Short Stories from the Spanish; Englished by Charles B. McMichael (Boni and Liveright, Inc.). The present volume contains seven short stories by RubA(C)n Dario, Jacinto Octavio PicA cubedn, and Leopoldo Alas. They are wretchedly translated, but even in their present form one can divine the art of "The Death of the Empress of China" by the Nicaraguan RubA(C)n Dario, and "After the Battle" by the Spaniard Jacinto Octavio PicA cubedn. The other stories are of unequal value, so far as we can judge from Mr. McMichael's translation.
The Fairy Spinning Wheel, and the Tales It Spun, by Catulle MendA"s; translated by Thomas J. Vivian (The Four Seas Company). It was a happy thought to reprint this translation of M. MendA"s' fairy tales which has been out of print for many years. It is probably the only work of its once renowned author which survives the passage of time. Here he has entered the child's mind and deftly presented a series of legends which suggest more than they state. Their substance is slight enough, but each has a certain symbolic value, and the poetry of M. MendA"s' style has been successfully transferred to the English version.
Temptations, by David Pinski; translated by Isaac Goldberg (Brentano's). We have already come to know what a keen analyst America has in Mr. Pinski from the translations of his plays which have been published. Here he is much less interested in the surface movement of plot than in the relentless search for motive. To his Yiddish public he seems perhaps the best of short story writers who write in his tongue, and certainly he can hold his own with the best of his contemporaries in all countries. He has the universal note as few English writers may claim it, and he stands apart from his creation with absolute detachment. His work, together with that of Asch, Aleichem, Perez, and one or two others establishes Yiddish as a great literary tongue. A further series of these tales are promised if the present volume meets with the response which it deserves.
Russian Short Stories, edited by Harry C. Schweikert (Scott, Foresman and Company). This is a companion volume to Mr. Schweikert's excellent collection of French short stories, and ranges over a wide field. From Pushkin to Kuprin his selection gives a fair view of most of the Russian masters, and the collection includes a valuable historical and critical introduction, with biographical notes, and a critical apparatus for the student of short story technique. It is of special educational importance as the only volume in the field. In the next edition I suggest that Sologub should be represented for the sake of completeness.
Iolanthe's Wedding, by Hermann Sudermann; translated by AdA"le S. Seltzer (Boni and Liveright, Inc.). This collection of four minor works by Sudermann contains two excellent stories, one of which is full of folk quality and a kindly irony, and the other more akin to the nervous art of Arthur Schnitzler. "The Woman Who Was His Friend" and "The Gooseherd" are less important, but of considerable technical interest.
Short Stories from the Balkans; translated by Edna Worthley Underwood (Marshall Jones Company). This volume should be set beside the collection of "Czecho-Slovak Stories," which I have mentioned on an earlier page. Here will be found further stories by Jan Neruda and Svatopluk AeOEech, together with a remarkable group of stories by Rumanian, Serbian, Croatian, and Hungarian authors. Neruda emerges as the greatest artist of them all, and one of the greatest artists in Europe, but special attention should be called also to the Czech writer VrchlickA1/2, the Rumanian Caragiale, and the Hungarian MikszAith. The translation seems competently done.
Modern Greek Stories; translated by Demetra Vaka and Aristides Phoutrides (Duffield and Company). While this collection reveals no such undoubted master as Jan Neruda, it is an extremely interesting introduction to an equally unknown literature. Seven of the nine stories are of great literary value, and perhaps the best of these is "Sea" by A. Karkavitsas. Romaic fiction still bears the marks of a young tradition, and each new writer would seem to be compelled to strike out more or less completely for himself. Consequently it is necessary to allow more than usual for technical inadequacy, but the substance of most of these stories is sufficiently remarkable to justify us in wishing a further introduction to Romaic literature.
Note. An asterisk before a title indicates distinction. This list includes single short stories, collections of short stories, and a few continuous narratives based on short stories previously published in magazines. Volumes announced for publication in the autumn of 1920 are listed here, though in some cases they had not yet appeared at the time this book went to press.
I. American Authors
Abdullah, Achmed. *Wings. McCann.
Abdullah, Achmed, and others. Ten Foot Chain. Reynolds.
Ade, George. Home Made Fables. Doubleday, Page.
Anderson, Emma Maria Thompson. A 'Chu. Review and Herald Pub. Assn.
Anderson, Robert Gordon. Seven O'clock Stories. Putnam.
Barbour, Ralph Henry. Play That Won. Appleton.
Benneville, James Seguin De. Tales of the Tokugawa. Reilly.
Bishop, William Henry. Anti-Babel. Neale.
Boyer, Wilbur S. Johnnie Kelly. Houghton Mifflin.
Bridges, Victor. Cruise of the "Scandal." Putnam.
Brown, Alice. *Homespun and Gold. Macmillan.
Butler, Ellis Parker. Swatty. Houghton Mifflin.
Carroll, P. J. Memory Sketches. School Plays Pub. Co.
Cather, Willa Sibert. *Youth and the Bright Medusa. Knopf.
Chambers, Robert W. Slayer of Souls. Doran.
Cohen, Octavus Roy. Come Seven. Dodd, Mead.
Comfort, Will Levington, and Dost, Zamin Ki. Son of Power. Doubleday, Page.
Connolly, James B. *Hiker Joy. Scribner.
"Crabb, Arthur." Samuel Lyle, Criminologist. Century Co.
Cram, Mildred. Lotus Salad. Dodd, Mead.
Cutting, Mary Stewart. Some of Us Are Married. Doubleday, Page.
Davies, Ellen Chivers. Ward Tales. Lane.
Deland, Margaret. *Small Things. Harper.
Dickson, Harris. Old Reliable in Africa. Stokes.
Dodge, Henry Irving. Skinner Makes It Fashionable. Harper.
Dost, Zami Ki. See Comfort, Will Levington and Dost, Zamin Ki.
Dwight, H. G. *Emperor of Elam. Doubleday, Page.
Edgar, Randolph, editor. *Miller's Holiday: Short Stories from The Northwestern Miller. Miller Pub. Co.
Ferber, Edna. *Half Portions. Doubleday, Page.
Fillmore, Parker. *Shoemaker's Apron. Harcourt, Brace and Howe.
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key. Flappers and Philosophers. Scribner.
Ford, Sewell. Meet 'Em with Shorty McCabe. Clode. Torchy and Vee. Clode. Torchy as a Pa. Clode.
French, Joseph Lewis, editor. *Best Psychic Stories. Boni and Liveright. *Masterpieces of Mystery. 4 vol. Doubleday, Page.
Gittins, H. N. Short and Sweet. Lane.
Graham, James C. It Happened at Andover. Houghton Mifflin.
Hall, Herschel S. Steel Preferred. Dutton.
Haslett, Harriet Holmes. Impulses. Cornhill Co.
Heydrick, Benjamin, editor. *Americans All. Harcourt, Brace, and Howe.
Hill, Frederick Trevor. Tales Out of Court. Stokes.
Howells, William Dean, editor. *Great Modern American Stories. Boni and Liveright.
Hughes, Jennie V. Chinese Heart-Throbs. Revell.
Hughes, Rupert. *Momma, and Other Unimportant People. Harper.
Huneker, James. *Bedouins. Scribner.
Imrie, Walter McLaren. *Legends. Midland Press.
Irwin, Wallace. Suffering Husbands. Doran.
James, Henry. *Master Eustace. Seltzer.
Jessup, Alexander, editor. *Best American Humorous Short Stories. Boni and Liveright.
Johnson, Arthur. *Under the Rose. Harper.
Kelley, F. C. City and the World. Extension Press.
Lamprey, L. Masters of the Guild. Stokes.
Leacock, Stephen. Winsome Winnie. Lane.
Linderman, Frank Bird. *On a Passing Frontier. Scribner.
Linton, C. E. Earthomotor. Privately Printed.
McCarter, Margaret Hill. Paying Mother. Harper.
Mackay, Helen. *Chill Hours. Duffield.
MacManus, Seumas. *Top o' the Mornin'. Stokes.
McSpadden, J. Walker, editor. Famous Detective Stories. Crowell. Famous Psychic Stories. Crowell.
Martin, George Madden. *Children in the Mist. Appleton.
Means, E. K. *Further E. K. Means. Putnam.
Miller, Warren H. Sea Fighters. Macmillan.
Montague, Margaret Prescott. *England to America. Doubleday, Page. *Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge. Doubleday, Page.
Montgomery, L. M. Further Chronicles of Avonlea. Page.
Morgan, Byron. Roaring Road. Doran.
O'Brien, Edward J. Best Short Stories of 1919. Small, Maynard.
Paine, Ralph D. Ships Across the Sea. Houghton Mifflin.
Perry, Lawrence. For the Game's Sake. Scribner.
Pitman, Norman Hinsdale. Chinese Wonder Book. Dutton.
Poe, Edgar Allan. *Gold-bug. Four Seas.
Post, Melville Davisson. *Sleuth of St. James's Square. Appleton.
Rhodes, Harrison. *High Life. McBride.
Rice, Alice Hegan, and Rice, Cale Young. Turn About Tales. Century Co.
Richards, Clarice E. Tenderfoot Bride. Revell.
Richmond, Grace S. Bells of St. John's. Doubleday, Page.
Rinehart, Mary Roberts. Affinities. Doran.
Robbins, Tod. *Silent, White, and Beautiful. Boni and Liveright.
Robinson, William Henry. Witchery of Rita. Berryhill Co.
Sedgwick, Anne Douglas. *Christmas Roses. Houghton Mifflin.
Smith, Gordon Arthur. *Pagan. Scribner.
Society of Arts and Sciences. *O. Henry Memorial Prize Stories, 1919. Doubleday, Page.
Spofford, Harriet Prescott. *Elder's People. Houghton Mifflin.
Train, Arthur. Tutt and Mr. Tutt. Scribner.
Vorse, Mary Heaton. *Ninth Man. Harper.
Whalen, Louise Margaret. Father Ladden, Curate. Magnificat Pub. Co.
White, Stewart Edward. Killer. Doubleday, Page.
Widdemer, Margaret. Boardwalk. Harcourt, Brace, and Howe.
Wiggin, Kate Douglas. *Homespun Tales. Houghton Mifflin.
Wiley, Hugh. Wildcat. Doran.
Yezierska, Anzia. *Hungry Hearts. Houghton Mifflin.
II. English and Irish Authors
Baxter, Arthur Beverley. Blower of Bubbles. Appleton.
Beerbohm, Max. *Seven Men. Knopf.
Cannan, Gilbert. *Windmills. Huebsch.
"Dehan, Richard." (Clotilde Graves). Eve of Pascua. Doran.
Dell, Ethel May. Tidal Wave. Putnam.
Dunsany, Lord. *Tales of Three Hemispheres. Luce.
Easton, Dorothy. *Golden Bird. Knopf.
Evans, Caradoc. *My Neighbors. Harcourt, Brace, & Howe.
Galsworthy, John. *Tatterdemalion. Scribner.
Graves, Clotilde. See "Dehan, Richard."
Grogan, Gerald. William Pollok. Lane.
Hardy, Thomas. *Two Wessex Tales. Four Seas.
Hichens, Robert. Snake-bite. Doran.
Hutten, Baroness Von. See Von Hutten, Baroness.
Huxley, Aldous. *Limbo. Doran.
James, Montague Rhodes. *Thin Ghost. Longmans.
Jeffery, Jeffery E. Side Issues. Seltzer.
Kipling, Rudyard. *Man Who Would Be King. Four Seas.
Lipscomb, W. P. Staff Tales. Dutton.
New Decameron: Second Day. McBride.
O'Kelly, Seumas. *Golden Barque, and the Weaves's Grave. Putnam.
"Ross, Martin." See "Somerville, E. A'.," and "Ross, Martin."
Sabatini, Rafael. Historical Nights' Entertainment, Second Series. Lippincott.
"Somerville, E. A'.," and "Ross, Martin," Stray-Aways. Longmans, Green.
"Trevena, John." *By Violence. Four Seas.
VernA"de, R. E. Port Allington Stories. Doran.
Von Hutten, Baroness. Helping Hersey. Doran.
Wylie, Ida Alena Ross. *Holy Fire. Lane.
III. Translations
"Aleichem, Shalom." (Yiddish.) *Jewish Children. Knopf.
Andreiev, Leonid. (Russian.) *When the King Loses His Head. International Bk. Pub.
Andreiev, Leonid, and others. (Russian.) *Modern Russian Classics. Four Seas.
Annunzio, Gabriele D'. (Italian.) *Tales of My Native Town. Doubleday, Page.
Blasco IbAiA+-ez, Vicente. (Spanish.) *Last Lion. Four Seas.
Brown, Demetra Vaka, and Phoutrides, Aristides, trs. (Modern Greek.) *Modern Greek Stories. Duffield.
Chekhov, Anton. (Russian.) *Chorus Girl. Macmillan.
ClA(C)menceau, Georges. (French.) *Surprises of Life. Doubleday, Page.
Coster, Charles de. (French.) *Flemish Legends. Stokes.
Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich. (Russian.) *Honest Thief. Macmillan.
Friedlander, Gerald, ed. and tr. (Hebrew.) Jewish Fairy Tales and Stories. Dutton.
Hrbkova, Sarka B., editor. (Czecho-Slovak.) *Czecho-Slovak Stories. Dutton.
Jacobsen, Jens Peter. (Danish.) *Mogens. Brown.
Level, Maurice. (French.) *Tales of Mystery and Horror. McBride.
McMichael, Charles B., translator. (Spanish.) *Short Stories from the Spanish. Boni & Liveright.
Maupassant, Guy de. (French.) *Mademoiselle Fifi. Four Seas.
Mayran, Camille. (French.) *Story of Gotton Connixloo. Dutton.
PA(C)rez de Ayala, RamA cubedn. (Spanish.) *Prometheus. Dutton.
Ragozin, Z. A., editor. (Russian.) *Little Russian Masterpieces. 4 vol. Putnam.
I. English and Irish
Andrew, Emily. Happiness in the Valley. Charles Joscelyn.
Barr, Robert. Helping Hand. Mills and Boon. Tales of Two Continents. Mills and Boon.
Beerbohm, Max. *And Even Now. Heinemann.
Calthrop, Dion Clayton. *Bit at a Time. Mills and Boon.
Cole, Sophie. Variety Entertainment. Mills and Boon.
Conyers, Dorothea. Irish Stew. Skeffington.
Cross, Victoria. Daughters of Heaven. Laurie.
Drury, W. P. All the King's Men. Chapman and Hall.
Evans, C. S. Nash and Some Others. Heinemann.
Everard, Mrs. H. D. Death Mask. Philip Allan.
Forster, E. M. *Story of the Siren. Hogarth Press.
Frampton, Mary. Forty Years On. Arrowsmith.
Garvice, Charles. Girl at the "Bacca" Shop. Skeffington.
Gaunt, Mary. Surrender, Laurie.
Gibbon, Perceval. *Those Who Smiled. Cassell.
Green, Peter. Our Kid. Arnold.
Grimshaw, Beatrice. Coral Palace. Mills and Boon.
Harvey, William Fryer. Misadventures of Athelstan Digby. Swarthmore Press.
Howard, F. Moreton. Happy Rascals. Methuen.
Key, Uel. Broken Fang. Hodder and Stoughton.
Knowlson, T. Sharper. Man Who Would Not Grow Old. Laurie.
Leo, T. O. D. C. Two Feasts of St. Agnes. Morland.
Le Queux, William. Mysteries of a Great City. Hodder and Stoughton.
McGuffin, William. Australian Tales of the Border. Lothian Book Pub. Co.
Mansfield, Katherine. *Je Ne Parle Pas FranASec.ais. Heron Press. *Prelude. Hogarth Press.
Mayne, Ethel Colburn. *Blindman. Chapman and Hall.
Mordaunt, Elinor. *Old Wine in New Bottles. Hutchinson.
Muir, Ward. Adventures in Marriage. Simpkin, Marshall.
Newham, C. E. Gippo. W. P. Spalding.
Newman, F. J. Romance and Law in the Divorce Court. Melrose.
O'Kelly, Seumas. *Leprechaun of Killmeen. Martin Lester.
Palmer, Arnold. *My Profitable Friends. Selwyn and Blount.
Paterson, A. B. Three Elephant Power. Australian Book Co.
Riley, W. Yorkshire Suburb. Jenkins.
Robins, Elizabeth. Mills of the Gods. Butterworth.
Robinson, Lennox. *Eight Short Stories. Talbot Press.
"Sea-Pup." Musings of a Martian. Heath Cranton.
Shorter, Dora Sigerson. *Dull Day in London. Nash.
Smith, Logan Pearsall. *Stories from the Old Testament. Hogarth Press.
Stein, Gertrude. *Three Lives. Lane.
Stock, Ralph. Beach Combings. Pearson.
Taylor, Joshua. Lure of the Links. Heath Cranton.
Warrener, Marcus and Violet. House of Transformations. Epworth Press.
Wicksteed, Hilda. Titch. Swarthmore Press.
Wilderhope, John. Arch Fear. Murray and Evenden.
Wildridge, Oswald. *Clipper Folk. Blackwood.
Woolf, Virginia. *Mark on the Wall. Hogarth Press.
II. Translations
Chekhov, Anton. (Russian.) *My Life. Daniel.
Kuprin, Alexander. (Russian.) *Sasha. Paul.
LemaA(R)tre, Jules. (French.) *Serenus. Selwyn and Blount.
Ageorges, Joseph. Contes sereins. FiguiA"re.
Arcos, RenA(C). *Bien commun. Le Sablier.
Boylesve, RenA(C). *Nymphes dansant avec des satyres. Calmann-LA(C)vy.
"FarrAere, Claude." DerniA"re dA(C)esse. Flammarion.
Geffroy, Gustave. Nouveaux contes du pays d'Quest. CrA"s.
GA(C)niaux, Charles. Mes voisins de campagne. Flammarion.
Ginisty, Paul. *Terreur. SociA(C)tA(C) anonyme d'A(C)dition.
Herold, A. Ferdinand. *Guirlande d'Aphrodite. Edition d'Art.
Hesse, Raymond. Bouzigny! Payot.
Hirsch, Charles-Henry. Craquement. Flammarion.
Lautrec, Gabriel de. Histoires de Tom JoA(C). Edition franASec.aise illustrA(C)e.
Le Glay, Maurice. RA(C)cits marocains. Berger-Levrault.
Machard, Alfred. *Cent Gosses. Flammarion. *Syndicat des fessA(C)s. Ferenczi.
Marie, Jacques. Sous l'armure. Jouve.
Mille, Pierre. *Nuit d'amour sur la montagne. Flammarion. *Trois femmes. Calmann-LA(C)vy.
Pillon, Marcel. Contes A ma cousine. FiguiA"re.
Pottecher, Maurice. Joyeux Contes de la Cicogne d'Alsace. Ollendorff.
"Rachilde." *DA(C)couverte de l'AmA(C)rique. Kundig.
RA(C)gnier, Henri de. *Histories incertaines. Mercure de France.
RhaA-s, Elissa. *CafA(C) chantant. Plon.
Rochefoucauld, Gabriel de la. *Mari CalomniA(C). Plon-Nourrit.
Russo, Luigi Libero. Contes A la cigogne. 2e sA(C)rie. Messein.
Sarcey, Yvonne. Pour vivre heureux.
Sutton, Maurice. Contes retrouvA(C)s. Edit. Formosa. Bruxelles.
Tisserand, Ernest. Contes de la popote. CrA"s.
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. *Nouveaux Contes Cruels. CrA"s.
The following abbreviations are used in this index:—
Ath. AthenA um B. E. T. Boston Evening Transcript Book (London) Bookman (London) Book (N. Y.) Bookman (New York) Cath. W. Catholic World Chap. Monthly Chapbook Cont. R. Contemporary Review Edin. R. Edinburgh Review Eng. R. English Review Fortn. R. Fortnightly Review Harp. M. Harper's Magazine L. H. J. Ladies' Home Journal Lib. Liberator Liv. Age. Living Age Lit. R. Little Review L. Merc. London Mercury M. de F. Mercure de France Mir. Reedy's Mirror Mun. Munsey's Magazine Nat. (London) Nation (London) N. Rep. New Republic New S. New Statesman 19th Cent. Nineteenth Century and After N. R. F. Nouvelle Revue FranASec.aise Peop. People's Favorite Magazine Quart. R. Quarterly Review R. de D. M. Revue des Deux Mondes Sat. R. Saturday Review Strat. J. Stratford Journal Times Lit. Suppl. Times Literary Supplement Touch. Touchstone (London) Yale R. Yale Review
Abdullah, Achmed. By Rebecca West. New S. May 8. (15:137.)
"Aleichem, Shalom." Anonymous. New S. Mar. 13. (14:682.)
Alexander, Grace. Thomas Hardy. N. Rep. Aug. 18. (23:335.)
Alvord, James Church. Typical American Short Story. Yale R. Apr. (9:650.)
American Short Story. By James Church Alvord. Yale R. Apr. (9:650.)
Andreyev, Leonid. By Eugene M. Kayden. Dial. Nov. 15, '19. (67:425.) By Moissaye J. Olgin. N. Rep. Dec. 24, '19. (21:123.) By A. Sokoloff. New S. Nov. 15, '19. (14:190.)
Annunzio, Gabriele d'. By Joseph Collins. Scr. Sept. (68:304.) By Rebecca West. New S. June 5, (15:253.) N. Rep. June 30. (23:155.)
Anonymous. Buying $2,000,000 Worth of Fiction. Peop. Oct., '19. (12.)
Apuleius. By Lord Ernle. Quart. R. Jul. (234:41.)
Arcos, RenA(C). Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 22. (19:48.)
Bailey, John. Henry James. London Observer. Apr. 25.
Balkan Short Stories. By Kate Buss. B. E. T. Oct. 18, '19. (pt. 3, p. 9.)
Balzac, HonorA(C) de. By Princess Catherine Radziwill. Book. (N. Y.) Aug. (51:639.) By Sir Frederick Wedmore. 19th Cent. Mar. (87:484.) By M. P. Willcocks. Nation. (London.) Mar. 20. (26:864) and Mar. 27.
Barnes, J. S. Contemporary Italian Short Stories. New Europe. Nov. 27, '19. (13:214.)
Beaubourg, Maurice. By Legrand-Chabrier. M. de F. 15 aoA"t. (142:5.)
Beaunier, AndrA(C). Pierre Mille. R. de D. M. 1 juillet. (6 sA(C)r. 58:191.)
Beerbohm, Max. Anonymous. Nation. (London.) Nov. 22, '19. (26:272.) By Bohun Lynch. L. Merc. June. (2:168.) By S. W. Ath. Nov. 14, '19. (1186.)
Bent, Silas. Henry James. Mir. June 3. (29:448.) June 24. (29:510.)
Beyle, Henri. See "Stendhal."
Blackwood, Algernon. By Henriette Reeves. Touch. May. (7:147.)
Bourget, Paul. Prosper MA(C)rimA(C)e. R. de D. M. 15 Sept. (59:257.)
Bourget, Paul. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 30. (19:634.) By R. Le Clerc Phillips. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:448.)
Braithwaite, William Stanley. American Short Story. B. E. T. Mar. 27. (pt. 3. p. 10.)
Brooks, Van Wyck. Mark Twain. Dial. Mar. Nat. Apr. (68:275, 424.)
Buss, Kate. Balkan Short Stories. B. E. T. Oct. 18, '19. (pt. 3. p. 9.)
Cabell, James Branch. Joseph Hergesheimer. Book. (N. Y.) Nov.-Dec., '19. (50:267.)
Calthrop, Dion Clayton. O. Henry. London Observer. May 2.
Chekhov, Anton. Diary. Ath. Apr. 2. (460.) Letters. XII. Ath. Oct. 24, '19. (1078.) XIII. Ath. Oct. 31, '19. (1135.)
Chekhov, Anton. Anonymous. Ath. Jan. 23, Feb. 6. ('20:1:124, 191.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Feb. 12, Jul. 15. (19:103, 455.) By Edmund Gosse. London Sunday Times. Mar. 14. By Robert Morss Lovett. Dial. May. (68:626.) By Robert Lynd. London Daily News. Feb. 11. By Robert Lynd. Nation (London.) Feb. 28. (26:742.) By J. Middleton Murry. Ath. Mar. 5. ('20:1:299.) By Robert Nichols. London Observer. Mar. 7. By Charles K. Trueblood. Dial. Feb. (68:253.)
Chew, Samuel C. Thomas Hardy. N. Rep. June 2. (23:22.)
Child, Harold. Thomas Hardy. Book. (London.) June. (58:101.)
Clemens, Samuel L. See "Twain, Mark."
Collins, Joseph. Alfredo Panzini and Luigi Pirandello. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:410.) Giovanni Papini. Book. (N. Y.) (51:160.) Gabriele D'Annunzio. Scr. Sept. (68:304.)
Colvin, Sir Sidney. Robert Louis Stevenson. Scr. Mar. (67:338.)
Conrad, Joseph. Stephen Crane. Book. (N. Y.) Feb. (50:528.) L. Merc. Dec., '19. (1:192.)
Conrad, Joseph. By Stephen Gwynn. Edin. R. Apr. (231:318.) By Ford Madox Hueffer. Eng. R. Jul.-Aug. (31:5, 107.) Dial. Jul.-Aug. (69:52, 132.) By R. Ellis Roberts. Book. (London.) Aug. (58:160.) By Gilbert Seldes. Dial. Aug. (69:191.)
CoppA(C)e, FranASec.ois. By Joseph J. Reilly. Cath. W. (111:614.)
Cor, Raphael. Charles Dickens. M. de F. 1 juillet. (141:82.)
Corthis, AndrA(C). Anonymous. Rev. de D. M. 15 juin. (6 sA(C)r. 57:816.)
Coulon, Marcel. Rachilde. M. de F. 15 sept. (142:545.)
Couperus, Louis. By J. L. Walch. Ath. Oct. 31, '19. (1133.)
Crane, Stephen. By Joseph Conrad. Book. (N. Y.) Feb. (50:529.) L. Merc. Dec., '19. (1:192.)
Cunninghame Grahame, R. B. See Grahame, R. B. Cunninghame.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele. See Annunzio, Gabriele d'.
Deffoux, LA(C)on, and Zavie, A%mile. Editions Kistemaekers et le "Naturalisme." M. de F. 16 oct., '19. (135:639.) A%mile Zola. M. de F. 15 fA(C)v. (138:68.)
Dell, Floyd. Mark Twain. Lib. Aug. (26.)
Dewey, John. Americanism and Localism. Dial. June. (68:684.)
Dickens, Charles. By Raphael Cor. M. de F. 1 juillet. (141:82.)
Dobie, Charles Caldwell. By Joe Whitnah. San Francisco Bulletin. Jan. 3.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 23. (19:612.) By E. M. Forster. London Daily News. Nov. 11, '19. By Charles K. Trueblood. Dial. June. (68:774.)
Doyle, A. Conan. By Beverly Stark. Book. (N. Y.) Jul. (51:579.)
Duhamel, Georges. By Henry J. Smith. Chicago Daily News. Dec. 3, '19.
Dunsany, Lord. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 11, '19. (18:737.) July 8. (19:437.) By Clayton Hamilton. Book. (N. Y.) Feb. (50:537.) By Norreys Jephson O'Conor. B. E. T. Oct. 22, '19. (pt. 3. p. 2.) By Gilbert Seldes. B. E. T. Oct. 15, '19. (pt. 2. p. 4.) By F. W. Stokoe. Ath. Aug. 13. ('20:2:202.) By Marguerite Wilkinson. Touch. Dec., '19. (6:111.)
Dyer, Walter A. Short Story Orgy. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:217.)
Edgett, Edwin F. O. Henry. B. E. T. Oct. 15, '19. (pt. 3. p. 4.) W. W. Jacobs. B. E. T. Oct. 18, '19. (pt. 3. p. 10.) Henry James. B. E. T. Apr. 10. W.B. Maxwell. B. E. T. Nov. 22, '19. (pt. 3. p. 8.)
Egan, Maurice Francis. Henry James. Cath. W. June. (111:289.)
"Eliot, George." By H. C. Minchin. Fortn. R. Dec., '19. (112:896.) By Edward A. Parry. Fortn. R. Dec., '19. (112:883.) By Thomas Seccombe. Cont. R. Dec., '19. (116:660.)
Enoch, Helen. W. J. Locke. Cont. R. June. (117:855.)
Ernle, Lord. Apuleius. Quart. R. Jul. (234:41.)
Erskine, John. William Dean Howells. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:385.)
Evans, C.S. W. H. Hudson. Book. (N. Y.) Sept. (52:18.)
Ferber, Edna. By Rebecca West. New S. Apr. 3. (14:771.)
Finger, Charles J. Hudson and Grahame. Mir. Nov. 27, '19. (28:836.)
Flaubert, Gustave. By Marcel Proust. N. R. F. Jan. (14:72.) By George Saintsbury. Ath. Oct. 3, '19. (983.) By Albert Thibaudet. N. R. F. Nov., 19. (13:942.)
Forster, E. M. Fyodor Dostoevsky. London Daily News. Nov. 11, '19.
Forster, E. M. By Katherine Mansfield. Ath. Aug. 13. ('20:2:209.) By Rebecca West. New S. Aug. 28. (15:576.)
Fox, John. By Thomas Nelson Page. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:674.)
Gale, Zona. By Constance Mayfield Rourke. N. Rep. Aug. 11. (23:315.)
George, W. L. Joseph Hergesheimer. Book. (London.) Sept. (58:193.)
Giraudoux, Jean. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jul. 22. (19:470.) By Albert Thibaudet. N. R. F. Dec., '19. (13:1064.)
Goldberg, Isaac. Hungarian Short Stories. B. E. T. Oct. 8, '19. (pt.3. p.4.) Ercole Luigi Morselli. Book. (N. Y.) Jul. (51:557.) Amado Nervo. Strat. J. Jan.-Mar. (6:3.) Spanish-American Short Stories. Book. (N. Y.) Feb. (50:565.)
Gorky, Maxim. Reminiscences of Tolstoi. L. Merc. Jul. (2:304.)
Gorky, Maxim. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jul. 15. (19:453.) By S. Koteliansky. Ath. Apr. 30. ('20:1:587.) By J. W. N. S. Ath. Jul. 16. ('20:2:77.)
Gosse, Edmund. Anton Chekhov. London Sunday Times. Mar. 14. Henry James. L. Merc. Apr.-May. (1:673, 2:29.) Scr. Apr.-May. (67:422, 548.)
Gozzano, Guido. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jul. 15. (19:450.)
Grahame, R. B. Cunninghame. By Charles J. Finger. Mir. Nov. 27, '19. (28:836.)
Gwynn, Stephen. Joseph Conrad. Edin. R. Apr. (231:318.)
Hamilton, Clayton. Lord Dunsany. Book. (N. Y.) Feb. (50:537.)
Hardy, Thomas. By Grace Alexander. N. Rep. Aug. 18. (23:335.) By Samuel C. Chew. N. Rep. June 2. (23:22.) By Harold Child. Book. (London.) June. (58:101) By W. M. Parker, 19th Cent. Jul. (88: 63.) By Arthur Symons. Dial. Jan. (68:66.)
Harte, Bret. By Agnes Day Robinson. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:445.)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. By Mary G. Tuttiett. 19th Cent. Jan. (87:118.)
Henriet, Maurice. Jules LemaA(R)tre. M. De F. 1 juin. (140:289.)
"Henry, O." By Dion Clayton Calthrop. London Observer. May 2. By Edwin F. Edgett. B. E. T. Oct. 15, '19. (pt. 3. p. 4.) By Edward Francis Mohler. Cath. W. Sept. (111:756.) By Raoul Narsy. Liv. Age. Oct. 11, '19. (303:86.) By John Seymour Wood. Book. (N. Y.) Jan. (50:474.)
Hergesheimer, Joseph. By James Branch Cabell. Book. (N. Y.) Nov.-Dec., '19. (50:267.) By W. L. George. Book. (London.) Sept. (58:193.)
Holz, Arno. Anonymous. Ath. Apr. 9. ('20:1:490.)
Hook, Theodore. Anonymous. Sat. R. Sept. 25. (130:254.)
Hopkins, Gerard. Short Story. Chap. Feb. (25.)
Howells, William Dean. Anonymous. N. Rep. May 26. (22:393.) By John Erskine. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:385.) By Henry A. Lappin. Cath. W. Jul. (111:445.) By Edward S. Martin. Harp. M. Jul. (141:265.) By Arthur Hobson Quinn. Cen. Sept. (100:674.) By Henry Rood. L. H. J. Sept. (42.) By Booth Tarkington. Harp. M. Aug. (141: 346.)
Hudson, W. H. By C. S. Evans. Book. (N. Y.) Sept. (52:18.) By Charles J. Finger. Mir. Nov. 27, '19. (28:836.) By Ford Madox Hueffer. Lit. R. May-June. (5.) By Ezra Pound. Lit. R. May-June. (13.) By Ernest Rhys. 19th Cent. Jul. (88:72.) By John Rodker. Lit. R. May-June. (18.)
Hueffer, Ford Madox. W. H. Hudson. Lit. R. May-June. (5.) Thus to Revisit. Eng. R. Jul.-Aug. (31:5, 107.) Dial. Jul.-Aug. (69:52, 132.)
Huneker, James Gibbons. Henry James. Book. (N. Y.) May. (51:364.)
Huneker, James Gibbons. Anon. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 12. (19:515.)
Hungarian Short Stories. By Isaac Goldberg. B. E. T. Oct. 8, '19. (pt. 3. p. 4.)
Huxley, Aldous. By Michael Sadleir. Voices. June. (3:235.)
Italian Short Stories. By J. S. Barnes. New Europe. Nov. 27, '19. (13:214.)
Jacobs, W. W. By E. F. Edgett. B. E. T. Oct. 18, '19. (pt. 3. p. 10.)
James, Henry. Anonymous. Nation. (London.) May 8. (27:178.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Apr. 8. (19:217.) Anonymous. Sat. R. June 12. (129:537.) Anonymous. Cont. R. Jul. (118:142.) By John Bailey. London Observer. Apr. 25. By Silas Bent. Mir. June 3. (29: 448.) June 24. (29:510.) By Edwin F. Edgett. B. E. T. Apr. 10. By Maurice Francis Egan. Cath. W. June. (111:289.) By Edmund Gosse. L. Merc. Apr.-May. (1:673:2:29.) Scr. Apr.-May. (67:422, 548.) By Ford Madox Hueffer. Eng. R. Jul.-Aug. (31:5, 107.) Dial. Jul.-Aug. (69:52, 132.) By James G. Huneker. Book. (N. Y.) May. (51:364.) By Philip Littell. N. Rep. June 9. (23:63.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. May 15. (15:162.) By Brander Matthews. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:389.) By Thomas Moult. Eng. R. Aug. (31:183.) By E. S. Nadal. Scr. Jul. (68:89.) By Forrest Reid. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 12. (19:520.) By Gilbert Seldes. Dial. Jul. (69:83.) By J. C. Squire. London Sunday Times. Apr. 18. By Louise R. Sykes. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:240.) By Allan Wade. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 19. (19:537.) By A. B. Walkley. Fortn. R. June. (n. s. 107:864.) London Times. June 16, Sept. 15. By Sidney Waterlow. Ath. Apr. 23. ('20:1:537.) By Edith Wharton. Quart. R. Jul. (234:188.)
Johnson, Alvin. Mark Twain. N. Rep. Jul. 14. (23:201.)
Kayden, Eugene M. Leonid Andreyev. Dial. Nov. 15, '19. (67:425.)
Keller, Gottfried. By Alec W. G. Randall. Cont. R. Nov., '19. (116:532.)
Kipling, Rudyard. Anonymous. Sat. R. Aug. 7. (130:113.) By Richard Le Gallienne. Mun. Nov., '19. (68:238.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. June 5. (15:249.) By Virginia Woolf. Ath. Jul. 16. ('20:2:75.)
Koteliansky, S. Tolstoy and Gorky. Ath. Apr. 30. ('20:1:582.)
Kuprin, Alexander. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Nov. 27, '19. (18:691) By Katherine Mansfield. Ath. Dec. 26, '19. (1399.)
Lappin, Henry A. William Dean Howells. Cath. W. Jul. (111:445.)
Lawrence, D. H. By Louis Untermeyer. N. Rep. Aug. 11. (23:314.)
Le Gallienne, Richard. Rudyard Kipling. Mun. Nov., '19. (68:238.)
Legrand-Chabrier. Maurice Beaubourg. M. de F. 15 aoA"t. (142:5.)
LemaA(R)tre, Jules. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 2. (19:562.) By Maurice Henriet. M. de F. 1 juin. (140:289.)
Littell, Philip. Henry James. N. Rep. June 9. (23:63.)
Locke, W. J. By Helen Enoch. Cont. R. June. (117:855.)
London, Jack. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 12. (19:519.) By Katherine Mansfield. Ath. Aug. 27. ('20:2:272.)
Lovett, Robert Morss. Anton Chekhov. Dial. May. (68:626.) Mark Twain. Dial. Sept. (69:293.)
Lynch, Bohun. Max Beerbohm. L. Merc. June. (2:168.)
Lynd, Robert. Anton Chekhov. London Daily News. Feb. 11. Anton Chekhov. Nation. (London.) Feb. 28. (26:742.) George Meredith. London Daily News. Jan. 30.
Lysaght, S. R. Robert Louis Stevenson. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 4, '19. (18:713.)
MacCarthy, Desmond. Henry James. New S. May 15. (15:162.) Rudyard Kipling. New S. June 5. (15:249.)
"Macleod, Fiona." (William Sharp.) By Ethel Rolt-Wheeler. Fortn. R. Nov., '19. (112:780.)
Mansfield, Katharine. E. M. Forster. Ath. Aug. 13. ('20:2:209.) Alexander Kuprin. Ath. Dec. 26, '19. (1399.) Jack London. Ath. Aug. 27. ('20:2:272.)
Martin, Edward S. William Dean Howells. Harp. M. Jul. (141:265.)
Masefield, John. By Edward Shanks. L. Merc. Sept. (2:578.)
Maseras, Alfons. By Camille Pitollet. M. de F. 15 aoA"t. (142:230.)
Matthews, Brander. Henry James. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:389). Mark Twain. S. E. P. Mar. 6. (14.)
Maxwell, W. B. By E. F. Edgett, B. E. T. Nov. 22, '19. (pt. 3. p. 8.)
Meredith, George. By Robert Lynd. London Daily News. Jan. 30.
MA(C)rimA(C)e, Prosper. By Paul Bourget R. de D. M. 15 sept. (59:257.)
Mille, Pierre. By AndrA(C) Beaunier. R. de D. M. 1 juillet. (6 sA(C)r. 58:191.)
Minchin, H. C. George Eliot. Fortn. R. Dec. '19. (112:896.)
Mirbeau, Octave. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 12. (19:518.)
Mohler, Edward Francis. "O. Henry." Cath. W. Sept. (111:756.)
Morrow, W. C. By Vincent Starrett. Mir. Oct. 30, '19. (28:751.)
Morselli, Ercole Luigi. By Isaac Goldberg. Book. (N. Y.) Jul. (51:557.)
Moult, Thomas. Henry James. Eng. R. Aug. (31:183.)
Murry, J. Middleton. Anton Chekhov. Ath. Mar. 5. ('20:1:299.) Stendhal. Ath. Sept. 17. ('20:2:388.) Oscar Wilde. Ath. Sept. 24. ('20:2:401.)
Nadal, E. S. Henry James. Scr. Jul. (68:89.)
Narsy, Raoul. O. Henry. Liv. Age. Oct. 11, '19. (303:86.)
Naturalism. See Deffoux, LA(C)on, and Zavie, A%mile.
Nervo, Amado. By Isaac Goldberg. Strat. J. Jan.-Mar. (6:3.)
"New Decameron." Anonymous. Sat. R. Aug. 7. (130:113.) By F. W. Stokoe. Ath. Aug. 6. ('20:2:172.)
Nichols, Robert. Anton Chekhov. London Observer. Mar. 7.
Nodier, Charles. By George Saintsbury. Ath. Jan. 16. ('20:1:91.)
O'Brien, Edward J. Best Short Stories of 1919. B. E. T. Nov. 28, '19. (14.)
O'Brien, Fitzjames. By Joseph J. Reilly. Cath. W. Mar. (110:751.)
O'Conor, Norreys Jephson. Lord Dunsany. B. E. T. Oct. 22, '19. (pt. 3. p. 2.)
Olgin, Moissaye J. Leonid Andreyev. N. Rep. Dec. 24, '19. (21:123.)
Page, Thomas Nelson. John Fox. Scr. Dec., '19. (66:674.)
Panzini, Alfredo. By Joseph Collins. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:410.) By Guido de Ruggiero. Ath. Feb. 13. ('20:1:222.)
Papini, Giovanni. By Joseph Collins. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:160.)
Parker, W. M. Thomas Hardy, 19th Cent. Jul. (88:63.)
Parry, Edward A. George Eliot. Fortn. R. Dec., '19. (112:883.)
Phillips, R. Le Clerc. Paul Bourget. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:448.)
Pirandello, Luigi. By Joseph Collins. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:410.)
Pitollet, Camille. Alfons Maseras. M. de F. 15 aoA"t. (142:230.)
Pontoppidan, Henrik. By J. G. Robertson. Cont. R. Mar. (117:374.)
Pound, Ezra. W. H. Hudson. Lit. R. May-June. (13.)
Proust, Marcel. Gustave Flaubert. N. R. F. Jan. (14:72.)
Purcell, Gertrude M. Ellis Parker Butler. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:473.)
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. William Dean Howells. Cen. Sept. (100:674.)
"Rachilde." (Mme. Alfred Vallette.) By Marcel Coulon. M. de F. 15 sept. (142:545.)
Radziwill, Princess Catherine. HonorA(C) de Balzac. Book. (N. Y.) Aug. (51:639.)
Randall, Alec W. G. Gottfried Keller. Cont. R. Nov., '19. (116:532.)
Raynaud, Ernest. Oscar Wilde. La Minerve FranASec.aise. 15 aoA"t.
Read, Opie. By Vincent Starrett. Mir. Nov. 6, '19. (28:769.)
Reeves, Henriette. Algernon Blackwood. Touch. May. (7:147.)
RA(C)gnier, Henri de. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Feb. 19. (19:118.)
Reid, Forrest. Henry James. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 12. (19:520.)
Reilly, Joseph J. FranASec.ois CoppA(C)e. Cath. W. Aug. (111:614.) Fitzjames O'Brien. Cath. W. Mar. (110:751.)
Rhys, Ernest. W. H. Hudson, 19th Cent. Jul. (88:72.)
Roberts, R. Ellis. Joseph Conrad. Book. (London.) Aug. (58:160.)
Robertson, J. G. Henrik Pontoppidan. Cont. R. Mar. (117:374.)
Robinson, Agnes Day. Bret Harte. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:445.)
Rodker, John. W. H. Hudson, Lit. R. May-June. (18.)
Rolt-Wheeler, Ethel. "Fiona Macleod." Fortn. R. Nov., '19. (112:780.).
Rood, Henry. William Dean Howells. L. H. J. Sept. (42.)
Rourke, Constance Mayfield. Zona Gale. N. Rep. Aug. 11. (23:315.)
Ruggiero, Guido de. Alfred Panzini. Ath. Feb. 13. ('20:1:222.)
S., J. W. N. Tolstoy and Gorky. Ath. Jul. 16. ('20:2:77.)
Sadleir, Michael. Aldous Huxley. Voices. June. (3:235.)
Saintsbury, George. Gustave Flaubert. Ath. Oct. 3, '19. (983.) Charles Nodier. Ath. Jan. 16. ('20:1:91.)
Seccombe, Thomas. George Eliot. Cont. R. Dec., '19. (116:660.)
Seldes, Gilbert. Joseph Conrad. Dial. Aug. (69:191.) Lord Dunsany. B. E. T. Oct. 15, '19. (pt. 2. p. 4.) Henry James. Dial. Jul. (69:83.)
Shanks, Edward. John Masefield. L. Merc. Sept. (2:578.) Sharp, William. See "Fiona Macleod."
Singh, Kate Prosunno. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 2. (19:562.)
Smith, Henry J. Georges Duhamel. Chicago Daily News. Dec. 3, '19.
Sokoloff, A. Leonid Andreyev. New S. Nov. 15, '19. (14:190.)
Spanish-American Short Story. See Goldberg, Isaac.
Squire, J. C. Henry James. London Sunday Times. Apr. 18.
Stark, Beverly. A. Conan Doyle. Book. (N. Y.) Jul. (51:579.)
Starrett, Vincent. W. C. Morrow. Mir. Oct. 30, '19. (28:751.) Opie Read. Mir. Nov. 6, '19. (28:769.)
"Stendhal," (Henri Beyle.) By John Middleton Murry. Ath. Sept. 17. ('20:2:388.)
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 4, '19. (18:701.) By Sir Sidney Colvin. Scr. Mar. (67:338.) By S. R. Lysaght. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 4, '19. (18:713.)
Stokoe, F. W. Lord Dunsany. Ath. Aug. 13. ('20:2:202.) "New Decameron." Ath. Aug. 6. ('20:2:172.)
Sykes, Louise R. Henry James. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:240.)
Symons, Arthur. Thomas Hardy. Dial. Jan. (68:66.) Oscar Wilde. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:129.)
Tarkington, Booth. William Dean Howells. Harp. M. Aug. (141:346.)
Tchekhov, Anton. See Chekhov, Anton.
Thibaudet, Albert. Gustave Flaubert. N. R. F. Nov., '19. (13:942.) Jean Giraudoux. N. R. F. Dec., '19. (13:1064.)
Tolstoy, Count Lyof. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jul. 15. (19:453.) Anonymous. New S. Aug. 7. (15:505.) By Maxim Gorky. L. Merc. Jul. (2:304.) By S. Koteliansky. Ath. Apr. 30. ('20:1:587.) By J. W. N. S. Ath. Jul. 16. ('20:2:77.)
Trueblood, Charles K. Anton Chekhov. Dial. Jan. (68:80.) Fyodor Dostoevsky. Dial. June. (68:774.) Edith Wharton. Dial. Jan. (68:80.)
Tuttiett, Mary G. Nathaniel Hawthorne, 19th Cent. Jan. (87:118.)
"Twain, Mark." Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 23. (19:615.) By Van Wyck Brooks. Dial. Mar. (68:275), and Apr. (68:424.) By Floyd Dell. Lib. Aug. (26.) By Alvin Johnson. N. Rep. Jul. 14. (23:201.) By Robert Morss Lovett. Dial. Sept. (69:293.) By Brander Matthews. S. E. P. Mar. 6. (14.)
Untermeyer, Louis. D. H. Lawrence. N. Rep. Aug. 11. (23:314.)
Vallette, Mme. Alfred. See "Rachilde."
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 4, '19. (18:711.)
Wade, Allan. Henry James. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 19. (19:537.)
Walch, J. L. Louis Couperus. Ath. Oct. 31, '19. (1133.)
Waldo, Harold. Old Wests for New. Book. (N. Y.) June. (51:396.)
Walkley, A. B. Henry James. Fortn. R. June. (n. s. 107:864.) Henry James. London Times. June 16 and Sept. 15.
Waterlow, Sydney. Henry James. Ath. Apr. 23. ('20:1:537.)
Wedmore, Sir Frederick. HonorA(C) de Balzac, 19th Cent. Mar. (87:484.)
Wells, H. G. By Ford Madox Hueffer. Eng. R. Jul.-Aug. (31:5, 107.) Dial. Jul.-Aug. (69:52, 132.) Reply by H. G. Wells. Eng. R. Aug. (31:178.)
West, Rebecca. Achmed Abdullah. New S. May 8. (15:137.) Gabriele D'Annunzio. New S. June 5. (15:253.) N. Rep. June 30. (23:155.) Edna Ferber. New S. Apr. 3. (14:771.) E. M. Forster. New S. Aug. 28. (15:576.)
Wharton, Edith. Henry James. Quart. R. Jul. (234:188.)
Wharton, Edith. By Charles K. Trueblood. Dial. Jan. (68:80.)
Whitnah, Joe. Charles Caldwell Dobie. San Francisco Bulletin. Jan. 3.
Wilde, Oscar. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Oct. 30, '19. (18:605.) By J. Middleton Murry. Ath. Sept. 24. ('20:2:401.) By Ernest Raynaud. La Minerve FranASec.aise. 15 aoA"t. By Arthur Symons. Book. (N. Y.) Apr. (51:129.)
Wilkinson, Marguerite. Lord Dunsany. Touch. Dec., '19. (6:111.)
Willcocks, M. P. HonorA(C) de Balzac. Nation. (London.) Mar. 20. (26:864.) and Mar. 27.
Williams, Orlo. "Yellow Book." L. Merc. Sept. (2:567.)
Wilson, Arthur. "New Decameron." Dial. Nov. 1, '19. (67:372.)
Wood, John Seymour. O. Henry. Book. (N. Y.) Jan. (50:474.)
Woolf, Virginia. Rudyard Kipling. Ath. Jul. 16. ('20:2:75.)
"Yellow Book." By Orlo Williams. L. Merc. Sept. (2:567.)
Zola, A%mile. By LA(C)on Deffoux and A%mile Zavie. M. de F. 15 fA(C)v. (138:68.)
I. American Authors
Abdullah A. Abdullah. Honorable Gentleman. Abdullah B. Abdullah. Wings. Andrews B. Andrews. Joy in the Morning. Andreyev C. Andreyev. When the King Loses His Head. Ayala Ayala. Prometheus. Cannan Cannan. Windmills. Cather Cather. Youth and the Bright Medusa. Chekhov D. Chekhov. Bishop. Chekhov E. Chekhov. Chorus Girl. ClA(C)menceau ClA(C)menceau. Surprises of Life. Cobb B. Cobb. Life of the Party. Cobb C. Cobb. From Place to Place. Connolly A. Connolly. Hiker Joy. D'Annunzio D'Annunzio. Tales of My Native Town. Dostoevsky B. Dostoevsky. Honest Thief. Dowson Dowson. Poems and Prose. Dreiser B. Dreiser. Twelve Men. Dwight A. Dwight. Emperor of Elam. Easton Easton. Golden Bird. Edgar Edgar. Miller's Holiday. Evans A. Evans. My Neighbors. Ferber B. Ferber. Half Portions. French B. French. Best Psychic Stories. Galsworthy B. Galsworthy. Tatterdemalion. Hearn Hearn. Fantastics. Henry B. Henry. Waifs and Strays. Hergesheimer B. Hergesheimer. Happy End. Holmes Holmes and Starbuck. War Stories. Howells Howells. Great Modern American Stories. Hrbkova Hrbkova. Czecho-Slovak Stories. Huneker Huneker. Bedouins. Hurst B. Hurst. Humoresque. Huxley Huxley. Limbo. IbAiA-ez Blasco IbAiA-ez. Last Lion. Imrie Imrie. Legends. Jacobs A. Jacobs. Deep Waters. James A. James. Travelling Companions. Jessup A. Jessup. Best American Humorous Stories. Johnson Johnson. Under the Rose. La Motte La Motte. Civilization. Laselle Laselle. Short Stories of the New America. LemaA(R)tre LemaA(R)tre. Serenus. Level Level. Tales of Mystery and Horror. Mackay Mackay. Chill Hours. MacManus A. MacManus. Lo, and Behold Ye! Marshall Marshall. Clintons. Martin Martin. Children in the Mist. Mayran Mayran. Story of Gotton Connixloo. McMichael McMichael. Short Stories from the Spanish. Merrick A. Merrick. Man Who Understood Women. Merrick B. Merrick. While Paris Laughed. Montague A. Montague. Gift. Montague B. Montague. England to America. Montague C. Montague. Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge. Nevinson Nevinson. Workhouse Characters. New Dec. A. New Decameron. Prologue and First Day. O'Brien A. O'Brien. Best Short Stories of 1918. O'Brien B. O'Brien. Best Short Stories of 1919. O'Brien C. O'Brien. Great Modern English Stories. O'Byrne A. O'Byrne. Wrack. O'Higgins A. O'Higgins. From the Life. O'Kelly B. O'Kelly. Golden Barque. Pertwee Pertwee. Old Card. Pinski A. Pinski. Temptations. Post B. Post. Mystery of the Blue Villa. Prize A. O. Henry Memorial Prize Stories. 1919. Reeve Reeve and French. Best Ghost Stories. Rhodes Rhodes. High Life. Robbins Robbins. Silent, White and Beautiful. Robinson Robinson. Eight Short Stories. Russell Russell. Red Mark. Russian A. Modern Russian Classics. (Four Seas Co.) Schweikert B. Schweikert. Russian Short Stories. Smith Smith. Pagan. Spofford A. Spofford. Elder's People. Sudermann Sudermann. Iolanthe's Wedding. Tomlinson Tomlinson. Old Junk. Trevena Trevena. By Violence. Underwood A. Underwood. Short Stories from the Balkans. VernA"de VernA"de. Port Allington Stories. Vaka Vaka and Phoutrides. Modern Greek Stories. Van Dyke A. Van Dyke. Valley of Vision. Vigny Vigny. Military Servitude and Grandeur. Vorse Vorse. Ninth Man. Welles Welles. Anchors Aweigh. Wilson A. Wilson. Ma Pettengill. Wylie Wylie. Holy Fire. Yezierska Yezierska. Hungry Hearts.
Abdullah, Achmed. (Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan El-Durani El-Idrissyeh.) (1881- .) **After His Kind. Abdullah A. 144. ***Cobbler's Wax. Abdullah A. 112. *Disappointment. Abdullah B. 43. *Fear. Abdullah B. 211. ***Hatchetman. Abdullah A. 41. *Himself, to Himself Alone. Abdullah A. 241. ***Honourable Gentleman. Abdullah A. 1. **Khizr. Abdullah B. 183. Krishnavana, Destroyer of Souls. Abdullah B. 115. ***Light. Abdullah B. 231. *Man Who Lost Caste. Abdullah B. 153. *Pell Street Spring Song. Abdullah A. 73. Renunciation. Abdullah B. 103. **Silence. Abdullah B. 163. ***Simple Act of Piety. Abdullah A. 196. O'Brien A. 3. Tartar. Abdullah B. 77. That Haunting Thing. Abdullah B. 135. ***To be Accounted for. Abdullah B. 63. ***Wings. Abdullah B. 1.
Ade, George. (1866- .) ***Effie Whittlesy. Howells. 288.
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. (1836-1907.) ***Mlle. Olympe Zabriski. Howells, 110.
Allen, James Lane. (1849- .) Old Mill on the Elkhorn. Edgar. 133.
Alsop, Gulielma Fell. ***Kitchen Gods. O'Brien B. 3. Prize A. 253.
Ames, Jr., Fisher. *Sergt. Warren Comes Back from France. Laselle 171.
Anderson, Sherwood (1876- .) ***Awakening. O'Brien B. 24.
Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman. (See 1918.) ***Ditch. Andrews B. 1. ***Dundonald's Destroyer. Andrews B. 299. *He That Loseth His Life Shall Find It, Andrews B. 193. **Her Country Too. Andrews B. 37. Only One of Them. Andrews B. 137. Robina's Doll. Andrews B. 283. *Russian. Andrews B. 263. **Silver Stirrup. Andrews B. 241. **Swallow. Andrews B. 85. *V. C. Andrews B. 163.
Babcock, Edwina Stanton. ***Cruelties. O'Brien A. 24 ***Willum's Vanilla. O'Brien B, 34.
Barnes, Djuna. (1892- .) ***Night Among the Horses. O'Brien B. 65.
Bartlett, Frederic Orin. (1876- .) ChActeau-Thierry. Laselle. 199. ***Long, Long Ago. O'Brien B. 74.
Beer, Thomas. (1889- .) *Absent Without Leave. Holmes. 1.
Bierce, Ambrose. (1842-1914.) (See 1918.) ***Damned Thing. Reeve. 160. ***Eyes of the Panther. French B. 95. ***Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. Howells. 237.
Brooks, Alden. **Out of the Sky. Holmes. 17.
Brown, Alice. (1857- .) (See 1918.) ***Told in the Poorhouse. Howells. 225.
Brown, Katharine Holland. ***Buster. O'Brien A. 43.
Brownell, Agnes Mary. ***Dishes. O'Brien B. 82.
Bunner, Henry Cuyler. (1855-1896.) **Nice People. Jessup A. 141.
Burnet, Dana. (1888- .) *Christmas Fight of X 157. Holmes. 39. *"Red, White, and Blue." Holmes. 49.
Burt, Maxwell Struthers. (1882- .) (See 1918.) ***Blood-Red One. O'Brien B. 96.
Butler, Ellis Parker. (1869- .) ***Dey Ain't No Ghosts. Reeve. 177.
"Byrne, Donn." (Bryan Oswald Donn-Byrne.) (1888- .) **Underseaboat F-33. Holmes. 61.
Cabell, James Branch. (1879- .) **Porcelain Cups. Prize A. 210. ***Wedding-Jest. O'Brien B. 108.
Cable, George Washington. (1844- .) ***Jean-Ah Poquelin. Howells. 390.
Canfield, Dorothy. (Dorothy Canfield Fisher.) (1879- .) (See 1918.) ***Little Kansas Leaven. Laselle 1.
Cather, Willa Sibert. (1875- .) ***Coming, Aphrodite! Cather. 11. ***"Death in the Desert." Cather. 273. ***Diamond Mine. Cather. 79. **Gold Slipper. Cather. 140. ***Paul's Case. Cather. 199. **Scandal. Cather. 169. ***Sculptor's Funeral. Cather. 248. ***Wagner MatinA(C)e. Cather. 235.
Chester, George Randolph. (1869- .) Bargain Day at Tutt House. Jessup A. 213.
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. See "Twain, Mark."
Cobb, Irvin Shrewsbury. (1876- .) (See 1918.) ***Boys Will Be Boys. Cobb C. 96. *Bull Called Emily. Cobb C. 382. ***Gallowsmith. Cobb C. 11. Hoodwinked. Cobb C. 332. John J. Coincidence. Cobb C. 259. **Life of the Party. Cobb B. 11. **Luck Piece. Cobb C. 156. ***Quality Folks. Cobb C. 206. *Thunders of Silence. Cobb C. 55. *When August the Second Was April the First. Cobb C. 302.
Connolly, James Brendan. (1868- .) *Aboard the Horse-Boat. Connolly A. 53. *Flying Sailor. Connolly A. 132. *Good-bye the Horse-Boat. Connolly A. 105. *Jack o' Lanterns. Connolly A. 6. *London Lights. Connolly A. 214. *Lumber Schooner. Connolly A. 27. *North Sea Men. Connolly A. 187. *Undersea Men. Connolly A. 79. *Wimmin 'n' Girls. Connolly A. 159.
Cook, Mrs. George Cram. See Glaspell, Susan.
Cooke, Grace MacGowan. (1863- .) *Call. Jessup A. 237.
Coolidge, Grace. **Indian of the Reservation. Laselle. 109.
Curtis, George William. (1824-1892.) **Titbottom's Spectacles. Jessup A. 52.
Dashiell, Landon R. ***Aunt Sanna Terry. Howells. 352.
Derieux, Samuel Arthur. (1881- .) *Trial in Tom Belcher's Store. Prize A. 192.
Dobie, Charles Caldwell. (1881- .) (See 1918.) ***Open Window. O'Brien A. 61.
Dreiser, Theodore. (1871- .) (See 1918.) ***Country Doctor. Dreiser B. 110. ***Culhane, the Solid Man. Dreiser B. 134. ***De Maupassant, Jr. Dreiser B. 206. ***Doer of the Word. Dreiser B. 53. ***Lost Phoebe. Howells. 295. ***Mayor and His People. Dreiser B. 320. ***Mighty Rourke. Dreiser B. 287. ***My Brother Paul. Dreiser B. 76. ***Peter. Dreiser B. 18. ***True Patriarch. Dreiser B. 187. ***Vanity, Vanity. Dreiser B. 263. ***Village Feudists. Dreiser B. 239. ***W. L. S. Dreiser B. 344.
Dwight, Harry Griswold. (1875- .) (See 1918.) ***Bald Spot. Dwight A. 290. **Bathers. Dwight A. 151. ***Behind the Door. Dwight A. 266. ***Emperor of Elam. Dwight A. 306. ***Henrietta Stackpole Radiviva. Dwight A. 32. ***Like Michael. Dwight A. 3. **Mrs. Derwall and the Higher Life. Dwight A. 131. ***Pagan. Dwight A. 52. **Retarded Bombs. Dwight A. 172. ***Studio Smoke. Dwight A. 252. ***Susannah and the Elder. Dwight A. 191. ***Unto the Day. Dwight A. 108. ***White Bombazine. Dwight A. 82.
Dwight, Harry Griswold. (1875- .) (See 1918) and Taylor, John R. M. ***Emerald of Tamerlane. Dwight A. 221.
Dwyer, James Francis. (1874- .) ***Citizen. Laselle. 85. *Little Man in the Smoker. Holmes. 79.
Dyke, Henry Van. See Van Dyke, Henry.
Edwards, George Wharton. (1859- .) **Clavecin-Bruges. French B. 54.
Edwards, Harry Stillwell. (1855- .) **Elder Brown's Backslide. Jessup A. 109.
Emery, Gilbert. "Squads Right." Holmes. 86.
Empey, Arthur Guy. (1883- .) *Coward. Laselle. 181.
Ferber, Edna. (1887- .) April 25th, As Usual. Ferber B. 36. Price A. 274. *Dancing Girls. Ferber B. 280. *Farmer in the Dell. Ferber B. 239. *Long Distance. Ferber B. 148. ***Maternal Feminine. Ferber B. 3. **Old Lady Mandle. Ferber B. 76. One Hundred Per Cent. Ferber B. 201. Holmes. 95. *Un Morso Doo Pang. Ferber B. 157. ***You've Got To Be Selfish. Ferber B. 113.
Fish, Horace. (1885- .) ***Wrists on the Door. O'Brien B. 123.
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield. See Canfield, Dorothy.
Freedley, Mary Mitchell. (1894- .) ***Blind Vision. Holmes. 119. O'Brien A. 85.
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins. (1862- .) (See 1918.) ***Revolt of Mother. Howells. 207.
French, Alice. See "Thanet, Octave."
Fuller, Henry Blake. (1857- .) ***Striking an Average. Howells. 267.
Garland, Hamlin. (1860- .) (See 1918.) *Graceless Husband. Edgar. 142. ***Return of a Private. Howells. 248.
Gerould, Gordon Hall. (1877- .) ***Imagination. O'Brien A. 92.
Gerry, Margarita Spalding. (1870- .) *Flag Factory. Holmes. 126.
Gilbert, George. (1874- .) ***In Maulmain Fever-Ward. O'Brien A. 109.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson. (1860- .) ***Yellow Wall Paper. Howells. 320.
Glaspell, Susan (Keating). (Mrs. George Cram Cook.) (1882- .) ***"Government Goat." O'Brien B. 147.
Goodman, Henry. (1893- .) ***Stone. O'Brien B. 167.
Haines, Donal Hamilton. (1886- .) *Bill. Holmes. 136.
Hale, Edward Everett. (1822-1909.) *First Grain Market. Edgar. 181. ***My Double; and How He Undid Me. Howells. 3. Jessup A. 75.
Hallet, Richard Matthews. (1887- .) ***To the Bitter End. O'Brien B. 178.
Harris, Joel Chandler. (1848-1908.) (See 1918.) ***Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and the Tar Baby. Howells. 413.
Harte, Francis Bret. (1839-1902.) (See 1918.) ***Colonel Starbottle for the Plaintiff. Jessup A. 170. ***Outcasts of Poker Flat. Howells. 143.
Hastings, Wells. (1878- .) *Gideon. Jessup A. 260.
Hearn, Lafcadio. (1850-1904.) ***All in White. Hearn. 29. ***Aphrodite and the King's Prisoner. Hearn. 102. ***Bird and the Girl. Hearn. 150. ***Black Cupid. Hearn. 71. ***Devil's Carbuncle. Hearn. 40. ***El Vomito. Hearn. 136. ***Fountain of Gold. Hearn. 110. ***Ghostly Kiss. Hearn. 66. ***Gipsy's Story. Hearn. 174. ***Hiouen-thsang. Hearn. 211. ***Idyl of a French Snuff-Box. Hearn. 143. ***Kiss Fantastical. Hearn. 152. ***Little Red Kitten. Hearn. 33. ***Name on the Stone. Hearn. 98. ***One Pill-Box. Hearn. 183. ***Post-Office. Hearn. 227. ***Vision of the Dead Creole. Hearn. 92.
"Henry, O." (William Sydney Porter.) (1867-1910.) (See 1918.) ***Cactus. Henry B. 76. *Church with an Overshot Wheel. Edgar. 1. Confessions of a Humourist. Henry B. 52. Detective Detector. Henry B. 82. *Dog and the Playlet. Henry B. 90. ***Duplicity of Hargraves. Jessup A. 199. Hearts and Hands. Henry B. 72. Little Talk About Mobs. Henry B. 97. *Out of Nazareth. Henry B. 32. ***Red Roses of Tonia. Henry B. 3. **Round the Circle. Henry B. 17. *Rubber Plant's Story. Henry B. 25. *Sparrows in Madison Square. Henry B. 66.
"Henry, O." (William Sydney Porter) (1867-1910), and Lyon, Harris Merton. (1881-1916.) *Snow Man. Henry B. 102.
Hergesheimer, Joseph. (1880- .) (See 1918.) *Bread. Hergesheimer B. 193. *Egyptian Chariot. Hergesheimer B. 55. Flower of Spain. Hergesheimer B. 93. **Lonely Valleys. Hergesheimer B. 11. ***Meeker Ritual. O'Brien B. 200. *Rosemary Roselle. Hergesheimer B. 231. **Thrush in the Hedge. Hergesheimer B. 283. **Tol'able David. Hergesheimer B. 155.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell. (1809-1894.) *Visit to the Asylum for Aged and Decayed Punsters. Jessup A. 94.
Humphrey, George. (1889- .) ***Father's Hand. O'Brien A. 125.
Huneker, James Gibbons. (1860- .) **Brothers-in-Law. Huneker. 201. **Cardinal's Fiddle. Huneker. 247. **Grindstones. Huneker. 216. Renunciation. Huneker. 256. *Supreme Sin. Huneker. 177. Venus or Valkyr? Huneker. 225. *Vision Malefic. Huneker. 261.
Hurst, Fannie. (1889- .) (See 1918.) **Boob Spelled Backward. Hurst B. 220. **Even as You and I. Hurst B. 262. *"Heads." Hurst B. 170. ***Humoresque. Hurst B. 1. Prize A. 148. **Oats for the Woman. Hurst B. 45. **Petal on the Current. Hurst B. 85. **White Goods. Hurst B. 126. *Wrong Pew. Hurst B. 300.
Imrie, Walter McLaren. ***Daybreak. Imrie. 7. **Dead Men's Teeth. Imrie. 29. ***Remembrance. Imrie. 41. **Storm. Imrie. 15.
Ingersoll, Will E. ***Centenarian. O'Brien B. 225.
James, Henry. (1843-1916.) ***Adina. James A. 223. ***At Isella. James A. 125. ***De Grey: a Romance. James A. 269. ***Guest's Confession. James A. 157. *** Passionate Pilgrim. Howells. 43. ***Professor Fargo. James A. 87. ***Sweetheart of M. Briseux. James A. 53. ***Travelling Companions. James A. 1.
Jewett, Sarah Orne. (1849-1909.) ***Courting of Sister Wisby. Howells. 190.
Johnson, Arthur. (1881- .) ***His New Mortal Coil. Johnson 270. How the Ship Came In. Johnson. 303. ***Little Family. Johnson. 237. ***Mr. Eberdeen's House. Johnson. 138. **One Hundred Eightieth Meridian. Johnson. 115. ***Princess of Tork. Johnson. 1. ***Riders in the Dark. Johnson. 54. *Two Lovers. Johnson. 183. ***Visit of the Master. Johnson. 203. O'Brien A. 131.
Johnston, Calvin. ***Messengers. O'Brien B. 237.
Johnston, Richard Malcolm. (1822-1898.) *Hotel Experience of Mr. Pink Fluker. Jessup A. 128.
Jones, Howard Mumford. ***Mrs. Drainger's Veil. O'Brien B. 269.
Kirkland, Caroline Matilda Stansbury. (1801-1864.) Schoolmaster's Progress. Jessup A. 18.
Kline, Burton. (1877- .) ***In the Open Code. O'Brien A. 149.
Kompert, Leopold. ***Silent Woman. Reeve. 60.
La Motte, Ellen Newbold. (1873- .) **Canterbury Chimes. La Motte. 177. *Civilization. La Motte. 93. ***Cosmic Justice. La Motte. 247. *Homesick. La Motte. 65. **Misunderstanding. La Motte 121. ***On the Heights. La Motte. 33 ***Prisoners. La Motte. 141. ***Under a Wineglass. O'Brien B. 297. La Motte. 217. **Yellow Streak. La Motte. 11.
Lampton, William James. ( -1917.) **How the Widow Won the Deacon. Jessup A. 252.
Leslie, Eliza. (1787-1858.) Watkinson Evening. Jessup A. 34.
Lewars, Elsie Singmaster. See Singmaster, Elsie.
Lewis, Sinclair. (1885- .) ***Willow Walk. O'Brien A. 154.
Lieberman, Elias. (1883- .) ***Thing of Beauty. O'Brien B. 305.
London, Jack. (1876-1916.) (See 1918.) *When the World Was Young. French B. 1.
Lummis, Charles Fletcher. (1859- .) *Blue-Corn Witch. Edgar. 120. *Swearing Enchiladas. Edgar. 156.
Lyon, Harris Merton. See "Henry, O.", and Lyon, Harris Merton.
Mackay, Helen. (1876- .) **At the End. Mackay. 3. **Cauldron. Mackay. 95. **Footsteps. Mackay. 178. ***"He Cost Us So Much." Mackay. 154. **"Here Are the Shadows!" Mackay. 160. **"I Take Pen in Hand." Mackay. 172. **Little Cousins of No. 12. Mackay. 148. **Madame Anna. Mackay. 143. *Moment. Mackay. 188. **9 and the 10. Mackay. 184. **Odette in Pink Taffeta. Mackay. 20. ***One or Another. Mackay. 72. ***Second Hay. Mackay. 49. *She Who Would Not Eat Soup. Mackay. 164. *Their Places. Mackay. 35. **Vow. Mackay. 168.
MacManus, Seumas. (1870- .) ***Bodach and the Boy. MacManus A. 51. ***Dark Patrick's Blood-horse. MacManus A. 32. ***Day of the Scholars. MacManus A. 117. ***Donal O'Donnell's Standing Army. MacManus A. 131. ***Far Adventures of Billy Burns. MacManus A. 71. ***Jack and the Lord High Mayor. MacManus A. 215. **King's Curing. MacManus A. 163. ***Long Cromachy of the Crows. MacManus A. 196. **Lord Thorny's Eldest Son. MacManus A. 180. ***Mad Man, the Dead Man, and the Devil. MacManus A. 1. *Man Who Would Dream. MacManus A. 99. **Parvarted Bachelor. MacManus A. 150. ***Quare Birds. MacManus A. 240. ***Queen's Conquest. MacManus A. 16. ***Resurrection of Dinny Muldoon. MacManus A. 263. ***Son of Strength. MacManus A. 248. **Tinker of Tamlacht. MacManus A. 84.
Marshall, Edison. (1894- .) **Elephant Remembers. Prize A. 78.
Martin, George Madden. (1866- .) *Blue Handkerchief. Martin. 71. *Fire from Heaven. Martin. 223. *Flight. Martin. 1. *Inskip Niggah. Martin. 120. *Malviney. Martin. 252. *Pom. Martin. 160. *Sixty Years After. Martin. 276. *Sleeping Sickness. Martin. 200.
Matthews, James Brander. (1852- .) **Rival Ghosts. Reeve. 141.
Montague, Margaret Prescott. (1878- .) (See 1918.) ***England to America. Prize A. 3. Montague B. 3. **Gift. Montague A. 3. ***Uncle Sam of Freedom Ridge. Montague C. 3.
Morris, George Pope. (1802-1864.) Little Frenchman and His Water Lots. Jessup A. 1.
Morris, Gouverneur. (1876- .) Behind the Door. Holmes. 145. ***Unsent Letter. Holmes. 155.
Mosley, Katherine Prescott. ***Story Vinton Heard at Mallorie. O'Brien A. 191.
O'Brien, Mary Heaton Vorse. See Vorse, Mary Heaton.
O'Higgins, Harvey Jerrold. (1876- .) **Benjamin McNeil Murdock. O'Higgins A. 129. **Conrad Norman. O'Higgins A. 171. **District Attorney Wickson. O'Higgins A. 305. **Hon. Benjamin P. Divins. O'Higgins A. 245. **Jane Shore. O'Higgins A. 45. ***Owen Carey. O'Higgins A. 3. **Sir Watson Tyler. O'Higgins A. 269. ***Thomas Wales Warren. O'Higgins A. 89. ***W.T. O'Higgins A. 217.
Osborne, William Hamilton. (1873- .) Infamous Inoculation. Holmes. 166.
O'Sullivan, Vincent. (1872- .) ***Interval. Reeve. 170.
Payne, Will. (1855- .) ***His Escape. Holmes. 196.
Pelley, William Dudley. ***Toast to Forty-Five. O'Brien A. 200.
Pier, Arthur Stanwood. (1874- .) Night Attack. Laselle. 119.
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849.) (See 1918.) *Angel of the Odd. Jessup A. 7. ***Ligeia. French B. 61.
Pope, Laura Spencer Portor. See Portor, Laura Spencer.
Porter, William Sydney. See "Henry, O."
Portor, Laura Spencer. (Mrs. Francis Pope.) (See 1918.) ***Boy's Mother. Holmes. 217.
Post, Melville Davisson. (1871- .) (See 1918.) Ally. Post B. 243. ***Baron Starkheim. Post B. 333. **Behind the Stars. Post B. 361. **Five Thousand Dollars Reward. Prize A. 120. *Girl in the Villa. Post B. 217. *Girl from Galacia. Post B. 117. **Great Legend. Post B. 55. Laughter of Allah. Post B. 79. **Lord Winton's Adventure. Post B. 265. *Miller of Ostend. Post B. 199. ***Mystery at the Blue Villa. Post B. 3. ***New Administration. Post B. 29. *Pacifist. Post B. 137. ***Sleuth of the Stars. Post B. 157. **Stolen Life. Post B. 99. **Sunburned Lady. Post B. 311. **Wage-Earners. Post B. 291. *Witch of the Lecca. Post B. 179.
Pulver, Mary Brecht. (1883- .) ***Path of Glory. Laselle. 133.
Putnam, George Palmer. (1887- .) ***Sixth Man. Holmes. 233.
Pyle, Howard. (1853-1911.) **Blueskin, the Pirate. Edgar. 71. **Captain Scarfield. Edgar. 14.
Ravenel, Beatrice Witte. (1870- .) ***High Cost of Conscience. Prize A. 228.
Rhodes, Harrison (Garfield). (1871- .) ***Extra Men. O'Brien A. 223. *Fair Daughter of a Fairer Mother. Rhodes. 143. Importance of Being Mrs. Cooper. Rhodes. 171. **Little Miracle at Tlemcar. Rhodes. 115. **Sad Case of Quag. Rhodes. 189. ***Spring-time. Rhodes. 213. **Vive l'AmA(C)rique! Rhodes. 233.
Rice, Louise. ***Lubbeny Kiss. Prize A. 180.
Rickford, Katherine. ***Joseph. French B. 41.
Robbins, Tod. *For Art's Sake. Robbins. 109. *Silent, White, and Beautiful. Robbins. 1. ***Who Wants a Green Bottle? Robbins. 30. **Wild Wullie, the Waster. Robbins. 71.
Russell, John. (1885- .) ***Adversary. Russell. 182. **Amok. Russell. 374. *Doubloon Gold. Russell. 59. *East of Eastward. Russell. 301. **Fourth Man. Russell. 327. Jetsam. Russell. 273. *Lost God. Russell. 219. **Meaning—Chase Yourself. Russell. 251. *Passion-Vine. Russell. 144. **Practicing of Christopher. Russell. 114. *Price of the Head. Russell. 356. Red Mark. Russell. 9. **Slanted Beam. Russell. 201. *Wicks of Macassar. Russell. 97.
Singmaster, Elsie. (Elsie Singmaster Lewars.) (1879- .) (See 1918.) ***Survivors. Laselle. 43.
Smith, Gordon Arthur. (1886- .) **Bottom of the Cup. Smith. 67. **City of Lights. Smith. 38. ***End of the Road. Smith. 138. *Every Move. Smith. 249. ***Feet of Gold. Smith. 100. ***Jeanne, The Maid. Smith. 218. Letitia. Smith. 283. **Pagan. Smith. 3. ***Return. Smith. 345. *Tropic Madness. Smith. 177. *Young Man's Fancy. Smith. 315.
Sneddon, Robert W. (1880- .) *Son of Belgium. Holmes. 262.
Spofford, Harriet Prescott. (1835- .) **Blessing Called Peace. Spofford A. 179. **Change of Heart. Spofford A. 27.
Spofford, Harriet Prescott (con.) ***Circumstance. Howells. 22. **Deacon's Whistle. Spofford A. 1. *Father James. Spofford A. 197. **Impossible Choice. Spofford A. 227. **John-a-Dreams. Spofford A. 101. ***Life in a Night. Spofford A. 293. *Miss Mahala and Johnny. Spofford A. 311. **Miss Mahala's Miracle. Spofford A. 125. **Miss Mahala's Will. Spofford A. 273. ***Old Fiddler. Spofford A. 147. **Rural Telephone. Spofford A. 55. **Step-Father. Spofford A. 77. ***Village Dressmaker. Spofford A. 243.
Springer, Fleta Campbell. (1886- .) ***Solitaire. O'Brien A. 232.
Springer, Thomas Grant. *Blood of the Dragon. Prize A. 135.
Steele, Wilbur Daniel. (1886- .) (See 1918.) ***Dark Hour. O'Brien A. 258. ***"For They Know Not What They Do." Prize A. 21.
Stetson, Charlotte Perkins. See Gilman, Charlotte Perkins Stetson.
Stockton, Frank Richard. (1834-1902.) ***Buller-Podington Compact. Jessup A. 151. ***Christmas Wreck. Howells. 155. Edgar. 203.
Street, Julian (Leonard). (1879- .) ***Bird of Serbia. O'Brien A. 268.
Sullivan, Francis William. (1887- .) Godson of Jeannette Gontreau. Holmes. 243.
Tarkington, (Newton) Booth. (1869- .) *Captain Schlotterwerz. Holmes. 276.
Terhune, Albert Payson. (1872- .) *On Strike. Price A. 56. Wildcat. Laselle. 55.
"Thanet, Octave." (Alice French.) (1850- .) ***Labor Question at Glasscock's. Edgar. 171. Miller's Seal. Edgar. 104. Wild Western Way. Edgar. 35. 35.
Tracy, Virginia. (1875- .) ***Lotus Eaters. Howells. 361.
"Twain, Mark." (Samuel Langhorne Clemens.) (1835-1910.) ***Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Howells. 36. Jessup A. 102.
Van Dyke, Henry. (1852- .) *Antwerp Road. Van Dyke A. 15. *Boy of Nazareth Dreams. Van Dyke A. 257. **Broken Soldier and the Maid of France. Van Dyke A. 87. City of Refuge. Van Dyke A. 21. Hearing Ear. Van Dyke A. 137. *Hero and Tin Soldiers. Van Dyke A. 231. Primitive and His Sandals. Van Dyke A. 216. **Remembered Dream. Van Dyke A. 1. *Salvage Point. Van Dyke A. 237. *Sanctuary of Trees. Van Dyke A. 37.
Venable, Edward Carrington (1884- .) ***At Isham's. O'Brien A. 293.
Vorse, Mary (Marvin) Heaton. (Mary Heaton Vorse O'Brien.) ***De Vilmarte's Luck. O'Brien A. 305. ***Ninth Man. Vorse. 1. ***Other Room. O'Brien B. 312.
Welles, Harriet, Ogden Deen. **Admiral's Birthday. Welles. 33. **Admiral's Hollyhocks. Welles. 128. *Anchors Aweigh. Welles. 98. **Between the Treaty Ports. Welles. 47. *Day. Welles. 165. **Duty First. Welles. 105. *Flags. Welles. 251. **Guam—and Effie. Welles. 214. *Holding Mast. Welles. 186. *In the Day's Work. Welles. 1. ***Orders. Welles. 79. **Wall. Welles. 197.
Weston, George (T.). (1880- .) **Feminine Touch. Holmes. 299.
Wharton, Edith. (1862- .) ***Mission of Jane. Howells. 170.
Wilkins, Mary E. See Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins.
Williams, Ben Ames. (1889- .) **They Grind Exceeding Small. Prize A. 42.
Wilson, Harry Leon. (1866- .) *As to Herman Wagner. Wilson A. 281. *Can Happen! Wilson A. 234. *Change of Venus. Wilson A. 209. *Curls. Wilson A. 303. Love Story. Wilson A. 38. *Ma Pettengill and the Animal Kingdom. Wilson A. 3. *One Arrowhead Day. Wilson A. 145. *Porch Wren. Wilson A. 178. *Red-Gap and the Big-League Stuff. Wilson A. 76. *Taker-Up. Wilson A. 259. *Vendetta. Wilson A. 109.
Wood, Frances Gilchrist. ***Turkey Red. Prize A. 105. ***White Battalion. O'Brien A. 325.
Wyatt, Edith Franklin. (1873- .) (See 1918.) ***Failure. Howells. 312.
Wynne, Madelene Yale. (1847-1913.) ***Little Room. Howells. 338.
Yezierska, Anzia. (1886- .) ***"Fat of the Land." Yezierska. 178. O'Brien B. 326. *Free Vacation House. Yezierska. 97. **How I Found America. Yezierska. 250. ***Hunger. Yezierska. 35. **Lost "Beautifulness." Yezierska. 65. ***Miracle. Yezierska. 114. ***My Own People. Yezierska. 224. **Soap and Water. Yezierska. 163. **Where Lovers Dream. Yezierska. 142. **Wings. Yezierska. 1.
II. English and Irish Authors
Barr, Robert. (1850-1912.) *Dorothy of the Mill. Edgar. 53. *Mill on the Kop. Edgar. 188.
Barrie, Sir James Matthew.(1860- .) (See 1918.) ***How Gavin Birse Put It to Mag Lownie. O'Brien C. 111.
Bax, Arnold. See "O'Byrne, Dermot."
Benson, Edward Frederic. (1867- .) ***Man Who Went Too Far. Reeve. 85.
Beresford, John Davys. (1873- .) ***Lost Suburb. O'Brien C. 309.
Blackwell, Basil. History of Joseph Binns. New Dec. A. 169.
Blackwood, Algernon. (1869- .) ***Man Who Played Upon the Leaf. O'Brien C. 176. ***Return. French B. 24. ***Second Generation. French B. 31. ***Woman's Ghost Story. Reeve. 108.
Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Edward George. (1803-1873.) (See 1918.) ***Haunted and the Haunters. Reeve. 31.
Burke, Thomas. (1887- .) ***Chink and the Child. O'Brien C. 250.
Cannan, Gilbert. (1884- .) ***Birth. O'Brien C. 346. ***Gynecologia. Cannan. 107. ***Out of Work. Cannan. 159. ***Samways Island. Cannan. 1. ***Ultimus. Cannan. 49.
Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller. See Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas.
Cunninghame Graham, Robert Bontine. (1852- .) ***Fourth Magus. O'Brien C. 214.
Defoe, Daniel. (1659-1731.) (See 1918.) ***Apparition of Mrs. Veal. Reeve. 3.
De SA(C)lincourt, Hugh. See SA(C)lincourt, Hugh de.
Dowson, Ernest. (1867-1900.) ***Case of Conscience. Dowson. 150. ***Diary of a Successful Man. Dowson. 133. ***Dying of Francis Donne. O'Brien C. 64. ***Orchestral Violin. Dowson. 165. ***Souvenirs of an Egoist. Dowson. 187. *** Statute of Limitations. Dowson. 210.
Easton, Dorothy. **Adversity. Easton. 117. *Arbor VitA . Easton. 141. *Benefactors. Easton. 137. **Box of Chocolates. Easton. 92. *Corner Stone. Easton. 130. ***Day in the Country. Easton. 209. ***For the Red Cross. Easton. 38. ***Frog's Hole. Easton. 30. **Genteel. Easton. 69. ***Golden Bird. Easton. 11. ***Heart-Breaker. Easton. 56. **Heartless. Easton. 200. **Impossible. Easton. 19. **It Is Forbidden to Touch the Flowers. Easton. 191. **Laughing Down. Easton. 26. **Madame Pottirand. Easton. 254. *Miss Audrey. Easton. 185. **Old Indian. Easton. 156. **Our Men. Easton. 172. ***Shepherd. Easton. 123. *Spring Evening. Easton. 77. **Steam Mill. Easton. 48. ***Transformation. Easton. 52. ***Twilight. Easton. 83. **Unfortunate. Easton. 228.
"Egerton, George." (Mary Chavelita Golding Bright.) ***Empty Frame. O'Brien C. 88.
Evans, Caradoc. ***According to the Pattern. Evans A. 31. ***Earthbred. Evans A. 81. ***For Better. Evans A. 99. ***Greater Than Love. O'Brien C. 340. ***Joseph's House. Evans A. 155. ***Like Brothers. Evans A. 173. ***Lost Treasure. Evans A. 215. ***Love and Hate. Evans A. 11. ***Profit and Glory. Evans A. 231. **Saint David and the Prophets. Evans A. 131. ***Treasure and Trouble. Evans A. 117. **Two Apostles. Evans A. 59. ***Unanswered Prayers. Evans A. 199. ***Widow Woman. Evans A. 187.
Galsworthy, John. (1867- .) (See 1918.) ***Bright Side. Galsworthy B. 75. *Buttercup Night. Galsworthy B. 295. ***"Cafard." Galsworthy B. 105. ***Defeat. Galsworthy B. 27. *"Dog It Was That Died." Galsworthy B. 147. **Expectations. Galsworthy B. 227. ***Flotsam and Jetsam. Galsworthy B. 51. ***Grey Angel. Galsworthy B. 3. *In Heaven and Earth. Galsworthy B. 169. **Manna. Galsworthy B. 239. Mother Stone. Galsworthy B. 173. **Muffled Ship. Galsworthy B. 187. ***Nightmare Child. Galsworthy B. 283. *Peace Meeting. Galsworthy B. 137. *Poirot and Bidan. Galsworthy B. 179. *Recorded. Galsworthy B. 117. ***Recruit. Galsworthy B. 125. ***Spindleberries. Galsworthy B. 209. ***Strange Thing. Galsworthy B. 255. ***Two Looks. Galsworthy B. 271.
Graham, R. B. Cunninghame. See Cunninghame Graham, Robert Bontine.
Grant-Watson, E. L. ***Man and Brute. O'Brien C. 296.
Hardy, Thomas. (1840- .) (See 1918.) ***Three Strangers. O'Brien. C. 1.
Harvey, William F. **Beast with Five Fingers. New Dec. A. 29.
Henham, Ernest G. See "Trevena, John."
Hewlett, Maurice (Henry). (1861- .) ***Quattrocentisteria. O'Brien C. 126.
Hudson, W. H. ***Old Thorn. O'Brien C. 196.
Huxley, Aldous. ***Bookshop. Huxley. 259. ***Cynthia. Huxley. 245. ***Death of Lully. Huxley. 269. **Eupompus Gave Splendour to Art by Numbers. Huxley. 192. ***Farcical History of Richard Greenow. Huxley. 1. **Happily Ever After. Huxley. 116.
Jacobs, William Wymark. (1868- .) (See 1918.) Bedridden. Jacobs A. 98. *Convert. Jacobs A. 112. **Dirty Work. Jacobs A. 262. *Family Cares. Jacobs A. 171. *Husbandry. Jacobs A. 140. *Made to Measure. Jacobs A. 51. **Paying Off. Jacobs A. 29. **Sam's Ghost. Jacobs A. 75. *Shareholders. Jacobs A. 1. *Striking Hard. Jacobs A. 234. *Substitute. Jacobs A. 207. Winter Offensive. Jacobs A. 199.
James, Montague Rhodes. (1862- .) (See 1918.) ***Canon Alberic's Scrap-Book. Reeve. 18.
Jameson, M. Storm-. See Storm-Jameson, M.
Kipling, Rudyard. (1865- .) (See 1918.) ***Phantom Rickshaw. Reeve. 118. ***Three Musketeers. O'Brien C. 93. ***Wee Willie Winkie. O'Brien C. 99.
Lawrence, David Herbert. (1885- .) ***Sick Collier. O'Brien C. 332.
Lytton, Lord. George Bulwer-. See Bulwer-Lytton, Lord Edward George.
"Macleod, Fiona." (William Sharp.) (1856-1905.) (See 1918.) **Fisher of Men. O'Brien C. 117. ***Sin-Eater. French B. 126.
Marshall, Archibald. (1866- .) *Audacious Ann. Marshall. 191. *Bookkeeper. Marshall. 303. *Builder. Marshall. 155. *"In that State of Life." Marshall. 95. *Kencote. Marshall. 3. *Little Squire. Marshall. 175. *Son of Service. Marshall. 63. *Squire and the War. Marshall. 327. *Terrors. Marshall. 41.
Merrick, Leonard. (1864- .) **Antenuptial. Merrick B. 274. **Antiques and Amoretti. Merrick B. 228. ***"At Home, Beloved, At Home." Merrick B. 29. **Back of Bohemia. Merrick A. 293. **Banquets of Kiki. Merrick B. 150. *Bishop's Comedy. Merrick A. 344. **Call from the Past. Merrick A. 383. *Child in the Garden. Merrick A. 160. ***Dead Violets. Merrick A. 239. *Favourite Plot. Merrick A. 259. **Frankenstein II. Merrick A. 50. ***Lady of Lyons. Merrick A. 313. ***Laurels and the Lady. Merrick A. 81. ***Letter to the Duchess. Merrick A. 180. ***Man Who Understood Women. Merrick A. 1. ***Meeting in the GalA(C)ries Lafayette. Merrick B. 78. ***Monsieur Blotto and the Lions. Merrick B. 54. ***"On Est Mieux Ici qu'en Face." Merrick B. 11. **Piece of Sugar. Merrick B. 127. **Poet Grows Practical. Merrick B. 173. ***Prince in the Fairy Tale. Merrick A. 200. *Reconciliation. Merrick A. 368. **Reformed Character. Merrick B. 205. *Reverie. Merrick A. 364. **Tale That Wouldn't Do. Merrick A. 68. *Third M. Merrick A. 326. *Time the Humorist. Merrick A. 277. ***Very Good Thing For the Girl. Merrick A. 18. **Waiting for Henriette. Merrick B. 251. *With Intent to Defraud. Merrick A. 224. **Woman in the Book. Merrick B. 102. ***Woman Who Wished to Die. Merrick A. 35.
Middleton, Richard. (1882-1911.) ***Ghost Ship. O'Brien C. 225.
Nevinson, Henry Woodd. (1852- .) ***Fire of Prometheus. O'Brien C. 157.
Nevinson, Margaret Wynne. *Alien. Nevinson. 130. "And, Behold the Babe Wept." Nevinson. 47. *Blind and Deaf. Nevinson. 39. Daughter of the State. Nevinson. 80. *Detained by Marital Authority. Nevinson. 21. *Eunice Smith—Drunk. Nevinson. 13. "Girl! God Help Her!" Nevinson. 145. *In the Lunatic Asylum. Nevinson. 118. *In the Phthisis Ward. Nevinson. 80. **Irish Catholic. Nevinson. 91. *"Mary, Mary, Pity Women!" Nevinson. 53. *Mothers. Nevinson. 104. **Obscure Conversationist. Nevinson. 97. *Old Inky. Nevinson. 75. *Publicans and Harlots. Nevinson. 68. *Runaway. Nevinson. 138. *Suicide. Nevinson. 61. **Sweep's Legacy. Nevinson. 126. "Too Old at Forty." Nevinson. 115. ***Vow. Nevinson. 33. *Welsh Sailor. Nevinson. 27. *"Widows Indeed!" Nevinson. 134. *"Your Son's Your Son." Nevinson. 110.
Nightingale, M. T. *Stone House Affair. New Dec. A. 112.
"O'Byrne, Dermot." (Arnold Edward Trevor Bax.) (1883- .) ***Before Dawn. O'Byrne A. 29. ***Coward's Saga. O'Byrne A. 84. ***"From the Fury of the O'Flahertys." O'Byrne A. 67. ***Invisible City of Coolanoole. O'Byrne A. 127. ***King's Messenger. O'Byrne A. 156. ***Vision of St. Molaise. O'Byrne A. 172. ***Wrack. O'Byrne A. 1.
O'Kelly, Seumas. ***Billy the Clown. O'Kelly B. 149. ***Derelict. O'Kelly B. 173. ***Haven. O'Kelly B. 134. ***Hike and Calcutta. O'Kelly B. 121. ***Man with the Gift. O'Kelly B. 200. ***Michael and Mary. O'Kelly B. 111. ***Weaver's Grave. O'Kelly B. 9.
Pertwee, Roland. ***Big Chance. Pertwee 1. ***Clouds. Pertwee. 243. ***Cure that Worked Wonders. Pertwee. 42. ***Dear Departed. Pertwee. 212. ***Eliphalet Touch. Pertwee. 67. ***Final Curtain. Pertwee. 271. ***Gas Works. Pertwee. 143. ***Getting the Best. Pertwee. 102. ***Mornice June. Pertwee. 165. ***Pistols for Two. Pertwee. 21. ***Quicksands of Tradition. Pertwee. 120. ***Red and White. O'Brien C. 278. ***Reversible Favour. Pertwee. 190.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas. (1863- .) (See 1918.) ***Old Ason. O'Brien C. 152.
Robinson, Lennox. ***Chalice. Robinson. 30. ***Education. Robinson. 96. ***Face. Robinson. 8. ***Looking After the Girls. Robinson. 18. ***Pair of Muddy Shoes. Robinson. 47. ***Return. Robinson. 1. ***Sponge. Robinson. 60. ***Weir. Robinson. 78.
Sadler, Michael. Tumbril Touch. New Dec. A. 189.
SA(C)lincourt, Hugh De. ***Birth of an Artist. O'Brien C. 322.
Sharp, William. See "Macleod, Fiona."
Stevenson, Robert Louis. (1850-1894.) (See 1918.) ***Lodging for the Night. O'Brien C. 26.
Storm-Jameson, M. *Mother-Love. New Dec. A. 78.
Tomlinson, H. M. (1873- .) ***Extra Hand. Tomlinson. 149. ***Lascar's Walking-Stick. Tomlinson. 140.
"Trevena, John." (Ernest G. Henham.) (1878- .) ***Business Is Business. Trevena. 45. O'Brien C. 236. ***By Violence. Trevena. 13. **Christening of the Fifteen Princesses. Trevena. 65.
VernA"de, Robert Ernest. (1875-1917.) Adventure of the Persian Prince. VernA"de. 194. Bad Samaritan. VernA"de. 130. Finless Death. VernA"de. 178. Greatness of Mr. Walherstone. VernA"de. 33. Madame Bluebeard. VernA"de. 233. Maze. VernA"de. 301. Missing Princess. VernA"de. 251. Night's Adventure. VernA"de. 277. Offence of Stephen Danesford. VernA"de. 80. On the Raft. VernA"de. 218. *Outrage at Port Allington. VernA"de. 55. Smoke on the Stairs. VernA"de. 204. Soaring Spirits. VernA"de. 102. Sunk Elephant. VernA"de. 156. "This is Tommy." VernA"de. 13.
Vines, Sherard. **Upper Room. New Dec. A. 178.
Walpole, Hugh Seymour. (1884- .) ***Monsieur FA(C)licitA(C). O'Brien C. 263.
Watson, E. L. Grant. See Grant Watson, E. L.
Wedmore, Sir Frederick. (1844- .) ***To Nancy. O'Brien C. 75.
Wells, Herbert George. (1866- .) ***Stolen Bacillus. O'Brien C. 144.
Wilde, Oscar (Fingall O'Flahertie Wills.) (1854-1900.) ***Star-Child. O'Brien C. 47.
Wylie, Ida Alena Ross. (1885- .) **Bridge Across. Wylie. 66. ***Colonel Tibbit Comes Home. Wylie. 133. Episcopal Scherzo. Wylie. 267. 195. **Gift for St. Nicholas. Wylie. ***Holy Fire. Wylie. 9. ***John Prettyman's Fourth Dimension. Wylie. 231. ***"'Melia, No Good." Wylie. 163. ***Thirst. Wylie. 28. **"Tinker—Tailor—" Wylie. 97.
III. Translations
Alas, Leopoldo. ("ClarA-n"). (1852-1901.) (Spanish.) **Adios Cordera! McMichael. 97.
Andreyev, Leonid Nikolaevich. (1871-1919.) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***Ben-Tobith. Andreyev C. 273. ***Dies IrA . Andreyev C. 287. ***Judas Iscariot. Andreyev C. 45. ***Lazarus. Andreyev C. 131. ***Life of Father Vassily. Andreyev C. 161. ***Marseillaise. Andreyev C. 281. ***Silence. Russian A. 11. ***Valia. Schweikert B. 343. ***When the King Loses His Head. Andreyev C. 5.
Annunzio, Gabriele D'. (Italian.) See D'Annunzio, Gabriele.
Artzibashev, Michael. (Russian.) ***Doctor. Russian A. 38.
Ayala, RamA cubedn PA(C)rez De. (Spanish.) ***Fall of the House of LimA cubedn. Ayala. 77. ***Prometheus. Ayala. 1. ***Sunday Sunlight. Ayala. 163.
Bizyenos, George T. (Modern Greek.) ***Sin of My Mother. Vaka. 57.
Blasco IbAiA+-ez, Vicente. (1867-.) (Spanish.) *Compassion. IbAiA+-ez. 36. *Last Lion. IbAiA+-ez. 15. ***Luxury. IbAiA+-ez. 56. **Rabies. IbAiA+-ez. 61. *Toad. IbAiA+-ez. 26. **Windfall. IbAiA+-ez. 46.
Caragiale, J.L. (Rumanian.) Easter Candles. Underwood A. 49.
Carco, Francis. (French.) Memory of Paris Days. New Dec. A. 217.
AeOEech, Svatopluk. (1846-1908.) (Czech.) ***Foltyn's Drum. Hrbkova. 55. ***Journey. Underwood A. 75.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich. (1861-1904.) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***At a Country House. Chekhov E. 173. **Bad Weather. Chekhov E. 269. ***Bishop. Chekhov D. 3. ***Chorus Girl. Chekhov E. 3. ***Easter Eve. Chekhov D. 49. ***Father. Chekhov E. 187. Russian A. 56. **Ivan Matveyitch. Chekhov E. 279. ***In Exile. Schweikert B. 320. **Ivan Matveyitch. Chekhov E. 245. ***Letter. Chekhov D. 29. ***Murder. Chekhov D. 89. ***My Life. Chekhov E. 37. ***Nightmare. Chekhov D. 67. ***On the Road. Chekhov E. 201. ***Rothschild's Fiddle. Chekhov E. 227. ***Steppe. Chekhov D. 161. ***Trivial Incident. Chekhov E. 227. ***Uprooted. Chekhov D. 135. ***Verotchka. Chekhov E. 15. **Zinotchka. Chekhov E. 257.
"ClarA-n." (Spanish.) See Alas, Leopoldo.
ClA(C)menceau, Georges. (French.) About Nests. ClA(C)menceau. 185. ***Adventure of My CurA(C). ClA(C)menceau. 149. *At the Foot of the Cross. ClA(C)menceau. 87. **Aunt Rosalie's Inheritance. ClA(C)menceau. 45. **Better than Stealing. ClA(C)menceau. 125. *Bullfinch and the Maker of Wooden Shoes. ClA(C)menceau. 173. **Descendant of Timon. ClA(C)menceau. 19. Domestic Drama. ClA(C)menceau. 197. *Evil Beneficence. ClA(C)menceau. 101. **Flower o' the Wheat. ClA(C)menceau. 221. **Giambolo. ClA(C)menceau. 313. *Gideon in His Grave. ClA(C)menceau. 61. *Gray Fox. ClA(C)menceau. 137. *Happy Union. ClA(C)menceau. 263. *Hunting Accident. ClA(C)menceau. 301. *Jean Piot's Feast. ClA(C)menceau. 233. *Lovers in Florence. ClA(C)menceau. 287. **Mad Thinker. ClA(C)menceau. 113. **Malus Vicinus. ClA(C)menceau. 31. *Master Baptist, Judge. ClA(C)menceau. 161. **Mokoubamba's Fetish. ClA(C)menceau. 3. *Simon, Son of Simon. ClA(C)menceau. 73. Six Cents. ClA(C)menceau. 209. **Treasure of St. Bartholomew. ClA(C)menceau. 249. *Well-Assorted Couple. ClA(C)menceau. 275.
D'Annunzio, Gabriele (Rapagnetta). (1864- .) (Italian.) ***Countess of Amalfi. D'Annunzio. 10. ***Death of the Duke of Ofena. D'Annunzio. 172. ***Downfall of Candia. D'Annunzio. 153. ***Gold Pieces. D'Annunzio. 83. ***Hero. D'Annunzio. 3. ***Idolaters. D'Annunzio. 119. ***Mungia. D'Annunzio. 140. ***Return of Turlendana. D'Annunzio. 56. ***Sorcery. D'Annunzio. 92. ***Turlendana Drunk. D'Annunzio. 72. ***Virgin Anna. D'Annunzio. 215. ***War of the Bridge. D'Annunzio. 192.
Dario, RubA(C)n. (1867-1916.) (Spanish.) **Box. McMichael. 31. ***Death of the Empress of China. McMichael. 3. *Veil of Queen Mab. McMichael. 21.
De Vigny, Alfred. (French.) See Vigny, Alfred De.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich. (1821-1881.) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***Another Man's Wife. Dostoevsky B. 208. ***Bobok. Dostoevsky B. 291. ***Crocodile. Dostoevsky B. 257. ***Dream of a Ridiculous Man. Dostoevsky B. 307. ***Heavenly Christmas Tree. Dostoevsky B. 248. ***Honest Thief. Dostoevsky B. 1. ***Novel in Nine Letters. Dostoevsky B. 145. ***Peasant Marey. Dostoevsky B. 252. ***Thief. Schweikert B. 79. ***Unpleasant Predicament. Dostoevsky B. 157.
Drosines, George. (Modern Greek.) ***God-father. Vaka. 93.
Eftaliotes, Argyres. (Modern Greek.) Angelica. Vaka. 157.
Friedenthal, Joachim. (German.) ***Pogrom in Poland. Underwood A. 195.
Garshin, Wsewolod Michailovich. (1855-1888.) (Russian.) ***Signal. Schweikert B. 308.
Gjalski, Xaver-Sandor. (Croatian.) See Sandor-Gjalski, Xaver.
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich. (1809-1852.) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***Cloak. Schweikert B. 40.
"Gorki, Maxim." (Alexei Maximovich Pyeshkov.) (1868 or 1869- .) (Russian.) (See 1918.) ***Chelkash. Schweikert B. 381. ***Comrades. Schweikert B. 361. ***Her Lover. Russian A. 67.
Herrman, Ignat. (1854- .) (Czech.) ***What Is Omitted from the Cook-book of Madame MagdAilena Dobromila RettigovAi. Hrbkova. 233.
IbAiA-ez, Vicente Blasco. (Spanish.) See Blasco IbAiA-ez, Vicente.
JirAisek, Alois. (1851- .) (Czech.) **Philosophers. Hrbkova. 225.
Karkavitsas, A. (Modern Greek.) ***Sea. Vaka. 23.
Kastanakis, Thrasyvoulos. (Modern Greek.) ***Frightened Soul. Vaka. 221.
Klecanda, Jan. (1855- .) (Czech.) ***For the Land of His Fathers. Hrbkova. 241.
Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich. (1853- .) (Russian. Q.) ***Old Bell-Ringer. Schweikert B. 334.
KunAe>tickAi, BoA3/4ena VA-kovAi-. (Czech.) See Vikova-Kuneticka, Bozena.
Kuprin, Alexander. (1870- .) (Russian.) ***Cain. Schweikert B. 430.
Lazarevic, Lazar K. (1851-1891.) (Serbian.) **Robbers. Underwood A. 145.
LemaA(R)tre (FranASec.ois A%lie), Jules. (1853-1914.) (French.) (See 1918.) ***Bell. LemaA(R)tre. 105. ***Charity. LemaA(R)tre. 175. ***Conscience. LemaA(R)tre. 277. ***HellA(C). LemaA(R)tre. 189. ***Lilith. LemaA(R)tre. 91. ***MA(C)lie. LemaA(R)tre. 259. ***Myrrha. LemaA(R)tre. 57. ***Nausicaa. LemaA(R)tre. 207. ***Princess Mimi's Lovers. LemaA(R)tre. 221. ***Saint John and the Duchess Anne. LemaA(R)tre. 117. ***Serenus. LemaA(R)tre. 11. ***Sophie de Montcernay. LemaA(R)tre. 237. ***Two Flowers. LemaA(R)tre. 125. ***White Chapel. LemaA(R)tre. 165. |