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Bare hills and camp-ground desolate, v. 130. Baulks me my Fate as tho' she were my foe, viii. 130. Be as thou wilt, for Allah is bountiful, viii. 277. Be as thou wilt, for Allah still is bounteous Lord, ii. 202. Be mild to brother mingling, iv. 110. Be mild what time thou'rt ta'en with anger and despite, iv. 221. Be mild when rage shall come to afflict thy soul, iv. 54. Be praises mine to all-praiseworthy Thee, ii. 261. Be proud; I'll crouch! Bully; I'll bear! Despise; I'll pray! iii. 188. Be sure all are villains and so bide safe iii. 142. Bear our salams, O Dove, from this our stead, viii. 236. Beareth for love a burden sore this soul of me, viii. 66. Beauty they brought with him to make compare, i. 144. Beguiled as Fortune who her guile displays, iv. 22. Behind the veil a damsel sits with gracious beauty dight, viii. 210. Behold a house that's like the Dwelling of Delight, viii. 183. Behold this lovely garden! 'tis as though ii. 240. Belike my Fortune may her bridle turn,i. 52. Belike Who Yusuf to his kin restored, iv. 103. Beloved, why this strangeness, why this hate? iv. 234. Bethink thee not of worldly state, iii. 328 Bid thou thy phantom distance keep, vii 108. Better ye 'bide and I take my leave, i. 154. Beware her glance I rede thee 'tis like wizard wight, ii. 295. Beware of losing hearts of men by shine injurious deed, x. 50. Beware that eye glance which hath magic might, iii. 252. Black girls in acts are white, and 'tis as though, iv. 251. Black girls not white are they, iv. 251. Blame not! said I to all who blamed me viii. 95. Blest be his beauty; blest the Lord's decree, i. 177. Blighted by her yet am I not to blame, viii. 255. Blows from my lover's land a zephyr coolly sweet, ii. 311. Boon fortune sought him in humblest way, viii. 301. Boy-like of back side, in the deed of kind, v. 157. Breeze of East who bringest me gentle air, vii. 122. Brighter than moon at full with kohl'd eyes she came, viii. 279. Bring gold and gear an a lover thou, viii. 214. By Allah, by th' Almighty, by his right, vii. 366. By Allah, couldst thou but feel my pain, v. 77. By Allah, glance of mine, thou hast oppress, vii. 140. By Allah, heal, O my lords, the unwhole, viii. 144. By Allah, O thou house, if my beloved amorn go by, v. 38. By Allah, O tomb, have her beauties ceased, viii. 168. By Allah, set thy foot upon my soul, i. 222. By Allah, this is th' only alchemy, x. 40. By Allah! while the days endure ne'er shall forget her I, iv. 146. By Allah, wine shall not disturb me, while this soul of mine, iv. 190. By craft and sleight I snared him when he came, ii. 44. By his cheeks' unfading damask and his smiling teeth I swear, viii. 282. By his eyelash! tendril curled, by his slender waist I swear, iii. 217. By his eyelids shedding perfume and his fine slim waist I swear, i. 168. By His life who holds my guiding rein, I swear, iv. 2. By Love's right! naught of farness thy slave can estrange, viii. 76. By means of toil man shall scale the height, vi. 5. By rights of you, this heart of mine could ne'er aby, viii. 110. By stress of parting, O beloved one, iii. 166. By th' Abyssinian Pond, O day divine! i. 291. By the Compassionate, I'm dazed about my case, for lo! vii. 337. By the Five Shayks, O Lord, I pray deliver me, iii. 30. By the life o' thy face, O thou life o' my sprite! viii. 284. By what shine eyelids show of kohl and coquetry! ii. 296.
Came a merchant to pay us a visit, viii. 265. Came Rayya's phantom to grieve thy sight, vii. 91. Came the writ whose contents a new joy revealed, viii. 222. Came to match him in beauty and loveliness rare, viii. 298. Came to me care when came the love of thee, vii. 366. Came your writ to me in the dead of the night, ix. 2. Captured me six all bright with youthful blee, iv. 260. Carry the trust of him whom death awaits, v. 114. Cease then to blame me, for thy blame cloth anger bring, x. 39. Cease ye this farness; 'bate this pride of you, iv. 136. Chide not the mourner for bemourning woe, iii. 291. Choice rose that gladdens heart to see her sight, viii. 275. Clear's the wine, the cup's fine, i. 349. Cleave fast to her thou lovest and let the envious rail amain, iv. 198. Close press appear to him who views th' inside, viii. 267. Clove through the shades and came to me in night so dark and sore, vii. 138. Come back and so will I! i. 63. Come with us, friend, and enter thou, viii. 267. Confide thy case to Him, the Lord who made mankind, i. 68. Consider but thy Lord, His work shall bring, viii. 20. Consider thou, O man, what these places to thee showed, vi. 112. Console thy lover, fear no consequence, v. 74. Consort not with the Cyclops e'en a day, iv. 194. Containeth time a twain of days, i. 25. Converse with men hath scanty weal except, iv. 188. Count not that I your promises forgot, iii. 238. Cut short this strangeness, leave unruth of you, v. 245. Culvers of Liwa! to your nests return vii. 115.
Dark falls the night: my tears unaided rail, iii. 11. Dark falls the night and passion comes sore pains to gar me dree, ii. 140. Daughter of nobles, who shine aim shalt gain, v. 54. Dawn heralds daylight: so wine passround viii. 276. Dear friend! ah leave thy loud reproach and blame, iii. 110. Dear friend, ask not what burneth in my breast, i. 265. Dear friend, my tears aye flow these cheeks adown, iii. 14. Deep in mine eyeballs ever dwells the phantom form of thee, viii. 61. Deign grant thy favours; since 'tis time I were engraced, v. 148. Describe me! a fair one said, viii. 265. Did Azzah deal behest to sun o' noon, ii. 102. Did not in love-plight joys and sorrows meet, iii. 182. Dip thou with spoons in saucers four and gladden heart and eye, viii. 223. Displaying that fair face, iv. 195. Divinely were inspired his words who brought me news of you, iv. 207. Do you threaten me wi' death for my loving you so well? vii. 221. Drain not the bowl, save from dear hand like shine, i. 88. Drain not the bowl but with lovely wight viii. 209. Drain not the bowl save with a trusty friend, i. 88. Drawn in thy shoulders are and spine thrust out, viii: 297. Drink not pure wine except from hand of slender youth, ix. 198. Drink not strong wine save at the slender dearling's hand, v. 66. Drink not upon thy food in haste but wait awhile, v. 222. Drink the clear draught, drink free and fain, i. 88. Drive off the ghost that ever shows, vii. 109. Dumb is my tongue and scant my speech for thee, viii. 258.
Each portion of her charms we see, vii.131. Each thing of things hath his appointed tide, v. 294. Easy, O Fate! how long this wrong, this injury, iii. 329. Eight glories meet, all, all conjoined in thee, iii. 271. Enough for lovers in this world their ban and bane, iv. 205. Enough of tears hath shed the lover wight, iii. 206. Enrobes with honour sands of camp her foot-step wandering lone, iv. 204. Escape with thy life if oppression betide thee, i. 209. Even not beardless one with girl, nor heed, iii. 303. Ever thy pomp and pride, O House! display, viii. 207.
Face that with Sol in Heaven ramping vies, iii. 167. Fain had I hid thy handwork, but it showed, iii. 280. Fain leaving life that fleets thou hast th' eternal won, ii. 281. Fair youth shall die by stumbling of the tongue, iii. 221. Familiar with my heart are woes and with them I, vii. 340. Far is the fane and patience faileth me, v. 41. Fare safely, Masrur! an her sanctuary viii. 237. Farewell thy love, for see, the Cafilah's on the move, iv. 254. Farewelling thee indeed is like to bidding life farewell, viii. 62. Fate the wolf's soul snatched up from wordly stead, iii. 146. Fate frights us when the thing is past and gone, iii. 318. Fate hath commanded I become thy fere, iii. 312. Fie on this wretched world an so it be, i. 40. Fight for my mother (an I live) I'll take, ii. 239. Fire is cooler than fires in my breast, iv. 245. Fly, fly with life whenas evils threat, vi. 62. Fly, fly with thy life if by ill overtaken, ii. 19. Folk have made moan of passion before me, of past years, viii. 65. For cup friends cup succeeding cup assign, v. 66. For eaters a table they brought and set, viii. 208. For her sins is a pleader that brow, ii. 97. For joys that are no more I want to weep, iii. 185. For Layla's favour dost thou greed? iii. 135. For loss of lover mine and stress of love I dree, viii. 75. For not a deed the hand can try, v. 188. For others these hardships and labours I bear, i. 17. For your love my patience fails, i. 74. Forbear, O troubles of the world, i. 39. Forgive me, thee-ward sinned I, but the wise, ii. 9. Forgive the sin 'neath which my limbs are trembling, iii. 249. Fortune had mercy on the soul of me, iii. 135. Fortune had ruth upon my plight, viii. 50. Four things that meet not, save they here unite, i. 116. Four things which ne'er conjoin, unless it be, iii. 237. Freest am I of all mankind fro' meddling wight, ii. 200. Fro' them inhale I scent of Attar of Ban, viii. 242. From her hair is night, from her forehead noon, viii. 303. From Love stupor awake, O Masrur, 'twere best, viii. 214. From that liberal hand on his foes he rains, iv. 97. From the plain of his face springs a minaret, viii. 296. From wine I turn and whoso wine-cups swill, i. 208. Full many a reverend Shaykh feels sting of flesh, v. 64. Full many laugh at tears they see me shed, iii. 193. Full moon if unfreckled would favour thee, iv. 19. Full moon with sun in single mansion, i. 264.
Gainsay women; he obeyeth Allah best who saith them nay, ix. 282. Garb of Fakir, renouncement, lowliness, v. 297. Garth Heaven-watered wherein clusters waved, viii. 266. Get thee provaunt in this world ere thou wend upon thy way, ii. 139. Give back mine eyes their sleep long ravished, i. 99. Give me brunettes, so limber, lissom, lithe of sway, iv. 258. Give me brunettes; the Syrian spears so limber and so straight, viii. 158. Give me the Fig sweet-flavoured, beauty clad, viii. 269. Give thou my message twice, iii. 166. Gladsome and gay forget shine every grief, i. 57. Glory to Him who guides the skies, vii. 78. Gnostic's heart-homed in the heavenly Garth, v. 264. Go, gossip! re-wed thee, for Prime draweth near, v. 135. Go, visit her thou lovest, and regard not, iii. 235, viii. 305. God make thy glory last in joy of life, viii. 99. Gone is my strength, told is my tale of days, iii. 55. Goodly of gifts is she, and charm those perfect eyes, iii. 57. Granados of finest skin, like the breasts, viii. 267. Grant me the kiss of that left hand ten times, iv. 129. Grape bunches likest as they sway, viii. 266. Grapes tasting with the taste of wine, viii. 266. Grief, cark and care in my heart reside, iv. 19. Grow thy weal and thy welfare day by day, i. 204.
Had I known of love in what fashion he, vii. 330. Had I wept before she did in my passion for Su'ada, vii. 275. Had she shown her shape to idolator's sight, viii. 279. Hadst thou been leaf in love's loyalty, iii. 77. Had we known of thy coming we fain had dispread, i. 117. Had we wist of thy coming, thy way had been strown, i. 271. Haply and happily may Fortune bend her rein, viii. 67. Haply shall Allah deign us twain unite, viii. 141. Haply shall Fortune draw her rein, iii. 251. Happy is Eloquence when thou art named, i. 47. Hast quit the love of Moons or dost persist? iv. 240. Hast seen a Citron-copse so weighed adown, viii. 272. Haste to do kindness thou dost intend, iv. 181. Haste to do kindness while thou hast the power, iii. 136. Have the doves that moan in the lotus tree, vii. 91. He blames me for casting on him my sight, viii. 283. He came and cried they, Now be Allah blest! iii. 215. He came in sable hued sacque, iv. 263. He came to see me, hiding 'neath the shirt of night, iv. 252. He comes; and fawn and branch and moon delight these eyne, iv. 142. He cometh robed and bending gracefully, ii. 287. He heads his arrows with piles of gold, iv. 97. He is Caliph of Beauty in Yusuf's lieu, ii. 292. He is gone who when to this gate thou go'st, ii. 14. He is to thee that daily bread thou canst nor loose nor bind, i. 39. He'll offer sweetmeats with his edged tongue, iii. 115. He made me drain his wine of honeyed lips, v. 72. He missed not who dubbed thee, "World's delight," v. 33. He plucks fruits of her necklace in rivalry, ii. 103. He prayeth and he fasteth for an end he cloth espy, ii. 264. He seized my heart and freed my tears to flow, viii. 259. He showed in garb anemone-red, iv. 263. He thou trustedst most is thy worst un friend, iii. 143. He whom the randy motts entrap, iii. 216 Hearkening, obeying, with my dying mouth, ii. 321. Heavy and swollen like an urine-bladder blown, iv. 236. Her fair shape ravisheth if face to face she did appear, v. 192 Her fore-arms, dight with their bangles, show, v. 89. Her golden yellow is the sheeny sun's, iv. 257. Her lip-dews rival honey-sweets, that sweet virginity, viii. 33. Her smiles twin rows of pearls display, i. 86. Here! Here! by Allah, here! Cups of the sweet, the dear! i. 89. Here the heart reads a chapter of devotion pure, iii. 18. Hind is an Arab filly purest bred, vii. 97. His cheek-down writeth (O fair fall the goodly scribe!) ii. 301. His cheekdown writeth on his cheek with ambergris on pearl, ii. 301. His eyelids sore and bleared, viii. 297. His face as the face of the young moon shines, i. 177. His honeydew of lips is wine; his breath, iv. 195. His looks have made me drunken, not his wine, iii. 166. His lovers said, Unless he deign to give us all a drink, viii. 285. His lovers' souls have drawn upon his cheek, iii. 58. His mole upon plain of cheek is like, viii. 265. His scent was musk and his cheek was rose, i. 203. Ho, lovers all! by Allah say me fair and sooth, ii. 309. Ho, lovers all! by Allah say me sooth, ii. 320. Ho say to men of wisdom, wit and lere, v. 239. Ho thou, Abrizah, mercy! leave me not for I, ii. 127. Ho, those heedless of Time and his sore despight! vii. 221. Ho thou hound who art rotten with foulness in grain, iii. 108. Ho thou lion who broughtest thyself to woe, vii. 123. Ho thou my letter! when my friend shall see thee, iv. 57. Ho thou o' the tabret, my heart takes flight, viii. 166. Ho thou the House! Grief never home in thee' viii. 206. Ho thou, the house, whose birds were singing gay, v. 57. Ho thou who grovellest low before the great, ii. 235. Ho thou, who past and bygone risks regardest with uncare! iii. 28. Ho thou whose heart is melted down by force of Amor's fire, v. 132. Ho ye mine eyes let prodigal tears go free, iv. 248. Ho ye my friends draw near, for I forthright, viii. 258. Hola, thou mansion! woe ne'er enter thee, iv. 140. Hold fast thy secret and to none unfold, i.87. Hold to nobles, sons of nobles, ii. 2. Honour and glory wait on thee each morn, iv. 60. Hope not of our favours to make thy prey, viii. 208. Houris and high-born Dames who feel no fear of men, v. 148. How bitter to friends is a parting, iv. 222. How comes it that I fulfilled my vow the while that vow brake you? iv. 241. How dear is our day and how lucky our lot, i. 293. How fair is ruth the strong man deigns not smother, i. 103. How good is Almond green I view, viii. 270. How is this? Why should the blamer abuse thee in his pride, iii. 232. How joyously sweet are the nights that unite, v. 61. How long, rare beauty! wilt do wrong to me, ii. 63. How long shall I thy coyness and thy great aversion see, iv. 242. How long shall last, how long this rigour rife of woe, i. 101. How long this harshness, this unlove shall bide? i. 78. How manifold nights have I passed with my wife, x. 1. How many a blooming bough in glee girl's hand is fain, viii. 166. How many a joy by Allah's will hath fled, i. 150. How many a lover with his eyebrows speaketh, i. 122. How many a night have I spent in woes ix. 316. How many a night I've passed with the beloved of me, iv. 252. How many boons conceals the Deity, v. 261. How many by my labours, that evermore endure, vi. 2. How. oft bewailing the place shall be this coming and going, viii. 242. How oft have I fought and how many have slain! vi. 91. How oft in the mellay I've cleft the array, ii. 109. How patient bide, with love in sprite of me, iv. 136. How shall he taste of sleep who lacks repose, viii. 49. How shall youth cure the care his life undo'th, ii. 320. Hunger is sated with a bone-dry scone, iv. 201. Hurry not, Prince of Faithful Men! with best of grace thy vow, vii. 128.
I am he who is known on the day of fight, vi. 262. I am distraught, yet verily, i. 138. I am going, O mammy, to fill up my pot, i.311. I am not lost to prudence, but indeed, ii. 98. I am taken: my heart burns with living flame, viii. 225. I am the wone where mirth shall ever smile, i. 175. I am when friend would raise a rage that mote, iv. 109. I and my love in union were unite, viii. 247. I ask of you from every rising sun, i. 238. I asked of Bounty, "Art thou free?" v. 93. I asked the author of mine ills, ii. 60. I bade adieu, my right hand wiped my tears away, ii. 113. I attained by my wits, x. 44. I bear a hurt heart, who will sell me for this, vii. 115. I call to mind the parting day that rent our loves in twain, viii. 125. I can't forget him, since he rose and showed with fair design, ix. 253. I ceased not to kiss that cheek with budding roses dight,viii. 329. I clips his form and wax'd drunk with his scent, ii. 292. I came to my dear friend's door, of my hopes the goal, v. 58. I craved of her a kiss one day, but soon as she beheld, iv. 192. I cried, as the camels went off with them viii. 63. I'd win good will of everyone, but whoso envies me, ix. 342. I deemed my brethren mail of strongest steel, i. 108. I deemed you coat-o'-mail that should withstand, i. 108. I die my death, but He alone is great who dieth not, ii. 9. I drank the sin till my reason fled, v. 224 I drink, but the draught of his glance, not wine, i. 100. I drooped my glance when seen thee on the way, iii. 331. I dyed what years have dyed, but this my staining, v. 164. I embrace him, yet after him yearns my soul, ix. 242. I ever ask for news of you from whatso breezes pass, viii. 53. I feed eyes on their stead by the valley's side, iii. 234 I fix my glance on her, whene'er she wends, viii. 158. I fly the carper's injury, ii. 183. I gave her brave old wine that like her cheeks blushed red, i. 89. I had a heart and with it lived my life, v. 131. I have a friend with a beard, viii. 298. I have a friend who hath a beard, iv. 194. I have a friend, whose form is fixed within mine eyes, iv. 246. I have a froward yard of temper ill, viii. 293. I have a lover and when drawing him, iv. 247. I have a sorrel steed, whose pride is fain to bear the rein, ii. 225. I have borne for thy love what never bore iii. 183. I have fared content in my solitude, iii. 152. I have no words though folk would have me talk, ix. 276 I have won my wish and my need have scored, vii. 59. I have wronged mankind, and have ranged like wind, iii. 74. I have a yard that sleeps in base and shameful way, viii. 293. I have sorrowed on account of our disunion, viii. 128. I heard a ring-dove chanting plaintively v.47. I hid what I endured of him and yet it came to light, i. 67. I hope for union with my love which I may ne'er obtain, viii. 347. I kissed him: darker grew those pupils which, iii. 224. I lay in her arms all night, leaving him, v. 128. I'll ransom that beauty-spot with my soul, v. 65. I long once more the love that was between us to regain, viii. 181 I longed for him I love; but, when we met, viii. 347. I longed for my beloved, but when I saw his face, i. 240. I look to my money and keep it with care, ii. 11. I looked at her one look and that dazed me, ix. 197. I looked on her with longing eyne, v. 76 I love a fawn with gentle white-black eyes; iv. 50. I love a moon of comely shapely form, I love her madly for she is perfect fair, vii.259. I love not black girls but because they show, iv. 251. I love not white girls blown with fat who puff and pant, iv. 252 I love Su'ad and unto all but her my love is dead, vii. 129. I love the nights of parting though I joy not in the same, ix. 198. I loved him, soon as his praise I heard, vii. 280. I'm Al-Kurajan, and my name is known, vii. 20. I'm estranged fro' my folk and estrangement's long, iii. 71. I'm Kurajan, of this age the Knight, vii. 23. I'm the noted Knight in the field of fight, vii. 18. I made my wrist her pillow and I lay with her in litter, vii. 243. I marvel at its pressers, how they died, x. I marvel hearing people questioning, ii. 293 I marvel in Iblis such pride to see, vii. 139. I marvel seeing yon mole, ii. 292. I mind our union days when ye were nigh, vi. 278. I number nights; indeed I count night after night, ii. 308. I offered this weak hand as last farewell,. iii. 173 I passed a beardless pair without compare, v. 64. I past by a broken tomb amid a garth right sheen, ii. 325. I plunge with my braves in the seething sea, vii. 18. I pray in Allah's name, O Princess mine, be light on me, iv. 241. I pray some day that we reunion gain, iii. 124. I roam; and roaming hope I to return, iii. 64. I saw him strike the gong and asked of him straightway, viii. 329. I saw thee weep before the gates and 'plain, v. 283. I saw two charmers treading humble earth, iii. 18. I say to him, that while he slings his sword, ii. 230. I see all power of sleep from eyes of me hath flown, ii. 151. I see not happiness lies in gathering gold, ii. 166. I see the woes of the world abound, i. 298. I see thee and close not mine eyes for fear, ix. 221. I see thee full of song and plaint and love's own ecstasy, iii. 263. I see their traces and with pain I melt, i. 230. I see you with my heart from far countrie, vii. 93. I sent to him a scroll that bore my plaint of love, ii. 300. I show my heart and thoughts to Thee, and Thou, v. 266. I sight their track and pine for longing love, viii. 103. I soothe my heart and my love repel, v. 35. I sought of a fair maid to kiss her lips, viii. 294. I speak and longing love upties me and unties me, ii. 104. I still had hoped to see thee and enjoy thy sight, i. 242. I stood and bewailed who their loads had bound, ix. 27. I swear by Allah's name, fair Sir! no thief was I, i. 274. I swear by swayings of that form so fair, iv. 143. I swear by that fair face's life I'll love but thee, iv. 246. I thought of estrangement in her embrace, ix. 198. I've been shot by Fortune, and shaft of eye, iii. 175. I've lost patience by despite of you, i. 280. I've sent the ring from off thy finger ta'en, iii. 274. I've sinned enormous sin, iv. 109. I view their traces and with pain I pine, viii.320. I visit them and night black lendeth aid to me, iv. 252. I vow to Allah if at home I sight, ii. 186. I walk for fear of interview the weakling's walk, v. 147. I wander 'mid these walls, my Layla's walls, i. 238. I wander through the palace but I sight there not a soul, iv. 291. I was in bestest luck, but now my love goes contrary, v.75. I was kind and 'scaped not, they were cruel and escaped, i. 58. I waved to and fro and he leaned to and fro, v. 239. I weep for one to whom a lonely death befel, v. 115. I weep for longing love's own ardency, vii. 369. I weet not, whenas to a land I fare, ix. 328. I went to my patron some blood to let him, i. 306. I went to the house of the keeper-man, iii. 20. I will bear in patience estrangement of friend, viii. 345. I wot not, whenas to a land I fare, x. 53. I write thee, love, the while my tears pour down, iii. 24. I write to thee, O fondest hope, a writ, iii. 24. I write with heart devoted to thy thought, iii. 273. Ibn Sina in his canon cloth opine, iii. 34 If a fool oppress thee bear patiently, vi. 214 If a man from destruction can save his head, ix.314. If a man's breast with bane he hides be straitened, ix. 292. If a sharp-witted wight mankind e'er tried iv. 188. If another share in the thing I love, iv. 234. If any sin I sinned, or did I aught, iii. 132. If aught I've sinned in sinful way, viii. 119. If generous youth be blessed with luck and wealth, ix. 291. If he of patience fail the truth to hide, ii. 320. If I liken thy shape to the bough when green, i. 92. If I to aught save you, O lords of me, incline, vii. 369. If ill betide thee through thy slave, i. 194. If Kings would see their high emprize preserved, v. 106. If Naomi bless me with a single glance, iv. 12. If not master of manners or aught but discreet, i. 235. If thereby man can save his head from death, iv. 46. If thou crave our love, know that love's a loan, v. 127. If thou should please a friend who pleaseth thee, v. 150. If Time unite us after absent while, i. 157. If your promise of personal call prove untrue, iii. 252. If we 'plain of absence what shall we say? i. 100. If we saw a lover who pains as he ought, v. 164. Ill-omened hag! unshriven be her sins nor mercy visit her on dying bed, i. 174. In dream I saw a bird o'erspeed (meseem'd), viii. 218. In her cheek cornered nine calamities, viii. 86. In his face-sky shineth the fullest moon, i. 205. In love they bore me further than my force would go, ii. 137. In patience, O my God, I endure my lot and fate, i. 77. In patience, O my God, Thy doom forecast, nut 17. In ruth and mildness surety lies, ii. 160. In sleep came Su'ada's shade and wakened me, iv. 267. In sooth the Nights and Days are charactered, iii. 319 In spite of enviers' jealousy, at end, v. 62. In the morn I am richest of men, x. 40. In the towering forts Allah throned him, ii. 291. In this world there is none thou mayst count upon, i. 207 In thought I see thy form when farthest far or nearest near, ii. 42 In thy whole world there is not one, iv. 187. In vest of saffron pale and safflower red, i. 219. Incline not to parting, I pray, viii. 314. Indeed afflicted sore are we and all distraught, viii. 48. Indeed I am consoled now and sleep without a tear, iv. 242. Indeed I deem thy favours might be bought, iii. 34. Indeed I hourly need thy choicest aid, v. 281. Indeed I'll bear my love for thee with firmest soul, iv. 241. Indeed I longed to share unweal with thee, iii. 323. Indeed I'm heart-broken to see thee start, viii. 63. Indeed I'm strong to bear whatever befal, iii. 46. Indeed my heart loves all the lovely boys, ix. 253. Indeed, ran my tears on the severance day, vii. 64. Indeed, to watch the darkness moon he blighted me, iii. 277. Irks me my fate and clean unknows that I, viii. 130. "Is Abu's Sakr of Shayban" they asked v. 100. Is it not strange one house us two contain iv. 279. Is not her love a pledge by all mankind confess? ii. 186. It behoveth folk who rule in our time, viii. 294. It happed one day a hawk pounced on a bird, iv. 103 It runs through every joint of them as runs, x. 39. It seems as though of Lot's tribe were our days, iii. 301. It was as though the sable dye upon her palms, iii. 105.
Jamil, in Holy War go fight! to me they say: ii. 102. Jahannam, next Laza, and third Hatim, v. 240. Jamrkan am I! and a man of might, vii. 23. Joy from stroke of string cloth to me incline, viii. 227. Joy is nigh, O Masrur, so rejoice in true rede, viii. 221. "Joy needs shall come," a prattler 'gan to prattle: in. 7. Joy of boughs, bright branch of Myrobalan! viii. 213. Joy so o'ercometh me, for stress of joy, v. 355. Joyance is come, dispelling cark and care, v. 61.
Kingdom with none endures: if thou deny this truth, where be the Kings of earlier earth? i. 129. Kinsmen of mine were those three men who came to thee, iv. 289. Kisras and Caesars in a bygone day, ii. 41. Kiss then his fingers which no fingers are, iv. 147.
Lack of good is exile to man at home, ix. 199. Lack gold abaseth man and cloth his worth away, ix. 290. Lady of beauty, say, who taught thee hard and harsh design, iii. 5. Laud not long hair, except it be dispread, ii. 230. Laud to my Lord who gave thee all of loveliness, iv. 143. Leave this blame, I will list to no enemy's blame! iii. 61. Leave this thy design and depart, O man! viii. 212. Leave thou the days to breed their ban and bate, ii. 41. Leave thy home for abroad an wouldest rise on high, ix. 138. Let days their folds and plies deploy, ii. 309. Let destiny with slackened rein its course appointed fare! viii. 70. Let Fate with slackened bridle fare her pace, iv. 173. Let Fortune have her wanton way, i. 107. Let thy thought be ill and none else but ill, iii. 142. Leyla's phantom came by night, viii. 14. Life has no sweet for me since forth ye fared, iii. 177. Like are the orange hills when zephyr breathes, viii. 272. Like a tree is he who in wealth cloth wone, ii. 14. Like fullest moon she shines on happiest night, v. 347. Like moon she shines amid the starry sky, v.32. Like peach in vergier growing, viii. 270. Like the full moon she shineth in garments all of green, viii. 327. Lion of the wold wilt thou murder me, v. 40. Long as earth is earth, long as sky is sky, ix.317. Long have I chid thee, but my chiding hindereth thee not, vii. 225. Long have I wept o'er severance ban and bane, i. 249. Long I lamented that we fell apart, ii. 187. Long, long have I bewailed the sev'rance of our loves, iii. 275. Long was my night for sleepless misery, iv. 263. Longsome is absence; Care and Fear are sore, ii. 295. Longsome is absence, restlessness increaseth, vii. 212. Look at the I.ote-tree, note on boughs arrayed, viii. 271. Look at the apricot whose bloom contains, viii. 268. Look on the Pyramids and hear the twain, v. 106. Love, at first sight, is a spurt of spray, vii. 280. Love, at the first, is a spurt of spray, vii. 330. Love for my fair they chide in angry way. iii. 233. Love in my breast they lit and fared away, iii. 296. Love in my heart they lit and went their ways, i. 232. Love-longing urged me not except to trip in speech o'er free, ix. 322. Love smote my frame so sore on parting day, ii. 152. Love's tongue within my heart speaks plain to thee, iv. 135. Love's votaries I ceased not to oppose, iii. 290. Lover with his beloved loseth will and aim, v. 289. Lover, when parted from the thing he loves, viii. 36. Luck to the Rubber whose deft hand o'er-plies, iii. 17.
Make me not (Allah save the Caliph!) one of the betrayed vii. 129. Make thy game by guile for thou'rt born in a time, iii. 141. Man is known among men as his deeds attest, ix. 164. Man wills his wish to him accorded be, iv. Many whose ankle rings are dumb have tinkling belts, iii. 302. Masrur joys life made fair by all delight of days, nil. 234. May Allah never make you parting dree, May coins thou makest joy in heart instil, ix. 69. May God deny me boon of troth if I, viii. 34. May that Monarch's life span a mighty span, ii.75. Mazed with thy love no more I can feign patience, viii. 321. Melted pure gold in silvern bowl to drain, v. 66. Men and dogs together are all gone by, iv. 268. Men are a hidden malady iv. 188. Men craving pardon will uplift their hands, iii. 304. Men have 'plained of pining before my time, iii. 183. Men in their purposes are much alike, vii. 169. Men's turning unto bums of boys is bumptious, v. 162. Methought she was the forenoon sun until she donned the veil, viii. 284. Mine ear forewent mine eye in loving him, ix. 222. Mine eyes I admire that can feed their fill, viii. 224 Mine eyes ne'er looked on aught the Almond like, viii. 270. Mine eyes were dragomans for my tongue betied, i 121. Mine is a Chief who reached most haught estate, i. 253. 'Minish this blame I ever bear from you, iii. 60. Morn saith to Night, "withdraw and let me shine," i. 132 Most beautiful is earth in budding bloom, ii. 86. Mu'awiyah, thou gen'rous lord, and best of men that be, vii. 125. My best salam to what that robe enrobes of symmetry, ix. 321 My blamers instant chid that I for her become consoled, viii. 171. My blamers say of me, He is consoled And lie! v. 158. My body bides the sad abode of grief and malady, iv. 230. My censors say, What means this pine for him? v. 158. My charmer who spellest my piety, ix. 243. My coolth of eyes, the darling child of me, v. 260. My day of bliss is that when thou appearest, iii. 291. My friend I prithee tell me, 'neath the sky, v. 107. My friend who went hath returned once more, Vi. 196. My friends, despite this distance and this cruelty, viii. 115. My friends, I yearn in heart distraught for him, vii. 212. My friends! if ye are banisht from mine eyes, fin 340. My friends, Rayya hath mounted soon as morning shone, vii. 93. My fondness, O my moon, for thee my foeman is, iii. 256. My heart disheartened is, my breast is strait, ii. 238. My heart is a thrall: my tears ne'er abate, viii. 346. My life for the scavenger! right well I love him, i. 312. My life is gone but love longings remain, viii. 345. My longing bred of love with mine unease for ever grows, vii. 211. My Lord hath servants fain of piety, v. 277. My lord, this be the Sun, the Moon thou hadst before, vii. 143. My lord, this full moon takes in Heaven of thee new birth, vii. 143. My love a meeting promised me and kept it faithfully, iii. 195. My loved one's name in cheerless solitude aye cheereth me, v. 59. My lover came in at the close of night, iv. 124. My lover came to me one night, iv. 252. My mind's withdrawn from Zaynab and Nawar, iii. 239. My patience failed me when my lover went, viii. 259. My patience fails me and grows anxiety, viii. 14. My prickle is big and the little one said, iii. 302. My Salam to the Fawn in the garments concealed, iv. 50. My sin to thee is great, iv. 109. My sister said, as saw she how I stood, iii. 109. My sleeplessness would show I love to bide on wake, iii. 195. My soul and my folk I engage for the youth, vii. 111. My soul for loss of lover sped I sight, viii. 67. My soul be sacrifice for one, whose going, iii. 292. My soul thy sacrifice! I chose thee out, iii. 303. My soul to him who smiled back my salute, iii. 168. My tale, indeed, is tale unlief, iv. 265. My tears thus flowing rival with my wine, iii. 169. My tribe have slain that brother mine, Umaym, iv. 110. My wish, mine illness, mine unease! by Allah, own, viii. 68. My wrongs hide I, withal they show to sight, viii. 260. My yearning for thee though long is fresh, iv. 211.
Naught came to salute me in sleep save his shade, vii. 111. Naught garred me weep save where and when of severance spake he, viii. 63. Nears my parting fro, my love, nigher draws the severance-day, viii. 308. Need drives a man into devious roads, ii. 14. Needs must I bear the term by Fate decreed, ii. 41. Ne'er cease thy gate be Ka'abah to mankind, iv. 148. Ne'er dawn the severance-day on any wise, viii. 49. Ne'er incline thee to part, ii. 105. Ne'er was a man with beard grown over. long, viii. 298. News my wife wots is not locked in a box! i. 311. News of my love fill all the land, I swear, iii. 287. No breeze of Union to the lover blows, viii. 239. No! I declare by Him to whom all bow, v. 152. No longer beguile me, iii. 137. "No ring-dove moans from home on branch in morning light, ii. 152. None but the good a secret keep, And good men keep it unrevealed, i. 87. None but the men of worth a secret keep, iii. 289. None keepeth a secret but a faithful person, iv. 233. None other charms but shine shall greet mine eyes, i. 156. None wotteth best joyance but generous youth v. 67. Not with his must I'm drunk, but verily, v. 158. Now an, by Allah, unto man were fully known, iii. 128. Now, an of woman ask ye, I reply, iii. 214. Now blame him not; for blame brings only vice and pain, ii. 297. Now, by my life, brown hue hath point of comeliness, iv. 258. Now, by thy life, and wert thou just my life thou hadst not ta'en, i. 182. Now, by your love! your love I'll ne'er forget, viii, 315. Now I indeed will hide desire and all repine, v. 267. Now is my dread to incur reproaches which. 59. Now love hast banished all that bred delight, iii. 259. Now with their says and said no more vex me the chiding race, iv. 207.
O adornment of beauties to thee write I vii. 176. O beauty's Union! love for thee's my creed, iii. 303. O best of race to whom gave Hawwa boon of birth, v. 139. O bibber of liquor, art not ashamed v. 224. O breeze that blowest from the land Irak viii. 103. O child of Adam let not hope make mock and flyte at thee vi. 116 O culver of the copse, with salams I greet, v. 49. O day of joys to either lover fain! v. 63. O dwelling of my friends, say is there no return, viii. 319. O fair ones forth ye cast my faithful love, ix. 300. O fertile root and noble growth of trunk, ii. 43. O fisherman no care hast thou to fear, v. 51. O flier from thy home when foes affright! v. 290. O friends of me one favour more I pray v. 125. O glad news bearer well come! ii. 326. O hail to him whose locks his cheeks o'er shade, x. 58. O Hayat al-Nufuis be gen'rous and incline vii. 217. O heart, an lover false thee, shun the parting bane, viii.94. O heart! be not thy love confined to one, iii. 232. O hope of me! pursue me not with rigour and disdain, iii. 28. O joy of Hell and Heaven! whose tormentry, iii. 19. O Keener, O sweetheart, thou fallest not short, i. 311. O Kings of beauty, grace to prisoner ta'en, viii. 96. O Lord, by the Five Shaykhs, I pray deIiver me, vii. 226. O Lord, how many a grief from me hast driven, v. 270. O Lord, my foes are fain to slay me in despight, viii. 117. O Lords of me, who fared but whom my heart e'er followeth, iv 239 O Love, thou'rt instant in thy cruellest guise, iv. 204. O lover thou bringest to thought a tide, v. 50. O Maryam of beauty return for these eyne, viii. 321. O Miriam thy chiding I pray, forego, ix. 8. O moon for ever set this earth below, iii. 323. O Moslem! thou whose guide is Alcoran iv. 173. O most noble of men in this time and stound, iv. 20. O my censor who wakest amorn to see viii. 343. O my friend, an I rendered my life, my sprite, ix. 214. O my friend! reft of rest no repose I command, ii. 35. O my friends, have ye seen or have ye heard vi. 174. O my heart's desire, grows my misery, vii. 248. O my Lord, well I weet thy puissant hand, vi. 97. O Night of Union, Time's virginal prize viii. 328. O my lords, shall he to your minds occur ix. 299. O Night here I stay! I want no morning light, iv. 144. O passing Fair I have none else but thee, vii. 365. O pearl-set mouth of friend, iv. 231. O pearly mouth of friend, who set those pretty pearls in line, iv. 231. O Rose, thou rare of charms that dost contain, viii. 275. O sire, be not deceived by worldly joys, v. 114. O son of mine uncle! same sorrow I bear, iii. 61. O spare me, thou Ghazban, indeed enow for me, ii. 126. O Spring-camp have ruth on mine overthrowing, viii. 240. O thou Badi'a 'l-Jamal, show thou some clemency, vii. 368. O thou of generous seed and true nobility, vi. 252. O thou sheeniest Sun who m night dost shine, viii. 215. O Thou the One, whose grace cloth all the world embrace, v. 272. O thou tomb! O thou tomb! be his horrors set in blight? i. 76. O thou to whom sad trembling wights in fear complain! iii. 317. O thou who barest leg-calf better to suggest, ii. 327. O thou who claimest to be prey of love and ecstasy, vii. 220. O thou who deignest come at sorest sync, iii.78. O thou who dost comprise all Beauty's boons! vii. 107. O thou who dyest hoariness with black, viii. 295. O thou who fearest Fate, i. 56. O thou who for thy wakeful nights wouldst claim my love to boon, iii. 26. O thou who givest to royal state sweet savour, ii. 3. O thou who gladdenest man by speech and rarest quality, ix. 322. O thou who seekest innocence to 'guile, iii. 137. O thou who seekest parting, safely fare! ii. 319. O thou who seekest separation, act leisurely, iv. 200. O thou who seekest severance, i. 118. O thou who shamest sun in morning sheen, viii. 35. O thou who shunnest him thy love misled! viii. 259. O thou who wooest Severance, easy fare! iii. 278. O thou who woo'st a world unworthy learn, iii. 319. O thou whose boons to me are more than one, iii. 317. O thou whose favours have been out of compt, iii. 137. O thou whose forehead, like the radiant East, i. 210. O to whom I gave soul which thou torturest, iv. 19. O to whom now of my desire complaining sore shall I, v. 44. O toiler through the glooms of night in peril and in pain, i. 38. O turtle dove, like me art thou distraught? v. 47. O waftings of musk from the Babel-land! ix. 195. O who didst win my love in other date, v. 63. O who hast quitted these abodes and faredst fief and light, viii. 59. O who passest this doorway, by Allah, see, viii. 236. O who praisest Time with the fairest appraise ix. 296. O who shamest the Moon and the sunny glow, vii. 248. O who quest Union, ne'er hope such delight, viii. 257. O whose heart by our beauty is captive ta'en, v. 36. O Wish of wistful men, for Thee I yearn, v. 269. O ye that can aid me, a wretched lover, ii. 30. O ye who fled and left my heart in pain low li'en, iii. 285. O ye who with my vitals fled, have rush, viii. 258. O you whose mole on cheek enthroned recalls, i. 251. O Zephyr of Morn, an thou pass where the dear ones dwell, viii. 120. O Zephyr of Najd, when from Najd thou blow, vii. 115. Of dust was I created, and man did I become, v. 237. Of evil thing the folk suspect us twain, iii.305. Of my sight I am jealous for thee, of me, ix. 248. Of Time and what befel me I complain, viii. 219. Of wit and wisdom is Maymunah bare, i. 57. Oft hath a tender bough made lute for maid, v. 244. Oft hunchback added to his bunchy back, viii. 297. Oft times mischance shall straiten noble breast, viii. 117. Oft when thy case shows knotty and tangled skein, vi. 71. Oh a valiant race are the sons of Nu'uman, iii. 80. Oh soul of me, an thou accept my rede, ii. 210. Oh ye gone from the gaze of these ridded eyne, ii. 139. Old hag, of high degree in filthy life, v. 96. On earth's surface we lived in rare ease and joy, vii. 123. On her fair bosom caskets twain I scanned, i. 156. On me and with me bides thy volunty, viii. 129. On Sun and Moon of palace cast thy sight, i. 85. On the brow of the World is a writ, an thereon thou look, ix. 297 On the fifth day at even-tide they went away from me, ii. 10 On the fifth day I quitted all my friends for evermore, ii. 10 On the glancing racer outracing glance, ii. 273. On the shaded woody island His showers Allah deign, x. 40. On these which once were chicks, iv. 235. One, I wish him in belt a thousand horns, v. 129. One craved my love and I gave all he craved of me, iii. 210. One wrote upon her cheek with musk, his name was Ja'afar highs, iv. 292. Open the door! the leach now draweth near, v. 284. Oppression ambusheth in sprite of man, ix. 343. Our aim is only converse to enjoy, iv. 54. Our Fort is Tor, and flames the fire of fight, ii. 242. Our life to thee, O cup-boy Beauty-dight! iii. 169. Our trysting-time is all too short, iii. 167.
Pardon my fault, for tis the wont, i. 126. Pardon the sinful ways I did pursue, ii. 38. Part not from one whose wont is not to part from you, iii. 295 Parting ran up to part from lover twain iii. 209. Pass round the cup to the old and the young man, too, viii. 278. Pass o'er my fault, for 'tis the wise man's wont, viii. 327. Patience hath fled, but passion fareth not v. 358. Patience with sweet and with bitter Fate! viii. 146. Patient I seemed, yet Patience shown by me, vii.96. Patient, O Allah! to Thy destiny I bow iii.328. Pause ye and see his sorry state since when ye fain withdrew, viii. 66. Peace be to her who visits me in sleeping phantasy, viii. 241. Peace be to you from lover's wasted love vii. 368. Peace be with you, sans you naught compensateth me, viii. 320. Perfect were lover's qualities in him was brought amorn, viii. 255. Pink cheeks and eyes enpupil'd black have dealt me sore despight, viii. 69. Pleaseth me more the fig than every fruit viii. 269. Pleaseth me yon Hazar of mocking strain v.48. Pleasure and health, good cheer, good appetite, ii. 102. Ply me and also my mate be plied, viii. 203. Poverty dims the sheen of man whate'er his wealth has been, i. 272 Pray'ee grant me some words from your lips, belike, iii. 274. Pray, tell me what hath Fate to do betwixt us twain? v. 128. Preserve thy hoary hairs from soil and stain, iv. 43. Prove how love can degrade, v. 134.
Quince every taste conjoins, in her are found, i. 158. Quoth I to a comrade one day, viii. 289. Quoth our Imam Abu Nowas, who was, v. 157. Quoth she (for I to lie with her forbare), iii. 303. Quoth she, "I see thee dye thy hoariness," iv. 194. Quoth she to me,—and sore enraged, viii. 293. Quoth she to me—I see thou dy'st thy hoariness, viii. 295. Quoth they and I had trained my taste thereto, viii. 269. Quoth they, Black letters on his cheek are writ! iv. 196. Quoth they, Maybe that Patience lend thee ease! iii. 178. Quoth they, Thou rav'st on him thou lov'st, iii. 258. Quoth they, "Thou'rt surely raving mad for her thou lov'st, viii. 326.
Racked is my heart by parting fro my friends, i. 150. Rain showers of torrent tears, O Eyne, and see, viii. 250. Rebel against women and so shalt thou serve Allah the more, iii. 214. Red fruits that fill the hand, and shine with sheen, viii. 271. Rely not on women: Trust not to their hearts, i. 13. Reserve is a jewel, Silence safety is, i. 208. Restore my heart as 'twas within my breast, viii. 37. Right near at hand, Umaymah mine! v. 75. Robe thee, O House, in richest raiment Time, viii. 206. Roll up thy days and they shall easy roll, iv. 220. Rosy red Wady hot with summer glow, ix.6. Round with big and little, the bowl and cup, ii. 29.
Said I to slim-waist who the wine engraced, viii. 307. Salam from graces treasured by my Lord, iii. 273. Salams fro' me to friends in every stead, iii. 256. Say, canst not come to us one momentling, iv. 43. Say, cloth heart of my fair incline to him, v. 127. Say him who careless sleeps what while the shaft of Fortune flies, i. 68. Say me, on Allah's path has death not dealt to me, iv. 247. Say me, will Union after parting e'er return to be, viii. 320. Say then to skin "Be soft," to face "Be fair," i. 252. Say thou to the she-gazelle, who's no gazelle, v. 130. Say to angry lover who turns away, v. 131 Say to the charmer in the dove-hued veil, i. 280. Say to the fair in the wroughten veil, viii. 291 Say to the pretty one in veil of blue, iv. 264. Say what shall solace one who hath nor home nor stable stead, ii.124. Say, will to me and you the Ruthful union show, viii. 323. Scented with sandal and musk, right proudly cloth she go, v. 192. Seeing thy looks wots she what thou desir'st, v. 226. Seest not how the hosts of the Rose display, viii. 276. Seest not that Almond plucked by hand, viii. 270. Seest not that musk, the nut-brown musk, e'er claims the highest price, iv. 253. Seest not that pearls are prized for milky hue, iv. 250. Seest not that rosery where Rose a flowering displays, viii. 275. Seest not the bazar with its fruit in rows, iii. 302. Seest not the Lemon when it taketh form, viii. 272. Seest not we want for joy four things all told, i. 86. Semblance of full-moon Heaven bore, v. 192. Severance-grief nighmost, Union done to death, iv. 223. Shall I be consoled when Love hath mastered the secret of me, viii. 261. Shall man experience-lectured ever care, vii. 144. Shall the beautiful hue of the Basil fail, i.19. Shall the world oppress me when thou art in's, ii. 18. Shall we e'er be united after severance tide, viii. 322. Shamed is the bough of Ban by pace of her, viii. 223. She bade me farewell on our parting day, ii. 35. She beamed on my sight with a wondrous glance, ii. 87. She came apparelled in an azure vest, i. 218. She came apparelled in a vest of blue, viii. 280. She came out to gaze on the bridal at ease, v. 149. She came thick veiled, and cried I, O display, viii. 280. She comes apparelled in an azure vest x.58. She comes like fullest moon on happy night, i. 218; x. 59. She cried while played in her side Desire ix. 197. She dispread the locks from her head one night, iii. 226. She drew near whenas death was departing us, v. 71. She gives her woman's hand a force that fails the hand of me, iii. 176 She hath eyes whose babes wi' their fingers sign, viii. 166. She hath those hips conjoined by thread of waist, iii. 226. She hath wrists which, did her bangles not contain, iii. 226. She is a sun which towereth high asky iii. 163. She joineth charms were never seen conjoined in mortal dress, vii. 104. She lords it o'er our hearts in grass-green gown, ii. 318. She prayeth; the Lord of grace her prayer obeyed, v. 273. She proffered me a tender coynte, iii. 304. She rose like the morn as she shone through the night, i. 11. She saith sore hurt in sense the most acute, iii. 303. She shineth forth a moon, and bends a willow-wand, iv. 50. She shone out in the garden in garments all of green, v. 346. She shot my heart with shaft, then turned on heel, vii. 141. She sits it in lap like a mother fond, ix. 191. She 'spied the moon of Heaven reminding me, iv. 51. She split my casque of courage with eye- swords that sorely smite, iii. 179. She spread three tresses of unplaited hair iv.51. She wears a pair of ringlets long let down, v. 240. She who my all of love by love of her hath won, viii. 254. Shoulder thy tray and go straight to thy goal, i. 278. Showed me Sir Such-an-one a sight, and what a sight! iv. 193. Silent I woned and never owned my love v. 151. Silky her skin and silk that zoned waist iii. 163. Since my loper-friend in my hand hath given, iv. 20. Since none will lend my love a helping hand, vii. 225. Since our Imam came forth from medicine, v. 154. Sleep fled me, by my side wake ever shows, viii. 68. Slept in mine arms full moon of brightest blee, x. 39. Slim-waist and boyish wits delight, v. 161. Slim-waisted craved wine from her companeer, viii. 307. Slim-waisted loveling, from his hair and brow, viii. 299. Slim-waisted loveling, jetty hair encrowned, i. 116. Slim-waisted one whose looks with down of cheek, v. 158. Slim-waisted one, whose taste is sweetest sweet, v. 241. Sojourn of stranger, in whatever land, vii. 175. Sought me this heart's dear love at gloom of night, vii. 253. Source of mine evils, truly, she alone's, iii. 165. Sow kindness seed in the unfittest stead iii. 136. Stand by and see the derring-do which I to-day will show, iii. 107 Stand by the ruined home and ask of us, iii. 328. Stand thou and hear what fell to me, viii. 228. Stand thou by the homes and hail the lords of the ruined stead, ii. 181. Stay! grant one parting look before we part, ii. 15. Steer ye your steps to none but me, v. 65. Still cleaves to this homestead mine ecstasy, viii. 243. Stint ye this blame viii. 254. Straitened bosom; reveries dispread, iii. 182. Strange is my story, passing prodigy, iv. 139 Strange is the charm which dights her brows like Luna's disk that shine, ii. 3. Strive he to cure his case, to hide the truth, ii. 320. Such is the world, so bear a patient heart, i. 183. Suffer mine eye-babes weep lost of love and tears express, viii. 112. Suffice thee death such marvels can enhance, iii. 56. Sun riseth sheen from her brilliant brow, vii. 246. Sweetest of nights the world can show to me, ii. 318. Sweetheart! How long must I await by so long suffering tried? ii. 178. Sweetly discourses she on Persian string, viii. 166.
Take all things easy; for all worldly things, iv. 220. Take thy life and fly whenas evils threat; let the ruined house tell its owner's fate, i. 109. Take, O my lord to thee the Rose, viii. 275. Take patience which breeds good if patience thou can learn, iv. 221. Take warning, O proud, iv. 118. Tear-drops have chafed mine eyelids and rail down in wondrous wise, v. 53. Tell her who turneth from our love to work it injury sore, i. 181. Tell whoso hath sorrow grief never shall last, i. 15. That cheek-mole's spot they evened with a grain, i. 251. That jetty hair, that glossy brow, i. 203. That night th' astrologer a scheme of planets drew, i. 167. That pair in image quits me not one single hour, ii. 173. That rarest beauty ever bides my foe, vii. 366. That sprouting hair upon his face took wreak, v. 161. The birds took flight at eve and winged their way, viii. 34. The blear-eyed scapes the pits, i. 265. The boy like his father shall surely show, i.310. The breeze o' morn blows uswards from her trace, viii. 206. The bushes of golden hued rose excite, viii. 276. The Bulbul's note, whenas dawn is nigh, v.48. The caravan-chief calleth loud o' night, viii. 239. The chambers were like a bee-hive well stocked, ix. 292. The coming unto thee is blest, viii. 167. The company left with my love by night, ix. 27. The Compassionate show no ruth to the tomb where his bones shall lie, x. 47. The courser chargeth on battling foe, iii. 83. The day of my delight is the day when you draw near, i. 75. The day of parting cut my heart in twain, iii. 124. The fawn-Glee one a meeting promised me, iv. 195. The fawn of a maid hent her lute in hand, ii. 34. The feet of sturdy miscreants went trampling heavy tread, x.38. The first in rank to kiss the ground shall deign, i. 250. The fragrance of musk from the breasts of the fair, viii. 209. The full moon groweth perfect once a month, vii. 271. The glasses are heavy when empty brought, x. 40. The hapless lover's heart is of his wooing weary grown, iv. 144. The hearts of lovers have eyes I ken, iv. 238. The hue of dusty motes is hers, iv. 257. The house, sweetheart, is now no home to me, v. 381. The jujube tree each day, viii. 271. The Kings who fared before us showed, iii. 318. The land of ramping moon is bare and drear, viii. 126. The least of him is the being free, v. 156. The life of the bath is the joy of man's life, iii. 19. The like of whatso feelest thou we feel, vii. 141. The longing of a Bedouin maid, whose folks are far away, iii. 172. The longing of an Arab lass forlorn of kith and kin, ii. 306. The Lord, empty House! to thee peace decree, viii. 238. The loved ones left thee in middle night, v. 150. The lover is drunken with love of friend, v.39. The lover's heart for his beloved must meet, ii. 62. The lover's heart is like to break in twain ii. 63. The mead is bright with what is on't ii. 86. , The messenger who kept our commerce hid, iii. 189. The Moon o' the Time shows unveiled light, ix. 287. The Nadd is my wine scented powder, my bread, viii. 209. The name of what crave me distraught, viii. 93. The Nile-flood this day is the gain you own, i. 290. The penis smooth and round was made with anus best to match it, iii. 303. The phantom of Soada came by night to wake me, viii. 337. The poor man fares by everything opposed, ix. 291. The Prophet saw whatever eyes could see v. 287. The return of the friend is the best of all boons, ix. 287. The Rose in highest stead I rate, viii. 274 The signs that here their mighty works portray, vi. 90. The slanderers said There is hair upon his cheeks, v. 157. The slippers that carry these fair young feet, viii. 320. The smack of parting 's myrrh to me, ii. 101. The solace of lovers is naught but far, viii. The spring of the down on cheeks right clearly shows, v. 190. The stream 's a cheek by sunlight rosy dyed, ii. 240. The streamlet swings by branchy wood and aye, viii. 267. The sun of beauty she to all appears, x. 59. The sun of beauty she to sight appears, i. 218. The sun yellowed not in the murk gloom lien, viii. 285. The sword, the sworder and the bloodskin waiting me I sight, ii. 42. The tears of these eyes find easy release v.127. The tears run down his cheeks in double row, iii. 169. "The time of parting" quoth they "draweth nigh," v. 280. The tongue of love from heart bespeaks my sprite, iv. 261. The tongue of Love within my vitals speaketh, viii. 319. The toothstick love I not; for when I say, The road is lonesome; grow my grief and need, m. 13. The weaver-wight wrote with gold-ore bright, viii. 210. The whiskers write upon his cheek with ambergris on pearl, vii. 277 The wide plain is narrowed before these eyes, viii. 28. The wise have said that the white of hair, viii. 294. The world hath shot me with its sorrow till, vii. 340. The world sware that for ever 'twould gar me grieve, viii. 243. The world tears man to shreds, so be thou not, ix. 295. The world tricks I admire betwixt me and her, ix. 242. The world's best joys long be thy lot, my lord, i. 203. The zephyr breatheth o'er its branches, like, viii. 267. Their image bides with me, ne'er quits me, ne'er shall fly, viii. 66. Their tracts I see, and pine with pain and pang, i. 151. There be no writer who from death shall fleet, i. 128. There be rulers who have ruled with a foul tyrannic sway, i. 60. There remaineth not aught save a fluttering breath, viii. 124. There remains to him naught save a flitting breath, vii. 119. They blamed me for causing my tears to well, ix. 29. They bore him bier'd and all who followed wept, ii. 281. They find me fault with her where I default ne'er find, v. 80. They have cruelly ta'en me from him my beloved, v. 51. They're gone who when thou stoodest at their door, iv. 200. They ruled awhile and theirs was harsh tyrannic rule, iv. 220. They said, Thou revest upon the person thou lovest, iv. 205. They say me, "Thou shinest a light to mankind," i. 187. They shine fullest moons, unveil crescent bright, viii. 304. They talked of three beauties whose converse was quite, vii. 112. Thine image ever companies my sprite, iii. 259. Thine image in these eyne, a-lip thy name, iii. 179. Think not from her, of whom thou art enamoured, viii. 216. Thinkest thou thyself all prosperous, in days which prosp'rous be, viii. 309. This be his recompense who will, ix. 17. This day oppressor and oppressed meet, v. 258. This garden and this lake in truth, viii. 207. This house, my lady, since you left is now a home no more, i. 211. This messenger shall give my news to thee, iii. 181. This is a thing wherein destruction lies, i. 118. This is she I will never forget till I die, viii. 304. This is thy friend perplexed for pain and pine, iv. 279. This one, whom hunger plagues, and rags enfold, vii. 129. Tho' 'tis thy wont to hide thy love perforce, iii. 65. Thou art the cause that castest men in ban and bane, viii. 149. Thou camest and green grew the hills anew, iii. 18. Thou deemedst well of Time when days went well, ii. 12; iii. 253. Thou hast a reed of rede to every land, i. 128. Thou hast failed who would sink me in ruin-sea, iii. 108. Thou hast granted more favours than ever I crave, ii. 32. Thou hast restored my wealth, sans greed and ere, iv. 111. Thou hast some art the hearts of men to clip, i. 241. Thou hast won my heart by cheek and eye of thee, viii. 256. Thou liest, O foulest of Satans, thou art, iii. 108. Thou liest when speaking of "benefits," while, iii. 108. Thou madest Beauty to spoil man's sprite, ix. 249. Thou madest fair thy thought of Fate, viii. 130. Thou pacest the palace a marvel-sight, i. 176. Thou present, in the Heaven of Heavens I dwell, iii. 268. Thou seekest my death; naught else thy will can satisfy? ii. 103. Thou west all taken up with love of other man, not me, i. 182. Thou west create of dust and cam'st to life, iv. 190. Thou west invested (woe to thee!) with rule for thee unfit, vii. 127. Though amorn I may awake with all happiness in hand, i. 75. Though now thou jeer, O Hind, how many a night, vii. 98. Three coats yon freshest form endue, viii. 270. Three lovely girls hold my bridle-rein, ix. 243. Three matters hinder her from visiting us in fear, iii. 231. Three things for ever hinder her to visit us, viii. 279. Throne you on highmost stead, heart, ears and sight, viii. 258. Thy breast thou baredst sending back the gift, v. 153. Thy case commit to a Heavenly Lord and thou shalt safety see, viii. 151. Thy folly drives thee on though long I chid, iii. 29. Thy note came: long lost fingers wrote that note, iv. 14. Thy phantom bid thou fleet and fly, vii. 108. Thy presence bringeth us a grace, i. 175. Thy shape with willow branch I dare compare, iv. 255. Thy shape's temptation, eyes as Houri's fain, viii. 47. Thy sight hath never seen a fairer sight, ii. 292. Thy writ, O Masrur, stirred my sprite to pine, viii. 245. Time falsed our union and divided who were one in sway, x. 26. Time gives me tremble, Ah, how sore the baulk! i. 144. Time has recorded gifts she gave the great, i. 128. Time hath for his wont to upraise and debase, ii. 143 Time hath shattered all my frame, ii. 4. Time sware my life should fare in woeful waste, ii. 186. 'Tis as if wine and he who bears the bowl, x.38. 'Tis as the Figs with clear white skins outthrown, viii. 268. 'Tis dark: my transport and unease now gather might and main, v. 45. 'Tis I am the stranger, visited by none, v. 116. 'Tis naught but this! When a-sudden I see her, ix. 235. 'Tis not at every time and tide unstable, iv. 188. 'Tis thou hast trodden coyness-path not I, iii. 332. To all who unknow my love for the May, viii.332. To Allah will I make my moan of travail and of woe, iii. 106. To Allah's charge I leave that moon-like beauty in your tents, iv. 145. To even her with greeny bough were vain, i. 156. To grief leave a heart that to love ne'er ceased, viii. 215. To him I spake of coupling but he said to me, iii. 301. To him when the wine cup is near I declare, ix. 189. To Karim, the cream of men thou gayest me, ii. 35. To kith and kin bear thou sad tidings of our plight, iii. 111. To me restore my dear, v. 55. To our beloveds we moaned our length of night, iv. 106. To Rose quoth I, What gars thy thorns to be put forth, viii. 276. To severance you doom my love and all unmoved remain, i. 181. To slay my foes is chiefest bliss I wist, ii. 239. To th' AII-wise Subtle One trust worldly things, i. 56. To Thee be praise, O Thou who showest unremitting grace, viii. 183. o thee come I forth with my heart aflame, iii. 108. To win our favours still thy hopes are bent, vii. 224. Told us, ascribing to his Shaykhs, our Shaykh, iv. 47. Travel! and thou shalt find new friends for old ones left behind, i. 197 Troubles familiar with my heart are grown and I with them, viii. 117. Trust not to man when thou hast raised his spleen, iii. 145. Truth best befits thee albeit truth, i. 298. Turn thee from grief nor care a jot! i. 56 'Twas as I feared the coming ills discerning, ii. 189. 'Twas by will of her she was create, viii. 291. 'Twas not of love that fared my feet to them, iv. 180. 'Twas not satiety bade me leave the dearling of my soul, i. 181. 'Twixt the close-tied and open-wide no medium Fortune knoweth, ii. 105. 'Twixt me and riding many a noble dame v. 266. Two contraries and both concur in opposite charms, iv. 20. Two hosts fare fighting thee the livelong day, i. 132. Two lovers barred from every joy and bliss, v. 240. Two things there are, for which if eyes wept tear on tear, viii. 263. Two things there be, an blood-tears thereover, viii. 106. Two nests in one, blood flowing easiest wise, v. 239. Tyrannise not, if thou hast the power to do so, iv. 189.
Umm Amr', thy boons Allah repay! v. 118. Under my raiment a waste body lies, v. 151. Under these domes how many a company, vi.91. Union, this severance ended, shall I see some day? iii. 12. Unjust it were to bid the world be just i. 237. , Uns al-Wujud dost deem me fancy free, v. 43. Unto thee, As'ad! I of passion pangs complain, iii. 312. Unto thy phantom deal behest, vii. 109. Upsprings from table of his lovely cheek vii. 277.
Veiling her cheeks with hair a-morn she comes, i. 218. Verily women are devils created for us, iii. 322. Vied the full moon for folly with her face, viii. 291. Virtue in hand of thee hath built a house, iv. 138. Visit thy lover, spurn what envy told, i. 223. Void are the private rooms of treasury, iv. 267.
Wail for the little partridges on porringer and plate, i. 131. Wands of green chrysolite bare issue which, viii. 275. 'Ware how thou hurtest man with hurt of hearts, ii. 197. 'Ware that truth thou speak, albe sooth when said, x. 23. Was't archer shot me, or was't shine eyes, v. 33. Watch some tall ship she'll joy the sight of thee, ii. 20. Watered steel-blade, the world perfection calls, vii. 173. Waters of beauty e'er his cheeks flow bright, viii. 299. We joy in full Moon who the wine bears round, viii. 227. We left not taking leave of thee (when bound to other goal), viii. 63. We lived on earth a life of fair content, v. 71. We lived till saw we all the marvels Love can bear, v. 54. We'll drink and Allah pardon sinners all, viii. 277. We never heard of wight nor yet espied, viii. 296. We reck not, an our life escape from bane, vii. 99. We tread the path where Fate hath led, i. 107. We trod the steps appointed for us, x. 53. We trod the steps that for us were writ, ix. 226. We were and were the days enthralled to all our wills, ii. 182. We were like willow-boughs in garden shining, vii. 132. We wrought them weal, they met our weal with ill, i. 43. Welcome the Fig! To us it comes, viii. 269. Well Allah weets that since our severance-day, iii. 8. Well Allah wots that since my severance from thee, iii. 292. Well Allah wotteth I am sorely plagued, v. 139. Well learnt we, since you left, our grief and sorrow to sustain, iii. 63. Wend to that pious prayerful Emir, v. 274. Were I to dwell on heart-consuming heat, iii.310. Were it said to me while the flame is burning within me, vii. 282. Were not the Murk of gender male, x. 60. What ails the Beauty, she returneth not? v. 137. What ails the Raven that he croaks my lover's house hard by, viii. 242. What can the slave do when pursued by Fate, iii.341. What fair excuse is this my pining plight, v. 52. What I left, I left it not for nobility of soul, vi. 92. What pathway find I my desire to obtain, v. 42. What sayest of one by a sickness caught, v. 164. What sayest thou of him by sickness waste, v. 73. What secret kept I these my tears have told, iii. 285. What's life to me, unless I see the pearly sheen, iii. 65. What's this? I pass by tombs, and fondly greet, iii. 46. What time Fate's tyranny shall oppress thee, i. 119. Whate'er they say of grief to lovers came, iii. 33. Whatever needful thing thou undertake, i. 307. Whatso is not to be no sleight shall bring to pass, ii. 279. Whatso is not to be shall ne'er become, iii. 162. When a nickname or little name men design, i. 350. When Allah willeth aught befal a man, i. 275. When comes she slays she; and when back she turns, iv. 232. When drew she near to bid adieu with heart unstrung, i. 158. Whene'er the Lord 'gainst any man, viii. 314. When fails my wealth no friend will deign befriend, i. 208, iv. 189. When fortune weighs heavy on some of us iii. 141. When forwards Allah's aid a man's intent, x. 53. When God upon a man possessed of reasoning, viii. 21. When he who is asked a favour saith "To-morrow," i. 196. When his softly bending shape bid him close to my embrace, iii. 306. When I drew up her shift from the roof of her coynte, ii. 331. When I far-parted patience call and tears vi. 279. When I righted and dayed in Damascus town, i, 233. When I think of my love and our parting smart, i. 250. When I took up her shift and discovered the terrace-roof of her kaze, viii. 32. When in thy mother's womb thou west When its birds in the lake make melody vi. 277. When Khalid menaced off to strike my hand, iv. 156. When love and longing and regret are mine, ii. 34. When man keeps honour bright without a stem, iv. 106. When my blamer saw me beside my love, ix. 1. When oped the inkhorn of thy wealth and fame, i. 129. When saw I Pleiad stars his glance escape, iii. 221. When shall be healed of thee this heart that ever bides in woe? ii. 296. When shall disunion and estrangement end? iv. 137. When shall the disappointed heart be healed of severance, iii. 58. When shall the severance-fire be quenched by union, love, with you, viii. 62. When she's incensed thou seest folk lie slain, viii. 165. When straitened is my breast I will of my Creator pray, viii. 149. When the Kings' King giveth, in reverence pause, x. 35. When the slanderers only to part us cared, iv. 19. When the tyrant enters the lieges land, iii. 120. When the World heaps favours on thee pass on, ii. 13. When they made their camels yellow-white kneel down at dawning grey, v. 140. When they to me had brought the leach and surely showed, v. 286. When thou art seized of Evil Fate assume, i. 38. When thou seest parting be patient still, viii. 63. When to sore parting Fate our love shall doom, to distant life by Destiny decreed, i. 129. When we drank the wine, and it crept its way, x. 37. When we met we complained, i. 249. When will time grant we meet, when shall we be, viii. 86. When wilt thou be wise and love-heat allay, v. 78. Whenas mine eyes behold her loveliness vii. 244. Whenas on any land the oppressor cloth alight, iii . 130. Where are the Kings earth-peopling where are they? vi. 103. Where be the Earth kings who from where they 'bode, vi. 105 Where be the Kings who ruled the Franks of old? vi. 106. Where be the men who built and fortified vi. 104. Where gone is Bounty since thy hand is turned to clay? ii. 282. Where is the man who built the Pyramids? v. 107 Where is the man who did those labours ply, vi. 105. Where is the way to Consolation's door, viii. 240. Where is the wight who peopled in the past, vi. 104. While girl with softly rounded polished cheeks, iv. 249. While slanderers slumber, longsome is my night, iii. 221. While that fair-faced boy abode in the place, ix. 250. While thou'rt my lord whose bounty's my estate, iv. 2. Who cloth kindness to men shall be paid again, v. 104. Who loves not swan-neck and gazelle-like eyes, iii. 34. Who made all graces all collected He, iv. 111. Who saith that love at first of free will came, ii. 302. Who seeketh for pearl in the Deep dives deep, ii. 208. Who shall save me from love of a lovely gazelle, vii. 282. Who shall support me in calamities, ii. 40. Who trusteth secret to another's hand, i. 87. Whom I irk let him fly fro' me fast and faster, viii. 315. Whoso ne'er tasted of Love's sweets and bitter-draught, iv. 237. Whoso shall see the death-day of his foe, ii. 41. Whoso two dirhams hath, his lips have learnt, iv. 171. Why dost thou weep when I depart and thou didst parting claim, v. 295. Why not incline me to that show of silky down, iv. 258. Why then waste I my time in grief, until, i. 256. Will Fate with joy of union ever bless our sight, v. 128. Wilt thou be just to others in thy love and do, iv. 264. Wilt turn thy face from heart that's all shine own, v. 278. Wilt tyrant play with truest friend who thinks of thee each hour, iii. 269. Wine cup and ruby wine high worship claim, x. 41. With all my soul I'll ransom him who came to me in gloom, vii. 253. With Allah take I refuge from whatever driveth me, iv. 254. With fire they boiled me to loose my tongue, i. 132. With heavy back parts, high breasts delicate, ii. 98. With thee that pear agree, whose hue amorn, viii. 270. With you is my heart-cure a heart that goes, viii. 78. Wither thy right, O smith, which made her bear, viii. 246. Within my heart is fire, vii. 127. Witnesses unto love of thee I've four viii. 106. Woe's me! why should the blamer gar thee blaming bow? ii. 305. Women are Satans made for woe o' man iii. 318. Women for all the chastity they claim, iii. 216. Women Satans are, made for woe of man, ix. 282. Would he come to my bed during sleep 'twere delight, vii. 111. Would Heaven I knew (but many are the shifts of joy and woe), v. 75. Would Heaven I saw at this hour, iii. 134. Would Heaven I wot, will ever Time bring our beloveds back again? viii. 320. Would Heaven the phantom spared the friend at night, v. 348. Would I wot for what crime shot and pierced are we, viii. 238. Would they the lover seek without ado, viii. 281. Wrong not thy neighbour even if thou have power, iii. 136. Ye are the wish, the aim of me, i. 98. Ye promised us and will ye not keep plight? iii. 282. Yea, Allah hath joined the parted twain, ix. 205. Yea, I will laud thee while the ringdove moans, viii. 100. Yellowness, tincturing her tho' nowise sick or sorry, iv. 259. Yestre'en my love with slaughter menaced me, iii. 27. You are my wish, of creatures brightest light, viii. 76. You have honoured us visiting this our land, ii. 34. You've roused my desire and remain at rest, viii. 101. You're far, yet to my heart you're nearest near, viii. 111. Your faring on the parting day drew many a tear fro' me, viii. 61.
Index III.-B
Alphabetical Table of First Lines (Metrical Portion) in Arabic.
Prepared by Dr. Steingass.
[Index III-B is not included]
Night INTRODUCTION— a. The Bull and the Ass 1. The Trader and the Jinni i [1] a. The First Old Man's Story ii [2] b. The Second Old Man's Story iv [4] (The Third Old Man's Story is wanting.) 2. The Fisherman and the Jinni viii [8] a. The Physician Duban xi [11] aa. The Merchant and the Parrot xiv [14] ab. The Prince and the Ogress xv [15] b. The Ensorcelled Youth xxi [21] 3. The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad xxviii [28] a. The First Kalandar's Tale xxxix [39] b. The Second Kalandar's Tale xlii [42] ba. The Envier and the Envied xlvi [46] c. The Third Kalandar's Tale liii [53] d. The Eldest Lady's Tale lxiv [64] (The Story of the Portress is wanting.) 4. The Three Apples lxviii [68] 5. Nur al-Din Ali and his Son Badr al-Din Hassan lxxii [72] 6. Isaac of Mosul's Story of Khadijah and the Caliph Al-Maamun xciv [94] 7. The Hunchback's Tale ci [101] a. The Nazarene Broker's Story cix [109] b. The Cook's Story cxxi [121] (The Reeve or Comptroller's Tale in the Bresl., Mac. and Bull Edits.) c. The Jewish Physician's Story cxxix [124] d. Tale of the Tailor cxxxvi [136] e. The Barber's Tale of Himself cxliii [143] ea. The Barber's Tale of his First Brother cxlv [145] eb. The Barber's Tale of his Second Brother cxlviii [148] ec. The Barber's Tale of his Third Brother cli [151] ed. The Barber's Tale of his Fourth Brother clii [152] ee. The Barber's Tale of his Fifth Brother cliv [154] ef. Story of the Barber's Sixth Brother clviii [158] 8. Ali bin Bakkar and Shams Al-Nahar clxiii [163] 9. Nur al-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis al-Jalis clxxxi [181] 10. Women's Craft cxcv-cc [195-200] 11. Sindbad the Seaman and Hindbad the Hammal (In Mac. and Bresl. Edit.; "Sindbad the Sailor and Sindbad the Hammal,") a. The First Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. b. The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. c. The Third Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. d. The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. e. The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. f. The Sixth Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman. g. The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad the Seaman.
Night INTRODUCTION.—Story of King Shehriyar and his Brother a. Story of the Ox and the Ass 1. The Merchant and the Genie i [1] a. The First Old Man's Story iv [4] b. The Second Old Man's Story vi [6] c. The Third Old Man's Story viii [8] 2. The Fisherman and the Genie viii [8] a. Story of the Physician Duban xi [11] aa. Story of the Jealous Man and the Parrot[FN#458] xiv [14] ab. Story of the King's Son and the Ogress xv [15] b. Story of the Enchanted Youth xxi [21] 3. The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad xxviii [28] a. The First Calender's Story xxxvii [37] b. The Second Calender's Story xl [40] ba. The Envier and the Envied xlvi [46] c. The Third Calender's Story liii [53] d. The Eldest Lady's Story lxiii [63] e. Story of the Portress lxvii [67] 4. The Three Apples lxix [69] 5. Noureddin Ali of Cairo and his son Bedreddin Hassan lxxii [72] 6. Story of the Hunchback cii [102] a. The Christian Broker's Story cvii [107] b. The Controller's Story cxix [119] c. The Jewish Physician's Story cxxix [129] d. The Tailor's Story cxxxvii [137] e. The Barber's Story cxlix [149] ea. Story of the Barber's First Brother cl [150] eb. Story of the Barber's Second Brother cliv [154] ec. Story of the Barber's Third Brother clvii ]157] ed. Story of the Barber's Fourth Brother clvii [157] ee. Story of the Barber's Fifth Brother clx [160] ef. Story of the Barber's Sixth Brother clxiv [164] 7. Ali ben Bekkar and Shemsennehar clxix [169] 8. Noureddin Ali and the Damsel Enis el Jelis cxcix [199] 9. Kemerezzeman and Budour ccxviii [218] 10. The Enchanted Horse ccxliv [244] 11. The Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor ccl [250] a. The First Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclii [252] b. The Second Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor ccliii [253] c. The Third Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclv [255] d. The Fourth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclix [259] e. The Fifth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclxiii [263] f. The Sixth Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclxvi [266] g. The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor cclxix [269] 12. Asleep and Awake cclxxi [271] a. The Lackpenny and the Cook cclxxiii [273] 13. Seif el Mulouk and Bediya el-Jemal ccxci [291] 14. Khelif the Fisherman[FN#459] cccxxi [321] 15. Ghanim ben Eyoub the Slave of Love cccxxxii [332] a. Story of the Eunuch Sewab[FN#460] cccxxxiv [334] b. Story of the Eunuch Kafour cccxxxiv [334] 16. Uns el Wujoud and the Vizier's Daughter Rose-in-bud cccxli [341] 17. The Merchant of Oman cccliv [354] 18. Ardeshir and Heyat en Nufous ccclxiv [364] 19. Hassan of Bassora and the King's Daughter of the Jinn ccclxxxvi [386] 20. Haroun er Rashid and the Three Poets ccccxxxii [432] 21. Omar ben Abdulaziz and the Poets ccccxxxii [432] 22. El Hejjaj and the Three Young Men ccccxxxiv [434] 23. Er Reshid and the Woman of the Barmecides ccccxxxiv [434] 24. The Ten Viziers; or the History of King Azadbekht and his Son ccccxxxv [435] a. The Unlucky Merchant ccccxl [440] b. The Merchant and his Sons ccccxliv [444] c. Abu Sabir ccccxlviii [448] d. Prince Bihzad ccccliii [453] e. King Dadbin and his Viziers cccclv [455] f. King Bekhtzeman cccclxi [461] g. King Bihkerd cccclxiv [464] h. Ilan Shah and Abou Temam cccclxvi [466] i. King Ibrahim and his Son cccclxxi [471] j. King Suleiman Shah and his Sons cccclxxv [475] k. The Prisoner and how God gave him Relief cccclxxxv [485] 25. The City of Brass cccclxxxvii [487] 26. Nimeh ben er Rebya and Num his Slave-girl di [501] 27. Alaeddin Abou es Shamat dxx [520] 28. Hatim Tai; his Generosity after Death dxxxi [531] 29. Maan ben Zaideh and the three Girls dxxxii [532] 30. Maan ben Zaideh and the Bedouin dxxxii [532] 31. The City of Lebtait dxxxii [532] 32. The Khalif Hisham and the Arab Youth dxxxiv [534] 33. Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the Barber-Surgeon dxxxiv [534] 34. The City of Iram dxxxviii [538] 35. Isaac of Mosul's Story of Khedijeh and the Khalif Mamoun dxl [540] 36. The Mock Khalif dxliii [543] 37. The Imam Abou Yousuf with Er Reshid and Jaafar dlv [555] 38. The Lover who feigned himself a Thief to save his Mistress's Honour dlvii [557] 39. Abou Mohammed the Lazy dlviii [558] 40. Jaafar ben Yehya and Abdulmelik ben Salih dlxv [565] 41. Jaafar ben Yehya[FN#461] and the Man who forged a Letter in his Name dlxvi [566] 42. Er Reshid and the Barmecides dlxvii [567] 43. Ibn es Semmak and Er Reshid dlxviii [568] 44. El Mamoun and Zubeideh dlxviii [568] 45. Ali Shir[FN#462] and Zummurrud dlxix [569] 46. The Loves of Budour and Jubeir ben Umeir dlxxxvii [587] 47. The Man of Yemen and his Six Slave-girls dxcv [595] 48. Haroun Er Reshid with the Damsel and Abou Nuwas dc [600] 49. The Man who stole the Dog's Dish of Gold dcii [602] 50. El Melik en Nasir and the Three Masters of Police dciii [603] a. Story of the Chief of the New Cairo Police dciv [604] b. Story of the Chief of the Boulac Police dcv [605] c. Story of the Chief of the Old Cairo Police dcv [605] 51. The Thief and the Money-changer dcv [605] 52. Ibrahim ben el Mehdi and the Merchant's Sister dcvi [606] 53. King Kelyaad[FN#463] of Hind and his Vizier Shimas dcix [609] a. The Cat and the Mouse dcix [609] b. The Fakir and his Pot of Butter dcx [610] c. The Fishes and the Crab dcxi [611] d. The Crow and the Serpent dcxi [611] e. The Fox and the Wild Ass dcxi [611] f. The Unjust King and the Pilgrim Prince dcxii [612] g. The Crows and the Hawk dcxiii [613] h. The Serpent-Charmer and his Wife dcxiv [614] i. The Spider and the Wind dcxv [615] j. The Two Kings dcxvi [616] k. The Blind Man and the Cripple dcxvi [616] 1. The Foolish Fisherman dcxxvi [626] m. The Boy and the Thieves dcxxvii [627] n. The Man and his Wilful Wife dcxxvii [627] o. The Merchant and the Thieves dcxxix [629] p. The Foxes and the Wolf dcxxx [630] q. The Shepherd and the Thief dcxxxii [632] r. The Heathcock and the Tortoises dcxxxiv [634] 54. The Woman whose Hands were cut off for Almsgiving dcxli [641] 55. The Poor Man and His Generous Friend dcxliii [643] 56. The Ruined Man who became Rich again through a Dream dcxliv [644] 57. Abou Nuwas with the Three Boys and the Khalif Haroun er Reshid dcxlv [645] 58. The Lovers of the Benou Udhreh[FN#464] dcxlvi [646] 59. El Mutelemmis and his Wife Umeimeh dcxlviii [648] 60. Haroun er Reshid and Zubeideh in the Bath dcxlviii [648] 61. Musab ben ez Zubeir and Aaisheh his Wife dcxlix [649] 62. Aboulaswed and his Squinting Slave-girl dcli [651] 63. Haroun er Reshid and the Two Girls dcli [651] 64. Haroun er Reshid and the Three Girls dcli [651] 65. The Simpleton and the Sharper dclii [652] 66. The Imam Abou Yousuf with Er Reshid and Zubeideh dclii [652] 67. The Khalif El Hakim and the Merchant dcliii [653] 68. Kisra Anoushirwan and the Village Damsel dcliii [653] 69. The Water-Carrier and the Goldsmith's Wife dcliv [654] 70. Khusrau and Shirin and the Fisherman dclvi [656] 71. Yehya ben Khalid and the Poor Man dclvi [656] 72. Mohammed el Amin and Jaafar ben el Hadi dclvii [657] 73. The Woman's Trick against her Husband dclviii [658] 74. The Devout Woman and the Two Wicked Elders dclix [659] 75. El Fezl ben Rebiya[FN#465] and the Old Bedouin dclx [660] 76. En Numan and the Arab of the Benou Tai dclx [660] 77. The Draper and the Thief[FN#466] dclxi [661] 78. Mesrour and Ibn el-Caribi dclxii [662] 79. The Devout Prince dclxiv [664] 80. The Schoolmaster who fell in Love by Report dclxv [665] 81. The Foolish Schoolmaster dclxvi [666] |
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