The little war correspondent became suddenly very angry. He stamped up and down the tent muttering to himself. Then he whirled on the lads.
"You make me tired!" he exclaimed. "Here I've gone and got myself in a mess just to keep you two out of trouble and what thanks do I get for it? You say I'm crazy! Why, you ought to bow down and thank me for doing what I am doing. You both make me sick."
"Well, we're not going to do any bowing down to you, Stubbs," said Hal; "but there is one thing I'll promise you."
"What's that?" demanded Stubbs, eagerly.
"That, Mr. Stubbs," said Hal, "is a good first-class thrashing when I get hold of you again."
"Guess we had better make it two," declared Chester. "Remember he's got me here with you, Hal."
"All right, Chester. We'll make it a double-handed affair. Hear that, Stubbs?"
Stubbs snapped his fingers at them.
"You can do what you please when you get free," he declared. "But I'm going to make it a point to see that you don't get free on this side of the English Channel. Now, good-night."
The little man turned, ordered his men out ahead of him and disappeared from the tent.
For some moments Hal and Chester lay silent without a word. Then Hal said:
"Chester, if you can tell me what's at the bottom of all this, I'll give you a million dollars."
"If you had the million, Hal, you'd lose."
"You don't mean to tell me—"
"Of course I know. I thought you did by this time. There are two things at the bottom of this and they are—two little black peas!"
"Well, by Jove!" said Hal, "and to think I didn't get that through my head sooner. Then you think these peas—"
"Yes; there is some kind of a conspiracy brewing and Stubbs thinks we have a hand in it. Whatever it is, he's against it. You remember how he shut up in the middle of his tale that night when he first saw the peas in our possession?"
"By Jove! That's so!"
"Sure; but have you any idea what the conspiracy may be?"
"Not the slightest; but if we can get out of here we'll have a look. We know one of the band, I think."
"You mean?"
"Jules Clemenceau. I don't suppose he ever missed the two peas. He probably had more. At the first opportunity we'll display our peas where he can see them and then maybe he will say something that will tip us off where to look next."
"Not a bad idea; but he seems to be so young to be mixed up in such a thing."
"He's no younger than we are; and we've been mixed up in a whole lot of things."
"That's so, too. I would like to know, though, what this plot is. I don't believe it has anything to do with treachery."
"Depends upon what you mean by treachery. I suppose you mean nothing that will aid the Germans to defeat us?"
"Exactly; then, too, don't you remember, when Stubbs was telling us about the conspiracy, that he said he had reason to believe there were plotters in the German ranks as well as the British and French?"
"He didn't say it just that way, I think, but I remember what you mean. By Jove! I wonder what it can all be about?"
"Well, it's too deep for me; and unless something happens, I am half afraid Stubbs may be as good as his word and have us sent back to New York."
"By George! We can't stand for that."
"I should say not. See if you can wiggle your hands loose."
Hal tried. So did Chester.
"They did a pretty fair job, if you ask me," said the latter.
"I should say they did. However, we'll keep trying. Something may give. Perseverance is a great medicine, you know."
And they did keep trying; but here was one place where it seemed that perseverance was about to fail. An hour's tugging at their bonds failed to loosen them to any noticeable degree.
"I guess it's no use, Chester," said Hal.
"I'm not having much luck, either," was Chester's reply.
They took a brief rest and then fell to tugging at their bonds again. But they had no better luck than before.
"Well, it's no use," said Chester at last. "I'm going to sleep."
Hal was also forced to admit that he was unable to loosen his own bonds and he followed Chester's example and sought repose.
How long they slept neither knew, but both were awakened by a hand on their shoulders. Looking up in the darkness the lads saw a form bending over them. They could not distinguish the features.
"Hello!" said Hal, in a whisper. "We have company, Chester."
"So we have," was the latter's reply. "Wonder what he wants?"
The figure in the darkness explained his presence in the tent in a few words.
"Come with me!" he whispered.
"Can't. We're tied up," said Hal.
"I have unloosened your bonds," said the voice in a whisper. "Come, and make no noise."
The lads found that their deliverer had told the truth. They were no longer bound. They got to their feet and followed him from the tent. They had not recognized the voice that had called them; but as they passed without, Hal caught sight of the man's features.
"Jules Clemenceau!" he exclaimed.
Chester, who had been unable to catch a sight of their deliverer's face, was surprised.
"Great Scott! Jules," he exclaimed. "You have a knack of turning up in the nick of time."
"Sh-h-h!" whispered Jules. "No talk until we get away from here."
The others obeyed this injunction to keep silence and followed the young Frenchman without further words.
Jules approached his own quarters and led the way inside.
"Make yourselves at home," he said with a wave of his hand. "In here we may talk."
Hal and Chester found seats and then the former asked a question.
"How did you happen to find us, Jules?"
"I chanced to be near when the stranger showed you his pea," returned Jules. "I knew that there had been no summons sent out for an immediate meeting and that something must be wrong. Therefore, I followed you. Having learned where you were held I returned later to release you. That's all."
"Well, we certainly thank you," said Chester. "There is no telling what would have happened to us."
"I was never more surprised," said Jules, "than when I saw you both exhibit black peas. I had no idea that you were with us."
"Then you, too," said Hal, "are—"
"Yes," Jules interrupted. "I am one of you. I suppose you have received the summons?"
"Summons? What summons?" asked Chester.
"Why, for the meeting to-night, or, rather, I should say in the morning."
"No, we have received no summons," said Hal.
"Then it is twice good that I arrived," said Jules. "You shall accompany me."
"And where is the rendezvous?" asked Chester.
"I'll show you," said Jules. He drew his watch from his pocket and glanced at it in the semi-light of the tent. "Twelve fifteen," he said. "We have forty-five minutes still, but it will do no harm if we are a few minutes early. Come."
He picked up his cap from the cot where he had thrown it and led the way from the tent. Hal and Chester followed without a word. The same thought was in the mind of each. At last they would be able to learn the nature of the conspiracy which, although they knew nothing of it, had caused them so much trouble.
After a walk of perhaps twenty minutes, in which time they had not been challenged, Jules pulled up before a tent somewhat larger than the rest.
"General Pombrey's quarters," he said, "and for that reason comparatively safe."
"You mean that the general is one of us?" demanded Hal in no little surprise.
"Yes," said Jules, briefly.
Chester gave a low whistle. Evidently this conspiracy, whatever it might be, was more widespread than he had imagined.
Jules entered the tent and the two lads followed him.
Inside a large number of men already had assembled. Apparently, their anticipation had been so great that they had been unable to control their impatience until nearer the appointed hour. The lads were impressed with one peculiar feature. Unlike most plotters—and Hal and Chester already had come into contact with many—these men wore no masks. Apparently, they were not afraid of their identities being known by their fellow conspirators.
There were no remarks when Jules and Hal and Chester entered the tent. The former led the way to the far side and there stood quietly in the half light. Hal and Chester took their places beside him.
As time passed other men appeared in the tent and Hal and Chester were surprised to see that some were officers of high rank; but neither lad said anything aloud.
Came the voice of a sentry without:
"One o'clock and all's well!"
A moment later the apathy that had gripped the interior of the tent where the conspirators were assembled disappeared. General Pombrey addressed the others.
"I am glad to see so many of you here to-night," he said earnestly. "I note several new faces amongst us and I am pleased to know that others are joining this great movement every day. It shows that even in the midst of this warlike camp the spirit of peace has not died."
His words were greeted with a murmur of approval, though no man spoke.
The general continued:
"Now, I have to inform you that the crisis is near. I have had word from the enemy's lines that the spirit of peace there has grown. It would appear that we are on the eve of success. Another battle or two—a few thousand more lives lost—and this great war may end. When the spirit of peace has overcome the spirit of war in the ranks, then will the war end. I have called you together to-night to instruct you to sound even deeper than you have done the sentiment of the men who stand by your side. The time to stop this war is almost at hand."
Again there was a murmur of approval as the general became silent. He gazed upon the faces about him a few moments in silence, and then spoke again:
"I need not caution you to silence. A false move and all would be lost. But if we can command 10,000 more men when the crisis arrives, men who, like the rest of us, will refuse to fight more when the word is given, we shall be strong enough; and if I told you how many already are pledged you could scarcely believe me. Now here," the general exposed to view a large box, "I have many more of the little peas that are our bond of membership. I want each of you to take as many as you please; and pass them around when you have convinced yourselves the men you approach are acting in good faith."
One after another the men in the tent stepped forward and dipped a hand into the box of peas and put the little round pellets into their own pockets. Then the general signified that he had yet a few remarks to make. The men stood about respectfully as he addressed them.
"Men," he said, "there may be some among you who question the justice of this move. To those I say that we are engaged in a great effort. To prevent further war and bloodshed among ourselves and our enemies is a great duty; for nothing can possibly be gained by the loss of millions of lives and the destruction of billions of dollars worth of property. However, if there are any among you who would draw out of this movement, I would ask that you do so now."
The general paused and looked keenly at the faces about him. No man spoke.
"Good," said the general, "then I know you are with me."
"And the time? When will the time come?" asked one man in the crowd.
"That I cannot say," responded the general, quietly. "But I can assure you that it will be before long. You will all be notified by the messengers, that you may be ready. Now are there any other questions?"
"If we fail, then what?" asked another man.
General Pombrey shrugged his shoulders.
"Probably court martial and a firing squad," he said indifferently. "But you will have died in a glorious cause, whereas now—"
A glimpse of happiness stole over the general's face. To Hal and Chester it meant but one thing. General Pombrey was a fanatic; and the men who had come under his spell were fanatics. In that instant Hal and Chester both realized that this matter must be brought to General Petain immediately.
After some few other words, General Pombrey signified that the meeting was over, and the men filed from the tent singly and in pairs, discussing the matter in low tones.
Outside Hal and Chester were accosted again by Jules Clemenceau.
"And what do you think of General Pombrey?" asked the young Frenchman, his face shining.
For a moment Hal considered what was best to say. Should he try and convince Jules that his present course was wrong; that there was to be considered the honor of his country rather than the opinion of General Pombrey? The lad decided on the side of caution.
"A good man," he replied quietly. "A man who will face a firing squad without a tremor, secure in the belief he is dying for a good cause."
"And do you not think the cause good, and just?" demanded Jules, anxiously.
"If not, why should I be the bearer of a pocket-full of black peas?" was Hal's reply.
Jules, apparently, was satisfied.
Alone in their own quarters later Hal and Chester discussed the situation seriously.
"To tell the truth," said Chester, "I am half inclined to agree with General Pombrey. But if for no other reason, there is one thing that would make me reveal this plot to General Petain."
"And that?" asked Hal.
"That," said Chester, "is the fact that General Pombrey and the others engaged in this conspiracy are lacking upon the German troops to throw down their arms and refuse to fight at the same moment the French and British do."
"Well?" asked Hal, but he was beginning to catch Chester's drift.
"Well," said Chester, "you and I know the Germans won't do that. It's a ten to one bet that the German general staff knows all about this conspiracy. The peace talk has been carried from one army to the other by the prisoners. The Germans will take advantage of it. Should the French really follow General Pombrey's plan, they would be slaughtered by the thousands. The Germans could not keep faith. You know that."
"Yes, I know it," said Hal with a nod of his head. "They have never kept faith in this war, save in individual cases. It doesn't seem to be in them."
"Exactly," agreed Chester. "Then, if for no other reason than to save these deluded French and British soldiers, the matter must be brought to the attention of General Petain, that he may act promptly and not only save them, but the whole army of France; and the cause of the Allies."
"Good!" Hal agreed. "Then we shall see that it's brought to his attention."
"The first thing in the morning," said Chester.
"Right you are, Chester. The first thing in the morning."
It was morning. Hal and Chester, refreshed by a good night's rest, had just completed their toilets and were about to repair to the quarters of General Petain, there to report for the day's duty and also to inform the French commander of what they had learned the night before. But, as it transpired, their good intentions were to go for naught and they were to be ushered into the presence of General Petain in a manner that neither would have believed possible.
Came the sound of many footsteps approaching without. They stopped before the boys' tent. A French officer thrust his head in the entrance.
"Lieutenant Crawford! Lieutenant Paine!" he said sharply.
"Sir!" exclaimed both lads in a single breath.
They stepped from the tent.
"You are under arrest!" were the French officer's next words.
Hal and Chester stepped back in complete bewilderment.
"Wha—what's that, sir?" asked Hal, believing that he could not have heard aright.
"You are under arrest," was the sharp reply. "I am ordered to conduct you before General Petain at once."
Both lads had recovered themselves by this time; they stepped forward coolly enough, in spite of the fact that their hearts were fluttering strangely.
"The general might have spared himself the trouble of sending for us," said Hal, quietly. "Even now we were about to report to him."
The French officer said nothing. He motioned to the file of soldiers whom he commanded and Hal and Chester stepped in between the men.
"One moment," said the French soldier.
He approached the lads.
"I must ask for your swords and revolvers," he said.
Without a word the lads surrendered their weapons.
"Good!" said the French officer. Then to his men: "Forward, march!"
And in this manner Hal and Chester came before the French commander at Verdun. The latter was busy with a pile of papers when they entered his quarters and did not look up immediately. For perhaps fifteen minutes the lads stood there, firmly erect, their eyes upon the general.
Suddenly General Petain wheeled about.
"Leave these men with me," he instructed the French officer who had escorted the lads to his tent; "but attend me outside within call, Captain."
The French officer saluted and withdrew.
General Petain gazed frowningly at Hal and Chester for perhaps a full minute. The lads returned his look without flinching, though there was nothing that might be construed as defiance in their manner; rather, nothing but respectful attention.
"So!" said General Petain at last. "So! I find you two lads, whom I have trusted, among a band of conspirators, eh?"
"Among them, sir," said Hal, quietly, "but not of them."
"What's that?" demanded the general. "You admit you were with them and then claim innocence? Impossible!"
"I beg your pardon, sir," said Hal, "but it is not impossible. It is the truth."
"But I have it on high authority," returned the general, "that you have been the possessors of the emblem of the conspirators for some days now."
"That is true enough, sir," Hal agreed; "but we came into the possession of those black peas accidentally and with no thought of their significance."
The general sniffed contemptuously.
"My information regarding you boys comes from a source that I am afraid I must believe," he said.
"Will you tell us the source, sir?" asked Hal.
General Petain shook his head.
"It would do no good," he returned. "It would not alter the facts in the case. Now, I know you boys have been of great value to the cause of the Allies. My informant is authority for that statement also. You have accomplished much and France and the other allied countries must thank you. But it appears now that you have been led from the proper way of thinking; and my informant in your case says, and rightly, that from young men who have done much to advance the cause of the Allies, there is much to be feared when they embark upon some other venture.
"You are both resourceful; I know that. That is the reason that I have had you placed under arrest—that you may not turn your energies against us. I shall have you sent to Paris, thence to London, and I hope that before long you will be back in your own country, the United States."
"Pardon me, sir," said Hal, respectfully, "but I do not need to ask you again to name the man who has caused us to be in this predicament. His name is Stubbs."
"Well, I see no need to deny it," said General Petain.
"General," said Chester, now stepping forward, "I would be glad if you would give me an opportunity to explain this matter."
"It shall not be said that I denied any man a hearing," was the general's reply. "Proceed."
As briefly as possible Chester recounted the manner in which they had come into possession of the two peas; of why they decided to keep them; of their capture the night before by Anthony Stubbs and of their escape; and last, of their attendance at the meeting of the conspirators, where, for the first time, they learned the true significance of the little black peas.
As Chester proceeded with his story the general listened attentively. When Chester spoke of being captured by Stubbs, the general smiled quietly, and Hal, noting the smile, guessed rightly that General Petain had had a hand in the capture himself—or rather, that he at least had sanctioned it; and when Chester spoke of the meeting of the conspirators and mentioned the name of General Pombrey, General Petain frowned.
"So," he said when Chester had concluded, "General Pombrey is mixed up in this thing, eh?"
"He seems to be the leader of the movement, sir," replied Chester. "I should say that he is without doubt the directing hand."
"And what do you hope to gain by telling me all this?" asked General Petain, eyeing the lad shrewdly.
"I hope to see the conspiracy crushed, sir, before it gains further momentum," was Chester's reply.
General Petain eyed the lad peculiarly.
"Can it be that I have been misinformed?" he muttered to himself.
Hal's keen ears caught the words.
"I can assure you that you have been misinformed, sir," he replied firmly.
For several moments more the general eyed the lads sternly and they returned his gaze without flinching. Suddenly the general clapped his hands together. The French officer who had arrested the two lads entered he tent and saluted.
"Captain," said General Petain. "my compliments to Mr. Anthony Stubbs and say that I desire his presence here at once."
The French officer saluted and took his departure.
The hearts of the two lads beat high now. Apparently General Petain had been convinced of the truth of their stories. They believed that when Stubbs confronted them he would weaken.
"I don't know what to think about this matter," said General Petain as they waited for Stubbs' arrival. "I am loath to believe you would be mixed up in anything of this nature."
"How did Mr. Stubbs happen to mention us as being implicated in this conspiracy, sir?" asked Chester.
"He said he wanted to see you get home safely and not be mixed up in anything that might mean a firing squad," said General Petain, calmly. "I promised him your safe return to America for his news of the conspiracy."
"I see," said Chester.
At this moment Stubbs was announced. General Petain looked at him sharply.
"These officers," he said, indicating Hal and Chester with a wave of his hand, "deny the charges you have made against them, sir."
"Surely, you didn't expect them to admit it, sir?" questioned Stubbs, shifting from one foot to another, as Hal and Chester bent their gaze on him.
"Well, no, I didn't," was General Petain's reply, "but they tell such a straightforward story that I am of the opinion you must be mistaken as to their part in this conspiracy."
"But the peas," said Stubbs. "They had them."
"Well, somebody might have slipped one into your pocket, as far as that goes," said General Petain; "and then you might be standing here under suspicion."
"Tha—that's so, too," Stubbs stammered. "I hadn't thought of that."
"Well, you should have thought of it," exclaimed General Petain. "It's no small thing to cast suspicion upon a man and then be able to prove nothing."
"But the peas—"
"Never mind about the peas," stormed the general. "By any chance, when you had these officers in your tent last night, did they admit connection with the plot?"
"No, sir; they professed ignorance. But they had the peas—"
"Mon Dieu! Can't you think of anything but peas? What kind of a war correspondent are you, anyhow?"
Stubbs was offended. He drew himself up and would have made reply, but General Petain silenced him with a gesture.
"I don't question your loyalty," he said, "and I know that you acted with the good of these lads at heart. But I am convinced you have been mistaken. I am going to release these boys. Lieutenant Paine! Lieutenant Crawford! you are—"
"Sir!" exclaimed Stubbs at this juncture.
The general eyed him closely.
"Well?" he demanded.
"Please, General, do not let them go until I have a few moments' start. I don't know what they will do to me." Stubbs looked nervous.
"Very well," said General Petain with a smile. "Then hurry and take your departure, Mr. Stubbs."
Stubbs needed no urging and he disappeared from the general's tent with agility; and Hal called after him:
"Better hunt a hole, Mr. Stubbs; we'll be on your trail in a few minutes!"
In the days immediately following their interview with General Petain, the lads saw much fighting; and with the close of each day there came bitterness to them, to the French troops, their officers and to the people of France and of all the allied nations.
For the armies of the German Crown Prince continued to advance steadily in spite of the heroic resistance of the French; and it began to appear that the "Gateway to France" must ere long fall into alien hands.
Day after day the Germans hurled themselves forward in herculean efforts to break the French lines; and most every day found them fighting a little nearer to Verdun. In vain the French attempted to stem the onslaught of the invading forces; the Germans were not to be denied.
On the days when the fiercest of the German assaults were made, it was learned that the Emperor of Germany had directed the assaults in person. From the top of a small hill, surrounded by his staff, the Kaiser looked down upon the battlefield for days at a time, showing no signs of emotion as his countrymen fell right and left, that the German flag might be planted a few yards—sometimes only a few feet—farther westward.
While the German losses were something terrible in this continuous fighting, the French suffered untold hardships. The effect of the great German shells, which fell within the French lines almost incessantly, was tremendous. It did not seem that flesh and blood could survive their deadly effect—and yet the French fought back gamely.
At last the Germans reached a point only three miles and a half from the city of Verdun itself.
Then began the fiercest of the fighting.
After having been pushed back many miles by the German hordes, the French now braced suddenly and gave as good as they received. Instead of waiting for the German attacks, General Petain launched offensives of his own. At first these broke down easily under the German shells, but as they continued, the drives began to meet with more and more success. It became apparent that at this point the advantage usually rested with the attacking party.
Battles—or what would have been called battles in any other war of history, but now, in the official reports were merely referred to as skirmishes—raged for hours at a stretch, some of the most important continuing for days, first with advantage to one side and then to the other.
In vain the German Crown Prince hurled his men forward to pierce the French lines that now separated him from Verdun, less than four miles away.
While the German guns still continued to shell the city and the fortifications, there was little they could accomplish now. All walls and houses in the path of the great guns had crumbled under their terrible fire days ago; there was nothing left to destroy, except at intervals where a small fort still stood and breathed defiance to the enemy.
But the German guns served one purpose. They afforded protection for the infantry as it advanced to the attack. Only when the Germans advanced close enough to come to hand grips with the French did the big guns become silent.
But now came the turning of the tide.
From far back the French threw out reinforcements to the hard pressed men in front. Huge new field guns were brought up. Great masses of ammunition, which the French had been storing up for just such a chance, were rushed to the front. Soon the French guns were speaking as loudly and as often as the great German 42-centimetres themselves.
The first work of the new French offensive was to clear the Germans from Dead Man's Hill, Hill No. 320 and Hill No. 304. These battles, among the fiercest of all history, however, were really little more than skirmishes, when the entire movement was taken into consideration. Terrible though they were, after all they were nothing more than small parts of the great battle of Verdun itself.
From Dead Man's Hill and the other two elevations captured by the French, the Germans now were pushed clear back to the banks of the river Meuse; and then they were driven beyond. Thiaumont farm, where Hal and Chester had seen hard fighting, came once more beneath the French tricolor; and the German eagle went back farther still.
There was little or no rest for the men in the trenches on either side. Out would rush the Germans from their trenches in a grand attack upon the trenches of the French. Hand-to-hand fighting would ensue. Perhaps the Germans would be driven back. If they were they would make a new effort an hour or so later.
Perhaps the French would give way and the Germans would occupy the trenches. A short time later the French would re-form under the very rifles of the enemy, and, by a grand charge, oust the Germans from their newly won positions. Then came the work of concentrating and fortifying the trenches all over again.
It was terrible work, these days before Verdun.
Hal and Chester played no small part in the advance of the French army. More than once they were despatched upon important missions; and their fortune had been of the best. Not once had they failed to accomplish a piece of work entrusted to them. General Petain began to look upon them as among his best men. Many a piece of work that, a month before, he would have entrusted to an older head now fell to the lot of either Hal or Chester; and the boys did not complain. In fact, the more they had to do the better they liked it.
Nor, for the matter of that, was there complaint from any of the men in the French army, officers or men. They stood to their work bravely and never flinched under fire. Nor did they protest when they were forced to go for long hours without sleep, other than that they could catch between the battles that raged almost incessantly and seemed to be nothing less than one continuous struggle.
Now came the day when the Germans had been pushed far east of the Meuse. For the moment the French, flushed with victory, paused for a breathing spell. It had been work well done, in the days that had just passed, and men and officers alike realized it. Preparing their lines against attacks, under the command of General Petain, the French paused for breath.
The German Crown Prince, realizing the cause of this lull by the French, thought to take advantage of the foe, and launched assault after assault; but, tired out as the French were, there was still energy and courage enough among them to resist successfully the fierce charges of the foe.
And after awhile the Crown Prince gave up these attacks, realizing that he could not hope, at that moment, to penetrate the French positions, and, for once, doing away with the needless sacrifice of men.
Upon an afternoon when the battle of Verdun was a little more than three months old, Hal and Chester were summoned to the quarters of General Petain. They went eagerly, for they realized that there was important work ahead.
"Boys," said General Petain, for thus he had come to address them when alone, after the official salutes had been returned, "I have here a piece of work, that, because of the danger attached, I hesitate to select a man, or men, to perform."
Hal and Chester both smiled.
"And you want to give us the first chance at it, sir?" said Hal.
"Yes; I know that if you accept the mission it is more certain of success than if I entrusted it to other hands."
"We shall be glad of the chance, sir," said Chester, quietly.
General Petain clapped his hands in satisfaction.
"I knew it," he said, "and yet I did not like to order you to perform it. You boys are true blue."
Both lads flushed with pleasure at this remark, but they made no reply. They stood quietly waiting until the general should tell them what was required.
"Boys," said the general, "it is absolutely essential to the success of this campaign that I have a more accurate knowledge of the enemy's lines and strength. My aviators have been sent in search of such information, but they have met with little success. The only man who got close enough to learn what I am after, according to others who followed him, was shot down. He failed to return. What he learned, of course, I do not know. But it is that which I must know. Do you think you can gain this information for me?"
"We can at least have a try at it," said Chester, with a smile.
"We'll get it if it is humanly possible," agreed Hal.
"I am more confident of success than I would be if the mission were in other hands," said General Petain, quietly.
"And when do you wish us to start, sir?" asked Hal.
"Immediately," was the reply, "though I believe it would be better to wait until dark."
"And you would suggest an aeroplane?" asked Hal.
"I leave the means to you," returned the general. "I'll give you a written order that will put anything in the French lines at your disposal, aeroplane, automobile or horses. You may take your choice."
The general turned to his desk and scribbled on a piece of paper. To what he had written he affixed his signature and then passed the paper to Hal.
"I have no further instructions," he said. "But, be as quick as you can, and be careful."
He arose and extended a hand to each lad. He had come to be very fond of them, and he patted each on the back affectionately.
"May good fortune attend you," he said quietly.
The lads drew themselves up, saluted and left the tent. The general stepped to the door and gazed after them.
"Good boys, those," he said quietly to himself. "May they return safely!"
"I guess an aeroplane is the best way after all," said Hal, when they were back in their own quarters.
"Sure," Chester agreed. "It's swifter, and if we have any luck at all, it's a pretty good contraption to get away in after we have gained our information. Now about clothes. Shall we keep on these uniforms?"
"What would you suggest?"
"Well, I don't know. Thought maybe we would take some German clothes along."
"Might not be a bad idea, though we won't put them on unless we have to. I don't want to be shot as a spy if I can help it."
"Nor I. Don't suppose there would be any use in taking civilian costumes?"
"I don't know. Guess it wouldn't do any harm, though. The more clothes the better. We may need a change of costume most any time."
"All right. We'll load up, if we can find what we want."
"I guess there won't be any trouble about that."
The lad was right. Soon they had a large army plane at their disposal and had stocked it with all they thought they would need in the way of clothing and food. Then they returned to their own quarters. Hal glanced at his watch.
"Only five o'clock," he said. "We've a good three hours yet. We don't want to go up until well after dark. Let's go out and have a look around."
Chester was agreeable and they made their way from the tent. They had walked about for probably an hour, when suddenly Hal took Chester by the coat sleeve.
"Look there!" he exclaimed.
Chester looked; and there, perhaps fifty yards away, was Anthony Stubbs, slinking along, now and then casting an eye at Hal and Chester.
"He's seen us," said Chester. "Let's have a little talk with him. Maybe we can have some fun."
It was the first time they had seen the little war correspondent since the talk in General Petain's tent more than two months before.
"Come on, then," said Hal.
They increased their stride; but Stubbs, with a quick glance over his shoulder, observed this and also increased his pace.
"He doesn't want to see us, Hal," said Chester, with a grin.
"I see he doesn't," Hal grinned back. "Well, we want to see him." He raised his voice in a shout "Hey, there, Stubbs!"
The little man glanced quickly back over his shoulder. Then, seeing that Hal and Chester were gaining on him, he broke into a run.
"After him, Hal!" cried Chester, and also broke into a run.
Hal followed suit.
Around turn after turn they darted after the little man, who was making the best time his short legs would permit. At a word from Hal, Chester slowed down, for they didn't want to catch Stubbs too easily.
"Let him run himself out," Hal said.
And that was what the little man was doing. His tongue was literally hanging out as Hal and Chester continued to gain slowly. He was puffing like a locomotive and his arms were working like pistons. Once or twice he staggered and it seemed to him that he could not run another step. But he set his teeth and plodded on.
"I've got to get away," he told himself. "There is no knowing what these young ruffians will do to me."
In vain he tried to increase his pace. It could not be done. Every step cost him an effort and it seemed that he could not take another. He waddled crazily from one side to the other; and at last he came to a stop, and with what strength remained, he faced his pursuers and threw up his hands in an attitude of defense.
At arm's length, Hal and Chester came to a pause.
"So we have you at last, eh!" said the former.
"You—you keep a-away from me," gasped Stubbs, panting for breath. "I don't want to have any tro—trouble with you."
"Perhaps not, Mr. Stubbs," said Chester, "but we want to have a little trouble with you."
"Let me a-alone," gasped Stubbs.
Hal moved a step closer.
"Remember what you did to us?" he asked.
Stubbs stepped backward quickly.
"Don't you come any closer," he gasped. "Let me alone."
"Had us tied up, didn't you, Stubbs?" demanded Chester.
"Yes; but it was for your own good!" Stubbs had regained his wind now.
"For our own good, eh? Well, we have come after you for your own good."
"What have you got to say for yourself, Stubbs?" demanded Hal.
"Nothing," snapped the little man angrily, "except that I want to be let alone. You hoodwinked the general, all right, but you can't hoodwink me. Now go on away from here."
Again Chester stepped forward, and this time the lad was treated to an unpleasant surprise. Instead of moving backward, Stubbs suddenly lowered his head and charged Chester.
Taken by surprise, the lad was unable to get out of the way and the top of Stubbs' head rammed him squarely in the stomach. Chester doubled up and fell to the ground with a cry of pain.
Stubbs turned and started to run; but before he had taken half a dozen steps, Hal had reached him and taken him by the arm. In vain the little man struggled to shake off the lad's grasp.
"Hey, Stubbs!" cried Hal, laughing at the predicament in which Chester found himself, "what's the matter that you've turned so pugnacious all of a sudden? Getting to be a regular fighter, aren't you?"
"Well, he was just about to swat me," declared Stubbs.
Chester had now picked himself up and advanced upon Stubbs, threateningly.
"Say!" he exclaimed; "what do you mean by using your head as a battering ram on me?"
"I told you to keep away," returned Stubbs.
"I know you did; but that's no sign you should try to kill me. I wasn't going to hurt you."
"Maybe not," said Stubbs, "but I wasn't going to take any more chances. Now you keep away from me."
"Oh, Chester won't hurt you," said Hal, with a laugh. "You treated him just right, Stubbs. He's got no kick coming."
"No, that's right, Stubbs," said Chester, with a grin. "No hard feelings, I'm sure. You're all right. Put her there."
The lad extended a hand. Stubbs advanced doubtfully, but at last grasped Chester's hand.
Immediately he began to dance about wildly, shouting:
"Leggo! Leggo my hand! Ouch!"
At last Chester relaxed his grip.
"That makes it square all around, Stubbs," he said with a grin.
For a moment Stubbs gazed at him angrily, the while he worked his fingers back and fro to chase away the stiffness. Then he smiled.
"All right," he said. "Now we're square."
"Where you bound, Stubbs?" asked Hal.
"Hunting news," returned Stubbs.
"By Jove!" said Chester. "Why not take him along with us, Hal?"
"Suits me," was Hal's answer, "if he wants to go."
"Where you going?" demanded Stubbs.
"Sailing," returned Chester. "Sailing over the German lines. Want to go along?"
"Not me," said Stubbs, briefly.
"Come now, Stubbs, don't be afraid. Nothing is going to hurt you, and we might need you."
"That's what I thought," said Stubbs. "I knew there was some reason you wanted me to go along. I knew you didn't just want to take me along to show me the sights. Want me to stand in the gap when the trouble comes up. I know you."
"I assure you I had no such thoughts."
"Well, maybe you didn't have them, but that is what would happen all the same."
"Stubbs," said Hal, quietly. "It's my belief that you're afraid."
"Hal," said Stubbs, "you can bet your life I'm afraid to go up in the air with you two."
"Come on, Stubbs," said Chester, seriously. "Honestly, we would be glad of your company. We haven't seen much of you for some time."
"I know you haven't," returned Stubbs, "and that's why my health happens to be so good right now. But what are you going to do over the German lines?"
"Get the lay of the land," said Hal. "Find out the German strength and a few other things, if possible."
"Hm-m-m," muttered Stubbs. "Ought to be some news for the Gazette over there, don't you think?"
"Lots of it, Stubbs," replied Chester.
"The only trouble," said Stubbs, "is that if I go after it, will I be able to come back and tell the Gazette about it?"
"If you don't mind, Mr. Stubbs," said Hal, "one of us will take it upon himself to see that the Gazette gets the news."
"After my job, are you?" said Stubbs, with a smile.
"Well, not exactly. We just offered to help you out."
"I can't see where that would do me any good. However, I guess I'll take you up on this bet. I might be able to learn something of importance. The next thing would be to get it by the censor."
"Why, Stubbs," said Chester, "with your pull with General Petain, I can't see that you should have any trouble."
"My pull, eh?" said Stubbs, with rather a sickly grin. "You two went and smashed my pull all to smithereens."
"Oh, well," said Hal, "a newspaper man always finds a way."
Stubbs looked at Hal, suspiciously.
"If you're making fun of me—" he began.
"Far from it, Mr. Stubbs," replied Hal. "I was just stating a fact. Why, you've told us that yourself."
"Come, come, Stubbs," said Chester. "Are you going along or not? It's time to be moving."
The little war correspondent made his decision.
"I'll go," he said quietly.
"You know I don't think much of these contraptions," said Stubbs.
With Hal and Chester he was flying aloft in a large army biplane. The little war correspondent had climbed into the machine with the same trepidation he always manifested when about to ascend into the air, but he had not spoken until the machine was a full half mile aloft and Hal had sent it moving swiftly toward the distant German lines.
"Just sit tight and you will be all right," Chester replied.
"Never fear, I'll sit tight," returned Stubbs and became silent.
It was very dark aloft. Because he feared he might encounter an air craft of the enemy, Hal had not turned on the searchlight with which the machine was equipped. He had taken his bearings before making a start and was now trusting to his judgment of distances to guide him to the spot he had selected to return to the ground.
This point, which Hal and Chester had decided upon after some deliberation, was well behind the most advanced German lines. According to Hal's calculations, it was possible that at the place selected there would be few German troops. He had figured to descend between the German lines. Under the cover of darkness he felt there was little to fear should they avoid all enemy aircraft.
Accordingly, it was about an hour later when Hal reduced the speed of the biplane and then shut off the motor altogether. A moment later the machine began to glide slowly to earth.
Chester, peering over the side of the aeroplane, was the first to see the ground below.
"Land below!" he called to Hal.
"Anything in sight?" asked Hal.
"Not a thing. Coast seems to be perfectly clear. Trees near, too; so we can hide the plane, if you go almost straight down."
Hal followed directions and a moment later the biplane came to rest upon the ground as lightly as a bird.
Hal, Chester and Stubbs climbed out quickly.
"Guess we had better run the machine back among the trees," said Hal. "Lend me a hand here."
It was the work of but a few moments. Hal walked some distance away and surveyed the spot where the machine had been rolled. He walked around it on all sides.
"O.K.," he said. "You wouldn't know it was there unless you happened to be looking for it."
"Well, what now?" asked Chester.
"Guess we had better don those German uniforms and prowl about a bit."
"Snoop, eh," said Stubbs.
"Now look here, Stubbs," said Hal, "you just keep quiet and get into this uniform we brought along for you."
Mumbling to himself, Stubbs obeyed.
Arrayed in the German uniforms—the attire of lieutenants—the three advanced toward where they felt sure the main German entrenchments must be. Hal glanced at his watch in the moonlight.
"Ten o'clock," he said. "Within three hours we should have learned all we need to. As soon as we reach the German lines we shall separate. We'll meet here again at two o'clock. Is that satisfactory?"
"Suits me," said Chester.
"Want to lose me, do you?" grumbled Stubbs. "Never mind, though. I'll be here by the time you are."
"Pick up every scrap of information possible," Hal enjoined his companions. "Don't take the trouble to write it down. Just impress it on your memory."
The others nodded their understanding.
The three came now upon a light in the distance.
"Germans ahead, I guess," Chester whispered. "Careful and let all further conversation be in German."
The lad was right. Advancing two hundred yards farther, the three friends came upon the outlying sections of the big German camp. Sentinels moved about in the darkness, their forms lighted up now and then by the flare of campfires—for the night was very cold.
Once they were challenged by a sentry, but when the man looked at their uniforms in the moonlight, he lowered his rifle and passed on.
"I'll go straight ahead," said Chester in a low voice. "Hal, you go north and let Stubbs go south."
And thus it was arranged without further talk. The three friends separated.
Walking between the rows of German tents, Chester, after perhaps half an hour, was arrested by the sound of voices in a tent that seemed, in the darkness, to be much larger than the ones which surrounded it. He paused and listened attentively.
"Then everything is in readiness," came a voice.
"Everything. When the French see that we have weakened our lines on the left wing, they naturally will press forward in masses. The pressure on the right wing probably will be lessened. Also in the center. General Petain, in all probabilities, will seek to take advantage of what he will believe is our carelessness."
"And then?" asked the first voice.
"Why, then we shall push forward in the center and on the right, leaving enough men on the left to make a show of force. Taken at a disadvantage, the French will be cut off on our left, and our center, sweeping around, suddenly, will envelop them. As I estimate it, the French wing, which will be thus enveloped, will be 100,000 strong. It will be a telling blow."
Chester, while this conversation was in progress, had shrunk close up against the tent. Now, thinking to gain a view of the occupants, he drew his knife from his pocket and made a little slit in the canvas. To this opening he applied his eye; and then gave an exclamation under his breath.
In the center of the group of officers in the tent was none other than the German Crown Prince, the directing head of the German attack on Verdun, and son of the Emperor himself.
The conversation continued and the lad stored up mentally the knowledge he gained by listening to the conversation.
The gathering within now seemed about to break up; but Chester delayed in his precarious position, thinking to gather every possible iota of information. And this almost proved his undoing.
Although Chester did not know it, one of the German officers had, for some moments, been gazing at the little slit in the tent made by the point of Chester's knife. Now, with a murmured apology to the other officers, he strode from the tent. Chester still had his eyes glued to the opening and did not hear soft footsteps behind him.
A harsh voice sounded in the lad's ear.
"Get up from there!"
Chester did not lose his nerve, although he realized immediately that he was in a ticklish position, indeed. His hand reached for his pocket as he rose slowly to his feet.
But one glance at the figure that confronted him told the lad that it would be useless for him to attempt to draw his revolver; for the German held a pistol in a steady hand and it was levelled straight at Chester's head.
"What are you doing here?" was the officer's next question.
"Why, I heard voices," said Chester, "and I thought I would see what was going on."
"Curiosity has got a man into trouble many a time," said the German quietly. "March on ahead of me."
There was nothing for it but to obey. Under the muzzle of the German officer's revolver, Chester was marched around to the front of the tent and then inside.
"Hello!" It was the Crown Prince who spoke. "What have we here?"
"I caught this man eavesdropping outside the tent," replied the man who had captured Chester.
"So!" said the Crown Prince in an angry tone. He whirled upon Chester. "And what were you doing there, sir?" he asked.
"I—why, I—" Chester stammered.
The lad was thankful in that minute for his German uniform; though he knew it probably would go hard with him anyhow, he believed that the fact that he was, ostensibly, a German lieutenant would give him more time; possibly it would give Hal enough time to find and rescue him. At least, it would preclude a search for more possible French spies.
"To what regiment are you attached?" asked the Crown Prince.
Chester took a long chance.
"Fortieth Hussars, sir," he replied quietly.
"Then what are you doing here?" demanded the Crown Prince, but continued without giving Chester time to reply: "Surely you know the penalty of such actions?"
"All I can say, sir," the lad declared, "is that my curiosity overcame me."
For a moment it seemed that the face of the Crown Prince softened. Then it became stern again.
"I can see that you are little more than a boy," he said, "but that is no excuse. You are a soldier and you know a soldier's duty. That is not prying into the business of your superiors." He turned to the group of officers. "What do you say, sirs," he said, "shall I have this man court martialed, or shall I have him returned to his regiment with a warning?"
But there was no mercy on the faces of the others and Chester realized it.
"He should be court martialed and shot," said one.
"I agree with you," said another.
"I'm not so sure," said the Crown Prince. "The lad is young. How do I know what I would have done in his place? No; I am tempted to have him returned to his regiment and placed under arrest indefinitely."
"Lieutenant Hollsein, I shall leave this man in your charge. See that he is returned to his regiment immediately."
Chester breathed a sigh of relief. He realized that he was still in a perilous situation, for when he should be taken to the commander of the Fortieth Hussars, his deception must be learned. But at least it gave him more time.
But Chester's sigh of relief came too soon.
"Hold on!" said one of the German officers. "This man is no German!"
Anthony Stubbs, after leaving Hal and Chester, pushed off to the south slowly, absolutely unconscious of the adventures that were to come his way. Mindful of the fact that there was a certain degree of safety in the German uniform he wore, and rather proud of himself thus attired, Stubbs walked on more boldly than he would have done otherwise.
And thus it was that, without warning, he walked suddenly into the midst of a group of German officers who sat about a campfire a short distance from where he had left his two young friends.
Stubbs pulled up suddenly and would have drawn back had not one of the German officers sprung suddenly to his feet.
"Here, Hans, is another man now!" exclaimed the officer. "A moment ago you were bemoaning the fact that there was not another man to take a hand in a game of cards. Here is one come in answer to your prayers."
Two other German officers sprang to their feet.
"Four of us; that's enough," said one. He turned to Stubbs. "What do you say?"
"Say to what?" asked Stubbs, bravely.
"A game of cards."
"What kind of a game of cards?"
"An American game," was the reply. "Hans learned it when he was in the United States and has taught us something about it. It's called poker."
"I've played it," said Stubbs.
"Good! Then you will join us?"
"I should be elsewhere," said Stubbs, hesitatingly.
Be it known that Anthony Stubbs, war correspondent of the New York Gazette, had, in his day, liked to play a game of poker, whether it was right or whether it was wrong. Even to this day the lure of the game held, and in spite of the danger such a game entailed, Stubbs was not loath to play. Besides, the little man bethought himself that while the game was in progress he might learn something of value, so he said:
"All right. I'll play."
The man called Hans now sprang to his feet.
"I want to warn you," he said, "that I am extremely lucky at this game."
"Well, I used to be fairly lucky myself," said Stubbs. To himself he said: "Whoever heard of a German trying to play the American game of poker?"
The man called Hans now led the way to his quarters, where he produced a table, chairs and a pack of cards. The four men ranged themselves around the table.
As the game progressed there was considerable talk of the status of the opposing armies and Stubbs gained much information that he felt would be of use. As time passed other officers dropped in to witness the game; and chancing to look over his shoulder, Stubbs was startled to see the face of Hal. He gave a slight start, but quickly covered this up as he saw a look of annoyance on Hal's face.
"Hal objects to my gambling, I guess," Stubbs muttered to himself. "But what do I care? I'm glad to gather in a few German coins. Fortunate that I had some in my pocket."
The manner in which Hal came to be in the tent was very simple. He had walked north for some distance, and finding nothing that would prove of value, he had turned back. He had been attracted by the sound of conversation and had joined the group of German officers near the tent where the game of poker was in progress. When one of the officers had suggested going in and watching the game Hal had acquiesced. That is how he found himself standing behind Stubbs and scanning the latter's cards.
At that moment Stubbs had lost a hand to the man called Hans. Stubbs was considerably nettled, for he felt sure he should have won. He turned an eye on Hal, who stood directly behind him.
"Don't stand behind me," the little man snapped.
"What's the matter?" demanded Hal. "Superstitious?"
"Yes, if you want to call it that," Stubbs answered.
Hal shifted his position slightly.
Again Stubbs scanned a hand that he felt sure would win. Hans was the dealer. As he drew two more cards, Stubbs suddenly gave a start. He had seen Hans slip a card from his sleeve.
Now Stubbs was not a fighter. He had shown that on more than one occasion. But the little man objected to being imposed upon. Also he had always stood for a square deal in a friendly game of cards. He had proven that more than once in his younger days. And now, seeing the man called Hans cheating made Stubbs' blood boil.
Quietly he leaned across the table and spoke.
"You," he said, shaking his forefinger in the man's face, "no wonder you say you are lucky."
"Why, what do you mean?" demanded Hans, his face turning pale, for he well realized the import of Stubbs' words.
"I mean," said Stubbs, and at that moment his hand dropped to his revolver butt, "I mean that you are a cheat!"
Stubbs produced his revolver and levelled it straight at Hans. Then he swept the circle of surprised faces about him with his eyes.
"Sir!" exclaimed Hans, "I demand an apology for those words."
"Well, you won't get it," returned Stubbs, decisively. He turned to the man next to Hans. "Reach up his sleeve there," he said, "and if you don't find a card or two I'll make you a present of all the money I have in my pocket."
Surprised, the other obeyed and the result vindicated Stubbs. Two cards fluttered from Hans' sleeve. Stubbs got to his feet.
"You see, gentlemen," he said, "with what kind of a man you have been playing. No wonder he calls himself lucky."
The others were very angry. Seeing that the matter would be taken out of his hands, Stubbs restored his revolver to its place.
Hans stood up.
"If you think I have cheated," he said, "you are welcome to all the money I have won. As for you," he turned on Stubbs, "you shall die!"
A revolver appeared in his hand as if by magic and Stubbs shrank back.
But before the man could fire Hal leaped quickly forward and struck up the weapon.
"You are not only a cheat but a coward!" said the lad quietly.
"And who are you?" screamed Hans, now beside himself with rage. "What have you to do with this?"
"Nothing more than to prevent murder," replied Hal.
Now the other German officers took a hand in the trouble.
"Lieutenant Darnhart," said one. "I wish you never to speak to me again."
"Nor to me," from the other man who had taken part in the game, and added: "If you are wise, you will know what to do."
For a moment Hans gazed at them hardly knowing what to say. Then, slowly, he emptied the contents of his pockets upon the table.
"You are right, gentlemen," he said quietly. "I have cheated. Therefore, this money belongs to you. And do not fear that I do not know what to do. The honor of the regiment shall be kept clean."
With that he bowed low to the others and stalked from the tent. The others stood stiffly erect until he had disappeared; then turned to Stubbs.
"We have to thank you, sir," said one, "for opening our eyes. Long we have wondered why Darnhart was so lucky, why he always arose from the game the only winner. Now we know."
"Well," said Stubbs, "I used to play considerably when I lived in the United States, and for that reason, I guess, I was on my guard."
"At all events," said the second German, "you have done us a service and we wish to thank you."
"Why, that's all right," said Stubbs. "I am sure either of you would have done the same thing under the circumstances. And with your permission, I shall leave you now."
The others bowed and Stubbs turned toward the door.
"If you will wait a moment, sir, I shall accompany you," said a voice.
It was Hal who spoke and Stubbs waited obediently.
"First," said Hal, "I have something else to do." He addressed the Germans: "Which of you is upon the staff of General Ludwig?"
"Why, I am," said one of the men, stepping forward.
"Good!" said Hal. "I would have spoken sooner, but I was absorbed in the game. I did not remember your name, but I was sent for you. Will you follow me?"
The German nodded his head.
"Very well," said Hal. "Come."
He led the way from the tent and the German and Stubbs followed. The latter was astonished at Hal's words, but he did not show his surprise in his actions. He walked after the others without a word.
"Something up," he muttered to himself. "I guess I had better keep my gun handy."
Outside, they walked along slowly.
Five minutes later, when they reached a place that was somewhat secluded, Hal suddenly produced his revolver and pressed it against the German's head.
"You will give me immediately what papers you have in your pockets," the lad said quietly. "If you make an outcry I shall be compelled to shoot you."
The German stared aghast.
"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded.
"It means that I must have whatever papers you possess," said Hal, calmly, "even if I have to shoot you to get them."
"Ah!" cried the German, "I see! A spy!"
He made a move as though to seize Hal, but the lad was too quick for him.
With his left hand he grabbed the German's elbow in a tight grip and squeezed. Then, even before the man had time to cry out, the lad released his hold, reversed his revolver quickly and brought the butt down on the German's head with all his force.
The man crumpled up without a word and lay still.
Stubbs, who had witnessed this proceeding in open-eyed wonder, now uttered an exclamation.
"What are you doing? Trying to get us both killed?" he demanded.
Hal did not reply. Stooping over the prostrate German he ran his hand quickly through the man's pockets. Then he straightened up, and by the soft light of the moon, ran through the papers hurriedly. He gave an exclamation of satisfaction.
"I thought I should find something," he muttered. "Come on now, Stubbs!" he said.
The little war correspondent hurried after him without another word.
Chester's sigh of relief almost choked in his throat. But he determined to brave out the situation as well as he could.
"No," exclaimed the man who had spoken, "this boy is no German!"
Even the Crown Prince was surprised.
"Not a German!" he exclaimed. "Then what is he? A—"
"A spy!" the other concluded for him.
"Impossible!" declared the Crown Prince. "How could there be a spy among us?"
"Well, he's here. Surely you can look at the boy and tell he is not a German."
The Crown Prince approached Chester and scrutinized him closely.
"Who are you?" he demanded at length.
"I have told you, sir," replied Chester, quietly.
"But you have not told the truth," was the Crown Prince's reply. "I can see you are not French. Are you British?"
"No, sir."
"Then what?"
"Well," said Chester, at length, realizing that subterfuge was useless, "I am an American."
"With the French army, eh?" said the Crown Prince.
Chester did not reply. He could see no reason for incriminating himself, though he realized, too, that it made no particular difference whether he replied or remained silent. He was convicted either way.
"You don't answer," exclaimed the Crown Prince. "That is evidence sufficient of your guilt."
Chester shrugged his shoulders. The Crown Prince eyed him angrily.
"You are one of these indifferent ones, are you?" he said. "Well, we know how to cure that. Do you realize what is in store for you?"
"Perfectly," replied Chester. "The firing squad."
"No; you are wrong," was the Crown Prince's answer. "The firing squad is too good for spies. You have been captured within our lines in disguise; therefore, there can be no doubt that you are a spy. You shall be hanged."
Chester took a step backward. He had realized what his fate would be should he fall into the hands of the enemy, but this was more than he had bargained for. And at that moment there seemed little possibility that Hal would find and be able to rescue him.
"Looks like the end of my rope," the lad muttered.
He made no reply to the Crown Prince's words. He knew a reply would be useless.
"So you decline to talk?" said the Crown Prince. "Well, it matters not." He motioned to one of his staff. "See that this prisoner is hanged by the neck at sunrise," he said.
The officer saluted and motioned to Chester to precede him from the tent. There was nothing for it but to obey and the lad walked out.
Now it happened that in some unaccountable manner the Germans had neglected to relieve Chester of his revolvers. The lad's right hand rested upon the weapon in his belt. But he was unable at this moment to draw with any degree of hope, for the German officer was directly behind him and Chester knew he would be shot down before he could turn and fire. Also, should he succeed in gaining the drop on the German by a quick move, he was in the very heart of the German camp and the sound of a shot would bring a thousand men on his heels.
The lad bided his time.
Perhaps half a mile from the quarters of the German Crown Prince, Chester's captor motioned him into a tent. Chester entered without a word. What hopes he might have had of suddenly flashing his revolver on his captor disappeared, for the man entered close behind him.
He clapped his hands.
A moment later a second officer appeared in the tent and stood at attention.
"Call a guard of four men and have this tent surrounded," instructed Chester's captor.
The man saluted and left the tent. He was back within a few moments, however, and saluting said:
"The tent is surrounded, sir."
"Very well," said Chester's captor. "You may go."
Again the man left the tent; then Chester's captor said:
"Now, I guess you will be safe here until morning; after that you will be safe for all time."
"Thanks," said Chester, dryly.
The German left the tent.
Chester now took stock of his surroundings. Outside he could hear his guards pacing up and down.
"If I could get one of them in here at a time," the lad told himself, "perhaps I could dispose of them. I'll try it."
Approaching the entrance, he poked his head out.
"Get back inside there," a gruff voice exclaimed, and Chester beheld a large German soldier with his rifle pointed squarely at his head.
"Look here," said Chester. "I want a drink of water."
"Get back inside," was the sharp reply. "I'll get it for you."
Chester moved back in the tent. Five minutes later the German soldier stuck his head inside.
"Here's your water," he said, holding forth a tin cup.
Chester's right hand rested on his belt as he extended his left to take the cup. The German had lowered his gun at that moment; and he paid dearly for his carelessness.
Chester made a sudden movement and the cup of water went clattering to the ground. At the same moment Chester brought the butt of his revolver down on the head of the German soldier with a crunch. The man fell to the ground.
Hastily now Chester seized the man by the feet and dragged him inside. Then the lad quickly stripped him of his clothes and donned them himself. They were large, but Chester made them fit by turning up the trousers and drawing his belt tight. Then he picked up the German's gun and stepped from the tent.
The lad had intended to move away from the tent immediately, but even as he would have walked off a second of the guards approached and engaged him in conversation. Chester muffled his voice as well as possible and imitated the hoarse tones of the man he had disposed of.
"Nice night," said the German.
"Nice night," Chester agreed.
"What is to be done with the prisoner inside?"
"Hang him in the morning," said Chester.
"Good! It's the way all spies should be treated."
"Of course; unless they chance to be German spies."
"That's different," muttered the guard.
"Of course it is," Chester agreed and added: "You'd better get back to your place. The prisoner might escape under your nose."
"Not much chance," was the reply. "I wouldn't care if he did try, though. I'd like to have a shot at him."
"Nice pleasant sort of a customer," Chester muttered to himself. Aloud, he said: "Well, I was just giving you a word of warning. You can't tell about these fellows. They're pretty slippery customers."
"Well, this one won't slip out of our clutches," declared the guard. "I wonder if I hadn't better go in and have a look at him?"
"Can't be done," said Chester. "My instructions are to let no one pass."
"So are mine, but what has that to do with it?"
"A whole lot. I'm on guard in front here and I say you can't go in."
"Come now, be a good fellow, I want to have a look at the prisoner."
"Can't be done," returned Chester.
"You are a deucedly uncivil sort of a fellow," said the guard. "I don't seem to know you. What's your name?"
"None of your business," returned Chester.
"Is that so? Suppose I make it some of my business," and the guard took a threatening step forward.
"You'll be sorry, that's all."
"Think so, do you? Let me tell you something. I'm going to hunt you up in the morning and have it out with you."
"All right," said Chester. "You can suit yourself about that. But wait until morning. Remember we're guarding this prisoner now."
"Well, I've a notion to settle with you right now, prisoner or no prisoner. I don't like you."
"To tell the truth, I don't think a whole lot of you," said Chester. "I would a great deal rather be without your company. You had better get back where you belong."
"Think so, do you? Well, I'll show you."
With these words the German guard forgot all about the prisoner supposed to be inside and everything else save that he wanted to get at Chester. He dropped his rifle with a clatter and struck at Chester with his right fist.
"Well, if you must have it," Chester muttered to himself.
He, too, dropped his gun and his right fist shot forth. The German staggered back with a grunt; but Chester's blow had not reached a vital spot and the guard leaped forward again.
This time Chester timed his blow a little more carefully.
The lad's fist landed flush on the guard's jaw. The man rolled over like a log.
Chester looked around quickly.
"Now to get out of this," he muttered.
He picked up his rifle and turned to move away. But even as he would have started the sound of hurrying footsteps halted him; and he began to pace up and down in front of the tent.
Two figures dashed toward him; behind them came the sound of shots.
"Hello!" said Chester to himself. "More trouble in camp. Wonder what's up now?"
The answer was to come sooner than he could have expected. As the two figures came closer, other figures appeared in the distance. There came the sound of revolver shots.
"This way!" cried a voice.
Chester raised his rifle, ready to take a hand in the proceedings himself should the occasion demand.
"This thing is getting rather complicated," he told himself.
The two approaching figures came closer rapidly. Chester gave an exclamation of pure astonishment.
When Hal and Stubbs took to their heels after the former had relieved the German officer of his papers, they had run some distance before coming across anyone in the darkness. Then they came upon another figure so suddenly that it almost resulted in their capture.
Hal, in the lead, had been just about to slacken his pace, when, rounding a corner suddenly, he had crashed into a form in the night. The two went down in a heap; and Stubbs, turning a moment later, had stumbled over the pair of struggling forms before he could check himself. In a moment he found himself mixed up in the struggling mass.
A fist struck Stubbs squarely upon the nose.
"Hey! Quit that," said Stubbs, and struck out with his right.
This blow came almost ending the fight right there and in a manner not at all advantageous to Stubbs and Hal. In the darkness the little war correspondent had been unable to distinguish friend from foe and his fist caught Hal just above the right eye.
Now Anthony Stubbs had considerable power in his right arm and for a moment Hal was dazed by the blow. Before he could clear his head, his opponent had struck him a heavy blow on the other side of the neck and leaped to his feet.
At that instant Stubbs realized what he had done and a sickening sensation struck him in the pit of the stomach; but the little man determined to give the best that was in him to undo his work.
With an angry bellow he charged his German opponent. The latter stepped back a pace and sought to draw his revolver, but Stubbs was too quick for him. Almost at the moment that Stubbs crashed into his foe he lowered his head, as would a steer, and his head caught the German in the region of the belt.
Came a gasp from the German as he doubled up and collapsed. He rolled over upon the ground several times in a vain attempt to gain his breath; then lay still.
The victory was with Stubbs!
Hal had now regained consciousness and sat up just in time to see the effect of Stubbs' charge.
"Good work, Stubbs!" the lad cried. "Now lend me a hand and we'll get away from here!"
Stubbs did as requested and a moment later Hal was on his feet. The lad felt the bump over his eye tenderly.
"Stubbs," he said, "it was rather dark and we were so mixed up on the ground that I couldn't see, but I would be willing to wager a whole lot that it wasn't a German who gave me this crack over the eye. Now was it?"
"Well," said Stubbs, "I—I—"
"Just as I thought," declared Hal. "So you tried to do me up as well as the German, eh?"
"It was an accident," declared Stubbs. "You know I wouldn't have done it on purpose, Hal."
"It came very near being a costly accident, Stubbs. Suppose the German had laid you out? Then what? We would have been nabbed, sure."
"I'll be more careful next time," said Stubbs, apologetically.
"You won't have to be," said Hal. "Next time I'm going to get in the first blow. Then we'll see how you like it. But come. We must be moving away from here. See. The German is regaining consciousness. I don't want to kill him, and we mustn't be here when he comes to. Come now."
Hal led the way rapidly along the row of tents.
"Looks as though we should be safe enough now," the lad said, after they had walked for perhaps fifteen minutes.
The lad produced his watch, and by the soft light of the moon, took note of the time.
"By Jove! half past one o'clock," he said. "We shall have to hurry back or Chester will be worried."
"Let's hope Chester will be there when we arrive," said Stubbs.
"Oh, he'll be there, all right. Come on."
"Say," said Stubbs as they walked along, "what I want to know is how you knew the German officer you knocked down had any valuable papers?"
"That's easy," was Hal's response. "Before entering the tent where your little game was in progress, I overheard one of the officers without mention the fact that an aide of General Ludwig's was in the tent and that he carried important papers. The rest was very simple."
"I see," said Stubbs. "Now what—look there, Hal."
The little man broke off suddenly and pointed directly ahead. Advancing toward them were perhaps a dozen German soldiers, with an officer at their head.
"We'll have to get out of the way," said Hal, quietly. "We haven't time to answer questions now."
He turned between the rows of tents and hurried on, with Stubbs close behind him. And from the German officer came the command to halt.
Instead, Hal increased his speed and a moment later he and Stubbs were running quietly between the rows of German tents. Behind came the sound of pursuing footsteps.
"We're in for it now, Stubbs," panted Hal. "I was a fool to run. They know now that there is something wrong and they won't rest until they have scoured the entire camp."
"Then we are done for!" exclaimed Anthony Stubbs.
"Not yet!" replied Hal. "While there's life there's hope. Never say die, Stubbs."
The little man did not reply. He saved all the breath he had left for running purposes, for he felt that he was likely to have to run the rest of the night.
Suddenly, making another short turn, Hal pulled up. Stubbs did likewise and both listened attentively.
The footsteps were some distance back.
"We've gained a bit, Stubbs," said Hal.
"Well, what's the use of waiting here then?" demanded the war correspondent. "Let's gain a bit more."
"Hold on!" exclaimed Hal, as Stubbs would have taken to his heels again. "We can't run clear through the German camp like this, you know. We're bound to be caught if we try it. It must be strategy rather than fleetness of foot if we hope to get out of this situation safely."
"All right," Stubbs agreed. "Whatever you say suits me. But if it is strategy that is going to get us out of this, tell me some strategy real quick."
Hal considered a moment. Every second the pursuing footsteps were coming closer. Stubbs squirmed about uneasily.
"Say," he said at last; "hear those fellows coming? I'm going to get away from here."
Again he took to his heels; and there was nothing for Hal to do but follow, for he did not wish to lose sight of the little man. Besides, in that moment's pause, Hal had decided upon a plan that he believed had a fair chance of success.
For perhaps five minutes more they ran on, Hal fearful at every moment that German soldiers would pour from their tents and interrupt their flight. Fortunately, this did not happen, however.
Hal, fleet of foot as he was, was hard pressed to catch up with Stubbs, who had gained a slight lead and was covering the ground with rapid strides. But at last the lad overtook him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
"Slow down, there," he commanded. "First thing you know you'll have the whole camp after us. Those shoes of yours must be at least number elevens. They shake the whole earth when you run."
"Well, they have come in pretty handy to-night," said Stubbs. "What are you stopping here for?"
"Because I don't want to arouse every German in the camp. I'll tell you about that strategy now."
"Well, let's hear it real quick," said Stubbs, impatiently. "I want to get away from here."
"So do I," said Hal, "but I want to get away all in one piece. Here's my plan: We can't hope to get away by running. Sooner or later, before we are clear of the German lines, we are certain to bump into some one. That would settle it. We'll go ahead a little more, then we'll enter one of these tents, tap the occupants on the head with our revolver butts and crawl into their cots. Then when our pursuers have gone by we'll go back."
"By Jove!" said Stubbs, "that's not half bad. Wonder why I can't think of things like that?"
"Because you're too busy running," returned Hal.
The first of the pursuers came into sight at that moment and uttered a cry. This told the others following that the prey had been sighted and they dashed forward.
"Come as fast as you can, Stubbs," shouted Hal. "We've got to get out of sight."
In the distance Hal saw a solitary figure standing before a tent. He knew that this figure had seen him and decided that the man must be disposed of before he could give the alarm, Therefore, he headed straight for him.
As he ran, Hal expected every moment that the figure before the tent would open fire on him and his own revolver was held ready should the man's first shot go wild. Hal did not wish to fire if he could possibly avoid it.
Close behind Hal, Stubbs panted and puffed along. Once Hal was forced to reduce his speed in order that Stubbs might keep up with him. The little man was doing his best, but his short legs were not built to maintain a pace that Hal could set. Besides, he had long since lost his youthfulness and he could not run as he had done in his earlier days.
"I can't go much farther, Hal," he gasped.
"Just a little ways, Stubbs," Hal urged him on. "See that man in the tent there? That's where we'll hide. I'll knock him out if he doesn't get me first. The fool! He is taking a long chance. He should fire."
At that moment there came a fusillade of shots from behind.
In his anxiousness to get the man in the door of the tent out of the way, Hal had continued a straight course longer than he had realized; and this had allowed the pursuers to come within sight again. There was nothing to do but make the best of it now.
Hal dashed straight for the figure in the tent.
Drawing close, Hal raised his revolver, reversed, and held it ready to bring down on the figure's head the moment they should come together. There was a sudden exclamation from the figure in the tent; and with it Hal dropped his arm; the exclamation was a single word:
It was the voice of Chester.
Hal stopped abruptly. Stubbs also panted up and came to a halt.
"What on earth are you doing here, Chester?" asked Hal.
For answer Chester pointed to the men who were pursuing his friends.
"Are those fellows after you?" he asked.
"Yes," was Hal's answer.
"Then let's get away from here," said Chester. "Come on."
He took to his heels and Hal and Stubbs followed him. Gaining his friend's side, Hal, in a few quick words, explained his plan as he had outlined it to Stubbs only a few moments before.
"Then we shall have to get out of sight of our pursuers," said Chester. "Come, Stubbs," he called back over his shoulder, "a little spurt now and we shall be safe."
Stubbs tried to respond to this command; and he did succeed in getting up a little more speed as he turned about a tent after Hal and Chester. Twice more the three doubled on their tracks and then Hal pulled up before a tent.
"This will do as well as another, I guess," he said.
"Waste no time," said Chester. "Revolvers ready and come on."
With weapons reversed the three entered the tent quietly. Deep snores within led the friends to the cots of the occupants of the tent.
"I hate to do this," said Chester, as he stood over a German soldier, "but there is no help for it."
His arm rose and fell.
Across the tent Hal performed a similar operation. Then they explored carefully in the darkness for signs of another figure.
There was none.
"Only two cots, Hal," whispered Chester. "Now let's get to bed until things have quieted down."
Quickly the three threw off their clothes and clambered into the cots, first throwing the men they had overcome beneath them. Stubbs had a cot to himself, while Hal and Chester climbed in together.
"When they fail to find trace of us they likely will come back and ask if we have been seen," said Hal. "We must pretend to be asleep."
A few moments later the sound of their pursuers' feet were audible as they passed the tent on the run. Then they died away in the distance.
"Had we better wait or try to get out before they come back?" asked Chester.
Hal was undecided, but the question was answered for him.
Only a few minutes had passed when there came the sound of returning footsteps. The boys could hear them stop before the different tents and also the sound of voices. Directly a man poked his head into the tent.
"Awake in here?" he asked.
There was no answer.
The man advanced into the tent and approached Stubbs' cot which was nearest the entrance. He laid a hand on Stubbs' shoulder and shook him.
"Hello," said the little man sleepily. "What's the matter. Time to get up already?"
"No," was the reply. "Have you seen anything of three men, whose appearance would indicate they had been running?"
"I've been asleep," protested Stubbs. "I had a dream. But I guess the men I saw in my dreams are not the ones you want."
"These are not dream men," was the response. "I thought possibly you might have heard them run by this tent."
"No," said Stubbs, truthfully, "I didn't hear them run by this tent."
"All right," said the German and withdrew.
For perhaps an hour the three fugitives lay in the shelter of the German tent. From time to time they heard voices without but after awhile these died away. After there had been absolute silence without for perhaps fifteen minutes, Chester slipped from the cot.
"May as well move, I guess," he whispered.
Hal also arose.
"All right," he said. "Come, Stubbs."
There was no reply from Stubbs' cot. Hal walked quickly across the tent, laid a hand on Stubbs' shoulder and shook him vigorously.
"Come, Stubbs!" he exclaimed. "Time to get out of here."
Stubbs muttered something unintelligible and turned over.
"By Jove! if he isn't asleep," said Chester, who came to Hal's side now.
"That's what he is," agreed Hal. "Well, we've got to get him up. Grab hold of his feet."
Chester did so and together the boys picked the little man up bodily.
"I say!" said Stubbs, sleepily, "let me alone, will you? I want to sleep a little more."
"You'll find an eternal sleep if you don't get out of here, Stubbs," said Hal. "Don't you know you are in a German tent and that you'll be shot if you're found here?"
This awoke Stubbs instantly. He stood up and rubbed his eyes.
"Great Scott!" he ejaculated. "How on earth did I go to sleep in a predicament like this?"
"I don't know how you did it," returned Hal, "but you did. Come on, Chester, let's get out of here while we have a chance."
He led the way cautiously to the door of the tent and poked his head carefully outside.
"Coast seems to be clear," he announced. "Come on and walk quietly."
The others followed him.
Hal made a direct line for the place where they had hidden the large army aeroplane. Fortunately, the lad was blessed with an almost uncanny sense of direction and he knew the course he laid out would take them to the hiding spot of the plane as directly as if he could see the huge machine from where he stood.
All was silence in the big camp as the lads walked cautiously along, stopping now and then and straining their ears for a sound that would indicate the presence of a watchful German sentry. No such sound came and the three had almost reached the outskirts of the camp when Hal, who was leading, stopped and pointed to an object that loomed up large in the darkness a short distance away.
"What is it?" asked Stubbs in a hoarse whisper.
"Looks to me like a place where ammunition might be stored," said Hal, quietly. "I shall have a look."
"Let it alone, Hal," said Stubbs, anxiously. "Don't go fooling around there. You're likely to blow us all up."
"I guess not," returned Hal, "but I wouldn't mind blowing all the ammunition up that the place may contain."
"By Jove!" said Chester. "A good idea! I'm with you."
"Well, I'm not," declared Stubbs. "I know where our aeroplane is and that's where I'm going right this minute. I don't know how to fly the thing, and if you fellows go fooling around that ammunition depot I'll probably have to hunt another pilot; but Anthony Stubbs is not going to be blown up with his eyes open when he can help it."
"Better wait here, Stubbs," said Chester.
"Not me," returned the little man, decisively. "You'll find me at the plane when you get there; or if you get there, I should say."
"But there is nothing sure that the building contains ammunition," said Hal. "I just guessed at it, Stubbs. Come and have a look."
"Oh, it contains ammunition, all right."
"How do you know?" demanded Chester.
"Well, if it didn't you fellows wouldn't have spied it. You call it good luck. I call it hard luck. I tell you that every time I go any place with you I risk my neck. Sure the building contains ammunition! It was put there for the sole purpose of having you blow it up. That's the way it looks to me. But I can see all the fireworks I want to from a distance. Good-bye."
"All right, Stubbs, if you are such a coward," said Chester, somewhat nettled.
"I'd rather be a live coward than a dead fool," was Stubbs' reply.
He walked off.
"Come on, Chester," said Hal. "We'll have a look at this place."
He led the way close to the building. Going slowly and cautiously they advanced to within a short distance of the building without being observed, although they could see an occasional dark shape as it moved about in front of the building.
"Guards there," said Hal, briefly.
"Sure," said Chester. "I believe you have guessed right. I am sure the place is filled with ammunition. Now if we could just dispose of the guards and place a time fuse—"
"It would be a hard blow to the Germans," Hal agreed. "We'll try it."
Still cautiously they approached. A guard arose from in front of the building. He stretched his arms. Apparently he had been asleep. Then he sat down again.
"We'll wait a minute," Hal whispered. "Perhaps he'll doze again."
Fortune was with the boys. A few moments later there came the sound of a gentle snore. The man was asleep. Immediately the lads sprang to action. Quickly they dashed across the open space to the side of the large building, which was made of wood and seemed to be nothing more than a huge barn.
Chester stopped beside the guard and raised his revolver. He hesitated a moment and then lowered the weapon.
"Let him be," he muttered. "He won't be with us long anyhow."
Hal, in the meantime, had been exploring the barn. Coming back he picked up the guard's rifle.
"I can pry a board loose with this," he told Chester, in a whisper.
This proved easier work than it looked. The board came loose without much trouble. Hal disappeared inside.
"Ammunition?" Chester asked, as he poked his head in.
"Yes," Hal whispered back.
"Find a fuse?" asked Chester.
Again Hal's reply was in the affirmative.
"Stretch it out here then, and hurry," ordered Chester.
Hal appeared on the outside a moment later, carrying a fuse. One end still remained in the barn. The other Hal carried some distance.
"Guess you'd better dispose of that guard first," he said. "He might wake up and extinguish the fuse."
It was the work of but a moment, much as Chester hated to perform it.
Then Hal struck a light, shielding the match with his cap. He applied the match to the fuse. Then he sprang to his feet and called to Chester:
Both lads fled through the night knowing that their lives depended upon it. For safety's sake it was absolutely necessary that they put as great a distance as possible between them and the barn.
According to Hal's calculations, the spot where the aeroplane was hidden was far enough away so that the machine would not be disabled by the force of the explosion; and it was for this point that the lads made at full speed.
They reached there safely; and still there had been no explosion.
"How much time did you allow, Hal?" asked Chester.
"Ten minutes, as nearly as I could judge," was the reply.
"Then we still have a few minutes, I guess. Had we better wait here until after the blast, or shall we run out the machine and get up in the air."
"We'd better stay here," returned Hal, positively, "I don't know how much ammunition there is in that barn. It's going to kick up a terrible fuss. My advice is that we lay flat on the ground, hold our ears and bury our faces. Immediately after the blast we'll run the machine out and get up as swiftly as possible."
"I can imagine the effect of the explosion," said Chester.
"Well, I can't," returned Hal; "nor can you. How many men it may kill, how many it may maim and what damage it will do cannot be estimated. But one thing sure, immediately afterwards every sleepy German soldier within fifty miles will be on the alert. The Germans will know it was not an accident. They will attribute the explosion to a bomb dropped from the air. We may have trouble reaching our lines."
"I wish you hadn't done it, Hal," mumbled Stubbs, whom the lads had found hiding beside the aeroplane. "It will dig a hole a mile deep in the ground. Rocks, guns and everything will come down like hail. We may be killed." |