Level, Maurice. (French.) *Bastard. Level. 197. **Beggar. Level. 151. ***Blue Eyes. Level. 269. **Confession. Level. 83. *Debt Collector. Level. 3. ***Empty House. Level. 281. **Extenuating Circumstances. Level. 71. **Fascination. Level. 187. **Father. Level. 115. **For Nothing. Level. 127. ***Illusion. Level. 39. ***In the Light of the Red Lamp. Level. 49. ***In the Wheat. Level. 139. ***Kennel. Level. 15. **Kiss. Level. 237. **Last Kiss. Level. 293. ***Man Who Lay Asleep. Level. 175. ***Maniac. Level. 249. *Mistake. Level. 59. **Poussette. Level. 103. *Taint. Level. 225. *10.50 Express. Level. 259. **Test. Level. 95. ***That Scoundrel Miron. Level. 211. *Under Chloroform. Level. 163. **Who? Level. 27.
Machar, Joseph Svatopluk. (1864- .) (Czech.) ***Theories of Heroism. Hrbkova. 123.
Mayran, Camille. (Belgian.) ***Forgotten. Mayran. 95. ***Story of Gotton Connixloo. Mayran. 1.
MikszAith, Koloman. (1849- .) (Hungarian.) ***Fiddlers Three. Underwood A. 217. **Trip to the Other World. Underwood A. 209.
MuA3/4Aik, Johanna Rottova. (Czech.) See "SvAe>tlAi, Caroline."
NAe>mcovAi, BoA3/4ena. (1820-1862.) (Czech.) ***"Bewitched BAira." Hrbkova. 151.
Neruda, Jan. (1834-1891.) (Czech.) ***All Souls' Day, Underwood A. 119. ***At the Sign of the Three Lilies. Hrbkova. 86. ***BeneAi. Hrbkova. 81. ***Foolish Jona. Underwood A. 136. **He was a Rascal. Hrbkova. 90. ***Vampire. Hrbkova. 75.
Netto, Walther. (German.) ***Swine Herd. Underwood A. 233.
Palamas, Kostes. (Modern Greek.) ***Man's Death. Vaka. 173.
Papadiamanty, A. (Modern Greek.) ***She That Was Homesick. Vaka. 237.
PA(C)rez De Ayala, RamA cubedn. (Spanish.) See Ayala, RamA cubedn PA(C)rez De.
PicA cubedn, Jacinto Octavio. (1852- .) (Spanish.) ***After the Battle. McMichael. 43. **Menace. McMichael. 67. **Souls in Contrast. McMichael. 81.
Pinski, David. (1872- .) (Yiddish.) ***Beruriah. Pinski A. 3. ***Black Cat. Pinski A. 255. ***Drabkin. Pinski A. 171. ***In the Storm. Pinski A. 313. ***Johanan the High Priest. Pinski A. 101. ***Tale of a Hungry Man. Pinski A. 277. ***Temptations of Rabbi Akiba. Pinski A. 83. ***Jerubbabel. Pinski A. 131.
Polylas, Iakovos. (Modern Greek.) *Forgiveness. Vaka. 133.
Pushkin, Alexander Sergievich. (1799-1837.) (Russian.) ***Shot, Schweikert B. 23.
Pyeshkov, Alexei Maximovich. (Russian.) See "Gorki, Maxim."
A andor-Gjalski, Xaver. (Croatian.) **Jagica. Underwood A. 181. **Naja. Underwood A. 165.
"Sologub, Feodor." (Feodor Kuzmitch Teternikov.) (1863- .) (Russian.) ***White Dog. Russian A. 30.
Sudermann, Hermann. (German.) **Gooseherd. Sudermann. 341. ***Iolanthe's Wedding. Sudermann. 9. ***New Year's Eve Confession. Sudermann. 127. **Woman Who Was His Friend. Sudermann. 109.
"SvAe>tlAi, Caroline." (Johanna Rottova MuA3/4Aik.) (1830-1899.) (Czech.) ***Barbara. Hrbkova. 279.
Svoboda, FrantiAiek Xavier. (1860- .) (Czech.) ***Every Fifth Man. Hrbkova. 105.
Tchekhov, Anton Pavlovich. (Russian.) See Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich.
Teternikov, Feodor Kuzmitch. (Russian.) See "Sologub, Feodor."
TolstoA-, Lyof Nikolaievich, Count. (1828-1910.) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***God Sees the Truth but Waits. Schweikert B. 209. ***Master and Man. Schweikert B. 220. ***Three Arshins of Land. Schweikert B. 287.
Turgenev, Ivan Sergievich, (1818-1883.) (Russian.) ***Biryuk. Schweikert B. 103. ***Lear of the Steppes. Schweikert B. 113.
Vestendorf, A. Von. (German.) See Von Vestendorf, A.
Vigny, Alfred De. (French.) ***Laurette, Vigny. 43.
VA-kovAi-KunAe>tickAi, BoA3/4ena. (1863- .) (Czech.) ***Spiritless. Hrbkova. 135.
Von Vestendorf, A. (German.) ***Furor Illyricus. Underwood A. 37.
VrchlickA1/2, Yaroslav. (1853-1912.) (Czech.) ***Brother CA"lestin. Underwood A. 3.
Xenopoulos, Gregorios. (Modern Greek.) ***Mangalos. Vaka. 105.
The following table includes the averages of American periodicals published from October, 1919, to September, 1920, inclusive. One, two, and three asterisks are employed to indicate relative distinction. "Three-asterisk stories" are of somewhat permanent literary value. The list excludes reprints.
NO. OF PERCENTAGE OF NO. OF DISTINCTIVE DISTINCTIVE PERIODICALS STORIES STORIES STORIES (OCT.-SEPT.) PUBLISHED PUBLISHED PUBLISHED * ** *** * ** *** Atlantic Monthly 19 18 15 11 95 78 58 Century 43 36 25 12 84 56 28 Collier's Weekly 97 24 8 4 25 8 4 Cosmopolitan 75 17 7 3 23 9 4 Dial (including translations) 19 19 15 11 100 78 58 Everybody's Magazine (including translations) 75 23 7 0 31 9 0 Harper's Magazine 57 43 32 15 75 56 26 Hearst's Magazine (including translations) 76 17 6 4 22 8 5 McCall's Magazine (including translations) 41 15 7 3 37 17 7 McClure's Magazine (including translations) 53 24 16 13 45 30 25 Metropolitan 78 20 12 6 26 15 8 Midland 13 11 11 8 85 85 62 Munsey's Magazine 83 14 5 2 17 6 2 New York Tribune (including translations) 48 31 5 1 63 11 2 Pagan (including translations) 21 10 8 6 50 40 30 Pictorial Review 46 30 28 25 65 61 54 Red Book Magazine 117 17 4 2 15 4 2 Reedy's Mirror (including translations) 30 16 8 4 53 27 13 Romance 89 23 6 1 26 7 1 Scribner's Magazine 51 36 23 10 72 46 20 Smart Set (including translations) 127 51 25 14 40 20 11
The following tables indicate the rank, during the period between October, 1919, and September, 1920, inclusive, by number and percentage of distinctive stories published, of the twenty-one periodicals coming within the scope of my examination which have published an average of 15 per cent in stories of distinction. The lists exclude reprints, but not translations.
By Percentage of Distinctive Stories
1. Dial (including translations) 100% 2. Atlantic Monthly 95% 3. Midland 85% 4. Century 84% 5. Harper's Magazine 75% 6. Scribner's Magazine 72% 7. Pictorial Review 65% 8. New York Tribune (including translations) 63% 9. Reedy's Mirror (including translations) 53% 10. Pagan (including translations) 50% 11. McClure's Magazine (including translations) 45% 12. Smart Set (including translations) 40% 13. McCall's Magazine (including translations) 37% 14. Everybody's Magazine (including translations) 31% 15. Romance 26% 16. Metropolitan 26% 17. Collier's Weekly 25% 18. Cosmopolitan 23% 19. Hearst's Magazine (including translations) 22% 20. Munsey's Magazine 17% 21. Red Book Magazine 15%
By Number of Distinctive Stories
1. Smart Set (including translations) 51 2. Harper's Magazine 43 3. Century 36 4. Scribner's Magazine 36 5. New York Tribune (including translations) 31 6. Pictorial Review 30 7. McClure's Magazine (including translations) 24 8. Collier's Weekly 24 9. Everybody's Magazine (including translations) 23 10. Romance 23 11. Metropolitan 20 12. Dial (including translations) 19 13. Atlantic Monthly 18 14. Cosmopolitan 17 15. Hearst's Magazine (including translations) 17 16. Red Book Magazine 17 17. Reedy's Mirror (including translations) 16 18. McCall's Magazine (including translations) 15 19. Munsey's Magazine 14 20. Midland 11 21. Pagan (including translations) 10
The following periodicals have published during the same period ten or more "two-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints, but not translations. Periodicals represented in this list during 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918 and 1919 are represented by the prefixed letters a, b, c, d, and e respectively.
1. abcde Harper's Magazine 32 2. bcde Pictorial Review 28 3. abcde Century 25 4. abcde Smart Set (including translations) 25 5. abcde Scribner's Magazine 23 6. McClure's Magazine (including translations) 16 7. Dial (including translations) 15 8. cde Atlantic Monthly 15 9. be Metropolitan 12 10. c Midland 11
The following periodicals have published during the same period five or more "three-asterisk stories." The list excludes reprints, but not translations. The same signs are used as prefixes as in the previous list.
1. acde Pictorial Review 25 2. abcde Harper's Magazine 15 3. de Smart Set (including translations) 14 4. McClure's Magazine (including translations) 13 5. abcde Century 12 6. Dial (including translations) 11 7. cde Atlantic Monthly 11 8. abcde Scribner's Magazine 10 9. ae Midland 8 10. ace Metropolitan 6 11. be Pagan (including translations) 6
Ties in the above lists have been decided by taking relative rank in other lists into account.
All short stories published in the following magazines and newspapers, October, 1919, to September, 1920, inclusive, are indexed.
American Magazine Asia Atlantic Monthly Catholic World Century Collier's Weekly (except Dec. 27) Delineator (except Sept.) Dial Everybody's Magazine Good Housekeeping (except Apr. and June) Harper's Magazine Ladies' Home Journal (except Mar.) Liberator Little Review (except Apr. and Sept.) Metropolitan Midland New York Tribune Pagan Pictorial Review Reedy's Mirror Saturday Evening Post (except Jan. 31; Feb. 14, 21; Mar. 13, 20) Scribner's Magazine Smart Set Stratford Journal Sunset Magazine Touchstone (Oct., '19-May)
Short stories of distinction only, published in the following magazines during the same period, are indexed.
Adventure (Oct.-Dec., '19; Jul.-Sept.) Ainslee's Magazine All Story Weekly American Boy Argosy Black Cat Cosmopolitan Freeman Harper's Bazar (except Oct., '19) Hearst's Magazine Holland's Magazine Little Story Magazine Live Stories McCall's Magazine McClure's Magazine Magnificat Munsey's Magazine Parisienne People's Favorite Magazine Queen's Work (except Sept.) Red Book Magazine Romance Short Stories Snappy Stories Telling Tales To-day's Housewife Top-Notch Magazine Woman's Home Companion (except Sept.) Woman's World
Certain stories of distinction published in the following magazines and newspapers during this period are indexed, because they have been specially called to my attention.
Detroit Sunday News Menorah Journal Oxford Outlook Pearson's Magazine Red Cross Magazine Popular Magazine True Stories
One, two, or three asterisks are prefixed to the titles of stories to indicate distinction. Three asterisks prefixed to a title indicate the more or less permanent literary value of the story, and entitle it to a place on the annual "Rolls of Honor." An asterisk before the name of an author indicates that he is not an American. Cross references after an author's name refer to previous volumes of this series. (H) after the name of an author indicates that other stories by this author, published in American magazines between 1900 and 1914, are to be found indexed in "The Standard Index of Short Stories," by Francis J. Hannigan, published by Small, Maynard & Company, 1918. The figures in parentheses after the title of a story refer to the volume and page number of the magazine. In cases where successive numbers of a magazine are not paged consecutively, the page number only is given in this index.
The following abbreviations are used in the index:—
Adv. Adventure Ain. Ainslee's Magazine All. All-Story Weekly Am. American Magazine Am. B. American Boy Arg. Argosy Asia Asia Atl. Atlantic Monthly B. C. Black Cat Cath. W. Catholic World Cen. Century Col. Collier's Weekly Cos. Cosmopolitan Del. Delineator Det. N. Detroit Sunday News Dial Dial Ev. Everybody's Magazine Free. Freeman G. H. Good Housekeeping Harp. B. Harper's Bazar Harp. M. Harper's Monthly Hear. Hearst's Magazine Holl. Holland's Magazine L. H. J. Ladies' Home Journal Lib. Liberator Lit. R. Little Review Lit. St. Little Story Magazine L. St. Live Stories Mag. Magnificat McC. McClure's Magazine McCall McCall's Magazine Men. Menorah Journal Met. Metropolitan Mid. Midland Mir. Reedy's Mirror Mun. Munsey's Magazine N. Y. Trib. New York Tribune O. O. Oxford Outlook Pag. Pagan Par. Parisienne Pear. Pearson's Magazine Peop. People's Favorite Magazine Pict. R. Pictorial Review Pop. Popular Magazine Q. W. Queen's Work (R.) Reprint Red Bk. Red Book Magazine Red Cross Red Cross Magazine Rom. Romance Scr. Scribner's Magazine S. E. P. Saturday Evening Post Sh. St. Short Stories Sn. St. Snappy Stories S. S. Smart Set Strat. J. Stratford Journal Sun. Sunset Magazine Tod. To-day's Housewife Top. Top-Notch Magazine Touch. Touchstone True St. True Stories T. T. Telling Tales W. H. C. Woman's Home Companion Wom. W. Woman's World (161) Page 161 (2:161) Volume 2, page 161 (See '15) See "Best Short Stories of 1915."
Owing to labor and transportation difficulties, the files of certain periodicals which I have consulted this year are not absolutely complete. I shall report upon these missing issues next year.
Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell. (Mrs. Fordyce Coburn.) (1872- .) (See 1915, 1918.) (H.) Peace On Earth, Good Will to Dogs. Col. Dec. 13-20, '19. (5, 8.)
Abbott, Helen Raymond. (1888- .) (See 1918.) *Stop Six. Cen. March. (99:666.)
Abbott, Keene. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) *Cinders of the Cinderella Family. S. E. P. Oct. 18, '19. (12.) Thumb Minus Barlow. S. E. P. Dec. 20, '19. (28.)
Abdullah, Achmed. (Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan El-Durani El-Idrissyeh.) ("A. A. Nadir.") (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Evening Rice. Pict. R. June. (8.) *Hill Bred Yar Hydar. Am. B. Dec. '19. (11.) **Indian Jataka. All. March 13. (108:2.) *Pell Street Choice. Am. B. Nov. '19. (6.) **Tao. Cen. Apr. (99:819.)
Abt, Marion. Epithalamium. S. S. Sept. (63.)
Adams, Charles Magee. Fathers and Sons. Am. May. (28.) Todd's Plunge. S. E. P. Jan. 3. (41.)
Adams, H. Austin. (See "H" under Adams, Austin.) "Bugs, But No One's Fool." Sun. Sept. (43.)
Adams, Samuel Hopkins. (1871- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Guardian of God's Acre. Col. June 12. (18.) *Home Seekers. Col. Apr. 10. (13.) *House of Silvery Voices. Col. Mar. 20. (18.) *Patroness of Art. Col. Jul. 17. (5.) Pink Roses and the Wallop. S. E. P. Mar. 27. (12.)
Addis, H. A. Noureddin. (See 1918.) **Weaver. Asia. Jan. (20:13.)
Addison, Thomas. (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) Tricks in All Trades. Ev. Apr. (76.)
*Ades, Albert. *Mme. Grandvoinet. N. Y. Trib. March 21.
Agee, Fannie Heaslip Lea. See Lea, Fannie Heaslip.
Aitken, Kenneth Lyndwode. (1881-1919.) ***From the Admiralty Files. Cen. Dec. '19. (99:241.) **Wee Bit Ghost. Met. March. (34.)
Akins, ZoA". (1886- .) (See 1919.) *Bruised Reed. Cos. July. (32.) **Sister of the Sun. Cen. Dec. '19. (99:217.)
Aldrich, Bess Streeter. ("Margaret Dean Stevens.") (1881- .) (See 1919.) (See 1916 under Stevens, Margaret Dean.) *Across the smiling Meadow. L. H. J. Feb. (20.) Ginger Cookies. L. H. J. Jan. (25.) "Last Night, When You Kissed Blanche Thompson——." Am. Aug. (28.) Marcia Mason's Lucky Star. Am. March. (23.) Mason Family Now on Exhibition. Am. Nov. '19. (45.) Mother Mason Gives Some Good Advice. Am. May. (49.) Tillie Cuts Loose. Am. April. (50.)
"Alexander, Mary." See Kilbourne, Fannie.
Alexander, Nell Stewart. Cutting the Cat's Claws. L. H. J. Sept. (34.)
Alexander, Sandra. (See 1919.) According to Otto. Col. Mar. 27. (10.) Goer. Met. Nov. '19. (34.)
"Amid, John." (M. M. Stearns.) (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Seravido Money. Mir. Nov. 20, '19. (28:812.)
Anderson, C. Farley. ***Octogenarian. S. S. Dec. '19. (119.)
Anderson, Frederick Irving. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *King's Thumb. Ev. Dec. '19. (45.)
Anderson, Jane. (H.) ***Happiest Man in the World. Cen. Jan. (99:330.)
Anderson, Sherwood. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Door of the Trap. Dial. May. (68:567.) ***I Want to Know Why. S. S. Nov. '19. (35.) ***Other Woman. Lit. R. May-June. (37.) ***Triumph of the Egg. Dial. Mar. (68:295.)
Anderson, William Ashley. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) **Black Man Without a Country. Harp. M. June. (141:90.) Bwana Poor. S. E. P. Oct. 4, '19. (41.) **Parable of Trifles. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (28.)
Anderton, Daisy. (See 1919.) ***Belated Girlhood. Pag. Jan. (37.)
*Andreieff, Leonid Nikolaevich. See Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich.
Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Broken Wings. Scr. Aug. (68:129.)
Andrews, Roland F. (H.) For the Honor of Sam Butler. Ev. Mar. (38.) **Wallababy. Met. Aug. (38.)
*Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich. (1871-1919.) (See 1916, 1917.) (See "H" under Andreieff.) ***Promise of Spring. Pag. Nov.-Dec., '19. (6.)
Anonymous. *Bird of Passage. N. Y. Trib. Dec. 28, '19. *His Last Rendezvous. N. Y. Trib. Nov. 30, '19. *Incompatibles. N. Y. Trib. Nov. 23, '19. ***Romance of the Western Pavilion. Asia. May. (20:392.) "Stranger." N. Y. Trib. May 30.
Armstrong, LeRoy. (1854- .) (H.) "Patsy, Keep Your Head." Met. Oct., '19. (29.)
Aspinwall, Marguerite. (See 1918.) First Rung. Del. Feb. (11.)
Atherton, Sarah. Lie and the Litany. Scr. Aug. (68:186.) *Necessary Dependent. Scr. June. (67:747.) *Paths from Diamond Patch. Scr. Jul. (68:65.)
*Aumonier, Stacy. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Golden Windmill. Pict. R. Oct., '19. (14.) ***Good Action. Cen. Aug. (100:454.) ***Great Unimpressionable. Pict. R. Nov., '19. (12.) ***Just the Same. Pict. R. Jul.-Aug. (12.) ***Landlord of "The Love-a-Duck." Pict. R. Jan.-Feb. (8.)
*Auriol, Georges. Heart of the Mother. Pag. Jul.-Sept. (33.)
*Austin, Frederick Britten. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Buried Treasure. Hear. Dec., '19. (14.) *Yellow Magic. Red. Bk. Apr. (28.)
Austin-Ball, Mrs. T. See Steele, Alice Garland.
Avery, Hascal T. (See 1919.) *Corpus Delicti. Atl. Feb. (125:200.)
Avery, Stephen Morehouse. Lemon or Cream? L. H. J. Feb. (24.)
Babcock, Edwina Stanton. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Gargoyle. Harp. M. Sept. (141:417.) **Porch of the Maidens. Harp. M. March. (140:460.)
Bailey (Irene), Temple. (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Beggars on Horseback. S. E. P. Oct. 4, '19. (20.) **Gay Cockade. Harp. M. Feb. (140:290.)
Ball, Mrs. T. Austin. See Steele, Alice Garland.
Balmer, Edwin. (1883- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (Hb.) Acheron Run. Ev. May. (59.) Jim Culver Learns the Secret of Teamwork. Am. Aug. (49.) On the 7:50 Express. Am. April. (13.) Paolina. Ev. Feb. (59.) Santa Claus Breaks Into the Kelly Pool Game. Am. Dec., '19. (40.) Upon the Record Made. L. H. J. Jul. (7.)
*Bargone, Charles. See "FarrA"re, Claude."
*Barker (Harley), Granville. (1877- .) (See 1916.) ***Bigamist. Free. May 5. (1:176.)
Barnard, Leslie Gordon. Jealousy of Mother McCurdy. Am. June. (39.) Why They Called Her "Little Ireland." Am. July. (49.)
Barnes, Djuna. (1892- .) (See 1918, 1919.) ***Beyond the End. Lit. R. Dec., '19. (7.) ***Mother. Lit. R. Jul.-Aug. (10.)
Barratt, Louise Rand Bascom. See Bascom, Louise Rand.
Barrett, Arabel Moulton. (See 1919.) Little Brown Bird. Cath. W. Oct., '19. (110:29.)
Barrett, Richmond Brooks. At Thirty-three. S. S. Sept. (55.) Daughter of the Bernsteins. S. S. Jul. (83.) Divine Right of Tenors. S. S. March. (73.) *Satanic Saint. S. S. April. (103.)
Bartlett, Frederick Orin. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Everlasting Hills. S. E. P. Mar. 27. (30.) **Inside. Del. Jan. (7.) Junior Member. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (14.) Later Boat. Ev. Apr. (68.) Strip of Green Paper. Ev. Sept. (51.)
Barton, C. P. *Life, Liberty, and Happiness. All. Apr. 10. (109:135.)
Bascom, Louise Rand. (Mrs. G. W. Barrett.) (See 1915, 1916, 1918.) (H.) *Question of Dress. B. C. Jul. (13.)
Bash, Mrs. Louis H. See Runkle, Bertha (Brooks.)
Beadle, Charles. (See 1918.) *Inner Hero. Rom. Nov., '19. (113.)
Beale, William C. (See 1918, 1919.) *Eternal Knout. Ev. Nov., '19. (34.)
Beard, Wolcott le ClA(C)ar. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1919.) (H.) *Sun God Functions. Arg. Nov. 1, '19. (114:18.)
Bechdolt, Frederick Ritchie. (1874- .) (See 1917, 1919.) (H.) Cleaning Up of Lathrop. S. E. P. May 15. (46.) On the Lordsburg Road. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (42.)
*Beck, L. Adams. ***Fire of Beauty. Atl. Sept. (126:359.) ***Incomparable Lady. Atl. Aug. (126:178.)
Beer, Thomas. (1889- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Boy Flag. S. E. P. June 5. (12.) *Cool. Cen. Sept. (100:604.) Curious Behavior of Myra Cotes. Met. Oct., '19. (32.) Lorena. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (18.) Poison Pen. S. E. P. Jul. 17. (16.) *Refuge. S. E. P. Aug. 28. (18.) Totem. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (42.) *Zerbetta and the Black Arts. S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (22.)
Beffel, John Nicholas. (See 1915.) (H.) *Crosby Crew. Mir. Oct. 23, '19. (28:730.) *Out of the Cage. Mir. Nov. 20, '19. (28:816.) 18, '19. (28:816.) Seneca's Ghost House. Mir. Dec. 18, '19. (28:936.) Woman at the Door. Mir. Dec. 11, '19. (28:899.)
Behrman, S. N. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) *That Second Man. S. S. Nov., '19. (73.)
Belden, Jacques. *Song of Home. Mun. Nov., '19. (68:230.)
BenA(C)t, Stephen Vincent. (1898- .) (See 1916.) *Funeral of John Bixby. Mun. Jul. (70:382.) ***Summer Thunder. S. S. Sept. (79.)
Bercovici, Konrad. (1882- .) ***Ghitza. Dial. Feb. (68:154.) *Yahde, the Proud One. Rom. Aug. (100.)
*Beresford, John Davys. (1873- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) **Convert. Free. May, '19. (1:225.)
*"Bertheroy, Jean." (Berthe Carianne Le Barillier.) (1860- .) (See 1918, 1919.) *Candlemas Day. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 29. *From Beyond the Grace. N. Y. Trib. Feb. 1.
Bidwell, Anna Cabot. Fairest Adonis. Cen. March (99:610.)
*Binet-Valmer. (See 1918, 1919.) Armistice Night. N. Y. Trib. Apr. 4. *Withered Flowers. N. Y. Trib. Jan. 4.
*"Birmingham, George A." (Canon James O. Hannay.) (1865- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) **Bands of Ballyguttery. Ev. Jul. (63.)
Bishop, Ola. (See 1919.) Dawson Gang. Met. Nov., '19. (52.) Wilda MacIvor-Horsethief. Met. Feb. (42.)
*Bizet, RenA(C). Devil's Peak. N. Y. Trib. Jul. 18. *Lie. N. Y. Trib. May 16.
*Blackwood, Algernon. (1869- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Chinese Magic. Rom. June. (26.) ***First Hate. McC. Feb. (22.) ***Running Wolf. Cen. Aug. (100:482.)
*Blasco IbAiA-ez, Vicente. (1867- .) (See 1919 under IbAiA-ez, Vicente Blasco.) *CaburA(C) Feather. McC. Sept. (20.) *Four Sons of Eve. McC. Jul. (8.) *Mad Virgins. Ev. Dec., '19. (25.) ***Old Woman of the Movies. McC. May. (9.) *Shot in the Dark. McCall. Jul. (6.) ***Sleeping-Car Porter. Del. Oct., '19. (15.)
Bloch, Bertram. (See '18.) Modern Improvements. S. S. Feb. (79.)
Block, Rudolph. See "Lessing, Bruno."
Blum, Henry S. Oil. Met. Aug. (34.)
Boas, George. **Officer, but a Gentleman. Atl. Aug. (126:194.)
Bodenheim, Maxwell. (1893- .) **Religion. Lit. R. May-June. (32.)
Bois, Boice Du. See Du Bois, Boice.
Boogher, Susan M. (See 1919.) Mrs. Hagey and the Follies. L. H. J. Sept. (22.)
Booth, Frederick. (See 1916, 1917.) *Duel, Ain. Apr. (126.)
*Bottome, Phyllis (Mrs. Forbes Dennis). (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Man of the "Chat Noir." Ain. June-Jul. (41.) **Residue. Cen. Sept, (100:665.)
Boulton, Agnes, (Mrs. Eugene G. O'Neill.) (1893- .) **Hater of Mediocrity. S. S. Jul. (119.)
*Boutet, FrA(C)deric. (See 1917, 1918.) *Her Magnificent Recollections. Par. June. (37.) *His Wife's Correspondents. Par. Sept. (65.) **Laura. N. Y. Trib. Sept., '19. *M. Octave Boullay. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 1. *Two Dinners. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 22.
Bowman, Earl Wayland. Blunt Nose. Am. Feb. (62.) High Stakes. Am. Sept. (56.)
Boyer, Wilbur S. (See 1917, 1919.) (H.) *Tutti-Frutti. Ev. May. (69.)
Brace, Blanche. Adventure of the Lost Trousseau. L. H. J. Sept. (14.) Tuesday and Thursday Evenings. S. E. P. Sept. 25. (20.)
Bradley, Mary Hastings. (See 1919.) (H.) His Neighbor's Wife. Met. Sept. (25.) Salvage, Met. May. (16.)
Brand, Max. (See 1918.) *Out of the Dark. All. March. 13. (108:9.)
Breakspear, Matilda. Humberto, S. S. Jan. (108.)
Brooks, Jonathan. Bills Payable. Col. Sept. 18. (5.) Hand and Foot. Col. May 15. (14.) High and Handsome. Col. June 19. (5.) Hot Blood and Cold. Col. Aug. 7. (5.) Rewarded, By Virtue. Col. Apr. 3. (5.)
Brooks, Paul. Immolation. S. S. Sept. (101.)
Brown, Alice. (1857- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Captives. McCall. May. (6.) *Mistletoe. W. H. C. Dec., '19. (23.) ***Old Lemuel's Journey. Atl. June. (125:782.)
Brown, Estelle Aubrey. Elizabeth—Convex. L. H. J. Jan. (9.)
Brown, Hearty Earl. (1886- .) (See 1918, 1919.) Gold-Piece. Atl. Jul. (126:67.)
Brown, Katharine Holland. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *House on the Sand. W. H. C. May. (29.) **Very Anxious Mother. Scr. Dec. 1919. (66:749.)
Brown, Royal. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) Eighth Box. L. H. J. Dec., 1919. (14.) Game for Quentina. L. H. J. June. (18.) Too Much Canvas. L. H. J. Nov., 1919. (20.)
Brown, W. S. *Albert Bean's Tranquillity. Dial. Mar. (68:306.)
Brownell, Agnes Mary. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Buttermilk. Mir. Dec. 11, 1919. (28:887.) **Coquette. McCall. May. (16.) **Cure. Mid. Sept. (6:138.) **Evergreen. G. H. Dec., 1919. (49.) *Forty-Love. McCall. Jul. (16.) **Grampa. Del. Apr. (24.) *Intentions. Rome. Apr. (33.) *Oxalis. Del. Feb. (21.) ***Quest. Mid. Sept.-Oct. '19. (5:220.) **Red Fiddle. Arg. Jul. 31. (123:699.) ***Relation. Pict. R. June. (12.) *Wannie—and Her Heart's Desire. Am. Jul. (44.)
Brownell, Mrs. Baker. See "Maxwell, Helena."
Brubaker, Howard. (1892- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Decline and Fall. Harp. M. Jul. (141:244.) *Little Friends of All the Arts. Harp. M. Feb. (140:386.)
Bruno, GuA-do. (1884- .) (See 1915.) Adultery on Washington Square. Mir. Jul. 15. (29:563.)
*Bruno, Ruby, J. *Unbreakable Chain. N. Y. Trib. Apr. 18. Woman's Will. N. Y. Trib. July 11.
Bryan, Grace Lovell. Class! S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (46.) Rowena Pulls the Wheeze! S. E. P. July 31. (16.) "You Never Can Tell—" S. E. P. Nov. 22, '19. (40.)
Bryner, Edna Clare. ***Life of Five Points. Dial. (69:225.)
*Buchan, John. (1875- .) (H.) ***Fullcircle. Atl. Jan. (125:36.)
*Buchanan, Meriel. Miracle of St. Nicholas. Scr. Aug. (68:137.)
Buck, Oscar MacMillan. **Village of Dara's Mercy. Asia. June. (20:481.)
Bulger, Bozeman. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (See also Terhune, Albert Payson, and Bulger, Bozeman.) Logansport Breeze. S. E. P. June, '19. (30.) Real Shine. Ev. June. (25.)
Burke, Kenneth. *Mrs. MA cenas. Dial. Mar. (68:346.) **Soul of Kajn Tafha. Dial. Jul. (69:29.)
*Burke, Thomas. (1887- .) (See 1916, 1919.) ***Scarlet Shoes. Cos. Apr. (69.) **Twelve Golden Curls. Cos. Mar. (37.)
*Burland, John Burland Harris. (1870- .) *Green Flame. T. T. Apr. (27.) **Window. L. St. Dec. '19 (94.)
Burnet, Dana. (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) *Last of the Oldmasters. Ev. Jan. (37.) Romance of a Country Road. G. H. Oct., '19. (34.)
Burt, Maxwell Struthers. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) **"Bally Old" Knot. Scr. Aug. (68:194.) *Devilled Sweetbreads. Scr. Apr. (67:411.) ***Dream or Two. Harp. M. May. (140:744.) ***Each in His Generation. Scr. Jul. (68:42.) ***When His Ships Came In. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:721.)
Butler, Ellis Parker. (1869- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Criminals Three. Pict. R. March. (16.) **Economic Waste. Ev. Oct., '19. (46.) *Jury of His Peers. Ev. Sept. (42.) Knight Without Reproach. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (69.) Potting Marjotta. Col. Jan. 17. (11.)
"Byrne, Donn." (Bryan Oswald Donn-Byrne.) (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *And Zabad Begat Ephlal. Hear. May. (31.) *Bride's Play. Hear. Sept. (8.)
Cabell, James Branch. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Designs of Miramon. Cen. Aug. (100:533.) ***Feathers of Olrun. Cen. Dec., '19. (99:193.) ***Hair of Melicent. McC. Sept. (24.) ***Head of Misery. McC. Jul. (21.) ***Hour of Freydis. McC. May. (14.) **Porcelain Cups. Cen. Nov., '19. (99:20.)
Calvin, L. Twenty Stories Above Lake Level. Pag. Jul.-Sept. (16.)
Cameron, Margaret. (Margaret Cameron Lewis.) (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) (H.) Personal: Object Matrimony. Harp. M. Apr. (140:621.)
Camp, (Charles) Wadsworth. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) Black Cap. Col. Jan. 24. (10.) **Dangerous Tavern. Col. Jul. 24. (5.) Hate. Col. Apr. 3. (18.) ***Signal Tower. Met. May. (32.)
Campbell, Marjorie Prentiss. (See 1919.) Guests for Dinner. Del. Mar. (11.) Tight Skirts and the Sea. L. H. J. Dec., '19. (20.)
Canda, Elizabeth Holden. Broken Glass. L. H. J. Feb. (15.)
*Cannan, Gilbert. (1884- .) **Tragic End. Dial. Jan. (68:47.)
Carmichael, Catherine. Fairy of the Fire-place. Met. June. (13.)
Carnevali, Emanuel. Tales of a Hurried Man. I. Lit. R. Oct., '19. (16.) Tales of a Hurried Man. II. Lit. R. Nov., '19. (22.) Tales of a Hurried Man. III. Lit. R. Mar. (28.)
Carson, Shirley. *Old Woman's Story. Hol. June. (11.)
Carver, George. (See 1918.) **About the Sixth Hour. Mir. March 18. (29:203.)
Cary, Gladys Gill. It's So Hard for a Girl. L. H. J. Oct., '19. (18.)
Cary, Harold. She and He. Ev. Feb. (31.)
*Cary, Joyce. See "Joyce, Thomas."
*Casement, Roger. *Guti. (R.) Mir. May 20. (29:415.)
Casey Patrick, and Casey, Terence. (See 1915, 1917.) (See "H" under Casey, Patrick.) **Wedding of Quesada. S. E. P. Sept. 18. (12.)
Casseres, Benjamin De. (1873- .) (See "H" under De Casseres, Benjamin.) *Last Satire of a Famous Titan. S. S. June. (79.)
*Castle, Agnes (Sweetman), and Castle, Egerton. (1858-1920.) (See 1917, 1919.) (H.) *Fair Fatality. Rom. Apr. (137.)
Castle, Everett Rhodes. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) Ain't Men So Transparent—S. E. P. Nov. 22, '19. (61.) Golfers Three. S. E. P. Oct. 18, '19. (49.)
Cather, Willa Sibert. (1875- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Her Boss. S. S. Oct., '19. (95.)
Catton, George L. (See 1918.) *Coincidence. Lit. St. Sept. (1.) *Speaking of Crops. Arg. Mar. 6. (118:475.)
Cavendish, John C. (See 1919.) *Dawn. S. S. Dec., '19. (57.) Last Love. S. S. Feb. (117.) *Little Grisette. S. S. Nov., '19. (41.)
Chadwick, Charles. Broken Promise. L. H. J. May. (27.)
Chalmers, Mary. **Liberation of Christine Googe. Sn. St. March 18. (59.)
Chamberlain, Lucia. (See 1917.) (H.) Policeman X. S. E. P. Mar. 27. (16.)
Chambrun, Countess De. See De Chambrun, Clara Longworth, Countess.
Chandler, Josephine C. Habeas Corpus. Pag. Nov.-Dec., '19. (35.)
Chapin, Carl Mattison. (See 1915.) (H.) Too Much Is Enough. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (46.)
Chapman, Edith. ***Classical Case. Pag. June. (4.) *Emancipation. S. S. June. (99). **Golden Fleece. Pag. Feb. (4.) Inevitable Eve. S. S. Aug. (61.) Mid-Victorians. S. S. Feb. (53.) *Pandora. S. S. May. (85.) *Question of Values. S. S. Sept. (29.) Reductio ad Absurdum. S. S. Jan. (59.) **Self-Deliverance, or The Stanton Way. Pag. Apr.-May. (12.)
Charles, Tennyson. *Riding the Crack of Doom. Am. B. Apr. (18.)
Chase, Mary Ellen. (1887- .) (See 1919.) *Sure Dwellings. Harp. M. Nov., '19. (139:869.)
*Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. (1860-1904.) (See 1915, 1916, 1917 under Tchekov.) (See 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***At a Country House. (R.) Touch. May. (7:126.)
Chenault, Fletcher. (See 1917, 1918.) On Nubbin Ridge. Col. Dec. 6, '19. (20.)
Chester, George Randolph. (1869- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) Pouff. Ev. Mar. (64.)
*Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. (1874- .) (See 1919.) (H.) **Face in the Target. Harp. M. Apr. (140:577.) *Garden of Smoke. Hear. Jan. (15.) **Soul of the Schoolboy. Harp. M. Sept. (141:512.) **Vanishing Prince. Harp. M. Aug. (141:320.)
Child, Richard Washburn. (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Bomb. McC. Jan. (11.) Thief Indeed. Pict. R. June. (6.)
Church, F.S. (See 1919.) How I Spent My Vacation. Scr. Aug. (68:155.)
Churchill, David. (See 1919.) Igor's Trail. Ev. May. (46.)
Churchill, Roy P. (See 1919.) Bold Adventure of Jimmie the Watchmaker. Am. May. (40.)
Clark, (Charles) Badger. All for Nothing. Sun. Apr (40.) Gloria Kids. Sun. Jul. (52.) In the Natural. Sun. June (43.) Little Widow. Sun. May. (36.) Sacred Salt. Sun. Aug. (39.)
Clark, Valma. *Big Man. Holl. Aug. (7.)
Clausen, Carl. **Perfect Crime. S. E. P. Sept. 25. (18.) *Regan. Rom. April. (114.)
Cleghorn, Sarah N(orcliffe). (1876- .) (See 1917.) (H.) *"And She Never Could Understand." Cen. Jan. (99:387.)
Clemans, Ella V. *Mother May's Morals. G. H. May. (25.)
*ClA(C)menceau, Georges. *How I Became Long-Sighted. Hear. Aug. (12.)
*Clifford, Mrs. W. K. (Lucy Lane Clifford.) (See 1915, 1917.) (H.) Antidote. Scr. Sept. (68:259.)
Clive, Julian. (See 1919.) Climate. Mir. Nov. 27, '19. (28:835.) Of the Nature of Himself. Mir. Feb. 26. (29:145.)
Cobb, Irvin (Shrewsbury). (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *It Could Happen Again To-morrow. S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (10.) ***Story That Ends Twice. S. E. P. Sept. 4. (8.) *Wasted Headline. S. E. P. May 8. (10.) *When August the Second Was April the First. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (10.) Why Mr. Lobel Had Apoplexy. S. E. P. Jan. 17. (8.)
Coburn, Mrs. Fordyce. See Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell.
Cohen, Bella. *"Children of the Asphalt." L. St. Jan. (75.) *Chrysanthemums. Arg. May 29. (121:395.) **Hands. Touch. Aug.-Sept. (7:383.) *Roaches are Golden. L. St. Sept. (69.) *Sara Resnikoff. Arg. Dec. 13, '19. (115:503.) **Voices of Spring on the East Side. Touch. Jan. (6:195.)
Cohen, Octavus Roy. (1891- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) All's Swell That Ends Swell. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (12.) Auto-Intoxication. S. E. P. Oct. 18, '19. (20.) Gravey. S. E. P. June 19. (12.) Here Comes the Bribe. S. E. P. Feb. 28. (12.) Mistuh Macbeth. S. E. P. Apr. 17. (12.) Night-Blooming Serious. S. E. P. Apr. 24. (12.) Noblesse Obliged. S. E. P. Jul. 3. (14.) Survival of the Fattest. S. E. P. Nov. 15, '19. (16.) Ultima Fool. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (20.)
Collins, Charles. Girl on the End. Met. Apr. (24.) Sins of Saint Anthony. S. E. P. Dec. 20, '19. (16.) When Marcia Fell. S. E. P. May 15. (20.)
Comfort, Will Levington, (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) See also Comfort, Will Levington, and Dost, Zamin Ki. Gamester. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (28.)
Comfort, Will Levington. (1878- .), and Dost, Zamin Ki. See also Comfort, Will Levington. *Bear Knob. S. E. P. Jan. 10. (29.) *Lair. S. E. P. Oct. 11, '19. (20.)
Condon, Frank. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Any Nest for a Hen. Col. June 12. (10.) Circus Stuff. Col. Jan. 31. (10.) Fade Out. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (54.) *Jones—Balloonatic. Col. Mar. 13. (8.) Sacred Elephant. Col. Oct. 4, '19. (28.)
Connolly, James Brendan. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Fiery Sea. Col. Feb. 21. (13.) *Wimmin and Girls. Col. May 22. (12.)
Cook, Mrs. George Cram. See Glaspell, Susan.
Cook, Lyle. Dancing Shoes. L. H. J. May. (20.) Wing Dust. L. H. J. Apr. (14.)
Cooke, Grace MacGowan. See MacGowan, Alice, and Cooke, Grace MacGowan.
Cooper, Courtney Ryley. (1886- .) (See 1917, 1919.) (H.) Thrill That Cured Him. L. H. J. Oct., '19. (29.) Unconquered. S. E. P. June 5. (30.)
Corbaley, Kate. Hangers-On. L. H. J. Nov., '19. (17.) Pair of Blue Rompers. L. H. J. Jan. (15.)
Corcoran, Captain A. P. Middle Watch. L. H. J. Jan. (26.)
Corley, Donald. ***Daimyo's Bowl. Harp. M. Nov., '19. (139:810.)
Cornell, V. H. (See 1915.) (H.) His Big Moment. S. E. P. Sept. 11. (38.)
"Crabb, Arthur." (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) Among Gentlemen. Col. Feb. 14. (21.) Bill Riggs Comes Back. G. H. Jul.-Aug. (61.) Harold Child, Bachelor. L. H. J. Oct.-Nov., '19. (11:28.) In the Last Analysis. Col. Sept. 4. (10.) Janet. Met. March. (42.) Kiss. Met. Oct., '19. (21.) Lanning Cup. Ev. Apr. (49.) Little God of Hunches. Ev. Jul. (21.) Masher. Met. Apr. (36.) Max Solis Gives an Option. Met. Sept. (28.) Mr. Dog-in-the-Manger. Del. Jul.-Aug. (16.) More or Less Innocent Bystander. Met. Feb. (21.) Queer Business. Ev. May. (9.) Rape of the Key. Sun. Dec., '19. (37.) Reformation of Orchid. Met. Jan. (38.) Represented by Counsel. Met. Nov., '19. (26.) Sammy, Old Fox. Ev. Sept. (21.) Story Apropos. Col. March 13. (20.) Tony Comes Back. Del. Jan. (12.) Yielded Torch. Cen. Apr. (99:758.)
Cram, Mildred R. (1889- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1919.) *Concerning Courage. L. H. J. Feb. (7.) **Ember. McCall. June. (12.) Fade Out. Col. May 22. (21.) ***Odell. Red Bk. May. (58.) Romance—Unlimited. Col. June 5. (18.) ***Spring of Cold Water. Harp. B. Aug. (50.) **Stuff of Dreams. Harp. B. Feb. (72.) ***Wind. Mun. Aug. (70:413.)
Crane, Clarkson. (See 1916.) Furlough. S. S. May. (113.)
Crane, Mifflin. (See 1919.) Betrayal. S. S. March. (109.) Captive. S. S. Nov., '19. (97.) *Cycle. S. S. April. (73.) *Impossible Romance. S. S. Aug. (37.) Negligible Ones. S. S. Dec., '19. (73.) Older Woman. S. S. Feb. (87.)
Crew, Helen Coale. (1866- .) (H.) ***Parting Genius. Mid. Jul. (6:95.)
Crissey, Forrest. (1864- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) (H.) **Gumshoes 4-B. Harp. M. Dec., '19. (140:116.)
Croff, Grace A. (See 1915.) *Forbidden Meadow. G. H. Sept. (60.) Minds of Milly. G. H. Jul.-Aug. (43.) *Stroke of Genius. Rom. Sept (161.)
Cummings, Ray. *Old Man Davey. Arg. Sept. 4. (125:110.)
Cummins, T. D. Pendleton. "T. D. Pendleton." (see 1915, 1916.) *Biscuit. Mir. Aug. 19. (29:644.)
"Curly, Roger." Tael of a Tail-Spinner. Harp. M. June. (141:137.) Three on an Island. Harp. M. Aug. (141:409.)
Curran, Pearl Lenore. Rosa Alvaro, Entrante. S. E. P. Nov. 22, '19. (18.)
Curtiss, Philip (Everett). (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Crocodile's Half-Sister. Harp. M. May. (140:824.) First of the Cuties. Ev. Mar. (45.) **Holy Roman Empire of the Bronx. Harp. M. Sept. (141:465.) *Temperament. Harp. B. Mar. (52.)
Dallett, Morris. Lost Love. S. S. Dec., '19. (75.)
Davies, Oma Almona. (See 1915, 1918.) Tunis Hoopstetter, Early Bloomer. S. E. P. May 15. (30.)
Davis, Charles Belmont. (1866- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) (H.) His Sister. Met. Feb. (28.)
Davis, Martha King. David Stands Pat. L. H. J. Jul. (30.) Transplanting Mother. Am. Feb. (20.)
Davis, Maurice. Droll Secret of Mademoiselle. S. S. Sept. (39.) *Tradition of the House of Monsieur. S. S. May. (23.)
Davron, Mary Clare. Ladies Who Loved Don Juan. Met. Dec., '19. (19.)
*Dawson, Coningsby (William). (1883- .) (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) *Loneliest Fellow. G. H. Dec., '19. (17.)
Day, Holman Francis. (1865- .) (See 1915, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Deodat's in Town. Red Bk. Apr. (38.) Nooning at the Devilbrew. Col. Apr. 10. (10.) Two Beans and Bomazeen. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (12.)
De Casseres, Benjamin. See Casseres, Benjamin De.
De Chambrun, Clara Longworth, Countess. "Little Archie." Scr. Aug. (68:222.)
*Deeping, (George) Warwick. (1877- .) (H.) *Hunger and Two Golden Salvers. Rom. Jul. (73.) *Pride and the Woman. Par. April. (109.) *Secret Orchard. Rom. Sept. (96.)
De Jagers, Dorothy. (See 1916.) Mary Lou and the Hall-Room Tradition. Ev. Apr. (21.) Polly Wants a Backer. Ev. Aug. (28.)
Delano, Edith Barnard. (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (See "H" under Barnard, Edith, and Delano, Edith Barnard.) **Blue Flowers from Red. L. H. J. Sept. (10.) *Face to Face. L. H. J. June. (7.) ***Life and the Tide. Pict. R. Apr. (27.)
De La Roche, Mazo. See Roche, Mazo De La.
*Delarue-Madrus, Lucie. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) *Rober. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 15.
Delgado, F. P. (H.) Monna. S. S. Feb. (125.)
Denison, Katharine. My Father. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:757.)
*Dennis, Mrs. Forbes. See Bottome, Phyllis.
Derieux, Samuel A. (1881- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Old Frank Sees It Through. Am. Nov., '19. (56.) **Terrible Charge Against Jeff Poter. Am. Feb. (38.)
*Derys, Gaston. Rabbits. N. Y. Trib. Apr. 11.
*Desmond, Shaw. (1877- .) (See 1919.) *Sunset. Scr. Nov., '19. (66:577.)
Dew, Natalie. Romance and Mary Low. L. H. J. Nov., '19. (9.)
Dickson, Harris. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Breeches for Two. Cos. Mar. (85.) *Relapse of Captain Hotstuff. Cos. Jan. (81.) *Sticky Fingers. Cos. Apr. (85.)
Dobie, Charles Caldwell. (1881- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Christmas Cakes. Harp. M. Jan. (140:200.) ***Leech. Harp. M. Apr. (140:654.) **Young China. L. H. J. Aug. (10.)
*DobrA(C)e, Bonamy. ***Surfeit. Lit. R. Dec., '19. (15.)
Dodge, Henry Irving. (1861- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Skinner Makes It Fashionable. S. E. P. Jan. 10. (5.) Wrong Hat on the Wrong Man. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (28.)
Dodge, Louis. (1870- .) (See 1917, 1918.) ***Case of McIntyre. Scr. Nov., '19. (66:539.) **Message from the Minority. Holl. Mar. (5.)
Donnell, Annie Hamilton. (1862- .) (See 1915.) (H.) Beauty Hat. Del. June. (24.) Crazy Day. Del. Dec., '19. (20.)
Dost, Zamin Ki. See Comfort, Will Levington, and Dost, Zamin Ki.
Douglas, Ford. (H.) Come-Back. S. S. June. (35.) Home-Made. S. S. Aug. (27.) Mr. Duncan's Gin. S. S. Jul. (75.)
Douglas, George. *Three Ghosts and a Widow. Q. W. Aug. (12:213.)
Dounce, Harry Esty. (See 1917, 1919.) Mr. Torbert Malingers. Cen. Oct., '19. (98:758.)
Dowst, Henry Payson. (187*- .) (See 1915, 1919.) (H.) Bonds of Matrimony. S. E. P. Jul. 31. (8.) Bostwick Budget. S. E. P. Oct. 11, '19. (5.) Cadbury's Ghosts. Ev. Feb. (48.) He Needed the Money. S. E. P. June 26. (12.) Pioneer and Pattenbury. S. E. P. Feb. 7. (3.) Symbols. S. E. P. Oct. 4, '19. (16.)
Dreier, Thomas. (1884- .) Broken Mirror. Met. Jan. (18.)
Dreiser, Theodore. (1871- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Sanctuary. S. S. Oct., '19. (35.)
Drew, Helen. *Flag in the Dust. All. Feb., 28. (107:461.)
Driggs, Laurence La Tourette. (1876- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) CurA(C) of Givenchy. L. H. J. Oct., '19. (14.)
Drucker, Rebecca. *Old Lace. (R.) Mir. March 18. (29:233.)
Du Bois, Boice. (See 1919.) Ancestral Hang-Over. S. E. P. Jan. 3. (49.) Come-Back of a Send-Off. S. E. P. Aug. 28. (20.) Downfall of an Uplift. S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (46.) Hortense the Helpful. S. E. P. June 5. (20.)
*Dubreuil, RenA(C). *Estelle and Francis. N. Y. Trib. June. 20.
*Dudeney, Mrs. Henry E. (1866- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Wild Raspberries. Harp. M. Jan. (140:217.)
Duganne, Phyllis. (See 1919.) Extravagance. Met. Feb. (18.) True Art. Met. Aug. (20.)
Dunaway, Anna Brownell. (H.) *Estate. Col. Jul. 31. (10.)
*Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron, (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) ***Cheng Hi and the Window Framer. S. S. Nov., '19 (2.) ***East and West. S. S. Dec., '19. (41.) ***How the Lost Causes Were Removed from Valhalla. S. S. Oct., '19. (1.) **Opal Arrow-Head. Harp. M. May. (140:809.) ***Pretty Quarrel. Atl. Apr. (125:512.) Mir. Apr. 1. (29:284.)
Durand, Ruth Sawyer. See Sawyer, Ruth.
Dutton, Louise Elizabeth. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Facing Facts. S. E. P. Sept. 18. (6.) Framed. Met. Dec., '19. (15.)
Dwyer, James Francis. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Bridal Roses of Shang. Holl. Nov., '19. (5.) *Bronze Horses of Ballymeena. W. H. C. Oct., '19. (23.) *Devil's Glue. B. C. Feb. (37.) Devil's Whisper. Col. Dec. 13, '19. (11.) *Fair Deborah. Col. June 19. (10.) Green Hassocks of Gods. Col. Aug. 28-Sept. 4. (5, 16.) Little Brown Butterfly. Del. March. (23.) *"Maryland, My Maryland!" Col. Mar. 20. (7.) *Thin, Thin Man. Sn. St. Sep. 25. (61.) Titled Bus Horse. L. H. J. Nov., '19. (23.)
Dyer, Walter Alden. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Mr. Geraniums. Holl. May. (14.) *Phantom Hound. Top. Mar. 1-15. (145.)
Eastman, Rebecca Hooper. (See 1915, 1919.) (H.) One Room and Bath. S. E. P. Apr. 3. (14.) Salesman and the Star. S. E. P. May 8. (14.) String-Bean House. G. H. Nov., '19. (39.)
Edgelow, Thomas. (See 1916, 1917.) Enchantment of Youth. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:739.)
*Edginton, May. (See 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Man from Hell. S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (10.) *Man's Size. S. E. P. Sept. 4. (12.)
Edholm, Charlton Lawrence. (1879- .) (See 1915.) (H.) *Maker of Images. L. H. J. May. (17.) **"Trouble Never Troubles Me." L. H. J. June. (20.)
Edwards, Cleveland. *Dream That Would Not Fade. Arg. Aug. 21. (124:571.)
Edwards, Frederick Beecher. Thank-You-Please Perkins. S. E. P. May 8. (30.)
Eldridge, Paul. (See 1918, 1919.) **Their Dreams. Strat. J. Apr.-June. (6:148.)
Ellerbe, Alma Martin Estabrook. (1871- .), and Ellerbe, Paul Lee. (See 1915 under Estabrook, Alma Martin; 1917 under Ellerbe, Alma Estabrook; 1919 under Ellerbe, Alma Martin, and Ellerbe, Paul Lee.) (See "H" under Ellerbe, Paul Lee.) ***Paradise Shares. Cen. Jul. (100:312.) *Wiped off the Slate. Am. Feb. (10.)
Ellerbe, Rose L. (See 1917.) (H.) *Key to Freedom. L. H. J. Aug. (18.)
*Ervine, St. John G(reer.) (1883- .) (See 1915, 1919.) (H.) ***Dramatist and the Leading Lady. Harp. B. Aug. (36.)
#Evans, Frank E. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) *Pearls or Ap#ples? Ev. Jul. (32.)
Evans, Ida May. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Eternal Biangle. G. H. Feb. (33.)
Evarts, Hal G. Bald-Face. S. E. P. Nov. 15, '19. (34.) Big Bull of Shoshone. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (46.) Black Ram of Sunlight. S. E. P. Feb. 7. (5.) Convincing a Lady. Col. Aug. 14. (10.) Dog Town. S. E. P. Aug. 14. (12.) Protective Coloration. Col. Dec. 20, '19. (19.) Straight and Narrow. Sun. Nov., '19. (27.)
Fargo, Ruth. Birthday Tale. Del. Feb. (19.) *"Nobody Else's Home Seems Just Right." Am. Apr. (57.)
Farnham, Mateel Howe. (H.) One Day to Do as They Pleased. Del. Dec., '19. (8.)
*"FarrA"re, Claude." (Charles Bargone.) (1876- .) (See 1919.) *Fall of the House of Hia. N. Y. Trib. Apr. 25.
Ferber, Edna. (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Ain't Nature Wonderful! McC. Aug. (12.) *Dancing Girls. Col. March 13. (5.) ***Maternal Feminine. McC. Feb. (18.) **Old Lady Mandle. Col. Jan. 17. (5.) ***You've Got to Be Selfish. McC. Mar.-Apr. (14.)
Field, Flora. (See 1918.) **Mister Montague. Del. Nov., '19. (23.)
Fillmore, Parker (Hoysted). (1878- .) (See 1916.) (H.) ***Katcha and the Devil. (R.) Mir. Jan. 22. (29:59.)
Finger, Charles J. (1871- .) (See 1919.) *Canassa. Mir. Oct. 30, '19. (28:744.) **Dust to Dust. Mir. Jul. 15. (29:561.) ***Ebro. Mir. June 10. (29:469.) *Incongruity. S.S. Jan. (65.) ***Jack Random. Mir. Aug. 26. (29:660.) *Ma-Ha-Su-Ma. Mir. March 18. (29:213.) **Phonograph. Mir. Dec. 11, '19. (28:903.) **Some Mischievous Thing. S. S. Aug. (119.)
Fish, Horace. (1885- .) (See 1919.) (H.) ***Doom's-Day Envelope. Rom. June. (43.)
Fisher, Helen Dwight. See Harold, Henry, and Fisher, Helen Dwight.
Fisher, Raymond Henry. *Yeng. Lit. St. June. (25.)
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key. Benediction. S. S. Feb. (35.) Bernice Bobs Her Hair. S. E. P. May 1. (14.) Camel's Back. S. E. P. Apr. 24. (16.) **Cut-Glass Bowl. Ser. May. (67:582.) Dalyrimple Goes Wrong. S. S. Feb. (107.) **Four Fists. Ser. June. (67:669.) Ice Palace. S. E. P. May 22. 18.) Offshore Pirate. S. E. P. May 29. (10.) Smilers. S. S. June (107.)
Flandrau, Grace Hodgson. (See 1918.) Dukes and Diamonds. S. E. P. Nov. 22, '19. (50.) Let That Pass. S. E. P. Apr. 17. (28.)
*Fletcher, A. Byers. (See 1916, 1917, 1919.) *According to Whang Foo. Hear. Jan. (32.) *End of a Perfect Day. Hear. Mar. (33.)
Flint, Homer Eon. *Greater Miracle. All. Apr. 24. (109:340.)
Foley, James William, Jr. (1874- .) (H.) *Letters of William Green. S. E. P. Oct. 11, '19. (109.) *Letters of William Green. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (46.)
Follett, Wilson. ***Dive. Atl. Dec., '19-Jan. (124:729; 125:67.)
Folsom, Elizabeth Irons. (1876- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Alibi. Sun. May. (49.) Bain Twins and the "Detective." Am. Oct., '19. (51.) *No Better Than She Should Be. Met. Mar. (32.)
Foote, John Taintor. (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Allegheny. Am. Dec., '19. (11.)
Ford, Torrey. Over and Back with Scuds. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (57.)
Foster, A. K. Rebel-Hearted. Touch. Apr. (7:10.)
Foster, Maximillian. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) Big-Town Stuff. S. E. P. Jan. 3. (18.) Mrs. Fifty-Fifty. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (6.)
Fraiken, Wanda L. (See 1919.) **Rubber-Tired Buggy. Mid. Aug. (6:105.)
*"France, Anatole." (Jacques Anatole Thibault.) (1844- .) (See 1919.) ***Lady with the White Fan. Strat. J. Apr.-June. (6:83.)
Francis, Dominic. **Son of the Morning. Mag. Apr. (25:288.) *"Woman—at Endor." Mag. Sept. (26:232.)
Frazer, Elizabeth. (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) Derelict Isle. S. E. P. May 29. (18.)
Frederickson, H. Blanche. Maiden Aunt. Met. May. (27.)
*Freeman, Lewis R. "His Wonders to Perform." Ev. Sept. (60.)
Freeman, Mary Eleanor Wilkins. (1862- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Gospel According to Joan. Harp. M. Dec., '19. (140:77.)
Friedenthal, Joachim. ***Pogrom in Poland. (R.) Mir. Oct. 23, '19. (28:726.)
*Friedlaender, V. H. (See 1916, 1918, 1919.) *New Love. S. S. Sept. (117.) *Rendezvous. Harp. M. Feb. (140:328.)
Frost, Walter Archer (1876- .), and Frost, Susan, (See 1916 and "H" under Frost, Walter Archer.) **His Hold. Ev. Jan. (24.)
Fullerton, Hugh Stewart. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Jaundice's Last Race. Ev. Nov., '19. (119.)
Gale, Zona. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Arpeggio. Ev. Mar. (68.) Arpeggio Helps. Ev. Apr. (44.) Barbara's Aunt Beatrix. G. H. Oct., '19. (53.) Love in the Valley. G. H. Feb. (30.) *Lovingest Lady. W. H. C. June (16.)
*Galsworthy, John. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Expectations. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:643.)
Garrett, Garet. (1878- .) (See 1917.) Gilded Telegrapher. S. E. P. Aug. 14. (20.) Red Night. S. E. P. Apr. 2. (42.) Shyest Man. Ev. Sept. (65.)
Gasch, Marie Manning. See Manning, Marie.
Gauss, Marianne. (See 1915.) (H.) **Justice. Atl. May. (125:613.)
Geer, Cornelia Throop. See Le Boutillier, Cornelia Geer.
Gelzer, Jay. **In the Street of a Thousand Delights. Sn. St. Aug. 4. (25.)
*George, W. L. (1882- .) (See 1917.) *Romance. Harp. B. Aug. (64.)
Gerould, Katherine Fullerton. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Habakkuk. Scr. Nov., '19. (66:547.) ***Honest Man. Harp. M. Nov., '19. (139:777.)
Gerry, Margarita Spalding. (1870- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) (H.) Food for the Minotaur. Harp. M. March. (140:488.)
*Gibbon, Perceval. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) **Abdication. Cos. Jul. (89.) ***Connoisseur. Cos. Oct., '19. (73.) *Dark Moment. S. E. P. Apr. 3. (8.) *Elopement. McCall. Mar. (8.) **Heiress. Cos. Aug. (53.) **Hostage to Misfortune. McC. Aug. (23.) ***Knave of Diamonds. McCall. May (5.) *Last of the Duellists. McC. Dec., '19. (18.) ***Lieutenant. Pict. R. Mar. (10.) *Spotless. S. E. P. May 8. (15.)
Gibbs, A. Hamilton. Conqueror of To-morrow. S. E. P. Apr. 24. (30.)
Giersch, Ruth Henrietta. In Old Salem. L. H. J. Dec. '19. (23.)
Gilbert, George. (1874- .) (See 1916, 1918, 1919.) *Cleansing Kiss. Mun. Mar. (69:253.) *Old Yellow Mixing Bowl, T. T. Nov., '19. (35.) ***Sigh of the Bulbul. Asia. Jul. (20:563.)
Gilchrist, Beth Bradford. (See 1919.) (H.) *Eyes That See. Harp. M. Oct., '19. (139:629.) **Miracle. Harp. M. Jul. (141:217.)
Gilpatric, John Guy. (H.) *Black Art and Ambrose. Col. Aug. 21. (14.)
Glaspell, Susan (Keating). (Mrs. George Cram Cook.) (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Escape. Harp. M. Dec., '19. (140:29.) Nervous Pig. Harp. M. Feb. (140:309.)
Glass, Montague Marsden. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) Cousins of Convenience. Cos. Jul. (26.)
Godfrey, Winona. (1877- .) (See 1919.) (H.) Does Marriage Clip the Wings of Youth? Am. Feb. (51.) Gods of Derision. Mir. Jan. 15. (29:38.)
Goetchius, Marie Louise. See "Rutledge, Maryse."
Goldsborough, Ann. Answer to Joe Trice's Prayer. Am. Aug. (62.)
Goodfellow, Grace. **In The Street of the Flying Dragon. Rom. Sept. (126.)
Goodloe, Abbie Carter. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *McHenry and the Ghost-Bird. Scr. Jan. (67:105.) **Return of the Monks. Scr. Oct. '19. (66:460.)
Goodman, Henry. (1893- .) (See 1918, 1919.) **Hundred Dollar Bill. Pear. Aug. (44.)
Goodwin, Ernest. (See 1918.) Very Ordinary Young Man. Met. Dec., '19. (50.)
Gordon, Armistead Churchill. (1855- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Panjorum Bucket. Scr. Feb (67:232.)
Graeve, Oscar. (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918 1919.) (H.) Alonzo the Magnificent. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (16.) Careless World. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (16.) Cyrilian Cycle. S. E. P. May 1. (22.) Lydia Leads the Way. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (14.)
Grahame, Ferdinand. *Four Bits. Arg. June 12. (122:59.)
Grandegge, Stephanie. Recapture. Pag. Feb. (20.)
Granich, Irwin. (See 1916, 1917.) *Two Mexicos. Lib. May. (29.)
Granich, Irwin, and Roy, Manabendra Nath. *Champak. Lib. Feb. (8.)
Grant, Ethel Watts-Mumford. See Mumford, Ethel Watts.
Grant, Louise. *In Search of Life. Touch. Mar. (6:358.)
Graves, Louis. (See 1915.) (H.) I. D. R. 125. Met. Nov., '19. (48.)
*"Greene, Lewis Patrick." (Louis Montague Greene.) (1891- .) (See 1918.) *Man Who Stayed. Adv. Jul. 18. (106.)
Greenfield, Will H. (See 1919.) *Lost Lotos. Mir. Jul. 8. (29:548.)
Greig, Algernon. "Oh You February 29." Met. Septa. (27.)
Griffith, Helen Sherman. (See 1919.) (H.) Billy Allen's Coal-Mine. Del. Jul.-Aug. (18.) "Poor Little Sara." Del. Apr. (21.)
*Grimshaw, Beatrice. (See 1915, 1916.) (H.) *Devil's Gold. Red Bk. Feb. (59.) *Maddox and the Emma-Pea. Red Bk. Rpr. (68.) *When the O-O Called. Red Bk. Mar. (49.)
Haines, Donald Hamilton. (1886- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Forty-Five. Ev. Feb. (50.)
Haldeman-Julius, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel. See Julius, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Haldeman-.
Hale, Maryse Rutledge. See "Rutledge, Maryse."
Hall, Herschel S. (See 1919 under Hall, H. S.) Beeves from the Arggentyne. S. E. P. Apr. 10. (32.) Bouillon. S. E. P. Apr. 17. (8.) Cat Clause. S. E. P. Mar. 27. (8.) Chance. S. E. P. Nov. 22, '19. (8.) Hot Metal. S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (18.) Key Man. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (24.) Promoted. S. E. P. June 12. (20.) *Sacrifice. Red Bk. May. (83.) Steel Preferred. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (3.) Stum Puckett, Cinder Monkey. S. E. P. Oct. 11. '19. (14.) Wellington Gay. S. E. P. Feb. 7. (20.) White Lines. S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (14.) Yancona Yillies. S. E. P. Mar. 6. (20.)
"Hall, Holworthy." (Harold Everett Porter.) (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Ancestors. S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (20.) Below the Medicinal Hundred. Ev. Oct., '19. (30.) Bonds of Patrimony. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (10.) Ego, Sherburne and Company. S. E. P. Apr. 10. (16.) Girl Who Couldn't Knit. Pict. R. May. (8.) G.P. S. E. P. Jul. 17. (12.) Humorist. Pict. R. Sept. (16.) Long Carry. Col. June 5. (5.) Round and Round and Round. Col. Sept. 11. (5.) Slippery Metal. S. E. P. Jul. 3. (10.) Sniffski. S. E. P. Aug. 28. (3.)
Hall, May Emery. (1874- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) *Laying Captain Morley's Ghost. Arg. May 8. (120:547.)
Hall, Wilbur (Jay). (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Art of Buying. S. E. P. Sept. 18. (14.) Business Neurology. S. E. P. Feb. 7. (11.) Johnny Cucabod. S. E. P. June 12. (5.) Le Lupercalia. Sun. Feb. (39.) Let the Seller Beware! S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (10.) Martin Quest and Wife—Purchasing Agents. Am. Apr. (39.) Melancholy Mallard. S. E. P. NOV. 22, '19. (13.) Mercenary Little Wretch. Am. March. (41.) Super-Soviet. Col. Mar. 27. (5.)
Hallet, Richard Matthews. (1887- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *First Lady of Cranberry Isle. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (18.) Inspiration Jule. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (58.) **Interpreter's Wife. S. E. P. Oct. 11, '19. (42.) Wake-Up Archie. Col. Feb. 14. (7.)
Halverson, Delbert M. ***Leaves in the Wind. Mid. Apr. (6:28.) Red Foam. S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (14.) That Dangerous Person. Ev. Nov., '19. (53.)
Hamilton, Edith Hulbert. Anyone Can Write. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (20.)
Hamilton, Gertrude Brooke. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) On Whom the Ladies Dote. S. S. Feb. (89.) Open Eyes. S. S. Jan. (41.) Pause. S. S. Apr. (59.) **Shall We Dine, Melisse? S. S. Nov., '19. (43.) Where Is Your Mother? G. H. May. (47.)
Hampton, Edgar Lloyd. (See 1915.) Once One is Two. Met. Jan. (28.) **Return of Foo Chow. Met. Mar. (13.)
Hanford, Helen Ellwanger. **Willow Pond. Atl. Mar. (125:363.)
*Hannay, Canon James O. See "Birmingham, George A."
*Haraucourt, Edmond. (1856- .) (See 1918.) (H.) Dies IrA . N. Y. Trib. Jan. 25. *Posthumous Sonnet. N. Y. Trib. Dec. 7, '19. Skunk Collar. N. Y. Trib. May 2. *Two Profiles in the Crowd. N. Y. Trib. Sept. 5.
Harben, Will(iam) N(athaniel). (1858- .) (H.) *Timely Intervention. Mun. Apr. (69:468.)
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne. (1847 .) (See 1916.) (H.) **Mystery of CA(C)lestine. Harp. M. Mar. (140:442.)
Haring, Ethel Chapman. (See 1916.) (H.) Giver. Del. Nov., '19. (21.) Ten Dollars a Month. Del. May. (15.)
Harold, Henry, and Fisher, Helen Dwight. **White Petunias. Rom. Apr. (104.)
Harper, C. A. Vestal Venus. S. S. Apr. (101.)
*Harrington, Katherine. *O'Hara's Leg. Met. June (28.)
Harris, Corra (May White). (1869- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Widow Ambrose. L. H. J. Aug. (7.)
Harris, Kennett. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Beauty and the Butterflies. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (59.) Benny and Her Familee. S. E. P. Jan. 10. (10.) Concerning Cautious Clyde. S. E. P. Oct. 18, '19. (8.) Most Popular Lady. S. E. P. July 10. (5.) Rosemary Risks It. S. E. P. May 8. (20.) Triptolemus the Mascot. S. E. P. Aug. 21. (3.)
Harris, May. (1873- .) (H.) Back Again. All. Nov. 1, '19. (103:332.)
*Harris-Burland, J. B. See Burland, J. B. Harris-.
Harrison, Henry Snydor. (1880- .) (H.) Big People. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (3.)
Harry, Franklin P. *Retribution and a Rabbit's Foot. T. T. Jul. (49.) *Tan. Blu. Ox. 850. T. T. Oct., '19. (80.)
Hartman, Lee Foster. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) ***Judgment of Vulcan. Harp. M. Mar. (140:520.)
Harvey, Alexander. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) Great Third Act. Mir. Dec. 18, '19. (28:923.)
Haskell, Helen E. (See 1919.) In Their Middle Years. Met. June. (31.)
Hatch, Leonard. (See 1915.) (H.) Links. Scr. Sept. (68:312.)
Hawley, J. B. Dancing Dog. S. S. June (51.) *Tarnished Brass. S. S. Jul. (33.)
Henderson, Victor. (H.) Poor Old Thing. S. S. Jul. (103.)
Hergesheimer, Joseph. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Blue Ice. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (8.) ***Ever So Long Ago. Red Bk. Apr. (23.) ***Meeker Ritual. (II.) Cen. Oct., '19. (98:737.) ***"Read Them and Weep." Cen. Jan. (99:289.)
Hewes, Robert E. (See 1919.) Pawnbroker of Shanghai. Met. Oct., '19. (34.)
Hewitt, Lew. Third Woman. S. S. Aug. (111.)
Hill, Mabel. (1864- .) Miss Lizzie—Parlor Bolshevist. Scr. Feb. (67:165.)
Hinds, Roy W. (See 1918.) *Debts. Arg. Jul. 24. (123: 458.)
*Hirsch, Charles-Henry. (1870-.) (See 1918, 1919.) *Autographed Mirror. N. Y. Trib. May 9.
Holbrook, Weare. (See 1919.) Feast of St. Cecile. Pag. Apr.-May. (47.)
*Holding, Elizabeth Sanxay. **Patrick on the Mountain. S. S. Jul. (109.) ***Problem that Perplexed Nicholson. S. S. Aug. (117.)
Holland, Rupert Sargent. (1878- .) (H.) *Arcadians in the Attic. Scr. May. (67:618.) Flying Man. L. H. J. Aug. (40.)
Hollingsworth, Ceylon. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *Harp of a Thousand Strings. Col. Feb. 28. (9.) **Mind of a Man. Col. Jan. 31. (5.) *Pants. Col. Jul. 3. (5.)
Holt, Henry P. (See 1915, 1918.) (H.) Devil Cat Meets Her Match. Am. June. (29.) *In The Cabin of the Chloe. Sh. St. Aug. (173.)
Hooker (william), Brian. (1880- .) (See 1915.) (H.) **Branwen. Rom. June. (132.)
Hopper, James (Marie). (1876- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Education of Percy Skinner. Ev. May. (23.) Pessimist Rewarded. Harp. M. Aug. (141: 351.)
Horn, R. de S. *Joss of the Golden Wheel. B. C. Jul. (3.)
Hostetter, Van Vechten. Superwoman. S. S. Nov., '19. (53.) They're All Alike. S. S. March. (99.)
House, Roy Temple, and Saint-ValA(C)ry, Leon De. **Count Roland's Ruby. Strat. J. Apr.-June. (6:143.)
Hughes, Rupert. (1872- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Broken Flange. Cos. Nov., '19. (67.) *Father of Waters. Cos. Jan. (43.) *Momma. Col. June 26. (5.) ***Stick-in-the-Muds. Col. Sept. 25. (5.)
Hull, Alexander. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Argosies. Scr. Sept. (68:285.)
Hull, Helen R. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Flaw. Harp. M. Oct., '19. (139:747.) **Separation. Touch. Mar. (6:371.)
Hunting, Ema S. (1885- .) ***Dissipation. Mid. May. (6:47.) ***Soul that Sinneth. Mid. Aug. (6:128.)
Hurst, Fannie. (1889- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Back Pay. Cos. Nov., '19. (35.)
Hurst, S. B. H. (See 1918, 1919.) *What Happened Between. Rom. Jul. (146.)
Hurwitz, Maximilian. *"Eili, Eili, Lomo Asavtoni?" Men. Feb.
Hussey, L. M. (See 1919.) **Believer. S. S. April. (29.) **Family. Cen. Sept. (100:682.) Father. S. S. Jan. (121.) Gift of Illusion. S. S. June. (113.) Hope Chest. S. S. Feb. (59.) ***Lowden Household. S. S. Aug. (97.) *Memories. S. S. Nov., '19. (121.) *Opponent. S. S. Oct., '19. (61.) Renunciation. S. S. May (39.) **Sisters. S. S. Nov., '19. (55.) *Twilight of Love. S. S. Dec., '19. (43.) ***Two Gentlemen of Caracas. S. S. Dec., '19. (89.)
*Hutchinson, Arthur Stuart Menteth. (1880- .) (H.) **Bit of Luck. Ev. Feb. (66.)
*IbAiA-ez, Vicente Blasco. See Blasco IbAiA-ez, Vicente.
Imrie, Walter McLaren. (See 1919.) *Wife Who Needed Two Chairs. S. S. June. (91.)
Irwin, Inez Haynes. (Inez Haynes Gillmore.) (1873- .) (See 1915 under Gillmore, Inez Haynes; 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 under Irwin, Inez Haynes.) (See "H" under Gillmore, Inez Haynes.) *Long Carry. Met. Oct., '19. (42.)
Irwin, Wallace. (1875- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Beauty. McC. Aug. (8.) Direct Action. S. E. P. Nov. 15, '19. (8.) "Ham and Eggs." Pict. R. June. (18.) Joke. S. E. P. Apr. 10. (12.) Mr. Rundle's Exit. Pict. R. May. (34.) Moonshine. S. E. P. Nov. 1, '19. (12.) On to the Next. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (12.) Waste Motions. S. E. P. Oct. 11, '19. (10.) Wherefore Art Thou Romeo? S. E. P. May 22. (14.)
Irwin, Will(iam Henry). (1873- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Copper Dan Imbibes. S. E. P. Dec. 20, '19. (12.) In The Tower of Silence. S. E. P. Mar. 27. (20.) There Is a Santa Claus. S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (20.)
Ittner, Anna Belle Rood. *Old Glory Bill. Scr. June. (67: 686.)
Jackson, Charles Tenney. (1874- .) (See 1916, 1918.) (H.) *Little Girl Who Never Saw a Hill. Arg. Mar. 13. (118:501.)
*Jacobs, W(illiam) W(ymark). (1863- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Artful Cards. Hear. Dec., '19 (17.)
Jagers, Dorothy De. See De Jagers, Dorothy.
*Jaloux, Edmond. (See 1918.) **At the Telephone. N. Y. Trib. June 13. **Poet's Revenge. N. Y. Trib. Feb. 8.
Jenkin, A. I. Premonition. S. S. Aug. (45.)
Jenkins, Charles Christopher. (See 1918.) *Bayonet of Henry Laberge. Arg. Feb. 21. (118:154.) *Man Beneath. Arg. Oct. 25, '19. (113:691.)
Jenkins, George B., Jr. Four Faint Freckles and a Cheerful Disposition. S. S. Jan. (111.)
John, W. A. P. No'th Af'ican Lloyds, Ltd. S. E. P. Aug. 7. (16.)
Johns, Orrick. ***Big Frog. S. S. Sept. (87.)
Johnson, Arthur. (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **Mortimer. Scr. Jan. (67:57.) ***Princess of Tork. Met. Aug. (15.)
Johnson, Burges. (1877- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **In the Barn. Cen. June. (100:198.)
Johnson, Olive McClintic. "Deep Ellum." Col. Dec. 20, '19. (14.) "Didja Getcha Feet Wet?" Col. Feb. 21. (7.)
Johnson, Olive McClintic (con.) Disagreeable as a Husband. Col. May 29. (5.) Great Grief! Col. June 26. (10.) Moons—Full, Blue, and Honey. Col. Jan. 3. (12.) Turquoise Skies. Col. Feb. 7. (10.)
Joor, Harriet. (H.) Passing of the Littlest Twin. Mid. Nov.-Dec., '19. (5:260.) Ship Island Box. Mid. Nov.-Dec., '19. (5:263.)
Jordan, Elizabeth (Garver). (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *At the Dim Gate. S. E. P. Apr. 10. (5.) *Luncheon at One. Col. Aug. 21. (5.)
Jordan, Kate. (Mrs. F. M. Vermilye.) (See 1915.) (H.) Made Over. S. E. P. July 3. (12.)
*"Joyce, Thomas." (Joyce Gary.) **Bad Samaritan. S. E. P. July 3. (40.) Consistent Woman. S. E. P. Aug. 21. (30.) **Cure. S. E. P. May 1. (30.) None But the Brave. S. E. P. Sept. 11. (18.) **Piece of Honesty. S. E. P. June 26. (66.) *Reformation. S. E. P. May 22. (20.) Springs of Youth. S. E. P. Mar. 6. (30.)
Judson, Jeanne. Her Man. L. H. J. Nov., '19. (13.)
Julius, Emanuel Haldeman- (1888- .), and Julius, Mrs. Emanuel Haldeman-.) (See 1919.) (See 1917, 1918 under Julius, Emanuel Haldeman. **Caught. Atl. Nov., '19. (124:628.)
Kahler, Hugh MacNair. (See 1917, 1919.) Babel. S. E. P. June 19. (6.) Buckpasser. Sept. 11. (5.) Hammer. S. E. P. Apr. 3. (12.) KWYW. S. E. P. Feb. 7. (8.) Lazy Duckling. S. E. P. Feb. 28. (6.) Obligee. S. E. P. Jul. 17. (8.) Sensible Year. S. E. P. May 8. (6.) Wild Carrot. S. E. P. Aug. 7. (8.)
Kavanagh, Herminie Templeton. (See "H" under Templeton, Herminie.) **Bridgeen and the Leprechaun. L. H. J. Sept. (26.)
Kelland, Clarence Budington. (1881- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Appetite for Marriage. Pict. R. Oct., '19. (24.) Backwoods Chess. Ev. Sept. (27.) Cheese in the Trap. Ev. June. (15.) His Wife's Place. Ev. Nov., '19. (16.) Ivanhoe Sagg's Keynote. Pict. R. Jul.-Aug. (28.) Knots and Wind-Shakes. Ev. Apr. (39.) Martha Jib on the High Seas. Pict. R. Sep. (27.) *Mysterious Murder of Myron Goodspeed. Am. Sept. (20.) Scattergood Administers Soothing Sirup. Am. Jan. (52.) *Scattergood and the Prodigal's Mother. Am. Jul. (28.) Scattergood Borrows a Grandmother. Am. Dec., '19. (20.) Scattergood Dips in His Spoon. Am. Nov., '19. (50.) Scattergood Invests in Salvation. Am. Mar. (28.) Scattergood Matches Wits with a Pair of Sharpers. Am. Oct., '19. (40.) Scattergood Meddles with the Dangerous Age. Am. June. (56.) Scattergood Moves to Adjourn. Am. May. (62.) Scattergood Skims a Little Cream. Am. Aug. (40.)
Kelley, Leon. (See 1917, 1918.) Carnival Queen. Pict. R. May. (6.) "Speeches Ain't Business." Pict. R. Jul.-Aug. (14.)
Kelly, Eleanor Mercein. (1880- .) (See 1915.) (H.) *Our Mr. Allerby. Cen. Apr. (99:737.)
Kelsey, Vera. **Late Harvests. Sun. Mar. (40.)
Kemper, S. H. (See 1915.) (H.) *O You Xenophon! Atl. Jul. (126:39.)
*Kennedy, Rowland. *Flame. Dial. Feb. (68:221.) **Preparing for Passengers. Dial. Feb. (68:228.) *Talkin'. Dial. Feb. (68:224.)
Kennon, Harry B. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Grandmother's Ghost. Mir. Nov. 13, '19. (28:784.) Odd Roman. Mir, Jan. 8. (29:30.) Single Cussedness. Mir. Jul. 22. (29:581.)
Kenton, Edna. (1876- .) (See 1917.) (H.) *Branch of Wild Crab. L. St. Sept. (55.)
Kenyon, Camilla E. L. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) His Professional Honor. Sun. June. (36.) Lost Uncle. Sun. May. (41.)
Kerr, Sophie. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (See "H" under Underwood, Sophie Kerr.) *Genius. W. H. C. Feb. (21.) Sitting On the World. S. E. P. Mar. 6. (16.)
Kilbourne, Fannie. ("Mary Alexander.") (See 1915, 1917, 1918 under Kilbourne, Fannie, and 1917 under Alexander, Mary.) Betty Bell and the Leading Man. Del. Jan. (11.) Getting Even with Dulcie. Am. May. (23.) James Dunfield Grows Up. Del. Oct., '19. (22.) Stealing Cleopatra's Stuff. Am. June. (23.)
King, J. A. Solid Comfort. Am. Sept. (70.)
Kirkland, Jeanne. *Old Miss Mamie Dearborn's Helmet. Pag. June. (22.) Ralph's Return. Pag. Jul.-Sept. (22.)
Knibbs, Henry Herbert. (1874- .) *Horse Deal in Hardpan. Pop. Sept. 20. (52.)
Knight, (Clifford) Reynolds. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) ***Melody Jim. Mid. Nov.-Dec. '19. (5:271.)
*Kobrin, Leon. **Lithuanian Idyll. Cen. Dec., '19. (99:236.)
Komroff, Manuel. (See 1919.) ***Thumbs. (R.) Mir. Jan. 22. (29:55.)
*Kotsyubinsky, Michael. ***By the Sea. Asia. May. (20:411.)
"Kral, Carlos A. V." (1890- .) (See 1918.) ***Landscape with Trees, and Colored Twilight with Music. Lit. R. Jan. (4.)
Kraus, Harry. Interlude. S. S. Apr. (113.)
La Motte, Elen Newbold. (1873- .) (See 1919.) ***Golden Stars. Cen. Oct., '19. (98:787.) **Malay Girl. Cen. Aug. (100:555.) *Widows and Orphans. Cen, Sept. (100:586.)
Langebek, Dorothy May Wyon. (See 1919.) **"Seven." Mid. June. (6:64.)
*Langlais, Marc. Against Orders. N. Y. Trib. Nov. 2, '19.
Lapham, Frank. (See 1919.) Telegram That Johnny Didn't See. Am. Oct., '19. (21.)
La Parde, Malcolm. Still Waters. Harp. M. Jul. (141:273.)
Lardner, Ring W. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Beautiful Katie, S. E. P. Jul. 10. (14.) Busher Pulls a Mays. S. E. P. Oct. 18, '19. (16.)
Larson, Mabel Curtius. Spark. L. H. J. Feb. (13.)
*Lawrence, David Herbert. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) ***Adolf. Dial. Sept. (69:269.)
Lawson, Cora Schilling. (See 1919.) "Which Woman, John?" Am. Mar. (56.)
Lazar, Maurice. (See 1917.) Heavenly Sophists. S. S. Dec., '19. (116.)
Lea, Fannie Heaslip. (Mrs. H. P. Agee.) (1884- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Crooked Stick. G. H. Jul.-Aug. (22.) Happily Ever After. Del. Apr. Miss Casabianca. Del. Mar. (9.) Story Not Without Words. Del. June. (11.)
Leach, Paul R. Nerves. Col. Jul. 10. (8.)
*Le Barillier, Berthe Carianne. See "Bertheroy, Jean."
Lebhar, Bertram. Athletics for Cold Cash. S. E. P. Nov. 29, '19. (23.)
Le Boutillier, Cornelia Geer. (1894- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919 under Geer, Cornelia Throop.) **Chaff. Scr. Aug. (68:204.) Picking and Stealing. Col. Jan. 31. (17.)
Lee, Jennette (Barbour Perry.) (1860- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Cat and the King. L. H. J. Oct., '19. (10.) 'Twixt Cup and Lip. L. H. J. Jan. (23.)
Lee, Muna. (See 1915.) *Dream. S. S. Oct., '19. (125.) *Moonlight Sonata. S. S. Mar. (81.) **Years Ahead. S. S. Dec., '19. (99.)
*Lehmann, RenA(C). Sensation Hunter. N. Y. Trib. May 23.
Lemly, Rowan Palmer. *Pagari. L. H. J. Apr. (24.)
Leo, Rita Wellman. See Wellman, Rita.
"Lessing, Bruno." (Rudolph Block.) (1870- .) (See 1916, 1919.) (H.) Explosion of Leah. Pict. R. Jan.-Feb. (6.) Treating 'Em Rough. Pict. R. Sept. (42.)
*Level, Maurice. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Begar. Hear. Apr. (12.) *Debt Collector. Hear. Nov., '19. (40.) ***Empty House. Hear. Sept. (20.) **Extenuating Circumstances. Hear. Oct., '19. (25.) ***Kennel. Hear. Aug. (16.) ***Maniac. Hear. Mar. (12.) ***Son of His Father. Hear. Jul. (22.) *Ten-Fifty Express. Hear. June. (33.)
Leverage, Henry. (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Sea Beef. B. C. Apr. (3.) *Uncharted. Adv. Oct. 3., '19. (129.)
Levick, Milnes. (See 1919.) *In Court. S. S. Oct., '19. (123.) **Jest in the Household. S. S. Dec., '19. (126.) Out of Modoc. S. S. June. (71.)
Levison, Eric. (See 1917, 1918.) **Gloria in Excelsis. T. T. Jan. (63.) *Home. T. T. June. (35.) **Mordecai. T. T. Nov., '19. (41.) *Where There Is No Light. T. T. Dec., '19. (29.)
Lewars, Elsie Singmaster. See Singmaster, Elsie.
Lewis, Addison. (1889- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) Mrs. Dinehart. Mir. Dec. 11. '19. (28:882.)
Lewis, Margaret Cameron. See Cameron, Margaret.
Lewis, Orlando Faulkland. (1873- .) (See 1918, 1919.) *Alma Mater. Red Bk. June. (53.)
Lewis, Orlando Faulkland (con.) Case of Aunt Mary. L. H. J. Feb. (21.) Man to Man. L. H. J. Jan. (13.)
Lewis, Oscar. (See 1916.) Face Is Unfamiliar. S. S. Mar. (41.) Girl Who Accepted No Compromise. S. S. Aug. (65.)
Lewis, Sinclair. (1885- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) *Bronze Bars. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (12.) Danger—Run Slow. S. E. P. Oct. 18, 25, '19. (3, 22.) Habeas Corpus. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (10.) Way I See It. S. E. P. May 29. (14.)
*Lichtenberger, AndrA(C). (1870- .) (H.) ***Old Fisherwoman. Pag. Oct., '19. (6.)
Lighton, William R(heem). (1866- .), and Lighton, Louis Duryea. (See 1916, 1917, 1918; and 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919, and "H" under Lighton, William Rheem.) Why Olaf Proposed in the Month of March. Am. Jan. (38.)
Lindsay, Donald. Old Violets. Pag. Jul.-Sept. (4.)
Livingstone, Florence Bingham. Who Will Kiss Miss Parker? Sun. Dec., '19. (29.)
Lockwood, Scammon. (See 1916.) Girl Who Slept in Bryant Park. L. H. J. Feb. (26.)
Loud, Lingard. Mister Jolly Well Murders His Wife. S. E. P. June 26. (20.) Pink Knickers and the Desperate Ship. S. E. P. Apr. 17. (16.)
*LouA?s, Pierre. **Birth of Prometheus. Mun. Oct., '19. (68:81.) ***False Esther. Mir. June 24. (29:511.)
Lovewell, Reinette. All Mrs. Flaherty's Fault. Am. Nov., '19. (28.)
Lowe, Corinne. (See 1917, 1919.) (H.) Single Fellows. S. E. P. Jan. 17. (10.)
Lurie, R. L. Quick Work by Philip. Am. May. (57.)
*Lyons, A(lbert Michael) Neil. (1880- .) (See 1916, 1919.) (H.) *Deputy. Ev. May. (44.) **Mr. and Mrs. Oddy. Ev. Jul. (42.)
Mabie, Louise Kennedy. (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) Mystery of the Red-Haired Girl, Am. Apr. (23.)
McClure, John. (See 1916, 1917.) *Tale of Krang. L. St. Nov., '19. (63.)
McCourt, Edna Wahlert. (See 1915, 1917.) ***Lichen. Dial. May. (68:586.)
McCrea, Marion. (See 1918.) Miss Vannah of Our Ad-Shop. Ev. June. (44.)
McDonnell, Eleanor Kinsella. Let's Pretend. L. H. J. Jul. (16.)
MacFarlane, Peter Clark. (1871- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Guile of Woman. S. E. P. Apr. 10. (28.) In the Game Called Life. L. H. J. May. (7.) Mad Hack Henderson. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (24.)
McGibney, Donald. Come-Back. L. H. J. Jul. (18.) Shift of Fate. L. H. J. Aug. (22.) When the Desert Calls. L. H. J. May. (23.) White Angel. L. H. J. June. (22.)
MacGowan, Alice (1858- .), and Cooke, Grace MacGowan (1863- .) (See 1915 under Cooke, Grace MacGowan; 1916, 1917 under MacGowan, Alice; "H" under both heads.) Little Girl Eve. S. E. P. June 26. (16.)
McGuirk, Charles J. Fogarty's Flivver. Col. June 5. (23.)
Mackendrick, Marda. (See 1919.) Jean—In the Negative. Met. Mar. (29.)
*MacManus, L. ***Baptism. Cath. W. Sept. (111:780.)
MacManus, Seumas. (1870- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) ***Conaleen and Donaleen. Pict. R. Sept. (15.) ***Heart-Break of Norah O'Hara. Pict. R. Mar. (8.) ***Lad from Largymore. Pict. R. Jul.-Aug. (21.)
*McNeille, Cyril ("Sapper"). (1888- .) (See 1917, 1919 under "Sapper.") *"Good Hunting, Old Chap." Harp. B. Sept. (52.)
*Mac-Richard, J. Electric Shoes. N. Y. Trib. Jul. 25.
Macy, J. Edward. *Sea Ginger. Scr. Sept. (68:343.)
*Madrus, Lucie Delarue-. See Delarue-Madrus, Lucie.
Mahoney, James. *Showing Up of Henry Widdemer. McCall. Aug. (12.)
Mann, Jane. (See 1915.) (H.) ***Heritage. Cen. Nov., '19. (99:47.)
Manning, Marie. (Mrs. Herman E. Gasch.) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) Liver Bank. Harp. M. Aug. (141:382.)
*Marchand, Leopold. In Extremis. N. Y. Trib. Feb. 29.
Markey, Gene. Bugler. Scr. June. (67:704.)
Marquis, Don (Robert Perry). (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) Bubbles. S. E. P. Jul. 31. (10.) *Kale. Ev. Sept. (46.) *Never Say Die. Ev. Apr. (73.)
Marquis, Neeta. Violets for Sentiment. S. S. Sept. (65.)
Marriott, Crittenden. (1867- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917.) (H.) *What Dreams May Come True. L. St. Mar. (27.)
Marsden, Griffis. (See 1919.) Enter Lucy. Sun. Aug. (25.) Here Comes the Bride! Sun. Sept. (28.) Marrying Them. Sun. Nov., '19. (20.) Wrong Medicine. Sun. Jan. (26.)
Marshall, Bernard. Spilled Beans. Sun. Feb. (29.)
Marshall, Edison. (1894- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918.) Argali the Ram. Met. Jan.-Feb. (21:38.) "Count a Thousand—Slow—Between Each Drop." Am. Mar. (44.) **Elephant Remembers. Ev. Oct., '19. (17.) Its Name Will Be Long-Ear Joe. Met. June. (34.) "Never Stop—Never Give Up." Am. June. (14.) *Shadow of Africa. All. Nov. 1, '19. (103:332.)
Martin, Helen R(eimensnyder). (1868- .) (See 1919.) (H.) Birdie Reduces. Cen. May. (100:136.)
*Martovitch, Les. **Dance. Dial. Jul. (69:47.)
*Mason, Alfred Edward Woodley. (1865- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Pilgrimage. Rom. Mar. (3.)
Mason, Elmer Brown. (See 1915.) (H.) Does Money Talk? Col. Jul. 24. (16.)
Mason, Grace Sartwell. (1877- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Charm. S. E. P. Jul. 24. (8.) ***His Job. Scr. Apr. (67:470.) *Shining Moment. S. E. P. Jan. 17. (34.)
Mason, Gregory. (1889- .) Jade Idol. Met. Feb. (23.)
Mason, Laura Kent. On Receiving a Luncheon Invitation. S. S. Dec., '19. (53.)
Masson, Thomas L(ansing). (1866- .) (See 1916, 1919.) (H.) "Nibs." Met. Oct., '19. (38.)
Matteson, Herman Howard. (See 1918, 1919.) He Is Singing to Me. Col. Dec. 20, '19. (12.) "No Abaft This Notice." Sun. Apr. (33.)
"Maxwell, Helena." (Mrs. Baker Brownell.) (1896- .) (See 1918, 1919.) ***Adolescence. Pag. Apr.-May. (5.) *Her First Appearance. Lib. May. (24.)
May, Eric Paul. Proposal. S. S. Oct., '19. (34.)
Means, Eldred Kurtz. (1878- .) (See 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Concerning a Red Head. Peop. Aug. (9.) **Plumb Nauseated. All. Mar. 13. (108:19.) *Prize-Money. All. June 26. (111:483.) *Proof of Holy Writ. Mun. Sept. (70:645.) *Ten-Share Horse. Mun. May. (69:605.)
Mears, Mary M. (See 1915.) (H.) ***Forbidden Thing. Met. Apr. (22.)
*Merrick, Leonard. (1864- .) (See 1919.) (H.) *"I Recall a Seat." Harp. B. Jul. (50.) *That Villain Her Father. S. E. P. Dec. 27, '19. (16.) ***To Daphne De Vere. McC. Feb. (13.)
Merwin, Samuel. (1874- .) (See 1915.) (H.) *Utter Selfishness of J. A. Peters. McC. Mar.-Apr. (18.)
Meyer, Josephine Amelia. (1864-.) (See 1915.) (H.) Cave Stuff. S. E. P. Oct. 25, '19. (53.)
Mezquida, Anna Blake. (See 1915.) Don't Be Too Sure—Mr. Hurd! Am. Jan. (11.)
Michener, Carroll K. (See 1919.) *Dragon-Tongued Orchid. Sn. St. Aug. 18. (51.) *Golden Dragon. McC. Jul (18.)
Milbrite, Felden E. A%tude for the Organ. S. S. Aug. (126.)
*Mille, Pierre. (1864- .) (See 1917, 1918, 1919.) **"End of the World." N. Y. Trib. Mar. 14. Truth of History. N. Y. Trib. Aug. 8.
Miller, Alice Duer. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) (H.) *Slow Poison. S. E. P. June 12. (8.)
Miller, Helen Topping. (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) *B-Flat Barto. S. E. P. Apr. 17. (32.) *Damour Blood. B. C. May. (19.)
Miller, Mary Britton. **From Morn to Dewy Eve. Touch. Feb. (6:299.) **Sicilian Idyl. Touch. Jan. (6:218.)
Millis, Walter. *Second Mate. Adv. Aug. 3. (51.)
Millring, Ruth Brierley. Homely Is As Homely Does. Del. Jan. (6.)
Minnigerode, Meade. (See 1916, 1917, 1919.) Ball of Fire. Col. Apr. 10. (15.) Ground Floor Front. Col. May 29. (15.) Jimmy Repays. Col. Feb. 14. (10.) Monkeying with the Buzz Saw. Col. Mar. 6. (18.) Mysteries. Col. Mar. 27. (13.) Pure Gold. Col. Jan. 17. (12.)
Mitchell, Mary Esther, (1863- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) **"Vendoo." Harp. M. June. (141:107.)
Mitchell, Ruth Comfort. (Mrs. Sanborn Young.) (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Bad Boy. Del. Apr. (20.) Carriage Waits. Ev. Dec., '19. (34.) Poor Mister Morrison. Mir. Dec. 11, '19. (28:876.)
Mitchell, Ruth Comfort, and Young, William Sanborn. Ranching of Nan. Del. Jul.-Aug. (7.)
*Monro, Harold. ***Parcel of Love. Lit. R. Nov., '19. (16.)
Montague, Margaret Prescott. (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) (H.) ***Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge. Atl. June. (125:721.)
Mooney, Ralph E. (See 1919.) Between Six O'Clock and Midnight. L. H. J. May. (9.) Miss Kent Understands. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (50.) Professor Comes Back. L. H. J. Nov., '19. (21.)
*Moore, Leslie. **Magician of Globes. Cath. W. Aug. (111:631.)
Moravsky, Maria. (1890- .) (See 1919.) **Bracelet from the Grave. Rom. Jul. (156.) *Remembrance that Kills. L. St. Sept. (3.) **White Camels. Met. May. (25.)
*Mordaunt, Elinor. (See 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919.) ***Adventures in the Night. Met. June. (11.) ***Ginger Jar. Met. Nov., '19. (17.)
Morgan, J. L. For the World's Championship. S. S. Jan. (31.) Literature. S. S. Feb. (27.) Personally Conducted. S. S. Oct., '19. (69.)
Morley, Felix. *Legend of Nantucket. O. O. June. (2:214.)
Moroso, John Antonio. (1874- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Danny's Gold Star. L. H. J. Apr. (16.) Glint of Gold. L. H. J. Dec., '19. (24.) House in the Woods. L. H. J. Feb. (23.) Sweet Sally Magee. L. H. J. Oct., '19. (32.)
Mosher, John Chapin. Belle Hobbs. S. S. May. (63.)
Mumford, Ethel Watts. (Mrs. Ethel Watts-Mumford Grant.) (1878- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) *Look of the Copperleys. L. H. J. Apr. (8.) Manifestation of Henry Ort. Pict. R. Jan.-Feb. (22.) *Unto Her a Child Was Born. L. H. J. Dec., '19. (9.)
Munsterberg, Margarete. *Silent Music. Strat. J. Jan.-Mar. (6:57.)
Murray, Roy Irving. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) ***Substitute. Scr. Jul. (68:82.)
Muth, Edna Tucker. (See 1915, 1916, 1919.) ***Gallipeau. Harp. M. Oct., 19. (139:721.) Tidal Waif. Sun. Oct., '19. (39.)
Myers, Elizabeth (Fettor) Lehman. (1869- .) (See 1915.) (H.) **Autumn Blooming. Pict. R. Oct., '19. (22.)
Mygatt, Gerard. (H.) FA(C)lice. S. E. P. Sept. 11. (20.) Starter. S. E. P. Aug. 14. (8.)
Neidig, William Jonathan. (1870- .) (See 1916 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Bloodhound. S. E. P. Feb. 28. (10.) *Brother Act. S. E. P. Jul. 31. (12.) Shansi Woman. Ev. Aug. (9.) Stained Fingers. S. E. P. Jul. 10. (18.) Sweat of Her Brow. S. E. P. Jan. 24. (18.)
*Nervo, Amado. **Leah and Rachel. Strat. J. Jan.-Mar. (6:7.)
*Nevinson, Henry W(oodd). (1852- .) (H.) ***In Diocletian's Day. Atl. Oct. '19. (124:472.)
*Newton, W. Douglas. (See 1915.) *Life o' Dreams. Sn. St. Mar. 4. (75.)
Nicholson, Meredith. (1866- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Housewarming. L. H. J. May. (28.) My Roger. Del. Nov., '19. (8.)
Niles, Blair. **Tropic Frogs. Harp. M. Apr. (140:671.)
*Nodier, Charles. (1780-1844.) ***Bibliomaniac. Strat. J. Oct.-Dec. (5:177.)
Norris, Kathleen. (1880- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1919.) (H.) Engine Trouble. G. H. Jul.-Aug. (28.) Friday the 13th. G. H. Nov., '19. (17.) "God's in His Heaven." G. H. Oct., '19. (15.) Home. G. H. Sept. (27.) Silvester Birch's Child. G. H. Mar. (30.) With Christmas Love from Barbara. G. H. Dec., '19. (26.)
*Noyes, Alfred. (1880- .) (See 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Beyond the Desert. Red Bk. Aug. (57.) Bill's Phantasm. S. E. P. Jan. 10. (20.) *Court-Martial. S. E. P. Feb. 28. (18.) *Troglodyte. S. E. P. Jan. 3. (22.) *Wine Beyond the World. S. E. P. May 8. (5.)
O'Brien, Frederick. (See 1919 under O'Brien, Frederick, and Lane, Rose Wilder.) ***Jade Bracelet of Ah Queen. Col. May 22. (5.) *Taboo of Oomoa. Harp. B. June. (60.)
O'Brien, Mary Heaton Vorse. See Vorse, Mary (Marvin) Heaton.
"O'Grady, R." (See 1915.) (H.) ***Brothers. Mid. Jan.-Mar. (6:7.)
O'Hagan, Anne. (Anne O'Hagan Shinin.) (1869- .) (See 1918.) (H.) ***Return. Touch. Jan. (6: 181.)
O'Hara, Frank Hurburt. (1888- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) *Life of Eddie Slaggin. Pict. R. Apr. (24.) Now Wasn't that Just Like Father! Am. Jul. (62.)
O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold. (1876- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1918.) (H.) ***Story of Big Dan Reilly. McC. Mar.-Apr. (25.) ***Story of Mrs. Murchison. McC. May-June. (25, 27.) ***Strange Case of Warden Jupp. McC. Aug. (27.)
Oliver, Owen. (See 1915.) *Wanted: a Kind Fairy. Holl. Sept. (11.)
O'Malley, Austin. (1858- .) **Strong Box. (R.) Mir. May 27. (29: 437.)
O'Neill, Agnes Boulton. See Boulton, Agnes.
Oppenheim, James. (1882- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) ***Rending. Dial. Jul. (69: 35.)
Oppenheimer, James. Sweet Kanuck. Met. Jan. (33.)
Osborne, William Hamilton. (1873- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Amazing Indiscretion. Met. Apr.-May. (20, 18.) Handsomely Trimmed. S. E. P. Aug. 21. (12.) Rush to Cover. S. E. P. May 15. (12.) Seeing Things Again. S. E. P. May 8. (18.) Turn of the Wrist. S. E. P. Sept. 4. (32.)
Osbourne, Lloyd. (1868- .) (See 1915, 1917, 1919.) (H.) ***East Is East. Met. Apr. (11.) Ghosts Go West. S. E. P. Dec. 13, '19. (20.)
O'Sullivan, Vincent. (1872- .) (See 1916, 1917, 1918.) ***Dance-Hall at Unigenitus. S. S. Mar. (53.)
O'Toole, E. J. First Snow. Cath. W. Jan. (110:476.)
*Owen, H. Collinson. ***Temptation of Antoine. Pict. R. Sept. (5.)
Owen, Margaret Dale. *Point of View. All. Oct. 18, '19. (102:690.)
"Oxford, John Barton." See Shelton, Richard Barker.
Paine, Albert Bigelow. (1861- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Being a Landlord. Harp. M. Nov., '19. (139:929.) Murphy's Kitchen. Harp. M. Feb. (140:424.)
Paine, Ralph Delahaye. (1871- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1918.) (H.) *Mrs. Tredick's Husband. Scr. Mar. (67:297.)
Pangborn, Georgia Wood. (1872- .) (See 1911, 1916, 1917.) (H.) *Andy MacPherson's House. Rom. Aug. (78.) **Children of Mount Pyb. Harp. M. Dec., '19. (140:98.) *When the Ice Went Out. Rom. May. (72.)
Parkhurst, Genevieve. Blind Alleys. L. H. J. Dec., '19. (29.)
Parkhurst, Winthrop. Holy Matrimony. Pag. Nov.-Dec., '19. (23.) Law of Averages. S. S. Apr. (91.) Spooks. S. S. Nov., '19. (107.)
Parmenter, Christine Whiting. (1877- .) (See 1918, 1919.) Christmas Magic. Am. Dec., '19. (29.) "I Never Could Have Married Anybody Else." Am. Mar. (11.) Jilted—Because of Her Clothes! Am. Feb. (29.) Marcia Lets Her Conscience Take a Brief Vacation. Am. Jan. (20.) Peach in Pink. Met. Jan. (42.)
Parsons, Lewis. Dick Tresco and the Yellow Streak. Am. Mar. (62.) Wonderful Dog with a Dual Nature. Am. Oct., '19. (14.)
Partridge, Edward Bellamy. (See 1916.) Floating Foot. Met. Aug. (31.) *Loan Shark. Met. June. (18.)
Pattullo, George. (1879- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Captain. S. E. P. Nov. 8, '19. (8.) Madame Patsy, the Gusher Queen. S. E. P. May 22. (10.) Oo, LA , LA ! S. E. P. Dec. 6, '19. (30.) *Romance of ThomAis Dozal. S. E. P. June 19. (3.)
Payne, Elizabeth Stancy. *Trying Age. Ev. Jan. (55.)
Payne, Will. (1855- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Age of Chivalry. Det. N. Jul. 18. (pt. 6 p. 6.) *Eye for an Eye. Cos. Aug. (75.) *Lucky Mary. Red Bk. Mar. (59.) *Unbidden Guest. Cos. Sept. (75.)
Pearce, Theodocia. Little Spice Out of Life. L. H. J. Aug. (20.)
Pearsall, Robert J. (H.) *Escape. Adv. Aug. 18. (166.)
Pelley, William Dudley. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) **Auctioneer. Pict. R. Jan.-Feb. (24.) **Conversion of John Carver. Red Bk. Oct., '19. (23.) *Devil Dog. Pict. R. Jul.-Aug. (26.) *February-Third Joe. All. Feb. 28. (107:342.) *They Called Her Old Mother Hubbard. Red Bk. Dec., '19. (64.) *Trails to Santa FA(C). Red Bk. Sept. (78.)
Peltier, Florence. *Left-Handed Jingoro and the Irate Landlord. Asia. Sept. (20:802.)
"Pendleton, T. D." see Cummins, T. D. Pendleton.
Perry, Clay. White Light. Met. June. (29.)
Perry, Lawrence. (1875- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) (H.) Dilettante. S. E. P. Jul. 24. (12.) Lothario of the Sea Bird. L. H. J. Aug. (16.) Matter of Sentiment. Scr. Oct., '19. (66:438.) Real Game. Ev. Jul. (13.) Spoiled Boy. Ev. Nov., '19. (22.)
Perry, Montanye. Three Kings. Del. Dec., '19. (5.)
*Pertwee, Roland. (See 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919.) Elizabeth Anne. S. E. P. May 15. (16.) *Mary Ottery. S. E. P. Sept. 25. (14.) Various Relations. S. E. P. June 5. (16.)
Phillips, Michael James. (See 1919.) (H.) Silken Bully. S. E. P. Sept. 18. (10.)
*Phillpotts, Eden. (1862- .) (See 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918.) (H.) *Amy Up a Tree. Del. June. (5.) *Mother of the Rain. Rom. Mar. (78.) *Tyrant. Cen. Feb. (99:450.)
Pickthall, Marjorie L(owry) C(hristie). (See 1915, 1916, 1918, 1919.) (H.) *Boy in the Corner. W. H. C. May. (17.) *Name. Sun. Mar. (33.) **Without the Light. G. H. Mar. (33.) |