The famous statue of the Dying Gaul preserved in the Capitol at Rome shows a torc on the warrior's neck. This is one of a series of statues set up by the Greeks of Pergamos to celebrate their struggle with, and first victory over, the Gauls of Asia Minor, with whom they came in contact from about 240 to 160 B.C. The twisted torc appears to have been replaced in Ireland about the second century B.C. by the plain torc, which was probably introduced from Gaul. The fine gold torc from Clonmacnois (Plate IX), with La Tene decoration, is a good example of these torcs, and is almost identical with one from the Marne district now preserved in the St. Germain Museum. Probably the finest La Tene torc in existence is that found in the celebrated Broighter find, which is richly decorated with La Tene ornament (Plate IX, the inner torc).
One of the greatest difficulties to be contended with in any attempt to arrive at a working chronology for the Prehistoric Period in Ireland is that, though Ireland had a rich Bronze Age, as attested by the magnificent collection of objects preserved in the National Collection, yet in very few cases have any of these objects been found in association. Excavation carried on under scientific supervision was practically unknown in Ireland until quite recent years, and though, no doubt, hoards of associated objects have been discovered in the country, yet trustworthy particulars as to their finding have hardly ever been preserved, and the objects themselves have generally been scattered. Under these circumstances it seemed useful to gather together in the present chapter an account of the finds—unfortunately very few—in which associated objects have been discovered, and of which there is indisputable evidence of their association:—
1. Find of a socketed celt, a gouge, a pin, a razor (the last in a simple leather case), a portion of a woollen garment, an ornament of horse-hair, like a tassel, and some pieces of wood. These objects were found in a bog in the townland of Cromaghs, parish of Armoy, Co. Antrim, in May, 1904, when cutting turf[33] (Fig. 71, nos. 1-5).
[33] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxvi, Sec. C, p. 119.
2. A find of late Bronze-Age objects discovered in a bog in the townland of Lahardoun, Tulla, Co. Clare, in May, 1861. The find contained the following objects:—two small socketed celts, a disk-headed pin, a plain bronze ring, and a bronze fibula[34] (Fig. 71, nos. 6-10).
[34] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxvi, Sec. C, 124.
3. Find at Mountrivers, Rylane, Coachford, Co. Cork. This find was made in May, 1907, and contained the following objects:—two socketed bronze celts, two gold fibulae, one fibula of copper or bronze, and eleven amber beads[35] (fig. 62).
[35] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxx, Sec. C, p. 85.
4. Find at Kilfeakle, Co. Tipperary, made in May, 1906, The find consisted of a bronze socketed celt, a socketed sickle, two chisels, and a gouge[36] (fig. 74).
[36] Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. xxxvii, p. 86.
5. Find of moulds for casting primitive spear-heads. This find was made near Omagh, Co. Tyrone, about 1882, and consisted of seven blocks of sandstone for casting tanged and socketed spear-heads.[37] (See page 39.)
[37] Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. xxxvii, p. 181.
6. Find of moulds made in December, 1910, at Killymeddy, Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. The find contained two complete moulds for casting looped socketed spear-heads, and half a mould for a looped socketed spear-head, a mould for one side of a long dagger-blade, a large mould for casting one side of a leaf-shaped knife, two halves of a mould for casting a sickle, eight fragments of moulds, two sharpening stones, and a stone for hammering or smoothing objects.[38] (See page 40.)
[38] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxx, Sec. C, p. 83.
7. Find made at Tempo, Co. Fermanagh. This find was made in 1912, and consisted of two leaf-shaped bronze swords with notches below the blades, and a very fine socketed spear-head[39] (figs. 65 and 37).
[39] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxx, Sec. C, p. 91.
8. Two leaf-shaped spear-heads found together at the Ford, Belturbet, Co. Cavan[40] (fig. 30).
[40] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxx, Sec. C, p. 93.
9. Large hoard found at Dowris, King's Co., about 1825. A small portion of this hoard, consisting of two bronze trumpets, seven crotals, five socketed spear-heads, and a socketed gouge, are preserved in the Royal Irish Academy's collection in the National Museum. There are other portions of this hoard in the British Museum and at Birr Castle.[41]
[41] "British Museum Bronze-Age Guide," p. 28.
10. Bronze socketed celt, large bronze ring, two smaller rings with lateral-shaped trumpet projections, and a small flat ring all found together near Glenstal, Co. Limerick, about 1901.
11. Large find of objects, formerly in St. Columba's College Collection, all stated to have been found together, in 1830, in a bog at Derryhall, County Antrim. The find comprises fourteen disk-headed bronze pins of late Bronze-Age type, and two bronze pins, with cup-shaped heads, a bronze dagger and two bronze knives (one of the latter being socketed), a socketed celt, nine bronze rings, a bronze ring with side perforations and a double ring, a bronze fibula with three beads; also two late brooches, and two late pins, which are said to have proved part of this find, but whose association with the remaining objects is very doubtful.
12. Bronze fibula, and twenty-two bronze rings, found together, about 1876, at Broca, Rochford Bridge, County Westmeath.
13. Socketed bronze celt, bronze fibula, bronze ring, and disk-headed Bronze-Age pin. All found together at Lapoudin, Tulla, County Clare.
14. Three large, seventeen small, eight double bronze rings, and one fragment, probably all found together.
15. Bronze fibula, bronze gouge, and three rings, found together, but locality unrecorded.
16. Six copper celts found together at Cappeen, County Cork.
17. Seven halberds found together at Hillswood, County Galway.[42]
[42] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxvii, Sec. C, p. 97.
18. Two bronze rings, a small leaf-shaped spear-head, a socketed celt, and a small gold bulla, said to have been found together in Kinnegoe bog, County Armagh, in 1840. St. Columba's College Collection.
19. Three bronze trumpets, one in two parts, found in a bog in the barony of Moyarta, County Clare.
20. Six bronze trumpets, one in two parts, found in a bog close to Chute Hall, in the townland of Clogher, Clemin, three miles from Tralee, County Kerry.
21. Two trumpets, one in two parts, probably found together in a bog at Carrick O'Gunnell, County Limerick. (These are probably two of those described by Mr. R. Ousley, in the Trans. R.I.A., 1788.)
22. Three trumpets found at Carraconway, near Cloughouter Castle, County Cavan.[43]
[43] Wilde's Catalogue of the Royal Irish Academy's Collection, p. 626.
23. Two trumpets found at Macroom, County Cork.
24. Four trumpets found in the bog of Drumabest, Kilraughts, County Antrim, in 1840.[44]
[44] Ibid.
25. Two trumpets found in County Cork. (Londesborough collection.)
26. Two trumpets and a part of a third found together, but locality unknown.
27. Two trumpets probably found together, from Trinity College, Dublin, collection.
28. A socketed bronze celt and gold ring-money found together near Belfast.[45]
[45] Archaeologia, vol. lxi, p. 153.
29. Four gold lunulae, found together at Dunfierth, Carbury, County Kildare.[46]
[46] "Wilde's Catalogue of Gold Antiquities," p. 18.
30. A large spear-head, a round bronze shield, with a central boss for the hand, and two circles of smaller bosses, found in a mound or rath, at Athenry, County Galway.[47]
[47] Horae Ferales. pl. xi, fig. 1.
With the exception of Nos. 4, 5, 27, and 30, the above-mentioned finds are preserved in the Royal Irish Academy's collection, in the National Museum, Dublin.
Numerous trumpets of cast bronze have been found in Ireland, both in the south and the north. They are rare in Britain. Two or more trumpets have often been found together; eight were found at Dungannon, County Tyrone, in 1713, and thirteen or fourteen near Cork in 1750. The Irish trumpets may be divided into three types—(1) in the shape of a horn, open at both ends, having the mouth-piece and trumpet cast in one piece; (2) of similar shape, but closed at the narrow end, with an aperture for the mouth at the side near the closed end; (3) also horn-shaped, but with a long straight tube attached to the narrow end of the carved portion, the upper end of the tube having four rivet-holes, to which another tube or mouth-piece may have been fixed. There are references in classical authorities to the trumpets used by the Celts. Polybius, describing the defeat of the Celts by the Romans at the battle of Telemon, B.C. 225, speaks of the innumerable horns and trumpets of the Celts (Gaesatae, Insubres, Taurisci, and Boii).
Dr. F. Behn, of the Mainz Museum, has recently written an account of the music in the Roman army, in which he has brought together much information about the early bronze trumpets; and he includes a short description of the Irish type.[48] The Irish trumpets, which are furnished with the straight tubular piece, much resemble the Roman lituus; and, as a whole, the Irish type is very closely allied to the lituus and carnyx, the difference between the lituus and carnyx being that the expanded end of the carnyx takes the form of some fantastic animal's head. Trumpets have been found in the Dowris hoard, with socketed spear-heads, and other objects of the late Bronze Age, and they must be dated to that period; on this account the Etruscan lituus can hardly have been derived from Irish trumpets; so that it is probable that the Irish trumpets, like those of Gaul, were derived from the south.
[48] Die Musik im roemischen Heere "Mainzer Zeitschrift," 1912, p. 36.
Socketed bronze sickles have been found fairly frequently in different parts of Ireland. Those in the National Collection have generally been referred to the late Bronze Age. These sickles are all very small, and it has been thought that the Irish, like the Gauls, cut only the ear of the corn, and burnt the stalk. A recent find of moulds in County Antrim contained a mould for casting a sickle without a socket like the Continental examples, and shows that this type was also known in Ireland in the later Bronze Age (fig. 75). The bronze sickles have an important bearing on the question of agriculture in Ireland. An opinion has recently been expressed that corn was not introduced into England until the Roman invasion, and was introduced into Ireland even later than this.[49] However, there are instances of ears of corn being found within the walls of food-vessels of early Bronze Age date in Scotland; and it is probable that corn was also grown in Ireland during the Bronze Age. There is evidence that the ox was domesticated during this period. The excellence of the metal-casting and the high degree of skill shown in casting implements and weapons during the Bronze Age lead us to believe that the civilization, and with the civilization the art of agriculture and material comfort, had reached a fairly high level.
[49] Proc. Royal Irish Academy, vol. xxxi (Clare Island Survey, Part 5).
In the late period of the Irish Bronze Age, bronze pins with disk-shaped heads having a conical projection in the centre are fairly common. The disk-heads in many instances are ornamented with concentric circles and other simple kinds of decoration. They are bent at right angles to the pin, though in some cases the pin comes straight from the head. The pins are very long, some measuring as much as 12 inches. In the very interesting find at Armoy, County Antrim (p. 81), it will be remembered that one of these pins was found together with a woollen garment, and there is no doubt they were used to fasten the dress. The fact of a razor being one of the objects of this find indicates that the pins were used by men, though no doubt they may also have been worn by women. The use of such long pins seems to point to the wearing of some kind of cloak-like garment probably fastened in the front; and the ornamental heads of the pins indicate that they were worn in a conspicuous place.
As well as the pins a few bronze buttons have been found consisting of disks with the same conical projection, but having the pin replaced by a small bar at the back. One remarkable example in the National Collection measures 4-3/4 inches in diameter (fig. 78). This object was probably either attached to a leathern belt or possibly may have been a portion of a horse's furniture. The smaller buttons have been found on the Continent, and are fairly numerous in the Continental lake-dwellings or finds of the late Bronze Age.
One is tempted to see in the Irish examples a derivation of the button from the pin.
In Ireland the pottery of the Bronze Age is principally represented by the type of vessel known as a food-vessel. We may commence with these, as there has only been one undoubted find of beakers made: this consisted of the remains of three vessels found together at Moytura, County Sligo, and preserved in the National Collection. A beaker is stated to have been found at Mount Stewart, County Cavan; but the vessel is not extant, and the evidence as to its discovery is not perfectly satisfactory. The Irish food-vessel is derived directly from the round-bottomed vessel of Neolithic times. Some of these round-bottomed bowls have been found with Neolithic remains at Portstewart, County Down, and there is one in the National Collection described as found in a cavern associated with stone implements beside the moat of Dunagore, near the town of Antrim. The development from the Neolithic bowl can be clearly traced in the Irish series. The earliest are flat, almost saucer-shaped bowls, which are generally covered all over with ornament, and often have a cruciform pattern on the base which has been thought to indicate that the vessels were turned mouth downwards when not in use.[50]
[50] Abercromby, "Bronze-Age Pottery," vol. i, p. 121.
These bowls have a very pleasing effect; and, as Dr. Abercromby says: "The small native women, sometimes under five feet high, who made these little vessels, had certainly a fine sense of form and a delicate perception of the beauty of curved forms. The care and precision with which the ornament was effected, and the richness of the effect produced by simple means, may excite our admiration."[51]
[51] Abercromby, op. cit., p. 121.
In the next stage a slight indentation about the centre of the vessel can be noticed, the ornament being arranged on either side above and below this; next two small ridges develop out of this, which are at first close together, but are afterwards placed further apart, and in the later stages the vessel becomes considerably higher, the base assuming the form of a cone, and the upper portion having an everted lip. Some of these latter vessels have a number of small ribs encircling them. Plate XI shows a series of food-vessels placed in the order of their evolution. The decoration can be well seen. It consists for the most part of chevron, herring-bone, and other linear ornament, but wavy lines can be seen in some examples. In some rare cases the food-vessels were provided with lids (fig. 82). All of these vessels were made by hand; and though the baking of the pottery varies, it was evidently done over a fire.
The food-vessels, which are found both with unburnt and burnt interments, continued in use during the greater part of the Bronze Age, and the name food-vessel is hardly appropriate in Ireland, as in many cases these vessels have been found containing cremated bones, having apparently served the purpose of cinerary urns.
The so-called cinerary urns are large vessels which have been usually discovered containing human bones; they have often been found inverted over cremated remains. They can be conveniently divided into several types, of which the type with the overhanging rim may be mentioned first. In this type the vessel consists of two portions, a lower flower-pot-like cone, on which is placed a larger truncated cone, which forms the overhanging rim. This type is widely distributed in England, and in Ireland has been found in the Counties of Antrim, Down, and Tyrone. The cordoned or hooped type is developed from the preceding type by replacing the overhanging rim by a moulding, both types being contemporary. In the encrusted type the urn, which is of the flower-pot shape, is decorated with strips of clay in the form of chevrons and bosses, the ornamentation assuming a rope-like form. Urns of this type have been found at Greenhills, Tallaght, County Dublin; Gortnain, Broomhedge, County Antrim; Tullyweggin, Cookstown, County Tyrone; Closkett, Drumgooland, and Glanville, Newry, County Down.
Very small vessels, of usually about 2 to 2-1/2 inches in height, are often found in interments associated with the large cinerary urns, and occasionally, when the latter are inverted, are found inside them. The exact use of these small vessels, which are called "incense-cups" or "pygmy-cups," is a matter of speculation; several theories have been advanced to explain the purpose of placing them in graves, but none of them are altogether satisfactory.[52]
[52] See Abercromby, op. cit., vol. ii, p. 24, who discusses these small vessels at length.
Like the other vessels, they can be divided into different types, of which some are peculiar to England, and even there confined to certain counties. In Ireland several of these small cups have perforated walls, while some have handles. One remarkable specimen found at Knocknacoura, Co. Carlow, is covered all over with ornament.
In the fine cist discovered at Greenhills, County Dublin, and now set up in the National Museum, a very remarkable little cup was found inside the large inverted cinerary urn (fig. 84). The form of this small cup appears to be originally derived from a metal prototype, and exactly resembles pottery-vessels of Iron-Age date found in the cemetery at Marne.
The ornament of the Bronze Age in Ireland consists of chevrons, hatched triangles, lozenges, etc., combined with some wavy patterns, and later in some instances with the spirals introduced from Scandinavia,[53] where this motive had penetrated early from the AEgean along the amber route. This early type of ornament can be seen on some of the bronze celts, and also on the pottery, notably the food-vessels, which are often most tastefully decorated. The ornamentation, however, can be most fully studied on the inscribed stones in the great monuments of the New Grange group. These monuments, perhaps the most remarkable in Western Europe, have justly aroused the interest of generations of archaeologists, and many interpretations have been placed upon their decoration. Having dealt so fully with this subject in a recent book, "New Grange and other Incised Tumuli in Ireland," 1912, it is not proposed to go into the question again, but there are one or two points that may be noticed.
[53] See Hoernes, "Jahrbuch fuer Altertnmskunde," Band vi, p. 163.
The most remarkable feature about the ornamentation at New Grange is the occurrence of the spiral motive; and it is the presence of this distinctive motive which has led to so much speculation.
It may be stated at once that the general view at present held by those who have studied the question is that the spiral was introduced, and that in the case of Ireland it was derived from Scandinavia.
The similarity between New Grange and the tholos tombs of the mainland of Greece is so striking that it is at least likely that the former may have been derived from the latter.
In examining the monument of New Grange, the author had been led by long study, and the comparison with motives common in the AEgean at about the same period, to explain the ornamentation, notably in the cases of the large stones illustrated in the book, p. 75, as derived from combinations of ornaments commonly found on AEgean pottery, these motives being themselves connected with the symbolism of sun-worship. In the case of other markings, it was considered these were possibly derived from the decoration of certain objects of Scandinavian origin. In an article in L'Anthropologie, vol. xxiii, p. 29, dealing with the subject, M. J. Dechelette has put forward other views with regard to the markings at New Grange. M. Dechelette sees in the markings at New Grange a degenerated copy of the female idols of neolithic times, carvings of which in a more or less rudimentary form have been found in the Iberian peninsula, Italy, France, England, and Scandinavia. It may be mentioned that from the occurrence of carvings of this idol on sepulchral monuments it is to be connected with funeral rites. M. Dechelette supports his contentions with a wealth of illustrations drawn from the tattooed idols of Greece, Portugal, and Aveyron, the engraved chalk cylinder from Madrid, the incised lines from Almizaraque, the sculptures from the artificial grottos of Marne, the vase fragments of Charantaise, the chalk drum from Folkton Wold (Yorkshire), and the engravings from the dolmens of Locmariaquer.
On p. 43 M. Dechelette gives a scheme of the evolution of the pattern of the idol, starting from fairly well-defined eyes, eyebrows, and nose, with chevron marks imitating tattooing. The face becomes stylized by the substitution of a mere arched line for the eyebrows, and concentric circles for the eyes, the tattooing marks becoming a conventional pattern of regular chevrons. In the Irish examples the spiral replaces the concentric circles for the eyes, and the pattern below is further enriched by lozenges, and finally we arrive at a form in which the spiral has an eyebrow above and a single lozenge below, and this form M. Dechelette compares to the engravings on the slabs at New Grange. The shield-like figure on the roofing stone of the right recess at New Grange is compared by M. Dechelette to the engravings on the dolmen of Pierres-Plates at Locmariaquer, which also appear to be a stylized form of the idol.
M. Dechelette compares the very remarkable boundary-stone at Dowth, with the engraving of suns on it, to the vases from Millares, province d'Almerie, which are ornamented with raised circles, these in their turn being derived from a degenerate form of the idol.
M. Dechelette applies the same explanation to the scribings at Gavir'inis, the spiral ornamentation of which is to be regarded as derived from Ireland.
This very brilliant and original interpretation of the scribings at New Grange seems to fit the case exceedingly well, and M. Dechelette's theory may be regarded as a very probable one for the origin of the markings, but it must be remembered that there is some difficulty caused by the fact that the similarity in plan between New Grange and the tholos tombs, as has been pointed out, is too great to be neglected. Now if New Grange is derived from this source, it cannot well be placed earlier than 1000 B.C. The idol, on the other hand, is neolithic in date, and must have survived a considerable time to have influenced the Irish carvings. It must also be borne in mind that no other forms of this idol have been met with in Ireland.
* * * * *
Abercromby, Hon. John, 2, 96.
Amber found in Ireland, 2, 65, 68.
Annadale, Co. Leitrim, wooden shield found at, 75.
Annaghkeen, Co. Galway, burial at, 1, 57.
Anvil and hammers, 27, 28.
Armoy, Co. Antrim, find made at, 81.
Athenry, Co. Galway, bronze objects found at, 87.
Bann, River, Co. Antrim, 21.
Beakers found in Ireland, 95.
Belfast, find of gold ring-money and bronze celt at, 87.
Belmore Mountain, Co. Fermanagh, interment at, 1.
Belturbet, bronze spear-heads found at, 33, 82.
Birr, King's Co., celts found at, 7.
Broighter find, 80.
Bronze Age in Ireland, chronology of, 3-5; 1st period of, 23-27; finds of, 80-87; ornamentation, characteristic of, 101-103.
Bronze celts, evolution of, 23; hafting of, 24, 25; ornamentation of, 25, 26.
Cappeen, Co. Cork, copper celts found at, 8, 85.
Carraconway, Co. Cavan, trumpets found at, 87.
Carrick O'Gunnell, Co. Limerick, trumpets found at, 86.
Carrowkeel, Co. Sligo, interments at, 1.
Chapes of bronze for swords, 72, 73.
Chute Hall, Co. Kerry, trumpets found at, 85.
Cinerary urns, 99, 100.
Clare find of gold ornaments, 65, 66.
Clements, Mr. H. J. B., 65.
Clonbrin, Co. Longford, leather shield found at, 77.
Clonmacnois, gold torc found at, 80.
Clontoo, Co. Kerry, copper celts found at, 8.
Coachford, Co. Cork, objects found at, 68, 81.
Copper, counties in which obtained, 6.
Copper celts, list of counties in which these have been found, 10-12.
Copper Period in Ireland, 6-23.
Cork, Co., trumpets found in, 87.
Crumlin, Co. Dublin, urn found at, 2.
Cullinagh, Co. Kerry, celts found at, 7.
Daggers and Rapiers, 56-61.
Dechelette, M. J., 58, 65, 102, 103.
Disk-headed pins, 81, 92, 93.
Dowris hoard, 82.
Drumabest, Co. Antrim, trumpets found at, 87.
Dublin, copper celts found in, 8.
Dunfierth, Co. Kildare, gold lunulae found at, 87.
Finds of copper celts, 7, 8, 10-12.
Finds of Bronze-Age implements and weapons, 80-87.
Food-vessels, description of, 95-99.
Glenstal, Co. Limerick, find of bronze objects at, 82.
Gold balls found at Carrick-on-Shannon, 65.
Gorgets, gold, 62-64.
Gowland, Prof. W., 4.
Halberds, 12-23; analyses of, 17.
Hallstatt Period in Ireland, 5, 63.
Hillswood, Co. Galway, halberds found at, 85.
Incense cups, 99.
Irish gold deposits, 46, 47.
Iron sword of Hallstatt type found in Ireland, 72.
Kilfeakle, Co. Tipperary, bronze implements found at, 81.
Killymeddy, Co. Antrim, find of moulds at, 40, 81.
Kinnegoe bog, Co. Armagh, bronze objects found at, 85.
Knocknague, Co. Galway, celts found at, 7.
Lahardoun, Tulla, Co. Clare, find of bronze objects at, 81.
Leaf-shaped swords, 71-73.
Lisnacroghera crannog, 45.
Lissane, Co. Derry, rapier found at, 58.
Lough Gur, Co. Limerick, bronze shield found at, 74.
Lunulae, gold, 47-55.
Macroom, Co. Cork, trumpets found at, 87.
Manillas, African, similarity to Irish gold fibulae, 70.
Montelius, Dr. Oscar, 3, 23, 58, 61.
Moulds for casting spear-heads, 39-44; absence of, for casting leaf-shaped swords, 72; for casting flat celts, 6, 9.
Mountrivers, Coachford, Co. Cork, find at, 81.
Moyarta, Co. Clare, trumpets found at, 85.
Much, Dr., 22.
Muller, Prof. S., 64.
Mycenae, leaf-shaped swords found at, 71.
Naas, Co. Kildare, excavation at, 1.
Neolithic pottery found in Ireland, 95.
New Grange, 3-5; ornamentation at, 101-103.
Omagh, Co. Tyrone, moulds found at, 81.
Padstow, Cornwall, gold lunulae found at, 48.
Palstaves with double loops, 27.
Penannular rings and ring-money, 67-70.
Polybius quoted, 77.
Pottery of the Bronze Age, 94-100.
Ridgeway, Prof. W., 70.
Ring-money, 70.
Schmidt, Herr Hubert, 23.
Shields, bronze, 74, 75; wood, 75; leather, 77.
Sickles, 90, 91; mould for casting, 90.
Smith, Mr. R. A., 64.
Spain, halberds from, 19.
Spear-heads, 29-38; spear-ferules, 44, 45.
St. Columba's College, collection, 82.
Sullivan, Mr. M. J., 39.
Sun-disks, gold, 64, 65.
Tempo, Co. Fermanagh, swords found at, 82.
Topped mountain cairn, find of objects made at, 56.
Torcs, 78-80.
Trumpets, 88, 89; finds of, in Ireland, 85-87.
Wicklow, gold obtained from, 46.