*SIMPSON, HORACE J. Epic of Old Cark, The. B. C. April.
SIMPSON, JOHN LOWREY. **Holiday in France, A. N. Rep. Oct. 20.
*SINCLAIR, MAY. (See 1915.) **Portrait of My Uncle. Cen. Jan.
SINGMASTER, ELSIE. (ELSIE SINGMASTER LEWARS.) (1879- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Christmas Angel, The. Pict. R. Dec. **Eye of Youth, The. B. E. T. Sept. 19. ***Flag of Eliphalet, The. B. E. T. May 29. *House of Dives, The. Bel. Nov. 10.
SKINNER, CONSTANCE (LINDSAY). (See 1915.) *Label, The. E. W. March 19.
*"SKITALETS." (STEPAN GAVRILOVICH PETROV.) ***And the Forest Burned. Rus. R. Feb.
SMITH, GORDON ARTHUR. (1886- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***End of the Road, The. Scr. Aug. ***Friend of the People, A. Pict. R. Oct.
SMITH, KATE. *Near the Turn of the Road. For. June.
SNEDDON, ROBERT W. (1880- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) **Bright Star of Onesime. Sn. St. Oct. 18. *Doll, The. Sn. St. June 4. *"I Shew You a Mystery." Sn. St. Oct. 4. **Le Rabouin—Soldier of France. S. E. P. May 12. ***"Mirror! Mirror! Tell Me True!" Bel. Feb. 3. **Mute, The. Bel. Dec. 15. *Nest for Ninette, A. Par. June. **Prosperity's Pinch. Par. Oct. *Two Who Waited, The. Sau. St. Oct.
SOTHERN, EDWARD HUGH. (1859- .) Lost and Found. Scr. Aug.
*SOUTAR, ANDREW. (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Behind the Veil. To-day. Dec. *Ingrate, The. I. S. M. June 24. My Lady's Kiss. Pict. R. Dec. **Step on the Road, The. Pict. R. July.
SPADONI, ADRIANA. (See 1915 and 1916.) Foreladies. Masses. March.
SPEARS, RAYMOND SMILEY. (1876- .) *"Levee Holds! The." Col. Nov. 10. *Miller of Fiddler's Run, The. Col. Aug. 11.
SPRINGER, NORMAN. (See 1915.) *Recruit, A. S. E. P. Nov. 10.
"STAR, MARK." ***Garden of Sleep, The. Pag. April-May.
STARRETT, WILLIAM AIKEN. (1877- .) **Marked "Shop." Atl. July.
STEARNS, L. D. *Game, The. So. Wo. M. Aug.
STEELE, ALICE GARLAND. (See 1915 and 1916.) **Homing Bird, The. Wom. W. Nov. Miracle of It, The. L. H. J. Oct. Mrs. Deering's Answer. Ev. Aug.
STEELE, RUFUS (MILAS). (1877- .) (See 1915.) Young Man's Game, A. S. E. P. Nov. 3.
STEELE, WILBUR DANIEL. (1886- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Ching, Ching, Chinaman. Pict. R. June. ***Devil of a Fellow, A. Sev. A. April. ***Down on Their Knees. (R.) I. S. M. Aug. 5. ***Free. Cen. Aug. **Half Ghost, The. Harp. M. July. ***Ked's Hand. Harp. M. Sept. ***Point of Honor, A. Harp. M. Nov. ***White Hands. Pict. R. Jan. ***Woman at Seven Brothers, The, Harp. M. Dec.
STEFFENS, (JOSEPH) LINCOLN. (1866- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Bunk. Ev. Feb. ***Great Lost Moment, The. Ev. March.
STERN, ELIZABETH GERTRUDE. **On Washington—Lincoln's Birthday. W. H. C. Feb.
STEWART, ALPHEUS. Medal Winner, The. Mir. Jan. 12.
STEWART, LUCY SHELTON. *Wolves of Bixby's Hollow, The. Am. Feb.
STODDARD, WILLIAM LEAVITT. (1884- .) Disciplined. Ev. July.
*STOKER, BRAM. (ABRAHAM STOKER.) (-1912.) **Dracula's Guest. Sh. St. Jan.
STORES, CARYL B. *Teenie an' Aggie Take an Outing. (R.) C. O. Oct.
"STORM, ETHEL." **Burned Hands. Harp. B. Nov.
SULLIVAN, ALAN. (See 1915.) ***Only Time He Smiled, The. E. W. Dec. 31.
SULLIVAN, FRANCIS WILLIAM. (See 1915.) Godson of Jeannette Gontreau, The. L. H. J. Oct.
*SWINTON, LT. COL. ERNEST DUNLOP. ("EYE-WITNESS.") (1868- .) (See 1915 under "EYE-WITNESS.") *Private Riley. Sh. St. June.
SYNON, MARY. (1881- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Clay-Shattered Doors. Scr. July. ***End of the Underground, The. G. H. June. ***None So Blind. Harp. M. Oct. *One of the Old Girls. Harp. B. May. **Wallaby Track, The. Scr. Feb.
TABER, ELIZABETH STEAD. ***Scar, The. Sev. A. Jan.
TARKINGTON, (NEWTON) BOOTH. (1869- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Fairy Coronet, The. Met. March. *Only Child, The. Ev. Jan. *Sam's Beau. Cos. April. *Walter-John. Cos. Nov.
TASSIN, ALGERNON. (See 1915.) **Winter Wheat. G. H. Jan.
TAYLOR, ARTHUR RUSSELL. (-1918.) Mr. Smiley. Atl. Nov. **Mr. Squem. Atl. June. *Mr. Thornton. Atl. Sept.
TAYLOR, JOHN. *U. S. Harem Association, Ltd., The. Scr. May.
TAYLOR, MARY IMLAY. *Aunt Lavender's Meeting Bonnet. Y. C. Feb. 1.
*TCHEKOV, ANTON PAVLOVITCH. (1860-1904.) (See 1915 and 1916.) ***Dushitchka. Pag. Sept. ***Old Age. (R.) Mir. Feb. 2. **Trousseau, The. (R.) Touch. Aug.
*"TEFFIE." *Teacher, The. Outl. Oct. 17.
TERHUNE, ALBERT PAYSON. (1872- .) Caritas. S. E. P. Dec. 15. Night of the Dub, The. S. E. P. March 31. *"Quiet." Pict. R. July.
TERRY, KATHERINE. (See 1915 and 1916.) *Leaf in the Wind, A. I. S. M. Oct. 14.
THARP, VESTA. (See 1916.) Connie Cuts a Wisdom-Tooth. Scr. Jan.
THAYER, MABEL DUNHAM. People and Things. Met. Aug.
*THOMAS, EDWARD. ("EDWARD EASTAWAY.") (1878-1917.) ***Passing of Pan, The. (R.) Mir. Dec. 14.
THOMAS, (STANLEY POWERS) ROWLAND. (1879- .) *Mistress. Pear. Nov.
THOMPSON, LILLIAN BENNET-. (See 1916.) (See also HUBBARD, GEORGE, and THOMPSON, LILLIAN BENNET-.) *In Fifteen Minutes. L. St. July. *Prisoner, The. Sn. St. April 4. *Together. L. St. Oct.
*"THORNE, GUY." (CYRIL ARTHUR EDWARD RANGER GULL.) (1876- .) **Guilt. I. S. M. Oct. 28.
*THURSTON, ERNEST TEMPLE. (1879- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Over the Hills. Ain. July.
THURSTON, MABEL NELSON. (See 1916.) Answer, The. E. W. July 2. *771. Am. Oct.
TICKNOR, CAROLINE. Skaters, The. Bel. Oct. 20.
TILDEN, FREEMAN. (See 1915.) Affections of Lucile, The. E. W. June 11. Customary Two Weeks, The. S. E. P. Feb. 24-March 3. Jitney Tactics. E. W. Aug. 13. Knowledge of Beans, A. E. W. Oct. 8. Not for Ordinary Folks. S. E. P. Oct. 27. Peggitt Pays the Freight. S. E. P. April 21. Stannerton & Sons. S. E. P. Sept. 15. Thrift of Martha, The. S. E. P. July 21.
TITUS, HAROLD. (See 1916.) *Lars the Unthinking. Ev. May.
TOLMAN, ALBERT W. (See 1916.) *After the Flash. Y. C. Jan. 11. *Painting Healthy Hal. Y. C. Sept. 27.
*TOLSTOI, COUNT ALEXIS N. (See 1916.) **Under-Seas. Bookman. April.
*TOLSTOI, COUNT LYOF NIKOLAEVICH. (1828-1910.) *Young Tsar, The. Rus. R. July.
TOOKER, LEWIS FRANK. (1855- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Home-Makers, The. Scr. March. *Immoral Reformation of Billy Lunt, The. Cen. Jan.
TORREY, GRACE. Enfranchised. Sun. Nov.
TRAIN, ARTHUR (CHENEY). (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Earthquake, The. S. E. P. Dec. 29. *Helenka. S. E. P. Jan. 27. *Pillikin. S. E. P. Dec. 1
TRAIN, ETHEL. (MRS. ARTHUR TRAIN.) (See 1916.) With Care; Fragile. S. E. P. May 26.
TRITES, WILLIAM BUDD. (1872- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Bleecker Street Bleecker, A. McC. Nov.
TRUITT, CHARLES. *Omelette Souffle, The. Ev. Dec.
TSANOFF, CORRINNE and RADOSLAV. **Shoulders of Atlas, The. Atl. Jan.
TUPPER, EDITH SESSIONS. (See 1916.) *Black Waters. So. Wo. M. April.
TURNBULL, ARCHIBALD D. *Francois' Journey. Scr. March. *When Our Flag Came to Paris. Scr. Nov.
TURNER, GEORGE KIBBE. (1869- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Bull on America, A. S. E. P. May 19. Danger of Safety, The. S. E. P. March 10. Little More Capital, A. S. E. P. April 14. Miracle Peddlers, The. S. E. P. March 31.
TURNER, MAUDE SPERRY. Adabee and Creation. Del. Sept.
UNDERHILL, RUTH MURRAY. *New Emilia, The. Del. Dec.
UZZELL, THOMAS H. (See 1915 and 1916.) (See also UZZELL, THOMAS H., and ABDULLAH, ACHMED.) End of a Ribbon, The. Col. Aug. 4. Switchboard to Berlin, A. Col. May 19.
UZZELL, THOMAS H., and ABDULLAH, ACHMED. (1881- .) (See also ABDULLAH, ACHMED.) **Diplomacy. Col. Dec. 8.
VAIL, LAURENCE. (See 1916.) *Selysette. For. Aug.
VAN CAMPEN, HELEN (GREEN). (1883- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Big-Game Hut on Kenai, The. S. E. P. Feb. 3. Chechako Wife, The. S. E. P. March 24. George Bell's New Teacher. S. E. P. March 24. Luck of a Sourdough, The. S. E. P. Jan. 6.
VAN DYKE, CATHERINE. Chaperoning Mother. L. H. J. April.
VAN DYKE, HENRY. (1852- .) (See 1915.) **Remembered Dream, A. Scr. Aug.
*VANE, DEREK. *As It Happened. I. S. M. Aug. 19.
VAN LOAN, CHARLES EMMETT. (1876- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Animal Stuff. S. E. P. May 5. Fifth Reel, The. S. E. P. Aug. 18. Fog. S. E. P. Feb. 24. Gentlemen, You Can't Go Through! S. E. P. April 28. Little Poison Ivy. S. E. P. Oct. 6. Major, D. O. S., The. S. E. P. Aug. 4. Man Who Quit, The. S. E. P. Nov. 3. Not in the Script. Col. Sept. 1-8. Ooley-Cow, The. S. E. P. Nov. 17. Out of His Class. Col. Feb. 3. Scene Two-Fifty-Two. S. E. P. May 26. Stunt Man, The. S. E. P. April 21. Thrill Shooter, The. S. E. P. March 17. Tods. S. E. P. June 16.
VAN LOON, HENDRIK WILLEM. (1882- .) (See 1916.) *Logic of Tippoo Na Gai, The. N. Rep. May 12. Mir. June 8.
VAN SAANEN, MARIE LOUISE. ("MARICE RUTLEDGE.") (See 1915 and 1916.) **Between Trains. Bookman. June. **Little Blue Flower, The. Touch. May. *"Rat, Le." Touch. Aug. **Soldier, The. Bookman. July.
VAN SCHAICK, GEORGE. (See 1915.) Accounting, The. Sun. March.
VAN SLYKE, LUCILLE BALDWIN. (1880- .) (See 1916.) Regular Sport, The. Col. March 24.
VENABLE, EDWARD CARRINGTON. (See 1915 and 1916.) **Preface. Scr. July. Six-Feet-Four. Scr. Nov.
VORSE, MARY (MARVIN) HEATON. (MARY HEATON VORSE O'BRIEN.) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Adventure in Respectability, An. Harp. M. July. ***Great God, The. W. H. C. March. ***Pavilion of Saint Merci, The. For. Dec. *Pride. Harp. M. Nov.
*WADSLEY, OLIVE. *Son of His. Sn. St. March 18.
WALCOTT, JOHN. On With the Dance. Col. Sept. 8.
WALL, R. N. Ounce of Loyalty, An. Ev. Oct. Usurper, The. S. E. P. June 23.
WALLACE, EDGAR. (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Bones and a Lady. Col. Aug. 25. Breaking Point, The. Col. Oct. 6. *Case of Lasky, The. Ev. Nov. *Coming of Mueller, The. Ev. Dec. Eye to Eye. Col. April 7. *Puppies of the Pack. Ev. Nov. *Son of Sandi, The. Col. Dec. 1. *Strafing of Mueller, The. Ev. Dec. *Tam o' the Scoots. Ev. Nov.-Dec. Waters of Madness, The. Col. July 7.
WARREN, MAUDE RADFORD. (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Ideals. Harp. M. Jan. Sit on a Cushion and Sew a Fine Seam. Del. Sept.
WASHBURN, BEATRICE. *Until Six O'Clock. Bel. March 31.
WASSON, DAVID A. (See 1915 and 1916.) *Bete Noire, La. Bel. Jan. 27. *Female of the Species, The. (R.) B. C. April.
WAYNE, CHARLES STOKES. ("HORACE HAZELTINE.") (1858- .) *Delicate Matter, A. S. S. Jan.
WEBSTER, HENRY KITCHELL. (1875- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Accidental, The. Met. Dec. Dorothy for the Day. Met. Nov.
WEBSTER, MALCOLM B. *"Kaiser's Masterpiece, The." Sn. St. March 4.
WEIR, F(LORENCE) RONEY. (1861- .) (See 1915.) Cavalry Charge, A. Pict. R. Dec.
WELLES, HARRIET. **Admiral's Birthday, The. Scr. Dec. *Anchors Aweigh. Scr. Aug. *Holding Mast. Scr. Oct.
WELLS, CAROLYN. (See 1915.) Re-echo Club, The. Harp. M. July.
WELLS, LEILA BURTON. (See 1915 and 1916.) *"Being Wicked." McC. Aug.
WESTON, GEORGE. (1880- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) **Madame Pharaoh's Daughter. S. E. P. Dec. 1. **Medal of M. Moulin, The. S. E. P. Aug. 25. ***Perfect Gentleman, A. S. E. P. June 9. Putting the Bee in Herbert. S. E. P. April 28.
WHARTON, ELNA HARWOOD. (See 1916.) Great American Game, The. Del. May. Laura Intervenes. Del. April.
WHEELER, GRISWOLD. *Bread Upon the Waters, The. B. C. Dec.
WHITE, STEWART EDWARD. (1873- .) (See 1915.) *Case of Mutual Respect, A. S. E. P. Oct. 27. *Edge of the Ripple, The. Harp. M. May. *Forced Labor. S. E. P. Sept. 15. *Gunbearer, The. S. E. P. Oct. 6. *Naming, The. S. E. P. July 21. *Trelawney Learns. S. E. P. Aug. 18. True Sportsmen. S. E. P. Sept. 1. *White Magic. S. E. P. Aug. 4.
WHITESIDE, MARY BRENT. *Pour la Patrie. So. Wo. M. July.
WHITSON, BETH SLATER. (See 1916.) *Beyond the Foot of the Hill. So. Wo. M. June.
WIDDEMER, MARGARET. (See 1915.) *Black Magic. Sev. A. Sept. **Fairyland Heart, The. Bel. Aug. 18.
WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS. (KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN RIGGS.) (1859- .) **Quilt of Happiness, The. L. H. J. Dec.
WILCOXSON, ELIZABETH GAINES. *Mrs. Martin's Daughter-in-Law. E. W. Sept. 17. *Substitute Courtship, A. Sun. Feb.
WILEY, HUGH. **Here Froggy, Froggy. Scr. Oct. *King of Two-By-Four, The. Col. Nov. 3. *Mushroom Midas, A. Scr. Sept. On the Altar of Hunger. Scr. Aug. *Sooey Pig! Col. Sept. 15.
WILLIAMS, BEN AMES. **Mate of the Susie Oakes, The. S. E. P. April 14. **Squealer, The. Col. Sept. 1. **Steve Scaevola. S. E. P. Nov. 24.
WILLIE, LINDA BUNTYN. *Things We Hope For, The. Am. June.
WILSON, JOHN FLEMING. (1877- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) *Highroad, The. E. W. Aug. 20. Pain of Youth, The. E. W. April 23. Phantom Circuit, The. S. E. P. March 3. Plain Jane. E. W. Dec. 10. Sea Power. S. E. P. March 17. War for the Succession, The. Col. April 21.
WILSON, MARGARET ADELAIDE. (See 1916.) *Mr. Root. Bel. May 26. *Rain-Maker, The. Scr. April. **Res Aeternitatis. Bel. Aug. 25.
WINSLOW, HORATIO. (See 1915 and 1916.) **Four on the Beach. Bel. Nov. 24. *Mrs. Beddens's Great Story. Col. Jan. 13. *Woman Sinister, The. Mir. April 13.
WINSLOW, THYRA SAMTER. *End of Anna, The. S. S. Sept. *Pier Glass, The. S. S. March.
WITWER, H. C. (See 1916.) Alex Comes Up Smiling. Am. Dec. Alex the Great. Am. Nov. Cup That Queers, The. Am. June. Cutey and the Beast. Am. May. Lend Me Your Ears. S. E. P. March 3. Maiden's Prayer, The. Am. Jan. Pearls Before Klein. Am. Aug. Pleasure Island. McC. Jan. Robinson's Trousseau. Am. March. Unhappy Medium, The. McC. April. Warriors All. S. E. P. July 14. Your Girl and Mine. Am. Sept.
*WODEHOUSE, PELHAM GRENVILLE. (1881- .) (See 1915 and 1916.) Jeeves and the Hard-Boiled Egg. S. E. P. March 3.
WOLFF, WILLIAM ALMON. (See 1916.) Efficient One, The. E. W. Jan. 15. *False Colors. Col. Dec. 22. High Cost of Peggy, The. Ev. April. Luck. E. W. Aug. 6. **Man Who Found His Country, The. Ev. June. Play for Miss Dane, A. Ev. Nov. Prince's Tale, The. Del. June. Slackers, The. Ev. Aug. Unknown Goddess, The. Am. March.
WONDERLY, W. CAREY. (See 1915 and 1916.) Johnny Marsh and His Meal Ticket. I. S. M. Jan. 21.
WOOD, JR., LEONARD. (See 1915.) *Until To-morrow. Scr. Jan.
*WRAY, ROGER. **Episode, An. Cen. Feb.
*WYLIE, I. A. R. (See 1916.) **Candles for St. Nicholas. Col. Dec. 22. ***Holy Fire. G. H. Oct. ***'Melia No-Good. G. H. July. ***Return, The. G. H. Aug.