TURGENEV, IVAN SERGIEVICH. (1818-1883.) (Russian.) (See 1920.) ***Father Alexey's Story. Turgenev. 125. ***Quiet Backwater. Turgenev. 217. ***Three Meetings. Turgenev. 155. ***Two Friends. Turgenev. 1.
USPENSKY, GLIEB IVANOVICH. (1840-1905.) (Russian.) *Inspecting the Bride. Ragozin 2:212.
VESELINOVICH, JANKO. (1862-1905.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***Eternity. Jugo-Slav. 227. ***Kum's Curse. Jugo-Slav. 151.
VILLIERS DE L'ISLE-ADAM. PHILIPPE AUGUSTE MATHIAS, COMTE DE. (1840-1889.) (French.) ***Torture By Hope. French E. 149.
ZEISINGER, HELEN. (Polish.) *Christmas Eve in the Forest. Ragozin 2:235.
The following table includes the averages of American periodicals published from October, 1920, to September, 1921, inclusive. One two, three asterisks are employed to indicate relative distinction. "Three-asterisk stories" are of somewhat permanent literary value. The list excludes reprints.
_____________ No. of Percentage No. of Distinctive of Distinctive Periodicals Stories Stories Stories (Oct.-Sept.) Published Published Published ____ ____ * ** *** * ** *** _____ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ All's Well 14 6 3 2 43 21 14 Asia 11 10 1 0 90 9 0 Atlantic Monthly 20 13 7 3 65 35 15 Century 50 35 15 5 70 30 10 Chicago Tribune 52 11 2 1 22 4 2 Collier's Weekly 106 12 1 0 12 1 0 Cosmopolitan 83 15 6 2 18 7 2 Dial 16 16 14 11 100 88 69 Everybody's Magazine 91 16 7 1 18 8 1 Good Housekeeping 46 13 4 1 28 9 2 Harper's Bazar 32 12 1 0 38 3 0 Harper's Magazine 53 39 24 10 74 45 19 Hearst's International 79 18 3 0 23 4 0 Ladies' Home Journal 52 8 0 0 15 0 0 McCall's Magazine 48 9 3 0 19 6 0 McClure's Magazine 46 8 2 1 17 4 2 Metropolitan 74 18 9 3 24 12 4 Midland 15 14 8 3 93 53 20 New York Tribune Pictorial Review 65 46 31 21 71 48 32 Red Book Magazine 116 23 0 0 20 0 0 Saturday Evening Post 221 32 7 3 15 3 1 Scribner's Magazine 46 24 8 4 52 17 9 Smart Set 115 29 8 4 25 7 4 _____ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __
The following tables indicate the rank, during the period between October, 1920, and September, 1921, inclusive, by number and percentage of distinctive stories published, of the twenty-three periodicals coming within the scope of my examination which have published an average of 15 per cent in stories of distinction. The lists exclude reprints but not translations.
1. Dial 100% 2. Midland 93% 3. Asia 90% 4. Harper's Magazine 74% 5. Pictorial Review 71% 6. Century 70% 7. Atlantic Monthly 65% 8. Scribner's Magazine 52% 9. All's Well 43% 10. Harper's Bazar 38% 11. Good Housekeeping 28% 12. Smart Set 25% 13. Metropolitan 24% 14. Hearst's International 23% 15. Chicago Tribune 22% 16. Red Book Magazine 20% 17. McCall's Magazine 19% 18. Everybody's Magazine 18% 19. Cosmopolitan 18% 20. McClure's Magazine 17% 21. Saturday Evening Post 15% 22. Ladies' Home Journal 15% 23. Collier's Weekly 12%
1. Pictorial Review 46 2. Harper's Magazine 39 3. Century 35 4. Saturday Evening Post 32 5. Smart Set 29 6. Scribner's Magazine 24 7. Red Book Magazine 23 8. Metropolitan 18 9. Hearst's International 18 10. Dial 16 11. Everybody's Magazine 16 12. Cosmopolitan 15 13. Midland 14 14. Atlantic Monthly 13 15. Good Housekeeping 13 16. Harper's Bazar 12 17. Collier's Weekly 12 18. Chicago Tribune 11 19. Asia 10 20. McCall's Magazine 9 21. McClure's Magazine 8 22. Ladies' Home Journal 8 23. All's Well 6
The following periodicals have published during the same period ten or more "two-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints, but not translations. Periodicals represented in this list during 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, and 1920 are represented by the prefixed letters a, b, c, d, e, and f respectively.
1. bcdef Pictorial Review 31 2. abcdef Harper's Magazine 24 3. abcdef Century 15 4. f Dial 14
The following periodicals have published during the same period five or more "three-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints, but not translations. The same signs are used as prefixes as in the previous list.
1. bcdef Pictorial Review 21 2. f Dial 11 3. abcdef Harper's Magazine 10 4. abcdef Century 5
Ties in the above lists have been decided by taking relative rank in other lists into account.
All short stories published in the following magazines and newspapers, October, 1920, to September, 1921 inclusive, are indexed:
All's Well American Magazine Asia Atlantic Monthly Bookman Catholic World Century Chicago Tribune (Syndicate Service) Collier's Weekly Cosmopolitan Delineator Dial Everybody's Magazine Freeman Good Housekeeping Harper's Bazar Harper's Magazine Hearst's International Magazine Ladies' Home Journal Liberator Little Review McCall's Magazine McClure's Magazine Metropolitan Midland New York Tribune Pagan Pictorial Review Red Book Magazine Saturday Evening Post Scribner's Magazine Smart Set Sunset Magazine Touchstone Woman's Home Companion
Short stories of distinction only, published in the following magazines during the same period, are indexed:
Adventure Ainslee's Magazine Argosy All-Story Weekly Follies Holland's Magazine Little Story Magazine Live Stories Magnificat Munsey's Magazine New Parisienne Popular Magazine Romance Snappy Stories Telling Tales To-day's Housewife Top-Notch Magazine
Certain stories of distinction published in the following magazines during this period are indexed, because they have been specially called to my attention:
Apropos Current Opinion Midwest Bookman New York Call Magazine Northwestern Miller Western Story Magazine
I have considered several other magazines without finding any stories of distinction. The present list includes a small number of distinctive stories published between October, 1919 and September, 1920, which I was unable to read last year owing to labor and transportation difficulties.
One, two, or three asterisks are prefixed to the titles of stories to indicate distinction. Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of the story, and entitle it to a place on the annual "Rolls of Honor." Cross references after an author's name refer to previous volumes of this series. (H.) after the name of an author indicates that other stories by this author, published in American magazines between 1900 and 1914, are to be found indexed in "The Standard Index of Short Stories," by Francis J. Hannigan, published by Small, Maynard & Company, 1918. The figures in parentheses after the title of a story refer to the volume and page number of the magazine. In cases where successive numbers of a magazine are not paged consecutively, the page number only is given in this index.
The following abbreviations are used in the index:
Adv. Adventure Ain. Ainslee's Magazine Am. American Magazine Am. B. American Boy Apropos. Apropos Arg. Argosy All-Story Weekly Asia. Asia Atl. Atlantic Monthly A.W. All's Well Book. Bookman (N.Y.) Call. New York Call Magazine Cath. W. Catholic World Cen. Century Chic. Trib. Chicago Tribune (Syndicate Service) Col. Collier's Weekly Cos. Cosmopolitan Cur. O. Current Opinion Del. Delineator Dial. Dial Ev. Everybody's Magazine Fol. Follies Free. Freeman G.H. Good Housekeeping Harp. B. Harper's Bazar Harp. M. Harper's Magazine Hear. Hearst's International Magazine Hol. Holland's Magazine L.H.J. Ladies' Home Journal Lib. Liberator Lit. R. Little Review Lit. S. Little Story Magazine L. St. Live Stories Mag. Magnificat McC. McClure's Magazine McCall. McCall's Magazine Met. Metropolitan Mid. Midland Mid. Book. Midwest Bookman Mun. Munsey's Magazine N.Y. Trib. New York Tribune N.M. Northwestern Miller Pag. Pagan Par. New Parisienne Pict. R. Pictorial Review Pop. Popular Magazine (R.) Reprint Red Bk. Red Book Magazine Rom. Romance Scr. Scribner's Magazine S.E.P. Saturday Evening Post Sn. St. Snappy Stories S.S. Smart Set Sun. Sunset Magazine Tod. To-day's Housewife Top. Top-Notch Magazine Touch. Touchstone T.T. Telling Tales W.H.C. Woman's Home Companion W. St. Western Story Magazine (161) Page 161 (2:161) Volume 2, page 161 (See 1915) See "Best Short Stories of 1915"
ABBOTT, ELEANOR HALLOWELL. MRS. FORDYCE COBURN. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Blinded Lady. Pict. R. Sept. (12.) Book of the Funny Smells—and Everything. L.H.J. Sept. (8.) Fairy Prince. Pict. R. Dec., '20. (6.) Game of the Bewitchments. G.H. (39.)
ABBOTT, HARRIET. He Couldn't Stand Prosperity. Am. June. (14.)
ABBOTT, KEENE. (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) *Anchored. L.H.J. Mar., '20. (9.)
ABBOTT, VERNA. *Unbalanced. Arg. Oct. 23, '20. (126:522.)
ABDULLAH, ACHMED. (ACHMED ABDULLAH NADIR KHAN EL-DURANI EL-IDRISSYEH. "A.A. Nadir.") (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Broadway of It. Mun. Oct., '20 (71:99.) ***Dutiful Grief. Pict. R. Aug. (10.) ***Lute of Jade. Pict. R. Oct., '20. (8.) *Perfect Way. T.T. Sept. (126.) *"There's Corn in Egypt." Ain. Jan. (64.) *Triumph. T.T. Aug. (36.)
ADAMS, FRANK R. (1883- .) (See 1915, 1916.) Good Little Bathing Girl. Cos. Aug. (59.) Man-Handling Ethel. Cos. Jan. (29.) Miles Brewster and the Super-Sex. Cos. Jul. (35.) Miss Wife o' Mine. Cos. Feb. (53.) Near-Lady. Cos. Mar. (33.) Rival to the Prince. Cos. Dec., '20. (53.) Tarnished Chevrons. Cos. Nov., '20. (43.) This Eileen Person. Cos. Oct., '20. (29.) What's It All About? Cos. May. (53.) You Have to Choose. Cos. June. (44.)
ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. (1871- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Amateurs and Others. Red Bk. June. (66.) Andy Dunne and the Barker. S.E.P. May 7. (5.) *Barbran. Col. Dec. 25, '20. (8.) Doom River Bed. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (32.) *For Mayme, Read Mary. Col. Mar. 19. (5.) Salvage. Del. June. (8.) Shoal Waters. S.E.P. Aug. 27. (14.) Silverwing. L.H.J. Aug. (10.)
ADDISON, THOMAS. (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Sealed Proposals. Ev. Oct., '20. (54.)
AKINS, ZOE. (1886- .) (See 1919, 1920.) Rings and Chains. Cos. Dec., '20. (25.)
ALDRICH, BESS STREETER. ("MARGARET DEAN STEVENS.") (1881- .) (See 1919, 1920.) (See 1916 under STEVENS, MARGARET DEAN.) Father Mason Retires. Am. Oct., '20. (26.)
ALEXANDER, ELIZABETH. Fifty-Two Weeks for Florette, S.E.P. Aug. 13. (10.)
ALEXANDER, IDA. First Client. W.H.C. Jul. (31.) Immovable Kelly. Met. Aug. (34.) Robe for Rodney. W.H.C. Apr. (16.)
ALEXANDER, SANDRA. (See 1919, 1920.) *His Absolute Safety. Cen. Dec., '20. (101:181.)
ALLEN, JAMES LANE. (1849- .) (See 1915.) (H.) ***Ash-Can. Cen. Sept. (102:657.)
ALLEN, MARYLAND. (MRS. EDWARD TYSON ALLEN.) (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) Urge. Ev. Sept. (135.)
ANDERSON, FREDERICK IRVING. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Assassins. Pict. R. Feb. (12.) Dolores Cay. Chic. Trib. Jan. 23. **Phantom Alibi. McC. Nov., '20 (27.) Signed Masterpiece. McC. June-Jul. (21.)
ANDERSON. SHERWOOD. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) ***Brothers. Book. Apr. (53:110.) ***New Englander. Dial. Feb. (70:143.) ***Unlighted Lamps. S.S. Jul. (45.)
ANDREWS, A.C. House That Stood Back. Chic. Trib. Aug. 28.
ANDREWS, MARY RAYMOND SHIPMAN. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Reluctantly Diana. Scr. Oct., '20. (68:463.)
ANTHONY, JOSEPH. **Cask of Ale for Columban. Cen. Mar. (101:583.)
APOTHEKER, NAN. John Miles' Stenographer. S.S. Jan. (77.)
APPLE, E. ALBERT. (See 1915.) (H.) Twenty Miles from Nowhere. Am. June. (46.)
ARBUCKLE, MARY. (See 1917.) Big Rich. McCall. Oct., '20. (14.) Wasted. Mid. May. (7:177.)
ARMS, LOUIS LEE. Heart-Crusher. Ev. Oct., '20. (74.)
ASHBY, W.S. Tied Down by His Wife. Am. Apr. (47.)
ASPINWALL, MARGUERITE. (See 1918, 1920.) House on the Island. Sun. Dec., '20. (32.) Jan. (30.)
AUSTIN, MARY (HUNTER). (1868- .) (See 1918.) (H.) Kiss of Nino Dios. Del. Dec., '20. (7.) *Souls of Stitt. Harp. M. Dec., '20. (142:71.)
AVERY, STEPHEN MOREHOUSE. (See 1920.) All About Men. Harp. B. Oct., '20. (78.) "Chameleon." Pict. R. June. (10.) Mademoiselle Papillon. Pict. R. Mar. (14.) "Patchwork." Cen. June. (102:202.)
BABCOCK, EDWINA STANTON. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Lion. Harp. M. Apr. (142:569.) **Nourishment, Harp. M. Feb. (142:283.)
BACHELLER, IRVING. (1859- .) (See 1915, 1918.) (H.) Forks. Am. Jan. (28.) Riddles. Ev. May. (28.), June. (44.)
BACHMANN, ROBERT A. (See 1919.) (H.) Art is Art and Business Business. Met. Dec., '20. (25.)
BACON, JOSEPHINE DASKAM. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Blind Cupid. Col. Oct. 2, '20. (5.) Oct. 9. (14.) *Crossed Wires. L.H.J. Feb. (6.) In September. L.H.J. Oct., '20 (7.)
BAILEY, (IRENE) TEMPLE. (See 1915, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Burned Toast. S.E.P. Dec. 4, '20. (17.) **Hidden Land. Harp. M. Oct., '20. (141:553.) Nov., '20. (141:795.) Wait—For Prince Charming. L.H.J. Dec., '20. (8.) White Birches. S.E.P. June 18. (8.)
BAKER, KARLE WILSON. ("CHARLOTTE WILSON.") (1878- .) *Porch-Swing. Cen. Apr. (101:679.)
BALL, WILLIAM DAVID. (See 1917.) Brute. McCall. Apr. (10.)
BALMER, EDWIN. (1883- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Against the World. Del. Nov., '20. (12.) Beyond the Alps. Hear. Jul. (10.) Daughter of Violence. Cos. Jan. (75.) Lost In Mid-Air. Am. May. (29.) Queer Reunion of Three Friends. Am. Dec., '20. (28.) Settled Down. Ev. Feb. (48.) Something Big. Met. Aug. (27.) That Man Called Gentleman. Met. Dec., '20. (22.) Wide House of the World. Met. Sept. (26.)
BARKER, CHARLES H. Revival. A.W. Aug. (1:184.)
BARNARD, FLOY TOLBERT. (1879- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) In the Fields of Boaz. McCall. Feb. (8.)
BARNES, DJUNA. (1892- .) (See 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Katrina Silverstaff. Lit. R. Jan. Mar. (27.) ***Oscar. Lit. R. Apr., '20. (7.) **Robin's House. Lit. R. Sept.-Dec. (31.)
BARRETT, RICHMOND BROOKS. (See 1920.) "Darling." S.S. Dec., '20. (53.) Fool's Paradise. S.S. Sept. (95.) Not Without Dust and Heat. S.S. June. (119.)
BARTLETT, FREDERICK ORIN. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Intangibles. Ev. Nov., '20. (40.) Managers. Chic. Trib. Feb. (20.) Queer Noises. Ev. Apr. (9.) Reserved. Del. Aug. (9.) Secret History. S.E.P. Jan. 8. (14.) Strangle-Hold. Ev. May. (60.)
BARTLEY, NALBRO. (1888- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) After-Wit. Ev. Jan. (21.) Merely Married. Ev. Nov., '20. (23.) Poor Men's Orchids. Ev. May. (13.) Wise or Otherwise. Ev. June. (23.)
BARTON, BRUCE. (1886- .) "It Happened In Orchard Street." W.H.C. May. (29.) Steve Carter, Who Won the War. W.H.C. Jul. (21.)
BEACH, REX. (ELLINGWOOD.) (1877- .) (See 1919.) Flowing Gold. Hear. May. (6.)
BEARD, WOLCOTT LE CLEAR. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1919, 1920.) (H.) In Honey's House. Scr. June. (69:741.)
BEAUMONT, GERALD. Called On Account of Darkness. Red Bk. Sept. (56.) Crab. Red Bk. Aug. (70.) His Honor the Umps. S.E.P. Jul. 16. (12.) John McArdle, Referee. Red Bk. Jul. (50.) Kerrigan's Kid. Red Bk. Apr. (86.) Leaves of Friendship. Red Bk. June. (37.) Lil' ol' Red Stockings. Ev. Feb. (12.) 133 at 3. Red Bk. Mar. (61.) Rainbow. Red Bk. May. (86.) United States Smith. Red Bk. Jan. (30.)
BECHDOLT, ADELE FORTIER. Problem of Mother. Sun. Dec., '20. (40.)
BEER, THOMAS. (1889- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Josh and the Lofty Mountain. S.E.P. Jan. 29. (8.) *Lily Pond. S.E.P. Apr. 16. (28.) *Little Eva Ascends. S.E.P. Apr. 9. (16.) *Mighty Man. S.E.P. Mar. 13, '20. (8.) *Mummery. S.E.P. Jul. 30. (14.) Yawl. S.E.P. Aug. 6. (16.)
BEHRMAN, S.N. (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Wraith. S.S. Nov., '20. (91.)
BELKNAP, G.Y. Without Surrender. S.S. Feb. (57.)
BELL, R.S. WARREN. Lesson. Chic. Trib. Dec. 26, '20.
BENDA, LILITH. Prosaic Conclusion. S.S. Aug. (101.)
BENSON, E.M. Starfish and Sea Lavender. Hear. Jan. (21.)
BENSON, RAMSEY. (1866- .) (See 1917.) *Whom the Lord Loveth. Rom. Oct., '20. (8.)
BENTON, MARGARET. What Gitton Learned in 1920. Am. Nov., '20. (61.)
BERCOVICI, KONRAD. (1882- .) (See 1920.) **Bear-Tamer's Daughter. Adv. Jul. 3. (49.) *Broken Dreams. Rom. Oct., '20. (155.) ***Fanutza. Dial. May. (70: 545.) *Miracle Machine. McC. Mar. (25.) **To Shed Blood. Adv. Aug. 18. (89.) **Vlad's Son. Adv. Mar. 18. (147.)
BERTHOUD, FERDINAND. *Unholy One. Adv. Nov. 3, '20. (67.)
BETTS, THOMAS JEFFRIES. (See 1916, 1917, 1918.) *Recall. Scr. Mar. (69: 289.)
BIGGERS, EARL DERR. (1884- .) (See 1916, 1917.) Girl Who Paid Dividends. S.E.P. Apr. 23. (12.) Idle Hands. S.E.P. June 11. (5.) John Henry and the Restless Sex. S.E.P. Mar 5. (10.) Prisoners in Paradise. Am. Jul. (23.) Selling Miss Minerva. S.E.P. Feb. 5. (10.) Shining Garments of Success. Pict. R. Oct, '20. (30.)
BLANCHARD, EDWIN H. *Grandpa Drum. S.S. Mar. (87.) *Hired Girl. S.S. Sept. (86.) His Book. S.S. Jul. (29.)
BOAS, GEORGE. (See 1920.) Better Recipe. Atl. Mar. (127: 379.)
BOOTH, ALICE. Little Lady. G.H. Apr. (24)
BOULTON, AGNES. (MRS. EUGENE G. O'NEILL.) (1893- .) (See 1920.) *Snob. S.S. June. (83.)
BOUVE, WINSTON. Dollars. Met. Mar. (20.)
BOWEN, HELENE H. Women. Pag. May. (24.)
BOYD, JAMES. (1866- .) *Old Pines. Cen. Mar. (101: 609) **Sound of a Voice. Scr. Aug. (70: 214.)
BOYER, WILBUR S. (See 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Lallapaloosa. Ev. Oct., '20. (61.) Simps. Col. June 25. (7.)
BOYLE, JACK. Boomerang Bill. Cos. Dec., '20 (65.) Child of the Famine. Red Bk. Sept. (52.) Claws of the Tong. Red Bk. Apr. (47.) Heart of the Lily. Red Bk. Feb. (25.) Little Lord of All the Earth. Red Bk. Mar. (33.) Mother of the Middle Kingdom Red Bk. June. (71.) Painted Child. Cos. Oct., '20 (65.)
BRACE, BLANCHE. (See 1920.) Adventure of a Ready Letter Writer. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20 (18.) Jane Goes In. S.E.P. Jul. 16. (14.)
BRACKETT. CHARLES. Money Matters. S.E.P. Feb. 19. (8.)
BRADLEY, MARY HASTINGS, (See 1919, 1920.) (H.) Children of the Street. Met. Mar. (9.)
BRADY, FRANK. Check, Please. McCall. Jan. (13.)
BRALEY, BERTON. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) High Cost of Hot Cakes. W.H.C. Nov., '20. (18.) Nemesis Has a Busy Day. Ev. Oct., '20. (37.)
BRANDT, WILLIAM E. *Liberator. Lit. S. Dec., '20. (28.)
BRINIG, MYRON. Blissful Interlude. S.S. Aug. (53.)
BRODY, CATHARINE. American Luck. S.S. Aug. (63.) Saturday Night Blues. S.S. Oct., '20. (85.)
BROOKS, ALDEN..(See 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Barren Soil. S.E.P. Mar. 20, '20, (30.)
BROOKS. JONATHAN. (See 1920.) Galloping Ghosts. Col. Sept. 3. (3.) Indiana Pajamas. Col. Jul. 16. (3.) Monkey Crouch. Col. May 14. (5.) Roll, Jordan, Roll. Col. Oct. 23, '20. (5.) Step Lively, Please. Col. Apr. 9. (14.) Wedding Bells, C.O.D. Col. Sept. 17. (3.)
BROOKS, PAUL. (See 1920.) Poor Winnie! Poor Towny! S.S. Dec '20. (99.)
BROWN, ALICE. (1857- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Judgment from Above. Harp. M. June. (143:86.) *Little Elm. L.H.J. Aug. (8.) *Shooting-Stars. W.H.C. Nov., '20. (7.)
BROWN, BERNICE. (See 1917, 1918.) Being a Nobody. Col. Sept. 17. (7.) Double Barriers. McCall. Mar. (11.) Emperor Hadrian. Col. Apr. 23. (3.) Fortune Huntress. McCall. Sept. (13.) Her Thousand Dollars. Col. June 18. (7.) Stranger—My Dog. Col. Feb. 5. (7.) Women Are Like That. Col. Jul. 2 (3.)
BROWN, CAMBRAY. Time Clock in the Taj Mahal. Harp. M. Feb. (142:401.)
BROWN, KATHARINE HOLLAND. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Argive Helen and the Little Maid of Tyre. Scr. Aug. (70:172.) Neighbor. W.H.C. Dec., '20. (26.)
BROWN, ROYAL. (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) As Grandpop said to Grant. Cos. Nov., '20. (27.) Dynamite. Cos. Jul. (75.) From Four to Eleven—Three! McC. Oct., '20. (19.) Kelly of Charles Street. Cos. Aug. (42.) Long, Long Shot. McC. Jan. (12.) Lyons and Miss Mouse. McC. June-Jul. (18.) Mother Takes a Hand in the Game. Am. Dec., '20. (13.) Priscilla Bags a Big One. Cos. Apr. (43.) This Suspense is Terrible. Cos. Mar. (53.) Two Hours to Train Time. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (63.) Unfair Sex. Cos. May. (37.)
BROWNE, PORTER EMERSON. (1879- .) (See 1916, 1918.) (H.) Wild Horses. Col. Jan. 1. (14.)
BROWNELL, AGNES MARY. (—— -1921.) (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Doc Greer's Practice. Mid. Jan. (7:26.)
BRUBAKER, HOWARD. (1892- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Ruby Common. Col. Mar. 26. (14.) Tight Rope. S.E.P. Aug. 20. (14.) *When Knighthood Was In Bud. Harp. M. Apr. (142:642.) Writing on the Wall Paper. Col. May 21. (7.) *Young-Man-Afraid-of-His-Future. Harp. M. May. (142:761.)
BRYSON, LYMAN LLOYD. (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) *Shadow. Scr. Jan. (69:99.)
BUCHANAN, JOHN PRESTON. *Trial of Jonathan Goode. Scr. Dec., '20. (68:711.)
BULGER, BOZEMAN. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) Class Double A. S.E.P. May 28. (12.)
BULLOCK, WILLIAM. (See 1915.) Hereditary Punch. Ev. Aug. (79.) Mama's Boy. Ev. Sept. (39.)
BURANELLI, PROSPER. *Lost Lip. Harp. M. Jan. (142:242.)
BURNETT, FRANCES HODGSON. (See 1915, 1917.) (H.) *House in the Dismal Swamp. G.H. Apr., '20. (16.)
BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Buchanan Hears the Wind. Harp. M. Aug. (143:274.) ***Experiment. Pict. R. June. (5.) *Full Moon. Chic. Trib. Feb. 13. Making of a Patriot. S.E.P. Aug. 13. (14.) Sweet Syllables. S.E.P. June 11. (3.)
BUTLER, ELLIS PARKER. (1869- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1817, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Man Who Murdered a Fairy. Pict. R. Apr. (12.) Once a Penguin Always a Penguin. Harp. M. June. (143:129.)
BUZZELL, FRANCIS. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) (H.) *Troubleman. Pict. R. May. (14.)
"BYRNE, DONN." (BRYAN OSWALD DONN-BYRNE.) (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Daughter of the Medici. Hear. Sept. (6.) *Great Gift. Hear. Jul. (13.) *Keeper of the Bridge. McC. Apr. (6.) Marriage Has Been Arranged. Hear. May. (10.) Reynardine. McC. May. (15.) What Became of M. Gilholme? Hear. Jan. (11.)
CABELL, JAMES BRANCH. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) ***Image of Sesphra. Rom. Oct., '20. (87.)
CAMP, (CHARLES) WADSWORTH. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Haunted House. Col. Jan. 8. (5.) Real People. Col. Jul. 9. (5.)
CAMPBELL, MARJORIE PRENTISS. (See 1919, 1920.) After Midnight. Hear. May. (41.)
CANFIELD, DOROTHY. (DOROTHEA FRANCES CANFIELD FISHER.) (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Pamela's Shawl. Cen. Aug. (102:504.)
CAREW, HELEN. Tears that Angels Shed. Sun. Nov., '20. (96.)
CARLISLE, H. GRACE. Marie. Met. Aug. (26.)
CARMAN, MIRIAM CRITTENDEN. (See 1916.) Her Own Game. Del. May. (13.)
CARRUTH, (FRED) HAYDEN. (1862- .) Benefactor of Upper Haddock. Harp. M. Mar. (142:537.)
CARY, HAROLD. (See 1920.) Brown Boots. Del. Jul. (15.)
CARY, LUCIAN. (1886- .) (See 1918, 1919.) Art Movement in Real Estate. S.E.P. Oct. 30, '20. (14.) Bringing Home the Errant Husband. Red Bk. Mar. (57.) Conquering Male. McCall. Jul. (10.) Dark Secret. Ev. Feb. (23.) Daughter of the Rich. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (67.) Just Like Any Married Man. Chic. Trib. June 19. Milly of Langmore Street. McCall. Feb. (5.) Pirate of Park Avenue. Ev. Dec., '20. (53.) Voice of the Old Home Town. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (68.) Way Wives Are, L.H.J. Apr. (14.) What if the Girl Wouldn't Go Back? Red Bk. Jan. (64.)
CASEY, PATRICK and CASEY, TERENCE. (See 1915, 1917, 1920.) (See "H." under CASEY, PATRICK.) *Road Kid. Lib. Jul. (10.)
CAVENDISH, JOHN C. (See 1919, 1920.) Common-Sense Romance. S.S. June. (45.) Faut Pas. S.S. Oct., '20. (117.) Mother and Daughter. S.S. May. (39.)
CHADWICK, CHARLES. (See 1920.) Man With the Diamond In His Head. Ev. Mar. (43.) Once In His Life. Del. Nov., '20 (13.)
CHAMBERLAIN, GEORGE AGNEW. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) Thieves' Market. Chic. Trib. May 15.
CHAMBERLAIN, LUCIA. (See 1917, 1920.) (H.) Corcoran. S.E.P. Mar. 12. (5.) *Dreamers. S.E.P. Jul. 23. (15.) Telephone Time. S.E.P. Jul. 2. (16.)
CHAMBERS, ELWYN M. Find the Thief. Am. May. (38.)
CHAMBERS, ROBERT HUSTED. Matter of Medicine. McC. June-Jul. (28.) *Throw-Back. McC. Dec., '20 (25.)
CHAMBERS, ROBERT W(ILLIAM). (1865- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) Flaming Jewel. McCall. Aug. (5.) Master Passion. McCall. Sept. (6.)
CHAPMAN, EDITH. (See 1920.) *Immune. S.S. Jul. (97.)
CHAPMAN, FRANCES NORVILLE. (See 1916.) *Annie Kearney. S.S. May. (103) **Gossip. S.S. Oct., '20. (93.)
CHASE, MARY ELLEN. (1887- .) (See 1919, 1920.) *Waste of the Ointment. Pict. R. Jul. (6.)
CHILD, RICHARD WASHBURN. (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Eye of Cleopatra. Chic. Trib. Apr. 24. *Fanny. Pict. R. Sept. (26.) *From Dark to Day. Pict. R. Apr. (10.) *Idols. Hear. Aug. (6.) *Lure. S.E.P. Oct. 9, '20. (12.) *Man and Gentleman. Hear. Nov., '20. (8.) Other Volabia. S.E.P. Jul. 2. (12.) ***Screen. Pict. R. Mar. (8.) V for Viper. S.E.P. Oct. 23, '20. (12.)
CHITTENDEN, GERALD. (See 1915, 1916.) Victim of His Vision. Scr. May. (69:611.)
CHRISTIE, MORRIS. Middle-Age. S.S. Jul. (121.)
CHURCHILL. DAVID. (See 1919, 1920.) Solvent. Cen. Mar. (101:638.) Trencher. Ev. Dec., '20. (23.)
CHURCHILL, ROY P. (See 1919.) Love Sets the Alarm Clock. Am. Jan. (20.)
CISCO, RUPERT F. Twins—Three of Them. Met. Mar. (33.)
CLAPP, LUCRETIA D. (See H.) Gift. McCall. Apr. (12.)
CLARK, (CHARLES) BADGER. (See 1920.) Deal in Mules. Sun. Dec., '20. (36.) Don't Spoil His Aim. Sun. June. (29.) Price of Liberty. Sun. Sept. (44.) Tuck's Quiet Wedding. Sun. Jul. (34.) Wind to Heaven. Sun. May. (38.) Young Hero. Sun. Aug. (43.)
CLARK, VALMA. (See 1920.) Silhouettes and Starlight. Hear. Mar. (33.) Sneaking Upon Pa. Am. Apr. (21.) Uncle Cy—Talented, or Crazy? Am. Sept. (27.)
CLAUSEN, CARL. (See 1920.) Might-Have-Been. Ev. Sept. (23.) Sea Love. Ev. Jul. (47.)
COBB, IRWIN S(HREWSBURY). (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **Cater-Cornered Sex. S.E.P. Sept. 24. (8.) ***Darkness. S.E.P. Aug. 20. (3.) Greatest Thrill I Ever Had. Am. Dec., '20. (54.) **Ravelin' Wolf. S.E.P. Feb. 21, '20. (12.) ***Short Natural History. S.E.P. Oct. 9, '20. (3.)
COCKS, DOROTHY. Americanization Stuff. Sun. Feb. (34.)
COHEN, BELLA. (See 1920.) **Passing of the Stranger. L. St. Mar. (45.)
COHEN, LESTER. Fraudway. Pag. Aug.-Sept. (9.)
COHEN, OCTAVUS ROY. (1891- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Bird of Pray. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20. (10.) End of the Rainbow. Am. Mar. (23.) Evil Lie. S.E.P. Sept. 10. (14.) H2O Boy! S.E.P. June 4. (14.) Less Miserable. Chic. Trib. Sept. 25. Midsummer Knight's Dream. Hear. Sept. (45.) Oft In the Silly Night. S.E.P. Mar. 12. (10.)
COLCORD, LINCOLN (ROSS). (1883- .) (See 1915.) (H.) ***Instrument of the Gods. Am. Apr. (10.) May. (47.) *Moments of Destiny. Pop. Aug. 20. (126.)
COLEMAN, SARA LINDSEY. (See H.) Honeymoon House. Del. June. (15.)
COMFORT, WILL LEVINGTON. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (See also in 1920, COMFORT, WILL LEVINGTON and DOST, ZAMIN KI.) Plucked One. Red Bk. Jul. (94.) *Red Handed. S.E.P. Jan. 1. (8.) *Deadly Karait. Asia. Aug. (21:663.)
CONDON, FRANK. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) By Ten Feet. Col. Jan. 29. (10.) Followed by Laughter. Ev. Nov. '20. (47.) Punch and Julie. Col. Aug. 6. (6.) Red Monahan. Col. May 21. (3.)
CONNELL, RICHARD. Cage Man. S.E.P. Nov. 6, '20 (18.) Gretna Greenhorns. McCall. Aug. (11.) Man In the Cape. Met. May. (31.) Sin of Monsieur Pettipon. S.E.P. Sept. 24. (12.) Suzi Goes Back to the Land. McCall. Apr. (8.) Tiger Syrup. Ev. Dec., '20. (71.) $25,000 Jaw. S.E.P. Aug. 27. (22.)
CONNOLLY, JAMES BRENDON. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Bill Jackson's Adeline. Col. Nov. 20, '20. (5.) *Captain Joe Gurley. Col. Feb. 26. (5.) *His Three Fair Wishes. Red Bk. Jul. (35.) Not Down in the Log. Col. Jan. 22. (7.)
COOPER COURTNEY RYLEY (1886- .) (See 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Christmas Eve at Pilot Butte. Red Bk. Jan. (39.) Envy. Red Bk. Apr. (42.) Fear. Red Bk. Mar. (38.) Fiend. Cos. Mar. (59.) Love. Red Bk. June. (56.) Mother. Chic. Trib. Apr. 10. Old Scarface. Pict. R. Apr. (24.) Pin-Point Pupil. Red Bk. Nov., '20. (64.) *Simp. Pict. R. Nov., '20. (22.) To Oblige a Lady. McC. Sept. (27.)
COOPER, COURTNEY RYLEY and CREAGAN, — LEO S. Martin Garrity Finally Pulls a Bone — Am. Apr. (29.) Martin Garrity Gets Even. Am. Jul. (20.)
COPELAND, FRED. Dude-Puncher Steve. Scr. Mar (69:343)
COWAN, HOY PASCAL. *Accompanist. S.S. Oct., '20. (103.)
COWDERY, ALICE. (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) **Tree. Harp. M. Nov., '20. (141:710.)
"CRABB, ARTHUR." (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Jigger. Met. Mar. (27.) Jimmy Evans Comes Back. Ev. Dec., '20. (64.) Juror No. 5. Col. June 11. (14.) Miss Jeremiah. Ev. Nov., '20. (64.) Old Man Ladd. Sun. Sept. (28.)
CRABBE, BERTHA HELEN. (1887- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***On Riverside Drive. Touch. Dec., '20. (8:194.)
CRAM, MILDRED R. (1889- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) *Anna. McCall. Mar. (5.) Bridge. Harp. B. Apr. (46.) Chestnuts in the Fire. Harp. B. June. (44.) *Gold Woman. Red Bk. Feb. (44.) Kitty Passes. Harp. B. May. (60.) Mirage. Red Bk. Sept. (85.) Oh, La-La. Harp. B. Aug. (44.) **Stranger Things. Met. Jan. (15.) **Sun. McCall. Aug. (7.)
CRANE, CLARKSON. (See 1916, 1920.) **American. S.S. Nov., '20. (107.) *Magnificent Major. S.S. Dec., '20. (89.) Morning Walk. S.S. June. (55.)
CROWELL, ELINOR ROBINSON. "Hold 'em, Harvard!" Met. Jan. (14.)
CRUMP, IRVING R. (See 1919.) (H.) King-Dog. Red Bk. Jul. (69.)
CURTISS, PHILIP (EVERETT). (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Fancy Skater of Meloumerang. Harp. M. May. (142:737.) *"Gum-Shoe." Scr. Feb. (69:169.) Left-Handed Piccolo Player. Harp. M. Dec., '20. (142:87.) Pentelicus the Younger. Harp. B. Oct., '20. (68.) *Postmaster-General of Mindanao. Harp. M. Oct., '20. (141:644.) **Waving Palm and the Blue Lagoon. Harp. M. Jan. (142:154.)
CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER. (1878- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Country Beyond. Cos. Jul. (29.) Honor and the Outlaw. Cos. Sept. (30.) Jolly Roger of the Forests. Cos. Aug. (35.)
CUTNER, JEAN. Surrender. S.S. May. (89.)
CUTTING, MARY STEWART (DOUBLEDAY.) (1851- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918.) (H.) Fairy Godmother. W.H.C. June. (16.)
DALLETT, MORRIS. *Balances. Cen. Feb. (101:470.)
DALRYMPLE, C. LEONA. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919.) (H.) His Secrets. Pict. R. Feb. (20.) Love's Derelict. Pict. R. Oct., '20. (10.)
DAMER, JOHN. "In Vino." Lib. Jan. (5.)
DAVIS, CHARLES BELMONT. (1866- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) (H.) Small Part People. Met. Aug. (13.)
DAVIS, ELMER (HOLMES). (1890- .) Double Indemnity. Ev. Aug. (61.)
DAVIS, MAURICE. (See 1920.) Morning in Spring. S.S. May. (85.)
DAVIS, ROBERT (HOBART.). (1869- .) Conjugal Bolshevist. Cen. Apr. (101:725.)
DAY, JR., CLARENCE. (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) Grand Tour of Horlick. Harp. M. Feb. (142:376.) Tragedy of Gustatory Selection. Harp. M. Dec.,'20. (142:111.)
DAY, HOLMAN FRANCIS. (1865- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Contribution Neggle-ance. S.E.P. Aug. 20. (12.) Court Took a Recess. Col. Aug. 20. (7.) *That Vanished. Col. Jul. 23. (6.) While the Biscuits Baked. Col. June 4. (5.)
DEAN, WILLIAM HARPER. Second Youth of Zachary Howe. L.H.J. Oct., '20. (25.)
DECAMP, CHARLES B. (See H.) Glass of Fashion. Met. Jan. (25.) Mildred, the Head-Hunter. Met. Sept. (36.)
DEJEANS, ELIZABETH (MRS. SIDNEY BLUDGETT.) (See H.) *Twixt the Cup and Lip. Met. Nov., '20. (13.)
DELANO, EDITH BARNARD. (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920.) See "H." under BARNARD, EDITH, and DELANO, EDITH BARNARD. Heart That Understands. L.H.J. Feb. (14.) *Let the Anchor Hold. McCall. May. (6.)
DELANUX, EYRE. Man in the Wheel. Del. May. (19.)
DELEON, WALTER. Brooders. Ev. Jul. (59.) In Hell-Hole Swamp. Ev. Aug. (139.) Plague o' My Hearth. Ev. May. (54.)
DELL, STANLEY. Nickel's Worth of Greatness. S.S. May. (57.)
DERIEUX, SAMUEL A. (1881- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Bolter. Am. Sept. (50.) Figgers Can't Lie. Del. Apr. (7.) Old Frank to the Rescue. Am. Mar. (41.) Pursuit. Am. Nov., '20. (29.)
DICKENSON, EDWIN C. (See 1918.) Altar Rock. Scr. Apr. (69:433.)
DICKSON, HARRIS. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Above Suspicion. Col. Dec. 4, '20. (5.) Buster, the Catspaw. Cos. May. (81.) Crook and the Crazy Man. Cos. June. (87.) Ghost and the Gallows Nail. Col. Apr. 2. (5.) Legs is Legs. Cos. Sept. (95.) Old Reliable on Guard. Cos. Mar. (75.) Squeeze In and Freeze Out. S.E.P. Mar. 26. (10.) Wedlocked in Bond. Cos. Apr. (79.)
DIVINE, CHARLES. (See 1917.) Silver Box. Ev. June. (5.)
DOBIE, CHARLES CALDWELL. (1881- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **All or Nothing. Harp. M. Jul. (143:151.) *From a Balcony. Harp. B. Sept. (34.) **Paying the Piper. Pict. R. Nov. '20. (14.)
DODGE, HENRY IRVING. (1861- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Ladies and Joe O'Brien (Pt. 2.) McC. Oct., '20. (12.)
DODGE, LOUIS. (1870- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1920.) Love Strike. McC. Dec. '20. (16.) **Opal Flagon. Scr. Oct., '20. (68:446.)
DOUGLAS, FORD. (See 1920.) (H.) Heel of Achilles. S.S. Mar. (29.)
DOWST, HENRY PAYSON. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Runt. S.E.P. Oct. 9, '20. (30.) Sawmiller's Job. S.E.P. Feb. 19. (12.) Whip Hand. S.E.P. Dec. 18, '20. (12.)
DREISER, THEODORE. (1871- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **Chains. L. St. Dec., '20. (3.) *Phantom Gold. L. St. Feb. (3.)
DU BOIS, THEODORA. Devils and Four Gold Cups. Cen. June. (102:252.) Sieve. Met. June. (16.)
DUFF, NELLIE BROWNE. Golden Gown. Am. May. (50.)
DUGAN, FRANCES DORWIN. *Outsider. Mid. Aug. (7:297.)
DUNN, JOSEPH ALLAN. (1872- .) (See 1915.) (H.) *Smuggler's House. Ev. Feb. (63.)
DUTTON, LOUISE ELIZABETH. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Breaking Up. S.E.P. Sept. 17. (14.) Dream Tree. S.E.P. Apr. 9. (10.) Three of a Kind. S.E.P. June 11. (14.)
DWYER, JAMES FRANCIS. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Berries of the Bittersweet. W.H.C. June. (7.) "Cath." W.H.C. Mar. (7.) *Goliath Gamble and Fate. Ain. Jan. (41.) *Herb Woman. Hol. Nov., '20. (7.) Miss Thistledown and Mr. Tinker. W.H.C. May. (14.) *They Came to Ophir. Col. June 4. (9.)
DYER, WALTER ALDEN. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Elijah and the Widow. Del. Jul. (22.)
EARLS, S.J. MICHAEL. Shadow Before. Cath. W. June. (113:366.)
EASTMAN, REBECCA HOOPER. (See 1915, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Great American Husband. S.E.P. (Oct. 23, '20.) (16.) Man Trap. S.S. Dec., '20. (27.) Yellow Tree. G.H. Nov., '20. (30.)
EATON, WALTER PRICHARD. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Auction Hounds. Del. Jan. (8.) Miss Agatha's Gardener. Del. Aug. (5.) Procrastinated Christmas. Chic. Trib. Dec. 19, '20. Two in the Town. Del. Feb. (4.) Uses of Adversity. Del. Sept. (10.)
EDENS, OLIVE. Her Secret and His. Met. Feb. (25.) In Place of God. McC. Mar. (32.)
EDGAR, RANDOLPH. (See 1916, 1917, 1919.) Simple Saga. N.M. Feb. 9. (125:635.)
EDMONDSON, K.T. Green Cord. S.S. Jan. (45.)
"ELDERLY SPINSTER." (MARGARET WILSON.) (1882- .) (See 1918, 1919.) *Speaking of Careers. Asia. Jul. (21:575.) *Waste. Atl. Feb. (127:180.)
ELKIN, MARCIA. Butterfly so Bright. Am. Jan. (38.) Order of the Garter. W.H.C. Jul. (22.)
ELLERBE, ALMA MARTIN ESTABROOK. (1871- .) and ELLERBE, PAUL LEE. (See 1915 under ESTABROOK, ALMA MARTIN; 1917 under ELLERBE, ALMA ESTABROOK; 1919 under ELLERBE, ALMA MARTIN, and ELLERBE, PAUL LEE; 1920.) (See "H." under ELLERBE, PAUL LEE.) Mrs. Franklin. Col. Jul. 2. (12.)
ELLERBE, ALMA and ELLERBE, PAUL. Pound Calico. Sun. Sept. (17.) When the Ice Went Out. Sun. May. (28.)
ELLERBE, ROSA L. (See 1917, 1920.) (H.) Cyclone. Chic. Trib. Aug. 21.
ENDERS, GORDON. *Danzy. Asia. Oct., '20. (20:871.)
ENGLAND, GEORGE ALLAN. (1877- .) (See 1916, 1919.) (H.) Fifty-Fifty. S.E.P. Mar. 19. (20.) Girl Across the Way. McCall. June. (10.)
ESTY, ANNETTE. Play-Acting. Scr. Apr. (69:491.)
EVANS, FRANK E. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1920.) (H.) Grandstand Player, Red Bk. Nov., '20. (69.) Hip! Hip! Red Bk. Oct., '20. (87.)
EVANS, IDA MAY. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Her Place in the Sun. Cos. Jan. (53.) Loves Between. Cos. Jul. (93.) Valencia Comes a Cropper. G.H. Dec., '20. (26.)
EVARTS, HAL G. (See 1920.) Glutton. S.E.P. June 25. (10.) Last Move. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (86.) Savagery. Red Bk. Jan. (44.) Swamp Colony, S.E.P. May 14. (9.) Traveling Otter. S.E.P. Apr. 23 (8.) Vanishing Squadron. Red Bk. Aug. (55.)
FARNHAM, MATEEL HOWE. (See 1920.) (H.) Fat of the Land. Del. Mar. (13) Little Matter of Business. W.H.C. Jul. (14.) Million-Dollar Invitation. W.H.C. Nov., '20. (9.)
FELLOM, JAMES. Celestial Chattel. Pict. R. May (12.)
FERBER, EDNA. (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Not a Day Over Twenty-One. Col. Aug. 13. (3.)
FERGUSON, CHARLES A. Passing of the Chief. Cath. W. Apr. (113:83.)
FIELD, FLORA. (See 1918, 1920.) Mister Montague's Premises. Del. May. (15.)
FINGER, CHARLES J. (1871- .) (See 1919, 1920.) ***Derailment of Train No. 16. A.W. Sept. (1:196.) *Liar. A.W. Feb. (1:47.) ***Lizard God. A.W. Dec., '20. (10.) Cur. O. May. (623.) **Some Mischievous Thing. (R.) A.W. May. (1:118.) *Tale of the Far South. A.W. June. (1:145.)
FISHER, SALLY. Rose Dupre's Escape. Del. Jan. (15.)
FITZGERALD, FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. (See 1920.) His Russet Witch. Met. Feb. (11.) Jelly-Bean. Met. Oct., '20. (15.) *Lees of Happiness. Chic. Trib. Dec. 12, '20. Tarquin of Cheapside. S.S. Feb. (43.)
FITZGERALD, HENRY. (See 1915.) Tale of the Chase. S.S. Sept. (105.)
FITZHERBERT, N.V. A B C's of a Man. Pag. Aug. Sept. (49.)
FLANDRAN, GRACE HODGSON. (See 1918, 1920.) Rubies in Crystal. S.S. June. (65.) Terry Sees Red. Harp. M. Dec., '20. (142:18.)
FLANNER, JANET. In Transit and Return. Cen. Oct., '20. (100:801.)
FLEISCHMAN, LEON. Fly. Con. Apr. (101:768.)
FOLSOM, ELIZABETH IRONS. (1876- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Along the White Road. Hear. Jul. (49.) *Masterpiece. Met. Jan. (32.) *Mrs. Charles Grimes. Sun. Oct., '20. (33.) *Pitch. Met. Dec., '20. (17.) What Opened Jerry's Eyes to Bertha. Am. Oct., '20. (39.)
FOOTE, JOHN TAINTOR. (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Fowl Disaster. Col. Mar. 19. (12.) Soft Craws. S.E.P. Jul. 23. (8.) Spirit Dope. Am. Oct., '20. (57.)
FORRESTER, IZOLA L. (See 1918 under FORRESTER, IZOLA L. and PAGE, MANN; see "H." under FORRESTER, IZOLA L.) Christmas Highwayman. Del. Dec., '20. (16.) Eyes of Angels. Del. Aug. (20.) His Own Vineyard. Del. Oct., '20. (20.) Leaven of Love. Del. Nov., '20. (14.)
FORSYTH, LOUISE. (See 1918.) *Initiation. Cen. Nov., '20. (101: 81.)
FORTUNE, MARGARET EMMANUEL. Yolanda Comes and Goes. Sun. Jul. (42.)
FOSTER, HARRY L. Bradley's Wife. Met. Aug. (30.)
FOSTER, MARY. (See 1919.) Maragh of the Silent Valley. Cath. W. Mar. (112: 771.)
FOX, PAUL HERVEY. (See 1917, 1918.) Grand Passion. S.S. Feb. (65.) Last Picture. S.S. Dec., '20. (63.)
FRANK, WALDO. (1890- .) (See 1916, 1917.) **Under the Dome. Dial. Oct., '20. (69:329.)
FRASER, W(ILLIAM) A(LEXANDER). (1859- .) (H.) Delilah. S.E.P. June 11. (10.) Static. S.E.P. Apr. 23. (5.) Who Laughs Last. S.E.P. Jul. 9. (16.)
FREDERICK, JUSTUS GEORGE. (1882- .) (See 1919.) (H.) "I Love You Exclamation Point." Ev. Mar. (53.)
FUESSLE, NEWTON A. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) Cheaters. S.S. Mar. (61.)
FULLERTON, HUGH STEWART. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) "Pay to T. Hartley, Good Sport, $10,000." Am. Nov., '20. (40.) Triple Cross. Col. Nov. 27, '20. (5.)
GAITHER, RICE. Then Came Sue. W.H.C. Mar. (11.)
GALE, ZONA. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) "Patches." W.H.C. Mar. (9.)
GARRETT, GARET. (1878- .) (See 1917, 1920.) Luck Lepee's Tale. S.E.P. Mar. 26. (14.) Wall Street Baptism. S.E.P. Jan. 15. (23.)
GATLIN, DANA. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Altar Fires. Cos. Aug. (103.) Dark Man in Her Future. Cos. Feb. (27.) Martyr's Crown. G.H. Feb. (58.) Not a Marrying Man. Cos. Apr. (53.) Old Home Town. Cos. Sept. (36.) Out of the Forest. McCall. Nov., '20. (9.) Royal Unrepentant. Cos. Nov., '20. (61.)
GELZER, JAY. (See 1920.) *Flower of the Flock. Cos. Aug. (73.)
GEROULD, KATHARINE FULLERTON. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) ***French Eva. Scr. Nov., '20. (68:549.) **Keeper of the Gate. Ev. May. (74.)
GERRY, MARGARITA SPALDING. (1870- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920.) (H.) ***"To Meet His Majesty." Harp. M. Jul. (143:233.)
GIBSON, STUART. Dainty Marie. McCall. Feb. (6.)
GIESY, JOHN ULRICH. (1877- .) (See 1917.) *Beyond the Violet. Arg. Nov. 27, '20. (128:118.)
GIFFORD, FANNIE STEARNS DAVIS. (MRS. AUGUSTUS MCKINSTRY GIFFORD.) (1884- .) (H.) **"New England." Atl. Apr. (127:505.)
GILBERT, GEORGE. (1874- .) (See 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Devil of the Pool. Sun. Apr. (16.) Man Who Was Strangely Tempted. Am. Oct., '20. (21.) "Most Wise! Most Subtle!" Sun. Feb. (17.)
GILBERT, MORRIS. Bitter Moment. S.S. May. (19.)
GILKYSON, T. WALTER. **Illumined Moment. Atl. Apr. (127:458.)
GIRARDEAU, CLAUDE M. (See 1915.) Opal Amulet. Harp. B. Oct., '20. (62.)
GLASGOW, ELLEN (ANDERSON GHOLSON). (1874- .) (See 1916, 1917.) ***The Past. G.H. Oct., '20. (64.)
GLASPELL, SUSAN (KEATING). (MRS. GEORGE CRAM COOK.) (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) ***His Smile. Pict. R. Jan. (15.)
GLASS, MONTAGUE MARSDEN. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1920.) (H.) *Keeping Expenses Down. Hear. Aug. (10.) Never Begin with Lions. Hear. June. (13.) Sixth McNally. Hear. May. (13.) Squaring Mr. Turkeltaub. Cos. Oct., '20. (17.)
GODFREY, WINONA. (1877- .) (See 1919, 1920.) (H.) Quintin and the Quince. Am. Feb. 29. Tarradiddle. Sun. Nov., '20. (50.) Webs. Sun. Oct., '20. (74.)
GOODFELLOW, DOROTHY. Camel-Driver. McCall. May. (13.)
GOODLOE, ABBIE CARTER. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Talisman. Scr. Sept. (70:337.)
GOODMAN, HENRY. *Faith and Jack London. Book. (N.Y.) Sept. (54:13.)
GOULD, F. Baby Vamp. S.S. Sept. (91.)
GRACE, JULIA H. "Doit" Case. A.W. Apr. (1:93.)
GRAEVE, OSCAR. (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Change. S.E.P. Jul. 9. (10.) Stars. S.E.P. Jan. 22. (33.)
GRAVES, LOUIS. (See 1915, 1920.) (H.) Menton Marvel. Met. Oct., '20. (28.)
GRAY, DAVID. (1870- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) Self-Determination with the Lenoxes. S.E.P. May 14. (5.)
GREIG, ALGERNON. (See 1920.) Isn't it Funny?—But It's True! Met. Nov., '20. (21.) Scrambled Eggs. Met. Dec., '20. (20.)
GREY, ZANE. (1875- .) (H.) Great Slave. L.H.J. Dec., '20. (10.)
GRIGGS, VETA HURST. Call It What You Please. Ev. Apr. (70.)
GWYNNE, BERTHA LOWRY. Rose Mary Garland. W.H.C. Feb. (20.)
HAINES, DONAL HAMILTON. (1886- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Three Swallows, Clear! S.S. Jan. (61.)
HALL, AMANDA BENJAMIN. Bubble of Bliss. S.S. Feb. (25.) Eye of the Beholder. S.S. Mar. (103.) Fortunes of Mr. Finn. S.S. Sept. (51.) Sunday. S.S. Aprl. (57.)
HALL, HERSCHEL S. (See 1919 under HALL, H.S., 1920.) Kick. S.E.P. Oct. 16, '20. (16.) Prospectors. S.E.P. Jan. 29. (5.)
"HALL, HOLWORTHY." (HAROLD EVERETT PORTER.) (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Fog of Orleans. McC. Feb. (16.) Freddie the Fifth. Harp. B. Feb. (44.) His Dear Cassandra. McC. Nov. '20. (13.) Ironies. Chic. Trib. Oct. 17, '20. Madam President. Cos. June. (29.) Man Who Wouldn't Be Told. Cos. Aug. (89.) Miss Nemesis. McC. Sept. (8.) Mopus. Pict. R. May. (24.) Runner-Up. Col. Mar. 5. (5.) Target. L.H.J. Feb. (10.) Turtle's Head. McCall. Aug. (8.)
HALL, WILBUR (JAY). (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Americanization of Jonesy. Sun. Aug. (48.) Communism in Shadow Valley. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (78.) Stringer Blood. S.E.P. June 25. (12.)
HALLET, RICHARD MATTHEWS. (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **Bluebeard Shadrach. S.E.P. Mar. 20, '20. (20.) ***Harbor Master. Harp. M. June. (143:36.) Jul. (143:198.) *Mountain and Mahomet. Harp. M. Nov., '20. (141:735.) **Whale of a Story. Pict. R. Nov., '20. (20.)
HAMBY, WILLIAM HENRY. (1875- .) (See 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Dance of the Clog-Footed. Ev. Oct., '20. (45.)
HAMILTON, GERTRUDE BROOKE. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Finette of the Streets. Par. Nov., '20. (43.) Thunderstorm. G.H. Sept. (24.)
HAMILTON, H.M. Devil a la Mode. Pag. Mar.-Apr. (23.)
HAMPTON, EDGAR LLOYD. (See 1916, 1920.) Rolling Stone. Sun. Nov., '20. (43.)
HANSON, NELL. *Jimsie of Kilmack. Rom. Oct., '20. (3.)
HARDY, ARTHUR SHERBURNE. (1847- .) (See 1916, 1920.) (H.) *Comedy at the Prefecture. Harp. M. Feb. (142:339.) **Tragedy on the Upper Snake River. Scr. Jul. (70:53.)
HARLOWE, B. Freud vs. William B. Thompkin. S.S. Feb. (109.)
HARRIS, KENNETT. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Birds in Their Little Nests. S.E.P. Jul. 16. (5.) Junk. S.E.P. Dec. 25, '20. (16.) Peacock-Blue Album. S.E.P. Dec. 18, '20. (15.) Pest and the Pie-Dough Cake. S.E.P. Feb. 12. (8.) Roland Stoops to Conquer. S.E.P. Apr. 2. (3.)
HART, FRANCES NOYES. **Contact. Pict. R. Dec., '20. (16.) ***Green Gardens. Scr. Jul. (70:24.)
HATCH, LEONARD. (See 1915, 1920.) (H.) Something Desperate. W.H.C. Dec., '20. (15.) Sunny Side of Nineteen. Ev. Aug. (23.)
HAWLEY, J.B. (See 1920.) Friendship. S.S. June. (111.) Sacred Story. S.S. Jan. (113.)
HAWTHORNE, CHRISTOPHER. Disappearing Statues. S.S. Oct., '20. (27.)
HECHT, BEN. (1896- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Bomb Thrower. Little Review. Sept.-Dec. (18.)
HENDERSON, GERTRUDE. (H.) World Without End. Atl. Jul. (128:82.)
"HENRY, O." (WILLIAM SYDNEY PORTER.) (1867-1910.) (H.) *Shamrock and the Palm. (R.) Ain. Sept. (141.)
HERGESHEIMER, JOSEPH. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **Beyond the Bridge. S.E.P. Dec. 11, '20. (5.) *Early Americans. S.E.P. Aug. 27. (8.) *Juju. S.E.P. Jul. 30. (5.) **Scarlet Ibis. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20. (5.) *Sprig of Lemon Verbena. S.E.P. Sept. 17. (8.)
HICKS, JANE. Aspiring Becky Pye. Met. Sept. (56.)
HILL, FLORENCE BRUSH. Buds. Pag. Aug.-Sept. (31.)
HILLIS, RICHARD DWIGHT. (See 1918.) Reform of Leadpipe Neumann. Met. Sept. (31.) Stateroom on Deck "A." Met. May. (28.)
HILLYARD, ANNA BRANSON. Love Laughs. W.H.C. Feb. (15.)
HINTON, LEONARD. (See 1915.) Teacup. S.S. Apr. (73.)
HOLDING, ELIZABETH SANXAY. (See 1920.) *Marie's View of It. Cen. Dec., '20. (101:210.) Mollie, The Ideal Nurse. Cen. Jan. (101:326.)
HOLLINGSWORTH, CEYLON. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Blood and Bacon. Col. Mar. 12. (9.) I Ain't a Coward, Maw. Col. May 14. (9.) Love and Sediment. Col. Feb. 12. (12.)
HOLLOWAY, WILLIAM. (See 1915, 1916.) Follow Through. Cen. Feb. (101:509.)
HOLT, HENRY. Mystic Swab. Met. Sept. (34.)
HOPPER, JAMES (MARIE). (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Flash Molloy. Cos. Aug. (69.) **Little Cave-Boy. Ev. Jan. (67.) *Sculptor and His Wife. Cos. June. (81.)
HORTON, CHARLES M. (H.) *Miguel Arrieta. Scr. Oct., '20. (68:491.)
HOSTETTER, VAN VECHTEN. (See 1920.) Escape. S.S. Oct., '20. (109.)
HOUSTON, MARGARET BELLE. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Atmosphere. L.H.J. Mar. (3.)
HOWARD, SIDNEY. **Stars in Their Courses. Col. Nov. 6, '20. (5.)
HOWLAND, HENRY C. Chimney. S.E.P. May 7. (21.)
HUGHES, RUPERT. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Love the Subliculous. Cos. Oct., '20. (71.) Wallflower. Col. Sept. 10. (3.) *When Crossroads Cross Again. Col. Jan. 29. (5.)
HULL, ALEXANDER. (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Gray Valley. Scr. Nov., '20. (68:607.) Letty, the Grabber. Am. Jan. (13.) Winner. Am. June. (39.) Youth and Mr. Forrest. L.H.J. May. (12.)
HULL, HELEN R. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Men of Their Race. Touch. Oct., '20. (8:1.) *Waiting. Touch. Feb. (8:346.)
HUMPHREY, (HARRIETTE) ZEPHINE. (MRS. WALLACE WEIR FAHNESTOCK.) (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916.) Return. Del. Nov., '20. (15.)
HUNT, FRAZIER. (1885- .) (See 1916.) (H.) Lightning Flashes Around the World. Col. Apr. 2. (12.) Nice and White and Innocent. Col. May 7. (9.) Tea Stands for Tokyo. Col. Apr. 23 (7.) Tell It to the Marines. Col. May 21. (12.) Where Lightning Strikes. Col. July 2. (11.)
HUNTER, REX. Wild Eyes. A.W. Sept. (1:221.)
HURST, FANNIE. (1889- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **"Guilty." Cos. Feb. (14.) **Roulette. Cos. May. (18.) ***She Walks in Beauty. Cos. Aug. (28.)
HUSSEY, L.M. (See 1919, 1920.) *Husband of Carmen Maria. Cen. Jan. (101:346.) **Lost Art. S.S. Oct., '20. (69.) Saint of Valera. S.S. Sept. (109.) Twilight of a God. S.S. May (63.) *Ugliest Woman on the Boardwalk. S.S. Nov., '20. (63.)
IMRIE, WALTER MCLAREN. (See 1919.) *Faith. S.S. Jan. (101.) ***Remembrance. Mid. Oct., '20. (6:182.)
IRWIN, WALLACE. (1875- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Hickory Dickory Dock. McC. May. (8.) Old School. Pict. R. Apr. (6.) Only One. McC. Oct., '20. (30.) Silver Heels. S.E.P. June 18. (5.) Sophie Semenoff. S.E.P. Nov. 27, '20. (10.) Who's Who. S.E.P. Apr. 9. (14.)
IRWIN, WILL(IAM HENRY). (1873- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Cassidy's Job. S.E.P. Sept. 17. (12.) Tom. S.E.P. Jan. 22. (12.) Round Turn. S.E.P. Aug. 13. (12.) Uses of Calamity. S.E.P. Sept. 3. (14.) Woman Inside. S.E.P. Dec., '20 (12.)
ISH-KISHOR, SULAMITH. Roofs of Dhoum. S.S. Apr. (95.)
JACKSON, SELBY. Chasm. Sun. Feb. (46.)
JENKINS, N.W. Seeing Hearts. W.H.C. Dec., '20. (16.)
JOHN, W.A.P. (See 1920.) Frisky Whisky. S.E.P. Sept. 24. (14.)
"JOHN O' GATHAM." Acknowledgment. Met. Nov., '20. (29.)
JOHNSON, ALVIN SAUNDERS. (1874- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) *Object Matrimony. S.S. July. (83.)
JOHNSON, OLIVE MCCLINTIC. (See 1920.) De Nation's Bu'ffday. Col. July 9. (9.) First Kind Word. Col. Sept. 3. (7.) Infatuation. Col. Jan. 22. (5.) Insane Truth. Col. Oct. 9, '20. (7.) Isn't Nature Wonderful! Col. Feb. 26. (7.)
JOHNSON, OWEN (MCMAHON). (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916.) Bathtub King. Hear. Apr. (17.) Girl They Loved. Hear. June. (22.) Mosquito-Proof Socks. Hear. Sept. (39.)
JOHNSTON, CALVIN. (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *Mr. Bliven's Day of Fate. Sun. Nov., '20. (22.) *Temple Dusk. S.E.P. Oct. 16, '20. (3.)
JONES, ALICIA. **First Sorrowful Mystery. Mid. Jan. (7:1.)
JONES, HOWARD MUMFORD. (See 1919.) At the Pool of Bethesda. S.S. Mar. (49.) Concerto in A-Flat. S.S. Apr. (99.) **Drigsby's Universal Regulator. Mid. Nov., '20. (6:157.)
JONES, WALTER. (H.) Boob's Progress. McC. Dec., '20. (6.) Framed for Broadway. McC. Nov., '20. (10.) Nanny. Cos. Oct., '20. (37.) Vampires Ahoy! McC. May. (24.)
JORDAN, ELIZABETH (GARVER). (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) His Son's Wife. W.H.C. May. (7.) Miss Mary Smith. Chic. Trib. July 10. Rev. Archie Reconstructs. Chic. Trib. Nov. 28, '20. Tears of Dorothea. Chic. Trib. Sept. 4.
JORDAN, KATE (MRS. F.M. VERMILYE). (See 1915, 1920.) On Margin. S.E.P. Dec. 11, '20. (13.)
JULIUS, EMANUEL HALDEMAN —. (1888- .) and JULIUS, MRS. EMANUEL HALDEMAN —. (See 1919, 1920.) (See 1917, 1918 under JULIUS, EMANUEL HALDEMAN.) Unworthy Coopers. Atl. May. (127:614.)
KAHLER, HUGH MACNAIR. (See 1917, 1919, 1920.) Allie Rebsoll's Better Self. S.E.P. Mar. 19. (12.) Commune, Limited. S.E.P. Apr. 30. (16.) *Davy Corbutt's Brother. S.E.P. May 28. (14.) East Wind. S.E.P. Oct., 23, '20. (3.) Failure. L.H.J. Jan. (5.) Fool's First. S.E.P. Nov. 20, '20. (12.) Like a Tree. S.E.P. Jan. 22. (5.) Number One. S.E.P. Mar. 5. (5.) Once a Peddler. S.E.P. Sept. 3. (6.) Oppressor. S.E.P. June 25. (14.) Pink Sheep. S.E.P. Dec. 4, '20. (14.) Playboy. Ev. Mar. (5.) Unbowed. S.E.P. Dec. 25, '20. (5.)
KEIL, ESTHER W. Divorced. Cath. W. Nov., '20. (195.)
KELLAND, CLARENCE BUDINGTON. (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Conflict. Red Bk. Aug. (65.) Grandma Cutcheon—Detective. Am. Jan. (30.) Scattergood and the Missing Organ Fund. Am. Mar. (31.) Scattergood and the Tongue of Gossip. Am. Feb. (21.) Scattergood Baits a Hook. Am. Sept. (21.) Scattergood Buys a Church. Am. June. (21.) With the Help of the Duke. Chic. Trib. Nov. 7, '20.
KENNON, HARRY B. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Amber Door. A.W. Jan. (1:10.) Dvorak Op. 101, No. 7. A.W. Mar. (1:63.) My Seat on the Aisle. A.W. July. (1:163.)
KENTY, GERTRUDE SNOW. Grandmother's Shoes. W.H.C. Apr. (15.)
KEON, GRACE. Partners. Cath. W. Oct. '20. (74.)
KERR, SOPHIE. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (See "H." under UNDERWOOD, SOPHIE KERR.) Beach Comber. L.H.J. Jan. (10.) Girl Who Hated Her Mother. Del. Sept. (12.) Home Brew. Met. June. (14.) Smashed-To-Bits Heart. W.H.C. June. (11.) Talker. McC. Aug. (21.) Wild Earth. S.E.P. Apr. 2. (10.)
KILBOURNE, FANNIE ("MARY ALEXANDER."). (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920, under KILBOURNE, FANNIE, and 1917 under ALEXANDER, MARY.) Any Other Girl Can Tell. L.H.J. Mar. (8.) Cinderella Dyes Them Black. Am. June. (31.) Corner on William. L.H.J. Nov., '20. (18.) Cupid Takes Up Advertising. S.E.P. Jul. 2. (10.) Magic. Del. Nov., '20. (10.) May Magic. S.E.P. Jul. 30. (12.) Office Beauty. L.H.J. June. (8.) Oh, yes—Nora Understood Men! Am. Nov., '20. (54.) Phyllis Tills the Soil. L.H.J. Sept. (14.) Red-Haired Girl Can Always Get a Man. L.H.J. Oct., '20. (14.) Sunny Goes Home. S.E.P. May 7. (10.) William Learns All About Women. Am. Aug. (21.)
KILMAN, JULIAN. Bookman. Atl. Feb. (127:214.)
KING, ELIZABETH R. Hard-Hearted Wretch. S.E.P. Oct. 16, '20. (20.)
KIRK, R.G. (See 1917.) Malloy Campeador. S.E.P. Sept. 17. (3.)
"KIRKLAND, JEANNE." (See 1920.) Boomerang of Conscience. Pag. Aug.-Sept. (24.)
KITTREDGE, H.C. *Undiscovered Country. Atl. Nov., '20. (126:646.)
KLINE, BURTON. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Another Football of Fate. Chic. Trib. Nov. 21. '20. *Forgotten Goddess. Red Bk. Aug.(45)
KLING, JOSEPH. Discretion. Pag. Jan.-Feb. (31.)
KOMROFF, MANUEL. (See 1919, 1920.) ***Little Master of the Sky. Dial. Apr. (70:386.)
KORNGOLD, RALPH. Father and Son. A.W. July, (1:166.)
KOVEN, JOSEPH. Hammid Hassan, Camel-Driver. Asia. Dec., '20. (20:1087.)
KRAMER, EDGAR D. *Hero. Pag. Nov.-Dec., '20. (29.)
KRYSTO, CHRISTINA. (1887- .) (See 1917, 1918.) *Star-Dust. Atl. Mar. (127:315.)
KUMMER, FREDERICK ARNOLD. (1873- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Lantern of Diogenes. L.H.J. Nov., '20. (187.) Other Wife. Cos. June. (22.) Woman Outside. Cos. Apr. (65.) Woman Who Ate Up a Man. Cos. July. (58.)
KYNE, PETER BERNARD. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) Evil Genius. Cos. Oct., '20. (53.)
LAINE, A.T. Not "Seen." Met. June. (36.)
LARDNER, RING W. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Battle of Long Island. S.E.P. Nov. 27. '20. (12.) Comic. S.E.P. May 14. (12.) Frame-Up. S.E.P. June 18. (14.) Only One. S.E.P. Feb. 12. (5.)
LASKER, LOUISE. Beatrice Henderson. Pict. R. July. (24.)
LAUFERTY, LILIAN. (See 1919.) Cherry Ripe. Cos. Feb. (59.) Some Men Are Like That. Cos. July. (99.)
LAUGHLIN, CLARA ELIZABETH. (1873- .) (See 1916.) (H.) Junior and Junior's Mate. Met. May. (14.)
LAWRENCE, EMMA. (MRS. JOHN S. LAWRENCE.) *At Thirty. Atl. Sept. (128:364.)
LAZAR, MAURICE. (See 1917, 1920.) Legal and Sufficient. S.S. Aug. (123.)
LEA, FANNIE HEASLIP. (MRS. H.P. AGEE.) (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Beach-Comber. G.H. Jul. (20.) Friendship at Least. S.E.P. Apr. 30. (5.) Gleam. Del. Dec., '20. (15) In Every Port. G.H. May. (53.) Just the Right People. McC. Oct., '20. (16.) Mary Is Here. Chic. Trib. Jan. 30. Old Flame. G.H. Oct., '20 (8.) One Flesh. Del. Aug. (12.) One or Two Women. McC. Feb. (30.) Something Afar. G.H. Feb. (15.) Unstable. Harp. B. Dec., '20. (54.) Wild Ginger. McCall. Sept. (9.)
LEACH, PAUL R. (See 1920.) Taps. Col. May 28. (3.)
LEE, JENNETTE (BARBOUR PERRY). (1860- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) **Uncle 'Bijah's Ghost. Pict. R. July. (10.)
LEE, MUNA. (See 1915, 1920.) Quarrel. S.S. June. (63.)
LENGEL, WILLIAM C. Stopover Privileges. Hear. Aug. (45.)
LEONARD, ORVILLE H. *Alone at Tiger Gulch. W. St. June 18. (69.) *Chef for the Yellow Bar. W. St. July 9. (76.) *Drybones. W. St. Feb. 26. (34.) *For Ridin' Like a Fool W. St. May 7. (76.) *Hot Grit. W. St. June 4. (28.) *In Spite of Himself. W. St. July 30. (77.) *Lebaudy Starts for Lonesome Gulch. W. St. Apr. 23. (64.) *Old-Timer's Hunch. W. St. Apr. 9. (127.) *Rebranded. W. St. Mar. 5. (124.) *Schooled in the West. W. St. Mar. 12. (130.) *Soaked and Dried. W. St. Feb. 5. (120.) *Water Boy. W. St. Apr. 30. (39.)
"LESSING, BRUNO" (RUDOLPH BLOCK). (1870- .) (See 1916, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Baron's Bridge. Hear. Apr. (50.) Business Is Business. McC. Apr. (25.) Cave Man Stuff. Hear. Oct.,'20. (48.) Echo from Bohemia. Hear. Mar. (50.) From Him That Hath Not. McC. Nov. '20. (29.) Greatest Man In Kenashee. Hear. May (52.) Honor of Poli. Hear. July. (54.) Aug. (56.) Lure of Love and Lucre. Hear. Jan. (52.) Nine and One. Hear. Sept. (50.) One That Lost. Hear. Feb. (52.) Peach by Any Other Name. Hear. Dec., '20. (52.) Thoroughbred. Chic. Trib. May 8. Truth or Nothing. Hear. Nov., '20. (52.)
LEVICK, MILES. (See 1919, 1920.) *Calla Lillies. S.S. Feb. (121.) *Gold Dragon. S.S. Dec., '20. (117.)
LEVISON, ERIC. (See 1917, 1918, 1920.) *Coat for Jacob. T.T. Oct., '20. (85.)
LEWIS, ORLANDO FAULKLAND. (1873- .) (See 1918, 1919, 1920.) Get-Away. Red Bk. Feb. (78.) In the Midst of Life. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (58.) It's a Long Lane. Red Bk. Nov., '20. (87.) Sparks That Flash in the Night. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (53.)
LEWIS, OSCAR. (See 1916, 1920.) Paula. S.S. Mar. (121.) *Yesterday's Leaves. S.S. Aug. (69.)
LEWIS, SINCLAIR. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Citizen of the Mirage. Red Bk. May. (47.) Good Sport. S.E.P. Dec. 11, '20. (9.) Matter of Business. Harp. M. Mar. (142:419.) Number Seven to Sagapoose. Am. May. (20.) *Post-Mortem Murder. Cen. May. (102:1.)
LIEBE, HAPSBURG. (See 1915, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Pal to Jim Lane. Col. July 23. (11.) Trimmed and Burning. Col. Sept. 10. (12.)
LINCOLN, JOSEPH C(ROSBY). (1870- .) (See 1915, 1919.) (H.) "Injun" Control. Cos. Nov., '20. (57.)
LISTER, WALTER B. Courage. S.S. Aug. (87.)
LIVINGSTONE, FLORENCE BINGHAM. (See 1920.) Christmas Dimes, Limited. McCall. Dec., '20. (14.) Keep Your Ego, Jeremiah! McCall. June. (16.) Lettie Clears the Decks. McCall. Nov., '20. (16.) Lettie on the Firing Line. McCall. Feb. (18.) Silk Hangings. McCall. Mar. (16.)
LOCKWOOD, MARION WARD. Unbuilt Houses. McCall. Mar. (8.)
LOCKWOOD, SCAMMON. (See 1916, 1920.) **One Kiss in Paradise. Ain. Nov. '20. (48.)
LONG, E. WALDO. Old Sam and the Dollar Mule. Am. Aug. (46.)
LORING, EMILIE. Box from Nixon's. W.H.C. May. (9.)
LOWE, CORINNE. (See 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Psycho-Anne. S.E.P. May 21. (10.)
LUDWIG, FRANCES A. (See 1917, 1918.) (H.) Doing Without Mother. Am. Oct., '20. (50.) Girl Who Changed Her Mind. Am. Nov., '20. (21.)
LUEHRMANN, ADELE. Lurania Mystery. McCall. Nov., '20. (6.)
LUTHER, MARK LEE. (1872- .) (H.) Something Different. Red Bk. Jan. (73.)
MABIE, LOUISE KENNEDY. (See 1915, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Bird of Paradise. L.H.J. Apr. (8.) Does Mr. Broderick Fail? L.H.J. Oct., '20. (22.)
MCCASLIN, DAVIDA. *To Remove Mountains. Mid. Feb. (7:67.)
MCCREA, MARION. (See 1918, 1920.) Advertise For Him! Met. May. (33.) Use Crystalsweet. Cos. Dec., '20. (79.)
MCCUTCHEON, GEORGE BARR. (1866- .) (See 1918, 1919.) (H.) Sporting Chance. Chic. Trib. Sept. 18.
MCELLIOTT, MABEL. Ennui. S.S. June. (107.) Unlucky at Cards. Chic. Trib. Mar. 13.
MACFARLANE, PETER CLARK. (1871- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Bulls and Buckers. Red Bk. July (84.) Crossing Up Augustus. Red Bk. Apr. (76.) Puss or Bear Cat. Red Bk. Nov., '20. (37.) Taste of Revenge. Red Bk. Mar. (66.)
MACGOWAN, ALICE (1858- .) and GRACE MACGOWAN COOKE. (1863- .) See 1915 under COOKE, GRACE MACGOWAN; 1916, 1917 under MACGOWAN, ALICE; "H" under both heads. *Runt. Pict. R. Aug. (24.)
MACHAR, AENGUS. Grandmamma. Cath. W. July (113:524.)
MACHARG, WILLIAM BRIGGS. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918.) (H.) Mr. Cord. Red Bk. Oct., '20. (83.) Price of a Party. Cos. Feb. (75.) Rockhound. Cos. Jan. (58.) Wildcatter. Cos. Dec., '20. (30.)
MACKARNESS, KAY. Happy the Bride. Hear. Dec., '20. (21.)
MCKAIG, ALEXANDER. "Picture-Picture." W.H.C. Mar. (19.)
MACMANUS, SEUMAS. (1870- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Donal o' the Moor. Mag. Nov., '20. (44.)
MCNUTT, WILLIAM SLAVENS. (H.) Kind Deeds. Met. Sept. (29.)
MACY, J. EDWARD. (See 1920.) *Out of the Hurricane. Scr. Aug. (70:232.)
MAHONEY, JAMES. (See 1920.) Hairs of the Occasion. Cen. May. (102:89.) Wilfred Reginald and the Dark Horse. Cen. Aug. (102:553.)
MANNERS, GUY. Man to Man. Red Bk. May. (81.)
MANNING, MARIE (MRS. HERMAN E. GASCH). (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Love the Detective. L.H.J. Aug. (6.)
MARKEY, GENE. (See 1920.) Cynthia of the Sonnets. Harp. B. Apr. (54.) Toujours, Priscilla. Harp. B. Aug. (66.)
MARQUAND, J.P. Right That Failed. S.E.P. July 23. (12.)
MARQUIS, DON (ROBERT PERRY). (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Healer and the Pentient. Pict. R. Feb. (23.) *Looney the Mutt. Ev. Jan. 62. Saddest Man. Red Bk. Aug. (79.)
MARRIOTT, CRITTENDEN. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920.) (H.) Those Most Concerned. G.H. Oct., '20. (58.)
MARSDEN, GRIFFIS. (See 1919, 1920.) Two Chairs. S.S. Feb. (85.)
MARSH, GEORGE T. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *High Brotherhood. Red Bk. Jan. (78.) Mistake of Mr. Bruette. Red Bk. Mar. (23.) *Once at Drowning River, Red Bk. Sept. (70.)
MARSHALL, EDISON. (1894- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) *Heart of Little Shikara. Ev. Jan. (40.) Never Kill a Porcupine. Am. Dec., '20. (23.)
MARTYN, WYNDHAM. (See 1915, 1916, 1918.) Samuel Perkins, Unable Mariner. Ev. Apr. (54.)
MARZONI, PETTERSEN. Kick at the End. Met. June. (34.)
MASON, GRACE SARTWELL. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Call It a Day! S.E.P. June 18. (12.) Connecting Wire. L.H.J. Sept. (12.) **Glory. Harp. M. Apr. (142:545.) Peachy Walks the Weary. S.E.P. Apr. 16. (14.)
MASON, LAURA KENT. Engaged. S.S. Jan. (123.)
MAXON, HARRIET. (MRS. GILBERT THAYER.) ***Kindred. Mid. Jul. (7:260.)
MAYER, EDWARD B. Revolt. Pag. June-Jul. (17.)
MAYNARD, RICHARD FIELD. P.D.Q. Scr. Apr. (69:450.)
MEANS, E(LDRED) K(URTZ). (1878- .) (See 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Head for Business. Mun. Nov., '20. (71:266.) *Poisoned Pugilism. Mun. June. (73:181.) *Who's Who and Why. Mun. Feb. (72:66.)
MELLETT, BERTHE KNATVOLD. (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) Hi! Hippity! Col. Nov. 13, '20. (5.) It is a Wise Daughter. Col. Feb. 19. (8.) One Large Picture of Him. Col. Dec. 11, '20. (10.) Red Mike. Col. Jan. 8. (8.) Secret Sorrow. Col. Apr. 30. (7.) Will o' the Wisp. Col. June 4. (14.)
MERWIN, SAMUEL. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1920.) (H.) Eva on the Ice. S.E.P. Nov. 6, '20. (10.) Garage of Enchantment. Red Bk. Apr. (27.) Little Matter of Living. S.E.P. Aug. 13. (5.) New Platitude. Chic. Trib. Mar. 6. Old Lost Stars. L.H.J. May. (14.) Saving Sister. S.E.P. Nov., '20. (8.) There Are Smiles. McC. Apr. (14.) Time Out for Granberry. McC. Feb. (18.)
MILHAM, C.G. After Twenty Years. Ev. Sept. (147.)
MILLER, ALICE DUER. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Give Matrimony a Chance. Red Bk. Jul. (64.) Protecting Instinct. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (48.) Woman Who Hated Politics. Red Bk. Jan. (25.)
MILLER, EVELYN DEWEY. Highroad to Freedom. Ev. Mar. (71.)
MILLER, HELEN TOPPING. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) Fireflies. S.E.P. Feb. 12. (32.) Marsh Light. S.E.P. Oct. 9, '20. (16.) Signed—"T.F." W.H.C. Oct., '20. (23.) *"Two Women ... at a Mill." G.H. May. (18.)
MILLER, HUGH S. (See 1916.) Spice of Danger. Scr. Feb. (69:222.)
MILLER, WARREN H. (1876- .) (See 1919.) Ruler the Persistent. Red Bk. Feb. (64.)
MILLEY, ELEANOR. Janet's Face. S.S. Apr. (49.)
MILLS, DOROTHY CULVER. (See 1918, 1919.) James to Anita With Love. Del. Dec., '20. (19.)
MINNIGERODE, MEADE. (See 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) Hush Stuff. Col. Feb. 26. (10.) "Saddest Tale." Col. May 28. (12.)
MITCHELL, RUTH COMFORT. (MRS. SANBORN YOUNG.) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Nebber No Mo'. Del. Oct., '20. (15.) Ringmaster. W.H.C. Feb. (17.) Slip'ry Flies Out, L.H.J. Dec., '20. (20.) Trap. Met. Mar. (16.)
MONTAGUE, MARGARET PRESCOTT. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920.) (H.) 'To Will to Go.' Atl. May. (127:650.)
MOONEY, RALPH E. (See 1919, 1920.) Look Like a Million! Am. Jul. (44.)
MOORE, ANNE. *Their Expiation. Touch. Oct., '20. (8:28.)
MORGAN, BYRON. (1889- .) (See 1918, 1919.) Hell Diggers. S.E.P. Oct. 2, '20. (8.) Too Much Speed. S.E.P. May 28. (5.)
MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER (DARLINGTON). (1890- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) Curious Case of Kenelm Digby. Book. Mar. (53:10.) Apr. (53:157.) Disappearance of Dunraven Bleak. Book. June. (53:312.)
MOROSO, JOHN ANTONIO. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) McCann's Danny. Ev. Aug. (53.) Mary Two-Sides. Red Bk. Aug. (94.) Old Detective Who Had Retired. Am. Dec., '20. (46.) Storm-Cloud. Del. Feb. (8.)
MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. (1876- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *End of the Road. Harp. B. Oct., '19. (54.) **Open Door. Cos. Apr. (25.) *Silver Screen. McC. Aug. (28.)
MORTON, JOHNSON. (See 1917.) (H.) *Second Day of Spring. Harp. M. Feb. (142:350.)
MOSELLE, ROSE. Little Girl Named Jennie. Touch. Jan. (8:263.)
MOTT, FRANK LUTHER. (See 1918.) ***Man with the Good Face. Mid. Dec., '20. (6:202.)
MOUAT, HELEN. **Aftermath. G.H. Sept. (38.)
MOUNT, RICHARD. Honour of an Artiste. S.S. May. (33.)
MUILENBURG, WALTER J. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) **Peace. Mid. Apr. (7:159.)
MULLETT, MARY B. (See 1918.) (H.) Rivals. Am. Dec., '20. (39.)
MUMFORD, ETHEL WATTS (MRS. ETHEL WATTS-MUMFORD GRANT.) (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) "Aurore." Pict. R. Feb. (18.) *Pupil of Raphael. Ain. Apr. (144.) *Red Gulls. Pict. R. Oct., '20. (12.)
MURRAY, ROY IRVING. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919, 1920.) Fixed Idea. Scr. Apr. (69:481.)
MYGATT, GERALD. (See 1920.) (H.) Alibi Absolute. Red Bk. May. (32.) Strictly Legitimate. S.E.P. Dec. 11, '20. (18.)
MYGATT, GERALD and SMITH, GARRET. Q.E.D. S.E.P. Mar. 19. (14.)
NEIDIG, WILLIAM JONATHAN. (1870- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Firebug. Ev. Apr. (39.) Wire Cutter. S.E.P. Apr. 2. (14.)
NICHOLSON, MEREDITH. (1866- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Campbells Are Coming. McC. Aug. (13.) Poor Dear Papa. Red Bk. Apr. (62.) What Would You Do? McC. Jan. (16.)
NILES, BLAIR. (See 1920.) *Candles of Faith. Scr. Dec., '20. (68:725.) Cheating the Jungle. Scr. Mar. (69:360.)
NORRIS, KATHLEEN. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Bluebeard's Closet. G.H. Jan. (43.) Dam. G.H. Sept. (30.) *Heart of a Mouse. G.H. June, '20. (36.) Miss Mack of the Sixth. G.H. June. (20.) Pioneers. G.H. Mar. (14.) Truthful James. Cos. Sept. (75.)
NUGENT, ELLIOTT. Larry Pyramids. S.S. Apr. (111.)
O'HIGGINS, HARVEY JERROLD. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) *Dr. Adrian Hale Hellmuth. Cen. June. (102:179.) ***Peter Quayle. McC. Oct.,'20. (25.) Nov., '20. (25.)
OLIVER, OWEN. (See 1915, 1920.) Red Fisher. Chic. Trib. July 17. Turning. Del. Jan. (13.)
O'MAHONEY, JAMES. Blind Alleys. Met. Oct., '20. (32.)
O'MALLEY, ELEANOR. Moral Woman. S.S. Sept. (33.)
O'MALLEY, FRANK WARD. (1875- .) Thence by Seagoing Hack. S.E.P. Nov. 27, '20. (8.)
O'NEIL, LYDIA M.D. Hearts and Clubs. Sun. Nov., '20. (30.)
ONSLEY, CLARE. Delinquents All. Touch. Jan. (8:280.)
O'REILLY, EDWARD SINNOTT. (1880- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) His Fortunate Face. Pict. R. Apr. (9.)
ORFINGER, ESTHER. Used Up. Pag. Mar.-Apr. (39.)
ORMSBEE, HELEN. (H.) Long Shadow. W.H.C. Mar. (14.)
OSBORNE, WILLIAM HAMILTON. (1873- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Swift Work. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20 (36.) Very Narrow Squeak. S.E.P. May 28. (10.)
OSBOURNE, LLOYD. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Man Who. S.E.P. Jan. 1. (3.)
O'SULLIVAN, VINCENT. (1872- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) ***Master of Fallen Years. S.S. Aug. (91.)
OVERTON, JACQUELINE M. Sahib. Scr. July. (70:102.)
OWEN, PHILIP. In Pleasant Places. S.S. Mar. (115.)
PAINE, ALBERT BIGELOW. (1861- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Ordeal of Art. Harp. M. Oct., '20. (141:681.) Reforming Julius. Harp. M. Dec., '20. (142:129.)
PAINE, RALPH DELAHAYE. (1871- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Bound to the Westward. Ev. Oct., '20. (30.)
PANGBORN, GEORGIA WOOD. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1920.) (H.) Grasshoppers' Harvest. L.H.J. Nov., '20. (30.) Orris Island. W.H.C. Dec., '20. (18.)
PARADISE, VIOLA. (See 1919.) *Matches. Atl. Nov., '20. (126:608.)
PARK, JAMES. Preponderance of the Evidence. Atl. Dec., '20. (126:800.)
PARMENTER, CHRISTINE WHITING. (1877- .) (See 1918, 1919, 1920.) "For Better—For Worse—" Del. July. (12.) Lynette—the Plain One. W.H.C. July. (25.) Magic Wreath. Del. Dec., '20. (11.) Mr. Piper of Hamlin. Am. Oct., '20. (45.) "Old Enough to be Her Father." W.H.C. Oct., '20. (24.) Things Worth While. Sun. Oct., '20. (43.)
PATERSON, ISABEL. What It Was Like. Del. Aug. (16.)
PATRICK, JOHN. (See 1916.) Message to Santa. L.H.J. Dec., '20. (181.)
PATTERSON, MARY. (See 1916.) Dropped Torch. Harp. B. Mar. (42.)
PATTULLO, GEORGE. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Catfish Kid. S.E.P. July 30. (10.) Gasoline Gus. S.E.P. Dec. 4, '20. (10.) Hard to Beat. S.E.P. Feb. 26. (6.) Her Man. S.E.P. July 2. (8.) K. I. K. S.E.P. May 21. (8.) Kincaid's Angel Child. Red Bk. Mar. (76.)
PAYNE, WILL. (1855- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Acquitted. Cos. July. (53.) Judge's Fall. Chic. Trib. June 5. Magic of Jewels. Cos. Sept. (69.)
PELLEY, WILLIAM DUDLEY. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Dream Beautiful. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (81.) "Hold It—Stradivarius!" Pict. R. Mar. (10.) Last Dollar. Cos. June. (65.) Plaid Moth. Cos. Mar. (81.) Third-Speed Tarring. Ev. Dec., '20. (59.)
PELTIER, FLORENCE. (See 1920.) *Left-Handed Jingors and the Builders of the Yomei Gate. Asia. Jan. (21:41.)
PERRY, LAWRENCE. (1875- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Big Idea. S.E.P. June 4. (12.) Girl Who Took the Bumps. Red Bk. Feb. (30.) Holdout. S.E.P. May 21. (14.) Man to Man. S.E.P. Nov. 20, '20. (26.) Rocks of Avalon. Red Bk. Dec., '20. (71.) Son of His Mother. Chic. Trib. Oct. 31, '20.
PERRY, MONTANYE. (See 1920.) "Dear Neighbors." W.H.C. Feb. (26.)
PHILLIPS, DOROTHY S. "Practically Engaged." Am. Sept. (45.)
PHILLIPS, MICHAEL JAMES. (See 1919, 1920.) Salome—Where She Danced. Red Bk. Nov., '20. (32.)
PICKTHALL, MARJORIE L(OWRY) (CHRISTIE). (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Green Loco. Del. July. (9.)
PITT, CHART. (See 1917, 1918.) Debt of the Snows. Sun. Apr. (30.)
PLUMLEY, LADD. (H.) Doc Jenny. Scr. Sept. (70:362.)
PORTER, AGNES. Who Was Robinson? Scr. Dec., '20. (68:748.)
PORTER, REBECCA N. (H.) Wives of Xerxes. Scr. Jan. (69:49.)
PORTERFIELD, ALEXANDER. Bacchanale of the Boulevards. Harp. M. Aug. (143:316.)
PORTOR, LAURA SPENCER. (LAURA SPENCER PORTOR POPE). (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Sightseers. Harp. M. Aug. (143:359.)
POST, CHARLES JOHNSON. (1873- .) (See 1915.) (H.) Eve Incorporated. G.H. Sept. (23.) Middals an' Houses. G.H. Dec., '20. (33.) Pent an' Powdher. G.H. Jan. (52.)
POST, MELVILLE DAVISSON. (1871- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) **Expert Detective. Ev. Oct., '20. (15.) *Girl in the Picture. Pict. R. Jan. (26.) *Last Adventure. Hear. Sept. (9.) *Man Who Threatened the World. Hear. Dec., '20. (8.) *Man With Steel Fingers. Red Bk. Sept. (34.) *Mottled Butterfly. Red Bk. Aug. (60.) *"Mysterious Stranger." Defense. Ev. June. (32.) ***Unknown Disciple. Pict. R. Dec., '20. (14.)
POTTER, GRACE. (See 1919.) **Beginning. Lib. Aug. (11.)
POWYS, LLEWELYN. *In Africa the Dark. Met. May. (17.) *Not Guilty. S.S. Jul. (118.) **"Stunner." Free. Nov. 10, '20. (2:200.)
PRATT, LUCY. (1874- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Real Father. McCall. May. (8.)
PULVER, MARY BRECHT. (1883- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Annie Carey. S.E.P. Oct. 9, '20. (8.) *Bitter Valley. G.H. Apr. (68.) *Gus. G.H. Aug. (59.) **Secret. G.H. Nov., '20. (16.) Silent House. S.E.P. June 4. (16.)
PUTNAM, NINA WILCOX. (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Fattening Calf. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20. (12.) Hooch Owl. S.E.P. Feb. 26. (12.) Little Drops of Water. S.E.P. Oct. 2, '20. (20.) Men, the Brutes! S.E.P. Sept. 10. (10.) Tall Money. S.E.P. Nov. 6, '20. (14.) Two Weeks With Pay. S.E.P. Oct. 9. '20. (20.) Vox Potpourri. S.E.P. Oct. 30, '20. (12.)
QUEEN, HELEN DUNCAN. (H.) High Hurdles. Sun. June. (24.)
RABELL, DU VERNET. (See 1920.) Returning Prophet. Ev. Nov., '20. (29.)
RALEY, HELEN. *Posadas. Mag. Dec., '20. (73.)
RANCK, REITA LAMBERT. (See 1918, 1919.) Withered Petals. Harp. M. June. (143:57.)
RAPHAELSON, SAMPSON. (See 1920.) Romantic Realism of Rosalie. Hear. Oct., '20. (17.) Rosalie and the Emotional Appeal. Hear. Feb. (21.)
RASCOE, BURTON. Caste. S.S. May. (117.)
RAVENEL, BEATRICE WITTE. (1870- .) (See 1919, 1920.) *Maison Cadwallader. Harp. M. Sept. (143:429.)
RAY, MARIE BEYNON. (See 1920.) Hostess of Tragedy. S.S. Apr. (119.) Understanding Heart. Harp. B. Sept. (64.)
RAYMOND, CLIFFORD. (H.) Oak from the Acorn. Chic. Trib. Jul 31.
READ, MARION PUGH. (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) **Everlasting Grace. Atl. Mar. (127:343.)
REAMER, LAWRENCE. (H.) "C in Alt." Cen. Jul. (102:377.) Second Breakfast. S.S. Mar. (69.)
REDINGTON, HELEN. Winning Sister. Ev. Jul. (173.)
REDINGTON, SARAH. (See 1919, 1920.) "Au Bonheur des Co-Eds." Scr. Nov., '20, (68:590.) Matherson and the Spirit World. Scr. Aug. (70:200.)
REELY, MARY KATHARINE. (See 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Late Spring. Touch. Nov., '20. (93.)
REESE, LOWELL OTUS. (1866- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Feminine Touch. Col. May 28. (7.) Killer. S.E.P. Sept. 10. (8.) Monkey Wrench. S.E.P. May 7. (24.) When Weasel-Face Came Back. Col. Feb. 12. (10.) Yellow Dog's Bone. Col. Mar. 12 (12.)
REYHER, FERDINAND M. (1891- .) (See 1916, 1917.) Enchanted Mountain. McC. Aug. (18.)
REYNOLDS, HARRY WAIT. Man Who Fought But Once. Ev. June. (66.)
RHODES, HARRISON (GARFIELD). (1871- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) ***Miss Sunshine. Chic. Trib. May 29. Night Life and Thomas Robinson. S.E.P. June 4. (8.) Thomas Robinson—Man of the World. S.E.P. Apr. 23. (14.)
RICHARDSON, NORVAL. (See 1917.) (H.) *Man-Made Lady. Harp. B. Oct., '19. (84.)
RICHMOND, GRACE (LOUISE) S(MITH). (1866- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Bells of St. Johns. G.H. Dec., '20. (10.)
RICHTER, CONRAD (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) "You're Too Contwisted Satisfied—Jim Ted!" Am. Feb. (39.)
RITCHIE, ROBERT WELLES. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Birdie, the Heaven Hen. Sun. Mar. (28.)
RITTENHOUSE, MARIAN F. What Was "Too-Pay?" W.H.C. Dec., '20. (25.)
ROBBINS, LEONARD H. (1877- .) (See 1920.) Betty's Painter. Ev. Mar. (29.) Mr. Downey Sits Down. Ev. June. (61.)
ROBBINS, TOD. (See 1918.) ***Toys of Fate. Mun. Jan. (71:597.)
ROBERTS, CHARLES GEORGE DOUGLAS. (1860- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Cave of the Bear. Met. Mar. (22.) Fishers of the Air. McC. Sept. (24.) Mustela of the Lone Hand. McC. Apr. (22.) Quills the Indifferent. McC. Feb. (19.) Winged Scourge of the Dark. McC. Mar. (27.)
ROBERTS, HELEN C. Poise. S.S. Dec., '20. (123.)
ROBERTSON, CLYDE. On Nebo's Lonely Mountain. Pag. Nov.-Dec., '20. (13.)
ROBIN, MAX. Freedom. S.S. Nov., '20. (123.) **Young School Teacher. Pag. May. (5.)
ROCHE, ARTHUR SOMERS. (1883- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Limit of the Christmas Kid. Cos. Apr. (75.)
ROE, VINGIE E. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Eighteenth Leap. Ev. Mar. (23.) Fuzzyface. Sun. Mar. (19.) Jimmy Lee—A Colfax. G.H. Dec., '20. (32.) Old Square Horns. Col. Sept. 24. (7.) Princiep'—and True Love. Chic. Trib. Apr. 3. Stuff o' Heroes. Sun. Jan. (26.)
ROOF, KATHERINE METCALF. (See 1915, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Vengeance of Arjan Dai. Hol. Mar. (20.)
ROSENBLATT, BENJAMIN. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Thinker. Lit. S. Apr. (8.)
ROULET, MARIE ANTOINETTE DE. Little Wooden Bowl. Cath. W. May. (113:228.)
ROWLAND, HENRY C(OTTRELL). (1874- .) (See 1918, 1919.) (H.) April Fool Candy. Red Bk. Apr. (81.) Fury of the Sheep. Red Bk. Jul. (74.) Playing Safe. Chic. Trib. Jul. 24.
RUSSELL, JOHN. (1885- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Shots. Cos. June. (53.)
"RUTLEDGE, MARYSE," (MARYSE RUTLEDGE HALE). ("MARICE RUTLEDGE.") (MARIE LOUISE GOETCHIUS.) (MARIE LOUISE VAN SAANEN.) (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918 under VAN SAANEN, MARIE LOUISE; 1920 under "RUTLEDGE, MARYSE.") (See "H." under GOETCHIUS, MARIE LOUISE.) Sad Adventurers. S.E.P. Apr. 30. (8.)
RYERSON, FLORENCE. (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) Anna the Absolute. Am. Feb. 11. Bargain Day for Babies. Am. Apr. (38.)
SACHS, EMANIE N. *Damned Nigger. S.S. Oct., '20. (21.)
SANGSTER, MARGARET ELIZABETH, JR., (1894- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Across the Years. G.H. June. (34.)
SAPINSKY, RUTH and SAPINSKY, JOSEPH. (See 1915, 1916 under SAPINSKY, ROSE; 1920 under SAPINSKY, JOSEPH.) Exit Yourself. McCall. Oct., '20. (20.)
SATUREN, PAUL. *Witch-Face. Pag. Jan.-Feb. (10.)
SAWHILL, MYRA. (See 1917, 1919, 1920.) Curing a Bully With His Own Medicine. Am. Feb. (50.) Shirley Langdon Takes a Flyer. Am. Nov., '20. (48.) *Wagon and the Star. Scr. Dec., '20. (68:735.)
SAWYER, RUTH (MRS. ALBERT C. DURAND). (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Christopher Titmouse, B.B. G.H. May. (63.) Heart of a Boy. Ev. Dec., '20. (13.) *Mother. G.H. Nov., '20. (54.) Pebbles of Pettingale's Point. Col. Apr. 16. (9.)
SAXBY, CHARLES. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Beach of Jewels. Met. Nov., '20. (15.) *Hole in the Film. Cen. Aug. (102:530.) Proud Piece. Ev. Oct., '20. (23.) Road of Hate. Chic. Trib. Sept. 11. Singer of the Night. Ev. Feb. (5.); Mar. (16.) *Walking Ann Fools the Sheriff. Am. Aug. (29.)
SCOBEE, BARRY. ***The Wind. Adv. Jan. 3. (54.)
SCOVILLE, JR., SAMUEL. (1872- .) (See 1920.) (H.) Devil. L.H.J. Jan. (171.) Sea Otter. L.H.J. Sept. (34.)
SEABROOK, W.B. *Won. S.S. Jan. (41.)
SEDGWICK, JOHN HUNTER. Miss Melby's Change of Heart. S.S. Dec., '20. (81.) Pepperell Square. S.S. Jan. (81.)
SEIFERT, SHIRLEY L. (See 1919, 1920.) Bittersweet. L.H.J. Jan. 22. Blue Morning-Glories. L.H.J. Aug. (3.) Sept. (22.) For the Sake of Phyllis. L.H.J. Nov., '20. (14.)
SEIFFERT, MARJORIE ALLEN. (1885- .) (See 1918, 1919, 1920.) *Woman From Over the Sky-Line. S.S. Mar. (97.)
SERGEL, R.L. **Glare of Circumstance. Mid. June. (7:223.)
SEXTON, BERNARD. (See 1920.) *Parrots and the Lady. Asia. Nov., '20. (20:989.)
SHANNON, JAMES. Terrible Meek. S.S. Mar. (113.)
SHELTON (RICHARD) BARKER. (See 1916, 1917 under "OXFORD, JOHN BARTON.") (See 1916, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) Inspiration. S.E.P. Sept. 10. (22.) Splendid Faith. Col. Apr. 9. (9.)
SHERMAN, EDITH BISHOP. *Seconds. Met. June. (60.)
SHOLES, HELEN. Still-Life. S.S. Feb. (117.)
SHOLL, ANNA MCCLURE. (See 1916, 1918.) (H.) Girdle. W.H.C. July. (26.)
SHORE, VIOLA BROTHERS. (See 1919, 1920.) Heritage. S.E.P. Feb. 5. (16.) O Tempora! O Mawruss! S.E.P. Oct. 30, '20. (16.) They Always Do. L.H.J. July. (6.)
SHOWERMAN, GRANT. (1870- .) (See 1916, 1917.) (H.) **Country Benedict. Cen. Sept. (102:692.)
SINGER, MARY. He Who Gets—Has! Am. Dec., '20. (52.) Lie That Waked Tom Up. Am. Aug. (40.)
SINGMASTER, ELSIE (ELSIE SINGMASTER LENAR). (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Apple Country. W.H.C. July. (11.) *Face in the Mirror. McCall. May. (16.) *Noah's Ark. L.H.J. Dec., '20. (24.)
SISK, HERMAN. One Woman in a Million. Sun. Mar. (50.)
SLADE, CHRISTINE JOPE. Amateur Vamp. Met. Nov., '20. (7.) Caretakers Within. S.E.P. Feb. 5. (12.) Catchpenny Ann. Met. Apr. (28.) Golden Idol. S.E.P. Apr. 16. (10.) Grubstaking Cinderella. S.E.P. June 11. (12.) Wild Lad from Wigan. Sun. July. (18.)
SMITH, GARRET. (See 1920.) See also MYGATT, GERALD, and SMITH, GARRET. Buccaneer Blood. S.E.P. Nov. 13, '20. (26.)
SMITH, GORDON ARTHUR. (1886- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) *Aristocrat. Harp. M. Nov., '20 (141:759.) Dreamlight. S.E.P. Aug. 20. (8.) *Love Thy Neighbor. Dial. Jan. (70:29.)
SMITH, MAXWELL. (See 1919, 1920.) Chigger. Ev. May. (45.) Sheared Ears. Red Bk. Oct., '20 (48.)
SMITH, W. EDSON. (See 1915.) (H.) Big Top o' the World. Scr. Feb. (69:185.)
SNEDDON, ROBERT W. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920.) (H.) *Grease-paint and Tears. L. St. Dec., '20. (27.)
SOeDERBERG, HJALMAR. *Blue Anchor. Hear. July. (44.)
SOLANO, SOLITA. (See 1920.) Vespers. S.S. Feb. (47.) Virgin. S.S. Aug. (114.)
SOLOMANS, THEODORE SEIXAS. (See 1915, 1920.) Little "Dame" on the Second Floor. Am. Oct., '20. (13.)
SPEARS, RAYMOND SMILEY. (1876- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1920.) (H.) Revenge. Col. Dec. 18, '20. (10.) Ten Thousand Dollars a Wag. Col. Mar. 5. (9.) Trainer. Col. Oct. 30, '20. (10.)
SPEYER, LEONORA. (See 1919.) Red Roses. S.S. Oct., '20. (77.)
SPRINGER, FLETA CAMPBELL. (1886- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918; see 1917 under CAMPBELL, FLETA.) (H.) **Mountain of Jehovah. Harp. M. Mar. (142:470.) ***Role of Madame Ravelles. Harp, M. Sept. (143:466.)
SQUIER, EMMA LINDSEY. Alfred the Seal. G.H. Aug. (46.) Fairy Night. G.H. Mar. (8.) Hector, the Hawk. G.H. Sept. (64.) Henry, the Heron. G.H. May. (30.) Leonard. G.H. Apr. (32.) O'Henry, the Quail Baby. G H. July. (26.) Skygak. G.H. Mar. (11.) Timothy, the Dirty Bear. G.H. June. (29.) U-Chu-Ka. G.H. Apr. (31.) |