Foamy Sauce.
Beat whites of two eggs till stiff, add gradually one cup powdered sugar and continue beating, and then add one-fourth cup hot milk or cream and one teaspoonful vanilla.
Three-fourths cup maple syrup, yolks of four eggs, one pint whipped cream. Beat yolks until light, cook in double boiler with syrup fifteen minutes. Stir rapidly. Beat until cold, add whipped cream, put in a mold and pack in ice four or five hours.
Dissolve one and one-half tablespoonful gelatine in one-half cup boiling water. When thoroughly dissolved, add one-half cup cold water into which has been stirred a pinch of salt and sugar to taste; set aside to cool. When the gelatine begins to thicken, pour it slowly into the stiffly beaten whites of four eggs, beating it well as you pour. The mixture will now be white and spongy. Pour into mold or dish one-half of mixture, flavored to taste. Have ready cocoanut, chopped nuts or Maraschino cherries (all three may be used) in a center layer. Onto this pour the remainder of the mixture, which may be colored if desired. With this serve a sauce made from the yolks of three eggs, one pint milk, sugar and vanilla to taste; cook in double boiler till it thickens so that it will pour nicely. Quick and easy to prepare.
One round tablespoonful cornstarch, moisten in cold water. Pour over one-half pint of boiling water, boil one minute, add one-half cup sugar and pour while hot over the well-beaten whites of three eggs. Add a teaspoonful vanilla and turn into a mold to harden. Make a sauce from the three yolks of the eggs beaten with four tablespoonfuls sugar and one pint of scalded milk cooked together for a moment, but not allowed to boil, or it will curdle.
Boil one quart of water, add one pint of sugar, boil twenty minutes, cool, add one pint orange juice, grated rind of two oranges and one-fourth cup lemon juice. Freeze and serve.
Four large oranges, sliced thin and sprinkled with sugar. Make a boiled custard of one pint milk, yolks of three eggs, pinch of salt, one tablespoonful cornstarch, three tablespoonfuls sugar. When cold, pour over oranges, cover with beaten whites and one-half cup sugar. To be eaten cold. Whipped cream can be used instead of frosting.
Soak one tablespoonful gelatine in a cup of cold water; when soft, dissolve with a cup of boiling water, strain, add one pint sugar and one-half pint grated pineapple, juice of one lemon. Put in a freezer, pack with ice and salt and freeze.
One and one-half cup molasses, one and one-half cup suet cut fine, one and one-half cup milk, one pound raisins, one pound currants, three teaspoonfuls soda melted in a little water, then poured in the molasses and stirred; cinnamon and cloves to taste, flour enough to make a stiff batter.
One large cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter beat until light, two eggs beaten separately; flavor with vanilla, put on stove and stir until it creams.
Three cups flour, one cup bread crumbs, one and one-half cup sweet milk, three-fourths cup cider, one cup sugar, one-half pound raisins, one-half pound currants, one-half pound suet, one nutmeg, two ounces citron, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful baking powder, one-half teaspoonful mace, yolks of four eggs, whites of two eggs. Boil five hours.
Five-cent bakers' loaf of bread, one and one-half cup stoned raisins, one cup currants, one-fourth cup citron, one cup suet, one cup New Orleans molasses, one saltspoonful cloves, one tablespoonful cinnamon, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cup flour, heaping. Soak loaf of bread thoroughly in cold water, then squeeze dry. Steam five or six hours. Serves sixteen persons.
Cook twelve large prunes until soft. Strain through a colander. Beat the whites of four eggs stiff and add one cup cracker or dried rusk crumbs, one cup powdered sugar and pulp of prunes. Boil in double boiler about one and one-half hours and serve with whipped cream.
One-half pound prunes, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth teaspoonful lemon juice, white of one egg. Beat white of egg to stiff froth, add slowly three teaspoonfuls prunes, pressed through a sieve, then the lemon juice and sugar. The prunes should be soaked over night in enough water to cover; cook in same water till soft. Remove stones and force through a strainer (use the yolk of egg for custard sauce). One egg yolk, one-half cup milk, one tablespoonful sugar, pinch of salt, nutmeg. Beat egg and sugar, heat milk, pour over egg, cook in double boiler till it coats the spoon, about five minutes. Bake in a buttered dish, eight minutes in slow oven.
Four quinces, three apples grated raw, four pounds sugar and one pint water cooked together, then put in the quinces and apples and boil twenty minutes.
One egg and two tablespoonfuls sugar, beaten together, and one-half cup molasses beaten in. Then add two tablespoonfuls melted butter and beat again; one teaspoonful soda dissolved in a little warm water, one and one-half cup fine white pastry flour, one-half cup boiling water, added last. Steam three-fourths of an hour.
Yolks of two eggs, add one cup pulverized sugar and one teaspoonful vanilla extract, well beaten together; add one-half pint whipped cream just before serving.
To six figs add a pint of hot water. When they have cooked a short time, add enough granulated sugar to make a rich syrup and stew them until the figs are tender. After they are cold, add a tablespoonful of vanilla. Pour over the ice cream. Serve in glass cups and add a portion of the fig on each cup.
Soak one tablespoonful gelatine in one-fourth cup cold water, add a little pinch of salt, and dissolve in one and one-fourth cup boiling water; add three-fourths cup sugar and one-fourth cup lemon juice. When mixture begins to form, beat with a Dover beater until almost white, then add well-beaten whites of three eggs and beat thoroughly. Set aside to cool, and serve with sweet or whipped cream.
One-half package of Cox's gelatine, three eggs, two cups sugar, one large cup boiling water, one pint milk, juice of one lemon. Soak the gelatine one hour in a teacupful of cold water. Then stir in two-thirds of the sugar, the lemon juice and the boiling water. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and when the strained gelatine is quite cold, whip it into the whites, a spoonful at a time—for half an hour if you use the Dover egg beater, at least an hour with any other. When all is white and stiff, pour into a wet mold. Make the custard of the sugar, yolks and milk; flavor with vanilla. Boil until it begins to thicken. When the meringue is turned into the dish, pour the cold custard about the base.
Three eggs, one scant cup flour, one cup sugar, one and one-half teaspoonful baking powder, three tablespoonfuls water, two tablespoonfuls lemon juice, grated rind of one lemon. Beat yolks of eggs, add sugar, then water, lemon rind and juice, then the whites beaten stiffly, finally the flour and baking powder, sifted together. Stir quickly and well. Pour this batter into fifteen little, well-buttered cups, steam one-half hour, have three tablespoonfuls powdered sugar on a plate. When snowballs are done, turn out on the sugar; roll them till covered with sugar. Serve with Strawberry Sauce:
Strawberry Sauce.
One can strawberries, put enough strawberries through a sieve to make one-half cup. Stir this into whipped cream which has been thoroughly chilled.
One lemon, two eggs, one tablespoonful butter. Beat sugar and butter together, then add eggs. Grate rind of lemon and squeeze out juice, add last and bake five minutes.
One-half cup flour, dissolved in a little more than one pint milk. Set into a pan of water and boil until thick. Stir into this mixture while warm one teaspoonful butter. Separate whites and yolks of six eggs and add the yolks, well beaten, one-half cup granulated sugar, then beat well again. Beat white to stiff froth and stir all into the thickened milk, whites last. Bake one hour in pudding pan placed in hot water. Serve with cream, lightly whipped and flavored with vanilla.
One-third cup stale bread crumbs, one-third cup fine chopped suet, one-third cup prune puree, one level teaspoonful baking powder, one egg beaten light, one-third cup flour, one-third cup sugar, one-fourth teaspoonful salt, one-third cup milk. Recipe for ten people.
Beat yolks of three eggs, add one cup sugar, three tablespoonfuls milk; beat thoroughly, add one ounce melted chocolate, one cup flour, beaten whites of three eggs, with two tablespoonfuls baking powder; steam thirty minutes. Makes eight cups pudding. Grease cups.
Sauce for Same.
One-half cup sugar to one cup water, one-fourth cup flour, one tablespoonful butter. Mix flour and sugar together, add flavoring, boil in double boiler until thick like custard.
Two cups flour, two and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder, a little salt, four eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, one and one-half cup sweet milk, one cup suet chopped fine, two cups raisins well floured. Put in mold or bag and boil about two hours. This is a nice, simple pudding.
One cup suet, one pound raisins, one and one-half cup milk, one cup sugar, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, two large teaspoonfuls baking powder; thicken with cracker crumbs, but not too stiff. Steam three hours. Serve with hard sauce.
Four tablespoonfuls tapioca, one quart milk, four eggs (leaving out the whites of two for frosting), three tablespoonfuls sugar. Soak the tapioca over night, or for several hours (four will do) in enough water to cover it. Let the milk come to a boil and pour over the tapioca. When it cools to blood-warm, add the sugar, then the eggs, well beaten. Bake about an hour in a moderate oven. Take out, and when it has cooled a little, spread over the top the whites of the two eggs whipped stiff and one-half cup powdered sugar added. Return to top shelf for about two minutes, or until the frosting is browned.
Three eggs, one cup sugar, one cup flour, one cup jam, one teaspoonful soda dissolved in three tablespoonfuls sour milk, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste. Pour batter into greased cake pan and steam over boiling water three hours. For the sauce, whites of three eggs and one cup sugar, beaten together, one teaspoonful vanilla, and when ready to serve add one pint cream, well beaten.
"Have I not earned my cake in baking it?"—Tennyson.
Cream one and one-half cup butter with two cups brown sugar, add three well-beaten eggs, one-half cup milk (sweet or sour), one and one-half teaspoonful soda, one and one-half teaspoonful cinnamon, three cups uncooked oatmeal and three cups flour, one pound raisins chopped fine. Drop by spoonfuls on greased pans.
Whites of twelve eggs, one-half pint flour, three-fourths pint sugar, one level teaspoonful cream of tartar. Beat the whites to a stiff froth. Sift the sugar and flour separately four times before measuring. Add the cream of tartar to the flour after measuring and sift once more. Add the sugar to the eggs and last the flour. Do not grease the pan. Bake forty minutes in a moderate oven.
One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, three eggs beaten separately, one cup cold black coffee or milk, one-half cup grated chocolate, one and one-half cup flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, a little cloves and cinnamon and a pinch of salt.
One pound sugar, one pound flour, one-half pound butter, four eggs, one nutmeg, one-half pound raisins, one teacup sweet milk, one teaspoonful soda, one wineglassful brandy or wine, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful cloves. The above recipe can be modified by using coffee instead of milk, and a couple of teaspoonfuls of baking powder instead of soda, leaving out the raisins.
1/2-1-2-3-4 CAKE.
One-half cup butter, large; one cup milk, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs and three teaspoonfuls baking powder. This can be used as a layer cake, or nuts or raisins can be added.
Two cups sugar, one cup butter and lard melted, four cups flour, two-thirds cup sweet milk, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half nutmeg, one egg. Mix as for ordinary cake, roll thin, put raisins or salted almonds in center of each and bake a light brown.
One cup granulated sugar, one-fourth cup butter, one and one-half cup flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one and one-half teaspoonful baking powder, whites of three eggs beaten stiff, flavoring. Bake in two layers.
One pint brown sugar, one-half cup milk, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful vanilla. Boil to a syrup.
One cup sugar, four eggs, four tablespoonfuls water, one and one-half cup flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, flavor to taste.
One-half pint cream flavor and add a pinch of gelatine dissolved in hot water. You may use two and one-half times recipe.
Whites of three eggs, one cup sugar, one-half pint grated chocolate.
Whites of four eggs, one-half teacup butter, one teacup sugar, one teacup sweet milk, two cups flour, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar, one teaspoonful soda, flavor with lemon. Bake in jelly cake pans. When done, have ready icing made not quite so stiff as for the tops of cake; three eggs will make enough. Spread the layers with icing. Sprinkle quite thick with cocoanut.
One and one-half cup sugar, one cup butter, three eggs, four cups flour, one teaspoonful soda in a little hot water, one cup chopped walnut meats, one cup chopped raisins. Cream the sugar and butter; add the eggs, well beaten, then the flour, nuts and raisins, last the soda. Drop on buttered pan and bake in hot oven.
Two scant cups sugar, two eggs, one-half cup sour cream or sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, season with nutmeg, flour enough to roll out.
One cup sour cream, one cup shortening, two cups sugar, one teaspoonful soda, one tablespoonful lemon extract, three eggs.
Yolk of four eggs, one cup granulated sugar, beat very well; four tablespoonfuls hot water, add one-half cup sifted flour, one and one-half teaspoonful baking powder, four beaten whites, moderate oven, flavor, three yolks eggs, three tablespoonfuls sugar, one pint milk, pinch of salt, one and one-half teaspoonful cornstarch, flavor.
One cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, four eggs, scant cup water, two heaping teaspoonfuls baking powder.
One cup sugar, yolks of four eggs, one cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, nutmeg and pinch of cinnamon, pinch salt, two large spoonfuls melted butter, flour enough to roll out.
Cream together one teaspoonful butter, one cup sugar. Beat into them one egg, one-half teaspoonful salt and grated nutmeg, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one quart flour sifted together, one cup milk; add alternately to make a soft dough. Do not knead. Roll one-half inch thick, cut out, fry in lard.
One-half pint milk, one-half pint warm water, one-half cake yeast, one heaping tablespoonful sugar, one teaspoonful salt, one egg. Flour enough to make a soft dough. Let rise in warm place two or three hours until light, then roll one-half inch thick, cut into two-inch squares, let rise again one-half hour and fry in hot lard just as you do doughnuts.
One cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter, four eggs, one cup sour cream or milk, one cup New Orleans molasses, three cups flour, one teaspoonful allspice, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful ginger, two tablespoonfuls cinnamon, one teaspoonful soda. This will make two sheets. Bake in moderate oven.
One cup butter, two cups sugar, one cup milk, three cups flour; three eggs, both whites and yolks beaten thoroughly together; two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one cup English walnuts chopped fine. For the icing use the whites of three eggs and one pound confectioners' sugar, flavored with vanilla. Bake the batter in two dripping pans about fifteen inches long and six inches wide. When cold, cut each in half, spread icing between, then ice the tops; with a knife mark off squares, and lay one-half out each square. As there are often poor nuts among the good, it is best to have one and one-half pound on hand.
Whites of four eggs, one pint granulated sugar. Beat with silver spoon for forty minutes, add nut kernels and drop from spoon on buttered papers. Bake in slow oven on inverted bread pans.
One-half cup butter, two cups sugar, three cups flour, one cup sweet milk, three eggs, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, grated rind of lemon. Bake in long pan. Sprinkle top with sugar. Cut slices out of pan when served.
Three eggs, one cup sugar, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful soda, two teaspoonfuls cream of tartar dissolved in one cup milk, flour to roll.
Three eggs, one cup granulated sugar, one and one-half cup flour, four tablespoonfuls cold water, one teaspoonful baking powder. This is enough for two cakes, baked in pie pans, to be split while warm, spreading the hot custard between them. For custard, boil nearly one pint sweet milk, mix two tablespoonfuls cornstarch with a half teacup sweet milk, add two well-beaten eggs; when milk has boiled, add nearly a cup sugar, and add gradually the cornstarch and eggs, stirring briskly; add a half cup butter, stirring until dissolved. Flavor with one teaspoonful vanilla and spread between cakes while hot.
Three cups flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, three tablespoonfuls sugar, two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Rub in two tablespoonfuls butter, beat two eggs, two-thirds cup sweet milk; add more milk if necessary to make stiff batter. Spread in pan, mix together two tablespoonfuls flour, four tablespoonfuls sugar, one heaping tablespoonful cinnamon or chocolate. Rub in tablespoonful butter until crumbly, spread thickly over top of dough and bake one-half hour.
One-half cup of butter or lard, one-half cup sugar, two eggs, one cup molasses, two and one-half cups flour, one teaspoonful ginger, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful cloves, one-fourth teaspoonful salt, two teaspoonfuls baking soda dissolved in boiling water, last.
Yolks of eight eggs, one-half cup butter, two cups sugar, four cups flour, one cup milk, three tablespoonfuls baking powder. Mix butter and sugar, add flour and milk, then yolks well beaten.
One pound sugar (leave a little out for top of cake), one-half pound flour, the grated rind and juice of one lemon, twelve eggs (leaving out the yolks of eight of the eggs). Beat the yolks (four) light, then add sugar and beat very hard. Mix in the flour and part of the whites very slowly. Bake from one and one-half to two hours.
One and one-half cup sugar, one cup butter, three eggs (whites and yolks beaten separately), one teaspoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful ginger, one teaspoonful allspice, one teaspoonful cloves, one nutmeg, juice of lemon, one cup raisins (stone and pull in pieces), two teaspoonfuls baking powder, trifle over three cups flour.
Stir one cup of butter and two of granulated sugar to a cream. Beat the whites of six eggs to a stiff froth. Sift flour, then measure four cups and add to it two teaspoonfuls baking powder. Sift again, three times. Now stir in the creamed butter and sugar, one cup sweet milk and most of the flour, a little at a time, alternately. Then balance of flour and egg. Don't beat, only stir well and lightly. Bake in moderate oven. When you add milk and flour, stir in one cup of hickory nuts, chopped tolerably fine and floured.
Whites of five eggs, one and one-fourth pound powdered sugar, teaspoonful vanilla, a tiny bit of citric acid. Put all the sugar except two ounces in a bright tin pan with just enough water to moisten well. Place on stove to boil. While this is boiling beat eggs to a stiff froth, then add the two ounces of sugar, a little at a time. Now try the boiling syrup in cold water, as for taffy, and when brittle pour in a fine stream into the eggs previously prepared, beating hard all the time. Beat awhile and while cooling add vanilla and citric acid. When nearly cold spread on cake.
One cup blackberry jam, one cup sugar, three cups flour, one-half cup butter, one-half cup sour milk, one teaspoonful soda, four eggs (two will do, if scarce), one teaspoonful of all kinds of spices and nutmeg.
Butterless, Eggless and Milkless Cake.
One-half cup brown sugar, one cup water, one-third cup pork drippings, one pound seeded raisins, one-half teaspoonful nutmeg, one teaspoonful cinnamon, three-fourths teaspoonful cloves, one-half teaspoonful salt. Boil together five minutes. Cool, and then add one teaspoonful baking soda, dissolved in one-half cup hot water; then two cups flour, in which one-half teaspoonful of baking powder has been sifted. Bake in a moderate oven.
One cup butter, two cups sugar, three and one-half cups flour, one cup sweet milk, whites of six eggs, two level teaspoonfuls baking powder. Bake in three layers.
Three cups granulated sugar dissolved in boiling water. Cook until it threads, then pour slowly over beaten whites of three more eggs, stirring constantly. Add to this frosting one cup chopped raisins, one cup pecans and five figs cut in very thin, small slices. Spread at once over layers, top and sides of cake.
Two cups granulated sugar, one cup milk; cook these together until it strings. Melt one-fourth pound (or twenty) marshmallows by steaming them after putting three tablespoonfuls boiling water over them. Add to cream filling and beat until stiff enough to spread.
Two cups sugar, one cup butter or lard, five eggs, three teaspoonfuls baking powder; mix stiff enough to roll. Bake in moderate oven.
One cup sugar, one-half cup butter, two eggs, one-half cup water, one and one-half cup flour, one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar, one cup chopped hickory nuts. Ice the top, place on large pieces of English walnuts.
Two cups rolled oats, two cups flour, one cup sugar, one cup raisins, one cup lard and butter mixed, two eggs, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful cinnamon, three-fourths teaspoonful baking soda dissolved in one-third cup milk, a little salt. Mix thoroughly and drop on greased pans. Bake in moderate oven.
Four eggs, one cup of butter (or Crisco), two cups light brown sugar, three rounded teaspoonfuls baking powder, two teaspoonfuls extract lemon or vanilla, flour to make dough of medium consistency. Roll not too thin, bake in hot oven. Makes fifty cookies.
Sift together twice one cup flour, one-half cup cornstarch, one-third cup sugar, three level teaspoonfuls baking powder, a little salt and one-half teaspoonful ground cinnamon. Mix to a soft dough with about one-half cup milk stirred into a well-beaten egg. Add four tablespoonfuls melted butter, spread in a shallow pan, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon, and bake in a moderate oven.
One cup dates, one cup figs, one cup English or common walnuts, one and one-half cup brown sugar, one-half cup butter, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful allspice, one tablespoonful baking soda dissolved in one tablespoonful boiling water, two eggs, three cups flour. Mix well and drop from a spoon on to a well-greased pan, and bake in a slow oven. Cut nuts, figs and dates in small pieces.
Whites of four eggs, three-fourths cup sugar, one-half cup butter, one and one-half cup flour, one-third cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful baking powder, one-half teaspoonful lemon juice. Cream butter and sugar, then add eggs, then milk. Add flour next, then baking powder and, last, flavoring. Bake in moderate oven.
To make a gold cake use the same recipe as for silver cake, substituting yolks for whites of eggs, and vanilla in place of lemon juice.
One cup sugar, one cup molasses, one-half cup butter, one cup sour milk, three and one-half cups flour, three eggs, one heaped teaspoonful ginger, one even teaspoonful salt, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one tablespoonful saleratus, stirred in dry. If milk is sweet, stir in one tablespoonful vinegar and set it on the stove until it sours.
One-half cup brown sugar, one cup New Orleans molasses, one-half cup sour milk, one-half cup butter, one tablespoonful ginger, one tablespoonful cinnamon, one teaspoonful soda, two eggs, enough flour to make a dough stiff enough to roll out, cut with cutter and bake in moderate oven.
Two cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, five eggs, three cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one teaspoonful cinnamon, allspice, cloves and nutmeg, one cup raisins if desired.
One and one-half cup granulated sugar, one-half cup butter, one-half cup milk, three eggs (whites beaten separately), three cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, two teaspoonfuls cinnamon, one teaspoonful allspice, one pound raisins, cut fine and well floured.
Seven eggs, separate yolks and whites, beat the whites to a stiff froth; three cups powdered sugar, beaten well with the yolks, three cups flour and one cup water, again well beaten with the sugar and yolks; three level teaspoonfuls baking powder and the whites of the eggs, previously well beaten to a stiff froth, laid over the top of the sponge, and all well beaten for five minutes. Bake in a slow oven.
Eleven eggs, four cups powdered sugar, four cups flour, one cup cold water, omit yolks of two eggs, beat nine yolks lightly and add sugar and water gradually, add whites, also beaten until very light, then stir in the flour, in the last cupful of which put one large teaspoonful baking powder and one-half teaspoonful salt.
Four eggs, two cups powdered sugar, two cups flour, three-fourths cup very hot water, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, one-half teaspoonful salt. Cream yolks of eggs and sugar, add one-half the hot water; mix flour, salt, and baking powder, and alternate with the hot water. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth and add to mixture. Flavor to taste. Bake in moderate oven.
Place upon the stove one cup milk and two tablespoonfuls butter. Beat four eggs light with two cups sugar, stir in two cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder, then add hot milk and butter and flavoring. Beat thoroughly and bake in a loaf in a moderate oven.
Four eggs well beaten, one pound powdered sugar, one pound flour, a pinch of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful soda, flavor with anise.
Whites of seven eggs, yolks of five eggs, one and one-fourth cup granulated sugar, one cup flour, one-fourth teaspoonful cream of tartar, one teaspoonful lemon and orange extract. Beat whites of eggs very stiff, adding cream of tartar while beating. Beat yolks until lemon color. Sift sugar and flour several times before measuring. For mixing add beaten yolks to beaten whites and fold in the sugar and flour alternately; do not beat, only stir enough to mix thoroughly, and add extract last. Bake in Van Duzen pan forty-five minutes in a moderate oven.
One-fourth cup butter, one-half cup sugar, one-fourth cup milk, one egg, one small cup flour, one teaspoonful baking powder, one-half teaspoonful vanilla. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream, beat the egg light without separating and put it in next, then the milk, a little at a time. Add the baking powder and flour, and then the vanilla. Bake in little tins.
Two cups sugar, six eggs, leaving out the whites of three, one cup boiling water, two and one-half cups flour, two teaspoonfuls baking powder in the flour; beat the yolks a little, add the sugar and beat fifteen minutes; add the three beaten whites and the cup of boiling water just before the flour; flavor with a teaspoonful lemon extract and bake in three layers, putting between them icing made by adding to the three whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth six dessert-spoonfuls pulverized sugar to each egg, and lemon to flavor.
Four cups sugar, one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar, one-half teaspoonful baking powder, one cup hot water, whites of four eggs, juice of one-half lemon. Mix sugar, cream of tartar and baking powder. Add water and let boil. Do not stir. Beat whites of eggs, standing in a pan of hot water. Add boiling syrup, a spoonful at a time, slowly, until half has been added. Put in lemon juice and beat hard, letting the rest of the syrup boil until it looks thick. Then pour it into mixture, beating hard. Set in pan over hot water until it will stand alone when dropped from spoon. If not thick enough, beat and steam again; if too thick, add boiling water and steam more.
Two cups pulverized sugar, one-half cup butter beaten to a cream; add one-half cup sweet milk, two and one-half cups flour, two and one-half teaspoonfuls baking powder in the flour, whites of eight eggs; bake in jelly tins and put together with icing made by boiling one-half teacup water and three teacups sugar till thick; pour it slowly over the well-beaten whites of three eggs and beat all together till cool. Beat before putting on each layer. Sprinkle each layer thickly with grated cocoanut, and a handsome cocoanut cake will result.
Three cups sugar, one cup butter, one cup milk, three cups flour, one cup cornstarch, three teaspoonfuls baking powder, whites of twelve eggs beaten to a stiff froth, cream, sugar and butter; dissolve cornstarch in milk and add to the sugar and butter; mix flour and baking powder and add to mixture. Lastly the whites of eggs, well beaten. Bake in a moderate oven.
Fruit of all kinds She gathers, tribute large, and on the board Heaps with unsparing hand.—Milton.
While most people prefer apples cooked in some form, they are very good and wholesome when eaten raw. There are so many varieties of this fruit that one finds flavors of almost all other fruits if one tastes a number of different kinds of apples.
This is a fruit which is delicious eaten in almost any form. It is especially good frozen.
Cantaloupes should be kept on ice and served in halves, each half filled with chopped ice or peaches, as a breakfast dish. To clean cantaloupes, scrape out seeds and wash out each half under the cold-water faucet. The half may be filled with ice cream and served as a dessert.
Put bunches in a colander and pour cold water over them. Drain and chill, and arrange prettily on dish. Always be sure to remove the imperfect grapes.
This fruit was named for Captain Shaddock, who first brought it from the East Indies. It is delicious, and supposed to have medicinal value. It is refreshing served for breakfast, but may be used as first course for any meal. It should be prepared several hours before needed. Cut in half, remove center pulp with scissors or sharp, small knife; cut each section away from pulp, put two tablespoonfuls powdered sugar and a Maraschino cherry in center of each half. Place in cool place till ready to serve.
Oranges are the most delightful eaten raw, but there are many other ways of serving them, the Seville orange being the most preferable for cooking, and is a little bitter. A simple way of preparing them for a dessert is to peel the oranges so as to remove outer layer of pulp, then remove each section from pulp. Put alternately into dessert dish a layer of oranges sprinkled with powdered sugar and a layer of shredded cocoanut. Place in cool place and serve.
These fruits have the high esteem of many people in warm and temperate climates. The peach is called the Persian apple, and is, like the pear, delicious served either cooked or raw.
These are best served raw, and may be hulled, or if cream is not desired, serve with the hulls left on and put a mound of powdered sugar in the center of the fruit dishes.
"Touch you the sourest points with sweetest terms."—Shakespeare.
To one bushel tomatoes use one small measure onions; boil and sift; one handful salt, one tablespoonful mustard, one tablespoonful cayenne pepper, two tablespoonfuls black pepper, one-half pound sugar. Add spice just before it is finished boiling.
Twelve large, ripe tomatoes, two onions, two green peppers, two tablespoonfuls salt, one cup sugar, one cup vinegar, one teaspoonful each cinnamon, allspice, cloves; chop fine, boil about two hours.
One peck ripe tomatoes, twelve large onions, four cups vinegar, six tablespoonfuls salt, twelve large tablespoonfuls sugar, four red mango peppers, ground cloves, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg to taste; chop onions and peppers fine; cut tomatoes in small pieces and drain. Boil all things half an hour. Put in sealed jars.
Place the cucumber in a stone jar. Make a strong brine, strong enough to bear up an egg; pour it over them boiling hot, let them stand over night, in the morning pour off the brine and wipe the cucumbers dry, put them in a preserving kettle and pour over them enough cider-vinegar to cover them; put in also the following spices for four hundred pickles: Two ounces whole cloves, two tablespoonfuls white mustard seed, several strips horseradish, four or five sticks cinnamon, coffee-cupful brown sugar, two ounces allspice, four small red peppers cut in small pieces and the seed taken out, three onions sliced. Let all come to a boil, boil for five minutes, and put boiling hot over cucumbers.
Put small cucumbers in a dish with one-half cup salt to two quarts cucumbers; cover with boiling water and let stand all night. Remove from brine, place in granite kettle, cover with vinegar containing whole mustard seed, cloves and cinnamon and one cup of sugar. Let come to boiling point, but not boil. Can, or bottle while hot.
One peck green tomatoes sliced, six large onions sliced; mix these and throw over them one teacupful of salt, let them stand over night; next day drain thoroughly, boil in one quart of vinegar mixed with two quarts of water for fifteen minutes, then drain; take four quarts vinegar, two pounds brown sugar, two tablespoonfuls cinnamon, mace, cloves; tie spices in little bags, put all together and boil ten or fifteen minutes.
One pint vinegar, seven pounds plums or peaches, three pounds sugar, one ounce cinnamon (whole), one ounce cloves (whole), a layer of plums, layer of spice, layer of sugar. Have your vinegar scalded and pour over the plums, going through this process for three successive days. Put all in a kettle and let them come to a boil, and they are ready for use.
Twelve green tomatoes, three large onions. Boil in salt and water and drain, or sprinkle with salt and allow it to stand all night, then drain. Scald in vinegar to which has been added one cup of brown sugar, one stick of cinnamon bark, a few cloves, red pepper to taste.
Seven pounds grapes, one pint vinegar, three and one-half pounds sugar (or more if you like), one-half ounce ground cloves, one-half ounce ground cinnamon. Slip the pulp out of the skins, scald it, then pass through a sieve to seed. Then put the juice and skins and all the seasoning together and boil fifteen minutes.
Boil the beets till they can be pierced with a fork; put into cold water, slip off the skins and slice. Boil one quart of vinegar, two cups brown sugar, add sliced beets, a little salt and pepper, boil five or ten minutes, place in cans and close tightly.
As pickles are often put up in very warm weather, this recipe will be found especially simple and easy to carry out.
One gallon cider vinegar, one cup granulated sugar, one-third cup salt, one cup freshly grated horseradish (or two five-cent glasses), one-half cup ground mustard, one-third ounce saccharine, two tablespoonfuls mixed spices in each quart jar. Be sure to get in a few red peppers and cloves. Put pickles in jars and fill with above mixture, cold.
Preserves and Jellies
Press the berries through a colander, add one pound brown sugar to a pint of juice. Let it boil slowly more than half a day.
Wash the cherries, pick and stone them, then weigh, taking the same amount of sugar as cherries. Let them stand one hour, put on fire and let them boil through thoroughly. Pour on a flat platter and let them stand in the sun until they thicken.
Wash apples, remove blossom and stem ends, put them whole into a porcelain-lined preserving kettle, add cold water to nearly cover apples, cover and cook slowly until soft. Mash and drain through cheese-cloth or coarse sieve. It makes the jelly cloudy to squeeze the apples. Now allow juice to drip through a jelly bag or through two thicknesses of cheese-cloth, boil twenty minutes and add equal quantity of sugar, boil five minutes, skim and turn in glasses. Let the glasses stand in a sunny window twenty-four hours. A sprig of rose geranium dropped in syrup while it is boiling the last time will give the jelly a delicious and unusual flavor.
Pick over six pounds of currants, wash and drain, put into a preserving kettle a few at a time and mash, cook an hour and strain through double thickness of cheese-cloth. Then return to kettle, add six pounds of sugar, bring to boiling point and cook slowly twenty minutes. Bring syrup to boil again, add one quart of raspberries, skim out raspberries, put in jar, and repeat until raspberries are used. Fill jars with syrup, and screw on tops.
Wild grapes make the best jelly, though the other kind are more frequently used. Pick them over, wash and remove stems, put into kettle, heat to boiling point, mash and boil thirty minutes, strain through coarse strainer, then allow juice to drip through a double thickness of cheese-cloth. Measure and boil for five minutes, add equal quantity of heated sugar, boil three minutes, skim and pour into glasses. Stand in sunny window twenty-four hours, cover and keep in cool, dry place.
One grapefruit, one orange, one lemon; shave these fine, add five times as much water, let stand over night, then boil ten minutes; let stand until next morning. Add the same quantity of sugar as fruit. Cook until it jellies, and put in glasses.
For this delicious sweet, take six pounds pitted plums (Damson), six pounds granulated sugar, one pound seeded raisins, four large oranges chopped, one pound shelled English walnuts or pecans. Boil to consistency of jelly: Nuts are added just before taking off fire. Roll oranges before removing the rind. Put oranges and juice, also sugar, on the plums and let stand over night. Stir often.
One-third red currants, two-thirds raspberries, three-fourths pound sugar to a pound of fruit. Boil until done.
"Yet to my raised imagination, divested of its homelier qualities, it appeared a glorified candy."—Lamb.
Two cups sugar, two tablespoonfuls water, butter size of egg. Boil without stirring until it hardens on a spoon; pour out on buttered plates to cool.
Two cups sugar, one-fourth cake Baker's bitter chocolate, one cup milk, butter size of an egg, vanilla to flavor. Scrape chocolate, add sugar, milk and butter. Boil until a ball can be formed with fingers in a little cold water. Beat in vanilla, beat until quite stiff. Put in buttered platter. A cup of chopped nuts may be added, if desired.
Two cups sugar, one cup milk, one box desiccated cocoanut, small lump butter. Cook sugar, milk and butter fifteen minutes, take off the fire, and beat with a spoon. When partly creamed, add cocoanut and one teaspoonful vanilla. Stir well, pour into buttered pan and cut in squares.
Two cups sugar, one cup milk, small lump butter. Cook fifteen minutes, set pan in a cool place, and when about half cooled beat with a spoon. Pour when creamy into buttered pan and cut when still warm into squares. Vanilla or any other flavoring improves this fudge.
Two cups sugar, nine tablespoonfuls water; when it begins to boil, put in one-fourth teaspoonful cream of tartar; do not stir after it begins to boil: In four minutes try by dropping in water; if it balls, take off the stove and let it cool until it wrinkles on top when moved; then stir until you can mold it with the hand. Put in flavor and coloring after you mold it. This will make any kind of candy by using nuts and flavors of different kinds. Lay on greased paper.
One and one-half pound granulated sugar (equal to three cups), one cup cream, one-half teaspoonful salt; put in saucepan and boil. Nuts, three squares bitter chocolate (Baker's). One heaping tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful flavoring; cut up cup marshmallows in little squares.
One pound granulated sugar, one pound pulverized sugar, one cup water, two tablespoonfuls white vinegar, one teaspoonful glycerine. Put all in saucepan; when it begins to boil, quit stirring, put in flavoring, then one-half teaspoonful cream of tartar. After it stops boiling, cool off a little, then pull, lay out on marble slab, cut in squares.
One and three-fourths cup sugar, three-fourths cup milk, one-third cup maple syrup, butter size of an egg. Mix all ingredients together in an enameled saucepan, boil about ten minutes, beat until almost stiff and pour into buttered platter, mark into squares while warm. Cocoanut or chopped nuts, added while beating, makes a variety.
Two cups brown sugar, one cup granulated sugar, three-fourths teaspoonful cream of tartar, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful vanilla, one-half pound pecans cut in coarse pieces. Boil to a soft state, add butter and vanilla.
One cup molasses, one cup sugar, one tablespoonful vinegar, small lump butter; cook until it hardens in water; pour out, and when cool pull until a light yellow.
Two heaping tablespoonfuls of peanut butter, scant teaspoonful of salt, two cups sugar, one cup milk. Put sugar and milk in saucepan, stir them, add the peanut butter and salt. Stir occasionally while cooking. Should be cooked slowly until a soft ball can be formed if dropped into cup of cold water. Beat vigorously until it begins to stiffen, then pour in butter platter. This makes a delicious, creamy candy, if beaten enough.
Two cups brown sugar, one tablespoonful molasses, one teaspoonful vinegar, lump butter. Cook until it hardens in water, and pour over peanuts placed in buttered pans.
Two cups granulated sugar put into a hot spider over a good fire and stirred constantly until entirely dissolved. Use no water. First the sugar will become lumpy, and it will not seem possible that it will become liquid, but patience and constant stirring will produce the desired result. When melted about like molasses, add one cup chopped peanuts and pour quickly into a greased platter. It requires experience to gain best results.
Three cups brown sugar, one cup water, one cup cream, one cup nuts cut fine, one teaspoonful vanilla. Boil sugar and water until it forms a soft ball, add cream and boil until it forms a soft ball, stirring constantly after adding cream. When cooked enough, beat in the nuts and drop on a greased pan.
Two cups brown sugar, one-half cup water. Boil until it forms a soft ball; add one-half cup nuts cut fine and a little vanilla. Beat until it creams up; drop on greased pan or paper.
Two cups granulated sugar, one cup water, one tablespoonful water, one tablespoonful vinegar, butter size of a walnut, and a pinch of salt. Boil without stirring till it forms a ball when dropped into cold water. Flavor with vanilla when almost pulled.
Two cups sugar, one cup water, one tablespoonful vinegar, one teaspoonful butter. Cook until it hardens in water, pour out, and when cool pull until white.
Three eggs, one cup bread crumbs, one pint milk (or little over), one-half cup grated cheese, lump of butter size of walnut, pepper and salt to taste. Soak the bread crumbs in the milk fifteen or twenty minutes. Then stir with that the beaten eggs, butter, etc. Put into a buttered baking dish and bake about thirty minutes.
One pound cream of tartar, one-half pound bicarbonate of soda, one-half pound flour. Sift the soda and flour together several times, then mix in cream of tartar and sift again. Put in glass jar and keep dry.
Prepare batter as for plain fritters. Into this dip the quartered bananas and fry as you would doughnuts. Serve warm with the following sauce: Boil three-fourths pint sweet milk, beat the yolk of one egg and a level teaspoonful flour with sugar enough to make the sauce very sweet. When the milk boils, stir this into it and let it cool. Flavor to taste.
One-half pound of cheese grated, two tablespoonfuls flour and the yolk of two eggs. Season with salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and roll in a thin sheet. Cut into tiny rings and strips. Bake, being careful not to burn, as they bake quickly. When ready to serve place three sticks in two rings.
Cover one quart chestnuts with stock. Add two tablespoonfuls sugar and a pinch of salt, cook until tender. Don't stir. Chestnuts should be quartered.
One-half box of Cox's gelatine, enough cold water to cover it, let stand a moment, then add a pint or little more of boiling water, two cups sugar, flavoring to taste, turn in mold. Make custard of a pint of milk, three yolks, three tablespoonfuls sugar. When cool, add vanilla and stir in lightly, stiffly beaten whites of eggs.
One package gelatine, one pint cold water, let stand two hours, then pour over it one quart boiling water, one and one-half pound sugar, one pint wine, juice of three lemons; strain it twice through a canton flannel bag. Instead of wine use juice of four lemons, gratings of two.
Mix together one cup sugar, one cup chopped apple, one-half cup raisins seeded and chopped, one-half cup currants, one-fourth cup butter, one tablespoonful molasses, one tablespoonful boiled cider, one teaspoonful cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful cloves, one-half grated nutmeg, one saltspoonful mace and one teaspoonful salt. Add enough stock, in which meat has been cooked, to moisten; heat slowly to boiling point and let simmer an hour; then add one cup of chopped meat and two tablespoonfuls Barberry jelly. Cook fifteen minutes. If Barberry jelly is not to be obtained, use some other kind.
Boil for three hours or more two tablespoonfuls of oatmeal in one quart of water. Reduce liquid to one pint and strain. The long boiling is necessary to break down the cell walls and to make the gruel easy of digestion by the delicate stomach.
Put a tablespoonful butter and one of flour in a saucepan; mix until smooth, add one-half pint strained tomatoes, a bay leaf, one-fourth teaspoonful celery seed. Stir constantly until boiling; add one-half teaspoonful salt, one-quarter teaspoonful paprika. Strain and use.
One-fourth pound grated cheese, one-fourth cup cream or milk, one-half teaspoonful mustard, one-half teaspoonful salt, a little cayenne pepper, one egg, one teaspoonful butter, dry toast. Put cheese and milk or cream in double boiler, mix mustard, salt and cayenne; add egg and beat well. When cheese is melted, stir in mixture of dry ingredients and the egg, then the butter, and cook until it thickens. Stir constantly. Pour it over toast. Moderate heat and constant stirring, two important points.
Beat the yolks of three eggs until light colored and thick; add one-half teaspoonful salt and one pint of milk. Add the mixture slowly to two-thirds cup flour, stir until smooth, then cut and fold in the white of eggs which have been beaten until stiff and dry. Bake in hot, well-greased gem pans forty-five minutes. Baste with drippings.
Dredge your cake tins with flour and your cake will not stick to the pan.
Wooden spoons are the best to use when making cakes.
A little butter added to cake frosting greatly improves it.
Moisten grease spots with cold water and soda before scrubbing, as it lightens the task.
To polish hardwood floors, use equal parts of vinegar, turpentine and olive oil, thoroughly mixed: Rub in and polish with soft cloth.
To remove mildew stains, cover spots with lemon juice and salt and let dry in the sun.
Place a piece of wax paper over a knife when cutting butter.
If raisins and currants are rolled in flour before putting in a cake, they will not sink to the bottom.
When cutting fresh bread, have the knife very hot.
Put a pinch of salt in the whites of eggs to make them whip better.
Stains on knives, however obstinate, will disappear if rubbed with a piece of raw potato.
Put a slice of potato in the deep fat when frying doughnuts.
If potatoes are pared and laid in cold water just before boiling, they will be much whiter.
Rice will absorb three times its measure of water and a large quantity of milk or stock.
One ounce of butter equals two level tablespoonfuls.
One ounce of flour equals four tablespoonfuls.
Allow two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder to each cup of flour when no eggs are used.
Three teaspoonfuls equal one tablespoonful.
Four tablespoonfuls equal a quarter cup.
One cup of butter or sugar equals one-half pound.
Two cups of flour equals one-half pound.
One rounded tablespoonful of butter, one ounce.
One quart sifted pastry flour equals one pound.
One pint of granulated sugar equals one pound.
One pint of butter equals one pound.
One pint of ordinary liquid, one pound.
One teaspoonful baking powder to one cup flour.
One teaspoonful cream of tartar and one-half teaspoonful soda to two cups flour.
A little over an ounce of gelatine to a quart of liquid.
Sour milk is used to raise doughs and batters, by adding to one pint solidly sour milk one teaspoonful soda. Mixtures which contain molasses require more soda.
"I drink to the general joy of the whole table."
Use one and one-half squares of bitter chocolate, one-fourth cup sugar, three cups milk, one cup boiling water and a few grains of salt. Scald the milk. Melt the chocolate in small saucepan, place over hot water, add sugar, salt, and gradually the boiling water. When smooth, place on the fire and boil for one minute; add to scalded milk, mill, and serve in chocolate cups with whipped cream. One and one-half ounces of vanilla chocolate may be substituted for the bitter; as it is sweetened, less sugar is needed.
German chocolate, three sticks in a boiler; let melt. Add one pint hot milk, let boil, then stir it for five minutes. Serve with whipped cream on top. Melt in double boiler.
One and one-half tablespoonfuls prepared cocoa, two tablespoonfuls sugar, two cups boiling water, two cups milk, and very little salt. Scald milk. Mix cocoa, sugar and salt, dilute with one-half cup boiling water to make smooth paste, add remaining water, and boil one minute; turn into scalded milk and beat two minutes with Dover egg beater until frothy.
Use one tablespoonful of coffee to a cup, and one for the pot. Moisten with cold water and mix well with the white of egg. Make with boiling water and boil five minutes. Then let it stand in a hot place ten minutes. Do not simmer—merely keep hot.
One cup ground coffee, seven cups cold water, one-fourth an egg. Scald granite-ware pot, dilute the egg with one-half cup of the cold water, stir into the coffee and mix thoroughly. Add the rest of the water and bring to a boil slowly. Remove to back of stove, add one tablespoonful of cold water, and allow it to stand a few minutes.
Five lemons, two oranges, two cups water, one bunch fresh mint, three bottles ginger ale, one and one-half cup sugar; ice. Squeeze the juice from lemons and oranges, add leaves from mint, sugar and water. Let stand thirty minutes, add a large piece of ice and ginger ale. Serve in small glasses.
Many people are not aware of the excellent qualities of this delightful and refreshing beverage. It is soothing to the nerves and aids the appetite. When prepared according to the recipe given below it makes a delicious and wholesome drink for persons in robust health, and in addition to this will prove beneficial to those of frail constitutions.
Stem grapes and put them into a kettle with enough water to show. Heat slowly, until grapes are soft enough to mash. Put them in a cheese-cloth bag, and when cool enough, press till every drop of juice is extracted. To two quarts of juice add one cup of sugar; heat and stir until sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Bottle, cork and seal. When serving this drink, dilute with water according to taste.
Scald an earthen or china teapot. Use a teaspoonful of tea for each person and one for the pot. Put into the pot and pour in freshly boiled water, a cupful to each spoonful of tea. Never boil tea, but let it stand in a warm place a few minutes before serving. Serve with or without milk and sugar.
Tea and coffee, like all stimulants, should be used only in moderation. The use of either by children or dyspeptics is not to be recommended. Pure water is the best drink ordinarily for everybody. Most people prefer cold water, as it is not so insipid as boiled, but a cup of hot water taken in the morning on arising and one at night just before retiring will prove of benefit to sufferers from dyspepsia or indigestion.
The idea of the fireless cooker is an old one, bringing things to a boil, placing into a box of hay and leaving for a few hours to cook—that method has been used by housewives in some European nations for a good many years.
The cooker is, of course, made upon the same principle as that almost indispensable article, the refrigerator. Instead of retaining the cold and keeping out the heat, the fireless cooker does the opposite by keeping food which has been brought to a boiling point at a temperature high enough to continue the process of cooking for many hours.
Every one has wrapped up ice in a newspaper or carpet to keep it from melting. In making the fireless cooker the material used for packing around the boiling food is paper, hay, wool or cork, because any one of these things is a poor conductor of heat—that is, the heat can not go through them easily. Though there are many makes of fireless cookers on the market, a home-made one will serve the purpose just as well, and for the convenience afforded requires a comparatively small amount of time and material.
Materials required: A box or barrel, one pair of strong hinges, a hasp, material for stuffing, one or more large pails, one or more small pails or pans, muslin—1-1/2 yard or more, depending on size of box; a cooking thermometer, heavy pasteboard, brown paper, tacks and screws.
The box selected may be an unpainted one, to be had from most any store for a few pennies, but the boards should be heavy enough to put on hinges and a hasp. It should be four or five inches larger than the kettle it is to contain. The easiest stuffings to procure are hay, excelsior, or paper; among others which should be covered to keep them in place are wool, mineral wool, cork, sawdust and cotton. If hay is used, it should be soft.
The best shape for the cooking utensil is a pail about the depth of its own diameter; the sides should be straight and perpendicular to the bottom, and the cover should fit securely in place. A smaller utensil may be used inside the larger one; a pudding pan serves the purpose, resting on the rim of the pail. Care should always be taken to have covers that fit snugly on any pans that are used in the cooker. Aluminum ware makes the best utensil, though enameled ware or agate ware may be used. A six-quart pail with a pan to fit inside of it is a good size for the ordinary family.
It is best to line the box and cover with a thickness of heavy paper or several thicknesses of newspaper; asbestos sheeting may be used instead of paper. Now pack in the box a firm layer of packing material about four inches deep, not less; this must raise the cooking pail to within three to five inches of top of box. Place utensil in middle of space on this layer and pack around it closely until level with top of the kettle. When it is removed a hole will be left just large enough for it to slip into again.
A cushion should be made to cover the kettle. If more than one kettle is used a cushion should be made for each. The cushion must be thick enough to fill the box when the kettle is in place. Cut two pieces of muslin or denim the sizes of top of box and join with a strip which is four or five inches wide; fill with same material used in packing the box. There should always be a slight pressure when the lid is closed.
The box is now ready for cooking. If the whole space is not firmly filled after considerable use, more stuffing should be added. If a covering is wanted for the stuffing, the simplest thing to use is a sheet of very heavy paper, at least one inch larger than the top of box; draw a circle in center of it the size of the pail. From center of circle cut with sharp scissors to edge, to strike it at intervals of about 1-1/2 inch. Fit paper over top of packing so that circle will come just over nest for pail. Place pail in nest and it will crease the paper down at exactly the right place.
Since it is very important for the food to be placed into the cooker while it is still boiling, the box should be placed as near to the stove as possible. Everything should be ready before the food is taken from the fire; the cooker open and the cushion removed. The box must be kept tightly closed from the time the food is put in until it is entirely done. If it is necessary to open the box before appointed time, the contents must be reheated to the boiling point before it is replaced. Though the time necessary to cook the foods on the stove is very short, they must be boiled until heated to the center. Thus the denser and larger the food, the longer it will take to heat.
One of the advantages of the fireless cooker has been mentioned—the small amount of cooking over a fire, which means a great saving of fuel and attention. The housekeeper may put the food into the cooker and forget about it until meal time comes, busying herself in the meantime with other things, or perhaps leaving home. She knows that the food is not being ruined by burning, and that it will come to the table with its full flavor unimpaired.
The pails used in a fireless cooker are easier to clean than pans which have had the food burned into them, and the kitchen is never made a degree warmer by use of the cooker, which is certainly agreeable during the hot summer weather, and even onions may be cooked without the odor pervading the house.
Nearly all foods may be cooked in the fireless cooker except those which have to be crisp or brown, though roast meat may be browned either before placing in the cooker or when the process of cooking is nearly finished. Cereals, one of the most wholesome foods known, are greatly improved by use of the fireless cooker. The long cooking makes them more digestible and gives them a flavor which they lack when cooked only fifteen or twenty minutes.
Any person having a fair idea of the general principles of cooking will need very little instruction for the successful use of the fireless cooker. The following recipes do not pretend to cover the wide variety of food possible to fireless cookery, but only give an idea in the preparation of a few simple dishes that might be used for most any meal.
Wash one pound of lean beef from the shoulder or round. Chop the meat fine and remove pieces of fat; put meat into a pint of cold water with one-fourth teaspoon of salt and let it soak in a cold place for an hour. Place meat in a small cooker pan set over a large cooker pail of hot (but not boiling) water; heat the broth until it registers 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Slip pails into cooker for half an hour. Strain through coarse wire strainer, remove fat and serve at once in a heated cup. It may be chilled or frozen to the consistency of mush.
Remove any husks or pieces from one cup of rolled oats. Put two and a half cups of water, one teaspoon of salt and oats into a pan that fits into a cooker pail. Boil until slightly thickened, stirring frequently; put pan over a cooker pail of boiling water and put into a cooker for from four to twelve hours. This is the ideal way to prepare rolled oats, as it is almost impossible to cook it too long.
Scrub potatoes with a small brush. Pare them and let them stand a while in cold water. Cook them in a large amount of boiling salted water in a cooker pail. When they have boiled one minute put them in the cooker for from one and a half to three hours. New potatoes will not require so long to cook as old.
Put a three-pound fish or three pounds of small fish into four quarts of boiling water to which four teaspoonfuls of salt have been added; set it at once into a cooker for one hour.
Have the butcher bone and roll three pounds of beef rump; dredge it well with salt, pepper and flour and brown it on all sides in a frying pan with a little of the fat from the meat. Put the meat, three cups of boiling water, one bay leaf, one small onion, salt and pepper, two small carrots, two sprigs parsley, one-half teaspoon celery seed, a little flour, one-half teaspoon Worcestershire sauce into a small cooker pail and let it simmer thirty minutes; set in a large pail of boiling water and put into a cooker for nine hours or more. Reheat it to boiling point; strain; thicken the liquor for gravy.
Heat one quart of milk, one teaspoonful of butter, one-third cup of rice, one-eighth teaspoon of grated nutmeg, one-eighth teaspoon of salt and one-half cup of sugar in a pudding pan over a cooker pail of water. When water boils remove pan and bring pudding also to a boil. When boiling, replace pudding in large pan of boiling water, cover and put into cooker for three or four hours. One-half cup of small unbroken seeded raisins may be added to this recipe, and the pudding may be browned in oven before serving, if desired.
Clean and cut up a chicken. Put it, with the giblets, in enough boiling salted water to cover it—one teaspoonful of salt to each quart of water. Let it boil for ten minutes and put it into a cooker for ten hours or more. If not quite tender, bring it again to a boil and cook it for six or eight hours, depending on its toughness. Skim off as much fat from the liquor as possible, pour off some of the liquor to use as soup or stock, and thicken the remainder with flour for gravy. A beaten egg or two stirred into the gravy just before serving improves it. Add pepper and salt to taste, and serve chicken on hot platter with gravy poured around it.
A most important thing necessary to the enjoyment of life, and an actual aid to digestion and the preservation of health, is that each person should make up his or her mind to forget all but pleasant thoughts and to put an absolute bar against the discussion of disagreeable subjects while at the table. Then only can they appreciate the fact that the meal has been carefully prepared and the table daintily set.
To cook an excellent meal and then serve it well makes the meal perfect. First of all the table linen should be immaculate. The more inexpensive linens are as attractive as the handsomest damasks when absolutely spotless and snowy white. For the lighter meals, breakfast and luncheon, a center piece and doilies may be used instead of the table cloth. The silver should be polished frequently and glasses wiped out carefully before placing on the table. A small fern or low bowl filled with short-stemmed flowers in the center of the table gives a dainty, cozy air, while the more elaborate vases may be used on more formal occasions. Four shaded candles on the table, when there are side lights in the dining room, cast a soft and pleasing light, far more agreeable to the eyes than the usual chandelier.
The placing of the silver must, of course, suit the character of the meal. If the meal is simple, the service should be simple. A good arrangement for an ordinary dinner is to place the fork and teaspoon at left of space allowed for plate, the knife and butter knife at the right, the napkin on right side and coffee spoon at the top, with water glass at the right and butter plate at left of each place. Various articles may be added, such as oyster fork, bouillon spoon, salad fork and so forth.
The utmost care should be taken in cooking food for the invalid, so that all of the flavor and delicacy of each dish may be preserved. We take it for granted that the food is the best that can be had, and that absolute cleanliness is used in preparation. But, really, the important thing is to make the tray as attractive and dainty as possible, or the food will not be tempting, no matter how carefully prepared.
The tray should have a fresh, white cover each time it is carried to the sick room, and thin china of a pretty pattern should be used. In the summer time any garden flower, laid on the fresh napkin beside the plate, lends a cheerful note of color to the tray. Always serve small portions, as a large helping does not look appetizing to sick, tired eyes, and be careful in serving liquids not to spill any on the tray cloth or saucer.
It is those little things that sometimes disgust the invalid with what is put before him. There is a tidy and an untidy way of serving most dishes, too; for instance, in serving a poached egg, have it piping hot and on the toast; not cold, part on the toast and part on the saucer, with the yolk broken.
So each detail should be carried out, and you will find your care and attention rewarded by the invalid's interest in the tray, with its tinkling china and savory dishes.
Invalids should have graham bread, and must not be permitted to eat bread less than twenty-four hours old. Toast is a very good thing for most sick people, and should be browned very slowly in order that it may be dried through. It is then partially digested. It is best eaten dry.
Broths and soups are much used; oyster soup may be given, as well as gruel made of oatmeal or barley. Soups made of vegetables must be strained and served according to the doctor's orders.
Scraped beef is very nutritious, and is served raw between slices of bread and butter. Baked and broiled fish are nice, and generally relished by sick people.
Soft boiled and scrambled eggs are quite safe to give, as a rule.
If potatoes are liked, have them baked. Other vegetables may be given, but it is always best to consult the physician before serving things about which one is doubtful. Food that will not be harmful in some cases may be decidedly so in others. Generally, it is best to avoid fried and warmed-over meats, and pork should not be served to the sick.
Avoid unripe or overripe fruit. In serving oranges, remove the tough part and give only the juice. Baked and stewed apples are to be recommended; sometimes baked custard, and rice or other puddings. If any stewed berries are to be used, be sure to strain them.
Coffee is good to use moderately in malarial troubles, and tea, not very strong, may be used sparingly when the heart is not affected. Milk, when it agrees with the patient, may be given. Lemonade and lemon water ice are very refreshing and will often be taken when other drinks do not seem tempting.
A la, au, aux. With or dressed in a certain style.
Allemande (a la). In German style.
Americaine (a la). In American style.
Asperges. Asparagus.
Au gratin. With browned crumbs.
Bannocks. Scotch cakes made of barley or oatmeal.
Basil. A pot herb.
Bay leaves. Leaves from a species of laurel.
Bearnaise (a la). In Swiss style.
Bechamel (a la). With sauce made of chicken stock and milk or cream.
Beignet. Fritter.
Beurre noir. Black butter.
Biscuit glace. Small cakes of ice cream.
Bisque. A soup, generally made of shell fish; or an ice cream to which is added finely chopped nuts.
Blanch (to). To whiten.
Boeuf braise. Braised beef.
Boeuf a la jardiniere. Braised beef with vegetables.
Bouchees. Mouthful. Small patties.
Bouquet of herbs. A sprig each of thyme, savory, marjoram and parsley.
Bourgeoise (a la). In family style.
Cafe noir. Black coffee.
Chartreuse. A mould of aspic in which there are vegetables; something concealed.
Chaud-froid. Literally, hot cold. A jellied sauce.
Chou-fleur. Cauliflower.
Chutney. A sweet pickle from East India.
Civet. A game stew.
Compotes. Fruits stewed in syrup and kept in their original shape.
Consomme de volaille. Chicken soup.
Creole (a la). With tomatoes.
Curry powder. A yellow powder containing tumeric.
De, d'. Of.
Ecossaise (a l'). In Scottish style.
En papillotes. In papers.
Entree. A dish served to introduce the main part of the dinner.
Farci-e. Stuffed.
Fillet de boeuf pique. Larded fillet of beef.
Flammande (a la). In Holland style.
Fondue. A dish made of cheese and eggs.
Fraises. Strawberries.
Frappee. Generally whipped and semi-frozen.
Fricassee de poulet. Fricasse of chicken.
Fromage. Cheese.
Gateau. Cake.
Gelee. Jelly.
Grilled. Broiled.
Hachis de boeuf. Beef hash.
Hors-d'oeuvres. Side dishes.
Huitres en coquille. Oysters in the shell.
Italienne (a la). In Italian style.
Jambon froid. Cold ham.
Kirschwasser. Liquor made from cherry juice.
Kuchen. German for cake.
Kuemmel. Liquor flavored with cumin and caraway seed.
Lait. Milk.
Laitue. Lettuce.
Macaroni au fromage. Macaroni with cheese.
Maigre. A vegetable soup without stock.
Maitre d'hotel. Head steward.
Mango. A fruit of the West Indies, Mexico and Florida.
Maraschino. A cordial.
Marrons. Chestnuts.
Menu. Bill of fare.
Noir. Black.
Nouilles. Noodles.
Oeufs poches. Poached eggs.
Omelette aux fine herbes. Omelet with fine herbs.
Omelette aux champignons. Omelet with mushrooms.
Pain. Bread.
Panade. Bread and milk cooked to a paste.
Pate de biftecks. Beefsteak pie.
Pate de fois gras. A paste made of fatted geese livers.
Pois. Peas.
Pommes. Apples.
Pommes de terre. Potatoes.
Potage. Soup.
Polets sautes. Fried chicken.
Queues de boeuf. Ox tails.
Ragout. A highly seasoned meat dish.
Rechauffes. Warmed-over dishes.
Removes. The roasts or principal dishes.
Ris de veau. Sweetbreads.
Salade de legumes. Vegetable salad.
Salpicon. Highly seasoned minced meat mixed with a thick syrup
Souffle. Puffed up.
Soup a l'ognon. Onion soup.
Sucres. Sweets.
Tarte aux pommes. Apple pie.
Tourte. A tart.
Chocolate, 100
Cocoa, 100
Coffee, 100
Committee Julep, 101
Grape Juice, 101
Tea, 101
Biscuits, 5
Boston Brown Bread, 5
Buckwheat Cakes, 5
Corn Bread, 6
Corn Gems, 6
Crumpets, 6
Dumplings, 6
French Bread, 7
Graham Bread, 7
Griddle Cakes, 7
Kentucky Corn Bread, 7
Milk Bread, 8
Muffins, 8
Nut Bread, 8
Parker House Rolls, 8
Parker House Corn Rolls, 9
Pop-Overs, 9
Potato Rolls, 9
Requested Brown Bread, 10
Sally Lunn, 10
Sandwiches, 11
Soda Biscuit, 10
Spoon Bread, 10
Waffles, 10
Pastry, 12
Apple Pie, 12
Jam Pie, 12
Lemon Custard Pie, 12
Lemon Pie, 13
Mock Cherry Pie, 13
Pumpkin Pie, 13
Short Cake, 14
Wafers, 14
Alden Oatmeal Cookies, 72
Angel Food, 72
Black Cake, 72
Boston Cake, 72
California Cookies, 73
California White Cake, 73
Caramel Filling, 73
Charlotte Russe Sponge Cake, 73
Chocolate Icing, 73
Cocoanut Cake, 73
Cookies, 74
Cream Cookies, 74
Cream Cake, 74
Cup Cake, 74
Doughnuts, 74
Dutch Cakes, 75
Egg Kisses, 75
English Walnut Cake, 75
Excellent Gingerbread, 75
Feather Cake, 75
Florida Doughnuts, 76
French Cream Cake, 76
German Coffee Cake, 76
Ginger Bread, 76
Golden Cake, 77
Grandmother's Sponge Cake, 77
Half 1-2-3-4, 73
Hermits, 77
Hickory Nut Cake, 77
Jam Cake, 78
Kismet Cake, 78
Lady Baltimore Cake, 78
Marshmallow Icing, 79
Mrs. Aultman's Cookies, 79
Nut Cake, 79
Oatmeal Cookies, 79
Presbyterian Cookies, 80
Quick Coffee Cake, 80
Rock Cookies, 80
Silver Cake, 80
Shipman's Ginger Bread, 81
Soft Ginger Cookies, 81
Spice Cake, 81
Sponge Cake, 81
Springers, 82
Sunshine Cake, 82
Toledo Cup Cake, 83
Velvet Sponge Cake, 83
White Icing, 83
White Mountain Cake, 83
White Perfection Cake, 84
Butter Scotch, 92
Chocolate Fudge, 92
Cocoanut Fudge, 92
Cream Fudge, 92
Fondant, 93
Fudge, 93
Ice Cream Candy, 93
Maple Cream Fudge, 93
Mexican Candy, 93
Molasses Candy, 94
Peanut Butter Fudge, 94
Peanut Candy, 94
Peanut Taffy, 94
Praline, 94
Sea Foam, 95
Taffy, 95
White Pulled Candy, 95
Cornmeal Mush, 15
Hominy, 15
Macaroni with Cheese, 15
Rice, 15
Rolled Oats, 16
Almond Tart, 58
Apple Charlotte, 58
Apricot Shortcake, 58
Baked Apples, 59
Baked Dumplings, 59
Bread Pudding, 59
Cabinet Pudding, 60
Chocolate Pudding, 60
Cream Strawberry Shortcake, 61
Cup Custard, 61
Fig Pudding, 61
Fig Tapioca, 62
Fluffy Cornstarch Pudding, 62
Frozen Pudding, 62
Fruit Puffs, 63
Fruit Roll, 63
Graham Pudding, 63
Green Tomato Pie, 63
Ice Cream Pudding, 64
Lemon Butter, 64
Lemon Jelly, 64
Lemon Sauce, 64
Macaroni Souffle, 64
Maple Mousse, 65
Marshmallow Pudding, 65
Mock Charlotte Russe, 65
Orange Ice, 66
Orange Pudding, 66
Pineapple Sherbet, 66
Plum Pudding, 66
Prune Pudding, 67
Prune Whip, 67
Quince Honey, 67
Sailor's Duff, 68
Sauce for Ice Cream, 68
Snow Pudding, 68
Snow Custard, 68
Snowballs, 69
Spanish Cream, 69
Sponge Pudding, 69
Steamed Prune Pudding, 70
Steam Pudding, 70
Suet Pudding, 70
Tapioca Pudding, 71
Woodford Pudding, 71
Baked Eggs, 46
Cheese Omelet, 46
Egg Cutlets, 46
Eggs Shirred in Tomatoes, 47
Poached Eggs, 47
Shirred Eggs, 47
Soft Boiled or Steamed Eggs, 47
The Fireless Cooker, 103
Fireless Cooker, Recipes for, 106
Beef Broth, 106
Boiled Fish, 107
Boiled Potatoes, 106
Pot Roast, 107
Rice Pudding, 107
Rolled Oats, 106
Stewed Chicken, 107
Baked White Fish, 21
Codfish Balls, 21
Finnan Haddie, 21
Fried Fish, 22
Fried Oysters, 22
Hollandaise Sauce, 22
Lobster a la Bushman, 22
Oyster Cocktail, 22
Oyster Newberg, 23
Oyster Omelet, 23
Oyster Patties, 23
Oyster Tenderloins, 24
Salmon Loaf, 24
Salmon on Toast, 24
Salt Mackerel in Cream, 25
Scalloped Oysters, 25
Food for and Serving the Sick, 109
Apples, 85
Bananas, 85
Cantaloupes, 85
Grapes, 85
Grape Fruit, 85
Oranges, 86
Peaches and Pears, 86
Strawberries, 86
Baked Breast of Mutton, 37
Beef Omelet, 38
Beef Steak with Oyster Blanket, 38
Beef Tenderloin, 38
Blanketed Ham with Sweet Potatoes and Apples, 38
Brown Stew, 39
Chicken Croquette, 39
Croquettes, 40
Fricatelli, 40
Ham Toast, 40
Hungarian Goulash, 40
Jellied Veal, 41
Lamb and Rice, 41
Liver and Bacon, 41
Meat Souffle, 41
Meat Stew, 42
Pot Roast, 42
Ragout of Beef, 43
Roast Beef, 43
Round Steak, 43
Smothered or Pot-Roasted Beef, 43
Spanish Steak, 44
Turkey Dressing, 44
Veal Bird, 44
Veal Cutlets, 44
Veal Loaf, 44
Veal Pie, 45
Baked Cheese, 96
Baking Powder, 96
Banana Fritters, 96
Cheese Straws, 96
Chestnuts, 96
Gelatine, 97
Jelly, 97
Mince Meat, 97
Oat Meal Gruel for Babies, 97
Tomato Sauce, 98
Welsh Rarebit, 98
Yorkshire Pudding, 98
Catsup, 87
Chili Sauce, 87
Cucumber Pickle, 87
Cucumber Sweet Pickles, 88
French Pickle, 88
German Pickled Plums or Peaches, 88
Green Tomato Pickle, 88
Spiced Grapes, 88
Sweet Pickle Beets, 88
Uncooked Sweet Pickles, 89
Preserves and Jellies.
Blackberry Jam, 89
Cherry Preserves, 89
Crab Apple Jelly, 90
Currant and Raspberry Preserves, 90
Grape Jelly, 90
Marmalade, 91
Plum Compote, 91
Red Raspberry Jam, 91
Asparagus Salad, 26
Beet Relish, 26
Boiled Dressing, 27
Cold Slaw, 27
Combination Salad, 27
Cooked Salad Dressing, 27
French Dressing, 28
Fruit Salad, 28
Hot Slaw, 28
Lettuce Salad, 28
Mayonnaise, 29
New England Potato Salad, 29
Potato Salad, 29
Salad No. 1, 30
Salad No. 2, 30
Salad, 30
Sour Cream Potato Salad, 30
Swedish Salad, 30
Sweetbread Salad, 30
Sweet Cream Dressing, 31
Tomato-Cucumber Salad, 31
Tomato Salad, 31
Setting the Table, 108
Bean Soup, 17
Bouillon, 17
Corn Soup, 18
Cream of Celery Soup, 18
Cream of Corn Soup, 18
French Pea Soup, 18
Mixed Vegetable Soup, 19
Mock Bisque, 19
Mutton Broth, 19
Oyster Soup, 19
Potato Soup, 20
Tomato Bouillon, 20
Tomato Soup, 20
Veal Bouillon, 20
Asparagus, 49
Beets, 49
Cincinnati Baked Beans, 50
Corn, 50
Corn Pudding, 50
Creamed Cauliflower, 50
Green Stuffed Peppers, 51
Hashed Brown Potatoes, 51
Hashed Turnips, 51
Home-Made Noodles, 51
Kale Cannon, 52
Lyonnaise Potatoes, 52
Mock Asparagus, 52
Mushroom Spaghetti, 53
New England Sweet Potatoes, 53
Okra, 53
Onions, Baked, 53
Parsnips, 53
Peas and Carrots, 54
Potatoes au Gratin, 54
Potato Croquettes, 54
Potatoes O'Brien, 54
Potatoes on Half Shell, 54
Rich Creamed Potatoes, 55
Salsify, 55
Scalloped Celery, 55
Scalloped Potatoes and Eggs, 55
Shelled Beans, Stewed, 56
Spaghetti, 56
Spinach, 56
Spinach with Sauce, 57
Squash, 57
Tomato on Toast, 57
Twenty-Minute Cabbage, 57