The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
by Kenelm Digby
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To fatten young Chicken in a wonderful degree 231

An excellent way to Cram Chicken 233

Gelly of Red Currants 255

Gelly of Currants with the fruit whole in it 255


To bake wilde Ducks or Teals 210

To Rost wilde Ducks 211


To butter Eggs with Cream 147

Portuguez Eggs 202

To boil Eggs 203


Wheaten Flomery 134

A Fricacee of Lamb-stones, &c. 158

To boil smoaked Flesh 164

A Fricacee of Veal 158, 182

Butter and Oyl to fry Fish 193

A Flomery-Caudle 238


Smallage Gruel 137

About water Gruel 138

An excellent and wholesome water Gruel with Wood sorrel and Currants 139

Gruel of Oatmeal and Rice 191

To make clear Gelly of Bran 203

An excellent meat of Goose or Turkey 212

To pickle an old fat Goose 212


Some Notes upon Honey 8

My Lord Hollis Hydromel 33

Hydromel as I made it weak for the Q. Mother 35

To make Honey drink 84

Weak Honey drink 107

To make an Hotchpot 149, 150

The Queens Hotchpot 151

A nourishing Hachy 158

Red Herrings boiled 173

To season Humble Pyes 210

To make Harts-horn Gelly 239-242


To dress Lampreys 184


Master Corsellises Antwerp Meath 9

To make excellent Meathe 10

A weaker, but very pleasant Meathe 11

An excellent white Meathe 11

Master Webbes Meathe 14-19

My own considerations for making of Meathe 19

My Lady Gower's white Meathe 26

Strong Meathe 32

A Receipt for making of Meathe 32

My Lord Morice's Meathe 39

My Lady Morice her Sisters Meathe 39

To make white Meath 41

Sir William Paston's Meathe 41

Another way of making Meathe 42

Sir Baynam Throckmorton's Meathe 42

My Lady Bellassises Meathe 45

My Lord Gorge his Meathe 54

Several sorts of Meathe, small and strong 56

To make Meathe 57

Sir John Arundel's white Meathe 57

To make a Meathe good for the Liver and Lungs 59

A very good Meathe 60

My Lord Herbert's Meathe 68

To make small white Meathe 80

Meathe from the Muscovian Ambassadour's Steward 81

Meathe with Raisins 96

A Receipt to make Metheglin as it is made at Liege, communicated by Mr. Masillon 5

White Metheglin of my Lady Hungerfords which is exceedingly praised 6

A Receipt to make a Tun of Metheglin 12

The Countess of Bullingbrook's white Metheg. 13

Metheglin composed by myself 25

Sir Thomas Gower's Metheglin for health 27

Metheglin for taste and colour 28

An excellent way of making white Metheglin 30

Several ways of making Metheglin 35

To make white Metheglin 31

Another Metheglin 46

Mr. Pierce's excellent white Metheglin 46

An excellent way to make Metheglin, called the Liquor of Life 51

To make good Metheglin 52

To make white Metheglin of Sir J. Fortescue 53

The Lady Vernon's white Metheglin 55

To make Metheglin 58

A most excellent Metheglin 61

To make white Metheg. of the Count. of Dorset 62

To make small Metheglin 69

The Earl of Denbigh's Metheglin 85

To make Metheglin that looks like White Wine 90

Metheglin, or sweet-drink of my Lady Stuart 93

A Metheg. for the Colick-Stone, of the same Lady 93

A Receipt for Metheglin of my Lady Windebanke 94

Marrow sops with Wine 145

To make a shoulder of Mutton like Venison 163

An excellent way of making Mutton steaks 170

To make Mustard 194

For roasting of Meat 196

Mutton baked with Venison 207

My Lord of Denbigh's Almond March-pane 221

Marmulate of Pippins 243

White Marmulate, the Queens way 248

My Lady of Bath's way 248

Marmulate of Cherries 251

Marmulate of Red Currants 256


A plain but good Spanish Oglia 164

To stew Oysters 183


Excellent Marrow-Spinage Pasties 159

To make a French Barley Posset 160

To make Puff-past 161

To make a Pudding with Puff past 161

To make Pear Puddings 162

Marrow Puddings 162

To make excellent Black Puddings 165

A Receipt to make White Puddings 166

To make an excellent Pudding 166

Pyes 168

To make Pith Puddings 172

An Oat-meal Pudding 174

To make Call Puddings 174

A Barley Pudding 175

A Pippin Pudding 175

To make a baked Oat-meal Pudding 176

A plain quaking Pudding 176

A good quaking Bag Pudding 177

To preserve Pippins in Jelly 180

To dress Poor-John, and Buckorn 187

To dress Parsneps 190

To butter Pease 191

A Herring Pye 192

To make an excellent Hare Pye 207

To bake Pidgeons, Teals or Wild ducks 209

Green-Geese Pye 209

To make a plain ordinary Posset 112

Concerning Potages 121

Plain savoury English Potage 122

Potage de blanc de Chapon 123

Ordinary Potage 124

Barley Potage 125

An English Potage 126

Another Potage 126

Nourissant Potage de sante 128

Potage de sante 129, 130

Good nourishing Potage 133

Pap of Oat-meal 135

Panado 135

Barley Pap 135

Oat-meal Pap. Sir John Colladon 136

Pressis-Nourissant 140

Pan-Cotto 141

My Lord Lumley's Pease-Potage 142

An excellent Posset 144

Pease of the seedy buds of Tulips 145

To make Plague-Water 147, 148

An excellent baked Pudding 154

My Lady of Portland's Minced Pyes 155

Minced Pyes 156

To feed Poultry 229

To feed Partridges that you have taken wilde 233

To make Puffs 234

Gelly of Pippins or John-Apples 236


To keep Quinces all the year good 149

Gelly of Quinces 243

Preserved Quince with Gelly 245

To make fine white Gelly of Quinces 246

Paste of Quinces 248, 250

A smoothening Quiddany or Gelly of the Cores of Quinces 250

R [Transcribers note: R was missing in the original.]

Rice & Orge monde 137

Boiled Rice dry 145

To Rost fine Meat 157

To make Red-Dear 163

Conserve of Red Roses 257, 259


Sack with Clove gilly-flowers 22

To make Stepponi 106

To make a Sack-posset 111

A Barley Sack-posset 113

My Lord of Carlile's Sack-posset 115

A Syllabub 115

To make a whip Syllabub 120

To make Spinage-broth 123

Sauce of Horse-Radish 151

Very good Sauce for Partridges and Chicken 160

To dress Stock-fish 186, 188

To prepare Shrimps for dressing 193

To make Slip-coat-Cheese 223-227

Sweet-meats of my Lady Windebanks 253

Sucket of Mallow-stalks 256


Tea with Eggs 132

A Tansy 183, 213, 214

To souce Turkeys 211

Pleasant Cordial Tablets 238


To stew a breast of Veal 150

Vuova Lattate 165

Vuova Spersa 165

Baked Venison 169

Tosts of Veal 193


Morello Wine 97

Currants Wine 98

The Countess of Newport's Cherry Wine 109

Strawberry Wine 109

To make Wine of Cherries alone 110

To make Rasbery-Wine 148

To make a White-pot 149, 195

Buttered Whitings with Eggs 187

To stew Wardens or Pears 201

Preserved Wardens 237

[Footnote 2: This Table reproduces the Index to the original volume. An Index on modern lines, for more ready reference, will be found on pages 287-291.]



1. Aqua Mirabilis. Sir Kenelm Digby's way.

Take Cubebs, Gallingale, Cardamus, Mellilot-flowers, Cloves, Mace, Ginger, Cinammon, of each one dram bruised small, juyce of Celandine one pint, juyce of Spearmint half a pint, juyce of Balm half a pint, Sugar one pound, flower of Cowslips, Rosemary, Borage, Bugloss, Marigold, of each two drams, the best Sack three pints, strong Angelica-water one pint, red Rose-water half a pint; bruise the Spices & Flowers, & steep them in the Sack & juyces one night; the next morning distil it in an ordinary or glass-still, & first lay Harts-tongue leaves in the bottom of the still.


This water preserveth the Lungs without grievances, & helpeth them; being wounded, it suffereth the Blood not to putrifie, but multiplieth the same. This water suffereth not the heart to burn, nor melancholly, nor the Spleen to be lifted up above nature: it expelleth the Rheum, preserveth the Stomach, conserveth Youth, & procureth a good Colour: it preserveth Memory, it destroyeth the Palsie: If this be given to one a dying, a spoonful of it reviveth him; in the Summer use one spoonful a week fasting; in the Winter two spoonfuls.

The above receipt is given in the 3rd edition of The Closet Opened, 1677, also in The Queen's Closet Opened.

2. Another more precious Cosmetick, or beautifying Water, by Sir Kenelm Digby.

Take White Lillies six drams, Florence Orrice Roots, Beans, Cicers, Lupins, of each half an ounce, fresh Bean-flowers a handful, Gum Tragant, White Lead, fine Sugar, of each half an ounce, Crums of white Bread, (steeped in Milk) an ounce, Frankincense, and Gum Arabick of each three drams, Borax, and feather'd Allom of each two drams, the White of an Egg, Camphire a dram and a half; infuse them four and twenty hours in a sufficient quantity of Rose and Bean-flower water, equal parts; then distil it in B.M.

This Water smooths, whitens, beautifies & preserves the Complexions of Ladies. They may wash their Faces with it at any time, but especially Morning and Evening.

3. Another richer Perfume; being pleasant and wholesome, to perfume Tobacco taken in a Pipe.

Take Balm of Peru half an ounce, seven or eight Drops of Oyl of Cinamon, Oyl of Cloves five drops, Oyl of Nutmegs, of Thyme, of Lavender, of Fennel, of Aniseeds (all drawn by distillation) of each a like quantity, or more or less as you like the Odour, and would have it strongest; incorporate with these half a dram of Ambergrease; make all these into a Paste; which keep in a Box; when you have fill'd your Pipe of Tobacco, put upon it about the bigness of a Pin's Head of this Composition.

It will make the Smoak most pleasantly odoriferous, both to the Takers, and to them that come into the Room; and ones Breath will be sweet all the day after. It also comforts the Head and Brains. Approved by Sir Kenelm Digby.

From Hartman, The True Preserver of Health, 1682.


The true Preparation of the Powder of Sympathy, as it was prepared every year in Sir Kenelm Digby's Elaboratory, and as I prepare it now.

Take good English Vitriol, which you may buy for two pence a pound, dissolve it in warm water, using no more water than will dissolve it, leaving some of the Impurest part at the bottom undissolved; then powr it off and filtre it, which you may do by a Coffin of fine gray paper put into a Funnel, or by laying a Sheet of gray Paper in a Sieve, and powring your water or Dissolution of Vitriol into it by degrees, setting the Sieve upon a large Pan to receive the filtred Liquor; when all your Liquor is filtred, boil it in an earthen Vessel glazed, till you see a thin Scum upon it; then Set it in a Cellar to cool, covering it loosly, so that nothing may fall in; after two or three days standing, powr off the liquor, and you will find at the bottom and on the sides large and fair green Christals like Emerauds; drain off all the Water clean from them, and dry them; then spread them abroad, in a large flat earthen Dish, & expose them to the hot Sun in the Dog-days, taking them in at Night, and setting them out in the Morning, securing them from the Rain; and when the Sun hath calcin'd them to whiteness, beat them to Powder, & set this Powder again in the Sun, stirring it sometimes, and when you see it perfectly white, powder it, & sift it finely, and set it again in the Sun for a day, and you will have a pure white Powder, which is the Powder of Sympathy; which put up in a Glass, and stop it close. The next yeare when the Dog-days come, if you have any of this Powder left, you may expose it again in the Sun, spreading it abroad to renew its Vertue by the influence of the Sun-beams.

The way of Curing Wounds, with it, is, to take some of the Blood upon a Rag, and put some of the Powder upon the Blood, then keep only the Wound clean, with a clean Linnen about it, and in a moderate Temper betwixt hot and cold, and wrap up the Rag with the Blood, and keep it either in your Pocket, or in a Box, & the Wound will be healed without any Oyntment or Plaister, and without any pain. But if the wound be somewhat old, and hot, and inflamed, you must put some of this Powder into a Porringer or Bason full of cold Water, and then put any thing into it that hath been upon the wound, and hath some of the Blood or Matter upon it, and it will presently take away all Pain and Inflammation, as you see in Sir Kenelm's Relation of Mr. Howard [sic].

To staunch the Blood either of a Wound or Bleeding at the Nose, take only some of the Blood upon a Rag, & put some powder upon it, or take a Bason with fresh water, and put some of the Powder into it, and bath the Nostrils with it.

From Hartman, The Preserver of Health.



I. Agrimony; alexander; angelica; avens, leaves & flowers; balm; bay-leaves; beet leaves; bettony, wild; bettony, Paul's; bistort; bloodwort; bluebottles; blue-button; borage, leaves & flowers; bramble, red, tops of; broom-buds; bugle; bugloss, leaves & flowers; burnet; carduus benedictus; carrot, wild; celandine; cersevril; chicory; chives; clove gilly-flowers; clown's all-heal; coltsfoot; comfrey; cowslip & French cowslip flowers; dragons; elder flowers; endive; eyebright; fennel; fever-few; garlic; ground-ivy; groundsel; hart's tongue, leaves; hops, flowers; horehound; hypericum, tops & flowers; hyssop; ladies' mantle; lettuce, leaves & stalks; lily of the valley; liquorice; liverwort; maidenhair; marigold, flowers & leaves; marjoram, sweet; marjoram, wild; marshmallow, leaves, flowers, & stalks; may-weed, brown; meadowsweet; mellilot, flowers; mint; spearmint; mouse-ear; mugwort; muscovy; nettle, red; oak of Jerusalem; organ; origanum [wild marjoram]; oseille; parietary; peas (chick); pellitory-of-the-wall; penny-royal; philipendula; pimpernel; pourpier; primrose, flowers; purslane; ribwort; rocket; rosemary, tops, flowers, & sprigs; rose; rue; sage, (red & wild), leaves & flowers; saxifrage; sanicle; scabious; scurvy grass; self-heal; shallots; sibboulets; skirrets; smallage; sorrel (wood); spike [spignel?]; spleenwort; spinach; St. John's wort; strawberry leaves; sweetbriar, leaves, tops, buds; sweet oak; sweetwort; tamarisk; tansy; thyme (broad, lemon, mother, & wild); violet, leaves & flowers; wallflowers (yellow); wall rue; watercress; wheat (green); white-wort; winter savoury; woodbine; wormwood (sea & Roman); yarrow. (From this list I have omitted the commoner vegetables.)

2. Roots.—Alexander; angelica; asparagus; beet; betony, bittersweet; bluebottle; borage; coltsfoot; elecampane; eringo; fennel; fern; galingale; horse-radish; marshmallow; nettle (red); orris; parsley; scabious; sorrel; strawberry; succory; thyme (wild); tormentilla.

3. Seeds.—Anise; cardamom; carraway; citron; coriander; fennel; gromwell; melon; musk grains; mustard; nettle; parsley; saffron; tulip, seedy buds of; wormwood.

4. Fruits.—Apples (codlings, ginet moils, pearmains, pippins, golden pippins, red streaks); apricots; barberries; bilberries; cherries (black, Kentish, Morello); currants (dried, black, red); damsons; dates; jujubes; juniper berries; lemons; pears (bon chretien & wardens); plums; prunes; raisins; rasps; sweetbriar berries; strawberries.

5. Barks, woods.—Ash-tree bark; lignum cassiae.

6. Nuts.—Almonds; chestnuts; pine kernels; pistachios; walnuts (green).

7. Juices.—Balm; celandine; cherry; hop; lemon; onion; orange; spearmint; spinach; tansy.

8.—Distilled waters of angelica; cinnamon; mallow; orange-flower; plantain; rose (red & damask).

9. Spices of all sorts; cloves; cinnamon (also oil of, & spirit of); ginger; mace; mustard; nutmeg; pepper; peppercorns.

10. Wines.—Canary sack; claret; Deal; elder; Malaga (old); Muscat; Muscadine (Greek); red; Rhenish; sack, sherry sack; Spanish; white.

11. Other liquors.—Ale & beer; afterworts; lees of beer & wine; aqua vitae; orangeado.

12. Vinegars of elder wine, & of white wine.

13. Verjuice of cider, & green sour grapes.

14. Other notable seasonings and ingredients:—

Ambergris; ivory; leaf gold; powder of white amber; powder of pearl; Spanish pastilles (ambergris, sugar, & musk).



p. x 1. 3 Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine. By W. Carew Hazlitt. Booklovers' Library. 1886.

p. x 1. 5 The Life of Sir Kenelm Digby. By One of his Descendants [T. Longueville]. 1896.

p. xi 1. 29 For the controversy about the date of his birth, see the usual biographical authorities:—Longueville, op. cit., Digby's Memoirs, ed. Nicolas, 1827; Dict. of Nat. Biog.; Biog. Brit. (Kippis); Wood's Athenae Oxon., iii. 688; Aubrey's Lives, ii. 323, etc. etc.

p. xiv 1. 13 "the elder Lady Digby." See text, p. 141.

p. xv 1. 15 "manuscript of elections." See W.H. Black's Catalogue of the Ashmolean MSS., 240, 131 and 1730, 166.

p. xx 1. 20 Journal of a Voyage to Scanderoon, ed. J. Bruce for Camden Soc., 1868.

p. xxi 1. 3 "Scanderoon had to be repudiated." Here is a curious echo of the affair, quoted by Mr. Longueville from Blundell of Crosby. "When the same Sir Kenelm was provoked in the King's presence (upon occasion of the old business of Scanderoon) by the Venetian Ambassador, who told the King it was very strange that his Majesty should slight so much his ancient amity with the most noble state of Europe, for the affections which he bore to a man (meaning Sir Kenelm) whose father was a traitor, his wife a ——, and himself a pirate, altho' he made not the least reply (as long as the ambassador remained in England) to those great reproaches, yet after, when the quality of his enemy was changed (by his return) to that of a private person, Sir Kenelm posted after him to Italy. There sending him a challenge (from some neighbouring state) he found the discreet Magnifico as silent in Italy as himself had been in England, and so he returned home."

p. xxii 1. 13 The Memoirs were edited by Sir N.H. Nicolas from the Harleian MS. 6758 in 1827.

p. xxii 1. 28 "outburst of vile poetry." See Poems from Sir K.D.'s papers, ed. Warner. Roxburghe Club, 1877.

p. xxiii 1. 16 "hermit." The portrait of Digby in this guise, painted by Janssen, in the possession of T. Longueville, Esq., is reproduced in Mr. Longueville's life of his ancestor. Says Pennant in his Journey from Chester to London, ed. 1782, "I know of no persons who are painted in greater variety than this illustrious pair [Digby and his wife]: probably because they were the finest subjects of the time."

p. xxv 1. 3 "duel ... with a French lord." See the curious little pamphlet, Sir Kenelme Digby's Honour Maintained, 1641.

p. xxvi 1. I The Observations on Religio Medici, together with the correspondence between Browne and Digby, are often reprinted with the text of R.M.

p. xxvi 1. 5 "glass-making." See Longueville, pp. 255-6

p. xxix 1. 11 Descartes. Des Maizeaux. Viede Saint-Evremond, pp. 80-6.

p. xxxi 1. 8 A Late Discourse made in a Solemne Assembly of Nobles and Learned Men at Montpellier. By Sir K.D., Kt. Rendered faithfully into English by R. White. 2nd ed., 1658. The original was in French. Longueville gives a loathsome receipt for the Sympathetic Powder from an original in the Ashmolean. "To make a salve yt healeth though a man be 30 miles off." But vitriol is the only ingredient Digby mentions; and the receipt given by his steward Hartman [see Appendix], and sold by him, is more likely to be Digby's. Of course, there were many claimants to the credit of the invention of sympathetic powders.

p. xxxiii 1. 4 "house in Covent Garden." For a brief account of this house, see an article on Hogarth's London in the English Review, February, 1910.

p. xxxiv 1. 6 "history of the Digby family." This has disappeared.

p. xxxiv 1. 13 "Catalogue of the combined collection." Bibliotheca Digbeiana, 1680. See also Edwards's Memoirs of Libraries, II, 118, and Sir K.D. et les Anciens Rapports des Bibliotheques Francaises avec la Grande Bretagne. L. Delisle. 1892.

p. xxxviii 1. 20 Lloyd's Lives of Excellent Personages that suffered for ... Allegiance to the Soveraigne in the late Intestine Wars, ed. 1668.

p. xliv 1. 10 "remedy for Biting of a Mad Dog." There is a similar receipt in Arcana Fairfaxiana, ed. G. Waddell, 1890, a collection of old medical receipts, etc. of the Fairfax and Cholmely families. "A Cure for the Bite of a Mad Dog Published for ye Benefit of Mankind in the Newspapers of 1741 by a Person of Note.... N.B. This Medicine has stood a tryal of 50 years Experience, and was never known to fail."

p. liii 1. 30 Culpeper's English Physitian, 1653.

p. liii 1. 30 N. Culpeper. Herball.

p. liii 1. 30 John Gerard. The Historie of Plants, 1547.

p. liii 1. 31 Wm. Coles. Adam in Eden and The Art of Simpling. 1657 and 1656.

To the Reader.

p. 3 1. 20 "that old Saw in the Regiment of Health." The Regyment, or a Dyetary of Helth. By Andrew Borde, 1542. (Reprinted by the Early English Text Soc.)


p. 5, etc. "Metheglin is esteemed to be a very wholsom Drink; and doubtless it is so, since all the world consents that Honey is a precious Substance, being the Choice & Collection which the Bees make of the most pure, most delectable, & most odoriferous Parts of Plants, more particularly of their Flowers & Fruits. Metheglin is therefore esteemed to be an excellent Pectoral, good against Consumption, Phthisick and Asthma; it is cleansing & diuretick, good against the Stone & Gravel; it is restorative and strengthening; it comforts and strengthens the Noble parts, & affords good Nourishment, being made Use of by the Healthy, as well as by the Sick.

"My worthy Master, that Incomparable Sir Kenelm Digby, being a great lover of this Drink, was so curious in his Researches, that he made a large Collection of the choicest & best Receipts thereof."

Hartman, Select Receipts, p. 1.

Concerning the difference between Mead and Metheglin, Borde (Regyment of Helth) says:—

"Of Meade: Meade is made of honny & water boyled both togyther; yf it be fyred and pure, it preserveth helth; but it is not good for them the whiche have the Ilyache or the Colycke.

"Of Metheglyn: Metheglyn is made of honny and water, & herbes, boyled and sodden togyther: yf it be fyred and stale, it is better in the regyment of helth than meade."

But the distinction seems to have been forgotten in the hundred odd years between the publication of Borde's book and Digby's.


Ana, of each.

Apple-Johns, or John Apples, apples considered best when shrivelled, so called because they are ripe about St. John's Day.

Aume, aam, awm, a liquid measure used for wine and oil. A Dutch aume of wine equalled about 41 English gallons.

Balneum, a vessel filled with water or sand, in which another vessel is placed to be heated.

Beatilies, beatilia, battalia, tit-bits (e.g. cockscombs or sweet-breads) in a pie.

Bragot, ale boiled with honey.

Bunt, the cavity or baggy part of a napkin when folded or tied as a bag.

Burthen, a quantity, here signifying no certain amount.

Call, a wedge.

Calvered, cut in thin slices when "fresh," and pickled.

Canicular days, dog days.

Cock's tread, "The opaque speck or germinal vesicle in the surface of the yolk in an impregnated egg." M.

Coddle, to boil gently, to stew.

Coffin, a mould of paste for a pie.

Cucurbite, a gourd-shaped vessel; also a shallow vessel with a wide mouth, used for distillation.

Demistier = demi setier, a measure of quarter-pint capacity.

Electuary, a medical conserve or paste of powder mixed with honey, syrup, etc.

Faeces, dregs.

Fearced, forced, stuffed.

Florenden, florentine, a kind of pie, of minced meats, currants, spices, etc., baked in a dish with a cover of paste.

Gambon, gammon, a smoked ham.

Garavanzas, chick-peas.

Gelt, castrated.

Ginet-moils, gennet-moil, a kind of apple ripe before others.

Hippocras, hypocras bag, a bag used in making hippocras, a medicinal drink consisting of spiced wines.

Humble-pie, a pie made of umbles or numbles (the heart, liver, kidneys, etc.) of the deer.

Kiver, kive, keever, a large vessel for fermenting liquors; a mashing tub.

Lardons, strips of bacon or salt pork used for larding.

Laton, latton, latten, a utensil made of thin brass, or mixed metal.

Lith, smooth, thick.

Lute, to close v., to adhere.

Magma, grounds.

Manchet, roll, or small loaf of fine white bread.

Marinate, to salt or pickle, and then preserve in oil or vinegar.

Medullos, medullose, having the texture of pith.

Mittoner, Fr. Mitonner.

Mother of wine, lees.

Must, new wine.

Pearmains, a variety of apple, perhaps from permagnus.

Poix-chiches, chick-peas.

Posnet, possnet, possenet, a porringer.

Pottle, a measure of two quarts.

Pugil, a pinch.

Pun, to beat, to pound as in a mortar.

Race, a root.

Ranch-sieve, perhaps a sieve mounted on a stand, from rance, ranse a prop.

Rand, a strip or slice of meat cut from the margin of a part, or from between two joints.

Resty, reasty, rancid.

Rouelle, a rolled piece [of veal].

Rundlet, runlet, a small barrel.

Runnet, rennet.

Searse, searce, a fine sieve.

Souce-drink, pickle sauce.

Stroakings, the last milk drawn from a cow; strippings.

Stubble-goose, the grayling goose.

Tansy, see recipe. The dish has been traced to the Jewish custom of eating cakes with bitter herbs.

Tourtiere, a pie-dish.

Tyffany, tyffany bag, bag made of thin silk or gauze.

Torcular, a press used in making wine.

Trivet, a tripod.

Walm, a bubble in boiling; a boiling-up.

Wardens, winter pears.

Wort, an infusion of malt which after fermentation becomes beer.


Ale with Honey, 104 Scotch, from my Lady Holmbey, 98 Small, for the stone, 105 To make Ale drink quick, 100 and Bragot, Master Webbe's, 107 Cock, 147

Apple drink with Sugar, Honey, etc., 106

Apples, A very pleasant drink of, 100 in Gelly, 234 To stew, 201 Sweet Meat of, 238 Syrup of, 253

Bacon for Gambons, and to keep, 212

Barley Cream, The Queen's, 139 Pap, 135

Beef, To bake, 208 or Venison, To boil, 209 To stew, 150 Rump of, To stew, 163, 196, 197

Bisket, To make, 219

Bragot, Master Webbe's, 108

Bran, To make clear Gelly of, 203

Brawn, About making of, 205

Broth, Nourishing, 133 Portugal, as it was made for the Queen, 127 Spinage, 123 Stewed, 125 and Potage, 141 for sick and convalescent persons, 143

Butter and Oil to fry fish, 193

Cake, To make a, 216, 217 A very good, 220 An excellent, 219 Carraway, 219 Plumb, 218

Cakes, Excellent small, 221

Capon, Boiled, Savoury and nourishing, 153 Cold Rosted, Sallet of, 206 to pickle, My Lady Portland's way, 159 in white broth, 146

Champignons, Pickled, 200

Cheese, Savoury tosted, or melted, 228 Scalded, 227 Slippcoat, 223-7

Cheese-cakes, To make, 214

Cherries, Marmulate of, 251 Marmulate of, with juyce of Raspes and Currants, 252 To make wine of, 110

Chicken, Fricacee of, 158 To cram, 233 To fatten in a wonderful degree, 231, 232 To feed, 228, 230

Cider, 100 Sir Paul Neale's way, 101 Water, Dr. Harvey's, 103

Clouted Cream, 117, 120

Cock Ale, To make, 147

Collops, Excellent good, 171 Scotch, My Lord of Bristol's, 167 Scotch, My Lady Diana Porter's, 181 of Veal, Savoury, 157

Conserve of Red Roses, 257, 259

Cordial Tablets, which strengthen nature much, 238

Cream, Clouted, 117, 120 Curds, To make, 120 A good dish of, 116 An excellent Spanish, 116 with Rice, 191 Courdes, The, 228

Cresme fouettee, My Lord of S. Alban's, 119

Crust, Short and crisp, for tarts and pyes, 215

Currants, Gelly of, with the fruit whole in it, 255 Red, Marmulate of, 256 Red, Gelly of, 255 Wine, 98

Ducks, Wilde, To bake, 210 Wilde, To rost, 210

Eggs, To boil, 203 To butter, with cream, 147 Portuguez, 202

Flommery Caudle, A, 238 Wheaten, 134

Fricacee of Lamb-stones, Sweetbreads, etc., A., 158 of Veal, 158, 182

Goose, An excellent meat of, 212 To pickle an old fat, 212

Green geese pye, 209

Gruel of oatmeal and rice, 191 Smallage, 137 Water, 138 Water, with wood-sorrel and currants, 139

Hachy, A nourishing, 158

Hare-pye, To make, 207

Harts-horn Gelly, To make, 239, 240, 241, 242

Herring Pye, A, 192

Honey, Some notes about, 8 drink, To make, 84 drink, Weak, 107

Horse Radish, Sauce of, 151

Hotchpot, To make, 149, 150 The Queen's, 151

Humble Pyes, To season, 210

Hydromel as I made it weak for the Queen-Mother, 35 with Clove-Gilly-flowers, 23 with Juniper Berries, 23 My Lord Hollis's, 33

Julep of Conserve of Red Roses, Dr. Bacon's, 260

Lamb-stones, A fricacee of, 158

Lampreys, To dress, 184

Mallow Stalks, Sucket of, 256

Marchpane, My Lord of Denbigh's Almond, 221

Marmulate of Cherries, 251 of Cherries with juyce of raspes and Currants, 252 of Pippins, 243 of Red Currants, 256 My Lady Windebank's curious red, 253 White, My Lady of Bath's way, 248 The Queen's, 248

Marrow Puddings, 162 Sops, with wine, 145 Spinage Pasties, Excellent, 159

Meat, fine, To rost, 157 For rosting of, 196

Meathe (Mead), 32, 42, 43, 54, 57, 65, 72, 76, 78, 82, 85, 87, 89, 92 A receipt to make good, 64 A very good, 60 excellent, To make, 10 White, 41, 58, 68, 72, 73, 74, 79, 82 White, An excellent, 11 White, Small, 80 White, Sir John Arundel's, 57 White, my Lady Gower's, 26 good for liver and lungs, 59 Small, 56 Strong, 32, 56 A weaker but pleasant, 11 to keep long, 23 with Raisins, 96 My Lady Bellassises, 45 Mr. Corsellises, Antwerp, 9 My Lord Gorge his, 54 My Lord Herbert's, 68 My Lady Morrice's, 39 My Lady Morrice, her sister's way, 39 My own considerations for making, 19 Sir Wm. Paston's, 41 Another pleasant Meathe of Sir Wm. Paston, 42 from the Muscovian Ambassador's steward, 81 Sir Baynam Throckmorton's, 42 Master Webbe's, 14-19

Metheglin, To make, 35-39, 46, 58, 66, 67, 69, 71, 75, 80, 81, 84, 86, 95 To make a tun of, 12 composed by myself out of various receipts, 25 My Lady Windebanke's, 94 Good, 52 Very good, 76 Excellent, 71 Most excellent, 61 An excellent way to make, called the Liquor of Life, 51 Small, 69, 77, 91 White, 30, 31, 34, 43, 59, 60, 63, 73, 90 White, Sir Edward Bainton's, 90 The Countess of Bullingbroke's, 13 The Countess of Dorset's, 62 Sir John Fortescue's, 53 My Lady Hungerford's, 6 Mr. Pierce's excellent, 46 The Lady Vernon's, 55 The Earl of Denbigh's, 85 Sir Thomas Gower's, 29 as it is made at Liege, 5 or sweet drink of my Lady Stuart, 93 for the colic and stone, of my Lady Stuart, 93 for health, Sir Thomas Gower's, 27 for taste and colour, 28 that looks like White Wine, 90

Minced Pyes, To make, 156, 160 My Lady of Portland's, 155, 156

Morello Wine, 97

Mustard, To make, 194

Mutton, baked like venison, 207 Fricacee of, 158 steaks, An excellent way of making, 170 To make a shoulder of, like venison, 163

Oatmeal, Pap of, 135 Pap of, Sir John Colladon's, 136 Pudding, 174 Pudding, A baked, 176 and Rice, Gruel of, 191

Oglia, Spanish, plain but good, 164

Ordinary Drink, Sir Thomas Gower's, 29

Oysters, To stew, 183

Panado, 135

Pan Cotto, 141

Pap, Barley, 135

Parsneps, To dress, 190

Partridges that you have taken wilde, To feed, 233

Pear Pudding, 162

Pears, To stew, 201 Preserved Wardens, 237

Pease, To butter, 191 Porage, My Lord Lumley's, 142 of the seedy buds of tulips, 145

Pidgeons, Teals, or Wild Ducks, To bake, 209

Pippins, Gelly of (or of John Apples), 236 Marmulate of, 243 to preserve in Gelly, 180 Syrup of, 235

Plague Water, 147, 148

Poor John and Buckorn, To dress, 187

Posset, An excellent, 144 A plain ordinary, 112 A Barley Sack, 113 A French Barley, 160 A Sack, 111, 112 Sack, My Lord of Carlile's, 115

Potages, Concerning, 121 Barley, 125 An English, 126 Good nourishing, 133 Ordinary, 124 Plain savoury, 122 de Sante, 129, 130 de Sante, Nourissant, 128 de blanc de Chapon, 123

Poultry, To feed, 229

Pressis, Nourissant, 140

Pudding, An excellent baked, 154 Another baked, 179 A Barley, 175 Black, 172, 179 Black, Excellent, 165 Call, 174 Marrow, 162 Oatmeal, 174 Oatmeal, Baked, 176 Pear, 162, 174 Pippin, 175 Pith, 172 Quaking, Plain, 176 Quaking, bag, 177 with puff paste, 161 White, 166 White, Excellent, 166

Puff-past, 161

Puffs, To make, 234

Pyes, 168 Minced, 156 Minced, My Lady of Portland's, 155, 156 Hare, 207 Herring, 192

Quiddany of Quinces, A smoothening, 250

Quince preserved with Gelly, 245

Quinces, Gelly of, 243 Gelly of, Fine White, 246 Gelly of, Red, My Lady Windebanke's, 254 Paste of, 248, 250 Paste of, with very little sugar, 249 to keep all the year round, 149

Raspberry Wine, To make, 148

Red Dear, To make, 163 Herrings broyled, 173

Rice, boiled dry, 145 and Orge Monde, 137

Roses, Red, Conserve of, 257, 259 Julep of, 260

Sack with Clove-Gilly-flowers, 22 Posset, 111 Posset, My Lord of Carlile's, 115

Sallet of Cold Capon rosted, 206

Sauce of Horse Radish, 151 very good for partridges, etc., 160 for a carp or pike, 191

Shrimps, To prepare for dressing, 193

Slippcoat Cheese, To make, 223, 224, 225, 226

Smallage Gruel, 137

Smoaked flesh, To boil, 164

Spinage Broth, To make, 123

Stepponi, 106

Stockfish, The way of dressing, in Holland, 188 Another way, 189 To dress, somewhat differingly from the way of Holland, 186

Strawberry Wine, 109

Sucket of Mallow Stalks, 256 of Lettuce, 257

Sweetbread, Fricacee of, 158

Sweet-meats of my Lady Windebanke, 253, 254

Syllabub, A, 115, 193 A plain, 120 A whip, 120

Tablets, Pleasant Cordial, 238

Tansy, A, 183, 213, 214

Tea with eggs, 132

Turkeys, Excellent meat of, 212 To souce, 211

Veal, Fricacee of, 158, 182 Savoury Collops of, 157 To stew a breast of, 150 Tosts of, 193

Venison, Baked, 169, 203 to keep, 204

Vuova Lattate, 165 Spersa, 165

Wardens, Preserved, 237 To stew, 201

White Pot, To make, 149, 195

Whitings buttered with eggs, 187

Wilde Boar, To rost, 168

Wilde Ducks or Teals, To bake, 210 Ducks, To rost, 210

Wine, Cherry, 110 The Countess of Newport's, 109 Raspberry, 148 Strawberry, 109


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