NOTE. This address list does not aim to be complete, but is based simply on the magazines which I have consulted for this volume.
Adventure, Spring and Macdougal Streets, New York City. Ainslee's Magazine, 79 Seventh Avenue, New York City. All's Well, Gayeta Lodge, Fayetteville, Arkansas. American Boy, 142 Lafayette Boulevard, Detroit, Michigan. American Magazine, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Argosy All-Story Weekly, 280 Broadway, New York City. Asia, 627 Lexington Avenue, New York City. Atlantic Monthly, 8 Arlington Street, Boston, Mass. Bookman, 244 Madison Avenue, New York City. Brief Stories, 714 Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Broom, 3 East 9th Street, New York City. Catholic World, 120 West 60th Street, New York City. Century, 353 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Illinois. Christian Herald, Bible House, New York City. Collier's Weekly, 416 West 13th Street, New York City. Cosmopolitan Magazine, 119 West 40th Street, New York City. Delineator, Spring and Macdougal Streets, New York City. Dial, 152 West 13th Street, New York City. Everybody's Magazine, Spring and Macdougal Streets, New York City. Follies, 25 West 45th Street, New York City. Good Housekeeping, 119 West 40th Street, New York City. Harper's Bazar, 119 West 40th Street, New York City. Harper's Magazine, Franklin Square, New York City. Hearst's International Magazine, 119 West 40th Street, New York City. Holland's Magazine, Dallas, Texas. Ladies' Home Journal, Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Liberator, 34 Union Square East, New York City. Little Review, 24 West 16th Street, New York City. Live Stories, 35 West 39th Street, New York City. McCall's Magazine, 236 West 37th Street, New York City. McClure's Magazine, 76 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Magnificat, Manchester, N.H. Metropolitan, 432 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Midland, Box 110, Iowa City, Iowa. Munsey's Magazine, 280 Broadway, New York City. Open Road, 248 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. Outlook, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Pagan, 23 West 8th Street, New York City. People's Favorite Magazine, 79 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Pictorial Review, 216 West 39th Street, New York City. Popular Magazine, 79 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Queen's Work, 626 North Vandeventer Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Red Book Magazine, North American Building, Chicago, Ill. Saturday Evening Post, Independence Square, Philadelphia, Pa. Scribner's Magazine, 597 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Short Stories, Garden City, Long Island, N.Y. Smart Set, 25 West 45th Street, New York City. Snappy Stories, 35 West 39th Street, New York City. Sunset, 460 Fourth Street, San Francisco, Cal. Telling Tales, 799 Broadway, New York City. To-day's Housewife, Cooperstown, N.Y. Top-Notch Magazine, 79 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Wayside Tales, 6 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Western Story Magazine, 79 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Woman's Home Companion, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Woman's World, 107 South Clinton Street, Chicago, Ill.
Apple of Discord, 53, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Blackwood's Magazine, 37, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4. Blue Magazine, 115, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Bystander, Graphic Buildings, Whitefriars, London, E.C.4. Cassell's Magazine, La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. Chamber's Journal, 38, Soho Square, London, W.C.1. Colour Magazine, 53, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Cornhill Magazine, 50A Albemarle Street, London, W.1. Country Life, 20, Tavistock Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. English Review, 18, Bedford Square, London, W.C.1. Eve, Great New Street. London, E.C.4. Fanfare, 31, Percy Street, London, W.1. Form, Morland Press, Ltd., 190, Ebury Street, London, S.W.1. Grand Magazine, 8-11, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Graphic, Graphic Buildings, Whitefriars, London, E.C.4. Home Magazine, 8-11 Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Hutchinson's Magazine, 34 Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4. John O'London's Weekly, 8-11 Southampton Street, London, W.C.2. Lady, 39 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Lady's World, 6, Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Lloyd's Story Magazine, 12, Salisbury Square, London, E.C.4. London, Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. London Mercury, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C.4. Looking Forward, Windsor House, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C.4. Manchester Guardian, 3, Cross Street, Manchester. Nash's and Pall Mall Magazine, 1, Amen Corner, Paternoster Row, London. E.C.4. Nation and Athenaeum, 10, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C.2. New Age, 38, Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane, London, E.C.4. New Magazine, La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. New Statesman, 10, Great Queen Street, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Novel Magazine, Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. Outward Bound, Edinburgh House, 2, Eaton Gate, London, S.W.1. Pan, Long Acre, London, W.C.2. Pearson's Magazine, 17-18 Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. Premier, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Queen, Bream's Buildings, London, E.C.4. Quest, 21, Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London, W.C.2. Quiver, La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. Red Magazine, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Royal Magazine, 17-18 Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. Saturday Westminster Gazette, Tudor House, Tudor Street, London, E.C.4. Sketch, 172, Strand, London, W.C.2. Sovereign Magazine, 34, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4. Sphere, Great New Street, London, E.C.4. Story-Teller, La Belle Sauvage, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C.4. Strand Magazine, 8-11, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Times Literary Supplement, Printing House Square, London, E.C.4. Truth, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Vanity Fair, 1, Amen Corner, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.4. Vineyard, Care of Allen & Unwin, Ltd., Ruskin House, 40, Museum Street, London, W.C.1. Voices, Care of Chapman & Hall, Ltd., 11, Henrietta Street, London, W.C.2. Wide World Magazine, 8-11, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. Windsor Magazine, Warwick House, Salisbury Square, London, E.C.4. Yellow Magazine, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4.
NOTE. Only stories by American authors are listed. The best stories are indicated by an asterisk before the title of the story. The index figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 prefixed to the name of the author indicate that his work has been included in the Rolls of Honor for 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, and 1920 respectively. The list excludes reprints. "Oscar" by Djuna Barnes should be added to the Roll of Honor in "The Best Short Stories of 1920."
(567) ABDULLAH, ACHMED (for biography, see 1918).
Dutiful Grief. Lute of Jade.
ALLEN, JAMES LANE. Born in Lexington, Kentucky, 1849. Educated at Transylvania University. Taught in the secondary schools and at Kentucky University and Bethany College. Author of "Flute and Violin," 1891; "Blue Grass Region," 1892; "John Gray," 1893; "Kentucky Cardinal," 1895; "Aftermath," 1896; "Summer in Arcady," 1896; "Choir Invisible," 1897; "Reign of Law"; "Mettle of the Pasture;" "Bride of the Mistletoe," 1909; "Doctor's Christmas Eve," 1910; "Heroine in Bronze," 1912; "Last Christmas Tree," 1914; "Sword of Youth," 1915; "Cathedral Singer," 1916; "Kentucky Warbler," 1918. Lives in New York City.
(34567) ANDERSON, SHERWOOD (for biography, see 1917).
*Brothers. *New Englander. *Unlighted Lamps.
(7) BERCOVICI, KONRAD (for biography, see 1920).
(14567) BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS (for biography, see 1917).
Buchanan Hears the Wind. *Experiment.
(567) CABELL, JAMES BRANCH (for biography, see 1918).
*Image of Sesphra.
(23) CHILD, RICHARD WASHBURN. Born at Worcester, Massachusetts, August 5, 1881. Graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School. Admitted to the Bar in 1906. Appointed United States Ambassador to Italy, 1921. Author of "Jim Hands," 1910; "Man In The Shadow," 1911; "Blue Wall" 1912; "Potential Russia," 1916; "Bodbank," 1916; "Velvet Black," 1921. Lives in Rome, Italy.
(2345) COBB, IRVIN S. (for biography, see 1917).
*Darkness. Short Natural History.
(2) COLCORD, LINCOLN. Born at sea, off Cape Horn, August 14, 1883. Educated at Searsport, Maine, High School and University of Maine. Spent first fourteen years of his life at sea on the China coast. Civil Engineer 1906-9. Author of "The Drifting Diamond," 1912; "Game of Life and Death," 1914; "Vision of War," 1915. Washington correspondent of Philadelphia Ledger, 1917 to 1919. Lives at Searsport, Maine.
*Instrument of the Gods.
(456) CRABBE, BERTHA HELEN (for biography, see 1917).
On Riverside Drive.
(7) FINGER, CHARLES J. (for biography, see 1920).
Derailment of Train No. 16. *Lizard God.
(4) FRANK, WALDO (for biography, see 1917).
*Under the Dome.
(123457) GEROULD, KATHARINE FULLERTON (for biography, see 1917).
*French Eva.
(4) GLASGOW, ELLEN (for biography, see 1917).
(456) GLASPELL, SUSAN (MRS. GEORGE CRAM COOK) (for biography, see 1917).
*His Smile.
(346) HALLET, RICHARD MATTHEWS (for biography, see 1917).
*Harbor Master.
HART, FRANCES NOYES. Born at Silver Spring, Maryland, August 10, 1890. Educated at Chicago Latin School, privately in Connecticut and abroad, and at the Sorbonne in the College de France. Interested in anything from baseball to Bach. First short story, "Contact," published in the Pictorial Review, December, 1920, and awarded second prize by O. Henry Memorial Committee Society of Arts and Sciences. Published "Mark" 1913, and "My A.E.F.," 1920, under name of Frances Newbold Noyes. Lives in New York City.
*Green Gardens.
(256) HECHT, BEN (for biography, see 1918).
(23456) HURST, FANNIE (for biography, see 1917).
*She Walks in Beauty.
(6) IMRIE, WALTER MCLAREN (for biography, see 1919).
(7) KOMROFF, MANUEL. Born in New York City. Educated in New York public schools, and special courses at Yale University. Journalist. First short story published in Reedy's Mirror two years ago. Lives in New York City.
*Little Master of the Sky.
*Man With the Good Face.
(457) O'HIGGINS, HARVEY J. (for biography, see 1917).
*Peter Quayle.
(3457) O'SULLIVAN, VINCENT (for biography, see 1917).
*Master of Fallen Years.
(1237) POST, MELVILLE DAVISSON (for biography, see 1920).
Unknown Disciple.
(5) Rhodes, Harrison (Garfield) (for biography, see 1918).
Miss Sunshine.
ROBBINS, TOD. Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., June 25, 1888. Educated at Polytechnic Preparatory School, Mercersburg Academy, and Washington and Lee University. Well-known amateur athlete. First short story "Married," published in The Parisienne, February, 1917. Author of "The Unholy Three," 1917; "Red of Surley," 1919; "Silent, White and Beautiful," 1920. Lives in New York City.
Toys of Fate.
SCOBEE, BARRY. Born at Pollock, Missouri, May 2, 1885. Educated at Missouri State Normal School. Journalist and printer. Chief interests metaphysics and mountains. Was in regular army 1907-10, including Philippine campaign. First story "The Whip In the Thatch," Young's Magazine, March. 1915. Lives in Bellingham, Washington.
*The Wind.
(3457) SPRINGER, FLETA CAMPBELL (for biography, see 1917).
*Role of Madame Ravelles.
(234567) STEELE, WILBUR DANIEL (for biography, see 1917).
*At-Two-in-the-Bush. *Footfalls. *Life. *Shame Dance. 'Toinette of Maisonnoir.
THAYER, HARRIET MAXON (MRS. GILBERT THAYER). Born at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, 1889. Attended University of Wisconsin and School of Journalism, Columbia University. Fairy tales in Philadelphia North American and in the Guide, Milwaukee, 1921. Married Gilbert Thayer, September 5, 1921. Served in France with American Red Cross Canteen, 1918 and 1919.
TOWNE, CHARLES HANSON. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, February 2, 1877. Educated in New York public schools and College of the City of New York. Author of "Quiet Singer"; "Manhattan"; "Youth"; "Beyond the Stars"; "To-day and To-morrow"; "The Tumble Man"; and "Autumn Loiterers." Has been editor of The Designer, Smart Set, and McClure's Magazine. Lives in New York City.
(56) VENABLE, EDWARD C. Born at Petersburg, Virginia, July 4, 1884. Graduate of Princeton University, 1906. Served in France in Field Ambulance Service and Flying Corps, 1917-19. Author of "Pierre Vinton," 1914; "Short Stories," 1915; "Wife of the Junior Partner," 1915; "Lasca," 1916; "Ali Babette," 1917; and "At Isham's," 1918. Lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
*Madame Tichepin.
(34567) VORSE, MARY HEATON (for biography, see 1917).
*Wallow of the Sea.
(567) WILLIAMS, BEN AMES (for biography, see 1918).
*Man Who Looked Like Edison.
(6) WORMSER, G. RANGER. Born in New York City, February 24, 1893. Educated privately. First short story "Tragedy's Fool," published in English edition of the Smart Set, 1910. Author of "The Scarecrow," 1918. Lives in New York City.
Gossamer. Second-Hand.
(67) YEZIERSKA, ANZIA (for biography, see 1919).
My Own People.
NOTE. Stories of special excellence are indicated, by an asterisk. The index figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 prefixed to the name of the author indicate that his work has been included in the Rolls of Honor for 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, and 1920 respectively. The list excludes reprints.
(1234567) AUMONIER, STACY.
Beautiful Merciless One. *Little White Frock.
*How Great is the Glory of Kwannon! *Interpreter.
*T. Fenning Dodworth. *William and Mary.
*Hurly-Burly. *Tiger.
*Awakening. *Timber. *Hedonist.
Southern Women.
*Tillotson Banquet.
Knights and Turcopoliers.
Silver Pool.
*Lena Wrace. *Return.
*In the Beechwood.
*Bombastes Furioso. *Critic. *Strange Case of Mr. Nix. *Lucy Moon. *Lizzie Rand. *Nobody! *Peter Westcott's Nursery.
(35) "GORKI, MAXIM." (Russian.)
MANN, THOMAS. (German.)
*White Heart.
*Greek Dancer.
1. ANDERSON. The Triumph of the Egg. Huebsch. 2. BERCOVICI. GHITZA. Boni and Liveright. 3. BURT. Chance Encounters. Scribner. 4. CABELL. The Line of Love. McBride. 5. SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. O. Henry Prize Stories, 1920. Doubleday, Page.
1. AUMONIER. Golden Windmill. Macmillan. 2. CHOLMONDELEY. The Romance of His Life. Dodd, Mead. 3. COPPARD. Adam and Eve and Pinch Me. Knopf. 4. HUDSON. Dead Man's Plack. Dutton. 5. MANSFIELD. Bliss. Knopf. 6. MERRICK. A Chair on the Boulevard. Dutton. 7. NEVINSON. Original Sinners. Huebsch. 8. STEPHENS. Irish Fairy Tales. Macmillan. 9. WALPOLE. The Thirteen Travellers. Doran.
1. BYNG, editor. Roumanian Stories. Lane. 2. CHEKHOV. The Horse-Stealers. Macmillan. 3. CHEKHOV. The Schoolmaster. Macmillan. 4. CHEKHOV. The Schoolmistress. Macmillan. 5. FRANCE. Seven Wives of Bluebeard. Lane. 6. HAMP. People. Harcourt and Brace. 7. JACOBSEN. Moegens. Brown. 8. JAMMES. Romance of the Rabbit. Brown. 9. POPOVIC, editor. Jugo-Slav Stories. Duffield. 10. SCHNITZLER. The Shepherd's Pipe. Brown. 11. TURGENEV. Knock, Knock, Knock. Macmillan. 12. TURGENEV. The Two Friends. Macmillan.
1. BERESFORD. Signs and Wonders. Golden Cockerel Press. 2. CORKERY. Hounds of Banba. Talbot Press. 3. FISHER. Romantic Man. Secker. 4. LYONS. MARKET BUNDLE. Butterworth. 5. MCCALLIN. Ulster Fireside Tales. Heath Cranton. 6. MACKLIN, translator. 29 Short Stories. Philpot. 7. MOORMAN. Tales of the Ridings. Mathews. 8. MOORMAN. More Tales of the Ridings. Mathews. 9. STEIN. Three Lives. Lane. 10. WOOLF. Monday or Tuesday. Hogarth Press.
GHITZA AND OTHER ROMANCES OF GYPSY BLOOD, by Konrad Bercovici (Boni & Liveright). This is the best volume of short stories published by an American author this year. It consists of nine epic fragments which are studies in passionate color of Roumanian gypsy life. Mr. Bercovici's work bears no trace of special literary influences, and he has moulded a new form for these stories which disobeys successfully all the codes of story writing. Whether we are to regard him as an American or a European artist seems of little importance. The essential point is that he and Sherwood Anderson are the most significant new short story writers who have emerged in America within the past five years.
HOMESPUN AND GOLD, by Alice Brown (The Macmillan Company). Miss Brown's new collection of fifteen short stories, which she has written during the past thirteen years, is not one of her best books, but it is of considerable importance as one more contribution to the literature of New England regionalism. Its qualities of homely fidelity and quiet humor make it distinctly worth reading, and one story, "White Pebbles" ranks with Miss Brown's best work.
THE VELVET BLACK, by Richard Washburn Child (E.P. Dutton & Company). I do not regard this as more than a piece of extremely competent craftsmanship, and its interest to the man of letters is largely technical, but it contains one excellent story full of dramatic suspense and a certain literary honesty. I think "Identified" might be commended to a short story anthologist.
THE SONS O' CORMAC, AN' TALES OF OTHER MEN'S SONS, by Aldis Dunbar (E.P. Dutton & Company). This collection of fifteen Irish fairy and hero tales, told by a gardener to a little boy, show considerable deftness of fancy, and although the idiom Mr. Dunbar uses is borrowed and not quite convincing, his book seems to me almost as good as those of Seumas MacManus, which probably suggested it.
GREAT SEA STORIES (Brentano's) and MASTERPIECES OF MYSTERY (4 vols.) (Doubleday, Page & Co.), edited by Joseph Lewis French. These anthologies, which are somewhat casually edited, are worthy of purchase by students of the short story who do not possess many anthologies, for they contain a number of standard texts. But I do not think highly of the selections, which are of a thoroughly conventional nature.
"MOMMA," AND OTHER UNIMPORTANT PEOPLE, by Rupert Hughes (Harper & Brothers). This is an unimportant book containing one superb story, "The Stick-In-the-Muds," which I had the pleasure of printing last year in this series. It is one of the stories which Mr. Hughes has written for his own pleasure and not for the preconceived pleasure of his large and critical public. I consider that it ranks with the excellent series of Irish-American studies which Mr. Hughes published a few years ago.
MASTER EUSTACE, by Henry James (Thomas Seltzer). This volume, which is a companion to "A Landscape Painter," reprints five more early stories of Henry James, not included in any American edition now in print. They have all the qualities of "Roderick Hudson" and "The American," and should be invaluable to the students of Henry James's technique. It would have been a matter of regret had these stories not been rendered accessible to the general public.
FAMOUS DETECTIVE STORIES and FAMOUS PSYCHIC STORIES, edited by J. Walker McSpadden (Thomas Y. Crowell Company). These two anthologies have been edited on more or less conventional lines, but they contain several important stories which are not readily accessible, and I can commend them as texts for students of the short story.
TALES FROM A ROLLTOP DESK by Christopher Morley (Doubleday, Page & Company). I record this volume for the sake of one admirable story, "Referred to the Author," which almost any contemporary of Mr. Morley would have been glad to sign. Apart from this, the volume is ephemeral.
THE SLEUTH OF ST. JAMES'S SQUARE by Melville Davisson Post. (D. Appleton & Company). This volume contains the best of Mr. Post's well-known mystery stories, and I take special pleasure in calling attention to "The Wrong Sign," "The Hole in the Mahogany Panel," and "The Yellow Flower." These stories show all the resourceful virtuosity of Poe, and are models of their kind. While they seem to me to possess no special literary value, they have solved some important new technical problems, and I believe they will repay attentive study.
DEVIL STORIES, edited by Maximilian J. Rudwin (Alfred A. Knopf). This is an excellent anthology revealing a wide range of reading and introducing a number of good stories which are likely to prove new to most readers. The editor has added to the value of the volume by elaborate annotation. He wears his learning lightly however, and it only serves to adorn his subject.
CHRISTMAS ROSES, AND OTHER STORIES, by Anne Douglas Sedgwick (Houghton Mifflin Company). This admirable series of nine studies dealing with the finer shades of character are subdued in manner. Mrs. de Selincourt has voluntarily restricted her range, but she has simply "curtailed her circumference to enlarge her liberty," and I believe this volume is likely to outlast many books which are more widely talked about.
CAPE BRETON TALES, by Harry James Smith (The Atlantic Monthly Press). This little volume of short stories and studies deals with the Arcadian life of Cape Breton and the Gaspe coast. I am speaking from personal knowledge when I state that, this is the first time the Acadian has been understood by an English speaking writer, and if Mr. Smith's art works within narrow limits, it is quite faultless in its rendering. This volume suggests what a loss American letters has sustained in the author's death.
THE GOLDEN WINDMILL, AND OTHER STORIES, by Stacy Aumonier (The Macmillan Company). For some years Mr. Aumonier has been quietly winning an important place for himself in English letters by his admirable short stories, and this place has been fittingly recognized by Mr. Galsworthy, among others, during the past year. Eight of the nine stories in the present volume seem to me as good as stories written in the traditional technique can be, and I regard this book as only second in excellence to the volumes of A.E. Coppard and Katherine Mansfield of which I shall speak presently.
MORE LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS, by Thomas Burke (George H. Doran Company). It is a wise counsel of perfection which says that sequels are barred, and I do not believe that Mr. Burke has chosen wisely in endeavoring to repeat the artistic success of "Limehouse Nights." Apart from "The Scarlet Shoes" and "Miss Plum-Blossom," this volume seems to me to be second-rate, and I feel that Mr. Burke has already exhausted his Limehouse field.
ADAM AND EVE AND PINCH ME, by A.E. Coppard (Alfred A. Knopf). I have endeavored elsewhere to express my opinion of "Adam and Eve and Pinch Me" by dedicating this year's annual volume to Mr. Coppard. I believe that he ranks as an artist among the best continental writers. He sees life as a pattern which he simplifies, and weaves a closely wrought fabric which is a symbol of human life as seen by a disinterested but happy observer. His range is wide, and if he presents the uncommon instance of a man who has absorbed all that two men as different as Chekhov and Henry James have to teach, he brings to this fusion a personal view which transmutes the values of his masters into a new set of values. To do this successfully is the sign of a fine artist.
DEAD MAN'S PLACK, AND AN OLD THORN, by W.H. Hudson (E.P. Dutton & Company). Mr. Hudson's devoted readers have long known of the existence of these two stories, and have regretted that the author did not see fit to issue them in book form. The first story is a short study in historical reconstruction equal to the best of Jacobsen's work, while "The Old Thorn" ranks with "El Ombu" as one of Mr. Hudson's best two short stories. The volume is, of course, a permanent addition to English literature.
TOP O' THE MORNIN', by Seumas MacManus (Frederick A. Stokes Company). Mr. MacManus's new collection of Irish tales has ups and downs like a Galway road, but his ups are very good indeed and show that he has by no means lost the folk imagination which made his early books rank among the very best of their kind. I can specially commend to the reader "The Widow Meehan's Cassimeer Shawl," "The Bellman of Carrick," and "The Heart-Break of Norah O'Hara."
BLISS AND OTHER STORIES, by Katherine Mansfield (Alfred A. Knopf). I have no hesitation in stating after careful thought that Miss Mansfield's first book of short stories at once places her in the great European tradition on a par with Chekhov and De Maupassant. This is certainly the most important book of short stories which has come to my notice since I began to edit this series of books. I say this with the more emphasis because, although her technique is the same as that of Chekhov, she is one of the few writers to whom a close study of Chekhov has done no harm. Most American short story writers are bad because they copy "O. Henry," and most English short story writers are bad because they copy Chekhov. Chekhov and "O. Henry" were both great writers because they copied nobody. I hope that the success of Miss Mansfield's book will not have the effect of substituting a new model instead of these two. Mr. Knopf is to be complimented for his taste in publishing the best two volumes of short stories of the year. It is a disinterested service to literature.
A CHAIR ON THE BOULEVARD, by Leonard Merrick (E.P. Dutton & Company). It is unnecessary at this date to point out the special excellences of Leonard Merrick. They are such as to ensure him a tolerably secure position in the history of the English short story. But it may be well to point out that the vice of his excellence is his proneness to sentimentality. This is more evident in Mr. Merrick's other volumes than in the present collection, which is really a reissue of his best stories, including that masterpiece, "The Tragedy of a Comic Song." If one were to compile an anthology of the world's best twenty stories, this story would be among them.
SELECTED ENGLISH SHORT STORIES (XIX AND XX CENTURIES), edited by H.S.M. (Oxford University Press). This volume has the merit of containing in very short compass twenty-eight stories by English and American authors, not too conventionally selected, which would form admirable texts for a short story course. It includes stories by Mark Rutherford and Richard Garnett which are likely to be unfamiliar to most readers, and if taken in conjunction with the previous volume in the same series, provides a tolerably complete conspectus of the development of the short story in England and America since 1800.
ORIGINAL SINNERS, by Henry W. Nevinson (B.W. Huebsch, Inc.). It has always been a mystery to me why Mr. Nevinson's short stories are so little known to American readers. His earlier volumes "The Plea of Pan" and "Between the Acts," are eagerly sought by collectors, but they have been permitted to go out of print, I believe, and the general public knows very little about them. To nine out of ten people, Mr. Nevinson is known as a publicist and war correspondent, but it is by his short stories that he will live longest, and the present volume is one more illustration of the place which has always been occupied in English literature by the gifted amateur. The stories in the present volume all lead back by implication to the golden age, and if Mr. Nevinson's mood is elegiac, he never refuses to face reality.
IRISH FAIRY TALES, by James Stephens (The Macmillan Company). We think of Mr. Stephens primarily as a poet and an ironic moralist, but in the present volume a new side of his genius is revealed. It might seem that too many writers have attempted with more or less success to reproduce the spirit of the gray Irish Sagas by retelling them, and we think of Standish O'Grady, Lady Gregory, "A.E.," and others. But Mr. Stephens has seen them in the fresh light of an unconquerable youth, and I am more than half inclined to think that this is the best book he has given us.
SAVITRI, AND OTHER WOMEN, by Marjorie Strachey (G.P. Putnam's Sons). Marjorie Strachey has presented the feminist point of view in eleven short stories drawn from the folklore of many nations. Her object in telling these stories is a sophisticated one, and I suspect that her success has been only partial, but she has considerable resources of style to assist her, and I think that the volume is worthy of some attention.
THE THIRTEEN TRAVELLERS, by Hugh Walpole (George H. Doran Company). Mr. Walpole has collected in this volume twelve studies of English life in the present transition stage between war and peace. He has studied with considerable care those modifications of the English character which are noticeable to the patient observer, and his volume has some value as an historical document apart from its undoubted literary charm. While it will not rank among the best of Mr. Walpole's books, it is full of excellent genre pieces rendered with subtlety and poise.
THE HORSE-STEALERS AND OTHER STORIES, and THE SCHOOLMISTRESS AND OTHER STORIES, by Anton Chekhov translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett (The Macmillan Company). Mrs. Garnett's excellent edition of Chekhov is rapidly drawing to a conclusion. In the two volumes now under consideration we find the greater part of Chekhov's very short sketches, notably many of the humorous pieces which he wrote in early life. These are most often brief renderings of a mood, or quiet ironic contrasts which set forth facts without drawing any moral or pointing to any intellectual conclusion.
LITTLE PIERRE, and THE SEVEN WIVES OF BLUEBEARD, by Anatole France; edited by Frederic Chapman, James Lewis May, and Bernard Miall. (John Lane). The first of these volumes presents another instalment of the author's autobiography in the form of a series of delicately rendered pictures portrayed with quiet deftness and a laughing irony which is half sad. In "The Seven Wives of Bluebeard" he has retold four legends and endowed them with a philosophic content of smiling ironic doubt which accepts life as we find it and preaches a gentle disillusioned epicureanism. Both volumes are faultlessly translated.
PEOPLE, by Pierre Hamp; translated by James Whitall (Harcourt, Brace, and Company). Among the poets and prose writers who have emerged in France during the past ten years and formulated a new social and artistic philosophy, Pierre Hamp is by no means the least important figure. He has already published about a dozen volumes of mingled fiction and economic comment which form a somewhat detailed history of the French workingman in his social and industrial relations, but "People" is the first volume which has yet been translated into English. His attitude as revealed in these stories is full of indignant pity, and he gives us a series of sharply etched portraits, many of which will not be forgotten readily. He does not conceal his propagandist tendencies, but they limit him as an artist less in these stories than in his other books. Mr. Whitall's translation is excellent, and conveys the author's rugged style convincingly.
LITTLE RUSSIAN MASTERPIECES in Four Volumes, chosen and translated from the Russian by Zenaide A. Ragozin (G.P. Putnam's Sons). This collection is valuable as a supplement to existing anthologies because it wisely leaves for other editors the most familiar stories and concentrates on introducing less known writers to the English-speaking public. The editor has broadened her scheme in order to include Polish authors. Among the less familiar figures who are here introduced, I may mention Lesskof, Mamin-Sibiriak, and Slutchefsky. I can cordially recommend this admirable series.
THE TWO FRIENDS AND OTHER STORIES, by Ivan Turgenev; translated from the Russian by Constance Garnett (The Macmillan Company). Mrs. Garnett, to whom we are ever grateful, has surprised us delightfully by offering us some hitherto untranslated novelettes by Turgenev which seem to me to rank among his masterpieces. In each of them he has compressed a whole life cycle into a brief series of significant incidents and made them the microcosm of a larger human world. This is one of the most important volumes of the year.
NOTE. An asterisk before a title indicates distinction. This list includes single short stories, and collections of short stories. Volumes announced for publication in the autumn of 1921 are listed here, although in some cases they had not yet appeared at the time this book went to press.
ABBOTT, ELEANOR HALLOWELL. Peace on Earth, Good Will to Dogs. Dutton.
ANDERSON, SHERWOOD. *Triumph of the Egg. Huebsch.
BAILEY, CAROLYN SHERWIN. Enchanted Bugle. F.A. Owen Pub. Co.
BAILEY, TEMPLE. Gay Cockade. Penn Pub. Co.
BARDEEN, CHARLES WILLIAM. Castiron Culver. C.W. Bardeen.
BARNES, WILLIAM CROFT. Tales from the X-bar Horse Camp. Breeders' Gazette.
"BENIGNUS, WILLIAM." Woodstock Stories, Poems and Essays. Author.
BERCOVICI, KONRAD. *Ghitza. Boni and Liveright.
BESKOW, ELIZABETH MARIA. Faith of a Child. Rose Printing Co.
BOREHAM, FRANK W. Reel of Rainbow. Abingdon Press.
BRADDY, NELLA, editor. Masterpieces of Adventure, 4 vol. Doubleday, Page.
BRUNO, GUIDO. Night in Greenwich Village. Author. Sentimental Studies. Author.
BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS. *Chance Encounters. Scribner.
CABELL, JAMES BRANCH. *Line of Love. McBride.
CHAMBERLAIN, GEORGE AGREW. Pigs to Market. Bobbs-Merrill.
CHILD, RICHARD WASHBURN. Velvet Black. Dutton.
COLES, BERTHA LIPPINCOTT. Wound Stripes. Lippincott.
COLUM, PADRAIC. *Children of Odin. Macmillan.
CONNOLLY, JAMES B. *Tide Rips. Scribner.
COTTER, WINIFRED. Sheila and Others. Dutton.
CRADOCK, WILLIAM H.C. Everyday Stories. Jacobs.
DELAND, MARGARET. Old Chester Secret. Harper.
DELL, ETHEL M. Rosa Mundi. Putnam.
DREVES, F.M. Joyful Herald of the King of Kings. Herder.
DUNBAR, ALDIS. *Sons o' Cormac. Dutton.
EVARTS, HAL G. Bald Face. Knopf.
FORD, SEWELL. Inez and Trilby May. Harper. Meet 'em with Shorty McCabe. Clode.
FRECK, LAURA F., editor. Short Stories of Various Types. Merrill.
FRENCH, JOSEPH LEWIS, editor. *Great Sea Stories. Brentano's.
GATLIN, DANA. Missy. Doubleday, Page.
GELZER, JAY. Street of a Thousand Delights. McBride.
GROSS, ANTON. Merchants of Precious Goods. Roxburgh.
GRUELLE, JOHN B. Raggedy Andy Stories. Volland.
HARRIS, KENNETT. Meet Mr. Stegg. Holt.
HAY, CORINNE. Light and Shade 'round Gulf and Bayou. Roxburgh.
HILL, FREDERICK TREVOR. Tales Out of Court. Stokes.
KELLAND, CLARENCE BUDINGTON. Scattergood Baines. Harper.
KITTREDGE, DANIEL WRIGHT. Mind Adrift. Seattle: S.F. Shorey.
LASELLE, MARY AUGUSTA, editor. Joy in Work. Holt.
LAWSON, J.C. Tales of Aegean Intrigue. Dutton.
LEVINGOR, ELMA EHRLICH. Playmates in Egypt. Jewish Pub. Soc. of America.
LINCOLN, JOSEPH C. "Old Home House." Appleton.
LONDON, JACK. *Brown Wolf. Macmillan.
MARQUIS, DON. Carter, and Other People. Appleton.
MEANS, E.K. Further E.K. Means. Putnam.
MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER. Tales from a Rolltop Desk. Doubleday, Page.
MURDOCK, VICTOR. Folks. Macmillan.
NADIR, MOISHE. Peh-el-peh (Face to Face). Pagan Pub. Co.
NEWTON, ALMA. Shadows. Lane.
O'BRIEN, EDWARD J. Best Short Stories of 1920. Small, Maynard.
OEMLER, MARIE CONWAY. Where the Young Child Was. Century.
PERKINS, LAWRENCE. Cross of Ares. Brentano's.
RICHARDS, CLARICE E. Tenderfoot Bride. Revell.
RINEHART, MARY ROBERTS. Truce of God. Doran.
RUDWIN, MAXIMILIAN JOSEF, editor. *Devil Stories. Knopf.
RUTLEDGE, ARCHIBALD. Old Plantation Days. Stokes.
SAVAGE, NANNIE H. Sketches. Author.
SCARBOROUGH, DOROTHY, editor. *Famous Modern Ghost Stories. Putnam. Humorous Ghost Stories. Putnam.
SHEARD, VIRGINIA STANTON. Golden Appletree. McCann.
SMITH, HARRY JAMES. *Cape Breton Tales. Atlantic Monthly Press.
SMITH, LOGAN PEARSALL. *Stories from the Old Testament. Luce.
SOCIETY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, editors. *O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1920. Doubleday, Page.
STOCKING, JAY T. Mr. Friend-o'-Man. Interchurch Press.
STRINGER, ARTHUR. Twin Tales. Bobbs-Merrill.
TAYLOR, CHARLES FORBES. Riveter's Gang. Revell.
TERHUNE, ALBERT PAYSON. Buff; a Collie. Doran.
TRAGOR, HANNAH. Festival Stories of Child Life in a Jewish Colony in Palestine. Dutton. Stories of Child Life in a Jewish Colony in Palestine. Dutton.
VAN VECHTEN, CARL, editor. *Lords of the Housetops. Knopf.
WALKLEY, WILLIAM S. Three Golden Days. Revell.
WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS. Homespun Tales. Houghton, Mifflin.
WILEY, HUGH. Jade. Knopf.
WILSON, JOHN FLEMING. Scouts of the Desert. Macmillan.
WITWER, H.C. Leather Pushers. Putnam.
ARLEN, MICHAEL. Romantic Lady. Dodd, Mead.
AUMONIER, STACY. Golden Windmill. Macmillan.
BAILEY, H.C. Call Mr. Fortune. Dutton.
BIBESCO, PRINCESS. I Have Only Myself to Blame. Doran.
BUCHAN, JOHN. Path of the King. Doran.
BURKE. THOMAS. *More Limehouse Nights. Doran.
CHOLMONDELEY, MARY. *Romance of His Life. Dodd, Mead.
COPPARD, A.E. *Adam and Eve and Pinch Me. Knopf.
CORELLI, MARIE. Love of Long Ago. Doubleday, Page.
"DEHAN, RICHARD." Villa of the Peacock. Doran.
DE MONTMORENCY, J.E.G. Admiral's Chair. Oxford University Press.
GREEN, PETER. Our Kid. Longmans, Green.
HAGGARD, SIR RIDER. Smith and the Pharaohs. Longmans, Green.
HUDSON, W.H. *Dead Man's Plack, and An Old Thorn. Dutton.
LAWSON, KATE, LADY. Life of Gnat. Warne.
M., H.S., editor. *Selected English Short Stories. 2d series. Oxford University Press.
"SAPPER." Man in Ratcatcher. Doran.
MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET. *Trembling of a Leaf. Doran.
MERRICK, LEONARD. *Chair on the Boulevard. Dutton.
NEVINSON, HENRY WOODD. *Original Sinners. Huebsch.
STEPHENS, JAMES. *Irish Fairy Tales. Macmillan.
STRACHEY, MARJORIE. *Savitri and Other Women. Putnam.
WALPOLE, HUGH. *Thirteen Travellers. Doran.
BALZAC, HONORE DE. (French.) Short Stories. Boni and Liveright.
BYNG, LUCY, translator. (Roumanian.) *Roumanian Stories. Lane.
CHEKHOV, ANTON. (Russian.) *Horse-Stealers. Macmillan. *Schoolmaster. Macmillan. *Schoolmistress. Macmillan.
DOSTOEVSKY, FEDOR. *Friend of the Family. Macmillan.
"FRANCE, ANATOLE." (French.) *Little Pierre. Lane. *Seven Wives of Bluebeard. Lane.
HAMP, PIERRE. (French.) *People. Harcourt, Brace.
JACOBSEN, JENS PETER. (Danish.) *Moegens. Brown.
JAMMES, FRANCIS. (French.) *Romance of the Rabbit. Brown.
MEREJKOVSKI, DMITRI. (Russian.) *Menace of the Mob. Brown.
"NERVAL, GERARD DE." (French.) *Daughters of Fire. Brown.
POPOVIC, PAVLE, editor. (Jugo-Slav.) *Jugo-Slav Stories. Duffield.
SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR. (German.) *Shepherd's Pipe. Brown.
TURGENEV, IVAN. (Russian.) *Knock, Knock, Knock. Macmillan. *Two Friends. Macmillan.
NOTE. An asterisk before a title indicates distinction.
STEIN, GERTRUDE. *Three Lives. Lane.
ATKEY, BERTRAM. Winnie O'Wynn and the Wolves. Cassell.
BARCYNSKA, COUNTESS. Love's Last Reward. Hurst and Blackett.
BENSON, E.F. Countess of Lowndes Square. Cassell.
BERESFORD, J.D. *Signs and Wonders. Golden Cockerel Press.
BESTE, FLORENCE. Home in Kentucky. Stockwell.
BEVAN, C. ELRUTH. Collection of Ghosts. Morland.
"BIRMINGHAM, GEORGE A." Lady Bountiful. Christophers.
BLATCHFORD, ROBERT. Spangles of Existence. Lane.
BOWEN, MARJORIE. Pleasant Husband. Hurst and Blackett.
BYRON, LESLEY. Opportunist Sinn Feiners. Heath Cranton.
CASTLE, AGNES and EGERTON. Romances in Red. Hodder and Stoughton.
CLARKE, B.A. Free Hand. Ward, Lock.
CORKERY, DANIEL. *Hounds of Banba. Talbot Press.
DAVIS, F. HADLAND. Peony of Pao-Yu. Theosophical Pub. Co.
EARLE, SYBIL K.L. Olla Podrida. Morland.
FINDLATER, JANE HELEN. Green Grass-Widow. Murray.
FISHER, HERVEY. *Romantic Man. Seeker.
FRANCIS, BRAND. Comedy and Tragedy. Holden and Hardingham.
GARVICE, CHARLES. Miss Smith's Fortune. Skeffington.
GONNE, FRANCIS. Fringe of the Eternal. Burns, Oates, and Washbourne.
HAZELWOOD, A. Decision. Morland.
HOUSMAN, LAWRENCE. *Gods and Their Makers. Allen and Unwin.
HOWARD, FRANCIS MORTON. Little Shop in Fore Street. Methuen.
KEEN, RALPH HOLBROOK. *Little Ape. Henderson's.
KYFFIN-TAYLOR, BESSIE. From Out of the Silence. Books, Ltd.
LE QUEUX, WILLIAM. In Secret. Odham's.
LOWTHER, ALICE. Down the Old Road. Heath Cranton.
LYONS, A. NEIL. *Market Bundle. Butterworth.
MCCALLIN, WILLIAM. *Ulster Fireside Tales. Heath, Cranton.
MOORMAN, F.W. *More Tales of the Ridings. Mathews. *Tales of the Ridings. Mathews.
PEIRSON, FANNY. Noble Madness. Swarthmore Press.
PEMBERTON, MAX. Prince of the Palais Royal. Cassell.
PULLEN, A.M. Invisible Sword. S. Allen Warner.
PURDON, K.F. *Candle and Crib. Talbot Press.
QUEER STORIES from "Truth," 22d Series. Cassell.
RANSOME, ARTHUR. Soldier and Death. John G. Wilson.
RAYMOND, ADOLPHUS, and BUNIN, A. Amongst the Aristocracy of the Ghetto. Stanley Paul.
"ROHMER, SAX." Haunting of Low Fennel. Pearson.
SPETTIGUE, J.H. Nero. Lane.
ST. MARS, F. Off the Beaten Track. Chambers.
TAYLOR, SISTER EMILY. Diamonds in the Rough. Stockwell.
WAUGH, ALEC. *Pleasure. Grant Richards.
WAUGH, JOSEPH LAING. Heroes in Homespun. Hodder and Stoughton.
WEEKS, WILLIAM. 'Twas Ordained. Exeter: W. Pollard and Co.
WILCOX, ANNE SYMS. Settler's Story of 1820. Stockwell.
WINTLE, W. JAMES. Ghost Gleams. Heath Cranton.
WOOLF, LEONARD. *Stories of the East. Hogarth Press.
WOOLF, VIRGINIA. *Monday or Tuesday. Hogarth Press.
ANDREYEV, LEONID. (Russian.) *And it Came to Pass that the King was Dead. Daniel. *His Excellency the Governor. Daniel.
DUVERNOIS, HENRI. (French.) Holidays. Philpot.
MACKLIN, ALYS EYRE, translator (French.) *29 Short Stories. Philpot.
NOTE. An asterisk before a title indicates distinction.
BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, J. *Cachet d'Onyx. La Connaissance. BODIN, MARGUERITE. Psaumes d'amour. Figuiere. BOURGET, PAUL. *Anomalies. Plon. BOUTET, FREDERIC. *Adventures Sombres et Pittoresques. Ferenczi. DOYON, RENE LOUIS. Proses Mystiques. La Connaissance. FARRERE, CLAUDE. Betes et Gens Qui s'Aimerent. Flammarion. GEFFROY, GUSTAVE. Nouveaux contes du pays d'Ouest. Cres. GIRIEUD, MAXIME. Contes du Temps Jamais. La Sirene. GOBIMEAU, COMTE DE. *Mademoiselle Irnois. Nouv. Revue franc. HENRIOT, EMILE. *Temps Innocents. Emile Paul. LEVEL, MAURICE. Morts Etranges. Ferenczi. LICHTENBERGER, ANDRA. Scenes en Famille. Plon. MACORLAN, PIERRE. *A Bord de l'Etoile Matutine. Cres. MAURICE-VERNE. Milles-et-une Nuits. Albin Michel. MELHOUF, DJEBAL. Pere Robin. Boet, Constantine. MENASCHE, ELIE-L. CONTES DE L'INDE CRUELLE. Bouchet et Barri. MILLE, PIERRE. *Histoires exotiques et merveilleuses. Ferenczi. MORAND, PAUL. *Tendres Stocks. Nouv. Revue franc. NANDEAU, LUDOVIC. Histoire des Wagon et de la Cabine. Pierre Lafitte. NESMY, JEAN. Arc-en-ciel. Grasset. PERGAUD, LOUIS. *Rustiques. M. de F. PILLON, MARCEL. Contes a ma consine. Figuiere. REGISMAUSET, CHARLES. Livre de Mes Amis. Sansot. RENAUD, J. JOSEPH. Clavecin Hante. Pierre Lafitte. RICHEPIN, JEAN. *Coin des Fous. Flammarion. "TAILLEFER." Contes de Grenoble, Audin et Cir. TISSERAND, ERNEST. Contes de la popote. Cres. TURPIN, FRANCOIS. Contes Inutiles. La Connaissance. VERNON, YVONNE. Chine, Japan, Stamboul. Tohner.
Authors of articles are printed in capital letters.
The following abbreviations are used in this index:
Ain. Ainslee's Magazine Ath. Athenaeum A.W. All's Well B.E.T. Boston Evening Transcript Book. (London) Bookman (London) Book. (N.Y.) Bookman (New York) Book. J. Bookman's Journal Cen. Century Det. Sun. N. Detroit Sunday News Dial Dial Eng. R. English Review Fortn. R. Fortnightly Review Free. Freeman Harp. M. Harper's Magazine. Liv. A. Living Age L. Merc. London Mercury L. St. Live Stories M. de F. Mercure de France N.A. Rev. North American Review Nat. (N.Y.) Nation (New York) Nat. (London) Nation (London) New S. New Statesman N. Rep. New Republic N.R.F. Nouvelle Revue Francaise N.Y. Times New York Times Review of Books Outl. (London) Outlook (London) R.D.M. Revue des Deux Mondes Sat. West. Saturday Westminster Gazette Scr. Scribner's Magazine So. Atl. Q. South Atlantic Quarterly S.S. Smart Set Times Lit. Suppl. Times Literary Supplement (London) Unp. R. Unpartisan Review W. Rev. Weekly Review 19th Cent. Nineteenth Century and after
AIKEN, CONRAD. Anton Chekhov. Free. April 6. (3:90.) Short Story As Poetry. Free. May 11. (3:210.)
ALDINGTON, RICHARD. James Joyce. Eng. R. April. (32:333.)
American Short Story. By Constance Mayfield Rourke. Free. Oct. 6, '20. (2:91.)
Andreyev, Leonid. By Clarendon Ross. N. Rep. May 25. (26:382.)
Artzibashef, Michael. By Berenice C. Skidelsky. A.W. Aug. (1:189.) A.W. Sept (1:202.)
ASTERIOTIS, DEMETRIUS. Jean Psichari. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:797.) D. Voutyras. M. de F. April 15. (147:526.)
BAGENAL, H. Leo Nicolaievitch Tolstoy. Free. Feb. 16. (2:548.)
BATLLE, CARLOS DE. Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Liv. A. Oct. 23, '20. (307:293.)
BEAUNIER, ANDRE. M. Franc-Nohain. R.D.M. Sept. 1. (65:217.)
BECHHOFER, C.E. James Branch Cabell. Times Lit. Suppl. June 16. (20:387.) Theodore Dreiser; Willa Sibert Cather. Times Lit. Suppl. June 23. (20:403.)
Beerbohm, Max. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 23. (19:873.) Anonymous. Nat. (London). March 19. (28:883.) By Henry D. Davray. M. de F. July 1. (149:245.) By Herbert S. Gorman. N.Y. Times. Jan. 2. (9.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Dec. 18, '20. (16:339.) By Carl Van Doren. Nat. (N.Y.). Dec. 29, '20. (111:785.) By S.W. Ath. Dec. 31, '20. (888.)
BELL, LISLE. Henry James. Free. Dec. 29, '20, (2:381.)
BENNETT, ARNOLD. Chekhov, Maupassant, and James.
Bennett, Arnold. By St. John Ervine. N.A. Rev. Sept. (214:371.)
Beresford, J.D. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. June 30. (20:417.) Sat. R. Jul. 2. (132:19.)
BERNSTEIN, HERMAN. Count Lyof Tolstoi. N.Y. Times. Jan. 9. (3.)
BERTRAND, LOUIS. Paul Bourget. R.D.M. Dec. 15, '20. (60:723.)
Bierce, Ambrose. By Walter Jerrold. Book. (London.) June. (60:132.)
BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE. Henry James. Nat. (London). July 16. (29:581.)
BJORKMAN, EDWIN. Knut Hamsun. N. Rep. Apr. 13. (26:195.)
BLACK, JOHN. Lord Dunsany. Book. (N.Y.). April. (53:140.)
Blasco Ibanez, Vicente. By Carlos de Sic Batlle. Liv. A. Oct. 23, '20. (307:293.) By Jean Gasson. M. de F. Aug. 15. (32:244.) By T.R. Ybarra. N.Y. Times. Jan. 23. (16.)
Bloch, Jean Richard. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 14, '20. (19:662.)
BLUMENFELD, L. Leon Kobrin. M. de F. March 15. (146:826.)
Boccaccio, Giovanni. Anonymous. New S. Nov. 6, '20. (16:144.)
BOURGET, PAUL. Prosper Merimee. Liv. A. Nov. 6, '20. (307:346.)
Bourget, Paul. By Louis Bertrand. R.D.M. Dec. 15, '20. (60:723.) By C.F. Ath. Oct. 15, '20. (532.) By Louis Martin-Chauffier. N.R.F. Dec. '20. (8:934.).
BOYD, ERNEST A. Jens Peter Jacobsen. Free. May 25. (3:259.) James Stephens. Free. March 9. (2:619.)
BRENNECKE, ERNEST. Thomas Hardy. N.Y. Times. June 5. (12.)
BREWSTER, DOROTHY. Fyodor Dostoevski. Nat. (N.Y.). Aug. 10. (113:155.)
Buchan, John. By Louise Maunsell Field. N.Y. Times. Jul. 3. (9.)
Bunin, I.A. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 18. (20:530.) By Jean Chuzeville. M. de F. Sept. 15. (32:815.)
BURKE, KENNETH. Francis Jammes. Free. May 11. (3:211.)
Burke, Thomas. Anonymous. Nat. (London). June 25. (29:476.) By Allen Monkhouse. New S. April 30. (17:106.)
BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS. By Blanche Colton Williams. Book. (N.Y.). March. (53:53.)
Burt, Maxwell Struthers. Henry W. Nevinson. Book. (N.Y.). May. (53:253.)
Cabell, James Branch. By C.E. Bechhofer. Times Lit. Suppl. June 16. (20:387.) By Richard Le Gallienne. N.Y. Times. Feb. 13. (3.) By Robert Morss Lovett. N. Rep. Apr. 13. (26:187.)
CARROLL, LATROBE. Willa Sibert Cather. Book. (N.Y.). May. (53:212.)
CASSON, JEAN. Vicente Blasco Ibanez. M. de F. Aug. 15. (32:244.) Ramon Gomez de la Serna. M. de F. Jan. 15. (145:516.) Miguel de Unamuno. M. de F. June 15. (148:819.)
Cather, Willa Sibert. By C.E. Bechhofer. Times Lit. Suppl. June 23. (20:403.) By William Stanley Braithwaite. B.E.T. Feb. 16. By Latrobe Carroll. Book. (N.Y.). May. (53:212.) By Francis Hackett. N. Rep. Jan. 19. (25:233.) By Carl Van Doren. Nat. (N.Y.). Jul. 27. (113:92.) By O.W. Ath. Dec. 31, '20. (890.)
CHEKHOV, ANTON. Diary. Free. April 6. (3:79.) Notebook. M. de F. Jan. (3:285.) Free. April 13. (3:104). April 20. (3:127.) April 27. (3:152.) May 4. (3:175.) May 11. (3:199.) May 18. (3:225.) May 25. (3:247.) June 1. (3:272) June 8. (3:296.) June 15. (3:320.) June 22. (3:344.) June 29. (3:368.) July 6. (3:392.) July 13. (3:415.) July 20. (3:440.)
Chekhov, Anton. By Conrad Aiken. Free. April 6. (3:90.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Nov. 18, '20. (19:756.) Anonymous. L. St. Dec. '20. (125.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 21. (20:257.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 22. (20:609.) By Arnold Bennett. L. Merc. Oct., '20. (2:677.) By N. Bryllion Fagin. P.L. Autumn. (32:416.) By Maxim Gorky. Free. May 25. (3:251.) By Maxim Gorky. New S. April 16. (17:52.) Free. May 25. (3:251.) June 1. (3:275.) June 8. (3:298.) By Alexander Kuprin. Free. Aug. 10. (3:511.) Aug. 17. (3:535.) Aug. 24. (3:561.) Aug. 31. (3:583.) By Prince D.S. Mirski. Outl. (London.). Jul. 30. (48:90.) By J. Middleton Murry. Ath. Jan. 1. (11.) Nat. (London). June 4. (29:365.)
CHEW, SAMUEL C. George Meredith. N. Rep. Jan. 26. (25:267.)
Chuzeville, Jean. Ivan A. Bunin. M. de F. Sept. 15. (32:815.)
Collette. By Benjamin Cremieux. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:939.)
COLLIS-MORLEY, LACY. Federigo Tozzi; Mario Puccini. Nat. (London). July 16. (29:585.)
Colum, Padraic. By Constance Mayfield Rourke. N. Rep. May 4. (26:300.)
Conrad, Joseph. Anonymous. Nat. (London). March 19. (28:881.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. March 3. (20:141.) By Louise Maunsell Field. N.Y. Times. May 8. (10.) By Robert Lynd. New S. Mar. 12. (16:674.) By William McFee. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:102.)
CONRAD, JOSEPH. Five Prefaces. L. Merc. Mar. (3:493.)
Coppard, A.E. Anonymous. Nat. (London). Jul. 30. (29:656.) By Malcolm Cowley. Dial. Jul. (71:93.)
Corkery, Daniel. Anonymous. Nat. (London). Apr. 2. (29:27.) By Shane Leslie. Dub. R. Apr. (168:289.)
Coster, Charles D. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 14, '20. (19:663.)
COURNOS, JOHN. Count Lyof Tolstoi. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 30, '20. (19:889.)
COWLEY, MALCOLM. A.E. Coppard. Dial. Jul. (71:93.) Katharine Mansfield. Dial. Sept. (71:365.)
CREMIEUX, BENJAMIN. Collette. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:939.)
D'Annunzio, Gabrielle. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 6. (20:7.)
DAVRAY, HENRY D. Max Beerbohm. M. de F. Jul. 1. (149:245.) Henry James. M. de F. Feb. 15. (146:68.)
De Coster, Charles. Anonymous. New S. Jan. 22. (16:482.)
DELEBECQUE, JACQUES. R.L. Stevenson. M. de F. Jan. 1. (145:55.)
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Anonymous. Ath. Dec. 3, '20. (758.) Anonymous. Times. Lit. Suppl. Dec. 9, '20. (19:811.) By Dorothy Brewster. Nat. (N.Y.). Aug. 10. (113:155.) By Herbert S. Gorman. N.Y. Times. Aug. 7. (6.) By Allan Monkhouse. New S. Mar. 5. (16:646.) By Clarendon Ross. N. Rep. Jan. 12. (25:205.) By Louis Gillet. R.D.M. Dec. 15, '20. (60:851.)
Dreiser, Theodore. By C.E. Bechhofer. Times Lit. Suppl. June 23. (20:403.) By Edward H. Smith. Book. (N.Y.). Mar. (53:27.)
DUGAS, L. Prosper Merimee. M. de F. Oct. 1, '20. (143:113.)
Dunsany, Lord. By John Black. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:140.) By C.E. Lawrence. Liv. A. Aug. 27. (310:531.) Book. (London). Jul. (60:172.) By Odell Shepard. Scr. May. (69:595.)
Easton, Dorothy. By H.S.G.N. Rep. Feb. 23. (25:384.)
EDGETT, EDWIN FRANCIS. W.H. Hudson. B.E.F. Jan. 12. (6.)
ELLIOT, JOHN. H.G. Wells. Book. (N.Y.). Feb. (52:542.)
ERVINE. ST. JOHN. Arnold Bennett. N.A. Rev. Sept. (214:371.)
EWART, WILFRID. Thomas Hardy. 19th Cent. Sept. (90:427.)
FAGIN, N. BRYLLION. Anton Chekhov. P.L. Autumn. (32:416.)
FIELD, LOUISE MAUNSELL. John Buchan. N.Y. Times. Jul. 3. (9.) Joseph Conrad. N.Y. Times. May 8. (10.)
FINGER, CHARLES J. R.B. Cunninghame-Graham. A.W. Jul. (1:168.)
Fisher, Hervey. By Orlo Williams. Ath. Feb. 11. (157.)
Flaubert, Gustave. Anonymous. Nat. (N.Y.) Jul. 13. (113:33.) By Georges-A. Le Roy. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:788.)
Franc-Nohain, M. By Andre Beaunier. R.D.M. Sept. 1. (65:217.)
France, Anatole. By Pitts Sanborn. Free. Feb. 9. (2:514.)
G., H.S. Aldous Huxley. N. Rep. Oct. 13, '20. (24:172.) Dorothy Easton. N. Rep. Feb. 23. (25:384.)
Galvez, Manuel. By Isaac Goldberg. B.E.T. Feb. 16. '21.
BARTHOU, LOUIS. Guy de Maupassant. R.D.M. Oct. 15, '20. (59:746.)
GILLET, LOUIS. Fyodor Dostoevski. R.D.M. Dec. 15, '20. (60:851.) Lyof Tolstoi. R.D.M. Oct. 1, '20. (59:633.)
Gogol, Nikolas. By "Parijanine." Liv. A. Jul. 2. (310:51.)
Goedhart-Becker, J.M. By J.L. Walch. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:794.)
Gogol, Nikolai Vassilievitch. By Albert Jay Nock. Free. Jan. 26. (2:464.)
GOLDBERG, ISAAC. Manuel Galvez. B.E.T. Feb. 16, '21.
Gomez de la Serna, Ramon. By Jean Casson. M. de F. Jan. 15. (145:516.)
GORKI, MAXIM. Count Lyof Tolstoi. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:862.)
GORKY, MAXIM. Anton Chekhov. New S. Apr. 16. (17:52.) Free. May 25. (3:251.) June 1. (3:275.) June 8. (3:298.)
GORMAN, HERBERT S. American Short Story. N.Y. Times. Mar. 6., (10.) Max Beerbohm. N.Y. Times. Jan. 2. (9.) Fyodor Dostoevski. N.Y. Times. Aug. 7. (6.)
Govoni, Corrado. By Mario Praz. L. Merc. Sept. (4:527.)
Graham, R.B. Cunninghame. By Charles J. Finger. A.W. Jul. (1:168.) By C. Lewis Hind. Free. May 18. (3:237.) By Mariano Joachin Lorente. A.W. Jan. (1:6.)
GUERINOT, A. Guy de Maupassant. M. de F. June 15. (148:597.)
Hamilton, Anthony. Anonymous. New S. Apr. 23. (17:83.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Apr. 7. (20:225.)
H., R. Katharine Mansfield. N. Rep. Mar. 23. (26:114.)
HACKETT, FRANCIS. James Stephens. N. Rep. Dec. 22, '20. (25:111.) Lyof Tolstoi. N. Rep. Jan. 5. (25:172.) Willa Sibert Cather. N. Rep. Jan. 12. (25:233.)
Hamp, Pierre. By Gilbert Thomas. Free. June 29. (3:379.)
Hamsun, Knut. Anonymous. N.Y. Times. June 26. (8.) Anonymous. New S. Nov. 13, '20. (16:170.) By Edwin Bjorkman. N. Rep. Apr. 13. (26:195.) By Allen Wilson Porterfield. Nat. (N.Y.) Dec 8, '20. (111:652.) By Allen Shoenfield. Det. Sun. N. Dec. 19, '20. By W.W. Worster. Fortn. R. Dec., '20. (114:1003.)
Hardy, Thomas. By Ernest Brennecke. N.Y. Times. June 5. (12.) By Wilfrid Ewart. 19th Cent. Sept. (90:427.) By H.M. Tomlinson. N. Rep. Jan. 12. (25:190.)
HARWOOD, H.C. Hugh Walpole. Outl. (London). Jul. 23. (48:75.)
Hearn, Lafcadio. Anonymous. New S. Sept. 10. (17:628.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25. (20:545.) Anonymous. Sat. R. Sept. 24. (48:380.)
"Henry, O." By William Johnston. Book. (N.Y.). Feb. (52:536.) By Archibald L. Sessions. Ain. Sept. (48:150.)
Hergesheimer, Joseph. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 16, '20. (19:854.) By Edward Shanks. L. Merc. Jan. (3:337.)
HIND, C. LEWIS. R.B. Cunninghame Graham. Free. May 18. (3:237.)
HOPKINS, R. THURSTON. Robert Louis Stevenson. Book. J. Jan. 14. (3:194.)
Hudson, W.H. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 9, '20. (19:823.) Anonymous. Nat. (London). Jan. 22. (28:584.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 29. (20:625.) By Edwin Francis Edgett. B.E.T. Jan. 12. (6.) By H.J. Massingham. L. Merc. Nov. '20. (3:73.) By Forest Reid. Ath. Jan. 14. (39.)
Hurst, Fannie. By Inez Haynes Irwin. Book. (N.Y.). June. (53:335.)
Huxley, Aldous. By H.S.G. N. Rep. Oct. 13, '20. (24:172.)
Huysmans, Joris Karl. By Albert Thibaudet. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:93.) By Cuthbert Wright. Dial. Dec., '20. (69:655.)
IRWIN, INEZ HAYNES. Fannie Hurst. Book. (N.Y.). June. (53:335.)
Jacobsen, Jens Peter. By Ernest Boyd. Free. May 25. (3:259.)
James, Henry. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. May 12. (20:298) June 30. (20:417.) Liv. A. Jul. 30. (310:267.) By Arnold Bennett. L. Merc. Oct., '20. (2:677.) By Lisle Bell. Free. Dec. 29, '20. (2:381.) By Augustine Birrell. Nat. (London). Jul. 16. (29:581.) By Henry-D. Davray. M. de F. Feb. 15. (146:68.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Dec. 18, '20. (16:339.) By Brander Matthews. N.Y. Times. June 12. (2.) By Wilfrid L. Randell. Fortn. R. Sept. (116:458.) By Stanley Went. Unp. Rev. Oct., '20. (14:381.)
Jammes, Francis. By Kenneth Burke. Free. May 11. (3:211.)
JERROLD, WALTER. Ambrose Bierce. Book. (London). June. (60:132.)
JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. O. Henry. Book. (N.Y.). Feb. (52:536.)
Joyce, James. By Richard Aldington. Eng. R. Apr. (32:333.) By Evelyn Scott. Dial. Oct., '20. (69:353.)
Karkavitsas, Andreas. By Aristides E. Phoutrides. W. Rev. Dec. 8, '20. (3:566.)
KAYE, A. LISTER. Fyodor Sologub. Fortn. R. Oct., '20. (114:663.)
Kipling, Rudyard. By Arthur Bartlett Maurice. N.Y. Times. May 22. (4.)
Kobrin, Leon. By L. Blumenfeld. M. de F. Mar. 15. (146:826.)
KUPRIN, ALEXANDER. Anton Chekhov. Free. Aug. 10. (3:511.) Aug. 17. (3:535.) Aug. 24. (3:561.) Aug. 31. (3:583.)
Kurz, Isolde. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. June 30. (20:415.)
Larbaud, Valery. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 2, '20. (19:790.)
LAWRENCE, C.E. Lord Dunsany. Liv. A. Aug. 27. (310:531.) Book. (London). Jul. (60:172.)
LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD. James Branch Cabell. N.Y. Times. Feb. 13. (3.)
Le Roy, Georges A. Gustave Flaubert. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:788.)
LESLIE, SHANE. Daniel Corkery. Dub. Rev. Apr. (168:289.)
LINATI, CARLO. Giovanni Verga. Dial. Aug. (71:150.)
LONDON, CHARMIAN. Jack London. Cen. Mar. (101:545.) May. (102:105.) June. (102:287.) Jul. (102:443.) Aug. (102:599.)
London, Jack. By Charmian London. Cen. March. (101:545.) May (102:105.) June. (102:287.) Jul. (102:443.) Aug. (102: 599.)
LORENTE, MARIANO JOACHIN. R.B. Cunninghame Graham. A.W. Jan. (1:6.)
LOVETT, ROBERT MORSS. James Branch Cabell. N. Rep. Apr. 13. (26:187.)
LYND, ROBERT. Joseph Conrad. New S. Mar. 12. (16:674.)
MACCARTHY, DESMOND. Max Beerbohm. New S. Dec. 18, '20. (16:339.) Henry James. New S. Dec. 18, '20. (16:339.) Katharine Mansfield. New S. Jan. 15. (16:450.) Guy de Maupassant. New S. Sept. 24. (17:677.) Leonard Woolf and Virginia Woolf. New S. Apr. 9. (17:18.)
MCFEE, WILLIAM. Joseph Conrad. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:102.)
MACY, JOHN. Edgar Allen Poe. Free. Mar. 9. (2:622.)
MANN, DOROTHEA LAWRANCE. Anne Douglas Sedgwick. B.E.T. Jan. 29, '21.
MANSFIELD, KATHARINE. Gertrude Stein. Ath. Oct. 15, '20. (520.)
Mansfield, Katharine. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 16, '20. (19:858.) Ath. Jan. 21. (67.) Nat. (London). Feb. 5. (28:639.) By Malcolm Cowley. Dial. Sept. (71:365.) By R.H.N. Rep. Mar. 23. (26:114.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Jan. 15. (16:450.) By Jasper Pendlethwaite. Sat. West. Jan. 1. (16.) By Edward Shanks. L. Merc. Jan. (3:337.)
MARTIN-CHAUFFIER, LOUIS. Paul Bourget. N.R.F. Dec. '20. (8:934.)
MASON, LAWRENCE. H.W. Nevinson. Free. Aug. 10. (3:524.)
MASSINGHAM, H.J.M. W.H. Hudson. L. Merc. Nov. 20. (3:73.) Guy de Maupassant. Nat. (London.) Oct. 30, '20. (28:166.)
MATTHEWS, BRANDER. Henry James. N.Y. Times. June 12. (2.) Edgar Allen Poe. N.Y. Times. Mar. 13. (3.) Mark Twain. Harp. M. Oct., '20. (141: 635.)
Maupassant, Guy de. By Arnold Bennett. L. Merc. Oct., '20. (2: 677.) By A. Guerinot. M. de F. June 15. (148:597.) By Louis Barthou. R.D.M. Oct. 15, '20. (59:746.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Sept. 24. (17:677.) By H.J.M. Massingham. Nat. (London.) Oct. 30, '20. (28:166.) By Albert Thibaudet. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:923.)
MAURICE, ARTHUR BARTLETT. Rudyard Kipling. N.Y. Times. May 22. (4.)
MENCKEN, H.L. Mark Twain. S.S. Oct., '20. (138.)
Meredith, George. By Samuel C. Chew. N. Rep. Jan. 26. (25:267.) By E.T. Raymond. Liv. A. Oct. 23, '20. (307:222.)
Merimee, Prosper. By Paul Bourget. Liv. A. Nov. 6, '20. (307:346.) By L. Dugas. M. de F. Oct. 1, '20. (143:113.) By Camille Pitollet. M. de F. Nov. 15, '20. (144:252.)
MIRSKI, PRINCE D.S. Anton Chekhov. Outl. (London.) Jul. 30. (48:90.)
MONKHOUSE, ALLAN. Thomas Burke. New S. Apr. 30. (17:106.) Fyodor Dostoievsky. New S. Mar. 5. (16:646.)
Moorman, F.W. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 21, '20. (19:679.)
Morand, M. Paul. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Mar. 3. (20:142.) By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London). Apr. 23. (29:137.)
MORGAN, EDITH PARSONS. Victor Murdock. N. Rep. Sept. 14. (28:79.)
MORRISSEY, FRANK R. Mark Twain. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:143.)
Murdock, Victor. By Edith Parsons Morgan. N. Rep. Sept. 14. (28:79.)
MURRY, J. MIDDLETON. Anton Chekhov. Ath. Jan. 7. (11.) Nat. (London). June 4. (29:365.) Paul Morand. Nat. (London.) Apr. 23. (29:137.) Hugh Walpole. Nat. (London.) Jul. 16. (29:584.)
Nevinson, Henry W. Anonymous. Nat. (London). Jan. 15. (38:554.) By Maxwell Struthers Burt. Book. (N.Y.). May. (53:253.) By Lawrence Mason. Free. Aug. 10. (3:524.)
NICHOLS, ROBERT. Oscar Wilde. New S. Dec. 11, '20. (16:310.)
NOCK, ALBERT JAY. Vassilievitch Nikolai Gogol. Free. Jan. 26. (2:464.)
O'CONOR, NORREYS JEPHSON. James Stephens. B.E.T. Dec. 18.
"PARIJANINE." Nikolas Gogol. Liv. A. Jul. 2. (310:51.)
PECKHAM, H. HOUSTON. Mark Twain, So. Atl. Q. Oct., '20. (19:332.)
PENDLETHWAITE, JASPER. Katharine Mansfield. Sat. West. Jan. 1. (16.)
Perez de Ayala, Ramon. By J.B. Trend. Nat. (London). Jul. 9. (29:550.)
PHOUTRIDES, ARISTIDES E. Andreas Karkavitsas. W. Rev. Dec. 8, '20. (3:566.)
PITOLLET, CAMILLE. Prosper Merimee. M. de F. Nov. 15, '20. (144:252.)
Poe, Edgar Allen. By Brander Matthews. N.Y. Times. Mar. 13. (3.) By John Macy. Free. Mar. 9. (2:622.) By Merton S. Yewdale. N.A. Rev. Nov., '20. (212:686.)
PORTERFIELD, ALLEN WILSON. Knut Hamsun. Nat. (N.Y.). Dec. 8, '20. (111:596.)
PRAZ, MARIO. Corrado Govoni. L. Merc. Sept. (4:527.) Federico Tozzi. L. Merc. Jan. (3:321.)
Psichari, Jean. By Demetrius Asteriotis. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:797.)
Puccini, Mario. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25. (20:546.) By Lucy Collis-Morley. Nat. (London.). Jul. 16. (29:585.)
RANDELL, WILFRID L. Henry James. Fortn. R. Sept. (116:458.)
RAYMOND, E.T. George Meredith. Liv. A. Oct. 23, '20. (307:222.)
REID, FORREST. W.H. Hudson. Ath. Jan. 14. (39.)
Rejmont, Ladislas. By Z.-L. Zaleski. M. de F. Oct. 1, '20. (143:35.)
Regnier, Henri de. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 23, '20. (19:869.)
Robbins, Tod. Anonymous. Nat. (N.Y.). Nov. 24, '20. (111:596.)
ROSS, CLARENDON. Leonid Andreyev. N. Rep. May 25. (26:382.) Fyodor Dostoevski. N. Rep. Jan. 12. (25:205.)
"Ross, Martin." See "Somerville, E. [OE].," and "Ross, Martin."
ROURKE, CONSTANCE MAYFIELD. American Short Story. Free. Oct. 6, '20. (2:91.) Padraic Colum. N. Rep. May 4. (26:300.)
ROWLAND-BROWN, LILIAN. Ivan Turgenev. 19th Cent. Aug. (90:230.)
Sainte-Beuve, C.A. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 28, '20. (19:695.)
SANBORN, PITTS. Anatole France. Free. Feb. 9. (2:514.)
Schickele, Rene. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 27. (20:58.)
SCHOENFIELD, ALLEN. Knut Hamsun. Det. Sun. N. Dec. 19, '20.
SCHREINER, OLIVE. Anonymous. Nat. (London). Dec. 18, '20. (28:416.) Nat. (N.Y.). Dec. 29, '20. (111:769.)
SCOTT, EVELYN. James Joyce. Dial. Oct., '20. (69:353.)
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas. Anonymous. Nat. (London). Oct. 16, '20. (28:84.) By Dorothea L. Mann. B.E.T. Jan. 29, 1921 By Rebecca West. New S. Oct. 9, '20. (16:20.)
Seidel, Ina. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. June 30. (20:415.)
SESSIONS, ARCHIBALD L. O. Henry. Ain. Sept. (48:150.)
SHANKS, EDWARD. Katharine Mansfield. } Joseph Hergesheimer. } L. Merc. Jan. (3:337.)
SHEPARD, ODELL. Lord Dunsany. Scr. May. (69:595.)
Short Story As Poetry. By Conrad Aiken. Free. May 11. (3:210.)
SKIDELSKY, BERENICE C. Michael Artzibashef. A.W. Aug. (1:189.) A.W. Sept. (1:202.)
SMITH, EDWARD H. Theodore Dreiser. Book. (N.Y.). Mar. (53:27.)
Soederberg, Hjalmar. By Charles Wharton Stork. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:142.)
Sologub, Fyodor. By A. Lister Kaye. Fortn. R. Oct., '20. (114:663.) "Somerville, E. [OE].," and "Ross, Martin." Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 23, '20. (19:697.)
SQUIRE, J.C. The Short Story. Outl. (London.) Sept. 17. (48:234.)
Stein, Gertrude. By Katharine Mansfield. Ath. Oct. 15, '20. (520.)
Stephens, James. By Ernest A. Boyd. Free. Mar. 9. (2:619.) By Francis Hackett. N. Rep. Dec. 22, '20. (25:111.) By Norreys Jephson O'Conor. B.E.T. Dec. 18, '20.
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Anonymous. New S. Nov. 27, '20. (16:240.) Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 28, '20. (19:699.) Nat. (London). Jan. 18. (28:554.) By Jacques Delebecque. M. de F. Jan. 1. (145:55.) By R. Thurston Hopkins. Book. J. Jan. 14. (3:194.) By F.R. Ath. Nov. 12, '20. (650.)
STORK, CHARLES WHARTON. Hjalmar Soederberg. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:142.)
THIBAUDET, ALBERT. Emile Zola; Guy de Maupassant; Joris-Karl Huysmans. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:923.)
THOMAS, GILBERT. Pierre Hamp. Free. June 29. (3:379.)
Tolstoi, Count Lyof. By H. Bagenal. Free. Feb. 16. (2:548.) By Herman Bernstein. N.Y. Times. Jan. 9. (3.) By John Cournos. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 30, '20. (19:888.) By Louis Gillet. R.D.M. Oct. 1, '20. (59:633.) By Maxim Gorki. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:862.) By Francis Hackett. N. Rep. Jan. 5. (25:172.)
TOMLINSON, H.M. Thomas Hardy. N. Rep. Jan. 12. (25:190.)
Tozzi, Federigo. By Lucy Collis-Morley. Nat. (London.) Jul. 16. (29:585.) By Mario Praz. L. Merc. Jan. (3:321.)
Trancoso, Fernandez. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25. (20:546.)
TREND, J.B. Ramon Perez de Ayala. Nat. (London). Jul. 9. (29:550.)
Turgenev, Ivan. By Lilian Rowland-Brown. 19th Cent. Aug. (90:230.)
"Twain, Mark." Anonymous. Nat. (London). Oct. 23, '20. (28:136.) New S. Oct. 2, '20. (15:707.) Liv. A. Nov. 27, '20. (307:555.) By Brander Matthews. Harp. M. Oct., '20. (141:635.) By H.L. Mencken. S.S. Oct., '20. (138.) By Frank R. Morrissey. Book. (N.Y.). Apr. (53:143.) By H. Houston Peckham. So. Atl. Q. Oct., '20. (19:332.) By V.R. Ath. Oct. 8, '20. (470.)
Unamuno, Miguel de. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jul. 28. (20:483.) By Jean Casson. M. de F. June 15. (148:819.)
VALE, CHARLES. Oscar Wilde. Dial. Sept. (71:359.)
VAN DOREN, CARL. Max Beerbohm. Nat. (N.Y.), Dec. 29, '20. (111:785.) Willa Sibert Cather. Nat. (N.Y.). Jul. 27. (113:92.)
Verga, Giovanni. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. May 26. (20:339.) By Carlo Linati. Dial. Aug. (71:150.)
Voutyras, D. By Demetrius Asteriotis. M. de F. Apr. 15. (147:526.)
Walch, J.L. J.M. Goedhart-Becker; Karel Wasch. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:794.)
Walpole, Hugh. Anonymous. Sat. R. Jul. 30. (132:150.) By H.C. Harwood. Outl. (London). Jul. 23. (48:75.) By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) Jul. 16. (29:584.)
Wasch, Karel. By J.L. Walch. M. de F. Dec. 15, '20. (144:794.)
Wells, H.G. By John Elliot. Book. (N.Y.). Feb. (52:542.)
Went, Stanley. Henry James. Unp. Rev. Oct., '20. (14:381.)
WEST, REBECCA. Anne Douglas Sedgwick. New S. Oct. 9, '20. (16:20.)
Wilde, Oscar. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Nov. 18, '20. (19:754.) By Robert Nichols. New S. Dec. 11, '20. (10:310.) By Charles Vale. Dial. Sept. (71:359.)
WILLIAMS, BLANCHE COLTON. Maxwell Struthers Burt. Book. (N.Y.). Mar. (53:53.)
WILLIAMS, ORLO. Hervey Fisher. Ath. Feb. 11. (157.)
Woolf, Virginia. By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Apr. 9. (17:18.)
WORSTER, W.W. Knut Hamsun. Fortn. R. Dec., '20. (114:1003.)
Wright, Cuthbert. Joris-Karl Huysmans. Dial. Dec., '20. (69:655.)
YBARRA, T.R. Vicente Blasco Ibanez. N.Y. Times. Jan. 23. (16.)
YEWDALE, MERTON S. Edgar Allen Poe. N.A. Rev. Nov., '20. (212:686.)
ZALESKI, Z.L. Stefan Zeromski; Ladislas Rejmont. M. de F. Oct. 1, '20. (143:35.)
Zeromski, Stefan. By Z.-L. Zaleski. M. de F. Oct. 1. '20. (143:35.)
Zola, Emile. By Albert Thibaudet. N.R.F. Dec., '20. (8:923.)
NOTE. One, two, or three asterisks are prefixed to the titles of stories to indicate distinction. Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of the story. Cross references after an author's name refer to previous volumes of this series.
The following abbreviations are used in the index:
Aumonier Aumonier. Golden Windmill and Other Stories.
Bercovici Bercovici. Ghitza and Other Romances of Gypsy Blood.
Brown B Brown. Homespun and Gold.
Burke Burke. More Limehouse Nights.
Burt B Burt. Chance Encounters.
Cabell A Cabell. Lines of Love.
Chekhov F Chekhov. Schoolmistress and Other Stories.
Chekhov G Chekhov. Horse-Stealers and Other Stories.
Child Child. Velvet Black.
Cholmondeley Cholmondeley. Romance of His Life and Other Romances.
Coppard Coppard. Adam and Eve and Pinch Me.
Dunbar Dunbar. Sons o' Cormac an' Tales of Other Men's Sons.
France France. Seven Wives of Bluebeard.
French C French. Masterpieces of Mystery. Ghost Stories.
French D French. Masterpieces of Mystery. Mystic-Humorous Stories.
French E French. Masterpieces of Mystery. Riddle Stories.
French F French. Masterpieces of Mystery. Detective Stories
French G French. Great Sea Stories.
Hamp Hamp. People.
Hudson Hudson. Dead Man's Plack and An Old Thorn.
Hughes B Hughes. Momma and Other Unimportant People.
James B James. Master Eustace.
Jugo-Slav Popovic. Jugo-Slav Stories.
MacManus B MacManus. Top o' the Mornin'.
McSpadden B McSpadden. Famous Psychic Stories.
McSpadden C McSpadden. Famous Detective Stories.
Mansfield Mansfield. Bliss and Other Stories.
Marquis Marquis. Carter, and Other People.
Maugham Maugham. Trembling of a Leaf.
Merrick C Merrick. Chair on the Boulevard.
Morley Morley. Tales From a Rolltop Desk.
Nevinson B Nevinson. Original Sinners.
New Dec. B New Decameron. Volume the Second, Containing the Second Day.
Oxford Oxford. Selected English Short Stories. Second Series. (XIX and XX Centuries.)
Post C Post. Sleuth of St. James's Square.
Ragozin Ragozin. Little Russian Masterpieces.
Roumania Roumania. Roumanian Stories.
Rudwin Rudwin. Devil Stories.
Sedgwick Sedgwick. Christmas Roses and Other Stories.
Smith B Smith. Cape Breton Tales.
Stephens Stephens. Irish Fairy Tales.
Strachey Strachey. Savitri and Other Women.
Turgenev Turgenev. Two Friends and Other Stories.
Van Vechten A Van Vechten. Lords of the Housetops.
Walpole Walpole. Thirteen Travellers.
ALDEN, WILLIAM LIVINGSTON. *Monty's Friend. Van Vechten A.203.
ANDERSON, SHERWOOD. (1876- .) (See 1920.) ***Other Woman. O'Brien D. 3.
ANONYMOUS. Great Valdez Sapphire. French E. 44. Printer's Devil. Rudwin. 136.
BABCOCK, EDWINA STANTON. (See 1920.) ***Gargoyle. O'Brien D. 12.
BACON, PEGGY. *Queen's Cat Van, Vechten A. 220.
BERCOVICI, KONRAD. (1882- .) **Bear-Tamers Daughter. Bercovici. 181. ***Fanutza. Bercovici. 135. ***Ghitza. Bercovici. 7. O'Brien D. 36. ***Hazi, Wife of Tender Surtuck. Bercovici. 159. ***Law of the Lawless. Bercovici. 27. ***Tinka. Bercovici. 112. **Vlad's Son, Bercovici. 54. *Yahde, the Proud One. Bercovici. 85 **Yancu Lantaru. Bercovici. 209.
BIERCE, AMBROSE. (1842-1914.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Horseman in the Sky. Oxford. 252. ***Moxon's Master. McSpadden B. 177.
BONE, DAVID W. *Merchant's Cup. French G. 203.
BRANDENBURG, BROUGHTON. Mystery of the Steel Disk. McSpadden C. 233.
BROWN, ALICE. (1857- .) (See 1918 and 1920.) **Ann Eliza. Brown B. 79. **Brush of Paint. Brown B. 181. **Confessions. Brown B. 259. *Deserters. Brown B. 210. **Homespun Wizardry. Brown B. 43. **House of the Bride. Brown B. 139 *Mary Felicia. Brown B. 22. **Path of Stars. Brown B. 201. **Question of Wills. Brown B. 158. **Red Poppies. Brown B. 64. **Return of Father. Brown B. 101. **Up on the Mountain. Brown B. 283 **Wedding Ring. Brown B. 1. ***White Pebbles. Brown B. 239. **Widow's Third. Brown B. 222.
BRYNER, EDNA CLARE. ***Life of Five Points. O'Brien D. 49.
BURT, MAXWELL STRUTHERS. **"Bally Old" Knott. Burt B. 217. ***Blood-Red One. Burt B. 197. *Devilled Sweetbreads. Burt B. 117. ***"Dream or Two." Burt B. 152. ***Each in His Generation, Burt B. 252. ***Experiment. Burt B. 39. ***Scarlet Hunter. Burt B. 1. ***Shining Armor. Burt B. 79.
CABELL, JAMES BRANCH. **Adhelmar at Puysange. Cabell A. 35. ***Castle of Content. Cabell A. 173. ***Conspiracy of Arnaye. Cabell A. 145 ***In Necessity's Mortar. Cabell A. 113 ***In Ursula's Garden. Cabell A. 203. ***Love-Letters of Falstaff. Cabell A. 63. **Porcelain Cups. Cabell A. 229. ***"Sweet Adelais." Cabell A. 87. ***Wedding Jest. Cabell A. 9.
CAMP, (CHARLES) WADSWORTH. (1879- .) ***Signal Tower. O'Brien D. 66.
CARRYL, GUY WETMORE. ***Zut. Van Vechten A. 11.
CHILD, RICHARD WASHBURN. (1881- .) *Avenger. Child. 243. **Cracking Knee. Child. 114. **Experiment in Resource. Child. 217. *Fiber. Child. 183. Foxed. Child. 352. ***Identified. Child. 27. *In Dancing Shadows. Child. 307. *Nightingale. Child. 53. *Pode. Child. 280. *Velvet Black. Child. 1. *Whiff of Heliotrope. Child. 79.
COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. (1789-1851.) **Wreck of the Royal Caroline. French G. 129.
CRAM, RALPH ADAMS. (1863- .) *Sister Maddelena. French C. 167.
CREW, HELEN COALE. (1866- .) ***Parting Genius. O'Brien D. 83.
DUNBAR, ALDIS. *Conn the Boaster. Dunbar. 200. *Constant Green Jerkin. Dunbar. 1. *Eiveen Cold-Heart. Dunbar. 41. *Ethlenn o' the Mist. Dunbar. 68. *Fair Ailinn. Dunbar. 106. *Grainne the Haughty. Dunbar. 165. *Harvestin' o' Dermond. Dunbar. 21. *How Cormac Lost His Kingdom. Dunbar. 134. *King Diarmid an' Pol. Dunbar. 94. *King o' the Three Winds. Dunbar. 212. *Light O' Me Eyes. Dunbar. 181. *Questin' o' Cleena. Dunbar. 55. *Servin' o' Culain. Dunbar. 120. *Wild Apples an' Golden Grain. Dunbar. 80. *Wind an' Wave an' Wandherin Flame. Dunbar. 151.
FERNALD, CHESTER BAILEY. (1869- .) *Chan Tow the Highrob. French D. 143.
FREEMAN, MARY E. WILKINS. (1862- .) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Cat. Van Vechten A. 1. ***Shadows on the Wall. McSpadden. B. 269.
GEROULD, KATHARINE FULLERTON. (1879- .) (See 1918.) ***Habakkuk. O'Brien D. 90.
GREEN, ANNA KATHARINE (ANNA KATHARINE GREEN ROHLFS.) (1846- .) Grotto Spectre. McSpadden C. 199. Missing: Page Thirteen. French F. 108.
HANSHEW, THOMAS W. (1857-1914.) Mystery of the Steel Room. McSpadden C. 293.
HANSHEW, THOMAS W. and MARY E. Rope of Fear. French F. 200.
HARLAND, HENRY. (1861-1905.) *House of Eulalie. Oxford. 396.
HARTE, FRANCIS BRET. (1839-1902.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***How Santa Claus Came to Simpson's Bar. Oxford. 202. ***Outcasts of Poker Flat. Oxford. 190.
HARTMAN, LEE FOSTER. (1879- .) ***Judgment of Vulcan. O'Brien D. 116.
HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. (1804-1864.) (See 1918.) ***Birth-Mark. French E. 94. ***Grey Champion. Oxford. 32. ***Maypole of Merry Mount. Oxford. 19. ***Old Esther Dudley. Oxford. 64. ***Roger Malvin's Burial. Oxford. 41. ***White Old Maid. McSpadden B. 1.
HEARN, LAFCADIO. (1850-1904.) (See 1920.) ***Ghost. French D. 101.
"HENRY, O." (WILLIAM SYDNEY PORTER.) (1867-1910.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Gift of the Magi. Oxford. 406. ***Madame Bo-Peep, of the Ranches. Oxford. 430. ***Municipal Report. Oxford. 412.
HUGHES, RUPERT. (1872- .) (See 1918.) Butcher's Daughter. Hughes B. 256. College Lorelei. Hughes B. 152. *Dauntless Bookkeeper. Hughes B. 317. *Father of Waters. Hughes B. 78. Innocence. Hughes B. 121. *"Momma." Hughes B. 1. Quicksilver Window. Hughes B. 289. Read It Again. Hughes B. 60. Split. Hughes B. 213. ***Stick-In-The-Muds. Hughes B. 33; O'Brien D. 148. *Story I Can't Write. Hughes B. 237. Yellow Cords. Hughes B. 193. You Hadn't Ought To. Hughes B. 336.
IRVING, WASHINGTON. (1783-1859.) (See 1918.) **Devil and Tom Walker. Rudwin 28.
JAMES, HENRY. (1843-1916.) (See 1920.) ***Benvolio. James B. 203. ***Four Meetings. Oxford. 301. ***Light Man. James B. 147. ***Longstaff's Marriage. James B. 57. ***Master Eustace. James B. 7. ***Owen Wingrave. Oxford. 260. ***Theodolinde. James B. 111.
JANVIER, THOMAS A. **Madame Jolicoeur's Cat. Van Vechten A. 163.
LONDON, JACK. (1876-1916.) *Terrible Solomons. French G. 306.
MACMANUS, SEUMAS. (1870- .) (See 1920.) **All on the Brown Knowe. MacManus B. 242. *Barney Brian's Monument. MacManus B. 225. ***Bellman of Carrick. MacManus B. 207. *Billy Baxter's Holiday. MacManus B. 101. **Cadger-Boy's Last Journey. MacManus B. 41. *Capture of Nelly Carribin. MacManus B. 192. *Case of Kitty Kildea. MacManus B. 77. Five Minutes a Millionaire. MacManus B. 156. ***Heart-Break of Norah O'Hara. MacManus B. 261. **Lord Mayor o' Buffalo. MacManus B. 1. *Minister's Racehorse. MacManus B. 59. *Mrs. Carney's Sealskin. MacManus B. 176. *Wee Paidin. MacManus B. 119. **When Barney's Trunk Comes Home. MacManus B. 136. ***Widow Meehan's Cassimeer Shawl. MacManus B. 18.
MARQUIS, DON. (ROBERT PERRY.) (1878- .) *Behind the Curtain. Marquis. 263. *Bubbles. Marquis. 135. *Carter. Marquis. 3. *Chances of the Street. Marquis. 169. *Kale. Marquis. 107. *Locked Box. Marquis. 245. *Looney the Mutt. Marquis. 89. *McDermott. Marquis. 55. *Never Say Die! Marquis. 35. *Old Man Murtrie. Marquis. 21. *Penitent. Marquis. 223. *Professor's Awakening. Marquis. 185.
MASON, GRACE SARTWELL. (1877- .) ***His Job. O'Brien D. 169.
MATTHEWS, JAMES BRANDER. (1852- .) (See 1920.) **Rival Ghosts. French D. 238.
MELVILLE, HERMAN. (1819-1891.) ***Capture of the Great White Whale. French G. 145.
MOFFETT, CLEVELAND (LANGSTON). (1863- .) *Mysterious Card. French E. 3.
MORLEY, CHRISTOPHER (DARLINGTON). (1890- .) Advice to the Lovelorn. Morley. 27. Battle of Manila Envelopes. Morley. 169. Climacterie. Morley. 187. Commutation Chophouse. Morley. 126. Curious Case of Kenelm Digby. Morley. 58. Gloria and the Garden of Sweden. Morley. 99. Pert Little Hat. Morley. 142. Prize Package. Morley. 1. Punch and Judy. Morley. 198. ***Referred to the Author. Morley. 211. *Urn Burial. Morley. 158.
O'BRIEN, FITZ-JAMES. (See 1918.) ***Diamond Lens. French D. 38. ***Lost Room. French E. 232.
OPPENHEIM, JAMES. (1882- .) ***Rending. O'Brien D. 187.
PEATTIE, ELIA (WILKINSON). (1862- .) **From the Loom of the Dead. McSpadden B. 235.
PERKINS, FREDERICK BEECHER. Devil-Puzzlers. Rudwin. 179.
POE, EDGAR ALLEN. (1809-1849.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Black Cat. Van Vechten A. 149. **Bon-Bon. Rudwin. 112. ***Cask of Amontillado. Oxford. 100. ***Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. McSpadden B. 17. ***Oblong Box. French E. 76. ***Purloined Letter. French F. 3. McSpadden C. 1. Oxford. 78.
POST, MELVILLE DAVISSON. (1871- .) (See 1918 and 1920.) American Horses. Post C. 213. **Cambered Foot. Post C. 70. *End of the Road. Post C. 171. **Fortune Teller. Post C. 130. ***Hole in the Mahogany Panel. Post C. 150. *House by the Loch. Post C. 317. *Last Adventure. Post C. 193. *Lost Lady. Post C. 46 *Man in the Green Hat. Post C. 90. *Pumpkin Coach. Post C. 260. **Reward. Post C. 23. **Satire of the Sea. Post C. 301. *Spread Rails. Post C. 235. *Thing on the Hearth. Post C. 1. ***Wrong Sign. Post C. 107. ***Yellow Flower. Post C. 282.
REEVE, ARTHUR BENJAMIN. (1880- .) Black Hand. McSpadden C. 167. French F. 33.
RICKFORD, KATHERINE. (See 1920.) ***Joseph: a Story. French C. 70.
ROBERTSON, MORGAN. *Derelict Neptune. French G. 282.
ROCHE, ARTHUR SOMERS. (1883- .) ***Dummy-Chucker. O'Brien D. 198.
SEDGWICK, ANNE DOUGLAS. (MRS. BASIL DE SELINCOURT.) (1873- .) (See 1918.) ***Autumn Crocuses. Sedgwick. 279. **Carnations. Sedgwick. 168. ***Christmas Roses. Sedgwick. 1. ***Daffodils. Sedgwick. 92. ***Evening Primroses. Sedgwick. 253. **Hepaticas. Sedgwick. 63. ***Pansies. Sedgwick. 121. **Pink Foxgloves. Sedgwick. 147. ***Staking a Larkspur. Sedgwick. 208.
SIDNEY, ROSE. (1888- .) ***Butterflies. O'Brien D. 214.
SMITH, HARRY JAMES. (1880-?.) **Bucherons. Smith B. 19. ***Fly, My Heart. Smith B. 121. **Garland for Pettipaw. Smith B. 101. **La Belle Melanie. Smith B. 32. **Privilege. Smith B. 63. **Simeon's Son. Smith B. 44. ***Their True Love. Smith B. 79.
SPRINGER, FLETA CAMPBELL. (1886- .) (See 1920.) ***Rotter, O'Brien D. 236.
STEELE, WILBUR DANIEL. (1886- .) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Out of Exile. O'Brien D. 266. **Yellow Cat. French C. 207.
"STORM, ETHEL." ***Three Telegrams. O'Brien D. 293.
TARKINGTON, BOOTH. (1869- .) **Gipsy. Van Vechten A. 124.
"TWAIN, MARK." (SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS..) (1835-1910.) (See 1920.) *Dick Baker's Cat. Van Vechten A. 144. Mr. Bloke's Item. French D. 96.
WARNER, CHARLES DUDLEY. (1829-1900.) *Calvin. Van Vechten A. 226.
WHEELWRIGHT, JOHN TYLER. (1856- .) ***Roman Bath. O'Brien D. 312.
WHITMAN, STEPHEN FRENCH. ***Amazement. O'Brien D. 320.
WILLIAMS, BEN AMES. (1889- .) (See 1920.) ***Sheener. O'Brien D. 348.
WOOD, FRANCES GILCHRIST. (See 1920.) ***Turkey Red. O'Brien D. 359.
ARCHER, WILLIAM. (1856- .) **My Fascinating Friend. French E. 207.
AUMONIER, STACY. (See 1918.) ***Bent Tree. Aumonier. 199. ***Brothers. Aumonier. 59. ***Golden Windmill. 3. ***Good Action. Aumonier. 137. ***Great Unimpressionable. Aumonier. 213. ***Little White Frock. Aumonier. 109. *"Old Iron." Aumonier. 79. ***Source of Irritation. Aumonier. 35. ***Them Others. Aumonier. 169.
BENSON, EDWARD FREDERIC. (1867- .) (See 1920.) ***Man Who Went Too Far. McSpadden B. 143. French D. 109.
BLACKWELL, BASIL. (See 1920.) History of Andrew Niggs. New Dec. B. 31.
BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. (1869- .) (See 1920.) ***Listener. French C. 3. ***May-Day Eve. French D. 3. ***Psychical Invasion. Van Vechten A. 29.
BURKE, THOMAS. (1887- .) (See 1920.) *Affair at the Warehouse. Burke. 155. *Big Boy Blue. Burke. 171. **Bluebell. Burke. 95. *Cane. Burke. 259. **Dumb Wife. Burke. 77. *Family Affair. Burke. 117. *Game of Poker. Burke. 33. Good Samaritans. Burke. 221. *Heart of a Child. Burke. 65. *Katie the Kid. Burke. 49. **Little Flowers of Frances. Burke. 133. *Mazurka. Burke. 185. ***Miss Plum-Blossom. Burke. 245. *Perfect Girl. Burke. 143. ***Scarlet Shoes. Burke. 197. *Song of Ho Sing. Burke. 271. **Twelve Golden Curls. Burke. 231. **Yellow Scarf. Burke. 11.
CHOLMONDELEY, MARY. **Dark Cottage. Cholmondeley. 55. **End of the Dream. Cholmondeley. 216. ***Ghost of a Chance. Cholmondeley. 83. **Goldfish. Cholmondeley. 109. **Her Murderer. Cholmondeley. 173. **Romance of His Life. Cholmondeley. 25. *Stars In Their Courses. Cholmondeley. 146. **Votes for Men. Cholmondeley. 200.
COLLINS, WILLIAM WILKIE. (1824-1889.) *Biter Bit. French F. 64. **Dream Woman. McSpadden B. 33. **Terribly Strange Bed. French E. 122. Oxford. 148.
COPPARD, ALFRED EDGAR. (1878- .) ***Adam and Eve and Pinch Me. Coppard. 67. ***Angel and the Sweep. Coppard. 123. ***Arabesque: The Mouse. Coppard. 133. ***Communion. Coppard. 89. ***Dusky Ruth. Coppard. 25. ***King of the World. Coppard. 57. ***Marching to Zion. Coppard. 9. ***Piffincap. Coppard. 43. ***Princess of Kingdom Gone. Coppard. 81. ***Quiet Woman. Coppard. 97. ***Trumpeters. Coppard. 115. ***Weep Not My Wanton. Coppard. 37.
CORNISH, GERALD WARRE. (1875-1916.) *Stowaway. Oxford. 462.
DICKENS, CHARLES. (1812-1870.) (See 1918.) ***Holly Tree. Oxford. 108.
DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN. (1859- .) (See 1918.) *Scandal in Bohemia. French F. 164. McSpadden C. 57. *Secret of Goresthorpe Grange. French D. 203.
GARNETT, RICHARD. (1835-1906.) ***Ananda the Miracle Worker. Oxford. 177. ***Demon Pope. Rudwin. 228. **Madam Lucifer. Rudwin. 242.
GILCHRIST, R. MURRAY. (1867-1917.) *Gap in the Wall. Oxford. 452. *Witch in the Peak. Oxford. 457.
GISSING, GEORGE. (1857-1903.) **Poor Gentleman. Oxford. 380.
GRANT, CHARLES. (1841-1889.) **Peppiniello. Oxford. 220.
HARVEY, WILLIAM F. (See 1920.) **Beast With Five Fingers French C. 123. McSpadden B. 193. **Toal. New Dec. B. 54.
HORNUNG, ERNEST WILLIAM. (1866- .) *Gentlemen and Players. McSpadden C. 139.
HUDSON, W.H. ( - .) (See 1920.) ***Dead Man's Plack. Hudson. 3. *Friendly Rat. Van Vechten A. 198. ***Old Thorn. Hudson. 135.
JAMES, MONTAGUE RHODES. (1862- .) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Number 13. French C. 45. ***Stalls of Barchester Cathedral. McSpadden B. 121.
KINGSLEY, CHARLES. (1819-1875.) ***Spanish Bloodhounds and English Mastiffs. French G. 1.
LAMB, CHARLES. (1775-1834.) **First Going to Church. Oxford. 12.
LAMB, MARY ANN. (1764-1847.) **Sailor Uncle. Oxford. 1.
MACHEN, ARTHUR. ***Inmost Light. French D. 158.
MANN, FRANCIS OSCAR. **Devil in a Nunnery. Rudwin. 1.
MANSFIELD, KATHERINE. (MRS. J. MIDDLETON MURRY.) ***Bliss. Mansfield. 116. ***Dill Pickle. Mansfield. 228. ***Escape. Mansfield. 272. ***Feuille d'Album. Mansfield. 218. ***Je Ne Parle Pas Francais. Mansfield. 71. ***Little Governess. Mansfield. 239. ***Man Without a Temperament. Mansfield. 172. ***Mr. Reginald Peacock's Day. Mansfield. 194. ***Pictures. Mansfield. 157. ***Prelude. Mansfield. 1. ***Psychology. Mansfield. 145. ***Revelations. Mansfield. 262. ***Sun and Moon. Mansfield. 208. ***Wind Blows. Mansfield. 137.
MARRYAT, FLORENCE. Box With the Iron Clamps. French E. 157.
MARRYAT, FREDERICK. (1792-1848.) *Club-Hauling of the Diomede. French G. 26.
MASEFIELD, JOHN. ***Devil and the Old Man. Rudwin. 263. ***El Dorado. French G. 324.
MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET. *Fall of Edward Barnard. Maugham. 66. *Honolulu. Maugham. 205. *Mackintosh. Maugham. 15. *Pool. Maugham. 148. *Rain. Maugham. 241. *Red. Maugham. 115.
MERRICK, LEONARD. (1864- .) (See 1920.) **Cafe of the Broken Heart. Merrick C. 83. **Conspiracy for Claudine. Merrick C. 140. *Danger of Being a Twin. Merrick C. 299. **Doll in the Pink Silk Dress. Merrick C. 161. **Dress Clothes of Monsieur Pomponnet. Merrick C. 101. **Fairy Poodle. Merrick C. 240. **Fatal Florozonde. Merrick C. 41. *Hercules and Aphrodite. Merrick C. 318. **How Tricotrin Saw London. Merrick C. 355. **Infidelity of Monsieur Noulens. Merrick C. 373. **Invitation to Dinner. Merrick C. 207. **Judgment of Paris. Merrick C. 225. ***Last Effect. Merrick C. 187. ***Little-Flower-of-the-Wood. Merrick C. 261. **Miracle in Montmartre. Merrick C. 279. **Opportunity of Petitpas. Merrick C. 63. **"Pardon, You Are Mademoiselle Girard!" Merrick C. 384. **Suicides in the Rue Sombre. Merrick C. 121. ***Tragedy of a Comic Song. Merrick C. 1. ***Tricotrin Entertains. Merrick C. 19.
NEVINSON, HENRY WOODD. (1852- .) (See 1920.) *"Act of Fear." Nevinson B. 157. ***In Diocletian's Day. Nevinson B. 173. ***Life on the Ocean Wave. Nevinson B. 55. *Pongo's Illusion. Nevinson B. 78. **"Qualis Artifex." Nevinson B. 1. **"Sitting at a Play." Nevinson B. 103. **Sly's Awakening. Nevinson B. 27. **Transformation Scene. Nevinson B. 131.
NIGHTINGALE, M.T. (See 1920.) Affair of the Mulhaven Baby. New Dec. B. 82.
"NOBBS, BILL." "Once Upon a Time." New Dec. B. 152.
OLIPHANT, MARGARET. (1828-1897.) (See 1918.) **Open Door. McSpadden B. 65.
POWELL, G.H. ***Blue Dryad. Van Vechten A. 131.
"ROHMER, SAX." (ARTHUR SARSFIELD WARD.) (1883- .) Adventure of the Toadstools. McSpadden C. 121.
READE, CHARLES. (1814-1884.) **Merchantman and the Pirate. French G. 75.
RUSSELL, WILLIAM CLARK. (1844-1911.) **Storm and a Rescue. French G. 226.
SADLIER, MICHAEL. (See 1920, under SADLER.) Bread Upon the Waters. New Dec. B. 20.
SCOTT, MICHAEL. (1789-1835.) **Cruise of the Torch. French G. 36.
STACPOOLE, HENRY DE VERE. (1865- .) *Salving of the Yan-Shan. French G. 263.
STEPHENS, JAMES. ***Becuma of the White Skin. Stephens. 219. ***Birth of Bran. Stephens. 91. ***Boyhood of Fionn. Stephens. 35. ***Carl of the Drab Coat. Stephens. 173. ***Enchanted Cave of Cesh Corran. Stephens. 201. ***Little Brawl at Allen. Stephens. 157. ***Morgan's Frenzy. Stephens. 257. ***Oisin's Mother. Stephens. 109. ***Story of Tuan MacCaivill. Stephens. 4. ***Wooing of Becfola. Stephens. 133.
STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS. (1850-1894.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Adventure of the Hansom Cabs. McSpadden C. 93. ***Sire de Maletroit's Door. Oxford. 334. ***Thrawn Janet. French C. 191.
STORM-JAMESON, M. (See 1920.) *Player Perforce. New Dec. B. 158.
STRACHEY, MARJORIE. *Bamboo-Cutter's Story. Strachey. 123. *Building of Skadar. Strachey. 143. *Courtship of Etain. Strachey. 155. *Janet and Tamlin. Strachey. 73. *Jonkahainen's Sister. Strachey. 101. *Lay of the Ash Tree. Strachey. 23. *Libussa the Prophetess. Strachey. 85. *Saint Iria. Strachey. 49. *Savitri. Strachey. 3. *Vassilissa the Wise. Strachey. 57. *Yanka and Her Brothers. Strachey. 39.
THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. (1811-1863.) *Devil's Wager. Rudwin. 79. **Painter's Bargain. Rudwin. 93.
VINES, SHERARD. (See 1920.) **Salvator Street. New Dec. B. 176.
WALPOLE, HUGH SEYMOUR. (1884- .) (See 1920.) ***Absalom Jay. Walpole. 13. ***Bombastes Furioso. Walpole. 252. ***Fanny Close. Walpole. 34. ***Hon. Clive Torby. Walpole. 51. ***Lizzie Rand. Walpole. 200. ***Lois Drake. Walpole. 151. ***Lucy Moon. Walpole. 107. ***Miss Morganhurst. Walpole. 69. ***Mrs. Porter and Miss Allen. Walpole. 132. ***Mr. Nix. Walpole. 175. ***Nobody. Walpole. 221. ***Peter Westcott. Walpole. 86.
WHITE, WILLIAM HALE. ("Mark Rutherford.") (1831-1913) *"Sweetness of a Man's Friend." Oxford. 169.
WILDE, OSCAR. (FINGALL O'FLAHERTIE WILLS.) (1856-1900.) (See 1920.) ***Birthday of the Infanta. Oxford. 358.
BALZAC, HONORE DE. (1799-1850.) (French.) ***Afflictions of an English Cat. Van Vechten A. 103.
BAUDELAIRE, CHARLES PIERRE. (1821-1867.) (French.) ***Generous Gambler. Rudwin. 162.
BEZA, M. (Roumanian.) ***Dead Pool. Roumania. 109. ***Gardana. Roumania. 93. **Zidra. Roumania. 85.
BRATESCU-VOINESHTI, AL. (Roumanian.) ***Bird of Ill Omen. Roumania. 261 ***Fledgling. Roumania. 167.
"CABALLERO, FERMAN." (MRS. CECELIA BOHL VON FABER.) (Spanish.) *Devil's Mother-in-Law. Rudwin. 149.
CARAGIALE, I.L. (Roumanian.) (See 1920.) **At Manjoala's Inn. Roumania. 35. ***Easter Torch. Roumania. 11.
CARGO, FRANCIS. (French.) (See 1920.) Jim of Molock's Bar. New Dec. B. 9.
CHEKHOV, ANTON PAVLOVICH. (1861-1904.) (Russian.) (See 1918 and 1920.) **Actor's End. Chekhov. G. 303. ***After the Theatre. Chekhov. F. 79. **Avenger. Chekhov G. 245. ***Beauties. Chekhov F. 277. **Beggar. Chekhov G. 179. ***Bet. Chekhov F. 253. ***Cattle-Dealers. Chekhov F. 113. ***Champagne. Chekhov F. 67. **Darkness. Chekhov G. 171. ***Dead Body. Chekhov G. 131. ***Defenceless Creature. Chekhov G. 265. *Enigmatic Nature. Chekhov G. 275. ***First-Class Passenger. Chekhov F. 179. ***Frost. Chekhov G. 209. *Gone Astray. Chekhov G. 237. *Happy Ending. Chekhov G. 141. **Happy Man. Chekhov G. 281. ***Head Gardener's Story. Chekhov F. 267. ***Horse-Stealers. Chekhov G. 3. ***In Exile. Chekhov F. 97. **In the Coach-House. Chekhov F. 229. **In Trouble. Chekhov G. 197. **Jenne Premier. Chekhov G. 255. ***Lady's Story. Chekhov F. 87. **Looking-Glass. Chekhov G. 151. *Minds in Ferment. Chekhov G. 229. ***Misery. Chekhov F. 55. ***Nervous Breakdown. Chekhov F. 17. ***Old Age. Chekhov G. 161. ***On Official Duty. Chekhov F. 153. ***Panic Fears. Chekhov F. 241. **Petchenyeg. Chekhov G. 113. ***Requiem. Chekhov F. 219. ***Safety Match. French F. 229. ***Schoolmistress. Chekhov F. 1. ***Shoemaker and the Devil. Chekhov F. 293. *Slander. Chekhov G. 221. ***Small Fry. Chekhov F. 213. ***Sorrow. Chekhov F. 141. *Story Without a Title. Chekhov G. 189. ***Tragic Actor. Chekhov F. 193. ***Transgression. Chekhov F. 201. ***Troublesome Visitor. Chekhov G. 291. ***Ward No. 6. Chekhov G. 29.
COROVICH, SVETOZAR. (1875-1918.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***Hodja Saleek. Jugo-Slav. 205
CREANGA, I. (Roumanian.) ***Old Nichifor, the Impostor. Roumania. 115.
DAUDET, ALPHONSE. (1840-1897.) (French.) (See 1918.) **Three Low Masses. Rudwin. 167.
DELAVRANCEA, B. (Roumanian.) ***Irinel. Roumania. 267.
DEULIN, CHARLES. (French.) *Devil's Round. Rudwin. 203.
DOMBROVSKY, IGNATIUS. (Polish.) *Legend on the Saturday Sunbeam. Ragozin. 3:165.
DOSTOEVSKY, FYODOR MIKHARLOVICH. (1821-1881.) (Russian.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Beggar Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree. Ragozin. 3:173.
"FRANCE, ANATOLE." (JACQUES-ANATOLE THIBAULT.) (1844- .) (French.) (See 1918.) ***Lucifer. Rudwin. 250. ***Miracle of the Great St. Nicolas. France. 43. ***Seven Wives of Bluebeard. France. 3. ***Shirt. France. 119. ***Story of the Duchess of Cicogne and of Monsieur de Boulingrin. France. 93.
GABORIAU, EMILE. (1835-1873.) (French.) *Interview with M. Lecoq. McSpadden C. 29.
GAUTIER, THEOPHILE. (1811-1872.) (French.) (See 1918.) ***Mummy's Foot. French D. 77.
GLISICH, MILOVAN. (1827-1908.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***First Furrow. Jugo-Slav. 109.
GOGOL, NIKOLAI VASILIEVICH. (1809-1852.) (Russian.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***St. John's Eve. Rudwin. 56.
"GORKI MAXIM." (ALEXEI MAXIMOVICH PYESHKER.) (1868 or 1869- .) (Russian.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Devil. Rudwin. 257.
HAMP, PIERRE. (French.) ***Mademoiselle Sowrire. Hamp. 61. ***Man With a Soft Job. Hamp. 44. ***"Miller, You're Asleep." Hamp. 133. ***Monsieur Becqueriaux. Hamp. 187. ***Monsieur Robled's Throat. Hamp. 29. ***Nonnon. Hamp. 11. ***Screen. Hamp. 199. **Seine Rises. Hamp. 71. ***Sweet Smeller. Hamp. 21. ***Tight-Wads. Hamp. 37. ***At the Chevalier Restaurant. Hamp. 94. *At the Express Window. Hamp. 89. ***Boxers. Hamp. 146. ***Bourbon's Pleasures. Hamp. 157. ***Fat-Mouth. Hamp. 104. **Fly-Catcher. Hamp. 111. ***Fried-Potato Sisters. Hamp. 3. ***Gracieuse. Hamp. 54. **Joy Boys. Hamp. 170. *King's C's. Hamp. 193.
HAUFF, WILHELM. (1802-1827.) (German.) **From the Memoirs of Satan. Rudwin. 46.
HUGO, VICTOR. (1802-1885.) **Corvette Claymore. French G. 181.
JOVANOVICH, ZMAJ-JOVAN. (1833-1904.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***Vidosava Brankovich. Jugo-Slav. 79.
KOROLENKO, VLADIMIR GALAKTIONOVICH. (1853- .) (Russian.) (See 1920.) ***"Slayer." Ragozin. 4:109. ***Winter. Ragozin. 4:174.
LAZAROVICH, LAZAR. (1851-1890.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***By the Well. Jugo-Slav. 123. ***First Matins with My Father. Jugo-Slav. 19.
LE BLANC, MAURICE. (1864- .) (French.) Sign of the Shadow. McSpadden C. 261.
LERMONTOF, MICHAIL YURIEVICH. (1814-1841.) (Russian.) ***Travelling Episode. Ragozin. 1:171.
LESSKOF, NICOLAS STEPANOVICH. (1831-1895.) (Russian.) **Friends. Ragozin. 3:52. ***From an Old Chronicle. Ragozin. 3:99. **Pearl Necklace. Ragozin. 3:20. ***Simpleton. Ragozin. 3:3.
LJUBISA. STJEPAN MITROR. (1821-1878.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***Kanjosh Macedonovich. Jugo-slav. 51.
"LOTI, PIERRE." (LOUIS-MARIE-JULIEN VIAUD.) (1850- .) (French.) ***Sailor's Wife. French G. 250.
MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO. (1469-1527.) (Italian.) **Belphagor, or the Marriage of the Devil. Rudwin. 14.
MAMIN-SIBIRIAK, D.W. (Russian.) ***Father Elect. Ragozin 2:147. ***Misgir. Ragozin 2:103.
MATAVULYA, SIMO. (1852-1908.) (Jugo-Slav.) ***Povareta. Jugo-Slav. 187.
MAUPASSANT, HENRI RENE ALBERT GUY DE. (1850-1893.) (French.) (See 1918.) ***Horla. French C. 84. **Legend of Mont St. Michel. Rudwin. 222. ***Man with the Pale Eyes. French D. 230.
NEGRUZZI, C. (Roumanian.) **Alexandru Lapushneanu. Roumania. 51.
*NIEDZWIECKI, ZYGMUNT. (Polish.) *In May. Ragozin 2:201.
POPOVICI-BANATZEANU, ION. (Roumanian.) ***Out in the World. Roumania. 207.
PUSHKIN, ALEXANDER SERGEYEVICH. (1799-1837.) (Russian.) (See 1920.) ***Good Shot. Ragozin 1:51. ***Masquerading. Ragozin 1:5. ***Queen of Spades. Ragozin 1:107. ***Snowstorm. Ragozin 1:79.
SADOVEANU, M. (Roumanian.) ***Cozma Racoare. Roumania. 141. **Fairy of the Lake. Roumania. 1. ***Wanderers. Roumania. 157.
SALTYKOF, M.Y. "N. SCHEDRIN." (1826-1889.) (Russian.) ***Christmas Sermon. Ragozin 2:5. ***Eagle, Patron of Learning. Ragozin 2:77. ***Lost Conscience. Ragozin 2:49. **Peasant and the Two Excellencies. Ragozin 2:31.
SLAVICI, I. (Roumanian.) ***Popa Tanda. Roumania. 175.
SLUCHEVSKY, K.Y. (Russian.) **Can the End Justify the Means? Ragozin 2:169. **Coward or Hero? Ragozin 2:185.
STANINOKOVICH, CONSTANTINE MIKHAILOVICH. (1844-1903.) (Russian.) *Bobtail. Ragozin 4:6. *Convict. Ragozin 4:56.
TOLSTOI, LYOF NIKOLAIEVICH, COUNT. (1828-1910.) (Russian.) (See 1918 and 1920.) ***Three Deaths. Ragozin 3:187. |