Holderness, 26
Holyport Camp, 9, 64
Holzminden, 135
Hoover, Herbert, 177
Hope, James, 71
Horrors of War, 163
Hospital at Lille, 156-7, 258ff
Hospital Treatment, Prisoners in Germany, 12, 18, 20, 21, 23, 47, 48, 55, 57-8
"Hymn of Hate," 231
In the Hands of the Enemy, 31
Indian Prisoners at Wuensdorf, 55
Indian Prisoners, Wounded, 13
International Red Cross—see under Red Cross
International Review, 210, 220, 222, 228, 240
Internment Camps, Neutral, 121
Internment —Effects of, 6, 83-7, 110, 114, 120 —Origin of, 76ff
Is it to be Hate? 203, 205, 244
Isighem, 47
Isle of Man, 9
Jackson, Mr., 9, 10, 16, 19, 25, 27, 29, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57
Jealousy, English, of Germany, 252
Jens, Fraeulein, 136
Johnson, Capt. Benjamin, 13
Journalists Condemned, 232, 238
Kaiser, 207
Kerensky, 225
Kindness, Order Against, 196
Kirchhoff, Frau, 136
Klein, Albert, 238
Klein, L'Abbe Felix, 194
Kluck, General von, 203, 206-7
Knockaloe Camp, 114-17 —Accommodation at, Compared with Ruhleben, 115-16; —Prisoners' Aid Society, 136-7
Kolb, Annette, 232
Koelnische Zeitung, 148, 167, 168, 171, 178, 226
Koenigsbrueck, 49
Kothe, Oberst, 56
La Guerre vue d'une Ambulance, 194, 196
Labour Leader, 117, 175, 186, 189, 198, 235, 249
L'Action Francaise, 211
Landrecies, 31
Langen Halbach b/Haiger, 54
Laurie, Principal, 250
Leonhard, Rudolf, 229
Letters, German Soldiers', 237ff
Lichnowsky, Prince, 12, 133
Lichtstrahlen, 235
Liebknecht, 236
Lille, 153-7, 255ff —Hospital at, 156-7, 258ff
Limbau, 57
Limburg, 21
Lissauer, 231
Literature, German War, 228-34
Littlefair, Mary, 165, 212-14
Lloyd George, Mr., on the Two Germanies, 252
Lloyd's News, 192
Lokalanzeiger, 170
Lorient, 43
Ludendorff, 168
Lusitania, Sinking of, 178-9
Luxembourg, Rosa, 235, 236
Macnaughten, Miss, 203-4
Maffe, 37
Magdeburg, 10, 33, 46
Mainz, 20, 36
Malcolm, Ian, 6
Manchester Guardian, 26, 74, 106, 149, 190
Mann, Thomas, 232
Marck, Ludwig, 230
Markel, Dr. K. E., 144
Martin-Rade, Prof., 173
Marval, Dr. de, 41, 45
Marwitz, von, 206-7
Mather, Sir William, 244
Maubeuge, 154, 255, 264
Maude, Col. F. N., on the Prussian Army, 209
Mehring, Frank, 235
Merseberg, 23
Merseburg, 4, 51
Michelson, Mr., 12, 46
Minot, Mr., 93-5
Mond, Ludwig, 246
Monotony of Camp Life, 6—See also under Internment, Effects of
Morgan, Mr., American Consul at Hamburg, 47
Morning Post, 29
Mourey, Gabriel, 205-7
MS. Returned, 37
Mueller, Capt. von, 202, 205
Muenden, 23
Munich, 3
Muenster, 17, 28, 56
My Experiences as Prisoner in Germany, 33, 37
Motor-cycles, German Privates Ride Officers', 38
Namur, 37
Napier, Col., 26
Napoleonic Wars, Prisoners in, 123
Nation, 72, 167, 169, 173, 207, 221, 225, 235
Neubrandenburg, 48
New College, Oxford, 225
News of the World, 4
Newspaper —Advertisements in Vienna, 222 —Comments, German, 166ff —Reports, Inaccurate, 53-4, 82
Newton, Lord, on Prisoners in Germany, 26, 28, 105
Nies, Archdeacon W. E., 55
Nobbs, Capt. Gilbert, 7, 8
Nurses, French, 260-1
Observer, 107
Occupation, German Troops in, 205ff
Officers —German, and Privates, Familiarity Between, 38 —German, at Lille Hospital, 263-4
Ohnesorg, Dr., 12, 15, 18, 20, 33, 47, 48
Ohrdruf, 22
O'Rorke, Chaplain Benjamin, 31-37, 165
Orchies, Burning of, 257
Osborne, Lithgow, 1, 10, 19, 25, 50, 53
O'Sullivan, Private, 1
Ozendaal, 39
Packages, Complaints About, 6-8, 43, 50, 67, 96
Paderborn, Lazarets, 47
Padwick, Mr. H., 68
Page, Mr., 9, 11, 24, 77, 78, 81, 92, 97
Paillet, Leon, 11
Panzera, Col. F. N., 116
Parchim, 56
Paris, Enemy Nationals in, in 1870, 76-7
Pearce, Second-Lieut. F. Phillips, 2
Pegoud, German Tribute to, 224
Petre, Miss, 251
Portsmouth Camp, 9
Postman's Help to English Lady, 212
Prince Heinrich of Reuss, 38
Princess Friedrich Leopold of Prussia, 52
Prison, Military, at Cologne, 54
Prisoner in Austria, A, 26
Prisoner's Life, Monotony of the, 6 (See also under Internment, Effects of)
Prisoners —British, Alleged Bad Treatment of, 16, 24, 53, 60 —British, and Clothes, 23 —Civilian and Military, Compared, 83-7 —False Statements by, 66 —Food During Transport of, 46 —Friction Between, 5-6, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 52 —German Army and, 190 —German, Heroism of, 118-19 —German Populace and, 32, 36 —Harsh Treatment of, During Transport, in France, 43 —Harsh Treatment of, During Transport, in Germany, 16, 45-6 —in American Civil War, 123-4 —in Boer War, 125 —in France, 43-5 —in Franco-German War, 124 —in Germany, Lord Newton on, 26, 28, 105 —in Germany, Officers' Rooms, 23 —in Hospital, Germany, 12, 18, 20, 21, 23, 47, 48, 55, 57-8 —in Napoleonic Wars, 123 —in Russo-Japanese War, 125 —in Russia, 125 —Indian, at Wuensdorf, 53 —Indian, Wounded, 13 —Military, in Germany: General Conclusions, 62 —on Farm Work, 21, 68, 69 —"Reprisal," 36, 71 —Tact in Treatment of, 42
Queensferry Camp, 9
Railway Trucks and Interned Prisoners, 118
Rastatt, 60
Reciprocity in Good Treatment, 47
Red Cross, International —and English Prison Camps, 9 —Committee of the, 71 —Reports of the, 39-45
Release of Civilian Prisoners, Appeals for, 111ff
Repatriations —of Civilian Prisoners, 109 —of Prisoners of War, 58ff
"Reprisal Prisoners," 36, 71
"Reprisals of Good," 24, 105, 132ff
Reuss, Prince Heinrich of, 38
Rolland, Romain, 229, 240
Rotten, Dr. Elizabeth, 65, 85, 134, 138-40, 144, 158, 195
Roubaix, 258
Ruhleben, 84, 133, 135 —Reports on, 87ff
Ruhleben, —Accommodation at, 102 —Accommodation at, Compared with Knockaloe, 115-16 —Camp Committee, 99-100 —Leave of Absence from, 140 —Mr. Jackson on, 86 —Overcrowding at, 102-3 —Prisoners' Activities at, 106-7 —Relatives' Visits to Men at, 139
Ruhleben, My Visit to, 102, 107-8
Ruhleben Prison Camp, The, 79, 104
Rumours, 66, 156, 157 —Sir E. Grey on, 9, 24
Russell, Mr., 51
Russia, Prisoners in, 73
Russo-Japanese War, Prisoners in, 125
Sackville, Lady Margaret, quoted, 197
Salzwedel, 15
Scarlett-Synge, Dr. Ella, 50, 149-153, 209
Scheuen, near Celle, 17
Schloss Celle, 49
School-books, German, and the War, 171-3
Schopenhauer Society, 228-9
Schulze, Dr. Siegmund, 85-7, 103, 133, 144, 234
Schwantje, Magnus, 228
Schwerin, Graf, 95, 98, 104
Scotswood, 7
Senne, 19, 29, 41
Serbia —Austro-German Conduct in, 150-3 —Austro-German Prisoners in, 72
Serbian Prisoners and German Assistance Agency, 137
Shakespeare, Germany and, 242, 250
Sheffield Telegraph, 183
Soltau, 17
Sombart, Prof., 166-7
Soul of the War, 182, 208
Southend Camp, 9
Spaight, Dr. J. M., 75-6, 123, 125-6
Spandau, 52
Spectroscope Story, 140-2
St. Quentin, Germans at, 208
Staatsbuergerin, 195
Stange, Prof., 11, 12, 27, 30, 53, 144
Stargard, 8
Steen, M. T. E., on German Prison Camps, 62
Stendal, 50
Stettin, 68
Stobs Camp, 65
Stobsiad, 65
Stuecklen, Herr, 30
Sunday Times, 170
Swiss and Red Cross, 39
Sydney, 202, 205
Sympathetic Ink, 66
Taylor, Dr. A. E., 56, 101-2
Taube, Baron von, 88ff, 98
Tennant, Mr., 67
Tennis-court, Officer Prisoners', 48
Times, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 53, 64, 96, 132, 158, 161, 166, 178, 198, 201, 205, 216, 217, 218
Times Literary Supplement, 207
Torgau, 23, 24, 32, 33
Treatment of Prisoners—See under Prisoners.
Tourcoing, 258
Turkey, Prisoners in, 71
Uhlans, 37, 206, 209
Unruh, Fritz von, 229
Vermin in Camps, 41, 43
Vienna Newspapers, Advertisements in, 222
Visits Outside Camp, 35, 52, 55, 57, 105, 142
Vitre, 43
Volksstimme, 210, 222
Vorwaerts, 159, 175, 179, 186, 222
Vossische Zeitung, 237
Wahn, 18
War and the World's Life, 209
Warmington, Mrs. K., 214
Webster, J. P., 56
Weissen Blaetter, 231
Wells, H. G., 252
Werfel, Franz, 230
Wesel, Lazarets, 48
Westminster Gazette, 158
Wilson, Capt. A. Stanley, 26
Winchester, Bishop of, 12, 132-3
Wittenberg, 1, 50, 62, 129
Wolff, Theodore, 176-7
Woman's Dreadnought, 117
Women, French, and German Soldiers, 208
Working Camps, 48, 51
Wounded —Brotherhood Among, 182-3; —German, at Orchies, 257; —German, at Lille Hospital, 262-3; —German, Killed, 258; —Treatment of, by Germans, 187-195, 211
Wuensdorf, 55
Y.M.C.A. at Goettingen Camp, 11
Ypres, The Irish Nuns at, 207
Zetkin, Clara, 235
Zimmermann, Herr E., 170
Zossen, 23, 41, 66
Zueder Zollhaus, 18
Zwickau, 49
The National Labour Press, Ltd., Manchester and London. 28375
[Transriber's Note: The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text.
p. vii: par L'Abbe Felix Klein -> Felix p. 002: lights out at 10-45 -> 10.45 p. 009: [normalized] visited camps at Hollyport -> Holyport p. 014: [removed extra comma] insufficient, light -> insufficient light p. 016: [added opening quotes] "Clothing is furnished when required p. 026: his intercourse wth the German delegates -> with p. 040: [added closing quotes] cereals is impossible." p. 044: [normalized] Of Casabianda -> Cassabianda p. 053: the occurence mentioned -> occurrence p. 058: it seems very probable that -> It p. 074: most trivial beaches of discipline -> breaches p. 095: contsantly progressing -> constantly p. 100: recreation and asembling room -> assembling p. 107: [added closing quotes] skits on the camp, etc." p. 112: [added closing brace] (Editor of the Journal de Geneve) p. 112: official negotiaions -> negotiations p. 121: Even in neutral interment camps -> internment p. 128: [added period] by no means supports these charges. p. 139: so well satified -> satisfied p. 144: No interment camp -> internment p. 154: delapidated and without fire -> dilapidated p. 155: sme of them were so impertinent -> some p. 157: [added closing quotes] thanking me for my care." p. 159: grande loterie de Noel -> Noel p. 160: troops entered Centinje -> Cetinje p. 163: [added closing quote] go forward with our hands up.' p. 161: [added comma] from the Daily News, May 17 p. 167: herioc bravery-> heroic p. 170: bullets in safe reatreat -> retreat p. 170: This is a singuarly fair -> singularly p. 194: par L'Abee Felix Klein -> L'Abbe p. 198: [added period] to conceal them ever since. p. 205: [added opening quotes] "On the whole it cannot be said p. 207: imagination this aid-de-camp -> aide-de-camp p. 207: [added opening quotes] reviewer in the Nation, "that Herr Major p. 232: Deutschlands Jugend und der Weltkreig -> Weltkrieg p. 255: Francoise Lafitte Cyon -> Francoise p. 269: Guestrow i-Mecklenburg -> Guestrow i/Mecklenburg p. 269: Klein, L'Abee Felix -> L'Abbe p. 271: Turcoing, 258 -> Tourcoing ]