Mrs. Dersi explained.
"And we were just talking of you," she added; then stopped and surveyed her son critically. "Why are you not in uniform?" she demanded.
"Why, I—I—I——" stuttered young Dersi, "I am on a scout, and it was thought best for me not to go in uniform." He turned suddenly to Hal: "Are you expecting any of your men here?" he demanded.
"Why, no," replied Hal. "We are going to try and make our way back to our lines to-night."
Young Dersi appeared to breathe easier, and this fact was not lost upon either Hal or Chester.
"Well," he said, after a pause, "I haven't time to stay here. I just dropped in a moment to see you, mother. You say the Germans went north? How long have they been gone?"
"About an hour," said Chester.
"Good. Then it will be safe for me to continue on my way."
He bowed to the two lads, kissed his mother, and a moment later had left the house, his mother accompanying him to the door.
"There is something queer about him," said Chester to Hal, as Mrs. Dersi and her son left the room. "He's not telling the truth."
"I know it," said Hal. "I don't like to say it, but it is my belief he is fleeing from the French lines to give information to the Germans."
"You mean you think he is a traitor?"
"I told you I didn't like to say anything," replied Hal, "but I am afraid you have hit the nail on the head."
"In that event he is likely to tell of our presence here," cried Chester.
"I'm sure he'll tell," said Hal quietly.
"Then what shall we do?"
"We shall leave at once—or, as soon as Mrs. Dersi returns. That is the best return we can make for her kindness to us. It would break her heart to know that her son is a traitor to his country."
"It would, indeed," was Chester's reply; but further talk was prevented by the return of Mrs. Dersi.
"And is not my son a fine, brave man?" she asked, with justifiable pride.
"He is," said Hal and Chester both, hoping that they were telling the truth.
"Mrs. Dersi," said Hal, "we have decided that it probably will be better for us if we take our departure at once. I am sure there are no Germans near right now, and the sooner we get started the sooner we shall reach our own lines."
"But would it not be safer to wait until dark?" questioned the woman anxiously.
"I am afraid not," replied Hal, with a meaning glance at Chester. "We think we had better take our departure at once."
Mrs. Dersi offered further objections, but at length, seeing that they were all in vain, she bade the two lads a sorrowful farewell, enjoining them to be sure and look her son up and to return to see her should the opportunity offer. This they gladly promised, and, leaving the friendly shelter of the good Frenchwoman's home, continued on their weary journey toward the British lines.
Each boy put his best foot foremost, and they traveled at top speed. They wanted to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the house where they had so lately found shelter, for there was little doubt in the mind of either that young Dersi was a traitor, and that he would soon put their erstwhile captors on their track again.
Nor were they wrong; and, had they but known what they learned later, they would have sought shelter almost anywhere rather than continue their journey afoot. Even now the same band of German motorcyclists who had given chase the night before were again in pursuit. But now, instead of an even dozen, there were thirteen. For Young Dersi himself was with them.
Just out of sight of Dersi's home the Germans halted, and the young man himself approached the house. His mother greeted him effusively and inquired the cause of his sudden return.
"Well, mother," he said, "I have accomplished my mission. I have learned the strength of the German army, and am now returning to my own regiment. But what of the two lads who were here? Have they gone? If not, we can all continue our journey together."
"They departed several hours ago," his mother informed him.
"Then perhaps I can overtake them," said the young man. "In which direction did they go?"
The good woman pointed out the road taken by Hal and Chester, never thinking for an instant that her son meant to harm them. A moment later young Dersi left the house; and soon the Germans were once more upon the trail of the two lads.
Hal and Chester hurried along as fast as their legs could carry them. It was now nearing dusk, and with each forward step they knew that they were that much closer to a place of safety. Darkness fell and still the two lads plodded onward.
At length, coming upon a small brook beside the road, they stopped to quench their thirst. Hal had risen to his feet and was waiting for Chester when from the rear once more came the faint "chug-chug" of a motorcycle, or motorcycles, the boys were unable to tell which.
Chester sprang to his feet.
"Here they come again," he cried. "We were right. It is the traitor Dersi who has put them on our trail. Hustle!"
Side by side the two lads sprinted for a clump of trees almost directly ahead. They reached their friendly shelter just before the glare of a searchlight down the road gave evidence of the approach of their pursuers.
Once among the trees the boys dropped to the ground and became absolutely silent. A moment later and the band of Germans flashed by at terrific speed.
The boys arose to their feet and continued on their way, keeping in among the trees.
"We must be very careful," Hal warned Chester. "When they fail to overtake us they are sure to return. When we hear them coming we'll climb up a tree, or hunt a hole, or something. But we might as well go ahead as far as we can."
"That seems the best way to me," Chester agreed.
They continued their journey for perhaps an hour without hearing a sound of the Germans, and then, suddenly, they were made aware of the presence of the enemy.
Chester's cap seemed suddenly to jump from his head. Both lads heard the hum of a bullet and the crack of a rifle. Immediately they both dropped to the ground.
They had not detected from which direction the bullet had come, and for that reason were at a great disadvantage. Crouched close to the ground they waited, ears strained for a sound by which they could locate the man who had fired.
But a sound came not. Nothing but silence. Crouched close to the ground as they were, the silence soon became stifling. Hal endured the suspense as long as he could, and then whispered to Chester:
"We can't stay here. I'll wriggle my way to that tree," pointing, "and you creep behind that one," pointing again, this time to a tree perhaps a hundred yards distant from the first.
"All right," Chester whispered back.
Hal had hardly taken his position behind the tree he had selected for his own cover when a second sharp crack of a rifle broke the stillness of the night, and there was a flash of fire hardly fifty feet from him.
In the darkness Hal made out the form of a man, his gun pointed toward Chester, who at that moment succeeded in wriggling behind a tree.
"The dog!" said Hal angrily to himself. "I'll fix him."
Both lads were without weapons, their arms having been confiscated when they were captured by the Germans.
On hands and knees Hal made a short detour and approached his enemy from behind. Now he was hardly ten feet from the man, who loomed up like a giant in the darkness. Hal rose suddenly to his feet, and, as he did so, he stepped on the fallen limb of a tree.
The deathly silence was shattered by this sound, and Hal's enemy turned suddenly to confront this unexpected assailant. But, before he could bring his rifle to bear, Hal was upon him.
The man did succeed in raising his rifle above his head, and he now attempted to bring it down on the lad's head. But Hal was too quick for him. Stepping in close, he struck his opponent a stinging blow in the face, and at the same time seized the rifle barrel with his other hand.
As the man staggered back, Hal wrenched fiercely on the rifle, and the weapon came away in his hand. But the man was not badly hurt by the force of Hal's blow, and he suddenly dropped his hand to his belt. A moment later and the naked blade of a knife gleamed in the night.
Hal saw his enemy's move and sprang back. But the man was after him in an instant, his knife raised to strike. They were too close together for Hal to bring the rifle to bear upon his enemy, and, realizing that he probably was no match for his opponent, the lad suddenly turned and ran.
But it was not Hal's intention to run very far from his enemy. He was not that kind of a boy. His idea was to get far enough ahead of the man so that he might turn and shoot him. But as he ran he felt a gust of air pass his ear, and he heard the sound of something whizzing by him.
The German, realizing the boy's purpose, and also that he could not overtake him, had hurled his knife. Hal also realized this the moment the knife sped by him, and stopped suddenly in his tracks.
In spite of the fact that his assailant had attempted to murder him, Hal could not find it in his heart to kill him in cold blood. Therefore, even as he turned, he raised the rifle high above his head, and, holding it tightly by the barrel, rushed upon his enemy.
In vain the man threw up his hands to ward off the blow. The force behind it was too great. Hal, wheeling half around as he swung, brought the heavy butt of the rifle against the side of the German's head with a crack. The man dropped limp at the boy's feet.
Hal lowered his rifle, and stood for a moment over his fallen enemy, wiping his brow. Then he stooped over and relieved him of his other weapons, two automatic Colts. These he slipped in his pocket, and once more turned his face toward the spot where Chester lay, unaware of the terrible fight that had just occurred.
Hal whistled softly—the whistle of the old days in America—and, listening, heard Chester whistle softly in return.
Believing now that everything was safe, Hal left his fallen enemy behind, and started toward the spot where Chester was rising to his feet.
Hardly had he traversed half the distance, when there was another shot, and Hal saw Chester, who was advancing to meet him, topple to the ground.
Hal turned in the direction of the flash of the rifle, and, scarcely taking time to aim with his newly-acquired automatic, fired. His effort was rewarded with a howl of pain, but, as the lad started to run to where his fallen friend lay, there was another shot, and Hal felt a bullet whiz by his head.
Quickly he dropped to the ground, thinking that his unseen antagonist would believe him dead. He held his revolver ready, prepared to fire at the first sight of his enemy.
But the latter was not to be caught thus easily. Evidently he had heard of such subterfuges before. Hal waited patiently for some moments, and then, as there was no sign of his unseen enemy, he crawled slowly toward the spot where Chester had fallen.
What was his surprise to find that Chester was not there. For a moment Hal was stupefied, but his amazement was brought to an end by a low whistle, and, looking to the right, Hal beheld his friend behind a large tree.
A moment later Hal was beside his friend.
"Are you hurt much?" he demanded anxiously.
"Not even touched," was the reply. "I dropped to the ground when the bullet whizzed by. I was afraid he would hit me next time."
Hal seized Chester's hand and squeezed it warmly.
"I was afraid it was all up with you," he said. "I——"
The sudden flash of a rifle interrupted him, and another bullet flew past.
"Great Scott!" Hal ejaculated. "We've got to get out of here some way. We can't stand here and be shot down."
"Wait," said Chester, as Hal started to move away, and pulled the latter to the ground, where he had dropped himself.
"What is it?" demanded Hal.
"Let me look at that gun you have a moment."
Without a word Hal passed it over. Chester examined it as carefully as possible in the dark.
"I don't believe there is more than one man in these woods," he finally said. "Now, you stay here, and I shall try and work round behind him."
Without waiting for a reply Chester started crawling away, not directly toward the spot where the last flash of fire had come from, but bearing off well toward the right.
Hal started to protest, but, before he could utter half a dozen words, Chester had disappeared in the darkness. Hal lay in silence for some time. Finally, putting his cap upon a stick, he poked it cautiously out from behind the tree, where it was silhouetted against the opening between the trees.
A shot followed, and the cap leaped into the air.
"Good thing it wasn't my head," said Hal ruefully. "But if I can keep that fellow's attention centered on me, Chester may be able to nab him."
Once more he raised his cap on a stick and moved it about. Again there was a sound of a shot. But, even as the bullet sped by, there was a second report, and Hal heard his friend's voice raised in almost a shout:
"I got him."
Quickly Hal sprang to his feet and dashed in the direction of his friend's voice.
When Chester had left Hal he crawled slowly, and, making a wide detour, came upon his unseen enemy from behind. The second time the man had fired at Hal's hat, Chester was almost upon him.
Thinking that the man was shooting at his friend, being unconscious of the ruse Hal was employing, Chester immediately turned his own weapon loose upon the man, whom he could now plainly see. But, after firing, the enemy had shifted his position slightly at the very moment that Chester fired. Therefore, he escaped what otherwise would assuredly have been a death wound—for Chester was a crack shot—and received the ball in his pistol hand.
His weapon dropped to the ground, and he sent up a loud howl of pain.
Before he could seize the weapon in his other hand, Chester was upon him, and Hal was hastening to the aid of his friend, for, wounded though he was, the man put up a hard fight.
Chester forced him to the ground, but the man heaved him away with a mighty kick. Chester fell sprawling on the ground, and his opponent turned to grope for his revolver.
But, before he could pick it up, Hal was upon the scene. He took in the situation at a glance, and sprang upon Chester's assailant.
Hal's first leap bore his opponent to the ground, where the boy twisted one hand around the man's throat. But, if he thought to overcome his opponent thus easily, he had reckoned without his host. Lying almost at full length on the ground as he was, he drove his fist straight upward into Hal's face. The lad released his hold upon his enemy's throat and fell back.
It was now beginning to grow light, and, as the man sprang after him, Hal recognized him. It was young Dersi!
"Dersi!" gasped Hal, as he once more put himself in an attitude of defense.
"Yes," gritted his opponent, "and I am going to kill you both, right here and now."
With this he sprang upon Hal and bore him to the ground. But the lad was not to be thus easily conquered, and, with a mighty effort, wriggled from beneath his assailant and sprang back to gain a breath.
This movement almost cost him his life, for, in springing back, he allowed his opponent time to reach down and pick up his revolver. This he now pointed full at Hal.
But aid came from an unexpected source. Chester, who had been lying unconscious up to this time, now recovered sufficiently to take in the situation about him. In his hand he still grasped the automatic.
This he brought to bear, and an instant before Dersi's finger pressed the trigger, Chester fired. Dersi fell to the ground with a groan. His revolver exploded as he fell, and the bullet whistled close to Hal's right ear.
Quickly Hal jumped to Chester's side and raised his chum in his arms.
"Chester! Chester!" he said anxiously. "Tell me, are you much hurt?"
"Not much, I think," was his friend's reply. "But he gave me an awful wallop. I shall be all right presently."
Hal did not leave his friend for a moment until Chester announced that his head had cleared up sufficiently for him to stand. With Hal's assistance he struggled to his feet, one hand holding the side of his head.
"He kicked like a mule," said Chester. "Great Scott! I never had anything hurt like that."
At that instant there came a groan from the fallen man.
Hal and Chester bent over him. Dersi's voice was very indistinct, and the boys at first were unable to distinguish what he said.
Hal placed his ear close to the dying man's lips. The voice came faintly.
"Do not tell mother I died like this. It would break her heart. She thinks I am a soldier of France. And so I was," and his voice became stronger, "until I fell in with evil companions. Then I began to gamble. I lost. I needed money. When the war broke out, I was offered a chance to cancel all my debts, if I would deliver certain plans to the Germans. I did. Then I was discovered."
"How?" demanded Chester.
"I was caught in the act of taking papers from my superior's coat, which he had laid aside. I was court-martialed and ordered put to death. Through the connivance of another who was associated with me in this piece of treachery I managed to escape. He is high in the confidence of General Joffre."
"His name?" demanded Hal quickly.
The wounded man was silent for some time.
"I have never betrayed a comrade," he said at length, "but I am at the door of death. I must make what reparation I can. His name is General Emil Tromp."
"What!" exclaimed Hal and Chester in a single breath.
"It is true," continued the wounded man. "But listen," and his voice grew fainter. The end was not far off now. "Listen! Will you do me one favor, you whom I have tried to kill?"
Hal and Chester nodded their heads in assent.
"Then do not tell my mother of my treachery. Tell her that I died in battle, fighting for my country, and that I was game to the end, as you Americans say. Will you do this for me, one who has sought your death?"
"We will," promised Hal and Chester in a single voice.
"Promise," said the dying man feebly, as he raised himself on one elbow.
"We promise," said both lads solemnly.
The man fell back with a groan of thanks, and Hal bent over him, thinking that he was dead. But the voice came again:
"I wouldn't have her know for all the world. I was always wild, but who would have thought that I would be a traitor to my country? When you see General Joffre, tell him at once what I have told you concerning the traitor. Immediately, do you understand?"
"We understand," said Hal.
"And my mother, you will do as you have promised?"
"We have promised," said Chester simply.
"Then I may die in peace," said the wounded traitor.
He lay back on the ground at full length, shuddered, once, twice, and lay still.
Hal rose from his kneeling posture, and lifted his cap from his head.
"He is dead," he said quietly. "May he rest in peace."
"Amen to that," said Chester, also standing with bared head. "And his mother. He is right. It would break her heart. We must see that she does not know."
"And so we shall," declared Hal. "It will be a lie for which I am sure we shall be forgiven."
"What shall we do with him?" questioned Chester. "We can't go away and leave him here like this."
"No," Hal agreed. "I know we should, for our own safety may depend upon it, but just the same it goes against the grain."
"If we had something to dig with," said Chester.
"But we haven't," Hal interrupted.
But the two lads were saved the trouble of finding a grave for the traitor, for suddenly through the woods came the sound of tramping feet.
For a moment the two lads listened intently. Then Chester grabbed Hal by the arm.
"Come," he said in a hoarse whisper, "we must find a place of safety."
Hal drew back.
"Wait until I see if Dersi happened to have another gun," he said.
He ran his hand over the dead man and at length rose up with a second revolver and a belt well filled with cartridges. One of the weapons he passed to Chester.
"We'll probably need these," he said grimly. "Now, let's see if we can't find a place to hide."
Cautiously the two lads made their way through the woods. They could hear the sound of their pursuers, but they had little fear of being detected in the still uncertain light, as long as they kept the same distance between themselves and the Germans.
But suddenly a gleam of light showed in the forest. A German soldier had flashed a pocket searchlight, and the glare of it fell squarely upon the crouching lads, before they could step behind a tree or any other place of refuge.
"Run!" cried Hal, suiting the action to the word.
Chester needed no urging, and also took to his heels. But their presence had been discovered, as was proved by the sharp crack of a rifle. Neither boy was touched, although the bullet passed uncomfortably close to Chester's head.
Stumbling along as fast as the semi-darkness would permit, the boys made a brave effort to escape. But they were not to get off in such easy fashion. For again the searchlight lighted up the woods and exposed them to their pursuers. Both lads threw themselves to the ground, and thus avoided the volley of shots that were fired at them.
As Chester dropped, he heard a startled exclamation from his chum, and, glancing quickly about, he could see no sign of him. The lad was non-plussed, but, before he could so much as move, he heard Hal's voice, apparently below him:
"Quick, Chester! Down here, but be careful how you come."
Cautiously Chester moved in the direction of his friend's voice. But he was not cautious enough, and a moment later, grasping out wildly for some means to stay his rapid descent, he was sliding down what seemed to be a steep embankment.
He brought up abruptly at the bottom, and felt Hal's hand upon his arm.
"Great Scott!" he ejaculated. "Where are we? Down in the bottomless pit?"
Hal clapped his hand over Chester's mouth, for his keen ears had detected the sounds of footsteps above.
"Quiet!" he whispered.
Chester needed no second warning. He did not move a muscle. From above came the sound of a voice:
"I wonder where they went?"
"I don't know," answered another voice, "but we had best be careful. They are probably armed."
Now, Hal, moving his position slightly, felt a space behind him, and crawled slowly backward, where the darkness seemed greater, pulling Chester along after him. They continued this crawling for some minutes. Finally, raising his head, Hal dropped quickly again with a muttered exclamation.
In arising his head had come in contact with something above him. Raising an exploring hand, he investigated. He touched a rock above. Then he reached out on each side. As he had surmised, only a few feet each way were solid walls.
"A cave," he muttered.
"What?" asked Chester.
"We are cooped up in a cave. If the Germans are wise enough, after they learn where we are, they will just sit down on the outside and starve us out. But, if they try to come in—well, I don't think they will get very far, as long as our cartridges hold out. You wait here until I see how far back this thing goes."
Chester obeyed, and Hal continued his exploration. For two or three minutes he crawled along, and then, turning a slight bend, gave a sudden exclamation. He had come upon a possible means of exit, for, apparently, the cave had two openings.
Quickly Hal poked his head out and looked around. He could see no one. Slowly he crawled back to where he had left Chester, and informed him of what he had learned.
"Then the best thing we can do is to get out of here quick," was Chester's decision. "Let's go."
Slowly Hal led the way along the low passageway, and, reaching the opening again, poked his head out. This time he was doomed to a disappointment. Hardly had his head emerged from the hole in the ground when he drew it in quickly again.
"What's the matter now?" demanded Chester.
"Matter is," said Hal quietly, "that there are six Germans standing about five yards from the entrance."
"What!" cried Chester, in consternation.
"Exactly," said Hal; "if you don't believe it have a look for yourself."
"Oh, I don't want to look," said Chester, bitterly disappointed. "I can take your word for it. What are we going to do now?"
"Well," said Hal, "it looks to me like a good time to get out the other end."
"Yes, but there are likely to be a few of them hanging about there, also," said Chester.
"That's so, too," agreed Hal. "Well, I'll tell you what: You sneak back there and investigate, and I'll stay here and guard this end, in case one of them tries to get in."
Slowly Chester crawled away. Reaching the opposite end of the cave, he cautiously poked his head out and looked around. In the dim light he could see no one. But he was afraid to call out to Hal—his voice might be overheard—so he took his tedious way back to where he had left his friend.
"All O. K.," he whispered.
"Good," said Hal. "Let's get out of here, then."
They crawled back along the dark passageway as rapidly as the darkness and the condition of the ground would permit, but before leaving their place of refuge, Chester thought it advisable to peep out once more.
And it was well that he did so. For, standing almost at the entrance of the cave three figures loomed up against the sky. Quickly Chester drew back in again.
"Three of 'em out there," he informed Hal briefly. "What are we going to do now?"
"You've got me," replied Hal. "Can't you pick 'em off with your gun?"
"Oh, I can pick a couple of 'em off, all right. But what then? We would probably have a whole brigade upon us in two shakes of a lamb's tail."
"I guess you are right," Hal agreed. "But we have got to do something."
"So we have," replied Chester; "but the question is, what?"
Hal was silent for several minutes, thinking. Finally he said:
"Well, I guess the best thing to do is to wait and see what happens. Perhaps they may leave before broad daylight and not discover this cave. In that case we shall be safe enough. Now you stay here and guard this end, and don't move unless I call. I'll do the same at the other end."
"All right," said Chester. "We'll keep our posts till daylight, whether they go away or not. Then, if we have not been discovered, we can at least see what we are doing."
Hal moved slowly along the passageway once more, being very careful not to make any noise. He crawled on hands and knees, his head thrust out before him.
Suddenly, as he moved slowly along, his head came in contact with another moving object with an audible crack.
He had bumped into a second crawling figure.
In spite of the pain that shot through his head following the contact, Hal did not lose his coolness or his presence of mind. Although his head hurt badly, he did not utter a sound.
His unseen antagonist apparently was too surprised to make an outcry, or it may have been that he thought he had bumped into a wall. If the latter were his thought he was quickly undeceived.
As he sat back on his haunches, to rub his head, Hal moved lightly forward, and, judging the distance by the sound of his enemy's movements, fell on top of him.
He had gauged the distance to a nicety, and before the German could cry out, one of the lad's hands sank deep into his throat. But the latter was a powerful man and not to be overcome easily. He hurled the lad from him with a quick shove, at the same time twisting on the wrist of the hand that gripped his throat.
The pain was almost unbearable and Hal was forced to loosen his hold. But again the lad sprang, before the German could take the offensive, and this time struck out fiercely with his right fist. The German uttered a cry of pain, and with one hand delivered a smashing blow at the face so close to his own.
But Hal had figured on this move and had calculated the time of the blow perfectly. With a quick movement of his head he avoided the huge fist, and there came a terrific howl of pain from the German. The blow had passed over the lad's head and the German's fist had crashed into the solid wall.
And at the same instant there came the sound of a shot from Chester's end of the cave.
This sound spurred Hal to greater activity, for he realized now that their presence had been discovered by those on the outside. He felt certain that the sound of the shot would probably bring new visitors into the cave from the end he was supposed to guard.
Quickly, then, while his opponent was still in agony from the self-inflicted blow, Hal drew his revolver and, reversing it, struck out in the direction of a muttered curse.
He was rewarded by another groan of anguish and a moment later by the sound of a falling body. Quickly the lad leaped forward, his weapon held ready to strike again. But there was no need of a second blow. The German was unconscious.
By great exertion Hal succeeded in turning his wounded adversary over and pushed him slowly along the passageway, using him as a shield in case he encountered another of the enemy.
At length he came to the end of the passageway, and pushed his prisoner out. Even as he did so a bullet whistled by his head and he heard the crack of a German rifle. Hal lost no time in getting back into his hiding place.
But now he discovered that even this was not far enough, for a bullet came whizzing into the cave after him. It hit the side of the wall and went skimming over his head.
With all possible haste the lad retreated around the little bend, and throwing himself upon his face held his revolver ready to fire at the first sign of an advancing foe.
He lay perfectly still, not making the slightest noise, and after some moments heard the sound of voices.
"I tell you I must have hit him. I never miss at that distance," said one. "And, besides, if he were in there we could hear him."
"I wouldn't be too sure," came a second voice. "He's liable to be there waiting for you."
"Well, I am going in after him anyhow," said the first speaker.
A moment later Hal heard the German approaching. He half arose to his knee and trained his revolver at the darkness ahead of him.
Then there came the sound of the German rounding the bend, and taking careful aim at the distance above the ground he believed the man's head would be, Hal pressed the trigger.
There was a terrific roar that echoed and reechoed through the passageway, a howl of pain and then silence. For a moment Hal waited, for he did not wish to be caught napping. Then he slowly made his way forward. Presently he came in contact with a man's body. It was the enemy.
Propping himself up behind the dead man, Hal felt more comfortable.
"It will be daylight soon," he said to himself, "and they can't get in here without me seeing them And one man here is as good as a hundred."
Raising his voice, Hal shouted:
"Are you all right, Chester?"
"All right," came back the answer. "One man tried to get in here, but I got him," for all the time that Hal had been engaged Chester had been having troubles of his own.
After Hal had left him, Chester, seeking to ascertain the exact position of the Germans at his end of the cave, and, if possible, their number, had ventured too close to the opening.
A German, walking past at that moment, struck a match to light a cigarette, and Chester's form was clearly outlined in the glare of it. With a hoarse guttural exclamation the German dropped his match and cigarette and brought his rifle to bear.
But before he could press the trigger Chester had disappeared in the darkness of the cave. Evidently believing that the lad would flee from him, the German, sprawling upon hands and knees, gave chase.
Chester, well back in the cave, judged his pursuer's distance by the sounds of his awkward movements. He waited until the German got well within the cave, then raised his automatic and quickly fired twice.
The sound of the explosion was so great that even Chester himself was frightened. This was the shot that Hal had heard as he grappled with his opponent.
Fearing a trap, Chester did not move for several moments, keeping his revolver aimed steadily. But then, as there was no sound from the German, Chester slowly moved forward.
His outstretched hand touched a soft object, and his exploring fingers sought out the German's face.
"He'll do no more fighting," was Chester's only comment.
Relieving the German of his arms and ammunition, Chester sat down to await the approach of the others, who he was certain must have heard the sound of the shot.
And they were not slow in coming. Suddenly the flame of a match appeared in the opening, and taking quick aim Chester let fly with his automatic.
There came a groan of pain from the opening to the cave, but the exact result of his shot Chester could not determine. The light had disappeared and the cave was again in darkness. Hal, at his end of the cave, having serious business of his own to attend to, had not heard this last shot.
And now Chester stretched himself out on the ground to ward off any further attack. He was brought suddenly to a sitting posture again by the sound of a shot from Hal's end of the cave.
Several times he called out but received no answer. He was just on the point of leaving his post and following after his friend when Hal's voice came to him.
"Thank God," he exclaimed softly, "Hal is still alive."
He resumed his former position and lay calmly awaiting the next move of the enemy, with a human shield in front of him, even as Hal had at his end of the cave.
For hours, it seemed to both boys, they lay there silently, save for an occasional shout to the other, when the darkness of the cave began to give way to a faint glow of light. The sun had arisen, and each boy, at his own end of the cave, breathed more freely.
"It's getting light here, Hal," called Chester.
"And here, too," Hal shouted back.
And both lads were struck with the same thought.
"At least, we can see what we are doing now."
Gradually it became more light and at length a beam of sunlight shot into Hal's end of the cave. But still the lads kept silent vigil, being afraid to leave their places of concealment, and believing that the Germans on the outside were still on the watch for them.
Nor were they wrong, for at both entrances to the cave, or at least standing nearby, were two groups of German soldiers, patiently waiting for the boys to emerge from their retreat. The Germans rightly surmised that they would not remain idle long after daylight.
At length Hal could endure the suspense no longer. Silently he quitted his end of the cave and made his way cautiously back toward his friend.
"What's up?" was Chester's greeting.
"I don't know," replied Hal. "The Germans may have gone away, but I believe they are still loitering on the outside. However, this inaction is getting monotonous. We've got to do something, and we've got to do it right away."
"My sentiments exactly," Chester agreed. "But what?"
"Well, I don't know exactly. We shall have to figure out something."
There was a long silence, which was finally broken by Chester.
"There is but one way I can think of," he said.
"What is that?" demanded Hal.
"Well, suppose we make a dash out of this end, shooting as we go. Those guarding the other end will naturally think we are trying to escape, and will come to the aid of their companions. Then we can run back into the cave, crawl through as rapidly as possible and make a run for it out the other end."
Hal was somewhat dubious of this plan, but after some further talk, in which neither was able to hit upon a better one, the boys finally decided to act upon Chester's suggestion.
Accordingly, with drawn revolvers, they slowly made their way to the entrance of the cave, and Chester peered out cautiously.
"No one in sight," he whispered to his friend. "Perhaps they have gone."
"Be very careful," cautioned Hal. "They are likely to be lurking around here some place."
Quietly the boys emerged from the cave, and began walking slowly. But they had hardly gone five paces when there came a command:
Swiftly the lads turned in the direction from which the hail had come, and beheld a squad of Germans approaching them with leveled rifles.
The automatics of both lads spoke simultaneously and continued to spout fire for several seconds. Then they turned and ran hurriedly back to the cave, into which they disappeared before their startled foe could realize what had happened.
Two German soldiers lay on the ground, while a third stood swaying dizzily on his feet.
With all possible haste the lads crawled through the passageway, and soon emerged at the other end. But now caution was thrown to the wind, for the lads figured that the Germans left to guard this end of the retreat were by this time on the way to aid their companions.
Their revolvers still gleamed in their hands, however, ready for instant use in the event that their plan had miscarried.
But it had not, for there was not a German in sight, and soon the boys were running through the woods as fast as their legs could carry them. At length Hal pulled up, panting.
"I guess we have given them the slip this time," he panted.
"Let us hope so," replied Chester fervently. "If we ever get back to our own lines, I believe I shall be more careful in the future."
Hal glanced at his friend with a peculiar smile.
"Anybody that didn't know you would believe you meant that," he said. "But I know you better, so I don't."
"Well, perhaps I did make it a little strong," said Chester with a smile, "but that's the way I feel about it right now."
The boys had now regained their breath, and at a word from Hal resumed their journey, walking at a brisk pace.
Now they came to a clearing in the woods, stretching out for perhaps 200 yards, and the end of this another dense forest. They started across the open ground at a run, for they had no mind to be overtaken by the Germans where there was nothing to offer protection.
They had almost reached the forest on the other side and each was mentally congratulating himself upon giving the pursuers the slip when a shot rang out from behind, and a bullet cut the ground beside Hal.
"Quick!" said Hal, and increased his pace, swerving from side to side as he ran, making it difficult for the Germans to aim accurately. Chester did likewise, and soon they were safe once more beneath the protection of the great trees.
But now that they had been discovered, the lads knew that it was to be a race for life. They knew that it was but a question of a few minutes until the remaining Germans would again mount their motorcycles and give chase. Also they realized that their chances of eluding their pursuers were much more slight in broad daylight than they had been in the darkness.
Therefore they ran at top speed. While they were not afraid and had not lost a whit of their nerve, they realized that discretion was the better part of valor, and their feet continued to hit the ground at breakneck speed, until again came to their ears the first faint sounds of the pursuing motorcycles. Gradually the sounds became more distinct, this telling the boys that their pursuers were gaining rapidly, although the rough condition of the ground made it impossible for the motorcycles to travel very fast.
Finally, when he could run no more, Hal threw himself to the ground, and Chester immediately followed his example. For a few moments they lay there, panting, their tongues literally hanging out like worn out dogs.
Then they sprang to their feet again, and making an abrupt turn to the right plunged into the underbrush right where it was the most dense. Here Hal espied a large tree, with low hanging branches. With Chester by his side he rushed for it.
Hal stood aside while Chester grabbed the lowest branch and swung himself up, and then he followed suit. High up in the tree the lads climbed, the close set branches affording an excellent screen.
Half a minute later six motorcycle riders hove into sight, hardly a hundred yards from where the boys were perched.
Chester's fingers twitched on his revolver, but Hal, who had noticed the set expression on his friend's face, uttered a low warning.
And the sound of Hal's voice was almost their undoing. For the Germans had come to a pause and Hal's words carried plainly in the silence to their ears.
For a moment the Germans glanced about hurriedly, seeking out their prey. Then they sprang behind trees themselves, their rifles ready to fire. They had not yet discovered the boys' hiding place, and were fearful of a shot from ambush.
Then one, raising his eyes, saw Hal, and quickly raised his rifle. But Hal's eye was keen also, and before the German could press the trigger Hal's revolver spoke and the German tumbled to the ground.
Chester fired at the same moment as did Hal, and a second German clapped his hand to his head and reeled. But before the other pursuers could raise their rifles, there came from ahead a sound that brought a loud "Hurrah" from Hal and Chester, and a moment later, on the dead run, came a small body of British infantry.
Quickly the Germans leaped onto their motorcycles and turned to run. But now the advancing British were in full view, and a voice of command rang out:
A volley rang out. Not in all the world were there better marksmen than those British troopers. Four Germans reeled in their saddles and tumbled to the ground.
Hal and Chester descended from their place of refuge.
The two lads hurried up to the officer in command of the English troops.
"You arrived just in time," cried Hal, grasping the hand the officer extended.
"I should say you did," declared Chester, also shaking the officer's hand. "A few moments later and we would have been goners, sure."
"Well, I am glad we arrived so opportunely," said the officer, laughing a little. "We heard shooting in this direction last night, but we did not get an order to advance until this morning. As you may perhaps have surmised, we are part of the advance guard of the army."
"Do you mean the French and English have both assumed the offensive in force?" demanded Hal.
"Exactly," replied the British officer. "We are not far in front, and are pushing slowly along, that we may take the Germans by surprise, if possible. Perhaps you may have gathered some information as to the German position and strength?"
This last was in the form of a question, and the lads made haste to answer in the affirmative.
"We have not learned a whole lot," Chester continued, "but we have a little information that may be of value."
"Then you had better hasten back to General French and report," said the officer. "I am sure he will be glad to have any information you may be able to give him."
The lads thanked the officer, and soon the little troop was on the advance again. Hal and Chester resumed their journey in the opposite direction. For an hour they hurried along, occasionally meeting a detachment of mounted troops going forward, but they had traversed at least five miles before they made out in the distance the first long line of the British advance.
It was indeed an imposing sight, this long line of khaki-clad men, marching rapidly toward them, and Hal and Chester were not unmindful of it, and their hearts swelled with pride at the thought that they themselves were a part of this great fighting machine.
They hurried on toward the advancing army. Already the lads had been challenged several times, but upon explaining their predicament had been allowed to continue on their way. Now they reached the first line of the advancing host, and an officer hastily rode toward them.
Upon a glance at their uniforms, now unkempt and dirty, he saluted.
"What is your business here?" he demanded.
Briefly Hal explained, and added:
"We are seeking General French. Can you direct us to him?"
The officer did as requested and the lads made off in the direction he indicated. It was fully two hours later before they were admitted to the presence of the commander-in-chief of the small though mighty host of Britain.
For once the English field marshal lost his habitual calm and greeted them warmly.
"I had made sure that you two lads were lost," he said. "Come, give an account of yourselves."
Chester did so as briefly as possible, and General French listened to the lad's recital in unfeigned amazement.
"And so you are the two who created such havoc in the ranks of the enemy," he exclaimed when Chester had concluded his account of their adventures. "I learned through some of my scouts that a wild engine had dealt a heavy blow to the Germans, but I had never thought that you two were aboard it."
Then it was that Hal told his commander of his encounter with young Dersi, and of what the latter had told him concerning General Tromp, of General Joffre's staff.
"What!" cried General French, springing to his feet. "Tromp a traitor! Why, it is unbelievable. General Joffre has entire confidence in his ability and integrity."
"Nevertheless it is true, there can be no doubt of that," said Hal quietly. "Dersi told us with almost his dying breath, and he certainly was repentant at the end."
"Oh, I do not doubt your word," General French assured Hal, "but it seems impossible. Something must be done at once."
"Will you allow me to make a suggestion, sir?" asked Hal respectfully.
"By all means," was the general's reply.
"Then I would suggest that you send word of General Tromp's treachery to General Joffre by special messenger, and not trust to the field wireless, for in that way Tromp might learn that he was suspected and make his escape."
"An excellent idea," said General French. "It shall be acted upon at once." He turned away, signifying that the interview was at an end.
But Hal had no intention of letting such a piece of work slip through his fingers.
"If you please, general," he said. "Chester and I would like to carry the message. You see, we are greatly interested in this matter."
The general glanced at the two lads, and a faint smile lighted up his face.
"And so you shall," he said at length. "Refresh yourselves with food and drink first, and then report to me."
Hal and Chester saluted and took their departure. Having done as the general ordered, they lost no time in returning to him. General French had already prepared his dispatch and this he placed in Hal's hand.
"General Joffre no doubt will be amazed at the contents of this message," the general told the lads, "and he probably will demand all details from you. Tell them to him as you have to me and I am sure he will be convinced. That is all, except that you return as soon as possible, for I may have other work for you."
The two lads saluted and started forth on their journey. Both had been furnished with good horses at the command of the general, for they had asked for these in preference to being carried in an army automobile.
"Those things are likely to break down any time," Hal had confided to Chester, "and you can always depend upon a good horse."
Chester had agreed with him, so now we find the two lads mounted and riding rapidly toward the southwest, in which direction they knew they should reach the French commander-in-chief.
It was a long, tedious ride, for the French general, that he might have perfect quiet in which to make his plans and direct the movement of the French forces, had made it his custom to remain well in the rear of his army. And here, the following day, the lads found him, and upon informing his orderly that they bore important communications from General French, were admitted to his presence at once.
The French commander-in-chief sat at a small desk, surrounded by members of his staff. Hal and Chester drew themselves up and saluted; then the former advanced and placed the document in Gen. Joffre's hand.
Quickly the French commander ran his eyes over the paper; then leaned back in his chair. For perhaps five minutes he retained this position, uttering no word, apparently deep in thought.
Then he arose, and with a wave of his hand dismissed all his staff, motioning for Hal and Chester to remain. The tent cleared, the general spoke:
"Now tell me your story," he said briefly.
Hal did so, and the general listened attentively, without asking a single question until Hal had concluded his story.
"It must be true," he said at length, half to himself. "I remember well that there was something mysterious in the traitor Dersi's escape. It was never explained satisfactorily. Yes, it must be true."
He was silent again for some moments, then finally spoke again:
"And I would have staked anything I possess on Tromp's honor. He has uncommon ability. Still, there has always been something queer about him. Yes, it must be true."
Suddenly the general sprang to his feet with agility that Hal and Chester had not believed him capable of, and struck a small bell upon his desk a sharp tap. Immediately an orderly entered.
"Have my car brought here instantly," commanded the general briefly.
The orderly saluted and withdrew.
Chester and Hal stared at each other in some surprise. What could the general be about to do? They were soon enlightened.
"I must act at once," said the general, again half to himself. "Never would Tromp have a better chance to work treachery to our cause than at this time. I must stop him, and I must do it personally and without publicity, for should this become noised abroad throughout France, nothing could prove more detrimental to our cause."
He turned suddenly to Hal and Chester.
"And you two shall come with me," he said. "You shall confront Tromp. If he is guilty, we shall find it out some way."
At that instant the orderly entered again and saluted.
"Your car is ready, sir," he said.
The general moved toward the door, motioning for the lads to follow him.
"Come," he said. "We shall go to the front, where even now Tromp is in command and meditating mischief."
So this is how it transpired that Hal and Chester, two American boys, happened to be present at an interview between the commander-in-chief of the French army and General Emil Tromp, an incident that has never been told, and never will find its way into history; an interview between a gallant French officer and another who, were his actions known, would be likened to the greatest of American traitors—Benedict Arnold.
Hal and Chester followed General Joffre from his tent without a word and entered his car behind him.
"To General Tromp's command," said General Joffre briefly. "Hurry!"
The chauffeur needed no second urging, and a moment later the huge car was literally flying over the ground, passing large bodies of troops moving rapidly forward as though they were stationary.
Hal and Chester found ample time to take an inventory of the general's car. It was a huge machine, and besides being fitted up luxuriously was also furnished as an office, that the general might still be at work while he hurried from one part of the field to another when events demanded his immediate presence. Even now, with treachery threatening, and whirling along at a terrific speed, General Joffre, probably because of habit, fell to work sorting papers, studying maps and other drawings.
For almost two hours the car whirled along at top speed, and at length pulled up in the rear of an immense body of troops, who, even to Hal and Chester, could be seen preparing for an advance.
General Joffre was out of the car before it came to a full stop, and Hal and Chester were at his heels. An orderly approached.
"My respects to General Tromp, and tell him I desire his presence immediately," ordered General Joffre.
The orderly saluted and dashed away. General Joffre paced up and down nervously. Finally, at the approach of rapid footsteps, he raised his head. A group of officers were approaching. One of them advanced right up to the general and saluted, and even as he did so the sound of a bugle rang out, ordering a general advance.
"Sir——" began the officer, whom the boys instantly knew to be General Tromp.
General Joffre interrupted him with a wave of his hand.
"Why this sudden advance?" he demanded coldly.
General Tromp started back.
"Why, sir," he explained, "I have word that a large force of the enemy is approaching to give battle. I am advancing to meet him."
"Order a halt," said General Joffre abruptly.
"But, but——" began General Tromp in some confusion.
"Order a halt, sir!" commanded General Joffre sternly. "Or," as he saw that General Tromp still hesitated, "shall I do it myself?"
General Tromp turned and gave the command to one of his staff, who immediately dashed away. A moment and a bugle rang out, and the great army came to a pause.
"Now, sir," said General Joffre to General Tromp, "you will please dismiss your staff."
Without a word General Tromp turned and gave the necessary order. A moment later and the four, General Joffre, General Tromp, Hal and Chester, were alone together.
"What is the meaning of this, sir?" demanded General Tromp, with some dignity.
"The meaning, General Tromp," said General Joffre calmly, "is that you are a traitor!"
General Tromp started back, and his hand went up before his face as if to ward off a blow.
"What!" he cried in well simulated surprise. "Have a care, sir. I shall allow no such insults, even though you are my superior officer."
"Tush, tush," chided the commander-in-chief gently. "Why keep up the pretense? You are discovered. Why not admit it and have done?"
"Sir!" cried General Tromp, drawing himself up. "I demand an explanation of your strange conduct."
"And you shall have it, sir!" thundered General Joffre, now very angry, as he took a step forward.
General Tromp quailed before him. His eyes fell to the ground and his injured dignity dropped from him like a mask.
"I accuse you," continued General Joffre, "of being a traitor to France. I accuse you of aiding and abetting the escape of another traitor, one Dersi. And I also accuse you," and here the general pointed an accusing finger at General Tromp, "of even now playing into the hands of the enemy by ordering an advance, when you knew very well that such an advance could mean only the extermination of our troops."
By a great effort General Tromp forced his eyes to meet those of his commander.
"I deny it," he said in a thick voice.
"A denial is useless," said General Joffre quietly.
But General Tromp had now succeeded in regaining command of himself to a certain extent, and once more he tried to bluff it out.
"Who accuses me?" he demanded, with well assumed bravado.
"I do," said Hal, stepping forward.
"And I," cried Chester, also advancing a step.
General Tromp turned to General Joffre.
"And you take the word of those two upstarts in preference to mine?" he demanded.
"I do," said the general quietly, "upon the advice of General Sir John French, who vouches for the truth of their story. Besides, your actions just now have convicted you. Come, Tromp, further denial is useless. Dersi has confessed."
"Dersi!" exclaimed Tromp, his fingers twitching. "If I could just get my hands on him for one minute——"
"But you can't," said General Joffre. "He is dead. And he died with a clear conscience, as I hope you will do."
"What do you mean?" cried Tromp, starting back.
"Exactly what I say," was General Joffre's chilling reply. "You have your choice. Either the way I mean, or to be publicly hanged as a traitor. If possible, I desire to avoid publicity. Which shall it be?"
General Tromp shifted nervously from one foot to the other, his hands twitching convulsively. Suddenly one hand leaped to his side.
"I wouldn't do that," said Hal quietly, and turning General Tromp saw the lad's revolver pointed squarely at him, held in a steady hand.
His hand dropped to his side again, and for some moments the traitor stood in silence. Then, suddenly, his shaking stopped. He raised his eyes and looked his commander straight in the eyes.
"It shall be as you say, sir," he said calmly. "You are right. I am a traitor. I would not have been, but—but—well that makes no difference now. You shall see, sir, that I am no coward. I am not afraid to die. Neither need you fear that I shall not do as you command. Thus shall I atone for my sin."
"I do not fear you will disobey," said the general softly.
"I am sorry, sir," continued General Tromp, "sorry because of you, more so than because of France. I know that it is useless to ask your forgiveness."
"For your treachery toward me," said General Joffre softly, "I forgive you freely; but for your treachery to France I cannot."
The traitor once more looked the general straight in the eyes, and slowly his heels came together and his hand came to a salute.
"Good-by, sir," he said quietly; then turned on his heel and walked away, his carriage erect, and without a tremor.
For a moment General Joffre stared after him, and his eyes became dim. Quickly he passed his hand over his eyes; then, motioning for Hal and Chester to follow him, turned slowly toward his car.
"A good man—and an excellent officer," he muttered to himself, "if he had but gone straight."
The car sped away. That evening, while Hal and Chester stood beside General Joffre, back again in his headquarters, an orderly rushed into the tent, and forgetting the formality of a salute in his haste, went up to the general and thrust a paper into his hand.
Silently the general read it, passed it to Hal, and turned his head away. Chester, leaning over his friend's shoulder, read the words the message contained:
"The body of General Emil Tromp was found in his quarters at the front this afternoon. He had shot himself through the head."
"Evidently came by field wireless," said Chester.
"Yes," replied Hal.
General Joffre turned again to his desk, picked up a pen and wrote. Then he read aloud to Hal and Chester:
"General Emil Tromp was struck down by a German shell at the front this afternoon. He died almost instantly."
"I am sure I may depend upon you to say nothing of what you have heard to-day," he said quietly.
"You may, sir," said Hal and Chester in one breath.
General Joffre tapped the bell on his desk. An orderly entered and came to a salute.
"Orderly," said General Joffre, handing him the message he had just written, "have this sent to the war office immediately."
The gallant French commander turned again to his desk, and as the orderly, Hal and Chester passed from his tent he once more brushed the moisture from his eyes.
Hal and Chester accepted General Joffre's offer of an automobile to make their return trip, which consequently did not consume as much time as their journey to the headquarters of the French commander-in-chief.
The first thing they did upon their arrival was to report to General French. The latter listened gravely to their story, and then said:
"I know that I need not caution you to obey General Joffre's injunction concerning the fate of General Tromp. Let the matter be forgotten."
The lads saluted and left the tent to hunt up temporary quarters of their own, for the great army had again come to a halt.
Meanwhile, what of the great driving movement of the allied forces, which after checking the vast German horde almost at the gates of Paris, had forced the foe back mile after mile without cessation? A word of the situation is here necessary.
From the first moment when the allied armies had assumed the offensive, after being driven back for days by the Germans, they had continued their steady advance. Such fighting as the world had never known was in progress continually, for the Germans contested every inch of the ground.
Time after time the Allies threatened the German lines of communication, and the Germans were forced to fall back to protect them, or to be cut off and eventually annihilated, or forced to surrender. The strategy of General Joffre, condemned by many in the earlier days of the war, now was beginning to bear fruit, and he was praised on every hand.
The English, under the command of Sir John French, the chief stumbling block in the path of the Germans as they advanced on Paris, were proving their mettle every day. Despite their numerical inferiority to the enemy, they stood bravely to their herculean task, until now the whole world realized that they were the real fighting strength of the allied army.
Each day found the Germans farther and farther from the walls of Paris. Each day found the Allies pressing the foe more closely. The great battle line, stretching out for more than 200 miles, was in constant contact with the enemy. Almost hourly there was such severe fighting as in former wars would have earned the designation of battles. But along this great line they were but skirmishes.
The losses on both sides had been tremendous, although the Germans, because of the fact that they had been previously on the offensive, and also because of the massed formation they had used in their advance, had suffered considerably more than the Allies.
Louvain and other towns in Belgium had been sacked by the Germans, pillaged with fire and sword, until hardly one stone was left upon another. And now the fighting was again in Belgium, that little buffer state which, ever since she became a nation, has always been the battleground of European wars.
The Belgian army, in spite of the terrible havoc wrought upon it by the heavy German guns, was still fighting desperately and had no mind to withdraw from the conflict. Possibly Belgium had more at stake than any other country in the war. She was fighting for life and freedom—from possible absorption into the German Empire.
And now the German forces had been pushed clear across the River Marne, where they were making a determined stand. The eastern shore of the little river was held by the Kaiser's troops, the western shore by the Allies.
So here the great armies now paused for a moment to take a much needed breathing spell. For the moment the fierce advance of the Allies was checked. Tired men sank to the ground in the ranks, there to remain until the battle should be resumed.
But over all still was heard the roar of the great guns. The artillery continued in action, as it had ever since the two great armies had come into contact with each other. Shells dropped and burst among the troops on both sides of the river, blowing men to atoms; but still the main portions of the armies rested on their arms, awaiting the word to move forward again.
The fire of the German artillery was hourly creating great havoc in the allied army; but in spite of their great guns, the greatest ever known, their execution had been no more terrible than that done by the smaller guns of the Allies; for the fire of the British gunners was far superior to that of the Germans. Few shells were wasted, while, up to this time, the comparatively poor marksmanship of the German gunners was the cause of much comment and surprise.
So now, when Hal and Chester once more returned to their own posts, they found the two great armies lined up on either bank of the Marne; or rather some distance from it, only the outposts of either army occasionally riding right up to the river's edge, while the great shells continued to burst on both sides of the river.
Hal and Chester sought out Lieutenant Anderson, whom they found after a long search. Through an orderly they also reported to General French, apprising him of where to find them should he desire their presence. After a short talk with Lieutenant Anderson, who had insisted that they make free use of his quarters, both lads turned in, for they had been many hours without sleep, and were tired out.
How long they slept it is impossible to say, but they were awakened by Lieutenant Anderson shaking them by the arm.
"Get up," commanded the lieutenant. "You are ordered to report to General French immediately."
Hal and Chester were on their feet in a moment. Bright sunlight streamed through the entrance to the tent. It was early morning.
Once more in the quarters of General French, both boys impatiently waited for him to speak—to tell them the reason he had summoned them so suddenly.
At length the general rose and approached them. He placed a hand on the shoulder of each, and spoke:
"You two lads already have been of invaluable service. Perhaps I should not again call upon you so soon, although I know your hearts are in the success of the arms of France and England. But you have so often proved your fitness for dangerous missions that you seem the ones needed."
"We shall be glad to undertake the work, general, no matter what it is," said Hal.
"Indeed we shall," agreed Chester.
"What I must know," said General French, "is the approximate strength of the enemy on the other side of the Marne, the positions of his troops and so on. I could ascertain this possibly by means of the flying corps; but in that event the enemy would know that I had learned. It must be done some other way. Are you lads willing to undertake this task?"
"Yes, sir," said Hal and Chester, almost in a single breath.
"Good," said General French. "I shall leave the means to you, for I have already come to know your resourcefulness. I have only one injunction: Be back at the earliest possible moment."
The two lads saluted and left the tent. They immediately returned to Lieutenant Anderson, where they apprised him of the nature of the work before them.
"You two youngsters certainly do have all the luck," said the lieutenant, "while we old heads sit back here and do nothing."
"It seems to me that you have been doing your share," said Hal.
"And to me, too," Chester agreed.
"Oh, well," laughed the lieutenant. "I have seen considerable action. I don't suppose I should complain. But how do you propose to gather this information? I suppose you realize that you have quite a sizable job on your hands?"
"Yes, we realize that," Hal replied, "and we thought perhaps you could help us with an idea or two."
The lieutenant was silent for some moments. Finally he said:
"I believe that I should not go alone, were I in your place. The enemy will be constantly on the lookout for spies. My plan would be to make quite a detour along the river, crossing by a bold dash and riding right into the heart of the enemy's country, at whatever point it might be practically unprotected."
"A good idea," said Hal. "But, in that event, we should have to have a larger party."
"Exactly," said Lieutenant Anderson. "And I, for one, offer my services. I suppose we should have at least twenty-five men."
A few moments later Hal was back in General French's headquarters.
"General," he said, "I should like to have your permission to pick twenty-five men, and permission to use one of the highest power automobiles in the army."
The general looked at him in silence for a while before speaking, but finally said:
"You have my permission. Here," turning to his desk and writing a few words, "is a written order. I shall not ask the nature of your plan. Good luck to you."
"I shall let you pick the men," said Hal to Lieutenant Anderson, when he was again back in the latter's quarters, "and, so far as they know, you are in command."
"Very well," was the reply; "but remember that it is not so. On this expedition I waive my rank, and will act under your orders."
Half an hour later Chester and Hal inspected the men selected by Lieutenant Anderson, to whom the boys were introduced as scouts. A likely body of men they were, strong and sturdy, and not a man of them under six feet in height.
"Look like they could give a good account of themselves," muttered Chester to himself.
At length all were piled in a great motor truck, and a second later, in response to Hal's directions were speeding southward.
For two hours the great motor truck continued its journey southward at top speed. Then Hal called a halt.
Quickly the men clambered out, and with Hal in the lead marched in the direction of the river.
The place where Hal had ordered the men from the car could not have been better selected, for, on the opposite side of the river, though Hal did not know it then, there was a considerable open space between the German forces.
The troopers followed the lad to the bank of the river, and then, as there was not a shot from the opposite side, all walked boldly along the shore. At length they came upon a number of small boats, evidently having been placed in readiness by some of the British forces.
"We'll appropriate these," said Hal. "Luckily they were here or we should have been forced to swim across."
The men piled into the boats, and pushed off. They reached the opposite side without discovery, and hastily clambering up the bank were soon hidden from sight in a clump of trees. Here Hal called another halt, until he was able to decide upon his next move.
The boats had been pulled into the trees, to be used for their return trip. The driver of the auto truck was ordered to remain where the party had left him. All in readiness for a hasty retreat, Hal now bethought himself of a way to successfully accomplish their mission.
After a consultation the party moved forward, keeping as much as possible in the shelter of the trees. As they approached the edge of the little woods they came suddenly upon three German horsemen.
The latter had not seen them, so quietly had they crept along. Hal, Chester and Lieutenant Anderson were upon them before they knew it, their men right behind them. Seeing that they were far outnumbered, the Germans did not put up a fight.
The hands of all three immediately went into the air, and one of them called out in German:
"We surrender."
"Dismount!" ordered Hal, and the Germans obeyed.
"This is what I call luck," said Hal to his friends.
"What do you mean?" demanded Lieutenant Anderson.
"Why," said Hal, "here we have three horses and three German uniforms. If that isn't luck, I don't know what is."
Quickly the three Germans were stripped of their uniforms, bound and gagged.
When Hal, Chester and Lieutenant Anderson had donned the German uniforms, Hal called three of the British troopers to him.
"You men," he said, "will leave all your weapons here, except your revolvers, which you will hide in your clothes. Then you will accompany us, afoot, apparently as prisoners."
He called a fourth trooper to him.
"Your name?" he demanded.
"Bristow, sir."
"Then, Bristow, we appoint you to take command while we are gone. The rest of you will remain here until we return, or until you find it necessary to retreat across the river."
"Very good, sir," said Bristow, and fell back and informed his companions of the situation.
"Do you realize," asked Lieutenant Anderson of Hal, "that if we are captured in these German uniforms it will mean a spy's death for all of us?"
"Perfectly," said Hal, "but we shall have to take that chance. I believe that having three English soldiers with us, apparently prisoners, will be a means of avoiding detection."
"All right," said Chester, "only we shall have to be careful."
Quickly the three mounted, and marching the soldiers on ahead of them started north, bearing off slightly to the east. For an hour they continued their journey, passing now and then a body of German troops. But they were not molested, not even challenged.
At length they came upon a farmhouse, setting well back from the road.
"Perhaps we can learn something here," said Chester.
Hal called a halt, and all approached the house. The door was opened by a young woman, who started back in dismay at sight of them.
"Have no fear," said Hal, who acted as spokesman of the party. "We are simply tired out and hungry. We thought perhaps you could furnish us with a bite to eat, and also our prisoners here."
Without a word the woman opened wide the door, and motioned for them to enter. The six followed her into the dining-room, where soon a hearty repast was spread on the table.
"We have been on a mission south," Hal said to the woman. "Can you tell me just how far the German staff is from here?"
"It can't be very far," the woman replied, "for some of the officers often come here to eat. They say that they like my cooking better than the regular army fare. I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of them were to come along soon."
"Good," said Hal, aloud, but nevertheless he was seriously alarmed. He did not wish to come into such close proximity with the German staff officers.
Hastily the six bolted their food, and even as they were disappearing around the outbuildings, Chester, glancing back, saw six men, in gold-trimmed uniforms, entering the house they had just quitted.
"Great Scott," he said, "we got out of there just in time. Look."
The rest looked back and saw the cause of his excitement. In the shelter of a clump of trees Hal called a halt.
"There must be something up," he declared, "or the German staff would not be this far south. I don't suppose General French has been informed of this. In some way we must find out what is going on."
"And I wouldn't be surprised," said Chester, "if they were using that farmhouse for a certain purpose."
"By Jove! I never thought of that," said Hal. "I believe you have hit it. That is where they are making their plans. I wonder"—and he grew greatly excited. "I wonder if by any chance the Kaiser could be in that party."
"He is probably pretty near the whole party," said Lieutenant Anderson dryly. "Kaiser Wilhelm is no coward, and if his staff is there, this close to the British lines, the Kaiser is probably there also."
"Then it's a wonder the woman didn't say something about the Kaiser being near."
"She probably didn't know him," said the lieutenant.
Hal sat wrapped in thought for a long time.
"Do you know what I am going to do?" he said at length, dismounting.
"No. What?" demanded Chester and Lieutenant Anderson in a single voice.
"I'm going to sneak back to the farmhouse, and see if by some hook or crook I can hear what is going on. We shall probably not have another chance of overhearing the German plans."
"Great Scott!" said Lieutenant Anderson, "that certainly is a bold plan. You don't mean it?"
"I certainly do," was the reply.
"Then I shall go, too," said Chester.
"And me," declared Lieutenant Anderson.
"No you won't," said Hal, positively. "The rest of you will stay here. If I should get into any trouble, I shall fire my revolver, and then the rest of you can come up. The six of us will be a match for them, the Kaiser included."
Suddenly Chester was struck with a great inspiration.
"Why can't we get the rest of our men, and capture the whole crowd?" he demanded in great excitement.
"I had thought of that," replied Hal, "but something tells me it can't be done—a hunch, if you like. I have a feeling that if we attempt such a thing our whole expedition will go wrong. I can't explain just what I mean, but I feel it."
"And I too," declared Lieutenant Anderson. "I don't know why, but I know it's true."
"Bosh!" said Chester, but the words of his two friends evidently had created some impression, for his ejaculation was only half-hearted.
"Well, if you must go by yourself, all right," said Lieutenant Anderson. "But my advice is that the sooner you get there the better."
Hal nodded, and, a moment later, going some distance to one side, where he knew he could not be seen from the dining-room window, he walked slowly toward the house.
He made no attempt at concealment as he walked along, for he knew that such an action, should he be seen, would be suspicious and would probably mean an unsuccessful termination of his plan. He had little fear of detection, clothed as he was in a German uniform.
Now the lad reached the house, and sought a means of entrance. He did not wish to go in the front door, for fear that someone might see him, so, keeping close to the wall, he walked around the house.
His effort was rewarded. For at the extreme rear was a low window, apparently halfway between the first and second floors.
"Evidently, at a turn in the steps," Hal told himself.
Quickly he grasped the edge of the sill, and exerting great strength slowly and cautiously drew himself up. The window was open, and the lad put one leg over the sill. A second later he sat in the opening, and then disappeared inside the house.
Very cautiously he ascended the steps. Remembering the exact location of the dining-room, the lad sought out the room above it. There, at one end of the room, he found what appeared to be a little closet.
Gently opening the door, he peered in. Nothing but darkness met his eyes. Hal stepped inside, pulling the door to after him, leaving just a little crack that he might not be suffocated.
Then he laid his ear to the floor and listened intently. From below came the faint sound of German voices.
Hal ran an exploring finger over the floor of the closet. His finger felt a little hole, and changing his position the boy saw a very small opening in the floor. He put his eye to the hole and peered down, and as he made out the figures in the room below he chuckled softly to himself.
The first man upon whom he laid his eyes was Count Von Moltke, commander-in-chief of all the German armies, and who, upon one occasion, had saved him from death before a firing squad.
"Wonder what he would say if he could see me now?" Hal asked himself.
His gaze roved over the room, and there at one end of the table sat an imposing figure in gold-trimmed military uniform, sword between his knees, a fierce military mustache curling upward.
There was no mistaking this figure. It was Wilhelm II, Emperor of Germany!
In spite of the fact that Hal had sure sense that Emperor Wilhelm would be in the room below, he felt a peculiar thrill creep over him as he made out the imposing figure of "The War Lord of Europe." He whistled softly to himself.
"Great Scott!" he ejaculated, and then looked long and silently.
"To think," he said to himself after a long pause, "that he is primarily responsible for this great war, with its toll of thousands of lives and the destruction of property worth millions of dollars."
Unconsciously, almost, he drew his revolver, and pointed it straight at the War Lord's breast.
"With one little movement of my finger," said the lad softly to himself, "I could snuff out the life of the man who has already sent thousands to their death. One shot, and——"
His fingers tightened on the trigger, but for a moment only. Then he lowered his weapon, and a moment later dropped it back in his pocket, while he wiped away little beads of perspiration that had gathered on his brow.
"It's no use," he told himself, "I couldn't do it if I wanted to."
Wilhelm II, Emperor of the German Empire and War Lord of Europe, will never know how close he was to death at that moment!
Now the voices of the officers in the room below became louder, and by straining his ears the lad could make out what they were saying.
"If," came a voice from below, and Hal recognized it as that of Count Von Moltke, "if we can draw the British to this point, we can cut them off from their French support and annihilate them. And——"
"And," came the voice of the Kaiser himself, "we can, then, by a quick turning move, take the French by surprise and our victory will be complete."
"Exactly, sire," came Count Von Moltke's voice again.
"But, sire," said a third voice, "what have we to warrant that the English will accept our bait?"
The Emperor did not reply immediately, and Count Von Moltke broke in again.
"We will make a strong showing on the eastern shore of the Marne," he said, "and will retire slowly before the British. As they come on, flushed with apparent victory, Von Kluck will take them on the left flank. We shall cut them to pieces."
"The plan sounds well to me," came the voice of the Kaiser again. "General Von Kluck, how soon can you be in readiness to execute this coup?"
"Not before day after to-morrow, sire," was the reply. "It will take me that long to bring my men to the designated point, at the same time keeping the British unaware of their withdrawal."
"And how many men will you be able to bring?" asked the Kaiser.
"Half a million, sire."
"Leaving how many in their present position, as a screen?"
"Very few, sire. Hardly more than 50,000 men."
The Kaiser growled something, unintelligible to Hal, into his mustache. Then he spoke aloud:
"If the British were aware of that," he said, "by a quick advance they would place us at a tremendous disadvantage."
"So they would, sire," agreed General Von Kluck. "But it must be seen that they do not anticipate our plan."
"In that event," came the Emperor's reply, "it will be necessary for that part of your force which is left to make a show of strength at the same moment the mass of your command is withdrawn."
"Exactly what I had figured upon, sire."
"Good; but you say it is impossible for you to be ready until the day after to-morrow. In that event, we must hold the English in their present positions at all costs. A premature advance on their part, while we would undoubtedly repulse it, would mean the ruination of our coup. See to it, gentlemen, that there is no leak."
"There shall be none, sire," came a chorus of officers.
"Very well. But I had had my mind set on being in Paris long ere this. Had it not been for the interference of these English—and these starving Belgians, I would be there now," and the Kaiser's voice grew harsh. "They must be crushed," and he struck the table a heavy blow with his clenched fist.
"And crushed they shall be, sire," said Count Von Moltke soothingly. "It is only a question of time."
"Well, you have been long enough doing it," came the Emperor's angry voice. "See that you do not fail me again. If you do——"
He broke off, but his silence was more menacing than any threat he might have uttered.
There was the sound of chairs scraping on the floor, and a moment later of heavy footsteps. Hal, in his hiding place, knew that the German officers were leaving the house.
"By George!" the lad muttered to himself, "Wilhelm must be a holy terror. I'll bet Von Kluck, Von Moltke and all the rest are due for a terrible wigging, for I'm here to see that this plot fails."
Hal waited patiently for perhaps half an hour, and then, feeling certain that the coast was clear, emerged from his hiding place. He was just lowering himself from the window by which he had entered when, from almost below him, there was a loud scream.
Glancing down, Hal beheld the pale face of the woman who had given them food only a short time before. Fearing that the Emperor and his officers might be attracted by her screams, Hal dropped quickly to the ground, and an instant later had his hand clapped over the woman's mouth.
"Quiet!" he commanded in a harsh voice. "If you make no noise you shall not be harmed. Otherwise——" he paused significantly.
The woman shuddered once or twice, but she uttered no further sound.
"Go into the house," Hal commanded, and followed her.
"I guess I had better tie you up for safe keeping," the lad muttered to himself. "I can't afford to be interfered with now."
He found a piece of rope, and, making a gag out of a napkin, gagged and bound her securely. Then he placed her gently in a chair.
"You will have to sit there until someone comes along to free you," he told her. "I hope it won't be long, for your sake, but I can't afford to take any chances with you."
He left the house; and as he turned his eyes toward the spot where he had so lately left his friends, his heart sank.
Chester, Lieutenant Anderson and the three troopers were running toward him as fast as their legs would carry them, closely pursued by a band of mounted Germans. Even at this distance Hal could make out the forms of Count Von Moltke, and, yes, Emperor Wilhelm himself!
With the high German officers came a little troop of mounted soldiers, evidently, Hal thought, an escort, that had been left some distance behind while the Emperor and his officers discussed their plans in the farmhouse. In all, there were twelve horsemen dashing after the fugitives.
Now his friends came up with him, and Hal, believing as did his friends that discretion was the better part of valor, also turned and ran. Several shots rang out, but none was touched and they did not pause to reply.
"Just wait till we get back to our own men," thought Hal to himself as he ran along, "that is, if we can make it."
But help came unexpectedly. Bristow, the man who had been left in charge of the little band of English, hearing the sound of firing, had crawled forward to investigate. He made out the figures flying toward him and recognized them instantly; also, he saw the pursuing horsemen.
Quickly he returned to his men, and at a word they all dashed forward. This reinforcement arrived not a moment too soon, for the horsemen were overhauling the fugitives rapidly.
When the fugitives saw their own men approaching they stopped in their mad flight, drew their revolvers and fired at the pursuers with almost a single movement.
The horses of the Germans came to a sudden halt, being pulled up on their haunches, so forcibly did their riders bring them to a stop. A moment later the pursuers themselves were in full flight.
Hal laughed loudly to himself, and so great became his mirth that he was forced to hold his sides.
"What on earth is the matter with you?" demanded Chester in great surprise. "What are you laughing at?"
"Why," explained Hal, between bursts of laughter, "I am laughing at the sight of Emperor Wilhelm II, War Lord of Europe, flying as if the evil one himself were after him!"
Briefly now Hal recounted to his two friends what he had overheard in the farmhouse, pointing out the danger that threatened the allied armies. When he had concluded he said:
"Now I have another plan, and I want to know if you, Chester, and you, Lieutenant Anderson, will follow my instructions?"
"Certainly," said the lieutenant.
"You know I will, Hal," said Chester.
"All right, then. What I want you to do is this: Return and report to General French what I have just told you. Take the men with you. That's all."
"But you?" demanded Chester; "aren't you coming, too? Surely you have accomplished the mission successfully."
"No," replied Hal. "In this German uniform I believe I shall be perfectly safe on this side, and I am going to try and gain further information. It may be that I can learn something that will be important."
"Then I shall go with you," declared Chester.
"And I, too," said Lieutenant Anderson.
"Oh, no you won't," said Hal grimly. "Didn't you just promise to obey my commands, both of you?"
"But we didn't know what you planned to do," said Chester.
"I know you didn't," said Hal. "That is why I asked your promises before I told you."
"But I don't think it is fair," protested Chester.
"I don't care what you think," replied Hal. "You have both promised, so that's all there is about it."
In vain did Chester and Lieutenant Anderson protest. Hal was firm.
"Come, now," he said at last. "You are making it more dangerous for me every moment you stand here arguing about it. Get in the boats and return at once."
Slowly Chester and Lieutenant Anderson complied with his request. The men already were in the boats, and Hal stood and watched them row away.
"I shall be back some time to-night or in the morning," he called to Chester; "but," and he smiled grimly to himself, "if I were you, I wouldn't wait up for me."
Chester and Lieutenant Anderson waved their hands in reply, and with one last look Hal turned and made his way back in the direction of the farmhouse.
He walked by the house without stopping, for he had no mind to linger long in that vicinity.
"The quicker I find the main army and lose myself among the rest of the officers the better off I shall be," he told himself. |