Small glass funnels, such as are used in many chemical operations, are made by first forming a bulb, then puncturing the bulb at the top, when hot, with a piece of charcoal, and smoothing down or flaring the edges. Very small and fine glass tubes, such as are used in experiments to demonstrate capillary attraction, water or other liquid rising in them when they are plunged into it, are made by heating as long a section of tubing as can be handled in the flame—2 in. will be found enough—and, when very hot, giving the ends a sudden vigorous pull apart. The tube pulls out and gets smaller and smaller as it does so, until at last it breaks. But the fine thread of glass so made is really a tube, and not a rod, as might be supposed. This can be demonstrated by blowing through it at a gas flame, or by immersing it in colored liquid. The solution will be seen to rise some distance within the tube, the amount depending on the diameter of the tube.
The file is for cutting the glass tubing into lengths convenient to handle. It should be a three-cornered file, of medium fineness, and is used simply to nick the glass at the place it is desired to cut it. The two thumbs are then placed beneath the tube, one on each side of the nick, and the tube bent, as if it were plastic, at the same time pulling the hands apart. The tube will break off squarely at the nick, without difficulty.
The entire outfit may be purchased from any dealer in chemical or physical apparatus, or any druggist will order it. Enough tubing to last many days, the Bunsen burner, blowpipe, file and charcoal should not exceed $2 in cost.
** Cadmium and Solder [421]
The addition of cadmium to soft solder composed of tin and lead, lowers its melting point and increases its strength.
** Telegraph Codes [422]
** How to Make a Cruising Catamaran [423]
A launch is much safer than a sailing boat, yet there is not the real sport to be derived from it as in sailing. Herein is given a description of a sailing catamaran especially adapted for those who desire to sail and have a safe craft. The main part of the craft is made from two boats or pontoons with watertight tops, bottoms and sides and fixed at a certain distance apart with a platform on top for the passengers. Such a craft cannot be capsized easily, and, as the pontoons are watertight, it will weather almost any rough water. If the craft is intended for rough waters, care must be taken to make the platform pliable yet stiff and as narrow as convenient to take care of the rocking movements.
This catamaran has been designed to simplify the construction, and, if a larger size than the dimensions shown in Fig. 1 is desired, the pontoons may be made longer by using two boards end to end and putting battens on the inside over the joint. Each pontoon is made of two boards 1 in. thick, 14 in. wide and 16 ft. long, dressed and cut to the shape shown in Fig. 2. Spreaders are cut from 2-in. planks, 10 in. wide and 12 in. long, and placed 6 ft. apart between the board sides and fastened with screws. White lead should be put in the joints before turning in the screws. Cut the ends of the boards so they will fit perfectly and make pointed ends to the pontoons as shown
in Fig. 3, and fit in a wedge shaped piece; white lead the joints and fasten well with screws.
Turn this shell upside down and lay a board 1/2 in. thick, 12 in. wide and 16 ft. long on the edges of the sides, mark
on the under side the outside line of the shell and cut to shape roughly. See that the spreaders and sides fit true all over, then put white lead on the joint and nail with 1-3/4 -in. finishing nails as close as possible without weakening the wood. Slightly stagger the nails in the sides, the 1-in. side boards will allow for this, trim off the sides, turn the box over and paint the joints and ends of the spreaders, giving them two or three coats and let them dry.
Try each compartment for leaks by turning water in them one at a time. Bore a 5/8-in. hole through each spreader in the center and through the
bottom board as shown. The top board, which is 1/4-in. thick, 12 in. wide and 16 ft. long, is put on the same as the bottom.
After finishing both pontoons in this way place them parallel. A block of wood is fastened on top of each pontoon and exactly over each spreader on which to bolt the crosspieces as shown in Fig. 4. Each block is cut to the shape and with the dimensions shown in Fig. 5.
The crosspieces are made from hickory or ash and each piece is 2-1/2 in. thick, 5 in. wide and 6-1/2 ft. long. Bore a 5/8-in. hole 3 in. from each end through the 5-in. way of the wood. Take maple flooring 3/4 in. thick, 6 in. wide, 74-1/2 in. long and fasten with large screws and washers to the crosspieces and put battens across every 18 in. Turn the flooring and crosspieces upside down and fasten to the pontoons with long 5/8-in. bolts put through the spreaders. Put a washer on the head of each bolt and run them through from the under side. Place a thick rubber washer under and on top of each crosspiece at the ends as shown in Fig. 4. This will make a rigid yet flexible joint for rough waters. The flooring being placed on the under side of the crosspieces makes it possible to get the sail boom very low. The sides put on and well fastened will greatly assist in stiffening the platform and help it to stand the racking strains. These sides will also keep the water and spray out and much more so if a 12-in. dash is put on in front on top of the crosspiece.
The rudders are made as shown in Fig. 6, by using an iron rod 5/8 in. in diameter and 2 ft. long for the bearing of each. This rod is split with a hacksaw for 7 in. of its length and a sheet metal plate 3/32 in. thick, 6 in. wide, and 12 in. long inserted and riveted in the split. This will allow 3/4 in. of the iron rod to project from the bottom edge of the metal through which a hole is drilled for a cotter pin. The bottom bracket is made from stake iron bent in the shape of a U as shown, the rudder bearing passing through a hole drilled in the upper leg and resting on the lower. Slip the top bracket on and then bend the top end of the bearing rod at an angle as shown in both Figs. 6 and 7. Connect the two bent ends with a crosspiece which has a hole drilled in its center to fasten a rope as shown in Fig. 1.
Attach the mast to the front crosspiece, also bowsprit, bracing them both to the pontoons. A set of sails having about 300 sq. ft. of area will be about right for racing. Two sails, main and fore, of about 175 to 200 sq. ft. will be sufficient for cruising. —Contributed by J. Appleton, Des Moines, Iowa.
** Alligator Photo Mounts [424]
Rough alligator finished photograph mounts will not receive a good impression from a die. If a carbon paper is placed on the mounts before making the impression, a good clear imprint will be the result.
** How to Attach a Sail to a Bicycle [425]
This attachment was constructed for use on a bicycle to be ridden on the well packed sands of a beach, but it could be used on a smooth, level road as well. The illustration shows the
main frame to consist of two boards, each about 16 ft. long, bent in the shape of a boat, to give plenty of room for turning the front wheel. On this main frame is built up a triangular mast, to carry the mainsail and jib, having a combined area of about 40 sq. ft. The frame is fastened to the bicycle by numerous pieces of rope.
Sailing on a bicycle is very much different from sailing in a boat, for the bicycle leans up against the wind, instead of heeling over with it as the boat. It takes some time to learn the supporting power of the wind, and the angle at which one must ride makes it appear that a fall is almost sure to result. A turn must be made by turning out of the wind, instead of, as in ordinary sailing, into it; the boom supporting the bottom of the mainsail is then swung over to the opposite tack, when one is traveling at a good speed.
** Removing Iodine Stains [425]
A good way to chemically remove iodine stains from the hands or linen is to wash the stains in a strong solution of hypo sulphite of sodium, known as "hypo," which is procurable at any photographic-supply dealer's or drug store.
There is no danger of using too strong a solution, but the best results are obtained with a mixture of 1 oz. of hypo to 2 oz. of water.
** Drying Photograph Prints without Curling [425]
Having made some photograph prints at one time that I wanted to dry without the edges curling, I took an ordinary tin can and a strip of clean cotton cloth, as wide as the can was long, and wound it one turn around the can and then placed the prints, one after the other, while they were damp, on the cloth, face downward, and proceeded to roll the cloth and prints quite close on the can. I then pinned the end of the cloth to keep it from unwinding and set the whole in a draft for drying.
The curvature of the can just about
counteracted the tendency of the coating on the paper to make the prints curl and when they were thoroughly dried and removed they remained nice and flat. —Contributed by W. H. Eppens, Chicago.
** Piercing Glass Plates with a Spark Coil [426]
Anyone possessing a 1-in. induction coil and a 1-qt. Leyden jar can easily perform the interesting experiment of piercing glass plates. Connect the Leyden jar to the induction coil as shown in the diagram. A discharger is now constructed of very dry wood and boiled in paraffine for about 15 minutes. The main part of the discharger, A B, is a piece of wood about 6 in. long and to the middle of it is fastened a wood handle by means of one or two wood screws. A binding-post is fastened to each end of the main piece or at A and B as shown in the diagram.
Two stiff brass wires of No. 14 gauge and 6 in. long, with a small brass ball attached to one end of each, are bent in an arc of a circle and attached one to each binding-post. A plate of glass, G, is now placed between the two brass balls and the coil set in action. The plate will soon be pierced by the spark. Larger coils will pierce heavier glass plates. —Contributed by I. Wolff, Brooklyn, N. Y.
** A Home-Made Still [426]
Remove the metal end of an old electric light globe. This can be done by soaking a piece of twine in alcohol and tying it around the globe at the place the break is to be made. Light the string and after it is burned off, turn cold water on the globe. The result will be a smooth break where the string
was placed. Purchase a piece of glass tubing from your druggist and secure a cork that will fit the opening in the glass bulb. Bore a hole in the cork the right size for the glass tube to fit in tightly. If you cannot get a glass tube with a bend in it, you will have to make a bend, as shown in the illustration, by heating the tube at the right place over an alcohol lamp and allowing the weight of the glass to make the bend while it is hot.
Insert the short end of the tube in the cork and place the other end in a test tube that is placed in water as shown. The globe may be fastened in position by a wire passed through the cork and tied to a ring stand. If you do not have a ring stand, suspend the globe by a wire from a hook that is screwed into any convenient place.
A neat alcohol lamp may be made of an old ink or muscilage bottle. Insert a wick in a piece of the glass tubing and put this through a hole bored in a cork and the lamp is ready to burn alcohol or kerosene. Alcohol is cleaner to use as a fuel. Fill the globe about two-thirds full of water or other liquid and apply the heat below as shown. The distilled liquid will collect in the test tube. —Contributed by Clarence D. Luther, Ironwood, Mich.
** Old-Time Magic
** Balancing Forks on a Pin Head [427]
Two, three and four common table forks can be made to balance on a pin head as follows: Procure an empty bottle and insert a cork in the neck. Stick a pin in the center of this cork so that the end will be about 1-1/2 in. above the tap. Procure another cork about 1 in. in diameter by 1-3/4 in. long. The forks are now stuck into the latter cork at equal distances apart, each having the same angle from the cork. A long needle with a good sharp point is run through the cork with the forks and 1/2 in. of the needle end allowed to project through the lower end.
The point of the needle now may be placed on the pin head. The forks will balance and if given a slight push they will appear to dance. Different angles of the forks will produce various feats of balancing. —Contributed by O. E. Tronnes, Wilmette, Ill.
** The Buttoned Cord [427]
Cut a piece of heavy paper in the shape shown in Fig. 1 and make two cuts down the center and a slit as long as the two cuts are wide at a point about 1 in. below them. A string is put through the slit, the long cuts and back through the slit and then a
button is fastened to each end. The small slit should not be so large as the buttons. The trick is to remove the string. The solution is quite simple. Fold the paper in the middle and the part between the long cuts will form a loop. Bend this loop down and pass it through the small slit. Turn the paper around and it will appear as shown in Fig. 2. One of the buttons may now be drawn through and the paper restored to its original shape.
** Experiment with an Incandescent Lamp [427]
When rubbing briskly an ordinary incandescent lamp on a piece of cloth and at the same time slightly revolving it, a luminous effect is produced similar to an X-ray tube. The room must be dark and the lamp perfectly dry to obtain good results. It appears that the inner surface of the globe becomes charged, probably by induction, and will sometimes hold the filament as shown in the sketch. —Contributed by E. W. Davis, Chicago.
** How to Make a Small Motor [428]
The accompanying sketch shows how to make a small motor to run on a battery of three or four dry cells and
with sufficient power to run mechanical toys. The armature is constructed, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, by using a common spool with 8 flat-headed screws placed at equal distances apart and in the middle of the spool. Each screw is wound with No. 24 gauge iron wire, as shown at A, Fig. 1. The commutator is made from a thin piece of copper, 1 in. in diameter and cut as shown in Fig. 3, leaving 8 points, 1/8 in. wide and 1/8 in.- deep. The field is built up by using 8 strips of tin, 12 in. long and 2 in. wide, riveted together and shaped as shown at B, Fig. 4. Field magnets are constructed by using two 3/8-in. bolts, 1-1/2 in. long. A circular piece of cardboard is placed on each end of the bolt, leaving space enough for the bolt to pass through the field B, and to receive a nut. Wind the remaining space between the cardboards with 30 ft. of No. 22 double-wound cotton-covered copper wire. A light frame of wood is built around the magnets, as shown at C, Fig. 4. Holes are made in this frame to receive the axle of the armature. Two strips of copper, 1/4 in. wide and 3 in. long, are used for the brushes. The armature is placed in position in its bearings and the brushes adjusted as shown in Fig. 4, one brush touching the shaft of the armature outside of the frame, and the other just touching the points of the commutator, which is placed on the shaft inside of the frame. Connect the outside wire of one magnet to the inside wire of the other, and the remaining ends, one to the batteries and back to the brush that touches the shaft, while the other is attached to the brush touching the commutator. In making the frame for the armature bearings, care should be taken to get the holes for the shaft centered, and to see that the screws in the armature pass each bolt in the magnets at equal distances, which should be about 1/8 in.
** Aluminum Polish [428]
An emulsion of equal parts of rum and olive oil can be used for cleaning aluminum, says Blacksmith and Wheelwright. Potash lye, not too strong, is also effective in brightening aluminum, and benzol can be used for the same purpose.
A good polish for aluminum consists of a paste formed of emery and tallow, the finish luster being obtained by the use of rouge powder and oil of turpentine.
** Homemade Blowpipe [428]
Procure a clay pipe, a cork and a small glass or metal tube drawn to a small opening in one end. Make a hole in the cork just large enough to permit the tube to pass through tightly so no air can pass out except through the hole in the tube. Put the tube in the hole with the small opening at the top
or projecting end. Push the cork into the bowl of the pipe and the blowpipe is ready for use. —Contributed by Wilbur Cryderman, Walkerton, Onto
** Substitute Sink or Bathtub Stopper [429]
Milk-bottle caps make good substitutes for the regular rubber stoppers in sinks and bathtubs. The water soon destroys them, but as a new one usually is had each day, they can be used until a regular stopper is obtained.
A good permanent stopper can be made by cutting a hollow rubber return ball in half, using one part with the concave side up. It will fit the hole of any sink or bathtub. One ball thus makes two stoppers at a cost of about 5 cents.
** Safety Tips on Chair Rockers [429]
Some rocking chairs are so constructed that when the person occupying it gives a hard tilt backward, the chair tips over or dangerously near it. A rubber-tipped screw turned into the under side of each rocker, near the rear end, will prevent the chair from tipping too far back.
** How to Make a Toy Flier [429]
While a great many people are looking forward to the time when we shall successfully travel through the air, we all may study the problem of aerial navigation by constructing for ourselves a small flying machine as illustrated in this article. A wing is made in the shape shown in Fig. 1 by cutting it from the large piece of an old tin can, after melting the solder and removing the ends. This wing is then given a twist so that one end will be just opposite the other and appear as shown in Fig. 2. Secure a common spool and drive two nails in one end, leaving at least 1/2 in. of each nail projecting after the head has been removed. Two holes are made in the wing, exactly central, to fit on these two nails. Another nail is driven part way into the end of a stick, Fig. 4, and the remaining part is cut off so the length will be that of the spool. A string is used around the spool in the same manner as on a top. The wing is placed on the two nails in the spool, and the spool placed on the nail in the stick, Fig. 5, and the flier is ready
for action. A quick pull on the string will cause the wing to leave the nails and soar upward for a hundred feet or more. After a little experience in twisting the wing the operator will learn the proper shape to get the best results.
Be very careful in making the tests before the wings are turned to the proper shape, as the direction of the flier cannot be controlled and some one might be injured by its flight.
** How to Make an Ironing-Board Stand [429]
Secure some 1 by 3-in. boards, about 3 ft. long, and plane them smooth. Cut the two pieces A and B 30 in. long and make a notch in each of them, about one-third of the way from one end, 1 in. deep and 3 in. long. These
notches are to receive the piece D, which has a small block fastened to its side to receive the end of the brace C. The brace C is 36 in. long. The upper ends of the pieces A, B and C are fastened to a common ironing board by using iron hinges as shown in Fig. 1. As the piece D is fitted loosely, it may be removed and the brace, C, with the legs, A and B, folded up against the board. —Contributed by Bert Kottinger, San Jose, Cal.
** A Home-Made Electric Plug [430]
A plug suitable for electric light extension or to be used in experimenting may be made from an old electric globe. The glass is removed with all the old composition in the brass receptacle, leaving only the wires. On the ends of the wires, attach two small binding posts. Fill the brass with plaster of paris, and in doing this keep the wires separate and the binding-posts opposite each other. Allow the plaster to project about 3/4 in. above the brass, to hold the binding-posts as shown. —Contributed by Albert E. Welch, New York.
** How to Make an Electric Fire Alarm [430]
On each end of a block of wood, 1 in. square and 1 in. long, fasten a strip of brass 1/4 by 3 in., bent in the shape as shown in the sketch at A, Fig; 1. These strips should have sufficient bend to allow the points to press tightly together. A piece of beeswax, W, is inserted between the points
of the brass strips to keep them apart and to form the insulation. A binding post, B, is attached to each brass strip on the ends of the block of wood. The device is fastened to the wall or ceiling, and wire connections made to the batteries and bells as shown in the diagram, Fig. 2. When the room becomes a little overheated the wax will melt and cause the brass strips to spring together, which will form the circuit and make the bell ring. Each room in the house may be connected with one of these devices, and all on one circuit with one bell.
** Home-Made Boy's Car [430]
The accompanying cut shows how a boy may construct his own auto car. The car consists of parts used from a boy's wagon and some old bicycle parts. The propelling device is made by using the hanger, with all its parts, from a bicycle. A part of the bicycle frame is left attached to the hanger and is fastened to the main board of the car by blocks of wood as shown. The chain of a bicycle is used to connect the crank hanger sprocket to a small sprocket fastened in the middle of the rear axle of the car. The front axle is fastened to a square block of wood, which is pivoted to the main board. Ropes are attached to the front axle and to the back part of the main board to be used with the feet in steering the car. To propel the auto, turn the cranks by taking hold of the bicycle pedals. —Contributed' by Anders Neilsen, Oakland, Cal.
** Photographs in Relief Easily Made [431]
Relief photographs, although apparently difficult to produce, can be made by any amateur photographer. The negative is made in the usual way and,
when ready for printing, a positive or transparency is made from it in the same manner as a lantern slide or window transparency, says the Sketch, London. Use the same size plate as the negative for the transparency. To make the print in relief place the positive in the frame first with the film side out and the negative on top of this with the film side up in the usual manner. Put in the paper and print. This will require a greater length of time than with the ordinary negative on account of printing through double glass and films. In using printing-out papers care should be taken to place the printing frame in the same position and angle after each examination.
** Wireless Tip [431]
Place the transmitting instruments of a wireless outfit as close together as possible.
** How to Make a Wireless Telephone [432]
A noted French scientist, Bourbouze, was able to keep up communication with the outside during the
siege of Paris by making practical application of the earth currents. The distance covered is said to have been about 30 miles. Another scientist was able to telephone through the earth without the aid of wires. Nothing, however, has been made public as to how this was accomplished.
It is my object to unveil the mystery and to render this field accessible to others, at least to a certain degree, for I have by no means completed my researches in this particular work.
In order to establish a wireless communication between two points we need first of all a hole or well in the ground at each point. In my experiments I was unable to get a deep well, but the instruments worked fine for a distance of 200 ft., using wells about 25 ft. deep. As in ordinary telephone lines, we require a transmitter and receiver at each point. These must be of the long-distance type. If a hole is dug or a well is found suitable for the purpose, a copper wire is hung in the opening, allowing the end to touch the bottom. To make the proper contact an oval or round—but not pointed—copper plate is attached to the end of the wire. If a well is used, it is necessary to have a waterproof cable for the part running through the water. The top end is attached to the telephone transmitter and receiver, as in the ordinary telephone, to the batteries and to a zinc plate, which is to be buried in the earth a few feet away from the well or hole, and not more than 1 ft. under the surface. A battery of four dry cells is used at each station.
Both stations are connected in the same way, as shown in the sketch. This makes it possible for neighbors to use their wells as a means of communication with each other. —Contributed by A. E. Joerin.
** Eyelets for Belts [432]
If eyelets, such as used in shoes, are put into the lace holes of a belt, the belt will last much longer. The eyelets, which may be taken from old shoes, will prevent the lace from tearing out. I have used this method on several kinds of belts, always with entire satisfaction. —Contributed by Irl R. Hicks.
** How to Make a Life Buoy [432]
Any boy may be able to make, for himself or friends, a life buoy for emergency use in a rowboat or for learning to swim. Purchase 1-3/4 yd. of 30-in. canvas and cut two circular pieces, 30 in. in diameter, also cutting a round hole in the center of them, 14 in. in diameter. These two pieces are sewed together on the outer and inner edges, leaving a space, about 12 in. in length, open on the outer seam. Secure some of the cork used in packing Malaga grapes from a grocery or confectionery store and pack it into the pocket formed between the seams through the hole left in the outer edge. When packed full and tight sew up the remaining space in the seam. Paint the outside surface and the seams well with white paint to make it water-tight. —Contributed by Will Hare, Petrolea, Onto
** A Home-Made Microscope [433]
A great many times we would like to examine a seed, an insect or the fiber of a piece of wood but have no magnifier handy. A very good microscope may be made out of the bulb of a broken thermometer. Empty out the mercury, which is easily done by holding the bulb with the stem down over a lamp or candle. A spirit lamp is the best, as it makes no smoke and gives a steady heat. Warm the bulb slowly and the mercury will be expelled and may be caught in a tea cup. Do not heat too fast, or the pressure of the mercury vapor may burst the glass bulb, cautions the Woodworkers' Review. To fill the bulb with water warm it and immerse the end of the tube in the water. Then allow it to cool and the pressure of the air will force the water into the bulb. Then boil the water gently, holding the bulb with the stem up; this will drive out all the air, and by turning the stem or tube down and placing the end in water the bulb will be completely filled. It is surprising how much can be seen by means of such a simple apparatus.
** A Novel Electric Time Alarm [433]
All time alarms run by clockwork must be wound and set each time. The accompanying diagram shows how to make the connection that will ring a bell by electric current at the time set without winding the alarm. The bell is removed from an ordinary alarm
clock and a small metal strip attached, as shown at B. An insulated connection is fastened on the clapper of the bell, as shown at A. The arm holding the clapper must be bent to have the point A remain as close to the strip B as possible without touching it. The connection to the battery is made as shown. When the time set for the alarm comes the clapper will be moved far enough to make the contact. In the course of a minute the catch on the clapper arm will be released and the clapper will return to its former place.
** How to Make a Phonograph Record Cabinet [433]
The core, Fig. 1, consists of six strips of wood beveled so as to form six equal sides. The strips are 3 ft.
long and 3 in. wide on the outside bevel and are nailed to three blocks made hexagon, as shown in Fig. 2, from 7/8-in. material. One block is placed at each end and one in the middle. A 1/2-in. metal pin is driven in a hole bored in the center of each end block. The bottoms of the pasteboard cases, used to hold the wax records, are either tacked or glued to this hexagon core, as shown in Fig. 3, with their open ends outward.
Two circular pieces are made of such a diameter as will cover the width of the core and the cases attached, and extend about 1/2 in. each side. A 1/2-in. hole is bored in the center of these pieces to receive the pins placed in the ends of the core, Fig. 1. These will form the ends of the cabinet, and when placed, one on each end of the core, heavy building paper or sheet metal is tacked around them for a covering, as shown in Fig. 4. A small glass door is made, a little wider than one row of cases, and fitted in one side of the covering. The outside may be painted or decorated in any way to suit the builder.
** Experiments with a Mirror [434]
Ask your friend if he can decipher the sign as illustrated in the sketch, Fig. 1, which you pretend to have read over the shop of an Armenian shoemaker.
He will probably tell you that he is not conversant with Oriental languages. He will not believe it if you tell him it is written in good English, but place a frameless mirror perpendicularly on the mysterious script, right across the quotation marks, and it will appear as shown in Fig. 2. We understand at once that the reflected image is the faithful copy of the written half.
With the aid of a few books arrange the mirror and the paper as shown in Fig. 3 and ask your friend to write anything he chooses, with the condition that he shall see his hand and read the script in the mirror only. The writer will probably go no farther than the first letter. His hand seems to be struck with paralysis and unable to write anything but zigzags, says Scientific American.
Another experiment may be made by taking an egg shell and trimming it with the scissors so as to reduce it to a half shell. In the hollow bottom roughly draw with your pencil a cross with pointed ends. Bore a hole, about the size or a pea, in the center of the cross. Place yourself so as to face a window, the light falling upon your face, not upon the mirror which you hold in one hand. Close one eye. Place the shell between the other eye and the mirror, at a distance of 2 or 3 in. from either, the concavity facing the mirror as shown in Fig. 4. Through the hole in the shell look at the mirror as if it were some distant object. While you are so doing the concave shell will suddenly assume a strongly convex appearance. To destroy the illusion it becomes necessary either to open both eyes or to withdraw the shell away from the mirror. The nearer the shell to the mirror and the farther the eye from the shell the more readily comes the illusion.
** Miniature Electric Lamps [434]
After several years' research there has been produced a miniature electric bulb that is a great improvement and a decided departure from the old kind which used a carbon filament. A metallic filament prepared by a secret chemical process and suspended in the bulb in an S-shape is used instead of the old straight span. The voltage is gauged by the length of the span. The brilliancy of the filament excels anything of its length in any voltage.
Of course, the filament is not made of the precious metal, radium; that simply being the trade name. However, the filament is composed of certain metals from which radium is extracted.
The advantages of the new bulb are manifold. It gives five times the light on the same voltage and uses one-half of the current consumed by the old carbon filament. One of the disadvantages of the old style bulb was the glass tip which made a shadow. This has been obviated in the radium bulb by blowing the tip on the side, as shown in the sketch, so as to produce no shadow.
** How to Make a Magazine Clamp [435]
This device as shown in the illustration can be used to hold newspapers and magazines while reading. Two pieces of wood are cut as shown, one with a slot to fit over the back of a magazine and the other notched to serve as a clamp. The piece, A, may be slotted wide enough to insert two or three magazines and made long enough to hold several newspapers.
** Pewter Finish for Brass [435]
A color resembling pewter may be given to brass by boiling the castings in a cream of tartar solution containing a small amount of chloride of tin.
** Drowning a Dog's Bark with Water [435]
The owner of two dogs was very much annoyed by the dogs barking at night. It began to be such a nuisance that the throwing of old shoes and empty bottles did not stop the noise. The only thing that seemed to put a stop to it was water.
Being on the third floor of the house, and a little too far from the kennel to throw the water effectively, a mechanism was arranged as shown in the sketch.
A faucet for the garden hose was directly below the window. An 8-in. wooden grooved pulley was slipped over an axle which had one end fitted on the handle of the faucet. A rope was extended to the window on the third floor and passed around the pulley several times, thence over an iron pulley fastened to the wall of the house and a weight was attached to its end. By pulling the rope up at the window the large pulley would turn on the water and when released the weight would shut off the flow. The nozzle was fastened so as to direct the stream where it would do the most good. —Contributed by A. S. Pennoyer, Berkeley, Cal.
** Cost of Water [435]
The average cost of supplying 1,000,000 gal. of water, based on the report of twenty-two cities, is $92. This sum includes operating expenses and interest on bonds.
** How to Make a Wondergraph [436] By F. E. TUCK
An exceedingly interesting machine is the so-called wondergraph. It is easy and cheap to make and will furnish both entertainment and instruction for young and old. It is a drawing machine, and the variety of designs it will produce, all symmetrical and ornamental and some wonderfully complicated, is almost without limit. Fig. 1 represents diagrammatically the machine shown in the sketch. This is the easiest to make and gives fully as great a variety of results as any other.
To a piece of wide board or a discarded box bottom, three grooved circular disks are fastened with screws so as to revolve freely about the centers. They may be sawed from pieces of thin board or, better still, three of the plaques so generally used in burnt-. wood work may be bought for about 15 cents. Use the largest one for the revolving table T. G is the guide wheel and D the driver with attached handle. Secure a piece of a 36-in. ruler, which can be obtained from any furniture dealer, and nail a small block, about 1 in. thick, to one end and drill a hole through both the ruler and the block, and pivot them by means of a wooden peg to the face of the guide wheel. A fountain pen, or pencil, is placed at P and held securely by rubber bands in
a grooved block attached to the ruler. A strip of wood, MN, is fastened to one end of the board. This strip is made just high enough to keep the ruler parallel with the face of the table, and a row of small nails are driven part way into its upper edge. Anyone of these nails may be used to hold the other end of the ruler in position, as shown in the sketch. If the wheels are not true, a belt tightener, B, may be attached and held against the belt by a spring or rubber band.
After the apparatus is adjusted so it will run smoothly, fasten a piece of drawing paper to the table with a couple of thumb tacks, adjust the pen so that it rests lightly on the paper and turn the drive wheel. The results will be surprising and delightful. The accompanying designs were made with a very crude combination of pulleys and belts, such as described.
The machine should have a speed that will cause the pen to move over the paper at the same rate as in ordinary writing. The ink should flow freely from the pen as it passes over the paper. A very fine pen may be necessary to prevent the lines from running together.
The dimensions of the wondergraph may vary. The larger designs in the illustration were made on a table, 8 in. in diameter, which was driven by a guide wheel, 6 in. in diameter. The size of the driver has no effect on the form or dimensions of the design, but a change in almost any other part of the machine has a marked effect on the results obtained. If the penholder is made so that it may be fastened at various positions along the ruler, and the guide wheel has holes drilled through it at different distances from the center
to hold the peg attaching the ruler, these two adjustments, together with the one for changing the other end of the ruler by the rows of nails, will make a very great number of combinations possible. Even a slight change will greatly modify a figure or give an entirely new one. Designs may be changed by simply twisting the belt, thus reversing the direction of the table.
If an arm be fastened to the ruler at right angles to it, containing three or four grooves to hold the pen, still different figures will be obtained. A novel effect is made by fastening two pens to this arm at the same time, one filled with red ink and the other with black ink. The designs will be quite dissimilar and may be one traced over the other or one within the other according to the relative position of the pens.
Again change the size of the guide wheel and note the effect. If the diameter of the table is a multiple of that of the guide wheel, a complete figure of few lobes will result as shown by the one design in the lower right hand corner of the illustration. With a very flexible belt tightener an elliptical guide wheel may be used. The axis may be taken at one of the foci or at the intersection of the axis of the ellipse.
The most complicated adjustment is to mount the table on the face of another disc, table and disc revolving in opposite directions. It will go through a long series of changes without completing any figure and then will repeat itself. The diameters may be made to vary from the fraction of an inch to as large a diameter as the size of the table permits. The designs given here were originally traced on drawing paper 6 in. square.
Remarkable and complex as are the curves produced in this manner, yet they are but the results obtained by combining simultaneously two simple motions as may be shown in the following manner: Hold the table stationary and the pen will trace an oval. But if the guide wheel is secured in a fixed position and the table is revolved a circle will be the result.
So much for the machine shown in
Fig. 1. The number of the modifications of this simple contrivance is limited only by the ingenuity of the maker. Fig. 2 speaks for itself. One end of the ruler is fastened in such a way as to have a to-and-fro motion over the arc of a circle and the speed of the table is geared down by the addition of another wheel with a small pulley attached. This will give many new designs. In Fig. 3 the end of the ruler is held by a rubber band against the edge of a thin triangular piece of wood which is attached to the face of the fourth wheel. By substituting other plain figures for the triangle, or outlining them with small finishing nails, many curious modifications such as are shown by the two smallest designs in the illustrations may be obtained. It is necessary, if symmetrical designs are to be made, that the fourth wheel and the guide wheel have the same diameter.
In Fig. 4, V and W are vertical wheels which may be successfully connected with the double horizontal drive wheel if the pulley between the two has a wide flange and is set at the proper angle. A long strip of paper is given a uniform rectilinear motion as the string attached to it is wound around the axle, V. The pen, P, has a motion compounded of two simultaneous motions at right angles to each other given by the two guide wheels. Designs such as shown as a border at the top and bottom of the illustration are obtained in this way. If the vertical wheels are disconnected and the paper fastened in place the well known Lissajou's curves are obtained. These curves may be traced by various methods, but this arrangement is about the simplest of them all. The design in this case will change as the ratio of the diameters of the two guide wheels are changed.
These are only a few of the many adjustments that are possible. Frequently some new device will give a figure which is apparently like one obtained in some other way, yet, if you will watch the way in which the two are commenced and developed into the complete design you will find they are formed quite differently.
The average boy will take delight in making a wondergraph and in inventing the many improvements that are sure to suggest themselves to him. At all events it will not be time thrown away, for, simple as the contrivance is, it will arouse latent energies which may develop along more useful lines in maturer years.
** How to Make a 110-Volt Transformer [439]
Secure two magnets from a telephone bell, or a set of magnets wound for 2,000 ohms. Mount them on a bar of brass or steel as shown in Fig. 1. Get an empty cocoa can and clean it good to remove all particles of cocoa and punch five holes in the cover, as shown in Fig. 2. The middle hole is to be used to fasten the cover to the brass bar with a bolt. The other four holes are for the wire terminals. A piece of rubber tubing must be placed over the wire terminals before inserting them in the holes. Fill the can with crude oil, or with any kind of oil except kerosene
oil, and immerse the magnets in it by fitting the cover on tight (Fig. 3). The connections are made as shown in the diagram, Fig. 5. This device may be used on 110-volt current for electro-plating and small battery lamps, provided the magnets are wound with wire no larger than No. 40. —Contributed by C. M. Rubsan, Muskogee, Okla.
** Experiment with a Vacuum [439]
Take any kitchen utensil used for frying purposes-an ordinary skillet, or spider, works best-having a smooth inner bottom surface, and turn in water to the depth of 1/2 in. Cut a piece of cardboard circular to fit the bottom of the spider and make a hole in the center 4 in. in diameter. The hole will need to correspond to the size of the can used. It should be 1 in. less in diameter than that of the can. Place this cardboard in the bottom of the spider under the water. A 2-qt. syrup can or pail renders the best demonstration, although good results may be obtained from the use of an ordinary tomato can. The edge of the can must have no indentations, so it will fit perfectly tight all around on the cardboard. Place the can bottom side up and evenly over the hole in the cardboard. Put a sufficient weight on the can to prevent it moving on the cardboard, but not too heavy, say, l lb.
Place the spider with its adjusted contents upon a heated stove. Soon the inverted can will begin to agitate. When this agitation finally ceases remove the spider from the stove, being careful not to move the can, and if the quickest results are desired, apply snow, ice or cold water to the surface of the can until the sides begin to flatten. The spider with its entire contents may now be lifted by taking hold of the can. When the vacuum is complete the sides of the can will suddenly collapse, and sometimes, with a considerable report, jump from the spider.
The cause of the foregoing phenomenon is that the circular hole in the cardboard admits direct heat from the surface of the spider. This heat causes the air in the can to expand, which is allowed to escape by agitation, the water and the cardboard acting as a valve to prevent its re-entrance. When the enclosed air is expelled by the heat and a vacuum is formed by the cooling, the above results are obtained as described. —Contributed by N. J. McLean.
** The Making of Freak Photographs [440]
An experiment that is interesting and one that can be varied at the pleasure of the operator, is the taking of his own picture. The effect secured, as shown in the accompanying sketch, reproduced in pen and ink from a photograph, is that made by the photographer himself. At first it seems impossible to secure such a picture, but when told that a mirror was used the process is then known to be a simple one.
The mirror is set in such a way as to allow the camera and operator, when standing directly in front of it, to be
in a rather strong light. The camera is focused, shutter set and plate holder made ready. The focusing cloth is thrown over your head, the position taken as shown, and the exposure made by the pressure of the teeth on the bulb while held between them.
** Hand Car Made of Pipe and Fittings [440]
Although apparently complicated, the construction of the miniature hand car shown in the accompanying
illustration is very simple. With a few exceptions all the parts are short lengths of pipe and common tees, elbows and nipples.
The wheels were manufactured for use on a baby carriage. The sprocket wheel and chain were taken from a discarded bicycle, which was also drawn upon for the cork handle used on the steering lever. The floor is made of 1-in. white pine, 14 in. wide and 48 in. long, to which are bolted ordinary flanges to hold the framing and the, propelling and steering apparatus together. The axles were made from 3/8 in. shafting. The fifth wheel consists of two small flanges working on the face surfaces. These flanges and the auxiliary steering rod are connected to the axles by means of holes stamped in the piece of sheet iron which encases the axle. The sheet iron was first properly stamped and then bent around the axle. The levers for propelling and steering the car work in fulcrums made for use in lever valves. The turned wooden handles by which these levers are operated were inserted through holes drilled in the connecting tees. The working joint for the steering and hand levers consists of a 1/2 by 3/8 by 3/8 in. tee, a 1/2 by 3/8 in. cross and a piece of rod threaded on both ends and screwed into the tee. The cross is reamed and, with the rod, forms a bearing.
The operation of this little hand car is very similar in principle to that of the ordinary tricycle, says Domestic Engineering. The machine can be propelled as fast as a boy can run. It responds readily to the slightest movement of the steering lever.
** How to Make a Rustic Seat [441]
The rustic settee illustrated in Fig. 1 may be made 6 ft. long, which will accommodate four average-sized persons. It is not advisable to exceed this length, as then it would look out of proportion, says the Wood-Worker. Select the material for the posts, and for preference branches that are slightly curved, as shown in the sketch. The front posts are about 3-1/2 in. in diameter by 2 ft. 4 in. long. The back posts are 3 ft. 4 in. high, while the center post is 3 ft. 8 in. in height. The longitudinal and transverse rails are about 3 in. in diameter and their ends are pared away to fit the post to which they are connected by 1-in. diameter dowels. This method is shown in Fig. 4. The dowel holes are bored at a distance of 1 ft. 2-1/2 in, up from the lower ends of posts. The front center leg is partially halved to the front rail and also connected to the back post by a bearer, 4 in. deep by 1-1/2 in. thick. This bearer is tenoned to the back post.
Fig. 3 shows a sectional view of the bearer joint to front leg, and also the half-round seat battens resting on the bearer, also showing them with their edges planed. It is advisable to have a space between the edges of each batten, say about 1-8 in., to allow rainwater to drain. The ends of the seat battens are pared away to fit the transverse rails neatly as shown in Fig. 2. The struts for the post range in diameter from 1-1/2 in. to 2 in. The ends of the struts are pared to fit the posts and
rails, and are then secured with two or three brads at each end.
Select curved pieces, about 2-1/2 in. in diameter, for the arm rests and back rails; while the diagonally placed filling may be about 2 in. in diameter. Start with the shortest lengths, cutting them longer than required, as the paring necessary to fit them to the rails and posts shortens them a little. Brad them in position as they are fitted, and try to arrange them at regular intervals.
** Heated Steering Wheel [441]
Motorists that suffer with cold hands while driving their cars may have relief by using a steering wheel that is provided with electric heat. An English invention describes a steering wheel with a core that carries two electrically heated coils insulated one from the other and from the outer rim.
** Homemade Workbench [442] By C. E. McKINNEY, Jr.
The first appliance necessary for the boy's workshop is a workbench. The average boy that desires to construct his own apparatus as much as possible can make the bench as described herein. Four pieces of 2 by 4-in. pine are cut 23 in. long for the legs, and a tenon made on each end of them, 1/2 in. thick, 3-1/2 in. wide and 1-1/2 in. long, as shown
at A and B, Fig. 1. The crosspieces at the top and bottom of the legs are made from the same material and cut 20 in. long. A mortise is made 1-1/4 in. from each end of these pieces and in the narrow edge of them, as shown at C and D, Fig. 1. The corners are then cut sloping from the edge of the leg out and to the middle of the piece, as shown. When each pair of legs are fitted to a pair of crosspieces they will form the two supports for the bench. These supports are held together and braced with two braces or connecting pieces of 2 by 4-in. pine, 24 in. long. The joints are made between the ends of these pieces and the legs by boring a hole through each leg and into the center of each end of the braces to a depth of 4 in., as shown at J, Fig. 2. On the back side of the braces bore holes, intersecting the other holes, for a place to insert the nut of a bolt, as shown at HH. Four 3/8 by 6-in, bolts are placed in the holes bored, and the joints are drawn together as shown at J. The ends of the two braces must be sawed off perfectly square to make the supports stand up straight.
In making this part of the bench be sure to have the joints fit closely and to draw the bolts up tight on the stretchers. There is nothing quite so annoying as to have the bench support sway while work is being done on its top. It would be well to add a cross brace on the back side to prevent any rocking while planing boards, if the bench is to be used for large work.
The main top board M, Fig. 2, may be either made from one piece of 2 by 12-in. plank, 3-1/2 ft. long, or made up of 14 strips of maple, 7/8 in. thick by 2 in. wide and 3-1/2 ft. long, set on edge, each strip glued and screwed to its neighbor. When building up a top like this be careful to put the strips together with the grain running in the same direction so the top may be planed smooth. The back board N is the same length as the main top board M, 8-1/2 in. wide and only 7/8 in. thick, which is fitted into a 1/2/-in. rabbet int back of the board M. Thes boards form the top of the bench, and are fastened to the top pieces of the supports with long screws. The board E is 10 in. wide and nailed to the back of the bench. On top of this board and at right angles with it is fastened a 2-1/2-in. board, F. These two boards are 7/8 in. thick and 3-1/2 ft. long. Holes are bored or notches are cut in the projecting board, F, to hold tools.
Details of the vise are shown in Fig. 3, which is composed of a 2 by 6-in. block 12 in. long, into which is fastened an iron bench screw, S. Two guide rails, GG, 7/8 by 1-1/2 in. and 20 in. long, are fastened into mortises of the block as shown at KK, and they slide in corresponding mortises in a piece of 2 by 4-in. pine bolted to the under side of the main top board as shown at L. The bench screw nut is fastened in the 2 by 4-in. piece, L, between the two mortised holes. This piece, L, is securely nailed to one of the top cross pieces, C, of the supports and to a piece of 2 by 4-in. pine, P, that is bolted to the under sides of the top boards at the end of the bench. The bolts and the bench screw can be purchased from any hardware store for less than one dollar.
** Forming Coils to Make Flexible Wire Connections [443]
When connections are made to bells and batteries with small copper wires covered with cotton or silk, it is necessary to have a coil in a short piece of the line to make it flexible. A good way to do this is to provide a short rod about 3/16 in. in diameter cut with a slit in one end to hold the wire and a loop made on the other end to turn with the fingers. The end of the wire is
placed in the slit and the coil made around the rod by turning with the loop end.
** Photographing the North Star [443]
The earth revolving as upon an axis is inclined in such a position that it points toward the North Star. To an observer in the northern hemisphere the effect is the same as if the heavens revolved with the North star as a center. A plate exposed in a camera which is pointed toward that part of the sky on a clear night records that effect in a striking manner. The accompanying illustration is from a photograph taken with an exposure of about three hours, and the trace of the stars shown on the plate by a series of concentric circles are due to the rotation of the earth.
The bright arc of the circle nearest the center is the path of the North star. The other arcs are the impressions left by neighboring stars, and it will be noticed that their brightness varies with their relative brilliancy. Many are so faint as to be scarcely distinguished, and, of course, telescopic power would reveal myriads of heavenly bodies which leave no trace on a plate in an ordinary camera. The North or pole star is commonly considered at a point directly out from the axis of the earth, but the photograph shows that it is not so located. The variation is known astronomically to be 1-1/4 deg. There is a slight irregularity in the position of the earth's axis, but the changes are so slow as to be noticed only by the lapse of a thousand years. Five thousand years ago the pole star was Draconis, and in eighteen thousand years it will be Lyrae. We have direct evidence of the change of the earth's axis in one of the Egyptian pyramids where an aperture marked the position of the pole star in ancient times, and from this it is now deviated considerable.
This experiment is within the reach of everyone owning a camera. The photograph shown was taken by an ordinary instrument, using a standard plate of common speed. The largest stop was used and the only requirement beyond this is to adjust the camera in a position at the proper inclination and to make the exposure for as long as desired. On long winter nights the exposure may be extended to 12 hours, in which event the curves would be lengthened to full half-circles.
The North star is one of the easiest to locate in the entire heavens. The constellation known as the Great Dipper is near by, and the two stars that mark the corners of the dipper on the extremity farthest from the handle lie in a line that passes across the North star. These two stars in the Great Dipper are called the pointers. The North Star is of considerable brilliancy, though by no means the brightest in that part of the heavens. —Contributed by O. S. B.
** How to Relight a Match [444]
A match may be a small thing on which to practice economy and yet a great many times one wishes to relight a match either for economy or necessity. The usual method is to place the burnt portion of the match in the flame to be relighted as shown
in Fig. 1. It is very hard to relight the charred end and usually burnt fingers are the result of pushing the match farther in the flame. Hold the burnt end in the fingers and place the other end in the flame as shown in Fig. 2. A light will be secured quickly and the flame will only follow the stick to the old burnt portion.
** Home-Made Hand Drill [444]
In the old kitchen tool box I found a rusty egg beater of the type shown in Fig. 1. A shoemaker friend
donated a pegging awl, Fig. 2, discarded by him due to a broken handle. With these two pieces of apparatus I made a hand drill for light work in wood or metal. By referring to Fig. 3 the chuck, A, with stem, B, were taken from the awl. The long wire beater was taken from the beater frame and a wire nail, 0, soldered to the frame, D, in the place of the wire. The flat arms were cut off and shaped as shown by E. The hole in the small gear, G, was drilled out and a tube, F, fitted and soldered to both the gear and the arms E. This tube, with the gear and arms, was slipped over the nail, 0, then a washer and, after cutting to the proper length the nail was riveted to make a loose yet neat fit for the small gear. The hand drill was then completed by soldering the stem, B, of the chuck to the ends of the flat arms E. Drills were made by breaking off sewing-machine needles above the eye as shown in Fig. 4 at A, and the end ground to a drill point. —Contributed by R. B. J., Shippensburg, Pa.
** How to Make a Stationary Windmill [445]
A windmill that can be made stationary and will run regardless of the
direction of the wind is here illustrated. Mills of this kind can be built of larger size and in some localities have been used for pumping water.
Two semi-circular surfaces are secured to the axle at right angles to each other and at 45 deg. angle with that of the axle as shown in Fig. 2. This axle and wings are mounted in bearings on a solid or stationary stand or frame. By mounting a pulley on the axle with the wings it can be used to run toy machinery.
** Electric Anesthesia [445]
It is a well known fact that magnetism is used to demagnetize a watch, and that frost is drawn out of a frozen member of the body by the application of snow. Heat is also drawn out of a burned hand by holding it close to the fire, then gradually drawing it away. The following experiment will show how a comparatively feeble electric current can undo the work of a strong one.
I once tried to electrocute a rat which was caught in a wire basket trap and accidentally discovered a painless method. I say painless, because the rodent does not object to a second or third experiment after recovering, and is apparently rigid and without feeling while under its influence.
To those who would like to try the experiment I will say that my outfit consisted of an induction coil with a 3/8-in. iron core about 3 in. long. The primary coil was wound with four layers of No. 20 wire and the secondary contains 4 oz. No. 32 wire, and used on one cell of bichromate of potash plunge battery. The proper amount of current used can be determined by giving the rodent as much as a healthy man would care to take. Fasten one secondary electrode to the trap containing the rat and with a wire nail fastened to the other terminal, hold the vibrator of the coil with your finger and let the rat bite on the nail and while doing so release the vibrator. In three seconds the rat will be as rigid as if dead and the wires can be removed.
Now connect your wires to the primary binding-posts of the coil and wind the end of one of them around the rat's tail and start the vibrator. Touch the other terminal to the rat's ear and nose. In a few minutes he will be as lively as ever. —Contributed by Chas. Haeusser, Albany, N. Y.
** A Simple Battery Rheostat [445]
A spring from an old shade roller is mounted on a board 4 in. wide, 9 in. long and 3/8 in. thick. A binding-post is fastened to this board at each end, to which is attached the ends of the spring, as shown in Fig. 1. The temper of a small portion of each end of the
spring will need to be drawn. This can be accomplished by heating over an alcohol lamp or in a fire and allowing it to cool slowly. The ends are then shaped to fit the binding-posts. A wire is connected to one of the binding-posts and a small square piece of copper is attached to the other end of the wire, as shown in Fig. 2. When this device is placed in a circuit the current can be regulated by sliding the small square copper piece along the spring. —Contributed by H. D. Harkins, St. Louis, Mo.
** A Frame for Drying Films [446]
No doubt many amateur photographers are troubled about drying films and to keep them from curling. The problem may be solved in the following way:
Make a rectangular frame out of pine wood, 1/4 by 1/2 in., as shown in the sketch. It is made a little wider and a little shorter than the film to be dried. This will allow the end of the film to be turned over at each end of the frame and fastened with push pins. Do not stretch the film when putting it on the frame as it shrinks in drying. The film will dry quicker and will be flat when dried by using this frame. —Contributed by Elmer H. Flehr, Ironton, Ohio.
** A Home-Made Novelty Clock [446]
This clock that is shown in the accompanying engraving is made in scroll work, the cathedral and towers being of white maple, the base is of walnut with mahogany trimmings, all finished in their natural colors. It has 11 bells in the two towers at the sides and 13
miniature electric lamps of different colors on two electric circuits. The clock is operated by a small motor receiving its power from dry cell batteries. This motor turns a brass cylinder over which runs a continuous roll of perforated paper similar to that used on a pianola. A series of metal fingers, connected by wires to the bells, press lightly on this brass roll and are insulated from the roll by the perforated paper passing between. When a perforation is reached a finger will make a contact with the brass roll for an instant which makes a circuit with the magnet of an electric hammer in its respective bell or forms the circuit which lights the electric bulbs as the case may be.
At each hour and half hour as the clock strikes, the motor is started automatically and the chimes sound out the tunes while the colored lights are turned on and off; two small doors in the cathedral open and a small figure comes out while the chimes are playing, then returns and the doors are closed. —Contributed by C. V. Brokenicky, Blue Rapids, Kansas.
** Fourth-of-July Catapult [447]
Among the numerous exciting amusements in which boys may participate during the Fourth-of-July celebration is to make a cannon that will shoot life-sized dummies dressed in old clothes. Building the cannon, as described in the following, makes it safe to fire and not dangerous to others, provided care is taken to place it at an angle of 45 deg. and not to fire when anyone is within its range. The powder charge is in the safest form possible, as it is fired with a blow from a hammer instead of lighting a fuse. If the cannon is made according to directions, there cannot possibly be any explosion.
The materials used in the construction of the catapult may be found in almost any junk pile, and the only work required, outside of what can be done at home, is to have a few threads cut on the pieces of pipe. The fittings can be procured ready to attach, except for drilling a hole for the firing pin.
Secure a piece of common gas pipe, 4 to 6 in. in diameter, the length being from 18 to 24 in. Old pipe may be used if it is straight. Have a machinist cut threads on the outside of one end, as shown in Fig. 1, and fit an iron cap, Fig. 2, tightly on the threaded end of the pipe. The cap is drilled and tapped in the center for a 1-in. pipe. Thread both ends of a 1-in. pipe that is 4 in. long, Fig. 3, and turn one end securely into the threaded hole of the cap. This pipe should project 1/4 in. inside of the cap. Fit a cap, Fig. 4, loosely on the other end of the 1-in. pipe. A hole is drilled into the center of this small cap just large enough to receive a 6-penny wire nail, B, Fig. 4.
This completes the making of the cannon and the next step is to construct a dummy which can be dressed in old clothes. Cut out two round blocks of wood from hard pine or oak that is about 3 in. thick, as shown in Fig. 5. The diameter of these blocks should be about 1/8 in. less than the hole in the cannon, so they will slide easily. In the center of each block bore a 1/4-in. hole. Secure an iron rod, about 4 ft. long, and make a ring at one end and thread 4 in. of the other. Slip one of the circular blocks on the rod and move it up toward the ring about 14 in. Turn a nut on the threads, stopping it about 3-1/2 in. from the end of the rod. Slip the other circular piece of wood on the rod and up against the nut, and turn on another nut to hold the wooden block firmly in its place at the end of the rod. If the rod is flattened at the place where the upper block is located, it will hold tight. These are shown in Fig. 5. Take some iron wire about 1/8 in. in diameter and make a loop at the top of the rod for the head. Wire this loop to the ring made in the rod and make the head about this loop by using canvas or gunny cloth sewed up forming a bag into which is stuffed either excelsior, paper or hay. The arms are made by lashing with fine wire or strong hemp, a piece of wood 1 in. square and 20 in. long, or one cut in the shape shown in Fig. 6, to the rod. Place the wood arms close to the bottom of the head. Make a triangle of wire and fasten it and the cross arm securely to the top of the rod to keep them from slipping down. A false face, or one painted on white cloth, can be sewed on the stuffed bag. An old coat and trousers are put on the frame to complete the dummy. If the clothing is not too heavy and of white material so much the better. To greatly increase the spectacular flight through the air, a number of different colored streamers, 6 or 8 in. wide and several feet in length made from bunting, can be attached about the waist of the dummy. The complete dummy should not weigh more than 6 lb.
The cannon is mounted on a board with the cap end resting against a cleat which is securely nailed to the board and then bound tightly with a rope as shown in Fig. 8. Lay one end of the board on the ground and place the other on boxes or supports sufficiently high to incline it at an angle of about 45. deg. Enough of the board should project beyond the end of the cannon on which to lay the dummy. When completed as described, it is then ready to load and fire. Clear away everyone in front and on each side of the cannon, as the dummy will fly from 50 to 100 ft. and no one must be in range of its flight. This is important, as the rod of the frame holding the clothes will penetrate a board at short range. An ordinary shot gun cartridge of the paper shell type is used for the charge and it must be loaded with powder only. Coarse black powder is the best, but any size will do. When loading. the rod with the wooden blocks, on which the dummy is attached, do not place the end block against the breech end of the cannon, leave about 2 or 3 in. between the end of the cannon and the block. Insert the cartridge in the 1-in. pipe. The cartridge should fit the pipe snug, which it will do if the proper size is secured. Screw on the firing-cap, insert the wire nail firing pin until it rests against the firing-cap of the cartridge. If the range is clear the firing may be done by giving the nail a sharp rap with a hammer. A loud report will follow with a cloud of smoke and the dummy will be seen flying through the air, the arms, legs and streamers fluttering, which presents a most realistic and life-like appearance. The firing may be repeated any number of times in the same manner.
** How to Make a Miniature Volcano [448]
A toy volcano that will send forth flames and ashes with lava streaming down its sides in real volcanic action can be made by any boy without any more danger than firing an ordinary fire-cracker. A mound of sand or earth is built up about 1 ft. high in the shape of a volcano. Roll up a piece of heavy paper, making a tube 5 in. long and 1-1/2 in. in diameter. This tube of paper is placed in the top of the mound by first setting it upon a flat sheet of paper and building up the sand or
earth about the sides until it is all covered excepting the top opening. This is to keep all dampness away from the mixture to be placed within.
A fuse from a fire-cracker, or one made by winding some powder in tissue paper, is placed in the paper tube of the volcano with one end extending over the edge. Get some potash from a drug store and be sure to state the purpose for which it is wanted, as there are numerous kinds of potash that will not be suitable. An equal amount of sugar is mixed with the potash and placed in the paper tube. On top of this put a layer of pure potash and on this pour some gun powder. This completes the volcano and it only remains for the fuse to be lighted and action will begin with an explosion which sends fire, smoke and sparks upward. Flames will follow and the lava pours down the sides of the mound.
** Wire Loop Connections for Battery Binding-Posts [449]
The trouble with battery binding post connections can be avoided by winding the bare end of the connecting wire around the binding-post screw and then back around its extending length as shown in the sketch. Always screw down permanent connections with pliers.
** Melting Metal in the Flame of a Match [449]
The flame of an ordinary match has a much higher temperature than is generally known and will melt cast-iron or steel filings. Try it by striking a match and sprinkle the filings through the flame. Sputtering sparks like gunpowder will be the result of the melting metal.
** Russian Squirrels [449]
The squirrel slaughter of Russia amounts to 25,000,000 per year.
** Landscape Drawing Made Easy [449]
With this device anyone, no matter how little his artistic ability may be, can draw accurately and quickly any little bit of scenery or other subject and get everything in the true perspective and in the correct proportion.
No lens is required for making this camera-just a plain mirror set at an angle of 45 deg., with a piece of ordinary glass underneath, a screen with a peek hole and a board for holding the drawing paper. The different parts may be fastened together by means of a box frame, or may be hinged together to allow folding up when carrying and a good tripod of heavy design should be used for supporting it. In order to get the best results the screen should be blackened on the inside and the eyepiece should be blackened on the side next to the eye. A piece of black cardboard placed over the end of the eyepiece and perforated with a pin makes an excellent peek hole.
In operation the rays of light coming from any given object, such as the arrow AB, strike the inclined mirror and are reflected downward. On striking the inclined glass a portion of the light is again reflected and the rays entering the eye of the operator produce the virtual image on the paper as shown. The general outlines may be sketched in quickly, leaving the details to be worked up later. This arrangement may be used for interior work when the illumination is good.
** Irrigating with Tomato Cans [450]
The following is an easy and effective way to start plants in dry weather: Sink an ordinary tomato can, with a 1/8-in. hole 1/2 in. from the bottom, in the ground so that the hole will be near the roots of the plant. Tamp the dirt around both plant and can, and fill the latter with water. Keep the can filled until the plant is out of danger. —Contributed by L. L. Schweiger, Kansas City, Mo.
** Fountain for an Ordinary Pen [450]
Take two steel pens, not the straight kind, and place them together, one above the other, in the penholder.
With one dip of ink 60 or 70 words may be written. This saves time and the arrangement also prevents the ink from dropping off the pen. —Contributed by L. M. Lytle, Kerrmoor, Pa.
** Homemade Mousetrap [450]
Bore a 1-in. hole, about 2 in. deep, in a block of wood and drive a small nail with a sharp point at an angle so it will project into the hole about half way between the top and bottom, and in the center of the hole, as shown.
File the end very sharp and bend it down so that when the mouse pushes its head past it in trying to get the bait at the bottom of the hole, the sharp point will catch it when it tries to back out. Almost anyone can make this trap in a short time, and it will catch the mice as surely as a more elaborate trap.
** Clear Wax Impressions from Seals [450]
A die must be slightly damp to make clear impressions on sealing wax and to keep it from sticking to the wax. A very handy way to moisten the die is to use a pad made by tacking two pieces of blotting paper and one of
cloth to a wooden block of suitable size, and saturate the blotters with water before using. Stamp the die on the pad and then on the hot wax. The result will be a clear, readable impression. —Contributed by Fred Schumacher, Brooklyn, N. Y.
** A Window Stick [450]
Although the windows in factories and houses are usually provided with weights, yet the stick shown in the sketch will be found very handy in case all of the windows are not so equipped. It is made of a piece of pine wood long
enough to hold the lower sash at a height even with the bottom of the upper, and about 1-1/2 or 2 in. wide. Notches may be cut in the stick as shown, each being wide enough to firmly hold the sash. Thus, with the stick illustrated, the sash may be held at three different heights on the side A, and at still another on the side B. —Contributed by Katharine D. Morse, Syracuse, N. Y.
** How to Make a Canoe [451]
A practical and serviceable canoe, one that is inexpensive, can be built by any boy, who can wield hammer and saw, by closely following the instructions and drawings, given in this article.
It is well to study these carefully before beginning the actual work. Thus an understanding will be gained of how the parts fit together, and of the way to proceed with the work.
Dimensioned drawings of the canoe and molds are contained in Fig. 1. The boat is built on a temporary base, A, Fig. 2, which is a board, 14 ft. 1 in. long, 3 in. wide and 1-1/2 in. thick. This base is fastened to the trestles and divided into four sections, the sections on each side of the center being 4 ft. long.
The next thing to be considered are the molds (Fig. 3). These are made of 1-in. material. Scrap pieces may be found that can be used for these molds. The dimensions given in Fig 1 are for one-half of each form as shown in Fig. 3, under their respective letters. The molds are then temporarily attached to the base on the division lines.
Proceed to make the curved ends as shown in Fig. 4. Two pieces of
straight-grained green elm, 32 in. long, 1-3/4, in. wide and 1 in. thick, will be required. The elm can be obtained from a carriage or blacksmith's shop. The pieces are bent by wrapping a piece of wire around the upper end and baseboard. The joint between the curved piece and the base is temporary. Place a stick between the wires and twist them until the required shape is secured. If the wood does not bend readily, soak it in boiling water. The vertical height and the horizontal length of this bend are shown in Fig. 4. The twisted wire will give the right curve and hold the wood in shape until it is dry.
The gunwales are the long pieces B, Fig. 2, at the top of the canoe. These are made of strips of ash, 15 ft. long, 1 in. wide and 1 in. thick. Fasten them temporarily to the molds, taking care to have them snugly fit the notches shown. The ends fit over the outside of the stem and stern pieces and are cut to form a sharp point, as shown in Fig. 5. The ends of the gunwales are fastened permanently to the upper ends of the bent stem and stern pieces with several screws.
Two other light strips, C and D, Fig. 2, are temporarily put in, and evenly spaced between the gunwales and the bottom board. These strips are used to give the form to the ribs, and are removed when they have served their purpose.
The ribs are now put in place. They are formed of strips of well seasoned elm or hickory, soaked in boiling water until they bend without breaking or cracking. Each rib should be 1-1/2 in.
wide, 3/8 in. thick and long enough to reach the distance between the gunwales after the bend is made. The ribs are placed 1 in. apart. Begin by placing a rib in the center of the base and on the upper side. Nail it temporarily, yet securely, and then curve the ends and place them inside of the gunwales, as shown in Fig. 6. Fasten the ends of the rib to the gunwales with 1-in. galvanized brads. This method is used in placing all the ribs. When the ribs are set, remove the pieces C and D, Fig. 2, and the molds.
A strip is now put in to take the place of the base. This strip is 1-3/4 in. wide, 1/2 in. thick and long enough to reach the entire length of the bottom of the canoe. It is fastened with screws on the inside, as shown in Fig. 7, and the ends are lap-jointed to the stem and stern pieces as shown in Fig. 4. When this piece is fastened in place, the base can be removed. The seats are attached as shown in Fig. 8, and the small pieces for each end are fitted as shown in Fig. 9.
The frame of the canoe is now ready to be covered. This will require 5-1/2 yd. of extra-heavy canvas. Turn the framework of the canoe upside down and place the canvas on it. The center of the canvas is located and tacked to the center strip of the canoe at the points where ribs are attached. Copper tacks should be used. The canvas is then tacked to the ribs, beginning at the center rib and working toward each end, carefully drawing the canvas as tightly as possible and keeping it straight. At the ends the canvas is split in the center and lapped over the bent wood. The surplus canvas is cut off. A thin coat of glue is put on, to shrink the cloth and make it waterproof.
The glue should be powdered and brought into liquid form in a double boiler. A thin coat of this is applied with a paintbrush. A small keel made of a strip of wood is placed on the bottom to protect it when making a landing on sand and stones in shallow
water. When the glue is thoroughly dry the canvas is covered with two coats of paint, made up in any color with the best lead and boiled linseed oil. The inside is coated with spar varnish to give it a wood color.
The paddles may be made up in two ways, single or double. The double paddle has a hickory pole, 7 ft. long and 2 in. in diameter, for its center part. The paddle is made as shown in Fig. 10, of ash or cypress. It is 12 in. long, and 8 in. wide at the widest part. The paddle end fits into a notch cut in the end of the pole (Fig. 11).
A shield is made of a piece of tin or rubber and placed around the pole near the paddle to prevent the water from running to the center as the pole is tipped from side to side. The complete paddle is shown in Fig. 12. A single paddle is made as shown in Fig. 13. This is made of ash or any other tough wood. The dimensions given in the sketch are sufficient without a description.
** Thorns Used as Needles on a Phonograph [453]
Very sharp thorns can be used successfully as phonograph needles. These substitutes will reproduce sound very clearly and with beautiful tone. The harsh scratching of the ordinary needle is reduced to a minimum, and the thorn is not injurious to the record.
** Tool Hangers [453]
A tool rack that is serviceable for almost any kind of a tool may be made
by placing rows of different-size screw eyes on a wall close to the workbench, so that files, chisels, pliers and other tools, and the handles of hammers can be slipped through the eyes.
A place for every tool saves time, and besides, when the tools are hung up separately, they are less likely to be damaged, than when kept together on the workbench.
** Child's Footrest on an Ordinary Chair [453]
Small chairs are enjoyed very much by children for the reason that they can rest their feet on the floor. In many households there are no small chairs for the youngsters, and they have to use larger ones. Two things result, the child's legs become tired from dangling unsupported or by trying to support them on the stretchers, and the finish on the chair is apt to
be scratched. The device shown in the sketch forms a footrest or step that can be placed on any chair. It can be put on or taken off in a moment. Two suitable pieces of wood are nailed together at an angle and a small notch cut out, as shown, to fit the chair stretcher.
** Drying Photo Postal Cards [453]
A novel idea for drying photo postal cards comes from a French magazine. The drying of the cards takes a long time on account of their thickness, but may be hastened by using corrugated paper for packing bottles as a drying stand. Curve the cards, printed side up, and place the ends between two
corrugations at a convenient distance apart. They will thus be held firmly while the air can circulate freely all around them.
** Preserving Key Forms [454]
After losing a key or two and having some difficulty in replacing them, I used the method shown in the sketch
to preserve the outlines for making new ones. All the keys I had were traced on a piece of paper and their forms cut out with a pair of shears. When a key was lost, another could thus be easily made by using the paper form as a pattern. —Contributed by Ernest Weaver, Santa Anna, Texas.
** Renewing Typewriter Ribbons [454]
Roll the ribbon on a spool and meanwhile apply a little glycerine with a fountain-pen filler. Roll up tightly and lay aside for a week or ten days. Do not apply too much glycerine as this will make the ribbon sticky—a very little, well spread, is enough. The same application will also work well on ink pads. —Contributed by Earl R. Hastings, Corinth, Vt. |