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The more fully the facts are known, the clearer appears the aggressive character of German policy. Some of her Ministers doubted the advisability of war, and hoped to compass their ends by threats as in 1909 and 1913; but they were overborne by the bellicose party on or shortly before July 29. Whether the Kaiser, the Crown Prince, or the General Staff is most to blame, it is idle to speculate; but German diplomacy at the crisis shows every sign of having been forced on by military men. Bethmann-Hollweg was never remarkable for breadth of view and clearness of insight; yet he alone could scarcely have perpetrated the follies which alienated Italy and outraged the sentiments of the civilised world in order to gain a few days' start over France and stab her unguarded side. It is a clumsy imitation of the policy of Frederick in 1756.
As to the forbearance of Great Britain at the crisis, few words are needed. In earlier times the seizure of British ships and their cargoes (August 1) would have led to a rupture. Clearly, Sir Edward Grey and his colleagues clung to peace as long as possible. The wisdom of his procedure at one or two points has been sharply impugned. Critics have said that early in the crisis he should have empowered Sir George Buchanan, our ambassador at Petrograd, to join Russia and France in a declaration of our resolve to join them in case of war[560]. But (1) no British Minister is justified in committing his country to such a course of action. (2) The terms of the Ententes did not warrant it. (3) A menace to Germany and Austria would, by the terms of the Triple Alliance, have compelled Italy to join them, and it was clearly the aim of the British Government to avert such a disaster. (4) On July 30 and 31 Grey declared plainly to Germany that she must not count on our neutrality in all cases, and that a Franco-German War (quite apart from the question of Belgium) would probably draw us in[561].
[Footnote 560: British White Paper, Nos. 6, 24, 99; Russian Orange Book, No. 17.]
[Footnote 561: British White Paper, Nos. 101, 102, 111, 114, 119. I dissent from Mr. F.S. Oliver (Ordeal by Battle, pp. 30-34) on the question discussed above. For other arguments, see my Origins of the War, pp. 167-9. The ties binding Roumania to Germany and Austria were looser; but anything of the nature of a general threat to the Central Powers would probably have ranged her too on their side.]
Sir Edward is also charged with not making our intentions clear as to what would happen in case of the violation of the neutrality of Belgium. But he demanded, both from France and Germany, assurances that they would respect that neutrality; and on August 1 he informed the German ambassador in London of our "very great regret" at the ambiguity of the German reply. Also, on August 2 the German ambassador at Brussels protested that Belgium was quite safe so far as concerned Germany[562]. When a great Power gives those assurances, it does not improve matters to threaten her with war if she breaks them. She broke them on August 3; whereupon Grey took the decided action which Haldane had declared in 1912 that we would take. The clamour raised in Germany as to our intervention being unexpected is probably the result of blind adherence to a preconceived theory and of rage at a "decadent" nation daring to oppose an "invincible" nation. The German Government of course knew the truth, but its education of public opinion through the Press had become a fine art. Therefore, at the beginning of the war all Germans believed that France was about to invade Belgium, whereupon they stepped in to save her; that the Eastern Colossus had precipitated the war by its causeless mobilisation (a falsehood which ranged nearly all German Socialists on the side of the Government); that Russia and Servia had planned the dismemberment of Austria; that, consequently, Teutons (and Turks) must fight desperately for national existence in a conflict forced upon them by Russia, Servia, and France, England perfidiously appearing as a renegade to her race and creed.
[Footnote 562: British White Paper, Nos. 114, 122, 123, 125; Belgian Grey Book, No. 19.]
By these falsehoods, dinned into a singularly well-drilled and docile people, the Germans were worked up to a state of frenzy for an enterprise for which their rulers had been preparing during more than a decade. The colossal stores of war material, amassed especially in 1913-14 (some of them certain soon to deteriorate), the exquisitely careful preparations at all points of the national life, including the colonies, refute the fiction that war was forced upon Germany. The course of the negotiations preceding the war, the assiduous efforts of Germany to foment Labour troubles in Russia before the crisis, the unpreparedness of the Allies for the fierce and sustained energy of the Teutonic assault,—all these symptoms prove the guilt of Germany[563]. The crowning proof is that up to the present (August 1915) she has not issued a complete set of diplomatic documents, and not one despatch which bears out the Chancellor's statement that he used his influence at Vienna for peace. The twenty-nine despatches published in her White Book are a mere fragment of her immense diplomatic correspondence which she has found it desirable to keep secret, and, as we have seen, her officials suppressed the Tsar's second telegram of July 29 urging that the Austro-Serb dispute be referred to the Hague Tribunal.
[Footnote 563: See the damning indictment by a German in J'accuse, Section III., also the thorough and judicial examination by J.W. Headlam, The History of Twelve Days.]
The sets of despatches published by the Allies show conclusively that each of them worked for peace and was surprised by the war. Their unpreparedness and the absolute preparedness of Germany have appeared so clearly during the course of hostilities as to give the lie to the German pamphleteers who have striven to prove that in the last resort the war was "a preventive war," that is, designed to avert a future conflict at a time unfavourable to Germany. There is not a sign that any one of the Powers of the Entente was making more than strictly defensive preparations; and, as has been shown, the Entente themselves were formed in order to give mutual protection in case of aggression from her. The desperate nature of that aggression appeared in her unscrupulous but successful efforts to force Turkey into war (Oct.-Nov. 1914). No crime against Christendom has equalled that whereby the champions of Kultur sought to stir up the fanatical passions of the Moslem World against Europe. Fortunately, that design has failed; and incidentally it added to the motives which have led Italy to break loose from the Central Powers and assist the Allies in assuring the future of the oppressed nationalities of Europe.
Abdul, Aziz 168-9 Abdul Hamid II., 169-70, 174, 177-9, 185-6, 204, 223-4, 238, 245-9, 259, 266-9, 274-5, 277, 285, 328, 436, 447-8, 453, 457, 591-2, 618 Abdul Kerim, 194-6, 200, 204, 206 Abdur Rahman, 389, 400, 404-5, 407, 417, 418-19, 428-31, 433 Abeken, Herr, 44 Abu Klea, Battle of, 480 Abyssinia, 335, 487, 504 Adam, Mme, 333 Adrianople, 221, 223, 229, 251, 270 Aehrenthal, Count, 613-4 Afghanistan, 334, 345-6, 366, 378-9, 386-91, 472, 527 War in (1878-9), chap. xiv. 394 passim Africa, Partition of, chap. xviii, passim, 586 Africa, South-West, 635-6 Agadir, Coup d', 621, 623, 625 Albania, 158, 229 Albania, autonomy of, 630-1 Albert, King of Belgium, 644-5 Albrecht, Archduke, 33-6 Alexander I., 31, 160-1, 297, 364 Alexander II., 145, 167, 173-5, 180-83, 192, 204-5, 209-10, 215, 222-8, 234, 254-6, 289, 293, 295-8, 306, 308, 313, 318, 322, 325, 355, 398-9 Alexander III., 255-65, 272-86, 298-9, 301-4, 309-11, 331, 337, 340, 343-6, 423-4, 428-9 Alexander, Prince of Bulgaria, 254, 260-82, 286, 339, 428 Alexandretta, 622 Alexandria, bombardment of, 450-52 Alfonso, King of Spain, 619 Algeciras, Conference of, 604, 606-8, 610 Act of, 607 Alikhanoff, M., 424 Alsace, 94, 105, 132, 133-4 Alvensleben, General von, 61, 65-7, 77 Amur, river, 571, 572, 580 Andrassy, Count, 164, 232, 599 Andre, General, 600 Anglo-French Entente (1904), 601-4, 606, 607, 609, 622, 626, 636 Anglo-German Agreement (1890), 520-523,525, 532 Anglo-Japanese Compact, 597-8, 602 Anglo-Russian Conventions, 608-10 Angra Pequena, 523, 524 Antonelli, Cardinal, 89 Arabi Pasha, 266, 444, 447-9, 452, 453-7 Archinard, M., 539 Argyll, Duke of, 371-2, 376, 417 Armenia, 220, 229, 242, 244, 250, 307 Army Bill, French (1875), 119, 121-2 Arnim, Count von, 123, 318 Artomoroff, Colonel, 504 Asquith, H.H., 626-8 Atbara, Battle of the, 490-91 Augustenburg, Duke of, 16 Aumale, Duc d', 117 Austria, 4-23, 32-7, 55, 63, 137, 148, 164, 177, 180-81, 184-6, 194, 227-8, 231, 232, 238, 242, 246, 257-8, 259, 271, 282, 284, 318, 320, 323-7, 331-3, 350-51, 485, 585, 592-3, 601, 604, 607, 609, 612-17, 622, 629-32, 634, 637, 639, 644, 647, 649 Army of, 635 Austro-German Alliance, 324-7 Austro-Prussian War (1866), 17-21 Austro-Russian Agreements (1897 and 1903), 615 Austro-Russian Treaty (1877), 179-180 Ayub Khan, 407, 415, 418-9
Baden, 12, 21 Baden, Grand Duke of, 130 Baert, Captain, 564 Bagdad Railway, 591-4, 609, 615, 622, 637 Bahr-el-Ghazal, the, 504, 506, 552, 558-9 Bakunin, 292-5 Balfour, Mr. A., 431-2 Balkan League, the, 629, 632 Balkan Peninsula, 25, 332 Balkan Question, the, 631-2 Balkan States, 586, 592, 616, 628-9, 633 Balkan War (1912), 624, 629-31, 633 Balkh, 399, 433 Baluchistan, 367, 381, 384-6, 432 Baring, Sir E., 463, 466-473 Batak, 170, 171 Batoum, 205, 229, 234, 241, 276 Bavaria, 18, 20, 21, 131, 133-5 Bazaine, Marshall, 63-5, 67-73, 75-8, 97 Bazeilles, 79-82 Beaconsfield, Earl of, 29, 165-6, 171, 175, 181, 182, 187-8, 220, 231, 232-3, 234, 236-7, 240-41, 243-5, 287, 328, 380, 282-3, 391-3, 400, 405, 440, 516 Beaumont, Battle of, 78 Bebel, Herr, 589 Bechuanaland, 530-33 Beernaert, M., 556 Belfort, 98, 104, 105 Belgium, 5, 16, 26, 148, 550-52, 555-7, 567, 625, 627-8, 638-9, 641-2, 644-8 Bendereff, 271, 278-9 Benedek, General, 18 Benedetti, M., 40-43, 48 Bentley, Rev. W.H., 546 Berber, 473, 475, 478, 488, 490 Berchtold, Count, 640 Beresford, Lord Charles, 480 Berlin Conference (1885), 548-50, 552, 559, 562, 567 Congress of (1878), 228, 235-42, 247, 259, 323, 328, 345, 388, 513 Memorandum, the, 167-9, 181 Berlin, Treaty of (1878), 237-42, 253, 267-8, 275, 291, 332, 353, 612, 629 Bernhardi, General von, 625-6, 638 Besika Bay, 168, 171, 172, 177, 224 Bessarabia, 160, 205, 230, 234, 260 Bethman-Hollweg, Chancellor, 620, 623, 625, 627, 633-4, 641-2, 645-6, 648 Beust, Count von, 32, 36, 37 Biarritz, 16 Biddulph, General, 398 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 8, 12-22, 27, 30, 31, 39, 41-49, 85, 86, 89, 94, 97, 103-5, 109, 114, 118, 123, 129-32, 137, 140, 141, 153, 164, 168, 173, 184, 228, 257, 261, 282, 317-27, 332, 335, 336-8, 342, 426, 446, 457, 513-15, 520-21, 527, 528, 534, 547, 548, 590, 599, 609 and "Protection," 141-150 Bismarck, Count Herbert, 523-4, 528 Blagovestchensk, 584 Blowitz, M. de, 321-2 Blumenthal, Count von, 72, 77, 85, 94 Boer War, 585-8, 590, 597-8, 610, 636 Bokhara, 365, 371 Bonnier, M., 539 Bordeaux, 98, 99, 103, 105, 106, 116, 118 Bosnia, 163, 168, 238, 242, 258, 332 Bosnia-Herzegovina, annexation of, 612, seq. 640 Botha, General, 598 Boulanger, General, 126, 333, 337, 339, 341 Bourbaki, General, 98 Bourbon, House of, 3-6 Bourgas, 278 Bourgeois, M., 504 Boxer Movement, the, 583 Boxer Rising in China (1900), 588, 595 Brazza, M. de, 546 Bremen, 132, 142 Bright, Mr. J., 417, 452 British Central Africa Protectorate, 533 Broadwood, General, 487, 496, 498 Browne, General Sir Samuel, 394 Brussels, Conference at (1876), 545 Anti-Slavery Conference at, 534 Buchanan, Sir George, 647 Bukharest, Peace of (1913), 631-2, 637, 639 Bukharest, Treaty of (1886), 272 Bulgaria, 157-9, 163, 170-72, 176, 180, 225, 229-30, 234, 237-9, 251-288, 302, 333, 334 Campaigns in, 194-216 Buelow, Prince von, 588-9, 596, 603, 605, 607, 617 Bundesrath, the, 133-4, 138 Burmah, 527, 530 Annexation of, 432 Burnaby, Colonel, 480 Burrows, Brigadier-General, 407 Busa, 540 Busch, Dr., 22, 143
Cabul, 370, 381, 383, 387, 388, 390, 401-5, 412-413, 431 Cabul, Treaty of (1905), 435 Cairo, capture of, 455-6 Cairoli, Signor, 329 "Caisse de la Delte" (Egyptian), 442, 459 Cambon, Jules, 620 Paul, 644, 646 Cameroons, 528, 533-6 Candahar, 367, 381, 387, 398, 405, 407, 413-18, 432 Canning, Lord, 368 Canrobert, Marshal, 72 Caprivi, Count, 520 Carnarvon, Lord, 225, 525 Carnot, President Sadi, 127 Casement, Mr. Roger, 558, 560-62, 565, 566 Cassini, Count, 580 Catharine II., 361 Cattier, M., 552, 563, 564 Cavagnari, Sir Louis, 401 Cavour, Count, 8-11, 13, 90, 142, 161 Centralisation of Governments, 111-112, 315 Chad, Lake, 537 Chalons-sur-Marne, 68, 74, 75 Chamberlain, Mr., 417 Chambord, Comte de, 117, 122, 123 Charasia, Battle of (1878), 402-3 Charles, King of Roumania, 192, 206, 210, 215, 230, 262, 632 Charles Albert, King, 6-8 Chevket Pacha, 626 China, 568, 571-2, 576-82, 595-7 Chino-Japanese War, 576-7 Chitral, 386, 388, 433 Chotek, Countess, 613 Christian IX., 14 Churchill, Winston, 627, 634 Clement, Bishop, 280, 282 Cobden, Mr., 142 Colombey, Battle of, 63-5 Combes, M., 349, 600 Congo Free State, the, 502, 541, passim chap. xix. Congo, French, 622, 625 Constantinople, Conference of (1876), 174, 176-9 Constitution, French (1875), 124-5 German, 132-7 Turkish (1876), 177-9 Constitution of Finland, 308, 309 Cossacks, the, 360-62, 434, 435, 453 Coulmiers, Battle of, 97 Cranbrook, Lord, 387 Crete, 240, 248 Crimean War, 8, 13, 30, 31, 161-2, 345, 365, 425, 434 Crispi, Signor, 336, 337, 355, 600 Cromer, Lord. See Baring, Sir E. Cronstadt, 343, 346 Crown Prince of Saxony, 74, 130 Currie, Sir Donald, 524, 528 Curzon, Lord, 423, 431, 432, 576 Cyprus, 328 Convention, 234-5, 243-4, 250
Dahomey, 539 Dalmatia, 329 Dalny, 583 Dardanelles, the, 168, 222, 224, 225, 241 Decazes, Duc, 321-2, 440 Delagoa Bay, 525-6, 528, 534 Delcasse, M., 587, 601, 606, 607 Denghil Tepe, Battle of, 420-23, 500 Denmark, 4, 5, 13-16, 35 Depretis, Signor, 329, 335-6, 355 Derby, Lord, 166, 176, 178, 181, 222, 224, 225, 226, 231, 243, 440, 524, 530 De Wet, General, 598, 635 Dhanis, Commandant, 553 Dilke, Sir Charles, 465, 563 Dillon, Dr., 639 Disraeli. See Beaconsfield Dobrudscha, 197, 199, 229-30, 240 Dodds, Colonel, 539 Dolgorukoff, General, 280-81 Dongola, 474, 476, 479, 488, 489 Dost Mohammed, 368, 379 Dragomiroff, General, 197 Dreyfus, M., 600 Drouyn de Lhuys, 20 Drury Lowe, General Sir, 454-6 Dual Alliance, 342-50, 587-8, 590, 599, 609, 616, 644 Dual Control, the (in Egypt), 442, 443, 445, 457 Ducrot, General, 80, 81, 83 Dufaure, M., 126, 245, 246 Dufferin, Lord, 326, 424, 426-8, 429, 458, 461-2 Dulcigno, 246-7 Durand, Sir Mortimer, 433 Durbar at Delhi (1878), 383
East Africa (British), 520-21, 523 (German), 520-23 East Africa Company (British), 519-22 Eastern Question, the, 155-189, 222-250, 383, 615, 636-7 Eastern Roumelia, 238, 253, 259, 260, 263-4, 268, 275-6, 333 Eckardstein, Herr, 527 Edward VII., 601, 608, 618-9 Egypt, 166, 244, 266, 275, 602, 636-7, passim chaps. xv. xvi. xvii. Einwold, Herr, 527 Elgin, Lord, 368 Elliott, Sir Henry, 176, 177, 221 El Obeid, Battle of, 461, 462 El Teb, Battle of, 470 Ems, 42-5 Ena, Queen of Spain, 619 England. See Great Britain Enver Bey, 630 Epirus, 241, 248 Erzeroum, 194, 241 Eugenie, Empress, 19, 29, 38, 47, 75, 87, 97, 139
Faidherbe, M. 538 Fashoda, 349, 501-6, 594 Faure, President, 127, 346 Favre, M. Jules, 87, 88, 94, 98, 103, 114 Ferdinand, Prince, 285-6 Ferdinand, Tsar, of Bulgaria, 612, 631 Fergusson, Sir James, 336 Ferry, M., 266, 329 Finland, 304, 307-14 Flegel, Herr, 535 Floquet, M., 126 Flourens, M., 343 Forbach, Battle of, 62, 63 Formosa, Island of, 577 Fox Bourne, Mr., 563 France, 3-6, 9, 19, 20, 25-9, 32, 33, 35, 46-9, 52-6, 87-9, 112, 161, 228, 318, 320-24, 326, 333-6, 337-8, 341-5, 347-9, 350, 437-8, 442, 446, 448, 452-3, 457, 458-9, 485, 513-514, 529, 535, 537-41, 546-9, 558, 559, 577-9, 585-6, 591, 593-4, 597, 599-608, 614-6, 618, 620-2, 624, 626, 638, 641-8 and Morocco, 602, 604-7, 609-10, 620 seq., 636-7 Army of, 634-5 France and the Sudan, 501-6 France and Tunis, 328-30 Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, 613-4, 639 Francis Joseph, 6, 32, 36, 173, 232, 318, 613 Franco-German War, causes of, 36-49 Franco-Italian Entente, 601 Franco-Russian Alliance. (See Dual Alliance) Frankfurt, Treaty of, 105, 114 Frankfurt-on-Main, 11, 12, 21, 22 Frederick the Great, 594, 635, 638, 646 Frederick III., Crown Prince of Germany and Emperor, 18, 74, 76, 80, 130, 136, 151, 236 Frederick VII., 14 Frederick Charles, Prince, 66, 68 Frederick William IV., 11-13, 31, 593 Free Trade (in Germany), 141-3 (in France), 142 French Congoland, 506, 546, 622, 625 French Revolution of 1830, 5 Frere, Sir Bartle, 380-81, 524 Freycinet, M. de, 446, 447, 452, 456, 502, 503 Frobenius, Herr, 638 Frossard, General, 63-5
Galatz, 197 Galbraith, Colonel, 411 Gallieni, M., 539 Gallipoli, 222, 226 Gambetta, M., 87, 96-101, 110, 125, 318, 330, 446, 452, 538 Gandamak, Treaty of, 400, 418 Garde Mobile, the, 55, 94 Garde Nationale, the, 55, 94 Garibaldi, 6, 7, 9-11, 28, 90-91, 327 Gastein, Convention of, 16 Gatacre, General, 490, 492 Gavril, Pasha, 263 Geok Tepe. See Denghil Tepe George V., King of England, 645 George, David Lloyd, 623, 625 German Army, 135, 633-4 German Army, Kriegsgefahr, 643 Confederation (1815-66), 4-22 Constitution (1871), 132-7 Empire, 129. See Germany Navy, 587-9, 594, 609, 617, 628, 633, 638 Zollverein, the, 141-2 Germany, 3-6, 11-18, 20-23, 27, 34, 39, 45-9, 51-5, 129-154, 164-6, 223, 246, 275, 277, 282, 318-27, 329, 330, 337-9, 350, 447-8, 453, 457, 472, 485, 513-18, 520-22, 524-30, 533-7, 541, 547, 559, 577-9, 581, 585-9, 592, 595-7, 600-609, 615-18, 620-21, 623-8, 632, 634, 635-8, 640-49 Gervais, Admiral, 343 Ghaznee, Battle of, 405 Giers, M. de, 258, 263, 265, 276, 281, 285, 302, 332, 333-5, 337, 424, 427, 515 Gladstone, Mr., 29, 46, 172, 223, 244, 275, 356, 371, 372, 376, 380, 392, 405, 417, 427-9, 446, 448-9, 452, 458, 461, 465, 484-5, 502, 517, 524, 528, 530, 531 Glave, Mr., 562 Gold Coast, 539 Goldie, Sir George T., 535, 541 Gontaut-Biron, M. de, 421 Gordon, General, passim chaps. xvi. xvii. Gortchakoff, Prince, 164, 168, 190, 222, 226, 320, 322-3, 366 Goschen, Lord, 244, 246, 442 Goschen, Sir Edward, 641-2 Gough, General, 404 Gramont, Duc de, 32, 40, 42, 43, 47 Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart, 322 Granville, Earl, 45, 389, 425-6, 447, 463, 465, 470, 473-4, 517, 523, 533, 547 Gravelotte, Battle of, 68-73 Great Britain, 14, 29, 30, 52, 95, 145, 147-9, 160-61, 168-77, 181, 187-8, 190, 231, 259, 266, 282, 284, 322-4, 328, 336, 337, 342, 364-6, 372-4, 382-4, 392-4, 400, 404-6, 417, 435, 513-14, 521, 523-30, 533-7, 541, 547, 578-9, 581-2, 585-7, 600, 604-9, 616, 618, 620, 622-3, 626-8, 636-9, 641-8 Army of, 634 Great Britain and Egypt, passim chaps. xv. xvi. xvii. Great Britain and Russia (1878), 222-8 Greco-Turkish War, 585 Greece, 5, 158, 160, 194, 227, 240-41, 245-8, 257, 267 Grenfell, Rev. G., 546 Grevy, M., 337, 355 Grey, Sir Edward, 503, 586, 623, 626, 631, 634, 641-7 Griffin, Sir Lepel, 405-6 Gurko, General, 201-3, 208, 219
Habibulla, Ameer of Afghanistan, 431, 435 Hague Conference, 608 Congress, the (1899), 583 Tribunal, 601, 649 Haldane, Lord, 627, 639, 647 Hamburg, 132, 142 Hanotaux, M., 504 Hanover, 11, 21, 23 Hartington, Lord, 417, 465, 476 Hayashi, Count, 596 Heligoland, 521, 637 Herat, 367, 368, 381, 387, 388, 405, 425 Hericourt, Battle of, 98 Herzegovina, 163-5, 170, 238, 332 Hesse-Cassel, 12, 21, 23 Hesse Darmstadt, 20 Heydebrand, Herr, 625 Hicks, Pasha, 461-2 Hinde, Captain S.L., 553 Hinterland, Question of the, 547, 550 Hohenlohe, Prince, 589 Hohenzollern, House of, 11, 39-41, 129; also see Germany Holland, 5, 554-5, 641-2 Holstein, 5, 26 Holy Alliance, the, 5, 319 Holy Roman Empire, the, 136 Hornby, Admiral, 224 Hoskier, M., 340 Hudson, Sir James, 274 Hungary, 32, 36, 159, 263, 277 Hunter, General, 487
Iddesleigh, Lord, 519 Ignatieff, General, 174, 177, 181, 229, 230, 232, 332 India, 165, 212, 365, 368, 592 "International Association of the Congo," 545, 547-9 "Internationale," the, 292 Isabella, Queen, 40 Ismail, Khedive, 438-40, 442 Istria, 329 Isvolsky, M., 615 "Italia irredenta," 329 Italo-Turkish War, the, 624, 628 Italy, 4-11, 16-23, 28, 30, 34, 37, 38, 55, 56, 63, 89-92, 148, 228, 266, 284, 319, 335, 350, 453, 485, 487, 540, 541, 567, 601, 603-5, 607, 615-17, 624, 628, 631, 636, 643, 646-7, 649 Italy and the Triple Alliance, 327-331, 600, 601, 615, 624, 637, 647
Jacob, General, 385 Jacobabad, Treaty of, 385 Jagow, Herr von, 645 Jameson, Dr. 587 Janssen, M., 552 Japan, 348, 572-4, 576-8, 581-4, 585, 597-9 Jaures, M., 634 Jermak, 361, 569, 570 Jesuits, the, 138 Jews, persecution of the, 304, 305 Johnstone, Sir Harry, 519, 541
Kamchatka, 570, 571 Karaveloff, M., 256, 259, 280 Kars, 194, 229, 234 Kassala, 487, 488, 491 Katkoff, M., 259, 283, 324, 332, 333, 334, 337 Kaufmann, General, 366, 383, 398 Kaulbars, General, 255, 257-8, 283, 284 Khalifa, passim chap. xvii. Khama, 533 Khartum, 437, 439, 445, passim chaps. xvi. xvii. Khelat, Khan of, 384-5 Khiva, 365, 374, 377 Khokand, 383 Khyber Pass, 386, 390, 394, 401, 412 Kiamil Pacha, 630 Kiao-chau, 580-81 Kiderlen-Waechter, Herr, 621-2 Kiel, North Sea Canal, 587, 604, 637-8 Kirk, Sir John, 518, 541 Kitchener, Lord, 441, 479, 598, passim chap. xvii. Komaroff, General, 427, 428 Koeniggraetz, Battle of, 18-20 Kordofan, 461, 462, 470, 476 Korea, 568 Korsakoff, General, 254 Kossuth, 6 Kruedener, General, 200, 206-7 Krueger, President, 586-7 Kultur-Kampf, the, 139-41 Kuropatkin, General, 311-12, 314, 422-3 Kurram Valley, the, 394-7, 400
Labouchere, Mr., 336 Lado, 502, 558-9 Lagos, 539 Lamsdorff, Count, 575 Lansdowne, Lord, 433, 567, 597, 602, 606 Lavigerie, Cardinal, 534 Lawrence, Lord J., 365, 368-9, 371, 385, 387 Layard, Sir Henry, 221, 226, 245, 246 Leboeuf, Marshall, 47, 53, 64, 65 Lebrun, General, 34-6, 65 Leflo, General, 322 Le Mans, Battle of, 98 Leo XIII., 327, 331, 335 Leopold II. (King of the Belgians), 342, 465, 509, 514, 543, 550-52, 555-7, 558, 565 Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern, 40, 42 Lessar, M., 424 Lesseps, M. de, 438, 441 Lewis, General, 487 Liaotung Peninsula, 577, 578, 581-2 Liberation, Wars of (1813-14), 635 Li-Hung Chang, 577, 578, 582 Lissa, Battle of, 17 Livingstone, D., 508-9, 543-4, 567 Lobanoff, Prince, 575 Local Government (French), 119, 120 Lomakin, General, 420 Lombardy, 5-11, 32 London, Conference of (1867), 15, 28 Congress of (1871), 95 London, Peace Conference at (1913), 630-31, 634 Lorraine, 94, 103, 105, 132, 133-4 Lothaire, Commandant, 553 Loubet, M., 127, 601 Louis Philippe, King, 6 Lovtcha, 210, 212 Luebeck, 132, 142 Luederitz, Herr, 523 Lugard, Sir Frederick, 522, 537, 541 Lumsden, Sir Peter, 426 Luxemburg, 27, 28, 32, 39 Lyttleton, Colonel, 492 Lytton, Lord, 481-7, 490-92, 405-6, 417, 419
Macdonald, General, 402, 487, 491, 496-8 Macdonald, Ramsay, 646 Macedonia, 158, 230, 248, 250, 287-8, 391 Mackenzie, Rev. John, 530-31, 541 Mackinnon, Sir William, 516, 541 Maclaine, Lieutenant, 408, 415 MacMahon, Marshall, 59-61, 74-80, 123, 125-7, 322, 525-6 Mahdi, the, 266; chaps. xvi. xvii. passim Maiwand, Battle of, 407-11 Malet, Sir Edward, 548 Malmesbury, Lord, 47 Manchuria, 345-6, 349, 568, 578, 580, 584 Mancini, Signor, 355 Manin, 7 Marchand, Colonel, 501-6, 540 Maritz, General, 635 Marschall, Baron von, 605 Mars-la-Tour, Battle of, 67-70 Maxwell, General, 487, 491, 497 "May Laws," the, 139-41, 319 Mayo, Lord, 372-3 Mazzini, 6, 7, 91, 92, 304, 327 Mecklenburg, 17, 142 Mehemet Ali, Pasha, 204, 209, 215-16 Melikoff, General Loris, 194, 296-8 Meline, M., 504 Mentana, Battle of, 28, 90 Mercantile System, the, 150 Merriman, Mr., 586 Merv, 345, 374, 387, 388, 423-5, 431, 518 Metternich, Prince, 7, 36 Metz, 55, 63-73, 97, 104 Mexico, 19, 26, 31 Midhat, Pasha, 178-9, 186 Milan, King, 167, 263, 269-72 Milner, Lord, 440, 448, 598 Milutin, General, 204, 215 Mir, the, 294, 307 Mohammed Ali, 437-8 Mohammed V., 618 Moltke, Count von, 18, 43, 65, 66, 78, 85, 104, 130, 193, 205, 320 Mombasa, 520, 523 Montenegro, 158, 163, 167, 173-4, 180, 194, 204, 225, 229, 232, 238, 242, 246-7, 263 Morier, Sir Robert, 187, 273, 286, 302, 428 Morley, Mr. John, 427 Morocco, 602, 604-7, 609-10, 620 seq., 636-7 Moslem Creed, the, and Christians, 156-8, 186-7 Mukden, 598, 606 Mukhtar, Pasha, 208 Muenster, Count, 523 Murad V., 169 Muravieff, Count, 571-3, 575, 589
Nabokoff, Captain, 278 Nachtigall, Dr., 533-4 Napoleon I., 2-4, 12, 13, 15-17, 23, 25, 89, 100, 160, 325, 437, 537, 593, 608, 610 Napoleon III., 6, 7, 9-11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25-33, 37-40, 46-9, 52, 63-5, 75-8, 84-6, 88-9, 98, 99, 105, 123, 138, 142, 162, 538, 599 Napoleon, Prince Jerome, 20, 37 Natal, 527, 528, 529, 534 National African Company, the, 535 National Assembly, the French, 98-108, 115-26 Nationality, 2-12, 23, 25, 26-8, 36, 89, 586 Nelidoff, Count, 265, 274, 277 Nelson, 437, 441 Nesselrode, Count, 364 Netherlands, the, 586 Nice, 9, 30, 39 Nicholas, I., 160, 289, 292, 304, 308, 364 Nicholas II., 289, 311-14, 346, 349, 506, 575, 580, 584, 590, 594, 598, 610, 614, 617, 621-2, 640, 643, 649 Nicholas, Grand Duke, 192-3, 200-2, 206, 210, 215, 223, 229, 291, 292 Nicholas, Prince of Montenegro, 263 Nicopolis, 196, 200-1, 206, 217 Niger, river, 533-40, 548 Nigeria, 534-7 Nihilism, 112, 233, 266-7, 291-8, 300-4, 327 Nikolsburg, 19 Northbrook, Lord, 373-4, 376, 379, 381, 465 Northcote, Sir Stafford, 168, 224, 225, 243 North German Confederation, 22, 35, 51, 52, 136 Norway, 4, 5 Novi-Bazar, 332 Novi-Bazar, Sanjak of, 612 Nuttall, General, 411
Obock, 504, 540 Obretchoff, General, 324, 326 O'Donovan, Mr., 424, 462 Ollivier, M., 28, 29, 34, 41, 46, 47, 55, 65 Olmuetz, Convention of, 12, 18 Omdurman, Battle of, 441, 493-500 Orleans, 97 Osman Digna, 470, 486 Osman Pasha, 196, 200, 205, 214-19
Palikao, Count, 65, 75, 77, 79, 87 Palmerston, Lord, 30, 438, 441 Pan-German Movement, 593-4, 621 Pan-Islamic Movement, 592-3, 608 Panjdeh, 346, 426-9, 432 Papal States, the, 9, 10 Paris, 87, 88, 95, 97, 98, 105, 107-113, 120 Paris Commune, the (1871), 106-113, 116, 315 Paris, Comte de, 117, 122 Paris, Treaty of (1856), 161, 176 Peiwar, Kotal, Battle at, 396 Pekin, Capture of, 595 Persia, 367, 368, 374, 378, 380, 609, 624 Persian Gulf, the, 592 Peshawur, 394 Peter, King of Servia, 615 Peters, Dr. Karl, 517-19, 522 Phayre, General, 416 Philippopolis, 219, 260, 263-4, 270, 271, 281 Picard, M., 103 Piedmont, 7 Pishin, 400 Pius IX., 6, 7, 38, 89-91, 122, 138-9, 141, 327 Plevna, Battles at, 206-19 Pobyedonosteff, 299, 300 Poland, 4, 5, 25, 26, 31, 301 Pondoland, 529 Port Arthur, 346, 580 Porte, the. See Turkey Portsmouth, Treaty of, 598 Portugal, 520, 525, 526, 540, 541, 546-9 Posen, 141 Primrose, General, 407, 411 Prudhon, 292-5 Prussia (1815-66), 4-22, 26, 51-5, 95, 130, 140, 141. See Germany
Quadrilateral, the Turkish, 194-7, 199-200 Quetta, 381, 385, 398, 412, 416, 432
Rabinek, Herr, 565 Rachfahl, Herr, 605 Radetzky, General, 209, 220 Radowitz, Herr von, 321 Radziwill, Princess, 236-7, 291 Rauf Pasha, 460-61 Rawlinson, Sir Henry, 380 Redcliffe, Lord Stratford de, 188 Redmond, Mr., 646 Reichstag, the German, 133-4, 140, 141, 145-6 Reventlow, Count, 587, 595, 603, 637-8 Revolutions of 1848, 6-7, 11-12 Rezonville, Battle of, 67-70 Rhodes, Mr. Cecil, 530-32, 541 Rhodesia, 532 Riaz Pasha, 445 Ribot, M., 346 Ripon, Lord, 406, 412, 417 Roberts, Lord, 379, 389, 392-3, 395-8, 402-4, 535 Rohrbach, Herr, 637 Rome, 7, 10, 38, 89-92, 95, 138 Roon, Count von, 17, 43 Rosebery, Earl of, 275, 276, 503, 519, 528 Roumania, 26, 157, 158, 162, 192-3, 220, 222, 225, 229-30, 238-40, 257, 260-62, 269 Roumania, King of, 41 Rouvier, M., 607 Royal Niger Company, the, 526, 540 Rubber Tax, in Congo State, 565-7 Russell, Lord John, 14, 15 Russell, Lord Odo, 322 Russia, 5, 9, 12, 13, 26, 31, 32, 55, 95, 112, 145, 148, 161, 164-8, 172, 182, 190-92, 231, 234, 240, 289, 290, 318, 322-7, 331-5, 337, 341-5, 347-9, 371, 446, 447-8, 457, 458, 472, 485, 527, 586, 590-91, 593-5, 597, 603, 606-8, 612-13, 615-17, 621, 624, 626, 629-31, 633-4, 640-44, 647-8 and Bulgaria, 253-88 and Finland, 307-14 and Japan, 585, 592, 598-9 and the Jews, 304-5 and Turkey, 222-7, 229-42 army of, 635, 638 Russia in Central Asia, 359-66, 371-4, 376-80, 383, 387-91, 398-9, 403, 419-30 in the Far East, 595-6, 598, 614, chap. xx. passim Russo-Japanese War, 598-9, 602 Russo-Turkish War, 585 Rustchuk, 194, 199, 208, 265, 280-82, 285, 334
Saarbruecken, Battle of, 61, 62 Said, Khedive, 438 St. Hilaire, Barthelemy de, 328 St. Lucia Bay, 519, 525, 527, 528, 534 St. Privat, Battle of See Gravelotte St. Quentin, Battle of, 98 Saladin, 591 Salisbury, Marquis of, 176-7, 187, 232-4, 240, 243, 266-9, 272, 275, 283, 287, 328, 336, 380-81, 383, 387, 428, 505, 519, 522, 540, 554, 581 Salonica, 167, 229 Samarcand, 365-6, 371, 388-9, 604 Samoa, 588, 610 Samory, 539 San Stefano, Treaty of, 229-32, 233, 238, 253 Sandeman, Sir Robert, 384-5 Sardinia, Kingdom of, 8-11, 162 Saxony, 4, 5, 11, 18, 134-6 Sazonoff, M., 641 Schleswig-Holstein, 5, 12, 13-16, 21, 26, 142 Schnaebele, M., 334, 338 Sedan, Battle of, 77-88 Septennate, the (in France), 123 Serpa Pinto, 540 Servia, 158-9, 163, 167, 173-4, 180, 194, 225, 229, 232, 238, 242, 257, 258, 267, 612-13, 615-16, 631, 637, 639-43, 648-9 Seymour, Admiral, 449-50 Shan-tung, Province of, 580, 581 Shere Ali, 369-74, 376-7, 379-80, 384, 386-8, 390-92, 398-400 Sherpur, Engagements at (1878), 404 Shipka Pass, 197, 201-3, 208, 220 Shumla, 194, 208 Shutargardan Pass, the, 402 Shuvaloff, Count, 233, 235 Siberia, 361, 366, 570-72, 574 Sibi, 398, 400 Simon, Jules, 103 Sistova, 196, 197, 199, 208, 217 Skiernewice, 258, 266, 284, 302, 332-5, 426, 515-18 Skobeleff, General, 198-9, 203, 210, 211-15, 220, 259, 330, 388-9, 421-4, 431 Slave-trade, the, 558, 562 Slavophils, the, 310-12, 339 Slivnitza, Battle of, 270-71 Soboleff, General, 255, 257-8 Sofia, 210, 219, 271, 273, 278-9 Solferino, Battle of, 9 Somaliland, 540 South Africa Company, British, 533 South German Confederation, 21, 22, 35 South-West Africa (German), 523-7, 531-2 Spain, 40, 41, 42, 605 Spicheren, Battle of, 62, 63 Stambuloff, 256, 259, 264, 289, 283-6, 334 Stanley, Sir H.M., 465, 508-9, 543-4, 552, 553 State Socialism (in Germany), 150-53 Steinmetz, General, 71 Stephenson, General, 474 Stepniak, 294, 303 Stewart, Colonel, 466, 476 Stewart, Sir Donald, 398, 405 Stewart, Sit Herbert, 480 Stiege, Admiral, 623 Stoffel, Colonel, 53 Stokes, Mr., execution of, 565 Stolieteff, General, 388-90, 398 Stundists, the, 305-7 Suakim, 462, 473, 478, 486, 488, 518 Sudan, the, passim chaps. xvi. xvii. Suez Canal, the, 166, 190, 225, 438, 439, 457, 513 Suleiman Pasha, 204, 208-9, 215, 216, 219, 221 Swat Valley, the, 433 Sweden, 4, 5 Switzerland, 98, 148
Tamai, Battle of, 470 Tangier, 614 Tashkend, 365, 388, 433 Tatisheff, M., 643 Tchernayeff, General, 174 Tchirsky, Herr von, 640 Tel-el-Kebir, Battle of, 454-5 Tewfik, Khedive, 442-7, 452-3, 458, 461, 466-7, 487, 503, 507 Thessaly, 240-41, 248-9 Thiers, M., 26, 27, 47, 87, 94, 100-6, 108, 114-19, passim chaps. iv. v. Thomson, Joseph, 509-10, 535-6, 541 Thornton, Sir Edward, 427 Three Emperors' League, the, 179, 184, 319-23, 326, 332-4, 448, 515 Tilsit, Treaty of, 308 Timbuctu, 539 Tipu Tib, 553 Tirard, M., 341 Tirpitz, Admiral von, 589, 609 Tisza, M., 180, 283 Todleben, 216-17 Togo, Admiral, 598 Trans-Siberian Railway, the, 574-6, 580, 582-3, 599 Transvaal, the, 525, 527, 586 Treitschke, Herr, 626, 636 Trentino, 335 Triple Alliance, the, 21, 327-33, 335-9, 453, 515, 590-1, 599-601, 609, 615, 624, 635, 637, 647 Triple Entente, the, 593, 595, 609, 617, 635, 647, 649 Trochu, General, 101 Tsushima, Battle of, 598 Tunis, 328-30, 436, 448, 513-14, 600 Turgenieff, 294, 295 Turkestan, 361, 364, 366-7, 419-30 Turkey, 5, 155, 168-77, 181, 187-8, 190-221, 229-42, 332, 342, 348, 436-8, 446, 502, 567, 592, 613, 615-616, 618, 624, 628-30, 632, 638-9
Uganda, 502, 522-3 Umballa, Conference at, 372-3 Umberto I., King of Italy, 327, 329-31, 333, 335, 336 United Kingdom. See Great Britain United Netherlands, Kingdom of, 5 United States, the, 30, 31, 547, 567, 578, 581, 596-8, 607
Vandervelde, M., 557 Venetia, 5-11, 17, 19, 21 Verdun, 65, 68 Versailles, 103, 106, 108, 109, 129 Victor Emmanuel II., King of Italy, 2-11, 37, 63, 90, 327 Victor Emmanuel III., 601, 615 Victoria, Queen, 14, 145, 165, 171, 223-4, 261, 322 proclaimed Empress of India, 382 Victoria, Crown Princess of Germany, 323 Vienna, Treaty of (1815), 4, 5 Vionville, Battle of, 67-70 Viviani, M., 644 Vladivostok, 572, 575, 580
Waddington, M., 240, 245, 246, 328 Wady Halfa, 439, 476, 478, 483, 484, 486, 489, 502 Waldeck-Rousseau, M., 600 Waldemar, Prince, 284 Walfisch Bay, 524 Wallachia, 160-62 Warren, Sir Charles, 531-2 Wei-hai-wei, 582 West Africa, 533-40 White, Major G., 402 White, Sir William, 177, 187, 265, 267-9, 273-4, 287, 302 Widdin, 194, 196, 200, 206, 270 William I. (King of Prussia, German Emperor), 11-22, 31, 32, 41-6, 73, 104, 129-30, 137, 152, 236, 321-2, 325, 335, 339, 517, 594 William II. (King of Prussia, German Emperor), 151-3, 339-40, 342, 522, 580, 582, 586-93, 598-9, 604, 606-611, 614, 616-7, 620-1, 623-4, 632, 636-7, 639-41, 643-6 William, Crown Prince of Germany, 625, 646 William of Weid, Prince, 632 Wilson, Sir Charles, 480 Wimpffen, General de, 79-86 Winton, Sir Francis de, 552 Wissmann, Lieutenant von, 546 Wolf, Dr., 546 Wolff, Sir H. Drummond, 485 Wolseley, Lord, 454-6, 466, 475, 476, 478, 481, 507 Woerth, Battle of, 59-62 Wuertemberg, 21, 131, 133-5, 137
Yakub Khan, 379, 400-3 Young Turk Party, the, 612-3, 616, 618 Revolution (1908), 615
Zankoff, M., 280 Zanzibar, 516-21, 532, 553 Zazulich, Vera, 292 Zebehr, Pasha, 469-73 Zemstvo, the, 293, 296, 301 Zola, Emile, 600 Zulfikar Pass, the, 428
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