BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. Nephele. Pears' A. Dec. 25, '21. (15.) Olive. Pearson. (London.) July. '21. (24.) Woman's Ghost Story. Pearson. (N.Y.) June. (32.)
BLAKE, GEORGE. Dun Cow. Corn. Aug., '21. (302:223.)
BRIGHOUSE, HAROLD. Once a Hero. Pan. July, '21.
BRUNDRIT, D.F. In the End. Man. G. Dec. 8, '21. (12.)
BURKE, THOMAS. Song of a Thousand Years. Pre. Feb., '21. (5.)
BUTTS, MARY. Change. Dial. May. (72:465.) Speed the Plough. Dial. Oct., 21. (71:399.)
CAINE, WILLIAM. Doob in Europe. Str. April. (63:366.) Pensioner. Gra. July 2, '21. (104:22.) Spider's Web. Str. Dec., '21. (62: 577.) Wise Old Bird. Gra. April. (105:400.)
CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. Shadow of the Shark. Nash. Dec., '21. (68:239.) Temple of Silence. Harp. M. May. (144: 783.) Vengeance of the Statue. Harp. M. June. (145: 10.)
COPPARD, ALFRED EDGAR. Black Dog. Met. Feb. (9.) Broadsheet Ballad. Dial. March. (72:235.) Hurly-Burly. L. Mere. July, '21. (4: 243.) Pomona's Babe. Eng. R. March. (34: 217.) Tiger. Sov. April. (500.)
CORKERY, DANIEL. By-Product. Free. May 3. (5:176.) Colonel MacGillicuddy Goes Home. Free. April 19. (5:128.) Ember. Free. May 24. (5:247.) Price. Free. April 5. (5:80.) Unfinished Symphony. Free. March 15. (5:8.)
"CROMPTON, RICHMAL." (R.C. LAMBURN.) Christmas Present. Truth. Dec. 21, '21.
DAGNAL, DEVERELL. Windows of the Cupola. Adelphi. June. (1:3.)
DAVEY, NORMAN. Joyous Adventure of the Lady and the Large Sponge. (R.) Tatler. Christmas No. (12.)
DE LA MARE, WALTER. Seaton's Aunt. L. Merc. April. (5:578.)
EASTON, DOROTHY. Afterwards. Man. G. July 6, '21. (14.) Inheritors. Man. G. Dec. 2, '21. (14.) Reaper. Eng. R. May. (34:435.)
EDGINTON, MAY. Bella Donna. Cas. Winter A., '21. (103.) House on the Rock. Pre. March 7. (5.) Mary Gets Married. S.E.P. Nov. 5, '21. (12.) Nash. Nov. '21. (68:127.) Song. Lloyd. June. (415:825.)
GALSWORTHY, JOHN. Feud. Del. Feb. (7.) March. (13.) Hedonist. Cen. July '21. (102: 321.) Pears' A. Dec. 25, '21.(11.) Man Who Kept His Form. Del. Oct., '21. (8.) Lon. Jan. (135: 423.) Santa Lucia. Del. April. (5.) Lon. May. (139:207.)
GIBBON, PERCEVAL. Saint Flossie. S.E.P. Dec. 3, '21. (10.) Str. March. (63:223.)
GOLDING, LOUIS. Green Gloom. Colour. Nov., '21. (15:88.)
GRAHAM, ALAN. Bat and Belfry Inn. Sto. May. (154.)
GREAVES, CHARLES. Land of Memories. Colour. April. (16:50.)
HARRINGTON, KATHERINE. (MRS. ROLF BENNETT.) O'Hara's Leg. Hut. July, '21. (5:90.)
HICHENS, ROBERT. Last Time. Hut. July, '21. (5:1.)
HORN, HOLLOWAY. Lie. Blue. May. (35:25.)
HOWARD, FRANCIS MORTON. "One Good Turn—." Pre. Feb. 21. (27.)
HUXLEY, ALDOUS. Fard. West. May 27. (16.) Gioconda Smile. Eng. R. Aug., '21. (33:88.)
JEROME, JEROME KLAPKA. Fiddle That Played of Itself. Cas. Winter A., '21. (69.)
JESSE, FRYNIWYD TENNYSON. Virtue. Hut. June. (6:639.) Wisdom. Lon. June. (140:377.)
KAYE-SMITH, SHEILA. Mrs. Adis. Cen. Jan. (103:321.) Mockbeggar. Roy. Feb. (321.) Harp. M. Feb. (144:331.)
KENNEY, ROWLAND. Girl In It. New A. Dec. 15, '21. (30:78.)
KEPPEL, FRANCIS. Conversation Before Dawn. Beacon. Oct., '21. (1:20.)
KING, MAUDE EGERTON. Madman's Metropole. C.H. April-June. (205.)
KINROSS, ALBERT. Traitors. S.S. April. (93.)
LANGBRIDGE, ROSAMOND. Backstairs of the Mind. Man. G. Feb. 7. (12.)
LAWRENCE, C.E. Thirteenth Year. Gra. Aug. 6, '21. (104:168.)
LAWRENCE, DAVID HERBERT. Episode. Dial. Feb. (72:143.) Fanny and Annie. Hut. Nov., '21. (5:461.) Horse-dealer's Daughter. Eng. R. April. (34:308.) Sick Collier. (R) Pearson (N.Y.). Feb. (10.)
LIVEING, EDWARD. Storm in the Desert. Black. April. (211:446.)
LYONS, A. NEIL. Marrying Ellen. By. A., '21. (81.)
MCFEE, WILLIAM. Knights and Turcopoliers. Atl. Aug., '21. (128:170.)
MACKENZIE, COMPTON. New Pink Dress. Sto. Dec., '21. (281.) Sop. Cas. Winter A., '21. (76.)
MACMANUS, SEUMAS. Mrs. Maguire's Holiday. C.H. July-Sept_ '21. (108.)
"MALET, LUCAS." (MRS. MARY ST. LEGER HARRISON.) Birth of a Masterpiece. Sto. Jan. (390.) Fillingers. Nash. Aug., '21. (67:447.)
MANNING-SANDERS, RUTH. Significance. Voices. Autumn. '21. (5:127.)
MANSFIELD, KATHERINE. (MRS. J. MIDDLETON MURRY.) At the Bay. L. Merc. Jan. (5:239.) Cup of Tea. Sto. May. (121.) Doll's House. Nat. (London.) Feb. 4. (30: 692.) Fly. Nat. (London.) March 18. (30: 896.) Garden-Party. West. Feb. 4. (9.) Feb. 11. (10.) Feb. 18. i (16.) Her First Ball. Sphere. Nov. 28, '21. (15.) Honeymoon. Nat. (London.) April 29. (31:156.) Ideal Family. Sphere. Aug. 20, '21. (86:196.) Marriage a la Mode. Sphere. Dec. 31, '21. (87:364.) Sixpence. Sphere. Aug. 6, '21. (86:144.) Taking the Veil. Sketch. Feb. 22. (117:296.)
MAXWELL, WILLIAM BABINGTON. All to Husband. Lloyd. Jan. (410:275.) Romance of It. Outl. (N.Y.) June 21. (131: 3 47.)
MERRICK, LEONARD. Pot of Pansies. Nash. Dec., '21. (68:269.)
MONKHOUSE, ALLAN N. Life and Letters. Man. G. Feb. 15. (12.)
MONTGOMERY, K.L. Graineog. Corn. Nov., '21. (594.) Wave Desart. Corn. March. (314.)
MOORE, GEORGE. Peronnik the Fool. Dial. Nov., '21. (71:497.) L. Merc. Sept., '21. (4:468.) Oct., '21. (4:586.) Wilfrid Holmes. L. Mere. Feb. (5:356.)
MORDAUNT, ELINOR. Fighting-Cocks. Hut. March. (6: 290.) Piet. R. May. (14.) Ganymede. Met. Aug., '21. (33.) Pan. Dec., '21. (6:75.) "Genius." Cen. Nov.. '21. (103:102.) Hut. Feb. (6: 113.) Kelly O'Keefe. Lloyd. June. (415:783.) Met. April. (19.) Parrots. Met. June. (30.) Rider in the King's Carriage. Lloyd. July, '21. (33:814.) Yellow Cat. Hut. Aug., '21. (5:157.)
NEWTON, WILFRID DOUGLAS. Mai D'Agora. Blue. Sept., '21. (27:16.)
NORRY, M.E. Barge. Time. Sept. 23. '21. (2:916.)
PEMBERTON, MAX. Devil to Pay. Sto. March. (563.)
PERROT, F. Mr. Tweedale Changes His Mind. Man. G. Aug. 19, '21. (14.)
PERTWEE, ROLAND. Chap Upstairs. S.E.P. May 13. (10.) Str. June. (63:550.) Empty Arms. L.H.J. March. (12.) Man Who Didn't Matter. Sto. Nov., '21. (160.) Summer Time. Str. Aug., '21. (62: 105.)
RAWLENCE, GUY. Return. Corn. June. (674.)
ROBERTS, CECIL EDRIC MORNINGTON. Silver Pool. Hut. July, '21. (5:98.)
S., R.H. Supplanter. Man. G. Feb. 26. (10.)
SABATINI, RAFAEL. Casanova in Madrid. Pre. July 15, '21. (32.)
SEWELL, CHRIS. Suspension Bridge. Truth. Jan. 18.
SINCLAIR, MAY. Heaven. Pict. R. June. (12.) Lena Wrace. Dial. July. '21. (71:50.) Token. Hut. March. (6:259.) Villa Desiree. Hut. Dec., '21. (5:627.)
SOUTHGATE, SIDNEY. Dice Thrower. Colour. Dec., '21. (15:105.)
STEPHENS, JAMES. Hunger. Broom. Nov., '21. (1:3.)
"STERN, G.B." (MRS. GEOFFREY LISLE HOLDSWORTH.) Achille. Sketch. Dec. 7, '21. (116:372.) Little Rebel. Grand. June. (361.) "New Whittington." John. March 25. (6: 809.) "P.L.M." Sketch. Dec. 14, '21. (116: 410.) Stranger Woman. John. Jan. 28. (6:537.) Feb. 4. (6:573.)
TORRY, E. NORMAN. Gourmand of Marseilles. John. April I. (6:849.)
"TRUSCOTT, PARRY." (MRS. BASH. HARGRAVE.) Hint to Husbands. Colour. Jan. (15:133.) Theft. Colour. June. (16:108.) Woman Who Sat Still. Colour. Nov., '21. (15:78.)
VAHEY, JOHN HASLETTE. Treasure. Corn. Nov., '21. (560.)
WALPOLE, HUGH SEYMOUR. Bombastes Furioso. Hut. July, '21. (5:69-) Conscience Money. Pict. R. May. (22.) Sto. June. (311.) Major Wilbraham. Chic. Trib. Nov. 13, '21. Mrs. Comber at Rafiel. Sto. Aug. '21. (453.)
YOUNG, FRANCIS BRETT. Octagon. Dec. 10, '21, (747.) Dec. 17.'21. (765.)
JULY, 1921, TO JUNE, 1922
NOTE. Only stories by British and Irish authors are listed.
A., G.M. Misers. Man. G. March 20. (10.)
ALEN, HOWARD. Magic of His Excellency. Sov. Feb. (27:263.)
ALTIMUS, HENRY. Sacrifice of Madeleine Duval. Lloyd. Sept., '21. (406:1025.) Underworld-on-the-Sound. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1144.)
ANONYMOUS. Holiday. Man. G. Nov. 8,'21. (12.)
APPLETON, EDGAR. Arrest. Pan. March. (7:29.)
AUMONIER, STACY. Old Lady with Two Umbrellas. Hut. Dec., '21. (5:581.)
AUSTIN, FREDERICK BRITTEN. Murderer in the Dark. Str. June. (63:542.) Red Shawl. Hear. Feb.(8.) Nash. May. (69:121.)
B., I. Education. Man. G. Feb. 3. (12.)
BARBER, GEORGE. Super-Clerk and a Card Index. Wind. Jan. (169.)
BARKER, CHARLES H. Week End. Nat. (London.) July 16,'21. (29:580.)
BARRINGTON, E. Walpole Beauty. Atl. Sept., '21. (128:300.)
BARRY, IRIS. Resentment. Time. April l4. (3:356.)
BAX, CLIFFORD. Leaf. Form. Jan. (1:87.)
BEAUFOY, P. Story of a Pin. Truth. July 13.
BECK, L. ADAMS. Flute of Krishna. Asia. Jan. (22:28.) Loveliest Lady of China. Asia. Oct., '21. (21: 843.) Round-Faced Beauty. Atl. Dec., '21. (128:750.)
BEESTON, L.J. Chips of One Block. Hut. April. (6:358.) Fiendish Laugh. Grand. Nov., '21. (279.)
BENNETT, ROLF. Cold Fact. Pan. Feb. (7:83.) Education of the Bishop. Pearson (London). Oct., '21. (307.)
BENSON, CLAUDE E. Puppets. Corn. Feb. (182.)
BENSON, EDWARD FREDERICK. Light in the Garden. Eve. Nov. 23, '21. (7:236.) Mrs. Amworth. Hut. June. (6:561.)
BIBESCO, ELIZABETH. Quickening Spirit. Book. (N.Y.) March. (55:6.)
BLACK, DOROTHY. To Every Woman Once—. Roy. June. (167.)
BLACKWOOD, ALGERNON. Lane That Ran East and West. McCall. Sept., '21. (10.)
BRAMAH, ERNEST. Lao Ting and the Luminous Insect. L. Merc. June. (6:132.)
BRIGHOUSE, HAROLD. Adventurer. Man. G. July 28, '21. (10.) Feud. Man. G. May 22. (12.) Sceptic. Man. G. Aug. 25, '21. (12.)
BROWNE, K.R.G. Professional Pride. Truth. Nov. 23, '21.
BURRAGE, A.M. At the Toy Menders. Eve. Nov. 2, '21. (7:142.)
CAINE, WILLIAM. Boker's Stocking. Tatler. April 26. (144.) Carols. Pears' A. Dec. 25. '21. (29.) Corner in Worms. Str. Feb. (63:181.) Extravaganza. West. Jan. 7. (10.) Fanny's Friends. Lon. Aug., '21. (130:513.) On the Palace Pier. Pearson. (London.) Aug. '21. (140.) Presentation Portrait. Qui. May. (655.) Suicide's Aid Society. Lon. May. (139:269.) Three Kings. S.S. Dec., '21. (63.)
CANDLER, EDMUND. Bogle. Black. March. (211:370.)
CASTLE, AGNES and CASTLE, EGERTON. Challenge. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1087.)
CHESTERTON, GILBERT KEITH. Bottomless Well. Sto. July, '21. (381.) Hole in the Wall. Harp. M. Oct., '21. (143:572.) Cas. Sept., '21. (114:47.) House of the Peacock. Harp. B. Jan. (36.)
CHOLMONDELEY, MARY. End of the Dream. Pict. R. Oct., '21. (21.)
CLARK, F. LE GROS. Buried Caesars. John. Dec. 31, '21. (6:421.) Christopher. West. Feb. 25. (16.) Overflow. Colour. March. (16:26.) Simone. John. April 22. (7:73.)
CLEAVER, HYLTON. Better Man. Sto. Jan. (397.)
COLLINS, GILBERT. Beyond the Skyline, Roy. March, (379.)
COLUM, PADRAIC. Sad Sequel to Puss-in-Boots. Dial. July, '21. (71:28.)
COPPARD, ALFRED EDGAR. Mordecai and Cocking. West. Sept. 3, '21. (10.)
COULDREY, OSWALD. Idols of the Cave. Beacon. June. (1:580.) Story of Conversion. Beacon. Feb. (1:246.)
CRACKANTHORPE, HUBERT. Fellside Tragedy. D.D. Dec., '21. (2:252.)
CROOKS, MAXWELL. If Mr. Greene Hadn't 'Phoned. Truth. June 21. (1088.)
CUMMINGS, RAY. Silver Veil. Grand. Jan. (446.)
DALTON, MORAY. Forest Love. Corn. Dec., '21. (726.)
DARMUZEY, JACK. Blessed Miracle. L. Merc. June. (1:23.)
DEEPING, GEORGE WARWICK. Failure. Sto. May. (163.) Sheik Jahir. Sto. July, '21. (329.)
DELAGREVE, C.J. Blue Pony. Man. G. Nov. 9, '21. (14.)
DESMOND, SHAW. Gallows-Tree. Scr. April. (71:481.)
DOYLE, SIR ARTHUR CONAN. Adventure of the Mazarin Stone. Str. Oct., '21. (62:289.) Hear. Nov., '21. (6.) Bully of Brocas Court. Str. Nov., '21. (62:381.) Hear. Dec., '21. (6.) Lift. Str. June. (63:471.) Nightmare Room. Str. Dec., '21. (62:545.)
DUDENEY, MRS. HENRY. Embrace. Harp. M. Feb. (144:303.) Feast. Harp. M. Jan. (144:216.)
DUFF, NELLIE BROWN. Golden Gown. Pearson (London.) Oct., '21. (328.)
EASTERBROOK, LAURENCE. Man Who Said "Yes" Without Thinking. West. Oct. 15, '21. (10.)
EDGINTON, MAY. Cards. Sto. Sept., '21. (597.)
ELLIOT, RICHARD. Obstacle. Hut. April. (6:423.)
FIGGIS, DARRELL. His Old Comrade. Beacon. Nov.-Dec., '21. (1:87.)
FRANK AU, GILBERT. Moth and the Star. Ev. July, '21. (113.)
FRIEDLAENDER, V.H. Dinner. Time. Oct. 14. '21. (2:985.)
G., C. "Dancing Pan." Man. G. July 4, '21. (12.)
GARRATT, JOHN HILARY. Miniature. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1173.)
GEORGE, W.L. Lady Alcuin Intervenes. S.E.P. July 16.'21. (8.) Novel. May. (206:111.)
GIBBON, PERCEVAL. Gold That Glitters. Str. May. (63:405.) Pop. Jan. 20. (109.) When America Goes East. S.E.P. May (14.)
GODWIN, GEORGE. Chinese Puzzle. Time. Dec. 9,'21. (2:1184.)
GOLDING, LOUIS. House of Six Maidens. Colour. Jan. (15:123.) Miss Pomfret and Miss Primrose. Eng. R. Feb. (34:190.)
GORDON, ALBAN. Diary of the Dead. Hut. March. (6:277.)
GORDON, JAN. Hot Evening. John. Oct. 8.'21. (6:5.)
GRAHAM, ALAN. Black and White. Blue. June. (36:15.)
GREENE, PATRICK. Delayed. Pan. Feb. (7:18.)
GRIFFITHS, ALEXANDER. Bet. Adelphi. June. (1:27.)
GROGAN, WALTER E. Back to the Old Love. Sketch. March 29. (117:504.) Realization. Truth. Oct. 5.'21.
H., C. Lion-Breaker. Man. G. Aug. 16.'21. (12.)
H., M. Pavement Philosopher. Man. G. Aug. 10,'21. (12.)
HAMILTON, MARY AGNES. Sacred Terror. Time. Dec. 9,'21. (2:1182.) Dec. 16,'21. (2:1210.)
HARRINGTON, KATHERINE. (MRS. ROLF BENNETT.) Survivor. Nash. Aug., '21. (67:473.)
HARRISON, IRENE. Thirty-Nine Articles. Gra. Aug. 13,'21. (104:196.)
HASTINGS, BASIL MACDONALD. Interviewer. Eve. March 1. (8:272.)
HAWLEY, J.B. Honour of Wong Kan. Novel. Feb.
HERBERT, ALICE. Magic Casements. Queen. Feb. 11. (176.)
HORN, HOLLOWAY. Escape. By. Nov. 2,'21. Inclemency. By. June 14. (718.) Jade. Sketch. June 14. (424.) Lesson. Sketch. Feb. 1. (117:176.) Life Is Hard on Women. Novel. June. (207:251.)
HOWARD, D. NEVILL. Nocturne. By. Nov. 9,'21.
HOWARD, FRANCIS MORTON. "A La Frongsy!" Pre. Sept. 23, '21. (56.) Her Christmas Present. Pan. Dec. '21. (6:57.) Lucky Sign. Pre. July 15, '21. (15.) Masquerade. Lloyd. Nov. '21. (408:61.)
HUNT, LIAN. King of the Reef. Pre. March 21. (49.)
JACOB, VIOLET. (MRS. ARTHUR JACOB.) Fiddler. Corn. April. (442.)
JORDAN, HUMFREY. Passing of Pincher. Corn. Oct., '21. (304:440.)
KAYE-SMITH, SHEILA. Good Wits Jump. Harp. M. March. (144:483.) Sto. May. (172.) Man Whom the Rocks Hated. Sto. Sept., '21. (567.) Rebecca at the Well. Grand. Oct., '21. (156.)
KELLY, THOMAS. Balance. Man. G. July 15, '21. (14.)
KINGSWORTH, R.V. Pig's Head. West. March 25. (16.)
KINROSS, ALBERT. Behind the Lines. Cham. May. (137:283.) Elysian Fields. Atl. Jan. (129:33.) Forbidden Fruit. Cen. July, '21. (102:342.) Profiteer. Cen. Nov., '21. (103:28.) Dec., '21. (103:290.)
KNOX, E.V. Meadow. New S. June 24. (19:322.)
LANG, JEAN. Turkish Bath. Truth. May 3. (773.)
LAWRENCE, DAVID HERBERT. Fragment of Stained Glass. (R.) Pearson. (N.Y.) March. (7.) Wintry Peacock. Met. Aug., '21. (21.)
LEE, VERNON. Dom Sylvanus. Eng. R. Nov., '21. (33:365.)
LEGGETT, H.W. Chance of a Lifetime. Pearson (London). May. (418.) Dinner at Seven-Thirty. Str. Jan. (63:41.)
LITCHFIELD, C. RANDOLPH. Scent of Pines. Pre. Dec. 27, '21.
LINFORD, MADELINE. Blue Shawl. Man. G. Dec. 22, '21. (12.)
LUCAS, ST. JOHN. Columbina. Black. Feb. (211:137.)
MACHEN, ARTHUR. Marriage of Panurge. Wave. Jan. (2.) Secret Glory. Wave. Feb. (41.)
MCKENNA, STEPHEN. Daughter of Pan. Chic. Trib. Aug. 14, '21. Pears' A. Dec. 25, '21. (2.)
MACKENZIE, COMPTON. Bill Shortcoat. Sto. Oct., '21. (39.)
MAGILL, ROBERT. Poor Sort of Policeman. Novel. May. (206:103.)
MAITLAND, CECIL. Raising the Devil. Form. Jan. (1:83.)
MAKIN, WILLIAM J. Above the Jungle. Man G. Aug. 24, '21. (12.) In Chinatown. Man. G. July 20, '21. (12.)
"MALET, LUCAS." (MRS. MARY ST. LEGER HARRISON.) Pill-Box. Nash. Dec., '21. (68:219.)
MANNING-SANDERS, GEORGE. List. John. April 8. (7:5.) Mist. John. May 6. (133.) Storm. John. Jan. 21. (6:505.)
MANNING-SANDERS, RUTH. Carpenter's Wife. West. July 9, '21. (10.)
MANSFIELD, KATHERINE. (MRS. J. MIDDLETON MURRY.) Mr. and Mrs. Dove. Sphere. Aug. 13, '21. (86:172.)
MASSIE, CHRIS. Ex-Service. Eng. R. Oct. '21. (33:273.)
MASSON, ROSALINE. Sir Malcolm's Heir. Cham. May. (137:273.)
MATTINGLY, SIDNEY. Affair of Starch. Pearson (London). Nov., '21. (391.)
MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET. Fear. Cen. March. (103:712.) Philosopher. McC. April. (20.)
MAXWELL, WILLIAM BABINGTON. Getting Rid of M. Str. Nov., '21. (62:441.) Met. April. (59.)
MEGROZ, PHYLLIS. Executioner. Voices. Autumn, '21. (5:135.)
METHLEY, VIOLET. "Dusty Death." Truth. Nov. 16, '21.
MILLS, ARTHUR. Rien Ne Va Plus. Eng. R. April. (34:335.)
MILNE, EDGAR. An Individual from Blue Wing. Str. Jan. (63:84.)
MILNE, JAMES. Dream That Happened. Gra. Aug. 20, '21. (104:224.)
MONKHOUSE, ALLAN N. Testimonial. Man. G. April 5. (12.)
MONTGOMERY, K.L. Quarrelling of Queens. Corn. Sept., '21. (303:297.)
NEW, CLARENCE HERBERT. In Old Delhi. Pre. Dec. 27, '21. (12.)
NEWTON, WILFRID DOUGLAS. Chosen. Yel. May 5. (3:229.) "I'll Show Her!" Blue. Nov., '21. (29:14.) Little Woman of Russia. Gra. July 30, '21. (104:136.) Point Blank. By. Sept. 7, '21. Psychic. Sketch. June 7. (396.)
NORTH, LAURENCE. Barmecide. Eng. R. Dec., '21. (33:503.)
OLLIVANT, ALFRED. Old For-Ever. Black. June. (211:693.)
P., L.A. Man Who Saw Through Things. Man. G. Aug. 15, '21. (10.)
PARKER, SIR GILBERT. After the Ball. Sto. May. (111.) Scr. May. (71:565.)
PEACH, L. DU GARDE. Ben Trollope. Man. G. May 18. (14.)
PEMBERTON, MAX. Rosa of Colorado. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1135.)
PERTWEE, ROLAND. Cinderella. S.E.P. Feb. 4. (10.) Pearson (London). April. (283.) Evil Communications. Cas. Nov., '21. (68.) Uncle from Australia. Hut. Aug., '21. (5:188.)
POLLEXFEN, CLAIRE D. Devon Pride. Sto. Sept., '21. (606.)
PUGH, EDWIN. Impostor. John. Dec. 24, '21. (6:393.)
QUIRK, VIOLET. Bundle of Faggots. Colour. Feb. (16:2.)
R., E. Furnace. Man. G. Nov. 29, '21. (12.) Great Woman. Man. G. May 26. (14.)
RICKWORD, EDGELL. Ball. Colour. March. (16:31.)
RIDGE, WILLIAM PETT. Curtain-Raiser. Gra. July 23, '21. (104:112.)
ROBERTS, MORLEY. Egregious Goat. Str. July, '21. (62:35.)
ROBERTS, THEODORE GOODRIDGE. "No Chances." Grand. Nov., '21. (286.)
ROBEY, GEORGE. Brink of Matrimony. Grand. Dec., '21. (336.) Double or Quits. Ev. Sept., '21. (81.) Solving the Servant Problem. New. May. (120.)
ROSENBACH, A.S.W. Evasive Pamphlet. Str. June. (63:520.)
SALMON, ARTHUR LESLIE. Musician. Colour. April. (16:68.)
SANDYS, OLIVER. Short Story. Blue. June. (36:39.)
"SAPPER." (MAJOR CYRIL MCNEILE.) Man Who Could Not Get Drunk. Str. March. (63:187.)
SCOTT, WILL. Wanted! Pan. April. (7:21.)
SEWELL, CHRIS. Lawful Issue. Truth. June 28. (1135.) Nocturne. Truth. June 14. (1042.) Peacock Screen. Truth. May 10. (813.)
SHANKS, EDWARD. "Battle of the Boyne Water." Cen. Feb. (103:492.)
SINGLETON, A.H. Hairy Mary. Atl. May. (129:623.) Jack the Robber. Atl. Feb. (129:174.) Larry. Atl. March. (129:364.)
SOUTHGATE, SIDNEY. Schoolmaster. Colour. March. (16:40.)
STACPOOLE, HENRY DE VERE. End of the Road. Pop. Aug. 20, '21. (139.) Sto. April. (1.)
"STERN, G.B." (MRS. GEOFFREY LISLE HOLDSWORTH.) Cinderella's Sister. John. Dec. 10, '21. (6:303.) Claret and Consomme Blue. June. (36:6.)
STONE, C.M. Twenty-four Hours. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1157.)
STORRS, MARGUERITE. Wife of Ivan. Pre. May 30. (141:5.)
"THORNE, GUY." (CYRIL A.E. RANGER-GULL.) Confession. Blue. April. (34:1.)
THURSTON, E. TEMPLE. Hate. Sto. June. (344.)
"TRUSCOTT, PARRY." (MRS. BASIL HARGRAVE.) Mary—A Spiritual Biography. Colour. Aug., '21. (15:2.)
Oubliette. Colour. Feb. (16:7.) Penalty Imposed. Colour. Sept., '21. (15:26.)
VAHEY, JOHN HASLETTE. Case of Cadwallder Jones. Black. June. (211:774.)
VAN DER VEER, LENORE. Glamour. Hut. June. (6:651.)
W., S.F. Old Adam. Man. G. Nov. 25, '21. (14.)
WALPOLE, HUGH SEYMOUR. Come Out of the Kitchen. Sto. May. (133.) Pict. R. April. (6.) Dance. Pict. R. June. (14.) Little Cure for Bachelors. Lon. March. (137:24.)
WALSHE, DOUGLAS. Collision. Corn. July. '21. (301:48.)
WATSON, FREDERICK. New Sentimental Journey. Wind. Jan. (129.)
WATTS, M.F. Orange Blossoms. John. March 11. (6:741.)
WAUGH, ALEC. Dress Rehearsal. Blue. June. (36:1.)
WEBSTER, F.A.M. Cup. Lloyd. Oct., '21. (407:1149.) Statue. Lloyd. Sept., '21. (406:1000.)
WHITE, E.L. Seven Years Secret. Grand. Nov., '21. (268.)
WILLIAMS, ORLO. Interior. Corn. March. (343.) Nature Morte. Corn. Dec., '21. (685.)
WILLIAMSON, MRS. CHARLES NORRIS. Advantage of Making Friends. Gra. July 16. '21. (104:80.) Decision. Gra. Dec. 10, '21. (104:690.) How He Found His Fate. Gra. Aug. 27, '21. (104:252.) Ideal Man. Gra. Oct. I, '21. (104:392.) Room That Was His. Gra. July 9, '21. (104:52.) Strange Case of Jessamine Lynd. Qui. Nov., '21. (37.) Villa of the Fountain. Gra. Nov. 28, '21. (5.)
WILLIAMSON, CHARLES NORRIS, and WILLIAMSON, ALICE MURIEL. Chinese Cabinet. Str. April. (63:281.)
WYLIE, IDA ALENA ROSS. Greatness and Jamey Pobjoy. G.H. Nov., '21. (16.) Rendezvous, Sto., May. (177.)
JULY, 1921, TO JUNE, 1922
NOTE. Capital letters are employed to indicate the author of an article.
Anderson, Sherwood. Anonymous. Nat. (London.) Feb. 4. (30:695.) By C.E. Bechhofer. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 19. (21:44.) By Rebecca West. New S. Feb. 18. (18:564.) Balzac, Honore de. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 5. (21:9.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Dec. 10, '21. (18:288.) Baroja, Pio. By J.B. Trend. Nat. (London.) April 1. (31:26.) BECHHOFER, C.E. Sherwood Anderson. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 19. (21:44.) Bibesco, Elizabeth. By Rebecca West. New S. March 4. (18:621.) BIRRELL, AUGUSTINE. Henry James. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:581.) Blackwood, Algernon. By Kathleen Shackleton. John. Sept. 3, '21. (612.) Blasco Ibanez, Vincente. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Nov. 10, '21. (20:733.) Bunin, I.A. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 18, '21. (20:530.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 20. (21: 256.) By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) June 24. (31:444.) Cabell, James Branch. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 26. (21:57.) By Rebecca West. New S. May 13. (19:156.) Chekhov, Anton. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 22, '21. (20:609.) By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) April 8. (31:57.) By M.P. Willcocks. Eng. R. March. (34:207.) COLLIS-MORLEY, LUCY. Federigo Tozzi; Mario Puccini. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:585.) Coppard, A.E. Anonymous. Nat. (London.) July 30, '21. (29:656.) CROCE, BENEDETTO. Gustave Flaubert. L. Merc. March. (5:487.) Guy de Maupassant. L. Merc. May. (6:61.) Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 12. (21:25.) By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) Dec. 24, '21. (30:505.) Flaubert, Gustave. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 15, '21. (20:833.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 5. (21:12.) By Benedetto Croce. L. Mere. March. (5:487.) By T. Sturge Moore. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 29, '21. (20:876.) FREEMAN, JOHN. Robert Louis Stevenson. L. Merc. April. (5:617.) Govoni, Corrado. By Mario Praz. L. Merc. Sept., '21. (4:527.) Hare, Bret. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. March 16. (21:169.) By H.M. Tomlinson. Nat. (London.) March 11. (30:861.) Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 6. (21:225.) By Robert Lynd. New S. April 22. (19:68.) Hearn, Lafcadio. Anonymous. New S. Sept. 10, '21. (17:628.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25, '21. (20:545.) Heidenstamm, Verner von. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 20. (21:257.) Hudson, W.H. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Sept. 29, '21. (20:625.) Huxley, Aldous. By Edward Shanks. L. Merc. June. (6:212.) By Rebecca West. New S. May 13. (19:156.) Jacob, Max. By Pierre Robert. New A. May 18. (31:32.) James, Henry. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 22, '21. (20:849.) By Augustine Birrell. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:581.) Lawrence, D.H. By Rebecca West, New S. June 24. (19:326.) LISLE, GEORGE. Robert Louis Stevenson. Corn. Dec., '21. (706.) London, Jack. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Nov. 3, '21. (20:709.) LYND, ROBERT. Nathaniel Hawthorne. New S. April 22. (19:68.) MACCARTHY, DESMOND. Honore de Balzac. New S. Dec. 10, '21. (18:288.) Guy de Maupassant. New S. Sept. 24, '21. (17:677.) Mansfield, Katherine. Anonymous. Nat. (London.) March 25. (30:949.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. March 2. (21:137.) By Edward Shanks. Queen. March 25. (360.) By Rebecca West. New S. March 18. (18:678.) Maugham, W. Somerset. Anonymous. Nat. (London.) Jan. 14. (30:593.) By Rebecca West. New S. Nov. 5, '21. (18:140.) Maupassant, Guy de. By Benedetto Croce. L. Merc. May. (6:61.) By Desmond MacCarthy. New S. Sept. 24, '21. (17:677.) Mauriac, Francois. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. March 9. (21:152.) MOORE, T. STURGE. Gustave Flaubert. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 29, '21. (20:876.) Morand, Paul. By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) April 29. (31:161.) MURRY, J MIDDLETON. Ivan Bunin. Nat. (London.) June 24 (31:444.) Anton Chekhov. Nat. (London.) April 8. (31:57.) Fyodor Dostoevsky. Nat. (London.) Dec. 24, '21. (30:505.) Paul Morand. Nat. (London.) April 29. (31:161.) Hugh Walpole. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:584.) Perez de Ayala, Ramon. By J.B. Trend. Nat. (London.) July 9, '21. (29:550.) Pirandello, Luigi. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 13. (21: 243.) PRAZ, MARIO. Corrado Govoni. L. Merc. Sept., '21. (4:527.) Puccini, Mario. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25, '21. (20: 546.) By Lucy Collis-Morley. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:585.) ROBERT, PIERRE. Max Jacob. New A. May 18. (31: 32.) Schwob, Marcel. Anonymous. 'Times Lit. Suppl. Jan. 19. (21:37.) SHACKLETON, KATHLEEN Algernon Blackwood. John. Sept. 3, '21. (612.) SHANKS, EDWARD. Aldous Huxley. L. Merc. June. (6:212.) Katherine Mansfield. Queen. March 25. (360.) H.G. Wells. L. Merc. March. (5: 506.) Sternheim, Carl. Anonymous. Nat. (London.) Dec. 17, '21. (30:478.) Stevenson, Robert Louis. By John Freeman. L. Merc. April. (5:617.) By George Lisle. Corn. Dec.. '21. (706.) TOLSTOI, COUNTESS SOPHIE. Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi. John. April 22. (69.) April 29. (97.) Tolstoi, Leo Nikolaevich. By Countess Sophie Tolstoi. John. April 22. (69.) April 29. TOMLINSON, H.M. Bret Harte. Nat. (London.) March 11. (30:861.) Tozzi, Federigo. By Lucy Collis-Morley. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:595.) Trancoso, Fernandez. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Aug. 25, '21. (20:546.) TREND, J.B. Pio Baroja. Nat. (London.) April 1. (31:26.) Ramon Perez de Ayala. Nat. (London.) July 9, '21. (29:550.) Miguel de Unamuno. Nat. (London.) Nov, 19, '21. (30:316.) Turgenev, Ivan. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. Dec. 8, '21. (20:813.) Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. June 15. (21:393.) By M.P. Willcocks. Eng. R. Sept., '21. (33:175.) Unamuno, Miguel de. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. July 28. '21. (20:483.) By J.B. Trend. Nat. (London.) Nov. 19, '21. (30:316.) Von Heidenstamm, Verner. Anonymous. Times Lit. Suppl. April 20. (21: 257.) Walpole, Hugh. By J. Middleton Murry. Nat. (London.) July 16, '21. (29:584.) Wells, H.G. By Edward Shanks. L. Merc. March. (5:506.) WEST, REBECCA. Sherwood Anderson. New S. Feb. 18. (18:564.) Elizabeth Bibesco. New S. March 4. (18:621.) James Branch Cabell. New S. May 13. (19:156.) Aldous Huxley. New S. May 13. (19:156.) D.H. Lawrence. New S. Jane 24. (19:326.) Katherine Mansfield. New S. March 18. (18:678.) W. Somerset Maugham. New S. Nov. 5, '21. (18:140.) WILLCOCKS, M.P. Anton Chekhov. Eng. R. March. (34:207.) Ivan Turgenev. Eng. R. Sept. '21. (33:175.)
JULY, 1921, TO JUNE, 1922
NOTE. An asterisk before a title indicates distinction. The name of the American publisher follows in parentheses.
ALBANESI, E. MARIA. Truth In a Circle. Hutchinson.
ARLEN, MICHAEL. *Romantic Lady. Collins. (Dodd, Mead.)
ARMSTRONG, MARTIN. *Puppet Show. Golden Cockerel Press.
BIBESCO, ELIZABETH. *I Have Only Myself to Blame. Heinemann. (Doran.)
"BIRMINGHAM, GEORGE A." Public Scandal. Hutchinson.
BLATCHFORD, ROBERT. Spangles of Existence. Lane.
BOYD, HALBERT. Men and Marvels. Mathews.
BRADBY, G.F. Ginger and Co. Heinemann.
CASTLE, AGNES and EGERTON. Kitty and Others. Hutchinson.
COPPARD, A.E. *Clorinda Walks In Heaven. Golden Cockerel Press. (Knopf.)
CRICHTON, C.H. Tales of Love and Hate. Mills and Boon.
DELL, ETHEL M. Odds. Cassell. (Putnam.)
DENNIS, ENID. Once Upon Eternity. Sands.
ELLIS, HAVELOCK. *Kanga Creek. Golden Cockerel Press.
ELSON, ROBERT. Maxa. Hutchinson.
*GEORGIAN STORIES, 1922. Chapman and Hall. (Putnam.)
GIBES, SIR PHILIP. Venetian Lovers. Hutchinson.
GRIMSHAW, BEATRICE. Little Red Speck. Hurst and Blackett.
HARRADEN, BEATRICE. Thirteen All Told. Methuen.
HAZLEWOOD, A. Decision. Morland.
HOWARD, FRANCIS MORTON. *Little Shop In Fore Street. Methuen.
HUXLEY, ALDOUS. *Mortal Coils. Chatto and Windus. (Doran.)
JOHNS, ROWLAND. Mind You: or, Lewys Lad and His Friend Shadrach. Methuen.
LAMB, T.A. Quilt Tales. Digby Long.
LE QUEUX, WILLIAM. In Secret. Odham's.
LOTHIAN. OSWALD. Little Mediator. Drane's.
LOWIS, CECIL CHAMPAIN. Snags and Shallows. Lane.
LUCAS, ST. JOHN. *Certain Persons. Blackwood.
"MALET, LUCAS." *Da Silva's Widow. Hutchinson. (Dodd. Mead.)
MANSFIELD, KATHERINE. *Garden Party. Constable. (Knopf.)
MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET. *Trembling of a Leaf. Heinemann. (Doran.)
MORDAUNT, ELINOR. *Short Shipments. Hutchinson.
*NEW DECAMERON. Third Volume. Blackwell. (McBride.)
NORTHCOTE, AMYAS. In Ghostly Company. Lane.
OSBOURNE, LLOYD. Wild Justice. Heinemann. (Appleton.)
PILCHER, T. D. East Is East. Lane.
RANSOME, ARTHUR. Soldier and Death. John G. Wilson.
RAYMOND, ADOLPHUS, and BUNIN, Miss A. Amongst the Aristocracy of the Ghetto. Stanley Paul.
RESSICH, JOHN. Oddly Enough. Richards.
REYNOLDS, MRS. BAILLIE. Confession Corner. Hurst and Blackett.
RHODES, KATHLYN. Desert Cain. Hutchinson.
"RITA." Best Lover. Hutchinson.
ROBERTS, MORLEY. Mirthful Nine. Nash.
ROBEY, GEORGE. Honest Living. Cassell. Thereby Hangs a Tale. Richards.
ROBINSON, MAUDE. Nicholas the Weaver. Swarthmore Press.
"ROHMER, SAX." Tales of Chinatown. Cassell.
SACKVILLE-WEST, V. *Heir. Heinemann.
STACPOOLE, H. DE VERE. Men, Women, and Beasts. Hutchinson.
STURT, E.M. LEADER. Detectives' Memoirs. Drane's.
SWAN, E.F.O. Tales of the Western Tropics. Heath Cranton.
"TONIDA." Shy Man's Fantasies. Lund Humphries.
WALLACE, EDGAR. Sandi, the King Maker. Ward, Lock.
WALPOLE, HUGH. *Thirteen Travellers. Hutchinson. (Doran.)
WEEKS, WILLIAM. 'Twas Ordained. W. Pollard and Company.
WINTLE, W. JAMES. Ghost Gleams. Heath Cranton.
O'CONAIRE, PADRAIC. *Woman at the Window. Talbot Press.
O'KELLY, SEUMAS. *Hillsiders. Talbot Press.
SCOT, MICHAEL. Three Tales of the Times. Talbot Press.
ANDERSON, SHERWOOD. *Triumph of the Egg. Cape. (Huebsch.) *Winesburg, Ohio. Cape. (Huebsch.)
BERCOVICI, KONRAD. *Gipsy Blood. Nash. (Boni and Liveright.)
CABELL, JAMES BRANCH. *Figures of Earth. Lane. (McBride.)
CATHER, WILLA. *Youth and the Bright Medusa. Heinemann. (Knopf.)
COIES, BERTHA LIPPINCOTT. Wound-Stripes. Lippincott. (Lippincott.)
COMFORT, WILL LEVINGTON and DOST, ZAMIN KI. Son of Power. Butterworth. (Doubleday, Page.)
FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT. Flappers and Philosophers. Collins. (Scribner.)
GELZER, JAY. Street of a Thousand Delights. Mills and Boon.
KYNE, PETER B. Go-Getter. Hodder and Stoughton.
MARQUIS, DON. Carter and Other People. Appleton. (Appleton.)
O'HIGGINS, HARVEY. *From the Life. Cape. (Harper.)
TARBELL, IDA M. He Knew Lincoln. Macmillan. (Macmillan.)
TERHUNE, ALBERT PAYSON. Buff: a Collie. Hodder and Stoughton. (Doran.)
WILEY, HUGH. Jade. Heinemann. (Knopf.)
BUNIN, IVAN. (Russian.) *Gentleman from San Francisco. Hogarth Press.
CHEKHOV, ANTON. (Russian.) *Cook's Wedding. Chatto and Windus. (Macmillan.) *Schoolmaster. Chatto and Windus. (Macmillan.)
"HAMP, PIERRE." (French.) *People. Cape. (Harcourt.)
PINSKI, DAVID. (Yiddish.) *Temptations. Allen and Unwin. (Brentano.)
TURGENEV, IVAN. (Russian.) *Knock, Knock, Knock. Heineman. (Macmillan.) *Two Friends. Heinemann. (Macmillan.)