[Footnote A: To enable him to capture the Bishop, which is about to take the Kt., with the Q's Pawn.]
[Footnote B: The attack looks already irresistible, but the actual finish is charmingly accomplished.]
[Footnote C: By this move Black may be said to lose a Piece. His best course—but that a bad one—was possibly to retreat his Bishop to K's square.]
[Footnote D: Threatening mate in two moves.]
[Footnote E: To avert the promised mate, by R. takes Pawn, &c.]
[Footnote F: The termination is very pretty—quite an elegant little problem.]
[Footnote G: And Black has no possible means of escape; for, if he play Q. to K's sq., White simply captures the Queen for nothing; if B. to Q. B's 4th (ch.), then follows K. to B's sq., &c.]
GAME II.—Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Harrwitz.
{PGN 02}
WHITE. (Mr. M.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. Q. takes P. 4. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 5. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 6. B. takes Kt. 6. B. takes B. 7. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 7. P. to K. B's 3d. 8. B. to K. R's 4th. 8. Kt. to K. R's 3d. 9. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 9. K. B. to K's 2d. 10. Castles on K's side. 10. Q. to Q's 2d. 11. Q. R. to Q's sq. 11. Castles on K's side. 12. Q. to B's 4th. (ch.) 12. K. R. to K. B's 2d. 13. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 13. Kt. to K. Kt's 5th. 14. P. to K. R's 3d. 14. Kt. to K's 4th. 15. Q. to K's 2d. 15. P. to K. Kt's 4th.[A] 16. B. to K. Kt's 3d. 16. K. R. to K. Kt's 2d. 17. K. Kt. to K. B's 5th. 17. K. R. to K. Kt's 3d. 18. P. to K. B's 4th. 18. P. takes P. 19. K. R. takes P. 19. K. to R's sq. 20. K. R. to K. R's 4th. 20. K. B. to his sq. 21. B. takes Kt. 21. K. B. P. takes B. 22. Q. R. to K. B's sq. 22. Q. to K's 3d. 23. Q. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th. 23. Q. to K. Kt's sq. 24. Q. R. to K. B's 2d. 24. P. to Q. R's 3d. 25. Q. Kt. takes Q. B. P.[B] 25. Q. R. to Q. B's sq. 26. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. 26. B. takes Kt. 27. K. P. takes B. 27. Q. R. to Q. B's 2d.[C] 28. P. to Q. B's 4th. 28. B. to K's 2d. 29. K. R. to K. R's 5th. 29. Q. to K's sq. 30. P. to Q. B's 5th.[D] 30. Q. R. takes P. 31. K. R. takes P. (ch.) 31. K. takes R. 32. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 32. K. to Kt. sq. 33. Kt. takes B. (ch.) 33. K. to Kt's 2d.[E] 34. Kt. to K. B's 5th. (ch.) 34. K. to Kt's sq. 35. Kt. takes Q. P. And Black cannot possibly save the game.
[Footnote A: Very imprudent in such a position and against such an opponent. It must be admitted, however, that Black has no good move at this crisis.]
[Footnote B: Perfectly sound, as the sequel shows.]
[Footnote C: Taking the Pawn would have been injudicious; for example,
27. Q. takes Pawn. 28. K. R. takes K. R. P. (ch.) 28. K. takes R. (best). 29. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 29. B. to K. R's 3d. 30. Kt. takes B. 30. K. R. takes Kt. 31. Q. to K. B's 5th. (ch.) 31. Anything. 32. Q. takes Q. R., &c.]
[Footnote D: The first step in a combination of admirable daring and ingenuity.]
[Footnote E: Had he taken the Knight it would have cost him his Queen.]
GAME III.—Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Harrwitz.
{PGN 03}
WHITE. (Mr. M.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. Q. takes P. 4. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 5. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 6. B. takes Kt. 6. B. takes B. 7. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 7. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 8. K. B. to K's 2d. 9. Castles on Q's side. 9. Castles. 10. K. R. to K's sq. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 11. B. to K. R's 4th. 11. Kt. to K's sq. 12. B. takes B. 12. Q. takes B. 13. P. to K's 5th. 13. B. takes Kt. 14. P. takes B. 14. Q. to K. Kt's 4th. (ch.) 15. K. to Q. Kt's sq. 15. P. takes P. 16. K. R. takes P. 16. Q. to K. Kt's 7th. 17. Kt. to Q's 5th. 17. Q. takes K. R. P. 18. K. R. to K's sq. 18. Q. to Q's 3d. 19. K. R. to K. Kt's sq. 19. K. to K. R's 2d. 20. Q. to K's 3d. 20. P. to K. B's 4th. 21. Kt. to K. B's 4th. 21. Q. to Q. Kt's 3d. 22. Q. to K's 2d. 22. K. R. to K. B's 2d. 23. Q. to Q. B's 4th. 23. Q. to K. B's 3d. 24. Kt. to K. R's 5th.[A] 24. Q. to K's 2d. 25. Q. R. to K's sq. 25. Q. to Q's 2d. 26. P. to Q. R's 3d. 26. Kt. to Q's 3d. 27. Q. to Q's 4th. 27. Q. R. to K. Kt's sq. 28. K. R. to K. Kt's 2d. 28. P. to Q. Kt's 3d. 29. Q. R. to K. Kt's sq. 29. Kt. to K's sq. 30. Q. to Q. B's 3d. 30. P. to K. B's 5th.[B] 31. Q. R. to K. R's sq.[C] 31. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 32. Q. R. to K. Kt's sq. 32. Q. to Q's 4th. 33. Q. to K's sq. 33. P. takes Kt. 34. K. R. to Kt's 5th.[D] 34. Q. takes P. 35. Q. to K's 5th. 35. K. R. to K. B's 3d. 36. Q. to K's 7th. (ch.) 36. Q. R. to K. Kt's 2d. 37. Q. takes Kt. 37. P. takes R. 38. Q. to K's sq. 38. Q. to Q. B's 3d. 39. P. to K. B's 3d. 39. K. R. to K's 3d. 40. Q. to K. B's 2d. 40. Q. R. to K's 2d. And White abandoned the game.
[Footnote A: This looks promising, but does not turn out well. He had better, perhaps, have played K. R. to K. Kt's 6th.]
[Footnote B: Well played. White must now beware, for his Kt. is in sore peril.]
[Footnote C: This will not save the Kt. The best move was K. R. to Kt's 4th.]
[Footnote D: Merely desperate.]
GAME IV.—Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Bird of London.
{PGN 04}
WHITE. (Mr. B.) BLACK. (Mr. M.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. to K. B's 4th. 4. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. B. P. takes P. 5. Q. Kt. takes P. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 6. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 6. P. to K's 5th. 7. Kt. to K's 5th. 7. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 8. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 8. B. to Q's 3d. 9. Kt. to K. R's 5th. 9. Castles. 10. Q. to Q's 2d. 10. Q. to K's sq. 11. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 11. Kt. takes K. Kt. P. 12. Kt. takes Kt. 12. Q. takes Kt. 13. Kt. to K's 5th. 13. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 14. B. to K's 2d. 14. Q. to K. R's 6th. 15. Kt. takes Kt. 15. P. takes Kt. 16. B. to K's 3d. 16. R. to Q. Kt's sq. 17. Castles (Q. R.) 17. R. takes K. B. P. 18. B. takes R. 18. Q. to Q. R's 6th. 19. P. to Q. B's 3d. 19. Q. takes Q. R. P. 20. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 20. Q. to Q. R's 8th. (ch.) 21. K. to B's 2d. 21. Q. to R's 5th. (ch.) 22. K. to Kt's 2d. 22. B. takes Q. Kt. P. 23. P. takes B. 23. R. takes P. (ch.) 24. Q. takes R. 24. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 25. K. to B's 2d. 25. P. to K's 6th. 26. B. takes P. 26. B. to K. B's 4th. (ch.) 27. R. to Q's 3d. 27. Q. to Q. B's 5th. (ch.) 28. K. to Q's 2d. 28. Q. to Q. R's 7th. (ch.) 29. K. to Q's square. 29. Q. to Kt's 8th. (ch.) And White resigns.
GAME V.—(By Philidor.)
{PGN 05}
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. to K. B's 4th. 4. P. takes K. P. 4. K. B. P. takes K. P. 5. Kt. to Kt's 5th. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. to K. B's 4th.[A] 6. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 7. P. to Q. B's 4th. 7. P. to Q. B's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. P. to K. R's 4th. 9. P. to K. R's 3d. 10. K. Kt. to R's 3d. 10. Castles. 11. Q. Kt. to Q. R's 4th. 11. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 12. B. to Q's 2d. 12. B. takes B. (ch.) 13. Q. takes B. 13. P. to Q's 5th. 14. P. to Q. B's 5th. 14. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 15. P. takes P. (in passing). 15. Q. R. P. takes P. 16. P. to Q. Kt's 3d. 16. Q. B. to K's 3d. 17. B. to K's 2d. 17. Kt. to K. B's 4th. 18. K. Kt. to his sq. 18. K. Kt. to Kt's 6th. 19. K. R. to his 2d. 19. P. to K's 6th. 20. Q. to her Kt's 2d. 20. P. to Q's 6th. 21. B. to K. B's 3d. 21. K. R. takes P. 22. Castles on Q's side. 22. K. R. takes Kt. 23. P. takes K. R. 23. Q. R. takes P. 24. P. to Q. R's 3d. 24. R. to Q. B's 5th. (ch.) 25. K. to Q. Kt's sq. 25. R. to Q. B's 7th. 26. Q. to Kt's 4th. 26. Q. Kt. to R's 3d. 27. Q. to K. B's 4th. 27. Q. Kt. to B's 4th. 28. Q. takes K. Kt. And Black mates in two moves.
[Footnote A: This is not the proper move; he should play 6. P. to K's 6th.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. P. to K's 5th. 4. Kt. to K's 5th. (best) 5. Kt. takes P. 5. P. to Q's 3d. (best) 6. P. takes P. 6. K. B. takes P. 7. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 7. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 8. Q. B. to K's 3d. 8. Castles. 9. Castles. 9. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. The game is equal.
Commencing at Black's 3d move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. Kt. takes K's P. 5. Kt. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q. B's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. K. Kt. takes P. 7. Q. B. to K's 3d. 8. Kt. to K's 3d. 8. B. to K's 2d. 9. Castles. 9. Castles. You have the move, and somewhat the advantage of position.
Beginning at White's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. P. to K's 5th. 4. Kt. to K's 5th. 5. K. B. to Q's 3d. 5. K. Kt. to Q. B's 4th 6. Kt. takes P. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 7. P. takes P. 7. K. B. takes P. 8. Castles. 8. Castles.
It would not be a good move for Black, instead of castling, to take your K. R. P. (ch.) and then to take the Kt., on account of your check with the B., which would leave his Q. exposed to capture.
Beginning at White's 3d move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. Kt. takes K's P. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 5. Q. takes Kt. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. to K. B's 3d. 7. P. to K. B's 4th. 7. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. P. takes Kt. 9. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. 9. Q. to her 3d. 10. Q. P. takes P. 10. P. takes P. 11. P. takes P. 11. Q. to her B's 3d. 12. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 12. Q. to her B's 4th. 13. P. to Q. Kt's 4th.
Winning the Q. At his 12th move, Black might prolong the game by playing 12. Q. to K. Kt's 3d, but in that case you would take 13. Q. B. P. with the Kt. (ch.), then take Q. with Q., and afterwards Q. R. with Kt.
Beginning at Black's 3d move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 3. P. to Q's 3d. 4. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 4. Kt. takes K's P. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 6. K. B. to Q's 3d. 6. K. B. to K's 2d. 7. Castles. 7. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. P. to Q. B's 4th. 8. Q. B. to K's 3d. 9. P. to Q. R's 3d. 9. Castles. You are now enabled to play Q. to her B's 2d, and obtain a good attacking situation.
Beginning at the 3d move of White.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. Kt. takes K. P. 5. K. B. to Q. B. 4 (best) 6. P. to Q's 3d. 6. B. takes K. B. P. (ch.) 7. K. to Q's sq. (best) 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 8. Kt. takes K. B. P. 8. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 9. Kt. takes Q. 9. B. takes Q. (ch.) 10. K. takes B. 10. Kt. to K. B's 7th. 11. R. to K. B's sq. 11. P. takes B. 12. Kt. to K's 6th. 12. P. takes P. (ch.) 13. P. takes P. 13. K. to his 2d. 14. Kt. takes K. Kt. P. 14. R. to K. Kt's sq. 15. Kt. to K. B's 5th. (ch.) 15. K. to his 3d. 16. Q. B. to K's 3d. 16. B. takes B. 17. Kt. takes B. 17. Kt. to K. Kt's 5th. The positions are equal, but you have a pawn more.
Beginning at Black's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. Kt. takes K. P. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4 (best) 6. P. to Q's 3d. 6. Q. P. takes B. 7. Q. takes Kt. 7. Castles. 8. Q. takes doubled P. 8. Q. to K's 2d. 9. P. to K. B's 4th. 9. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. Q. to K's 4th. 10. K. R. to K's sq. 11. K. to Q's sq. 11. Q. to K. R's 5th. 12. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 12. Q. to K. R's 4th. (ch.) 13. K. to Q's 2d. 13. Kt. takes Kt. 14. P. takes Kt. 14. R. takes P. Winning easily.
Instead, however, of playing 12. P. to K. Kt's 3d, you might at that moment move Q. Kt. to Q's 2d.
12. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 12. Q. to K. R's 4th. (ch.) 13. Q. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 13. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. (best)
and now, play as you can, Black must gain a decided advantage by taking the K. Kt. with Kt., &c.
Beginning at White's 11th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. Kt. takes K. P. 5. K. B. to Q. B. 4th. (best) 6. P. to Q's 3d. 6. Q. P. takes B. 7. Q. takes Kt. 7. Castles. 8. Q. takes doubled P. 8. Q. to K's 2d. 9. P. to K. B's 4th. 9. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. Q. to K's 4th. 10. K. R. to K's sq. 11. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 11. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 12. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 12. Q. to K. R's 4th. 13. Q. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 13. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 14. Q. to K's 2d. (best) 14. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 15. K. R. to B's sq. 15. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. And Black must win.
GAME I.—Mr. Morphy plays without seeing the Chess-board or men, against M. Potier, at Paris.
{PGN 06}
WHITE. (Mr. M.) BLACK. (M. P.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 4. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d.[A] 5. Kt. takes K. P. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 6. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 6. K. B. to K's 2d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. P. to Q. B's 3d. 8. Castles. 8. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 9. P. to K. B's 4th. 9. Q. Kt. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. Q. to K. B's 3d. 10. P. to K. R's 4th. 11. P. to K. B's 5th. 11. Q. to Q. B's 2d. 12. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 12. K. B. to Q's 3d. 13. Q. R. to K's sq. 13. K. to B's sq. 14. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. P. to K. R's 5th. 15. K. Kt. to Kt's 6th. (ch.)[B] 15. K. to Kt's sq. 16. Q. B. takes B. 16. P. takes Q. 17. Q. B. takes Q. 17. P. takes Kt. 18. K. B. P. takes P. 18. P. takes K. R. P. (ch.) 19. K. to R's sq. 19. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 20. Q. R. to K's 7th. 20. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 21. Q. B. to K's 5th. 21. K. to B's sq. 22. Q. R. to K. B's 7th. (ch.)[C] 22. K. to Kt's sq. 23. Kt. takes Q. P. 23. P. takes Kt. 24. K. B. takes P. 24. Q. Kt. to Q. Kt's 3d. 25. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. And Black abandons the game.
[Footnote A: It is to be regretted that Mr. Potier did not take the Kt. rather than retreat, as many amateurs would have been pleased to see Mr. Morphy carrying out the attack of this interesting and comparatively novel dbut.]
[Footnote B: Finely played.]
[Footnote C: The termination of this partie is remarkably elegant and finished.]
GAME II.—Skilfully conducted Partie played in 1837, by M. Petroff, against three Russian Amateurs in council together.
{PGN 07}
WHITE. (M. Petroff.) BLACK. (Amateurs.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 4. K. B. to Q's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. Kt. takes K. P. 5. K. B. to Q's 3d. 6. Castles. 6. Castles. 7. P. to Q. B's 4th. 7. P. to K. B's 4th. 8. P. to K. B's 4th. 8. P. to Q. B's 3d. 9. Q. B. to K's 3d. 9. Q. B. to K's 3d. 10. P. takes Q. P. 10. P. takes P. 11. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 11. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 12. Q. R. to Q. B's sq. 12. K. R. to B's 3d.[A] 13. B. takes Kt. 13. K. B. P. takes B. 14. Q. Kt. to his 5th. 14. Kt. to K's 2d. 15. Kt. takes B. 15. Q. takes Kt 16. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 16. P. to K. Kt's 3d.[B] 17. P. to K. B's 5th.[C] 17. P. takes P. 18. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 18. K. R. to B's sq. 19. B. to K. R's 6th. 19. K. R. to Q. B's sq.[D] 20. Q. to her 2d. 20. Q. to her square. 21. R. takes R. 21. R. takes R. 22. P. takes P. 22. Kt. takes P. 23. Q. to K. Kt's 2d. (ch.) 23. K. to R's sq. 24. R. takes Kt. 24. Q. to K. Kt's sq. 25. R. to B's 6th. 25. B. to K. R's 6th. 26. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 26. Q. takes Q. 27. P. takes Q. On this move, the Amateurs abandoned the game.
[Footnote A: This unfortunate counter attack is admirably taken advantage of by M. Petroff.]
[Footnote B: They do not appear to have had a better move.]
[Footnote C: Well played.]
[Footnote D: It would have been better to leave the Rook en prise, and advance the Pawn to King's Bishop's 5th.]
GAME III.—Between M. Tchigorin and H. N. Pillsbury.
{PGN 08}
WHITE. (Mr. T.) BLACK. (Mr. P.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. B. to Kt's 5th. 4. B. to Kt's 5th. 5. Castles. 5. Castles. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 7. B. to Kt's 5th.[A] 7. B. takes Kt. 8. P. takes B. 8. Kt. to K's 2d.[B] 9. B. takes Kt. 9. P. takes B. 10. Q. to Q's 2d. 10. Kt. to Kt's 3d. 11. K. to R's sq.[C] 11. K. to R's sq. 12. P. to Q's 4th. 12. R. to K. Kt's sq. 13. B. to Q's 3d. 13. Q. to K's 2d. 14. Q. R. to Kt's sq.[D] 14. P. to Kt's 3d. 15. Kt. to Kt's sq. 15. B. to K's 3d.! 16. P. to Q's 5th.? 16. B. to Q's 2d. 17. P. to Kt's 3d. 17. R. to Kt's 2d. 18. Q. R. to K's sq. 18. Q. R. to K. Kt's sq.[E] 19. P. to B's 3d.[F] 19. P. to K. R's 4th.! 20. R. to K's 2d. 20. Kt. to B's sq. 21. P. to K. B's 4th. 21. P. takes P. 22. Q. takes P. 22. Kt. to R's 2d. 23. Kt. to B's 3d. 23. B. to Kt's 5th. 24. Kt. to Q's 4th.[G] 24. P. to R's 5th.! 25. R. to K's 3d. 25. Q. to K's 4th. 26. P. takes P.? 26. B. to B's 6th. (ch.) 27. Resigns.
[Footnote A: NOTES by JAS. MASON.—In this familiar "double Lopez" predicament, 7. B. takes Kt. is highly recommended, if a dull but durable kind of game is desired.]
[Footnote B: ... Something like a leap in the dark. If the doubled Pawn can be "dissolved" betimes, or the open file well used in attack, a safe landing may be confidently expected.]
[Footnote C: More or less necessary, sooner or later. Black does not attempt to dissolve, just here; for then Q. to R's 6th, threatening Kt. to Kt's 5th, might be uncomfortable.]
[Footnote D: Routine—indirectly including the questionable 16. P. to Q's 5th? At once Kt. to Kt's sq., to be speedily followed by P. to Kt's 3d and P. to K. B's 4th, would have given the matter another and perhaps very different complexion.]
[Footnote E: ... The difference is in favor of the young American representative, who presses it fully.]
[Footnote F: Manifestly weakening. The Russian champion feels himself on the defensive, and at a loss how to continue. Thus the text move may be as good as any other.]
[Footnote G: 24. Kt. to R's 4th would be much stronger, the importance of halting the advancing Rook Pawn duly considered. Going from bad to worse, the downright blunder two moves later caps the climax—and more need not be said.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 3. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. B takes B. P. (ch.) 6. K. to B's sq. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 7. Kt. takes K's P 8. Castles, And you have an excellent position.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th.
This second move of Black gives the name of Counter Gambit to this game.
3. K. Kt. takes P. (best.) 3. Q. to K. B's 3d. (best.) 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. takes K's P. 6. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. P. to Q. B's 3d. or First Variation. 7. Q. Kt. takes K's P. (best.) 7. Q. to K's 3d. 8. Q. to K's 2d. 8. P. to Q's 4th. 9. Q's Kt. to Q's 6th. (ch.) 9. K. to Q's 2d. 10. Q. Kt. to K. B's 7th. 10. Q. P. takes K's Kt. 11. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 11. K. takes Q. 12. K. B. takes P. (ch.) 12. K. to his 2d. 13. Kt. takes R. 13. Q. B. to K's 3d. 14. K. B. to Q's 3d. 14. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 15. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 15. Q. B. to K. Kt's sq. 16. Castles, with a fine game.
Beginning at Black's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. takes P. (best) 3. Q. to K. B's 3d. (best) 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. takes K. P. 6. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 7. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 7. Q. B. to K. Kt's 3d. 8. K. B. to Kt's 2d. 8. P. to Q. B's 3d. 9. B. takes K's P. 9. B. takes B. 10. Q. Kt. takes B. 10. Q. to K's 3d. 11. Q. to K's 2d. 11. P. to Q's 4th. 12. K. Kt. to Q's 6th. (ch.)
If now Black take the Knight with his Bishop, you retake with the Q. Kt. (ch.), then exchange Queens, and win the Q. Kt. P. He may, however, move 12. K. to his 2d, whereupon you check with K. Kt. at K. B's 5th, and afterwards liberate your other Kt.
Beginning at Black's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. takes P. (best) 3. Q. to K. B's 3d. (best) 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. takes K. P. 6. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 7. P. to Q's 5th. 7. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 8. Q. to her 4th. 8. Q. B. to K. B's 4th 9. Q. Kt. to his 5th, gaining a Pawn.
From Black's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. takes P. (best) 3. Q. to K. B's 3d. (best) 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. takes K's P. 6. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 7. P. to K. B's 3d. (best) 7. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. P. takes K's P. 8. Kt. takes P. 9. Q. to K's 2d. 9. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 10. K. Kt. to Q's 2d. 10. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 11. K. Kt. takes Kt. 11. Kt. takes Q. P. 12. Q. to her 3d, having won a Piece.
Beginning at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 3. Q. to K. B's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. takes K. P. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 6. B. to B's 7th. (ch.) 6. K. to his 2d. 7. P. to K. R's 4th. 7. P. to K. R's 3d. 8. Q. to K. R's 5th. 8. K. to Q's 3d. 9. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 9. P. takes B. 10. Q. takes R., and you have an easy game.
Beginning at the 3d move of White.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. P. takes K's P. 4. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K. Kt's 4th. 5. Kt. to K. B's 7th. (best) 5. Q. takes K. Kt. P. 6. R. to K. B's sq. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. Kt. takes R. 7. P. takes B. 8. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 8. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 9. Q. takes K. R. P. 9. Q. B. to K's 3d. 10. Q. takes K. Kt. P. (ch.) 10. Q. takes Q. 11. Kt. takes Q., and you have "the exchange" and a Pawn advantage.
Beginning at White's 3d move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to K. B's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 3. P. to Q's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to K's 5th. 5. Kt. to his 5th. 5. Q. B. takes P. 6. Q. to K's 2d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. Q. to her Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. takes Q. Kt. P. 8. Q. Kt. takes Q. P. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 9. Kt. takes B. 10. Q. takes Kt. (ch.) 10. Q. to her 2d. 11. Q. to Q. Kt's 7th. 11. Q. R. to B's sq. 12. Q. takes Q. R. P. 12. P. to K. R's 3d. 13. Kt. to K. R's 3d. 13. B. takes Kt. 14. K. Kt. P. takes B. 14. Q. takes P. And he has the superiority in position.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. (best) 3. Q. takes P. 4. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. Q. to K's 3d. 5. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 5. B. to Q's 2d. 6. Castles. 6. B. takes B. 7. Kt. takes B. 7. K. B. to Q's 3d. 8. R. to K's sq. 8. P. to K. B's 3d. 9. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. to Q. B's 3d. 10. Q. P. takes P. 10. P. takes P. 11. K. Kt. takes P. Winning of course.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K's P. 3. Q. to K's 2d. (best). 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to K. B's 3d. 5. Kt. to his 4th. 5. B. takes Kt. 6. Q. takes B. 6. Q. takes P. (ch.) 7. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 7. P. takes Q. There is no advantage on either side.
GAME I.—Between Messrs. Cochrane and Staunton.
{PGN 09}
WHITE. (Mr. C.) BLACK. (Mr. S.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes K. P. 3. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to K. B's 3d. 5. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. takes K. Kt. 6. Kt. takes Q. P. 6. Q. to K. B's 2d. 7. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 7. Q. B. to K's 3d. 8. Castles. 8. P. to Q. B's 3d. 9. P. to K. B's 4th. 9. P. takes Kt. 10. B. P. takes P. 10. Q. to her 2d. 11. K. P. takes P. 11. B. takes P. 12. P. to K's 6th. 12. Q. to her B's 3d. 13. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 13. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. Q. takes B. 14. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 15. Q. to K's 5th. 15. Q. takes B. 16. Q. takes R. 16. Kt. to K. B's 4th. 17. Q. B. to K. R's 6th. 17. Q. to her Kt's 5th. 18. Q. takes B. (ch.) 18. Q. takes Q. 19. B. takes Q. 19. K. takes B. 20. P. to K. Kt's 4th. Black surrenders.
GAME II.—Between MM. Jaenisch and Petroff.
{PGN 10}
WHITE. (M. J.) BLACK. (M. P.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. P. to Q's 4th. 3. K. Kt. takes P. 3. Q. to K's 2d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. P. to K. B's 3d. 5. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. K. Kt. to Q's 2d. 6. P. to K. B's 4th. 7. K. B. to K's 2d. 7. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. K. Kt. to Q. Kt's 3d. 8. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 9. Castles. 9. Q. to K. B's 2d. 10. P. to Q. B's 4th. 10. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 11. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 11. Castles. 12. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 12. P. to K. R's 3d. 13. P. to Q. R's 3d. 13. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 14. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 14. P. to K. B's 5th. 15. P. to Q's 5th. 15. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 16. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 16. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 17. Q. B. to K's square. 17. K. R. to Kt's sq. 18. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 18. K. B. to K's 2d. 19. P. to K. B's 3d. 19. P. to K's 6th. 20. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 20. P. to K. Kt's 5th. 21. P. to Q. B's 5th. 21. P. takes K. B. P. 22. Kt. takes P. 22. Kt. takes Kt. (ch.) 23. B. takes Kt. 23. Kt. to K. Kt's 5th. 24. Q. to her B's 4th. 24. K. to Kt's sq. 25. Q. to K's 4th. 25. Q. R. to K's sq. 26. P. to Q's 6th. 26. Q. B. to his 3d. 27. Q. to her 4th. 27. B. takes B. 28. R. takes B. 28. B. to K. Kt's 4th. 29. Q. Kt. to his 5th. 29. P. to Q. B's 3d. 30. P. to Q's 7th. 30. Q. R. to K's 3d. 31. B. to K. Kt's 3d. 31. P. takes Q. Kt.[A] 32. B. takes B. P. (ch.) 32. Kt. to K's 4th. 33. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 33. R. takes B. 34. Q. takes R. (ch.) 34. K. to R's sq. 35. R. takes Q. 35. P. to K's 7th. 36. Q. to K's 8th. (ch.) 36. R. takes Q. 37. P. takes R., becomes a Queen (ch.), and wins.
[Footnote A: If Black had taken the B. with K. B. P. at this point, the following moves show that he would have equally lost:—
31. P. takes B. 32. Q. takes Kt. 32. P. takes P. (ch.) 33. K. to R's sq. 33. Q. takes Q. P. 34. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. (ch.), and wins.]
An attentive examination of the eight separate methods of reply to your second move of K's Kt. to B's 3d in the antecedent games, will have enabled you to understand that four at least of these defences, viz.: P. to K. B's 3d, B. to Q's 3d, Q. to B's 3d, and B. to Q. B's 4th, are untenable and injurious for the game of the second player, and that the remaining four, if not absolutely bad for him, are unsatisfactory, because against the best attack, they leave the balance of advantage in favor of the party playing first.
It is now time to consider the consequences to both parties when Black, abandoning the objectionable or uncertain modes of play he has hitherto adopted, shall answer with the move which the best authorities at length concur in recommending as the proper one, i.e. 2. Q's Kt. to B's 3d. Upon his playing thus, you have the choice of three good moves: in the first place to play 3. K's B. to Q. B's 4th, as in the present game; secondly, 3. P. to Q's 4th; and thirdly, P. to Q. B's 3d. The two latter of which will form the subjects of games hereafter.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th
It is generally admitted that Black's third move is the best he can adopt; and the opening now formed is that which the Italians have entitled the "Giuoco Piano;" an opening, less attacking than many others, but one perfectly safe for both players, and therefore always in request, and which usually generates games of the most solid and instructive kind.
4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. (best) 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. to K's 5th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. (best) 7. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 8. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 8. P. takes B. 9. P. takes P. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. Castles. 10. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 11. Q. B. to K's 3d. 11. Castles. The game is equal.
Beginning at Black's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. to K's 5th. 6. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 7. K. B. to Q's 5th. 7. Kt. takes K. B's P. 8. K. takes Kt. 8. P. takes P. (dis. ch.) 9. K. to Kt's 3d. 9. P. takes Q. Kt's P. 10. Q. B. takes P. 10. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 11. Q. to her B's 2d. 11. P. to Q's 3d. 12. B. to K's 4th. 12. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 13. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 13. P. to Q. B's 3d. 14. Q. R. to Q's sq. And the game appears to me in your favor.
Remember that at your move 14. you must not, instead of playing Q. R. to Q's sq., take the Kt. with your B., and afterwards play 15. Q. Kt. to K's 4th, because after taking your B. with K. R's P., he might move Q. B. to K. B's 4th, and thus prevent you moving your Kt. advantageously.
Beginning at White's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. B. to Q's 2d. 7. B. takes B. (ch.) 8. Q. Kt. takes B. 8. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. takes P. 9. Kt. takes P. 10. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 10. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. The game is even.
Beginning at White's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. Castles. 5. Kt. takes K's P. 6. Q. to K's 2d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. Castles. 8. B. takes Q. Kt. 8. P. takes B. 9. Kt. takes K. P. 9. Q. B. to Kt's 2d. 10. P. to Q's 4th. 10. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. There is no advantage on either side.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q's Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. P. takes P. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th 9. P. to Q's 5th. 9. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. The game is equal.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. B. to Q's 2d. 7. B. takes B. (ch.) 8. Q. Kt. takes B. 8. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 9. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 9. Castles. 10. Castles. 10. Q. Kt. to R's 4th. 11. Q. to her B's 2d. 11. Kt. takes B. 12. Q. takes Kt. 12. Kt. takes K's P. 13. Kt. takes Kt. 13. P. to Q's 4th. 14. Q. to K's 2d. 14. P. takes Kt. 15. Q. takes P.
There is little difference in the positions, but your men are better disposed for immediate action, and you have the advantage of a Knight against a Bishop.
Beginning at White's 7th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. K. to his B's sq. 7. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 8. Q. to her R's 4th. 8. B. takes Kt. 9. P. takes B. 9. Q. to her 2d. 10. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 10. Castles. 11. K. to Kt's 2d. And it appears to me that White has an unquestionable advantage.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to K. B's 4th. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. K. B. P. takes K. P. 6. K. Kt. takes K. P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 7. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 7. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 8. B. to K. B's 7th. (ch.) 8. K. to B's sq. 9. Q. B. to K. R's 6th. (ch.) 9. Kt. takes B. 10. Q. takes Kt. (ch.) 10. K. to his 2d. 11. B. takes Kt's P. 11. Kt. takes Kt. 12. Q. to K. Kt's 5th. (ch.), and you must win.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 6. P. takes K. P. 6. Kt. takes P. 7. Kt. takes Kt. 7. Q. takes Kt. 8. Castles. 8. P. to Q's 3d. 9. K. to R's sq. 9. Q's B. to K's 3d. White has a little the better game.
1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 7. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 7. K. takes Q. 8. B. takes K. B's P., and you have the better game.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K's Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K's B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K's B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. Castles. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. Q's B. to K. Kt's 5th. 6. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 6. Q's B. takes Kt. 7. B. takes K. B. P. (ch.) 7. K. to K. B's sq. 8. K. Kt. P. takes Q. B. 8. Q. to K. B's 3d. 9. K. B. to K. R's 5th. 9. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 10. K. B. to Kt's 4th. 10. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 11. Q. to her sq. You have the better game.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. Q. to K. B's 3d. 6. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 6. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 7. Castles. 7. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 8. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 8. K. Kt. to K. R's 3d. 9. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 9. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. P. to Q. R's 4th. 10. P. to Q. R's 4th. (best) 11. P. to Q. Kt's 5th. 11. Kt. to Q's sq. 12. K. B. to Q's 5th. The game is in your favor.
GAME I.—Between Mr. D. Harrwitz of Paris and Mr. Capdebo, a strong Hungarian player.
{PGN 11}
WHITE. (Mr. C.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 7. K. B. takes Q. B. (ch.) 8. Q. Kt. takes B. 8. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. takes P. 9. K. Kt. takes P. 10. Q. to K's 2d. (ch.) 10. B. to K's 3d. 11. B. to Kt's 5th. 11. Castles. 12. B. takes Kt. 12. P. takes B. 13. Castles (with K. R.) 13. Q. R. to Kt's sq. 14. P. to Q. Kt's 3d. 14. Kt. to K. B's 5th. 15. Q. to Q. R's 6th. 15. K. R. to K's sq. 16. K. R. to K's sq. 16. Q. to Q's 2d. 17. Kt. to K's 5th. 17. Q. takes P. 18. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 18. Q. to Q. Kt's 3d. 19. Q. takes Q. 19. R. takes Q. 20. Q. R. to B's sq. 20. P. to K. B's 3d. 21. K. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 21. Q. R. to R's 3d. And Black ultimately won.
GAME II.—Played at the Philadelphia Athenum, between Mr. McCabe and Mr. H. P. Montgomery.
{PGN 12}
WHITE. (Mr. McC.) BLACK. (Mr. M.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to K. B's 4th. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 5. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. P. takes P. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. Q. to her 3d. 8. Castles. 8. Castles. 9. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 9. B. to Kt's 3d. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 10. Q. B. takes P. 11. B. takes Kt. 11. P. takes B. 12. P. to Q's 4th. 12. P. to K's 5th. 13. Kt. to K's 5th. 13. P. to Q. R's 4th. 14. Q. B. to R's 3d. 14. P. takes P. 15. B. takes P. 15. P. to Q. B's 4th. 16. P. takes P. 16. B. takes P. 17. B. takes B. 17. Q. takes B. 18. Q. to Q's 4th. 18. Q. to Q's 3d. 19. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 19. B. takes Kt. 20. P. takes B. 20. Kt. takes P. 21. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 21. Q. to K. R's 3d. 22. R. to Q's sq. 22. Q. checks. 23. K. moves. 23. R. takes P. (ch.), and wins.
GAME III.—Between Mr. Horwitz and Mr. Staunton.
{PGN 13}
WHITE. (Mr. S.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 7. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 7. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 8. Q. B. to K's 3d. 8. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 9. P. to Q. R's 3d. 9. Castles. 10. K. B. to K's 2d. 10. K. R. to K's sq. 11. P. to Q's 5th. 11. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 12. Kt. takes Kt. 12. Q. B. takes K. B. 13. Q. takes B. 13. R. takes Kt. 14. B. takes K. B. 14. Q. R. P. takes B. 15. Castles on K's side. 15. Kt. takes K. P. 16. Kt. takes Kt. 16. P. to K. B's 4th. 17. P. to K. B's 3d. 17. P. takes Kt. 18. P. takes P. 18. Q. to K's 2d. 19. Q. R. to K's sq. 19. Q. R. to K's sq. 20. K. R. to K. B's 4th. 20. P. to K. R's 3d.[A] 21. Q. to K. B's 3d.[B] 21. R. takes Q. P. 22. Q. R. to K. B's sq.[C] 22. R. to K's 4th. 23. K. R. to K. B's 7th. 23. Q. to K's 3d.[D] 24. K. R. takes Q. B. P. 24. R. takes K. P. 25. R. takes Q. Kt. P. 25. P. to Q's 4th. 26. P. to K. R's 3d.[E] 26. R. to K's 8th. 27. R. takes R. 27. Q. takes R. (ch.) 28. Q. to K. B's sq.[F] 28. Q. to K's 6th. (ch.) 29. Q. to K. B's 2d. 29. Q. to her B's 8th. (ch.) 30. K. to R's 2d. 30. R. to K. B's sq. 31. Q. to her 4th. 31. R. to K. B's 3d.[G] 32. Q. takes P. (ch.) 32. K. to R's 2d. 33. Q. to K's 5th. 33. R. to K. Kt's 3d.[H] 34. R. to K's 7th. 34. Q. to her 7th. 35. Q. to K's 4th. 35. Q. to her 3d. (ch.) 36. R. to K's 5th. 36. K. to Kt's sq. 37. Q. to her 5th. (ch.) 37. Q. takes Q. 38. R. takes Q. 38. K. to B's 2d. 39. R. to Q. Kt's 5th. 39. K. to his 2d. 40. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 40. K. to Q's 2d. 41. K. to Kt's 3d. 41. K. to Q. B's 3d. 42. R. to K's 5th. 42. R. to Q's 3d. 43. R. to K's 3d. 43. K. to Q. B's 4th. 44. P. to K. R's 4th. 44. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 45. K. to B's 4th. 45. K. to Q's 5th. 46. R. to K's 4th. (ch.) 46. K. to Q's 4th. 47. R. to K's 8th. 47. R. to K. B's 3d. (ch.) 48. K. to his 3d. 48. K. to Q. B's 5th. 49. R. to K's 4th. (ch.) 49. K. to Q's 4th. 50. R. to K. B's 4th. 50. R. to Q. B's 3d. 51. R. to Q. Kt's 4th. 51. R. to K's 3d. (ch.) 52. K. to Q's 3d. 52. R. to K. B's 3d. 53. R. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.)[I] 53. K. to Q. B's 3d. 54. R. to K's 5th. 54. K. to Q's 3d. 55. R. to Q. Kt's 5th. 55. K. to Q. B's 3d. 56. R. to Q. Kt's 4th. 56. R. to B's 6th. (ch.) 57. K. to his 2d. 57. R. to K. R's 6th. 58. R. to K. B's 4th. 58. R. takes K. R. P. 59. R. to B's 6th. (ch.) 59. K. to Kt's 4th. 60. R. takes K. Kt. P. 60. R. to R's 7th. (ch.) 61. K. to B's 3d. 61. R. takes Q. Kt. P. 62. R. takes K. R. P. 62. R. to Q. Kt's 6th. (ch.) 63. K. to B's 4th. 63. R. takes Q. R. P. 64. P. to Kt's 5th. 64. R. to Q. R's 8th. 65. R. to K. R's 4th. 65. K. to Q. B's 4th. 66. P. to Kt's 6th. 66. R. to Q. R's 2d. 67. K. to his B's 5th. 67. P. to Kt's 4th. 68. R. to K. Kt's 4th. 68. P. to Kt's 5th.[J] 69. P. to Kt's 7th. 69. R. takes P. 70. R. takes R. 70. P. to Kt's 6th. 71. K. to his 4th. 71. K. to Kt's 5th. 72. K. to Q's 3d. And Black surrenders.
[Footnote A: Black would have gained no advantage by taking the Q. P. at this juncture, or by advancing his P. to K. Kt's 4th, to attack the Rook. The move in the text was not made without due deliberation, and we believe it the best on the board.]
[Footnote B: White designedly gives up the Queen's Pawn, to get a counter attack with his combined forces.]
[Footnote C: Queen to her Knight's 3d would have been worse than useless.]
[Footnote D: Had he gone to Queen's square, to protect his threatened Pawn, White would have won the King's Knight's Pawn. (e.g.)
WHITE. BLACK. 23. Q to Q's sq. 24. R. takes K. Kt. P. (ch.) 24. K. takes R. 25. Q. to K. B's 7th. (ch.) 25. K. to R's sq. 26. K. R. to K. B's 6th. 26. R. to K. R's 4th. 27. Q. takes K. R. 27. Q. takes R. 28. Q. takes R. (ch.), &c.]
[Footnote E: A most important move. Black dare not now advance his Q. P. on account of Q. to B's 7th (ch.), which would enable White to double his Rooks on the adversary's K. Kt. P., and thus win easily.]
[Footnote F: K. to R's 2d would have been very bad play, because Black would have checked with his Q. at K's 4th; and if then the Queen were interposed, he would have taken the Q. and played R. to K's 6th (ch.), and afterwards R. to Q. Kt's 6th.]
[Footnote G: He could not save all the Pawns attacked.]
[Footnote H: Threatening to take the K. Kt. P. with his Rook, and then check with the Queen at her Bishop's 3d.]
[Footnote I: K. to his 3d would have been better.]
[Footnote J: This was ill-judged. He should have played R. to K. Kt's 2d, or Q. R's square.]
GAME IV.—Between Mr. Horwitz and Mr. Staunton.
{PGN 14}
WHITE. (Mr. H.) BLACK. (Mr. S.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. K. Kt. to his 5th. 6. Castles. 7. P. to K. B's 4th. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 8. P. takes Q. P. 8. K. Kt. takes P. 9. B. takes Kt. 9. Q. takes B. 10. Q. to K. B's 3d. 10. K. R. to Q's sq.[A] 11. Q. takes Q. 11. R. takes Q. 12. K. to his 2d.[B] 12. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 13. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 13. Q. R. to Q's sq. 14. P. to Q's 4th.[C] 14. P. takes Q. P. 15. P. to Q. B's 4th. 15. Q. R. to K's sq. (ch.) 16. K. to B's 2d.[D] 16. K. R. to Q's 2d. 17. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 17. P. to Q's 6th. (dis. ch.) 18. K. to his Kt's 3d. 18. Q. B. takes Kt. 19. Kt. takes B. 19. Q. R. to K's 7th. 20. B. to Q's 2d. 20. K. R. to Q's 3d. 21. Q. R. to Q's sq. 21. K. R. to K. Kt's 3d. (ch.) 22. K. to R's 3d.[E] 22. K. R. to his 3d. (ch.) 23. Kt. to K. R's 4th. 23. B. to K's 2d. 24. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 24. Kt. to Q's 5th. 25. B. to Q. B's 3d. 25. Kt. to K's 3d.[F] 26. K. to his Kt's 4th. 26. B. takes Kt. 27. P. takes B. 27. Q. R. to K's 5th. 28. K. R. to K. B's sq. 28. K. R. to Kt's 3d. (ch.) 29. K. to B's 5th. 29. Q. R. to K's 6th. 30. P. to K. R's 5th. 30. K. R. to Kt's 7th. 31. P. to K. R's 4th. 31. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 32. K. R. to K's sq. 32. P. to K. Kt's 3d. (ch.) And then Black mates in two moves.
[Footnote A: From this point we look upon the game as virtually lost for White.]
[Footnote B: Probably his best move. Had he played P. to Q. Kt's 4th, Black might have taken it with his Kt., and upon the B. P. retaking, have moved K. B. to Q's 5th, winning the exchange.]
[Footnote C: As good a move, perhaps, as he had on the board. By playing K. R. to Q's sq., he would evidently have lost a Piece.]
[Footnote D: Well conceived. Tempting Black to open the discovered check, which would cost him "the exchange."]
[Footnote E: Interposing the Kt. and then pushing the K. B. P. on the Rook afterwards, would have been unwise, on account of B. to Q's 3d. (ch.), &c.]
[Footnote F: Threatening, if White took the Q. P., to win a Piece.]
GAME V.—Between M. St. Amant and Mr. Staunton.
{PGN 15}
WHITE. (Mr. S.) BLACK. (M. St. A.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. Q. to K's 2d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P.[A] 6. Castles. 6. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 7. Kt. takes Kt. 7. Q. takes Kt. 8. P. to K. B's 4th. 8. P. takes Q. B. P. (dis. ch.) 9. K. to R's sq. 9. Q. to her 5th. 10. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 10. Kt. to K. R's 3d. 11. Q. Kt. takes P. 11. Castles. 12. P. to K. R's 3d.[B] 12. P. to Q. B's 3d. 13. P. to K. B's 5th. 13. Q. to K. B's 3d. 14. P. to K's 5th.[C] 14. Q. to K. R's 5th. 15. Q. B. takes Kt. 15. Q. takes Q. B. 16. Kt. to K's 4th. 16. B. to Q's 5th. 17. Kt. to Q's 6th. 17. Q. to K. R's 4th. 18. B. takes K. B. P. (ch.) 18. R. takes B. 19. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 19. B. takes K. P.[D] 20. Q. R. to K's sq. 20. Q. takes K. R. P. (ch.) 21. Q. takes Q. 21. B. takes Kt. 22. R. to K's 8th. (ch.) 22. B. to his sq. 23. K. R. to K's sq. 23. P. to Q's 4th. 24. Q. R. to Q's 8th. 24. R. to Q's 2d. 25. K. R. to K's 8th. 25. R. takes Q. R. 26. R. takes R. 26. P. to Q. Kt's 3d. 27. Q. to K's 3d. 27. Q. B. to Kt's 2d. 28. R. takes R. 28. B. takes R. 29. Q. to K's 6th. (ch.) 29. K. to R's sq. 30. Q. to K. B's 7th. Black resigns.
[Footnote A: The proper move is B. to Q. Kt's 3d. Taking the Pawn gives an immediate advantage to White.]
[Footnote B: If White play P. to K. B's 5th at this point, his opponent may move Kt. to K. Kt's 5th, threatening to play afterwards Q. to K. Kt's 8th (ch.), and then mate with his Kt. at B's 7th.]
[Footnote C: From this move the attack is very lively and interesting.]
[Footnote D: There appears to be nothing better, bad as this is.]
GAME VI.—Played by correspondence between Mr. Cheney, of Syracuse, N.Y., and two Amateurs of Utica, N.Y.
{PGN 16}
WHITE. (Utica.) BLACK. (Syracuse.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. to K's 5th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. Kt. to K's 5th. 8. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 8. P. takes B. 9. P. takes P. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. Castles. 10. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 11. B. to K's 3d. 11. Castles. 12. P. to K. R's 3d. 12. B. to K. R's 4th. 13. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 13. B. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. K. Kt. to R's 2d. 14. P. to K. B's 4th. 15. P. to K. B's 3d. 15. Kt. to Kt's 6th. 16. R. to K's square. 16. P. to K. B's 5th. 17. B. to K. B's 2d. 17. Q. to K's 2d. 18. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 18. P. to K. R's 4th. 19. Q. to Q. R's 4th. 19. B. to K's sq. 20. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 20. Q. to K's 3d. 21. Q. to Q. Kt's 3d. 21. B. to Q's 2d. 22. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 22. P. to K. R's 5th. 23. K. Kt. to K. B's sq. 23. P. to Q. R's 4th. 24. K. Kt. takes Kt. 24. R. P. takes Kt. 25. B. takes P. 25. P. takes B. 26. P. to Q. R's 3d. 26. Q. to K. R's 3d. 27. K. to Kt's 2d. 27. B. takes K. Kt. P. 28. B. P. takes B. 28. B. takes Q. P. 29. Q. R. to Q. Black announced mate in four moves.
GAME VII.—Between Mr. Popert and another fine player of London.
{PGN 17}
WHITE. (Mr. P.) BLACK. (Mr. ——.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. Castles.[A] 5. K. Kt. takes P. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. P. takes Q. P. 8. P. takes P. 8. K. B. to Q's 3d. 9. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 9. B. takes Kt. 10. P. takes B. 10. Castles. 11. P. to K. B's 4th. 11. P. to K. B's 4th. 12. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 12. Q. B. to K's 3d. 13. Q. B. to K's 3d. 13. P. to Q. R's 3d. 14. B. takes Kt. 14. P. takes B. 15. Q. R. to Q. B's sq.[B] 15. Q. to K's sq. 16. Q. to her B's 2d.[C] 16. Q. R. to Kt's sq. 17. Kt. takes Kt. 17. K. B. P. takes Kt. 18. Q. takes Q. B. P. 18. Q. R. takes Q. Kt. P. 19. Q. takes Q. 19. R. takes Q. 20. P. to K. B's 5th.[D] 20. B. to his sq. 21. Q. R. takes P. 21. Q. R. to K's 7th. 22. B. to Q's 4th. 22. Q. R. to Q's 7th.[E] 23. B. to Q. B's 3d. 23. R. to Q's 8th. 24. P. to K. B's 6th. 24. P. takes P. 25. P. takes P. 25. Q. B. to K's 3d. 26. R. to K. Kt's 7th. (ch.) 26. K. to R's sq. 27. B. to K's 5th. 27. B. to K. Kt's sq. 28. R. to K's 7th. 28. B. to K. B's 2d. White now checkmates in two more moves.
[Footnote A: Castling before moving the Q. B. P., and before the adverse K. Kt. is in the field, appears safer play.]
[Footnote B: Threatening to exchange the Kt., and then take Q. B. P. with the Rook.]
[Footnote C: Intending again to take the Kt., and thus win a Pawn.]
[Footnote D: Well played, the advance of this Pawn secures to him an irresistible attack.]
[Footnote E: Transcriber's Note: This move is notated as the impossible 22... Q. R. to Q's 6th. in the original text.]
GAME VIII.—Between Mr. Buckle and Mr. Harrwitz.
{PGN 18}
WHITE. (Mr. B.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. Castles. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to K. R's 3d. 6. Castles. 7. P. to Q's 3d. 7. Q. B. to K's 3d. 8. K. B. to Kt's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. Q. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 10. Q. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 10. P. to Q. B's 3d. 11. P. to Q. B's 3d. 11. P. to Q's 4th. 12. P. to Q's 4th. 12. Q. P. takes K. P. 13. Q. P. takes B. 13. P. takes Kt. 14. Q. takes P. 14. Q. B. takes K. B. 15. P. takes B. 15. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 16. Kt. to K. B's 5th.[A] 16. P. to Q. Kt's 3d. 17. P. takes Kt. P. 17. Q. takes P. 18. P. to Q. B's 4th. 18. K. Kt. to K. B's 5th. 19. B. takes K. Kt. 19. Q. Kt. takes B. 20. K. R. to Q's sq.[B] 20. Q. to Q. B's 2d. 21. Q. takes Q. B. P. 21. K. R. to Q. B's sq. 22. Q. takes Q. 22. R. takes Q. 23. Kt. to Q's 6th. 23. Kt. to K's 7th. (ch.) 24. K. to B's sq. 24. Kt. to Q's 5th. 25. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 25. P. to K. B's 4th. 26. P. to Q. B's 5th. 26. Q. R. to Q. Kt's sq.[C] 27. Q. R. to R's 4th. 27. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 28. K. R. to Q. R's sq. 28. Kt. to Q. B's 7th. 29. R. takes P. 29. R. takes R. 30. R. takes R. 30. Kt. takes Q. Kt. P. 31. R. to Q. Kt's 7th.[D] 31. R. takes R. 32. Kt. takes R. 32. K. to B's 2d. 33. K. to K's 2d. 33. K. to K's 2d. 34. K. to Q's 2d. 34. K. to Q's 2d. 35. Kt. to R's 5th. 35. Kt to R's 3d. 36. Kt. to Q. Kt's 3d. 36. K. to Q. B's 3d. 37. K. to Q. B's 3d. 37. Kt. takes P. 38. Kt. takes Kt. 38. K. takes Kt. 39. P. to K. R's 4th. 39. P. to K. R's 3d. 40. P. to K. B's 3d. 40. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 41. P. to K. R's 5th. 41. P. to K's 5th. 42. P. takes P. 42. K. B. P. takes P. 43. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 43. K. to Q's 4th. 44. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 44. K. to K's 4th. 45. P. to Q. Kt's 5th. 45. K. to K. B's 5th. 46. P. to Q. Kt's 6th. 46. P. to K's 6th. 47. P. to Q. Kt's 7th. 47. K. to B's 6th. 48. P. becomes a Queen. And wins.[E]
[Footnote A: This is a very attacking position for the Kt., and generally occasions great embarrassment to an adversary.]
[Footnote B: Prudently taking possession of an "open file."]
[Footnote C: Transcriber's Note: This move is notated as the impossible 26... K. R. to Q. Kt's sq. in the original text.]
[Footnote D: White plays with remarkable care and judgment here.]
[Footnote E: The termination of this game is an improving lesson in Pawn play.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Q. Kt. P. (best) 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. P. to Q's 3d. (best) 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. P. takes P. 8. P. takes P. 8. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 2d. 9. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. P. to Q's 5th. 10. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 11. B. takes K. Kt. 11. P. takes B. 12. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 12. B. takes Kt. Equal game.
Commencing at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. Q. Kt. takes Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. (See Second Variation.)
Commencing at Black's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Q. Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. P. takes P 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 8. Castles. 8. P. to Q's 3d. 9. P. to Q's 5th. 9. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 10. Q. B. to Q. Kt's 2d. 10. K. Kt. to B's 3d. Same position as in the game given first.
Beginning at White's 6th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. B's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. P. takes P. 8. P. takes P. 8. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 9. Q. B. to Q. R's 3d. 9. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. P. to K's 5th. 10. P. takes P. 11. Q. to her Kt's 3d. And your game is preferable to Black's.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 7. K. Kt. to his 5th. 7. Castles. 8. P to K. B's 4th. 8. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. takes Q. P. 9. K. Kt. takes P. 10. P. to Q's 4th. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 11. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 11. P. takes Kt. 12. B. takes Kt. 12. K. P. takes B. P. 13. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 13. Kt. to K's 2d. Black has the advantage.
Beginning at White's 7th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. P. takes P. 8. P. to K's 5th. 8. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 9. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 9. Castles. 10. Q. B. to Q. R's 3d. 10. P. to Q's 3d. 11. Q. B. P. takes P. 11. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 12. Q. to K's 3d. 12. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 13. B. to Q's 5th. And you win a piece.
Varying from the preceding at Black's 7th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes Kt. P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. Castles. 8. P. takes K. P. 8. Kt. takes K. P. 9. Q. to Q's 3d. 9. Kt. to Q. B's 4th. 10. Q. to her 5th. 10. Kt. to K's 3d. 11. Q. B. to Q. R's 3d. 11. K. R. to K's sq. You may then move 12. K. to R's sq., or 12. P. to K. Kt's 3d., and have a good game.
GAME 1.—Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Anderssen.
{PGN 19}
WHITE. (Mr. M.) BLACK. (Mr. A.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. K. P. takes Q. P. 7. Castles. 7. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. P. to K's 5th. 8. P. to Q's 4th. 9. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 9. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 10. P. takes P. 10. Castles. 11. B. takes Kt. 11. P. takes B. 12. Q. to Q. R's 4th. 12. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 13. Q. takes Q. B. P. 13. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 14. Q. B. to Q. Kt's 2d. 14. B. takes Kt. 15. P. takes B. 15. K. Kt. to his 4th. 16. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 16. K. R. to K's sq. 17. K. to R's sq. 17. K. Kt. to K. R's 6th. 18. P. to K. B's 4th. 18. Q. to K. R's 5th. 19. Q. takes Q. P. 19. Kt. takes P. (ch.) 20. K. to Kt's sq. 20. Kt. to Q's 6th. 21. Q. B. to B's 3d. 21. Kt. takes K. B. P. 22. Q. to K. B's 3d. 22. Kt. to R's 6th. (ch.) 23. K. to R's sq. 23. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 24. Q. to K. Kt's 2d. 24. Q. R. to Q's sq. 25. R. to K. Kt's sq. 25. P. to K. R's 3d. 26. Q. R. to K. B's sq. 26. Q. to K. R's 6th. 27. Q. to Q. B's 6th. 27. Q. to her 2d. 28. Q. to K. Kt's 2d. 28. B. takes Q. P. 29. B. takes B. 29. Q. takes B. 30. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 30. Q. to her 4th. 31. P. to K. R's 4th. 31. Kt. to K's 3d. 32. Q. to K. Kt's 4th. 32. Q. to Q. B's 3d. 33. R. to K. Kt's 2d. 33. R. to Q's 6th. 34. Q. to K. B's 5th. 34. K. R. to Q's sq. 35. Q. to K. B's 6th. 35. Q. to Q's 4th. 36. Q. to K. B's 5th. 36. R. to Q's 8th. 37. R. takes R. 37. Q. takes R. (ch.) 38. K. to R's 2d. 38. R. to Q's 6th. 39. R. to K. B's 2d. 39. R. to K's 6th. 40. Kt. to Q's 2d. 40. R. to K's 7th. 41. Q. takes P. (ch.) 41. K. to R's sq. 42. Kt. to K's 4th. 42. R. takes R. (ch.) 43. Kt. takes R. 43. Q. to Q's 4th. 44. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 44. Q. takes R. P. (ch.) 45. K. to Kt's 3d. 45. Q. to Q. Kt's 6th. (ch.) 46. K. to R's 2d. 46. Q. to Q. B's 7th. (ch.) 47. K. to Kt's 3d. 47. Q. to Q. B's 6th. (ch.) 48. K. to R's 2d. 48. Q. to Q. B's 3d. 49. P. to K. R's 5th. 49. P. to Q. R's 4th. 50. Kt. to K. B's 6th. 50. P. takes Kt. 51. Q. takes P. (ch.) 51. K. to Kt. sq. 52. Q. to Kt's 6th. (ch.) 52. K. to B's sq. 53. Q. takes R. P. (ch.) 53. K. to his sq. 54. Q. to Kt's 6th. (ch.) 54. K. to Q's 2d. 55. P. to K. R's 6th. 55. Q. to her 4th. 56. P. to K. R's 7th. 56. Q. takes P. (ch.) 57. K. to Kt's sq. 57. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 58. P. to R's 8th. (2d Q.) 58. Q. takes Q. 69. Q. takes Kt. 59. Q. to her 5th. (ch.) 60. K. to B's sq. 60. P. to Q. R's 5th. 61. Q. to K. B's 5th. (ch.) 61. K. to Q. B's 3d. 62. Q. to Q. B's 8th. 62. K. to Q. Kt's 4th. 63. K. to his sq. 63. P. to Q. B's 4th. 64. Q. to Q. Kt's 7th. (ch.) 64. K. to Q. B's 5th. 65. Q. to K. B's 7th. (ch.) 65. K. to Q. B's 6th. 66. Q. to K. B's 3d. (ch.) 66. Q. to her 6th. 67. Q. to K. B's 6th. (ch.) 67. K. to Q. Kt's 6th. 68. Q. to Q. Kt's 6th. (ch.) 68. K. to B's 7th. 69. Q. to Q. R's 7th. 69. Q. to Q. B's 6th. (ch.) 70. K. to K's 2d. 70. P. to R's 6th. 71. Q. to Q. R's 4th. (ch.) 71. K. to Kt's 7th. 72. Q. to Kt's 5th. (ch.) 72. Q. to Kt's 6th. And White resigns.
GAME II.—Between Mr. Mead, of N.Y., and another strong player.
{PGN 20}
WHITE. (Mr. ——.) BLACK. (Mr. M.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. Castles. 6. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 7. P. takes P. 8. K. Kt. to Kt's 5th. 8. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 9. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 9. P. to Q's 4th. 10. P. takes P. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 11. P. to K. B's 4th. 11. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 12. Q. to K's sq. 12. P. takes Kt. 13. P. takes Kt. 13. Kt. takes P. 14. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. B. to K's 7th. 15. K. B. to Q. R's 4th. (ch.) 15. P. to Q. B's 3d. 16. Q. B. takes P. 16. Q. to Q. Kt's 3d. 17. P. to Q. B's 4th. 17. P. to Q's 6th. (dis. ch.) 18. R. to K. B's 2d. 18. Q. to Q. Kt's 7th. 19. P. takes Kt. 19. Q. takes Q. R. 20. P. to K. R's 3d. 20. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 21. P. takes P. 21. B. takes R. (ch.) 22. K. takes B. 22. Q. to Q's 5th. (ch.) 23. Q. B. interposes. 23. Q. takes K. B. 24. P. takes P. 24. Q. R. to Q. Kt's sq. 25. Q. takes K. Kt. P. 25. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 26. K. to Kt's sq. 26. Q. R. takes P. 27. Kt. to Q's 2d. 27. Q. to K. R's 2d. 28. Q. to K. B's 6th. 28. Castles. 29. Q. to Q. B's 6th. 29. Q. R. to K's 2d. 30. Kt. to K's 4th. 30. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 31. Kt. to K. B's 6th. (ch.) 31. K. to R's sq. 32. Q. to Q's 6th. 32. R. to K. Kt's sq. 33. Kt. takes R. 33. Q. takes Q. 34. P. takes Q. 34. R. takes B. 35. P. to Q's 7th. 35. P. to Q's 7th. 36. P. queens. 36. P. queens. (ch.) 37. Q. takes Q. 37. B. takes Q. And White resigns.
GAME III.—Between Mr. Anderssen and Mr. Hillel.
{PGN 21}
WHITE. (Mr. A.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to Q. R's 4th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. Castles. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 8. P. takes P. 8. P. to Q's 3d. 9. P. to K. R's 3d. 9. Q. to K. B's 3d. 10. B. to Q. Kt's 2d. 10. K. Kt. to R's 3d. 11. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. 11. Castles. 12. P. to K's 5th. 12. P. takes P. 13. P. takes P. 13. Q. to K's 2d. 14. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 14. B. to K's 3d. 15. B. to Q's 3d. 15. B. to K. B's 4th. 16. Kt. to K. B's 6th. (ch.) 16. P. takes Kt. 17. P. takes P. 17. Q. to K's sq. 18. Q. to Q's 2d. 18. B. to K's 6th. 19. P. takes B. 19. B. takes B. 20. Q. takes B. 20. Q. R. to Q's sq. 21. Q. to Q. R's 3d. 21. K. Kt. to B's 4th. 22. Q. R. to K's sq. 22. Q. to K's 5th. 23. Kt. to Kt's 5th. 23. Q. to K. R's 5th. 24. P. to K's 4th. 24. K. Kt. to Q's 5th. 25. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 25. Kt. takes Kt. (ch.) 26. Q. takes Kt. 26. Q. R. to Q's 7th. 27. B. to Q. B's 3d. 27. R. takes Q. R. P. 28. P. to K's 5th. 28. Kt. to Q's 5th. 29. B. takes Kt. 29. Q. takes B. (ch.) 30. K. to R's sq. 30. K. to R's sq. 31. Q. R. to K's 4th. 31. Q. to Q. Kt's 7th. 32. Q. R. to K. R's 4th. 32. Q. takes K. P. 33. Q. to Q's 3d. 33. P. to K. R's 4th. 34. Q. to K. B's 5th. 34. Q. takes Q. 35. K. R. takes Q. 35. K. to R's 2d. 36. R. to K. Kt's 5th. 36. K. to R's 3d. 37. Q. R. takes P. Mate.
GAME IV.—Between Mr. Morphy and Mr. Marache
{PGN 22}
WHITE. (Mr. Marache.) BLACK. (Mr. Morphy.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 3. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 4. B. takes P. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. B. to R's 4th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. P. to K's 5th. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 8. P. takes P. en passant. 8. Q. takes P. 9. Castles. 9. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 10. Kt. to K. Kt's 5th. 10. Castles. 11. B. to Q's 3d. 11. B. to K. B's 4th. 12. B. takes B. 12. Kt. takes B. 13. B. to Q. R's 3d. 13. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. B. takes R. 14. Q. takes Kt. 15. B. to R's 3d. 15. P. takes P. 16. B. to Q. B's sq. 16. Q. to Kt's 3d. 17. B. to K. B's 4th. 17. R. to Q's sq. 18. Q. to Q. B's 2d. 18. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. 19. Q. to K's 4th. 19. K. Kt. to Kt's 6th 20. Q. takes Q. 20. Q. Kt. Mates.
This, like the Evans Gambit, and the Queen's Pawn Game or Scotch Gambit, is a variation merely of the Giuoco Piano; the second player, instead of moving at his 3d move, K. B. to Q. B's 4th, bringing out his K. Kt. to B's 3d.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to his 5th. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 5. K. Kt. takes P. 6. K. Kt. takes K. B. P. 6. K. takes Kt. 7. Q. to K. B's 3d. (ch.) 7. K. to his 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. to Q. B's 3d. 10. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 11. Q. B. takes Kt. 11. B. takes B. 12. Castles on Q's side. 12. K. R. to B's sq 13. Q. to K's 4th. 13. Q. to her 3d. 14. K. R. to K's sq. 14. B. to K. B's 4th. 15. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 15. B. to Kt's 4th. (ch.) 16. K. to Kt's sq. 16. R. to B's 5th. 17. Q. to K. R's 7th. 17. B. to K. B's 3d. 18. P. takes P. 18. B. takes P. 19. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 19. P. takes B. 20. Kt. takes P. And you must win easily.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to his 5th. 4. K. Kt. takes K. P. 5. B. takes K. B. P. (ch.) 5. K. to his 2d. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 6. Kt. to K. B's 3d 7. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 8. P. to K. B's 4th. 8. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 9. Q. to her 2d. 9. P. to K. R's 3d. 10. P. takes K. P. 10. Q. Kt. takes P. 11. Q. to K's 3d. 11. P. takes Kt. 12. Q. takes Kt. (ch.) 12. K. to B's 2d. 13. Castles. 13. B. to Q's 3d. 14. Q. takes Q. P. (ch.) And you must win.
GAME I.—Between Von H. der Laza and Mr. M.
{PGN 23}
WHITE. (V. H. d. L.) BLACK. (Mr. M.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to his 5th. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 5. Kt. takes P. 6. Kt. takes K. B. P. 6. K. takes Kt. 7. Q. to K. B's 3d. (ch.) 7. K. to his 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 10. Kt. takes P. 10. P. to Q. B's 3d. 11. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 11. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 12. P. takes K. P. 12. Q. B. to Kt's 2d. 13. Kt. to K's 4th. 13. Q. to Kt's 5th. (ch.) 14. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 14. Q. takes K. B. 15. Q. to K. Kt's 4th. (ch.) 15. K. takes P. 16. P. to K. B's 4th. (ch.) 16. K. to Q's 5th. 17. P. to Q. B's 3d. (ch.) 17. Kt. takes B. P. 18. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 18. K. takes Kt. 19. P. to B's 5th. (dis. ch.) 19. K. to Q's 4th. 20. Castles on Q's side. (ch.) 20. K. to B's 4th. 21. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. (ch.) 21. K. to Kt's 4th. 22. P. to Q. R's 4th. (ch.) 22. K. takes P. 23. Q. takes Q. 23. Kt. to Q's 4th. 24. K. to Q. Kt's 2d, and wins.
GAME II.—Between two members of the Berlin Chess Club.
{PGN 24}
WHITE. (Mr. M.) BLACK. (Mr. H.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. B. to Q. B's 4th. 3. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 4. K. Kt. to his 5th. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 5. K. Kt. takes P. 6. Kt. takes K. B. P. 6. K. takes Kt. 7. Q. to K. B's 3d. (ch.) 7. K. to his 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 9. P. to Q's 4th. 9. P. to Q. B's 3d. 10. P. takes P. 10. Q. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 11. Castles. 11. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th 12. Kt. takes Kt. 12. P. takes Kt. 13. K. R. to Q's sq. 13. Kt. to K's 2d.[A] 14. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 14. K. R. to B's sq. 15. B. takes Kt. 15. K. takes B. 16. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 16. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 17. R. takes Q. P. 17. B. takes K. B. P. (ch.) 18. K. to R's sq. 18. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 19. Q. to her R's 3d. (ch.) 19. K. to his sq. 20. Q. to R's 4th. (ch.) 20. K. to his 2d. 21. Q. R. to Q's sq. 21. R. to K. B's 4th. 22. R. to Q's 7th. (ch.) 22. K. to B's sq. 23. K. R. to Q's 8th. (ch.) 23. K. to his 2d. 24. Q. R. to Q's 7th. (ch.)[B] 24. B. takes R. 25. Q. takes B., mate.
[Footnote A: Better to take the Bishop with Pawn, and give up the Queen.]
[Footnote B: He might have mated the King on the move at K's 8th.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 3. K. Kt. to B's 3d.
By his 3d move, White threatens to take the Q. Kt. with his B., and then to take the K. P. with his K. Kt., winning the P.
4. Q. to K's 2d. 4. K. B. to K's 2d. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. Kt. takes P. 7. B. to Q's 2d. 8. Kt. takes Q. Kt. 8. B. takes Kt. 9. B. takes B. (ch.) 9. P. takes B.
And his Bishop is locked, and the position altogether in your favor.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. Q. to K. B's 3d. 5. Castles. 5. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 6. P. takes P. 7. Q. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 7. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 8. B. takes K. Kt. 8. Q. Kt. takes B. 9. P. takes P. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. Castles. Your game is a little better developed.
Beginning at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 3. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q. B's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 4th. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 7. K. to his 2d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 8. Q. to her R's 4th. 8. P. takes K. P. 9. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 9. P. takes B. 10. Q. takes P. (ch.) 10. Q. B. to Q's 2d. 11. Q. takes K. P. (ch.) And the game is much in your favor.
GAME I.—Between Mr. Anderssen and Mr. Morphy.
{PGN 25}
WHITE. (Mr. A.) BLACK. (Mr. M.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. K. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 3. P. to Q. R's 3d. 4. B. to Q. R's 4th. 4. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 6. P. to Q. B's 3d. 6. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 7. K. B. to Q. B's 2d. 7. P. to Q's 4th. 8. P. takes P. 8. Kt. takes P. 9. P. to K. R's 3d. 9. Castles. 10. Castles. 10. P. to K. R's 3d. 11. P. to Q's 4th. 11. P. takes P. 12. P. takes P. 12. K. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 13. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 13. K. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th. 14. K. B. to Q. Kt's sq. 14. Q. B. to K's 3d. 15. P. to Q. R's 3d. 15. K. Kt. to Q's 4th. 16. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 16. K. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 17. Q. B. to K's 3d. 17. K. R. to K's sq. 18. Q. Kt. to K. Kt's 3d. 18. Q. B. to Q. B's 5th. 19. Q. Kt. to K. B's 5th. 19. Q. B. takes R. 20. Q. takes B. 20. Q. Kt. to K's 2d. 21. K. Kt. to K. R's 4th. 21. Kt. takes Kt. 22. Kt. takes Kt. 22. Q. to Q's 2d. 23. Q. B. takes K. R. P. 23. P. takes B. 24. Q. to Q. B's sq. 24. B. takes Q. P. 25. Q. takes K. R. P. 25. R. to K's 8th. (ch.) 26. K. to R's 2d. 26. Kt. to K's 5th. 27. B. takes Kt. 27. R. takes B. 28. Q. to K. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 28. K. to B's sq. 29. Q. to R's 6th. (ch.) 29. K. to his sq. 30. Kt. takes B. 30. Q. to her 3d. (ch.) 31. Q. takes Q. 31. P. takes Q. 32. R. to Q's sq. 32. K. to K. B's sq. 33. R. to Q's 2d. 33. Q. R. to K's sq. 34. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 34. Q. R. to K's 4th. 35. P. to K. B's 3d. 35. K. R. to K's 8th. 36. P. to K. R's 4th. 36. Q. R. to Q's 4th. 37. K. to Kt's 3d. 37. P. to Q. R's 4th. 38. P. to K. R's 5th. 38. K. to Kt's sq. 39. K. to B's 2d. 39. R. to K's sq. 40. K. to Kt's 3d. 40. K. to R's 2d. 41. K. to B's 4th. 41. R. to K's 2d. 42. K. to Kt's 3d. 42. P. to K. B's 3d. 43. K. to B's 4th. 43. R. to K's sq. 44. K. to Kt's 3d. 44. R. to K's 2d. And the game was drawn.
GAME II.—Between Dr. E. Lasker and Wm. Steinitz.
{PGN 26}
WHITE. (Dr. L.) BLACK. (Mr. S.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 3. B. to Kt's 5th. 3. P. to Q's 3d. 4. P. to Q's 4th. 4. B. to Q's 2d. 5. Kt. to B's 3d. 5. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 6. B. to K's 3d.[A] 6. Kt. to Kt's 3d.[B] 7. Q. to Q's 2d. 7. B. to K's 2d. 8. Castles Q. R. 8. P. to Q. R's 3d. 9. B. to K's 2d. 9. P. takes P. 10. Kt. takes P. 10. Kt. takes Kt. 11. Q. takes Kt.[C] 11. B. to K. B's 3d. 12. Q. to Q's 2d. 12. B. to B's 3d.[D] 13. Kt. to Q's 5th. 13. Castles. 14. P. to K. Kt's 4th.[E] 14. R. to K's sq.[F] 15. P. to Kt's 5th.? 15. B. takes Kt. 16. Q. takes B.[G] 16. R. to K's 4th! 17. Q. to Q's 2d. 17. B. takes P. 18. P. to K. B's 4th. 18. R. takes P. 19. P. takes B. 19. Q. to K's 2d. 20. Q. R. to B's sq.[H] 20. R. takes B. 21. B. to B's 4th. 21. Kt. to R's sq. 22. P. to K. R's 4th. 22. P. to Q. B's 3d. 23. P. to Kt's 6th![I] 23. P. to Q's 4th. 24. P. takes R. P. (ch.) 24. K. takes P. 25. B. to Q's 3d. (ch.) 25. K. to Kt's sq. 26. P. to R's 5th. 26. R. to K's sq. 27. P. to R's 6th. 27. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 28. P. to R's 7th. (ch.) 28. K. to Kt's 2d. 29. K. to Kt's sq. 29. Q. to K's 4th. 30. P. to R's 3d.[J] 30. P. to Q. B's 4th. 31. Q. to B's 2d. 31. P. to B's 5th.! 32. Q. to R's 4th. 32. P. to B's 3d. 33. B. to B's 5th.![K] 33. K. to B's 2d. 34. K. R. to Kt's sq. 34. P. takes B. 35. Q. to R's 5th. (ch.) 35. K. to K's 2d. 36. R. to Kt's 8th. 36. K. to Q'S 3d.? 37. R. takes P. 37. Q. to K's 3d. 38. R. takes R. 38. Q. takes R. 39. R. takes B. P. (ch.) 39. K. to B's 4th.[L] 40. Q to R's 6th.[M] 40. R. to K's 2d. 41. Q. to R's 2d.! 41. Q. to Q's 2d.[N] 42. Q. to Kt's sq. (ch.) 42. P. to Q's 5th. 43. Q. to Kt's 5th. (ch.) 43. Q. to Q's 4th. 44. R. to K. B's 5th. 44. Q. takes R. 45. Q. takes Q. (ch.) 45. K. to Q's 3d. 46. Q. to B's 6th. (ch.) 46. Resigns.
[Footnote A: White in this instance had probably made up his mind to adopt the plan frequently employed by Gunsberg in the Giuoco Piano, namely, playing Q. to Q's 2d and Castling rapidly on the Queen's side.—Gunsberg.]
[Footnote B: ... Black's difficulty is how to dispose of the Kt. Now Kt's 3d in this instance, although perhaps preferable, is not a good place either, subject as it must be to an early attack from the K. R. P.—Hoffer.]
[Footnote C: If 11. B. takes Kt., Kt. to B's 5th; and the Kt. cannot be captured on account of B. to Kt's 4th winning the Queen.—Leeds Mercury.]
[Footnote D: ... There seems little use in this move. Either he can Castle now; if not, then it is proof positive that his defence is bad.—Gunsberg.]
[Footnote E: This premature advance is admirably taken advantage of by Steinitz.—Leeds Mercury.]
[Footnote F: ... Although this looks like a defensive move, (to make room for the Kt.) it is a subtle design which was entirely overlooked by Lasker.—Hoffer.]
[Footnote G: But here is a great mistake, which ought to lose the game. 16. P. takes Q. B. would have averted the loss of a Pawn, but at the expense of position and attack; he was outplayed by Steinitz up to this point.]
[Footnote H: From this move to the end Lasker exhibits most marvellous power of resource. With 20. Q. R. to B's sq. he commenced one of the most ingenious attacks.]
[Footnote I: One of the moves which will make this game memorable. The object is, if P. takes P. to open up the Rook's file by P. to R's 5th. Allowance must of course be made for the fact that, being two Pawns behind, White has nothing to lose and everything to gain by desperate tactics.—Gunsberg.]
[Footnote J: Exhibiting consummate coolness in a "do or die" predicament.—Pollock.]
[Footnote K: 33. B. to B's 5th is evidence with what perfect lucidity Lasker detects the weak spots, and how immediately he takes advantage of his opponent's slightest omission or commission.—Hoffer.]
[Footnote L: ... Imprudent. The King should make for safety in the corner, via B's 2d.—Mason.]
[Footnote M: Threatening R. to B's 8th.—Gunsberg.]
[Footnote N: ... 41. Q. to Q's 2d is a final blunder. 41. R to Q's 2d should have been played, or R. to K's 3d. The game is now over. It will be readily admitted that it is a well-earned victory which none will grudge the plucky young player.—Hoffer.
... We really cannot see a satisfactory move, for if R. to K's 3d, then follows Q. to B's 2d (ch.), and R. to B's 8th. Or if Q. to Q's sq. then likewise Q. to B's 2d (ch.) should gain some advantage, as, on King playing to Kt's 4th, White could continue with P. to R's 4th (ch.) and Q. to Q. B's 5th, &c.—Gunsberg.]
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P.
It is from your third move the opening derives its name of "The Queen's Pawn Game."
4. Kt. takes Kt. 4. P. takes Kt. 5. Q. takes P. 5. Kt. to K's 2d. 6. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 6. Kt. to Q. B's 3d. 7. Q. to her 5th. 7. Q. to K. B's 3d. (best) 8. Castles. 8. B. to K's 2d. You have a better opened game, but the superiority is not important.
Beginning at White's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. Kt. takes P. 4. Kt. takes P. 4. Kt. to K's 3d. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 6. Castles. 6. P. to Q's 3d. 7. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 7. B. to K's 2d. Your game is less confined than his, but you have very little advantage.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. to Q's 6th. 6. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 6. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 7. P. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. Q. to K's 2d. 8. Castles. 8. Kt. to K's 4th. 9. Kt. takes Kt. 9. Q. takes Kt. 10. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 10. Q. to K. B's 3d, K's 2d. 11. P. to K's 5th. You have a fine game.
Beginning at White's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K's B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th 5. K. Kt. to his 5th. 5. K. Kt. to R's 3d. (best) 6. Kt. takes K. B's P. 6. Kt. takes Kt. 7. B. takes Kt. (ch.) 7. K. takes B. 8. Q. to K. R's 5th. (ch.) 8. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 9. Q. takes B. 9. P. to Q's 3d. 10. Q. to her Kt's 5th. 10. P. to Q. R's 3d. 11. Q. to her 3d. 11. K. to Kt's 2d. 12. Castles. 12. Q. B. to K's 3d. 13. P. to Q. B's 3d. 13. Q. to K. B's 3d. 14. B. to Q's 2d. You appear to me to have the better game.
Beginning at White's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. Castles. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q. B's 3d. 6. P. takes P. 7. Q. Kt. takes P. 7. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 8. K. Kt. to his 5th. 8. Kt. to K's 4th.
And he has at least as good a game as you have. This variation serves to prove that your castling on the 5th move is less advisable than the move of 5. P. to Q. B's 3d.
Beginning at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. P. to Q's 3d.
Black now relinquishes the defence of the P. he has gained, but he also in some degree neutralizes your attack.
5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. Q. Kt. takes P. You have certainly the advantage in position.
Beginning also at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. Q. to K. B's 3d. 5. Castles. 5. P. to Q's 3d. 6. P. to Q. B's 3d. 6. P. to Q's 6th. 7. Q. takes P. 7. Q. to K. Kt's 3d. 8. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 8. B. to K's 2d. 9. Q. Kt. to Q. R's 3d. 9. P. to Q. R's 3d. 10. Q. Kt. to Q. B's 2d. 10. K. Kt. to R's 3d. Your game is better opened, but there is no very striking disparity in the positions.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. (ch.) 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. Castles. 6. P. to Q. B's 7th. 7. Q. takes P. 7. P. to Q's 3d. 8. P. to Q. R's 3d. 8. B. to Q. B's 4th. 9. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 9. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 10. Q. B. to Kt's 2d. 10. K. Kt. to B's 3d. The game is about even.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. checks. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. R's 4th. 7. P. to K's 5th. 7. P. to Q's 4th. (best)
P. to K's 5th is the move adopted by Mr. Cochrane.
8. Q. takes P. 8. Q. takes Q. 9. B. takes Q. 9. K. Kt. to K's 2d. 10. K. B. takes Q. Kt. (ch.) 10. Kt. takes B. 11. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 11. Castles. 12. Castles. 12. K. R. to K's sq. 13. P. to K. R's 3d. The game is equal.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. checks. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. P. takes P. 6. B. to Q. R's 4th. 7. Castles. 7. P. to Q's 3d. 8. P. to K's 5th. 8. Q's B. to K's 3d. 9. B. takes B. 9. P. takes B. 10. Q. to her Kt's 3d. 10. Q. to B's sq. 11. P. takes Q's P. 11. P. takes P. 12. K's Kt. to his 5th. Followed by R. to K's sq., and you appear to me to have a better game than Black.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. checks. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. Castles. 6. P. takes Q. Kt. P. 7. Q. B. takes P. 7. K. B. to his sq. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. K. Kt. to R's 3d. 9. P. to K's 5th. 9. K. B. to K's 2d. 10. Q. Kt. to K's 4th. 10. Castles. 11. Q. to her 2d. 11. P. to Q's 3d. 12. Kt. to K. B's 6th. (ch.) You have an excellent attack.
Beginning at Black's 7th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. K. B. checks. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. P. takes P. 6. Castles. 6. P. takes Q. Kt. P. 7. Q. B. takes P. 7. K. to B's sq. 8. P. to K's 5th. 8. Q. to K's 2d. 9. P. to Q. R's 3d. 9. B. to Q. B's 4th. 10. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 10. P. to Q's 3d. 11. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. 11. Q. to her 2d. 12. R. to K's sq. 12. P. takes K. P. 13. Q. B. takes P. 13. Kt. takes B. 14. Kt. takes Kt. 14. Q. to her sq. 15. Kt. takes K. B. P. And you must win.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K. R's 5th. 5. K. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th. 5. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 6. Q. to K. B's 3d. 6. Q. Kt. to Q's 5th. 7. Kt. takes Q. B. P. (ch.) 7. K. to Q's sq. (best) 8. Q. to K. B's 4th. 8. Kt. takes Q. B. P. (ch.) 9. K. to Q's sq. 9. Q. takes Q. 10. B. takes Q. 10. Kt. takes Q. R. 11. Kt. takes Q. R.
I believe the best answering moves have been made by Black, and now, upon surveying the aspect of the board, there can be no question, I apprehend, that your game is much superior. The Kt. which has captured your Rook, he can never extricate, while, to secure yours in the same position, he must lose many moves, and thus afford you ample time for the development of your remaining forces.
Beginning at Black's 5th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q's Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. Kt. takes P. 4. Q. to K. R's 5th. 5. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th. 5. Q. takes K's P. (ch.) 6. B. to K's 2d. 6. K. to Q's sq. 7. Castles. 7. P. to Q. R's 3d. 8. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 8. Q. to K's sq. 9. K. Kt. to Q's 4th.
And again, I believe, with the strangely changed positions of his King and Queen, and the facility afforded you for bringing the Pieces into immediate action, that the game is very much in your favor.
Varying from the preceding at Black's 4th move.
WHITE. BLACK. 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. K. Kt. to B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. Kt. takes P. 4. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. Kt. takes Q. Kt. 5. Q. to K. B's 3d. 6. Q. to K. B's 3d. 6. Q. takes Q. 7. P. takes Q. 7. Q. Kt. P. takes Kt. 8. Q. B. to K. B's 4th. 8. P. to Q's 3d. 9. K. B. to Q. B's 4th. 9. Q. B. to K's 3d. 10. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d. And the game is in every respect equal.
GAME I.—Played by Telegraph, in the Match between Philadelphia and New York, in 1858.
{PGN 27}
WHITE. (Phila.) BLACK. (N.Y.) 1. P. to K's 4th. 1. P. to K's 4th. 2. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 2. Q. Kt. to B's 3d. 3. P. to Q's 4th. 3. P. takes P. 4. B. to Q. B's 4th. 4. B. to Q. B's 4th. 5. P. to Q. B's 3d. 5. Kt. to K. B's 3d.[A] 6. P. to K's 5th. 6. P. to Q's 4th. 7. B. to Q. Kt's 5th. 7. K. Kt. to K's 5th. 8. P. takes P. 8. B. to Q. Kt's 3d. 9. Q. Kt. to Q's 2d.[B] 9. Castles. 10. B. takes Kt. 10. P. takes B. 11. Q. to Q. B's 2d.[C] 11. Kt. takes Kt. 12. B. takes Kt. 12. B. to K. Kt's 5th.[D] 13. Kt. to K. Kt's 5th.[E] 13. P. to K. Kt's 3d. 14. Q. to Q. B's 3d. 14. P. to K. B's 3d.[F] 15. P. to K. R's 3d. 15. B. to K. B's 4th.[G] 16. Kt. to K. B's 3d. 16. B. to K's 5th.[H] 17. B. to K. B's 4th.[I] 17. P. takes P. 18. B. takes P. 18. Q. to K's 2d.[J] 19. Castles. Q. side.[K] 19. P. to Q. B's 4th. 20. K. R. to K's sq.[L] 20. P. takes P.[M] 21. B. takes P. 21. P. to Q. B's 4th. 22. B. to K's 5th. 22. Q. R. to K's sq.[N] 23. B. to K. Kt's 3d. 23. Q. to Q. Kt's 2d.[O] 24. Kt. to K's 5th.[P] 24. P. to Q's 5th. 25. Q. to Q. B's 4th. 25. B. to Q's 4th. 26. Q. to Q. R's 4th.[Q] 26. R. to K's 3d.[R] 27. Kt. to K. Kt's 4th. 27. P. to K. R's 4th. 28. R. takes R. 28. B. takes R. 29. Q. to Q. B's 2d. 29. K. to R's 2d. 30. R. to K's sq.[S] 30. B. to K. B's 4th.[T] 31. Q. to Q's 2d.[U] 31. P. takes Kt. 32. P. takes P. 32. Q. to Q's 4th.[V] 33. R. to K. R's sq. (ch.)[W] 33. K. to K. Kt's sq. 34. P. takes B. 34. Q. takes K. B. P. 35. Q. to K. R's 6th. 35. P. to K. Kt's 4th. 36. B. to Q's 6th.[X] 36. R. to K. B's 3d. 37. Q. to K. R's 5th.[Y] 37. Q. to K. Kt's 3d.[Z] 38. Q. to K. R's 8th. (ch.) 38. K. to B's 2d. 39. R. to K's sq.[AA] And Black resigns.
[Footnote A: The best move.]
[Footnote B: Preparatory to the move of Q. to Q. B's 2d.]
[Footnote C: Threatening to win Q. B. P. or take Kt. with Kt., winning Q. P.]
[Footnote D: If Black had played B. to Q. R's 3d, to prevent White Castling on King's side, White would have won a piece by P. to Q. R's 4th.]
[Footnote E: A premature move.]
[Footnote F: The best move.]
[Footnote G: Better than taking Kt., as White would then have opened the Rook's file.]
[Footnote H: Better than P. takes P.]
[Footnote I: The best move.]
[Footnote J: Intending to advance Q. B. P. A strong move.]
[Footnote K: An impudent move, in the face of such an attack.]
[Footnote L: A strong move.]
[Footnote M: P. to K. B's 5th perhaps stronger.]
[Footnote N: Weak. We cannot see its object. Why not Q. R. to Q's sq?]
[Footnote O: The best move.]
[Footnote P: Preparatory to Kt. to Kt's 4th, and then B. to K's 5th.]
[Footnote Q: Preventing Black's contemplated move with the Q.]
[Footnote R: With a view of withdrawing the B. and playing the R. to R's 3d.] |