The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
by Caius Valerius Catullus
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cuncta aerii discerpunt irrita venti. Iam iam nulla viro iuranti femina credat, Nulla viri speret sermones esse fideles; Quis dum aliquid cupiens animus praegestit apisci, 145 Nil metuunt iurare, nihil promittere parcunt: Sed simulac cupidae mentis satiata libidost, Dicta nihil meminere, nihil periuria curant. Certe ego te in medio versantem turbine leti Eripui, et potius germanum amittere crevi, 150 Quam tibi fallaci supremo in tempore dessem. Pro quo dilaceranda feris dabor alitibusque Praeda, neque iniecta tumulabor mortua terra. Quaenam te genuit sola sub rupe leaena? Quod mare conceptum spumantibus expuit undis? 155 Quae Syrtis, quae Scylla rapax, quae vasta Charybdis? Talia qui reddis pro dulci praemia vita. Si tibi non cordi fuerant conubia nostra, Saeva quod horrebas prisci praecepta parentis, At tamen in vostras potuisti ducere sedes, 160 Quae tibi iocundo famularer serva labore, Candida permulcens liquidis vestigia lymphis Purpureave tuum consternens veste cubile. Sed quid ego ignaris nequiquam conqueror auris, Externata malo, quae nullis sensibus auctae 165 Nec missas audire queunt nec reddere voces? Ille autem prope iam mediis versatur in undis, Nec quisquam adparet vacua mortalis in alga. Sic nimis insultans extremo tempore saeva Fors etiam nostris invidit questibus aures. 170 Iuppiter omnipotens, utinam ne tempore primo Gnosia Cecropiae tetigissent litora puppes, Indomito nec dira ferens stipendia tauro Perfidus in Creta religasset navita funem, Nec malus hic celans dulci crudelia forma 175 Consilia in nostris requiesset sedibus hospes! Nam quo me referam? quali spe perdita nitar? Idomeneosne petam montes? a, gurgite lato Discernens ponti truculentum ubi dividit aequor? An patris auxilium sperem? quemne ipsa reliqui, 180 Respersum iuvenem fraterna caede secuta? Coniugis an fido consoler memet amore, Quine fugit lentos incurvans gurgite remos? Praeterea nullo litus, sola insula, tecto, Nec patet egressus pelagi cingentibus undis: 185 Nulla fugae ratio, nulla spes: omnia muta, Omnia sunt deserta, ostentant omnia letum. Non tamen ante mihi languescent lumina morte, Nec prius a fesso secedent corpore sensus, Quam iustam a divis exposcam prodita multam, 190 Caelestumque fidem postrema conprecer hora. Quare facta virum multantes vindice poena, Eumenides, quibus anguino redimita capillo Frons expirantis praeportat pectoris iras, Huc huc adventate, meas audite querellas, 195 Quas ego vae! misera extremis proferre medullis Cogor inops, ardens, amenti caeca furore. Quae quoniam verae nascuntur pectore ab imo, Vos nolite pati nostrum vanescere luctum, Sed quali solam Theseus me mente reliquit, 200 Tali mente, deae, funestet seque suosque.' Has postquam maesto profudit pectore voces, Supplicium saevis exposcens anxia factis, Adnuit invicto caelestum numine rector, Quo motu tellus atque horrida contremuerunt 205 Aequora concussitque micantia sidera mundus. Ipse autem caeca mentem caligine Theseus Consitus oblito dimisit pectore cuncta, Quae mandata prius constanti mente tenebat, Dulcia nec maesto sustollens signa parenti 210 Sospitem Erechtheum se ostendit visere portum. Namque ferunt olim, castae cum moenia divae Linquentem gnatum ventis concrederet Aegeus, Talia conplexum iuveni mandata dedisse. 'Gnate, mihi longa iocundior unice vita, 215 Reddite in extrema nuper mihi fine senectae, 217 Gnate, ego quem in dubios cogor dimittere casus, 216 Quandoquidem fortuna mea ac tua fervida virtus Eripit invito mihi te, cui languida nondum Lumina sunt gnati cara saturata figura: 220 Non ego te gaudens laetanti pectore mittam, Nec te ferre sinam fortunae signa secundae, Sed primum multas expromam mente querellas, Canitiem terra atque infuso pulvere foedans, Inde infecta vago suspendam lintea malo, 225 Nostros ut luctus nostraeque incendia mentis Carbasus obscurata decet ferrugine Hibera. Quod tibi si sancti concesserit incola Itoni, Quae nostrum genus ac sedes defendere Erechthei Adnuit, ut tauri respergas sanguine dextram, 230 Tum vero facito ut memori tibi condita corde Haec vigeant mandata, nec ulla oblitteret aetas, Vt simulac nostros invisent lumina colles, Funestam antennae deponant undique vestem, Candidaque intorti sustollant vela rudentes, 235 Lucida qua splendent summi carchesia mali, 235b Quam primum cernens ut laeta gaudia mente Agnoscam, cum te reducem aetas prospera sistet.' Haec mandata prius constanti mente tenentem Thesea ceu pulsae ventorum flamine nubes Aerium nivei montis liquere cacumen. 240 At pater, ut summa prospectum ex arce petebat, Anxia in adsiduos absumens lumina fletus, Cum primum infecti conspexit lintea veli, Praecipitem sese scopulorum e vertice iecit, Amissum credens inmiti Thesea fato. 245 Sic funesta domus ingressus tecta paterna Morte ferox Theseus qualem Minoidi luctum Obtulerat mente inmemori talem ipse recepit. Quae tamen aspectans cedentem maesta carinam Multiplices animo volvebat saucia curas. 250 At parte ex alia florens volitabat Iacchus Cum thiaso Satyrorum et Nysigenis Silenis, Te quaerens, Ariadna, tuoque incensus amore. * * * * Quae tum alacres passim lymphata mente furebant Euhoe bacchantes, euhoe capita inflectentes. 255 Harum pars tecta quatiebant cuspide thyrsos, Pars e divolso iactabant membra iuvenco, Pars sese tortis serpentibus incingebant, Pars obscura cavis celebrabant orgia cistis, Orgia, quae frustra cupiunt audire profani, 260 Plangebant aliae proceris tympana palmis Aut tereti tenues tinnitus aere ciebant, Multis raucisonos efflabant cornua bombos Barbaraque horribili stridebat tibia cantu. Talibus amplifice vestis decorata figuris 265 Pulvinar conplexa suo velabat amictu. Quae postquam cupide spectando Thessala pubes Expletast, sanctis coepit decedere divis. Hic, qualis flatu placidum mare matutino Horrificans Zephyrus proclivas incitat undas 270 Aurora exoriente vagi sub limina Solis, Quae tarde primum clementi flamine pulsae Procedunt (leni resonant plangore cachinni), Post vento crescente magis magis increbescunt Purpureaque procul nantes a luce refulgent, 275 Sic ibi vestibuli linquentes regia tecta Ad se quisque vago passim pede discedebant. Quorum post abitum princeps e vertice Pelei Advenit Chiron portans silvestria dona: Nam quoscumque ferunt campi, quos Thessala magnis 280 Montibus ora creat, quos propter fluminis undas Aura parit flores tepidi fecunda Favoni, Hos indistinctis plexos tulit ipse corollis, Quo permulsa domus iocundo risit odore. Confestim Penios adest, viridantia Tempe, 285 Tempe, quae silvae cingunt super inpendentes, + Minosim linquens crebris celebranda choreis, Non vacuos: namque ille tulit radicitus altas Fagos ac recto proceras stipite laurus, Non sine nutanti platano lentaque sorore 290 Flammati Phaethontis et aeria cupressu. Haec circum sedes late contexta locavit, Vestibulum ut molli velatum fronde vireret. Post hunc consequitur sollerti corde Prometheus, Extenuata gerens veteris vestigia poenae, 295 Quam quondam scythicis restrictus membra catena Persolvit pendens e verticibus praeruptis. Inde pater divom sancta cum coniuge natisque Advenit caelo, te solum, Phoebe, relinquens Vnigenamque simul cultricem montibus Idri: 300 Pelea nam tecum pariter soror aspernatast Nec Thetidis taedas voluit celebrare iugalis, Qui postquam niveis flexerunt sedibus artus, Large multiplici constructae sunt dape mensae, Cum interea infirmo quatientes corpora motu 305 Veridicos Parcae coeperunt edere cantus. His corpus tremulum conplectens undique vestis Candida purpurea talos incinxerat ora, Annoso niveae residebant vertice vittae, Aeternumque manus carpebant rite laborem. 310 Laeva colum molli lana retinebat amictum, Dextera tum leviter deducens fila supinis Formabat digitis, tum prono in pollice torquens Libratum tereti versabat turbine fusum, Atque ita decerpens aequabat semper opus dens, 315 Laneaque aridulis haerebant morsa labellis, Quae prius in levi fuerant extantia filo: Ante pedes autem candentis mollia lanae Vellera virgati custodibant calathisci. Haec tum clarisona pectentes vellera voce 320 Talia divino fuderunt carmine fata, Carmine, perfidiae quod post nulla arguet aetas.

O decus eximium magnis virtutibus augens, Emathiae tutamen opis, clarissime nato, Accipe, quod laeta tibi pandunt luce sorores, 325 Veridicum oraclum. sed vos, quae fata sequuntur, Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Adveniet tibi iam portans optata maritis Hesperus, adveniet fausto cum sidere coniunx, Quae tibi flexanimo mentem perfundat amore 330 Languidulosque paret tecum coniungere somnos, Levia substernens robusto brachia collo. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Nulla domus tales umquam conexit amores, Nullus amor tali coniunxit foedere amantes, 335 Qualis adest Thetidi, qualis concordia Peleo. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Nascetur vobis expers terroris Achilles, Hostibus haud tergo, sed forti pectore notus, Quae persaepe vago victor certamine cursus 340 Flammea praevertet celeris vestigia cervae. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Non illi quisquam bello se conferet heros, Cum Phrygii Teucro manabunt sanguine + tenen, Troicaque obsidens longinquo moenia bello 345 Periuri Pelopis vastabit tertius heres. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Illius egregias virtutes claraque facta Saepe fatebuntur gnatorum in funere matres, Cum in cinerem canos solvent a vertice crines 350 Putridaque infirmis variabunt pectora palmis. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Namque velut densas praecerpens cultor aristas Sole sub ardenti flaventia demetit arva, Troiugenum infesto prosternet corpora ferro. 355 Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Testis erit magnis virtutibus unda Scamandri, Quae passim rapido diffunditur Hellesponto, Cuius iter caesis angustans corporum acervis Alta tepefaciet permixta flumina caede. 360 Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Denique testis erit morti quoque reddita praeda, Cum terrae ex celso coacervatum aggere bustum Excipiet niveos percussae virginis artus. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi. 365

Nam simul ac fessis dederit fors copiam Achivis Vrbis Dardaniae Neptunia solvere vincla, Alta Polyxenia madefient caede sepulcra, Quae, velut ancipiti succumbens victima ferro, Proiciet truncum submisso poplite corpus. 370 Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Quare agite optatos animi coniungite amores. Accipiat coniunx felici foedere divam, Dedatur cupido iandudum nupta marito. Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi. 375

Non illam nutrix orienti luce revisens Hesterno collum poterit circumdare filo, [Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi] Anxia nec mater discordis maesta puellae Secubitu caros mittet sperare nepotes. 380 Currite ducentes subtegmina, currite, fusi.

Talia praefantes quondam felicia Pelei Carmina divino cecinerunt pectore Parcae. Praesentes namque ante domos invisere castas Heroum et sese mortali ostendere coetu 385 Caelicolae nondum spreta pietate solebant. Saepe pater divom templo in fulgente residens, Annua cum festis venissent sacra diebus, Conspexit terra centum procumbere tauros. Saepe vagus Liber Parnasi vertice summo 390 Thyiadas effusis euhantes crinibus egit. * * * * Cum Delphi tota certatim ex urbe ruentes Acciperent laeti divom fumantibus aris. Saepe in letifero belli certamine Mavors Aut rapidi Tritonis era aut Rhamnusia virgo 395 Armatas hominumst praesens hortata catervas. Sed postquam tellus scelerest imbuta nefando, Iustitiamque omnes cupida de mente fugarunt, Perfudere manus fraterno sanguine fratres, Destitit extinctos natus lugere parentes, 400 Optavit genitor primaevi funera nati, Liber ut innuptae poteretur flore novercae, Ignaro mater substernens se inpia nato Inpia non veritast divos scelerare penates: Omnia fanda nefanda malo permixta furore 405 Iustificam nobis mentem avertere deorum. Quare nec tales dignantur visere coetus, Nec se contingi patiuntur lumine claro.



(Fragment of an Epos.)

Pine-trees gendered whilome upon soaring Peliac summit Swam (as the tale is told) through liquid surges of Neptune Far as the Phasis-flood and frontier-land AEetean; Whenas the youths elect, of Argive vigour the oak-heart, Longing the Golden Fleece of the Colchis-region to harry, 5 Dared in a poop swift-paced to span salt seas and their shallows, Sweeping the deep blue seas with sweeps a-carven of fir-wood. She, that governing Goddess of citadels crowning the cities, Builded herself their car fast-flitting with lightest of breezes, Weaving plants of the pine conjoined in curve of the kelson; 10 Foremost of all to imbue rude Amphitrite with ship-lore. Soon as her beak had burst through wind-rackt spaces of ocean, While th'oar-tortured wave with spumy whiteness was blanching, Surged from the deep abyss and hoar-capped billows the faces Seaborn, Nereids eyeing the prodigy wonder-smitten. 15 There too mortal orbs through softened spendours regarded Ocean-nymphs who exposed bodies denuded of raiment Bare to the breast upthrust from hoar froth capping the sea-depths. Then Thetis Peleus fired (men say) a-sudden with love-lowe, Then Thetis nowise spurned to mate and marry wi' mortal, 20 Then Thetis' Sire himself her yoke with Peleus sanctioned. Oh, in those happier days now fondly yearned-for, ye heroes Born; (all hail!) of the Gods begotten, and excellent issue Bred by your mothers, all hail! and placid deal me your favour. Oft wi' the sound of me, in strains and spells I'll invoke you; Thee too by wedding-torch so happily, highly augmented, 25 Peleus, Thessaly's ward, whomunto Jupiter's self deigned Yield of the freest gree his loves though gotten of Godheads. Thee Thetis, fairest of maids Nereian, vouchsafed to marry? Thee did Tethys empower to woo and wed with her grandchild; Nor less Oceanus, with water compassing th' Earth-globe? 30 But when ended the term, and wisht-for light of the day-tide Uprose, flocks to the house in concourse mighty convened, Thessaly all, with glad assembly the Palace fulfilling: Presents afore they bring, and joy in faces declare they. Scyros desert abides: they quit Phthiotican Tempe, 35 Homesteads of Crannon-town, eke bulwarkt walls of Larissa; Meeting at Pharsalus, and roof Pharsalian seeking. None will the fields now till; soft wax all necks of the oxen, Never the humble vine is purged by curve of the rake-tooth, Never a pruner's hook thins out the shade of the tree-tufts, 41 Never a bull up-plows broad glebe with bend of the coulter, 40 Over whose point unuse displays the squalor of rust-stain. But in the homestead's heart, where'er that opulent palace Hides a retreat, all shines with splendour of gold and of silver. Ivory blanches the seats, bright gleam the flagons a-table, 45 All of the mansion joys in royal riches and grandeur. But for the Diva's use bestrewn is the genial bedstead, Hidden in midmost stead, and its polisht framework of Indian Tusk underlies its cloth empurpled by juice of the dye-shell. This be a figured cloth with forms of manhood primeval 50 Showing by marvel-art the gifts and graces of heroes. Here upon Dia's strand wave-resonant, ever-regarding Theseus borne from sight outside by fleet of the fleetest, Stands Ariadne with heart full-filled with furies unbated, Nor can her sense as yet believe she 'spies the espied, 55 When like one that awakes new roused from slumber deceptive, Sees she her hapless self lone left on loneliest sandbank: While as the mindless youth with oars disturbeth the shallows, Casts to the windy storms what vows he vainly had vowed. Him through the sedges afar the sad-eyed maiden of Minos, 60 Likest a Bacchant-girl stone-carven, (O her sorrow!) 'Spies, a-tossing the while on sorest billows of love-care. Now no more on her blood-hued hair fine fillets retains she, No more now light veil conceals her bosom erst hidden, Now no more smooth zone contains her milky-hued paplets: 65 All gear dropping adown from every part of her person Thrown, lie fronting her feet to the briny wavelets a sea-toy. But at such now no more of her veil or her fillet a-floating Had she regard: on thee, O Theseus! all of her heart-strength, All of her sprite, her mind, forlorn, were evermore hanging. 70 Ah, sad soul, by grief and grievance driven beside thee, Sowed Erycina first those brambly cares in thy bosom, What while issuing fierce with will enstarkened, Theseus Forth from the bow-bent shore Piraean putting a-seawards Reacht the Gortynian roofs where dwelt th' injurious Monarch. 75 For 'twas told of yore how forced by pestilence cruel, Eke as a blood rite due for th' Androgeonian murthur, Many a chosen youth and the bloom of damsels unmarried Food for the Minotaur, Cecropia was wont to befurnish. Seeing his narrow walls in such wise vexed with evils, 80 Theseus of freest will for dear-loved Athens his body Offered a victim so that no more to Crete be deported Lives by Cecropia doomed to burials burying nowise; Then with a swifty ship and soft breathed breezes a-stirring, Sought he Minos the Haughty where homed in proudest of Mansions. 85 Him as with yearning glance forthright espied the royal Maiden, whom pure chaste couch aspiring delicate odours Cherisht, in soft embrace of a mother comforted all-whiles, (E'en as the myrtles begot by the flowing floods of Eurotas, Or as the tincts distinct brought forth by breath of the springtide) 90 Never the burning lights of her eyes from gazing upon him Turned she, before fierce flame in all her body conceived she Down in its deepest depths and burning amiddle her marrow. Ah, with unmitigate heart exciting wretchedmost furies, Thou, Boy sacrosanct! man's grief and gladness commingling, 95 Thou too of Golgos Queen and Lady of leafy Idalium, Whelm'd ye in what manner waves that maiden phantasy-fired, All for a blond-haired youth suspiring many a singulf! Whiles how dire was the dread she dreed in languishing heart-strings; How yet more, ever more, with golden splendour she paled! 100 Whenas yearning to mate his might wi' the furious monster Theseus braved his death or sought the prizes of praises. Then of her gifts to gods not ingrate, nor profiting naught, Promise with silent lip, addressed she timidly vowing. For as an oak that shakes on topmost summit of Taurus 105 Its boughs, or cone-growing pine from bole bark resin exuding, Whirlwind of passing might that twists the stems with its storm-blasts, Uproots, deracinates, forthright its trunk to the farthest, Prone falls, shattering wide what lies in line of its downfall,— Thus was that wildling flung by Theseus and vanquisht of body, 110 Vainly tossing its horns and goring the wind to no purpose. Thence with abounding praise returned he, guiding his footsteps, Whiles did a fine drawn thread check steps in wander abounding, Lest when issuing forth of the winding maze labyrinthine Baffled become his track by inobservable error. 115 But for what cause should I, from early subject digressing, Tell of the daughter who the face of her sire unseeing, Eke her sister's embrace nor less her mother's endearments, Who in despair bewept her hapless child that so gladly Chose before every and each the lively wooing of Theseus? 120 Or how borne by the ship to the yeasting shore-line of Dia Came she? or how when bound her eyes in bondage of slumber Left her that chosen mate with mind unmindful departing? Often (they tell) with heart inflamed by fiery fury Poured she shrilling of shrieks from deepest depths of her bosom; 125 Now she would sadly scale the broken faces of mountains, Whence she might overglance the boundless boiling of billows, Then she would rush to bestem the salt-plain's quivering wavelet And from her ankles bare the dainty garment uplifting, Spake she these words ('tis said) from sorrow's deepest abysses, 130 Whiles from her tear-drencht face outburst cold shivering singulfs. "Thus fro' my patrial shore, O traitor, hurried to exile, Me on a lonely strand hast left, perfidious Theseus? Thus wise farest, despite the godhead of Deities spurned, (Reckless, alas!) to thy home convoying perjury-curses? 135 Naught, then, ever availed that mind of cruelest counsel Alter? No saving grace in thee was evermore ready, That to have pity on me vouchsafed thy pitiless bosom? Natheless not in past time such were the promises wordy Lavished; nor such hopes to me the hapless were bidden; 140 But the glad married joys, the longed-for pleasures of wedlock. All now empty and vain, by breath of the breezes bescattered! Now, let woman no more trust her to man when he sweareth, Ne'er let her hope to find or truth or faith in his pleadings, Who whenas lustful thought forelooks to somewhat attaining, 145 Never an oath they fear, shall spare no promise to promise. Yet no sooner they sate all lewdness and lecherous fancy, Nothing remember of words and reck they naught of fore-swearing. Certes, thee did I snatch from midmost whirlpool of ruin Deadly, and held it cheap loss of a brother to suffer 150 Rather than fail thy need (O false!) at hour the supremest. Therefor my limbs are doomed to be torn of birds, and of ferals Prey, nor shall upheapt Earth afford a grave to my body. Say me, what lioness bare thee 'neath lone rock of the desert? What sea spued thee conceived from out the spume of his surges! 155 What manner Syrt, what ravening Scylla, what vasty Charybdis? Thou who for sweet life saved such meeds art lief of returning! If never willed thy breast with me to mate thee in marriage, Hating the savage law decreed by primitive parent, Still of your competence 'twas within your household to home me, 160 Where I might serve as slave in gladsome service familiar, Laving thy snow-white feet in clearest chrystalline waters Or with its purpling gear thy couch in company strewing. Yet for what cause should I 'plain in vain to the winds that unknow me, (I so beside me with grief!) which ne'er of senses endued 165 Hear not the words sent forth nor aught avail they to answer? Now be his course well-nigh engaged in midway of ocean, Nor any mortal shape appears in barrens of seawrack. Thus at the latest hour with insults over-sufficient E'en to my plaints fere Fate begrudges ears that would hear me. 170 Jupiter! Lord of All-might, Oh would in days that are bygone Ne'er had Cecropian poops toucht ground at Gnossian foreshore, Nor to th' unconquered Bull that tribute direful conveying Had the false Seaman bound to Cretan island his hawser, Nor had yon evil wight, 'neath shape the softest hard purpose 175 Hiding, enjoyed repose within our mansion beguested! Whither can wend I now? What hope lends help to the lost one? Idomenean mounts shall I scale? Ah, parted by whirlpools Widest, yon truculent main where yields it power of passage? Aid of my sire can I crave? Whom I willing abandoned, 180 Treading in tracks of a youth bewrayed with blood of a brother! Can I console my soul wi' the helpful love of a helpmate Who flies me with pliant oars, flies overbounding the sea-depths? Nay, an this Coast I quit, this lone isle lends me no roof-tree, Nor aught issue allows begirt by billows of Ocean: 185 Nowhere is path for flight: none hope shows: all things are silent: All be a desolate waste: all makes display of destruction. Yet never close these eyne in latest languor of dying, Ne'er from my wearied frame go forth slow-ebbing my senses, Ere from the Gods just doom implore I, treason-betrayed, 190 And with my breath supreme firm faith of Celestials invoke I. Therefore, O ye who 'venge man's deed with penalties direful, Eumenides! aye wont to bind with viperous hair-locks Foreheads,—Oh, deign outspeak fierce wrath from bosom outbreathing, Hither, Oh hither, speed, and lend ye all ear to my grievance, 195 Which now sad I (alas!) outpour from innermost vitals Maugre my will, sans help, blind, fired with furious madness. And, as indeed all spring from veriest core of my bosom, Suffer ye not the cause of grief and woe to evanish; But wi' the Will wherewith could Theseus leave me in loneness, 200 Goddesses! bid that Will lead him, lead his, to destruction." E'en as she thus poured forth these words from anguish of bosom, And for this cruel deed, distracted, sued she for vengeance, Nodded the Ruler of Gods Celestial, matchless of All-might, When at the gest earth-plain and horrid spaces of ocean 205 Trembled, and every sphere rockt stars and planets resplendent. Meanwhile Theseus himself, obscured in blindness of darkness As to his mind, dismiss'd from breast oblivious all things Erewhile enjoined and held hereto in memory constant, Nor for his saddened sire the gladness-signals uphoisting 210 Heralded safe return within sight of the Erechthean harbour. For 'twas told of yore, when from walls of the Virginal Deess AEgeus speeding his son, to the care of breezes committed, Thus with a last embrace to the youth spake words of commandment: "Son! far nearer my heart (sole thou) than life of the longest, 215 Son, I perforce dismiss to doubtful, dangerous chances, Lately restored to me when eld draws nearest his ending, Sithence such fortune in me, and in thee such boiling of valour Tear thee away from me so loath, whose eyne in their languor Never are sated with sight of my son, all-dearest of figures. 220 Nor will I send thee forth with joy that gladdens my bosom, Nor will I suffer thee show boon signs of favouring Fortune, But fro' my soul I'll first express an issue of sorrow, Soiling my hoary hairs with dust and ashes commingled; Then will I hang stained sails fast-made to the wavering yard-arms, 225 So shall our mourning thought and burning torture of spirit Show by the dark sombre-dye of Iberian canvas spread. But, an grant me the grace Who dwells in Sacred Itone, (And our issue to guard and ward the seats of Erechtheus Sware She) that be thy right besprent with blood of the Man-Bull, 230 Then do thou so-wise act, and stored in memory's heart-core Dwell these mandates of me, no time their traces untracing. Dip, when first shall arise our hills to gladden thy eye-glance, Down from thine every mast th'ill-omened vestments of mourning, Then let the twisten ropes upheave the whitest of canvas, 235 Wherewith splendid shall gleam the tallest spars of the top-mast, 235b These seeing sans delay with joy exalting my spirit Well shall I wot boon Time sets thee returning before me." Such were the mandates which stored at first in memory constant Faded from Theseus' mind like mists, compelled by the whirlwind, Fleet from aeerial crests of mountains hoary with snow-drifts. 240 But as the sire had sought the citadel's summit for outlook, Wasting his anxious eyes with tear-floods evermore flowing, Forthright e'en as he saw the sail-gear darkened with dye-stain, Headlong himself flung he from the sea-cliff's pinnacled summit Holding his Theseus lost by doom of pitiless Fortune. 245 Thus as he came to the home funest, his roof-tree paternal, Theseus (vaunting the death), what dule to the maiden of Minos Dealt with unminding mind so dree'd he similar dolour. She too gazing in grief at the kelson vanishing slowly, Self-wrapt, manifold cares revolved, in spirit perturbed. 250

* * * * *


But fro' the further side came flitting bright-faced Iacchus Girded by Satyr-crew and Nysa-reared Sileni Burning wi' love unto thee (Ariadne!) and greeting thy presence. * * * * Who flocking eager to fray did rave with infuriate spirit, "Evoe" phrensying loud, with heads at "Evoe" rolling. 255 Brandisht some of the maids their thyrsi sheathed of spear-point, Some snatcht limbs and joints of sturlings rended to pieces, These girt necks and waists with writhing bodies of vipers, Those wi' the gear enwombed in crates dark orgies ordained— Orgies that ears prophane must vainly lust for o'er hearing— 260 Others with palms on high smote hurried strokes on the cymbal, Or from the polisht brass woke thin-toned tinkling music, While from the many there boomed and blared hoarse blast of the horn-trump, And with its horrid skirl loud shrilled the barbarous bag-pipe, Showing such varied forms, that richly-decorate couch-cloth 265 Folded in strait embrace the bedding drapery-veiled. This when the Thessalan youths had eyed with eager inspection Fulfilled, place they began to provide for venerate Godheads, Even as Zephyrus' breath, seas couching placid at dawn-tide, Roughens, then stings and spurs the wavelets slantingly fretted— 270 Rising Aurora the while 'neath Sol the wanderer's threshold— Tardy at first they flow by the clement breathing of breezes Urged, and echo the shores with soft-toned ripples of laughter, But as the winds wax high so waves wax higher and higher, Flashing and floating afar to outswim morn's purpurine splendours,— 275 So did the crowd fare forth, the royal vestibule leaving, And to their house each wight with vaguing paces departed. After their wending, the first, foremost from Pelion's summit, Chiron came to the front with woodland presents surcharged: Whatso of blooms and flowers bring forth Thessalian uplands 280 Mighty with mountain crests, whate'er of riverine lea flowers Reareth Favonius' air, bud-breeding, tepidly breathing, All in his hands brought he, unseparate in woven garlands, Whereat laughed the house as soothed by pleasure of perfume. Presently Peneus appears, deserting verdurous Tempe— 285 Tempe girt by her belts of greenwood ever impending, Left for the Mamonides with frequent dances to worship— Nor is he empty of hand, for bears he tallest of beeches Deracinate, and bays with straight boles lofty and stately, Not without nodding plane-tree nor less the flexible sister 290 Fire-slain Phaeton left, and not without cypresses airy. These in a line wide-broke set he, the Mansion surrounding, So by the soft leaves screened, the porch might flourish in verdure. Follows hard on his track with active spirit Prometheus, Bearing extenuate sign of penalties suffer'd in bygones. 295 Paid erewhiles what time fast-bound as to every member, Hung he in carkanet slung from the Scythian rock-tor. Last did the Father of Gods with his sacred spouse and his offspring, Proud from the Heavens proceed, thee leaving (Phoebus) in loneness, Lone wi' thy sister twin who haunteth mountains of Idrus: 300 For that the Virgin spurned as thou the person of Peleus, Nor Thetis' nuptial torch would greet by act of her presence. When they had leaned their limbs upon snowy benches reposing, Tables largely arranged with various viands were garnisht. But, ere opened the feast, with infirm gesture their semblance 305 Shaking, the Parcae fell to chaunting veridique verses. Robed were their tremulous frames all o'er in muffle of garments Bright-white, purple of hem enfolding heels in its edges; Snowy the fillets that bound heads aged by many a year-tide, And, as their wont aye was, their hands plied labour unceasing. 310 Each in her left upheld with soft fleece clothed a distaff, Then did the right that drew forth thread with upturn of fingers Gently fashion the yarn which deftly twisted by thumb-ball Speeded the spindle poised by thread-whorl perfect of polish; Thus as the work was wrought, the lengths were trimmed wi' the fore-teeth, 315 While to their thin, dry lips stuck wool-flecks severed by biting, Which at the first outstood from yarn-hanks evenly fine-drawn. Still at their feet in front soft fleece-flecks white as the snow-flake Lay in the trusty guard of wickers woven in withies. Always a-carding the wool, with clear-toned voices resounding 320 Told they such lots as these in song divinely directed, Chaunts which none after-time shall 'stablish falsehood-convicted.


O who by virtues great all highmost honours enhancest, Guard of Emathia-land, most famous made by thine offspring, Take what the Sisters deign this gladsome day to disclose thee, 325 Oracles soothfast told,—And ye, by Destiny followed, Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Soon to thy sight shall rise, their fond hopes bringing to bridegrooms, Hesperus: soon shall come thy spouse with planet auspicious, Who shall thy mind enbathe with a love that softens the spirit, 330 And as thyself shall prepare for sinking in languorous slumber, Under thy neck robust, soft arms dispreading as pillow. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Never a house like this such loves as these hath united, Never did love conjoin by such-like covenant lovers, 335 As th'according tie Thetis deigned in concert wi' Peleus. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Born of yon twain shall come Achilles guiltless of fear-sense, Known by his forceful breast and ne'er by back to the foeman, Who shall at times full oft in doubtful contest of race-course 340 Conquer the fleet-foot doe with slot-tracks smoking and burning. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


None shall with him compare, howe'er war-doughty a hero, Whenas the Phrygian rills flow deep with bloodshed of Teucer, And beleaguering the walls of Troy with longest of warfare 345 He shall the works lay low, third heir of Pelops the perjured. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


His be the derring-do and deeds of valour egregious, Often mothers shall own at funeral-rites of their children, What time their hoary hairs from head in ashes are loosened, 350 And wi' their hands infirm they smite their bosoms loose dugged. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


For as the toiling hind bestrewing denseness of corn-stalks Under the broiling sun mows grain-fields yellow to harvest, So shall his baneful brand strew earth with corpses of Troy-born. 355 Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Aye to his valorous worth attest shall wave of Scamander Which unto Helle-Sea fast flowing ever dischargeth, Straiter whose course shall grow by up-heaped barrage of corpses, While in his depths runs warm his stream with slaughter commingled. 360 Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Witness in fine shall be the victim rendered to death-stroke, Whenas the earthern tomb on lofty tumulus builded Shall of the stricken maid receive limbs white as the snow-flake. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles. 365


For when at last shall Fors to weary Achaians her fiat Deal, of Dardanus-town to burst Neptunian fetters, Then shall the high-reared tomb stand bathed with Polyxena's life-blood, Who, as the victim doomed to fall by the double-edged falchion, Forward wi' hams relaxt shall smite a body beheaded. 370 Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.


Wherefore arise, ye pair, conjoin loves ardently longed-for, Now doth the groom receive with happiest omen his goddess, Now let the bride at length to her yearning spouse be delivered. Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles. 375


Neither the nurse who comes at dawn to visit her nursling E'er shall avail her neck to begird with yesterday's ribband. [Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O spindles.] Nor shall the mother's soul for ill-matcht daughter a-grieving Lose by a parted couch all hopes of favourite grandsons. 380 Speed ye, the well-spun woof out-drawing, speed ye, O Spindles.

Thus in the bygone day Peleus' fate foretelling Chaunted from breasts divine prophetic verse the Parcae. For that the pure chaste homes of heroes to visit in person Oft-tide the Gods, and themselves to display where mortals were gathered, 385 Wont were the Heavenlies while none human piety spurned. Often the Deities' Sire, in fulgent temple a-dwelling, Whenas in festal days received he his annual worship, Looked upon hundreds of bulls felled prone on pavement before him. Full oft Liber who roamed from topmost peak of Parnassus 390 Hunted his howling host, his Thyiads with tresses dishevelled. * * * * Then with contending troops from all their city outflocking Gladly the Delphians hailed their God with smoking of altars. Often in death-full war and bravest of battle, or Mavors Or rapid Triton's Queen or eke the Virgin Rhamnusian, 395 Bevies of weaponed men exhorting, proved their presence. But from the time when earth was stained with unspeakable scandals And forth fro' greeding breasts of all men justice departed, Then did the brother drench his hands in brotherly bloodshed, Stinted the son in heart to mourn decease of his parents, 400 Longed the sire to sight his first-born's funeral convoy So more freely the flower of step-dame-maiden to rifle; After that impious Queen her guiltless son underlying, Impious, the household gods with crime ne'er dreading to sully— All things fair and nefand being mixt in fury of evil 405 Turned from ourselves avert the great goodwill of the Godheads. Wherefor they nowise deign our human assemblies to visit, Nor do they suffer themselves be met in light of the day-tide.

Pines aforetimes sprung from Pelion peak floated, so 'tis said, through liquid billows of Neptune to the flowing Phasis and the confines Aeetaean, when the picked youth, the vigour of Argive manhood seeking to carry away the Golden Fleece from Colchis, dared to skim o'er salt seas in a swift-sailing ship, sweeping caerulean ocean with paddles shapen from fir-wood. That Goddess who guards the castles in topmost parts of the towns herself fashioned the car, scudding with lightest of winds, uniting the interweaved pines unto the curving keel. That same first instructed untaught Amphitrite with sailing. Scarce had it split with its stem the windy waves, and the billow vext with oars had whitened into foam, when arose from the abyss of the hoary eddies the faces of sea-dwelling Nereids wondering at the marvel. And then on that propitious day mortal eyes gazed on sea-nymphs with naked bodies bare to the breasts outstanding from the foamy abyss. Then 'tis said Peleus burned with desire for Thetis, then Thetis contemned not mortal hymenaeals, then Thetis' sire himself sanctioned her joining to Peleus. O born in the time of joyfuller ages, heroes, hail! sprung from the gods, good progeny of mothers, hail! and favourably be ye inclined. You oft in my song I'll address, thee too I'll approach, Peleus, pillar of Thessaly, so increased in importance by thy fortunate wedding-torches, to whom Jupiter himself, the sire of the gods himself, yielded up his beloved. Did not Thetis embrace thee, she most winsome of Nereids born? Did not Tethys consent that thou should'st lead home her grandchild, and Oceanus eke, whose waters girdle the total globe? When in full course of time the longed-for day had dawned, all Thessaly assembled throngs his home, a gladsome company o'erspreading the halls: they bear gifts to the fore, and their joy in their faces they shew. Scyros desert remains, they leave Phthiotic Tempe, Crannon's homes, and the fortressed walls of Larissa; to Pharsalia they hie, 'neath Pharsalian roofs they gather. None tills the soil, the heifers' necks grow softened, the trailing vine is not cleansed by the curved rake-prongs, nor does the sickle prune the shade of the spreading tree-branches, nor does the bullock up-tear the glebe with the prone-bending ploughshare; squalid rust steals o'er the neglected ploughs.

But this mansion, throughout its innermost recesses of opulent royalty, glitters with gleaming gold and with silver. Ivory makes white the seats; goblets glint on the boards; the whole house delights in the splendour of royal treasure. Placed in the midst of the mansion is the bridal bed of the goddess, made glossy with Indian tusks and covered with purple, tinted with the shell-fish's rosy dye. This tapestry embroidered with figures of men of ancient time pourtrays with admirable art the heroes' valour. For looking forth from Dia's beach, resounding with crashing of breakers, Theseus hasting from sight with swiftest of fleets, Ariadne watches, her heart swelling with raging passion, nor scarce yet credits she sees what she sees, as, newly-awakened from her deceptive sleep, she perceives herself, deserted and woeful, on the lonely shore. But the heedless youth, flying away, beats the waves with his oars, leaving his perjured vows to the gusty gales. In the dim distance from amidst the sea-weed, the daughter of Minos with sorrowful eyes, like a stone-carved Bacchante, gazes afar, alas! gazes after him, heaving with great waves of grief. No longer does the fragile fillet bind her yellow locks, no more with light veil is her hidden bosom covered, no more with rounded zone the milky breasts are clasped; down fallen from her body everything is scattered, hither, thither, and the salt waves toy with them in front of her very feet. But neither on fillet nor floating veil, but on thee, Theseus, in their stead, was she musing: on thee she bent her heart, her thoughts, her love-lorn mind. Ah, woeful one, with sorrows unending distraught, Erycina sows thorny cares deep in thy bosom, since that time when Theseus fierce in his vigour set out from the curved bay of Piraeus, and gained the Gortynian roofs of the iniquitous ruler.

For of old 'tis narrated, that constrained by plague of the cruelest to expiate the slaughter of Androgeos, both chosen youths and the pick of the unmarried maidens Cecropia was wont to give as a feast to the Minotaur. When thus his strait walls with ills were vexed, Theseus with free will preferred to yield up his body for adored Athens rather than such Cecropian corpses be carried to Crete unobsequied. And therefore borne in a speedy craft by favouring breezes, he came to the imperious Minos and his superb seat. Instant the royal virgin him saw with longing glance, she whom the chaste couch out-breathing sweetest of scents cradled in her mother's tender enfoldings, like to the myrtle which the rivers of Eurotas produce, or the many-tinted blooms opening with the springtide's breezes, she bent not down away from him her kindling glance, until the flame spread through her whole body, and burned into her innermost marrow. Ah, hard of heart, urging with misery to madness, O holy boy, who mingles men's cares and their joyings, and thou queen of Golgos and of foliaged Idalium, on what waves did you heave the mind-kindled maid, sighing full oft for the golden-haired guest! What dreads she bore in her swooning soul! How often did she grow sallower in sheen than gold! When craving to contend against the savage monster Theseus faced death or the palm of praise. Then gifts to the gods not unmeet not idly given, with promise from tight-closed lips did she address her vows. For as an oak waving its boughs on Taurus' top, or a coniferous pine with sweating stem, is uprooted by savage storm, twisting its trunk with its blast (dragged from its roots prone it falleth afar, breaking all in the line of its fall) so did Theseus fling down the conquered body of the brute, tossing its horns in vain towards the skies. Thence backwards he retraced his steps 'midst great laud, guiding his errant footsteps by means of a tenuous thread, lest when outcoming from tortuous labyrinthines his efforts be frustrated by unobservant wandering. But why, turned aside from my first story, should I recount more, how the daughter fleeing her father's face, her sister's embrace, and e'en her mother's, who despairingly bemoaned her lost daughter, preferred to all these the sweet love of Theseus; or how borne by their boat to the spumy shores of Dia she came; or how her yokeman with unmemoried breast forsaking her, left her bound in the shadows of sleep? And oft, so 'tis said, with her heart burning with fury she outpoured clarion cries from depths of her bosom, then sadly scaled the rugged mounts, whence she could cast her glance o'er the vasty seething ocean, then ran into the opposing billows of the heaving sea, raising from her bared legs her clinging raiment, and in uttermost plight of woe with tear-stained face and chilly sobs spake she thus:—

"Is it thus, O perfidious, when dragged from my motherland's shores, is it thus, O false Theseus, that thou leavest me on this desolate strand? thus dost depart unmindful of slighted godheads, bearing home thy perjured vows? Was no thought able to bend the intent of thy ruthless mind? hadst thou no clemency there, that thy pitiless bowels might compassionate me? But these were not the promises thou gavest me idly of old, this was not what thou didst bid me hope for, but the blithe bride-bed, hymenaeal happiness: all empty air, blown away by the breezes. Now, now, let no woman give credence to man's oath, let none hope for faithful vows from mankind; for whilst their eager desire strives for its end, nothing fear they to swear, nothing of promises stint they: but instant their lusting thoughts are satiate with lewdness, nothing of speech they remember, nothing of perjuries reck. In truth I snatched thee from the midst of the whirlpool of death, preferring to suffer the loss of a brother rather than fail thy need in the supreme hour, O ingrate. For the which I shall be a gift as prey to be rent by wild beasts and the carrion-fowl, nor dead shall I be placed in the earth, covered with funeral mound. What lioness bare thee 'neath lonely crag? What sea conceived and spued thee from its foamy crest? What Syrtis, what grasping Scylla, what vast Charybdis? O thou repayer with such guerdon for thy sweet life! If 'twas not thy heart's wish to yoke with me, through holding in horror the dread decrees of my stern sire, yet thou couldst have led me to thy home, where as thine handmaid I might have served thee with cheerful service, laving thy snowy feet with clear water, or spreading the purple coverlet o'er thy couch. Yet why, distraught with woe, do I vainly lament to the unknowing winds, which unfurnished with sense, can neither hear uttered complaints nor can return them? For now he has sped away into the midst of the seas, nor doth any mortal appear along this desolate seaboard. Thus with o'erweening scorn doth bitter Fate in my extreme hour even grudge ears to my plaints. All-powerful Jupiter! would that in old time the Cecropian poops had not touched at the Gnossian shores, nor that bearing to the unquelled bull the direful ransom had the false mariner moored his hawser to Crete, nor that yon wretch hiding ruthless designs beneath sweet seemings had reposed as a guest in our halls! For whither may I flee? in what hope, O lost one, take refuge? Shall I climb the Idomenean crags? but the truculent sea stretching amain with its whirlings of waters separates us. Can I quest help from my father, whom I deserted to follow a youth besprinkled with my brother's blood? Can I crave comfort from the care of a faithful yokeman, who is fleeing with yielding oars, encurving 'midst whirling waters. If I turn from the beach there is no roof in this tenantless island, no way sheweth a passage, circled by waves of the sea; no way of flight, no hope; all denotes dumbness, desolation, and death. Natheless mine eyes shall not be dimmed in death, nor my senses secede from my spent frame, until I have besought from the gods a meet mulct for my betrayal, and implored the faith of the celestials with my latest breath. Wherefore ye requiters of men's deeds with avenging pains, O Eumenides, whose front enwreathed with serpent-locks blazons the wrath exhaled from your bosom, hither, hither haste, hear ye my plainings, which I, sad wretch, am urged to outpour from mine innermost marrow, helpless, burning, and blind with frenzied fury. And since in truth they spring from the veriest depths of my heart, be ye unwilling to allow my agony to pass unheeded, but with such mind as Theseus forsook me, with like mind, O goddesses, may he bring evil on himself and on his kin."

After she had poured forth these words from her grief-laden bosom, distractedly clamouring for requital against his heartless deeds, the celestial ruler assented with almighty nod, at whose motion the earth and the awe-full waters quaked, and the world of glittering stars did quiver. But Theseus, self-blinded with mental mist, let slip from forgetful breast all those injunctions which until then he had held firmly in mind, nor bore aloft sweet signals to his sad sire, shewing himself safe when in sight of Erectheus' haven. For 'tis said that aforetime, when Aegeus entrusted his son to the winds, on leaving the walls of the chaste goddess's city, these commands he gave to the youth with his parting embrace.

"O mine only son, far dearer to me than long life, lately restored to me at extreme end of my years, O son whom I must perforce dismiss to a doubtful hazard, since my ill fate and thine ardent valour snatch thee from unwilling me, whose dim eyes are not yet sated with my son's dear form: nor gladly and with joyous breast do I send thee, nor will I suffer thee to bear signs of helpful fortune, but first from my breast many a plaint will I express, sullying my grey hairs with dust and ashes, and then will I hang dusky sails to the swaying mast, so that our sorrow and burning lowe are shewn by Iberian canvas, rustily darkened. Yet if the dweller on holy Itone, who deigns defend our race and Erectheus' dwellings, grant thee to besprinkle thy right hand in the bull's blood, then see that in very truth these commandments deep-stored in thine heart's memory do flourish, nor any time deface them. Instant thine eyes shall see our cliffs, lower their gloomy clothing from every yard, and let the twisted cordage bear aloft snowy sails, where splendent shall shine bright topmast spars, so that, instant discerned, I may know with gladness and lightness of heart that in prosperous hour thou art returned to my face."

These charges, at first held in constant mind, from Theseus slipped away as clouds are impelled by the breath of the winds from the ethereal peak of a snow-clad mount. But his father as he betook himself to the castle's turrets as watchplace, dimming his anxious eyes with continual weeping, when first he spied the discoloured canvas, flung himself headlong from the top of the crags, deeming Theseus lost by harsh fate. Thus as he entered the grief-stricken house, his paternal roof, Theseus savage with slaughter met with like grief as that which with unmemoried mind he had dealt to Minos' daughter: while she with grieving gaze at his disappearing keel, turned over a tumult of cares in her wounded spirit.

But on another part [of the tapestry] swift hastened the flushed Iacchus with his train of Satyrs and Nisa-begot Sileni, thee questing, Ariadne, and aflame with love for thee. * * * * These scattered all around, an inspired band, rushed madly with mind all distraught, ranting "Euhoe," with tossing of heads "Euhoe." Some with womanish hands shook thyrsi with wreath-covered points; some tossed limbs of a rended steer; some engirt themselves with writhed snakes; some enacted obscure orgies with deep chests, orgies of which the profane vainly crave a hearing; others beat the tambours with outstretched palms, or from the burnished brass provoked shrill tinklings, blew raucous-sounding blasts from many horns, and the barbarous pipe droned forth horrible song.

With luxury of such figures was the coverlet adorned, enwrapping the bed with its mantling embrace. After the Thessalian youthhood with eager engazing were sated they began to give way to the sacred gods. Hence, as with his morning's breath brushing the still sea Zephyrus makes the sloping billows uprise, when Aurora mounts 'neath the threshold of the wandering sun, which waves heave slowly at first with the breeze's gentle motion (plashing with the sound as of low laughter) but after, as swells the wind, more and more frequent they crowd and gleam in the purple light as they float away,—so quitting the royal vestibule did the folk hie them away each to his home with steps wandering hither and thither.

After they had wended their way, chief from the Pelion vertex Chiron came, the bearer of sylvan spoil: for whatsoever the fields bear, whatso the Thessalian land on its high hills breeds, and what flowers the fecund air of warm Favonius begets near the running streams, these did he bear enwreathed into blended garlands wherewith the house rippled with laughter, caressed by the grateful odour.

Speedily stands present Penios, for a time his verdant Tempe, Tempe whose overhanging trees encircle, leaving to the Dorian choirs, damsels Magnesian, to frequent; nor empty-handed,—for he has borne hither lofty beeches uprooted and the tall laurel with straight stem, nor lacks he the nodding plane and the lithe sister of flame-wrapt Phaethon and the aerial cypress. These wreathed in line did he place around the palace so that the vestibule might grow green sheltered with soft fronds.

After him follows Prometheus of inventive mind, bearing diminishing traces of his punishment of aforetime, which of old he had suffered, with his limbs confined by chains hanging from the rugged Scythian crags. Then came the sire of gods from heaven with his holy consort and offspring, leaving thee alone, Phoebus, with thy twin-sister the fosterer of the mountains of Idrus: for equally with thyself did thy sister disdain Peleus nor was she willing to honour the wedding torches of Thetis. After they had reclined their snow-white forms along the seats, tables were loaded on high with food of various kinds.

In the meantime with shaking bodies and infirm gesture the Parcae began to intone their veridical chant. Their trembling frames were enwrapped around with white garments, encircled with a purple border at their heels, snowy fillets bound each aged brow, and their hands pursued their never-ending toil, as of custom. The left hand bore the distaff enwrapped in soft wool, the right hand lightly withdrawing the threads with upturned fingers did shape them, then twisting them with the prone thumb it turned the balanced spindle with well-polished whirl. And then with a pluck of their tooth the work was always made even, and the bitten wool-shreds adhered to their dried lips, which shreds at first had stood out from the fine thread. And in front of their feet wicker baskets of osier twigs took charge of the soft white woolly fleece. These, with clear-sounding voice, as they combed out the wool, outpoured fates of such kind in sacred song, in song which none age yet to come could tax with untruth.

"O with great virtues thine exceeding honour augmenting, stay of Emathia-land, most famous in thine issue, receive what the sisters make known to thee on this gladsome day, a weird veridical! But ye whom the fates do follow:—Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"Now Hesperus shall come unto thee bearing what is longed for by bridegrooms, with that fortunate star shall thy bride come, who ensteeps thy soul with the sway of softening love, and prepares with thee to conjoin in languorous slumber, making her smooth arms thy pillow round 'neath thy sinewy neck. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"No house ever yet enclosed such loves, no love bound lovers with such pact, as abideth with Thetis, as is the concord of Peleus. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"To ye shall Achilles be born, a stranger to fear, to his foemen not by his back, but by his broad breast known, who, oft-times the victor in the uncertain struggle of the foot-race, shall outrun the fire-fleet footsteps of the speedy doe. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"None in war with him may compare as a hero, when the Phrygian streams shall trickle with Trojan blood, and when besieging the walls of Troy with a long-drawn-out warfare perjured Pelops' third heir shall lay that city waste. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"His glorious acts and illustrious deeds often shall mothers attest o'er funeral-rites of their sons, when the white locks from their heads are unloosed amid ashes, and they bruise their discoloured breasts with feeble fists. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"For as the husbandman bestrewing the dense wheat-ears mows the harvest yellowed 'neath ardent sun, so shall he cast prostrate the corpses of Troy's sons with grim swords. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"His great valour shall be attested by Scamander's wave, which ever pours itself into the swift Hellespont, narrowing whose course with slaughtered heaps of corpses he shall make tepid its deep stream by mingling warm blood with the water. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"And she a witness in fine shall be the captive-maid handed to death, when the heaped-up tomb of earth built in lofty mound shall receive the snowy limbs of the stricken virgin. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"For instant fortune shall give the means to the war-worn Greeks to break Neptune's stone bonds of the Dardanian city, the tall tomb shall be made dank with Polyxena's blood, who as the victim succumbing 'neath two-edged sword, with yielding hams shall fall forward a headless corpse. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"Wherefore haste ye to conjoin in the longed-for delights of your love. Bridegroom thy goddess receive in felicitous compact; let the bride be given to her eager husband. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.

"Nor shall the nurse at orient light returning, with yester-e'en's thread succeed in circling her neck. [Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles.] Not need her solicitous mother fear sad discord shall cause a parted bed for her daughter, nor need she cease to hope for dear grandchildren. Haste ye, a-weaving the woof, O hasten, ye spindles."

With such soothsaying songs of yore did the Parcae chant from divine breast the felicitous fate of Peleus. For of aforetime the heaven-dwellers were wont to visit the chaste homes of heroes and to shew themselves in mortal assembly ere yet their worship was scorned. Often the father of the gods, a-resting in his glorious temple, when on the festal days his annual rites appeared, gazed on an hundred bulls strewn prone on the earth. Often wandering Liber on topmost summit of Parnassus led his yelling Thyiads with loosely tossed locks. * * * * When the Delphians tumultuously trooping from the whole of their city joyously acclaimed the god with smoking altars. Often in lethal strife of war Mavors, or swift Triton's queen, or the Rhamnusian virgin, in person did exhort armed bodies of men. But after the earth was infected with heinous crime, and each one banished justice from their grasping mind, and brothers steeped their hands in fraternal blood, the son ceased grieving o'er departed parents, the sire craved for the funeral rites of his first-born that freely he might take of the flower of unwedded step-dame, the unholy mother, lying under her unknowing son, did not fear to sully her household gods with dishonour: everything licit and lawless commingled with mad infamy turned away from us the just-seeing mind of the gods. Wherefore nor do they deign to appear at such-like assemblies, nor will they permit themselves to be met in the day-light.


Esti me adsiduo confectum cura dolore Sevocat a doctis, Ortale, virginibus, Nec potisest dulces Musarum expromere fetus Mens animi, (tantis fluctuat ipsa malis: Namque mei nuper Lethaeo gurgite fratris 5 Pallidulum manans adluit unda pedem, Troia Rhoeteo quem subter littore tellus Ereptum nostris obterit ex oculis. * * * * Adloquar, audiero numquam tua facta loquentem, Numquam ego te, vita frater amabilior, 10 Aspiciam posthac. at certe semper amabo, Semper maesta tua carmina morte canam, Qualia sub densis ramorum concinit umbris Daulias absumpti fata gemens Itylei)— Sed tamen in tantis maeroribus, Ortale, mitto 15 Haec expressa tibi carmina Battiadae, Ne tua dicta vagis nequiquam credita ventis Effluxisse meo forte putes animo, Vt missum sponsi furtivo munere malum Procurrit casto virginis e gremio, 20 Quod miserae oblitae molli sub veste locatum, Dum adventu matris prosilit, excutitur: Atque illud prono praeceps agitur decursu, Huic manat tristi conscius ore rubor.



Albeit care that consumes, with dule assiduous grieving, Me from the Learned Maids (Hortalus!) ever seclude, Nor can avail sweet births of the Muses thou to deliver Thought o' my mind; (so much floats it on flooding of ills: For that the Lethe-wave upsurging of late from abysses, 5 Laved my brother's foot, paling with pallor of death, He whom the Trojan soil, Rhoetean shore underlying, Buries for ever and aye, forcibly snatched from our sight. * * * * I can address; no more shall I hear thee tell of thy doings, Say, shall I never again, brother all liefer than life, 10 Sight thee henceforth? But I will surely love thee for ever Ever what songs I sing saddened shall be by thy death; Such as the Daulian bird 'neath gloom of shadowy frondage Warbles, of Itys lost ever bemoaning the lot.) Yet amid grief so great to thee, my Hortalus, send I 15 These strains sung to a mode borrowed from Battiades; Lest shouldest weet of me thy words, to wandering wind-gusts Vainly committed, perchance forth of my memory flowed— As did that apple sent for a furtive giftie by wooer, In the chaste breast of the Maid hidden a-sudden out-sprang; 20 For did the hapless forget when in loose-girt garment it lurked, Forth would it leap as she rose, scared by her mother's approach, And while coursing headlong, it rolls far out of her keeping, O'er the triste virgin's brow flushes the conscious blush.

Though outspent with care and unceasing grief, I am withdrawn, Ortalus, from the learned Virgins, nor is my soul's mind able to bring forth sweet babes of the Muses (so much does it waver 'midst ills: for but lately the wave of the Lethean stream doth lave with its flow the pallid foot of my brother, whom 'neath the Rhoetean seaboard the Trojan soil doth crush, thrust from our eyesight. * * * Never again may I salute thee, nor hear thy converse; never again, O brother, more loved than life, may I see thee in aftertime. But for all time in truth will I love thee, always will I sing elegies made gloomy by thy death, such as the Daulian bird pipes 'neath densest shades of foliage, lamenting the lot of slain Itys.) Yet 'midst sorrows so deep, O Ortalus, I send thee these verses re-cast from Battiades, lest thou shouldst credit thy words by chance have slipt from my mind, given o'er to the wandering winds, as 'twas with that apple, sent as furtive love-token by the wooer, which outleapt from the virgin's chaste bosom; for, placed by the hapless girl 'neath her soft vestment, and forgotten,—when she starts at her mother's approach, out 'tis shaken: and down it rolls headlong to the ground, whilst a tell-tale flush mantles the face of the distressed girl.


Omnia qui magni dispexit lumina mundi, Qui stellarum ortus comperit atque obitus, Flammeus ut rapidi solis nitor obscuretur, Vt cedant certis sidera temporibus, Vt Triviam furtim sub Latmia saxa relegans 5 Dulcis amor gyro devocet aerio, Idem me ille Conon caelesti in lumine vidit E Beroniceo vertice caesariem Fulgentem clare, quam cunctis illa deorum Levia protendens brachia pollicitast, 10 Qua rex tempestate novo auctus hymenaeo Vastatum finis iverat Assyrios, Dulcia nocturnae portans vestigia rixae, Quam de virgineis gesserat exuviis. Estne novis nuptis odio venus? anne parentum 15 Frustrantur falsis gaudia lacrimulis, Vbertim thalami quas intra lumina fundunt? Non, ita me divi, vera gemunt, iuerint. Id mea me multis docuit regina querellis Invisente novo praelia torva viro. 20 An tu non orbum luxti deserta cubile, Sed fratris cari flebile discidium? Quam penitus maestas excedit cura medullas! Vt tibi tum toto pectore sollicitae Sensibus ereptis mens excidit! at te ego certe 25 Cognoram a parva virgine magnanimam. Anne bonum oblita's facinus, quo regium adepta's Coniugium, quo non fortius ausit alis? Sed tum maesta virum mittens quae verba locuta's! Iuppiter, ut tristi lumina saepe manu! 30 Quis te mutavit tantus deus? an quod amantes Non longe a caro corpore abesse volunt? Atque ibi me cunctis pro dulci coniuge divis Non sine taurino sanguine pollicita's Sei reditum tetullisset. is haut in tempore longo 35 Captam Asiam Aegypti finibus addiderat. Quis ego pro factis caelesti reddita coetu Pristina vota novo munere dissoluo. Invita, o regina, tuo de vertice cessi, Invita: adiuro teque tuomque caput, 40 Digna ferat quod siquis inaniter adiurarit: Sed qui se ferro postulet esse parem? Ille quoque eversus mons est, quem maximum in orbi Progenies Thiae clara supervehitur, Cum Medi peperere novom mare, cumque inventus 45 Per medium classi barbara navit Athon. Quid facient crines, cum ferro talia cedant? Iuppiter, ut Chalybon omne genus pereat, Et qui principio sub terra quaerere venas Institit ac ferri frangere duritiem! 50 Abiunctae paulo ante comae mea fata sorores Lugebant, cum se Memnonis Aethiopis Vnigena inpellens nictantibus aera pennis Obtulit Arsinoes Locridos ales equos, Isque per aetherias me tollens avolat umbras 55 Et Veneris casto collocat in gremio. Ipsa suum Zephyritis eo famulum legarat, Graia Canopieis incola litoribus. + Hi dii ven ibi vario ne solum in lumine caeli Ex Ariadneis aurea temporibus 60 Fixa corona foret, sed nos quoque fulgeremus Devotae flavi verticis exuviae, Vvidulam a fletu cedentem ad templa deum me Sidus in antiquis diva novom posuit: Virginis et saevi contingens namque Leonis 65 Lumina, Callisto iuncta Lycaoniae, Vertor in occasum, tardum dux ante Booten, Qui vix sero alto mergitur Oceano. Sed quamquam me nocte premunt vestigia divom, Lux autem canae Tethyi restituit, 70 (Pace tua fari hic liceat, Rhamnusia virgo, Namque ego non ullo vera timore tegam, Nec si me infestis discerpent sidera dictis, Condita quin verei pectoris evoluam): Non his tam laetor rebus, quam me afore semper, 75 Afore me a dominae vertice discrucior, Quicum ego, dum virgo curis fuit omnibus expers, Vnguenti Suriei milia multa bibi. Nunc vos, optato quom iunxit lumine taeda, Non prius unanimis corpora coniugibus 80 Tradite nudantes reiecta veste papillas, Quam iocunda mihi munera libet onyx, Voster onyx, casto petitis quae iura cubili. Sed quae se inpuro dedit adulterio, Illius a mala dona levis bibat irrita pulvis: 85 Namque ego ab indignis praemia nulla peto. Sed magis, o nuptae, semper concordia vostras Semper amor sedes incolat adsiduos. Tu vero, regina, tuens cum sidera divam Placabis festis luminibus Venerem, 90 Vnguinis expertem non siris esse tuam me, Sed potius largis adfice muneribus. Sidera corruerent utinam! coma regia fiam: Proximus Hydrochoi fulgeret Oarion!



He who every light of the sky world's vastness inspected, He who mastered in mind risings and settings of stars, How of the fast rising sun obscured be the fiery splendours, How at the seasons assured vanish the planets from view, How Diana to lurk thief-like 'neath Latmian stonefields, 5 Summoned by sweetness of Love, comes from her aery gyre; That same Conon espied among lights Celestial shining Me, Berenice's Hair, which, from her glorious head, Fulgent in brightness afar, to many a host of the Godheads Stretching her soft smooth arms she vowed to devoutly bestow, 10 What time strengthened by joy of new-made wedlock the monarch Bounds of Assyrian land hurried to plunder and pill; Bearing of nightly strife new signs and traces delicious, Won in the war he waged virginal trophies to win. Loathsome is Venus to all new-paired? Else why be the parents' 15 Pleasure frustrated aye by the false flow of tears Poured in profusion amid illuminate genial chamber? Nay not real the groans; ever so help me the Gods! This truth taught me my Queen by force of manifold 'plainings After her new groom hied facing the fierceness of fight. 20 Yet so thou mournedst not for a bed deserted of husband, As for a brother beloved wending on woefullest way? How was the marrow of thee consumedly wasted by sorrow! So clean forth of thy breast, rackt with solicitous care, Mind fled, sense being reft! But I have known thee for certain 25 E'en from young virginal years lofty of spirit to be. Hast thou forgotten the feat whose greatness won thee a royal Marriage—a deed so prow, never a prower was dared? Yet how sad was the speech thou spakest, thy husband farewelling! (Jupiter!) Often thine eyes wiping with sorrowful hand! 30 What manner God so great thus changed thee? Is it that lovers Never will tarry afar parted from person beloved? Then unto every God on behalf of thy helpmate, thy sweeting, Me thou gavest in vow, not without bloodshed of bulls, If he be granted return, and long while nowise delaying, 35 Captive Asia he add unto Egyptian bounds. Now for such causes I, enrolled in host of the Heavens, By a new present, discharge promise thou madest of old: Maugre my will, O Queen, my place on thy head I relinquished, Maugre my will, I attest, swearing by thee and thy head; 40 Penalty due shall befall whoso makes oath to no purpose. Yet who assumes the vaunt forceful as iron to be? E'en was that mount o'erthrown, though greatest in universe, where through Thia's illustrious race speeded its voyage to end, Whenas the Medes brought forth new sea, and barbarous youth-hood 45 Urged an Armada to swim traversing middle-Athos. What can be done by Hair when such things yield them to Iron? Jupiter! Grant Chalybon perish the whole of the race, Eke who in primal times ore seeking under the surface Showed th' example, and spalled iron however so hard. 50 Shortly before I was shorn my sister tresses bewailed Lot of me, e'en as the sole brother to Memnon the Black, Winnowing upper air wi' feathers flashing and quiv'ring, Chloris' wing-borne steed, came before Arsinoe, Whence upraising myself he flies through aery shadows, 55 And in chaste Venus' breast drops he the present he bears. Eke Zephyritis had sent, for the purpose trusted, her bondsman, Settler of Grecian strain on the Canopian strand. So willed various Gods, lest sole 'mid lights of the Heavens Should Ariadne's crown taken from temples of her 60 Glitter in gold, but we not less shine fulgent in splendour, We the consecrate spoils shed by a blond-hued head, Even as weeping-wet sought I the fanes of Celestials, Placed me the Goddess a new light amid starlights of old: For with Virgo in touch and joining the furious Lion's 65 Radiance with Callisto, maid of Lycaon beloved, Wind I still to the west, conducting tardy Booetes, Who unwilling and slow must into Ocean merge. Yet though press me o'night the pacing footprints of Godheads, Tethys, hoary of hair, ever regains me by day. 70 (Lend me thy leave to speak such words, Rhamnusian Virgin, Verities like unto these never in fear will I veil; Albeit every star asperse me with enemy's censure, Secrets in soothfast heart hoarded perforce I reveal.) Nowise gladdens me so this state as absence torments me, 75 Absence doomed for aye ta'en fro' my mistress's head, Where I was wont (though she such cares unknew in her girlhood) Many a thousand scents, Syrian unguents, to sip. Now do you pair conjoined by the longed-for light of the torches, Earlier yield not selves unto unanimous wills 80 Nor wi' the dresses doft your bared nipples encounter, Ere shall yon onyx-vase pour me libations glad, Onyx yours, ye that seek only rights of virtuous bed-rite. But who yieldeth herself unto advowtry impure, Ah! may her loathed gifts in light dust uselessly soak, 85 For of unworthy sprite never a gift I desire. Rather, O new-mated brides, be concord aye your companion, Ever let constant love dwell in the dwellings of you. Yet when thou sightest, O Queen, the Constellations, I pray thee, Every festal day Venus the Goddess appease; 90 Nor of thy unguent-gifts allow myself to be lacking, Nay, do thou rather add largeliest increase to boons. Would but the stars down fall! Could I of my Queen be the hair-lock, Neighbour to Hydrochois e'en let Oarion shine.

He who scanned all the lights of the great firmament, who ascertained the rising and the setting of the stars, how the flaming splendour of the swift sun was endarkened, how the planets disappear at certain seasons, how sweet love with stealth detaining Trivia beneath the Latmian crags, draws her away from her airy circuit, that same Conon saw me amongst celestial light, the hair from Berenice's head, gleaming with brightness, which she outstretching graceful arms did devote to the whole of the gods, when the king flushed with the season of new wedlock had gone to lay waste the Assyrian borders, bearing the sweet traces of nightly contests, in which he had borne away her virginal spoils. Is Venus abhorred by new-made brides? Why be the parents' joys turned aside by feigned tears, which they shed copiously amid the lights of the nuptial chamber? Untrue are their groans, by the gods I swear! This did my queen teach me by her many lamentings, when her bridegroom set out for stern warfare. Yet thou didst not mourn the widowhood of desolate couch, but the tearful separation from a dear brother? How care made sad inroads in thy very marrow! In so much that thine whole bosom being agitated, and thy senses being snatched from thee, thy mind wandered! But in truth I have known thee great of heart ever since thou wast a little maiden. Hast thou forgotten that noble deed, by which thou didst gain a regal wedlock, than which none dared other deeds bolder? Yet what grieving words didst thou speak when bidding thy bridegroom farewell! Jupiter! as with sad hand often thine eyes thou didst dry! What mighty god changed thee? Was it that lovers are unwilling to be long absent from their dear one's body? Then didst thou devote me to the whole of the gods on thy sweet consort's behalf, not without blood of bullocks, should he be granted safe return. In no long time he added captive Asia to the Egyptian boundaries. Wherefore for these reasons I, bestowed 'midst the celestial host, by a new gift fulfil thine ancient promise. With grief, O queen, did I quit thy brow, with grief: I swear to thee and to thine head; fit ill befall whosoever shall swear lightly: but who may bear himself peer with steel? Even that mountain was swept away, the greatest on earth, over which Thia's illustrious progeny passed, when the Medes created a new sea, and the barbarian youth sailed its fleet through the middle of Athos. What can locks of hair do, when such things yield to iron? Jupiter! may the whole race of the Chalybes perish, and whoever first questing the veins 'neath the earth harassed its hardness, breaking it through with iron. Just before severance my sister locks were mourning my fate, when Ethiop Memnon's brother, the winged steed, beating the air with fluttering pennons, appeared before Locrian Arsinoe, and this one bearing me up, flies through aethereal shadows and lays me in the chaste bosom of Venus. Him Zephyritis herself had dispatched as her servant, a Grecian settler on the Canopian shores. For 'twas the wish of many gods that not alone in heaven's light should the golden coronet from Ariadne's temples stay fixed, but that we also should gleam, the spoils devote from thy golden-yellow head; when humid with weeping I entered the temples of the gods, the Goddess placed me, a new star, amongst the ancient ones. For a-touching the Virgin's and the fierce Lion's gleams, hard by Callisto of Lycaon, I turn westwards fore-guiding the slow-moving Bootes who sinks unwillingly and late into the vasty ocean. But although the footsteps of the gods o'erpress me in the night-tide, and the daytime restoreth me to the white-haired Tethys, (grant me thy grace to speak thus, O Rhamnusian virgin, for I will not hide the truth through any fear, even if the stars revile me with ill words yet I will unfold the pent-up feelings from truthful breast) I am not so much rejoiced at these things as I am tortured by being for ever parted, parted from my lady's head, with whom I (though whilst a virgin she was free from all such cares) drank many a thousand of Syrian scents.

Now do you, whom the gladsome light of the wedding torches hath joined, yield not your bodies to your desiring husbands nor throw aside your vestments and bare your bosom's nipples, before your onyx cup brings me jocund gifts, your onyx, ye who seek the dues of chaste marriage-bed. But she who giveth herself to foul adultery, may the light-lying dust responselessly drink her vile gifts, for I seek no offerings from folk that do ill. But rather, O brides, may concord always be yours, and constant love ever dwell in your homes. But when thou, O queen, whilst gazing at the stars, shalt propitiate the goddess Venus with festal torch-lights, let not me, thine own, be left lacking of unguent, but rather gladden me with large gifts. Stars fall in confusion! So that I become a royal tress, Orion might gleam in Aquarius' company.


O dulci iocunda viro, iocunda parenti, Salve, teque bona Iuppiter auctet ope, Ianua, quam Balbo dicunt servisse benigne Olim, cum sedes ipse senex tenuit, Quamque ferunt rursus voto servisse maligno, 5 Postquam es porrecto facta marita sene. Dic agedum nobis, quare mutata feraris In dominum veterem deseruisse fidem. 'Non (ita Caecilio placeam, cui tradita nunc sum) Culpa meast, quamquam dicitur esse mea, 10 Nec peccatum a me quisquam pote dicere quicquam: Verum istud populi fabula, Quinte, facit, Qui, quacumque aliquid reperitur non bene factum, Ad me omnes clamant: ianua, culpa tuast.' Non istuc satis est uno te dicere verbo, 15 Sed facere ut quivis sentiat et videat. 'Qui possum? nemo quaerit nec scire laborat.' Nos volumus: nobis dicere ne dubita. 'Primum igitur, virgo quod fertur tradita nobis, Falsumst. non illam vir prior attigerit, 20 Languidior tenera cui pendens sicula beta Numquam se mediam sustulit ad tunicam: Sed pater illius gnati violasse cubile Dicitur et miseram conscelerasse domum, Sive quod inpia mens caeco flagrabat amore, 25 Seu quod iners sterili semine natus erat, Et quaerendus is unde foret nervosius illud, Quod posset zonam solvere virgineam.' Egregium narras mira pietate parentem, Qui ipse sui gnati minxerit in gremium. 30 Atqui non solum hoc se dicit cognitum habere Brixia Cycneae supposita speculae, Flavos quam molli percurrit flumine Mella, Brixia Veronae mater amata meae. 'Et de Postumio et Corneli narrat amore, 35 Cum quibus illa malum fecit adulterium.' Dixerit hic aliquis: qui tu isthaec, ianua, nosti? Cui numquam domini limine abesse licet, Nec populum auscultare, sed heic suffixa tigillo Tantum operire soles aut aperire domum? 40 'Saepe illam audivi furtiva voce loquentem Solam cum ancillis haec sua flagitia, Nomine dicentem quos diximus, ut pote quae mi Speraret nec linguam esse nec auriculam. Praeterea addebat quendam, quem dicere nolo 45 Nomine, ne tollat rubra supercilia. Longus homost, magnas quoi lites intulit olim Falsum mendaci ventre puerperium.'




O to the gentle spouse right dear, right dear to his parent, Hail, and with increase fair Jupiter lend thee his aid, Door, 'tis said wast fain kind service render to Balbus Erst while, long as the house by her old owner was held; Yet wast rumoured again to serve a purpose malignant, 5 After the elder was stretched, thou being oped for a bride. Come, then, tell us the why in thee such change be reported That to thy lord hast abjured faithfulness owed of old?


Never (so chance I to please Caecilius owning me now-a-days!) Is it my own default, how so they say it be mine; 10 Nor can any declare aught sin by me was committed. Yet it is so declared (Quintus!) by fable of folk; Who, whenever they find things done no better than should be, Come to me outcrying all:—"Door, the default is thine own!"


This be never enough for thee one-worded to utter, 15 But in such way to deal, each and all sense it and see.


What shall I do? None asks, while nobody troubles to know.


Willing are we? unto us stay not thy saying to say.


First let me note that the maid to us committed (assert they) Was but a fraud: her mate never a touch of her had, 20 * * * * * * * * But that a father durst dishonour the bed of his firstborn, Folk all swear, and the house hapless with incest bewray; Or that his impious mind was blunt with fiery passion 25 Or that his impotent son sprang from incapable seed. And to be sought was one with nerve more nervous endowed, Who could better avail zone of the virgin to loose.


'Sooth, of egregious sire for piety wondrous, thou tellest, Who in the heart of his son lief was ——! 30 Yet professed herself not only this to be knowing, Brixia-town that lies under the Cycnean cliff, Traversed by Mella-stream's soft-flowing yellow-hued current, Brixia, Verona's mother, I love for my home.


Eke of Posthumius' loves and Cornelius too there be tattle, 35 With whom dared the dame evil advowtry commit.


Here might somebody ask:—"How, Door, hast mastered such matter? Thou that canst never avail threshold of owner to quit, Neither canst listen to folk since here fast fixt to the side-posts Only one office thou hast, shutting or opening the house." 40


Oft have I heard our dame in furtive murmurs o'er telling, When with her handmaids alone, these her flagitious deeds, Citing fore-cited names for that she never could fancy Ever a Door was endow'd either with earlet or tongue. Further she noted a wight whose name in public to mention 45 Nill I, lest he upraise eyebrows of carroty hue; Long is the loon and large the law-suit brought they against him Touching a child-bed false, claim of a belly that lied.


O dear in thought to the sweet husband, dear in thought to his sire, hail! and may Jove augment his good grace to thee, Door! which of old, men say, didst serve Balbus benignly, whilst the oldster held his home here; and which contrariwise, so 'tis said, didst serve with grudging service after the old man was stretched stark, thou doing service to the bride. Come, tell us why thou art reported to be changed and to have renounced thine ancient faithfulness to thy lord?


No, (so may I please Caecilius to whom I am now made over!) it is not my fault, although 'tis said so to be, nor may anyone impute any crime to me; albeit the fabling tongues of folk make it so, who, whene'er aught is found not well done, all clamour at me: "Door, thine is the blame!"


It is not enough for thee to say this by words merely, but so to act that everyone may feel it and see it.


In what way can I? No one questions or troubles to know.


We are wishful: be not doubtful to tell us.


First then, the virgin (so they called her!) who was handed to us was spurious. Her husband was not the first to touch her, he whose little dagger, hanging more limply than the tender beet, never raised itself to the middle of his tunic: but his father is said to have violated his son's bed and to have polluted the unhappy house, either because his lewd mind blazed with blind lust, or because his impotent son was sprung from sterile seed, and therefore one greater of nerve than he was needed, who could unloose the virgin's zone.


Thou tellest of an excellent parent marvellous in piety, who himself urined in the womb of his son!


But not this alone is Brixia said to have knowledge of, placed 'neath the Cycnean peak, through which the golden-hued Mella flows with its gentle current, Brixia, beloved mother of my Verona. For it talks of the loves of Postumius and of Cornelius, with whom she committed foul adultery.


Folk might say here: "How knowest thou these things, O door? thou who art never allowed absence from thy lord's threshold, nor mayst hear the folk's gossip, but fixed to this beam art wont only to open or to shut the house!"


Often have I heard her talking with hushed voice, when alone with her handmaids, about her iniquities, quoting by name those whom we have spoken of, for she did not expect me to be gifted with either tongue or ear. Moreover she added a certain one whose name I'm unwilling to speak, lest he uplift his red eyebrows. A lanky fellow, against whom some time ago was brought a grave law-suit anent the spurious child-birth of a lying belly.


Quod mihi fortuna casuque oppressus acerbo Conscriptum hoc lacrimis mittis epistolium, Naufragum ut eiectum spumantibus aequoris undis Sublevem et a mortis limine restituam, Quem neque sancta Venus molli requiescere somno 5 Desertum in lecto caelibe perpetitur, Nec veterum dulci scriptorum carmine Musae Oblectant, cum mens anxia pervigilat, Id gratumst mihi, me quoniam tibi dicis amicum, Muneraque et Musarum hinc petis et Veneris: 10 Sed tibi ne mea sint ignota incommoda, Mani, Neu me odisse putes hospitis officium, Accipe, quis merser fortunae fluctibus ipse, Ne amplius a misero dona beata petas. Tempore quo primum vestis mihi tradita purast, 15 Iocundum cum aetas florida ver ageret, Multa satis lusi: non est dea nescia nostri, Quae dulcem curis miscet amaritiem: Sed totum hoc studium luctu fraterna mihi mors Abstulit. o misero frater adempte mihi, 20 Tu mea tu moriens fregisti commoda, frater, Tecum una totast nostra sepulta domus, Omnia tecum una perierunt gaudia nostra, Quae tuos in vita dulcis alebat amor. Cuius ego interitu tota de mente fugavi 25 Haec studia atque omnis delicias animi. Quare, quod scribis Veronae turpe Catullo Esse, quod hic quivis de meliore nota Frigida deserto tepefactet membra cubili, Id, Mani, non est turpe, magis miserumst. 30 Ignosces igitur, si, quae mihi luctus ademit, Haec tibi non tribuo munera, cum nequeo. Nam, quod scriptorum non magnast copia apud me, Hoc fit, quod Romae vivimus: illa domus, Illa mihi sedes, illic mea carpitur aetas: 35 Huc una ex multis capsula me sequitur. Quod cum ita sit, nolim statuas nos mente maligna Id facere aut animo non satis ingenuo, Quod tibi non utriusque petenti copia factast: Vltro ego deferrem, copia siqua foret. 40 Non possum reticere, deae, qua me Allius in re Iuverit aut quantis iuverit officiis: Nec fugiens saeclis obliviscentibus aetas Illius hoc caeca nocte tegat studium: Sed dicam vobis, vos porro dicite multis 45 Milibus et facite haec charta loquatur anus * * * * Notescatque magis mortuos atque magis, Nec tenuem texens sublimis aranea telam In deserto Alli nomine opus faciat. 50 Nam, mihi quam dederit duplex Amathusia curam, Scitis, et in quo me corruerit genere, Cum tantum arderem quantum Trinacria rupes Lymphaque in Oetaeis Malia Thermopylis, Maesta neque adsiduo tabescere lumina fletu 55 Cessarent tristique imbre madere genae. Qualis in aerii perlucens vertice montis Rivos muscoso prosilit e lapide, Qui cum de prona praeceps est valle volutus, Per medium sensim transit iter populi, 60 Dulci viatori lasso in sudore levamen, Cum gravis exustos aestus hiulcat agros: Hic, velut in nigro iactatis turbine nautis Lenius aspirans aura secunda venit Iam prece Pollucis, iam Castoris inplorata, 65 Tale fuit nobis Manius auxilium. Is clusum lato patefecit limite campum, Isque domum nobis isque dedit dominam, Ad quam communes exerceremus amores. Quo mea se molli candida diva pede 70 Intulit et trito fulgentem in limine plantam Innixa arguta constituit solea, Coniugis ut quondam flagrans advenit amore Protesilaeam Laudamia domum Inceptam frustra, nondum cum sanguine sacro 75 Hostia caelestis pacificasset eros. Nil mihi tam valde placeat, Rhamnusia virgo, Quod temere invitis suscipiatur eris. Quam ieiuna pium desideret ara cruorem, Doctast amisso Laudamia viro, 80 Coniugis ante coacta novi dimittere collum, Quam veniens una atque altera rursus hiemps Noctibus in longis avidum saturasset amorem, Posset ut abrupto vivere coniugio, Quod scirant Parcae non longo tempore adesse, 85 Si miles muros isset ad Iliacos: Nam tum Helenae raptu primores Argivorum Coeperat ad sese Troia ciere viros, Troia (nefas) commune sepulcrum Asiae Europaeque, Troia virum et virtutum omnium acerba cinis, 90 Quaene etiam nostro letum miserabile fratri Attulit. ei misero frater adempte mihi, Ei misero fratri iocundum lumen ademptum, Tecum una totast nostra sepulta domus, Omnia tecum una perierunt gaudia nostra, 95 Quae tuos in vita dulcis alebat amor. Quem nunc tam longe non inter nota sepulcra Nec prope cognatos conpositum cineres, Sed Troia obscaena, Troia infelice sepultum Detinet extremo terra aliena solo. 100 Ad quam tum properans fertur simul undique pubes Graeca penetrales deseruisse focos, Ne Paris abducta gavisus libera moecha Otia pacato degeret in thalamo. Quo tibi tum casu, pulcherrima Laudamia, 105 Ereptumst vita dulcius atque anima Coniugium: tanto te absorbens vertice amoris Aestus in abruptum detulerat barathrum, Quale ferunt Grai Pheneum prope Cylleneum Siccare emulsa pingue palude solum, 110 Quod quondam caesis montis fodisse medullis Audit falsiparens Amphitryoniades, Tempore quo certa Stymphalia monstra sagitta Perculit imperio deterioris eri, Pluribus ut caeli tereretur ianua divis, 115 Hebe nec longa virginitate foret. Sed tuos altus amor barathro fuit altior illo, Qui durum domitam ferre iugum docuit: Nam nec tam carum confecto aetate parenti Vna caput seri nata nepotis alit, 120 Qui, cum divitiis vix tandem inventus avitis Nomen testatas intulit in tabulas, Inpia derisi gentilis gaudia tollens Suscitat a cano volturium capiti: Nec tantum niveo gavisast ulla columbo 125 Conpar, quae multo dicitur inprobius Oscula mordenti semper decerpere rostro, Quam quae praecipue multivolast mulier. Sed tu horum magnos vicisti sola furores, Vt semel es flavo conciliata viro. 130 Aut nihil aut paulo cui tum concedere digna Lux mea se nostrum contulit in gremium, Quam circumcursans hinc illinc saepe Cupido Fulgebat crocina candidus in tunica. Quae tamen etsi uno non est contenta Catullo, 135 Rara verecundae furta feremus erae, Ne nimium simus stultorum more molesti. Saepe etiam Iuno, maxima caelicolum, Coniugis in culpa flagrantem conquoquit iram, Noscens omnivoli plurima furta Iovis. 140 Atquei nec divis homines conponier aequomst, * * * * * * * * Ingratum tremuli tolle parentis onus. Nec tamen illa mihi dextra deducta paterna Fragrantem Assyrio venit odore domum, Sed furtiva dedit muta munuscula nocte, 145 Ipsius ex ipso dempta viri gremio. Quare illud satis est, si nobis is datur unis, Quem lapide illa diem candidiore notat. Hoc tibi, qua potui, confectum carmine munus Pro multis, Alli, redditur officiis, 150 Ne vostrum scabra tangat rubigine nomen Haec atque illa dies atque alia atque alia. Huc addent divi quam plurima, quae Themis olim Antiquis solitast munera ferre piis: Sitis felices et tu simul et tua vita 155 Et domus, ipsi in qua lusimus et domina, Et qui principio nobis te tradidit Anser, A quo sunt primo mi omnia nata bona. Et longe ante omnes mihi quae me carior ipsost, Lux mea, qua viva vivere dulce mihist. 160

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