Rabbit Cheese U.S.A.
A playful name for Cheddar two to three years old.
Radener Germany
Hard; skim, similar to Emmentaler; made in Mecklenburg. Sixteen by four inches, weight 32 pounds.
Radolfzeller Cream Germany, Switzerland, Austria
Similar to Muenster.
Ragnit see Tilsit.
Rahmkaese, Allgaeuer German
Rainbow Mexico
Mild; mellow.
Ramadoux Belgium
Soft; sweet cream; formed in cubes. Similar to Herve
Rammil or Rammel England
Andre Simon calls this "the best cheese made in Dorsetshire." Also called Rammilk, because made from whole or "raw milk." Practically unobtainable today.
Rangiport France
A good imitation of Port-Salut made in Seine-et-Oise.
Rarush Durmar Turkey
Brittle; mellow; nutty.
The name for all smoked cheese in Germanic countries, where it is very popular.
Raviggiolo Tuscany, Italy
Ewe's milk. Uncooked; soft; sweet; creamy.
Rayon or Raper Switzerland
A blind Emmentaler called Rayon is shipped young to Italy, where it is hardened by aging and then sold as Raper, for grating and seasoning.
Reblochon or Roblochon Savoy
Sheep; soft; whole milk; in season from October to June. Weight one to two pounds. A cooked cheese imitated as Brizecon in the same section.
Recollet de Gerardmer Vosges, France
A harvest variety similar to Gerome, made from October to April
Red Russia
see Livlander.
Red Balls Dutch
see Edam.
Reggiano see Grana.
Regianito Argentine
Italian Reggiano type with a name of its own, for it is not a mere imitation in this land of rich milk and extra fine cheeses.
Reichkaese German
Patriotically hailed as cheese of the empire, when Germany had one.
Reindeer Lapland, Iceland, Sweden, Norway
In all far northern lands a type of Swiss is made from reindeer milk It is lightly salted, very hard; and the Lapland production is curiously formed, like a dumbbell with angular instead of round ends.
Relish cream cheese U.S.A.
Mixed with any piquant relish and eaten fresh.
Remoudon, or Fromage Piquant Belgium
The two names combine in re-ground piquant cheese, and that's what it is. The season is winter, from November to June.
Requeijao Portugal and Brazil
Resurrection see Welsh.
Rhubarbe France
A type of Roquefort which, in spite of its name, is no relation to our pie plant.
Riceys see Champenois.
Ricotta Romano Italy
Soft and fresh. The best is made from sheep buttermilk. Creamy, piquant, with subtle fragrance. Eaten with sugar and cinnamon, sometimes with a dusting of powdered coffee.
Ricotta Italy and U.S.A.
Fresh, moist, unsalted cottage cheese for sandwiches, salads, lasagne, blintzes and many Italian dishes. It is also mixed with Marsala and rum and relished for dessert Ricotta may be had in every Little Italy, some of it very well made and, unfortunately, some of it a poor substitute whey cheese.
Ricotta Salata
Hard; grayish white. Although its flavor is milk it is too hard and too salty for eating as is, and is mostly used for grating.
Riesengebirge Bohemia
Semisoft; goat or cow; delicate flavor, lightly smoked in Bohemia's northern mountains.
Rinnen Germany
This traditional Pomeranian sour-milk, caraway-seeded variety is named from the wooden trough in which it is laid to drain.
Riola Normandy, France
Soft; sheep or goat; sharp; resembles Mont d'Or but takes longer to ripen, two to three months.
Robbiole Robbiola Robbiolini Lombardy Italian
Very similar to Crescenza (see.) Alpine winter cheese of fine quality. The form is circular and flat, weighing from eight ounces to two pounds, while Robbiolini, the baby of the family tips the scale at just under four ounces.
Roblochon, le
Same as Reblochon. A delicious form of it is made of half-dried sheep's milk in Le Grand Bornand.
Rocamadur Limousin, France
Tiny sheep milk cheese weighing two ounces. In season November to May.
Rocroi France
From the Champagne district.
Rokadur Yugoslavia
Imitation Roquefort.
Roll England
Hard cylinder, eight by nine inches, weighing twenty pounds.
Rollot or Rigolot Picardy and Montdidier, France
Soft; fermented; mold-inoculated; resembles Brie and Camembert, but much smaller. In season October to May. This is Picardy's one and only cheese.
Roma Italy
Soft cream.
Romadour, Romadura, and other national spellings Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland
A great Linburger. The eating season is from November to April. It is not a summer cheese, especially in lands where refrigeration is scarce. Fine brands are exported to America from several countries.
Romano, Romano Vacchino Italy
Strong: flavoring cheese like Parmesan and Pecorino.
Romanello U.S.A.
Similar to Romano Vacchino and Old Monterey Jack. Small grating cheese, cured one year.
Roquefort France
King of cheeses, with its "tingling Rabelaisian pungency." See Chapter 3.
Roquefort cheese dressing, bottled U.S.A.
Made with genuine imported Roquefort, but with cottonseed oil instead of olive, plain instead of wine vinegar, sugar, salt, paprika, mustard, flour and spice oil.
Roquefort de Corse Corsica, France
This Corsican imitation is blue-colored and correctly made of sheep milk, but lacks the chalk caves of Auvergne for ripening.
Roquefort de Tournemire France
Another Blue cheese of sheep milk from Languedoc, using the royal Roquefort name.
Rougerets, les Lyonnais, France
A typical small goat cheese from Forez, in a section where practically every variety is made with goat milk.
Rouennais France
This specialty, named after its city, Rouen, is a winter cheese, eaten from October to May.
Round Dutch Holland
An early name for Edam.
Rouy, le Normandy, France
From the greatest of the cheese provinces, Normandy.
Royal Brabant Belgium
Whole milk. Small, Limburger type.
Royal Sentry Denmark
Processed Swiss made in Denmark and shipped to Americans who haven't yet learned that a European imitation can be as bad as an American one. This particular pasteurized process-cheese spread puts its ingredients in finer type than any accident insurance policy: Samsoe (Danish Swiss) cheese, cream, water, non-fat dry milk solids, cheese whey solids and disodium phosphate.
Ruffec, Fromage de Saintonge, France
Fresh; goat.
Runesten Denmark and U.S.A.
Similar to Herrgardsost. Small eyes. "Wheel" weighs about three pounds. Wrapped in red transparent film.
Rush Cream Cheese England and France
Not named from the rush in which many of our cheeses are made, but from the rush mats and nets some fresh cream cheeses are wrapped and sewed up in to ripen. According to an old English recipe the curds are collected with an ordinary fish-slice and placed in a rush shape, covered with a cloth when filled. Lay a half-pound weight in a saucer and set this on top of the strained curd for a few hours, and then increase the weight by about a half pound. Change the cloths daily until the cheese looks mellow, then put into the rush shape with the fish slice. The formula in use in France, where willow heart-shape baskets are sold for making this cheese, is as follows: Add one cup new warm milk to two cups freshly-skimmed cream. Dissolve in this one teaspoon of fine sugar and one tablespoon common rennet or thirty drops of Hauser's extract of rennet. Let it remain in a warm place until curd sets. Rush and straw mats are easily made by cutting the straw into lengths and stringing them with a needle and thread. The mats or baskets should not be used a second time.
Saaland Pfarr, or Prestost Sweden
Firm; sharp; biting; unique of its kind because it is made with whiskey as an ingredient and the finished product is also washed with whiskey.
Saanen Switzerland
Semihard and as mellow as all good Swiss cheese. This is the finest cheese in the greatest cheese land; an Emmentaler also known as Hartkaese, Reibkaese and Walliskaese, it came to fame in the sixteenth century and has always fetched an extra price for its quality and age. It is cooked much dryer in the making, so it takes longer to ripen and then keeps longer than any other. It weighs only ten to twenty pounds and the eyes are small and scarce. The average period needed for ripening is six years, but some take nine.
Sage, or Green cheese England
This is more of a cream cheese, than a Cheddar, as Sage is in the U.S.A. It is made by adding sage leaves and a greening to milk by the method described in Chapter 4.
Saint-Affrique Guyenne, France
This gourmetic center, hard by the celebrated town of Roquefort, lives up to its reputation by turning out a toothsome goat cheese of local renown.
We will not attempt to describe it further, since like most of the host of cheeses honored with the names of Saints, it is seldom shipped abroad.
Saint-Agathon Brittany, France
Season, October to July.
Saint-Amand-Montrond Berry, France
Made from goat's milk.
Saint-Benoit Loiret, France
Soft Olivet type distinguished by charcoal being added to the salt rubbed on the outside of the finished cheese. It ripens in twelve to fifteen days in summer, and eighteen to twenty in winter. It is about six inches in diameter.
Saint-Claude Franche-Comte, France
Semihard; blue; goat; mellow; small; square; a quarter to a half pound. The curd is kept five to six hours only before salting and is then eaten fresh or put away to ripen.
Saint-Cyr see Mont d'Or.
Saint-Didier au Mont d'Or see Mont d'Or.
Saint-Florentin Burgundy, France
A lusty cheese, soft but salty, in season from November to July.
Saint-Flour Auvergne, France
Another seasonal specialty from this province of many cheeses.
Saint-Gelay Poitou, France
Made from goat's milk.
Saint-Gervais, Pots de Creme, or Le Saint Gervais see Pots de Creme.
Saint-Heray see La Mothe.
Saint-Honore Nivernais, France
A small goat cheese.
Saint-Hubert France
Similar to Brie.
Saint-Ivel England
Fresh dairy cream cheese containing Lactobacillus acidophilus. Similar to the yogurt cheese of the U.S.A., which is made with Bacillus Bulgaricus.
Saint-Laurent Roussillon, France
Mountain sheep cheese.
Saint-Lizier Bearn, France
A white, curd cheese.
Saint-Loup, Fromage de Poitou and Vendee, France
Half-goat, half-cow milk, in season February to September
Saint-Marcellin Dauphine, France
One of the very best of all goat cheeses. Three by 3/4 inches, weighing a quarter of a pound. In season from March to December. Sometimes sheep milk may be added, even cow's, but this is essentially a goat cheese.
Saint-Moritz Switzerland
Soft and tangy.
Saint-Nectaire, or Senecterre Auvergne, France
Noted as one of the greatest of all French goat cheeses.
Saint-Olivet see Chapter 3.
Saint-Pierre-Pouligny see Pouligny-Saint-Pierre.
Saint-Reine see Alise.
Saint-Remy, Fromage de Haute-Saone, France
Soft Pont l'Eveque type.
Saint-Stefano German
Bel Paese type.
Saint-Winx Flanders, France
The fromage of Saint-Winx is a traditional leader in this Belgian border province noted for its strong, spiced dairy products.
Sainte-Anne d'Auray Brittany, France
A notable Port-Salut made by Trappist monks.
Sainte-Marie Franche-Comte, France
A creamy concoction worthy of its saintly name.
Sainte-Maure, le, or Fromage de Sainte-Maure-de-Touraine France
Made in Touraine from May to November. Similar to Valencay.
Salamana Southern Europe
Soft sheep's milk cheese stuffed into bladderlike sausage, to ripen. It has authority and flavor when ready to spread on bread, or to mix with cornmeal and cook into a highly cheese-flavored porridge.
Salame France
Soft cream cheese stuffed into skins like salami sausages. Salami-sausage style of packing cheese has always been common in Italy, from Provolone down, and now—both as salami and links—it has became extremely popular for processed and cheese foods throughout America.
Salers, Bleu de France
One of the very good French Blues.
Saligny Champagne, France
White cheese made from sheep's milk.
Saloio Lisbon, Portugal
An aromatic farm-made hand cheese of skim milk. Short cylinder, 1-1/2 to two inches in diameter, weighing a quarter of a pound. Made near the capital, Lisbon, on many small farms.
Salonite Italy
Favorite of Emperor Augustus a couple of thousand years ago.
Saltee Ireland
Firm; highly colored; tangy; boxed in half-pound slabs. The same as Whitethorn except for the added color. Whitethorn is as white as its name implies.
Salt-free cheese, for diets
U.S. cottage; French fresh goat cheese; and Luxembourg Kochenkaese.
Samsoe Denmark
Hard; white; sharp; slightly powdery and sweetish. This is the pet cheese of Erik Blegvad who illustrated this book.
Sandwich Nut
An American mixture of chopped nuts with Cream cheese or Neufchatel.
Sapsago see Chapter 3.
Sardegna Sardinia
A Romano type made in Sardinia.
Sardinian Sardinia, Italy
The typical hard grating cheese of this section of Italy.
Sardo Sardinia, Italy
Hard; sharp; for table and for seasoning. Imitated in the Argentine. There is also a Pecorino named Sardo.
Sarraz or Sarrazin Vaud, Switzerland
Roquefort type.
Sassenage Dauphiny, France
Semihard; bluer and stronger than Stilton. This makes a French trio of Blues with Septmoncel and Gex, all three of which are made with the three usual milks mixed: cow, goat and sheep. A succulent fermented variety for which both Grenoble and Sassenage are celebrated.
Satz Germany
Hard cheese made in Saxony.
Savoy, Savoie France
Semisoft; mellow; tangy Port-Salut made by Trappist monks in Savoy.
Sbrinz Argentine
Hard; dry; nutty; Parmesan grating type.
Scanno Abruzzi, Italy
Soft as butter; sheep; burnt taste, delicious with fruits. Blackened rind, deep yellow interior.
Scarmorze or Scamorze Italy
Hard; buffalo milk; mild Provolone type. Also called Pear from being made in that shape, oddly enough also in pairs, tied together to hang from rafters on strings in ripening rooms or in the home kitchen. Fine when sliced thick and fried in olive oil. A specialty around Naples. Light-tan oiled rind, about 3-1/2 by five inches in size. Imitated in Wisconsin and sold as Pear cheese.
Schabziger see Chapter 3.
Schafkaese (Sheep Cheese) Germany
Soft; part sheep milk; smooth and delightful.
Schamser, or Rheinwald Canton Graubiinden, Switzerland
Large skim-milker eighteen by five inches, weighing forty to forty-six pounds.
This might be translated "milk mud." It's another name for Bloder, sour milk "waddle" cheese.
Schlesische Sauermilchkaese Silesia, Poland
Hard; sour-milker; made like hand cheese. Laid on straw-covered shelves, dried by a stove in winter and in open latticed sheds in summer. When very dry and hard, it is put to ripen in a cellar three to eight weeks and washed with warm water two or three times a week.
Schlesischer Weichquarg Silesia, Poland
Soft, fresh skim, sour curd, broken up and cooked at 100 deg. for a short time. Lightly pressed in a cloth sack twenty-four hours, then kneaded and shaped by hand, as all hand cheeses are. Sometimes sharply flavored with onions or caraway. Eaten fresh, before the strong hand cheese odor develops.
Schloss, Schlosskaese, or Bismarck German
This Castle cheese, also named for Bismarck and probably a favorite of his, together with Bismarck jelly doughnuts, is an aristocratic Limburger that served as a model for Liederkranz.
German cottage cheese that becomes smearcase in America.
Schnitzelbank Pot see Liederkranz, Chapter 4.
Schoenland German
Imitation of Italian Bel Paese, also translated "beautiful land."
Schuetzenkaese Austria
Romadur-type. Small rectangular blocks weighing less than four ounces and wrapped in tin foil.
Shottengsied Alpine
A whey cheese made and consumed locally in the Alps.
Schwarzenberger Hungary and Bohemia
One part skim to two parts fresh milk. It takes two to three months to ripen.
Schweizerkaese Switzerland
German for Swiss cheese. (See Emmentaler.)
Schweizerost Dansk, Danish Swiss Cheese Denmark
A popular Danish imitation of Swiss Swiss cheese that is nothing wonderful.
Select Brick see Chapter 12.
Selles-sur Cher Berry, France
A goat cheese, eaten from February to September.
Senecterre Puy-de-Dome, France
Soft, whole-milk; cylindrical, weighing about 1-1/2 pounds.
Septmoncel France
Semihard; skim; blue-veined; made of all three milks: cow, goat and sheep. An excellent "Blue" ranked above Roquefort by some, and next to Stilton. Also called Jura Bleu, and a member of the triple milk triplets with Gex and Sassenage.
Serbian Serbia
Made most primitively by dropping heated stones into a kettle of milk over an open fire. After the rennet is added, the curd stands for an hour and is separated from the whey by being lifted in a cheesecloth and strained. It is finally put in a wooden vessel to ripen. First it is salted, then covered each day with whey for eight days and finally with fresh milk for six.
Syria also makes a cheese called Serbian from goat's milk. It is semisoft.
Serbian Butter see Kajmar.
Serra da Estrella, Queijo da (Cheese of the Star Mountain Range) Portugal
The finest of several superb mountain-sheep cheeses in Portugal. Other milk is sometimes added, but sheep is standard. The milk is coagulated by an extract of thistle or cardoon flowers in two to six hours. It is ripened in circular forms for several weeks and marketed in rounds averaging five pounds, about ten by two inches. The soft paste inside is pleasantly oily and delightfully acid.
Sharp-flavored cheese
U.S. aged Cheddars, including Monterey Jack; Italian Romano Fecorino, Old Asiago, Gorgonzola, Incanestrato and Caciocavallo; Spanish de Fontine; Aged Roumanian Kaskaval.
Shefford see Chapter 2.
Silesian Poland and Germany
White; mellow; caraway-seeded. Imitated in the U.S.A. (see Schlesischer.)
Sir cheeses
In Yugoslavia, Montenegro and adjacent lands Sir or Cyr means cheese. Mostly this type is made of skimmed sheep milk and has small eyes or holes, a sharp taste and resemblance to both American Brick and Limburger. They are much fewer than the Saint cheeses in France.
Sir Iz Mjesine Dalmatia, Yugoslavia
Primitively made by heating skim sheep milk in a bottle over an open fire, coagulating it quickly with pig or calf rennet, breaking up the curd with a wooden spoon and stirring it by hand over the fire. Pressed into forms eight inches square and two inches thick, it is dried for a day and either eaten fresh or cut into cubes, salted, packed in green sheep or goat hides, and put away to ripen.
Sir Mastny Montenegro
Fresh sheep milk.
Sir Posny Montenegro
Hard; skim sheep milk; white, with many small holes. Also answers to the names of Tord and Mrsav.
Sir, Twdr see Twdr Sir.
Sir, Warshawski see Warshawski Syr.
Siraz Serbia
Semisoft; whole milk. Mellow.
Skyr Iceland
The one standard cheese of the country. A cross between Devonshire cream and cream cheese, eaten with sugar and cream. It is very well liked and filling, so people are apt to take too much. A writer on the subject gives this bit of useful information for travelers: "It is not advisable, however, to take coffee and Skyr together just before riding, as it gives you diarrhea."
Slipcote, or Colwick England
Soft; unripened; small; white; rich as butter. The curd is put in forms six by two inches for the whey to drain away. When firm it is placed between cabbage leaves to ripen for a week or two, and when it is taken from the leaves the skin or coat becomes loose and easily slips off—hence the name. In the middle of the eighteenth century it was considered the best cream cheese in England and was made then, as today, in Wissenden, Rutlandshire.
Smaeltost Sweden
Soft and melting.
Old English corruption of German Schmierkaese, long used in America for cottage cheese.
Smoked Block Austria
A well-smoked cheese in block form.
Smoked Mozzarella see Mozzarella Affumicata.
Smoked Szekely Hungary
Soft; sheep; packed like sausage in skins or bladders and smoked.
Smokelet Norway.
A small smoked cheese.
Soaked-curd cheese see Washed-curd cheese.
Sorbais Champagne, France
Semihard; whole milk; fermented; yellow, with reddish brown rind. Full flavor, high smell. Similar to Maroilles in taste and square shape, but smaller.
Sorte Maggenga and Sorte Vermenga
Two "sorts" of Italian Parmesan.
Soumaintrain, Fromage de France
Soft; fine; strong variety from Upper Burgundy.
Soybean China
Because this cheese is made of vegetable milk and often developed with a vegetable rennet, it is rated by many as a regular cheese. But our occidental kind with animal milk and rennet is never eaten by Chinese and the mere mention of it has been known to make them shiver.
Spalen or Stringer Switzerland
A small Emmentaler of fine reputation made in the Canton of Unterwalden from whole and partly skimmed milk and named from the vessel in which five or six are packed and transported together.
Sperrkaese see Dry.
Spiced International
Many a bland cheese is saved from oblivion by the addition of spice, to give it zest. One or more spices are added in the making and thoroughly mixed with the finished product, so the cheese often takes the name of the spice: Kuminost or Kommenost for cumin; Caraway in English and several other languages, among them Kuemmel, Nokkelost and Leyden; Friesan Clove and Nagelkass; Sage; Thyme, cloverleaf Sapsago; whole black pepper Pepato, etc.
Spiced and Spiced Spreads U.S.A.
Government standards for spiced cheeses and spreads specify not less than 1-1/2 ounces of spice to 100 pounds of cheese.
Spiced Fondue see Vacherin Fondu. France
Spitz Spitzkase Germany
Small cylinder, four by one and a half inches. Caraway spiced, Limburger-like. see Backsteiner.
Sposi Italy
Soft; small; cream.
Spra Greek
Sharp and pleasantly salty, packed fresh from the brine bath in one-pound jars. As tasty as all Greek cheeses because they are made principally from sheep milk.
Staengenkase Germany
Limburger type.
Stein Kaese U.S.A.
Aromatic, piquant "stone." A beer stein accompaniment well made after the old German original.
Steinbuscher-Kaese German
Semihard; firm; full cream; mildly sour and pungent. Brick forms, reddish and buttery. Originated in Frankfurt. Highly thought of at home but little known abroad.
Steppe Russia, Germany, Austria, Denmark
German colonists made and named this in Russia. Rich and mellow, it tastes like Tilsiter and is now made in Denmark for export, as well as in Germany and Austria for home consumption.
Stilton see Chapter 3.
Stirred curd cheese U.S.A.
Similar to Cheddar, but more granular, softer in texture and marketed younger.
Stracchino Italy
Soft; goat; fresh cream; winter; light yellow; very sharp, rich and pungent. Made in many parts of Italy and eaten sliced, never grated. A fine cheese of which Taleggio is the leading variety. See in Chapter 3. Also see Certoso Stracchino.
Stracchino Crescenza is an extremely soft and highly colored member of this distinguished family.
Stravecchio Italy
Well-aged, according to the name. Creamy and mellow.
Stringer see Spalen.
Styria Austria
Whole milk. Cylindrical form.
Suffolk England
An old-timer, seldom seen today. Stony-hard, horny "flet milk" cartwheels locally nicknamed "bang." Never popular anywhere, it has stood more abuse than Limburger, not for its smell but for its flinty hardness.
"Hunger will break through stone walls and anything except a Suffolk cheese."
"Those that made me were uncivil For they made me harder than the devil. Knives won't cut me; fire won't sweat me; Dogs bark at me, but can't eat me."
Surati, Panir India
Buffalo milk. Uncolored.
Suraz Serbia
Semihard and semisoft.
Sveciaost Sweden
A national pride, named for its country, Swedish cheese, to match Swiss cheese and Dutch cheese. It comes in three qualities: full cream, 3/4 cream, and half cream. Soft; rich; ready to eat at six weeks and won't keep past six months. A whole-hearted, whole-milk, wholesome cheese named after the country rather than a part of it as most osts are.
Sweet-curd U.S.A.
Hard Cheddar, differing in that the milk is set sweet and the curd cooked firmer and faster, salted and pressed at once. When ripe, however, it is hardly distinguishable from the usual Cheddar made by the granular process.
Swiss U.S.A.
In 1845 emigrants from Galrus, Switzerland, founded New Galrus, Wisconsin and, after failing at farming due to cinch bugs gobbling their crops, they turned to cheesemaking and have been at it ever since. American Swiss, known long ago as picnic cheese, has been their standby, and only in recent years these Wisconsin Schweizers have had competition from Ohio and other states who turn out the typical cartwheels, which still look like the genuine imported Emmentaler.
Szekely Transylvania, Hungary
Soft; sheep; packed in links of bladders and sometimes smoked. This is the type of foreign cheese that set the popular style for American processed links, with wine flavors and everything.
Taffel, Table, Taffelost Denmark
A Danish brand name for an ordinary slicing cheese.
Tafi Argentina
Made in the rich province of Tucuman.
Taiviers, les Petits Fromages de Perigord, France
Very small and tasty goat cheese.
Taleggio Lombardy, Italy
Soft, whole-milk, Stracchino type.
Tallance France
Tamie France
Port-Salut made by Trappist monks at Savoy from their method that is more or less a trade secret. Tome de Beaumont is an imitation produced not far away.
Tanzenberger Carinthia, Austria
Limburger type.
Tao-foo or Tofu China, Japan, the Orient
Soybean curd or cheese made from the "milk" of soybeans. The beans are ground and steeped, made into a paste that's boiled so the starch dissolves with the casein. After being strained off, the "milk" is coagulated with a solution of gypsum. This is then handled in the same way as animal milk in making ordinary cow-milk cheeses. After being salted and pressed in molds it is ready to be warmed up and added to soups and cooked dishes, as well as being eaten as is.
Teleme Rumania
Similar to Brinza and sometimes called Branza de Bralia. Made of sheep's milk and rapidly ripened, so it is ready to eat in ten days.
Terzolo Italy
Term used to designate Parmesan-type cheese made in winter.
Tete a Tete, Tete de Maure, Moor's Head France
Round in shape. French name for Dutch Edam.
Tete de Moine, Monk's Head France
A soft "head" weighing ten to twenty pounds. Creamy, tasty, summer Swiss, imitated in Jura, France, and also called Bellelay.
Tete de Mort see Fromage Gras for this death's head.
"The Tempting cheese of Fyvie" Scotland
Something on the order of Eve's apple, according to the Scottish rhyme that exposes it:
The first love token ye gae me Was the tempting cheese of Fyvie. O wae be to the tempting cheese, The tempting cheese of Fyvie, Gat me forsake my ain gude man And follow a fottman laddie.
Sheep's milk cheese of three or four pounds made on the island of Texel, off the coast of the Netherlands.
Thenay Vendome, France
Resembles Camembert and Vendome.
Thion Switzerland
A fine Emmentaler.
Three Counties Ireland
An undistinguished Cheddar named for the three counties that make most of the Irish cheese.
Thuringia Caraway Germany
A hand cheese spiked with caraway.
Thyme Syria
Soft and mellow, with the contrasting pungence of thyme. Two other herbal cheeses are flavored with thyme—both French: Fromage Fort II, Hazebrook II.
Tibet Tibet
The small, hard, grating cheeses named after the country Tibet, are of sheep's milk, in cubes about two inches on all sides, with holes to string them through the middle, fifty to a hundred on each string. They suggest Chinese strings of cash and doubtless served as currency, in the same way as Chinese cheese money. (See under Money.)
Tignard Savoy, France
Hard; sheep or goat; blue-veined; sharp; tangy; from Tigne Valley in Savoy. Similar to Gex, Sassenage and Septmoncel.
Tijuana Mexico
Hard; sharp; biting; named from the border race-track town.
Tillamook see Chapter 4.
Tilsit, or Tilsiter Kaese, also called Ragnit Germany
This classical variety of East Prussia is similar to American Brick. Made of whole milk, with many small holes that give it an open texture, as in Port-Salut, which it also resembles, although it is stronger and coarser.
Old Tilsiter is something special in aromatic tang, and attempts to imitate it are made around the world. One of them, Ovar, is such a good copy it is called Hungarian Tilsit. There are American, Danish, and Canadian—even Swiss—imitations.
The genuine Tilsit has been well described as "forthright in flavor; a good snack cheese, but not suitable for elegant post-prandial dallying."
Tilziski Yugoslavia
A Montenegrin imitation Tilsiter.
Tome de Beaumont France
Whole cow's milk.
Tome, la Auvergne, France
Also called Fourme, Cantal, or Fromage de Cantal. A kind of Cheddar that comes from Ambert, Aubrac, Aurillac, Grand-Murol, Roche, Salers, etc.
Tome de Chevre Savoy, France
Soft goat cheese.
Tome de Savoie France
Soft paste; goat or cow. Others in the same category are: Tome des Beagues, Tome au Fenouil, Tome Doudane.
Tomelitan Gruyere Norway
Imitation of French Gruyere in 2-1/2 ounce packages.
Topf or Topfkaese Germany
A cooked cheese to which Pennsylvania pot is similar. Sour skim milk cheese, eaten fresh and sold in packages of one ounce. When cured it is flaky.
Toscano, or Pecorino Toscano Tuscany, Italy
Sheep's milk cheese like Romano but softer, and therefore used as a table cheese.
Toscanello Tuscany, Italy
A smaller edition of Toscano.
Touareg Berber, Africa
Skim milk often curdled with Korourou leaves. The soft curd is then dipped out onto mats like pancake batter and sun dried for ten days or placed by a fire for six, with frequent turning. Very hard and dry and never salted. Made from Lake Tchad to the Barbary States by Berber tribes.
Tour Eiffel Berry, France
Besides naming this Berry cheese, Tour Eiffel serves as a picturesque label and trademark for a brand of Camembert.
Touloumisio Greece
Similar to Feta.
Tournette France
Small goat cheese.
Tourne de chevre Dauphine, France
Goat cheese.
Trappe, la, or Oka Canada
Truly fine Port-Salut named for the Trappist order and its Canadian monastery.
Trappist see Chapter 3.
Trappist Yugoslavia
Trappist Port-Salut imitation.
Trauben (Grape) Switzerland
Swiss or Gruyere aged in Swiss Neuchatel wine and so named for the grape.
Travnik, Travnicki Albania, Russia, Yugoslavia
Soft, sheep whole milk with a little goat sometimes and occasionally skim milk. More than a century of success in Europe, Turkey and adjacent lands where it is also known as Arnauten, Arnautski Sir and Vlasic.
When fresh it is almost white and has a mild, pleasing taste. It ripens to a stronger flavor in from two weeks to several months, and is not so good if holes should develop in it. The pure sheep-milk type when aged is characteristically oily and sharp.
Traz os Montes Portugal
Soft; sheep; oily; rich; sapid. For city turophiles nostalgically named "From the Mountains." All sheep cheese is oily, some of it a bit muttony, but none of it at all tallowy.
Trecce Italy
Small, braided cheese, eaten fresh.
Triple Aurore France
Normandy cheese in season all the year around.
Troo France
Made and consumed in Touraine from May to January.
Trouville France
Soft, fresh, whole milk. Pont l'Eveque type of superior quality.
Troyes, Fromage de see Barberey and Ervy.
Truckles England
No. I: Wiltshire, England. Skimmed milk; blue-veined variety like Blue Vinny. The quaint word is the same as used in truckle or trundle bed. On Shrove Monday Wiltshire kids went from door to door singing for a handout:
Pray, dame, something, An apple or a dumpling, Or a piece of Truckle cheese Of your own making.
No. II: Local name in the West of England for a full cream Cheddar put up in loaves.
Tschil Armenia
Also known as Leaf, Telpanir and Zwirn. Skim milk of either sheep or cows. Made into cakes and packed in skins in a land where wine is drunk from skin canteens, often with Tschil.
Tuile de Flandre France
A type of Marolles.
Tullum Penney Turkey
Salty from being soaked in brine.
Tuna, Prickly Pear Mexico
Not an animal milk cheese, but a vegetable one, made by boiling and straining the pulp of the cactuslike prickly pear fruit to cheeselike consistency. It is chocolate-color and sharp, piquantly pleasant when hard and dry. It is sometimes enriched with nuts, spices and/or flowers. It will keep for a very long time and has been a dessert or confection in Mexico for centuries.
Tuscano Italy
Semihard; cream color; a sort of Tuscany Parmesan.
Twdr Sir Serbia
Semisoft sheep skim-milk cheese with small holes and a sharp taste. Pressed in forms two by ten to twelve inches in diameter. Similar to Brick or Limburger.
Twin Cheese U.S.A.
Outstanding American Cheddar marketed by Joannes Brothers, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
Tworog Russia
Semihard sour milk farm (not factory) made. It is used in the cheese bread called Notruschki.
Tybo Denmark
Made in Copenhagen from pasteurized skim milk.
Tyrol Sour German
A typical Tyrolean hand cheese.
Tzgone Dalmatia
The opposite number of Tzigen, just below.
Tzigenkaese Austria
Semisoft; skimmed sheep, goat or cow milk. White; sharp and salty; originated in Dalmatia.
Urda Rumania
Creamy; sweet; mild.
Uri Switzerland
Hard; brittle; white; tangy. Made in the Canton of Uri. Eight by eight to twelve inches, weight twenty to forty pounds.
Urseren Switzerland
Mild flavored. Cooked curd.
Urt, Fromage d'
Soft Port-Salut type of the Basque country.
Vacherin France and Switzerland
I. Vacherin a la Main. Savoy, France. Firm, leathery rind, soft interior like Brie or Camembert; round, five to six by twelve inches in diameter. Made in summer to eat in winter. When fully ripe it is almost a cold version of the great dish called Fondue. Inside the hard-rind container is a velvety, spicy, aromatic cream, more runny than Brie, so it can be eaten with a spoon, dunked in, or spread on bread. The local name is Tome de Montague.
II. Vacherin Fondu, or Spiced Fondu. Switzerland. Although called Fondu from being melted, the No. I Vacherin comes much closer to our conception of the dish Fondue, which we spell with an "e."
Vacherin No. II might be called a re-cooked and spiced Emmentaler, for the original cheese is made, and ripened about the same as the Swiss classic and is afterward melted, spiced and reformed into Vacherin.
Val-d'Andorre, Fromage du Andorra, France
Sheep milk.
Valdeblore, le Nice, France
Hard, dried, small Alpine goat cheese.
Valencay, or Fromage de Valencay Touraine, France
Soft; cream; goat milk; similar to Saint-Maure. In season from May to December. This was a favorite with Francis I.
Valio Finland
One-ounce wedges, six to a box, labeled pasteurized process Swiss cheese, made by the Cooperative Butter Export Association, Helsinki, Finland, to sell to North Americans to help them forget what real cheese is.
Valsic Albania
Crumbly and sharp.
Varalpenland Germany
Alpine. Piquant, strong in flavor and smell.
Varennes, Fromage de France
Soft, fine, strong variety from Upper Burgundy.
Vaesterbottenost West Bothnia
Slow-maturing. One to one-and-a-half years in ripening to a pungent, almost bitter taste.
Vaestgoetaost West Gothland, Sweden
Semihard; sweet and nutty. Takes a half year to mature. Weight twenty to thirty pounds.
Vendome, Fromage de France
Hard; sheep; round and flat; like la Cendree in being ripened under ashes. There is also a soft Vendome sold mostly in Paris.
Veneto, Venezza Italy
Parmesan type, similar to Asiago. Usually sharp.
Vic-en-Bigorre France
Winter cheese of Bearn in season October to May.
Victoria England
The brand name of a cream cheese made in Guilford.
Ville Saint-Jacques France
Ile-de-France winter specialty in season from November to May.
Villiers France
Soft, one-pound squares made in Haute-Marne.
Viry-vory, or Vary France
Fresh cream cheese.
Viterbo Italy
Sheep milk usually curdled with wild artichoke, Cynara Scolymus. Strong grating and seasoning type of the Parmesan-Romano-Pecorino family.
Vize Greece
Ewe's milk; suitable for grating.
Void Meuse, France
Soft associate of Pont l'Eveque and Limburger.
Volvet Kaas Holland
The name means "full cream" cheese and that—according to law—has 45% fat in the dry product (See Gras.)
Vorarlberg Sour-milk Greasy
Hard; greasy; semicircular form of different sizes, with extra-strong flavor and odor. The name indicates that it is made of sour milk.
Vory, le France
Fresh cream variety like Neufchatel and Petit Suisse.
Warshawski Syr Poland
Semihard; fine nutty flavor; named for the capital city of Poland.
Warwickshire England
Derbyshire type.
Washed-curd cheese U.S.A.
Similar to Cheddar. The curd is washed to remove acidity and any abnormal flavors.
Wedesslborg Denmark
A mild, full cream loaf of Danish blue that can be very good if fully ripened.
Weisschmiere Bavaria, Germany
Similar to Weisslacker, a slow-ripening variety that takes four months.
Weisslacker, White Lacquer Bavaria
Soft; piquant; semisharp; Allgaeuer-type put up in cylinders and rectangles, 4-1/2 by 4 by 3-1/2, weighing 2-1/2 pounds. One of Germany's finest soft cheeses.
Welsh cheeses
The words Welsh and cheese have become synonyms down the ages. Welsh "cheeses can be attractive: the pale, mild Caerphilly was famous at one time, and nowadays has usually a factory flavor. A soft cream cheese can be obtained at some farms, and sometimes holds the same delicate melting sensuousness that is found in the poems of John Keats.
"The 'Resurrection Cheese' of Llanfihangel Abercowyn is no longer available, at least under that name. This cheese was so called because it was pressed by gravestones taken from an old church that had fallen into ruins. Often enough the cheeses would be inscribed with such wording as 'Here lies Blodwen Evans, aged 72.'" (From My Wales by Rhys Davies.)
Wensleydale England
I. England, Yorkshire. Hard; blue-veined; double cream; similar to Stilton. This production of the medieval town of Wensleydale in the Ure Valley is also called Yorkshire-Stilton and is in season from June to September. It is put up in the same cylindrical form as Stilton, but smaller. The rind is corrugated from the way the wrapping is put on.
II. White; flat-shaped; eaten fresh; made mostly from January through the Spring, skipping the season when the greater No. I is made (throughout the summer) and beginning to be made again in the fall and winter.
Werder, Elbinger and Niederungskaese West Prussia
Semisoft cow's-milker, mildly acid, shaped like Gouda.
West Friesian Netherlands
Skim-milk cheese eaten when only a week old. The honored antiquity of it is preserved in the anonymous English couplet:
Good bread, good butter and good cheese Is good English and good Friese.
Westphalia Sour Milk, or Brioler Germany
Sour-milk hand cheese, kneaded by hand. Butter and/or egg yolk is mixed in with salt, and either pepper or caraway seeds. Then the richly colored curd is shaped by hand into small balls or rolls of about one pound. It is dried for a couple of hours before being put down cellar to ripen. The peculiar flavor is due partly to the seasonings and partly to the curd being allowed to putrify a little, like Limburger, before pressing.
This sour-milker is as celebrated as Westphalian raw ham. It is so soft and fat it makes a sumptuous spread, similar to Tilsit and Brinza. It was named Brioler from the "Gute Brioler" inn where it was perfected by the owner, Frau Westphal, well over a century ago.
The English sometimes miscall it Bristol from a Hobson-Jobson of the name Briol.
Whale Cheese U.S.A.
In The Cheddar Box, Dean Collins tells of an ancient legend in which the whales came into Tillamook Bay to be milked; and he poses the possible origin of some waxy fossilized deposits along the shore as petrified whale-milk cheese made by the aboriginal Indians after milking the whales.
White, Fromage Blanc France
Skim-milk summer cheese made in many parts of the country and eaten fresh, with or without salt.
White Cheddar U.S.A.
Any Cheddar that isn't colored with anatto is known as White Cheddar. Green Bay brand is a fine example of it.
White Gorgonzola
This type without the distinguishing blue veins is little known outside of Italy where it is highly esteemed. (See Gorgonzola.)
White Stilton England
This white form of England's royal blue cheese lacks the aristocratic veins that are really as green as Ireland's flag.
Whitethorn Ireland
Firm; white; tangy; half-pound slabs boxed. Saltee is the same, except that it is colored.
Wilstermarsch-Kaese Holsteiner Marsch Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Semihard; full cream; rapidly cured; Tilsit type; very fine; made at Itzehoe.
Wiltshire or Wilts England
A Derbyshire type of sharp Cheddar popular in Wiltshire. (See North Wilts.)
Wisconsin Factory Cheeses U.S.A.
Have the date of manufacture stamped on the rind, indicating by the age whether the flavor is "mild, mellow, nippy, or sharp." American Cheddar requires from eight months to a year to ripen properly, but most of it is sold green when far too young.
Notable Wisconsiners are Loaf, Limburger, Redskin and Swiss.
Withania India
Cow taboos affect the cheesemaking in India, and in place of rennet from calves a vegetable rennet is made from withania berries. This names a cheese of agreeable flavor when ripened, but, unfortunately, it becomes acrid with age.
Yoghurt, or Yogurt U.S.A.
Made with Bacillus bulgaricus, that develops the acidity of the milk. It is similar to the English Saint Ivel.
York, York Curd and Cambridge York England
A high-grade cream cheese similar to Slipcote, both of which are becoming almost extinct since World War II. Also, this type is too rich to keep any length of time and is sold on the straw mat on which it is cured, for local consumption.
Yorkshire-Stilton Cotherstone, England
This Stilton, made chiefly at Cotherstone, develops with age a fine internal fat which makes it so extra-juicy that it's a general favorite with English epicures who like their game well hung.
York State U.S.A.
Short for New York State, the most venerable of our Cheddars.
Young America U.S.A.
A mild, young, yellow Cheddar.
Yo-yo U.S.A.
Copying pear-and apple-shaped balls of Italian Provolone hanging on strings, a New York cheesemonger put out a Cheddar on a string, shaped like a yo-yo.
Ziegel Austria
Whole milk, or whole milk with cream added. Aged only two months.
Ziegenkaese Germany
A general name in Germanic lands for cheeses made of goat's milk. Altenburger is a leader among Ziegenkaese.
I. This whey product is not a true cheese, but a cheap form of food made in all countries of central Europe and called albumin cheese, Recuit, Ricotta, Broccio, Brocotte, Serac, Ceracee, etc. Some are flavored with cider and others with vinegar. There is also a whey bread.
II. Similar to Corsican Broccio and made of sour sheep milk instead of whey. Sometimes mixed with sugar into small cakes.
Zips see Brinza.
Zomma Turkey
Similar to Caciocavallo.
Zwirn see Tschil.
Index of Recipes
American Cheese Salad, 128 Angelic Camembert, 120 Apple and Cheese Salad, 130 Apple Pie a la Cheese, 119 Apple Pie Adorned, 119 Apple Pie, Cheese-crusty, 119 Asparagus and Cheese, Italian, 110 au Gratin Eggs, 125 Potatoes, 125 Tomatoes, 125
Blintzes, 111 Brie or Camembert Salad, 128
Camembert, Angelic, 120 Champagned Roquefort or Gorgonzola, 122 Cheddar Omelet, 135 Cheese and Nut Salad, 128 Cheese and Pea Salad, 130 Cheese Cake, Pineapple, 117 Cheese Charlotte, 133 Cheese-crusty Apple Pie, 119 Cheese Custard, 118 Cheese Pie, Open-faced, 118 Cheese Sauce, Plain, 131 Cheese Waffles, 112 Cheesed Mashed Potatoes, 137 Chicken Cheese Soup, 127 Cottage Cheese Pancakes, 112 Christmas Cake Sandwiches, 120 Cold Dunking, 133 Custard, Cheese, 118
Dauphiny Ravioli, 109 Diablotins, 135 Dumpling, Napkin, 112 Dunking, Cold, 133
Eggs au Gratin, 125
Flan au Fromage, 119 Fondue a l'Italienne, 84 All-American, 85 au Fromage, 90 Baked Tomato, 89 Brick, 92 Catsup Tummy Fondiddy, Quickie, 91 Cheddar Dunk Bowl, 93 Cheese, 92 Cheese, and Corn, 92 Cheese and Rice, 91 Chives, 88 Comtois, 88 Corn and Cheese, 92 Neufchatel Style, 82 100% American, 90 Parmesan, 86 Quickie Catsup Tummy Fondiddy, 91 Rice, and Cheese, 91 Sapsago Swiss, 86 Tomato, 89 Tomato Baked, 89 Vacherin-Fribourg, 88 Fritters, Italian, 109 Fritto Misto, Italian, 137
Garlic on Cheese, 110 Gorgonzola and Banana Salad, 129 Green Cheese Salad Julienne, 127
Italian Asparagus and Cheese, 110 Italian Fritters, 109 Italian Fritto Misto, 137 Italian-Swiss Scallopini, 108
Little Hats, Cappelletti, 108
Meal-in-One Omelet, A, 135 Miniature Pizzas, 107
Napkin Dumpling, 112 Neapolitan Baked Lasagne, 108
Omelet Cheddar, 135 Meal-in-One, 135 Parmesan, 135 Tomato, 136 with Cheese Sauce, 136 Onion Soup, 126 Onion Soup au Gratin, 126 Open-faced Cheese Pie, 118
Pancakes, Cottage Cheese, 112 Parmesan Omelet, 135 Parsleyed Cheese Sauce, 131 Pfeffernuesse and Caraway, 134 Pineapple Cheese Cake, 117 Piroghs, Polish, 137 Pizza, 106 Cheese, 107 Dough, 106 Miniature, 107 Tomato Paste, 107 Polish Piroghs, 137 Potatoes au Gratin, 125 Potatoes, Mashed, Cheesed, 137 Puffs Breakfast, 100 Cheese, New England, 100 Cream Cheese, 100 Danish Fondue, 100 Fried, 99 New England Cheese, 100 Parmesan, 99 Roquefort, 99 Three-in-One, 98
Rabbit After-Dinner, 55 All-American Succotash, 77 American Woodchuck, 63 Anchovy, 70 Asparagus, 68 Basic No. 1 (with beer), 49 No. 2 (with milk), 50 Blushing Bunny, 63 Border-hopping Bunny, 60 "Bouquet of the Sea," 69 Buttermilk, 76 Celery and Onion, 67 Chipped Beef, 66 Cream Cheese, 75 Crumby, 70 Crumby Tomato, 71 Curry, 76 Danish, 77 Devil's Own, The, 65 Dr. Maginn's, 54 Dried Beef, 66 Dutch, 72 Easy English, 78 Eggnog, 77 Fish, Fresh or Dried, 69 Fluffy, Eggy, 64 Frijole, 60 Gherkin, 71 Ginger Ale, 76 Golden Buck, 59 Golden Buck II, 59 Grilled Sardine, 69 Grilled Tomato, 65 Grilled Tomato and Onion, 65 Gruyere, 73 Kansas Jack, 66 Lady Llanover's Toasted, 52 Latin-American Corn, 67 Mexican Chilaly, 64 Mushroom-Tomato, 67 Onion Rum Tum Tiddy, 62 Original Recipe, Ye, 57 Oven, 58 Oyster, 68 Pink Poodle, 74 Pumpernickel, 72 Reducing, 75 Roe, 69 Rum Tum Tiddy, 61 Rum Tum Tiddy, Onion, 62 Rum Tum Tiddy, Sherry, 62 Running, 63 Sardine, Grilled, 69 Sardine, Plain, 69 Savory Eggy Dry, 75 Scotch Woodcock, 63 Sea-food, 68 Sherry, 73 Sherry Rum Tum Tiddy, 62 Smoked Cheddar, 70 Smoked fish, 70 South African Tomato, 61 Spanish Sherry, 74 Stieff Recipe, The, 51 Swiss Cheese, 73 Tomato, 61 Tomato and Onion, Grilled, 65 Tomato, Crumby, 71 Tomato, Grilled, 65 Tomato Soup, 62 Tomato, South American, 61 Venerable Yorkshire Buck, The, 59 Yale College, 59 Yorkshire, 58 Ramekins a la Parisienne, 103 Casserole, 105 Cheese I, 101 Cheese II, 102 Cheese III, 102 Cheese IV, 103 Frying Pan, 105 Morezien, 104 Puff Paste, 105 Roquefort-Swiss, 104 Swiss-Roquefort, 104 Ravioli, Dauphiny, 109 Roquefort, Champagned, 122 Roquefort Cheese Salad Dressing, 130 Rosie's Swiss Breakfast Cheese Salad, 129
Salad American Cheese, 128 Apple and Cheese, 130 Brie, 128 Camembert, 128 Cheese and Nut, 128 Cheese and Pea, 130 Gorgonzola and Banana, 129 Green Cheese Salad Julienne, 127 Rosie's Swiss Breakfast Cheese, 129 Swiss Cheese, 129 Three-in-One Mold, 128 Sandwiches Alpine Club, 141 Boston Beany, Open-face, 141 Cheeseburgers, 141 Deviled Rye, 142 Egg, Open-faced, 142 French-fried Swiss, 142 Grilled Chicken-Ham-Cheddar, 142 He-man, Open-faced, 143 International, 143 Jurassiennes, or Croutes Comtoises, 143 Kuemmelkaese, 143 Limburger Onion, or Catsup, 143 Meringue, Open-faced, 144 Neufchatel and Honey, 144 Newfoundland Toasted Cheese, 148 Oskar's Ham-Cam, 144 Pickled Camembert, 145 Queijo da Serra, 145 Roquefort Nut, 145 Smoky, Sturgeon-smoked, 145 Tangy, 146 Toasted Cheese, 148 Unusual—of Flowers, Hay and Clover, 146 Vegetarian, 146 Witch's, 147 Xochomilco, 147 Yolk Picnic, 147 Sauce Cheese, 131 Mornay, 131 Parsleyed Cheese, 131 Sauce Mornay, 131 Scallopini, Italian-Swiss, 108 Schnitzelbank Pot, 37 Souffle Basic, 95 Cheese-Corn, 96 Cheese Fritter, 98 Cheese-Mushroom, 97 Cheese-Potato, 97 Cheese-Sea-food, 97 Cheese-Spinach, 96 Cheese-Tomato, 96 Corn-Cheese, 96 Mushroom-Cheese, 97 Parmesan, 95 Parmesan-Swiss, 96 Potato-Cheese, 97 Sea-food-Cheese, 97 Spinach-Cheese, 96 Swiss, 96 Tomato-Cheese, 96 Soup Chicken Cheese, 127 Onion, 126 Onion, au Gratin, 126 Supa Shetgia, 133 Spanish Flan—Quesillo, 136 Straws, 133 Stuffed Celery, 132 Supa Shetgia, 133 Swiss Cheese Salad, 129
Three-in-One Mold, 128 Tomato Omelet, 136 Tomatoes au Gratin, 125
Vatroushki, 111
Waffles, Cheese, 112
* * * * *
Bob Brown, after living thirty years in as many foreign lands and enjoying countless national cheeses at the source, returned to New York and summed them all up in this book.
Born in Chicago, he was graduated from Oak Park High School and entered the University of Wisconsin at the exact moment when a number of imported Swiss professors in this great dairy state began teaching their students how to hole an Emmentaler.
After majoring in beer and free lunch from Milwaukee to Munich, Bob celebrated the end of Prohibition with a book called Let There Be Beer! and then decided to write another about Beer's best friend, Cheese. But first he collaborated with his mother Cora and wife Rose on The Wine Cookbook, still in print after nearly twenty-five years. This first manual on the subject in America paced a baker's dozen food-and-drink books, including: America Cooks, 10,000 Snacks, Fish and Seafood and The South American Cookbook.
For ten years he published his own weekly magazines in Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City and London. In the decade before that, from 1907 to 1917, he wrote more than a thousand short stories and serials under his full name, Robert Carlton Brown. One of his first books, What Happened to Mary, became a best seller and was the first five-reel movie. This put him in Who's Who in his early twenties.
In 1928 he retired to write and travel. After a couple of years spent in collecting books and bibelots throughout the Orient, he settled down in Paris with the expatriate group of Americans and invented the Reading Machine for their delectation. Nancy Cunard published his Words and Harry Crosby printed 1450-1950 at the Black Sun Press, while in Cagnes-sur-Mer Bob had his own imprint Roving Eye Press, that turned out Demonics; Gems, a Censored Anthology; Globe-gliding and Readies for Bob Brown's Machine with contributions by Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, Kay Boyle, James T. Farrell et al.
The depression drove him back to New York, but a decade later he returned to Brazil that had long been his home away from home. There he wrote The Amazing Amazon, with his wife Rose, making a total of thirty books bearing his name.
After the death of his wife and mother, Bob Brown closed their mountain home in Petropolis, Brazil, and returned to New York where he remarried and now lives, in the Greenwich Village of his free-lancing youth. With him came the family's working library in a score of trunks and boxes, that formed the basis of a mail-order book business in which he specializes today in food, drink and other out-of-the-way items.
[Compiler's Notes: Moved what was page 1 of project past title page, removed publisher's copyright information from page 3. Removed references to Introduction, as it was omitted from the book project.]