A Voice.—Such gossip is unworthy of this Chamber!
M. le Colonel Franchessini.—Gentlemen, being more accustomed to the frankness of camps than to the reticence of these precincts, I may perhaps have committed the impropriety of thinking aloud. The preceding speaker said to you that he believed M. de Sallenauve was employed in collecting his means of defence; well, I do not say to you "I believe," I tell you I know that a rich stranger succeed in substituting his protection for what which Phidias, our colleague, was bestowing on his handsome model, an Italian woman —[Fresh interruption. "Order! order!" "This is intolerable!"]
A Voice.—M. le president, silence the speaker!
Colonel Franchessini crosses his arms and waits till the tumult subsides.
The President.—I request the speaker to keep to the question.
M. le Colonel Franchessini.—The question! I have not left it. But, inasmuch as the Chamber refuses to hear me, I declare that I side with the minority of the committee. It seems to me very proper to send M. de Sallenauve back to his electors in order to know whether they intended to send a deputy or a lover to this Chamber—["Order! order!" Loud disturbance on the Left. The tumult increases.]
M. de Canalis hurries to the tribune.
The President.—M. le ministre of Public Works has asked for the floor; as minister of the king he has the first right to be heard.
M. de Rastignac.—It has not been without remonstrance on my part, gentlemen, that this scandal has been brought to your notice. I endeavored, in the name of the long friendship which unites me to Colonel Franchessini, to persuade him not to speak on this delicate subject, lest his parliamentary inexperience, aggravated in a measure by his witty facility of speech, should lead him to some very regrettable indiscretion. Such, gentleman, was the subject of the little conversation you may have seen that he held with me on my bench before he asked for the floor; and I myself have asked for the same privilege only in order to remove from your minds all idea of my complicity in the great mistake he has just, as I think, committed by condescending to the private details he has thought fit to relate to this assembly. But as, against my intention, and I may add against my will, I have entered the tribune, the Chamber will permit me, perhaps, —although no ministerial interest is here concerned,—to say a few words. [Cries from the Centre: "Go on!" "Speak!"]
M. le ministre then went on to say that the conduct of the absent deputy showed contempt for the Chamber; he was treating it lightly and cavalierly. M. de Sallenauve had asked for leave of absence; but how or where had he asked for it? From a foreign country! That is to say, he began by taking it, and then asked for it! Did he trouble himself, as is usual in such cases, to give a reason for the request? No; he merely says, in his letter to your president, that he is forced to absent himself on "urgent business,"—a very convenient excuse, on which the Chamber might be depopulated of half its members. But, supposing that M. de Sallenauve's business was really urgent, and that he thought it of a nature not to be explained in a letter that would necessarily be made public, why had he not written confidentially to the president, or even requested a friend in some responsible position, whose simple word would have sufficed, to assure the Chamber of the necessity of the deputy's absence without requiring any statement of private reasons?
At this point M. de Rastignac's remarks were interrupted by a commotion in the corridor to the right. Several deputies left their seats; others jumped upon the benches, apparently endeavoring to see something. The minister, after turning to the president, from whom he seemed to be asking an explanation, went back to the ministerial bench, where he was immediately surrounded by a number of the deputies of the Centre, among whom, noticeable for the vehemence of his gestures, was M. le procureur-general Vinet. Groups formed in the audience chamber; the sitting was, in fact, informally suspended.
After a few moments' delay M. le president rings his bell.
The Ushers.—Take your seats, gentlemen.
The deputies hasten on all sides to do so.
The President.—M. de Sallenauve has the floor.
M. de Sallenauve, who, during the few moments that the sitting was interrupted by his entrance, has been talking with M. de Canalis and M. d'Arthez, goes to the tribune. His manner is modest, but he shows no sign of embarrassment. Every one is struck by his resemblance to the portraits of one of the most fiery of the revolutionary orators.
A Voice.—It is Danton—without the small-pox!
M. de Sallenauve.—[Profound silence.] Gentlemen, I do not misjudge my parliamentary value; I know that the persecution directed apparently against me personally is, in point of fact, aimed at the political opinions I have the honor to represent. But, however that may be, my election seems to have been viewed by the ministry as a matter of some importance. In order to oppose it, a special agent and special journalists were sent to Arcis; and a humble employe under government, with a salary of fifteen hundred francs, was dismissed, after twenty years of faithful and honorable service, for having aided in my success. [Loud murmurs from the Centre.] I thank my honorable interrupters, feeling sure that their loud disapprobation is given to this strange dismissal, which is not open to the slightest doubt. [Laughter on the Left.] As for me, gentlemen, who could not be dismissed, I have been attacked with another weapon,—sagacious calumny, combined with my fortunate absence—
The Minister of Public Works.—Of course the government sent you out of the country.
M. de Sallenauve.—No, Monsieur le ministre. I do not attribute my absence to either your influence or your suggestions; it was necessitated by imperious duty, and it had no other instigation or motive. But, as to the part you have really taken in the denunciation set on foot against me, I am about to tell the facts, and the Chamber will consider them. [Close attention.] The law, in order to protect the independence of the deputy, directs that no criminal prosecution can be begun against a member of the national representation without the preliminary consent of the Chamber; this fact has been turned with great adroitness against me. If the complaint had been laid before the magistrates, it could not have been admitted even for an instant; it is simply a bare charge, not supported by evidence of any kind; and I have never heard that the public authorities are in the habit of prosecuting citizens on the mere allegation of the first-comer. We must therefore admire the subtlety of mind which instantly perceived that, by petitioning you for leave to prosecute, all the benefits of the accusation, politically speaking, would be obtained without encountering the difficulty I have mentioned in the courts. [Excitement.] Now, to what able parliamentary tactician must we ascribe the honor of this invention? You know already, gentleman, that it is due ostensibly to a woman, a peasant-woman, one who labors for her living; hence the conclusion is that the peasant-women of Champagne have an intellectual superiority of which, up to this time, neither you nor I were at all aware. [Laughter.] It must be said, however, that before coming to Paris to lodge her complaint, this woman had an interview with the mayor of Arcis, my opponent on the ministerial side in the late election. From this conference she obtained certain lights. To which we must add that the mayor, taking apparently much interest in the charge to be brought against me, agreed to pay the costs, not only of the peasant-woman's trip to Paris, but also those of the village practitioner by whom she was accompanied. [Left: "Ha! ha!"] This superior woman having arrived in Paris, with whom did she immediately communicate? With the special agent sent down to Arcis by the government to ensure the success of the ministerial candidate. And who drew up the petition to this honorable Chamber for the necessary authority to proceed to a criminal prosecution? Not precisely the special ministerial agent himself, but a barrister under his dictation, and after a breakfast to which the peasant-woman and her adviser were invited in order to furnish the necessary information. [Much excitement. "Hear! hear!"]
The Minister of Public Works from his seat.—Without discussing the truth of these statements, as to which I have personally no knowledge, I affirm upon my honor that the government is completely ignorant of the proceedings now related, which it blames and disavows in the most conclusive manner.
M. de Sallenauve.—After the formal declaration which I have had the good fortune to evoke it would ill become me, gentlemen, to insist on tracing the responsibility for this intrigue back to the government. But what I have already said will seem to you natural when you remember that, as I entered this hall, the minister of Public Works was in the tribune, taking part, in a most unusual manner, in a discussion on discipline wholly outside of his department, and endeavoring to persuade you that I had conducted myself towards this honorable body with a total want of reverence.
The minister of Public Works said a few words which did not reach us. Great disturbance.
M. Victorin Hulot.—M. le president, have the goodness to request the minister of Public Works not to interrupt the speaker. He can answer.
M. de Sallenauve.—According to M. le comte de Rastignac, I showed essential disrespect to the Chamber by asking, in a foreign country, for leave of absence, which it was obvious I had already taken before making my request. But, in his extreme desire to find me to blame, the minister lost sight of the fact that at the time I left France the Chamber had not met, no president existed, and therefore in making my request at that time to the president of this assembly I should simply have addressed a pure abstraction. [Left: "True!"] As for the insufficiency of the motives with which I supported my request, I regret to have to say to the Chamber that I cannot be more explicit even now; because in revealing the true cause of my absence I should betray the secret of an honorable man, and not my own. I did not conceal from myself that by this reticence I exposed my proceedings to mistaken interpretations,—though I certainly did not expect it to give rise to accusations as burlesque as they are odious. [Much excitement.] In point of fact, I was so anxious not to neglect any of the duties of my new position that I did precisely what the minister of Public Works reproaches me for not doing. I selected a man in a most honorable position, who was, like myself, a repository of the secret I am unable to divulge, and I requested him to make all necessary explanations to the president of this Chamber. But, calumny having no doubt worked upon his mind, that honorable person must have thought it compromising to his name and dignity to do me this service. The danger to me being now over, I shall not betray his prudent incognito. Though I was far indeed from expecting this calculating selfishness, which has painfully surprised and wounded me, I shall be careful to keep this betrayal of friendship between myself and his own conscience, which alone shall reproach him for the wrong he has done me.
At this moment a disturbance occurred in the peers' gallery; a lady had fainted; and several deputies, among them a physician, left the hall hastily. The sitting was momentarily suspended.
The President.—Ushers, open the ventilators. It is want of air that has caused this unfortunate accident. M. de Sallenauve, be good enough to resume your speech.
M. de Sallenauve.—Two words, gentleman, and I have finished. I think the petition to authorize a criminal prosecution has already lost something of its weight in the minds of my least cordial colleagues. But I have here a letter from the Romilly peasant-woman, my relation, duly signed and authenticated, withdrawing her charge and confirming all the explanations I have just had the honor to give you. I might read this letter aloud to you, but I think it more becoming to place it in the hands of M. le president. ["Very good! very good!"] As for my illegal absence, I returned to Paris early this morning, and I could have been in my seat at the opening of the Chamber; but, as M. de Canalis has told you, I had it much at heart not to appear in this hall until I could disperse the cloud which has so strangely appeared around my reputation. It has taken me the whole morning to obtain these papers. And now, gentlemen, you have to decide whether a few hours' delay in taking his seat in this Chamber justifies you in sending a colleague back to his electors. But after all, whatever is done, whether some persist in thinking me a forger, or a libertine, or merely a negligent deputy, I feel no anxiety about the verdict of my electors. I can confidently assert that after a delay of a few weeks I shall return to you.
Cries on all sides.—The vote! the vote!
On leaving the tribune M. de Sallenauve receives many congratulations.
The President.—I put to vote the admission of M. de Sallenauve as the deputy elected by the arrondissement of Arcis.
Nearly the whole Chamber rises and votes the admission; a few deputies of the Centre alone abstain from taking part in the demonstration.
M. de Sallenauve is admitted and takes the oath.
The President.—The order of the day calls for the reading of the Address to the Throne, but the chairman of the committee appointed to prepare it informs me that the document in question cannot be communicated to the Chamber before to-morrow. Nothing else being named in the order of the day, I declare this sitting adjourned.
The Chamber rose at half-past four o'clock. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE
Note.—"The Deputy of Arcis," of which Balzac wrote and published the first part in 1847, was left unfinished at his death. He designated M. Charles Rabou, editor of the "Revue de Paris," as the person to take his notes and prepare the rest of the volume for the press. It is instructive to a student of Balzac to see how disconnected and out of proportion the story becomes in these later parts,—showing plainly that the master's hand was in the habit of pruning away half, if not more, of what it had written, or—to change the metaphor and give the process in his own language—that he put les grands pots dans les petits pots, the quarts into the pint pots. "If a thing can be done in one line instead of two," he says, "I try to do it."
Some parts of this conclusion are evidently added by M. Rabou, and are not derived from Balzac at all,—especially the unnecessary reincarnation of Vautrin. There is no trace of the master's hand here. The character is made so silly and puerile, and is so out of keeping with Balzac's strong portrait, which never weakens, that the translator has thought best, in justice to Vautrin, to omit all that is not absolutely necessary to connect the story. ADDENDUM
The following personages appear in other stories of the Human Comedy.
Arthez, Daniel d' A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Letters of Two Brides The Secrets of a Princess
Beauvisage (tenant) The Gondreville Mystery
Beauvisage, Phileas Cousin Betty
Bixiou, Jean-Jacques The Purse A Bachelor's Establishment The Government Clerks Modeste Mignon Scenes from a Courtesan's Life The Firm of Nucingen The Muse of the Department Cousin Betty Beatrix A Man of Business Gaudissart II. The Unconscious Humorists Cousin Pons
Blondet, Virginie Jealousies of a Country Town The Secrets of a Princess The Peasantry A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Another Study of Woman A Daughter of Eve
Brandon, Lady Marie Augusta The Lily of the Valley La Grenadiere
Bridau, Joseph The Purse A Bachelor's Establishment A Distinguished Provincial at Paris A Start in Life Modeste Mignon Another Study of Woman Pierre Grassou Letters of Two Brides Cousin Betty
Cadine, Jenny Cousin Betty Beatrix The Unconscious Humorists
Camps, Octave de Madame Firmiani
Camps, Madame Octave de Madame Firmiani The Government Clerks A Woman of Thirty A Daughter of Eve
Canalis, Constant-Cyr-Melchior, Baron de Letters of Two Brides A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Modeste Mignon The Magic Skin Another Study of Woman A Start in Life Beatrix The Unconscious Humorists
Carigliano, Duchesse de At the Sign of the Cat and Racket A Distinguished Provincial at Paris The Peasantry
Chargeboeuf, Melchior-Rene, Vicomte de The Muse of the Department
Chocardelle, Mademoiselle Beatrix A Prince of Bohemia A Man of Business Cousin Betty
Cinq-Cygne, Laurence, Comtesse (afterwards Marquise de) The Gondreville Mystery The Secrets of a Princess The Seamy Side of History
Cointet, Boniface Lost Illusions The Firm of Nucingen
Collin, Jacques Father Goriot Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Dionis Ursule Mirouet
Estorade, Louis, Chevalier, then Vicomte and Comte de l' Letters of Two Brides
Estorade, Madame de l' Letters of Two Brides Ursule Mirouet
Estorade, Armand de l' Letters of Two Brides
Fontanon, Abbe A Second Home The Government Clerks Honorine
Franchessini, Colonel Father Goriot
Gaston, Marie La Grenadiere Letters of Two Brides
Giguet, Colonel The Gondreville Mystery
Gobseck, Sarah Van Gobseck Cesar Birotteau The Maranas Scenes from a Courtesan's Life
Gondreville, Malin, Comte de The Gondreville Mystery A Start in Life Domestic Peace
Gothard The Gondreville Mystery
Goujet, Abbe The Gondreville Mystery
Grevin A Start in Life The Gondreville Mystery
Hauteserre, D' The Gondreville Mystery
Hortense A Man of Business
Hulot, Victorin Cousin Betty
Keller, Francois Domestic Peace Cesar Birotteau Eugenie Grandet The Government Clerks
Keller, Madame Francois Domestic Peace The Thirteen
La Bastie la Briere, Madame Ernest de Modeste Mignon Cousin Betty
Lanty, Comte de Sarrasine
Lanty, Comtesse de Sarrasine
Lanty, Marianina de Sarrasine
Lanty, Filippo de Sarrasine
La Roche-Hugon, Martial de Domestic Peace The Peasantry A Daughter of Eve The Middle Classes Cousin Betty
Lenoncourt-Givry, Duc de Letters of Two Brides Cousin Betty
Marest, Frederic A Start in Life The Seamy Side of History
Marion (of Arcis) The Gondreville Mystery
Marion (brother) The Gondreville Mystery
Mary Letters of Two Brides
Maufrigneuse, Duchesse de The Secrets of a Princess Modeste Mignon Jealousies of a Country Town The Muse of the Department Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Letters of Two Brides Another Study of Woman The Gondreville Mystery
Maufrigneuse, Georges de The Secrets of a Princess The Gondreville Mystery Beatrix
Maufrigneuse, Berthe de Beatrix The Gondreville Mystery
Michu, Francois The Gondreville Mystery Jealousies of a Country Town
Michu, Madame Francois The Gondreville Mystery
Montriveau, General Marquis Armand de The Thirteen Father Goriot Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Another Study of Woman Pierrette
Nucingen, Baronne Delphine de Father Goriot The Thirteen Eugenie Grandet Cesar Birotteau Melmoth Reconciled Lost Illusions A Distinguished Provincial at Paris The Commission in Lunacy Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Modeste Mignon The Firm of Nucingen Another Study of Woman A Daughter of Eve
Philippe Letters of Two Brides
Rastignac, Eugene de Father Goriot A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life The Ball at Sceaux The Commission in Lunacy A Study of Woman Another Study of Woman The Magic Skin The Secrets of a Princess A Daughter of Eve The Gondreville Mystery The Firm of Nucingen Cousin Betty The Unconscious Humorists
Rastignac, Laure-Rose and Agathe de Father Goriot Lost Illusions
Restaud, Ernest de Gobseck
Restaud, Madame Ernest de Gobseck
Restaud, Felix-Georges de Gobseck
Rhetore, Duc Alphonse de A Bachelor's Establishment A Distinguished Provincial at Paris Scenes from a Courtesan's Life Letters of Two Brides Albert Savarus
Ronquerolles, Marquis de The Imaginary Mistress The Peasantry Ursule Mirouet A Woman of Thirty Another Study of Woman The Thirteen
Saint-Hereen, Comtesse Moina de A Woman of Thirty A Daughter of Eve
Sallenauve, Comtesse de Letters of Two Brides
Sarrasine, Ernest-Jean Sarrasine
Stidmann Modeste Mignon Beatrix Cousin Betty Cousin Pons The Unconscious Humorists
Suzon A Man of Business
Tillet, Ferdinand du Cesar Birotteau The Firm of Nucingen The Middle Classes A Bachelor's Establishment Pierrette Melmoth Reconciled A Distinguished Provincial at Paris The Secrets of a Princess A Daughter of Eve Cousin Betty The Unconscious Humorists
Trailles, Comte Maxime de Cesar Birotteau Father Goriot Gobseck Ursule Mirouet A Man of Business The Secrets of a Princess Cousin Betty Beatrix The Unconscious Humorists
Troubert, Abbe Hyacinthe The Vicar of Tours
Varlet The Gondreville Mystery
Vien, Joseph-Marie Sarrasine
Vinet Pierrette The Middle Classes- Cousin Pons
Vinet, Olivier Cousin Pons The Middle Classes
Zambinella Sarrasine