—— Cabbage Root, 421
—— Carrot, 419
—— Celery, 51, 419
—— Crane, 424
—— Green, 416
—— Onion, 420
—— Turnip, 422
Foeniculum duke, 67
—— officinale, 66
Forced Strawberries, 136
Forcing in January, 153
Forget-me-not, 280
Foxglove, 262
Fragaria, 133
Frame Cucumber, 55
—— Ground, 160
Freesia, 264, 328, 362, 398, 402
Fritillaria, 326, 328, 402
Fuchsia, 264, 367
Fungicide, 440, 446
Fungus Pests of certain Flowers, 447
—— of certain Garden Plants, 434
Fusarium lycopersici, 444
Gaillardia, 265, 375, 386
Galega officinalis, 386
Garden Beet, 24, 122, 161, 166, 173, 178, 185, 193
—— Crops, Chemistry of, 202
—— Pea, 101, 158, 162, 169, 176, 180, 184, 185, 187, 190, 195
—— Rubbish, 185
—— Vermin, Eradication of, 414
Garlic, 63, 162, 168, 187
Gaura Lindheimeri, 386
Geranium, 265, 368, 393, 399
Gerbera, 266, 399
Gesnera, 266, 362
Geum, 267, 375, 386
Gilia, 373, 397
Gladiolus 267, 329, 368, 376, 382, 393, 402, 4O7, 410 —— Disease, 448
Globe Artichoke, 4, 153, 160, 165, 172, 188, 194
Glory of the Snow, 325
Gloxinia, 268, 331, 363, 368, 376, 402
Godetia, 269, 373, 397
Good King Henry, 84
Gourd, 63, 180
Grape Hyacinth, 336, 408
Green Fly, 416
Grevillea robusta, 271, 363
'Grub', 437
Gypsophila, 373, 386, 398
Half-hardy Annuals, 226
Haltica (Phyllotreta) nemorum, 422 —— oleracea, 422
Hardy Annuals, 226, 364, 372, 380, 396, 407 —— Biennials, 227, 364, 386, 396 —— Perennials, 227, 386
Haricot Bean, 22, 178
Hawkweed, 373
Helianthus annuus, 138, 302 —— tuberosus, 6
Helichrysum, 373
Hemerocallis Kwanso fl. pl., 343
Herbaceous Calceolaria, 240, 374, 391, 395, 401
Herbs, 64, 168, 174
Heterodera radicicola, 424, 445
Heuchera, 386
Hibiscus, 373
Hippeastrum, 229
Hollyhock, 271, 363, 376, 388, 393, 408 —— Disease, 449
Horehound, 67
Horse-radish, 72, 156, 168, 195
Hot-bed, 165, 167
Humus, 208
Hyacinth, 332, 403, 408 —— Feather, 336, 408 —— Grape, 336, 408 —— Italian, 337, 399, 404, 408 —— Miniature, 336, 408 —— Roman, 337, 399, 404, 408
Hyacinthus candicans, 338, 410
Hyssop, 67, 174
Hyssopus officinalis, 67
Iberis, 386
Iceland Poppy, 397
Impatiens, 273, 376 —— Balsamina, 237
Indian Cress, 308 —— Pink, 262 —— Shot, 246, 361
Intermediate Cineraria, 252 —— Stock, 301, 371, 400
Introductory Remarks to Culture of Flowering Bulbs, 317 —— —— —— of Flowers from Seeds, 216 —— —— —— —— All the Year Round, 355 —— —— —— of Vegetables, 1 —— —— to Pests of Garden Plants, 414 —— —— to a Year's Work in Vegetable Garden, 151
Iris, 338, 404
Italian Hyacinth, 337, 399, 404, 408
Ixia, 338, 404
Jacobea, 297, 373
January work among Flowers, 360 —— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 152
Japan Pink, 262
Japanese Day Lily, 343
Jerusalem Artichoke, 6, 161, 165, 194
Jonquil, 339, 405
July work among Flowers, 395 —— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 185
June work among Flowers, 390 —— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 182
Kale, 27, 176 —— —— Sea, 125, 159, 163, 170, 195
Kaulfussia, 373
Knol Kohl, 72, 168
Kochia trichophylla, 274, 368, 382
Kohl Rabi, 72, 168, 185
Lachenalia, 339, 408
Lactuca sativa, 75
Lamb's Lettuce, 53
Land Cress, 54
Larkspur, 274, 373, 397
Lathyrus odoratus, 303
Lavandula, 67
Lavatera, 275, 373, 377
Lavender, 67
Layia, 373
Leaf-mould, 356
Leaf Rust of Tomato, 445
—— Spot of Celery, 442
Leather-jacket, 424
Lecanium hibernaculorum, 426
Leek, 73, 156, 168, 175, 187
—— Bulbs, 75
Lemon Thyme, 71
Lepidium sativum, 54
Leptosiphon, 373, 397
Leptosyne, 373
Lettuce, 75, 123, 156, 162, 169, 175, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191, 193
—— Lamb's, 53
—— Mildew, 442
Leucojum, 339, 408
Lilies, 340, 410
Lilium auratum, 341, 410
—— Harrisii, 341
—— lancifolium, 342, 410
Lily, Bermuda, 341
—— Chinese Sacred, 346
—— Disease, 448
—— Easter, 341
—— Japanese Day, 343
—— of the Valley, 342, 411
Lime, 212
Limnanthes, 373, 397
Linaria, 373, 397, 398
Linum, 373
Lobelia, 275, 368, 377, 383, 396
Love-lies-bleeding, 373
Lupine, 277
Lupinus, 277, 373, 377, 386
Lycopersicum esculentum, 138
Maize, 80, 180
Mallow, 275, 377
Malope, 373
Manures, Artificial, and their application to Garden Crops, 210
March work among-Flowers, 372
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 164
Marguerite, 250, 381
Marigold, 277, 373, 377, 383
—— Pot, 67, 278
Marjoram, Pot, 67
—— Sweet Knotted, 67
Marrow, Vegetable, 147, 176, 182
Marrubium vulgare, 67
Marvel of Peru, 278, 377, 383
Mathiola, 299, 373
May work among Flowers, 385
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 176
Mealy Bug, 425
Melissa officinalis, 66
Melon, 80, 157, 169, 175, 180, 184
Melon-house, the, 83
Mentha Pulegium, 69
—— viridis, 68
Mercury, 84
Mice, 432
Mignonette, 279, 373, 377, 383, 399
Mildew, Lettuce, 442
—— Onion, 442
Mimulus, 279, 369, 396
—— moschatus, 280
Miniature Hyacinth, 336, 408
Mint, 68
Mirabilis Jalapa, 278
Monkey Flower, 279
Montbretia, 343
Moss-fibre, growing bulbs in, 319, 335, 345, 352
Mushroom, 84, 184
Musk, 280
Mustard, 92, 123, 157, 162
Myosotis, 280, 393
Naegelia, 266
Narcissus, 344, 399, 405, 409
—— Disease, 448
—— Tazetta, 346
Nasturtium, 123, 308, 373, 383
—— officinale, 54
Nemesia, 280, 378, 398
Nemophila, 373, 397
New Zealand Spinach, 131, 170, 181
Nicotiana, 281, 369, 388, 393, 398
Nigella, 373, 397
Nitrogenous manures, 211
November work among Flowers, 410
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 194
Oak, Australian, 271
October work among Flowers, 407
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 192
Ocymum Basilicum, 66
—— minimum, 66
Oenothera, 386
Onion, 92, 123, 158, 162, 169, 175, 184, 185, 189
—— Fly, 420
—— Grub, 99
—— Mildew, 442
—— Pickling, 99, 175
—— Potato, 99
—— Salading, 184
—— Underground, 99, 197
Orache, 132
Orange Daisy, 263
Origanum Majorana, 67
—— Onites, 67
Ornithogalum, 347, 409
Ovularia elliptica, 448
Oxalis, 347, 406
Ox-eye Daisy, 250, 381
Pansy, 282, 369, 393
Papaver, 288, 397
Parsley, 68, 162, 176, 185, 187, 191, 197
Parsnip, 100, 162, 169, 193
Pastinaca sativa, 100
Pea, 101, 158, 162, 169, 176, 180, 184, 185, 187, 190, 195
—— Disease, 443
—— Siphon-Aphis, 417
—— Sweet, 303, 371, 373, 379, 400, 406
Peat for Pot Plants, 356
Pelargonium, 265, 283, 369, 399
Pennyroyal, 69
Pentstemon, 283, 378
Pepper, Bird, 40
—— Cayenne, 40
Perennial Phlox, 287, 378
Perennials, Hardy, 227, 386
Perilla nankinensis, 222
Peronospora arborescens, 450
—— infestans, 437
—— Schleideni, 442
—— viciae, 443
Perpetual Spinach, 132, 170, 176
Pests of Garden Plants, 414
—— Fungus, of certain Flowers, 447
—— —— of certain Garden Plants, 434
Petunia, 284, 363, 369, 383, 388
Phacelia, 373, 397
Phaseolus multiflorus, 22
—— vulgaris, 17
Phlox Drummondii, 286, 369, 378, 398
—— Perennial, 287, 387
Phorbia brassicae, 421
—— cepetorum, 99, 421
Phosphatic manures, 211
Phytophthora infestans, 117, 437, 445
Pickling Cucumber, 183
—— Onion, 99, 175
Picotee, 287, 383, 399
Pink, 262, 288, 383
Pisum sativum, 101
Plasmodiophora brassicae, 434
Platystemon, 373
Plumed Cockscomb, 248
Polianthes tuberosa, 351
Pollination of Melons, 84
Polyanthus, 288, 370, 394
—— Narcissus, 344
Poppy, 288, 373, 378, 386
—— Disease, 450
—— Iceland, 397
—— Shirley, 397
Portugal Cabbage, 53, 162
Portulaca, 289, 388, 394
—— oleracea, 69
Potash manures, 212
Potato, 108, 158, 169, 176, 185, 187, 192, 193
—— Disease, 117, 437
—— Onion, 99
—— spraying, 440
—— Wart Disease of, 440
Pot Marigold, 67, 278
—— Marjoram, 67
Pots, cleaning, 357
—— sizes of, 357
Potting soil, 355
Primrose, 289, 370, 394
—— Cape, 302
—— Chinese, 291
Primula Auricula, 236
—— Half-hardy, 292, 370
—— Hardy, 293
—— sinensis, 291, 388, 394, 396
—— stellata, 292
—— (veris) elatior, 288
—— vulgaris, 289
Prince's Feather, 373
Psila rosae, 419
Puccinia malvacearum, 449
Pumpkin, 63, 180
Purslane, 69, 123, 289
Pyrethrum, 386
Radish, 118, 123, 159, 163, 170, 185, 187, 197
Rampion, 70, 123
Ranunculus, 293, 348, 370, 411
Raphanus sativus, 118
Rats, 432
Red Cabbage, 38, 166, 174, 188
—— Spider, 426
Reseda odorata, 279
Rheum hybridum, 120
Rhubarb, 120, 163, 193
Ricinus, 293, 371, 384
Ridge Cucumber, 60, 179, 187
Roman Hyacinth, 337, 399, 404, 408
Root-knot Eelworm, 424, 445
Roots, Storing, 193
Rosemary, 70
Rosmarinus officinalis, 70
Rotation of Crops, 198
Rubbish, Garden, 185
Rudbeckia, 373
Rue, 70
Rumex scutatus, 70
Runner Bean, 22, 178, 183
Ruta graveolens, 70
Sacred Lily, Chinese, 346
Sage, 70
Saintpaulia, 295
Salad, Corn, 53, 122, 161, 185, 189
Salads, 122
Salpiglossis, 295, 371, 373, 398
Salsify, 123, 124, 176, 193
Salvia, 70, 295
Sanvitalia, 373
Saponaria, 373, 397
Satureia hortensis, 70
—— montana, 70
Savory, Summer, 70
—— Winter, 70
Savoy Cabbage, 38, 163, 181
Saxifrage, 386
Scabious, 397
Scale, 426
Schizanthus, 296, 378, 399
Schizoneura lanigera, 418
Scilla, 348, 400, 409
Scorzonera, 125, 170
—— hispanica, 125
Sea Kale, 125, 159, 163, 170, 195
—— —— Beet, 27
Sea Lavender, 298, 364, 379
Seed Sowing in January, 152
Senecio, 297
—— Disease, 447
September work among Flowers, 400
—— —— in the Vegetable Garden, 190
Septoria apii, 442
Shallot, 123, 129, 164, 187
Shrubby Calceolaria, 243, 366
Silene, 298, 373, 397, 400
Silver, or Sea Kale, Beet, 27
Sinapis alba, 92
—— nigra, 92
Siphonophora pisi, 417
Sizes of Pots, 357
Sleepy Disease of Tomato, 444
Slugs, 429
Snails, 430
Snapdragon, 230
Snowdrop, 349, 406
Snowflake, Spring, 339
—— Summer, 339
Soil for Pot Plants, 355
Solanum, 298, 371, 378, 394
—— esculentum, 61
—— Melongena, 61
—— tuberosum, 108
Sorrel, 70, 123
Sparaxis, 338, 406
Sparrows, 106, 282, 326
Spearmint, 68
Spider, Red, 426
Spinach, 130, 159, 164, 170, 176, 185, 187, 192
—— Beet, 132, 170, 176
—— Moth Grub, 187
—— New Zealand, 131, 170, 181
—— Perpetual, 132, 170, 176
Spinacia oleracea, 130
Spirals, 132
Spraying Potatoes, 440
Spring Broccoli, 31
—— flowering Stock, 301, 394, 400
—— Flowers from Seeds, 313
Spring-Jack, 431
Spring Snowflake, 339
Sprouting Broccoli, 33, 188
Sprouts, Brussels, 33, 161, 166, 173, 178
Squill, Blue, 348
Stachys tuberifera, 132
Star of Bethlehem, 347
—— Cineraria, 252
—— Primula, 292
—— of the Veldt, 263, 375
Static, 298, 364, 379
Stock, 299
—— Intermediate, 301, 371, 400
—— Spring-flowering, 301, 394, 400
—— Summer-flowering, or Ten-week, 299, 379, 384, 389
—— Winter-flowering, 301, 394
—— Virginian, 373, 397
Stored Bulbs, 413
Storing Roots, 193
Strawberry, 133, 159, 170, 190
—— Alpine, 137, 159, 170
—— Forced, 136
Streptocarpus, 302
—— Wendlandii, 302
'Stripe' of Tomato, 444
Sugar Corn, 80, 180
Sultan's Balsam, 273
Sultan, Sweet, 373, 397
Summer Broccoli, 32
—— Cypress, 274
—— flowering, or Ten-week Stock, 299, 379, 384, 389
—— Savory, 70
—— Snowflake, 339
—— sown Vegetables for Autumn and Winter use, 185, 188
Sunflower, 138, 302, 373, 385
Swan River Daisy, 373, 398
Swede, 147
Sweet Basil, 66
—— Herbs, 64, 168, 174
—— Knotted Marjoram, 67
—— Pea, 303, 371, 373, 379, 400, 406
—— Sultan, 373, 397
—— William, 307, 389
Synchytrium endobioticum, 440
Tagetes, 277
Taraxacum officinale, 60
Tarragon, 71
Temperature of Greenhouses, 358
Tender Annuals, 227
Ten-week Stock, 299, 379, 384, 389
Tetragonia expansa, 131
Tetranychus telarius, 426
Thalictrum, 386
Thrips, 427
Thyme, Common, 71
—— Lemon, 71
Thymus Serpyllum vulgaris, 71
—— vulgaris, 71
Tigridia, 350, 379
Tipula oleracea, 424
Tobacco, 281, 369, 388, 393
Tomato, 123, 138, 159, 164, 171, 181, 190
—— Diseases, 443
Torenia, 308
Tragopogon porrifolius, 124
Traps for Vermin, 415
Trichobasis senecionis, 447
Triteleia uniflora, 350, 409
Tritonia, 350, 411
Tropaeolum, 308, 351
—— canariense, 308, 383
—— majus, 308
—— nanum, 309
—— speciosum, 351
—— tuberosum, 351, 406
Tuberose, 351, 409
Tuberous-rooted Begonia, 238, 323, 360, 366, 391, 401
Tufted Pansy, 310
Tulip, 352, 406, 409, 411
Turban Ranunculus, 348, 370
Turnip, 144, 164, 176, 182, 185, 187, 190, 193
—— Fly or Flea, 422
Turnip-gall Weevil, 437
Turnip-rooted Celery, 51
Underground Onion, 99, 197
Uredo senecionis, 447
Urocystis gladioli, 448
Valerianella olitoria, 53
Vallota purpurea, 353, 372
Vegetable Garden, A Year's Work in, 151
—— —— Rotation of Crops in, 198
—— Marrow, 147, 176, 182
—— Oyster, 123, 124, 176
Vegetables, The Culture of, 1
Ventilating Greenhouses and Frames, 358
Venus' Looking-glass, 373, 397
—— Navel-wort, 373
Verbascum, 386
Verbena, 309, 364, 372,,380, 389
Vermin, Garden, Eradication of, 414
—— Traps, 415
Viola, 310, 386
—— tricolor, 282
Violet Diseases, 451
—— Dog's-tooth, 327, 402
Virginian Stock, 373, 397
Viscaria, 373, 397
Wallflower, 310, 390, 395, 409
Warm Border, 196
Wart Disease of Potatoes, 440
Wasps, 430
Water Cress, 54, 123, 171
Watering Pot Plants, 357
Waxpod Bean, 24
Weeds, 190
Weevil, Turnip-gall, 437
Whitlavia, 373, 397
Wigandia, 311, 372
Windflower, 229, 321
Winter Aconite, 353, 410
—— Broccoli, 31
Winter Cucumber, 58
—— flowering Stock, 301, 394
—— Greens, 171, 176, 187, 193
—— Radish, 120
—— Savory, 70
Wireworm, 43, 330, 381, 431
Witloof, 122
Woodlice, 432
Woolly Aphis, 418
Wormwood, 71
Xeranthemum, 373
Year's Work in the Vegetable Garden, A, 151
Zea Mays, 80
Zephyranthes Candida, 354, 412
Zinnia, 311, 380, 385, 390, 395
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[Footnote 1: For permission to reproduce the engravings numbered 1, 3, 4, and 5 from Professor Marshall Ward's 'Diseases of Plants,' we gladly acknowledge our indebtedness to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Professor W. Carruthers has kindly allowed us to use the illustrations numbered 2 and 6.]