The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century
by Clarence Henry Haring
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I have been able to find only two Spanish works which refer at all to the buccaneers. One is entitled:

Piraterias y agresiones de los ingleses y de otros pueblos de Europa en la America espanola desde el siglo XVI. al XVIII., deducidas de las obras de D. Dionisio de Alcedo y Herrera. Madrid, 1883. 4.

Except for a long introduction by Don Justo Zaragoza based upon Exquemelin and Alcedo, it consists of a collection of extracts referring to freebooters on the coasts of Peru and Chili, and deals chiefly with the eighteenth century. The other Spanish work is an elaborate history of the Spanish navy lately published in nine volumes by Cesareo Fernandez Duro, and entitled:—

Armada espanola desde la union de los reinos de Castilla y de Aragon. Madrid, 1895.

There are numerous chapters dealing with the outrages of the French and English freebooters in the West Indies, some of them based upon Spanish sources to which I have had no access. But upon comparison of Duro's narrative, which in so far as it relates to the buccaneers is often meagre, with the sources available to me, I find that he adds little to what may be learned on the subject here in England.

One of the best English descriptions of the Spanish colonial administration and commercial system is still that contained in book viii. of Robertson's "History of America" (Lond. 1777). The latest and best summary account, however, is in French, in the introduction to vol. i. of "La traite negriere aux Indes de Castille" (Paris, 1906), by Georges Scelle. Weiss, in vol. ii. of his history of "L'Espagne depuis Philippe II. jusqu'aux Bourbons" (Paris, 1844), treats of the causes of the economic decadence of Spain, and gives an account of the contraband trade in Spanish America, drawn largely from Labat. On this general subject Leroy-Beaulieu, "De la colonization chez les peuples modernes" (Paris, 1874), has been especially consulted.

The best account of the French privateers of the sixteenth century in America is in an essay entitled: "Les corsairs francais au XVI^e siecle dans les Antilles" (Paris, 1902), by Gabriel Marcel. It is a short monograph based on the collections of Spanish documents brought together by Pacheco and Navarrete. The volume by E. Ducere entitled, "Les corsairs sous l'ancien regime" (Bayonne, 1895), is also valuable for the history of privateering. For the history of the Elizabethan mariners I have made use of the two works by J. S. Corbett: "Drake and the Tudor Navy" (Lond. 1898), and "The successors of Drake" (Lond. 1900). Other works consulted were:

Arias de Miranda, Jose: Examen critico-historico del influyo que tuvo en el comercio, industria y poblacion de Espana su dominacion en America. Madrid, 1854.

Blok, Pieter Johan: History of the people of the Netherlands. Translated by C. A. Bierstadt and Ruth Putnam. 4 vols. New York, 1898.

Brown, Alex.: The Genesis of the United States. 2 vols. Lond., 1890.

Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, 26th Earl of: Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Handlist of proclamations. 3 vols. Aberdeen, 1893-1901.

Dumont, Jean: Corps universel diplomatique. 13 vols. Hague, 1726-39.

Froude, James Anthony: History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish armada. 12 vols. 1870-75. English seamen in the sixteenth century. Lond., 1901.

Gardiner, Samuel Rawson: History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660. 3 vols. Lond., 1894-1903.

Geographical and historical description of ... Cartagena, Porto Bello, La Vera Cruz, the Havana and San Augustin. Lond., 1741.

Gibbs, Archibald R.: British Honduras ... from ... 1670. Lond., 1883.

Hakluyt, Richard: The principal navigations ... of the English nation, etc. 3 vols. Lond., 1598-1600.

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio: Historia general de las Indias. 4 vols. Madrid, 1601-15.

Hughson, Shirley C.: The Carolina pirates and colonial commerce. Baltimore, 1894.

Lucas, C. P.: A historical geography of the British colonies. 4 vols. Oxford, 1905. Vol. ii. The West Indies.

Monson, Sir William: The naval tracts of ... Edited ... by M. Oppenheim. Vols. i. and ii. Lond., 1902—(in progress).

Oviedo y Valdes, Gonzalo Fernandez de: Historia general de las Indias. Salamanca, 1547.

Peytraud, Lucien: L'Esclavage aux Antilles francaises avant 1789, etc. Paris, 1897.

Saint-Yves, G.: Les compagnes de Jean d'Estrees dans la mer des Antilles, 1676-78. Paris, 1900.

Strong, Frank: Causes of Cromwell's West Indian expedition. (Amer. Hist. Review. Jan. 1899).

Veitia Linaje, Josef de: Norte de la Contratacion de las Indias Occidentales. Sevilla, 1672.

Vignols, Leon: La piraterie sur l'Atlantique au XVIII^e siecle. Rennes, 1891.


Acapulco, 21

Aix-la-Chapelle, peace of, 156

Ajoupa, 68, 79

Albemarle, first duke of, see Monck, George

" second duke of, see Monck, Christopher

Albuquerque, Duke of, 109, 199

Alexander VI., Bull of Pope, 3, 30

Allison, Captain (buccaneer), 224

Antigua, 48, 55, 229

Araya salt-mine, 53-54

Archenholz, J.W. von, 283

Arlington, Earl of, see Bennett, Sir Henry

Arundell, James, 114, 117

Assiento of negroes, 26, 36-7, 103, 184 n.

Association, Island, see Tortuga

Aston, Lord of Forfar, 102

Avery, Captain Henry, 270-71

Aves, Isle d', see Isle d'Aves

Aylett, Captain (buccaneer), 156

Azogues, 22, 101

Azores, 3, 4, 15, 20, 42, 84

Bahama Islands, 2, 237, 238 and n., 271

Bahia, 49

Bancroft, Hubert H., 284

Banister, Major James, 205

Bannister, Captain (buccaneer) 254

Barbacoa, 68

Barbadoes, 47, 50, 67, 74, 85 and n., 87, 92, 99, 104, 120, etc.

Barbuda, 48

Barinas, Marques de, 268

Barker, Andrew, 40

Barlovento, Armada de, 109, 251 n., 261

Barnard, Captain (buccaneer), 111

Barnes, Captain ( " ), 219

Barre, Charles, 215

Barry, Colonel Samuel, 118 and n.

Beckford, Peter, 217

Beeston, Captain (afterwards Sir), William, 97 n., 108 n., 118, 135 and n., 142, 155, 158, 200, 202, 259, etc.

Begon, M. Michel (Intendant of the French Islands), 244, 247 n.

Benavides, Don Juan de, 50

Bennett, Sir Henry (afterwards Earl of Arlington), 100, 122, 128, 132, 133, 142, 143 n., 160, 186, 198, etc.

Berkeley, Sir Thomas, 41

Bermuda, 20, 75, 92, 201

Bernanos, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Bernard, Samuel, 255, 257

Bigford, Captain (buccaneer), 156

"Biscayners," 254-5

Blake, Captain, R.N., 93

Blewfield, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Blot, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Boston (Mass.), 251

Bradley, Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph (buccaneer), 164-5

Brayne, Lieutenant-General William, 96, 114, 127

Brazil, 3, 25, 36, 47, 49 and n., 102

Breda, treaties of, 141

Breha, Captain, see Landresson, Michel

Brenningham, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Brest, corsairs of, 42, 262, 265

Bridges, George W., 283

Browne, Captain James (buccaneer), 217-18

Browne, Richard (buccaneer), 156, 190 n., 195, 196

Buccaneers, cruelties of, 147-50, 153 n., 185 ff.

" customs of, 70-78, 163 n.

" derivation of the word, 66

Buccaneers, laws against, see Laws against privateers and pirates

" numbers of, 124, 240 n., 271

" origins of, 67, 69, 78-80, 125-27

" suppression of, 200 ff.

" vessels of, 75

Buenos Ayres, 10, 22

Bull of Pope Alexander VI., see Alexander VI.

Burney, James, 283

Burough, Cornelius, 99

Butler, Gregory (Commissioner of Jamaica), 85 n.

Byndloss, Colonel Robert, 215, 248, 255

Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, 3

Cachemaree, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Cadiz, 9 n., 12 and n., 13 and n., 16, 20, 22, 25 n., 26, 40, 96 n., etc.

Campeache, city of, 12 n., 22, 107-8, 109, 111, 210, 222, 245

" province of, 21, 107, 137 n., 138, 143, 155, 201, 204, 207, 208, etc.

Campo y Espinosa, Don Alonso del, 157, 158

Canary Islands, 14, 15, 42, 241

Cap Francois, 220, 221, 258, 261, 262 n.

Caracas, 10, 12 n., 15, 16, 22, 50, 154, 222, 240, 242

Cardenas, Alonso de, 52, 53

Carey, Colonel Theod., 129, 130

Carleill, General Christopher, 39

Carleton, Sir Dudley, Viscount Dorchester, 102

Carlile, Captain Charles, R.N., 236

Carlisle, Earl of, see Howard, Charles

Carolinas, 3, 47, 239, 250, 251, 252, 253, 271

Cartagena (New Granada), 9 n., 11, 14 and n., 15, 16, 19, 23, 38, 39, 262, etc.

Cartago (Costa Rica), 136 and n.

Casa de Contratacion, 11, 12, 13 n., 22, 25 and n., 42

Catherine of Braganza, 100

Cattle-hunters, 57-58, 62, 65, 66-69

Cavallos (Honduras), 21

Cayenne (Guiana), 233, 234

Cecil, Robert, Viscount Cranborne and Earl of Salisbury, 32 n., 51

"Centurion," 104, 105, 108 and n.

Chagre, port of, 43, 195, 267

" river, 17 n., 164, 168, 175, 193

Chaloner, Captain, 54

Charles I., King of England, 50, 52, 102

" II., King of England, 97, 100, 101, 103, 109, 110, 117, 119, 120, 121, etc.

" II., King of Spain, 268

" V., Emperor, 10, 13 n., 45, 46

Charleston (Carolina), 252, 253

Charlevoix, Pierre-Francois-Xavier, 58, 62, 70, 78, 81, 245, 246 n., 262 n., 283, 284 n.

Chasse-partie, 73

Chili, 10, 11, 17, 48, 229

Cinquantaines, 63

Clandestine trade, 8 and n., 25-27, 36-38, 102-104

Clarke, Robert (Governor of the Bahamas), 237-8

Clifford, George, Earl of Cumberland, 34, 40, 41

Codrington, Christopher (Deputy-Governor of Nevis), 229

Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, Marquis de Seignelay, 8 n., 9 n.

Coligny, Admiral Gaspard de, 47

Colleton, James (Governor of Carolina), 252

Collier, Edward (buccaneer), 155, 156, 160, 182 n., 190 n., 196

Colombia, U.S. of, see New Granada

Columbus, Christopher, 2, 42

Consulado, 12, 13

Contraband trade, see Clandestine trade

Cooke, Captain (buccaneer), 224

Cooper, Captain (buccaneer), 111, 273

Corbett, Julian S., 286

Cordova, Don Luis de, 242

Cornwallis, Sir Charles, 51, 54

Coro (Venezuela), 98

Cortez, Hernando, 3, 46

Costa Rico, 136 and n.

Cottington, Francis, Lord, 101-2

Council of the Indies, 13 and n., 14, 22, 25 n., 102

"Cour Volant," 155-6, and n.

Coventry, Sir Henry (Secretary of State), 215

Coxon, Captain John (buccaneer), 220, 223, 224, 225 n., 226, 227-8 and n., 235, 237 and n., 238, 245, etc.

Cranborne, Viscount, see Cecil, Robert

Criminals transported to the colonies, 5, 92, 125-6

Cromwell, Oliver, 85, 87-90, 92, 100

Cuba, 2, 19, 21, 23, 26, 32, 42, 46, 49, 77, etc.

Cumana (Venezuela), 16, 53, 98, 267

Cumanagote (Venezuela), 267

Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford, George

Curacao, 48, 67, 128, 129, 131, 134, 135, 143, 220, 221, etc.

Cussy, Sieur Tarin de (Governor of French Hispaniola), 243-4 and n., 245, 246, 258

Dalyson, Captain William, 99 n.

Dampier, William, 73 n., 108 n., 221 n., 225 n., 228 n., 247 n.

Daniel, Captain (buccaneer), 74

Darien, Isthmus of, 3, 22, 39, 40, 43, 145, 163, 191 n., 225 and n., 226, etc.

Deane, John (buccaneer), 213-14

Dedran, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Dempster, Captain (buccaneer), 154

Deschamps, Jeremie, Seigneur de Rausset (Governor of Tortuga), 116 and n., 117, 119

Deseada, 14, 15, 20

Desjeans, Jean-Bernard, Sieur de Pointis, 262 ff.

Dessalles, Adrien, 283

Diaz Pimienta, Don Francisco, 55, 56 n.

Diego Grillo (buccaneer), 201 and n.

Dieppe, corsairs of, 42, 48

Dominica, 20, 38, 74, 235

"Don Francisco," 207

"Don Juan Morf," 60 and n., 61

Dorchester, Viscount see Carleton, Sir Dudley

Doyley, Colonel Edward (Governor of Jamaica), 91, 96-97, 98, 99 and n., 100, 101, 107, 116, 122, 124, etc.

Drake, Sir Francis, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 50, 89 and n., 195, 210, etc.

Ducasse, Jean-Baptiste (Governor of French Hispaniola), 260-61, 262, 263, 265, 266

Ducere, Eduard, 285-6

Duro, Cesario Fernandez, 135 n., 211 n., 243 n., 285

Dutch wars, see War

" West India Company, 47, 49

Dutertre, Jean-Baptiste, 70, 114, 116 n., 118 n., 282, 284

East Indies, see Indies, East

Edmondes, Sir Thomas, 54

Edwards, Bryan, 283

Elizabeth, Queen, 29, 31, 34, 38, 39, 46, 50, 101, 136

Elletson, Robert, 248, 249, 255, 257

Engages, 59, 79-80, 124

Equador, 17, 229

Esmit, Adolf (Governor of St. Thomas), 234-37

" Nicholas (Governor of St. Thomas), 236

Esnambuc, Mons. d', 63

Essex, Captain Cornelius (buccaneer), 224, 226

Estrees, Jean, Comte d', 9 n., 220-221

Everson, Captain Jacob (buccaneer), 228 and n., 254 n.

Everson, Jory (Governor of St. Thomas), 237

Exquemelin, Alexander Olivier, 70, 77, 78, 79, 124, 131 n., 135 n., 136 n., 137 n., 277-82

Fanshaw, Sir Richard, 103, 106, 120, 121, 140, 141

Ferdinand and Isabella, Kings of Spain, 3, 10

Fitzgerald, Philip, 206-7

Fletcher, Benjamin (Governor of New York), 271

Flibustiers, derivation of the word, 66; see Buccaneers

Fload, Captain (Governor of Tortuga), 64 n.

Flores, see Azores.

Florida, 2, 47, 54.

Flota, 20, 38-9, 49, 77, 95, 96 and n., 103, 109, 242; cf. also Treasure fleets

Fontenay, Chevalier de (Governor of Tortuga), 81-84, 113, 116

Fortescue, Major-General Richard, 92, 96, 127

Franquesnay, Sieur de (Governor of French Hispaniola), 222, 244 and n., 247 n.

French wars, see War

French West India Company, 48, 117, 123, 162

Frobisher, Martin, 39

Frogge, William, 174 n., 177 n., 184 n., 186, 196 n.

Fuemayor, Rui Fernandez de, 61 and n.

Gage, Thomas, 16 n., 18, 23, 55 n., 90

Galicia, Company of, 12 n.

Galleons, 14-20, 21, 22, 23, 25 n., 55, 56 n., 62, 76; cf. also Treasure fleets.

Galleons' passage, 15

Gardner, William J., 283

Gautemala, 10, 16, 17 n., 22, 77

Gaves, Don Gabriel de, 60

"Gens de la cote," 69

Gibraltar (Venezuela), 157, 267

Godolphin, Sir William, 103, 160, 186, 197, 198, 199, 207, 208, 209-10

"Golden Hind," 39

Golden Island, 225, 253

Goodly, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Goodson, Vice-Admiral William, 92-96, 98 n., 99, 104

Graff, Laurens-Cornille Baldran, Sieur de, 241-43, 244 n., 245, 246 and n., 248, 258-59, 262 n., 274

Grammont, Sieur de (buccaneer), 73, 221-2, 240-1, 243, 244, 245, 246 and n., 248 and n.

Granada (Nicaragua), 16 n., 136, 138-9, 162, 267, 268

Granjeria de las Perlas (New Granada), 44

Grenville, Sir Richard, 40

Guadaloupe, 14, 20, 48, 67, 131, 282

"Guanahani," 2

Guiana, 10, 41, 47, 54

Guinea, coast of, 36, 37, 38, 235, 241, 270, 272

Guipuzcoa, Company of, 12 n.

"Gunsway," 270

Guy, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Guzman, Gonzalo de, 43

" Don Juan Perez de, see Perez de Guzman.

Hamlin, Captain Jean (buccaneer), 234-6 and n., 251 n.

Hampton, Thomas, 37-38

Haro, Don Francisco de, 183 n.

" Don Luis de, 100

Harris, Captain Peter (buccaneer), 225, 226, 245

Harrison, Captain, (buccaneer), 162

Hattsell, Captain, ( " ), 136

Havana, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 42, 43, 45, etc.

Havre, corsairs, of, 48

Hawkins, Sir John, 31, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 210.

" William, 36

Heath, Attorney-General Sir Robert, 52

Henrietta Island, 55, 59 n.

Henry II., King of France, 53

" IV., " 9 n., 48

" VIII. King of England, 36 and n.

Herdue, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Heyn, Admiral Piet, 49, 96

Hilton, Captain (Governor of Tortuga), 59, 60

Hispaniola, 2, 20 and n. 26, 32, 34, 35, 37, 46, 55, 57, etc.

Holland, Earl of, see Rich, Henry

Holmes, Admiral Sir Robert, 253

Honduras, 50, 107, 208, 211, 223, 226, 234, 249

Hopton, Sir Arthur, 53

Howard, Charles, Earl of Carlisle (Governor of Jamaica), 205, 211, 212, 222-28, 232

" Sir Philip, 255

Humanes, Conde de, 102

Ibarra, Don Carlos, 62 n.

Inchiquin, Earl of, see O'Brien, William

Indian Ocean, pirates in, see Pirates

Indians, see Spain, cruelties to Indians

Indies, Council of the, see Council

" exclusion of foreigners from, see Spain

Indies, East, pirates in, see Pirates

" West, colonisation of, 45-48

" " first English ship in, 34-35

"Indults," 25

Interlopers, see Clandestine trade

Isabella, Queen, see Ferdinand and Isabella

Isle d'Aves, 220 and n., 221, 222, 241

" la Vache, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 205, 212, 235, 236 n., 245, etc.

Jackman, Captain (buccaneer), 137, 143

Jackson, Captain William, 50, 67, 85

Jacobs, Captain (buccaneer), see Everson

Jamaica, 2, 19, 46, 50, 57, 73, 77, 85, 86, 90, etc.

" assembly of, 110, 217, 218, 227, 230, 231, 233, 248

" Council of, 104, 106, 107, 111, 118, 132, 159, 196, 202, 203, etc.

James, Captain (buccaneer), 273

" ("President of Tortuga"), 64 n.

James I., King of England, 46, 50, 51, 101 n.

" II., King of England, 253, 255, 257, 258

Jamestown (Virginia), 47

Jenkins, Sir Leoline, 208

Jimenez, Don Jose Sanchez, 139

Jocard, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Johnson, Captain (buccaneer), 202-3

" " R.N., 234

"Judith," 39

Juzgado de Indias, 13 n.

Kingston (Jamaica), 50, 86

Knollys, Francis, 39, 40

Labat, Jean-Baptiste, 70, 73-5, 282, 284, 285

Lagarde, Captain (buccaneer), 274

La Guayra (Venezuela), 240-41

Lancers, see Cinquantaines

Landresson, Captain Michel, alias Breha (buccaneer), 251 and n., 252, 274

Langford, Captain Abraham, 118-19

Las Casas, Bartolome de, Bishop of Chiapa, 32

Laurens de Graff, see Graff.

La Vivon, Mons., 155-6 and n.

Laws against privateers and pirates, 110, 217, 218, 220, 227, 230-31, 251-53, 271

Le Clerc, Captain Francois, 42

Legane (Hispaniola), 124, 258, 261

Legrand, Pierre (buccaneer), 135 n.

"Le Pain," see Paine, Peter

Le Pers (Jesuit writer), 284 and n.

Lerma, Duque de, 9 n.

Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre-Paul, 1, 285

Le Sage, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Lessone, " ( " ), 224

Levasseur, Mons., 63-66, 78, 80-82, 116

Ley, James, Earl of Marlborough, 52, 53

Lilburne, Robert (Governor of Bahamas), 238-39

Lima (Peru), 16, 17, 25

Linhares, Conde de, 102

Logwood, 201, 208-12, 226, 234, 249

Long, Edward, 127, 283

" Samuel, 226

Lonvilliers, Mons. de, 81

Lorin, Henri, 284

Louis XIV., King of France, 9 n., 116, 219, 257, 258, 266 n.

Ludbury, Captain (buccaneer), 162

Ludwell, Philip (Governor of Carolina), 253

Lynch, Sir Thomas (Governor of Jamaica), 111, 121, 197, 198, 200-205, 209, 213, 216, 232-38, 243, and n., etc.

Lyttleton, Sir Charles (Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica), 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 118, 127

Madeira, 42

Maggott, Captain (buccaneer), 224

Maintenon, Marquis de, 222

Maldonado de Aldana, 108

Mansfield, Captain Edward (buccaneer), 73, 131, and n., 134-36, 138, 143, 163 n., 164, 273

"Mansvelt," see Mansfield

Maracaibo (Venezuela), 15, 22, 50, 156-8, 159, 161, 210, 222, 267

Marcel, Gabriel, 285

Margarita Island, 2, 15, 16, 38, 222

" patache, 15, 16, 19 and n.

Margot, Port (Hispaniola), 64, 65, 83, 84, 123

Marie-Anne of Austria, Queen Regent of Spain, 141, 159, 184 n., 198, 199, 208, 211

Markham, William (Governor of Pennsylvania), 271

Marlborough, Earl of, see Ley, James

"Marston Moor," 87, 97, 98 and n., 99

Marteen, Captain David (buccaneer), 134

Martin, 81-82, 83 n.

Martinique, 48, 67, 73, 74, 75, 220, 246 n., 272, 282

"Mary of Guildford," 36 n.

Mary, Queen of England, 259

Massachusetts, 252, 271

Matelotage, 69

Medina Coeli, Duque de, 199

" de los Torres, Duque de, 141

Merida (Yucatan), 210, 245

Mesnil, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Mexico, see New Spain

Michel, Captain (buccaneer), 274

" le Basque (buccaneer), 124, 156

Milton, John (Latin Secretary of State), 89 n.

Mitchell, Captain (buccaneer), 108 n.

Modyford, Colonel Charles, 203

" Sir James, 127, 137, 143 n., 163 n.

" Sir Thomas (Governor of Jamaica), 119-23, 127, 128, 131-35, 136 n., 137 and n., 140, 142, 143 n., 144, etc.

Moledi, Don Patricio, 111

Molesworth, Hender (Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica), 237 n., 248, 249, 253-54, 255, 257

Molina, Conde de, 158, 197 n.

Mompos (New Granada), 264

Mona, Island of, 20, 34

Monck, Christopher, second Duke of Albemarle (Governor of Jamaica), 255-57

" George, first Duke of Albemarle, 132, 133, 142, 143 n., 154, 159

Montagu, Edward, Earl of Sandwich, 103, 141, 142

Montemayor, Don Juan Francisco de, 82

Montespan, Marquise de, 218 n.

Montserrat, 48, 129

Moralis, Don Pedro de, 105

Moreton, Joseph (Governor of Carolina), 252

Morgan, Captain (buccaneer), 235

" Colonel Blodre (buccaneer), 163 n., 182 n.

" Colonel Edward, 120, 121, 129, 130, 133, 137 n., 143

" Sir Henry (buccaneer and Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica), 73, 137 and n., 143-96, 204-6, 210, 212-16, 222, 226, 227, 228, etc.

" Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas, 130 n., 137 n.

Morris, Captain John (buccaneer), 137, 143, 161, 182 n., 273

Mosquito Coast, 19, 55, 76, 138, 245

Munden, Captain Robert, 118

Myngs, Captain Christopher, R.N., 98 and n., 99 and n., 105, 106, 107, 108 and n., 109, 121

Nata de los Santos (Darien), 136 n., 191 n.

Nau, Jean-David (buccaneer), 124 and n., 156, 157

Navigation Laws, 99, 101 n., 102, 214, 271

"Navio del Oro," 17

Negro slave-trade, 36-38; cf. also Clandestine trade

Negroes, Assiento of, see Assiento

Netherlands, truce of 1609, 52

" wars of, see War

Nevill, Vice-Admiral John, 264, 265

Nevis, 47, 63, 86, 129, 229

New England, 86, 92, 93, 116, 201, 250, 272

Newfoundland, 35, 265

New Granada, 11, 16, 42, 232

New Providence Island (Bahamas), 237-39

New Spain, 3, 10, 21, 22, 32, 33, 46, 76, 90, 111, etc.

New York, 129, 201, 271

Nicaragua, 19, 76, 137, 162

" Lake, 16, 138

Nimuegen, peace of, 240

Nombre de Dios (Darien), 14 n., 17 n., 40

Norris, Commodore Sir John, 265

O'Brien, William, Earl of Inchiquin (Governor of Jamaica), 257, 259

Ogeron, Bertrand d' (Governor of French Hispaniola), 118, 123-4, 216, 217, 218, 239

Olivares, Conde de, 9 n.

Olonnais (buccaneer), see Nau, Jean-David

Orinoco River, 2, 32 n., 47, 85 n., 111

Oxenham, John, 40

"Oxford," 155

Pain, Captain Thomas (buccaneer), 238 and n., 239, 259

Paine, Peter, 233-34 and n., 238 n.

Panama, city of, 10, 16, 17 and n., 18, 40, 97, 120, 136 n., 139, 140, etc.

" Isthmus of, see Darien

" President of, see Perez de Guzman

Payta (Peru), 17, 188

Penalva, Conde de, 113

Penn, Admiral William, 85 and n., 86, 87, 93, 113

" William (proprietor of Penns.), 271

Pennsylvania, 271

Perez de Guzman, Don Juan (President of Panama), 139, 164, 170 n., 184 n., 186, 191 and n., 192 n.

" Diego, 44

Pernambuco, 49

Perry, Mr. 61 n.

Peru, 3, 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 25, 32, 42, 46, etc.

Petit, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Petit-Goave (Hispaniola), 118, 119, 124, 221, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247 and n., 248, etc.

Philip II., King of Spain, 14, 30, 31, 34, 37, 39, 40, 46, 101

Philip III., King of Spain, 51

" IV., King of Spain, 9 n., 55, 141

Philippine Islands, 3, 21

"Piece of eight," value of, 77 n.

"Pie de Palo," see Heyn, Admiral Piet and Le Clerc, Francois

Pirates, depredations in the East, 270, 272

" laws against, see Laws

" trials of, 202, 203, 213-15, 218, 226, 228, 229

Pizarro, Francisco, 3, 46

Place, Sieur de la (Deputy-Governor of Tortuga), 117, 124

Plenneville, Clement de, 118

Poincy, Mons. de (Governor of the French West Indies), 63, 64, 80, 81

Pointis, Sieur de, see Desjeans

Pontchartrain, Louis Phelypeaux, Comte de, 262

Port de Paix (Hispaniola), 65, 247 n., 261

Porto Bello, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 and n., 18, 19, 23, 76, 143-54, etc.

Porto Rico, 2, 20 and n., 22, 31 n., 34, 35, 41, 46, 56, 57, etc.

Port Royal (Carolina), 47, 252

" (Jamaica), 97, 98 and n., 101, 107, 108 and n., 111, 112, 121, 127, 128, etc.

Pouancay, Mons. de (Governor of French Hispaniola), 216, 219, 220, 221, 222, 239, 240, 244, 247, 248, etc.

Prince, Captain Lawrence (buccaneer), 162, 182 n.

Privateers, laws against, see Laws

Providence Company, 55, 59 and n., 60, 61 n., 62, 64 n.

Providence Island, 55 and n., 56 n., 64, 76, 86, 135-7, 139-40, 143, 163 and n., etc.

Puerta de Plata (Hispaniola), 115

Puerto Cabello (Venezuela), 98

" Principe (Cuba), 117, 144 and n., 145, 222

Queen Regent of Spain, see Marie-Anne of Austria

Quito, province of, see Equador

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 34, 40, 41, 47, 89

Rancherias (New Granada), 16, 40

Rausset, Sieur de, see Deschamps

Raynal, Guillaume, Thomas-Francois, 283

Red Sea, pirates in, see Pirates

Rhode Island, 223, 251, 271

Rich, Henry, Earl of Holland, 59

" Robert, Earl of Warwick, 50 and n., 52

Rio Garta, 138

Rio de la Hacha (New Granada), 38, 40, 44, 93, 98 n., 161, 232, 267

Rio Nuevo (Jamaica), 91

Riskinner, Captain Nicholas (Governor of Tortuga), 62

Rivero Pardal, Manuel, 159, 161

Roanoke Island (Carolina), 47

Roatan Island, 76, 138

Robertson, William, 285

Rogers, Captain Thomas (buccaneer), 174 n.

Ronquillo, Don Pedro, 223 n., 243

Row, Captain (buccaneer), 224

Roxas de Valle-Figueroa, Don Gabriel, 82-83

Ruyter, Admiral Michel-Adriaanszoon van, 129

Ryswick, treaty of, 266 n.

Saba, 129, 130 and n.

St. Augustine (Florida), 238, 251, 252

St. Christopher, see St. Kitts

St. Eustatius, 48, 67, 129, 130 and n., 133, 143

St. Jago de Cuba, 21, 42, 44, 91, 100, 104-6, 108 n., 109, 145, 159, etc.

" de la Vega (Jamaica), 50, 85, 86, 234, 237 n.

" de los Cavalleros (Hispaniola), 114-15, 258

St. Kitts, 47, 48, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60, 63, 67, 80, etc.

St. Laurent, Mons. de, 244, 247 n.

St. Malo, corsairs of, 48

St. Martins, 130

St. Thomas, 235-7

Salisbury, Earl of, see Cecil, Robert

Samana, 77 n.

Samballas Islands, 228 n.

"Samson," 36 n.

Sancti Spiritus (Cuba), 134, 135 and n.

San Domingo, city of, 9 n., 21, 22, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 60, 86, etc.

" French, see Hispaniola

Sandwich, Earl of, see Montagu, Edward

San Juan de Porto Rico, 21, 40, 41, 49

" d'Ulloa, see Vera Cruz

" River (Nicaragua), 16, 136, 138, 162

San Lorenzo, castle of (Chagre), 164-8, 170 n., 193, 194 and n.

San Lucar, 11, 13, 15, 20

Santa Catalina, see Providence Island

Santa Cruz, 20, 48, 56, 117

Santa Marta (New Granada), 15, 40, 44, 93, 97, 161, 219-20, 226, 267

Santa Marta de la Vitoria (Tabasco), 139 n.

" Tomas (Orinoco), 111, 222

Sasi Arnoldo, Don Christopher, 91, 105

"Satisfaction," 156 n.

Sawkins, Captain (buccaneer), 225, 226

Scaliger, Joseph-Juste, 28

Scelle, Georges, 3, 285

Searle, Daniel (Governor of Barbadoes), 85 n.

Searles, Captain Robert (buccaneer), 122, 131

Sedgwick, Major-General Robert, 96, 104

Seignelay, Marquis de, see Colbert

Seville, 11, 22, 26, 54, 103, 106, 109, 159 n., 207, etc.

Sharp, Captain Bartholomew (buccaneer), 223, 224, 225 n., 228, 229, 245

Shirley, Sir Anthony, 85

"Sloop-trade," 27

Smart, Captain (buccaneer), 273

Smith, Major Samuel, 137, 139, 140

Sore, Jacques, 42, 45

Southey, Thomas, 283

Spain, colonial laws, 5, 10, 12, 13, 24

" colonial system, 1 ff.

" commercial system, 6-13

" cruelties to English mariners, 29, 53-54, 88, 89 n., 207

" cruelties to Indians, 4, 9, 10, 32, 33, 89 n.

" decline of, 1 ff., 46

" discovery and exploration in South America, 2-3

" exclusion of foreigners from Spanish Indies, 24

" privateers of, 207, 211 and n.

" trade relations with England, 101-104

" treaty of 1667 with England, 141

" " 1670 with England, 196-7, 200, 209

" truce of 1609 with the Netherlands, see Netherlands

" venality of Spanish colonial governors, 26 n.

" weakness of Spanish ships, 23

Spragge, Captain, R.N., 254

Stanley, Captain (buccaneer), 140

Stapleton, Sir William (Governor of Leeward Islands), 234, 236, 237

Stedman, Captain (buccaneer), 131 and n.

Style, John, 153 n.

Tabasco River, 138, 139 n.

Tavoga Island, 179, 188

Tavogilla Island, 179, 188

Taylor, John, 102

Terrier, Jean, 42

Thibault, 81-82, 83 n.

Thomas, Dalby, 33

Thornbury, Walter, 284

Thurloe, John (Secretary of State), 104

Thurston, Captain (buccaneer), 201

Tobago, 15, 48, 67, 131, 268

Toledo, Don Federico de, 54, 58

Tolu (New Granada), 97, 267

Tortola, 130

Tortuga, 2, 55, 58-66, 69, 70, 73, 77, 80, 81, 113, etc.

Trade, clandestine, see Clandestine trade

Treasure fleets, 13-24, 31, 85; cf. also Flota and Galleons

Treval, Mons. de, 82

Trinidad, 2, 15, 32 n., 46, 131, 222

"Trompense, La," 233-36, 238 n., 248, 249, 251 n.

" La Nouvelle," 236 n.

Truxillo (Honduras), 21, 22, 50, 77, 138, 222

Turrialva (Costa Rica), 136

Utrecht, Treaty of, 272

Vache, Isle la, see Isle la Vache

Vaisseaux de registre, 11, 22 and n.

Vaissiere, Pierre de, 284

Valladolid (Yucatan), 210

Valle-Figueroa, Don Gabriel Roxas de, see Roxas de Valle-Figueroa

Van Horn, Captain Nicholas (buccaneer), 241-43, 248

Vaughan, John, Lord (Governor of Jamaica), 205, 211, 212-22, 232

Venables, General Robert, 85 and n., 86, 87, 88, 89, 96, 113

Venezuela, 16, 23, 156

Venta Cruz (Darien), 17 n., 164, 170 n., 174 and n., 177 n., 192 n., 193

Vera Cruz (New Spain), 11, 12 n., 14, 21, 22, 38, 49, 103, 109, 111, etc., 241

Veragua, 136 and n.

Vernon, Admiral Edward, 195

Verpre, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Vervins, Treaty of, 48

Viande boucannee, 66

Vigneron, Captain (buccaneer), 274

Villa de Mosa (Tabasco), 138 and n.

Villalba y Toledo, Don Francisco de, 77

Villars, Marquis de, 9 n.

Virgin Islands, 40, 235, 236

Virginia, 47, 51, 54, 112, 129, 201, 207, 272

War between England and France, 1666-67, 131, 141

War between England and Netherlands, 1665-67, 127-41

War between France and Netherlands, 1674-78, 219 ff.

War of the Spanish Succession, 271-72

" Succession of the Palatinate, 258 ff.

Watson, Sir Francis, 257

Watts, Elias (Governor of Tortuga), 114, 116 and n., 117

Watts, Colonel William (Governor of St. Kitts), 130 n.

Weiss, Charles, 285

West Indies, see Indies, West

Whitstone, Sir Thomas (buccaneer), 140, 273

Wilgress, Captain, 201

William III., King of England, 257, 258

Williams, Captain John, alias Yankey (buccaneer), 235, 254 n., 274

" Captain Morris (buccaneer), 122 and n.

Williamson, Sir Joseph (Secretary of State), 213 n., 217

Willoughby, William, Lord (Governor of Barbadoes), 131

Wilmot, Commodore Robert, 261

Windebank, Sir Francis (Secretary of State), 53

Windsor, Thomas, Lord (Governor of Jamaica), 97, 101 and n., 104, 105, 106-7, 111, 117, 118, 137

Winslow, Edward (Commissioner of Jamaica), 85 n.

Winter, Sir William, 40

Witherborn, Captain Francis (buccaneer), 202

Wormeley, Captain Christopher (Governor of Tortuga), 59, 62 and n.

Yallahs, Captain (buccaneer) 201, 211

"Yankey," see Williams, Captain John

Yucatan, 2, 23, 82 n., 208, 210, 211

Zuniga, Don Pedro de, 51


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