceps, from its cellular envelope, so as to lay bare its external coat. The index and thumb of the left hand are then applied above the forceps, in order to press back the blood in the vessel. He then begins to twist the artery. One of the methods consists in continuing the torsion until the part held in the forceps is detached. When, however, the operator does not intend to produce that effect, he ceases, after from four to six revolutions of the vessel on its axis for the small arteries, and from eight to twelve for the large ones. The hemorrhage instantly stops. The vessel which had been drawn out is then replaced, as the surrounding parts give support to the knot which has been formed at its extremities. The knot becomes further concealed by the retraction of the artery, and this retraction will be proportionate to the shortening which takes place by the effect of the twisting, so that it will be scarcely visible on the surface of the stump. It is of the utmost importance to seize the artery perfectly, and to make the stated number of twists, as otherwise the security against the danger of consecutive hemorrhage will not be perfect.

Mr. W. B. Costello, of London, was present when the operation was performed at Paris. He brought back a full account of it as performed there, and availed himself of an early opportunity of putting it to the test before some of our metropolitan surgeons. A dog was placed on the table, the forceps were applied, and the operation perfectly succeeded.

A few days afterwards a pointer bitch was brought to my infirmary, with a large scirrhous tumour near the anterior teat on the left side. It had been gradually increasing during the last five months. It was becoming more irregular in its form, and on one of its tuberculous prominences was a reddish spot, soft and somewhat tender, indicating that the process of suppuration was about to commence.

I had often, or almost uniformly, experienced the power of iodine in dispersing glandular enlargements in the neck of the dog, and also those indurated tumours of various kinds which form about the joints of some domesticated animals, particularly of cattle; but frequent disappointment had convinced me that it was, if not inert, yet very uncertain in its effect in causing absorption of tumours about the mammae of the bitch. Having also been taught that the ultimate success of the excision of these enlargements depended on their removal before suppuration had taken place, and the neighbouring parts had been inoculated by the virus which so plentifully flowed from the ulcer, I determined on an immediate operation; and, as the tumour was large, and she was in high condition, I thought it a good case for 'the first trial of torsion'. She was well physicked, and on the third day was produced before my class and properly secured. I had not provided myself with the 'torsion forceps', but relied on the hold I should have on the vessel by means of a pair of common artery forceps; and the effect of imperfect instruments beautifully established the power of torsion in arresting hemorrhage.

Two elliptical incisions were made on the face of the tumour, and prolonged anteriorly and posteriorly about an inch from it. The portion of integument that could be spared was thus enclosed, while the opposed edges of the wound could be neatly and effectually brought together after the operation. The dissection of the integument from the remaining part of the face of the tumour was somewhat slow and difficult, for it was in a manner identified with the hardened mass beneath; but the operation soon proceeded more quickly, and we very soon had the scirrhus exposed, and adhering to the thorax by its base. About two ounces of venous blood had now been lost.

I was convinced that I should find the principal artery, by which the excrescence was fed, at its anterior extremity, and not far from the spot where the suppuration seemed to be preparing: therefore, beginning posteriorly, I very rapidly cut through the cellular texture, elevating the tumour and turning it back, until I arrived at the inner and anterior point, and there was the only source of supply; the artery was plainly to be seen. In order to give the experiment a fair chance, I would not enclose it in the forceps, but I cut through it. A jet of blood spirted out. I then seized the vessel as quickly as I could, and began to turn the forceps, but before I could effect more than a turn and a half I lost my hold on the artery. I was vexed, and paused, waiting for the renewed gush of blood that I might seize the vessel again; but to my surprise not a drop more blood came from the arterial trunk. That turn and a half, considerable pressure having been used, had completely arrested the hemorrhage. I can safely say that not more than four drachms of arterial blood were lost.

The wound was sponged clean: there remained only a very slight oozing from two or three points; the flaps were brought together, secured by the ordinary sutures, and the proper bandages applied. The weight of the tumour was twenty-two ounces; there was no after-bleeding, no unpleasant occurrences; but the wound, which had been nearly six inches in length, was closed in little more than three weeks.

He will essentially promote the cause of science, and the cause of humanity, who will avail himself of the opportunity which country practice affords of putting the effect of torsion to the test: and few things will be more gratifying than the consciousness of rescuing our patients from the unnecessary infliction of torture.

In docking, it will be found perfectly practicable: our patients will escape much torture, and tetanus will often be avoided. The principal danger from castration has arisen from the severity with which the iron has been employed. The colt, the sheep, and the dog will be fair subjects for experiment. The cautery, as it regards the first, and the brutal violence too frequently resorted to in operating upon the others, have destroyed thousands of animals.


This operation is performed on a great portion of our domestic animals. It renders them more docile, and gives them a disposition to fatten. It is followed by fewest serious accidents when it is performed on young animals. The autumn or spring should, if possible, be chosen for the operation, for the temperature of the atmosphere is then generally uniform and moderate. It should be previously ascertained that the animal is in perfect health; and he should be prepared by a mash diet and bleeding, if he is in a plethoric state, or possessed of considerable determination. If it is a young animal that is to be operated upon, an incision may be made into the scrotum, the testicle may be protruded, and the cord cut without much precaution, for the blood will soon be stayed; but for older animals it will be advisable to use a ligature, applied moderately tightly round the spermatic cord a little more than an inch beyond its insertion into the testicle; the scalpel is then used, and a separation effected between the ligature and the testis. The vas derens needs not to be included; a great deal of pain will then be spared to the animal.

The ordinary consequences of castration are pain, inflammation, engorgement, and suppuration. The pain and suppuration are inevitable, but generally yield to emollient applications. The engorgement is often considerable at first, but soon subsides, and the suppuration usually abates in the course of a few days. It has been said that the castrated dog is more attached and faithful to his master than he who has not been deprived of his genital powers: this, however, is to be much doubted. He has, generally speaking, lost a considerable portion of his courage, his energy, and his strength. He is apt to become idle, and is disposed to accumulate fat more rapidly. His power of scent is also very considerably diminished and he is less qualified for the sports of the field. Of this there can be no doubt. It has been said that he is more submissive: I very much doubt the accuracy of that opinion. He may not be so savage as in his perfect state; he may not be so eager in his feeding; but there is not the devotion to his master, and the quickness of comprehension which belongs to the perfect dog.

The removal of the ovaries, or spaying of the female, used to be often practised, and packs of spayed bitches were, and still are, occasionally kept. In performing this operation, an opening is made into the flank on one side, and the finger introduced—one of the ovaries is laid hold of and drawn a little out of the belly; a ligature is then applied round it, just above the bifurcation of the womb, and it is cut through, the end of the ligature being left hanging out of the wound. The other ovary is then felt for and drawn out, and excised and secured by a ligature. The wound is then sewed up, and a bandage is placed over the incision. Some farriers do not apply any ligature, but simply sew up the wound, and in the majority of cases the edges adhere, and no harm comes of the operation, except that the general character of the animal is essentially changed. She accumulates a vast quantity of fat, becomes listless and idle, and is almost invariably short-lived.

The female dog, therefore, should always be allowed to breed. Breeding is a necessary process; and the female prevented from it is sure to be affected with disease sooner or later; enormous collections and indurations will form, that will inevitably terminate in scirrhus or ulceration.

A troublesome process often occurs when the female is not permitted to have young ones; namely, the accumulation of milk in the teats, especially if at any previous time, however distant, she may have had puppies once. The foundation is laid for many unpleasant and unmanageable complaints. If she is suffered to bring up one litter after another, she will have better health than those that are debarred from intercourse with the male.

The temporary union which takes placed between the male and female at the period at which they are brought together is a very singular one. The corpora cavernosa of the male and the clitoris of the female being suddenly distended with blood, it is impossible to withdraw either of them until the turgescence of the parts has entirely ceased.


The pupping usually takes place from the sixty-second to the sixty-fourth day; and the process having commenced, from a quarter to three quarters of an hour generally takes place between the production of each puppy.

Great numbers of bitches are lost every year in the act of parturition: there seems to be a propensity in the females to associate with dogs larger than themselves, and they pay for it with their lives. The most neglected circumstance during the period of pregnancy is the little exercise which the mother is permitted to take, while, in point of fact, nothing tends more to safe and easy parturition than her being permitted or compelled to take a fair quantity of exercise.

When the time of parturition has arrived, and there is evident difficulty in producing the foetus, recourse should be had to the ergot of rye, which should be given every hour or half hour, according to circumstances. If after a certain time some, although little, progress has been made, the ergot must be continued in smaller doses, or perhaps suspended for a while; but, if all progress is evidently suspended, recourse must be had to the hook or the forceps. By gentle but continued manipulation much may be done, especially when the muzzle of the puppy can be brought into the passage. As little force as possible must be used, and especially the foetus little broken. Many a valuable animal is destroyed by the undue application of force.

If the animal seems to be losing strength, a small quantity of laudanum and ether may be administered.

"The patience of bitches in labour is extreme," says Mr. Blaine; "and their distress, if not removed, is most striking and affecting. Their look is at such time particularly expressive and apparently imploring."

When the pupping is protracted, and the young ones are evidently dead, the mother may be saved, if none of the puppies have been broken. In process of time the different puppies may, one after another, be extracted; but when violence has been used at the commencement, or almost at any part of the process, death will assuredly follow.

'June' 15, 1832.—A spaniel bitch was brought to my infirmary to-day, who has been in great and constant pain since yesterday, making repeated but fruitless efforts to expel her puppies. She is in a very plethoric habit of body; her bowels are much confined, and she exhibits some general symptoms of febrile derangement, arising, doubtless, from her protracted labour. This is her first litter. Upon examination, no young could be distinctly felt.

Place her in a warm bath, and give her a dose of castor oil, morning and evening.

'June' 16.—The bitch appears in the same state as yesterday, except that the medicine has operated freely upon the bowels, and the febrile symptoms have somewhat decreased. Her strainings are as frequent and distressing as ever. Take two scruples of the ergot of rye, and divide into six doses, of which let one be given every half hour.

In about ten minutes after the exhibition of the last dose of this medicine, she brought forth, with great difficulty, one dead puppy, upon taking which away from her, she became so uneasy that I was induced to return it to her. In about a quarter of an hour after this I paid her another visit: the puppy could not now be found; but a suspicious appearance in the mother's eye betrayed at once that she had devoured it. I immediately administered an emetic; and in a very short time the whole foetus was returned in five distinct parts, viz., the four quarters and the head. After this, the bitch began to amend very fast; she produced no other puppy; and as her supply of milk was small, she was soon convalescent.

Twelve months afterwards she was again taken in labour, about eleven o'clock in the morning, and after very great difficulty, one puppy was produced. After this the bitch appeared in great pain, but did not succeed in expelling another foetus, in consequence of which I was sent for about three o'clock, P.M. I found her very uneasy breathing laboriously; the mouth hot, and the bowels costive; but I could not discover any trace of another foetus. She was put into a warm bath, and a dose of opening medicine was administered.

About five o'clock she got rid of one dead and two living puppies.

'2d'. She is still very ill; she evinces great pain when pressed upon the abdomen; and it is manifest that she has another foetus within her. I ordered a dose of the ergot, and in about twenty minutes a large puppy was produced, nearly dying. She survived with due care.

I cannot refrain from inserting the following case at considerable length.

'Sept.' 4, 1820.—A very diminutive terrier, weighing not 5 lbs. was sent to my hospital in order to lie in. She was already restless and panting. About eight o'clock at night the labour pains commenced; but until eleven scarcely any progress was made. The 'os uteri' would not admit my finger, although I frequently attempted it.

At half-past eleven, the membranes began to protrude; at one the head had descended into the pelvis and the puppy was dead. In a previous labour she had been unable to produce her young, although the ergot of rye had been freely used. I was obliged to use considerable force, and she fought terribly with me throughout the whole process. At half-past one, and after applying considerable force, I brought away a large foetus, compared with her own size. On passing my finger as high as possible, I felt another foetus living, but the night passed and the whole of the following day, and she ate and drank, and did not appear to be much injured.

Several times in the day I gave her some strong soup and the ergot. Some slight pains now returned, and by pressing on the belly the nose of the foetus was brought to the superior edge of the pelvis. The pains again ceased, the pudenda began to swell from frequent examination, the bitch began to stagger, and made frequent attempts to void her urine, with extreme difficulty in accomplishing it. I now resorted to the crotchet; and after many unsuccessful attempts, in which the superior part of the vagina must have been considerably bruised, I fixed it sufficiently firmly to draw the head into the cavity of the pelvis. Here for a while the shoulder resisted every attempt which I could make without the danger of detruncating the foetus. At length by working at the side of the head until my nails were soft and my fingers sore, I extracted one fore leg. The other was soon brought down; another large puppy was produced, but destroyed by the means necessary for its production. This was the fruit of two hours' hard work.

She was completely exhausted, and scarcely able to stand. When placed on the ground she staggered and fell at almost every step. Her efforts to void her urine were frequent and ineffectual.

At four o'clock I again examined her; the external pudenda were sore and swelled, and beginning to assume a black hue. It was with considerable difficulty that I could introduce my finger. A third foetus irregularly presented was detected. I could just feel one of the hind legs. No time was to be lost. I introduced a small pair of forceps by the side of my finger, and succeeded in laying hold of the leg without much difficulty, and, with two or three weak efforts from the mother,—I could scarcely call them pains,—I brought the leg down until it was in the cavity of the pelvis. I solicited it forward with my finger, and, by forcibly pressing back the 'labia pudendi', I could just grasp it with the finger and thumb of the right hand. Holding it there, I introduced the finger of the right hand, and continued to get down the other leg, and then found little difficulty until the head was brought to the superior edge of the pelvis. After a long interval, and with considerable force, this was brought into the pelvis, and another puppy extracted. This fully occupied two hours.

The bitch now appeared almost lifeless. As she was unable to stand, and seemed unconscious of every thing around her, I concluded that she was lost: I gave her one or two drops of warm brandy and water, covered her up closely, and put her to bed.

To my surprise, on the following morning, she was curled round in her basket; she licked my hands, and ate a bit of bread and butter; but when put on her legs staggered and fell. The pudendum was dreadfully swollen, and literally black. In the afternoon she again took a little food: she came voluntarily from her basket, wagged her tail when spoken to, and on the following day she was taken in her basket a journey of 70 miles, and afterwards did well; no one could be more rejoiced than was her master, who was present at, and superintended the greater part of the proceedings.

'The beneficial effect of Ergot of Rye in difficult Parturition'.—The following case is from the pen of Professor Dick:

On the 10th instant, a pointer bitch produced two puppies; and it was thought by the person having her in charge that she had no more. She was put into a comfortable box, and with a little care was expected to do well. On the next morning, however, she was sick and breathed heavily, and continued rather uneasy all the day.

On the forenoon of the following day I was requested to see her. I found her with her nose dry, breath hot, respiration frequent, mouth hot and parched, coat staring, back roached, pulse 120, and a black fetid discharge from the vagina. Pressure on the abdomen gave pain. A pup could be obscurely felt; the secretion of milk was suppressed, and the skin had lost its natural elasticity.

Tepid water with a little soap dissolved in it was immediately injected into the uterus, which in a considerable degree excited its action; and this injection was repeated two or three times with the same effect.

After waiting for half an hour, the foetus was not discharged nor brought forward; therefore a scruple of the ergot of rye was then made into an infusion with two ounces of water, and one-third of it given as a dose; in half an hour, another one-third of it; the injections of warm water and soap being also continued. Soon after the second dose of the infusion, a dead puppy was expelled; the bitch rapidly recovered, and, with the exception of deficiency of milk, is now quite well.

This case would seem to prove the great power of the ergot of rye over the uterus; but, until more experiments are made, it is necessary to be cautious in ascribing powers to medicines which have not been much tried in our practice. It is not improbable that the warm water and soap might have roused the uterus into action without the aid of the ergot; and it is therefore necessary that those who repeat this experiment should try the effects of the medicine unaided by the auxiliary.

The Professor adds, that the great power which this drug is said to have on the human being, and the apparent effect in the case just given, suggest the propriety of instituting a further trial of it, and of our extending our observations to cattle, amongst which difficult cases of calving so frequently occur.

Mr. Simpson thus concludes some remarks on ergot in difficult parturition. This medicine possesses a very great power over the uterus, rousing its dormant or debilitated contractility, and stimulating it to an extra performance of this necessary function after its natural energy has been in some measure destroyed by forcible but useless action. The direct utility of the ergot was manifested in cases where the uterus appeared quite exhausted by its repeated efforts; and certainly it is but fair to ascribe the decidedly augmented power of the organ to the stimulus of the ergot, for no other means were resorted to in order to procure the desired effect. Its action, too, is prompt. Within ten minutes of the administration of a second or third dose, when nature has been nearly exhausted, the parturition has been safely effected.

'Puerperal Fits'. Nature, proportions the power and resources of the mother to the wants of her offspring. In her wild undomesticated state she is able to suckle her progeny to the full time; but, in the artificial state in which we have placed her, we shorten the interval between each period of parturition, we increase the number of her young ones at each birth, we diminish her natural powers of affording them nutriment, and we give her a degree of irritability which renders her whole system liable to be excited and deranged by causes that would otherwise be harmless: therefore it happens that, when the petted bitch is permitted to suckle the whole of her litter, her supply of nutriment soon becomes exhausted, and the continued drain upon her produces a great degree of irritability. She gets rapidly thin; she staggers, is half unconscious, neglects her puppies, and suddenly falls into a fit of a very peculiar character. It begins with, and is sometimes confined to, the respiratory apparatus: she lies on her side and pants violently, and the sound of her laboured breathing may be heard at the distance of twenty yards. Sometimes spasms steal over her limbs; at other times the diaphragm and respiratory muscles alone are convulsed. In a few hours she is certainly lost; or, if there are moments of remission, they are speedily succeeded by increased heavings.

The practitioner unaccustomed to this fearful state of excitation, and forgetful or unaware of its cause, proceeds to bleed her, and he seals her fate. Although one system is thus convulsively labouring, it is because others are suddenly and perfectly exhausted; and by abstraction of the vital current he reduces this last hold of life to the helpless condition of the rest. There is not a more common or fatal error than this.

The veterinary practitioner is unable to apply the tepid bath to his larger patients, in order to quiet the erythism of certain parts of the system, and produce an equable diffusion of nervous influence and action; and he often forgets it when he has it in his power to save the smaller ones. Let the bitch in a fit be put into a bath, temperature 96 deg. Fahrenheit, and covered with the water, her head excepted. It will he surprising to see how soon the simple application of this equable temperament will quiet down the erythism of the excited system. In ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour, she may be taken out of the bath evidently relieved, and then, a hasty and not very accurate drying having taken place, she is wrapped in a blanket and placed in some warm situation, a good dose of physic having been previously administered. She soon breaks out in a profuse perspiration. Everything becomes gradually quiet, and she falls into a deep and long sleep, and at length awakes somewhat weak, but to a certain degree restored.

If, then, all her puppies except one or two are taken from her, and her food is, for a day or two, somewhat restricted, and after that given again of its usual quantity and kind, she will live and do well; but a bleeding at the time of her fit, or suffering all her puppies to return to her, will inevitably destroy her.

A bitch that was often brought to my house was suckling a litter of puppies. She was foolishly taken up and thrown into the Serpentine in the month of April. The suppression of milk was immediate and complete. There was also a determination to the head, and attacks resembling epilepsy. The puppies that were suffered to remain with the mother, were very soon as epileptic as she was, and were destroyed. A seton was inserted on each side of her neck. Ipecacuanha was administered; and that having sufficiently worked, a small quantity of diluted sulphuric acid was given. A fortnight afterwards she was perfectly well.

'Inversion of the Uterus in a Bull Bitch after Pupping. Extirpation and Cure.'

By M. Cross, M. V., Milan.—In July, 1829, I was desired to attend a small bull bitch six years old, and who had had puppies four times. The uterus was completely inverted, and rested all its weight on the vaginal orifice of the urethra, preventing the discharge of the urine, and thus being the cause of great pain when the animal endeavoured to void it, or the faecal matter. The uterus was become of almost a black colour, swelled, softened, and exhaling an insupportable odour. Judging from this that the preservation of the uterus was impossible, and reckoning much on the good constitution of the patient, I warned the proprietor of the danger of its reduction, even supposing that it was practicable, and proposed to him the complete extirpation of the uterus as the only means that remained of saving the bitch.

Armed with his consent, I passed a ligature round the neck of the uterus, at the bottom of the vagina, and drew it as tight as I possibly could. On the following day I again tightened the ligature, in order to complete the mortification of the part, and the separation of the womb. On the third day I extirpated the womb entirely, close to the haunch. There was very slight loss of blood, but there ran from the walls of the vagina a small quantity of ichorous fluid, with a strong fetid smell. The operation was scarcely completed ere she voided a considerable quantity of urine, and then searched about for something to eat and to drink.

The portion of the uterus that was removed weighed fourteen ounces. The mucous membrane by which it was lined was in a highly disorganized state. From time to time injections of a slight infusion of aromatic plants were introduced into the vagina, and the animal was nourished with liquid food of easy digestion.

The first day passed without the animal being in the slightest degree affected; but, on the following day, in despite of all our care, an ichorous fluid was discharged, which the dog would lick notwithstanding all our efforts to prevent it. The general health of the animal did not seem to be in the slightest degree affected.

On the fourth day after the operation, the cords that had served as a ligature fell off, and all suppuration from the part gradually ceased.

'October 20th'.—Three months have passed since the operation, and she is perfectly well.

* * * * *



By this singular name is distinguished a prevalent disease now about to come under our consideration, which was first observed on the continent. The rapidity with which it spread, the strange protean appearances which it assumed, and its too frequent fatal termination, surprised and puzzled the veterinary surgeons; and they called it "la maladie des chiens," the disease or distemper in dogs.

It is comparatively a new disease. It was imported from France about one hundred years since, although some French authors have strangely affirmed that it is of British origin. Having once gained footing among us, it has established itself in our country, to the vexation and loss of the sportsman, and the annoyance of the veterinary surgeon. However keepers, or even men of education, may boast of their specifics, it is a sadly fatal disease, and destroys fully one-third of the canine race.

Dogs of all ages are subject to its attack. Many, nine and ten years old, have died of pure distemper; and I have seen puppies of only three weeks fall victims to it; but it oftenest appears between the sixth and twelfth month of the animal's life. If it occurs at an early period, it proves fatal in the great majority of cases; and, if the dog is more than four years old, it generally goes hard with him. It is undeniably highly contagious, yet it is frequently generated. In this it bears an analogy to mange, and to farcy and glanders in the horse.

One attack of the disease, and even a severe one, is no absolute security against its return; although the dog that has once laboured under distemper possesses a certain degree of immunity; or, if he is attacked a second time, the malady usually assumes a milder type. I have, however, known it occur three times in the same animal, and at last destroy him.

Violent catarrh will often terminate in distemper; and low and insufficient feeding will produce it. It frequently follows mange, and especially if mercury has been used in the cure of the malady. When we see a puppy with mange, and that peculiar disease in which the skin becomes corrugated, and more especially if it is a spaniel, and pot-bellied or rickety, we generally say that we can cure the mange, but it will not be long before the animal dies of distemper; and so it happens in three cases out of four. Whatever debilitates the constitution predisposes it for the reception or the generation of distemper. It, however, frequently occurs without any apparent exciting cause.

That it is highly contagious cannot admit of doubt. A healthy dog can seldom, for many days, be kept with another that labours under distemper without becoming affected; and the disease is communicated by the slightest momentary contact. There is, however, a great deal of caprice about this. I have more than once kept a dog in the foul-yard of my hospital for several successive weeks, and he has not become diseased. Inoculation with the matter that flows from the nose, either limpid or purulent, and in an early or advanced stage of the distemper, will, with few exceptions, produce the disease; yet I have failed to communicate it even by this method. Inoculation used to be recommended as producing a milder and less fatal disease. So far as my experience goes, the contrary has been the result.

Distemper is also epidemic. It occurs more frequently in the spring and autumn than in the winter and summer. If one or two dogs in a certain district are affected, we may be assured that it will soon extensively prevail there; and where the disease could not possibly be communicated by contagion. Sometimes it rages all over the country. At other times it is endemic, and confined to some particular district.

Not only is the disease epidemic or endemic, but the form which it assumes is so. In one season, almost every dog with distemper has violent fits; at another, in the majority of cases, there will be considerable chest affection, running on to pneumonia; a few months afterwards, a great proportion of the distempered dogs will be worn down by diarrhoea, which no medicine will arrest; and presently it will be scarcely distinguishable from mild catarrh.

It varies much with different breeds. The shepherd's dog, generally speaking, cares little about it; he is scarcely ill a day. The cur is not often seriously affected. The terrier has it more severely, especially the white terrier. The hound comes next in the order of severity; and after him the setter. With the small spaniel it is more dangerous; and still more so with the pointer, especially if he has the disease early. Next in the order of fatality comes the pug; and it is most fatal of all with the Newfoundland dog. Should a foreign dog be affected, he almost certainly dies. The greater part of the northern dogs brought by Captain Parry did not survive a twelvemonth; and the delicate Italian greyhound has little chance, when imported from abroad.

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