"By Jove! you have had an experience few can boast of," said Jack. "I wouldn't care to go through it."
"Nor I—again," said the German.
"Now," said Jack, "perhaps you can tell me the nearest way to shore."
The German considered.
"I am not a navigator," he said, "I was only a minor officer aboard the Hanover. But I heard the captain say we were almost 100 miles from the nearest coast line. I am afraid you will not be able to make it in this boat, if your water is as scarce as you say."
"By Jove!" said Jack, "we've got to make it. We don't want to drown out here."
"It's not always what we like," said the German officer, sententiously.
"That's true enough," agreed Jack, "but I have a feeling I was not born to be drowned. We'll find a way out."
"I hope so. However, should you go ashore directly south of here you would be within German lines and you would be made a prisoner."
"Can't help that," said Jack. "I'd much rather be a live prisoner than a dead sailor."
The German smiled in spite of his wound, which, it was plain to all, was giving him great pain.
"Of course," he said, "there is always the possibility of a passing ship."
"That's what we thought before," said Jack. "When we saw your vessel we thought we were safe. But you see how it turned out."
"Well, you'll just have to select a course and stick to it," said the German. "By the way, these men of mine. You are likely to have trouble with them. In our present situation I do not consider that we are enemies, so if the worst comes you may count on me to help you."
"Thanks," said Jack. "I shall remember that."
And the trouble was to come sooner than could have been expected.
One of the German soldiers suddenly laid down his oars.
"I want a drink!" he exclaimed. "I'll row no more until I have a drink!"
As by a prearranged signal, all four of the Germans threw down their oars and jumped to their feet. Harris, at that moment, in spite of Jack's warning, had been gazing across the sea absolutely unconscious of his surroundings. He was lost in thought.
Frank, at the helm, uttered a cry of warning even as the closest German leaped for Harris and the latter wheeled quickly. He dodged just as the man struck out with a knife he had drawn.
"Want to cut me up, do you?" muttered Harris.
In spite of the wabbling of the boat he fell into an attitude of defense—the old fighting form that had won for him the championship of the British navy in the squared circle. He didn't advance, for he wasn't certain of his footing, the boat pitched so, but he felt fully able to take care of himself.
It was characteristic of him that he made no cry for help. He knew that Jack must have heard Frank's cry of warning. He knew that he would get all the assistance it was in Jack's power to give; and he felt that if Jack were unable for any reason to aid him he must, nevertheless, give a good account of himself.
When Harris evaded the first blow, the German, caught off his balance, pitched forward against him. Harris was almost toppled over, but he threw his left arm around the man's neck and aimed a vicious blow at him with his right fist.
The German's knife arm, because of Harris' hold, dangled helpless at his side. In vain he sought to get it in position where he could drive the point into Harris' body. Harris realized the man's intention. With a sudden move, he pushed the German from him and struck out as he did so. The man staggered back, reeled unsteadily and toppled over the side of the boat with a cry.
The three other Germans rushed Harris at that moment. This time the British sailor was not caught off his guard, and he held the men at arm's length for several seconds.
Meanwhile, Jack had leaped forward, crying to Frank as he did so:
"Keep the helm, Frank! We don't want the boat overturned."
Frank obeyed, much as he would have liked to join in the fight.
Jack reached Harris' side and together the two faced the three Germans.
"We've got them, now," said Harris, quietly.
"Men," said Jack, quietly, "unless you return to your oars immediately, we shall be forced to throw you overboard."
There was a snarl from the three men. Suddenly one dropped to his knees and seized Harris by the legs. Caught off his guard, the latter fell to the bottom of the boat and the others leaped on him.
A knife flashed in the hand of one. With a cry, Jack stooped down quickly and seized the man's wrist even as the point of the weapon would have been buried in Harris' back. The lad twisted sharply and the knife went flying into the sea.
"You would, would you!" cried Jack.
He jerked the man to his feet, planted two hard blows on his chin, and as the man reeled forward clipped him once more. One, two, three backward steps the man took and then pitched over the side of the boat.
"Two gone!" exclaimed Jack.
But he was wrong. For the first man who had been knocked into the sea had been revived by the shock of the cold water. Swimming around the boat unobserved, he had come up behind Frank and now reached up and grabbed Frank by the coat. With a cry of alarm, the lad toppled into the water.
Jack heard his friend's cry. Quickly he took in the situation. Harris had regained his feet and seemed capable of disposing of the two remaining Germans. With a cry to Harris, Jack leaped over the side.
Some distance away he saw Frank struggling with the German who had pulled him from the boat and he swam quickly in that direction.
"I'm coming, Frank!" he called. "Hang on to him."
Frank was doing his best, but he had been taken by surprise and the advantage was with his opponent. The German's hand closed about the lad's throat and he was slowly choking him. Even as Jack came abreast of the struggling figures, Frank threw up his hands and the two disappeared from sight.
Jack, greatly alarmed, dived after them.
Below the surface of the water his hands encountered the struggling figures. He seized the first his hand came in contact with and struck upward. Upon the surface again, he found that he had seized hold of Frank.
Keeping his fingers clenched tightly in Frank's coat—that the lad might not be drawn under again Jack aimed carefully at the face of the German, which now was close to him, and struck out with all his strength.
Instantly, the hand on Frank's throat relaxed and the German sank from sight.
By the force of the impact as the blow landed Jack knew that the German would trouble them no more. Supporting Frank with his left arm, he struck out for the boat with his right.
The German officer leaned over the side and lent a hand in dragging Frank's limp body over the side. Jack clambered over after him. Then he took a view of the part of the boat where Harris battled with two of the enemy.
Both of the latter wielded knives and it was plain to Jack that Harris hesitated to come to close quarters with them, as he had no assistance at hand; for he realized that, should he be overcome, the men would have little trouble of disposing of Frank and Jack, as they tried to climb back in the boat. But now that Jack was able to come to his assistance again, Harris made ready for a spring.
Jack saw this move and called:
"Wait a minute, Harris!"
Harris stayed his spring and Jack again advanced to his side. Jack's face was white and his clothing was dripping water. He was very angry and his fingers clenched and unclenched.
"You men," he said in a cold voice, "were given a chance for your lives the same as the rest of us. Now you will either throw down those knives or die."
One made as if to obey, but the other stopped him.
"Wait!" he cried. "He wants us to throw down our knives so they can overpower us."
To the other this seemed good reasoning. Both Germans, still wielding their weapons, drew backward slowly. Jack and Harris advanced as slowly after them.
"Drop them!" cried Jack, again.
Suddenly one of the Germans sprang forward and aimed a vicious blow at Jack with his knife. The move had been so unexpected, retreating as the men had been, that Jack was almost caught off his guard. He sidestepped quickly, however, and avoided the knife.
But in leaping aside he had jostled Harris, who, dodging a blow aimed by the second German, now was thrown off his balance. In vain he tried to catch himself. It was no use. He went over the side of the boat, uninjured, but for the moment unable to lend Jack a hand.
With two foes before him, Jack realized there was not a moment to be lost. He determined to take the offensive himself, in spite of the odds against him.
With a subdued cry of anger, he charged the two Germans, in spite of the violent rocking of the boat. He caught a stabbing wrist with his right hand and twisted sharply even as he drove his left fist into the man's face. There was a cry of pain and the knife clattered to the bottom of the boat. Again and again the lad struck, paying no attention to the second man. Then, with an extra vicious blow, he knocked the German clear of the boat into the sea.
At the same instant, Harris, who was just climbing back into the boat, uttered a cry of warning and Jack turned just in time to dodge a knife thrust aimed at him by the second German.
With only a single enemy before him, a smile broke over Jack's face. He called to Harris.
"Stay back, Harris. I'm going to settle with this man myself."
The German shrank back, and for a moment it seemed that he would throw down his knife and cry for mercy. But if he had such a thought in his mind, he discarded it; he sprang at Jack, fiercely.
Again Jack avoided the thrust of the knife and caught the stabbing wrist in his right hand. Then, bringing all his tremendous strength to bear, he stooped slightly and jerked with his hand.
The German was pulled clear of the bottom of the boat and ascended into the air. Then he shot suddenly forward and cleared the boat by a good five feet.
There was to be one last encounter before the possession of the boat finally came into the hands of the friends undisputed. One of the Germans, revived by the water, had come up aft and laid hold of the boat near where the German officer sat. The latter saw him and shifted his position just in time to avoid being dragged overboard.
He grew suddenly very angry.
"You murderous dog!" he cried.
Rising to his feet he stooped quickly and seized an oar. Before the man in the water could realize his purpose, he had brought the oar down with all his force on the hand that grasped the boat.
With a howl of pain the German released his hold, his fingers shattered by the force of the blow. Without a word the German officer dropped the oar and resumed his seat.
Jack and Harris now approached Frank's side and the former bent over him. Frank was just regaining consciousness. He smiled as Jack asked him how he felt, and asked:
"Did you lick them all?"
"You bet," returned Jack, then turned to Harris. "I suppose we should pick up some of those fellows, if we can. We can't see them drown before our eyes."
"You're too soft hearted for me," declared Harris. "However, whatever you say."
They gazed into the water. There was no German in sight.
"Be ready to jump in the moment a head appears," said Jack.
Harris nodded and the two stood ready to give aid to the first enemy that should appear.
Ten minutes they waited—fifteen. No head appeared above the surface of the water.
"I guess it's no use," said Jack, slowly, at last. "They're gone!"
It was dark.
All through the afternoon Jack and Harris had rowed untiringly, but with the coming of nightfall there was no land in sight.
"Nothing to do but keep pulling in the same direction," said Jack.
Harris nodded.
"All right," he said, "but I'm getting tired. I'll have to rest up for an hour or so."
"Let me row awhile," said Frank. "One of you fellows can take the tiller here."
"Feel all right?" asked Jack.
"First rate."
"All right, then," said Jack. "You and Harris change places."
This was done. Then the German officer spoke.
"It's about time for me to take a hand," he said.
"But your wound?" protested Jack.
"Well, it still pains some, to be sure. But the sooner we get to shore the sooner I will be able to have it looked after. It's better to row awhile than to remain idle."
"Suit yourself," said Jack. "I am a bit tired. We'll change places."
They did so and the little boat moved on in the darkness.
"Don't know where we are," said Jack to Harris, "but it seems to me we should raise land with the coming of daylight."
"Well, I hope we do," was Harris' reply. "I'm getting awfully thirsty, but I hate to cut into that water supply."
"There is a little more for us since we lost our other passengers," said Jack. "I'm thirsty myself. We may as well sample that water."
He produced a jug and each took a cooling draught.
"Tastes pretty good," said Harris, smacking his lips.
"You bet," agreed Jack.
He made his way forward and gave Frank and the German officer a drink.
"Enough for a couple of more rounds," he said, shaking the jug and listening to the splash of the water inside.
"Oh, I guess we've enough," said Harris. "However, it is well to use it sparingly."
As it turned out they had an ample sufficiency; in fact, more than they needed.
With the coming of daylight, Frank, who had resumed his place at the helm a short time before, uttered an exclamation.
"Ship!" he cried.
He pointed off to port.
The others glanced in the direction indicated and then raised a cheer.
There, scarcely more than a mile away and bearing down on them rapidly, came a German man-o'-war. Already they had been seen, for the vessel altered its course slightly.
Jack gave a sigh.
"Sorry it's not a British ship," he said.
The German officer was forced to smile.
"And I'm glad it's not," he declared; "for if it were it would be capture for me instead of you."
"But there are three of us and there is only one of you," protested Frank.
"Well, it's the fortune of war," said the German.
"The misfortune of war in this case," said Harris.
The German warship was now within hailing distance and a voice called:
"Who are you?"
The German officer acted as spokesman and shouted back:
"German officer and three British."
"We'll lower a boat," was the response.
A few moments later a boat put off from the ship, manned by a dozen German sailors. Fifteen minutes later the lads found themselves aboard the German warship, where they were immediately conducted to the cabin of the commander.
The latter turned to the German officer for an account of what had happened.
"So these British sailors saved you?" he said. He turned to the three. "I must thank you in the name of the Emperor," he said, quietly. "Now, if you will give me your paroles, I shall allow you the freedom of this vessel."
The three friends glanced at one another and the German commander smiled.
"I can assure you there is no possibility of escape," he said.
"In that event," said Jack, "we shall give our paroles until we reach shore."
"That is sufficient. After that you will be in other and safe hands."
The German commander summoned a minor officer, to whom he introduced the three friends.
"You will see that they are provided with suitable quarters," he said.
The officer saluted and motioned for Jack, Frank and Harris to follow him. A few moments later the three found themselves installed in comfortable quarters, where clean linen and dry outer clothing Was laid out for them.
"You've got to give them credit," said Frank. "They do things up in style. It seems we are to be well treated."
"No reason why we shouldn't be," declared Jack.
"Wonder where we are bound, anyhow?" said Harris.
"Don't know," said Frank. "I'll try and find out as soon as we can go on deck—providing they allow us on deck."
"The commander said we would have the freedom of the ship," returned Harris.
"So he did. Hurry and dress then."
Half an hour later, refreshed by a bath and food, the three made their way on deck, where they found the young German officer who had escorted them to their cabin. They approached him and the latter received them cordially.
"Wonder if you would tell us where we are bound?" asked Frank, with a smile.
"Certainly," was the reply. "Our destination is Bremen."
"Bremen, eh?" said Jack. "What will they do with us there?"
"Probably turn you over to the military authorities to take care of you until the end of the war."
"Looks like our fighting days are over," said Harris, sadly.
The young German smiled.
"Seems to me you should be rather glad of that," he returned. "After your defeat off Jutland you should be willing to cry for peace."
"Defeat!" exclaimed Frank. "Why, the Germans got the worst of it. You know that."
"Oh, no we didn't," said the young officer. "The greater part of the British fleet was sent to the bottom. Our losses were insignificant."
"Were you there?" asked Frank.
"Why, no," said the German, "but——"
"Well, we were there," said Frank. "Therefore, we know something about it. I give you my word that I saw one German dreadnaught, two battle cruisers and four cruisers sunk with my own eyes. Also I saw half a dozen destroyers sent to the bottom and two Zeppelins shot down."
"Impossible!" exclaimed the young German officer. "The official report of the battle gives our losses as two destroyers and a single cruiser, while the greater part of the British fleet was sunk."
"Where is the German fleet now?" asked Frank.
"Back in Heligoland. Some of the vessels are in need of slight repairs."
"Why didn't they keep going after that great victory?" Frank wanted to know.
"Why, I can't say. Probably had orders not to proceed too far immediately."
"I can tell you why," said Frank.
"I wish you would," said the young officer.
"The reason," replied Frank, "is perfectly simple. It's because the main British fleet is out there waiting for you fellows. After we chased your fleet back——"
"But you didn't chase us back. We retired when the battle was won."
"Oh, you retired when the battle was won, eh?"
"Yes; that's what the official report says."
"But it doesn't say who won the battle, does it?" asked Frank, with a grin, in which his friends were forced to join.
The young officer gazed from one to another, and Frank continued:
"Now, I'll tell you something you don't seem to know. We were pursuing the German fleet when two of our vessels crashed in the fog. That's how we happen to be here now."
"But I tell you that is not possible," protested the German.
"It may not have been considered possible," returned Frank, "but it's a fact, all the same."
"You mean, then, that the official report is not true."
"Well, that's my personal opinion of it," Frank admitted.
"Sir!" exclaimed the young German, drawing himself up suddenly. "You have insulted the German navy—and me with it. Were it not that you are our guests aboard this warship, I would demand satisfaction."
"Look here," exclaimed Frank. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just telling you the facts in the case. I——"
The young German faced him angrily.
"Your half apology only adds to the insult," he said. "I shall leave you now."
With this he drew himself up stiffly, turned on his heel and stalked away. Frank gazed after him amusedly.
"Now what do you think of that?" he exclaimed.
"You should have known you couldn't convince him," said Jack.
The three friends walked along the deck gazing out over the water. Half an hour later, as they were about to go below, Frank caught sight of a figure in the uniform of a German lieutenant, who was eyeing them closely.
There was something familiar about that figure and unconsciously the lad gave a start. He called Jack's attention to the man, and the latter, seeing that he was the subject of discussion, quickly withdrew.
"I've seen him some place," said Frank.
"And so have I," Jack declared. "There is some thing strangely familiar about him. Say! It's unpleasant when you know a man and can't place him."
"Let's hope he is not some old enemy come back to life," said Frank, quietly, as they returned to their cabin.
Bremen. The greatest of all German shipping centers, and, before the outbreak of the European war, one of the greatest seaports in the whole world.
Even on the third day of June, 1916, when the German warship on which Jack, Frank and Harris were prisoners steamed into Bremen the port was alive with activity. Great German merchant ships, useless since the war began, appeared deserted, but other and smaller craft dashed hurriedly hither and yon.
"Why all the excitement?" was Frank's comment, as the three stood well forward while the warship steamed through the harbor.
"Several reasons, I guess," said Jack. "One is that half of these small vessels ply between Bremen and Scandinavian ports in spite of the British blockade; and the other reason probably is the fact that the city is celebrating the great naval victory."
"Naval victory?"
"Sure; the battle of Jutland. The German people have been told that the German fleet won; and now the people are celebrating. See all those flags? Why else would they be displayed so profusely?"
"Because Germany is at war," said Frank.
"Oh, no they wouldn't. You remember we were in Hanover once while the war was in progress. You didn't see all those flags about like that."
"I guess you're right."
At that moment a German officer approached the three friends.
"I've something of interest to show you," he said; "something that will be of interest to all the world presently."
"We shall be glad to see it, whatever it may be," replied Jack, courteously.
"Look over the side there," said the German, pointing. "Do you see that long, low shape in the water?"
"Why, yes," said Frank. "Looks like a submarine."
"That's what it is. Can you make out the name?"
The three friends peered at the object closely.
"D-e-u-t-s-c-h-l-a-n-d," Frank spelled it out.
"Yes, the Deutschland" replied the German officer; "and, within a month, the whole world will be talking about her."
"What's she going to do?" asked Frank. "Sink the whole British fleet?"
The German officer smiled.
"No," he replied quietly. "The Deutschland will be the first of a fleet of merchant submarines to ply between Bremen and the United States."
"What?" exclaimed Jack, in the utmost surprise. "You mean that submarine will try and run the English channel and make for the United States?"
"But it's impossible," said Frank.
"Not at all," returned the German. "You may remember that German submarines made their way to the Dardanelles safely. The only difference will be that the Deutschland will go unarmed. She will carry a cargo of dyestuffs and other commodities of which the United States is in need."
"Well, she may try it, but I don't believe she'll get there," said Harris.
"Nor I," declared Jack.
But Frank wasn't so sure. An American, he had not the strong prejudice of his two companions.
"It will be a great feat if she can accomplish it," the lad said.
"It will, indeed," said the German, "and she will accomplish it."
"One thing, though," said Frank, "she won't be able to carry a very valuable cargo. She's too small."
"She'll carry a cargo worth more than $2,000,000," said the German officer, "and in payment she will bring back gold and securities, and you may know that Germany is in need of cash."
"By Jove!" exclaimed Frank. "We'll have to admit that you Germans are progressive. We may not like to admit it, but it's a fact all the same."
"I thank you," said the German with a low bow.
"Well, we're obliged to you for showing us the Deutschland, at all events," said Jack, "and I want to say that if by any chance she does reach the United States you may be well proud of her."
"I second that," declared Harris.
Again the German bowed low.
"Now," said Frank, "as we have passed beyond sight of the Deutschland, perhaps you can tell me what is to be done with us?"
"As it happens, I can," was the reply. "I heard the captain inform Lieutenant von Ludwig that you will be put in his charge. He has instructions to see you safe in the hands of the military authorities in Berlin, where most of the captured British and French officers are being held."
"Pretty tough, Jack," said Frank.
The German officer overheard this remark, although he perhaps did not catch the exact meaning.
"You will be well treated," he said.
"I've no doubt of that," declared Jack.
The German officer left them.
Jack turned to Frank.
"Say!" he exclaimed, "are you thinking of turning German directly?"
"What's that?" demanded Frank, in surprise.
"I just wondered when you were going to take up the arms for the Kaiser. The way you have been praising all things German recently, I don't know what to make of you. The Deutschland, for instance."
Frank smiled.
"I just don't happen to be a hard-headed John Bull," he replied.
"Hard headed, am I?" exclaimed Jack. "I've a notion to shake some of that German sympathy out of you."
"You know I haven't any German sympathies," said Frank. "But I believe in giving credit where credit is due."
"Well, there is no credit due there. You know that is just some cock and bull story. The Germans will never dare such a thing."
"I'm not so sure," said Frank, quietly.
"Well, it will never get across the sea if the attempt is made."
"Maybe not, maybe yes," said Frank, with a grin.
What Jack might have replied Frank never learned, for at that moment another German officer accosted them. He was the man who was so strangely familiar to Jack and Frank.
"You will be ready to accompany me the moment we dock, sirs," he said.
"All right," Frank agreed. "We'll be ready."
They descended to their cabin where they donned the clothing they had worn when picked up from the sea. Then they returned on deck.
The great warship now was nearing the dock, backing in. Slowly she drew close to the pier and then finally her engines ceased. A gangplank was lowered and men began to disembark.
The officer who was to conduct the three prisoners to Berlin tapped Jack on the shoulder.
"Whenever you are ready," he said quietly.
"We're ready now," returned Jack.
"Then precede me ashore," was the reply. "By the way, I might as well advise you that there is no use of attempting to escape. I have my gun handy and will drop either of you at the first false step."
"Don't worry, we have no intention of trying to escape—not right here in broad daylight," said Frank.
"Very good. Let us move."
Slowly they made their way down the gang plank and ashore. There a line of automobiles waited. The officer motioned his prisoners into the largest of these and gave instructions to the driver. He took a seat beside Jack.
As the automobile started down the street, Jack glanced at his captor sharply.
"Surely I have seen you some place before, sir?" the lad said.
The officer shrugged his shoulders.
"Who knows?" he said and became silent.
"Deuced uncommunicative sort of a fellow," said Jack to himself. "But I know I've come in contact with him some place. It may come to me later."
The automobile drew up in front of a large stone house and the officer motioned his prisoners out. He spoke to his chauffeur.
"Keep your gun handy and follow me," he instructed.
The driver nodded and stepped alongside the officer, who motioned the three friends up the steps ahead of him. Inside he motioned them into a parlor and then dismissed his chauffeur.
"Now," he said, "I want your promises not to try to escape."
"Sorry, sir, but we can't do that," replied Frank, quietly.
"Come! Don't be fools!" exclaimed their captor, sharply.
He walked to the door and peered out. Then, walking close to Frank and Jack, he said quietly:
"If you will give me your promises to make no attempt to escape before tomorrow night, I shall not have you guarded."
Both lads started back in surprise, for the man had spoken in English and without the trace of an accent.
"Great Scott!" exclaimed Frank. "You must be an Englishman."
The man laid a finger to his lips.
"Sh-h-h!" he warned. "Walls have ears, you know. So you don't know me?"
The lads gazed at him closely.
"I know I have seen you some place," declared Jack.
"So have I," said Frank.
"And to think that they don't know me," said the man, half to himself. Then he addressed them again.
"I guess it is as well that you have not recognized me, but did I not know you so well I would not say what I am about to say. That is this. I am an Englishman and I am here on an important business. Tomorrow night I shall return to England. Give me your words to remain quiet here until then, in the meantime not trying to learn my identity, and you shall all go with me. Is it a bargain?"
Frank looked at the man sharply. Was he fooling them? Well, the lad decided, they had everything to gain and nothing to lose.
"Very well," the lad said. "You have my promise not to attempt to escape before tomorrow night."
"And mine," said Jack.
"And mine," declared Harris.
"Very well. Then I shall leave you for the moment."
The man stalked from the room and closed the door behind him.
For some moments after the officer had taken his departure, there was silence in the room. Then Harris exclaimed:
"Now what do you think of that?"
"Well, I don't hardly know what to think of it," Jack replied. "Frank took most of the talking on himself. When he gave his parole there was nothing left for me but to do likewise."
"That's what I thought. Otherwise I wouldn't have given mine," said Harris.
"It may not be too late to call him back and tell him so," said Frank. "I did the talking because neither of you seemed to want to do it. You didn't have to give your parole unless you wanted to. I didn't ask you to do it."
"Come now, don't get mad, Frank," said Jack.
"I'm not mad. I'm just telling you what I think. Certainly it can do us no harm. We have everything to gain and nothing to lose."
"That's so, too, when you stop to think of it," Harris agreed.
"Well, I stopped to think of it," said Frank. "You fellows didn't. That's the difference."
"But who on earth can he be?" exclaimed Harris. "He seems to know you two, all right."
"There is something strangely familiar about him," said Frank, "but I can't place him."
"Nor I," admitted Jack, "though, as you say, there is something familiar about him."
"Seems to me that if I knew a man I could tell you who he was," said Harris.
"Seems so to me, too," declared Frank, "but I can't."
"Well," said Jack, "I'm not as credulous as you are, Frank. I wager he is not doing this to help us out. I'll bet we land in Berlin and stay there until the end of the war."
"By Jove! Let's hope not," said Harris. "Still, all things considered, I'm of your way of thinking."
"If he was telling the truth," said Jack, "he would have let us know who he is. There was no reason for telling us he was English and then concealing his identity."
"I can't see any reason," Frank admitted, "but at the same time I believe he was telling the truth."
The conversation languished. Frank curled himself up on a sofa at the far side of the room and sought a little rest. Jack dozed in his chair. Harris also could hardly keep his eyes open.
They were still in this condition when the door opened several hours later and their captor again entered the room. He walked quickly across the room and shook Jack.
"Hello!" said the latter, sleepily, "back, eh?"
Frank awoke at the sound of Jack's voice and Harris also opened his eyes.
"I had a little work that had to be disposed of immediately," said their captor, "which is the reason I left you so abruptly. I can show you a place to sleep now."
He led the way from the room and upstairs. There he ushered the three into a large, well appointed room, which contained two beds.
"Only two beds," he said, "but it's the best I can do. Two of you can bunk together."
"Anything, just so it's soft," said Frank. "I'm tired out."
"Then you had all better turn in at once," said their captor. "I have much work to do. It is probable that I shall not be back again until some time tomorrow night. Make yourselves at home. You are alone in the house. You will find cold meats, bread and some other things in the pantry down stairs. Remain here until I come."
"Very well, sir," said Frank. "And you say we shall leave here tomorrow night?"
"Yes; unless something develops to interfere with my plans."
"All right, sir. We shall remain here until you come tomorrow night. But that is as long as our paroles hold good, sir. After that, we shall escape if it is humanly possible."
"I will be back before midnight tomorrow," was their captor's reply. "Until that time, goodbye. One thing, stay in the house and keep the blinds drawn. I do not wish to attract attention to this house."
"Very well, sir," said Frank.
The man took a last careful glance around the room and then disappeared.
"Well, he's gone again," said Jack. "He may be telling the truth and he may not, but one thing sure, these beds look pretty comfortable. I'm going to make use of one right now."
He undressed quickly and slipped between the sheets. Frank and Harris followed his example.
All were up bright and early the next day, greatly refreshed. They found food in the pantry, as their captor had told them they would. It was a tedious day, confined as they were, and the time passed slowly. But dusk descended at last.
"He should be here at any time now," said Frank.
The others said nothing, but when nine o'clock had come and gone even Frank became uneasy.
"Don't see what is detaining him," he said.
"Nor I—if he really meant to come back," said Jack.
Eleven o'clock and still their captor had not returned.
"He said he would be back by midnight," said Frank.
"He said lots of things," said Jack, "but they didn't make the same impression on me they seem to have made on you. I don't believe he is coming."
"I'll tell you what I think," said Harris. "I believe he expected us to make a break for liberty before now. The house probably is surrounded and if we start out the door we shall most likely be shot down."
"By Jove! I wouldn't be surprised if you had hit the nail on the head," Jack declared.
"Nonsense," said Frank. "What would be the advantage of a plan like that?"
"Well, I don't know; but there is something queer about this business," declared Jack.
Eleven thirty passed and still no sign of their captor.
Jack and Harris had kept up a steady flow of conversation regarding the probable fate that was in store for them if they poked their heads outside the door, and at last Jack rose to his feet.
"Well," he said quietly, "there is no need of staying here. We may as well make a break for it Chances are, if we are quick enough, we can get into the open without being shot down."
"Not in these clothes," said Harris.
"True enough. We'll have a look for other clothing. What do you say, Frank?"
"I'm not convinced yet the man is not coming back," said Frank, "but I tell you what I will do. We'll hunt up some other clothes and get into them. Then we'll wait until twelve o'clock. If he has not returned by that time, I'm with you."
"Fair enough," said Harris. "Come on."
The three made their way upstairs, where they started a thorough search of the house; and at last Jack ran onto a closet in which were stored half a dozen suits of civilian clothes.
He called the others.
"All right if they'll fit," said Harris.
Fortunately, they did fit; and fifteen minutes later the three were garbed in plain citizens' attire. They left their uniforms in the room where they had changed.
"Now to see if we can find a few guns," said Jack.
Again they searched the house.
Frank was the first to find a weapon. There were two revolvers in a drawer of a writing desk in the parlor and with them was a goodly supply of ammunition. Frank gave one of the guns to Jack.
"We ought to be able to find one more," said Harris. "I've got to have a gun."
They ransacked the house from top to bottom; and at length Frank came across another weapon. Harris gave an exclamation of satisfaction.
"Let's divide up that ammunition, now," he said.
This was done and the three returned to the parlor. Frank glanced at his watch.
"Five minutes to twelve," he said. "We'll wait until midnight and not a second longer."
To this the others agreed.
"I guess you were right after all," Frank told his companions. "Still I can't understand this thing at all."
"You'll probably understand it better when you stick your head out the door and a bullet hits close to it," said Harris, grimly.
"No; I don't believe there is anything like that going to happen," Frank declared. "Maybe he was detained and couldn't get back on time."
"When he gets back he'll find us missing," said Harris.
"He will unless he hurries," Frank agreed.
The minutes passed slowly; but at last the hands of Frank's watch pointed to midnight.
The lad closed the case of his watch with a snap and rose to his feet. He examined his revolver carefully to make sure it was in working order and then said:
"Time's up; may as well be moving."
The three advanced cautiously to the front door. Behind, the house was perfectly dark.
"Careful when you open the door, Frank," Jack warned. "Stoop down. There is no telling what may be lurking out there."
Frank heeded this warning. Stooping, he opened the door, threw it wide and looked out.
"Coast clear," he announced.
He was about to step out when the sound of hurried footsteps came to his ears.
"Wait a minute," Frank whispered. "Some one coming."
A man appeared down the street. He came nearer. Frank gave an exclamation of satisfaction:
"Come on back to the parlor," he whispered. "Here he comes now."
Jack and Harris obeyed Frank's injunction and the three flitted back to the parlor silently.
A moment later the front door opened softly and directly the officer appeared in the parlor door.
"I came almost not getting here," he said with a smile. "Did you get tired waiting?"
"So tired," said Frank, "that we were just about to leave when I chanced to see you coming down the street."
"So? Well, you would have had a hard time escaping, I am afraid. Now, my way it will be easier. I have had my means of escape laid out ever since I arrived here. Unless something unforeseen occurs, we should be able to get away without difficulty."
"I am sure I hope so," declared Frank.
Their captor surveyed the three closely.
"I see you are all ready," he said. "Changed your clothes, eh?"
"I hope you didn't think we were going prowling about the street in our British uniforms?" said Jack.
"Hardly. By any chance did you find weapons, too?"
Frank hesitated. For a moment he debated what was best to answer. However, the odds were now three against one, so he replied:
"Yes; we have a gun apiece."
"Good; then we may as well be moving. The car should be here in ten minutes at the latest. You see, that's why I was late. Had a blowout aways back. We had to come in on foot. I sent my driver for another car while I hurried here, for I was afraid that you might do something rash. You see, I know more about you than you think I do."
"I wish you would tell us who you are, sir," said Jack.
"All in good time," replied the officer with a smile. "All in good time."
Came a "honk-honk" from without.
"There's our car," said the officer quietly. "Come along."
Without a word the others followed him through the dark hall, out the door and down the steps, where they climbed into the car, in the rear seat, their captor taking his seat with the driver.
The automobile started immediately.
They rode along slowly for perhaps an hour; and they came to what the lads recognized immediately as the water front. Their captor called a halt and climbed out, motioning the lads to follow him. Immediately they had alighted, the automobile drove away.
Straight down to the water their captor led the way. Jack whispered to Frank.
"You can't tell me we are going to get away from here as easily as all this."
"Sh-h-h!" was Frank's reply.
Jack thereafter maintained a discreet silence.
At the edge of the pier their captor pointed to a small rowboat in the water.
"We'll get in here," he said.
They did so and a moment later they were being rowed across the water by a man Frank recognized as a German sailor. The thing was becoming more complicated.
A short distance ahead there now loomed up what appeared to be nothing more than a motorboat of considerable size. The rowboat approached this craft and the officer motioned his three companions to follow him aboard. They did so.
Aboard, they saw that the vessel upon the deck of which they stood was in reality a pleasure yacht, now converted into a vessel of war. A look at her graceful outlines and long slender body told all three that the vessel was built for speed.
Their captor had halted and waited for the three to come up with him.
"Follow me below," he whispered. "I'll do the talking. Agree with whatever I say and listen carefully to my every word."
The three friends obeyed.
Below they were ushered into what proved to be the commander's cabin. An officer in the dress of a lieutenant commander of the German navy rose and greeted the boys' captor with a salute and an extended hand. Their captor grasped the hand.
"Commander von Ludwig, I take it," said the commander of the vessel.
Von Ludwig bowed.
"The same, sir," he replied. "I have here a paper that gives me command of your vessel, sir. You are ordered to report to Berlin at once."
"I have been expecting you, sir," was the reply. "I shall leave at once, if your boatman is still near."
"I ordered him to await you," was von Ludwig's reply.
The commander of the German vessel glanced at von Ludwig's three companions.
"Your officers?" he asked.
"Yes. Your officers will be relieved in the morning."
"Very well, sir. Then I shall leave you. A safe and successful voyage to you, sir."
"The same to you, sir."
Von Ludwig, motioning to his companions to remain in the cabin until his return, went on deck with the departing commander. A few moments later the latter was being rowed ashore. For the space of several seconds, von Ludwig gazed after him, a peculiar smile lighting up his face as he murmured:
"If you only knew what a time I had getting the paper I just gave you, you would not be going so serenely about your business right now. Oh, well——"
He threw open his arms with a gesture and descended to his cabin.
"Now," he said to Jack, Frank and Harris, "the first thing we must do is to secure the crew and the officers of this vessel. The crew, I happen to know, numbers only ten men. There are two officers. We shall have to overcome them."
"And how are we going to work the ship, sir?" asked Jack.
Von Ludwig glanced at the lad sharply.
"You would be a better sailor, sir, if you would follow orders without question," he said sharply; then added more calmly: "However, I shall tell you, for I can see none of you trust me fully. I have my own crew of five men coming aboard within the hour."
"I beg your pardon, sir," said Jack.
"That's all right," said von Ludwig. "Now follow me."
The others did as ordered. Before a door not far from the commander's cabin von Ludwig stopped.
"In there you will find the first officer," he said
He motioned to Frank and Jack. "Get him and get him quietly."
The lads nodded their understanding and von Ludwig signalled Harris to follow him.
Jack laid his hand on the knob of the door and turned it gently. The door flew open without a sound.
"Find the light switch, Frank," Jack whispered.
Frank's hand felt carefully over the wall.
"Turn it on when I give the word," said Jack. "I may need to see what I am doing."
"All right; but be careful, Jack."
Slowly Jack tiptoed across the room, where he could dimly see a form stretched across a bunk. Bending over the figure, Jack raised a hand and then called to Frank:
"Lights, Frank!"
Instantly, Frank threw the switch and then sprang forward to lend Jack a hand should it be necessary. But his assistance was not needed. Jack's fist rose and fell once and the form in the bunk gasped feebly once and lay still.
"I don't like that sort of thing," said Jack, "but I suppose it had to be done. Help me bind him up and gag him. He's not badly hurt and will come round in a few minutes."
It was the work of but a few moments to tear the sheets into strips and to bind and gag the helpless man. Then Jack and Frank left the cabin.
At almost the same instant von Ludwig and Harris came from a second cabin.
"All right?" asked von Ludwig.
"All right, sir. And you?"
"Everything shipshape. Now for the crew. First, however," he said, addressing Jack and Frank, "don the clothing of these two officers. You shall be my second and third in command."
The lads returned to the cabin they had just quitted and stripped the prisoner. Jack donned the uniform, for the German was a big man. Then they hurried into the second cabin and performed a similar operation and Frank soon was attired in the uniform of a German lieutenant.
"Now," said von Ludwig, "have the crew report here and keep your guns ready."
Frank made his way aft, and in German, called:
"All hands forward!"
The crew came tumbling from their bunks and hurried forward, most of the men no more than half dressed. Jack, Frank and Harris, on either side of von Ludwig, confronted them.
"Men," said von Ludwig, "I am the new commander of this ship and we shall get under way immediately. Fearing that you will not always obey my commands, I have brought along these little persuaders."
A pair of automatics flashed in his hands and covered the ten sailors.
"Hands up!" he cried.
Taken completely by surprise there was nothing for the German sailors to do but obey. Up went their hands. Von Ludwig called to Harris.
"Help me keep them covered," he said, "while you other two tie them up."
Under the muzzles of the revolvers levelled in steady hands by von Ludwig and Harris, Jack and Frank set to work binding the members of the crew. A few minutes later the work was done.
"Trundle them into that cabin there," said von Ludwig, motioning to an open door. "Tie them there so they cannot release their own bonds or the bonds of the others. Then report to me on deck."
The lads obeyed. It was the work of only a few moments, struggle as the Germans did. Then Frank and Jack went on deck.
A short distance away a rowboat was coming rapidly toward the Bismarck—for such was the name of the vessel on which the lads found themselves.
Von Ludwig pointed to it.
"My crew!" he said quietly.
A few moments later the little skiff scraped alongside the Bismarck. One at a time its occupants—five in number—scrambled over the side and stood before von Ludwig. The latter scrutinized each man closely.
"All right," he said at length.
He selected three men.
"You report to the engine room immediately," he said. "You will find everything ready. The crew has been overpowered and there will be no one to interfere with you."
The men moved away. Von Ludwig addressed the other two.
"Take the lookout forward," he said to one; and to the other: "Go aft and keep your eyes open." Then he spoke to Harris. "I'll appoint you in command in the engine room," he said. "Heed your signals carefully."
Harris saluted.
"Very well, sir," he said and disappeared.
Von Ludwig motioned to Jack and Frank, who followed him to the bridge. The officer cast a quick glance over the water and said:
"I guess there is no reason to delay longer. Mr. Chadwick, will you take the wheel? I'll be with you in a moment to give you your directions."
Frank moved away. Von Ludwig was just about to address Jack when he made out another rowboat coming toward the Bismarck.
"Hello!" he said aloud. "Wonder what's up now. Guess we'd better wait a minute."
The rowboat drew closer and Frank discovered it was filled with men.
"Boat crowded with men, sir," he exclaimed.
"So!" exclaimed von Ludwig. "Then I guess we won't wait, after all. You may get under way, Mr. Templeton."
With this order von Ludwig took his place beside Frank at the wheel and produced a chart. The bell in the engine room tinkled. A moment later the engines began to move and the Bismarck slipped easily through the water.
Came a hail from the rowboat.
"Wait a moment, there!"
Von Ludwig paid no attention to this call. The Bismarck gathered headway.
"Haven't time to talk to you fellows," said von Ludwig. "We want to be a long ways from here before daylight."
There was a sound of a shot from the rowboat, followed by many other shots. Von Ludwig waved a hand in derision.
"You're too late," he called. "Shoot away. I don't think you will hit anything."
"But, sir," said Frank, "they will awaken every sleepy German hereabouts."
"That's so," said von Ludwig. He called to Jack: "Full speed ahead, Mr. Templeton."
Jack gave the word and the vessel dashed ahead.
"I don't know anything about these waters, sir," exclaimed Frank, in some alarm. "There may be mines about."
"Not here," was von Ludwig's reply. "Farther on, yes. That's why I have this chart. We'll run the mine fields safely enough, barring accidents."
"What is my course, sir?" asked Frank.
"Due north until I tell you to change."
Frank said nothing further, but guided the vessel according to instructions. Behind, the rowboat had given up the chase, but now, from other parts of the harbor, from which the Bismarck was fast speeding, came sounds of confusion.
Searchlights came to play upon the Bismarck.
Von Ludwig sighed deeply.
"I was in hopes we would get away without trouble," he said, "but it seems we won't. The erstwhile commander of this vessel must have discovered in some manner that he has been fooled."
"We'll have every ship of war hereabouts after us, sir," said Frank.
"That's what we will," was Von Ludwig's reply. "However, I am not afraid of their catching us. This vessel has the heels of anything in this port. Trouble is, though, they may tip off vessels on the outside of our coming, by wireless."
"What shall we do then, sir?"
"We'll have to manage to get by them some way; for if we should be caught now it would mean the noose for all of us."
"Not a very cheerful prospect, sir," said Frank, quietly.
"I agree with you. However, they haven't caught us yet. We'll give them a hard race."
"Is the vessel armed, sir?"
"It should be, if I have been informed correctly. I'll have a look about. Hold to your course until I return."
He moved away. He was back in a few moments, however, with the announcement that there were four 12-pounders aft, as well as four forward.
"Enough to fight with," he announced gravely.
"But we haven't the men to man them, sir," protested Frank.
"We'll impress our prisoners into service if it's necessary. With a man to guard them they can handle the engine room."
"I am afraid it will come to that, sir," said Frank.
Von Ludwig shrugged.
"What will be, will be," he replied quietly.
And it did come to that, as Frank had predicted As the vessel still flew through the water at full speed, there came a sudden cry from the lookout forward:
"Cruiser off our port bow, sir!"
Von Ludwig sprang forward. He gazed at the vessel quickly and then called to Frank:
"Port your helm hard!"
Frank obeyed without question and the Bismarck swung about sharply. Von Ludwig sprang to his side.
"They'll pick us up with their searchlight in a minute or two," he cried. "Come with me, Templeton! Chadwick, hold that course till I come back."
Jack sprang after von Ludwig. The latter hurried to the cabin where the German prisoners were confined. He unloosened the bonds of five.
"You men," he said sharply, "will go before us to the engine room, where you will perform the necessary duties."
Under the muzzles of the weapons of Jack and von Ludwig, the men obeyed, for there seemed nothing else to do. In the engine room von Ludwig explained:
"I want you men to put forth your best efforts. Any foolishness and you will be shot, for I will take no chances. Harris, can you guard them?"
"Yes, sir," replied Harris, with a smile. "Give me another gun, sir."
Von Ludwig passed a revolver to Harris.
"There must be no half way methods here," he said quietly. "Shoot the first man who makes a false move. Ask questions afterward. Our lives depend upon it."
"I shall obey your instructions, sir."
"Good!" Von Ludwig addressed the former engine-room crew. "Follow me, men," he exclaimed.
No questions were asked and the others followed Jack and von Ludwig from the room, leaving Harris in command of the German crew of five. These Germans, under the muzzles of Harris' two revolvers, fell to work immediately.
Von Ludwig led the former engine-room crew to the guns forward.
"Man these guns," he said quietly. "There may be fighting to do. When I give the word fire as rapidly and as accurately as possible at the closest enemy vessel."
"Very well, sir," said one of the men.
Von Ludwig called to Jack to follow him and returned to the bridge. There he gave a slight alteration in course to Frank and the vessel's head turned slightly.
"Funny they haven't raised us with that searchlight," von Ludwig muttered to himself.
The Bismarck was dashing through the water at a rapid gait. Suddenly she became the center of a blinding glare. The searchlight of a German cruiser a half a mile to port had picked them up. Von Ludwig gave a sharp command to the men who manned the forward guns.
"Aim and fire!" he cried.
A moment later one of the guns spoke and a shell screamed across the water toward the German cruiser. Apparently it did not find its mark, however, for nothing happened aboard the enemy to indicate the shot had struck home.
"Again!" cried von Ludwig.
Another gun boomed. Followed a sharp explosion.
"Good work, men!" cried von Ludwig. "Try it again."
But the next shot came from the enemy. A shell screamed overhead.
"They'll do better with the next shot, sir," said Jack, quietly.
"So they will," was von Ludwig's quiet response. "Starboard your helm, Mr. Chadwick."
Frank obeyed immediately, and again the course of the Bismarck was changed quickly; and none too soon.
For another salvo had come from the German cruiser and two shells flew past the spot where the Bismarck would have been at that moment had her course not suddenly been altered.
"Fire, men!" cried von Ludwig. "Fire as fast as you can. If you can't disable her we are done for!"
The men who manned the Bismarck's guns were working like Trojans. Once, twice, thrice more they fired; and upon the fourth shot there came a cry of dismay from aboard the enemy cruiser.
"Must have hit something, sir," said Frank.
"Right. I trust it was a vulnerable spot."
Twice more the German cruiser fired at the Bismarck, but without result. The smaller vessel was drawing ahead rapidly now.
"Fifteen minutes and we will be safe," said von Ludwig.
The men aboard the Bismarck continued to fire at the German cruiser, but apparently none of the other shots found their mark. The German, it could be seen, was in full pursuit, but the smaller vessel forged rapidly ahead with each turn of her screws. And at last von Ludwig exclaimed thankfully:
"Well, I guess we are safe enough here."
But even as he spoke a cry apprised him of a newer and closer danger!
The trouble had started in the engine room. Hardly had the Bismarck drawn clear of the fire of the German cruiser when one of the five members of the German crew impressed into service fell over, apparently in a dead faint. The men, under Harris' watchful eye, had been working hard and the first thought that struck the Englishman was that the man had dropped from exhaustion.
Hastily he shoved one of his automatics in his belt and advancing, stooped over the man. Instantly, the other four Germans rushed for him.
Harris heard them coming and attempted to get to his feet. He was too late. A heavy shovel, wielded by one of his four assailants, struck him a hard blow over the head and Harris fell to the deck unconscious. Quickly the men relieved him of his two weapons and then they held a consultation.
"We must release the others first," said one man.
This plan was agreed upon and the man who had suggested it was appointed to make his way to where the others were imprisoned and free them. A moment later he slipped stealthily from the engine room and as stealthily approached the cabin where his fellow countrymen were imprisoned. Inside, he closed the door quickly and in a low voice cautioned the others to silence.
Quickly he unloosened their bonds and the five sailors and two officers rose and stretched their cramped limbs. In a few words the German sailor gave his officers the lay of the land and the first lieutenant took command.
"In the next cabin," he said, "is a chest containing revolvers and ammunition. Bring it here."
Two men hurried to obey and returned a few moments later bearing the chest. The two officers armed themselves and the men.
"These English must be very careless," said one, "else we would never have this chance."
The others agreed and the two officers considered what was best to be done.
"How many are there, did you say?" asked the first officer of the man who had released the others.
"There were nine, but we have disposed of the man in the engine room."
"Then we are twelve to eight. Good! First we will try and capture the bridge and the wheel. As we are in command of the engine room, the rest should be easy. It will not be necessary to capture all the English. With the bridge, wheel and engine room in our possession, we can run the vessel back into the harbor. Come on, men!"
They advanced quietly from the cabin and made their way on deck. It was the appearance of the first head that had called forth a cry from one of the British that had attracted von Ludwig's attention. Wheeling quickly, von Ludwig saw the Germans dash from below.
With a quick cry to the others, he drew his revolver and fired. One man toppled over. The odds against the British were one less; but the others sprang forward. Frank, at the wheel, was forced to maintain his position while the others did the fighting.
The lookout forward and the man stationed aft advanced to take part in the fray, though keeping out of sight as well as possible.
"Turn the gun on them, men!" cried von Ludwig.
The three men who manned the gun sought to obey, but the gun stuck. It would not turn. Most likely it had been damaged in the battle with the German cruiser. The British tried the other guns, but with no better result.
"Stay where you are," shouted van Ludwig to the men at the guns. "Keep them between us, if possible."
The gun crew, who had been on the point of trying to join von Ludwig and Jack, saw the strategy of this plan and stooped down behind the guns. The lookout forward also stepped behind the mainmast, where he began to blaze away at the foe. The man aft, by a dash, succeeded in reaching the side of von Ludwig and Jack.
Frank, at the wheel, was in a perilous situation, but there he had determined to stay until ordered to shift his position.
"Signal the engine room to slow down," said von Ludwig to Jack.
Jack obeyed and the ship came to a pause. Apparently the men below believed the Germans had recaptured the ship.
"If Harris is still in command down there, we are all right," said von Ludwig. "If not, there will be more of the enemy up here in a minute."
And within a minute more of the enemy appeared.
"Back here, Chadwick!" exclaimed von Ludwig. "Never mind the wheel."
Frank sprang to the shelter of the bridge, Jack and von Ludwig protecting his retreat. Frank drew his revolver.
A German poked his head from the companion-way and Frank took a snap shot. The head disappeared and there was a howl of pain.
"Got one, I guess," said the lad quietly.
The effect of this shot was to infuriate the Germans. The first officer commanded a charge on the bridge.
Ten men dashed forward at the word.
Now the four in the shelter of the bridge—von Ludwig, Frank, Jack and the man who had come from the after part of the vessel, stood to their full height and fired into the crowd. From the rear, the three other British also poured in a volley and the lookout stepped into the open and fired.
Caught thus between three fires, the Germans were at a loss what to do.
One man dropped and the others dashed for the protection of the companionway. Before reaching there, however, the first German officer gave the command to scatter and several of the Germans posted themselves behind whatever shelter offered on deck. The battle had reached a deadlock.
The British could not expose themselves without danger of being struck by a German bullet; and the Germans confronted the same situation.
"Signal the engine room, Jack," instructed von Ludwig. "We must know whether Harris is still alive."
There was no response to the signal.
"Poor fellow," said von Ludwig. "They probably have done for him."
From time to time Jack signalled the engine room, thinking perhaps that Harris had only been wounded and that he might answer. Upon the fifth signal he received an answer.
Then Jack signalled: "Full speed ahead."
A moment later the vessel leaped forward. There came a cry of consternation from the Germans, who tumbled back down the steps. As they did so, Frank again sprang to the wheel and brought the head of the Bismarck sharply about—for since he had released his hold on the wheel the vessel had been drifting.
Quickly the lad lashed the wheel with several lengths of cable and then sprang back to the bridge amid a volley of revolver bullets from the Germans who still held the deck. None hit him.
Below, in the engine room, Harris was facing heavy odds. Before answering Jack's signal, after regaining consciousness, he had closed and barred the engine-room door and now he paid no attention to the hammering upon it. He smiled grimly to himself.
"You won't get in here as long as that door holds," he said. "Before that I should have assistance."
The pounding upon the door continued.
"We'll have to lend Harris a hand, sir," said Jack. "They are too many for him down there."
"The first man that steps clear of this bridge is likely to get shot," declared von Ludwig. "However, as you say, we must lend him a hand." He called to the men who were still safe behind the guns. "Make a rush this way," he said. "We'll cover your retreat."
A moment later three forms flitted across the deck. Two German heads were raised from their cover. Frank accounted for one and von Ludwig for the other. Thus were three of the enemy placed hors de combat. Seven had rushed below. There were still two left on deck.
A spurt of flame showed Jack where one was hidden.
With a quick move the lad sprang from the bridge and threw himself to the deck on his face. There was another spurt of flame and a bullet whistled over his head. Before the man could fire again, Jack had leaped forward and seized him by his revolver arm. Angrily, the lad wrested the weapon from the man's grasp.
The latter drew a knife. There was but one thing for Jack to do. Quickly he raised his revolver, pointed it squarely at the German's face, and fired.
A flash of flame had betrayed the hiding place of the last German on deck. Two of the British rushed for him. The German accounted for both of them before they could reach him.
The losses so far, had been two British and four of the enemy. There were still six British on deck and a single German; but seven Teutons were still hammering at the door of the engine room in an effort to get at Harris.
"We've got to get rid of this fellow on deck," muttered Frank. He spoke to one of the men near him.
"You advance from one side and I'll advance from the other," said the lad quietly. "The man, apparently, is a dead shot and he probably will get one of us. But he's dangerous there. He may fire at you and he may fire at me, but the other will get him."
The man nodded that he understood, and one from each side of the bridge they advanced.
As it transpired it was not Frank who was to pay the penalty for this rash advance. Perceiving two men approaching, one from either side, the German fired. Quickly, Frank raised his revolver and also fired. The German threw up his arms and fell to the deck.
Frank turned quickly and looked for the man who had left the shelter of the bridge with him. He lay prone on the deck.
"Poor fellow," said Frank. "Yet it had to be done. Just luck that it wasn't me."
"Deck's clear, sir," said Frank to von Ludwig. "Now to lend Harris a hand in the engine room."
"Forward, then," said von Ludwig. "All except you, Frank, and you, Jack. You two stay on deck. Take the wheel again, Frank. Jack, you stand at the head of the companionway and shoot the first German who appears there."
"Very well, sir," said Jack, although he was disappointed that he was not permitted to go to Harris' aid.
"The others follow me," said von Ludwig.
There were but two other men that could follow.
"You are attempting too much, sir," said Jack.
"I think not," said von Ludwig, calmly.
He led the way below.
Below, Harris had just armed himself with a great iron bar; for he knew that the door was about to give under the attacks of the Germans.
"The fools!" he said to himself. "Why don't they blow the lock off?"
It seemed that the same thought struck the German first officer at about the same moment. Motioning his men back, he approached the door and put the muzzle of his revolver against the lock. He pulled the trigger, and when the Germans again surged against the door it flew open beneath their weight.
One man stumbled headlong through the door. As he did so, Harris raised his heavy bar and brought it down on the man's head. The German dropped with a crushed skull.
But before Harris could raise his weapon again the Germans had closed about him and sought to strike him down with the butts of their revolvers. The struggling figures were so closely entwined now that the enemy could not fire without fear of hitting one of their own number.
Harris struck out right and left and men staggered back before his terrific blows. Then came the sounds of running footsteps without.
"Back!" called the German first officer.
Two British heads appeared in the doorway almost simultaneously.
"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"
The Germans poured a volley into the two men and the latter sagged to the deck.
Harris, at the same moment, had jumped toward the door. As he leaped over the prostrate forms, he collided with von Ludwig.
"Quick, sir!" he cried. "They are too many for us. Back on deck!"
There was something in Harris' manner that impressed von Ludwig. Without stopping to argue, he followed Harris. When both were safe on deck, Harris quickly closed the door of the companionway and battened it down.
"We've a breathing spell, at any rate," he said, mopping his face.
"Why all this rush?" demanded von Ludwig. "Where are the men who went to your assistance?"
"Dead, the same as we would be if we had lingered another moment," replied Harris, quietly. "It was impossible to pass through that door without being shot down. It was only due to the diversion of the appearance of the others that permitted me to escape."
Came heavy blows against the covering of the companionway.
"They want to come out," said Harris, grinning.
"That door won't stand much battering," said von Ludwig.
"No, it won't," was Harris' reply, "but one man can guard it well enough. Besides, we have the bridge. We can steer the vessel where we will."
"As long as the engines run we can," agreed von Ludwig. "But unless I'm greatly mistaken the Germans will soon stop them."
He was right; for a few moments later the battering at the door of the companionway ceased and the engines ceased work.
"Well, we can't go any place now, sir," said Frank, leaving the wheel and approaching von Ludwig and Harris at the companionway.
Jack also came up to them.
"You're right," agreed von Ludwig, "and that's not the worst of it. The German cruiser probably is in pursuit of us. If they sight us we are done for."
Came more violent blows on the door over the companionway, followed by a shot from below.
Jack sprang aside as a bullet plowed its way through the hard wood.
"We'll have to stand to one side," he said. "Otherwise, they are likely to drop one of us."
"The door will stand considerable battering," said von Ludwig. "There is but one thing I can think of. We shall have to desert the ship."
"In what, a rowboat?" asked Frank, with some sarcasm.
"Hardly," returned von Ludwig; "but I have discovered that there is a high-powered motor boat aboard. We can launch that and move off."
"And as soon as the Germans break out here, they'll come after us and shoot us full of holes," said Harris.
"Well, that's true enough, too," agreed von Ludwig. "Of course, if we had an hour's start we might get through. But the door won't hold that long."
Harris had been turning a plan over in his mind.
"If you please, sir," he said slowly at last, "I have a plan that may work."
"Let's hear it," said Frank.
"Yes; let's have it," said von Ludwig.
"Well," said Harris, "one man, with a couple of revolvers, should be able to guard this passageway for an hour without trouble. He can shoot the Germans down as fast as they come up. My plan is this. Let one man stay behind on guard. The others can put off in the motor boat."
"But the one man will die," said Frank.
"Of course," said Harris, simply. "That shall be my job."
"Not much," said Jack. "I'll pick that job for myself."
"Not while I'm here you won't," declared Frank. "I'm plenty big to guard the companionway."
"The plan you suggest, Harris," von Ludwig said quietly, "is the only one, so far as I can see, that promises any degree of success. In my pocket are papers that must reach the British admiralty at the earliest possible moment."
"Then there is no reason why you should think of staying, sir," said Harris.
"Wait," said von Ludwig. "In a venture such as this, there is no reason one man should be called upon to sacrifice himself more than another. We shall all have an even chance."
"What do you mean, sir?" asked Frank.
"Simply this. We shall draw lots to see who shall remain."
"Suits me," said Harris, with a shrug.
"And me," declared Jack.
"Well, then I'm agreeable," Frank said quietly.
"Good. Harris, in the pocket of my coat, which hangs in the pilot house, you will find a pack of cards. Bring them here."
Harris walked away and returned a few seconds later with a pack of playing cards. Von Ludwig opened the box and produced the cards.
"The man who cuts the lowest card shall stay behind," he said quietly. "Shuffle."
He passed the cards to Harris, who riffled them lightly.
"One moment," said von Ludwig. "If I should be the man to stay, I want one of you to take these papers in my pocket. They must be turned over to the admiralty at the earliest possible moment. Should the man who carries them be in danger of capture, they must be destroyed. Do you understand?"
"Yes, sir," said Jack.
Frank nodded.
"It shall be as you say, sir," said Harris, "Now who will cut first?"
"It may as well be me as another," said von Ludwig.
He cut the cards and exposed to view a jack of hearts.
"Looks like you will carry the papers yourself, sir," said Frank, as he advanced to cut the cards.
He held up a nine spot of spades.
"That lets you out, sir," he said to von Ludwig.
The latter was plainly nervous.
Jack cut the cards next. Frank uttered a cry of consternation:
"The three of clubs!"
"Looks like I was the fellow to stay, all right," said Jack, smiling slightly.
"And this time," said Frank, "you may not be as fortunate as upon the day you remained behind and faced death on the submarine."
Jack shrugged.
"Can't be helped," he said quietly.
Now Harris advanced and cut the cards quickly.
As he picked up the upper half of the deck, he turned his shoulder slightly so that the others, for the moment, might not see what he had cut. He glanced at the bottom card. It was the six of diamonds.
Deftly, Harris shuffled the cards with his hands. Adept in the art of trickery, though the others did not know it, he had placed the cards in such position that he knew almost identically where the high and low cards were.
Like a flash his hand passed across the bottom of the deck and when it was withdrawn the six of diamonds had disappeared. Then he turned to the others and exposed:
The two spot of spades!
"I lose," he said quietly.
Harris' movements had been so quick that they had not been perceived by the others.
Jack was the first to extend a hand.
"I'm sorry," the lad said quietly. "I was in hopes that it would be me."
As he shook hands with the others, Harris kept his left hand behind him; for in it reposed the card he had palmed—the six of diamonds, which would have allowed him to go with the others and would have put Jack in his place.
As he turned, Harris slipped the card quickly into his pocket, that it might not be accidentally seen. Then, he knew, he was safe.
Jack picked up the deck.
"I shall keep these, Harris," he said, "that I may always remember a brave man."
All this time the thundering on the door of the companionway had continued.
"Come," said von Ludwig, "we must delay no longer. Already it is growing light."
He hastened along the deck to where the high-powered motor boat lay covered with a tarpaulin. Quickly the little craft was lowered over the side, von Ludwig first inspecting it.
"Plenty of water and provisions," he said quietly. He turned to Harris.
"It is time to say goodbye," he said quietly. "You are a brave man. This gallant action shall be known to the world."
"Goodbye, sir," said Harris, quietly.
"Remember," said von Ludwig, "there is always a chance that you may escape. If it comes, make the most of it. Goodbye."
He pressed Harris' hand and passed over the side of the vessel.
As Frank and Jack shook hands with Harris, the latter squeezed Harris' hand affectionately. The latter smiled.
"I had promised myself another bout with you some day," he said. "My only regret is that it is not possible now."
A moment more Jack was in the motor boat and it moved away. Harris drew his revolvers and mounted guard over the companionway, the door of which now had begun to splinter.
"An hour is what you needed," he said quietly. "You'll get it!"
Harris laid one of his revolvers on the deck, reached in his pocket and produced the six of diamonds. He looked at it closely in the half darkness and a smile passed over his face.
"I suppose I'm a fool," he muttered to himself, "but someway I couldn't help it. I was afraid Jack would cut the low card. I wouldn't have done it for one of the others, but Jack, well, he's a boy after my own heart."
Harris replaced the card in his pocket; then thought better of his action, drew it forth again and sent it spinning off across the sea.
"There," he said quietly, "goes all evidence that I cheated."
He picked up the revolver he had laid on the deck and moved a short distance from the companionway.
There was an extra violent crash and it seemed that the door must burst open.
"Another one like that will do the work," said Harris, calmly.
He took up what he considered a strategic position and produced his watch. This he lay on the deck and sat down beside it.
"May as well be comfortable," he remarked.
Again there was a crash and the door of the companionway burst open. A German head appeared.
"Crack!" Harris had fired without moving from his sitting posture.
The German head disappeared and there was a cry of alarm from below.
"One down, I guess," said Harris, quietly, to himself.
For some moments there was silence, broken occasionally, however, by the dull sound of voices from below.
"Talking it over, eh?" muttered Harris. "Well, I'll still be here when you try again."
It was perhaps fifteen minutes later that a cap appeared in the opening. Again Harris fired. The cap did not disappear and Harris fired twice more quickly.
The cap disappeared.
"Guess I got another one," said Harris.
Twice more within the next fifteen minutes this happened.
"That should be four, if I have counted correctly," said Harris; "and I've still four cartridges left. I won't have to reload yet."
He felt in his pocket and then uttered an exclamation of alarm.
"No more bullets. I'll have to make these four count for the next two."
Nothing appeared in the doorway again for ten minutes more and then Harris fired again. Fifteen minutes later the same thing happened and Harris, making sure that this was the last of the enemy, emptied his revolver at it.
Then he got to his feet and put his watch in his pocket.
"Guess that settles it," he said. "Now I'll look around for a boat. I didn't know it was going to be as easy as all that. If I had I would have had the others wait for me."
He moved toward the companionway, and as he did so, a bullet whistled by his ear. Harris stepped back in surprise; and in that moment the solution came to him.
"By Jove! They've fooled me," he muttered. "They poked their caps up and I shot them full of holes. However, they don't know yet that I'm out of bullets."
A few moments later a cap again appeared in the opening. Harris had no bullets to fire at it.
"They'll discover my predicament in a moment or so, though," he told himself.
He pulled his watch from his pocket and glanced at it.
"An hour," he said. "They have had time enough. However, I'll just see the thing through."
As he spoke it grew light. Harris looked off across the sea. There, so far away that it appeared but a speck upon the water, he saw what he took to be the motor boat bearing his friends to safety. He waved his cap.
"Good luck!" he said quietly.
Now a German head appeared in the door of the companionway. It was not a cap this time. Harris saw it, and drawing back his arm, hurled one of his revolvers swiftly. His aim was true and the weapon struck the German squarely in the face. With a scream of pain the man fell back into the arms of his companions.
But Harris' action had told his enemies that he had no more bullets, and seeing that they had but one man to contend with, the Germans sprang from their shelter and leaped for him.
Harris clubbed his remaining revolver, and with his back to the pilot house, where he had retreated, awaited the approach of the four foes.
"You're going to have the fight of your lives," he said grimly.
A German sprang. Harris' arm rose and fell and there was one German less to contend with. But before Harris could raise his arm again, the other three had closed in upon him. Harris felt himself borne back.
The former pugilistic champion of the British navy cast all ring ethics to the winds. He struck, kicked and clawed and sought to wreak what damage he could upon his enemies without regard for the niceties of fighting. He knew that they would do the same to him.
So great had been the force of the shock of the three Germans—all that were now left of the original twelve—that Harris was borne to the deck. His revolver hand struck the floor with great force and the weapon was sent spinning from his grasp.
With a mighty effort, he hurled the three men from him and leaped to his feet. The Germans also arose. Harris did not wait for them to resume the offensive. With head lowered he charged.
Nimbly the foe skipped to either side and Harris felt a keen pain in his right side. One of the foe had drawn a knife and stabbed as Harris rushed by. Whirling quickly, Harris again sprang forward. One man did not leap out of his way quickly enough, and Harris' hands found his throat.
The man gave a screech as Harris' hands squeezed. The Englishman raised his enemy bodily from the deck, flung him squarely in the faces of the other two, and followed after the human catapult.
The foremost German dodged and seized Harris by the legs. Both went over in a heap, Harris on top. Harris raised his right fist and would have brought it down on the German's face but for the fact that the second foe seized his arm in a fierce grasp. At the same moment he struck with his knife.
The point penetrated Harris' right side and he felt himself growing faint. Angrily, he shook the German from him and rose to his feet. The man who had been underneath the Englishman also got quickly to his feet, and before Harris could turn, stabbed him in the back.
With a cry, Harris whirled on him and seized the knife arm. He twisted sharply. The German cried out in pain and sought to free himself. But his effort was in vain.
With the grasp by the wrist, Harris swung the man in the air, and spinning on his heel, hurled him far across the deck, where the unconscious form struck with a crash; and at the same moment the other German struck again with his knife.
Harris staggered back.
Now the German who so recently had felt the effect of Harris' fingers in his throat, pulled himself from the deck and renewed the battle. He advanced, crouching, and another knife gleamed in his hand.
It is possible that, had it not been for the effects of the knife wounds, Harris, in the end, would have overcome these foes, for he was a powerful man. But when a man is bleeding from half a dozen wounds and faces two adversaries both armed with knives, he has little chance of ultimate victory. Harris realized it; but he was not the man to beg for mercy. Besides, so fierce had been his attacks and so great his execution, it is not probable that the Germans would have spared him anyhow. They were insane with rage.
There were only two of them left now; and Harris told himself that their number would be fewer by one before they finished with him. He leaned against the pilot house panting from his exertions.
"A great lot of fighters, you are," he taunted his enemies. "Four of you attacked me with knives and you haven't done for me yet."
The Germans also were glad of a breathing spell. Their faces reddened as Harris taunted them.
"We shall kill you yet," said one angrily.
"Don't be too sure," said Harris. "I'm an Englishman, you know, and you have always been afraid of an Englishman."
At this the Germans uttered a cry of rage and sprang forward, their knives flashing aloft.
The first German missed his mark as Harris dodged beneath his arm and closed with him. He uttered a cry for help.
"That's right, you coward! You'll need it," said Harris.
He squeezed the man with all his might. Out of the tail of his eye he caught the glint of the other German's knife as it descended. Releasing his hold upon the one man, he stepped quickly backward. But the knife caught him a glancing blow on the forehead, inflicting a deep wound.
For a moment Harris paused to shake the blood out of his eyes. Then, with a smile playing across his features, he advanced; and as he advanced he said:
"You've done for me, the lot of you. But I shall take you with me."
The Germans quailed at the look in his face; and as he moved forward swiftly they threw down their knives and turned to run.
But they had delayed too long.
Harris stretched both hands out straight before him. One hand closed about the arm of the German to his right. The other clutched the second man by the throat. Harris pulled the man he held by the arm close; then released his grip, but before the German could stagger away, seized him, too, by the throat.
"Now I've got you," he said.
Blow after blow the Germans rained upon his face and shoulders, kicking out with their feet the while. Harris paid no more attention to these than he would have to the taps of a child.
But the Englishman felt his strength waning fast. It was with an effort that he staggered across the deck. At the rail he paused for a moment, gathering his strength for a final effort.
Then, still holding a German by the throat with each hand, he leaped into the sea.
Once, twice, three times the three heads appeared on the surface and a spectator could have seen that Harris retained his grip. Then the three sank from sight.
And so passed the former pugilistic champion of the British fleet, brave in death as he had been in life. The waves washed over the spot where he had gone down.
With the coming of dawn the three figures in the little motor boat gazed back in the direction from whence they had come. There they could still make out the distant shape of the Bismarck. She rode quietly in the water, and there was nothing about her appearance to tell the three in the motor boat of the terrible struggle that was raging even at that moment.
"Poor Harris," said Jack. "I hope that in some manner he is able to escape."
"Certainly I hope so, too," declared Frank.
"He's a brave man," said von Ludwig.
Jack drew the fateful deck of cards from his pocket.
"These," he said, "I shall keep."
He ran through the deck several times, playing with them. Unconsciously he counted them.
There was something wrong. Jack counted the cards again. The result was the same.
"Sir!" he called to von Ludwig.
"Well?" "How did you chance to have this pack of cards?"
"I play solitaire considerably," was the reply.
"You couldn't have played solitaire with this deck," said Jack.
"Why not?" "All the cards are not here. There are but fifty-one."
"There were fifty-two when I put them in my pocket," said von Ludwig, "because I counted them."
Again Jack ran through the deck There were but fifty-one cards. Suddenly the lad gave a start. He spread the cards out in the bottom of the boat, making four piles all suits together. He counted the hearts. They were all there, thirteen of them. He counted the clubs. They were all there, too. Next he counted the spades. All were there. Last he counted the diamonds. There were but twelve. Jack arranged them in order. There was one card shy. Jack found what it was a moment later. There was no six of diamonds in the deck. For some moments Jack sat silent, staring at the cards before him. He had been struck with a great light.
"So!" he said to himself at last, "Harris cheated."
"What's that?" said Frank, who had heard Jack's muttered words, but had not caught their import.
"I said," replied Jack, slowly, "that Harris cheated."
Frank was surprised. A moment later he said: "Well, even if he did, he lost anyhow."
"That's it," said Jack, quietly. "He didn't lose."
"You mean——" exclaimed Frank, excitedly.
"Yes; I mean that I lost. I should have been the one to stay."
"Impossible," said Frank.
"It's true," declared Jack. "Von Ludwig here says the deck was a full deck. It's shy a card now. The six of diamonds is missing. That is the card Harris cut first. You remember he turned aside?"
"Yes, but——"
"That's when he slipped the six of diamonds out of sight and exposed the deuce of spades."
"What's all this talk about cards?" asked von Ludwig, at this juncture.
Jack explained and for a few moments von Ludwig was lost in thought.
"You know," he said, finally, "I think more of that fellow every minute. That's the one case I have ever heard of where a man cheated with honor."
There was silence aboard the little craft as it sped over the water, all three aboard keeping a close watch for the approach of a German vessel of some sort. Von Ludwig referred to his chart occasionally, for he wished to steer as clear of mines as possible. They might be deep in the water and they might be close to the surface. There was no use taking chances. And while the voyage continued the lads were to be treated to yet another surprise; but this surprise was to be a pleasure and would not bring heavy hearts, as had the discovery of the missing card.
"I wish," said Jack, suddenly, to von Ludwig, "that you would tell me who you really are. I sit here and look at you and know I should be able to call your name. But I can't do it and it makes it decidedly unpleasant."
Von Ludwig smiled. "I should have thought you would know me in a minute in spite of my disguise," he said quietly. "I am sure I should have known both of you no matter what pains you took to conceal your features."
"You're only making matters worse," said Frank. "Come on now and tell us who you are."
Again von Ludwig smiled. "I wonder if you can guess who I am when I say that I can tell you all about yourselves?" he said. "For instance, you, Jack. You spent most of your life in a little African village. And you, Frank, are an American who was shanghaied aboard a sailing vessel in Naples soon after the outbreak of the war."
"By Jove!" said Jack. "Outside of Frank here there is only one man who knows all that about me."
"And there is but a single man who knows as much of me," declared Frank. "Can it be——"
For answer von Ludwig rose in his seat and stripped from his face the heavy German beard that had given him the true Teutonic expression, and there stood revealed before Jack and Frank none other than Lord Hastings, their erstwhile commander and good friend. Frank gave a cry of delight and sprang forward at the imminent risk of upsetting the motor boat. He seized Lord Hastings' hand and pressed it warmly. The latter's greeting was no less affectionate. Jack, not so given to demonstrations as his chum, also advanced and grasped Lord Hasting's hand.
"You don't know how glad I am to see you again, sir," the lad said quietly. "It seems like an age since we saw you. And to think that we didn't recognize you instantly."
"That's what seemed so funny to me," said Lord Hastings. "When I first saw you aboard that German vessel I was fearful for a minute that you would recognize me and blurt it out right there."
"But what were you doing there, Lord Hastings?" asked Frank.
"It's a long story," was the latter's reply, "but I guess now is as good a time as any to explain."
"I wish you would, sir," said Jack.
"Well," said Lord Hastings, "as you know, I told you when we parted that I had an important diplomatic duty to perform. First, it carried me to Roumania, where, I may say, I was successful."
"You mean that Roumania has decided to cast in her fortunes with the Allies, sir?"
"Exactly. She will take that step some time in August, though the exact date I am unable to say. My mission there at an end, I was ordered to report to Berlin. As you know, we still maintain a staff of correspondents in the German capital, although their identities are closely hidden."
Frank and Jack nodded, for they had known this some time before.
"Well," Lord Hastings continued, "in Berlin I was instructed to learn what Germany planned to do to offset the Roumanian menace, for she is sure to know of Roumanians decision by this time. I had some trouble, but I succeeded at last."
"And what will she do, sir?" asked Frank.
"That," was the reply, "I am unable to state at this minute. It is a secret that I am guarding carefully and I cannot even tell you lads about it."
Frank and Jack asked no further questions along that line.
"But how came you aboard the German vessel, sir?" Jack wanted to know.
Lord Hastings smiled.
"In Berlin," he said, "I was supposed to be a Roumanian officer, who had hopes of changing the attitude of that country. The Kaiser wished to show me how foolish it would be for the little Balkan state to join the Allies, and for that reason, had me shown through the German naval fortifications. That information, too, I am carrying back with me."
"But why didn't you tell us who you were in Bremen, sir?"
"I don't know. At first I guess because I wanted to surprise you both when you did learn who I was."
"But you told us not to try and learn who you were."
"Well, that was for a good reason. For, if you should have sought to pry, it might have aroused suspicions and there is no telling what would have happened."
"I see, sir," said Frank. "But you almost lost us when you didn't get back in time."
"I know that now. I wouldn't do the same thing again."
"And what are you going to do after you return to London, sir?" Frank wanted to know.
Again Lord Hastings smiled.
"That's hard to tell," he replied. "Still, I imagine it will not be very long before I feel a deck under my heels again."
"You mean you will leave the diplomatic service again, sir?" asked Jack.
"I expect to. The king promised me a new command before he despatched me to the Balkans. But I do not know how long I shall be kept waiting."
"And when you get it, sir, will we go back with you?" asked Frank.
"Why," was the reply, "I should have thought that by this time you would perhaps have changed your minds."
"Never, sir," declared Jack, positively. "We would rather serve under you, sir."
"I'll see what can be done," Lord Hastings promised.
And with that the lads were forced to be content. Still, they knew well enough that Lord Hastings would do what he could to have them with him again.
"The main thing now," said Lord Hastings, "is to dodge the enemy and get back to England."
"With you here, sir," said Frank, "I am sure we shall get back safely."
And Frank proved a good prophet.
All that day they made their way slowly through the North Sea. Several times enemy ships were sighted, but, because the little motor boat lay so low in the water, the Germans did not see them.
With the coming of night, however, Lord Hastings increased the speed of the little craft. He felt that they were now beyond the German mine fields and that if another vessel were encountered it probably would be British.
And this proved to be the case.
Along toward morning of the second day, a British cruiser bore down on them. Soon all were aboard the vessel, which, when Lord Hastings informed the commander of the nature of the papers he carried, turned about and headed for London.
A day or two later, Frank and Jack again found themselves installed in the comfortable home of Lord Hastings, where they sat down to await what time might bring forth—confident, however, that it would not be long before they were upon active service under the command of their good friend, Lord Hastings.