Citeaux: books chained near Chapter House, 89; arrangement of books, saec. xv., 103-106; permanent library, 109-112
Citrus: identification of tree so called, 22, note; used to preserve rolls, 29
Clairvaux: curse used, 78; books chained near Chapter House, 89; library, 112-4; catalogue of this discussed, 196-8; nature of fittings, 198
Clare Coll., Camb.: account of old library, 186; new cases put up 1627, ibid.; their plan discussed, 187; new library fitted up, 285
class: meaning of word discussed, 243
claustrum sine armario etc., 75
Cleopatra: receives library of Pergamon from Antony, 8
Cloister: the centre of monastic life, 80; work interrupted by cold and bad weather, ibid.; activity at S. Martin's, Tournai, 81; arrangements at Durham described, 90; illustrated by reference to Westminster Abbey, 91-94; was glazed at Durham, 90; in other Houses, 100
Cluniacs: regulations in their Customs respecting books, 67; date of these Customs, 68, note; book-room in their priory at Much Wenlock, 87
Cobham, Thomas: library, Oxf., 148-151; stained glass in windows, 242
Codex, a book: how accommodated, 36, 37; figured on tomb of Galla Placidia, 39
Codex Amiatinus: representation of armarium described, 40
Cold, in cloister, 80
columpna: a set of shelves, 87
communes libri; meaning of term, 82
Corbie: note from MS. once belonging to, 75, note; injunction to use a MS. at, carefully, 77 and note; endowment of library, 79
cornua: used for the knobs of a roll, 28
Corpus Christi Coll., Camb.: books chained 1523, 264
Corpus Christi Coll., Oxf.: library statute, 137, 138; provisions against indiscriminate chaining, 138; fittings supplied 1517, 172; a type of the stall-system, ibid.; elevation of one bookcase, 173
Cosma e Damiano: church of, in Rome, 25, 26
Crates (of Mallus): his visit to Rome and influence there, 14
Creighton, Rob., Bp of Wells: fits up cathedral library, 188
Croxden, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86
Cruas, on the Rhone: book-press in the church, 94
Cupboards: in thickness of wall, 313
Curses, on those who steal or damage MSS., 77
Cuthbert, Abbat of Wearmouth: his scribes paralysed with cold, 80
Damasus, Pope: his archivum or Record Office, 42
demonstratio: meaning discussed, 243
Demosthenes: statue of, to shew way of holding roll, 27; replica of his statue at Knowle Park, ibid., note
Denchworth: library in church, 262
De Rossi: theory respecting S. Lorenzo in Damaso, 42; of the use of a triple apse, 63
Derr: library at, explored by Dr W. Budge, 4
descus: meaning discussed, 242
distinctio: word used in catalogue of Dover Priory, 194-196; meaning discussed, 196, 243
[Greek: Diphthera] = cover of a roll, 29; coloured purple, 29
Dolci, Giovannino dei: supplies bookcases to Vatican Library, 218
domuncula: a compartment of a bookcase, 244
Dover, Priory of S. Martin at: introduction to catalogue translated, 194
Durham: description of the book-presses and carrells in the cloister, 90; armarium commune, 93; plan of window and account of carrells, 96-99; library at, saec. xii., 102; enumeration of books at, saec. xiv., 103; library at, built 1446, 107; library fitted up by Dean Sudbury, saec. xvii., 189
Durham Coll., Oxf.: library, 142
Ely: endowment of scriptorium at, 79
Emmanuel Coll., Camb.: bookcases at, 54; new cases in library, 285
Endowment of libraries: at Corbie, 79; S. Martin des Champs, ibid.; S. Benoit-sur-Loire (Fleury), ibid.; at Ely, ibid.
Entreaties to use books carefully, 76
[Greek: Epistulion]: use of word explained, 32, note
Escorial: built by Philip II., 267; description of library, 268; of bookcases, 269; cases copied at Bibliotheque Mazarine, 273
Eton College: stained glass in Election Hall, 242; chains taken off 1719, 266
Eucherius, Bp of Lyons: describes a private library, 43
Euripides: said to have been a book-collector, 5; lines from the Frogs about him quoted, ibid.
Euthydemus, follower of Socrates: his library, 5
Evesham, Benedictine House in Worcestershire: customs respecting books, 69; carrells, 99
fenestra = cupboard: in rule of S. Pachomius, 64; meaning of word discussed, 65, note
Fleury, Abbey at: see Benoit (S.)-sur-Loire
forulus = cell: receptacle for rolls in Roman libraries, 31
Fossa Nuova: book-press at, described and figured, 82; plan and description of book-room, 85
Fountains Abbey: position of book-rooms at, 89
foxtails: bought to dust Vatican Library, 232
Francis (S.): reproves a brother who asked for a psalter, 72, note
Franciscans: provisions respecting books, 72; their libraries described in the Philobiblon, ibid.
Froidmont: glass in library, 242
frons: used for the edge of a roll, 28; was evidently visible, 34
Furness Abbey: book-rooms at west end of chapter-house, 87
Gall (S.): library at, 102
Galla Placidia: book-press on her tomb, 39
Gatien, S., Tours, church of: chained library at, 1718, 266
Genevieve, S., Paris: description of library, 289
Germain (S.) des Pres, Paris: library open to strangers, 75; expansion of library at, 114-6; fittings described, 289
Germain (S.) l'Auxerrois, church of: wooden press in, described, 95
Ghirlandajo, the brothers: engaged to decorate Vatican Library, 211; their work described, 213
Glass: in certain cloisters, 100
Glastonbury: feelings of Leland on entering Library, 194
Globes: in Vatican Library, 229; in library of S. Genevieve, 289
Gloucester Cathedral: library-walk of cloister, 91; sets of nine holes, 92; stone carrells described and figured, 96-98; library, 107
Gonville Hall, Camb.: curse from breviary used at, 79
Gonville and Caius Coll., Camb.: bookcases at, 254; chaining of books bequeathed by Dr Caius, 265
Gorton: bookcase, 259
gradus = a shelf, 87, note; used with same meaning at Dover Priory, 194-196; a side of a lectern, 167
Grammar Schools: see Libraries
Grantham: library, 257
Gray's Inn: bequest of books to be chained, 264
Gregory (S.) the Great: notice of his monastery at Rome, 44
Groenendaal: library, 108
Guildford: chain in library of Grammar School, 157; further account of this, 263
Hadrian: library built by him in Athens, 16-18; similarity of plan between it and Pergamon, 18
Hale, Sir Matt.: his books given to Lincoln's Inn 1676 to be chained, 265
Hawkesmoore, N.: builds library and bookcases at Queen's College, Oxford, 256
Hayles, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86; arches possibly used as book-recesses, 89
Herculaneum: library, 23-25
Hereford, All Saints' Ch.: library, 262
Hereford Chapter Library: notes on, 174; chaining described, 174-8
Hippo: library, 63
Hobart, Nich.: his bookcase at King's College, Cambridge, 254
Honywood, Mich.: builds library at Lincoln Cathedral, 276
Hook, to hold up desk, 179
Horace: advice to his friend Celsus respecting the Palatine library, 19
Howley-Harrison Library, Canterbury, 256
Humphrey, D. of Gloucester: his MSS. at Oxford, 247
index = ticket bearing the title of a roll, 28; of some bright colour, 29; used in Cicero's library, 33
Isidore, Bp of Seville: on library of Pollio at Rome, 12; on decoration of libraries, 41; account of his own library, 45, 46
Ivory: books written on, 20
Jerome (S.): advises consultation of church-libraries, 62; on library at Caesarea, ibid.; collated there MSS. used by Origen, ibid.
Jerusalem: library, 62
Jervaulx, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86
Jesus Coll., Camb.: equidistant windows of library, 148; glass in library, 242; bookcases, 254
Jews: used armaria in synagogues to contain the rolls of the law, 39, note
John (S.) the Baptist, Coll., Oxf.: library statute at, 137; library described, 185;
John (S.) the Evangelist, Coll., Camb.: equidistant windows in old library, 148; contract for desks, 160; book chained at, 1564, 265; library built 1623-1628, 248-251
Jumieges: curse from MS. at, 78
Juniper: bought to fumigate Vatican Library, 232
Kederminster, Sir John: founds library at Langley, 258
Kempis, Thomas a: quotation from, on desolate condition of priest and convent without books, 75; injunction to use MSS. carefully, 77
King's Coll., Camb.: library statute, 137; number of books in library 1453, 145; bookcase by bequest from N. Hobart, 254; Cole's account of library, 255; chains taken off 1777, 266
Kirkstall Abbey: the armarium commune, 85
Kouyunjik: library, discovered by Layard, 2; criticised by Dr W. Budge, 4
Lanciani. R.: discovers a private library in Rome, 22; describes record-house of Vespasian, 26
Lanfranc, Abp: decree respecting use of books, 67
Langley Marye: library, 258
Lateran Museum, Rome: sculpture representing actor with masks, 36
Layard: library discovered by him at Kouyunjik, 2
Leaver, James: gives press to Bolton school, Lancashire, 264
Lectern-system: fittings in early libraries so named, 151-153; at Zutphen, 153-159; Queens' Coll., Camb., 151, 159; Pembroke Coll., S. John's Coll., Peterhouse, Camb., 160; Lincoln Cathedral, 161; MS. Mus. Brit., 162; Nuremberg, 163; the Sorbonne, Paris, 164; the College d'Autun, Paris, 166; Monastery of S. Victor, Paris, 166; Trinity Hall, Camb., 168; MS. Fitzwilliam Mus., 169; at University of Leyden, 170; Cesena, 199-203; S. Mark, Florence, 203; Monte Oliveto, ibid.; Assisi, 206; Vatican, 225; Medicean Library, Florence, 235-240; in private houses, 297-301
lectrinum = desk, 161
Leland, John: his feelings on entering library at Glastonbury, 194
Lepidus, Domitius: temple built by him in Rome, 13
liber = book: decision of the jurist Ulpian as to what is included under this category, 37
Librarian: see Precentor—Armarius
LIBRARIES, Assyrian: at Kouyunjik, discovered by Layard, 2-4; at Derr, 4
Libraries of Cathedrals: 116-128; Lincoln, 117, 161; Salisbury, 121; Old S. Paul's, 122; Wells, 123; Lichfield, 123; Noyon, 124; Bayeux, 125; York, 125; Troyes, 126; Worcester, 126; Rouen, 128
Libraries, Christian: situated in or near churches, 61; at Jerusalem, 62; at Caesarea, ibid.; at Cirta, ibid.; at Hippo, 63; use of the triple apse, 63
Libraries of Colleges: statutes of Merton Coll., Oxford, 133; University, 133; Oriel, 133; Peterhouse, Cambridge, 134; Trinity Hall, 136; New Coll., Oxford, 137; All Souls', 137; Magdalen Coll., Oxford, 138; Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford, 137, 138; Pembroke Coll., Cambridge, 139; resume of regulations, ibid.; loan of books from, 140; rules copied from monasteries, 141; a real library an after-thought, 143; characteristics of this, 143; number of books, 143-148; divided into lending and reference departments, 145; examples of such libraries, 148; Bp Cobham's library, Oxf., ibid.; Queens' Coll., Camb., a type, 151, 159; fittings at Pembroke and other Coll., 160; S. John's Coll., Camb., 248-250; at Peterhouse, 251; at Gonville and Caius, Emmanuel, Jesus, Pembroke, 254; King's Coll., Camb., ibid.; Queen's Coll., Oxf., 255
Libraries, Greek: notices of, in Athens and elsewhere, 4, 5; at Alexandria, 6; at Pergamon, 7-12
Libraries, medieval: general characteristics, 240-244
Libraries, monastic: rule of Pachomius, 64; general considerations 65; Benedictine Rule, 66; Cluniac Customs, ibid.; decrees given to English Benedictines by Lanfranc, 67; Customs of Benedictine Houses, 68; of Carthusians, 69; of Cistercians, 70; of Augustinians, ibid.; of Premonstratensians, 72; of Mendicants, ibid.; general conclusions, 73; divided into library of reference and library for lending, 74; open to strangers, 75; books a necessary possession, ibid.; protection of books, 76; curses, 77; endowment of libraries, 79; work done and books kept in the cloister, 80; furniture used, 81; armarium commune, 82; at Fossa Nuova, ibid.; at Worcester, 84; evolution of Cistercian book-room, 84-89; arrangements in Benedictine Houses, 90; at Westminster Abbey, 91-94; supervision at S. Augustine's, Canterbury, 99; decoration, 100; growth of, 101; at S. Riquier, S. Gall, Bobbio, Lorsch, Durham, Canterbury, 102; construction of a special library, 106; at Canterbury, ibid.; Durham and Gloucester, 107; Winchester, S. Albans, Worcester, Bury S. Edmunds, S. Victor, Paris, Franciscans of London, 108; Citeaux, 109-112; Clairvaux, 112-114; S. Germain des Pres, Paris, 114; destruction in England, 246; extension of their libraries in France in 17th cent., 287; library of Jesuits at Rheims, 287-289; of S. Genevieve, Paris, 289; S. Germain des Pres, ibid.; Monte Cassino, 290
Libraries, parochial: at Grantham, 257; at Langley Marye, 258; Cartmel, ibid.; will of H. Chetham, 259; Gorton, ibid.; Turton, ibid.; Wimborne Minster, 261; Denchworth, 262; All Saints', Hereford, ibid.; Abingdon, ibid.
Libraries, private: books kept in chests, 292; tower in Louvre fitted up as library, 293; illustration of this, 294; a Carmelite in his study, 296; a scholar's chair, 297; lectern, 297-9; Ship of Fools, 298; library of Margaret of Austria, 299-302; of Anne de Beaujeu, 302; Italian lectern, 304; wheel-desk, 304-8; chairs with desk, 309-312; desks used in Italy, 312; wall-cupboards, 313; scholar's room, 314; study of Duke of Urbino, ibid.; of Montaigne, 315; Palazzo Barberini, 316; library of Dean Boys, 317
Libraries, Roman (B.C.): intention of Julius Caesar to build a library, 12; library of C. Asinius Pollio, ibid.; decorated with busts of departed authors, ibid.; works of Augustus, ibid.; Porticus Octaviae, 12-14; temple and area of Apollo, 14; other public libraries, 15; of Tiberius, Vespasian, Trajan, ibid.; of Hadrian at Athens, 16-18; organisation of Roman libraries, 18; composition of Palatine library, ibid.; description by Ovid, ibid.; advice of Horace respecting, 19; library of Tiberius, ibid.; of Vespasian in templo Pacis, ibid.; of Trajan (bibliotheca Ulpia), ibid.; loan of books from public collections, 20; fittings, 36; private libraries: of Lucullus, 20, 21; fashion for book-collecting denounced by Seneca, 21; library in Via dello Statuto discovered by Lanciani, 22; at Herculaneum, 23; near Rome, as described by Martial, 31; record-house of Vespasian, 26, 27; contents of Roman libraries, 27-30; fittings of Roman libraries: discussion of words used, 30-33; what the furniture so designated was, 34, 35; representation found at Neumagen, 35; desk for rolls in Lateran Museum, 36; presses (armaria), 36-41
Libraries, Roman (A.D.): decoration mentioned by Boethius, 41; by Isidore, 41, 42; library described by Eucherius, 43; of pope Agapetus, 44; of Isidore, Bp of Seville, 45; summary of pagan conception of a library, 47; illustrated by Vatican Library of Sixtus V., 47-60
Libraries of Schools: Abingdon, 262; Bicester, ibid.; Rivington, ibid.; Guildford, 263; Bury, ibid.; Bolton, 264
Library = bookcase, 244
Lichfield Cathedral: library, 123
Lincoln Cathedral: library, 117; desks described, 161
linea: a shelf for books, 105, note; at Saint Ouen, 244
Linen: books written on, 20
L'Isle, Roger: gives books to Oxford, 132
Loan of books: from public libraries in Rome, 20
Loan of books (for external use): allowed at Abingdon, 68; Evesham, 69; among Carthusians, 70; Augustinians, 71; Premonstratensians, 72; enjoined on monks by Council of Paris 1212, 74; books bequeathed that they may be lent, 75; one House lent to another, ibid.; to Oxford scholars, 132; prescribed in College Statutes, 133-137; instances of, at Merton Coll., 140; from Vatican Library, 230-1
Loan of books (to brethren on written attestation): among Cluniacs, 67; Benedictines, 68; Augustinians, 71; probable meaning of this provision, 74, note
loculamentum = pigeon-hole: receptacle for rolls in Roman libraries, 31, 32
lora = straps to keep rolls closed, 29
Lorenzo in Damaso: church, 42
Lorsch: library, 102
Louvre: library fitted up, 293
Lucullus: library described, 20, 21
Lumen animae: chained book so called, 203
Magdalen Coll., Oxf.: library statute at, 137
Margaret of Austria: library described, 299-302
Mark, S., Florence, Dominican Convent of: library, 205
Martin (S.) des Champs, Paris: endowment of library, 79
Martin (S.), at Tournai: literary work in cloister, 81
Mary (S.) Church in Oxf.: books chained, 132
Matthew (S.): Hebrew original of his Gospel at Caesarea, 62
Mazarin, Cardinal, library of: described, 272-274; furniture noted by Wren, 276
Meaux, in Holderness: book-room at, and arrangement, 86
Medicean Library, Florence: described, 234-240
Medicine, Faculty of, Paris: books chained in library 1509, 264
Melozzo da Forli: engaged to paint in Vatican Library, 212; his work described, 214
Mendicants: libraries, 72
Merton Coll., Oxf.: library statute, 133; choice and loan of books, 140; reception of a gift, 141; description of library, 178-185; history, 183; sale of old bookcases, ibid.; new cases supplied to south library 1623, 184; chains taken off 1792, 266
Mesmin (Saint): curse from MS., 77, 78, and note
Metellus, Quintus: share in building the Porticus Octaviae, 13; plan may have been derived from Pergamon, 14
Michelangelo: builds Medicean Library, 234; his sketch for the bookcases, 236
Micklethwaite, J. T.: his plan of Westminster Abbey, 91
Monastic influence at Oxf. and Camb., 142
Montaigne: visits Vatican Library 6 March, 1581, 230; describes his own library, 315
Monte Cassino: library described, 290
Monte Oliveto, Benedictine Convent of: library, 205
Much Wenlock, Cluniac Priory: book-room, 87
Navarre, College de: library, 165
Netley, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86
Neumagen near Treves: representation of a library found at, 34, and note
New College, Oxford: library statute, 137
nidus = pigeon-hole: receptacle for rolls in Roman libraries, 30, 31
Noyon Cathedral: library, 124
Nuremberg: chained books in Stadtbibliothek, 163
Nuzio, Matteo: builds library at Cesena, 199
Obazine, in Central France: book-press described and figured, 95
Odo, Abbat of S. Martin at Tournai: promotes work in cloister, 81
Ordericus Vitalis: his work stopped by cold, 80
ordo: a shelf, 244
Oriel Coll., Oxf.: library statute, 133-134
Ouen, Saint: library, 244
Ovid: lines from the Tristia describing Palatine library, 18
Oxford: destruction of MSS. 1549, 247
Pachomius (S.): provisions of his rule, 64, 65, note
Palatine library, Rome: see Apollo
Pamphilus: founds library at Caesarea, 62
Parchment: story of its invention at Pergamon, 8
Parkhurst, Bp John: bequeathes books to Guildford school, 263
Paul, S., London, Cathedral: library, 122; library built by Wren, 282-4
Paulinus, Bp of Nola: describes use of apse in basilica built by himself, 63
Peace, library in Temple of, at Rome: see Vespasian
pegmata = shelves: use and meaning discussed, 32; in Cicero's library, 33; conclusion respecting, 34
Peisistratus, tyrant of Athens: said to have collected a library, 5
Pembroke Coll., Camb.: library statute, 139; library fittings, 160; bookcases at, 254
Peniscola: library of Boniface XIII., 244
Pergamon: description of site, 7; foundation of library by Eumenes II., 8; given to Cleopatra by Antony, ibid.; plan of temple and precinct of Athena, 9; account of German exploration, 9-11; plan possibly copied at Rome by Q. Metellus, 14; described to Romans by Crates of Mallus, ibid.; copied by Hadrian at Athens, 18; by Pope Damasus at Rome, 42
Peter (S.), Liverpool, Ch. of: books bequeathed by John Fells, mariner, 1815, to be chained, 266
Peterborough: cloister windows glazed, 100
Peterhouse, Camb.: library statutes, 134-136; discussion of catalogue dated 1418, 145-148; lecterns in old library, 160; bookcases put up between 1641 and 1648, 251; chaining of books bequeathed by Dr Perne 1588, 265
Peter (S.) Mancroft, Norwich: wooden press in vestry, 96, note
Philobiblon: description of libraries of Mendicants quoted from, 72; injunction to handle MSS. carefully, 76, note; book-chest prescribed in, 297
Pigeon-hole system: used in Roman libraries, 47
Pilkington, Bp James: statutes for school at Rivington, 262
Platina, Bartolommeo: appointed librarian of Vatican, 208; engages a binder, 209; writes inscription in Latin library, 215; rooms for himself and his assistants, 216; orders desks for Latin library, 217; selects subjects for frescoes in Ospedale di Santo Spirito, 225; his assistants, 231-2; provides all articles required for maintenance, 232
Pliny (the younger): describes armarium sunk in wall of his bedroom, 38
pluteus = shelf: use of word discussed and illustrated, 32, 33, 34
Pollio, C. Asinius: builds a library and an atrium libertatis in Rome B.C. 39, 12
Polycrates, tyrant of Samos: said to have collected a library, 4
Pompeii: reproduction of fresco shewing way to hold roll, 27
Pontis, Wm.: builds staircase in Rouen Cathedral, 129
Porticus Octaviae, 12-14
Portraits of departed authors used to decorate libraries: at Pergamon, 11; by C. Asinius Pollio, 12; by Augustus, 14; in private libraries, 35; inscriptions accompanying them, ibid.; described by Eucherius, Bp of Lyons, in a private library, 43; in library designed by pope Agapetus, 44
Precentor: called also armarius and entrusted with care of books by Cluniacs, 67; Benedictines, 68; Augustinians, 71; Premonstratensians, 72; supervises use of press at S. Augustine's, Canterbury, 99
Premonstratensians: rules for books among, 72
Procurator bibliothecarum: officer appointed by Augustus, 18
Protection of MSS.: rule for holding a MS., 76; hands to be clean, ibid.; handkerchiefs to be wrapped round, ibid.; entreaties to use carefully, ibid.; curses on those who damage or steal, 77
Queens' Coll., Camb.: number of books in library 1472, 145; equidistant windows of library, 148; library selected as type, 151; analysis of catalogue dated 1472, 167
Queen's Coll., Oxf.: library built by Hawkesmoore, 255
Ramsey Abbey, Hunts: bad weather in cloister at, 80
Remi, S., at Rheims: library belonging to, 286
Reserved library: in collegiate libraries, 145; at Assisi, 207; at Vatican, 211
Rheims: library of S. Remi, 286; of the Jesuits, 287
Riquier (S.): library, 102
Rivington: school library, 262; Bp Pilkington's statute for, ibid.
Roche, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86
roe, a wheel = a book-desk, 294; explained, 295; illustrated, 304-308
Rolls: dimensions, use, etc., 27; fastened to stick, 28; this decorated with knobs (cornua), ibid.; edges (frontes) of roll cut, ibid.; ticket (index) appended, 29; closed with straps (lora), ibid.; wrapped in covers, ibid.; carried in a capsa or scrinium, 30; receptacles for, 30-34; desk for reading, 36; armarium to contain, 37
Rome: see Libraries, Roman
Rouen: Cathedral library, 128-130
Salisbury: Cathedral library, 121
Sarcophagus: in Mus. Naz., Rome, with shoemaker at work in front of a press, 38; in Villa Balestra, with physician reading, ibid.
scrinium: box for carrying rolls, 30
Scriptorium: endowment, at Ely, 79; at S. Albans, 80
Scrivener, Matt.: bequeathes L50 to Univ. Library, Camb., 1687, to buy chains, 265
sedile: meaning discussed, 243
Sellyng, Prior, at Canterbury: sets up carrells in the cloister, 99; glazes the windows, 100; fits up library, 106
Seneca: denounces fashion for book-collecting, 21
Ship of Fools: lectern used in, 297
Shiryngton, Walt.: builds library at Old S. Paul's Cathedral, 122
[Greek: sillibos] = ticket bearing the name of a roll, 29; used in Cicero's library, 33
Simon, abbat of S. Albans: book-chest, 292
solarium = press, 207
Sorbonne: library, 164; glass in windows of library, 242
spalera or spalliera: a settle, 228
Stained glass: instances of, in libraries, 241
stalla or stallum: meaning discussed, 242
Stall-system: term explained, 172; type at Corp. Chr. Coll., Oxf., ibid.; description of these cases, 173; chaining used, 174-8; fittings at Merton Coll., Oxf., 178-185; at S. John the Baptist Coll., Trinity Coll., Bodl. Library, Oxford, 185; at Clare Coll., Camb., 186; Westminster Abbey, 187; Wells Cathedral, 188; Durham Cath., 189; origin probably monastic, 190; Christ Church, Cant., 190-4; Clairvaux, 196-8; Howley-Harrison library at Canterbury, 256
Student-monks: at Oxf. and Camb., 142
Sudbury, John, dean of Durham: fits up Frater as library, 189
tabula, board covered with wax and parchment to record loan of books, 139
textus = bookshelf: at Ch. Ch., Canterbury, 192, 243
theca: a shelf or cupboard, 87, note
Theodmarus Cassinensis: his letter to Charlemagne quoted, 76 and note
Tiberius, Emperor: his library in Rome, 15, 16; this mentioned by Aulus Gellius, 19; contained public records, ibid.
Tibur = Tivoli: story of library in temple of Hercules, 20
Tintern, Cistercian Abbey: book-room, 86
Titchfield: book-room and arrangement, 87
titulus = ticket bearing the name of a roll, 28
Tournai: see Martin (S.)
Trajan: library in his forum in Rome, 15; statements of Aulus Gellius and Vopiscus respecting, 19; described by Nibby, 37
trichora; applied to a triple apse, 63; use of the word by Dioscorides, 64
Trigg, Fra.: founds library at Grantham, 257
Trinity Coll., Camb.: chaining of books given in 1601, 265; Wren's library built, 277-281
Trinity Hall, Camb.: library statute, 136; library described, 168
Troyes: library in Cathedral, 126
Turton: library, 259
Udine, Giovanni da: supplies stained glass to Medicean Library, 235
Ulpian, jurist: decisions respecting libraries and their furniture, 37
Ulpian library, at Rome: see Trajan
umbilicus = stick to which roll was fastened, 28
Universities: visited by Commissioners of Edward VI., 247
University Coll., Oxf.: library statute, 133
University Library, Camb.: subjects of books catalogued 1424, 144; ditto 1473, 145; bookcases supplied to, 1731-4, 285
Urbino: account of library, 233; private study of Duke, 314
Varro, M. Terentius: employed by C. Julius Caesar to collect books for his intended library, 12; his bust admitted into Pollio's library, ibid.
Vatican Library of Sixtus IV.: description of, 208-32; appointment of Platina as librarian, 208; selection of site, 209; fourfold division, 211; purchase of materials, ibid.; engagement of artists, ibid.; door of entrance made, 212; Latin Library described, ibid.; its decoration, 213; Greek Library described, ibid.; its decoration, 215; Bibliotheca secreta described, ibid.; Bibliotheca pontificia, ibid.; glazing of the windows, 216; rooms for librarians, ibid.; bookcases for Latin library ordered, 217; for Bibliotheca secreta, ibid.; catalogue-frames and coffers ordered, 218; cases for Bibliotheca pontificia ordered, ibid.; chains bought, 219; information derived from catalogues, 220-4; contemporary fresco representing library, 225; arrangement of cases in the four rooms, 226-9; globes and brazier, 229; rule for good behaviour in, 1513, ibid.; visit of Montaigne, 230; loans from, 230-1; staff of library, 231; maintenance of, 232
Vatican Library of Sixtus V.: type of an ancient Roman library, 47; summary account of decoration, 48; detailed do., 49-60
Versailles: libraries of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette, 287
Verses: by Martial, to be placed under his own portrait, 35; by Isidore of Seville, for the presses in his library, 45
Vespasian: his library in Rome in templo Paris, 15; statement of Aulus Gellius respecting, 19; his record-office, now church of SS. Cosma e Damiano, 25
Victor (S.), Paris: books bequeathed to, on condition of loan, 75; library open to strangers, ibid.; lines from MSS. at, admonishing readers to be careful, 76; curse habitually used at, 77, note; library built at, 1501-8, 108; catalogue of library analysed, 166-7
Villa Balestra, Rome: sarcophagus, 38
Vivarium, near Squillace: monastery of Cassiodorus near, 44
volumen = roll, 27-30; box for, 30; fittings of libraries adapted to, 34; representation of one of these, 35
Wall-system: name proposed, 267; library of Escorial, 267-270; Ambrosian Library at Milan, 271; Bibliotheque Mazarine, 272-274
Wells Cathedral: library at, 123; described, 188
Wessyngton, Prior: builds library at Durham, 107
Westminster Abbey: plan of cloister at, 91; account of library in, 91-94; carrells, 92, 93; resemblance to Gloucester, 98; library fitted up 1623-4, 187
Wheel-desk: see roe
Whethamstede, John: builds library at S. Albans, 108; at Gloucester House, Oxf., 142
Whittington, Sir R.: builds library at Christ's Hospital 1421, 108
Williams, John, Bp of Lincoln: fits up dorter at Westminster Abbey as library 1623-4, 187; builds library at S. John's Coll., Camb., 248-251
Wimborne: Minster library, 261
Winchester: position of library, 108
Winckelmann, J. J.: description of library at Herculaneum, 25
Wings, attached to bookcases: at Peterhouse, Camb., 252; at University Library, 253; at Pembroke Coll., 254
Worcester Cathedral: book-recesses in cloister at, 84; library at, 108; Bishop Carpenter's library-foundation, 126-8
Wren, Sir C.: visits Paris, 276; builds library at Lincoln Cathedral, 277; at Trinity College, Cambridge, 277-281; at S. Paul's Cathedral, London, 282-4
Wren, Matt.: account of Pembroke Coll. library, 139, 160
York: Cathedral library, 125
Zutphen: library described, 153-159