The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
by J. (John) Joly
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We have, then, presented to our view the remarkable fact that throughout the past, and acting with extreme


slowness, the land has steadily been melted down into the sea and as steadily been upraised from the waters. It is possible that the increased bulk of the ocean has led to a certain diminution of the exposed land area. The point is a difficult one. One thing we may without much risk assume. The sub-aereal current of dissolved matter from the land to the ocean was accompanied by a sub-crustal flux from the ocean areas to the land areas; the heated viscous materials creeping from depths far beneath the ocean floor to depths beneath the roots of the mountains which arose around the oceans. Such movements took ages for their accomplishment. Indeed, they have been, probably, continuous all along and are still proceeding. A low degree of viscosity will suffice to permit of movements so slow. Superimposed upon these movements the rhythmic alternations of depression and elevation of the geosynclines probably resulted in releasing the crust from local accumulation of strains arising in the more rigid surface materials. The whole sequence of movements presents an extraordinary picture of pseudo-vitality—reminding us of the circulatory and respiratory systems of a vast organism.

All great results in our universe are founded in motions and forces the most minute. In contemplating the Cause or the Effect we stand equally impressed with the spectacle presented to us. We shall now turn from the great effects of denudation upon the history and evolution of a world and consider for a moment activities


so minute in detail that their operations will probably for ever elude our bodily senses, but which nevertheless have necessarily affected and modified the great results we have been considering.

The ocean a little way from the land is generally so free from suspended sediments that it has a blackness as of ink. This blackness is due to its absolute freedom from particles reflecting the sun's light. The beautiful blue of the Swiss and Italian lakes is due to the presence of very fine particles carried into them by the rivers; the finest flour of the glaciers, which remain almost indefinitely suspended in the water. But in the ocean it is only in those places where rapid currents running over shallows stir continually the sediments or where the fresh water of a great river is carried far from the land, that the presence of silt is to be observed. The beautiful phenomenon of the coal-black sea is familiar to every yachtsman who has sailed to the west of our Islands.[1]

There is, in fact, a very remarkable difference in the manner of settlement of fine sediments in salt and in fresh water. We are here brought into contact with one of those subtle yet influential natural actions the explanation of which involves scientific advance along many apparently unconnected lines of investigation.

[1] See Tyndall's Voyage to Algeria in Fragments of Science. The cause of the blue colour of the lakes has been discussed by various observers, not always with agreement.


It is easy to observe in the laboratory the fact of the different behaviour of salt and fresh water towards finely divided substances. The nature of the insoluble substance is not important.

We place, in a good light, two glass vessels of equal dimensions; the one filled with sea water, the other with fresh water. Into each we stir the same weight of very finely powdered slate: just so much as will produce a cloudiness. In a few hours we find the sea water limpid. The fresh water is still cloudy, however; and, indeed, may be hardly different in appearance from what it was at starting. In itself this is a most extraordinary experiment. We would have anticipated quite the opposite result owing to the greater density of the sea water.

But a still more interesting experiment remains to be carried out. In the sea water we have many different salts in solution. Let us see if these salts are equally responsible for the result we have obtained. For this purpose we measure out quantities of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride in the proportion in which they exist in sea water: that is about as seven to one. We add such an equal amount of water to each as represents the dilution of these salts in sea water. Then finally we stir a little of the finely powdered slate into each. It will be found that the magnesium chloride, although so much more dilute than the sodium chloride, is considerably more active in clearing out the suspension. We may now try such marine salts as magnesium sulphate,


or calcium sulphate against sodium chloride; keeping the marine proportions. Again we find that the magnesium and calcium salts are the most effective, although so much more dilute than the sodium salt.

There is no visible clue to the explanation of these results. But we must conclude as most probable that some action is at work in the sea water and in the salt solutions which clumps or flocculates the sediment. For only by the gathering of the particles together in little aggregates can we explain their rapid fall to the bottom. It is not a question of viscosity (i.e. of resistance to the motion of the particles), for the salt solutions are rather more viscous than the fresh water. Still more remarkable is the fact that every dissolved substance will not bring about the result. Thus if we dissolve sugar in water we find that, if anything, the silt settles more slowly in the sugar solution than in fresh water.

Now there is one effect produced by the solution of such salts as we have dealt with which is not produced by such bodies as sugar. The water is rendered a conductor of electricity. Long ago Faraday explained this as due to the presence of free atoms of the dissolved salt in the solution, carrying electric charges. We now speak of the salt as "ionised." That is it is partly split up into ions or free electrified atoms of chlorine, sodium, magnesium, etc., according to the particular salt in solution. This fact leads us to think that these electrified


atoms moving about in the solution may be the cause of the clumping or flocculation. Such electrified atoms are absent from the sugar solution: sugar does not become "ionised" when it is dissolved.

The suspicion that the free electrified atoms play a part in the phenomenon is strengthened when we recall the remarkable difference in the action of sodium chloride and magnesium chloride. In each of the solutions of these substances there are free chlorine atoms each of which carries a single charge of negative electricity. As these atoms are alike in both solutions the different behaviour of the solutions cannot be due to the chlorine. But the metallic atom is very different in the two cases. The ionised sodium atom is known to be monad or carries but one positive charge; whereas the magnesium atom is diad and carries two positive charges. If, then, we assume that the metallic, positively electrified atom is in each case responsible, we have something to go on. It may be now stated that it has been found by experiment and supported by theory that the clumping power of an ion rises very rapidly with its valency; that is with the number of unit charges associated with it. Thus diads such as magnesium, calcium, barium, etc., are very much more efficient than monads such as sodium, potassium, etc., and again, triads such as aluminium are, similarly, very much more powerful than diad atoms. Here, in short, we have arrived at the active cause of the phenomenon. Its inner mechanism


is, however, harder to fathom. A plausible explanation can be offered, but a study of it would take us too far. Sufficient has been said to show the very subtile nature of the forces at work.

We have here an effect due to the sea salts derived by denudation from the land which has been slowly augmenting during geological time. It is certain that the ocean was practically fresh water in remote ages. During those times the silt from the great rivers would have been carried very far from the land. A Mississippi of those ages would have sent its finer suspensions far abroad on a contemporary Gulf stream: not improbably right across the Atlantic. The earlier sediments of argillaceous type were not collected in the geosynclines and the genesis of the mountains was delayed proportionately. But it was, probably, not for very long that such conditions prevailed. For the accumulation of calcium salts must have been rapid, and although the great salinity due to sodium salts was of slow growth the salts of the diad element calcium must have soon introduced the cooperation of the ion in the work of building the mountain.



WE had reached the Pass of Tre Croci[2]and from a point a little below the summit, looked eastward over the glorious Val Buona. The pines which clothed the floor and lower slopes of the valley, extended their multitudes into the furthest distance, among the many recesses of the mountains, and into the confluent Val di Misurina. In the sunshine the Alpine butterflies flitted from stone to stone. The ground at our feet and everywhere throughout the forests teamed with the countless millions of the small black ants.

It was a magnificent display of vitality; of the aggressiveness of vitality, assailing the barren heights of the limestone, wringing a subsistence from dead things. And the question suggested itself with new force: why the abundance of life and its unending activity?

In trying to answer this question, the present sketch originated.

I propose to refer for an answer to dynamic considerations. It is apparent that natural selection can only be concerned in a secondary way. Natural selection defines

[1] Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. vii., 1890.

[2] In the Dolomites of Southeast Tyrol; during the summer of 1890. Much of what follows was evolved in discussion with my fellow-traveller, Henry H. Dixon. Much of it is his.


a certain course of development for the organism; but very evidently some property of inherent progressiveness in the organism must be involved. The mineral is not affected by natural selection to enter on a course of continual variation and multiplication. The dynamic relations of the organism with the environment are evidently very different from those of inanimate nature.


It is necessary, in the first place, to refer briefly to the phenomena attending the transfer of energy within and into inanimate material systems. It is not assumed here that these phenomena are restricted in their sphere of action to inanimate nature. It is, in fact, very certain that they are not; but while they confer on dead nature its own dynamic tendencies, it will appear that their effects are by various means evaded in living nature. We, therefore, treat of them as characteristic of inanimate actions. We accept as fundamental to all the considerations which follow the truth of the principle of the Conservation of Energy.[1]

[1] "The principle of the Conservation of Energy has acquired so much scientific weight during the last twenty years that no physiologist would feel any confidence in an experiment which showed a considerable difference between the work done by the animal and the balance of the account of Energy received and spent."—Clerk Maxwell, Nature, vol. xix., p. 142. See also Helmholtz On the Conservation of Force.


Whatever speculations may be made as to the course of events very distant from us in space, it appears certain that dissipation of energy is at present actively progressing throughout our sphere of observation in inanimate nature. It follows, in fact, from the second law of thermodynamics, that whenever work is derived from heat, a certain quantity of heat falls in potential without doing work or, in short, is dissipated. On the other hand, work may be entirely converted into heat. The result is the heat-tendency of the universe. Heat, being an undirected form of energy, seeks, as it were, its own level, so that the result of this heat-tendency is continual approach to uniformity of potential.

The heat-tendency of the universe is also revealed in the far-reaching "law of maximum work," which defines that chemical change, accomplished without the intervention of external energy, tends to the production of the body, or system of bodies, which disengage the greatest quantity of heat.[1] And, again, vast numbers of actions going on throughout nature are attended by dissipatory thermal effects, as those arising from the motions of proximate molecules (friction, viscosity), and from the fall of electrical potential.

Thus, on all sides, the energy which was once most probably existent in the form of gravitational potential, is being dissipated into unavailable forms. We must

[1] Berthelot, Essai de Mecanique Chimique.


recognize dissipation as an inevitable attendant on inanimate transfer of energy.

But when we come to consider inanimate actions in relation to time, or time-rate of change, we find a new feature in the phenomena attending transfer of energy; a feature which is really involved in general statements as to the laws of physical interactions.[1] It is seen, that the attitude of inanimate material systems is very generally, if not in all cases, retardative of change—opposing it by effects generated by the primary action, which may be called "secondary" for convenience. Further, it will be seen that these secondary effects are those concerned in bringing about the inevitable dissipation.

As example, let us endeavour to transfer gravitational potential energy contained in a mass raised above the surface of the Earth into an elastic body, which we can put into compression by resting the weight upon it. In this way work is done against elastic force and stored as elastic potential energy. We may deal with a metal spring, or with a mass of gas contained in a cylinder fitted with a piston upon which the weight may be placed. In either case we find the effect of compression is to raise the temperature of the substance, thus causing its

[1] Helmholtz, Ice and Glaciers. Atkinson's collection of his Popular Lectures. First Series, p.120. Quoted by Tate, Heat, p. 311.


expansion or increased resistance to the descent of the weight. And this resistance continues, with diminishing intensity, till all the heat generated is dissipated into the surrounding medium. The secondary effect thus delays the final transfer of energy.

Again, if we suppose the gas in the cylinder replaced by a vapour in a state of saturation, the effect of increased pressure, as of a weight placed upon the piston, is to reduce the vapour to a liquid, thereby bringing about a great diminution of volume and proportional loss of gravitational potential by the weight. But this change will by no means be brought about instantaneously. When a little of the vapour is condensed, this portion parts with latent heat of vaporisation, increasing the tension of the remainder, or raising its point of saturation, so that before the weight descends any further, this heat has to escape from the cylinder.

Many more such cases might be cited. The heating of india-rubber when expanded, its cooling when compressed, is a remarkable one; for at first sight it appears as if this must render it exceptional to the general law, most substances exhibiting the opposite thermal effects when stressed. However, here, too, the action of the stress is opposed by the secondary effects developed in the substance; for it is found that this substance contracts when heated, expands when cooled. Again, ice being a substance which contracts in melting, the effect of pressure is to facilitate melting, lowering its freezing point. But


so soon as a little melting occurs, the resulting liquid calls on the residual ice for an amount of heat equivalent to the latent heat of liquefaction, and so by cooling the whole, retards the change.

Such particular cases illustrate a principle controlling the interaction of matter and energy which seems universal in application save when evaded, as we shall see, by the ingenuity of life. This principle is not only revealed in the researches of the laboratory; it is manifest in the history of worlds and solar systems. Thus, consider the effects arising from the aggregation of matter in space under the influence of the mutual attraction of the particles. The tendency here is loss of gravitational potential. The final approach is however retarded by the temperature, or vis viva of the parts attending collision and compression. From this cause the great suns of space radiate for ages before the final loss of potential is attained.

Clerk Maxwell[1] observes on the general principle that less force is required to produce a change in a body when the change is unopposed by constraints than when it is subjected to such. From this if we assume the external forces acting upon a system not to rise above a certain potential (which is the order of nature), the constraints of secondary actions may, under certain circumstances, lead to final rejection of some of the energy, or, in any

[1] Theory of Heat, p. 131.


case, to retardation of change in the system—dissipation of energy being the result.[1]

As such constraints seem inherently present in the properties of matter, we may summarise as follows:

The transfer of energy into any inanimate material system is attended by effects retardative to the transfer and conducive to dissipation.

Was this the only possible dynamic order ruling in material systems it is quite certain the myriads of ants and pines never could have been, except all generated by creative act at vast primary expenditure of energy. Growth and reproduction would have been impossible in systems which retarded change at every step and never proceeded in any direction but in that of dissipation. Once created, indeed, it is conceivable that, as heat engines, they might have dragged out an existence of alternate life and death; life in the hours of sunshine, death in hours of darkness: no final death, however, their lot, till their parts were simply worn out by long use, never made good by repair. But the sustained and increasing activity of organized nature is a fact; therefore some other order of events must be possible.

[1] The law of Least Action, which has been applied, not alone in optics, but in many mechanical systems, appears physically based upon the restraint and retardation opposing the transfer of energy in material systems.



What is the actual dynamic attitude of the primary organic engine—the vegetable organism? We consider, here, in the first place, not intervening, but resulting phenomena.

The young leaf exposed to solar radiation is small at first, and the quantity of radiant energy it receives in unit of time cannot exceed that which falls upon its surface. But what is the effect of this energy? Not to produce a retardative reaction, but an accelerative response: for, in the enlarging of the leaf by growth, the plant opens for itself new channels of supply.

If we refer to "the living protoplasm which, with its unknown molecular arrangement, is the only absolute test of the cell and of the organism in general,[1] we find a similar attitude towards external sources of available energy. In the act of growth increased rate of assimilation is involved, so that there is an acceleration of change till a bulk of maximum activity is attained. The surface, finally, becomes too small for the absorption of energy adequate to sustain further increase of mass (Spencer[2]), and the acceleration ceases. The waste going on in the central parts is then just balanced by the renewal at the surface. By division, by spreading of the mass, by

[1] Claus, Zoology, p. 13.

[2] Geddes and Thomson, The Evolution of Sex, p. 220.


out-flowing processes, the normal activity of growth may be restored. Till this moment nothing would be gained by any of these changes. One or other of them is now conducive to progressive absorption of energy by the organism, and one or other occurs, most generally the best of them, subdivision. Two units now exist; the total mass immediately on division is unaltered, but paths for the more abundant absorption of energy are laid open.

The encystment of the protoplasm (occurring under conditions upon which naturalists do not seem agreed[1]) is to all appearance protective from an unfavourable environment, but it is often a period of internal change as well, resulting in a segregation within the mass of numerous small units, followed by a breakup of the whole into these units. It is thus an extension of the basis of supply, and in an impoverished medium, where unit of surface is less active, is evidently the best means of preserving a condition of progress.

Thus, in the organism which forms the basis of all modes of life, a definite law of action is obeyed under various circumstances of reaction with the available energy of its environment.

Similarly, in the case of the more complex leaf, we see, not only in the phenomenon of growth, but in its extension in a flattened form, and in the orientation of greatest surface towards the source of energy, an attitude towards

[1] However, "In no way comparable with death." Weismann, Biological Memoirs, p. 158.


available energy causative of accelerated transfer. There is seemingly a principle at work, leading to the increase of organic activity.

Many other examples might be adduced. The gastrula stage in the development of embryos, where by invagination such an arrangement of the multiplying cells is secured as to offer the greatest possible surface consistent with a first division of labour; the provision of cilia for drawing upon the energy supplies of the medium; and more generally the specialisation of organs in the higher developments of life, may alike be regarded as efforts of the organism directed to the absorption of energy. When any particular organ becomes unavailing in the obtainment of supplies, the organ in the course of time becomes aborted or disappears.[1] On the other hand, when a too ready and liberal supply renders exertion and specialisation unnecessary, a similar abortion of functionless organs takes place. This is seen in the degraded members of certain parasites.

During certain epochs of geological history, the vegetable world developed enormously; in response probably to liberal supplies of carbon dioxide. A structural adaptation to the rich atmosphere occurred, such as was calculated to cooperate in rapidly consuming the supplies, and to this obedience to a law of progressive transfer of energy we owe the vast stores of energy now accumulated

[1] Claus, Zoology, p. 157


in our coal fields. And when, further, we reflect that this store of energy had long since been dissipated into space but for the intervention of the organism, we see definitely another factor in organic transfer of energy—a factor acting conservatively of energy, or antagonistically to dissipation.

The tendency of organized nature in the presence of unlimited supplies is to "run riot." This seems so universal a relation, that we are safe in seeing here cause and effect, and in drawing our conclusions as to the attitude of the organism towards available energy. New species, when they come on the field of geological history, armed with fresh adaptations, irresistible till the slow defences of the subjected organisms are completed, attain enormous sizes under the stimulus of abundant supply, till finally, the environment, living and dead, reacts upon them with restraining influence. The exuberance of the organism in presence of energy is often so abundant as to lead by deprivation to its self-destruction. Thus the growth of bacteria is often controlled by their own waste products. A moment's consideration shows that such progressive activity denotes an accelerative attitude on the part of the organism towards the transfer of energy into the organic material system. Finally, we are conscious in ourselves how, by use, our faculties are developed; and it is apparent that all such progressive developments must rest on actions which respond to supplies with fresh demands. Possibly in the present and ever-


increasing consumption of inanimate power by civilised races, we see revealed the dynamic attitude of the organism working through thought-processes.

Whether this be so or not, we find generally in organised nature causes at work which in some way lead to a progressive transfer of energy into the organic system. And we notice, too, that all is not spent, but both immediately in the growth of the individual, and ultimately in the multiplication of the species, there are actions associated with vitality which retard the dissipation of energy. We proceed to state the dynamical principles involved in these manifestations, which appear characteristic of the organism, as follows:—

The transfer of energy into any animate material system is attended by effects conducive to the transfer, and retardative of dissipation.

This statement is, I think, perfectly general. It has been in part advanced before, but from the organic more than the physical point of view. Thus, "hunger is an essential characteristic of living matter"; and again, "hunger is a dominant characteristic of living matter,"[1] are, in part, expressions of the statement. If it be objected against the generality of the statement, that there are periods in the life of individuals when stagnation and decay make their appearance, we may answer, that

[1] Evolution of Sex. Geddes and Thomson, chap. xvi. See also a reference to Cope's theory of "Growth Force," in Wallace's Darwinism, p. 425.


such phenomena arise in phases of life developed under conditions of external constraint, as will be urged more fully further on, and that in fact the special conditions of old age do not and cannot express the true law and tendency of the dynamic relations of life in the face of its evident advance upon the Earth. The law of the unconstrained cell is growth on an ever increasing scale; and although we assume the organic configuration, whether somatic or reproductive, to be essentially unstable, so that continual inflow of energy is required merely to keep it in existence, this does not vitiate the fact that, when free of all external constraint, growth gains on waste. Indeed, even in the case of old age, the statement remains essentially true, for the phenomena then displayed point to a breakdown of the functioning power of the cell, an approximation to configurations incapable of assimilation. It is not as if life showed in these phenomena that its conditions could obtain in the midst of abundance, and yet its law be suspended; but as if they represented a degradation of the very conditions of life, a break up, under the laws of the inanimate, of the animate contrivance; so that energy is no longer available to it, or the primary condition, "the transfer of energy into the animate system," is imperfectly obeyed. It is to the perfect contrivance of life our statement refers.

That the final end of all will be general non-availability there seems little reason to doubt, and the organism, itself dependent upon differences of potential, cannot


hope to carry on aggregation of energy beyond the period when differences of potential are not. The organism is not accountable for this. It is being affected by events external to it, by the actions going on through inanimate agents. And although there be only a part of the received energy preserved, there is a part preserved, and this amount is continually on the increase. To see this it is only necessary to reflect that the sum of animate energy—capability of doing work in any way through animate means—at present upon the Earth, is the result, although a small one, of energy reaching the Earth since a remote period, and which otherwise had been dissipated in space. In inanimate actions throughout nature, as we know it, the availability is continually diminishing. The change is all the one way. As, however, the supply of available energy in the universe is (probably) limited in amount, we must look upon the two as simply effecting the final dissipation of potential in very different ways. The animate system is aggressive on the energy available to it, spends with economy, and invests at interest till death finally deprives it of all. It has heirs, indeed, who inherit some of its gains, but they, too, must die, and ultimately there will be no successors, and the greater part must melt away as if it had never been. The inanimate system responds to the forces imposed upon it by sluggish changes; of that which is thrust upon it, it squanders uselessly. The path of the energy is very different in the two cases.


While it is true generally that both systems ultimately result in the dissipation of energy to uniform potential, the organism can, as we have seen, under particular circumstances evade the final doom altogether. It can lay up a store of potential energy which may be permanent. Thus, so long as there is free oxygen in the universe, our coalfields might, at any time in the remote future, generate light and heat in the universal grave.

It is necessary to observe on the fundamental distinction between the growth of the protoplasm and the growth of the crystal. It is common to draw comparison between the two, and to point to metabolism as the chief distinction. But while this is the most obvious distinction the more fundamental one remains in the energy relations of the two with the environment.[1] The growth of the crystal is the result of loss of energy; that of the organism the result of gain of energy. The crystal represents a last position of stable equilibrium assumed by molecules upon a certain loss of kinetic energy, and the formation of the crystal by evaporation and concentration of a liquid does not, in its dynamic aspect, differ much from the precipitation of an amorphous sediment. The organism, on the other hand, represents a more or less unstable condition formed and maintained by inflow of energy; its formation, indeed, often attended with a loss of kinetic energy (fixation of carbon in plants), but, if so, accompanied by

[1] It appears exceptional for the crystal line configuration to stand higher in the scale of energy than the amorphous.


a more than compensatory increase of potential molecular energy.

Thus, between growth in the living world and growth in the dead world, the energy relations with the environment reveal a marked contrast. Again, in the phenomena of combustion, there are certain superficial resemblances which have led to comparison between the two. Here again, however, the attitudes towards the energy of the environment stand very much as + and -. The life absorbs, stores, and spends with economy. The flame only recklessly spends. The property of storage by the organism calls out a further distinction between the course of the two processes. It secures that the chemical activity of the organism can be propagated in a medium in which the supply of energy is discontinuous or localised. The chemical activity of the combustion can, strictly speaking, only be propagated among contiguous particles. I need not dwell on the latter fact; an example of the former is seen in the action of the roots of plants, which will often traverse a barren place or circumvent an obstacle in their search for energy. In this manner roots will find out spots of rich nutriment.

Thus there is a dynamic distinction between the progress of the organism and the progress of the combustion, or of the chemical reaction generally. And although there be unstable chemical systems which absorb energy during reaction, these are (dynamically) no more than the expansion of the compressed gas. There is a certain


initial capacity in the system for a given quantity of energy; this satisfied, progress ceases. The progress of the organism in time is continual, and goes on from less to greater so long as its development is unconstrained and the supply of energy is unlimited.

We must regard the organism as a configuration which is so contrived as to evade the tendency of the universal laws of nature. Except we are prepared to believe that a violation of the second law of thermodynamics occurs in the organism, that a "sorting demon" is at work within it, we must, I think, assume that the interactions going on among its molecules are accompanied by retardation and dissipation like the rest of nature. That such conditions are not incompatible with the definition of the dynamic attitude of the organism, can be shown by analogy with our inanimate machines which, by aid of hypotheses in keeping with the second law of thermodynamics, may be supposed to fulfil the energy-functions of the plant or animal, and, in fact, in all apparent respects conform to the definition of the organism.

We may assume this accomplished by a contrivance of the nature of a steam-engine, driven by solar energy. It has a boiler, which we may suppose fed by the action of the engine. It has piston, cranks, and other movable parts, all subject to resistance from friction, etc. Now there is no reason why this engine should not expend its surplus energy in shaping, fitting, and starting into action other engines:—in fact, in reproductive sacrifice. All


these other engines represent a multiplied absorption of energy as the effects of the energy received by the parent engine, and may in time be supposed to reproduce themselves. Further, we may suppose the parent engine to be small and capable of developing very little power, but the whole series as increasing in power at each generation. Thus the primary energy relations of the vegetable organism are represented in these engines, and no violation of the second law of thermodynamics involved.

We might extend the analogy, and assuming these engines to spend a portion of their surplus energy in doing work against chemical forces—as, for example, by decomposing water through the intervention of a dynamo—suppose them to lay up in this way a store of potential energy capable of heating the boilers of a second order of engines, representing the graminivorous animal. It is obvious without proceeding to a tertiary or carnivorous order, that the condition of energy in the animal world may be supposed fulfilled in these successive series of engines, and no violation of the principles governing the actions going on in our machines assumed. Organisms evolving on similar principles would experience loss at every transfer. Thus only a portion of the radiant energy absorbed by the leaf would be expended in actual work, chemical and gravitational, etc. It is very certain that this is, in fact, what takes place.

It is, perhaps, worth passing observation that, from the nutritive dependence of the animal upon the vegetable,


and the fact that a conversion of the energy of the one to the purposes of the other cannot occur without loss, the mean energy absorbed daily by the vegetable for the purpose of growth must greatly exceed that used in animal growth; so that the chemical potential energy of vegetation upon the earth is much greater than the energy of all kinds represented in the animal configurations.[1] It appears, too, that in the power possessed by the vegetable of remaining comparatively inactive, of surviving hard times by the expenditure and absorption of but little, the vegetable constitutes a veritable reservoir for the uniform supply of the more unstable and active animal.

Finally, on the question of the manner of origin of organic systems, it is to be observed that, while the life of the present is very surely the survival of the fittest of the tendencies and chances of the past, yet, in the initiation of the organised world, a single chance may have decided a whole course of events: for, once originated, its own law secures its increase, although within the new order of actions, the law of the fittest must assert itself. That such a progressive material system as an organism was possible, and at some remote period was initiated, is matter of knowledge; whether or not the initiatory living configuration was rare and fortuitous, or the probable result of the general action of physical laws acting among innumerable chances, must remain matter of

[1] I find a similar conclusion arrived at in Semper's Animal Life, p. 52.


speculation. In the event of the former being the truth, it is evidently possible, in spite of a large finite number of habitable worlds, that life is non-existent elsewhere. If the latter is the truth, it is almost certain that there is life in all, or many of those worlds.


The primary factor in evolution is the "struggle for existence." This involves a "natural selection" among the many variations of the organism. If we seek the underlying causes of the struggle, we find that the necessity of food and (in a lesser degree) the desire for a mate are the principal causes of contention. The former is much the more important factor, and, accordingly, we find the greater degree of specialisation based upon it.

The present view assumes a dynamic necessity for its demands involved in the nature of the organism as such. This assumption is based on observation of the outcome of its unconstrained growth, reproduction, and life-acts. We have the same right to assert this of the organism as we have to assert that retardation and degradation attend the actions of inanimate machines, which assertion, also, is based on observation of results. Thus we pass from the superficial statements that organisms require food in order to live, or that organisms desire food, to the more fundamental one that:

The organism is a configuration of matter which absorbs energy acceleratively, without limit, when unconstrained.


This is the dynamic basis for a "struggle for existence." The organism being a material system responding to accession of energy with fresh demands, and energy being limited in amount, the struggle follows as a necessity. Thus, evolution guiding' the steps of the energy-seeking organism, must presuppose and find its origin in that inherent property of the organism which determines its attitude in presence of available energy.

Turning to the factor, "adaptation," we find that this also must presuppose, in order to be explicable, some quality of aggressiveness on the part of the organism. For adaptation in this or that direction is the result of repulse or victory, and, therefore, we must presuppose an attack. The attack is made by the organism in obedience to its law of demand; we see in the adaptation of the organism but the accumulated wisdom derived from past defeats and victories.

Where the environment is active, that is living, adaptation occurs on both sides. Improved means of defence or improved means of attack, both presuppose activity. Thus the reactions to the environment, animate and inanimate, are at once the outcome of the eternal aggressiveness of the organism, and the source of fresh aggressiveness upon the resources of the medium.

As concerns the "survival of the fittest" (or "natural selection"), we can, I think, at once conclude that the organism which best fulfils the organic law under the circumstances of supply is the "fittest," ipso facto. In many


cases this is contained in the commonsense consideration, that to be strong, consistent with concealment from enemies which are stronger, is best, as giving the organism mastery over foes which are weaker, and generally renders it better able to secure supplies. Weismann points out that natural selection favours early and abundant reproduction. But whether the qualifications of the "fittest" be strength, fertility, cunning, fleetness, imitation, or concealment, we are safe in concluding that growth and reproduction must be the primary qualities which at once determine selection and are fostered by it. Inherent in the nature of the organism is accelerated absorption of energy, but the qualifications of the "fittest" are various, for the supply of energy is limited, and there are many competitors for it. To secure that none be wasted is ultimately the object of natural selection, deciding among the eager competitors what is best for each.

In short, the facts and generalisations concerning evolution must presuppose an organism endowed with the quality of progressive absorption of energy, and retentive of it. The continuity of organic activity in a world where supplies are intermittent is evidently only possible upon the latter condition. Thus it appears that the dynamic attitude of the organism, considered in these pages, occupies a fundamental position regarding its evolution.

We turn to the consideration of old age and death, endeavouring to discover in what relation they stand to the innate progressiveness of the organism.



The organic system is essentially unstable. Its aggressive attitude is involved in the phenomenon of growth, and in reproduction which is a form of growth. But the energy absorbed is not only spent in growth. It partly goes, also, to make good the decay which arises from the instability of the organic unit. The cell is molecularly perishable. It possesses its entity much as a top keeps erect, by the continual inflow of energy. Metabolism is always taking place within it. Any other condition would, probably, involve the difficulties of perpetual motion.

The phenomenon of old age is not evident in the case of the unicellular organism reproducing by fission. At any stage of its history all the individuals are of the same age: all contain a like portion of the original cell, so far as this can be regarded as persisting where there is continual flux of matter and energy. In the higher organisms death is universally evident. Why is this?

The question is one of great complexity. Considered from the more fundamental molecular point of view we should perhaps look to failure of the power of cell division as the condition of mortality. For it is to this phenomenon—that of cell division—that the continued life of the protozoon is to be ascribed, as we have already seen. Reproduction is, in fact, the saving factor here.

As we do not know the source or nature of the stimulus


responsible for cell division we cannot give a molecular account of death in the higher organisms. However we shall now see that, philosophically, we are entitled to consider reproduction as a saving factor in this case also; and to regard the death of the individual much as we regard the fall of the leaf from the tree: i.e. as the cessation of an outgrowth from a development extending from the past into the future. The phenomena of old age and natural death are, in short, not at variance with the progressive activity of the organism. We perceive this when we come to consider death from the evolutionary point of view.

Professor Weismann, in his two essays, "The Duration of Life," and "Life and Death,"[1] adopts and defends the view that "death is not a primary necessity but that it has been secondarily acquired by adaptation." The cell was not inherently limited in its number of cell-generations. The low unicellular organisms are potentially immortal, the higher multicellular forms with well-differentiated organs contain the germs of death within themselves.

He finds the necessity of death in its utility to the species. Long life is a useless luxury. Early and abundant reproduction is best for the species. An immortal individual would gradually become injured and would be valueless or even harmful to the species by taking the place of those that are sound. Hence natural selection will shorten life.

[1] See his Biological Memoirs. Oxford, 1888.


Weismann contends against the transmission of acquired characters as being unproved.[1] He bases the appearance of death on variations in the reproductive cells, encouraged by the ceaseless action of natural selection, which led to a differentiation into perishable somatic cells and immortal reproductive cells. The time-limit of any particular organism ultimately depends upon the number of somatic cell-generations and the duration of each generation. These quantities are "predestined in the germ itself" which gives rise to each individual. "The existence of immortal metazoan organisms is conceivable," but their capacity for existence is influenced by conditions of the external world; this renders necessary the process of adaptation. In fact, in the differentiation of somatic from reproductive cells, material was provided upon which natural selection could operate to shorten or to lengthen the life of the individual in accordance with the needs of the species. The soma is in a sense "a secondary appendage of the real bearer of life—the reproductive cells." The somatic cells probably lost their immortal qualities, on this immortality becoming useless to the species. Their mortality may have been a mere consequence of their differentiation (loc. cit., p. 140), itself due to natural selection. "Natural death was not," in fact, "introduced from absolute intrinsic necessity inherent in the nature of living matter, but on grounds of utility,

[1] Biological Memoirs, p. 142.


that is from necessities which sprang up, not from the general conditions of life, but from those special conditions which dominate the life of multicellular organisms."

On the inherent immortality of life, Weismann finally states: "Reproduction is, in truth, an essential attribute of living matter, just as the growth which gives rise to it.... Life is continuous, and not periodically interrupted: ever since its first appearance upon the Earth in the lowest organism, it has continued without break; the forms in which it is manifest have alone undergone change. Every individual alive today—even the highest—is to be derived in an unbroken line from the first and lowest forms." [1]

At the present day the view is very prevalent that the soma of higher organisms is, in a sense, but the carrier for a period of the immortal reproductive cells (Ray Lankester)[2]—an appendage due to adaptation, concerned in their supply, protection, and transmission. And whether we regard the time-limit of its functions as due to external constraints, recurrently acting till their effects become hereditary, or to variations more directly of internal origin, encouraged by natural selection, we see in old age and death phenomena ultimately brought about in obedience to the action of an environment. These are not inherent in the properties of living matter. But, in spite

[1] Loc. cit., p. 159

[2] Geddes and Thomson, The Evolution of Sex, chap. xviii.


of its mortality, the body remains a striking manifestation of the progressiveness of the organism, for to this it must be ascribed. To it energy is available which is denied to the protozoon. Ingenious adaptations to environment are more especially its privilege. A higher manifestation, however, was possible, and was found in the development of mind. This, too, is a servant of the cell, as the genii of the lamp. Through it energy is available which is denied to the body. This is the masterpiece of the cell. Its activity dates, as it were, but from yesterday, and today it inherits the most diverse energies of the Earth.

Taking this view of organic succession, we may liken the individual to a particle vibrating for a moment and then coming to rest, but sweeping out in its motion one wave in the continuous organic vibration travelling from the past into the future. But as this vibration is one spreading with increased energy from each vibrating particle, its propagation involves a continual accelerated inflow of energy from the surrounding medium, a dynamic condition unknown in periodic effects transmitted by inanimate actions, and, indeed, marking the fundamental difference between the dynamic attitudes of the animate and inanimate.

We can trace the periodic succession of individuals on a diagram of activity with some advantage. Considering, first, the case of the unicellular organism reproducing by subdivision and recalling that conditions, definite and inevitable, oppose a limit to the rate of growth, or, for our


present purpose, rate of consumption of energy, we proceed as follows:

{Fig. 1}

Along a horizontal axis units of time are measured; along a vertical axis units of energy. Then the life-history of the amoeba, for example, appears as a line such as A in Fig. 1. During the earlier stages of its growth the rate of absorption of energy is small; so that in the unit interval of time, t, the small quantity of energy, e1, is absorbed. As life advances, the activity of the organism augments, till finally this rate attains a maximum, when e2 units of energy are consumed in the unit of time.[1]

[1] Reference to p. 76, where the organic system is treated as purely mechanical, may help readers to understand what is involved in this curve. The solar engine may, unquestionably, have its activity defined by such a curve. The organism is, indeed, more complex; but neither this fact nor our ignorance of its mechanism, affects the principles which justify the diagram.


On this diagram reproduction, on the part of the organism, is represented by a line which repeats the curvature of the parent organism originating at such a point as P in the path of the latter, when the rate of consumption of energy has become constant. The organism A has now ceased to act as a unit. The products of fission each carry on the vital development of

{Fig. 2}

the species along the curve B, which may be numbered (2), to signify that it represents the activity of two individuals, and so on, the numbering advancing in geometrical progression. The particular curvature adopted in the diagram is, of course, imaginary; but it is not of an indeterminate nature. Its course for any species is a characteristic of fundamental physical importance, regarding the part played in nature by the particular organism.


In Fig. 2 is represented the path of a primitive multicellular organism before the effects of competition produced or fostered its mortality. The lettering of Fig. 1 applies; the successive reproductive acts are marked P1, P2; Q1, Q2, etc., in the paths of the successive individuals.

{Fig. 3}

The next figure (Fig. 3) diagrammatically illustrates death in organic history. The path ever turns more and more from the axis of energy, till at length the point is reached when no more energy is available; a tangent to the curve at this point is at right angles to the axis of energy and parallel to the time axis. The death point is reached, and however great a length we measure along the axis of time, no further consumption of energy is


indicated by the path of the organism. Drawing the line beyond the death point is meaningless for our present purpose.

It is observable that while the progress of animate nature finds its representation on this diagram by lines sloping upwards from left to right, the course of events in inanimate nature—for example, the history of the organic configuration after death, or

{Fig. 4}

the changes progressing—let us say, in the solar system, or in the process of a crystallisation, would appear as lines sloping downwards from left to right.

Whatever our views on the origin of death may be, we have to recognise a periodicity of functions in the life-history of the successive individuals of the present day; and whether or not we trace this directly or indirectly to


a sort of interference with the rising wave of life, imposed by the activity of a series of derived units, each seeking energy, and in virtue of its adaptation each being more fitted to obtain it than its predecessor, or even leave the idea of interference out of account altogether in the origination or perpetuation of death, the truth of the diagram (Fig. 4) holds in so far as it may be supposed to graphically represent the dynamic history of the individual. The point chosen on the curve for the origination of a derived unit is only applicable to certain organisms, many reproducing at the very close of life. A chain of units are supposed here represented.[1]


If we lay out waves as above to a common scale of time for different species, the difference of longevity is shown in the greater or less number of vibrations executed in a given time, i.e. in greater or less "frequency." We cannot indeed draw the curvature correctly, for this would necessitate a knowledge which we have not of the activity of the organism at different periods of its life-history, and so neither can we plot the direction of the organic line of propagation with respect to the

[1] Projecting upon the axes of time and energy any one complete vibration, as in Fig. 4, the total energy consumed by the organism during life is the length E on the axis of energy, and its period of life is the length T on the time-axis. The mean activity is the quotient E/T.


axes of reference as this involves a knowledge of the mean activity.[1]

The group of curves which follow, relating to typical animals possessing very different activities (Fig. 5), are therefore entirely diagrammatic, except in respect to the approximate

{Fig. 5}

longevity of the organisms. (1) might represent an animal of the length of life and of the activity of Man; (2), on the same scale of longevity,

[1] In the relative food-supply at various periods of life the curvature is approximately determinable.


one of the smaller mammals; and (3), the life-history of a cold blooded animal living to a great age; e.g. certain of the reptilia.

It is probable, that to conditions of structural development, under the influence of natural selection, the question of longer or shorter life is in a great degree referable. Thus, development along lines of large growth will tend to a slow rate of reproduction from the simple fact that unlimited energy to supply abundant reproduction is not procurable, whatever we may assume as to the strength or cunning exerted by the individual in its efforts to obtain its supplies. On the other hand, development along lines of small growth, in that reproduction is less costly, will probably lead to increased rate of reproduction. It is, in fact, matter of general observation that in the case of larger animals the rate of reproduction is generally slower than in the case of smaller animals. But the rate of reproduction might be expected to have an important influence in determining the particular periodicity of the organism. Were we to depict in the last diagram, on the same time-scale as Man, the vibrations of the smaller and shorter-lived living things, we would see but a straight line, save for secular variations in activity, representing the progress of the species in time: the tiny thrills of its units lost in comparison with the yet brief period of Man.

The interdependence of the rate of reproduction and


the duration of the individual is, indeed, very probably revealed in the fact that short-lived animals most generally reproduce themselves rapidly and in great abundance, and vice versa. In many cases where this appears contradicted, it will be found that the young are exposed to such dangers that but few survive (e.g. many of the reptilia, etc.), and so the rate of reproduction is actually slow.

Death through the periodic rigour of the inanimate environment calls forth phenomena very different from death introduced or favoured by competition. A multiplicity of effects simulative of death occur. Organisms will, for example, learn to meet very rigorous conditions if slowly introduced, and not permanent. A transitory period of want can be tided over by contrivance. The lily withdrawing its vital forces into the bulb, protected from the greatest extremity of rigour by seclusion in the Earth; the trance of the hibernating animal; are instances of such contrivances.

But there are organisms whose life-wave truly takes up the periodicity of the Earth in its orbit. Thus the smaller animals and plants, possessing less resources in themselves, die at the approach of winter, propagating themselves by units which, whether egg or seed, undergo a period of quiescence during the season of want. In these quiescent units the energy of the organism is potential, and the time-energy function is in abeyance. This condition is, perhaps, foreshadowed in the encyst-


ment of the amoeba in resistance to drought. In most cases of hibernation the time-energy function seems maintained at a loss of potential by the organism, a diminished vital consumption of energy being carried on at the expense of the stored energy of the tissues. So, too, even among the largest organisms there will be a diminution of activity periodically inspired by climatological conditions. Thus, wholly or in part, the activity of organisms is recurrently affected by the great energy—tides set up by the Earth's orbital motion.

{Fig. 6}

Similarly in the phenomenon of sleep the organism responds to the Earth's axial periodicity, for in the interval of night a period of impoverishment has to be endured. Thus the diurnal waves of energy also meet a response in the organism. These tides and waves of activity would appear as larger and smaller ripples


on the life-curve of the organism. But in some, in which life and death are encompassed in a day, this would not be so; and for the annual among plants, the seed rest divides the waves with lines of no activity (Fig. 6).

Thus, finally, we regard the organism as a dynamic phenomenon passing through periodic variations of intensity. The material systems concerned in the transfer of the energy rise, flourish, and fall in endless succession, like cities of ancient dynasties. At points of similar phase upon the waves the rate of consumption of energy is approximately the same; the functions, too, which demand and expend the energy are of similar nature.

That the rhythm of these events is ultimately based on harmony in the configuration and motion of the molecules within the germ seems an unavoidable conclusion. In the life of the individual rhythmic dynamic phenomena reappear which in some cases have no longer a parallel in the external world, or under conditions when the individual is no longer influenced by these external conditions.,, In many cases the periodic phenomena ultimately die out under new influences, like the oscillations of a body in a viscous medium; in others when they seem to be more deeply rooted in physiological conditions they persist.

The "length of life is dependent upon the number

[1] The Descent of Man.


of generations of somatic cells which can succeed one another in the course of a single life, and furthermore the number as well as the duration of each single cell-generation is predestined in the germ itself."[1]

Only in the vague conception of a harmonising or formative structural influence derived from the germ, perishing in each cell from internal causes, but handed from cell to cell till the formative influence itself degrades into molecular discords, does it seem possible to form any physical representation of the successive events of life. The degradation of the molecular formative influence might be supposed involved in its frequent transference according to some such dynamic actions as occur in inanimate nature. Thus, ultimately, to the waste within the cell, to the presence of a force retardative of its perpetual harmonic motions, the death of the individual is to be ascribed. Perhaps in protoplasmic waste the existence of a universal death should be recognised. It is here we seem to touch inanimate nature; and we are led back to a former conclusion that the organism in its unconstrained state is to be regarded as a contrivance for evading the dynamic tendencies of actions in which lifeless matter participates.[2]

[1] Weismann, Life and Death; Biological Memoirs, p. 146.

[2] In connection with the predestinating power and possible complexity of the germ, it is instructive to reflect on the very great molecular population of even the smallest spores—giving rise to very simple forms. Thus, the spores of the unicellular Schizomycetes are estimated to dimensions as low as 1/10,000 of a millimetre in diameter (Cornil et Babes, Les Batteries, 1. 37). From Lord Kelvin's estimate of the number of molecules in water, comprised within the length of a wave-length of yellow light (The Size of Atoms, Proc. R. I., vol. x., p. 185) it is probable that such spores contain some 500,000 molecules, while one hundred molecules range along a diameter.



We began by seeking in various manifestations of life a dynamic principle sufficiently comprehensive to embrace its very various phenomena. This, to all appearance, found, we have been led to regard life, to a great extent, as a periodic dynamic phenomenon. Fundamentally, in that characteristic of the contrivance, which leads it to respond favourably to transfer of energy, its enormous extension is due. It is probable that to its instability its numerical abundance is to be traced—for this, necessitating the continual supply of all the parts already formed, renders large, undifferentiated growth, incompatible with the limited supplies of the environment. These are fundamental conditions of abundant life upon the Earth.

Although we recognise in the instability of living systems the underlying reason for their numerical abundance, secondary evolutionary causes are at work. The most important of these is the self-favouring nature of the phenomenon of reproduction. Thus there is a tendency not only to favour reproductiveness, but early reproductiveness, in the form of one prolific reproductive.


act, after which the individual dies.[1] Hence the wavelength of the species diminishes, reproduction is more frequent, and correspondingly greater numbers come and go in an interval of time.

Another cause of the numerical abundance of life exists, as already stated, in the conditions of nourishment. Energy is more readily conveyed to the various parts of the smaller mass, and hence the lesser organisms will more actively functionate; and this, as being the urging dynamic attitude, as well as that most generally favourable in the struggle, will multiply and favour such forms of life. On the other hand, however, these forms will have less resource within themselves, and less power of endurance, so that they are only suitable to fairly uniform conditions of supply; they cannot survive the long continued want of winter, and so we have the seasonal abundance of summer. Only the larger and more resistant organisms, whether animal or vegetable, will, in general, populate the Earth from year to year. From this we may conclude that, but for the seasonal energy-tides, the development of life upon the globe had gone along very different lines from those actually followed. It is, indeed, possible that the evolution of the larger organisms would not have occurred; there would have been no vacant place for their development, and a being so endowed as Man could hardly

[1] Weismann, The Duration of Life.


have been evolved. We may, too, apply this reasoning elsewhere, and regard as highly probable, that in worlds which are without seasonal influences, the higher developments of life have not appeared; except they have been evolved under other conditions, when they might for a period persist. We have, indeed, only to picture to ourselves what the consequence of a continuance of summer would be on insect life to arrive at an idea of the antagonistic influences obtaining in such worlds to the survival of larger organisms.

It appears that to the dynamic attitude of life in the first place, and secondarily to the environmental conditions limiting undifferentiated growth, as well as to the action of heredity in transmitting the reproductive qualities of the parent to the offspring, the multitudes of the pines, and the hosts of ants, are to be ascribed. Other causes are very certainly at work, but these, I think, must remain primary causes.

We well know that the abundance of the ants and pines is not a tithe of the abundance around us visible and invisible. It is a vain endeavour to realise the countless numbers of our fellow-citizens upon the Earth; but, for our purpose, the restless ants, and the pines solemnly quiet in the sunshine, have served as types of animate things. In the pine the gates of the organic have been thrown open that the vivifying river of energy may flow in. The ants and the butterflies sip for a brief moment of its waters, and again vanish into the


inorganic: life, love and death encompassed in a day.

Whether the organism stands at rest and life comes to it on the material currents of the winds and waters, or in the vibratory energy of the aether; or, again, whether with restless craving it hurries hither and thither in search of it, matters nothing. The one principle—the accelerative law which is the law of the organic—urges all alike onward to development, reproduction and death. But although the individual dies death is not the end; for life is a rhythmic phenomenon. Through the passing ages the waves of life persist: waves which change in their form and in the frequency to which they are attuned from one geologic period to the next, but which still ever persist and still ever increase. And in the end the organism outlasts the generations of the hills.



IT is admitted by all observers that many species of flowering plants growing on the higher alps of mountainous regions display a more vivid and richer colour in their bloom than is displayed in the same species growing in the valleys. That this is actually the case, and not merely an effect produced upon the observer by the scant foliage rendering the bloom more conspicuous, has been shown by comparative microscopic examination of the petals of species growing on the heights and in the valleys. Such examination has revealed that in many cases pigment granules are more numerous in the individuals growing at the higher altitudes. The difference is specially marked in Myosotis sylvatica, Campanula rotundifolia, Ranunculus sylvaticus, Galium cruciatum, and others. It is less marked in the case of Thymus serpyllum and Geranium sylvaticum; while in Rosa alpina and Erigeron alpinus no difference is observable.[2]

In the following cases a difference of intensity of colour is, according to Kerner ("Pflanzenleben," 11. 504), especially noticeable:— _Agrostemma githago, Campanula

[1] Proc. Royal Dublin Society, 1893.

[2] G. Bonnier, quoted by De Varigny, Experimental Evolution, p. 55.


pusilla, Dianthus inodorus (silvestris), Gypsophila repens, Lotus corniculatus, Saponaria ocymoides, Satureja hortensis, Taraxacumm officinale, Vicia cracca, and Vicia sepium._

To my own observation this beautiful phenomenon has always appeared most obvious and impressive. It appears to have struck many unprofessional observers. Helmholtz offers the explanation that the vivid colours are the result of the brighter sunlight of the heights. It has been said, too, that they are the direct chemical effects of a more highly ozonized atmosphere. The latter explanation I am unable to refer to its author. The following pages contain a suggestion on the matter, which occurred to me while touring, along with Henry H. Dixon, in the Linthal district of Switzerland last summer.[1]

If the bloom of these higher alpine flowers is especially pleasing to our own aesthetic instincts, and markedly conspicuous to us as observers, why not also especially attractive and conspicuous to the insect whose mission it is to wander from flower to flower over the pastures? The answer to this question involves the hypothesis I would advance as accounting for the bright colours of high-growing individuals. In short, I believe a satisfactory explanation is to be found in the conditions of insect life in the higher alps.

In the higher pastures the summer begins late and

[1] The summer of 1892.


closes early, and even in the middle of summer the day closes in with extreme cold, and the cold of night is only dispelled when the sun is well up. Again, clouds cover the heights when all is clear below, and cold winds sweep over them when there is warmth and shelter in the valleys. With these rigorous conditions the pollinating insects have to contend in their search for food, and that when the rival attractions of the valleys below are so many. I believe it is these rigorous conditions which are indirectly responsible for the bright colours of alpine flowers. For such conditions will bring about a comparative scarcity of insect activity on the heights; and a scarcity or uncertainty in the action of insect agency in effecting fertilization will intensify the competition to attract attention, and only the brightest blooms will be fertilized.[1]

This will be a natural selection of the brightest, or the

[1] Grant Allen, I have recently learned, advances in Science in Arcady the theory that there is a natural selective cause fostering the bright blooms of alpines. The selective cause is, however, by him referred to the greater abundance of butterfly relatively to bee fertilizers. The former, he says, display more aesthetic instinct than bees. In the valley the bees secure the fertilization of all. I may observe that upon the Fridolins Alp all the fertilizers we observed were bees. I have always found butterflies very scarce at altitudes of 7,000 to 8,000 feet. The alpine bees are very light in body, like our hive bee, and I do not think rarefaction of the atmosphere can operate to hinder its ascent to the heights, as Grant Allen suggests. The observations on the death-rate of bees and butterflies on the glacier, to be referred to presently, seem to negative such a hypothesis, and to show that a large preponderance of bees over butterflies make their way to the heights.


brightest will be the fittest, and this condition, along with the influence of heredity, will encourage a race of vivid flowers. On the other hand, the more scant and uncertain root supply, and the severe atmospheric conditions, will not encourage the grosser struggle for existence which in the valleys is carried on so eagerly between leaves and branches—the normal offensive and defensive weapons of the plant—and so the struggle becomes refined into the more aesthetic one of colour and brightness between flower and flower. Hence the scant foliage and vivid bloom would be at once the result of a necessary economy, and a resort to the best method of securing reproduction under the circumstances of insect fertilizing agency. Or, in other words, while the luxuriant growth is forbidden by the conditions, and thus methods of offence and defence, based upon vigorous development, reduced in importance, it would appear that the struggle is mainly referred to rivalry for insect preference. It is probable that this is the more economical manner of carrying on the contest.

In the valleys we see on every side the struggle between the vegetative organs of the plant; the soundless battle among the leaves and branches. The blossom here is carried aloft on a slender stem, or else, taking but a secondary part in the contest, it is relegated to obscurity (P1. XII.). Further up on the mountains, where the conditions are more severe and the supplies less abundant, the leaf and branch assume lesser dimensions, for they are costly weapons to provide and the elements are unfriendly


to their existence (Pl. XIII.). Still higher, approaching the climatic limit of vegetable life, the struggle for existence is mainly carried on by the aesthetic rivalry of lowly but conspicuous blossoms.

As regards the conditions of insect life in the higher alps, it came to my notice in a very striking manner that vast numbers of such bees and butterflies as venture up perish in the cold of night time. It appears as if at the approach of dusk these are attracted by the gleam of the snow, and quitting the pastures, lose themselves upon the glaciers and firns, there to die in hundreds. Thus in an ascent of the Toedi from the Fridolinshuete we counted in the early dawn sixty-seven frozen bees, twenty-nine dead butterflies, and some half-dozen moths on the Biferten Glacier and Firn. These numbers, it is to be remembered, only included those lying to either side of our way over the snow, so that the number must have mounted up to thousands when integrated over the entire glacier and firn. Approaching the summit none were found. The bees resembled our hive bee in appearance, the butterflies resembled the small white variety common in our gardens, which has yellow and black upon its wings. One large moth, striped across the abdomen, and measuring nearly two inches in length of body, was found. Upon our return, long after the sun's rays had grown strong, we observed some of the butterflies showed signs of reanimation. We descended so quickly to avoid the inconvenience of the soft snow that we had time for no


close observation on the frozen bees. But dead bees are common objects upon the snows of the alps.

These remarks I noted down roughly while at Linthal last summer, but quite recently I read in Natural Science[1] the following note:

"Late Flowering Plants.—While we write, the ivy is in flower, and bees, wasps, and flies are jostling each other and struggling to find standing-room on the sweet-smelling plant. How great must be the advantage obtained by this plant through its exceptional habit of flowering in the late autumn, and ripening its fruit in the spring. To anyone who has watched the struggle to approach the ivy-blossom at a time when nearly all other plants are bare, it is evident that, as far as transport of pollen and cross-fertilization go, the plant could not flower at a more suitable time. The season is so late that most other plants are out of flower, but yet it is not too late for many insects to be brought out by each sunny day, and each insect, judging by its behaviour, must be exceptionally hungry.

"Not only has the ivy the world to itself during its flowering season, but it delays to ripen its seed till the spring, a time when most other plants have shed their seed, and most edible fruits have been picked by the birds. Thus birds wanting fruit in the spring can obtain little but ivy, and how they appreciate the ivy berry is evident

[1] For December, 1892, vol. i., p. 730.


by the purple stains everywhere visible within a short distance of the bush."

These remarks suggest that the ivy adopts the converse attitude towards its visitors to that forced upon the alpine flower. The ivy bloom is small and inconspicuous, but then it has the season to itself, and its inconspicuousness is no disadvantage, i.e. if one plant was more conspicuous than its neighbours, it would not have any decided advantage where the pollinating insect is abundant and otherwise unprovided for. Its dark-green berries in spring, which I would describe as very inconspicuous, have a similar advantage in relation to the necessities of bird life.

The experiments of M. C. Flahault must be noticed. This naturalist grew seeds of coloured flowers which had ripened in Paris, part in Upsala, and part in Paris; and seed which had ripened in Upsala, part at Paris, and part at Upsala. The flowers opening in the more northern city were in most cases the brighter.[1] If this observation may be considered indisputable, as appears to be the case, the question arises, Are we to regard this as a direct effect of the more rigorous climate upon the development of colouring matter on the blooms opening at Upsala? If we suppose an affirmative answer, the theory of direct effect by sun brightness must I think be abandoned. But I venture to think that the explanation of the Upsala

[1] Quoted by De Varigny, Experimental Evolution, p. 56.


experiment is not to be found in direct climatic influence upon the colour, but in causes which lie deeper, and involve some factors deducible from biological theory.

The organism, as a result of the great facts of heredity and of the survival of the fittest, is necessarily a system which gathers experience with successive generations; and the principal lesson ever being impressed upon it by external events is economy. Its success depends upon the use it makes of its opportunities for the reception of energy and the economy attained in disposing of what is gained.

With regard to using the passing opportunity the entire seasonal development of life is a manifestation of this attitude, and the fleetness, agility, etc., of higher organisms are developments in this direction. The higher vegetable organism is not locomotory, save in the transferences of pollen and seed, for its food comes to it, and the necessary relative motion between food and organism is preserved in the quick motion of radiated energy from the sun and the slower motion of the winds on the surface of the earth. But, even so, the vegetable organism must stand ever ready and waiting for its supplies. Its molecular parts must be ready to seize the prey offered to it, somewhat as the waiting spider the fly. Hence, the plant stands ready; and every cloud with moving shadow crossing the fields handicaps the shaded to the benefit of the unshaded plant in the adjoining field. The open bloom


is a manifestation of the generally expectant attitude of the plant, but in relation to reproduction.

As regards economy, any principle of maximum economy, where many functions have to be fulfilled, will, we may very safely predict, involve as far as possible mutual helpfulness in the processes going on. Thus the process of the development towards meeting any particular external conditions, A, suppose, will, if possible, tend to forward the development towards meeting conditions B; so that, in short, where circumstances of morphology and physiology are favourable, the ideally economical system will be attained when in place of two separate processes, a, ss, the one process y, cheaper than a + ss, suffices to advance development simultaneously in both the directions A and B. The economy is as obvious as that involved in "killing two birds with the one stone"—if so crude a simile is permissible—and it is to be expected that to foster such economy will be the tendency of evolution in all organic systems subjected to restraints as those we are acquainted with invariably are.

Such economy might be simply illustrated by considering the case of a reservoir of water elevated above two hydraulic motors, so that the elevated mass of water possessed gravitational potential. The available energy here represents the stored-up energy in the organism. How best may the water be conveyed to the two motors [the organic systems reacting towards conditions A and B] so


that as little energy as possible is lost in transit? If the motors are near together it is most economical to use the one conduit, which will distribute the requisite supply of water to both. If the motors are located far asunder it will be most economical to lay separate conduits. There is greatest economy in meeting a plurality of functions by the same train of physiological processes where this is consistent with meeting other demands necessitated by external or internal conditions.

But an important and obvious consequence arises in the supply of the two motors from the one conduit. We cannot work one motor without working the other. If we open a valve in the conduit both motors start into motion and begin consuming the energy stored in the tank. And although they may both under one set of conditions be doing useful and necessary work, in some other set of conditions it may be needless for both to be driven.

This last fact is an illustration of a consideration which must enter into the phenomenon which an eminent biologist speaks of as physiological or unconscious "memory,"[1] For the development of the organism from the ovum is but the starting of a train of interdependent events of a complexity depending upon the experience of the past.

[1] Ewald Hering, quoted by Ray Lankaster, The Advancement of Science, p. 283.


In short, we may suppose the entire development of the plant, towards meeting certain groups of external conditions, physiologically knit together according as Nature tends to associate certain groups of conditions. Thus, in the case in point, climatic rigour and scarcity of pollinating agency will ever be associated; and in the long experience of the past the most economical physiological attitude towards both is, we may suppose, adopted; so that the presence of one condition excites the apparent unconscious memory of the other. In reality the process of meeting the one condition involves the process and development for meeting the other.

And this consideration may be extended very generally to such organisms as can survive under the same associated natural conditions, for the history of evolution is so long, and the power of locomotion so essential to the organism at some period in its life history, that we cannot philosophically assume a local history for members of a species even if widely severed geographically at the present day. At some period in the past then, it is very possible that the individuals today thriving at Paris, acquired the experience called out at Upsala. The perfection of physiological memory inspires no limit to the date at which this may have occurred—possibly the result of a succession of severe seasons at Paris; possibly the result of migrations —and the seed of many flowering plants possess means of migration only inferior to those possessed by the flying and swimming animals. But, again, possibly the experi-


ence was acquired far back in the evolutionary history of the flower.[1]

But a further consideration arises. Not only at each moment in the life of the individual must maximum income and most judicious expenditure be considered, but in its whole life history, and even over the history of its race, the efficiency must tend to be a maximum. This principle is even carried so far that when necessary it leads to the death of the individual, as in the case of those organisms which, having accomplished the reproductive act, almost immediately expire. This view of nature may be repellent, but it is, nevertheless, evident that we are parts of a system which ruthlessly sacrifices the individual on general grounds of economy. Thus, if the curve which defines the mean rate of reception of energy of all kinds at different periods in the life of the organism be opposed by a second curve, drawn below the axis along which time is measured, representing the mean rate of expenditure of energy on development, reproduction, etc. (Fig. 7), this latter curve, which is, of course,

[1] The blooms of self-fertilising, and especially of cleistogamic plants (e.g. Viola), are examples of unconscious memory, or unconscious "association of ideas" leading to the development of organs now functionless. The Pontederia crassipes of the Amazon, which develops its floating bladders when grown in water, but aborts them rapidly when grown on land, and seems to retain this power of adaptation to the environment for an indefinite period of time, must act in each case upon an unconscious memory based upon past experience. Many other cases might be cited.


physiologically dependent on the former, must be of such a nature from its origin to its completion in death, that the condition is realized of the most economical rate of expenditure at each period of life.[1] The rate of expenditure of energy at any period of life is, of course, in such a curve defined by the slope of the curve towards the axis of time at the period in question; but this particular slope must be led to by a previous part of the curve, and involves its past and future course to a very great extent.

{Fig. 7}

There will, therefore, be impressed upon the organism by the factors of evolution a unified course of economical expenditure completed only by its death, and which will give to the developmental progress of the individual its prophetic character.

In this way we look to the unified career of each organic unit, from its commencement in the ovum to the day

[1] See The Abundance of Life.


when it is done with vitality, for that preparation for momentous organic events which is in progress throughout the entire course of development; and to the economy involved in the welding of physiological processes for the phenomenon of physiological memory, wherein we see reflected, as it were, in the development of the organism, the association of inorganic restraints occurring in nature which at some previous period impressed itself upon the plastic organism. We may picture the seedling at Upsala, swayed by organic memory and the inherited tendency to an economical preparation for future events, gradually developing towards the aesthetic climax of its career. In some such manner only does it appear possible to account for the prophetic development of organisms, not alone to be observed in the alpine flowers, but throughout nature.

And thus, finally, to the effects of natural selection and to actions defined by general principles involved in biology, I would refer for explanation of the manner in which flowers on the Alps develop their peculiar beauty.



OUR ancestors regarded mountainous regions with feelings of horror, mingled with commiseration for those whom an unkindly destiny had condemned to dwell therein. We, on the other hand, find in the contemplation of the great alps of the Earth such peaceful and elevated thoughts, and such rest to our souls, that it is to those very solitudes we turn to heal the wounds of ife. It is difficult to explain the cause of this very different point of view. It is probably, in part, to be referred to that cloud of superstitious horror which, throughout the Middle Ages, peopled the solitudes with unknown terrors; and, in part, to the asceticism which led the pious to regard the beauty and joy of life as snares to the soul's well-being. In those eternal solitudes where the overwhelming forces of Nature are most in evidence, an evil principle must dwell or a dragon's dreadful brood must find a home.

But while in our time the aesthetic aspect of the hills appeals to all, there remains in the physical history of the mountains much that is lost to those who have not shared in the scientific studies of alpine structure and genesis. They lose a past history which for interest com-


petes with anything science has to tell of the changes of the Earth.

Great as are the physical features of the mountains compared with the works of Man, and great as are the forces involved compared with those we can originate or control, the loftiest ranges are small contrasted with the dimensions of the Earth. It is well to bear this in mind. I give here (Pl. XV.) a measured drawing showing a sector cut from a sphere of 50 cms. radius; so much of it as to exhibit the convergence of its radial boundaries which if prolonged will meet at the centre. On the same scale as the radius the diagram shows the highest mountains and the deepest ocean. The average height of the land and the average depth of the ocean are also exhibited. We see how small a movement of the crust the loftiest elevation of the Himalaya represents and what a little depression holds the ocean.

Nevertheless, it is not by any means easy to explain the genesis of those small elevations and depressions. It would lead us far from our immediate subject to discuss the various theoretical views which have been advanced to account for the facts. The idea that mountain folds, and the lesser rugosities of the Earth's surface, arose in a wrinkling of the crust under the influence of cooling and skrinkage of the subcrustal materials, is held by many eminent geologists, but not without dissent from others.

The most striking observational fact connected with mountain structure is that, without exception, the ranges


of the Earth are built essentially of sedimentary rocks: that is of rocks which have been accumulated at some remote past time beneath the surface of the ocean. A volcanic core there may sometimes be—probably an attendant or consequence of the uplifting—or a core of plutonic igneous rocks which has arisen under the same compressive forces which have bowed and arched the strata from their original horizontal position. It is not uncommon to meet among unobservant people those who regard all mountain ranges as volcanic in origin. Volcanoes, however, do not build mountain ranges. They break out as more or less isolated cones or hills. Compare the map of the Auvergne with that of Switzerland; the volcanoes of South Italy with the Apennines. Such great ranges as those which border with triple walls the west coast of North America are in no sense volcanic: nor are the Pyrenees, the Caucasus, or the Himalaya. Volcanic materials are poured out from the summits of the Andes, but the range itself is built up of folded sediments on the same architecture as the other great ranges of the Earth.

Before attempting an explanation of the origin of the mountains we must first become more closely acquainted with the phenomena attending mountain elevation.

At the present day great accumulations of sediment are taking place along the margins of the continents where the rivers reach the ocean. Thus, the Gulf of Mexico receiving the sediment of the Mississippi and Rio Grande;


the northeast coast of South America receiving the sediments of the Amazons; the east coast of Asia receiving the detritus of the Chinese rivers; are instances of such areas of deposition. Year by year, century by century, the accumulation progresses, and as it grows the floor of the sea sinks under the load. Of the yielding of the crust under the burthen of the sediments we are assured; for otherwise the many miles of vertically piled strata which are uplifted to our view in the mountains, never could have been deposited in the coastal seas of the past. The flexure and sinking of the crust are undeniable realities.

Such vast subsiding areas are known as geosynclines. From the accumulated sediments of the geosynclines the mountain ranges of the past have in every case originated; and the mountains of the future will assuredly arise and lofty ranges will stand where now the ocean waters close over the collecting sediments. Every mountain range upon the Earth enforces the certainty of this prediction.

The mountain-forming movement takes place after a certain great depth of sediment is collected. It is most intense where the thickness of deposit is greatest. We see this when we examine the structure of our existing mountain ranges. At either side where the sediments thin out, the disturbance dies away, till we find the comparatively shallow and undisturbed level sediments which clothe the continental surface.

Whatever be the connection between the deposition and


the subsequent upheaval, the element of great depth of accumulation seems a necessary condition and must evidently enter as a factor into the Physical Processes involved. The mountain range can only arise where the geosyncline is deeply filled by long ages of sedimentation.

Dana's description of the events attending mountain building is impressive:

"A mountain range of the common type, like that to which the Appalachians belong, is made out of the sedimentary formations of a long preceding era; beds that were laid down conformably, and in succession, until they had reached the needed thickness; beds spreading over a region tens of thousands of square miles in area. The region over which sedimentary formations were in progress in order to make, finally, the Appalachian range, reached from New York to Alabama, and had a breadth of 100 to 200 miles, and the pile of horizontal beds along the middle was 40,000 feet in depth. The pile for the Wahsatch Mountains was 60,000 feet thick, according to King. The beds for the Appalachians were not laid down in a deep ocean, but in shallow waters, where a gradual subsidence was in progress; and they at last, when ready for the genesis, lay in a trough 40,000 feet deep, filling the trough to the brim. It thus appears that epochs of mountain-making have occurred only after long intervals of quiet in the history of a continent."[1]

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