To fricate Beefe Pallats.
Take Beefe Pallats after they be boyled very tender, blaunch and pare them clean, season them with fine beaten cloves Nutmeg, Pepper, Salt and some grated bread; then have some butter in a frying Pan, put your pallats therein, and so fricate them till they be browne on both sides, then take them forth and put them on a dish, and put thereto some Gravy of Mutton, wherein two or three Anchoves are dissolved, grate in your sauce a little Nutmeg, wring in the juyce of a Lemon, so serve them.
A Spanish Olio.
Take a peice of Bacon not very fat, but sweet and safe from being rusty, a peice of fresh beefe, a couple of hoggs Eares, and foure feet if they can be had, and if not, some quantity of sheeps feet, (Calves feet are not proper) a joynt of Mutton, the Leg, Rack, or Loyne, a Hen, halfe a dozen pigeons, a bundle of Parsley, Leeks, and Mint, a clove of Garlick when you will, a small quantity of Pepper, Cloves, and Saffron, so mingled that not one of them over-rule, the Pepper and Cloves must be beaten as fine as possible may be, and the Saffron must be first dryed, and then crumble in powder and dissolved apart in two or three spoonfuls of broth, but both the Spices and the Saffron may be kept apart till immediately before they be used, which must not be, till within a quarter of a houre before the Olio be taken off from the fire; a pottle of hard dry pease, when they have first steept in water some dayes, a pint of boyl'd Chesnuts: particular care must be had that the pot wherein the Olio is made, be very sweet; Earthen I thinke is the best, and judgement is to be had carefully both in the size of the Pot, and in the quantity of the Water at the first, that so the Broth may grow afterwards to be neither too much nor too little, nor too grosse, nor too thin; thy meat must be long in boyling, but the fire not too fierce, the Bacon, the Beef, the Pease, the Chesnuts, the Hogs Eares may be put in at the first. I am utterly against those confused Olios into which men put almost all kinds of meats and Roots, and especially against putting of Oyle, for it corrupts the Broath, instead of adding goodnesse to it. To do well, the Broth is rather to be drunk out of a Porringer then to be eaten with a spoon, though you add some smal slices of bread to it, you wil like it the worse. The Sauce for thy meat must be as much fine Sugar beaten smal to powder, with a little Mustard, as can be made to drink the Sugar up, and you wil find it to be excellent, but if you make it not faithfully and justly according to this prescript, but shall neither put Mace, or Rosemary, or Tyme to the Herbs as the manner is of some, it will prove very much the worse.
To make Metheglin.
Take all sorts of Herbs that are good and wholesome, as Balme, Mint, Fennell, Rosemary, Angelica, wilde Tyme, Isop, Burnet, Egrimony, and such other as you think fit; some Field Herbs, but you must not put in too many, but especially Rosemary or any strong Hearb, lesse then halfe a handfull will serve of every sort, you must boyle your Herbs and straine them, and let the Liquor stand till to Morrow and settle them, take off the clearest Liquor, two Gallons and a halfe to one Gallon of Honey, and that proportion as much as you will make, and let it boyle an houre, then set it a cooling as you doe Beere, when it is cold take some very good Ale Barme, and put into the bottome of the Tubb a little and a little as they doe Beere, keeping backe the thicke setling, that lyeth in the bottome of the Vessell that it is cooled in, and when it is all put together, cover it with a Cloth, and let it worke very neere three dayes, and when you mean to put it up, skim off all the Barme clean, put it up into the Vessell, but you must not stop your Vessell very close in three or four dayes, but let it have all the vent, for it will worke, and when it is close stopped, you must looke very often to it, and have a peg in the top to give it vent; when you heare it make a noyse, as it will do, or else it will breake the Vessell; sometime I make a Bag and put in good store of Ginger sliced, some Cloves and Cinnamon, and boyl it in, and other times I put it into the Barrel and never boyle it, it is both good, but Nutmeg and Mace do not well to my Tast.
To make a Sallet of Smelts.
Take halfe a hundred of Smelts, the biggest you can get, draw them and cut off their Heads, put them into a Pipkin with a Pint of White wine, and a Pint of White wine Vinegar, an Onion shred a couple of Lemons, a Race of Ginger, three or foure blades of Mace, a Nutmeg sliced, whole Pepper, a little Salt, cover them, and let them stand twenty foure houres; if you will keep them three or four dayes, let not your Pickle be to strong of the Vinegar, when you will serve them, take them out one by one, scrape and open them as you do Anchoves, but throw away the bones, lay them close one by one, round a Silver dish, you must have the very utmost rind of a Lemon or Orange so small as grated bread and the Parsley, then mix your Lemon Pill, Orange and Parsley together with a little fine beaten Pepper, and strew this upon the dish of Smelts with the meat of a Lemon minced very small, also then power on excellent Sallet Oile, and wring in the juyce of two Lemons, but be sure none of the Lemon-seed be left in the Sallet, so serve it.
To Roast a Fillet of Veal.
Take a Fillet of Beefe which is the tenderest part of the Beast, and lieth only in the inward part of the Surloyne next to the Chine, cut it as big as you can, then broach it on a broach not too big, and be carefull you broach it not thorow the best of the meat, roast it leasurely and baste it with sweet butter. Set a Dish under it to save the Gravy while the Beefe is roasting, prepare the Sauce for it, chop good store of Parsley with a few sweet Herbs shred small, and the yolks of three or foure Eggs, and mince among them the pill of an Orange, and a little Onyon, then boyle this mixture, putting into it sweet butter, Vinegar, and Gravy, a spoonfull of strong broth, when it is well boyled, put it into your beef, and serve it very warm, sometimes a little grosse Pepper or Ginger into your sauce, or a pill of an Orange or Lemon.
To make a Sallet of a cold Hen or a Capon.
Take the breast of a hen or Capon, and slice it as thin as you can in steaks, put therein Vinegar, and a little Sugar as you thinke fit, then take six Anchoves, and a handfull of Capers, a little long, grosse or a carrigon, and mince them together, but not too small, strew them on the Sallet, Garnish it with Lemons, Oranges or barberies, so serve it up with a little salt.
To stew Mushrums.
Take them fresh gathered and cut off the hard end of the stalk, & as you Pil them throw them into a Dish of white Wine, after they have lain half an houre or thereupon draine them from the wine, and put them between two silver Dishes, then set them on a soft fire without any liquor, and when they have so stewed a while, pour away the liquor that comes from them which will be very black, then put your Mushrums into another clean Dish with a sprig or two of Tyme, an Onion whole, four or five cornes of whole Pepper, two or three Cloves, a bit of an Orange, a little Salt, a bit of sweet butter, and some pure gravy of Mutton, cover them, and set them on a gentle fire, so let them stew softly till they be enough and very tender, when you dish them blow off all the fat from them, and take out the Time, spice, and Orange, then wring in the juyce of a Lemon, and grate a little Nutmeg among the Mushrums, tosse them two or three times; put them in a clean dish, and serve them hot to the Table.
The Lord Conway his Lordships receipt for the making of Amber Puddings.
First take the Guts of a young hog, and wash them very clean, and then take two pound of the best hogs fat, and a pound and a halfe of the best Jurden almonds, the which being blancht, take one half of them, & beat them very small, and the other halfe reserve whole unbeaten, then take a pound and a halfe of fine Sugar and four white Loaves, and grate the Loaves over the former composition, and mingle them well together in a bason having so done, put to it halfe an ounce of Ambergreece, the which must be scrapt very small over the said composition, take halfe a quarter of an ounce of levant musk and bruise it in a marble morter, with a quarter of a Pint of orange flower water, then mingle these all very well together, and having so done, fill the said Guts therwith, this Receipt was given his Lordship by an Italian for a great rariety, and has been found so to be by those Ladies of honour to whom his lordship has imparted the said reception.
To make a Partridge Tart.
Take the flesh of four or five Partridges minced very small with the same weight of Beef marrow as you have Partridge flesh, with two ounces of Orangeadoes and green citron minced together as small as your meate, season it with Cloves and Mace and Nutmeg and a little salt and Sugar, mix all together, and bake it in puff past; when it is baked, open it, and put in halfe a Grain of Muske or Amber braid in a Morter or Dish, and with a spoonfull of Rosewater and the juyce of three or four Oranges, when you put all these therein, stir the meat and cover it again, and serve it to the Table.
To keepe Venison all the yeare.
Take the hanch, and parboyle it a while, then season it with two Nutmegs, a spoonfull of Pepper, and a good quantity of salt, mingle them altogether, then put two spoonfulls of white Wine-Vinegar, and having made the Venison full of holes, as you do when you Lard it, when it is Larded, put in the Venison at the holes, the Spice and Vinegar, and season it therewith, then put part into the Pot with the fat side downwards, cover it with two pound of Butter, then close it up close with course Past, when you take it out of the Oven take away the Past, and lay a round Trencher with a weight on the top of it to keep it down till it be cold, then take off the Trencher, and lay the Butter flat upon the Venison, then cover it close with strong white Pepper, if your Pot be narrow at the bottom it is the better, for it must be turned upon a Plate, and stuck with Bayleaves when you please to eat it.
To bake Brawn.
Take two Buttocks and hang them up two or three dayes, then take them down and dip them into hot Water, and pluck off the skin, dry them very well with a clean Cloth, when you have so done, take Lard, cut it in peices as big as your little finger, and season it very well with Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and Salt, put each of them into an earthen Pot, put in a Pint of Claret wine, a pound of Mutton Suet. So close it with past let the Oven be well heated; and so bake them, you must give them time for the baking according to the bignesse of the Haunches, and the thicknesse of the Pots, they commonly allot seven hours for the baking of them; let them stand three dayes, then take off their Cover, and poure away all the Liquor, then have clarified Butter, and fill up both the Pots, to keep it for the use, it will very well keep two or three moneths.
To roast a Pike.
Take a Pike, scoure off the slime, take out the Entralls, Lard it with the backs of Pickled Herrings, you must have a sharp Bodkin to make the holes, no Larding pins will go thorow, then take some great Oysters, Claret Wine, season it with Pepper, Salt, and Nutmeg, stuff the belly of the Pike with these Oysters, intermix with them Rosemary, Tyme, Winter-Savory, sweet Marjoram, a little Onyon and Garlick, sow these in the belly of the Pike, prepare two sticks about the breadth of a Lath, these two sticks and the Spit must be as broad as the Pike being tyed on the Spit, tye the Pike on, winding Pack-thread about the Pike along, but there must be tyed by the Pack-thred all a long the side of the pike which is not defended by the spit, and the Lathes Rosemary and Bayes, bast the Pike with Butter and Claret-Wine, with some Anchoves dissolved in it, when it is wasted, rip up the belly of the Pike and the Oyster will be the same, but the Herbs which are whole must be taken out.
To sauce Eeles.
Take two or three great Eeles, rubb them in salt, draw out the Guts, wash them very clean, cut them a thwart on both sides found deep, and cut them again cross way, then cut them through in such pieces as you think fit, and put them into a dish with a pint of Wine-Vinegar, and a handfull of Salt, have a kettle over the fire with faire Water, and a bundle of Sweet Herbs, two or thee great Onyons, some Mace, a few Cloves, you must let these lie in Wine-Vinegar and Salt, and put them into boyling liquor, there let them boyl according to Cookery, when enough, take out the Eeles, and drain them from the Liquor, when they are cold, take a pint of White-wine, boyle it up with Saffron to colour the Wine, then take out some of the Liquor, and put it in an earthen pan take out the onyons and all the herbs, only let the Cloves and Mace remaine, you must beat the Saffron to powder, or else it will not colour.
To make Sausages without skins.
Take a leg of young Pork, two pound of Beef-suet, two handfuls of Sage, two loaves of white bread, Salt and Pepper to your tast, halfe the pork, and halfe the suet, must be very well beat in a stone Morter, the rest cut very small, be sure to cut out all the gresles and Lenets in the pork, when you have mixed these altogether, knead them into a stiffe past with the yolks of two or three Eggs, so rowle them into Sausages.
To dresse a Pike.
Take a Male Pike, rub his skin off whil'st he lives, with bay salt, having well cleared the outside, lay him in a large Dish or Tray, open him so as you break not his gall, cut him according to the size of the fish, in two or three peices, from the head to the taile must be slit, this done, they are to be layd as flat as you can, in a great Dish or Tray, poure upon it halfe a pint of White wine-Vinegar, more or lesse, according to the size of the Fish, then strew upon the inside of the Fish, white Salt plentifully, Bay salt beaten very small is better, whilest this is a doing, let a Skellet with a sufficient quantity of Renish Wine, or good white Wine be pat over the fire, with the Wine, Salt, Ginger, Nutmeg, an Onion, foure or five Cloves of Garlick, a bunch of sweet herbs, viz. Sweet Marjoram, Rosemary, peel of halfe a Lemon, let these boyl to the heighth, put in the Pike, with the Vinegar, in such manner as not to quench or allay, if possibly the heat of the Liquor, but the thickest peece first that will aske most boyling, and the Vinegar last of all; while the Pike boyles, take two quarters of a pound of Anchoves, one quarter of very good butter, a Saucer of the Liquor your Pike was boyled in, dissolved Anchoves. Note that the Liquor, Sauce, the Spice, and the other ingredients must follow the proportion of the Pike; if your Sauce be too strong of the Anchoves, adde more faire water to it. Note also that the Liquor wherein this Pike was dressed, is better to boyle a second Pike therein, then it was at the first.
To dresse Eeles.
Cut two or three Eeles into pieces of a convenient length, set them end-wayes in a pot of Earth, put in a spoolful or two of Water, and to them put some Herbs and Sage chopt small, some Garlick Pepper, and Salt, so let them be baked in an Oven.
To boyle a pudding after the French fashion.
Take a Turkey that is very fat, and being pul'd and drest, Lard him with long pieces of Lard, first wholed in seasoning of Salt, Pepper, Nutmegs, Cloves and Mace, then take one piece of Lard whole in the seasoning, put it into the belly with a sprig of Rosemary and Bayes, sow it very close in a clean cloth, and let it lye all night covered with White-Wine, let it be put into a pot with the same Liquor, and no more, let it be close stopped, then hang it over a very soft and gentle fire, there to continue six houres in a simpering boyle, when it is cold, take it out of the cloth, not before, put it in a Pye-plate, and stick it full of Rosemary and Bayes, so serve it up with Mustard and Sugar, they are wont to lay it on a napkin folded square, and lay it corner wise.
To make a Fricake.
Take three Chickens, and pull off the skins, and cut them into little pieces then put them into water with two or three Onions, and a bunch of Parsly, and when it hath stewed a little, put in some Salt and Pepper, and a pint of white wine, so let them stew till they be enough, then take some Verjuyce, and Nutmegs, and three or foure yolks of Eggs, beat them well together, and when you take off the Chicken, put them into a Frying-Pan altogether with some butter, scald it well over the fire and serve it in.
To make a Dish called Olives.
Take a Fillet of Veale, and the flesh frow the bones, and the fat and skin from either, cut it into very thin slices, beat them with the back of your Knife, lay then abroad on a Dish, season them with Nutmeg, Pepper, Salt and Sugar, chop halfe a pound of Beefe-Suet very small, and strew upon the top of the meat, then take a good handfull of herbs as Parsly, Time, Winter-Savoury, Sorrell, and Spinage, chop them very small, and strew over it, and four Egges with the whites, mingle all these well together with your hands, then roul it up peice by peice, put it upon the spit, roasting it an hour and half, and if it grow dry, baste it with a little sweet Butter, the sauce is Verjuyce or Clarret-Wine with the Gravy of the Meat and Sugar, take a whole Onyon and stew it on a Chafing Dish of coales, and when it tastes of the Onyon, pour the liquor from it on the meat, setting it a while on the coales, and serve it in.
To make an Olive Pye.
This you may take in a Pye, putting Raisins of the Sun stoned and some Currants in every Olive, first strowing upon the meat the whites and yolks of two boyled Eggs shred very small, make your Olives round, and put them into puff paste, when it is halfe baked, put in a good quantity of verjuyce or Clarret wine sweetned with Sugar, putting it in again till it be thorow baked.
The Countesse of RUTLANDS Receipt of making the rare Banbury Cake which was so much praised at her Daughters (the right Honourable the Lady Chawerths) wedding.
Take a peck of fine flower, and halfe an ounce of large Mace, halfe an ounce of Nutmegs, and halfe an ounce of Cinnamon, your Cinnamon and Nutmegs must be sifted through a Searce, two pounds of Butter, halfe a score of Eggs, put out four of the whites of them, something above a pint of good Ale-yeast, beate your Eggs very well and straine them with your yeast, and a little warme water into your flowre, and stirre them together, then put your butter cold in little Lumpes: The water you knead withall must be scalding hot, if you will make it good past, the which having done, lay the past to rise in a warme Cloth a quarter of an hour, or thereupon; Then put in ten pounds of Currans, and a little Muske and Ambergreece dissolved in Rosewater; your Currans must be made very dry, or else they will make your Cake heavy, strew as much Sugar finely beaten amongst the Currans, as you shall think the water hath taken away the sweetnesse from them; Break your past into little pieces, into a kimnell or such like thing, and lay a Layer of past broken into little pieces, and a Layer of Currans, untill your Currans are all put in, mingle the past and the Currans very well, but take heed of breaking the Currans, you must take out a piece of past after it hath risen in a warme cloth before you put in the currans to cover the top, and the bottom, you must roule the cover something thin, and the bottom likewise, and wet it with Rosewater, and close them at the bottom of the side, or the middle which you like best, prick the top and the sides with a small long Pin, when your Cake is ready to go into the Oven, cut it in the midst of the side round about with a knife an inch deep, if your Cake be of a peck of Meale, it must stand two hours in the Oven, your Oven must be as hot as for Manchet.
An excellent Sillabub.
Fill your Sillabub-pot with Syder (for that is the best for a Sillabub) and good store of Sugar and a little Nutmeg; stir it well together, put in as much thick Cream by two or three spoonfuls at a time, as hard as you can, as though you milke it in, then stir it together exceeding softly once about, and let it stand two hours at least ere it is eaten, for the standing makes the Curd.
To Sauce a Pig.
Take a faire large Pigge and cut off his Head, then slit him through the midst, then take forth his bones, then lay him in warme water one night, then Collar him up like Brawne; then boyle him tender in faire water, and when he is boyled put him in an earthen Pot or Pan into Water and Salt, for that will make him white, and season the flesh, for you must not put Salt in the boyling, for that will make it black, then take a quart of the same broth, and a quart of white wine; boyl them together to make some drink for it, put into it two or three Bay leaves, when it is cold uncloathe the Pig, and put it into the same drink, & it will continue a quarter of a year. It is a necessary Dish in any Gentlemans House; when you serve it in, serve it with greene Fennell, as you doe Sturgion with Vinegar in Saucers.
To make a Virginia Trout.
Take Pickled Herrings, cut off their Heads, and lay the bodies two dayes and nights in water, then wash them well, then season them with Mace, Cinamon, Cloves, Pepper, and a little Red Saunders, then lay them close in a pot with a little onyon strewed small upon them, and cast between every Layer; when you have thus done, put in a pint of Clarret-Wine to them, and cover them with a double paper tyed on the pot, and set them in the oven with houshould-bread. They are to be eaten cold.
To make a fat Lamb of a Pig.
Take a fat Pig and scald him, and cut off his head, slit him and trusse him up like a Lamb, then being slit through the middle, and flawed, then parboyle him a little, then draw him with parsley as you do a Lamb, then roast it and dridge it, and serve it up with Butter, Pepper, and Sugar.
To make Rice Pancakes.
Take a pound of Rice, and boyle it in three quarts of water till it be very tender, then put it into a pot covered close, and that will make a Jelly, then take a quart of Cream or new Milk, put it scalding hot to the Rice, then take twenty Eggs, three quarters of a pound of melted Butter, a little Salt, stirre all these well together, put as much flowre to them as will make them hold frying, they must be fryed with Butter, they must be made overnight, best.
Mrs. Dukes Cake.
Take a quarter of a peck of the finest flour, a pint of Cream, ten yolks of Eggs well beaten, three quarters of a pound of butter gently melted, pour on the floure a little Ale-yeast, a quarter of a pint of Rose water, with some Muske, and Amber-grece dissolved in it, season all with a penny worth of Mace and Cloves, a little Nutmeg finely beaten, Currans one pound and a halfe, Raisins of the Sun stoned, and shred small one pound, Almonds blanch'd and beaten, halfe a pound, beat them with Rosewater to keep them from Oyling: Sugar beaten very small, half a pound; first mingle them, knead all these together, then let them lie a full houre in the Dough together, then the Oven being made ready, make up your Cake, let not the oven be too hot, nor shut up the mouth of it too close, but stir the Cake now and then that it may bake all a like, let it not stand a full hour in the Oven. Against you draw it have some Rose water and Sugar finely beaten, and well mixed together to wash the upper side of it, then set it in the Oven to dry, when you draw it out, it will shew like Ice.
To make fine Pancakes fryed without Butter, or Lard.
Take a Pint of Creame, six new layd Eggs, beat them very well, put in a quarter of a Pound of Sugar, one Nutmeg or beaten mace which you please, as much floure as will thicken them almost as thick as for ordinary Pancakes, your Pan must be cleane wiped with a Cloth, when it is reasonably hot, put in your Butter, or thick or thin as you please, to fry them.
To pot Venison.
Take a haunch of Venison not hunted, and bone it, then take three ounces of Pepper beaten, twelve Nutmegs, with a handfull of Salt, and mince them together with Wine Vinegar, then wet your Venison with Wine Vinegar and season it, then with a knife make holes on the lean sides of the Hanch, and stuff it as you would stuff Beef with Parsley, then put it into the Pot with the fat side downward then clarifie three pound of Butter, and put it thereon, and Past upon the Pot, and let it stand in the Oven five or six hours, then take it out, and with a vent presse it down to the bottom of the Pot, and let it stand till it be cold, then take the Gravy of the top of the Pot and melt it, and boyle it halfe away and more, then put it in again with the Butter on the top of the Pot.
To make a Marchpan; to Ice him, &c.
Take two pound of Almonds blanched, & beaten in a stone Morter till they begin to come to a fine Past, and take a pound of sifted Sugar, and put it in the Morter with the Almonds, and so leave it till it come to a perfect Past, putting in now and then a Spoonfull of Rosewater to keep them from Oyling; when you have beaten them to a perfect Past cover the Marchpan in a sheet, as big as a Charger, and set an edge about as you do about a Tart, and a bottome of wafers under him; thus bake it in an oven or baking pan, when you see your marchpan is hard and dry, take it out and Ice him with Rosewater and sugar being made as thick as butter for Fritters; so spread it on him with a wing-feather; so put it into the Oven againe, and when you see it rise high, then take it out and garnish it with some pretty conceits made part of the same stuff, stick long cumfets uprigh in him so serve it.
To make Jelly the best manner.
Take a Leg of Veale, and pare away the fat as clean as you can, wash it throughly, let it lie soaking a quarter of an hour or more, provided you first breake the bones, then take foure Calves feet, scald off the hair in boyling water, then slit them in two and put them to your Veale, let them boyle over the fire in a brasse pot with two Gallons of water or more acording to the proportion of your Veale, scum it very clean and often; so let it boyle till it comes to three Pintes or little more, then strain it through a cleane strainer, into a Bason, and so let it stand till it be through cold and well jellied, then cut it in peices with a Knife, and pare the top and the bottome of them, put it into a Skellet, take two ounces of Cynamon broken very small with your hand, three Nutmegs sliced, one race of Ginger, a large Mace or two, a little quantity of Salt, one Spoonfull of Wine Vinegar, or Rose-Vinegar, one pound and three quarters of Sugar, a Pint of Renish-wine, or white Wine, and the Whites of fifteen Eggs, well beaten; put all these to the Jelly, then set it on the fire, and let it seeth two or three walmes, ever stirring it as it seeths, then take a very clean Jelly bag, wash the bottom of it in a little Rose water, and wring it so hard that their remaine none behind, put a branch of Rosemary in the bottom of the bag, hang it up before the fire over a Bason; and pour the Jelly-bag into the Bason, provided in any case you stir not the Bag, then take Jelly in the Bason and put it into your bag again, let it run the second time, and it will be very much the clearer; so you may put it into your Gally-pots or Glasles which you please, and set them a cooling on bay salt, and when it is cold and stiffe you may use it at your pleasure, if you will have the jelly of a red colour use it as before, onely instead of Renish wine, use Claret.
To make poore knights.
Cut two penny loaves in round slices, dip them in half a pint of Cream or faire water, then lay them abroad in a dish, and beat three Eggs and grated Nutmegs and sugar, beat them with the Cream then melt some butter in a frying pan, and wet the sides of the toasts and lay them in on the wet side, then pour in the rest upon them, and so fry them, serve them in with Rosewater, sugar and butter.
To make Shrewsbury Cakes.
Take two pound of floure dryed in the Oven and weighed after it is dryed, then put to it one pound of Butter that must be layd an hour or two in Rose-water, so done poure the Water from the Butter, and put the Butter to the flowre with the yolks and whites of five Eggs, two races of Ginger, and three quarters of a pound of Sugar, a little salt, grate your spice, and it well be the better, knead all these together till you may rowle the past, then roule it forth with the top of a bowle, then prick them with a pin made of wood, or if you have a comb that hath not been used, that will do them quickly, and is best to that purpose, so bake them upon Pye plates, but not too much in the Oven, for the heat of the Plates will dry them very much, after they come forth of the Oven, you may cut them without the bowles of what bignesse or what fashion you please.
To make beef like red Deer to be eaten cold.
Take a buttock of beef, cut it the long wayes with the grain, beat it well with a rowling pin, then broyl it upon the coals, a little after it is cold, draw it throw with Lard, then lay in some white wine Vinegar, Pepper, Salt, Cloves, Mace and Bay-leaves, then let it lie three or four dayes, then bake it in Rye past, and when it is cold fill it up with butter, after a fortnight it will be eaten.
To make puffs.
Take a pint of Cheese Curds and drain them dry, bruise them small with the hand, put in two handfulls of floure, a little Sugar, three or four yolks of Egs, a little Nutmeg and Salt, mingle these together and make them little, like eyes, fry them in fresh butter, serve them up with fresh Butter and Sugar.
To make a hash of Chickens.
Take six Chickens, quarter them, cover them almost with water, and season them with Pepper and Salt, and a good handfull of minced Parsly, and a little white-wine, when they are boyled enough, put six Eggs onely the yolks, put to them a little Nutmeg and Vinegar, give them a little wame or two with the Chickens, pour them altogether into the Dish and serve them in, when you put on the Eggs, and a good piece of Butter.
To make an Almond Caudle.
Take three pints of Ale, boyle it with Cloves, Mace and sliced Bread into it, then have ready beaten a pound of blanched Almonds stamped in a Mortar with a little white-wine, then strain them out with a pint of white-wine, thick your Ale with it, sweeten it as you please, and be sure you skim the Ale well when it boyles.
To make scalding Cheese towards the latter end of May.
Take your Evening Milke and put it into Boules, or Earthen Pans, then in the Morning, fleet off the Cream in a Boule by it selfe, put the fleet Milke into a Tub with the Morning Milk, then put in the nights Cream, and stir it together, and heat the Milk, and put in the Rennet; as for ordinary new Milk Cheese, it is to be made thick; when the Cheese is come, gather the Curd into a Cheese-cloath, and set the Whey on the fire till it be seething hot, put the Cheese in a Cloth into a Killar that hath a wafle in the bottome, and poure in the hot Whey, then let out that, and put in more till your Curd feele hard, then break the Curd with your hands, as small as you can, and put an handfull of Salt to it then put it into the Fat, thrune it at noon and at night, and next day put it into a Trough where Cheese is salted every day, and turne it as long as any will enter, then lay it on a Table or Shelfe all Summer; if you will have it mellow to eate within an yeare, it must be laid in Hay in the Spring; if to keep two yeares, let it dry on a Shelfe out of the Wind all the next Summer, and in Winter lay them in Hay a while, or lay them close one to another; I seldome lay any in Hay, I turne and rub them with a rotten cloth especially when they are old, once a week least they rot.
To Pickle Purslaine.
Take Purslaine, stalks and all, boyl them tender in faire Water, then lay them drying upon linning Cloaths, then being dryed, put them into the Galley-pots and cover them with wine Vinegar mixt with Salt, and not make the Pickle so strong as for Cucumbers.
THE TABLE TO the Compleat COOK.
To make a Posset the Earle of Arundels way.
To boyle a Capon larded with Lemons.
To bake Red Deer.
To make fine Pancakes fryed without Butter or Lard.
To dresse a Pig the French manner.
To make a Steak Pye with a French Pudding in the Pye.
An excellent way for dressing Fish.
To Fricate Sheeps feet.
To Fricate Calves Chaldrons.
To Fricate Campigneons.
To make buttered Loaves.
To marine Carps, Mullet, Gormet, Rochet, or Wale.
To make a Calves Chaldron Pye.
To make a Pudding of Calves Chaldron.
To make a Banbury Cake.
To make a Devonshire White Pot.
To make Rice cream.
To make a very good Oxfordshire cake.
To make a Pompion Pye.
To make the best Sausages.
To boyle fresh fish.
To make friters.
To make loaves of Cheese curd.
To make fine Pyes after the French fashion.
A singular good receipt for making a Cake.
To make a great curd Loafe.
To make buttered Loaves of Cheese curds.
To make Cheese Loaves.
To make Puffe.
To make Elder Vinegar.
To make good Vinegar.
To make a collar of Beefe.
To make an Almond Pudding.
To boyle Creame with French Barly.
To make Cheese cakes.
To make a quaking Pudding.
To pickle Cucumbers.
To pickle broom buds.
To keep Quinces all the yeare.
To make a goosberry fool.
To make an Oatmeale pudding.
To make a green Pudding.
To make good Sausages.
To make toasts.
A Spanish cream.
To make clouted cream.
A good cream. To make Pyramids cream.
To make a sack cream.
To boyl Pigeons.
To make an apple tansey.
A french barly cream.
To make a Chicken or Pigeon Pye.
To boyle a capon or hen.
To make bals of Veal.
To make Mrs. Shelleyes cake.
To make Almond Jumbals.
To make cracknels.
To pickle Oysters.
To boyl cream with codlings.
To make the lady Abergaveers Cheese.
To dresse snails.
To boyl a rump of Beefe after the French fashion.
An excellent way of dressing fish.
To make fritters of Sheeps feet.
To make dry Salmon calvert in the boyling.
To make bisket bread.
To make an Almond pudding.
To make an Almond caudle.
To make Almond bread.
To make Almond cakes.
Master Rudstones posset.
To boyle a capon with Ranioles.
To make a bisque of carps.
To boyle a Pike and an Eele together.
To make an outlandish dish.
To make a Portugal dish.
To dresse a dish of Hartichockes.
To dresse a Fillet of Veal the Italian way.
To dresse soals.
To make furmity.
To make a patis or cabbage cream.
To make Pap.
To make Spanish Pap.
To poach Eggs.
A pottage of beefe Pallats.
The Jacobins pottage
To salt a Goose.
A way of stewing Chickens or Rabbets.
A pottage of Capons.
A Carp pye.
To boyle Ducks after the French fashion.
To boyle a goose with sausages.
To fry Chickens.
To make a battalia Pye.
To make a Chicken pye.
To make a pye of a Calves head.
To make Cream with Snow.
To make minced Pyes.
To drye Neates tongues.
To make jelly of harts horn.
To make Chickens fat in four or five dayes.
To make Angelot.
A Persian dish.
To roast a shoulder of Mutton.
To roast a leg of Mutton to be eaten cold.
To roast Oysters.
To make a Sack Posset.
To make a Sack Posset without Milk or Creame.
To make a stump pye.
To make Mrs. Leed Cheese Cakes.
To make taffaty tarts
To make fresh Cheese
To make Sugar Cakes or Jumballs
To hash a shoulder of Mutton
To dresse Flounders or Plaice with Garlick and Mustard
A turkish dish
To dresse a Pike
To dresse Oysters
To dresse Flounders
To dresse Snailes
To dresse pickle fish
To fricate beef Pallats
A Spanish Olio
To make a Spanish Olio.
To make Metheglin
To make a sallet of smelts
To roast a Fillet Beefe
To make a sallet of a cold Hen or Capon.
To stew Mushrumps
The Lord Conway his receipt for the makeing of Amber-puddings
To make a Partridge tart
To keep venison all the yeare
To make Brawn
To roast a Pike
To sauce Eeles
To make sausages without skins
To dresse a Pike.
To dresse Eeles
To boyle a pudding after the French fashion,
To make a fricate
To make a dish called Olives
To make an Olive Pye
The Countesse of Rutlands Receipt of makeing a rare Banbury Cake
An excellent Syllabub
To sauce a Pig
To make a Virginia trout
To make a fat Lamb of a Pig.
To make Rice pancakes
Mrs. Dukes Cakes.
To make fine Pancakes.
To pot Venison
To make a Marchpan to ice him
To make jelly the best manner
To make poor Knights
To make Shrewsberry Cakes
To make Beefe like Red Deere to be eaten Cold
To make Puffe
To make a hash of Chicken
To make an Almond Caudle
To make scalding Cheese towards the latter end of May
To pickle purslain
Courteous READER, these Books following are Printed for Nath. Brook, and are to be sold at his Shop at the Angell in Cornhill.
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Excellent Tracts in Divinity, Controversies, Sermons, Devotions.
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4. The Quakers Cause at second hearing, being a full answer to their Tenets.
5. Re-assertion of Grace: Vindiciae Evangelii, or the Vindication of the Gospell: a reply to Mr. Anthony Burghess Vindiciae Legis, and to Mr. Ruthford: by Robert Town.
6. Anabptists anatomized and silenced: or a dispute with Master Tombs, by Mr. J. Crag: where all may receive cleare satisfaction in that controversie, the best extant. Octavo.
7. A Glimpse of Divine Light, being an explication of some passages exhibited to the Commissioners of White Hall for Approbation of Publique Preachers, against John Harrison of Land Chap. Lancash.
8. The Zealous Magistrate: a Sermon by T. Threscos. Quarto.
9. New Jerusalam, in a Sermon for the society of Astrologers, Quarto. in the year 1651.
10. Divinity no enemy to Astrology: A Sermon for the society of Astrologers, in the year 1653. by D. Thomas Swadling.
11. Britannia Rediviva, a Sermon before the Judges, August 1648. by J Shaw Minister of Hull.
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17. Comforts against the fear of death; wherein are discovered severall Evidences of the work of Grace: by J Collins of Norwich.
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