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In these art courses skill and originality are aimed at equally. The relation existing between the art work and the trade or industry with which it is connected is such as to make more valuable the latter.
It is needless to speak further of the museums. The art products there exhibited give much incentive to students, as well as a feeling for the best from the standpoint of the beautiful and artistic, and all who visit them are consciously or unconsciously influenced for the better.
The following table shows the distribution of industrial art schools throughout the various States.
Alsace-Lorraine, Muelhausen, Strasburg. Anhalt, Dessau. Baden, Carlsruhe, Pforzheim. Bremen, Bavaria, Kaiserslautern, Munich, Nuremberg. Hamburg, Hesse, Mentz, Offenbach. Prussia, Aix-la-Chappelle, Barmen, Berlin, Breslau, Cassel, Cologne, Duesseldorf, Elberfeld, Frankfort-on the-Main, Hanau, Hanover, Iserlohn, Koenigsberg, Magdeburg. Saxony, Dresden, Leipzig, Plauen. Wurttemberg, Stuttgart.
Beobachtungen und Vergleiche ueber Einrichtungen fuer Gewerbliche Erziehung, 1901.—Dr. G. Kerschensteiner.
Das Gewerbeschulwesen.—Carl Melchior.
Denkschriften ueber die Entwickelung der Gewerblichen Fachschulen und der Fortbildungsschulen in Preussen.—Lueders.
Encyklopaedisches Handbuch der Paedagogik.—W. Rein.
English Technical Instruction Commission, 1896. Report on the Recent Progress of Technical Education in Germany.
Fortbildungsschule in unserer Zeit.—J. B. Meyer.
German Higher Schools.—James E. Russell.
German Technical Schools, 1901.—Victor C. Alderson.
Gewerbliche Fortbildungsschulen Deutschlands.—R. Nagel.
Handwoerterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 1900.—Conrad.
Hoeherer Polytechnischer Unterricht in Deutschland, etc.—Carl Koristka.
Industrial Education.—Philip Magnus.
Jahresbericht der Koeniglichen Industrieschule und Baugewerkschule zu Muenchen, 1898-1899.
Jahresbericht der Technischen Staatslehranstalten zu Chemnitz, 1890.
Jahresbericht ueber die Berliner Fortbildungsschule, 1890-1891.
Kunstgewerbe als Beruf, 1901.
Note on the Earlier History of the Technical High Schools in Germany.—A. E. Twentyman.
Special Reports on Educational Subjects, London, 1902, Vol. 9, page 465.
Paches' Handbook, 1899.
Problems in Prussian Secondary Education for Boys.—Michael E. Sadler.
Special Reports on Educational Subjects, London, 1898, Vol. 3.
Programm der Koeniglichen Fachschule zu Iserlohn Metal Industrie.
Report of the United States Commissioner of Education, 1889-1890, page 1209-1212.
Same, 1894-1895, Vol. 1, page 345-380.
Supplementary and Industrial Schools in Germany.
Same, 1895-1896, Vol. 1, page 138.
Same, 1897-1898, Vol. 1, page 69. German Technical Colleges.
Report of the United States Commissioner of Labor, 1892, Eighth Annual.
Industrial Education in Germany.
Same, 1902, Seventeenth Annual.
Trade and Technical Education in Germany, page 871.
Second Report of the Royal Commission on Technical Education, London, 1884, Vol. 1.
The Educational Foundations of Trade and Industry, 1902.—Fabian Ware.
The Continuation Schools in Berlin.—Dr. H. Bertram.
Special Reports on Educational Subjects, London, 1902, Vol. 9, page 451.
United States Consular Reports. Description of the School of Carpentry and Cabinetmaking in Magdeburg, Prussia, No. 238, July, 1900.—Wm. Diederich.
Same. School of Marine Machinists, Flensburg, Prussia. No. 174, March, 1895.
Same. Technical and Merchant Schools 56:208, page 78.—J. C. Monoghan.
Same. Technical Education in Germany. 54:202, page 447.—J. C. Monoghan.
This book was published under some disadvantages, as it was delayed by the removal of our office to a larger place of business, and by a printers' strike, which resulted in four changes in foremen. This, together with the fact that the author was upon the Pacific coast and proof was delayed and sometimes lost has led to errors for which he is not responsible. Besides typographical blunders easily recognized the following are noted:
Page 13, next line to last for Air read Art.
19, 5th line, for enable read ennoble.
23, 4th line from below, for committee read communities.
25, 5th line, for development read deportment.
63, 7th line, for models read modes.
72, next to last line, the 1 should be in second half of first year, making the totals 41 and 43 instead of 42 and 42.
79, in table, Knitting should have 1 yr. instead of 2 yrs., and the line beginning Machinery is to be omitted.
81, 4th line from below, insert to before enter.
93, last part of paragraph, read "The one course plan however has been substituted for the several."
Transcriber's Note: The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text.
p. viii: for development read department -> deportment p. 007: make any one clasification -> classification p. 010: Conrad's Handworterbuch -> Handwoerterbuch p. 011: Wurtemburg industrial -> Wurttemburg p. 012: other conditions (examinations) or these schools -> of p. 012: Ages ranges from fourteen to thirty -> range p. 012: the only instition -> institution p. 013: [errata] Pure Air -> Art p. 014: Technischeschulen -> Technische Schulen p. 016: Continuation Schools or Fortbilbungsschulen -> Fortbildungsschulen p. 016: Fortbildtngsshulen -> Fortbildungsschulen p. 017: [extra comma] at this age, forced to -> age forced p. 017: a statsment made by Mr. Michael N. Sadler-> statement p. 018: [quote added] "Among the great number p. 019: [errata] in the arts which enable -> ennoble p. 019: born under a luckler star -> luckier p. 020: continuation of Fortbildungsschulen -> or p. 023: adapt their instrnction -> instruction p. 023: [errata] Here the committee must meet -> communities p. 025: [errata] character and development of the boys -> deportment p. 027: higher mathemematics, mechanics, physics -> mathematics p. 028: is carried suffciently far -> sufficiently p. 028: classes are arranged acording to -> according p. 029: smaller towns or in the conntry -> country p. 029: university extention courses -> extension p. 031: similar to Fortbildungsschulen in Leipsig -> Leipzig p. 031: schools have seen a marvelous developement -> development p. 032: attended by journeyman and apprentices -> journeymen p. 032: good manners (gute sitten) -> Sitten p. 033: [normalized] throughout various parts of the empire -> Empire p. 033: [extra comma] under eighteen years of age, might -> age might p. 033: [extra comma] the employer, must -> employer must p. 033: Baden. compulsory school laws -> Baden, compulsory p. 034: to be determined eventually be -> by p. 035: worthy of note that she delares -> declares p. 039: that the Forthildungsschule -> Fortbildungsschule p. 039: foundation of most of the Faceschulen -> Fachschulen p. 046: Wagonmakers and Wheelrights -> Wheelwrights p. 047: Free hand drawing -> Free-hand p. 056: becomes the property ot the father -> of p. 057: The Lehrwerkstatten or apprentice shops -> Lehrwerkstaetten p. 059: fulfil certain teohnical qualifications -> technical p. 059: practical iu the highest degree -> in p. 062: [missing letter] The governing power is in ome cases -> some p. 063: [errata] laws of building; models of heat -> modes p. 067: Buxtehede -> Buxtehude p. 067: Magdeberg -> Magdeburg p. 068: Orchatz -> Oschatz p. 068: Zitteau -> Zittau p. 069: [normalized] schools of this class in the empire -> Empire p. 070: the elementary ranches in the curriculm -> curriculum p. 071: Inserlohn -> Iserlohn p. 071: Mlttweida -> Mittweida p. 071: compiled from tables appearing the Report -> appearing in the p. 074: [missing letters] Webereilehrwerkstae en -> Webereilehrwerkstaetten p. 074: itinerant masters. (Wenderlehrer) -> Wanderlehrer p. 074: lines of the indnstry -> industry p. 075: In each of the several classses -> classes p. 077: Grefeld -> Crefeld p. 079: [errata] Knitting, 2 yrs. -> Knitting, 1yr. p. 079: [errata, removed line] Machinery 3 6 2 p. 081: superior artizans -> artisans p. 081: prepared in the Volkschule -> Volksschule p. 081: [errata] the participants enter -> participants to enter p. 085: [added chapter number] V p. 086: show the aplication of science -> application p. 087: in the atter country -> latter p. 087: the necessity or heroic action -> for heroic p. 087: due measure of public respsct -> respect p. 087: by A. E. Twentymen -> by A. E. Twentyman p. 088: Dresden, 1826 -> 1828 p. 088: principally for the Kiugs dominions -> King's p. 089: styled the Koeniglische Technische Hochschule -> Koenigliche p. 090: Berlin provisory statue -> statute p. 091: State and and each administered -> State and each p. 092: The organization of deparments of work -> departments p. 093: [errata] For the one course plan however -> The one p. 093: [errata] have been substituted -> has p. 093: [errata] substituted the several -> substituted for the p. 093: Program der Koenigl. Technischen Hochschule -> Programm p. 093: Den Horern bleibt die Wahl -> Hoerern p. 093: frei ueberlassen, Fuer ein geordnetes -> ueberlassen, fuer p. 098: Kunstgewerbsechulen are schools of art -> Kunstgewerbeschulen p. 104: Alcace-Lorraine, Muelhausen, Strasburg -> Alsace p. 104: Prussia, Aix-la Chapelle -> Aix-la-Chappelle p. 105: Enrichtungen fuer -> Einrichtungen p. 105: Gewerbliche Erzichnung -> Erziehung p. 105: Dr. G. Kerschenteuer -> Kerschensteiner p. 105: Denkschriften ueber die Entiwickelung -> Entwickelung p. 105: Fortbildungschulen in Prussen -> Fortbildungsschulen in Preussen p. 105: Encyklopaedischer Handbuch -> Encyklopaedisches p. 105: Handbuch der Paedogik -> Paedagogik p. 105: in unserer zeit -> Zeit p. 105: [removed in] Fortbildungsschulen in Deutschlands p. 106: [removed comma] Jahresbericht der Koeniglichen, Industrieschule p. 106: Technischen Stattslehranstalten -> Staatslehranstalten p. 107: Program der Koeniglichen Fachschule -> Programm p. 108: School of Marine Machinists, Fleusburg, Prussia -> Flensburg
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