BURBANK, LUTHER, b. Lancaster, Mass., March 7, 1849. Ed. at Lancaster, and in the schools of adversity, Nature, and prosperity. Author: The Training of the Human Plant. Address: Santa Rosa, Calif.
BURBANK, WM. F., b. in San Francisco. Ed. Oakland High School and State University. Written poems for magazines, etc. Address: Union Square Hotel, San Francisco, Calif.
BURDETTE, ROBT. JONES, b. July 30, 1844. Greensboro, Greene Co., Penn. Grad. High School, Peoria, Ill., 1861. D.D. Kalamazoo College, 1905. Writer on Peoria Transcript and Evening Review. Writer and afterwards editor Burlington Hawkeye. Large contributor to newspapers and magazines. Pastor Temple Baptist Church, July, 1903, to August, 1909. Resigned through ill health. Author: The Sons of Asaph. The Life of William Penn. Smiles Yoked With Sighs, 1900. Rise and Fall of a Mustache, 1877. Chimes From a Jester's Bells, 1897. Address: Sunnycrest, Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
BURGESS, GELETT, b. Boston, January 30, 1866. Ed. public schools, Boston. Grad. Massachusetts Institute Technology, B.S., 1887. Instructor topo. drawing University of California, 1891-4. Ass. Ed. The Wave, 1894-5. Edited Lark, San Francisco, 1895-7. Author: Vivette, (novelette.) Copeland & Day, 1897. $1.25. The Lively City O'Ligg, (Juvenile.) F.A. Stokes Co., 1899. $1.50. Goops, and How to be Them, (Juvenile.) Stokes Co., 1900. $1.50. A Gage of Youth, (Poems, chiefly from "The Lark.") Small, Maynard & Co., 1901. $1.00. The Burgess Nonsense Book, (Prose and Verse.) Stokes Co., 1901. $2.00. The Romance of the Commonplace. Elder & Shepherd, S.F., 1901. $1.50. More Goops, and How Not to Be Them, (Juvenile.) Stokes Co., 1903. $1.50. The Reign of Queen Isyl. Short stories in collaboration with WILL IRWIN. McClure, Phillips & Co., 1903. $1.50. The Picaroons. Short stories in collaboration with WILL IRWIN. McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904. $1.50. The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne. (Satire and Parody.) Stokes, 1904. 75c. Goop Tales. (Juvenile.) Stokes Co., 1904. $1.50. A Little Sister of Destiny. (Short Stories.) Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1904, $1.50. The White Cat. (Novel.) Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1907. $1.50. The Heart Line. (Novel.) Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1907. $1.50. The Maxims of Methuselah. (Satire and Parody.) Stokes Co., 1907. 75c. Blue Goops and Red. (Juvenile.) Stokes Co., 1909. $1.35 net. Lady Mechante. (4-wart Novel.) Stokes Co., 1909. $1.50. Address: 1285 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass.
CARR, SARAH PRATT, b. Maine, 1850. Taken to California 1852. Ed. in public schools of California. Wrote for newspapers and magazines. Short time Unitarian minister. Author: The Iron Way, McClurg's, $1.50. Waters of Eden, run serially in Alaska-Yukon magazine. Billy Tomorrow. (Juvenile book.) McClurg's. Address: The Hillcrest, Seattle, Wash.
CARTER, CHARLES FRANKLIN, b. Waterbury, Conn., July 19, 1862. Grad. School of Fine Arts, Yale University. Pupil of J. Alden Weir, New York City. Resided in California 1891-95, 1898-1900. Author: The Missions of Nueva California, 1900. The Whitaker & Ray Company. $1.50. Out of print. Some By-Ways of California, 1902. The Grafton Press, New York. $1.25. Address: 232 S. Main St., Waterbury, Conn.
CHARLES, FRANCES, b. San Francisco, Cal., April 10, 1872. Ed. S.F. public schools. Author: In the Country God Forgot. The Siege of Youth. The Awakening of the Duchess. Pardner of Blossom Range. All by Little, Brown & Co. $1.50 each. Address: 370 26th Ave., Richmond District, San Francisco, Calif.
CHENEY, JOHN VANCE, b. Groveland. N.Y., Dec. 29, 1848. Grad. Temple Hill Acad., Geneseo, N.Y., at 17. Practiced law, 1875. Came to California in 1876. Librarian Pub. Library, San Francisco, 1887-94. Newberry Lib., Chicago, 1894-1909. Author: The Old Doctor, 1881. Thistle Drift (poems) 1887. Wood Blooms, 1888. The Golden Guess, 1872. That Dome in Air, 1895. Queen Helen, 1895. Out of the Silence, 1897. Lyrics, 1901. Poems, 1905. Editor 3 Caxton Club pubs. Address: 3390 Third St., San Diego, Calif.
CLARK, GALEN, 96 years old. Went to Yosemite in 1853. Known as Father of Yosemite. Author: Big Trees of California: Their History and Characteristics. The Indians of Yosemite: Their History, Customs and Traditions. $1.00. Paper 50c. Address: 216 11th St. Oakland, Calif.
CONNOLLY. JAMES, b. County Cavan, Ireland July 12, 1842. In 1852 came to Dennis, Mass. Ed. public schools. At 13 went to sea, at 18 second mate, at 21 first mate. Later master. For 18 years has resided at Coronado. Writer of poems and short stories for magazines. Author: The Jewels of King Art. Address: Coronado, Calif.
COX, PALMER, b. Granby, Quebec, Can., April 28, 1840. Grad. Granby Academy. In 1862 came to San Francisco via. Panama. Contributed to Golden Era, Alta California, and Examiner, etc. Author: Squibs of California, 1874. (Later republished as Comic Yarns.) Hans Von Petter's Trip to Gotham. How Columbus Found America. That Stanley. Queer People. All now o.p. Then he invented the Brownies and in quick succession were published The Brownies, Their Book; Another Book; The B.'s at Home; The B.'s Around the World; The B.'s Through the Union; The B.'s Abroad; The B.'s in the Philippines. $1.50 each. The B. Clown in B. Town. $1.00. The B. Primer. 40c. All by Century Co. The B. Calendar, McLoughlin Bros., N.Y. $1.00. Palmer Cox's Brownies. Spectacular play. The B.'s in Fairyland (Children's Cantata.) Also articles in leading magazines. Address: Pine View House, East Quogue, L.I.
DAGGETT, MARY STEWART, b. Morristown. O., May 30, 1856. Ed. Steubenville, O., Seminary, 1873. Writer for newspapers and magazines. Author: Mariposilla, 1895. The Broad Isle, 1899. Address: Columbia Hill, Pasadena, Calif.
DAVIS, SAM P., b. Branford, Conn., April 4, 1850. Newspaper and magazine writer for 40 years. Lecturer and public speaker—also politician. Author: One book Short Stories and Poems, and The First Piano in Camp. Address: Public Industrial Commission, Carson City, Nevada.
DILLON, HENRY CLAY, b. Lancaster, Wis., Nov. 6, 1846. Ed. public schools and Lancaster Academy. Grad. Racine College, 1872 (Gold Medalist, 1870.) Came to California in 1888. Writer of clever short stories and law. Lecturer on Common Law Pleading, etc., University of Southern Calif. Address: Colorado Orchards, Long Beach, Calif., and Los Angeles, Calif.
DONOVAN, ELLEN DWYER, b. Castletown, Beara, Co. Cork, Ire. Ed. Academy Sisters of Mercy. Came to Calif, and contributor to leading magazines on Art Criticism. Writer of short stories. Will shortly publish a Romance of Ireland in the Nineteenth Century. Address: Ashbury St., San Francisco, Calif.
EDHOLM-SIBLEY, MARY CHARLTON, b. Freeport, Ill., Oct. 28, 1854. Ed. public schools and college. Writer and lecturer on social and economic subjects. Founded Lucy Charlton Memorial for unfortunate women and children, in Oakland. Author: Traffic in Girls. 30c. Sales go to help the Memorial. Address: 904-6 Security Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
EDWARDS, ADRIADNE HOLMES, b. Placerville, Cal., May 7. Student of Grand Opera. Writer and composer of songs. Author: My Nightingale, Sing On (words and music.) O Bonniest Lassie Yet. Enticement. Address: Hotel Hargrave, 112 W. 72nd St., New York.
EMERSON, WILLIS GEORGE, b. near Blakesburg, Monroe Co., Iowa, March 28, 1856. Ed. district school, Union Co., Ia. Attended Knox College, Galesburg, Ill. Studied law. Admitted to practice in District U.S. and other courts. Taught country school for four years. Platform orator. His speech replying to "Coin" Harvey's Financial School was issued as a Republican campaign document, 1896, and in 1900 over half a million copies of his speech on sound money were circulated throughout the country. Author: Winning Winds, 1901. Fall of Jason, 1901. My Pardner and I, 1901. Buell Hampton, 1902. The Builders, 1905. The Smoky God, 1908. Has written over 100 stories of travel and sketches of mining camps and mountain scenery. Address: Los Angeles, Calif.
EVANS, TALIESIN, b. Manchester, Eng., Nov. 8, 1843. Ed. private schools England and Wales. Author: Fisher's Advt. Guide to Calif., 1870. Editor and author of Popular History of Calif. (Revised and enlarged. First edition by Lucia Norman), 1883. American Citizenship, 1892. Municipal Government, 1892. Address: 212 Fourth St., Oakland, Calif.
EYSTER, MRS. NELLIE BLESSING, b. Frederick, Md. Lived in California since 1876. Active in W.C.T.U., Indian and Chinese mission work. Contributor to magazines. Lost the MSS. of two books in S.F. fire of 1906. Author: Sunny Hours, or The Child Life of Tom and Mary. Chincapin Charlie. On the Wing. Tom Harding and His Friends. A Colonial Boy. A Chinese Quaker. Address: 2618 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
FAIRBANKS, HAROLD WELLMAN, b. Conewango, Cattaraugus Co., N.Y., Aug. 29, 1860. Ed. State Normal, Fredonia, N.Y. Grad. B.S., University Mich., 1890. Ph.D., University Calif., 1896. Engaged in geological and geographical work: State Mining Bureau. 1890-1894. Asst. U.S. Geological Survey, 1897-98. Author: text books: Stories of Our Mother Earth. 60c. Home Geography. Rocks and Minerals. All by Ed. Pub. Co., Boston. Physiography of California. Macmillan. The Western United States. D.C. Heath. Practical Physiography for High Schools. Allyn & Bacon. Address: Arch St., Berkeley, Calif.
FORBES, MRS. A.S.C. (nee Harrye Smith) b. Pennsylvania. Came California 1895. Works for re-establishment of El Camino Real. Created and established Nat. Naval Memorial. Author: Mission Tales in Days of the Dons. $1.50. California Missions and Landmarks. 25c. Address: 1104 Lyndon St., South Pasadena, Calif.
GATES, ELEANOR (Mrs. R.W. Tully.) Ed. Stanford, Univ. of Calif. Leaped into fame with her first book. Biography of a Prairie Girl, first pub. in Century Magazine. Author: Biography of a Prairie Girl, 1904. The Plow Woman, 1907. Cupid, the Cow Punch, 1908. Good Night, 1908. Address: Alma, Calif.
GUINN, J.M., writer of History of Southern California. Secretary S. Cal. Hist. Soc. Member Los Angeles Board of Education. Address: 5539 Monte Vista St., Los Angeles, Calif.
HART, JEROME ALFRED, b. San Francisco. Sept. 6, 1854. Ed. Cal. public schools. Asso. editor, 1880-91. editor, 1891-1906. San Francisco Argonaut, to which contributed letters of foreign travel (1887-1904), and translations from French, German, Spanish, etc. Sec. 1880-91, pres. 1891-1906, of The Argonaut Publishing Co. Author: Argonaut Letters, 1900. Two Argonauts in Spain. 1904. A Levantine Log-Book, 1905. Argonaut Stories (edited) 1906. Contributor to magazines, etc. Address: Weyewolde, Santa Clara Co.. Calif.
HIBBARD, GRACE, b. Mass. Ed. in Mass. Author: Wild Poppies. Moulton, Buffalo, N.Y. $1.00. California Violets. Robertson, S.F. $1.00. Wild Roses of California. Robertson. $1.00. Forget-Me-Nots From California. Robertson. $1.00. Booklets: More California Violets. 25c. California Christmas Songs. 25c. Daffodils. 25c. Songs of the Samisen. 25c. 'Neath Monterey Pines. 25c. Del Monte Oaks. 25c. Santa Claus Cheated, and Other Christmas Stories. Twenty-eight poems have been set to music. Address: Pacific Grove, Calif.
HOLDEN, EDWARD SINGLETON, b. St. Louis, Nov. 5. 1846. Grad. Wash. Univ., 1866. West Point 1870. Pres. Univ. of Cal. 1885-8. Director Lick Observatory 1888-98. Librarian U.S. Military Acad. since 1901. Author: many scientific works. See Who's Who. Handbook Lick Observatory, 1888. Mountain Observatories, 1896. Pacific Coast Earthquakes, 1898, etc. Address: West Point, N.Y., and Century Club, New York.
HOWARD, CLIFFORD, b. October 12, 1868, Bethlehem, Penn. Came to Calif, in 1906. Author: Thoughts in Verse, 1895; (out of print.) Sex Worship: An Exposition of the Phallic Origins of Religion, 1897. $1.50. The Story of a Young Man: a Life of Christ, 1898. $2.50. Graphology, 1904. 50c. Curious Facts, 1905. 50c. Washington as a Center of Learning, 1905. $1.00. The Passover. What Happened at Olenberg. Address: Los Angeles, Calif.
HUNT, ROCKWELL DENNIS, b. Sacramento, Calif., Feb. 3, 1868. Grad. Napa College. Ph.B., 1890. A.M., 1902. Johns Hopkins Univ. Ph.D., 1895. Prof. Hist. Napa College, 1891-3. Prof. Hist. and Political Sc., Univ. of Pacific, 1895-1902. Prin. San Jose High School, 1902-1908. Lect. Stanford Univ., 1898. Prof. Economics and Sociology, Univ. of S. Calif., 1908, Author: California the Golden. Address: 1319 W. 37th Place, Los Angeles, Calif.
IRWIN, WALLACE, b. Oneida, N.Y., Mar. 15, 1875. Grad. Denver High School, 1895. At Stanford Univ., 1896-9. Special writer S.F. Examiner, Ed. S.F. News-Letter 1901, and Overland Monthly 1902. Author: Love Sonnets of a Hoodlum. Paul Elder, S.F. 25c and 50c. Rubaiyat of Omar Khyyam, Jr. Paul Elder, S.F. 50c and 75c. Nautical Lays of a Landsman. Dodd, Mead Co., N.Y. $1.00. At the Sign of the Dollar. Duffield & Co., N.Y. $1.00. Chinatown Ballads. Duffield & Co., N.Y. $1.00. Random Rhymes and Odd Numbers. Macmillan Co., N.Y. $1.50. Shame of the Colleges. Outing Pub. Co. Letters of a Japanese Schoolboy. Doubleday, Page & Co. $1.50. Address: 273 W. 84th St., New York.
IRWIN, WILL, b. Oneida, N.Y., Sept. 14, 1873. Grad. Denver High School, 1892. Stanford Univ. A.B. 1899. Contr. fiction, etc., to mags. Ed. S.F. Wave 1900. Ed. McClure's 1906-7. Author: Stanford Stories (with C.K. Field), 1900. The Reign of Queen Isyl (with Gelett Burgess), 1903. The Picaroons (with G. Burgess), 1904. The Hamadyads (verse), 1904. The City That Was, 1907. Address: 42 E. 28th St., New York.
JAMES, GEORGE WHARTON, b. Gainsborough, Eng., Sept. 27, 1858. Ed. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School. Litt.D. Santa Clara College. Author: In and Around the Grand Canyon, 1900. $2.50, $10.00. Indian Basketry, 1903. $2.50. Indians of the Painted Desert Region, 1903. $2.00. Traveler's Hand-Book to S. Calif., 1904. $1.00. How to Make Indian and Other Baskets, 1903. $1.00. In and Out of the Missions of Calif., 1905. $3.00. The Story of Scraggles, 1906. $1.00. The Wonders of the Colorado Desert, 1906, 2 vols. $5.00. What the White Race May Learn From the Indian, 1906. $1.50. Through Ramona's Country, 1908. $2.00. The Grand Canyon of Arizona, 1909. $1.00. The Hero Book of California, 1909. $1.50. Address: 1098 N. Raymond Ave., Pasadena, California.
JENNEY, CHARLES ELMER, b. Mattapoisett, Mass., Sept. 5, 1872. Ed. common schools. Came to Calif. (Fresno) 1891. Author: Scenes of My Childhood, 1900. $1.50. Address: 219 Glenn Ave., Fresno, Calif.
JEPSON, WILLIS LINN, b. Vacaville township, August 19, 1867. Ed. at California and Cornell Univ. Ph.B. 1889. Ph.D. 1898. Research student at Harvard 1896. Royal Gardens at Kew, England and Royal Gardens at Berlin, Germany, 1905-1906. Ed. of Erythea, 7 vols., 1893-1900, the first journal of botany published west of the Mississippi River. Author: Flora of Western Middle California. Cunningham, Curtis & Welch. $5.00. High School Flora for the Pacific Coast. D. Appleton & Co. 50c. The Silva of California. Univ. of Calif. Press, in type since August, 1908. The Trees of California. Cunningham, Curtis & Welch, S.F., in press. Also numerous botanical papers in journals and proceedings of societies and institutions. Address: 2704 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley. Calif.
JORDAN, DAVID STARR, b. Gainesville, Wyoming Co., N.Y., Jan. 19, 1851. Grad. Cornell Univ. M.S. 1872. L.L.D. 1886. L.L.D., Johns Hopkins, 1902. Indiana Univ. 1909. Pres. Indiana State Univ., 1883-1891. Came to Calif, as Pres. Stanford 1891. Author: Manual of Vertebrates. A.C. McClurg & Co. $1.50. Science Sketches. A.C. McClurg & Co. $1.25. Animal Life. Appleton. $1.25. Animal Studies. Appleton. $1.75. Footnotes to Evolution. Applcton. $1.50. Evolution and Animal Life. Appleton. $1.50. Imperial Democracy. Appleton. $1.50. Book of Knight and Barbara. Appleton. $1.50. The Fate of Iciodorum. Henry Holt & Co. $1.00. Fishes. Henry Holt & Co. $3.00. Guide to the Study of Fishes. Henry Holt & Co. $8.00. Fish Stories. Henry Holt & Co. $1.50. Standeth God Within the Shadow. Thos. Y. Crowell & Co. 75c. College and the Man. 75c. Philosophy of Hope. 75c. The Innumerable Company. 75c. Life's Enthusiasms. 75c. The Strength of Being Clean. 75c. The Call of the Twentieth Century. 75c. Religion of a Sensible American. 75c. The Higher Sacrifice. 75c. All by C.L. Stebbins, Boston. The California Earthquake of 1906. A.M. Robertson. $2.50. Luther Burbank. A.M. Robertson. $1.50. The Care and Culture of Men. Whitaker & Ray. $1.50. Matka and Kotik. Whitaker & Ray. $1.50. The Voice of the Scholar. Paul Elder & Co. $1.50. The Stability of Truth. Address: Stanford University, Calif.
JUDSON, WILLIAM LEES, b. Manchester, Eng., April 1, 1842. Studied art New York, London, Paris. Studios in London, Ont., and Chicago, Ill. Came to California 1893. Dean of Fine Arts Department University of Southern California since 1906. Contributor magazines on art subjects. Author: The Building of a Picture, 1898. 30c. Address: College of Fine Arts, 212 Thorne St., Los Angeles, Calif.
KEELER, CHARLES, b. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 7, 1871. Ed. Milwaukee and New York, and Berkeley High Schools. Special course Univ. of Calif. Contr. to magazines. Author: (Many books out of print.) Bird Notes Afield. $2.00. San Francisco and Thereabouts. Address: 2727 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Calif.
KEEP, JOSIAH, b. Paxton, Mass, May 11, 1849. Ed. Amherst College. A.B. 1874. A.M. 1877. Came to Calif. 1877. Since 1885 Prof. of Nat. Sc. in Mills College. Author: Common Sea Shells of California, 1881. West Coast Shells, 1887. Shells and Sea Life, 1901. West American Shells, 1904. (Most of these destroyed in S.F. fire, 1906.) New edition of West American Shells now out. Address: Mills College, Calif.
KEITH, ELIZA D., b. San Francisco. Ed. S.F. High School. Writer editorial, descriptive, current topics for newspapers and magazines. Public speaker on Civics and Patriotism. Introduced Flag Salute in S.F. schools. Address: 1519 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif.
KERCHEVAL, ROSALIE, b. Nov. 8, San Antonio, Texas. Came to Calif, when a few months old. Wrote poems for papers and magazines. Joint author with her father of book of poems, pub. in 1883. Address: 1817 N. Rosetta St., Los Angeles, Calif.
KINNEY, ABBOTT, b. Brookside, N.J., Nov. 16, 1850. Was spl. contr. with Helen Hunt Jackson to report on Calif. Mission Indians. Chairman State Bd. Forestry. Author: Conquest of Death, 1893. Tasks by Twilight, 1893. Eucalyptus, 1895. Forest and Water, 1901. Address: Venice, Calif.
KIRKHAM, STANTON DAVIS, b. Nice, France, Dec. 7, 1868. Ed. Calif, public schools and Mass. Inst. of Technology. Author: Mexican Trails. A record of travel in Mexico, 1904-1907, and a glimpse at the life of the Mexican Indian. G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York. $1.75. The Philosophy of Self-Help. An application of Practical Psychology to daily life. G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York. $1.25. In the Open. Intimate studies and appreciations of Nature. Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco. $1.75. Where Dwells the Soul Serene. Philosophical essays. Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco. $1.50. The Ministry of Beauty. Philosophical essays. Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco. $1.50. Address: Canandaigua, N.Y.
KREBS, MRS. ABBIE E., b. Providence, R.I., March 19, 1842. Brought around Cape Horn to San Francisco in childhood. Writer for newspapers and magazines. Address: Fair Oaks, San Mateo Co., or The Fairmount, San Francisco, Calif.
LAWRENCE, ALBERTA, b. Cleveland, O., July 20, 1875. Ed. New York City. Writer in magazines. Eighteen months Assistant Ed. Literature, Art and Music. Came to California 1904. Organized Strangers' League, an interdenominational work among churches for care of strangers. Author: The Travels of Phoebe Ann. $1.50. Address: 1565 E. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif.
LAWRENCE, MARY VIOLET, MRS., b. Indiana. Came to California in early fifties. Wrote sketches and poems for newspapers and magazines. Made selection of poems to which Bret Harte's name was attached, known as "Outcroppings." Address: 1034 Vallejo St., San Francisco, Calif.
LONDON, CHARMIAN (Kittridge), writer of poems and sketches for newspapers and magazines. Author: The Log of the Snark—Jack London's sea voyage around the world. Address: Glen Ellen, Calif.
LONDON, JACK, b. San Francisco, Jan. 12, 1876. Ed. Oakland High School and Univ. of Calif. Writer of short stories and essays on Political Economy. Author: Song of the Wolf, 1900. The God of His Fathers, 1901. A Daughter of the Snows, 1902. The Children of the Frost, 1902. The Cruise of the Dazzler, 1902. The People of the Abyss, 1903. Kempton-Wace Letters, 1903. The Call of the Wild. 1903. The Faith of Men, 1904. The Sea Wolf, 1904. The Game, 1905. War of the Classes, 1905. Tales of the Fish Patrol, 1905. Moon Face, 1906. White Fang, 1907. Before Adam, 1907. Love of Life, 1907. The Iron Heel, 1907. The Road, 1907, etc. Address: Glen Ellen, Calif.
LOUGHEAD, MRS. FLORA HAINES, b. Milwaukee, Wis. Journalist and writer of short stories for magazines. Reviewer for S.F. Chronicle for several years. Author: Libraries of California, 1878. The Man Who Was Guilty, 1886. Handbook of Natural Science, 1886. Quick Cooking, 1890. The Abandoned Claim, 1892. The Man From Nowhere, 1892. The Black Curtain, 1897. Address: Alma, Calif.
LOWE, GEORGE N., b. near Leicester, England, in 1867. Ed. in the school of stern life, and is still getting his education. Writes verse for the newspapers and magazines. Address: 2004 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, California.
LUMMIS, CHARLES FLETCHER, b. Lynn, Mass., Mar. 1, 1859. Ed. Harvard. A.B. Litt. D. Santa Clara College. City editor Los Angeles Times 1885-7. Editor Out West Magazine. Librarian Los Angeles Public Library since June 21, 1905. Founder and president Landmarks Club. Founder (1902) and chairman Exec. Com. Sequoia League. Founder and secretary South West Society Archaeol. Inst. Am. 1903. Author: A New Mexico David, 1891. A Tramp Across the Continent, 1892. Some Strange Corners of Our Country, 1892. Land of Poco Tiempo, 1893. The Spanish Pioneers, 1893. The Man Who Married the Moon, 1894. The Gold Fish of Gran Chimu, 1896. The Enchanted Burro, 1897. The Awakening of a Nation. Mexico Today, 1898. Address: 200 E. Ave. 43, Los Angeles, Calif.
LYNCH, A.E., b. Tara Hall, Co. Heath, Ire., Nov. 7, 1845. Ed. Jesuit Colleges, Ire., and Belgium. Came to California 1873 for 2 years. Again in 1886 under Gen. Miles. Six years in Arizona on cattle ranch. Contributor poems and articles to magazines and newspapers. Address: Commissary Dept., State School, Whittier, Calif.
MANNIX, MRS. MARY E., b. New York City. Removed with parents to Cincinnati when very young. Ed. at Mt. Notre Dame, Reading, Ohio. Grad. of Convent of the Sisters of Namur. First story and verses published in the Catholic World, when nineteen years of age. Since that time has written for nearly all the Catholic magazines, principally the Ave Maria. Writes fiction, children's stories, verses, biographies, reviews, sketches, and translations from the French, German and Spanish. Author: Life of Sister Louise of Cincinnati, Ohio, Superior of the Mother House of America, Sisters of Notre Dame of Namur. The Tales That Tim Told. A Life's Labrynth. Chronicles of the Little Sisters. The Fortunes of a Little Emigrant. Pancha and Panchita. As True as Gold. The Children of Cupa. Cupa Revisited. The Haldeman Children. Lives of the Saints for Catholic Youth, 3 vols. The Pilgrim From Ireland (translated from the German of Dom Maurus Carnot, O.S.B.) Two books in press—My Brother and I, and The Eagle and the Chamois, translated from the German of Dom Maurus Carnot. Address: 1804 Fourth St., San Diego, Calif.
MARTIN, LANNIE HAYNES, b. Jan. 9, 1874. Blountville, Tenn. Ed. Sullins College, Bristol, Va., and privately. Came to Calif. 1905. Contributor to eastern, southern and western magazines. Volume of verse in preparation. Address: Altadena, Calif.
MATHEWS, AMANDA, b. Peoria, Ill., Jan. 31, 1866. Came to Calif. 1877. Ed. Univ. of Cal. Teacher. Author: The Hieroglyphics of Love. $1.00. Address: 313 East Ave. 60, Los Angeles. Calif.
McCRACKIN, MRS. JOSEPHINE CLIFFORD, b. 1838, Castle Petershagen, on the Weser, Prussia. Came to St. Louis, Mo., 1846. Ed. private school. Came to Calif, in early sixties. One of earliest writers on Overland. Writer ever since for leading magazines. Organized Bird and Tree Protection Soc. of Calif. Author: Overland Tales, 1876. Another Juanita, 1892. Address: 31 Union St., Santa Cruz, Calif.
McGLASHAN, C.F., b. Janesville, Wis., Aug. 12, 1847. Crossed the plains to Calif, in 1854. Editor Truckee Republican. Specially interested in historic writing of the Calif, pioneers, etc. Has made an interesting collection of relics of the Donner and other pioneer parties. Author: History of the Donner Party. Address: Truckee, Calif.
McGROARTY, JOHN S., b. Penn., Aug. 20, 1862. Ed. public and parochial schools and at Hillman Acad. In 1890 he came to Calif. Writer of songs and descriptive stories for newspapers and magazines. On editorial staff Los Angeles Times. Editor West Coast Magazine. Author: Just California, 1907. Wander Songs, 1908. Address: Care of West Coast Magazine, Los Angeles, Calif.
McLEOD, MALCOM, b. Prince Edward Island, Canada, May 24, 1867. Ed. Dalhousie College, Halifax. N.S., and Princeton, N.J. Author: Heavenly Harmonies. Earthly Discords. The Culture of Simplicity. A Comfortable Faith, all by F.H. Revell Co. Address: 969 San Pasqual St., Pasadena, Calif.
MERLE, MARTIN V., b. San Francisco, Calif., May 27, 1880. Ed. Cooper public school, St. Ignatius College and Polytechnic High School, San Francisco. Grad. A.M., 1906, Santa Clara College, Santa Clara. Author of plays: The Light Eternal. The Vagabond Prince. And a one-act play, The Lady O'Dreams. Address: 714 Broderick St., San Francisco.
MIGHELS, MRS. ELLA STERLING, b. California. Began authorship early. Lady manager for San Francisco at Chicago World's Fair. M. in 1896 Philip Verrill Mighels. Author: The Little Mountain Princess. Loring, Boston. Portrait of a California Girl, in collection of Stories by California Authors. Wagner, S.F. Story of Files of California. Serial: Society and Babe Robinson. Grizzly Bear Co., L.A. The Full Glory of Diantha. Forbes & Co., Chicago. Address: 1605 Baker St., San Francisco, Calif.
MIGHELS, PHILIP VERRILL, b. Carson City, Nevada, April 19, 1869. Ed. Carson schools. Studied law in Nev. Art in N.Y. M. Ella Sterling Cummings June, 1896. Author: Out of a Silver Flute (poems.) Nella, the Heart of the Army. The Crystal Scepter. Bruvver Jim's Baby. The Ultimate Passion. Dunny, a Mountain Romance. Sunnyside Tad. Beechy Daw and Other Tales. When a Witch is Young. The Furnace of Gold. Address: Care of Harper & Bros., New York.
MILLARD, BAILEY, b. Markesan, Wis., Oct. 2, 1859. Lit. Ed. S.F. Examiner. Author: Great American Novel (essays.) She of the West, 1900. Songs of the Press, 1902. The Lure O'Gold, novel, 1904. Many short stories in magazines, etc. Address: Palisade, N.J.
MILLARD, GERTRUDE B., b. July 8th, 1872, Sheboygan, Wis. Came to California Feb., 1893, from Jamestown, N. Dak. Ed. Boston, Mass., and Jamestown, N.D. Author of short stories for magazines. Address: San Jose, Calif.
MILLER, JOAQUIN—the Poet of the Sierras, b. in Wabash Dist., Ind., Nov. 10, 1841. Editor (1863) Eugene, Ore., Democratic Register. Author: The Building of the City Beautiful, a poetic romance. Complete Poems, 6 vols., 1909. Address: The Hights, Dimond, Calif.
MILLER, OLIVE THORNE, b. Auburn, N.Y., June 25, 1831; Author: True Bird Stories. $1.00 net. The First Book of Birds. $1.00. School edition, 60c net. The Second Book of Birds. $1.00 net. Upon the Tree-Tops. $1.25. Little Brothers of the Air. $1.25. A Bird-Lover in the West. $1.25. Bird-Ways. 16mo, $1.25. In Nesting Time. $1.25. With the Birds in Maine. $1.10. Our Home Pets. $1.25. Address: 5928 Hays Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
MILLS, BENJAMIN FAY, b. Rahway, N.J., June 4, 1857. Evangelical Minister, 1878-1897. Liberal Minister, lecturer, writer and social reformer, 1897. Founded The Fellowship, representing "Religion Without Superstition," 1904. Lived in California 1875-6, 1899—. Author: God's World. The Divine Adventure. Twentieth Century Religion. The New Revelation. Editor Fellowship Magazine. Address: Los Angeles. Calif.
MILLS, MARY RUSSELL (Hill), b. Minneapolis. June 24, 1859. M. to Benjamin Fay Mills, 1879. Co-founder of The Fellowship, 1904. Teacher of Emerson and the Spiritual Life. Minister of the Los Angeles Fellowship, 1904-8. Associate editor of the Fellowship Magazine. Author: The Art of Living. The Fellowship Religion, and numerous essays and poems. Address: Los Angeles.
MILNE, MRS. FRANCES MARGARET, b. Ireland, County of Tyrone. Came to Calif. in 1869. Ed. at home. Author: For To-Day. (Poems.) James H. Barry Co., S.F. A Cottage Gray, and Other Poems. C.W. Moulton, Buffalo. Heliotrope, a San Francisco Idyll. The J.H. Barry Co. Address: The Public Library, San Luis Obispo, Calif.
MITCHELL, EDMUND, b. Glasgow, Scotland, Mar. 19, 1861. Ed. Elgin Acad. Aberdeen Univ. Grad. 1881. (Gold Medalist Eng. Lit.) Ed. writer Glasgow Herald. In 1886 Asst. Ed. Times of India, Bombay. In 1889 editorial staff of Melbourne Age. In 1904, editorial staff Los Angeles Times. Author: The Temple of Death. 75c net. Towards the Eternal Snows. 75c net. Plotters of Paris. 75c net. The Lone Star Rush. $1.50 net. Only a Nigger. $1.50 net. The Belforts of Culben. $1.50 net. The Despoilers. $1.50 net. Chickabiddy Stories, $1.00 net. In Desert Keeping. $1.50 net. All except the last, originally pub. in England. Now imported. To be had from author. Address: 1710 Hobart Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.
MUIR, JOHN, b. Dunbar, Scot., Apl. 21, 1838 Ed. in Scotland and Univ. of Wis. Discoverer of the Muir Glacier, Alaska. Author of many articles in magazines, newspapers, etc., on physiography and natural history of the Pacific Coast, etc. Author: The Mountains of California, 1894. Our National Parks, 1901. Editor Picturesque California. Address: Martinez, Calif.
MUNK, JOSEPH A., b. Colnmbiana Co., Ohio, Nov. 9, 1847. Ed. public schools Salem, O. Fought in Civil War. In 1865 Mt. Union College, Alliance, O. Grad. Eclectic Med. Inst. of Cinn., in 1867. Came to Los Angeles in 1892. Has great collection Arizoniana. Author: Arizona Sketches, 1906. Arizona Bibliography, 1908. Address: Los Angeles, Calif.
NORTH, ARTHUR WALBRIDGE, b. Marysville, Cal. Oct. 26, 1874. Grad. Oakland High School, and Univ. of Cal. A.B. 1896. Contributor to magazines and reviews. Author: Mother of California, an historical and geographical review of Lower California (Mex.) Paul Elder & Co., 1908. $2.00. Camp and Camino in Lower California (in press.) Baker & Taylor Co. Address: 126 North St., Walton, N.Y.
OLDER, MRS. FREMONT (Cora Baggerly), b. New York. Ed. private teachers and Syracuse Univ. Author: The Socialist and the Prince, 1902. Funk & Wagnalls. The Giants, 1905. Address: The Fairmount, San Francisco, Calif.
PAYNE, EDWARD B., b. Vermont. Ed. Iowa College and Oberlin. Grad. in 1874. Congr. preacher, Berkeley, Calif. Became Unitarian. Preached Springfield, Mass., 4 years; Manchester, N.H., 2-1/2 years; Leominster, 5 years; Berkeley, Calif., 5 years. Founded Altruria, near Santa Rosa, a co-operative settlement of 60 members and pub. a magazine, "Altruria." Address: Glen Ellen, Calif.
PERCIVAL, OLIVE, b. July 1, 1868, Sheffield, Ill. Ed. public schools Sheffield, Ill., and Cleveland, Ohio. Author: Mexico City: An Idler's Note Book. Address: 906 Union Trust Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif.
RADER, WILLIAM, b. Cedarville, Chester Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1862. Pastor 2nd Cong. Church, San Francisco, ten years. Now pastor Calvary Pres. Church. Editorial writer San Francisco Bulletin. Author: The Elegy of Faith, 1902. Truths for Today, 1902. Uncle Sam, or the Reign of the Common People, (in Notable Speeches of Greater West.) Liberty and Labor. Address: 2702 Laguna St., San Francisco, Calif.
RICHARDSON, DANIEL S., b. Mar. 19, 1851, West Acton, Mass. Came to Calif. in 1855. Ed. public schools of S.F. and Univ. of Calif. Twice decorated by Emperor of Japan. Writer of short stories and poems for magazines. Author: Trail Dust (poems) 1909. Address: 221 Sansome St., San Francisco, Calif.
REED, ANNA MORRISON, MRS., b. Dubuque, Ia. Came to Calif. when an infant. Ed. Mrs. Perry's Seminary, Sacramento. Writer and lecturer. Editor and founder Northern Crown Magazine; Petaluma, Sonoma Co., Independent. Author: Poems, 1880. Later Poems. Address: Petaluma, Calif.
SAIN, CHARLES McKNIGHT, b. Mt. Pleasant, O., Mar. 11, 1863. Traveler and writer for magazines, etc. Author: An Expectant Heir to Millions, 1896. The Serpent, 1902, both out of print. The Call of the Muse (poems.) Where Rolls the Oregon (poems.) Address: Care Mrs. Lou A. Curran, Hollywood, Calif.
SAMUELS, MAURICE V., b. San Francisco, Oct. 3, 1874. Grad. 1894 Univ. Calif. Lawyer in S.F. for 7 years. Playwright. Author: The Florentines, blank-verse art-comedy, Brentano, 1904. $1.00. Address: Hotel St. Margaret, 129 W. 47th St., New York City.
SAUNDERS, CHARLES FRANCIS, b. July 12, 1859, Bucks County, Penn. Ed. in Philadelphia. Grad. Friends' Central School. Came first to California 1902. Resided in Pasadena since 1905. Contributor to magazines of both coasts on subjects covering travel, plant life, the Indians of the Southwest, etc., besides occasional verse. Editor 1894-7 of "The United Friend," religious monthly, Philadelphia. Author: In a Poppy Garden. R.G. Badger, Boston, 1903, and wrote descriptive text for Mrs. Saunders's published collection of color prints entitled, California Wild Flowers. W.M. Bains, Philadelphia, 1905. Address: 580 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, Calif.
SAUNDERS, MARSHALL, b. in Nova Scotia. Lived for awhile in San Francisco and in California began study of birds and animals. Author: Beautiful Joe. $1.25. My Pets. $1.25. Several other books. Address: 28 Carleton St., Halifax, N.S., Canada.
SCHEFFAUER, HERMAN, b. San Francisco, Feb. 3, 1876. Ed. public and private schools. Studied architecture and art at Mark Hopkins Institute. Writer for newspapers, magazines and reviews in France, England, Germany and America. Author: Both Worlds poems, 1903. Looms of Life, 1908. $1.25. The Sons of Baldur, 1908. Niagara. An American Romance of four generations, 1909. Sire of Bohemian Club Jinks, 1908. Address: 184 Eldridge St., New York.
SCOTT, JOSEPH, b. Penrith, Cumberlandshire, Eng., July 16, 1867. Ed. St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham. Prof. Rhetoric and Eng. Lit. St. Bonaventure's College, Allegheny, N.Y. Came to Calif. 1893 Pres. Board of Ed. of Los Angeles. Writer on Educational and Civic Subjects for newspapers and magazines. Address: Los Angeles, Calif.
SETON, GRACE GALLATIN, b. Sacramento, Calif., Jan. 28, 1872. Ed. Packer Collegiate Inst., Brooklyn. Writer for newspapers and magazines of America, England and France. Author: A Woman Tenderfoot. Nimrod's Wife. Doubleday, Page & Co. Address: 80 W. 40th St., New York, and Wyndygoul, Cos Cob, Conn.
SEVERANCE, CAROLINE MARIA SEYMOUR, b. Canandaigua, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1820. One of founders and first president, 1868, of New England Woman's Club. Known as "The Mother of Women's Clubs." Author: The Mother of Women's Clubs (with Mrs. Ella Giles Ruddy.) $1.00. Address: 896 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Calif.
SEXTON, MRS. ELLA M., b. Ill. Ed. in St. Louis, Mo. Came to Calif. in 1874. Contributor to Eastern and Pacific Coast magazines. Author: Stories of California. Macmillan & Co. California at Christmas-Tide (poems). Also a collection of Mission poems and one of Children's Verse. She has also seven one-act comedies used by clubs and for amateur production. Address: 171 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
SHINN, CHARLES HOWARD, b. Austin, Texas, April 29, 1852. Ed. Univ. of Calif, and Johns Hopkins Univ. Taught school. Contributor to newspapers and magazines. For ten years Inspector Univ. of Calif. Experimental Stations. Appointed 1902 head forest ranger Sierra Reserve, Calif. Author: Pacific Rural Handbook, 1879. Land Laws of Mining Districts, 1884. Mining Camps, 1885. Co-operation on the Pacific Coast, 1888. Story of a Mine, 1897. Various Forestry Monographs, etc. Address: Northfork, Madera Co., Calif.
SHINN, MILLICENT WASHBURN, b. Niles, Calif., April 15, 1858. Grad. Univ. of Calif. A.B. 1880. Ph.D. 1898. Editor Californian, 1882. Editor Overland Monthly, 1883-94. Author: Notes on the Development of a Child (also in German.) The Biography of a Baby, 1901. The Development of the Senses, and the First Two Years of Childhood. Also poems, stories, essays, critiques, etc. Address: Niles, Calif.
SHUEY, LILLIAN H., MRS. Has lived in Calif, practically all her life. Ed. public schools and Napa branch of Univ. of Pacific. Taught 16 years in public schools. Author: David of Juniper Gulch. Laird & Lee. 50c. Don Luis' Wife. Lamson & Wolffe. 50c. California Sunshine, The Humboldt Lily. Among the Redwoods (verses.) The Necromancers (a novel, in preparation.) Address: 657 60th St., Oakland, Calif.
SIMONDS, WILLIAM DAY, b. Rockford, Ill., Mar. 31, 1855. Grad. State Normal School, Vt. Spaulding Classical Academy, Barrie, Vt., 1880. Studied Amherst College and Chicago Theological Inst. Pastor First Unitarian Church, Oakland, Calif. Author: Patriotic Addresses. Sermons From Shakespeare. Freedom and Fraternity. Address: 1233 First Ave., Oakland, Calif.
SMYTHE, WILLIAM ELLSWORTH, b. Worcester, Mass., Dec. 24, 1861. Initiated Nat. Irrigation Congress, 1891. Sec. until 1893, chairman until 1895. Est. Irrigation Age, 1891. Edited it until 1896. Lecturer and writer on Irrigation and Economic Problems. Author: The Conquest of Arid America. Constructive Democracy. History of San Diego, 2 vols. Address: 1448 C St., San Diego, Calif.
SOSSO, LORENZO, b. Mar. 2, 1867, Turin, Italy. Came to Calif. in July, 1875. Author: Poems, 1888. Poems of Humanity, 1891. In Realms of Gold, 1902. Proverbs of the People, 1903. Wisdom of the Wise, 1905. Address: 179 De Long Ave., San Francisco, Calif.
STELLMAN, LOUIS J., b. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 6, 1877. Came to Calif. July, 1896. Connected S.F. Examiner since 1897. Wrote "Observer" Sketches for L.A. Herald, published in book form 1903. Whitaker & Ray. 75c. Address: Press Club, San Francisco, Calif.
STIMSON, JOHN WARD, b. Paterson, N.J., Dec. 16, 1850. Grad. Yale, 1872. Also Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. Lecturer and art teacher Princeton Univ. Assoc. editor The Arena. Contributor to various art exhibitions and magazines. Author: The Law of Three Primaries. Principals of Vital Art Education. The Gate Beautiful. Wandering Chords, etc. Address: 14 W. 48th St., New York.
STROBRIDGE, IDAH MEACHAM, b. Contra Costa Co., June 9, 1855. Ed. Mills Seminary. Contributor to newspapers and magazines. Author: In Miner's Mirage Land, 1904. DeLuxe, $6.00. The Loom of the Desert, 1907. $1.75. DeLuxe $6.00. The Land of the Purple Shadows, 1909. $1.75. DeLuxe $6.00. All pub. by Artemisia Bindery. Address: Artemisia Bindery. 231 E. Ave. 41, Los Angeles, Calif.
SUTHERLAND, HOWARD V., b. Cape Town, South Africa, Ed. England and Germany. Author: The Legend of Love. The Old, Old Story. Jacinta, a Californian Idyll. Bigg's Bar, and Other Klondike Ballads. Songs of a City. Idylls of Greece. $1.00. Ditto second series. $1.00. Address: 314 Seventeenth St., Denver, Colo.
SYMMES, HAROLD S., b. San Francisco, 1877. Ed. public schools. B.A. Univ. of California, 1899. Doctor's degree summa cum laude Univ. of Paris, 1903. Was appointed to Columbia Univ., department of English, the same year. Author: Les Debuts de la Critique Dramatique en Angleterre, 1903. Out of print. Contributor of verse and prose to American and English periodicals. Address: Garden St., Redlands, Calif.
TULLY, RICHARD WALTON. Ed. Univ. of Calif. Writer of short stories and plays. Rose of the Rancho, in collaboration with David Belasco, has had a most successful run. Address: Alma, Calif.
URMY, CLARENCE, b. San Francisco, July 10, 1858. Ed. public schools and Napa College. Contributor poetry to all the leading magazines, East and West. Author: A Rosary of Rhyme, 1884. A Vintage of Verse, 1897. Address: San Jose, Calif.
WATERHOUSE, A.J., b. May 27, 1855, in Wisconsin. Ed. public schools in Wisconsin, High School, Rochester, Minn., and Ripon College, Wis. Writer for newspapers and magazines. Asst. editor The California Weekly, S.F. Author: Some Homely Songs, 1899. Lays for Little Chaps, 1902. Address: 2422 McGee Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
WHITAKER, HERMAN, b. Huddersfield, Eng., Jan. 14, 1867. Ed. public school. Served in British army, 2nd Battalion W. Riding Reg. 1884-5. Author: The Probationer. The Settler. The Planter. All pub. by Harper Bros. $1.50 each. Address: 220 James Ave., Oakland, Calif.
WILEY, HARLEY RUPERT, b. Wisconsin, April 5, 1855. Trekked to Calif. 1865-6. Ed. Santa Rosa, Calif. Univ. of Calif. (L.L.B.) Past twelve years lecturer on Jurisprudence in Univ. of Calif. Writer on Law, and verse for magazines. Address: Faculty Club, Berkeley, Calif.
WILLARD, CHARLES DWIGHT, b. Bloomington, Ill., Jan. 20, 1860. Ed. public school, Chicago. A.B. 1883 Univ. of Mich. Came to Calif. in 1888. Writer of short stories and on civic matters. Author: History of Los Angeles. The Free Harbor Contest. History of Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. City Government. Address: Los Angeles, Calif.
WILSON, MRS. IDA MANSFIELD, play-wright, dramatic critic, actress, lecturer. Writes plays and magazine articles. Address: 2020 Clinton Ave., Alameda, Calif.
YORKE, PETER CHRISTOPHER, b. Aug. 15, 1864, Galway, Ire. Ed. St. Jarlath's College, Tuam, Maynooth, and the Cathedral University of America. Made S.T.D. by Pius X., 1906. Regent State University. Writer and lecturer on religious topics. Address: Oakland, Calif.
ZEPHYRIN, FR. (Charles Anthony Englehardt), b. Hanover, Bilshausen, Germany, Nov. 13, 1851. Came to N.Y. Dec. 8, 1852. Ed. public schools. Classics in Franciscan College. Entered Franciscan order, in Tentopolis, Ill., Sept. 22, 1872, making profession Sept. 28, 1873. Ordained June 18, 1878. In 1880 began work among Menominee Indians in Wis. 1894 to Adrian, Harbor Springs, Mich., Indian School. Studied Indian languages, etc., 21 years. Historian of Franciscan Order in Calif. Author: Franciscans in California. Franciscans in Arizona. Missions and Missionaries of California, 3 vols., (first vol. out.) Address: The Orphanage, Watsonville, Calif.
Here endeth the quotations from living California Authors selected by George Wharton James and done by him into this book at the Arroyo Guild Press, 201 Avenue 66, (Garvanza), Los Angeles, Calif., in the year of Our Salvation One Thousand Nineteen Hundred and Nine.