They were great fat fellows with warm, thick fur, not much like the squirrels on Boston Common, but they got almost as tame with David, although he never could get quite near enough to one to pat it. That was better, for the squirrel might have bitten David.
David used to try to get near them, but he always told his cat to stay at home when he was going after them, for the squirrels were afraid of his cat.
One morning in the fall David had gone after the squirrels. There were a great many squirrels about, for the chestnuts had begun to fall, and the squirrels were very busy.
And David had got farther and farther from his house, but he was where he could see the road.
And he heard the rattle of a wagon, and he looked and saw a very spick-and-span new wagon, painted red, with yellow and black stripes on it, and the wheels were flashing in the sun as they turned.
On the wagon were ladders and long slender poles, and four men were riding on it.
The wagon stopped, and the men got off. One of the men took a halter out of the wagon and tied the horse to a tree, while the others took off the ladders.
Then each man took one of the long, slender poles, and a big can and a little can. And they took the ladders on their shoulders and held them with one hand, and the poles in the other hand, and the handles of the cans in that other hand, too, and they began to walk right to where David was.
And all the squirrels heard them coming, and they stopped eating chestnuts, and each squirrel scurried to a tree, with his chestnut in his mouth, and he scrambled up the tree, on the opposite side of the trunk from the men, so that the men couldn't see him.
They scrambled up the trunks very fast, until they came to a branch; and each squirrel sat on his branch, next to the trunk, and made a sort of a scolding, barking noise, and every time he made the noise his tail gave a queer little jerk.
David was watching them, and he heard their noises, and he couldn't help laughing to see their tails jerk.
And then the men were there, and they saw David laughing.
"Hello," said one of the men. "What's so funny?"
"I was laughing at the squirrels," David said; "they make their tails go."
"Yes," said the man, "I hear them, and I see some of them. How they do scold! But we wouldn't hurt them."
He put his cans down, and he leaned his pole against a tree, and he stood the ladder against the tree.
David looked in the cans. There wasn't anything in the little can, but the big can was full of something that was about as thick as molasses and almost as black as ink, only it was brownish black.
"What is it?" he asked. "Is it molasses? It smells horrid."
The man laughed.
"No," he answered, "it isn't molasses or anything good to eat. It's creosote. That's a poisonous kind of stuff. We put it on these things."
He pointed to a place on a tree. It looked as if somebody had daubed dirt on the trunk, and the place was about the size of David's thumb, and it was rounded out a little at the middle.
"I guess you never noticed those places," the man said. "Inside of that are the eggs of a moth that eats things up and does a great deal of harm. Those eggs would hatch when it gets warm enough, and little worms would come out, and they would begin to eat, and the worms would change into moths later on, and the moths would lay more eggs. We are trying to get rid of them, so we paint some creosote on every bunch of eggs we can find, and that kills them.
"If you look carefully you can see a good many places just like this, all over the trunks of the trees and on the under sides of branches. Some trees have a good many on them, and some don't have any. There's a lot on this tree."
David looked and saw the little mud spots farther up the trunk, and then he looked higher and he saw some of the spots on the under sides of the branches, as the man had said.
He nodded.
"You paint some now," he said, going nearer, "with that stuff."
The man laughed.
"You want to see me do it right off, do you?" he asked.
So he took a stubby paint brush from his belt, and he dipped it into the big can, and he wiped it over as many of the spots as he could reach. The spots looked as if they had been painted with tar.
"Now," he said, "I am going to walk right up that tree."
He pointed to his legs, and David saw that a long iron thing was strapped to each leg, and the iron thing had a sharp point which stuck down about as far as the soles of his shoes.
"Those are climbers, or spurs. We can walk right up any tree that isn't too large around, and you see that those points are bent in a little so that they will stick into the trunk of the tree on each side. You watch."
So the man poured some of the stuff from the big can into the little can, and he hung the little can from his belt, and he stuck the stubby paint brush in his belt.
Then he went to the tree, and he put his hands half-around the trunk, and he lifted up one foot and jabbed it down, so that he jabbed the spur into the tree. Then he lifted the other foot and jabbed that spur in; and he walked right up the tree.
And when he had got to other spots that had been too high for him to reach, he stopped and held on with one hand, while he took the paint brush and painted those egg bunches with stuff from the little can.
But there were some egg bunches left on branches that were too little for the man to go on.
So the man put one leg over a branch, and he took his pole, which was leaning against a twig just beside him, and he fixed the paint brush in the end of the pole, in a place that was meant for it, and he reached out with the pole and painted all those egg bunches on the small branches.
Then he put the pole back, leaning against the twig, and he came slowly down to the ground.
"There!" he said. "Did you see how I did it? Do you think that you could paint some?"
David's eyes glistened.
"Oh, could I? But I couldn't walk up the tree."
The man smiled.
"I'm afraid you couldn't, but you can paint as far as you can reach with the pole."
The other men were busy on trees near, and they watched while David painted the mud spots on another tree which the man found for him.
He wasn't very tall and there were only two spots which he could reach while he stood on the ground.
But the man held him up in his arms as high as he could, and when he had painted all those spots, the man fixed the paint brush in the end of the pole.
It was pretty heavy for such a little boy to manage, and the end would wave around so that he couldn't make the brush paint where he wanted it to.
So the man helped David to hold the pole steady and paint as far as it could reach.
Just then David heard his mother calling him.
"I've got to go now," he said to the man. "I think my mother wants me."
"Well, good-bye," the man said. "We're much obliged."
"You're welcome," David said. "Good-bye."
And he turned around and went galloping through the woods to his house.
And his cat met him, and then his mother met him.
"Where were you, dear?" his mother asked.
"I was helping the tree-men paint egg-spots. How big are moth-eggs, mother?"
But his mother didn't know.
And that's all.
Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David. And there weren't any other children near for him to play with, so he used to play happily all by himself.
He had his cat and his cart and his shovel and his hoe, and he always wore his overalls when he was playing.
They had been building a new house in the field next to David's house, and it was all done. Even the last coat of paint was dry.
David knew, because he had tried it with his finger to see. He had tried it three times, and the first two times it wasn't dry, but the last time it was.
And the carpenters had gone, and the painters had gone, but they had left great messes and piles of stuff that had been swept out of the house, and heaps of the sawed-off ends of boards, and some good boards, and piles of broken laths and plaster and the little pieces that they had sawed off the laths, and some broken saw-horses, and a lot of other rubbish.
One morning David heard the rattle of a wagon; and he looked and saw a wagon stop at the new house, and he saw the nice foreman that he knew, and there were two other men.
And the men jumped out, and the foreman jumped out, and David hurried to go over there. He hurried so fast that he forgot to take his cart, and he forgot to call his cat, but his cat came just the same, and she ran on ahead, with her bushy tail sticking straight up in the air.
And when the foreman saw the cat, he knew that David couldn't be far off, and he looked up and he saw him.
"Hello, Davie," he said. "I'm glad to see you."
"Hello," David said. "What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to sort of clear up the place, Davie. Don't you think it needs it? And I'm going to have all this rubbish carried off or burned up."
David nodded, but he didn't say anything; and he reached up, and he put his little hand into the foreman's big one.
Then the two men who had come with the foreman began to pick out the boards that were good.
There were some great heavy planks which were covered with plaster and spattered with paint, but they were good planks and could be used again.
The men took these planks, one man at each end, and they brought them to the wagon and they put them in.
When they had brought all the planks, they separated the long boards from the little short ends of boards, and they brought the long boards to the wagon and they put them on top of the planks.
Then they piled the little short ends of boards near the cellar door. It was a great pile of wood that the people who moved into the house could have to burn.
Then they found a couple of saw-horses that were pretty good, and they put them on top of the boards in the wagon, and the wagon was loaded with as much as one horse ought to pull.
So the foreman told one of them to go along with that load, and to hurry back, and he would stay there and help the other man do a little clearing up.
And the man climbed into the seat, and drove off.
"Now, Davie," the foreman said, "I've got to help my man, and I can't stay here with you and do nothing, although I should like to."
"What are you going to do?" David asked.
"Oh, we're going to put all the rubbish that will burn over there on the bare spot, where it can't set anything afire. All the stuff that we can't burn we'll rake up into piles, and when the wagon comes back, we'll take it away. And there's a little gravel over there that is hardly worth taking, and we'll leave it for the graders to use."
"What are the graders?" asked David. "What do they do?"
"Oh, the graders are sort of rough gardeners. They spread the dirt around where it is wanted, and they make it the right height all along the foundation, and smooth it off, and they make the walks up to the front door and the back door, and they spread gravel on the walks. Sometimes they make terraces or banks, but they won't do that here. It will be a nice slope from the house down to the field, all around."
David looked at the house, which stood high on its foundation, and he saw that there was a great hole between the ground and the front steps. He supposed that the graders would fill up that hole.
He nodded.
"I'll get my cart," he said, "and then I'll help you."
So he ran all the way home, and his cat saw him running and she ran too, faster than David ran, and she ran right up on to the piazza.
But David didn't go there. He took up the handle of his cart, and he ran back again.
And his cat saw that she had made a mistake, and she ran faster than ever; and she passed David, and she was running so fast that her bushy tail didn't stick up in the air at all, but straight out behind.
And David came where the foreman was standing, waiting for him, and the foreman showed him where he wanted the rubbish piled to be burned, far from the house.
And the foreman and David worked together, and they piled the rubbish into the cart; and when it was full, they dragged the cart over to the place, and they emptied the rubbish out of it.
Then the foreman took a match out of his pocket, and he scratched the match on his trousers-leg, and he lighted the pile of rubbish.
And a little thin column of smoke went up, and then it blazed, and then it crackled, and the foreman and David went back for another load.
The foreman and David worked for a long time, getting loads of rubbish, and dragging them over to the fire.
Then the foreman would take up the cart, all filled with little odds and ends of sticks and with shavings and with twigs and the ends of laths, and he would turn the cart upside down over the fire, and empty all that stuff out.
Then David would drag the cart back.
The other man was working with a rake all this long time, raking over the places where the foreman and David had been, and he raked the pieces of plaster and the other stuff that wouldn't burn into little heaps.
Suddenly they heard the rattle of the wagon, and they all looked up. And the wagon stopped, and the man who had been driving jumped off, and the horse just stood where he had stopped, and he breathed hard and looked after the man, and he pricked his ears forward.
Then the foreman told the men to get all that stuff into the wagon, and he waved his hand toward the heaps of rubbish that had been raked up.
So the man held out his hand toward the horse, and he whistled, and the horse came, and he followed the men to the farthest pile of rubbish.
And the men took shovels and shoveled the stuff into the wagon in no time. Then they walked along to the next heap, and the horse came after.
And they shoveled that stuff into the wagon, and they walked along to the next heap, and the horse came after.
And so they did until they had shoveled in the last heap; and the horse walked into the road, dragging the wagon after him, and there he stopped.
The foreman and David had picked up all the little odds and ends of things which would burn, and had put them on the fire.
The fire had been blazing up high, but now it wasn't blazing so high, and it was almost burned out.
And the two men stood still, leaning on their shovels, and looked all about.
And the foreman stood still, and he looked all about.
And David stood still, leaning on the handle of his cart, and he looked all about, because he saw the others looking; but he didn't see anything in particular.
The foreman turned to David and sighed.
"Well, Davie," he said, "I guess that'll be about all."
David nodded and looked over to the fire, which was not much more than a heap of red coals and white ashes.
The foreman saw where he was looking.
"The fire'll be all right," he said. "It's about out. Now I'll take just one more look around."
So the foreman walked all around the house, slowly, and he looked carefully to make sure that he had not forgotten anything.
And he looked at the cellar door and at the places where the heaps of rubbish had been, and all around the foundations of the house, and at the great hole under the front steps where the steps didn't come down to the ground, and at the fire last of all.
The fire had all burned out to white ashes, and every swirl of the wind made the ashes fly about.
Then the foreman came where David was.
"Now we're going, Davie," he said. "We'll come back some day to build another house next to this one. Will you help us then?"
"Yes," said David, "I'll help you as much as I can. When are you going to build it?"
"Oh, I don't know," the foreman said, "but I should think it would be before long. Somebody's going to move into this house in a few days. We're much obliged to you for helping us build this."
"You're welcome," said David.
Then the foreman shook David's hand.
"Good-bye, Davie," he said. "Don't forget us."
"Good-bye," said David.
Then the foreman climbed up to the seat of the wagon. The other men were up there already.
And all the men waved their hands, and the horse started.
David stood and watched them until they turned the corner.
Then he picked up his shovel and his hoe and threw them into his cart, and began to walk home, dragging his cart, with his shovel and his hoe rattling in the bottom of it.
And his cat came running, and she ran ahead, with her bushy tail sticking straight up in the air.
And that's all of this story.
Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David. And there weren't any other children near for him to play with, so he used to play happily all by himself.
He had his cat and his cart and his shovel and his hoe, and he always wore his overalls when he was playing.
One morning he was playing in the thin woods behind his house.
He had his cart and his shovel and his hoe, and he was walking slowly along, kicking the dead leaves and looking up at the leaves on the trees.
Not nearly all the leaves had fallen from the trees yet, but those leaves that were still on the trees had turned to all kinds of pretty colors: red and yellow and a great many pretty browns which looked alive. And some leaves were red and yellow together, and some were still green with red and yellow spots on them, and some leaves had not changed their color at all, but were green all over.
And the squirrels were very busy hunting chestnuts and they didn't pay much attention to David.
Suddenly there was a great scurrying, and every squirrel went racing up the nearest tree, and David's cat came running, with her bushy tail sticking straight up in the air, and she ran a little way ahead of David, and she flopped over on her back in a little pile of leaves, and she began playing with the leaves.
David laughed at her. "Funny kitty!" he said.
Then he turned and went on talking, but he wasn't talking to his cat and he wasn't talking to himself.
His pretend playmate had come, and it was the boy, this time, and he had brought the cat.
So David and that pretend little boy played together for a long time.
Sometimes they dragged the cart together, and sometimes they stopped and hunted for chestnuts, and they put into the cart the chestnuts that they found.
And after a while they came into that part of the woods which was behind the new house.
And David heard some men talking together up at the new house, and he looked and saw them squatting down beside the house, and two of the men had shovels.
So David and the pretend little boy hurried to go to the new house, to see what the men were doing, and they dragged the cart, and the shovel and the hoe and the chestnuts all rattled about together in the bottom of it; and the cat went running on ahead.
But, when David got there, the pretend little boy had gone, for David had forgotten about him.
And David stopped a little way from the men, and looked about.
The grading men must have got their work all finished, for the ground all about didn't look at all as it had when the foreman and David had left it.
There weren't any signs of the rubbish, and the dirt was up higher on the foundation in a nice straight line, and it sloped down to the field all around, and it had been made all smooth.
David wondered about the great hole that was under the front steps, and he went around there and looked, and the hole wasn't there any more, but the ground came up to the steps, and a man was raking gravel smooth, to make a front walk like the one that went into David's house.
David didn't say anything, and the man didn't say anything either, but kept on raking.
So David went back to the place where the men were, with the shovels.
Those men were digging a round hole in the ground, about big enough for David to sit in and stretch his legs out straight.
And when they had the hole dug, another man came, carrying a little tree.
There were a whole pile of little trees out near the road, and they all had their roots tied up in bagging, or a kind of coarse cloth.
The tree which the man was carrying was a little Christmas tree. He had taken the cloth off of the roots, and he was cutting off, with his knife, some of the ends of roots.
Then he put it in the hole, carefully, and the men spread the roots out all around in the bottom of the hole, and they sifted some dark-colored dirt all about them, and they worked it in between the fine roots with their fingers, and they pressed it down hard.
The man who had put the tree in was holding on to it all the time, so that it should grow up straight.
And when the roots were all right and the dirt was pressed down hard, he let go of the tree and took up the end of a hose that was lying on the ground, right behind him.
David hadn't noticed the hose before. It came from a shiny hose-faucet, and the hose-faucet stuck out of the house just above the foundation, halfway along the side.
The man let water run from the hose into the dirt that had just been put around the roots of the tree, and he let it run for a long time.
And when the top of the hole was just a puddle of mud, he stopped the water and dropped the hose, and the men scattered a little dark-colored dirt that was dry over the top of it.
That dark-colored dirt is called loam, and it is the best kind of dirt to make things grow.
David saw that from the house down to where the path would be to the back door was already covered with the same dark-colored dirt.
The other side of the path was nice and smooth, but it looked sort of raw and the dirt was a yellow color.
Just beside the road was a great pile of dark-colored dirt, and there was a two-wheeled cart backed up to the pile, and a man was shoveling the dirt into the cart.
When the cart was filled, the man tossed his shovel on top of the dirt and started walking along.
"Come along, Jack," he said.
The horse had had his ears pricked forward, and when the man said that, he started and followed the man to the end of the yellow dirt.
There he stopped, and the man took his shovel off the cart and threw it on the ground. And he took the backboard out of the cart, and he put his knee on the cart, and the top tipped back and slid all that dirt out in a heap on the ground.
Then the horse walked along two steps, and the man took his shovel and scraped out what was left in the cart, and he tipped the top of the cart back again and he put the backboard in.
And he got up into the cart, and the horse turned around and walked back to the pile to get another load.
David wanted to ask somebody some questions about the dirt, but he didn't know any of the men, and they all seemed to be very busy.
So he just watched; and he saw another man come, and he had a shovel, and he spread around the dirt in the heap that the cart had just dumped until it was pretty even and smooth.
And the horse came, bringing another load, and that was dumped, and the man spread that around with his shovel.
David went nearer, and the man saw him.
"Are you going to plant some little trees?" David asked.
"We're going to sow grass seed here," the man answered, "when this is all covered with loam."
Then another load of loam came, and he was busy with his shovel, and David went back to watch the other men plant trees.
They were planting more little Christmas trees near that first one, five trees in a kind of a clump, and David watched them dig the holes and put the trees in, and spread the roots about, and put dirt on them, and stamp the dirt down hard, and put the water in.
And when the Christmas trees were all planted, they put another kind at the back corner of the house.
Then they went to the front corner of the house, and one of them said that there was the place for the lilac bushes.
And he got the lilac bushes and cut off a part of the roots while the other men were digging the holes, and they planted the lilac bushes in the holes, but they didn't do it so carefully as they had with the other kinds of trees.
And when they had the holes filled up and the water turned off, and the planting of lilac bushes all finished, they stopped and leaned on their shovels and looked around, to see what else they had to do.
The loam was all over the yellow dirt, and the last load was just being spread around.
So some of the men went to get the grass seed. That grass seed was in green bags.
And they took up bags of grass seed and began walking slowly along over the ground, and they took up handfuls of the grass seed and scattered it in the air so that it fell evenly over the ground.
And they sowed the seed all among the trees they had just planted, and all over the smooth dirt, and wherever they wanted the grass to grow; but they didn't sow it in the paths.
Then two other men came, and they were dragging a great heavy stone roller behind them.
It was so heavy that the two men had to walk very slowly, each dragging it by one handle.
And they went to and fro over the ground where the grass seed had been sown, and they rolled it down smooth and hard and shiny.
Before the roller men had got through, the others had gone and put on their coats and gathered up their tools; and David knew that they were through their work.
So he went where he had left his cart, and he looked for the pretend little boy, but he had gone away, and David couldn't find him. And he looked for his cat, and he couldn't see her either.
So he took up the handle of his cart, and he walked along to his house, dragging his cart, with his shovel and his hoe and the chestnuts all rattling together in the bottom of it.
And that's all.
Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David. And there weren't any other children near for him to play with, so he used to play happily all by himself.
He had his cat and his cart and his shovel and his hoe, and he always wore his overalls when he was playing.
One morning he had just started to wander along the road toward the corner of the next street.
He wasn't allowed to go beyond that corner, but he could look and see what was coming, and perhaps he could see the postman and the black dog.
His cat was walking along beside him, looking up into his face, and he was dragging his cart, with his shovel and his hoe rattling in the bottom of it, for he might want to play in the sand of the gutter.
But before he got more than halfway to the corner, he heard a great rattling and shouting, and two horses came around the corner.
They made a very wide turn, because they were dragging a wagon, and behind that came two great logs which looked like trees, except that they were all smoothed off.
And David wondered where the other ends of the logs were, for he couldn't see anything but logs coming around the corner.
Then came a pair of strong wheels that the logs rested upon, and presently there were the other ends of the logs, and David knew that the logs were either telephone poles or electric light poles, for he had seen a great many of both kinds.
There was a man driving, and two other men, and they had some other smaller poles and some shovels in the wagon.
David stopped short, and his cat stopped, and they watched the wagon, with the poles behind it, go slowly down the road until it had got a little way beyond his house.
Then it stopped, and the men jumped out, and they began to look up in the air.
David wondered why they were doing that. He wondered so much that he walked along, with his cat walking beside him and his cart coming after, to ask the men.
But before he got near enough to them to ask, they had stopped looking up in the air, and they talked to each other, and David knew by what they said that they had been looking to see where the telephone line to his house stopped.
Then they started the horses, and the men walked beside them, and they walked about as far as a big boy could throw a stone, and there they stopped.
And the men undid the ropes from the long logs, and they rolled one of them to one side and tipped it so that its big end was on the ground, and they tied the ropes on to the other log again.
Then they got two of the smaller poles from the wagon, and they held up the small end of the log with the small poles; and the wagon started and the wheels went out from under the log and left it.
Then the men took away the small poles and the log fell upon the ground, and it made a big booming noise as it fell.
The other log was unloaded in the same way not far from the corner of the new house, and they led the horses to a tree and tied them; and they took the shovels and all the little poles and the other things out of the wagon.
The shovels were strange-looking things, with long, straight handles and queer blades, more like long mustard-spoons than shovels; and the little poles had sharp spikes in the ends, and some of the poles were not much longer than clothes-poles, and some were a great deal longer; and there were two sharp-pointed iron bars.
The men took all their things to the place where the first pole lay on the ground, and two of them took bars and the other took one of the shovels.
And the men with the bars stuck them into the ground and loosened the dirt, and the other man scooped out the dirt with his big mustard-spoon. Then some more dirt was loosened and that was scooped out with the shovel.
The hole that they were digging was not much bigger around than the end of the pole which would go into it.
The hole kept getting deeper, so that a common shovel wouldn't have got up any dirt at all; but the man with the mustard-spoon shovel just gave it a little twist, and lifted it out with dirt in it.
Pretty soon they had the hole dug deep enough.
It was so deep that, if a man could have stood on the bottom of it, he could have just seen out, if he stood on his tiptoes.
But only a slim man could have got into the hole. A fat man would have stuck fast as soon as his legs were in.
Then the men put down their bars and the shovel, and got the little poles, and went where the long log lay.
And they rolled it over with bars which were something like tongs, except that they had only one handle; and they rolled it until the big end of the log was just over the hole.
Then they took the shortest small poles with spikes in the ends, and they put them where they could reach them quickly.
And they all took hold of the end of the log and lifted it as high as they could reach; and one of the men reached out quickly for his spike pole, while the other two men held the log, and he jabbed the spike hard into the log and held it while another man got his spike pole and jabbed the spike hard into the log.
Then the third man jabbed the spike of his pole in, and they all lifted together, and the butt end of the log slipped a little way into the hole.
It couldn't go all the way to the bottom, because the big pole wasn't up far enough yet, and the butt end struck the side of the hole.
Then they got longer spike poles, one man at a time, and they lifted again, and the big pole slipped a little farther down into the hole.
And one of the men jabbed his spike pole in at another place, and then the other men did, and they lifted again, and the big pole went thump! on the bottom of the hole.
And the men left their spike poles sticking in, all around, and jammed the other ends into the ground to hold the big pole up straight while they filled in the dirt around it.
David had been watching the men all the time, but he was careful not to get near, because he had seen how the big pole bounced around when it was unloaded.
His cat was not so careful, and she was almost hit by one of the spike poles when the man threw it down, and she scampered home as fast as she could go.
But David didn't pay any attention to her, and the men were too busy to notice.
When the dirt was pounded hard around the pole, the men took up their things, and walked along to the place where they had unloaded the other pole; and David walked along, too, dragging his cart.
He would have liked to take some of the things in his cart, but they were all too big, for he asked one of the men.
And the man looked at his cart, and he looked at David, and he laughed and shook his head.
"But you be very careful not to get too near," he said. "If the pole should get away from us, there's no knowing what it would do."
"Yes," said David. "I was careful."
"So you were," the man said. "You do the same way while we set this pole."
So the men set the other pole, and David stood a long way off.
He stood so far off that he couldn't see very well, and when the men had the pole straight up in the air, he wandered over to the wagon and tried to see if anything else was in it.
The backboard was up and he couldn't see inside at all, but he saw the wheels that the poles had come on, and he thought he would try to shin up on them and look in.
So he put his arms around the axle and tried to get one leg over; but as soon as he took his foot off the ground, the wheels began to go. He put his foot down again and made the wheels go faster, hanging on to the axle with his arms and paddling on the ground with his feet, for the ground sloped a little.
And when the wheels had rolled gently down to the lowest part of the road, they stopped and David couldn't make them go any more, even when he pushed as hard as he could.
But the men had got through setting the pole, and they were going over to the wagon when David rolled down the road and couldn't get back.
And they all went where he was, and one of them pushed on the axle, and David pushed, and the wheels rolled back again to the wagon.
And the men let down the backboard, and they put in all their things: all their poles and the bars and the shovel.
Then they took out a big coil of something that looked like rubber tubing which was wound on a great wooden spool.
The spool was as big around as David's body, and the stuff that looked like rubber tubing looked all twisty, as if there were two pieces twisted together.
David wanted very much to know what it was. He didn't like to ask, but the man who had it saw that he was looking at it very hard.
"Do you know what that is?" he asked, smiling at David.
David shook his head.
"Is it a little hose?"
"No, it's wire, and the wire is covered with that black rubbery stuff. See, here are the ends."
He found the ends of the wire and showed them to David. There were two bright ends of copper wire, and they peeped out of the black rubber covering.
"There are two of them, you see, and they are twisted together."
David nodded, but he didn't say anything.
The other men were buckling on to their legs some iron spurs, or climbers, just like those the tree men had.
And when they had their climbers buckled on, they took a little coil of rope and some queer little wooden things and a big hammer, and they went to the nearest pole.
One of the men walked right up this pole, and when he got nearly to the top, he put a big strap around his waist and around the pole, and buckled it, so that it held him to the pole, not tight up against it, but loosely so that he could use his hands.
Then he took one of the wooden things that was sticking out of his pocket, and he took his hammer from his belt, and he nailed the wooden thing to the pole. And the coil of rope was hanging at his belt; and he took it off, and he undid it, and let one end drop down to the ground.
The man who was standing there tied on a big lump of glass, and the man on the pole pulled it up, and untied it, and screwed it on the top of the wooden pin that he had just nailed on. Then he dropped his rope and came down the pole.
And he walked along until he came to the pole in front of David's house, and he walked right up that pole.
Then he let down one end of his rope, and the man on the ground tied it to the end of the twisted wires, and the man on the pole pulled them up, and the spool turned over and the wires unwound as the ends went up the pole.
David couldn't see what the man on the pole did with the ends of the wires, but he fastened them somehow to the wires that were there already, and then he came down.
And the man on the ground put a short stick through the hole in the middle of the spool, and he took hold of one end of the stick and the man who had just come down from the pole took hold of the other end, and they walked along, and the hanging wire began to get tight, and the spool began to turn around as they walked, and the wire lay on the ground behind them.
And they walked past the two new poles and to the corner of the new house; and they put the spool down on the ground.
Almost all the wire had unwound from the spool.
The other man had been doing what had to be done at the second pole: nailing on the wooden thing and putting the glass on.
Then he had taken a ladder to the corner of the house, and he had fastened some things for the wire to go through, up the corner of the house to the eaves.
Then he came down the ladder, and all the men walked back together.
The first man walked up his pole again and waited.
And the second man walked up his pole, and let down the end of the rope.
And the man on the ground tied it to the wire, and the man on the pole pulled it up, and the wire hung in the air between him and David's house.
Then the man on the ground walked along to the next pole, and he tied the man's rope to the wire and he pulled it up.
And the man on the ground walked along to the corner of the new house, and he took hold of the wire there, and went up the ladder with it, and the wire was hanging in the air all the way from the new house to David's house, but it rested on the two poles between.
Then the men all pulled the wire as tight as it ought to be, and they fastened it to the poles and to the house, just the way it belonged, and they made it go down the corner of the house, and they cut it off at the bottom and left the ends sticking out.
Some other men would come and put wires inside the house, and those other men would put the telephone in so that people could talk with each other when they were far apart.
Then the pole men came down from their poles and the ladder, and they gathered up all their things and put them into the wagon.
And they took off their climbers and put them into the wagon, and they tied the wheels on behind, so that they would drag after the wagon.
And they untied the horses and they all got in, and they drove away, with all their six wheels rattling, and they left David looking after them.
But before they had got far one of the men turned and saw David looking after them, and he saw his cat; and he waved his hand to David, and he waved it to his cat.
Of course, the cat couldn't wave her hand, but David could, and he did, and then the wagon turned the corner, and the wheels rattled after.
And David looked to see where his cart was, for he had forgotten it; and he went to the cart, and took up the handle and walked slowly home.
And that's all.
Once upon a time there was a little boy, and he was almost five years old, and his name was David. And there weren't any other children near for him to play with, so he used to play happily all by himself.
He had his cat and his cart and his shovel and his hoe, and he always wore his overalls when he was playing.
They had been building a new house in the field next to David's house, and it was all done, and all ready to be lived in.
It had electric lights and a range which would burn either coal or gas; and in cold weather they would burn coal in the range, and in warm weather they would use the gas part.
And the telephone was all in, for the inside-telephone-men had come and put it in.
David hadn't seen them do their work, because they had been inside the house all the time, and there wasn't any nice foreman, like Jonathan, who knew him, and who took pains to show him everything there was to show.
But he had seen them go in, carrying the telephone, and he had seen them come out without it, and he had asked them if they had it all fixed so that people could talk, and they had said that they had fixed it, and that it was all right.
Then six great wagons had come. Three of the wagons brought furnace coal and two of them brought range coal, and one brought a load of wood to burn in the fireplaces.
And the furnace coal went in at one cellar window, and the range coal went in at another cellar window, and the wood went in at the cellar door, in a man's arms.
All these different things were being done at once, and there was a tremendous racket with all the coal going down through iron chutes, and all the men had been very busy.
Then the racket had stopped, and the men had taken their chutes and thrown them into the wagons, and they had climbed up into their seats, and they had rattled off, in a procession, but they had left the cellar windows flapping.
Coal men never do fasten the cellar windows unless there is somebody right there to remind them of it. And, in a few minutes, David saw a man come out of the house and lock the door, and walk up the road and turn the corner.
The next day, David watched the new house for a long time, but nothing happened, and he couldn't see that there was anybody there, so he wandered into the thin woods behind his house.
His cat started with him, but two crows came and flew at the cat, and she was frightened and ran home as fast as she could go, with her bushy tail sticking straight out behind her.
David laughed to see her running away from the crows, and he walked along slowly, and he came where were some crusts of bread and other things which the maid at his house had taken out there for the birds.
David's mother had the maid throw out crusts of bread and tie lumps of fat on the trees all winter, because when the snow is on the ground it is sometimes hard for the birds to find things enough to eat.
There was a plenty of things for the birds to eat now, and they were easy enough to get, but some birds were picking at the scraps.
Suddenly the birds flew up into a tree and two gray squirrels came and gnawed at the bread crusts, when the two crows that had chased David's cat came flapping down and tried to get at the scraps.
But the squirrels stopped eating and chased the crows savagely; and the crows didn't fight back, but they just flew up a little bit of a way and hovered there until the squirrels began to eat again.
Then they flapped down on the ground and began to sneak up toward the scraps; and the squirrels darted at them and chased them again.
David wasn't very near, and he had watched the squirrels and the crows for some time.
Then he just happened to look up, and he saw a maid come out of the cellar door of the new house and get some wood from the pile that the carpenters had left.
And she picked out the little pieces and put them in her apron and went in; and, almost as soon as she was in, smoke began to come out of the chimney, and David thought he had better go there and see what was going on.
He walked up past his house, and stopped and got his cart and called his cat. And his cat came running, and he walked along, dragging his cart, with his shovel and his hoe rattling in the bottom of it.
But when he got to the road he looked up to the corner to see if there was anything coming, and he saw what he thought must be the circus just turning the corner.
First there came three great horses, harnessed abreast, and their harness was glittering with chains and little brass things and with ivory rings; and the horses were dragging a great big shiny van which seemed almost as big as a house.
The driver's seat was up high, and the top of the van stuck over and made a little roof for it; and on the side of the van was a picture of two lions, and the lions in the picture were about as big as real lions.
And behind that van came another three-horse van like the first, with lions painted on the side.
And behind that came a smaller van drawn by two horses, and that had lions painted on the side, and a little dog trotted under the two-horse van, and his tongue was hanging out because he had trotted a long way and he was thirsty.
When these three vans had turned the corner, no more came, although David watched for as much as half a minute.
By that time the first van was past him and his cat had caught sight of the little dog and the little dog had caught sight of the cat.
But the cat didn't do anything, and the little dog was too tired to chase her. So he pretended that he didn't see her, and he trotted along under the van as far as the new house.
All the vans stopped at the new house, and the horses backed them up side by side in the gutter. There wasn't any curbstone, and the sidewalk was a new one of gravel, and there would be a border of grass when the grass had time to grow.
As soon as the vans had stopped, the little dog trotted out from under the two-horse one, and went around the house looking for some water.
And he came to the faucet where they screw on the hose, and he saw that there was a drop of water hanging on the bottom of the faucet. So he licked that up and waited until another drop came, and he licked that up.
Then one of the moving-men saw him.
"Poor little Dick!" said the moving-man.
And he went to the faucet and the little dog wagged his stump of a tail and backed away a step and waited.
Then the moving-man turned the handle of the faucet so that a little thin stream of water ran out, and the little dog came up and lapped out of the little thin stream, wagging his stump of a tail very fast. He wagged and he lapped until he had had enough.
And the moving-man turned the handle of the faucet the other way, and the water stopped running.
Then the little dog licked the man's hand, and he trotted back to the van, and he went under and curled up and slumped down, and he put his head on his paws, and he drew two or three long breaths, and he went to sleep.
There were three men with each three-horse van and two men with the two-horse van; and they had all got down and taken off their coats, and they had unlocked the great tall doors at the back of each van, and they had opened the doors, and had taken some of the things out.
The things were covered with a great many old soft cloths: old coarse burlaps, and old quilts and comforters. These soft cloths belonged to the moving-men, and they kept them to use in that way, so that the things which they moved shouldn't get scratched or broken.
When they took anything out of a van, they took off the cloths and threw them in a pile on the sidewalk, and they put the things in a sort of a clump, along the front walk of the new house.
David had come up close, dragging his cart, but his cat had run off into the field.
Then the moving-men noticed David standing there.
"Hello," said one of the men. He seemed to be a kind of a foreman. "Do you live around here?"
David pointed to his house.
"I live in that house. Do you know whether there are any little boys coming to live in this house?"
"I think likely," said the moving-man, "but I don't know for certain."
"Well, are you going to take all these things into the house?" David asked again, pointing at the things.
There were a hat-rack, and two waste-baskets filled with little things done up in newspaper, and a little table, and a paste-board box filled with hats, and two mirrors about as tall as David, and a maid's wash-stand, and a bundle of pictures tied up in newspapers, and a wooden box full of rubbers, and some crockery things, and a barrel of kitchen things, and a great enormous paste-board box tied up with tape, and another great paste-board box with the side broken in, and three kitchen chairs, and a chamber chair, and a bundle of magazines, and some other things; and they were all spread out on the walk.
These things were all the things that had been left over and put in last in packing the vans, or little things which filled up chinks.
"We are going to take them in as soon as somebody comes to tell us where to put them," the moving-man answered. "And we want to take in some of the big things first, such as beds and dining-room table and heavy things like those. They are all packed in the bottom of the vans."
David nodded his head.
Just then one of the men took out of a van a little upholstered armchair.
"Hello!" said the moving-man. "That looks as if there was a youngster of some kind coming, either a boy or a girl."
Then another man came with a box of toys, and set it down beside the armchair.
David saw it and smiled.
"That looks so, too, doesn't it now?" said the moving-man. He looked up. "And here he is, I guess."
David turned around, and he saw a very pleasant-looking man coming along, and, holding by his hand, there was a little boy who looked as if he might be almost five years old.
They came near, and David looked at the little boy, but he didn't say anything, and the little boy looked at David, and he didn't say anything either, but he held to his father's hand tighter than ever.
"Well, here we are. You have not been waiting long, I judge. Now I'll go in and you can come along with the things as fast as you like. What will you do, Dick?"
At the sound of his name, the little dog raised his head and wagged his stump of a tail and was all ready to get up; but nobody saw him, for the little boy was whispering to his father, who turned to David.
"I guess that your name is David," he said; and David nodded. "I know your father, David. How would you like it if Dick stayed out here with you? You two can play anywhere that you are used to, David, or you can stay and watch as long as you like."
David thought that that would be nice, and he turned his cart around and took out the backboard, and he told Dick that he might sit in it if he wanted to, or he could sit in the little armchair.
Dick chose the cart to sit in, and David sat in the armchair, and they watched the men, who were beginning to carry in the things.
They had taken some more things out of one of the vans, and they had come to the heavy things.
One man was in the van, unpacking the things and pushing them to the back, where the other men could reach them.
And a man would take as much as he could carry under his arms, and march into the house with it; and another man would come and get his load, and he would march in with it.
There was a procession of men going in with their loads and coming out without any, and Dick's father stood just inside the front door and told each man where to leave his load, and the man went to that room and left it, and came out again.
But when they had all the parts of a bed in the room where the bed was to be, they put the bed together, so that it was all ready to be made up.
Two men carried in the dining-table, and the library table, and the ice-chest, and each bureau, and each dressing-table, and each bookcase, and the tall clock, and each sofa, and each of the washstands, and everything that was either too big or too heavy for one man.
They had come to a lot of boxes, all just alike, each box just about a load for one man. The men were taking them up as fast as they could, and going in, and piling them up in the hall, and they joked about them, they were so heavy.
David was curious about the boxes, and he asked Dick what was in them; and Dick said that books were in them, and his mother and his father packed them, and it took them a long time, for they had to wrap every book in newspaper and stuff newspapers in all the cracks. Then his father had screwed the tops on with a screwer.
And David said it was funny how heavy books were, because they were made of paper, and paper was one of the lightest things there was, and his kitty liked to play with pieces of newspaper, out of doors, where the wind blew them.
Then he got up and called his cat, but she didn't come.
"I'll tell you," David said; "let's go and find her."
So Dick and David each took hold of one handle of the cart, and walked along to David's house, and David called his cat again, but she didn't come.
Then he thought that she must be in the woods, and they would go there and find her.
But first he went into his house and asked the maid to give him and Dick some cookies, and the maid gave him three for Dick and three for himself.
And he gave Dick his three, and the two little boys wandered on into the woods, eating their cookies and dragging the cart behind them, and David thought how much better a real little boy was than a pretend little boy.
And David told Dick about the squirrels and the crows and the other birds that were there, and he showed him where there were some chestnuts; and they picked up some chestnuts and got them out of the burs and put them into the cart.
Then suddenly there was David's cat walking along, with her bushy tail sticking straight up in the air; and she went to David and rubbed against him, and she went to Dick and rubbed against him, and she went to the cart and rubbed against that.
Then she ran on ahead, and they came after, and they went to the place where the squirrels and the crows had been.
But no squirrels were there.
So the two little boys wandered on through the thin woods, looking for squirrels, and sometimes the cat was with them and sometimes she wasn't, and at last they were just behind Dickie's house, for the new house was his house now.
And they looked up and saw the vans just starting away, and the horses were trotting.
They watched until they couldn't see the vans any longer, and they heard them turn the corner.
"I guess I've got to go," said Dickie then.
"Why have you got to go?" David asked. "Aren't you going to live in that house?"
"Yes," Dick said, "I am, but we're going back for to-night. To-morrow the maids will have it all ready, and we'll come and bring my mother and my baby sister."
"Oh," said David.
That was the first time Dick had told him that he had a baby sister.
Dick had already started up to his house, but he stopped and turned around.
"Good-bye, David," he said.
"Good-bye, Dick," said David.
And Dick turned again and hurried to the new house, but David stood, holding the handle of his cart and looking after him.
And he saw Dick's father come around the corner of the house and take Dick by the hand.
Then Dick's father stood for a minute looking at the house, as if he was afraid that he had forgotten something.
But he couldn't think of anything, and he and Dick began to walk away, and Dick was talking to his father and his father was smiling.
David stood still, watching them, until he couldn't see them any longer.
Then he began to gallop along toward his house, dragging his cart, and his shovel and his hoe rattled like everything in the bottom of it; and his cat ran on ahead, with her bushy tail sticking straight up in the air.
And that's the end of this book.